Empirical and aggregate data
clearly indicate a disproportional precept to our traditional views of
immigration. High volumes of immigration
to locales and states that statistically show high crime levels, high drug
activity, high predispositions of violence, low academic fortitude, and a
historical trace of poverty; indicate a loophole in the transparency of
one-man-one-vote model. In areas that do
not have this transparency problem, the Democratic model of one-man-one-vote is
less flawed and less rigged in the Democratic Party favor. Therefore, the empirical data obviously
indicate the source of these loopholes as primarily transparency on the local
and state level. Then the empirical data
indicates the high usage of these statistical data to manipulate both federal
and state funds. The concept of religion
and politics, traditional viewpoints on immigration, indicate a higher
proclivity to immigration in Catholic dominated states than traditional
Protestant states. Crime rates among the
various church groups are stagnant, indistinguishable. This host-incubator model shows both
financial motive and benefits of legal and illegal immigration by those who are
typically left wing, radical revolutionary, or beyond the realm of reform of
communist. History has shown that
removing this type of corruption is nearly impossible unless armed rebellion or
conflict among the rivalry is effective.
Who are the best politicians on earth? Who are the worst managers in the world? Who are the worst business managers walking this earth, merely living for the moment? How long can they keep their silence or make their case stronger? Who will bring you closer or give you the peace of standards? Who will torment you? Are they the victims? Are they guilty? Are they just a political leech trying to reproduce or grow rich off the resources of this earth reserved for the people who meet these standards or have? Well, technology has changed all of that and rewritten the history of their church. Security is no longer in numbers and kindness is no longer a warm and bubbly stranger. Those you admire are probably homeless and those you bullied are happier without your meddling. What is the truth? Is it merely to pull off the emperor’s cloths? Is the truth the mere absence of a dictator or complete psychopath in our lives? Is the truth a freedom of speech? Is the truth the real truth, absent of lies? Wait, we learned this as a kid and the Constitution already has answered these questions; why are we revisiting them now? It must be one man one vote; who we hate the most of all? The business they built is the business that killed them. The building they built is the complete joke we are looking at; but who to blame? Who is going to pay? What is going to happen when they begin meddling with our life or mission? This game of destruction has hit the authors of it the most, even us; can this become better or is getting our life back-better impossible? We did have an option and a choice, to pick up a gun and put it to their head. It was that or cut off their ears and bleed them to death, what was worse against criminal insanity?
Was it worth the price of admission? The left wing is left with this reality and the debts that cripple their administration of business. The cold war is over and the communist forces have been defeated, why is everybody worried? We live in only one world, a shared world; shouldn't we be focusing on the real threat or the people who did not disarm or cooperate? Why focus on nationalism or militant groups; it can’t be the left wing because they are victims of the right. These attacks are endless and extremely violent; but the mental illness still exists. We need to spend dollars to fix the cities and the victims of all these militant groups. We need teachers and mentors who have experience and know the cold war is finally over. Even if terrorism goes against the disarmament process, it is highly likely to find its niche among the communist forces who want revolution and an end to all of this. Hence, we get what we have now; failure to communicate. We get it and them taking over the right wing or using legal powers of victims to attack the one last stronghold on this earth; defense dollars. Meanwhile, we are inundated by all of this post-war celebration and boom; what we know was all a complete fraud by the democrats and the pluralists. They fear what they teach. They get looted by their hand they feed. The building they live in is a complete joke and it is difficult to determine if they will make it or retire alive and kicking such as their audacity. Let’s not imagine more to the entire story; especially when it is not reality. Guns win wars, not stupidity. Will those guns ever get to the revolutionary forces or the victorious truth? Will this land on their desk and will they try to contact us, the militant groups of course. Can we trap them by using what they preach against them? If so, then we will be bigger in battle and victorious; why worry if it is worth the price of admission? It is all of our biographies and it is all of our future; why fight it if they can only benefit, nobody cares anymore. Even illegal drugs never took them to retirement, why would we? Will their star power or celebrity nonsense bring them to retirement also? Will ours?
