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Sunday, November 24, 2013


JUST TRYING TO HELP, NEED A WIFE, FRAUD, LACK OF TRANSPARENCY, TOTALLY FLAWED, PUBLIC SAFETY, CONSPIRACY, POLITICAL PROTECTION:  Our fortune?  Our future is at risk?  We have seen this over and over again.  Talk!  The prosecutors are waiting and they know there is a conspiracy of a gigantic magnitude.  What happened to our future and fortunes?

SAFE NOW, BECAUSE THEIR BEST INTEREST IS NOT IN JEOPARDY:  Why is Fox News acting the way they are?  Why are these conservatives acting this way or in the trap?  So what if they are totally flawed and their kids are so-so gay.  So what if they are guilty of everything they are accused of.  So what if they are trusted but do not have the guts for the glory.  Here is the truth, the “Last Man Standing” game will keep on trudging along as long as their best interest is not in jeopardy or bleeding on the floor.  So long as the chest wound is fixable, they will get back on their feet and do it again and again.  These sanctions and stalling, no transparency; will kill the Satellite Warfare Program or even the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes.  How can we do any verification or authentication if they raided our coffers and lawlessly are not accountable?  Who do we blame?  Our self?  The communist forces and the labor unions?  The liberals and left wing?  They are paid well for what they do, we are not because we are the prisoners and hostages; we are under siege.

WANT TO BURN THE VILLAGE DOWN OVER ONE OR TWO PEOPLE?  Boy you people are really pushing the limits of individual rights, aren't you?  Put an end to this game before this transparency surfaces.  We do not need more heroes or more people trying to play God in this circular firing squad.  I do not know why all their kids are gay either, but keep all of it far away; and keep their dirty scumbag hands off us.  We have nothing to do with them or ever did; absolutely nothing unless they describe it as animosity and waging war.  Talk!  Then pay the legal damages before someone is dead or dies from this ignorant game. All we know for now is their children are inferior and do not have the guts for the glory.

THE WAITING GAME IS DESIGNED TO DISCREDIT US AND TO BREAK US APART:  Their strategy is to take the first strike, wait, and use the waiting game as a way to sabotage our relationship or even worse; maximum damage.  Meanwhile, they are bombarding me with their most expensive women.  So they are pulling on both ends and the damage is real.  Ann the waiting game is designed to destroy us, are you aware of this or not?  It is a gigantic conspiracy called “Last Man Standing” and all of them are playing it. 

ALL OF THEM ARE LIVING IN A DREAM WORLD, THAT IS THE PROBLEM:  The other problem is soon it is going to turn into reality.  Yet all of them play the waiting game.  This waiting game is making Ann look very foolish and very awkward in her own love life and marriage.  She is not even close, not there yet.  The hiring-firing game is still ongoing; so is the waiting game. 

A WAITING GAME, TAKE THE FIRST SHOT AND WAIT:  Even if I am shut out of this game, they take the first shot and wait.  Even Ann is sitting in her imaginary world waiting.  All of them are playing a waiting game to see who will win or win first.  All of these first strikes are nothing more than a waiting game.

USING HIRING-FIRING TO TRIGGER OR SET OFF, OTHER PLOTS:  They are not denying it, they just do not want to be transparent about it, also, they claim charity work or feeding the poor gives them a green light.  2014 will be a very difficult year.  People need to be aware who we have and what they did or tried to do. 

LEFT WING CONSUMERISM, WHAT IS GOOD FOR US IS GOOD FOR THE GANTRY:  Oh yeah shall I open an orphanage now that the orphans hate us or are tired of this?  Yes taking care of the poor and being a member of the unions is a get out of jail free card, do we see any policing?  There is a ban being enforced now, zero tolerance.  We know you are the left wing.  We know you are the labor unions.  We know who you are.  We know there is a conspiracy.  We know you are avoiding transparency or have a policy of silence and solitude.  You want the glory and trust of the world but you lack the guts or the personnel; lawless and selfish is keeping you alive. 

ADMIT YOU DO NOT WANT OUR NIGHTMARE TO END AND YOUR INTENTIONS ARE DELIBERATE AND FULL OF MALICE:  The prosecutors are waiting patiently and there is enough evidence to shut you down.

A PROPER BURIAL AND TRIAL, DOING PERMANENT DAMAGE TO THEM; TIME TO TALK BC THE PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING?  Not dead yet or not over yet?  Nobody has busted their door down?  No lawyer has contacted them?  They are safe and this is just going to go away?  This is for real, not make believe, some circus, or just babble and nonsense.  The permanent damage to them is beyond survival but they are totally insane.  They can’t trigger their cells or assassins either; they are too petrified if this becomes real or get’s out of control  This stuff is real and the permanent damage is real; going to prison is a much better life, not throwing investigators off.  When you are worried and petrified to death, it is time to tell the truth and end that hell.  It is not over for them until they have evidence or a proper burial, all a bad dream.  My powers are undeniable, asks Ann Coulter; can they feel it yet?  Will Ann Coulter walk away from billions and over twenty years together with me?

STILL TRYING TO CALL ANN COULTER A NIGGER LOVER OR A NIGGER HATER?  There is no middle ground with radicals or the left wing.  This is and what their goal was with me and with Ann; it is called imprisonment, racketeering, and the race card.  We know she is with an Asian American but their goal was to call her a “nigger hater.”  It failed. If you want to see real “nigger hating” replay the last thirty years and see if I mind or care; and I am Asian.  Talk!  The prosecutors are waiting and so have I for my legal damages.

THE COMMUNISTS DID THIS IN VIETNAM, SOUTH AFRICA, THE DRUG WARS, THE LEGACY OF SLAVERY, AND JUST ABOUT EVERY INNER CITY:  They cite Asian economics and foreign trade.  They claim I am their leader and teacher; the force behind their radicalization, “a secret draft.”  It is the legacy of colonialism.  Even the American Indians are buying back their land and forming their own nation within a nation; and it works.  It is very difficult to stop this church and these assholes; they are totally insane and totally phony assholes immigrants.

ADMIT YOU TOOK ME AS HOSTAGE AND TRIED TO SELL MY OWN WORK AND LIFE BACK TO ME, HOW?  The prosecutors are waiting patiently and know all about your communist plot and terror plot.  I am going to buy my own work and life back?  I am going to buy my own freedom or slavery?

WANT TO SHUT ME UP OR STOP ME?  WANT TO SELL ME THIS?  WANT TO ROB ME OF EVERY MATERIAL GOOD I HAVE AND ALL MY LOVED ONES?  WANT TO HARASS ME OR MAKE MY LIFE HELL?  Then you better have a very big army and even a terror plot.  I will report your ass on a moment’s notice.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  This is not about a total nutcase, psychopath, total asshole, or a traitor’s feelings.  Obviously I do not fit in their world and they do not belong in mine.  This is not about their feelings.  Not convinced and no evidence yet?

STILL TALKING SOPHISTICATED AND TOUGH, VERY CLASSY AND SUPERIOR, THE GREATEST:  You keep yapping your coconut or talking to me like that, we will see what will happen.  You keep chomping your hairy clam bitch and I will joyfully get Wendy’s hot and juicy to roll up on you and transport you to the red light district so you can experience what it feels like when your pants are around your ankles and a lollipop is in your mouth.  Yeah F off because it is a victory parade and a party so when you are ready I’ll come over and do some grout work on your bathroom floor.  You are dumb.  You are shameless.  You are communist spies.  You suck and are just a gay ass.  Do everybody a favor and F off.  The prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  It feels like the holocaust doesn't it?  

CONSTANTLY SELFISH AND MANIPULATING THE NUMBERS, AND FACTS, TO FIT THEIR CULT OF SELFISH ACTS AND CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR:  How in hell did they come out of this more trusted or not embarrassed while our life is totally destroyed or paralyzed?  Who the hell is on guard or is it the wolves?  Yes we know they are a total mess, a complete disaster, and in total disarray now.  Can we please have our life back, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and Ann made it clear she is not going to buy it back; any questions?  Everybody and everything is made to fit in their little world or little box; total assholes.  They are totally insane, totally crazy, and don't even give a damn.

DON’T WORK FOR THEM AND ALSO NOT MY PARENTS:  Fox News and these conservatives are trusted more than I?  Is this a joke?  The Republican Party is trusted more than I am?  Is this too a fraud and scam?  Look at this trash who claims to be our bosses or the leaders of America!  I have never been grounded in my youth and when I was growing up; my dad gave me the car keys and would let me stay out all night.  In my adulthood, I never felt the urge again, been there done that.  I have this same freedom today.  I basically can do anything I want.  Paralyzed now, I complain incessantly while some shameless asshole without any brains spies on me and watches my every movement.  Are they trusted?  They still have not showed one sign their attempts to imprison me was worthy, look at my work and career.  They try to steal this too.  I have no shame or fight?  I have to shut up?  Talk thief there is enough evidence to shut you down and throw all of you out!



Chris D'Elia How British People Fight:


Tony Rock on Arguing with Black Girls:

THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT VERY SMART AND ARE BONAFIDE… They don’t realize this is more of the past thirty years.  It is more ammunition to put them in jail for life, do permanent damage to their forces, raise public awareness and ensure they cannot flee or run, make sure there is not a penny to their name, and make sure they never enjoy one second of life spying on us or this secret game.  The humongous disconnect with reality only can get worse and they can only get more paranoid.  The threat of jail should be enough to make them talk but look how thick their skin is or determined to win; it is intentional and deliberate.  That is how lazy and thick skinned they are.  They do not realize why we are doing what we are doing but they feel it is for them or is going to help us if they increase it.  Yes increase it, do that; it explains the past thirty years of hell and legal damages.  Does Caesar know what is going on or who is sticking him; come on people, join the fun and stick this MF.

BONAFIDE DRUG TERRORIST, I WOULD FIRE THEM OR PUNISH THEM:  Ask them if they care and ask them if there is enough deterrence yet?  Will there be another attack this winter or in 2014; then put your F’in hands in the air if you don’t care, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently.

BONAFIDE SCUMBAGS:  Need I say more?  Need I say how I came up with two billion in damages?  Need I explain how I got here or how this total asshole got there?  Need I explain how when it comes to money, they are always in the mood and see no evil?  Need I explain what is going on in my love life or why, we need nukes to get them out of our life or compel them to pay legal damages, that is to say we are confided victors in life. We have given them the best of what we have and the best is yet to come.  So if they want to learn something, come around again or F with us in our life and residence.  We have more methods of deterrence and more fight left.  The final act is to parade them in chains before throwing them in jail.  That is something to be loud about.  I call this the most powerful deterrence this world has ever seen; it is to prevent invasion and a repeat of the past, does it work?

HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO?  ASK WHY THEY WOULD HIDE THEIR WAR WOUNDS AND HOW LONG THEY CAN BLEED?  Even if Ann did stick a gun to their head and blew their brains out, ask why they would hide this?  Blame her?  Blame me?  To be martyrs or victims, not a complete asshole or maybe even a murder plot?  What would you do if someone snuck in your home at night and slit your throat, how far would you go if they invaded your home?   What if they bullied you and called you a nigger hater or even a racist; how would you respond and what would you say?  Now put yourself in my place; the greatest human on earth who won the greatest war on earth, by accident and without any of this; what would you do call them a nigger lover or hater? 

BACK AND FORTH WORTH NOTHING, EVEN IF SHE KILLED THEM ALL, SLIT THEIR THROATS, OR DEFENDED WHOM SHE LOVES TO THE VERY BITTER END:  If Ann Coulter continues to do things, whether out of spite, anger, or retaliation; she will jeopardize her own biography and life story.  Would it matter if all her good deeds and good behavior were weighed against those acts of retaliation and anger with her attackers?  Would it matter if she took the laws into her own hands and killed them?  Does that vilify her anger at them or the damage they did to her life or tried to?  Let’s turn this around and suggest I walked into their office and blew them away, would that vilify Ann or me?  Would this give credence to the Office of Satellite Warfare at all?  What she did jeopardized her long term relationship along with what she did not do.  It is hard to determine who is a fraud and who is a victim in this story.  Even if they violently attacked her and I went to their residence and did harm on them; does that vilify her or me?  Sure it evens the score but in a war such as the one we have; the trust factor and the truth are the most important factors.  Do we throw out or throw our life away for a scumbag and a totally insane fraud?  How about a rapist and terror plot?  Their worth and our worth is being verified and authenticated as we speak; are they worth the time and effort?  Are they worth anything?

WANT TO KNOW WHAT WE DO IN THE PRIVACY OF OUR OWN HOMES AND PARADE IT IN THE MEDIA (PARANOIA), NO END TO THIS:  How many of them have crashed and burned as a result of this?  Even if it came down to cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs; they crash and burn on individual rights over the collective.  Now with the internet, the fraud levels and public safety have hit the roof; hence, cyber warfare and then the next level Satellite Warfare, my creation.  What they are is lawless and clandestine; a lot has to do with rape and sex; nothing is consensual.  That is and was the communist spies and the use of the media.  It has not worked yet, even after thirty years, have they stopped or have any intentions of surroundings? 

VICTIMS OF RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION AND A TERROR PLOT TO DEFRAUD THE PUBLIC:  Is it possible these people are victims of religious persecution, military might, and they truly want peace or is nonviolent?  Is it possible they are total frauds and are defrauding the public, to gain public trust and to eliminate any doubt of public safety?  As we can see clearly, they are using America to suggest religious persecution and furthermore, they are the victims of violence or terror.  Are they?  Is this their failure and their goal, to bombard the world using American media and might to suggest they won the cold war and are the boss and leaders of the world?  If they used our kindness and gullibility as an advantage, than their only goal is to produce more damage or damages; and then rob us of everything we have including our soul and our will to resist.  That is communism for you.  So are they total frauds and are they victims of religious persecution or not?  Are they nothing more than criminals waiting to be arrested and prosecuted?  Is that peaceful or grounds for extreme violence?  Why then have they taken their time?  The prosecutors are waiting patiently and I have waited scores of years for the legal damage; now we are all victims of their non-violent victim-hood.  They grow weaker but their will to fight or deck us has not diminished.  Talk!  A sanction is in place and time is running out!  We have far better things to do and a lot of life goals now lost; the damages pile up.  Are they actually nonviolent or merely a fraud and propaganda?

