feeling the subliminal messages impacted an entire village, possibly more. Did that stop you yet? Heaven?
What heaven are you speaking of?
DOES ANN COULTER WANT TO DIE WITH MY PENIS INSIDE HER, DEAD OR ALIVE? DOES SHE WANT YOUR EAR IN HER PURSE OR IS SHE GUILTY ALSO? We have not tried beating them to death but saying no to their face and shoving their face in it does not work; they will be back bigger and stronger the very next day as if nothing happened. Confronting them in public does not work. Broadcasting across the globe, does not work. So we will let the police have a crack and maybe they have the generosity and decency to send us one of their ears when they die so we can mount it and have a pleasant memory. They act like it is a big secret or a gigantic puzzle we have made out of our private life; total phonies. They know Ann wants to die with my penis in her and have been dreaming of this for several decades now. First they care to the point of criminal insanity and being institutionalized in a straight jacket. Now they act nonchalant and pretend they do not care. Maybe if Ann collected all their ears and threw it on the table; it would surprise them or make them alive? The mystery continues and it is really annoying and has been a gigantic ordeal. Ann said don’t even think about taking it out of her and putting it inside of them; that would be the last straw and will anger the both of us. Do you see their wife or their boyfriends writing in or writing insane blogs? Well do we see any writing from their partners, total phony assholes; drunk as a slut as always. If this is thirty years, than they must love it or reading this. Let’s ask the police, have we been very civilized about this ordeal and prosecution? Do they see any ears missing or do I have any ears, any reports or allegations?
IF THEY WERE NOT SUCH A COWARD, I WOULD DRAG THEM BY THEIR HAIR AND REALLY SHOW EACH OF THEM HOW WE TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS: Luckily the police are handling the case and prosecuting; otherwise, I would let the animal out and teach each of them my personal self defense methods; even the women. However, it is not about Ann; it was what I saw and how they cannot shut up or behave a penchant for communist butt tickling and human trash. Let’s not beat around the bush because the truth is hurtful; however, we are edging on more than thirty years now; a few knuckle sand-wishes will stop them in their tracks. It would reform a rapist or sex offender by midnight tonight; so would ripping their prostate right out of their body. Lucky for them the price tag is over a billion in damages. Fox News should read this twice. Rush Limbaugh should read this four times. Sean Hannity should read this ten times. These other radio cowards, such as Leaving and Plant; should feel very lucky to be such a coward. Cowards complicate our lives and the legal system. I think after what I have been through, I was on my best of behavior. F what they think, I was impeccable and it is still ongoing, still. Feel fortunate I did not cut their ear off or butcher their arm up as an appetizer; that is how good I am.
SEXUAL ABUSE, TEACHER SEX SCANDALS, DEVIANT SEXUAL BEHAVIOR: If you compare American women, American teachers, and narrow it down to certain criteria; than you will notice the labor unions and the church of communist gooks behind all of this inappropriate behavior. We do not see it in
THE QUESTION FOR FOX NEWS AND SEAN HANNITY: The question Fox News and Sean Hannity face at trial is how many times in the past five years, from 2008 to 2013, did they make an effort and was shot down in flames? Keep in mind this was on camera and in the open; so they were on their best of behavior; however, we know differently and who they are. Furthermore, did these attacks and efforts add more or less life to their secret life of crime? Was it productive or counter-productive? Was Ann Coulter determined to stay with me or clarify the matter/ given it was another effort to wreck her life or wreck mine; to break us up and put us into extreme worry? Were these efforts a way to open a door, aiding and abetting which would force Ann Coulter into a position of blackmail and a murder plot? To this day they chip away peevishly to obtain this guilt or the notion she can be stopped by the RICO laws for treason. In court, they must hold up that document or our biography because we know better. Were they able to cover up their life of crime and tamper with the witnesses; even get rid of them? Can we also expound this into a scale of the past thirty years beginning in 1989? If they plead guilty there, then they must plead guilty to all the attacks and efforts, all shot down, from 1989 to the present. How many times did they try, spin the situation, reported misleading information, and then chipped away at us? Was it 500 or even in the 1000s? Those numbers indicate a very psychotic enemy and a very dangerous human being, very! How about what was not caught on film or on this end, same? Do they wish to pay the billion in damages now the door is shut and locked while they remain vigilante? Do they care about the outcome?