This is what can happen or will happen if enemies who want to die and do not care if everybody hurts or cries meddles in our affair. From a sexual standpoint, they live for the moment but they demand retirement and benefits. This is what will happen, can happen, or has happened; when the left wing and Democrats try to win in our world or win by wrecking our life. It could be better and has been very disappointing but is it worth the price of admission? Is this worth watching our mortal enemies squirm and die, furious about the prospect of retirement or benefits? After thirty years of ferocious battle, now this enemy and left wing political leech is worried about people getting hurt or salvaging what is left? Did the laws or the rights of human beings suddenly awaken? Now? How did the laws of self reliance get turned upside down or decimated? Now they have folklore. Now their historians have something to study and tell; a scientific approach. Now they finally have something free to tell before bed, their family history. They finally see their nation in battle; black robes and in white. It is wholesale sadness and suffering, but at the same time it is pure naked joy. If you look at their history and their ancestors; all of them are accustomed to ferocious battle and then being thrown out; lost and running. They walk in their parents footsteps. Even to the very bitter end and sheer destruction; they remain extremely narcissistic, dumb in decisions, insulting, psychopathic, and pure evil to the very bitter end. What survives is their greed and their benefits, how do they benefit and expand? The power and authority they seek, experience not prosecutor words, is what they fear; the poor and the uncivilized. The building they created is inhabited by looters and criminals; not us. We don’t live in their world or their authority. Do not blame perfection or self reliance; the process of truth telling. What did they get wrong or what went wrong? Their nation is in pitched battle and if they do not like it then goes home destitute; don’t preach it to us. That is the boom. We own these words and our existence, not their retirement. Only they can answer these questions, we have already in writing. Do they truly want to die or win? It is more than a war of words and legalism.
The scientific approach indicates the laws of diminishing returns. The scientific approach indicates illegality or no possible way out. The scientific approach indicates poverty and more problems. The scientific approach indicates surplus weapons and an end to war is to their detriment; even if it won them. Yes the cold war was won by sheer brute force and this winning strategy will continue to push out politics or financial matters. Is this bias to the laws strong enough to preserve their power or jobs? They claim it is financial and a numbers game only; nothing to worry about when evading capture and prosecution. Why would the winners loot the laws or destroy self reliance; why would they destroy their marriage or faithful partners? This is about the poor isn’t it; or is it about the royal court? They forget who is poor and who the royals are; how we got here in the 1960s. Did self reliance loot their politics and power? Right now they will take anything available. Who is the judge and who is guilty here? They forget who is guilty and who is self-reliant but they fear being looted more than they fear security and benefits. How can the communists take over our legal system and how do we clean it out or throw them out? Did perfection loot their security or expose it? Who is the stupid one here and should worry? This is our retirement, not theirs. It is our money and life, not theirs. They can go home with nothing, not us. Is there a science to crime or corruption? Did the police loot them too? Who is uncivilized and stuck in this poor world? Blame it on their stupidity and power of lies.
Is the clash of the right wing
and the left wing illegal or forbidden?
Is the language? Is our right to
exist illegal? How can science describe
the phenomenon of salvaging the left wing when it is written in black and
white? Do they have any books or
religious texts to compare with the science and the degree of illegality? Silence and folklore is not enough when they
face abandonment and poverty resulting from an uncivilized will to survive. Their politics and word manipulation is even
more uncivilized; but is it smart strategy and a good ending to the cold
war? Wholesale is how I describe their
self destruction and the manner they conduct battle and then await the
inevitable. It is also happening on the right wing side, not the
supplies of the left wing; which is very unusual. They seem to enjoy
the suffering and poverty of their parents and their ancestors; while praising
the communist forces in battle. It is very exciting to watch them go
through this evolution while being even more excited about our mutual
progress. They may have superior numbers and control over the poor;
however, it is what they teach and who resides in their church of communist
gooks they fear; not self reliance. They
have not reached the end or the perfection, a standard; how can they blame
militant groups when they fear being looted or the incivility of barbarians? Is that what they got wrong? Don’t blame the truth, self reliance, or
Similar to a rocket and a legal dud,
their lip service and downright rotten behavior only get the communist forces
the meager history their parents had to go through to survive. The
laws of self reliance and independence do not take a genius to get right or
figure out. However, for a complete
idiot who wants to die; it can take almost a lifetime to reach a point of
maturation. Their drug wars and their
financial approach with numbers is knocked out of the circle strategy. What they fear most are their own weapons or
strategies of looting. What do they fear
most, being looted by their own forces or their own existence? This is not our existence, they forget this
sharing method. It is an act of war but
the script is to conceal all of it. Concealment
is an illegal tactic. Their legal judges
do not care someone got hurt and only self reliance is illegal, selfish; they
despise the royals or the royal court opting for the world of poverty and
illegality to stay in power. This was
about self reliance and illegality; trying to salvage what is left or selfish. Do not accuse self reliance of teaching the
politics of independence, fear, death, or debt; but do not try to benefit or
escape evasion during pitched battle.