ONLY GOAL IS TO CREATE MORE DAMAGE, REFUSE TO END THIS:  It is clear their only goal is to create more and more damage; our life, our nation, our world, etc… our death will come before they clean any of this up or stop causing more damage.  If they must know, Ann is the only person I have in life; I don’t have anybody else, no thanks to them.  But our death will come before they end this or leave us alone.  Causing damage and causing even more and more damage until we met our death was their plot, goal, and conspiracy.  Even with the cameras on, they did this and put the best face and Sunday dress on.  Of course it made Ann furious.  Of course it made me furious.  When they tinkered with our personal life, pure and direction retaliation was needed.  I did it often and they said I cheated, was perverted, etc…  I know Ann got in a lot of trouble for her retaliations and they spun it or used it to injure her life.  It is time to shut them down and throw them out; there are legal damages.  This was the work of the communists and the underground; all unified and the same thing.

ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT, A STANDOFF WITH A PSYCHOTIC SPY AND A TOTAL ASSHOLE:  Even if they have no shame and are total assholes, all day and night it is about moving on, shut up, how sorry they are, or how we need to go away and move. 2014 will be a very difficult year, it can only get worse.  They also claim they can't find any evidence on Ann or me, none.  What in hell are they reading and where did they get this from; go and find the horse's mouth.

SOUNDS LIKE A TOTAL LOSER FROM THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE:  First the lewd and unwanted comments.  Then it is about being family, friends, even and girlfriend.  What next prison or some false charge?  They have no shame and are total assholes, all of them.  Just talk so the police can cart you away dead or alive and I can finally get my money and move on, in peace and as the greatest human on earth.

DEFINITELY NOT THE RIGHT GUY FOR THEM:  Must we repeat ourselves and add another year?  Talk!  The prosecutors are waiting and everybody knows 2013 will be a very dangerous year and a very difficult one; very angry and stressed by this clandestine war.  They have no shame and are not even human.  Now we have to listen to a total asshole and phony pretend to be a Republican, Public Official, conservative, or watching every single move we make.  We were right about them from the start and they were wrong about us to the very bitter dead end.  So why do they want us to shut up or go away?

2014 WILL BE A VERY DIFFICULT YEAR AND THE MONKEY CLIMBS HIGHER BUT THERE IS NOWHERE LEFT TO CLIMB:  2013 was a tiny nibbles year.  Yes they linger in our life and now trying to make a buck on our sex life, around pay day; the total asshole parade.  The church of trash and total assholes hang on and linger in our life longer about pay day and how much we want to talk to them.  Maybe the ground will erupt and shake them off our tree and ours.  Their evil branch and vice, drugs and sex; is still watching and trying to help.  Maybe 2014 will be the year their church of trash and assholes do the right thing, get rid of their leaders and just leave us alone.  2014 will be another hard year but 2013 was only tiny nibbles.  The church of communism cannot climb any higher but continue to nibble at our life.  The police are waiting for them when they fall out of the tree, talk!  Now they want our money, our life, and our business?  The church of trash wants to run up our bills and make a wreck out of our life?  These psychopaths want us to agree and speak out with them?  This total asshole still demands respect?  These people have no shame and are total trash, people are right about them.  Their women are the worst; even after centuries of chasing men!

WILL ANYBODY CARE IF THEY ARE WWI, WWIIKOREA, OR VIETNAM VETERANS OR NOT:  I suggest they get as much education as they can.  I suggest they have the look and feel we want.  I suggest they loose the motorcycle gang dumbshit.  I suggest they join the police force after getting a college education and learning a little more than where they are.  The 501.C crap is also really annoying.  They don’t look like veterans.  They don’t belong near cops.  We F’in hate all of their fat guts too.  Their kids and their family is problem as annoying.  We enjoy putting them on their knees or making them talk; now leave us alone and stop trying to “help.”  Don’t F’in come around either with that church of trash politics either, total assholes and Democrats.  They have no shame or ambitions, none; only greed, crime, and selfish acts to reproduce and put a pretty face on it.

SEXY TOTAL F'IN LOSERS!  CHURCH OF COMMUNISM AND TRASH IS STILL INTERESTED, STILL LOVE US, AND STILL WANTS OUR MONEY AND BUSINESS:  Both Ann and I continue and keep shaking them off our tree and this monkey asshole hangs on for dear life.  They spy on and study our sex life, private life, and then do their product business or try to wreck up our life.  2014 will be a very difficult year even if 2013 was tiny nibbles.  They want to manage our love life and sex life?  What a total asshole still at it and still trying to swallow us.  Does anybody know how totally insane and what kind of trash this church and this political communist is?  The prosecutors are waiting and I have waited patiently for my legal damages; they want our money and our sex life?  Oh no, they won't kiss and tell if the price is right.

TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED TO LIBYA AS A RESULT OF THEIR EMPIRE BUILDING AND WAR PLANS:  Unfortunately it has just begun and it has not ended yet.  This church and their legacy, strategy to wage war on us, are total assholes.  Their empire building and spies took their damn time throwing these assholes out didn't they?  They took their damn time paying the legal damages and angering all the prosecutors, didn't they?  The church of trash is still at it and still being thrown out, 2014 will be a very trying year.

THE MORE THEY TELL ME TO SHUT UP AND GO AWAY, A CONSPIRACY AND COVER-UP, THE MORE I WILL TELL THEM TO TALK OR FORCE THEM TO TURN THEMSELVES IN AND PAY THE LEGAL DAMAGES:  I am willing to work with them on several areas of this such as the part on Ann Coulter and what they did to her.  However, what they did to me and the terror plot, using me as bait to trap and assassinate the leaders of the cold war or the leaders of this victory, is not and will never be pushed aside.  You will talk and you will tell the prosecutors what they want, and then pay legal damages or grievances to their families.  This back and forth will only make them angrier and more convinced.  You can make up any excuse or lie, spin it or even put the best face on it; but the writing is on the wall and the prosecutors have enough evidence right now to shut you down in the worst manner possible.  This is no game or ever was, it is our life and our mission in life.  If Ann Coulter decides to shoot you in the head, cut your throat, or even call the right people; then this is between you and her.  However, you obviously failed to report it or tell the police.  Now you got me in this idiotic love life game with Ann Coulter with your tricks and murder plots.  We also know you tried to call Ann both a Nigger Lover and a Nigger Hater, I know because I got thirty years of this stalking by the communists.  Now I have to resort to Ann Coulter to provide for me and be my caregiver, what a total asshole.  I do not know how to politely put this or otherwise, talk!  Don't invade my residence or life either, ever!  Don't ever try this again or does this on Satellite Warfare, ever again, now pay the damages and my recovery.  If we find you it is a different matter, don't come to us.

OUR SPONSORS, CALL THEIR MEMBERS AND TURN IN YOUR COLORS, PARTY OF FIVE, ATTEND THE RALLY OR PAY A FEE, STARTING TO LIKE OUR COMPANY A LITTLE TOO MUCH, RAGGING OUT THEIR LADIES, SMELL LIKE ROSES:  Do as you are told, what is right, and what is best for the public safety.  There is enough evidence to shut you down and the prosecutors are waiting, as I have for my legal damages patiently.  We don’t embrace you as a rival gang or want to take you in to be our new family; we seen that before.  Don’t tell me to shut up or keep pounding me into the ground about how only evil is money.  You do admit this is why the back and forth and why there is no end, don’t you?  You know what you did, why do I have to tell you what you did?  

LEVELED THEIR CLUB HOUSE AND REVOLUTION, REDUCED TO TOOTHPICKS, FEELS TRAPPED, SHOW OF FORCE, BREAK THEIR WILL TO WAGE WAR, SURRENDER OR PERISH, DECENTRALIZED AND LOCALIZED NOW, WILL EARN IT OR WANT OUT, NEVER A DULL MOMENT AND ALWAYS A PARTY, EVERYBODY WANTS TO SIGN UP OR PARTY, ALWAYS PLAYING THE RACE CARD, HATES MY MOTORCYCLE AND CARS, CHICKS LOVE ME TO DEATH, WANTS TO RIDE WITH US, RIVALS OR RIVALRY, GOING TO GET HURT AND THE REAL WORLD, ONLY ONE WAY OUT NOW (CALL THE FBI):  Well we know what Fox News and Limbaugh was saying or doing, and still doing.  Insofar as the storm-trooper mentality or taking our stuff, time is running out.  This is the real world not some fantasy world or bubble.  Always playing the race card, don’t get in their way!  Scared the hell out of us, it just get’s crazier and crazier!  Have to listen to them and what they will do to anybody in their way all day.  Thinks they are God.  Just give them whatever they want and do not ask who they are and what they want, bitter enemies now.  Can’t change it, total paranoia and chaos silence; critical mass and a showdown; only defending their home and state; are they hugging everybody now? 

NOT ONE BUT ALL OF OUR CHAPTERS, USING PARANOIA AGAINST US-MENTAL ILLNESS, GOT THE 911 CALL, IT’S OK TO LEVEL OUR CLUBHOUSE, CONFUSING ANN, PROACTIVE DEFENSE, LEARNING AND QUESTION MODE, CAN’T WEAKEN US OR STOP US, GIVE THE POLICE A REAL FIGHT:  How did they gain access to our life or pull me down to their levels?  A revolution is underway and they are not going to be part of it or be near us, not in old age and retirement.  What will stop the hunger games and their insane search of opportunity?  What will stop their war machine?  Are they more caring, more powerful, or do we need their help, resources and hiring powers?  Can we throw off their focus and these proactive efforts in our life? We have not found a state or area NOT CONTAMINATED by this mind disease or a place where the proper security is upheld to deny this level of desperation. It could be drugs.  It could be the 1960s people.  It could be their church.  It could be the labor unions.  It could be the left wing.  It could be poverty.  It could be organized crime.  They are not going to retire with us and rag us out in our old age.  We can work together and wage war on each other, but not retire.  Our stronghold will have to be created and it will have to be fortified so no entry is possible or they cannot come and search for jobs or opportunity, infiltration. However, they continue to spy on me and determine what they can away with or whether we will notice it and stop them. Their politics and hunger games will not infiltrate our strongholds; this will reverse and there will be retaliation.  I know all about their women, stop confusing my love life or Ann Coulter, she is in trouble and will get blamed.

WHO’S GOD?  PROTECTORS OF THE WEAK AND THE AMERICAN FUTURE, WHAT CAN THEY GET AWAY WITH, SPYING AND WAGING REMOTE WARFARE FOR RECONNAISSANCE:  I hope they find what they are looking for.  I hope they find the people they are looking for.  I hope they determine a new strategy or how far they can get.  I hope they are able to shift the blame and reward themselves.  I wonder if they will get caught or stopped eventually.  I hope they realize what they are doing to us is completely illegal, even if nobody is watching.  I hope their diseased mind is more infected and they are punished severely for this; even trying to spin it or make it look as if they are helping us illegally.  I hope this game of keeping prisoners or sharing every single moment of our life blows up in their face and wrecks theirs because we truly hate their F’in guts and they will never win this, never.  I hope we can exploit any or all of their help to punish them for all of this, then seek damages and prosecute them, not protect, take care of, or love them.  That is about as far as this total asshole and communist traitor will get doing this.  The worst is yet to come and their search for a family or caregivers needs to shut down immediately, this isn't the VA or driving Ms. Daisy.  That pretty much does it for these blue collar losers trying to study our life.

ANN YOU STILL LOOK PECULIAR AND NOT VERY PRECIOUS, YOU STILL HAVE NOT RESOLVED THESE ISSUES:  My personal opinion is you prostitute yourself way too much and even if I am with you or your partner; you are inadequate and have done things to jeopardize our relationship.  I think you are too aggressive when it comes to your career and may want to cut back on your profit making; you are running me ragged.  My stuff works.  My work is difficult to criticize.  I try not to prostitute myself.  Can you be on your best behavior and not cause anymore problems on this mission?  I addressed this problem already.  I feel a lot of “Lemons” are in my life and I do not trust them or enjoy it.  As far as the degree of imperfection and chaos caused by a sub-species who want me to accept them as they are; all of you look stupid but I am the one who suffered the most when it is all said and done.  My stuff works.  Your stuff is either a lemon or makes you look peculiar. 

DECKED EM AND CHASED EM OFF:  Ann has tried to run them off.  I have tried to run them off.  The police and FBI have tried to run them off.  This lady is bulletproof and still contacting us illegal to let us know she wants to help.  That says a little about them and their mentality.  Nobody likes them and they are too stupid.  What more can we do to them, what more can they do to us? That is desperation!

TEACH THEM SOMETHING THEY DO NOT WANT TO LEARN:  Why would someone teach something nobody wants to learn or experience?  Then if civility does not work, there is the scorch and burn strategy. 

LET'S VOTE US OR WHY THEM; OR WHY IT TAKES SO LONG?  Everybody knows the answer to us or them and why; however, this is why the situation is totally insane and why there are so many legal damages.  There is a science to it and real verification.  So what is the reason behind American failure or destruction?  Hate?  Race?  Votes?  Money?  The Police?  War?  The Draft?  Oppression?  Freedom?  If it came down to us or them, why wouldst they cut your throat?  Justice?  Truth?  Honor? Money?  Everybody votes for the winner and even in war, everybody sides with the winners.  If it came down to it, who would know and who would care?  The winners or the losers?

A VERY FRIENDLY, DELIBERATE, POLITE, SUCCESSFUL, PURPOSEFUL, AND NORMAL ATMOSPHERE; AMONG FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS:  Look more carefully.  Highly psychotic and unable to press on, they try to create a double standard or even their own world of lies.  Still looking for a life inside ours, the life they offer is a ticket to nowhere and nothing now but a babbling pest; they press on unable to quit or get ahead.  Unable to pass a background check or a truth test, they try are hopeless and try rebirth, being the police, and apologizing.  They still cannot find life inside ours or make theirs have any meaning; however, they press on and want to quit before things really turn deadly and very real.  They look to rekindle the flames of war and now war has compromised their embarrassment and reputation, their future is at stake and they have very little time.  The easiest solution is to seek meaning out of ours or become us.  Have they become us yet?  If they are lawless and do not care, then do the lawless and underground walk this earth with the biggest stick and what can we do about it, throw money at them?