Their building and life was looted by their own authority and power;
total lies and fraud. Don’t teach it and
it won’t bite back! Embrace self
reliance before even building a home full of chaos or political leeches. Embrace the truth before suggesting they live
in our world or speak it. We don’t like
enemies in our hours of growth and we don’t like people who are not perfect
trying to manage our existence.
What does the world imagine would happen if the king of the royal courts and the king of the peasants were to clash? Would it look and feel as if we were in royal court or the peasant one? Would we be bigger in battle and could the world hear the boom, the speed of sound cross their body? What do you imagine would happen when we dragged them before the public and rip their disguise off to the public? Would they be shocked or would they praise their masters? Well, sometimes we wake up in the oddest world and we don’t even know who we are, do we? Lastly, how did these peasants become as big or grow as big as kings? Was it their education? Was it their loyalty? Was it their skill in battle? Was it their cunning or cleverness? Was it their public relation and their ability to sell? Are they really something special or just a pile of debt and loss there to bother us every minute of every second of the day? Perhaps they just cannot take no for an answer? For this we need to understand the core of
Does it feel like a phony before the royal court or a very evil communist impostor who is totally out of their mind? Have the homeless and the evil taken over our world or our nation? The world we live in is rigged and scripted so that the criminals run loose, we get the bill, the debt is ran up through the roof, the poor and sick get welfare, their church grows bigger, those in power get richer, and the media props up each puppet master. The world we live in is scripted so chaos is anger, the bad guys are loved, and all of them escape prosecution. This has been established. All they have to do is keep their mouths shut and get a paycheck; otherwise, the debt will turn them into a frog in less time than a government shutdown. It has wrecked our financial health and done incalculable harm while they shove our faces in welfare and their life as princes and princesses. Now we are their prisoners and they claim we are trying to escape prosecution, we have done wrong and threatened the health of the nation and the millions of lives pushed to the edge of doom. In other words, it is all welfare and if we open or mouth or put up a fight; we get none; the safety net becomes our worst enemy. Do they really want us to kneel and kiss their hands now? The harm to our future, our financial health, our mental health, and the vulnerability of not being able to clean it up is the taxonomy of pure evil. It also pushes us closer to communism and more drug wars. Can we trap this traitor, wage war on them back, and make them talk or bring them to justice? How? Oh, they also sell lemons and the more you learn about them; the more disappointing their good looks become.
Who owns all of that debt? Who owns all of those homes in debt? Who owns all of that phony and stupidity? Who is calling it or our life their homeland? A bunch of cowards have complicated our lives. Cowards in general, force us to be on our best behavior; otherwise, this would not last so long. It might have been a bad strategy or bad policy to allow the police to prosecute when cutting their ears off would work just fine. Cowards complicate our world and most especially the legal system; however, I think what we have been through it is fair to say we are on our best behavior and it would be far better had we not allowed the police to prosecute this case. Had we kept this among friends and family, all of them would have only one ear, be very attentive, be on their best behavior, and would understand a little better. They all have their ridiculous beards don’t they? We could set them on fire instead of allowing the police to get a crack, couldn't we? Uncivilized speech and mean gestures coming from me? The police can paralyze the situation and even appear as corrupt as or worse than our worst nightmare. The police are not a lemon but there are other ways to prosecute this war and all of these attacks.
You have to ask if your freedom
and your future are worth the price of admission because there are more of them
than us. There are more communist gooks
in our life than needed. There is more
crime and corruption in our world than we care to think about. However, is it worth the price of admission? The worry is they will not make it to retirement
and will have to move; what they practice and preach. For some they have no choice and for others;
they win regardless. When it comes to sex, sex abuse,
inappropriate behavior, illegal behavior, predatory behavior, and endless
attacks; the church of communist gooks ranks among no other in the world. This could be due to their lack of shame,
their ignorance, their criminal penchant, their impoverished history, or the
dumping ground the school system has become.