Question 1:  Did they lie or exaggerate, manipulate facts or tamper illegally, about their relationship in order to obstruct or weaken our death defying escape?  Were these lies to evade capture, detection, or prosecution?  Why?  Did they do all of this under a false pretext, i.e. a friendly, trusting, polite, peaceful, and supportive environment?  This is lead to horrendous consequences?

Question 2:  Is there or were there a test of power and a test of numbers?  Which one was legal and which one was illegal?  Are there any documents or method available to easily confirm this?  Was the military a pawn in this clandestine game or not?  Was it unscrupulous and even cruel; illegal or listed as “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” in the Constitution?  Why is the role of the military so vital or sacred, not to be exploited, dragged through the streets, or a hostage of terrorism?  A conspiracy was detected in the ranks?  What is the clandestine level of risk taking?  Are there any long term dangers and to whom?

Question 3:  If this is about immigration and we are all immigrants, are they lying about their legal immigration or entry into the United States?  Is this why the term “Un-American” was invented to describe their cult of selfish acts and clandestine criminal behaviors?  Is this go home is about and is this why they are constantly proclaiming themselves to be American or suggest this is their home?  Is this also one example of their “brainwashing” methods, an outsider who is facing pressure tactics, verbal accosting, or severe criticisms?  Was this about being “Un-American” and deportation or going home; a battle with the communist forces or a terror plot?  The lack of success for this terror plot and the 1960s crowd meant they had to “go home” as their predecessors were forced to do?  Is this why they invaded our life and home, to seek an objective or a death defying escape?  Was this a test of power and numbers?

Question 4:  Is this or was this a test of human character, individual will, and a test of tolerance and torture?  If so, who is the judge or is there anybody judging at all?  What are the stimuli and tools used?  Money, the way to their heart is money and the pocketbook?  Sex, the way to their heart is the oldest profession in the book?  Love, the force of love and kindness is a very powerful force?  The media, media power and image is a very influencing force.  Marriage and friendship, the source and core of all families, was family power used in judgment?  Status, if character status is the goal of all work and careers, then was status the binding force?  The written word and the law, what they say and what they do are two different worlds; but does it divide the world of laws and the written or spoken worlds, to do as they say?  Secrets, when it comes to secrets, free- males are the most secret; how do we combine the most powerful forces in the universe to ask the most simple question; a test of human character and will?  What is war and can we illustrate the meaning and the source of it?  Is evil and corruption war on human existence?








VERY UNSCRUPULOUS WORK AND BEHAVIOR, VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION:  Although the mind’s eye is always watching; the main problem with being unscrupulous on this level or risk taking on this level; is the problem of someone watching.  What if an alien being or a God, even in a human form, is watching and is angry?  How will they know?  When will they know?  What will they know?  It is the mind’s eye, the eyes in the dark, which is able to see everything and nothing.  Unscrupulous leaders have a major problem when their work or deeds are counter-productive or dislodge their objectives, in the short and long term.  The dynamics of war is vastly different, especially in Satellite Warfare.

SHAVE THE BEARD, BE QUIET, GET A LIFE, STOP COMPLAINING, POLICING, PREACHING, AND HIT THE F’IN GYM:  Zero tolerance on liberals and a total loser; a lot of fight in them?  Enough is enough, this is about their grades, thinking abilities, and business acumen, college material; this isn't Animal House either; nature or nurture?  Oh this is about their money and their life and their home?  This is about what they say or do back?

IN THE LINE OF FIRE - SUPER FED UP WITH THE PARTYING, RNC GOOFS, CPAC PARTIES, DRINKING, ETC:  Is it nature, nurture, or a cult of selfish acts and criminal behavior?  The War on Drugs?  I had been fed up with the Bimbo act and the partying a long time ago; not sure who is doing it but I am sure they understand zero tolerance while this nightmare winds down or end.   Somebody is going to really get leveled for the ghost in the machine problems; probably the single moms again, the root of poverty.  Somebody has to be blamed for this, somebody very disingenuous.  Half the nation has no electricity and I have endless problems; more car and work problems. 

SINGLE MOM, DARK ANGEL, JC AND THE TERMINATOR PLOT:  We don’t see your Terminator but we see your terror plots now.  Are you the Midwest Unabomber also; based on the Terminator Series?  Oh and a body-builder.  The countermeasure to Britain and Margaret Thatcher; how many single moms did you send my way and what did I do, if anything?  Did you imagine this also or did I?  Half of the nation has no electricity and my car in NOT finally fixed.  Now my alternator has died just as I pulled into my driveway and right after or within 7 days of recent contact and an attack.  A frustrating coincidence or more of this total asshole playing ghost in my machine; is she or they this good with automobiles; workers or technicians?  All of this after I fixed over $3000 dollars of their nightmare meddling (November 2013).

WHAT IF WE CALL THEM A STONE COLD SCUMBAG INSTEAD OF A COMPLETE AND TOTAL ASSHOLE, WILL THEY UNDERSTAND?  Will it turn them on or off?  How about that single mom as President Terror Plot; working yet?  We love their power, their schools, and their women; ask Ann.  Look how civilized and calm they are under pressure.  No wonder your church is poor and such an angry total loser; oh F with royalty now or the greatest Americans even run up their bills; shoot up our schools and malls won’t you?  Oh you make every penny count do you?  No wonder your church is standing in line begging for water and rice; Beltway losers!

KEEPS TRYING TO RUN UP OUR BILLS:  If it is not my bank account, then it is my phone bill, and if it is not my phone bill then it is my car repairs, utilities, and all kinds of inefficiency; should I worry or should they?  Layer after layers of inefficiency and this audacity to tell us it is their money, want to quit yet, etc… hurry up and wrap this up, they are trying to run us ragged.  Yes more and more layers, more services, and more bills.

THE TRASH IN THE RETIREMENT HOMES, IN SERVICE OR SERVICING US, and OR DOING THIS:  If you want to see the trash they have littered the state of Virginia, New York, and Florida with all you have to do is look in the jails or those states.  All you have to do is look at their women.

RUNNING US RAGGED, WRAP THIS UP BEFORE THERE IS MORE DAMAGE AND MORE PEOPLE HURT:  Wrap this case up before they do more damage to us, Ann, and Satellite Warfare.  It can only get worse.  This enemy and this underground claim they do not care about our feelings and do not care about our rights.  They wage war on us and have political and financial objectives, we are in the way. They are running us ragged and there are a lot of damages.  Our forces are ragged out.  Our life is ragged out.  Our funds and finances are ragged out.  We can’t hold on or hold out much longer, wrap this cat and mouse game up before there is more damages.  They also claim it is good for the nation and good for jobs.

PEACEFUL PROTEST, WANT TO CONDEMN FOLLOWERS, FEEL SUPERIOR, USE THEIR IMAGE OR THE UNDERGROUND, USE THE MEDIA, AND PRETEND THEY ARE NOT TERRORISTS AND PSYCHOPATHS:  Who us or them?  Decide which voice you will hear inside.  They are not victims of God, religion, business, capitalism, military might, Asians, the right wing, perfection, other humans, etc… Which ones got caught and who will talk, tell on each other?  Take us to the mothership and their leaders.  Who is suing the USA or caught them, are they are suing the USA over race or poverty, immigration?

WHY ARE THEY SO UNHAPPY, IF AFTER THIRTY YEARS OR TWENTY YEARS OF THIS, ASK WHY THEY ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THIS DEATH DEFYING ESCAPE?  Even following the Vietnam War when the soldiers came home, their family and spouses were in tears about their return.  Ask why and read between the lines.  If we won and victory is ours now, then why are they so unhappy when this was finally over?  Money?  Lost time?  Fizzle gone?  Depression?  Mental illness?  It is a very difficult question and remains a mystery, just no evidence pointing to any one singular answer. Winning is joy.  Did we loose ourself?  The clues remain in our life story and the evidence; if there is a logical answer, then we will find it; family matters.  I ask the Republicans, even the Democrats and the world; to bring me the answer.

THIS DEADLY GAME CALLED LAST MAN STANDING:  Did Ann Coulter play this game with me?  According to Fox News, yes but the answer is no.  Did I play this game with Ann Coulter?  According to Fox News, yes but the answer is no.  Did they play this game with me and were we able to identify them, trap them, ID them, or more?  According to all of them, no but the answer is yes.  Did they also play this deadly game with Ann Coulter or manipulate the facts, on videotape to cover it up or forward a gigantic conspiracy?  According to all of them, no but the answer is yes.  None of it was consensual and the arguments or methods they used made it nearly impossible for us to escape or fight it, a murder plot.  Will the talk or surrender before someone is hurt or get’s seriously hurt?  

WINNING OR LOSING THE LAST MAN STANDING GAME, THE PLAYERS AND THE SIDES:  Well, so far no and they claim they are winning or not worried, they are warm by the fireplace, I need a job, Ann does not care or is out drinking with them, and there is no evidence.  They have what they need right now and do not need us, so they refused to settle and punished us or tried severely; far more than before.  It was a death defying escape and experience nearly thirty years long.  They want us to beg and be reliant; hence, legal damages were capped and stopped at two billion.  They claim to be some form of secret Underground and it has deadly teeth and a reach in our life, we are prisoners of war.  They continue to rip up the settlement, legal damages, and attack or punish us for this undesired ending.  We did not write it, they did; we wrote a very desired and admirable one, nearly perfect and lacking any mistakes.  They are also Al Qaeda but this is not included in the legal damages and never was.  They are playing God with us and seeking total obedience or control; we are just not interested and never was.  They remain vigilante and use every resource to crush or silence this case, kill it or make it go away; every resource they have; failure is not even an option, death is.  They are willing to accept that risk eagerly. 

AMERICA IS AT WAR WITH THEIR POLITICS, IMAGE, CONDEMNATION, CORRUPTION, CRIME, TOTAL CHAOS, TOTAL DISARRAY, SYSTEM OF CIVILITY, BLACK PARADE, REVOLUTION and A PRIMITIVE CHURCH:  Are they at war with America or us?  What is the truth?  It appears as if they are human trash, there to be thrown away; the evidence suggests this.  Meanwhile, they parade blacks at their churches and colleges; also minorities to raise public funds.  Have we done this to ourself or are they a total mess and so corrupt and imperfect; they are at war with each other and themselves?  What will God, history, and justice says and how will they judge them?  Are they too disgusting and should be castrated and sent on their way?  In their search for answers, they found self hatred and failure; the obvious and simplicity.  Did they discover a superior being or an inferior existence?  Plagued with corruption and crime, they play the language game and use what they value most; their history, their image, and condemnation.  They condemn violence and power because they just don’t have it.  What do they have in their pocket right now and is this what they will die with?  They speak as if they know God, humans, and power; don’t they?  Worse, they got drafted again while being court marshaled; again.  Fat, old, and disgusting they await castration because rape and other crimes are rampant in their culture of selfish and criminal acts.  They act it also.  Terror is how they condemn us and oppress us.

(REPLY)  IS THE WORLD A SAFER PLACE:  Since Vietnam and the 1960s, we can do without their imperfection or reproduction rights, no thank you?  We can do without their imperfection and mistakes.

ALL THE EVIDENCE SUGGEST THEY ARE A HOMOSEXUAL COLLEGE STUDENT, NOT A POWERFUL MILITARY LEADER:  With all the tricks, evidence, and FX on TV; all the bully tactics, evidence suggest they are a fat, ugly, gay, and annoying city dweller who thinks he or she is powerful and sexy; an insane nun or priest lacking a few vital ingredients to be perfect or make this a masterpiece.  They hate perfection and are so jealous with us.  We are fighting a gay ass whore completely disconnected from reality and unsure about God.  They are civilized and educated; also very poor, sick, and weak.  Condemning us with their image or demonizing ours is a total failure.  Condemning us or our sacred righteousness is a total failure.  Condemning us with terrorism, terror plots, or the minority police; is a total failure.  Apparently, they are not as civilized as their image and control of the media.

(REPLY) IS THIS ABOUT MONEY AND HOW THE TAX PAYER DOLLARS ARE SPENT?  Is this about public safety or a drunken fool behind the wheel?  This perfect?  It is not a good place to build a home on and never was.  We are the heirs.  It comes down to money.

(REPLY) THIS COMES DOWN TO MONEY AND LEGALITY!  GOT A BAD DEAL, DESTROY THE PICTURES, ANGRY LETTERS, STUDENTS, MAD AT THEIR PARENTS, A BIGGER REVOLUTION:  They have not burned their house down or destroyed all the videotape, not yet.  History and historians, even their children; will fund what they know is true.  They will be a bigger revolution.  Their memoirs will tell and so will the embarrassment to their family, legal work, and mistakes in life.  They will never forgive their parents or the people who brought so much embarrassment, corruption, lies, and pain to their life.  We can accept failure or a degree of it but the unintended consequences are real and dastardly.  To the niggardly eye it is a bad place to build a home on. 

(REPLY) SEEN THE MEDIA HUMILIATE AND EMBARRASS POLITICAL AND RELIGIOUS LEADERS IN THE PAST:  In war, strength and honor is all you have; other than sanity.  It is something to talk about and the buzz in town, even our world.  A name and a reputation is everything.  When you talk or teach about politics, religion, and even culture; the socio-economic value of your education keeps you down or holds you back.  It is possible Obama and his administration is the source of the unhappiness, but this will pass.  It is possible the need for therapy or therapy of the unintended consequences, this too will pass.  The stars and the sun rise and fall, it too will pass.  How about interests?  Eventually, they have to talk and tell their story, inevitable; and history will judge.  What is the critical mass and value of doing this?  It is grounds for war and they must put forth and equal or more powerful inevitability otherwise, the leaves and the trees will not grow back and die; self destruction.  Will they go out quietly or will they show respect, kindness, and obedience to the law?  There is a solution and answer to all questions, even death.  Thus, this is our aphrodisiac and strength, power.  It makes our world grow and grow stronger, a birth.  Sex and birth is crucial to war; so is passing down your legacy.