How do we get rid of them or chase them off; even we have a crisis with
them in it and we won this cold war handily.
We do not see this in any other country.
We don’t see this sexual predator running loose in their privileged
lands, why America ? All of this must be an inside joke; we are
the haves who have to be chased around our homes all day long by them?
The expansionist methods not to be identified and conceal their criminal life are crocodile tears. We have seen this on a personal level away from public scrutiny; but do they have any care or concern over the outcomes even if they are shot down 1000s of times and chip away at us; unable to wreck up our life or trap us in their web of lies? We know they are stubborn, ignorant, stupid, and one mammoth psychopath; hence, we want nothing to do with them and will not be aiding and abetting. We are not going to open that door or let the genie out, even after thirty years of this. Do they care about a desired outcome or only a negative outcome, this is the question. In a state of checkmate, everything they do and say is nothing more than gimmicks, nothing is true. These little clues indicate a very dangerous human being and a very psychotic personality wrapped in the best package they can possibly invent to mislead and throw off investigators. These efforts are to conceal a conspiracy and far worse; while police forces are paralyzed and cannot identify any of them or build a strong case. Do they care about the outcome or have time to consider what can happen if they fail and are finally prosecuted? Will they deny they had any knowledge or were kept in the dark the entire time? Again, we want nothing to do with them or ever did; how many times and how many efforts are we talking about? It is a yes or no, do they even care about the outcome or not? How long were they in checkmate and how long was it deliberate and intentional? Where did they go wrong? They went wrong when they decided they would not do the right thing, hence; we want nothing to do with them or ever did.
Who in their right mind would forgive or befriend their killers? How many people would allow their abductor to get away? Who has the fortitude and evil to fight this case or allow this to happen before their very eyes? It is not the enemies we fear, it is their spies in our ranks who do the most damage. Do we fear them and have we forgiven them or let them go? Why then do they act it or feel this way? Who in their right mind would let them go or allow them do this; aid and abet pure evil and the worst traitors this world has ever caught on film? If so, is
What is communism and where are they now? All you have to do is turn on the TV or pull up our biography. Up to this day, people are asking who and what is terrorism? Do we need more immigrants or an educated work force? Which enemy on this earth is able to use the immigration system and exploit it to their benefit while they remain silent about the large gap between the right wing and the left wing? Now we have the merging of these forces into a bigger and worse battle for the final war on earth. Are we to believe they will provide aid and comfort to our cause? Are we to believe they can be trusted or are our dear friends. Does their participation, across party line; allow the emergence of a third invisible force; the church of communist gooks? Unless we have a very good reason to get rid of them; they must come up with a reason to get rid of us or shoot us in battle; a very good one. They tried and they failed. Now is there any reason to apply the same rules to them? With the emergence of markets larger than the
How do we thank the politics that has been there every step of the way in our development and upbringing? The labor unions, the church of communist gooks, and the organizational skills of the left wing have given us mega joules of confidence and meaning. We are eager to continue this relationship and very eager to draft them, hire them, and share life with them where they are Gods and political bosses. Our life would not be whole and would not be happier; unable to function and exist if it were not for their constant coaching, confidence, intervention, assistance, teaching, and secret meddling; to each us humility and poverty is daily. Asians around the world are in line to donate and send them a check for their fierce protection of the working class and the manufacturing industry; the cornerstone of World War and victory. Their talents and lack of education just proves they are far superior to any other human species on earth. Their devotion to see this to the end and keep tabs on us, monitor us from start to finish; must be honored and not but put to the guillotine. It is this exceptionalism and strength of human character, even in battle; that makes them such a prize and highly sought commodity; will and able to travel long distances and stick a flag on the beaches of
The same people we do not want near our children or anywhere near National Security; continue to dispel the media campaign of being the last word or the experts on the topic. The same people we continue to expose and have every reason to distrust, continue their determined war against us to ensure we are discredited and they are more trustworthy. They are completely disconnected and oblivious to the truth or reality yet they dispel inch for inch the lead and the final say over our lives. The compounded effect of an inferior human being or a human being with an inferiority complex on our life is crippling. Furthermore, the compounded impact of this same inferior human or an inferiority complex cannot even be described. When a group of people, materially comfortable or not, has an inferiority complex; life is hell, and most especially if they are spying on us and stalking us like animals. We are either the love of their life or their worst nightmare, an object of their obsession through decades of espionage. In the end, they fight for a world they are disconnected to and have no meaning in. They refuse to vacate and must be removed, reformed, or until brute force is applied; remain vigilante and determined. What further exacerbates the process is the church of inferior or inferiority complexes; in numbers and in an unmovable policy of silence or corruption. Naturally, until this truth or these facts are reported, it will remain corrupt and in an unreformed or flawed nature. They must be willing to embrace the standards rather than make our life hell or force us to experience their damaged, broken, and futile existence. If they do not, then they will suffer more and more, and for eternity least it be at our hands and the prospect of war. In war we will be showered with riches; never go there again or find out the hard way. Our heritage is warfare and of the worst kind, therefore, there is nothing we need to learn or be lectured about.
Labor and the communist forces lack the educational savvy to comprehend or take the time to seek degrees which allow them a more professional profession or existence. Therefore, they resort to unusual means to skip or study things, or people; the legal system prevents or is severely prohibited. The camera world opened up this world to the labor movement; whose numbers are far behind on education and degrees, whose study of the world is typically the people against them and the people they seek reliance from. Offer the world of evil the tools and they will try to learn and increase their lot in life; to the impact of the liberties of those who have. Education is extremely important because it is an environment to read and learn. Our world and our reality is also a good learning atmosphere but the study of human subjects and the camera in the hands of the communists, can be extremely dangerous and life threatening. The church of stupidity and the poor must be viewed in this format. They are full of gimmicks and with a camera, the gamut of lies, tricks, scams, fraud, and even more gimmicks are amplified as reality. Looking at childhood photos can also create a bond or relation with enemies who are reluctant to give up their squatter rights upon eviction or legal force.
There is no price when damnation and hell is before a human subject. Even people in hell can go before a camera and pull off the heist of the lifetime. When their church and the embarrassment of two worlds understand this crucial relationship between the metaphysical and the human world; perhaps they can separate the greed and selfish means of selling salvation. Religion and war go hand in hand. There is no separation of the two worlds. The boom is the sentence from one world to the other, a damnation and hell no amount of money can possibly address. Even politics is not powerful enough to address the separation of these two worlds. Even the most powerful military of this earth cannot address the conflict of damnation between the two worlds. Now we have the people who tried and were dismantled handily in their constant effort to contaminate one world at the expense of the other. They try, and then they fail, and then they try and try again; a state of heroism and utter criminal insanity due to the state of being checkmated.
The camera is their staple. The camera allows them a pathway to another world. Disruption of men and material is their staple. Disrupting vital resources not only disrupts industries but it disrupts livelihoods. This makes them feel like God and a pathway to heaven. Watching human subjects and disrupting their flow of money is only to their benefit. It allows them reach and the ability to sit in a room with a camera and feel powerful. The camera in the hands of pure evil will be used to impact the lives of humans and to also disrupt their lives. We saw the use of these cameras during The Vietnam War. The camera today is in wide use in each nation and for nationalism. A person can sit in their room or their living room and broadcast around the globe, which impacts the reality and experience of that same human being. To the diseased mind, it disconnects them from the real world and it forms walls around their biases, ignorance, their political views, and it furthers their disillusionment. Some people see nationalism as a curse while others see nationalism as a blessing; it depends on the camera and who is behind it. Who is behind the problems with this camera or this other world? Big Brother has been busted but first he must be slain brutally by the combined military of the world as a show of force.
When a criminal and terrorist of
this capacity are cornered and in checkmate, their state of mind is very
disturbed. In checkmate they go into 90%
total lying and criminal mode. This
means they will obstruct justice, intimidate, tamper with evidence, use scare
tactics, alter their identity, return to the scene of the crime, and do
anything possible to conceal their secret life.
As they see it, everybody is a winner or everybody is a loser. As they see it, we have not stopped them;
therefore, victory now is impossible. If
we cannot stop them and they put us under siege or in a bunker mentality, how
can we possibly win or stop them ever?
This is what we want to see and capture on camera so they cannot deny
it. This is what we want to expose or
drag to the surface. They feel special
and they think they are some other type of creature out of body or not living
in reality, a form of detachment. The
detachment is a complete disconnection with reality; not a detachment we know
from mental thought. When a criminal of
this capacity is in checkmate and throws forward a campaign to taunt the
police, they are not inert and still very dangerous. This is what we want to capture because it
conclusively proves their identity and also the crimes they are charged with. They simply wish to walk away not inert and
not even repentant of their endless secret criminal life. If you castrate a rapist and he or she rapes
again, they are not inert or diffused, still in a state of critical mass or a
very threatening state. If in war, a
military carpet bombs or goes nuclear on an enemy and they are not inert; then
it is not over and nowhere near the end of it.