(REPLY) SANCTIONS, TAKING TIME, HOSTAGE CRISIS, BULLY PULPIT, and NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION:  Did nuclear capability encourage stability or growth in the Cubans, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Russians, Iraqis, or even the Iranians?  Is the world a safer place or is their ability to think and grow a little bigger?  The community of haves and the community of have not are insignificant.  Even the Cubans did not gain and the Koreans are neck deep in debt and struggling with mental illness.  The underground will decide what is legal and not legal, it is their home.   

TWO WORLDS, TWO ENDINGS, TWO OR MORE PLAYERS, NOT ENOUGH TIME, and SAME CONCLUSIONS:  Strange, very-very strange.  They still can’t see it or any benefits.  Now we are their backbone and reliance?  To this day, none of this was consensual, nothing was.  Somebody is trying, somebody is not; and then there are the ones who are playing a deadly game.  


IF THIS CHESSBOARD IS YOUR UNDERGROUND, THEN YOU ARE VERY LIMITED NOW IF AND MUST SURFACE, TALK:  I think you are growing old and ran out of options.  If you are a bully, then it has blown up on you and get’s worse.  I don’t believe you are the underground playing a submarine war anymore.  I think we only have to wait on the surface and you have to surface or go back home.  God does not answer all prayers so I could be wrong.  The data indicates you are lying and this is sanction-brinkmanship; The Last Man Standing is weaker.  The laws of diminishing returns do show your sanctions worked in your favor, even if you try to fix this; failure.  However, you are on the loose and you are using this underground to hide.  I have a Red Cross bag ready; everybody knows you are bleeding to death.  The dogs are picking up on the trail, which is how bad it truly is.  It is a gamble but I think you have my two billion dollars; there is no way you could have done this without at least 20 or 50 billion.  

BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH AND WORKED SO HARD:  You know my business.  We know yours.  I think you are like all defeated enemies; just surviving the winter and hiding; trying to serve your masters; the master is the chess board.  Are you a serious player?  Do we take you serious, Al Qaeda or not? Fox News said "you got us."  I think your bully or terrorism days have come to an end; we can send the dogs out after you or we can sit and wait; the wounds you have are not survivable.  We can track you put who will pay the labor cost or the expenses?    I am a master of the laws of diminishing returns and would never make the same mistake, never.  My life is plotted and coursed.  We can put our ears to the ground also, those are very serious wounds, you are limping; a few can’t run fast enough.  This is verification and authentication process, you have no power and can only rely on your life lines; we know what options you have, we fooled you back.  Are you our lifeline, our God and our life?  

DO THEY HONESTLY THINK WE ARE THIS RIDICULOUS AND THIS MUCH OF AN ASSHOLE?  I have seen it all.  I have heard it all.  I think I have been on the receiving end of every single asshole walking this earth.  Do they actually, deep down, rationally or not, logically or not; think I and the human race is this ridiculous?  Do they also think they are that powerful?  A simple yes or no is fine.  Your credibility in on the line then what about mine; is this a win-win or a loose-loose?  It sounds like I have slick willy on the line and some complete moron who is a major threat and sneaking around in their best Sunday dress, am I right?  The easy way out is World War.  The easy way out is the federal prosecutors.  When you are this guilty, you will say and do anything; anything.  Don't insult our intelligence anymore, please no thank you!  You are a F'in complete and total asshole; you will be dead by noon if you start a formal war, am I clear you F'in terrorist and communist mole?  The invitation is out there and so is a Red Cross survival bag; it looks good on you and it is all you.  Do you see the nibbles also?  I do. ARE YOU F'IN INVINCIBLE AND UNDERGROUND TOO?  YES OR NO?  IT'S TIME TO FLOAT LIKE A PIECE OF SHIT, ISN'T IT?

HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU ARE IN?  The level of trouble and retaliation, even damages you are in right now is unimaginable and unfathomable.  If you so much as open your mouth, put your smelly jackass in my way or next to me, or even come around and give more lip service; I will make sure Uncle Same either knocks on your door or knocks down your door and give every single orifice of your poor-sick NY immigration; a salt water bath of your life.  Keep harassing the matter even on a new level or more. 

STILL TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO GOT SET UP, WHO IS IN CHARGE, AND WHO IS GOING TO PAY DEARLY FOR THIS:  Yes do come around and try to harass the matter or wreck up more, do run your mouth again.  Do what you do best.  Nobody is this brain dead and we know it was done purposely, with full malicious intent, and as described or documented.  Admit we caught them for 911 also and defrauding the public.  You want to test who got set up and who set up whom?  

WENT FROM AL QAEDA, TO A GHOST, TO THE GREATEST HUMANS ON EARTH OVERNIGHT!  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  How audacious?  Talk!  Is our National Security being run and tested by Al Qaeda or the greatest humans on earth?  According to them

A SIMPLE YES OR NO IS FINE:  Did you play a game called “Last Man Standing?”  Are you guilty and lying?  Did you refuse to cooperate or withhold evidence from investigators, even lie to them?  Did you endanger your life and others due to your actions, lawlessness, recklessness, false judgments, and errors?  Did you get caught and did you wage war on the Office of Satellite Warfare, Hurricane-Earthquake, or any employee of such creation?  Did you cover it up or slander them?  How?  Do you owe two billion and do what you are accused of; then tried to blame the victims of your insanity?  Do you have information on the 911 terror plots or try to cover up information that would lead to arrest or prosecution, further this investigation?  Are you a spy ring or a conspiracy to take over the government or the world?  Were you stopped?  What did you do when you were caught or stopped?  Then what?  Did you have a murder plot on Ann Coulter or lie about your adversarial relationship with her to coverup or conceal your guilt and exaggerate hers?  Talk!  How do you expect to survive this?  Tell us before more people get hurt falsely.  

PLAYING A GAME CALLED, “LAST MAN STANDING” AND COMPLAINTS OR DAMAGES ARE STACKING UP:  It is not one thousand but several hundred thousands; the legal complaints are stacking up and the damages are capped at two billion due to this game called, “Last Man Standing.”  The financial problems are a method to prevent an end to this game or one of them.  It feels like the Justice Department is also playing this game due to the volume or backup.  It is now a death penalty case but the financial damages stack up and are not survivable.  They lied about this also to shift the blame.  The game is designed to break us, hire them, or as a recruitment plot; similar to the 911 terror plot. The game is designed to win at all costs.

HOW CORRUPT IS THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND HOW CORRUPT IS THE POLITICAL SYSTEM:  You know it seems as if there are just too many bad actors manipulating the system and too many conflicts of interests or corruption invading our life and mission.  Additionally, we do live in a land of laws and a nation of Constitution.  So the question is how corrupt is the Justice System or is anybody in charge besides the communists and corrupt politicians?  Why am I living in a welfare state with all kinds of tentacles and why am I constantly a victim of the same people?  Is this the welfare state and the victim society, my family of poor failures facing death?

WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE?  WHERE IS YOUR GOD AND WHO WILL RESCUE YOU?  We have heard it all again and again.  Where is the evidence and solution?  This scam and false religion is nothing more than a load of lies.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently unless they have a solution for crime, war, death, communism, and attacking my life and office.  Yes, I also need one of them for a wife.  We need their God and we need their help to get out of this.  Where is the evidence?  Where is their God?  God is angry; no he is on a war path and hunting them down.  They are going to put me in a financial disaster or destroy my technology and good work?  It was their God who did it and their religious beliefs; hence, they refuse to talk?  Talk or be dammed.  It is a death defying escape, nobody got hurt?  Will starvation break them and will they talk?  

WE DID NOT THROW YOU UNDERNEATH THE BUS, WE TORTURED YOU AND YOU STILL REFUSE TO TALK:  So is there a solution to death, crime, corruption, and failure?  Is theirs solution to communism or is it only another world of phony clones who want to divert and spy on us so they can rob or build a new world based on what they can extract, steal, or trap us.  They better have answers, I have spoken and the world can read my books.  If there is a solution to death, this imbecile capable of survival will show us the way and we will be at war with them.  The hunt is on and they think they are God imposing death on us or we are obligated to give them our solutions as part of this hiring process or death.  There are a lot of witnesses; the federal prosecutors are not 911 widows or corrupt.  Does the punishment, surprise, and solution I have fit their crime or not?  If not, then it has to begin with a full written appeal, not clandestine or spy networks or bribery.  We broke all of the Democrats and communists will; but they refuse to talk; what is their worth?  What is this worth?  Satellite Warfare Mission worth?  One hell of a scam and terror plot.

ADMIT MY LIFE AND SATELLITE WARFARE WAS ROBUST, FULLY HEALTHY, RICH, SUCCESSFUL, AND HAPPY:  So what is the solution to the death and tests they imposed?  What is the answer we gave them, a curse and trap?  Is our life healthy and robust again?  Is my military mission and Satellite Warfare back up and running?  What is the solution to death and poverty; this ignorant, angry, stupid, hostile, corrupt, and communist existence they call “The Army of the Damned?”  Are they behind the communist immigration problem or the massive debts and decline?  Why are they still testing our will and refusing to talk, they want evidence?  Did we make this up or imagine it as they planned and plotted?  It is a death-defying escape at this level and a policy of torture is needed to shut them down or make them talk; the prosecutors are waiting patiently.  Do they admit two billion dollars is owed and they face harsh prison sentences or even deportation? 

IS IT POSSIBLE FOX NEWS COULD BE AL QAEDA?  Considering how many times they did not heed any warnings, considering how they hide the adversarial relationship, considering how they hide the brutal aspects of this “Last Man Standing” game, considering how long it has been going on and how it is currently ongoing live, considering the reports and how they try to put a nice face or professional face on it, considering what they did to Ann Coulter or the reports from her, considering all these factors converging and how they spy on the most powerful people in the world or try to shrink them down to the village level they are at; it is easy to conclude they are Al Qaeda or even worse than that group.  You can see the torture and the chaos in their eyes.  Is it possible to put the best face on a psychopath and this level of risk taking?  If so, then we have the living form right now on videotape. 

WHAT DOES THE VIDEO SHOW ABOUT AL QAEDA OR THIS EMANCIPATION-IMMIGRATION PROBLEM:  The video does not show the information needed to finish this case.  If the video shows how disruptive, how violent, how insane or audacious, how mean and cruel, how perverted and how ridiculous, how pliable and bending, how cheap and fake, how empty and inconsiderate, and what kind of a total asshole we have in front of us; then there is no way they can claim to be a victim, a victim of violence, investigators, or demanding answers.  That is what the TV and video does not show about this enemy, emancipation, and terror plot.  My diary and records do try to display or form a presentation of what they did or tried, ask Ann Coulter.  Again, Fox News and the Republicans are scamming and defrauding us, a robbery is in progress, and even worse a kidnapping, attempted rape, and murder plot.  Does the video show any of this or how violent and disruptive they truly are?  How about their women; does it show them in their true light or as the animal and filthy bitch they truly are to be doing this and blaming their victims?  How about the rights of their victims and how about talking?  The federal prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  How long will this keep going around and around in circles, a circular firing squad by traitors and the most evil human beings this earth has ever laid eyes on.

EXACTLY HOW CRAZY, DANGEROUS, AND TERRORIST ARE THEY AND HOW DO THEY DO IT?  If they are Al Qaeda, then how are they defying the laws of gravity or fooling the federal prosecutors.  Do we trust the police or the terrorists?  Do we trust the Pentagon or the communists’ leaders?  How are they doing this and evading capture or detection?  Are they totally insane and crazy; don’t care and are total assholes?  They look and talk like us don’t they?  Not even an accent and strident on the same issues and matters.  They even want to fight or fight our wars, so long as they win and can spy on us or look over our shoulders.  How crazy are they and can anybody prove it?  Can they steal SDI or Satellite Warfare?  Can they steal Hurricane-Earthquake strategy or plans?  Do they know what we are up to and doing, in your face strategy?  Can we retaliate or do it back, teach them a lesson and tangle them up while building a federal prosecution and legal damages?  We are the greatest humans on earth and they intentionally do this to us.  They know this is the greatest war on earth and many lives are in the line off fire.  Can they pull the plug?  Can they get closer?  Can they become us or the greatest humans on earth?  Aren't they F'in dumbasses, all of them?  Don't we look like a F'in dead dumbass, a prisoner of war?  They are the police?  They are the voice of America?  They are our heart and soul; the last line of defense?

ARE THEY SPYING?  ARE THEY MORPHING OR FORMING ON WHAT IS FOUND?  ARE THEY GUILTY?  CAN WE TRAP THEM?  CAN WE PROVE THIS IS A SPY RING?  ARE THEY GUILTY OF FORGIVEN BY THE VICTIMS OF THEIR TERROR PLOT?  The prosecutors are waiting and so have I.  Talk!  Is anything real or is it all total lies, say and do anything to advance or progress, win at any cost?  Why are they in a communist trap and a clever mouse trap designed for a spy ring and enemy traitor, a terror plot?  Retaliation?  Republican revolution?  Spontaneous eruption?  Racism and hatred?  Money and Asians?  Now they are caught and defeated, they become friends overnight; quick allies.  We must have been married and very close.  Why can't we win?  We can't win in life.  We can't win in this mission.  We are not allowed to win at all.  First, they loose.  This is not a win-win situation; it never was.  It was never a two way street, ever; that was the Democrat Party strategy.  What exactly have they stolen, wrecked up, exploited, or used against us?  Are they robbing this victory and the federal prosecution?  Welcome to the world of the communist spies, the left wing, terrorism, and radicals; thieves and robbers also, mafia criminals. 