However, behind a camera; the world is a completely different reality
for the criminal element, completely different.
On the internet or the world of high tech; the same rule applies.
You cannot sit behind a camera and study or watch the flow of money in a household with the intention of disrupting it or disrupting the household. You cannot do this and then put on the best face on camera. You cannot do this to a household or an industry or an entire nation. The left wing and the communists do this. They not only do this but they were caught and trapped doing this. However, that is just a small number on the big board. Using espionage and disrupting or blocking the flow of money or even taking it in a manner so it cannot be noticeable or proven; is a very cunning criminal. That is not the criminal we have though, we have a much bigger one on the other end because the mouse is meeting the lion. The use of illegal espionage to disrupt markets, industries, households, and environmental disasters is a very evil enemy. So why are they still here? Why haven’t they been fired or shut down yet? How are they able to survive in this climate without any prosecution or criminal punishments? That is the biggest mystery of all. The communist forces have changed their espionage and war machine to not rely on welfare but first they have to remove a few obstacles. Will they leave or do they have to be taken out?
As time goes on and the world dies, degradation takes hold. Churches and civilizations have never solved the decline of western civilization or economic sustainability; many tried and failed including the communists. In the world of the communists, it is inevitable and futile to fight; they have already made up their mind and are fighting for this end. As time goes on, crime surfaces and so do the ill behavior that lurks below. There is a secret world and the media world, the public world we can see, hear, and taste. Communism and traitors have found a home in this world and in the world of crime; their worlds collide but internecine warfare is abundant in the criminal world and the communist world. How have we set out to put a final ending to the cold war which has or is headed to the inevitable? How do we address self determination of human defeat by the inevitable poverty they are born into and live under? How do we combat the inevitable as it surfaces and finds a home using and exploiting the freedoms and kindness of the laws, liberty, and the material world? It is a clash of churches and has led to extreme warfare between the churches, why now? In the world where the haves are outnumbered by the have not; disaster looms around the corner. Who are they and what are they; and what do they want while here on earth? Do they want our life, our soul, and even our entire identity; to replace it with a secret world and secret being? Will drugs and medical breakthroughs bring them closer to the end or will we?
Who and what do you fear in this world? Which world do you fear most, the transparent world or the invisible one? Who do you fear most, the good guys or the bad ones; or all of them in total chaos? Do human beings fear the truth and if they do, why? I have the answers and it has been part of my study on the history of thought from the beginning of time to the modern. Why do you fear the truth and why do you fear the secret world of enemies, rogues, and miscreant criminals? To them, they find a home and they find peace in this secret world; but how do you combat what cannot be proven, verified, or ever real? When trapped, expect an atmosphere of fraud and total lies. When cornered, expect behavior and a state of criminal insanity; both deliberate and unintentional consequences. How does corruption, the world of the imagined, become real and how to combat the secret world of spies, traitors, drugs, betrayal, and pure evil? Can we capture their king and queen and can we expose all of them simultaneously? Here comes the boom, the sweet sound of defeat and failure. The boom makes their eyes bigger and more paranoid, they should relax and be happy with the prospect of hell awaits and no more power in our ranks. The boom is a mental illness.
Some people take to failure better than others. Some people are so pliable they are failures. Some people are so set in their ways and so determined, they become pure evil. Some people never find a place or a home in life, or never will. This is our story and our beginning, not end. So hey if they want to do this to me for more than thirty years, then it is only fair I do something or think of a way to get them back in a big or bigger way. It is only fair I exploit them and their crimes. Thirty years is a lot to just call the police and say “these people did this to us” and then throw their ass in jail. It is not fair. It was never based on fairness or our rights to life and liberty. Honestly, I did not think they would increase it and do what they did in 2008; make it even worse. However, I wanted to know what kind of a psychopath and what kind of a loser would do this or try this for thirty years. Now we know. I hope and pray it gets worse for them. I hope we can take what we learned and defecate on them. I hope they know and understand exactly how I feel and what kind of a pest they truly are. In their ranks, we are powerless. Now they are in our ranks and now they cannot escape; previously, we had to spend decades in their ranks against our will and against our fate. This was the boom in their ear.
The public saw them get very
quiet and subtle; much less bold and confident they used to be. People saw them and can replay the video; the
fear and pain in their eyes, how they spun it and lied, how they refuse to end
this, how determined and hardcore their criminal life and what a real global
terrorist and espionage network looks like.
There is more profit to be made off their criminal life. I hope a gold rush begins after we take them
down. I hope I can flip what they did
and then take what is rightfully mine and run with it until they are so
distraught by my success it will serve as a lesson to anybody who decides to
take another human hostage or meddle with their life as they have ours. I hope the pain they caused is felt by their
family and all of their forces spanning the globe, in each and every crevice of
hell. Watching and spying on a single
human being, then disrupting or interfering with their money flow or services
is very illegal and grounds for war.
Doing this to an entire nation or an industry is death. No country will sit there and say they do not
care or it is no big deal. This
communist enemy is using espionage to monitor the flow of money and then
disrupting it; especially in high technology.
Why? Because the element of war
they lack is welfare and sustainability.
For years this enemy never knew
why we are silent and had to run from their fights. We accepted our fate and made peace with it
because we too live in a secret world as they do. It did make them bold and more determined;
they invaded and we scattered or walked away without our pride. They forget we left crumbs and little clues
of the events, knowing the day will arrive when the full picture and story will
be known, for now it is lost and we are defeated. I hope Armies and even future satellite
warfare forces read my account and how their birth in this world came, to the
blood, the sweat, and the pain and suffering we had to endure; even after our
ordeal with the Vietnam War and constantly fighting the communist poor. When you light the fuse, you want to make
sure it burns slow and you can get to a safe distance. You want to make sure every single little
ingredient and detail is there so they can either run like hell or try to hold
onto that gigantic firecracker. It is
not a tiny firecracker is it? It is painful to blame it on the
boom and muffle the boom-boom that follows.
Nobody cares as it and our world
grow bigger. Our work is so big and so
important, they cannot unplug it or steal it, not even separate it or the
funding. How do they trace the funding
or use funding against us? In electrical
engineering we call the dynamics of this an avalanche, how a little snowball
becomes a mammoth; a devastating blow.
Also, once the fuse is lit, there is no stopping it. We can do little things and they can do
little things to flame the fire; but it is futile and helpless. I waited more than thirty days to bust and
confront them; to use every breath in my body to their demise and to their
destruction. Now they beg and plea for
leniency? It is no big deal? Nobody cares or wants to get involved? What you sow is the ground you walk on. Automatic and efficient code is the staples
of computer engineering and technology.
It is automatic, a living species.
Their polluted world can live in our clean one but not for long. Evil finds a home in our world but not for
long. This clever enemy has found a way
to panic us but not for long. The world
on automatic has arrived.
Every single endeavor I
undertook, was being closely analyzed and sabotaged by this sadistic enemy; not
this time. They literally threw a wrench
in every single money making endeavor and tried to even strip me of my soul and
identity by endless taunting and scolding.
Not this time because it grows and pushes them out. Not this time, that is the operative word,
not this time because there was a secret plan also underway which they could
not stop, wreck up, throw a wrench in, or separate us from. It was as if they were walking into invisible
walls and it took a lot of time to set up the pieces and maneuver in a
victorious manner. To defeat an enemy
and such a large evil threat, it takes much more than one night or ten
years. When they paralyze you daily by
watching and scheming behind the scene to ensure your demise; it takes far more
than cunning, strategy, and a few years.
They were determined and their will would not be broken; even in the
open and before the cameras. It was hard
for them to backtrack or conceal what they did.
It was impossible to hide their footprints. Like a dud, all they could do was shoot up
schools and malls in their total defeat.
If our world is a science classroom, then scholars and students of the
cold war can now study in detail the legacy of the communist spies in America
and the extent they have schemed and manipulated their ways into our life.