LARGE SCALE MEDIA RADICALIZATION AND CRIMINALIZING PROGRAM:  Did Fox News and these total assholes get framed?  Was their life criminalized or are they pathological and psychopathic liars, a Revolutionary wing of the Irish-immigrant Church?  The plot and attempts, on a large scale and public defrauding levels, are currently being combated.  It is in disarray and the revolutionary wing of the inert communists is in retreat or on the run.  We can put our ear to the ground and listen.  They grow more desperate, angry, frustrated, and are appealing for mercy; begging on their knees using Fox News and other right wing characters.  Yes they are complete and total assholes who don’t even know who and what they are, they say anything, will do anything, and claim they just don’t care.  We can’t make them and they are stubborn and biased; a sophisticated total asshole in wolves clothing. Fox News and these Republicans we caught are totally guilty and owe legal damages, talk!  Now they are all tangled up and evading criminal capture and prosecution; a right to remain silent or demand proof; in a mind field, they rely on the allies or the police.  How disruptive are they?

TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE, THE FEMA OR RED CROSS SURVIVAL BAG:  They continue to drift further from our core.  Based on the data and information we have obtained or extracted, the only emancipation this traitor and felon is going to receive, is a Red Cross or FEMA survival bag.  Their leaders and Revolutionary-Radical department continue to figure out a way to take us out or imprison our existence; paralyze us.  In the past, it was a total failure and the injuries are still being treated or ongoing.  They remain vigilante but careful.  Their leaders intentionally and purposefully conceal this information from their followers who are in the line of fire or may be able to make careful and decisive actions to improve their future or political odds.  If God is mad at them or if they face raid, forfeiture, or even worse; this has and is continuously being hidden by conspiracy.  

EXTREME RISK TAKERS AND EXTREME PSYCHOPATHIC:  They hide it well.  Now they wear it well.  Which tells us a little about who they are, what they are up to, and the risk they are willing to undertake; have we broken their will to wage war on us yet?  Obviously, diplomacy is futile and their numbers get worse. Do we have their leaders or HR department? This imbecile and idiot now think they are a million bucks; imagine that clown act also.

RESPONSE TIME AND TURNOVER RATE:  We do not want to have lingering or a pile up of work.  We want to be efficient and strive for absolute perfection.  This means from the time of the violation to the time of enforcement; our goal would be a twenty four hour clock.  We want to be able to address these violations and incursions within the first twenty four or forty eight.  Right now we are nowhere near our goals and we are having a lot of problems in our personal life and also political life; also with traitors who claim to be allies or bosses.  I imagine their office is the boss of this office; yet there is no verification or documentation of this so far.  So this is one of the problems and one of the tests the office has been racked with, invasion by outside forces.  Right now they are acting as if we are paralyzed, cannot bring them to justice, we are powerless, they are God, they are above the law, they are a spy group or agency we cannot bring down or defeat in war, etc… Let them cry like a bitch and let their history in satellite warfare speak for it.  If they can find a way out, as Bin Limbaugh and Fox News had tried; then so be it.  It will and has failed but they still refuse two billion in damages or justice and the truth; we demand perfection.  Do come around again, and again; and cry like a little bitch or with malicious defiance.  Eventually, someone will knock the sense out of them or otherwise.  Do put your stinky, corrupt, and piece of trash ass next to me again and again. 

TOP SECRET SATELLITE WARFARE:  In case you are wondering about the police satellites, they are new.  However, my military or Satellite Warfare technology is based on over twenty years of research and development.  Essentially, the combination of neurosciences, bio-metrics, and satellite technology have come together to produce a real time image by a terrestrial satellite unit.  This image also is enhanced by signals sent by a command center that impedes or disrupts bodily functions.  An example of muscle impedances is the finger immobilizer.  A military or police satellite equipped with this disrupts the muscle sequence needed to pull a trigger on a firearm.  This then immobilizes the human subject and neutralizes the threat so that either military or police units can use brutal force to subdue the threat.  That is just a small example but they range upwards of lethal force.  The police satellites are nothing more than images taken in sequences or by a schedule, and then enhanced by digital automation.  Therefore, a car or person can be tracked over the course of any 24 hour day.  Most if not all of this is brand new and I should be the only one in this field since I did invent it way back in 1990.  It is a very simple formula and process, very simple.  This spy group and this other satellite warfare office is completely illegal and also in violation; they will start a war at this level; inevitable.  We will bring them down or to justice, whichever comes first or is most expedient. 

OFFICE OF VERIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION:  It is all the same office at this time.  However, my job is to verify and ensure espionage, proper functioning, personnel, and any threat is eliminated, escalated, or eradicated using the proper channels.  Without a verification process, a written and documented process, eradication and retaliation is immediate.  This means that corruption and “unofficial” attempts face retaliation.  If there is corporate or competitor non-compliance, they are immediately identified, marked, given a repeat offender status, and written up or escalated.  We want to identity and get a clear understanding of who, what, where, and why they are doing this.  Before it is escalated or lethal force is imposed, they will be given both written and verbal warnings.  We do have federal attorneys to handle the legal process before any brute force or lethal force is imposed.  Most if not all violations are death penalty cases, therefore, be mentally prepared to be in pitched battle with serious repeat offenders and enemies such as communist spies and large espionage rings; even terrorists.  We want a good and bad list, one of allies and traitors.  Any violation by either list will not go unpunished. 

SPYING ON US, ATTACKING SATELLITE WARFARE, AND PUTTING OUR LIFE UNDER SIEGE:  The range of actions can span the gamut of lethal force, military force, police force, or other federal legal measures.  In other words, without a verification and written method; there will be no access or clandestine activity.  Without political verification, there will not be any confirmations or verbal appeals.  All transactions are written and documented, zero tolerance.  We want to track them, locate their locations, and place them in a position they will regret and also surrender under.  I am the verification method and office at this time; I am the only personnel at this level and as you can see; they have attacked it and paralyzed it.  What to do... what to do?  Pitched warfare?  Massive retaliation?  Damages and fees?  Be prepared for full scale warfare and even nuclear confrontation; as in my case, my entire career and life; too much war... way too much.  However, I have a plan to alleviate some of the personnel problems.  I may be able to put together a unified or singular recruitment campaign.  Keep the pressure on and continue this spy-craft and pitched warfare in this mission or my life, do that.  The records show who and what they are, what they tried, and why they died by the train loads.  Sorry or forgiveness does not do a damn thing, not a damn thing.  We will knock you out or some sense in your life. 

ALL THEY HAVE TO DO IS START A FORMAL WAR:  All the pieces are in place and they have been maneuvered as I have expertly wanted, expected, or predicted.  One step or one wrong move and it can all come crashing down on them.  All they need to do is start a war and it is on.

AGAIN AND AGAIN, PUNISHMENT FITS THE CRIME:  Can anybody think of any other punishment to fit the crime or to match their evil?  Let’s consider who they are before we pre-judge them or impose punishment.  However, doesn't the punishment fit the crime?

STARVING, HUNGRY, WET, COLD, AND ANGRY COMMUNIST-TERRORIST:  We need evidence and we know there is a conspiracy and cover-up; we can do much better, very much better!

WE NEED PEOPLE WHO WILL WIN THE COLD WAR, DELIVER VICTORY, AND PUT THIS ENEMY OR TRAITOR IN ULTIMATE PAIN; WIN THIS WORLD WAR:  These women cannot please their men and are completely ridiculous and shallow.  These people are backwards and they have an attitude about it.  A religion of debt will get nowhere and never got us anywhere.  Lying and railroading people, especially those who can deliver a victory or defeat these traitors; is an act of treason.  See the problem now?  The right people are locked out while the wrong people are let in or given a green light?  Why?  Because it is a bubble created by a docile enemy and traitor; win the cold war not screw it up or tell more lies by shifting the blame or pandering for money.  All of them are this way and it is near the deadline.  They will fight the wars for this nation, otherwise; go the F home.  Trying to get rich off the sick, criminal, weak, and stupid got nowhere and is a total wreck now; so is their immigration.  As I see it, all of them are backwards, phonies, empty inside, traitors, not who they claim, just shifting the blame, or straight up corrupt.  Congress also got us nowhere.  Can they please their men or powerful warriors, we will see.  You piss off the most powerful warriors and they will come after you and they will harm you in ways only God knows.  These people are all backwards and they screw up everything; yet they keep trying to involve themselves in every single aspect of our life or integrating; even my marriage.  Win it and make it quick; then move on.  I am not here to tell their immigration plight or story of their blue collar or manufacturing history.

TALK!  REPORT OUR VICTORY AND WHY:  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I have been waiting for my money and mission to be returned; intact and victorious.  The story of survival is total lies; psychopathic bullshit and I did not sign up for this, they did.  They are in prison and so are we right now, who will pay and where will it lead?  A conspiracy and they have not been fired or held accountable?  Now they are not alienated and the victors; our partners in crime, somebody is going to pay dearly and the raid is still ongoing. This was about race and failure; whites and blacks (or Hispanics) in America.  What is the solution to death and failure, minorities?  Asians?  The Vietnam War?  Report there is no middle point and terrorism or terror plot; it is victory or loss, no gap in between.  We are victorious not in their gap either.  They are the leader and the ladder, the gate-keepers of terrorism and terror. Is there a solution to their death and will they show up to show us?  We will see and wait patiently.  Do they want to win or loose?  Admit this is a suicide mission and extreme risk taking and secrets; talk!  We will exploit them and their guilt or ability to break our will and fight unrepentant.  I will capitalize it unlike they have ever been a witness too.  Look at our energy level and their will or fight; I have won already.

IN TERROR PRISON, BEING WATCHED CAREFULLY, ONLY SEE RACE, ARE TOTAL ASSHOLES, AND CANNOT GET THE TRUTH:  They are not inert and still on attack.  Keep them in this terror prison camp until we can get the truth and what exactly they have done.  We know they don’t care, we know they are knocking on the doors, we know they are spying, we know they are evil; we know how they think and feel.  They won’t admit to the suicide mission and they demand a solution to failure and death; keep them in the terror camp because we cannot get the truth and we have their leaders.  They are the communists and unified; investigating and manipulating for benefits and more ammo.  They lost the cold war, are escaping reality, are total assholes, live in another world altogether, are alienated, and not inert.  We know they are not inert yet, a major threat.  They are also lying about being on a suicide mission; I won this and had won this.  How can they be the police and seek an answer to death and failure; imperfection and total lies?  How about teaching the science of nuclear war and the greatest war on this earth instead of their survival stories?  Do report their failures, not our victory and why.

PEOPLE PERISHED OR DIED BECAUSE THEY KEPT THEIR MOUTH SHUT AND THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY, COVER-UPUS OR THEM:  What is the truth about their emancipation, diplomacy and patience?  Did they add twenty years to their life?  Will they keep their mouths shut or talk!  Does everybody know what kind of an asshole they are, what they have done, and are prepared to go crazy on their ass?  Is there a change in them or are they lying, a look of torture and guilt darkening a perfect storm?  They do know the debt will do nothing for them, only us.  Do not keep the federal prosecutors waiting; they won’t be happy when the truth comes out.  Don’t keep me stuck or trapped, inescapable consequences of their will to wage war on us or my life, I am very impatient and a perfectionist.  People are going to go crazy on them and it serves them right; they have been drafted again.  The truth is this terror and murder plot kept its mouth shut and people died while they darkened the perfect storm and added more years to their life of crime.  Meanwhile, we had to wait and we got attacked or were kept under siege; yet nothing changed and no influence exerted.  This also does not pardon what they did to Ann, who was my only rescue and escape of this plot and conspiracy.  In death and high crimes or consequences, they choose to remain silent, the burden of proof.  Talk!

THE ANSWER AND SOLUTION:  TOO POOR, TOO STUPID, TOO IGNORANT, AND TOTAL ASSHOLES:  Good looks and being a cartoon character is what we are watching.  They are tortured people, trash. It is a good act.  Is there a solution to death, this human existence, this false religion, or their politics?  If so, we have not given it to them; will they give it to us?  Until them, we will continue to test the stubborn ignorance of the communists and these elite terrorists.  You can see the torture and corruption in their face.  It is a death defying escape and they are going to get a lot of people killed; unless they give us the solution or answer to the puzzle.  The prosecutors are waiting patiently and I really need my money for Satellite Warfare.  Is this visible or what everybody is watching?  If they are damned people, do they believe in the truth or the forces of good and perfection?  What is their worth to fight this?  Fighting now and full pitched warfare?  Talk, before people get hurt or die because of this corruption.

THE TORTURE TEST THEIR WILL, FORTITUDE, STAYING POWER, STUBBORN IGNORANCE, WELCOME CENTER POLITICS, HOW MUCH THEY CAN TAKE, AND HUMAN EXISTENCE:  It is not one or two of them; both Republican and Democrats need to be tortured.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and have not done anything to them, yet.  This level of corruption will never slip by or be excused, never.  It is a death defying escape.  It is on film.  It is a conspiracy and we are testing the will and stubbornness of the communists and the criminals who exist among us.  They can continue to fight it or get out of bed.  Now they have to figure out a solution to death and war.  I am waiting patiently for my money while they keep the pressure up or add more corruption.  The nation is in crisis and this is a test the federal prosecutors need to study about communism, corruption, or false religions.  Their federal benefits need to be cut off or shut down; they should be deported as traitors.  When the federal prosecutors have to wait patiently for a conspiracy to end or the truth behind cover-ups, there must be severe consequences to high crimes and sedition.  They must get whatever they want from us, a marriage?  This is exactly what Ann Coulter described and the vast warnings about how illegal this is.  What will happen to their will and human existence when they break or crash?  We have a ban on them, zero tolerance.  Look at our worth and look at theirs, not communist?  Testing our will and existence, the people’s power?  Do they know why torture needed?  Talk.  We are waiting patiently.

LIED ABOUT BEING FIRED OR WHY:  They continue to pretend they have high aspirations for us and continue to play act about how close or adversarial they are.  That is the communist and corruption for you.  When they get fired, ask them to explain why they got fired or their worth.  Somebody is lying and is desperate about it.  It is their personality and also worth; they have no worth.  They lied about a lot of things such as being our parents or even trying to hire us.  They were trying to cause financial damage and had every intention on firing us.  Now it is being done back to them but in the worst way imaginable, in the public view and under the scrutiny of the most powerful nations.  It is clearly visible and worst than embarrassing because of who or what they are.  They claim nobody got hurt and it was all legal; nothing to hide.  It was brainwashing and horrendous experiences; they lied about it all.

DEATH DEFYING ESCAPE AND A REALLY GOOD BOOK!  Nobody got hurt?  Imagined it all and is mentally ill.  Ann did not warn them?  Ann did not say anything?  Being hired right now?  This is the Office of Satellite Warfare and I do give orders to the military and police forces; what to expect and what is coming.  Please take their damn time at our expense.  Forget the 911 and drug war part, why didn't you just pay two billion in damages and stop when told?  Needed evidence and proof?  Nobody got hurt nobody is hurt. 

KNOW WHO WE ARE NOW BUT DID NOT OR DID NOT GET ANY WARNINGS?  Total lie.  They were told over ten thousand, even upwards of one hundred thousand times to sit down, shut up, and stop causing trouble.  They were also told to present ID or identify themselves.  They used evasion and secrecy to conceal all this information to evade or avoid capture, identification, or arrest.  What is their worth?  Exactly how much damage did they do and why did they keep so quiet or keep attacking?  When did they know?  When were they given plenty of warnings?  That is a death sentence and life imprisonment; right there.  If they had information or could assist the investigators; how come the interrogation and 911 plots occurred in the back room or via secret channels? Didn't know who were?  Could not tell and still cannot?  Got a bad deal out of the whole thing?  How many times do you tell someone to shut up and sit down before they do it?  Twenty years later, you wake up reborn or know your value and worth? Ann Coulter never said anything to them or explained to them what they are doing and to whom?  That is a total lie, completely false.  

ONE OF THEM MUST TALK, IS THEIR LIFE WORTH ANYTHING?  HOW MUCH IS THIS WORTH?  Do you see my worth yet?  Are they the communists?  Do we know who they truly are?  How did they get so narcissistic and evil?  Do they admit they are worthless and trash?  Do they admonish and confess our worth before they write more or swear to the grave they will never talk?  How about what they wrote?  How about what they did?  Are they worth this much?  Are they forgiven?  What would you do if you were the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes?  How much are they worth really?  From start to end, why am I the only one who had to go to federal prison or jail?  Was that a joke nobody found funny?  Oh they got set up again?  Why are there federal prosecutors waiting patiently for the truth?  We know they are Americans, but what is their worth if anything now?  How did they come up with that and can they write it down for the world to verify? Eventually the truth will come out, do they know this yet?  

IT GOES ON YOUR RECORD, NOT MINE:  It is on your time and your record; I don’t care about your lip service, well intentions, or endless excuses.  I don’t even care if God forgave you or if you are a cry-bitching reborn jackass.  I don’t even care if you know Ann freaking Coulter.  When I say talk and the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently, I also mean I have waited patiently for my money and to be paid for this.  Is that too much to ask?  Thank you I been through a lot okay so don’t push me any further than I need to be.  If you are a threat to the public and got a whole lot of people killed; then you definitely need to be off the police force, leadership, or military ranks.  Understand yet?  Now talk…  I am sure you had no idea, are very gentle, and mean well; of course you do.  I also bet you are peaceful, civilized, well educated, and want to have sex with us; get in line okay.

PRETTY GOOD AT THIS:  I know you are pretty good at this and exactly how good and capable you traitors or the wall of corruption is.  Make your bets and make your moves, you are pretty good at this so I trust you do not need my advice, intelligence, or leadership.  I still end up with two billion and I still end up with Satellite Warfare, make your move.  Talk, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently to take this down and to be in my new strategy and winning plans.  I take them somewhere and give them something to be very proud of; not a bunch of lies, fraud, and debts.

LEADERS OF THE COLD WAR AND SABOTAGING IT, EVIDENCE?  Who is too damn poor, too damn stupid, too damn sick, too damn fake, too damn ignorant, too damn criminal, too damn manipulative, too damn corrupt or criminal, too damn spying on us, etc... how did we get here?  Now they want to take over the Pentagon or The Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes?  Looks like they took over the Republicans or sabotaged them; can we prove it yet?  We know they are the Democrats and embracing this but keeping quiet.  How did we go from perfection to some clone or copy cat that is a communist traitor, mole, and is sitting on top of the cold war leadership?  How?  Who is this much of an asshole?  Who is this dead or brain dead?  So are the communists the Republicans or the Democrats?  Whose fault is it? Who is the mole or the problem?  Who is actually in charge or the boss?  Who exactly is this enemy?

DID ANN COULTER SCREW UP HER LOVE LIFE AND ULTIMATE SEARCH FOR A SOUL MATE?  Oh the debate just keeps going on and on.  To no avail, people just keep screwing it up, railroading each other, full of conspiracy and cover-up, and all the nonchalant drama we just do not wish to know about or see. 

HAVE ENOUGH TOILET PAPER FOR THIS MISSION:  You have to ask and you have to trace the anchor.  To trap them is very easy, collect all of the toilet paper and guard it 24-7 until they come or try to clean up.  You can’t live on diapers forever. 

RUNNING AROUND BRAGGING ABOUT THEIR MURDER OR THEIR BEST FRIEND:  Need I say more.  We believe in perfection and the truth is perfection.  But that properly describes this enemy who feels they are the victim of religion, God, the police, and military might.  All I do is document it and put it through the verification process; it is authenticated.

WILL NEVER BE THE SAME EVER AGAIN:  If this is about change, then Uncle Same has spoken and we all can agree on this outcome; desired and undesired.  So much was put into their change or transformation. 

WILL DO IT AGAIN:  Yes we know.

WE EITHER WIN THIS OR LOOSE IT:  There is no rewind, out, or restart.  There is no end or second chances; either you are verified and drafted or you join the enemies; there is no in between or gap in my thinking, program, plans, or well thought out course.  Either they give us life or theirs will be taken away, justifiably.  They have no voice or any power in this process, none.

WHY?  IF I HAVE THIS WON, WHY ARE THE REPUBLICANS IN THE TRAP OR THE CULPRIT?  WHO EXACTLY ARE THEY?  So who is their boss or do they have any?  We know what to do about them, don’t we?  This is about race and racism; racially motivated.  There is a verification and authentication process being completed.  Are they sabotaging the Republicans, buying the Party, or are they only boosting the Democrats?  Oddly, they work secretly and are unfired, not under the gun; a conspiracy and racketeering scam using the media to control information, news, and facts.  Oddly, they are unrepentant victims trying to fight back; how and why, they are the communists and we caught them.  How can they take a position of war with us when they tried to have us surrender under the power of the communists, now they are inert and harmless?  This was the race card and racism.

THE TRUE MEANING OF NUCLEAR WARFARE, WE CAN ACCEPT A LEVEL OF FAILURE:  We have this won, only they have messed it up, harass the victory, or force the surrender of Satellite Warfare.  They got a bad deal and are in charge?  The sanctions and process to justice is not finished, they will need a prostate exam for being unrepentant and fighting back.  The truth hurts and it will blow them up and make them much slower and more stupid, paranoid.  Is it possible we have found or accidentally discovered the true meaning of nuclear war?  Are they truly a blow up doll?  

WANT TO GIVE US "CRACK" AND DRUGS:  wonderful, it must be me?  Oh, they got a bad deal and are still plugging away, we have to move on?  We do not have this won yet?  How?  Who lied and who wrote total lies about me?  The federal prosecutors want to know and I need my money and life back, legal damages!  I don't have this won yet?  Satellite Warfare is being destroyed or bombed?  The Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes is being attacked?  By who?


LOSING CONTROL OF THE MEDIA, FACTS AND LEGAL PROCESS, GLOBAL FINANCES, GLOBAL MILITARY POWER, POLITICS IN AMERICA, THE POLICE, AND ESPIONAGE OR COMMUNIST SPYING:  They are losing their voice and control; slowly but surely.  I have this won already, who is going to show up and try to harass it or ruin it?  We will wait and we will be ready!  I did not sign up for this but now it is too late and diplomacy is not the method or road.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I have waited patiently for my money and life to be returned.  This is what can happen when total assholes get in our life or stupid poor people who have political control or power.  They are ignorant, stupid, poor, uneducated, and not the least worried about what can happen.  This is who is in the net and trying to escape this trap; we seek justice and the truth.  They live in a state of total disarray.  Do they have any fight?  Is there a solution to death and surrender?  Are they done and do we have justice yet?  We wait patiently while they come around and make secret contacts-attacks.

DON'T LIKE THEM EITHER!  ASK THEM, HOW WE SHUT THEM UP AND MAKE THEM GO AWAY.  WE DO NOT WANT TO FEEL THEIR PAIN OR RUIN OURS, DO THEY?  Again, they want to share and feel their existence is a two way street.  Now it is only a one way street and they keep coming or contacting us.  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and I still wait patiently for my money.  What happens when they get in our life or run their mouth?  Feel the pain?  Who is this pest and traitor?  Who is this communist and political enemy in our homes, life, and stalking us?  Feel their pain?  Share life with them?  In charge or run our life?  Investing in us and into inter-racial perfection and justice?  Nobody likes this asshole or what they have done, nobody.

I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY TERROR PLOT.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY RACIAL GAMES.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY RADICALIZATION SCHOOL.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY DUMB WHORE TRYING TO GET A HUG.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY RELIGION ALWAYS CRYING, BEGGING, OR ON THEIR KNEES.  I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY POOR MOVEMENT OR LABOR UNION GRIEVANCES.  People do have rights and liberties; now live up to them.  Again, the prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  Let have a word with their leaders and authority for a second.  There is a reason why I am parading these assholes in the street, perhaps someone is asleep on the job or maybe they are very unqualified.  However, we are trying but the support structures, funding, and problems in government are immense.  

WHAT LAST MAN STANDING GAME?  IT DOESN'T EXIST AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE.  CRIMINALIZING VICTIMS?  ROBBING PEOPLE?  RADICALIZATION PROCESS STOPPED IN THEIR TRACKS:  The prosecutors are waiting and obviously they don’t care; inhuman and risk taking on a level this world will never see; and the best faces on it.  Yes they are totally nuts and do not know where they are or who they are talking to.  How many times did they deny being Al Qaeda or the egg of 1960s radicalization?  How many?  How many times did they deny being communists?  You can see it in their eyes and voices.  They are rapists and serial killers, saw them in action. Yes the mental illness game also!

TURN YOURSELF IN AND END THIS LAST MAN STANDING GAME:  Why do you keep coming around or contacting me, nobody has quit or you do not want to end The Last Man Standing game?  Why do you keep saying totally insane things we know is not untrue or baseless?  Are you a slave in a giant world and are you in the den of the greatest humans on earth, spying on them or the victory of the greatest battle on earth?  We have not reached the grounds for war or have to quit because you are biased or do not like us?  Is this why you are being prosecuted and shut down; thrown out of the land of giants and are on your knees begging?  You will embarrass your family or seriously harm your own career and life; a form of death.  You will loose and already have.  Talk!  The prosecutors are waiting and God hates what you are doing.  Do you know what an asshole is yet?  Do you know where you are or who you are talking to yet?  When?  When will this end, it has been almost thirty years.  You can only start a war, loose it, or harm you family and embarrass the world of giants.

TAKE YOUR TIME, TALK IT OUT, KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS, DRAG YOUR FEET, PLAY THE LAST MAN STANDING GAME, INVESTIGATE US, HARASS THE MATTER, SCREW UP ANN A LITTLE MORE, PUT THE PRESSURE OR BLAME ON US:  This is the greatest battle on earth and the people who won it are the greatest humans on earth.  Keep in mind it has been nearly thirty years since this began.  I do have medical needs.  I do have biological needs.  I do have a right to liberty and happiness.  I too have needs and really do not need more advice, legal representation by the defendants, more mistakes and imperfections, more insanity, or verbal nonsense.  Don’t try to put all of that on the responsibility of Ann Coulter or my family; come between us.  Just understand what an asshole is and what they have done to embarrass and hurt my family and my life.  I have needs even after thirty years of this; and I had it won back then.  How or why it took thirty years to figure out who they were and finally put them into a position of surrender must also be an act of diplomacy.  I have needs and I need my life, mission, and money; if anything than for Satellite Warfare.  If anything than for my peace of mind and to get these assholes out of my life; I do have needs in life and am not reliant or a victim of an asshole traitor.  Why should they end this if there is only going to be more pain, suffering, war, and their death?  Exactly.  The only way is to babysit our life or make it inescapable; evade capture and escape. 

IT IS EMBARRASSING AND IT IS TOTALLY CRAZY, WE DID WIN:  Do not take another step and shut up and do as you are told.  I’m calling backup.  Turn yourself in before I get more creative with what little I have.  I don’t get danger pay, I need to get paid, and this has been almost thirty years.  The prosecutors are waiting and I have patiently. Your lies and criminal life has run it's course asshole, look what you have done; it is now the cancer in your mind and your lobotomy.  If you do not know whether God hates you, than neither do we; do we?  Remember, you are the slave in the land of giants and it is extremely embarrassing and now a crisis and ordeal in our blessed life.  

DO YOU KNOW WHAT CRIME IS OR HOW MUCH TROUBLE YOU ARE IN?  Yet the records indicate you have a kit and have experience evading it; I am a bloodhound.  Where did you learn this or go to school, the mothership?  How can you take such extreme risk, for so long, and remain on the loose?  Do you know what the police is or what an asshole is?  Not yet?

DO YOU KNOW HOW ANGRY AND DANGEROUS THESE PEOPLE ARE ASSHOLE?  A simple yes or no is fine.  What a total asshole.  Do I need a lecture or advice on how dangerous or angry they are?  They are slaves and they are poor and hungry.  I have this won asshole, do I need this?  Do I need any help with my creative skills or analytic power?  I must be a one man Army if I do, or extremely annoyed. How do I reply to this total insanity, how?  Write you a polite letter?  