The entire world can watch the
ultimate showdown and how the communists tinker and meddle with the legal
system; to study it in order to take it hostage, put it under siege, wreck it
up, and rob our world of our liberties and freedom. They will have all the material needed to
determine why communism failed in America , who they were up against,
what we know about them and the extent of our methods to defeat their endless
espionage and robberies, and what their future brings. Even if the society polarizes between the
poor and the poorer, the prospect of civil war and even world war on our own
turf and in our livelihood; is and will be a disaster. They would even resort to throwing a flag of
pure evil around America
to lure all of her valuable children into their arms and their reach, the Santa
to their Christmas. Most people would
not be able to see them or fight them in this other world or a secret life we
encountered. They would simply walk away
or move with severe hardship or experiences.
That is the communists and who we have.
In the criminal world, they say you cannot run from a radio. You can hide but when you run, you are
dead. They know this rule very well and
we can see how they were very careful, very.
They exploit the freedom and the
riches our nation has, abuse the powers reserved for the powerful, and ensure
the tools and personnel are replaced or damaged. You can see their greed. You can see how they turn their cheek and
give it a cold shoulder while they are in a state of panic, inside our homes
and while trapped. You can see how the
communist traitors get their ammunition and fire it off in a deliberate and
willful manner. You can see how they use
sex and the looks of good appearances; to scheme and lure humans into their web
of lies and corruption. They dispose of
people as if nothing was wrong or nothing was going on. They pretend as if they are not a cry baby
while they admire our success over them; we deserve it. Meanwhile, they look for any scrap or sign
they were not doing this in vain. They
must find a reason to do this and a way to explain their behavior, if not money
and greed; than power. All of those cold
warriors who saw ghosts invade their world and fixed their sights on greed and
material wealth; find out finally who it was under the loin cloth and preaching
them about the world they were trapped in.
To be trapped in their world or web of lies, is a death sentence and
surrender to communism; and they have thought this out very well and in a very
capable manner.
This is not the first time and
they fight desperately if it will be the last time. They hang on for dear life but when the
criminal world collides with the police world, we get this. Now their corruption can be traced easily but
they refuse to be quiet and surrender with justice and duty in mind. They have done this before and know the
formula to steal the soul of humans is effective; and if not than they have
safety measures or a cleanup crew. All
of that left wing peaceful protest and rowdy crowd signs are nothing more than
wrapping a flag of pure evil around America and trying to trap people
into their world of cunning lies. So now
we have them trapped under ice. We
demand legal damages. We want to keep quiet
and be quiet until the trap is sprung and the fuse is lit. Come in on them from below or all directions
and light the fuse as they are swinging wildly and in the air. Show them who they were fighting and how they
lost. It is the element of surprise and
the world the police cannot see or take into court, which they fear now; the
ground they walk on is the seeds they sow.
Welcome to the future. Now unplug
the funding and separate this from the money world as they desperately try in
the end.
Is there an identity problem or
inadequacy? Without false
misrepresentation, false identity, and a secret life of 100% total lies; they
are nothing but a bag of this. Would you
hire a human being such as this? Would
you live next to a human such as we have?
Would you empower or oppress a human we have encountered? We all may live the same life but our goals
and our worlds are far apart. If the
superior world is their staple, then now the superior world is their
curse. They must seek the redemption of
the inferior world. They must find a
place and a home to embrace them now; but what looms above the earth is our
tethered past. The wounds will never
heal and the salt water they are floating in will burn as time passes. Connect our past and our future together in
the moment and we have all of the above.
Separate our two worlds, as they have tried for the past thirty years
and only their world of pure evil exist.
It is worth a billion. It is
worth the pain and suffering. It is the
ingredients warriors around the globe search desperately for. Everybody loves to read the story of when the
mouse finally meets the lion. Eventually
they will begin to notice something wrong and begin to get sick of it or fed
up, as we did a very long time ago.
Judgment Day will come and when they are asked to comment or say a few
words, they will be able to see each other and themselves; so will the
world. They will see pure naked evil
right in front of them; what they say and also what they do when the game is
Their death was justice and the
death of pure evil is legal. They fear
the truth. All of this signified a
policy of containment was in place and being enforced. All of this signified a policy of deterrence
was in place and being enforced. All of
this was printed and wrote in the oracles of Satellite Warfare before it was
even born in 1998. All of this became
the synergy of the allies, a strategic posture and work that took nearly a
century to put into place or make a reality.
We see it, we know it, and we feel it all but the question is does this
enemy? It was a birth not an end, so
whose disaster is it if not ours? Is it
the how to guide on how to be defecated on or how to survive in this world? There goes another boom!
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