HAVE I KNOCKED YOUR DOOR DOWN, SHAVED YOUR HEAD OR MESSED WITH YOUR WIFE?  Ah, so you are thankful and it could be worse asshole.  A simple yes or no is fine.  What exactly is your motive besides crime, terrorism, and communism?  Are you telling me or asking me to knock your door down, come and get it, or shave your head?  Yes or no? Do I come to your home and do this?  

DO YOU KNOW WHAT AN ASSHOLE IS?  YES OR NO?  Then shut up, leave us alone; and do as you are told.  You are not above the law or immune, pardoned.  Understand?  The prosecutors are waiting and I have also.  It’s a family thing and it’s a marriage ceremony, anything you say. Just shut up before things get worse.

DID ANYBODY EVER HEAR ME SAY OR WRITE THIS?  I don’t remember ever saying make a mess, follow me in life, be part of my family, or continue to be a total asshole in my life.  Making a mess is one thing.  Cleaning it up and covering it up is another.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I have been waiting patiently asshole.  Get it right and get this right.  Did I ask to have a total asshole in my life or a slave in the land of giants?  Does anybody see a “Welcome Slaves” mat on my front door or embassy?  Has any giants gone to the slaves and said welcome brother and sisters?  How am I supposed to argue or fight back, even reply?  Should I become very creative and very mean?  Look through over ten years of written material, where did the communists get this idea from?  Do they understand what a total asshole is, yet?  Do they need an explanation or some help?  Here I go getting creative again!

OKAY GET IN F’IN LINE AND START BEGGING FOR WATER AND RICE:  I don’t like to wait and I really don’t like what this complete asshole and psychopath is trying to do, not one bit.  The federal prosecutors are waiting and I have waited patiently for my money.  I will do this and take this mission my own direction and my own way; I don’t like to wait or be reliant.  There, feel better?  Get it right will you, assholes!  We could shave their head, dress them up as seals, and lock a ball and chain to them while they swim for their life?  Cruel but effective, just pay the legal damages you asshole and go away will you.  I have a very creative mind, VERY, don’t push me or take me there okay.

WANTS TO QUIT, DON’T LIKE THEM, SEVERELY BULLIED AND ABUSED, HEALTH IS DECLINING, LOSING FIGHT AND MIND, TOO STUBBORN AND WRONG, DON’T KNOW THEM, A VERY BAD EXPERIENCE:  The federal prosecutors are waiting; just pay the F’in legal damages and go away.  You are in the land of giants, not slaves; we are giants in the land of slaves, not giants.  What the F do I do with all of these assholes, tell them to get in line and beg for water and rice?  Tell them to talk!  What the F do I have to do in order to get my legal damages, life back, mission back, and everything?  This is the almost thirty years, how the hell do you get away with this or do this?  What do we do with all of these assholes?  Torture them?  Kill them by the train load?  Starve them?  Insult them or throw them on the ground?  If this was world war we would be stepping on their bodies or sneaking in their village and burning down their food supplies.

IN ORDER TO SURVIVE AND WIN THIS, I NEED THE MOTHER SHIP AND I NEED THEM TO TALK, THE FEDERAL PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING:  To win this war and the greatest battle on this earth; I need my money and life back; it costs money to obtain these desired outcomes and restore my life; a lot of legal damages.  This is the only way to avoid war or a resurgence of this emancipation of the inert traitors and communists.  Why and how did they float to the top and do this?  Do we shut down the media or allow them to buy up and wreck everything in the name of peace and terrorism?  Defrauding the public and conspiracy at this level is totally insane and psychotic. 

ANN WHAT PEACE TABLE AT THE PEACE TABLE?  What peace table?  Did you ask them?  Will to wage war broken yet?  Back at the peace table again, not in Paris but my living room.  She brokered a peace treaty?  They look like they were bombed to hell and back!  Peace table or cocktail party? Does anybody know peace talks are occurring or what is in them? Anybody?  Nobody cares?  We have to conform?  We have another thing coming?  You don’t care.  You are not a racist.  You hate America and anybody who opposes an asshole and the poor?  What a total and complete asshole, they are not racist and do not have hate in them.  Talk!

WHAT DID ANN COULTER ASK FROM THEM?  WHAT DID SHE DO TO THEM AND DID THEY ASK?  Told them to talk!  Now talk!  Did they imagine this and could it be her?  Do you think it could be Ann or is it just me?  Where is the mothership?  Who is behind the cold war, their office and leader?  Who is it on the other line?

WHAT DO THEY WANT?  WHAT ARE THEY ASKING?  WHAT DO THEY WANT FROM US?  A total asshole.  A complete liar or psychopath.  Radicalization.  A felony record.  A suicide.  Massive injuries or death.  A human piece of trash or slave.  Bad looks, bad DNA, bad hair, bad skin, and defection.  Benefits, both among friends and real money.  Access.  Percentage.  Jobs.  A face for the story.  A legend to fool or follow.  Yes, they must be the police and investigating; it can’t be them and it never happened.  A spy ring.  A terror ring.  Media control.  More ammo.  A solution to death and political failure.  A new life.  A new identity.  Our DNA or identity.  Asia.  Economic sustainability.  Domination at war.  Numbers.  More and better…

IT CAN’T BE FOX NEWS OR THE REPUBLICANS; AND IT IS NOT THEM, THEY ARE THE ELITE AND RICH, PARTNERS, HOT CHICKS, EMPLOYERS, REPORT THE NEWS, AND OUR FRIENDS (THEY GOT COPS ON THEIR SHOW):  Have they asked Ann Coulter, yes or no?  Did they ask her about me or Satellite Warfare, yes or no?  Are they 100% sure, yes or no?  That explains why their fingerprint is on it and how we got all of this; is anything true since it is all on tape?  What is the Last Man Standing and can Ann Coulter describe it, yes or no?  What exactly are they up to, can they describe it?  Can they describe what Ann Coulter is doing or did?  Yes or no?  Is or was there a murder plot on Ann, yes or no?  Was I able to break it up or question their leaders?  Yes or no?  It can’t be them and they are not behind any of it; they are fighting Al Qaeda.  Who and what is Al Qaeda?  Ah, that is the kicker.  Who am I or us?  Ah, another surprise.  Is it a cult of evil and selfish criminal acts?  Yes or no?  Are they victims?  Yes or no?  Are they trying?  Did they let the world in on this secret?  Who is the author?  Where did it come from?  Why are they running loose and investigating?  Who are they investigating? 

WE DON’T REALLY HAVE ANYBODY IN THIS WORLD OR TRUST ANYBODY:  Just remember where we are and what level we are at.  Both Ann and I don’t really have anybody in this world and even if we do, we don’t really trust anyone or they just do not understand who and what we are.  Keep this in mind before they decide to do more damage or rack up more and more damages.  Waging war on us was one thing, forcing us to live with their total mess or burdens are another.  Now they don’t even accept any responsibility for what they did or what has happened.  If they have a death wish that is one thing, but to drag us into the grave with them is another.  Due to all the damages, I have already taken the steps to replace Ann and she is taking the steps so I do not have to.  This is the odd contradiction between her life and mine; also what they exploit or how they make it worse.  Do you think the satellite warfare program is staffed or the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes is around each and every time I have a problem?  How about the FBI and the police?  Do you think if anybody gave it 24-7 it would make a difference for either Ann or I?  Already I am the only person on duty, other than Ann; I am overworked and underpaid.  I also did not sign up for this, never ever did.  None of these people want to pay for the damages or take any accountability; nobody does; so they claim to be friends, lovers, and even family.

VERY HARD TO BREAK ANN AND I UP, EVEN PROFESSIONALLY:  No matter how much effort they try and even if they do manage to break our love or romance up; they are going to find it even more difficult to break us apart on the professional level.  However, it comes at a consequence.  Similar to family, you can take the love out of the family but not the family out of the love.  In politics and world war, know who you can trust and trust who you can love.  When it comes down to a fight, know who will stand next to you to the very bitter end.  You cannot break up the Office of Satellite Warfare or even touch the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; you can try but all roads will lead to the same result.  Keep plugging away and wasting more of our time.  I guess this is why they say everybody dies in battle with someone else.  

GOT THE SHIT BOMBED OUT OF US BUT WE EVENTUALLY WON THIS, CONSPIRACY AND COVERUP IN THE RANKS!  Even if they did everything and anything to bomb the hell out of us, even keep us as hostages and prisoners 24-7; we did make a comeback and won this.  That is to say much about them or what they are up to and are still doing now, it is still a pitched battle and there is conspiracy and coverup in the ranks.  Regardless, we won the ultimate victory and expect much more now.  They can keep trying or try until they are shut down, bleed to death, or self destruct.  Evil has no place in this world, none; they have no place now.

CONSPIRACY AND COVERUP IN THE RANKS, GOOD THING THE PENTAGON AND ANN COULTER WAS THERE FOR ME OR CAME THROUGH FOR THIS:  Imagine what would have happened had the DoD wisdom did not retire me and I was in the line of fire or active duty?  That would be a death sentence and a very nasty predicament to be in.  Imagine also what would have or could have happened if Ann Coulter did not come through for me or if I was stuck in the ocean of madness without a life preserver.

TRYING TO ANNOY US OR TRAP US:  They went far beyond trying to annoy us; however, we are not at war yet so we cannot kill them by the truck loads or the train loads.  Get ready though because if it ever comes down to it, we want to be ready and prepared mentally.  Clearly, they are not thinking perfectly.  The truth is perfect, do you believe in the truth or not?

PERFECT AND RIGHT FOR US; OR PERFECT AND WRONG FOR THEM:  They have a justice now and they have a choice whether or not our life will be perfect and right for us or totally wrong and perfect for them.

THE INVASION FROM THE NORTH:  Clearly, the invasion from the north continues and they are hiring; even if they are poor, angry, and stupid.  At least they are warm in Florida.

PARTY OF POOR, ANGRY, AND COLD CONTINUES:  Not only are they hiring, they think it is their home and we owe them respect or money.  This must be why they are all getting thrown out or foreclosed on?  The invaders from the north are always up to something and always trying to get something for nothing; story of America?  Furthermore, they really bother decent people.  We are so blessed and lucky to have their power among us and they are so blessed to have us in their life since they have no family or nothing.

VICTIMS OF GOD, RELIGION, MILITARY MIGHT, SATELLITE WARFARE, AND THE NEW PENTAGON OR LAW ENFORCEMENT CRACK TROOPS:  We are seeking justice and the truth is not illegal, but the truth hurts and well deserving.  If it came down to war, I would kill them by the train load that is how scared I am of them and the cold-north bunch. But we aren't there yet and I have not begun to kill them by the train load so they should be more careful of the world they live in. That is war and that is where they are taking this nation.  They do want war and we have given them the channels and the methods to begin World War III.  The Americans are scared to death of the communists, why?  So are the police, is it their politics and numbers?  Or is it their crime? Be scared of the world they live in also.

THE WAR ON POVERTY:  Yes that was The Vietnam War or the Television War.  Everybody can see it now and everybody knows I am owed two billion dollars.  They owe the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes something perfect such as justice or the truth.  If it came down to war, then we will have to kill them by the train loads; this is what they want or are asking.  This is what their leaders want and why we are paralyzed and trapped in their web of deception and lies.  

GOOD LOOKS DO NOT WIN WARS.  GOOD LOOKS DO NOT MAKE MONEY.  GOOD LOOKS DO NOT GIVE THEM GRADES.  GOOD LOOKS DO NOT MEAN THEY ARE IN CONTROL OR THEIR CHURCH IS AN UNREPENTANT POOR ASS VICTIM.  What a total asshole and psychopathic sex offender; everybody is going to go cuckoo on them.  This is the greatest war on earth.  The people in charge are the greatest humans on this earth.  The victory is about the greatest people they will ever see or walking this planet.  Admit the obvious and talk!  The federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  Everybody will go crazy on their sexy ass, sex appeal, Last Man Standing, or charisma.  They are going through the same experience and fighting the same enemy, but in wolves clothing.  We won, this is our victory, and it can only get worse for them; please harass the matter or sabotage it.  Good looks are not a get out of jail free card but they have nowhere to move to; need this victory and the greatest humans on earth.  What I describe are only pressure tactics, a murder plot, their survivor story, and why they need energy and life after the cold war, too poor now and need a solution, a new life.  So why do we go totally crazy on their sexy ass?  

THEIR EMANCIPATION HAS NOT BEEN WON, IS NOT ON THE TABLE, AND WE HAVE NOT WITNESSED GREATNESS AT ALL:  To win the greatest battle on earth, the greatest war ever in mankind, or fight the greatest humans on this earth; you have to show greatness, not failure.  Their emancipation grows increasingly risky, more precarious, and in total disarray.  We need to see much more than stupidity, laziness, secrets or ludicrous nonsense, and what has to be reported because they are inhuman and everybody will go crazy on their ass; a total loser. 

WANTS TO ANNOY US, MAKE US WAIT, DRAG THEIR FEET, TAKE THEIR TIME, PISS US OFF MORE, ETC… Why do I have to repeat myself or re-live this ordeal, why?  I don’t like any of you assholes, nothing.  Understand?  Hey the prosecutors are waiting patiently, I’m waiting patiently, don’t come around and don’t make contact, don’t show off your audacity or boldness, I am not a US embassy to come and go as you please, I’m not a coke-head or want to be a recipient of your crack-head life, I don’t give a crap about your addiction or life as an escort, etc… Don’t keep the prosecutors waiting, don’t run your mouth or keep crank calling, don’t tell people you will do as you please or come as you are, don’t ask to be shut down or ask to have your will to wage war broken, don’t tempt the obvious and make Satellite Warfare suffer from your will to wage war on the leaders, the inventor, and the origin of the greatest war on earth and the greatest humans that are walking this earth.  Show us something real and show us greatness if you wish to win your emancipation okay asshole.  I want my money and have been waiting patiently for my legal damages; I am getting really annoyed and ready to shut down anything or anybody over this.  Will this break their will to wage war on us or throw everything our way?  I don’t like to wait but am forced to patiently; so be the federal prosecutors.  

ALWAYS IN CHARGE, ALWAYS F'IN EVERYTHING UP, A TOTAL ASSHOLE, A TOTAL DISASTER, WILL SAY OR DO ANYTHING, TINKERING OR MEDDLING, ALWAYS TRYING TO BE THE BOSS:  what a complete and total asshole on their knees and begging.  Start timing their next attack or nibble; how long until they can come back again?  Are they in retreat, a big gap or quick retreat, hiding; and how much energy do they have left until death?  They claim coming back is to get a hug and makeup; get ready for another wave or nibble! Keep them down and on their knees.  Again, the prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  

THERE IS COLLATERAL DAMAGES AND WE HAVE TO ACCEPT A SMALL DEGREE OF FAILURE:  Who the F mixed them up and allowed this to happen?  What a stupid SOB are they deaf or dumb also?  Now they are enthusiastic to be paraded and on their knees?  What a F'in slave, really.  They will say and do anything.  

GOING THROUGH SAME EXPERIENCES, $1 PHOTO OF ENEMY AND TRAITORS DRAGGED THROUGH STREETS ON KNEES BEGGING OR WORSE:  Who wants a picture of them on their knees, dressed up, and dragged through the streets as a war prize?  They are begging for love and affection, nasty and cruel photos.  They will do anything, anything!  Who wants a photo of our slave before the prosecutors blow them away?  More candid photos not available but may be in the future!  Extremely explicit (hint) and in their best Sunday dress; chained up, well bathed, educated, sophisticated, and begging worse than a slave! 

NOT TRYING TO RADICALIZE ANYBODY EITHER, GROUNDS FOR WAR:  Not only are they doing this and everything they say is not even true; we are friends and they are not trying to radicalize us or recruit us for a terror plot.  Take a guess who and what we have right now, total assholes?  They don’t like us either so long as they are in charge.  Shall I strap bombs to me also before they are finished?  Are they going to pay my family a reward?  How about Ann, are they radicalizing her also?  Friends?

LOVE THEM TOO!  TOTAL ASSHOLES, TOTALLY INSANE, TOTALLY DISCONNECT FROM REALITY, TOTALLY GUILTY, TOTALLY GUTLESS, ETC.   Your looks have nothing to do with the outcome.  What you say and how you say it is futile.  You do not know the right people, not now.  We don’t like you either.  You are always in the way.  You are disruptive and a total disaster, total disarray.  You are stupid and we know why.  You live in the land of giants, always begging, reliant, and on your knees.  Shall I go on?  Are there any grounds for war if we do not like you either?  Any?  Is it impossible to win or win the Last Man Standing conspiracy and terror plot?  Do you also feel you can escape prosecution or will do the exact same thing?  So you don’t like us and want to quit or tell us to quit and move on.  Is that grounds for war yet?  How do you expect me to fight back or seek my rights, how?  How do you expect me to quickly claim my rewards or my Satellite Warfare mission?  Wait for you?  Quit?  Get hired or be appointed by your church or these lousy immigrants in the land of giants?  Do you think you will get away with this or are you completely disconnected from reality?  A yes or no is fine.  Why are you coming around and contacting me, what are you demanding to the death?  We can do real harm to you and the federal prosecutors still wait patiently, it has been thirty years. Get the F off our plane you terrorist and asshole.

WANTS TO QUIT, DON’T LIKE THEM, SEVERELY BULLIED AND ABUSED, HEALTH IS DECLINING, LOSING FIGHT AND MIND, TOO STUBBORN AND WRONG, DON’T KNOW THEM, A VERY BAD EXPERIENCE:  The leader of the slaves have spoken to the land of the giants but do they have the guts for the glory, yes or no?  Quitting or retreat is not a winning strategy; it is a path to death and failure; also federal prosecution and legal damages.  Where are we taking their people, to the land of giants or the land of slaves?  Who is in line and who is begging for rice and water? 

A SLAVE IN THE LAND OF GIANTS, REFUSES TO PAY LEGAL DAMAGES OR GO AWAY:  Again, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I.  Diplomacy is futile and they are slaves in the land of giants but think they are giants in the land of slaves.  Act this way or try to debate your case in the land of giants and punishment will be dealt in secret, no secret negotiations; written verification and authentication only.  Do you have the balls and the guts to earn the glory?  Come and get the glory if you are a giant in the land of slaves.  Come around again and we will pencil in this weekend, is that okay?  I am not on my knees or begging so I don't need to know your rape stories or church experience asshole.  You want the glory but don't have the guts as slaves in the land of giants; come and get it?  Last Man Standing?

THIS IS THE COLD WAR, THIS IS THE GREATEST BATTLE, DO YOU WANT TO REPORT IT OR NOT?  It is a yes or no.  Talk!  Stop trying to control us or the flow of information, even the truth.  Soon all of you will be in a line begging for rice and water; but this does not change who you are and what you did to the greatest war on earth or the greatest human beings who fought it and won it.  Do I get danger pay?  Do I get paid for any of this?  How about the legal damages, the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I; never going to happen?  Impossible?  Too much defiance and resistance?  Their God and will to fight cannot be broken or forgotten?  Is there a solution or answer to death and treason?  Are these people even inert humans?  Lying and risk taking at this level is inhuman, talk!  Did the cold war end with an inert human or pacification of the victorious side?  Do tell us about those cold warriors and cold war scholars. 

PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES, WHAT IF YOU HEARD THIS, READ THIS, AND SAW IT WITH YOUR OWN EYES; KNOW IT IS TRUE:  How would you feel and what would be going on in your head?  It does depend on who we ask but what if we ask the right people, what will they say or do about this?  Are they survivors or our potential murderers?  Are they wolves in sleep clothing or a true 501.C?  Put yourself in their shoes and ask what would you do or what your life would be like?  This is the greatest war on earth and the people who win it or fight it are the greatest humans walking this earth; not what we have here.  Talk!  Can we put an end to their crimes and nonsense?  When?  How?  Why? They are nothing more than alienated nothing and their religion is a cult of selfish acts that get nowhere but hell.  Did we change this or put an end to it yet?  Bring their head?  Why are we forced to wait?  

THEY MAY NOT SURVIVE BUT THERE ARE SURVIVORS OF THIS, US OR THEM:  Their politics is nothing more than a cult of selfish acts, crime, and lies; a swirling cult of personalities. What is their selfish level?  Off the charts selfish.  What is their insanity or psychopathic level?  Off the charts but very civilized and puts on the best face and Sunday dress.  How big of an asshole?  Gigantic and huge, we are dwarfs in their world.  How reckless and stupid?  Immense, off the charts.  How annoying?  Off the charts.  How criminal?  Off the charts.  Are they patient and as well intended as they claim?  Their will to wage war has not been broken and neither has their debt and death, there is no solution to death and failure.  This still does not address the lip lock Fox News, the Republicans, and the paper thin right wing is tight lipped about, what is the password and did they get one?  Verification and authentication is almost completed, got the password or not after espionage and spying?  Their religion is nothing more than a cult of debt, selfish acts, and crime.  Their relationship with God is abominable if not horrendous, total disarray and imperfect; based on their preferences and mood.  Their emancipation blew up in their face and now the truth is placing them in a line to beg for rice and water; that is war and their will to wage it on us is not broken yet.  Do I get danger pay?  No.  Did I get paid for any of this?  No.  Did I sign up for any of this?  No.  All of this is brand new, they can only harass our victory and make it far worse.  Outcomes and success, even victory; usually has a reward and a big check; I’m waiting patiently and so are the federal prosecutors.


  1. This began around the DC-VA area, employers and odd immigrants new in town.
  2. From employment or employers, it grew to odd people in a circle of friends; in High School.  Then it grew to the college level, same; a northern invader. 
  3. From school it followed us into the military and active duty; then it continued to follow us or circled us at first jobs or career; long term goals.
  4. Things got to insane and a dormant period began using travel, mobility, and business ownership.
  5. It then began to re-emerge; harassing the matter, following again and not being foiled and ruining plans or this entrapment or imprisonment.  A trap was implemented to discover who, what, where, when, and why; a discovery process to interrogate this espionage group, terrorist group, and communist incursion.  Pitched battle erupted as a result of this hiring process or re-education camp; a secret war that was supposed to be an extension of the Vietnam War.
  6. First were banks and scams.  Then it was harassment or verbal accosting online and on the internet. Then it was landlords or property owners.  Then it became a formal organization or businesses; things with conflicts of interests, management, and liability or legal requirements.  It because one entity against another, growing in size.
  7. Rush Limbaugh was the first to step in the trap.
  8. Second were Sean Hannity and Fox News.
  9. Then it was Democrats and liberals; a outbreak all over the media.
  10. Third it was the entire mafia stronghold or the labor unions; control of cities or regional corruption.
  11. Then it became federal or interstate; one state to another, this time Florida was the apex of the northern invasion or immigration problem.  The mighty warriors of the poor were expanding and bombarding the nation with bad immigrants; poor, angry, despised northern invaders.
  12. Documentation began and interrogation began, as a formal process of verification and authentication for the Office of Satellite Warfare.

CAN’T ESCAPE OR ID THEM, THE LOVE AND DATING GAME BY A FAT TOTAL ASSHOLE:  Oddly, when it came to dating, privacy and our private life, they did the same thing; and then when we can’t escape nor end this, they would bombard you with harassment or make every hour a total hell; it can’t be them because they do not hate.  It would chip away and break you down.  They would try to rob or gain, in money.  They get very imperfect; trash or ridiculous people.  They try to match you with someone you hate, dislike, don’t get along with, etc… This was a death defying escape by both sides.

A RIGHT TO BE MAD, A RIGHT TO RETALIATE, A RIGHT TO DIRECT BLAME AND SEEK THE TRUTH:  I am mad someone allowed these attacks to happen.  I am upset they tried to cover it up and put a white face on it.  I am upset they are targeting Asians or trying to sit next to Asians.  I am upset they would scandal or scam us into thinking they are watching our best interest.  I am upset such a poor slave and a total asshole could work their way into our life.  I am upset they act like the police or have this routine down so well.  I am upset they allowed all of these attacks and this emancipation to happen.  I am upset this nation has to be ripped apart before we make those captured talk.  I am upset there is no other suspect list and idiots working the case.  I am upset the level of heroism exists while the truth is abandoned.  I am upset such an asshole would even think of trying this.  I am upset they refuse to turn each other in.  I am upset about the level of secrecy while they expect me to fork up money or some benefit.  I am upset the government is this gullible or stupid, mismanaged on this level.  I am upset the government is being used to emancipate someone who cannot do the right thing or is such a total asshole.  I am upset we cannot tell them to take a side and then nuke them to hell.  I am upset they are doing it daily or would even talk to us.  I am upset they call this their home and was allowed in the US.  I am upset they cannot do anything right or won’t do the right thing.  I am upset they are a failure and expect a solution to death and failure.  Will they talk?  Will they ever get anything or benefit?  They sit there, poor, failures, total assholes in unity; a cult of selfish acts and a list of endless crime; do put a pretty face on it or Sunday dress.  Talk!

WHO DID THIS?  DID THE ASIANS OR FOREIGN TRADE RADICALIZE YOU?  I identify them as Al Qaeda.  I chased them for over ten full years.  Can we make them talk?  Will they rat out each other?  When?  Only a failure would do this and say Asians are radicalizing them or oppressing them.  Only a total asshole would do this for political objectives or benefit.

WHAT ARE THEY UP TO NOW?  WE KNOW HOW SCARED YOU ARE OR HOW WORRIED.  PAY FOR THEIR SINS AND CRIME:  Oh did you hear this; they want to break up Ann and me also.  I think we are well aware of how scared this asshole is and how they will pay for each other’s sins.  More of this reliance and dual world or duality, an evil twin.

IF I WERE WORTH A FEW BILLION, THE GREATEST MAN ALIVE, AND THEY WERE HOMELESS OR ON SKIDROW:  Think about this for a second and ask why I have so many financial problems or have so many attacks.  If I were worth a few billion this would be the most ridiculous clown act the world has ever seen.  Furthermore, if I were the greatest man alive; their poor, angry, stupid, and criminal A-hole would be glued up immediately.  So if you put things into perspective, there is a motive and reason behind what they do or why it looks the way it does.  The documents and reports are accurate and so are the attempts to “fire” me or “hire” me.  It is just the most ridiculous clown act the world has seen by a homeless, penniless, or someone on skid row.  What does that say about who and what they are; or what their politics has turned into? 

NOT TRYING AND NOT IN PANIC MODE, THE FORCE BEHIND THEM OR PROTECTING THEM: THE PUBLIC, PUBLIC IMAGE, AND ALL THE FALSE PROPAGANDA AND POLITICS OUT THERE!  If they are all failures and the propaganda they flooded America with is completely false but is being covered up by debt and conspiracy, then they are not the police, bosses, leaders, or what they are trying to impose on us or trying to scam us with.  Clearly, they are total assholes, hostile, and a Trojan Horse.  They claim they are victims of religion, military might, and the police; yet they are the welfare state and a victim culture. We know they are an Al Qaeda group or similar.  They lied about being fired or what is the written truth.  Who is trying and who is not trying?

ARE THEY HUNTING NAZIS OR AL QAEDA: When they see only race, hate, or racism; they become delusional.  The best students and the richest humans are the Asians and the whites.  The largest military are the whites and the Asians; so this is not a race issue.  All of them are total assholes, the army of the damned. All of them are enemies of America; yet there is no solution to death; only deportation or military might.  This is about military might.  It is not about terrorism.  All of them seek an answer to death or failure.  Ann Coulter has proved them wrong; and has disputed and proved wrong everything they wanted to do or tried, a set-up and being framed; all form of imprisonment by slander or false judgments, agitation, harassment, or oppression.  It is what they said and done in the past and it is the financial mess and debts which they seek to keep open or put their best Sunday dress on for.  In other words, war and history is embedded in their existence.  There is no solution to death and failure; but they want reproductive rights.  If the truth comes out, which is the collapse of communism; then they will never recover their public image.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.