WHY IS IT NECESSARY TO THROW THEM OUT, NUKE THEM, OR DURING WAR OR A STATE OF WAR TO SHOOT THEM: If there is a very good reason to take them into the fields and shoot them, we need a very good reason and we need a legal expert to clarify and determine if it is a strong enough reason to stop the communist forces or protect our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. These little games and love taps; false innuendos, ex-communication, constant failure or attempts, and not accepting a no for an answer did not serve them well. They feel it is power and living above the laws; nobody minds. Is Ann Coulter dear friends with them and have been, there to provide aid and comfort? We know where I stand and how I feel on this; but who is out of the loop? Ann is taking them down a very dangerous road and the impact on her life is extreme.
IS ANN COULTER AIDING AND ABETTING THE COMMUNIST FORCES AND IS SHE PROSECUTOR BY RICO, LET'S ASK A LEGAL TAME ON WHAT THE LAWS PROSECUTE: It does appear as if Ann Coulter is allowing Hannity to come back, continue what he is doing, and I am a chronic complainer. Thus, I have pulled the plug on Ann. If they are able to legally prove or get into writing; not this little game of foot tapping I have been in for more than thirty years. At the same time, if they are up front; than all of this can be avoided and exposed. One of us will look crazy or totally insane; one of us will look like the loser or the weaker party. One of us is pulling a scam on the other or both of us are. As far as constantly trying to be a match-maker and meddle in the love life of the other; that has really destroyed Ann's credibility and she is in recovery mode. They can throw the kitchen sink at us or we can throw the kitchen sink at them; however, there is a loser and a winner when it is all said and done. What is a loser and how do they pretend to be the winners? What is a winner and how do they get caught in this mess? Under the laws, the prosecution does not have any obligation to voice their position; the defense does to show they are reacting or acting deliberately. The laws do not state Ann's life must be perfect; but if she is defiant about it, I am sure there are perfect people on earth. These people are the worst, they don't learn and they are not capable of reality. Eventually, it will come back to haunt them; long term problems and not living for the moment. There was nothing in
ADMIT YOUR WORST MISTAKE: Admit what your worst mistake was and how you
became trapped in the movie Home Alone when you took me hostage or tried to
restrict my life, liberties, and happiness.
You do admit you are living in the movie Home Alone don’t you? Why then would you try and get a judgment or
another one on me, a total asshole?
ADMIT YOU PEOPLE HAVE A SEVERE INFERIORITY COMPLEX AND THIS IS WHY THE LEGAL DAMAGES EXCEED ONE BILLION: Ask Ann if you have an inferiority complex and what else is wrong with you all. Ann is not even sure if we are the love of their life or their worst nightmare; however, we are their object of obsession.
MEGAN K. IS DEAD WRONG, WE COULD HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT THEM: Had they not been so disruptive and meddling, we would be married, with kids, and would not be hostages. However, Fox and Megan is now taking the new gimmick behind retirement, they are. They are the main force behind retirement and the keys to the kingdom. When you are this desperate and in checkmate, nearly everything is total lies; defrauding the public and misuse of public airwaves. Should we thank them for surviving a hostage situation because they could be more hostile and violent? Oh thank you American heroes and biblical Christians! Do see it their way. Who in hell are they talking to or trying this gimmick on?
DID YOU USE SECRET CAMERAS OR ILLEGAL ESPIONAGE TO GET YOUR KICKS OR FULFILL SELFISH FANTASIES THAT VIOLATED THEIR RIGHTS? If the cameras or illegal espionage was not to disrupt the flow of money or case a target, then was it to fulfill an evil selfish fantasy or desire to be God? In taking hostages did you try to play out the role of God and do this for mere kicks? Is that a reason to pardon you or throw your ass in jail for life? It does not sound like Al Qaeda disrupting something; it sounds like nationalism. Was a lawyer in your office, contacting you, or on the media weekly? Are the prosecutors waiting patiently or have been for five years and counting? Did you every single gimmick and trick in the book to avoid paying legal damages or leniency?
WATCHING PEOPLE, WATCHING THEIR MONEY CLOSELY, AND THEN INTERFERING WITH IT: When the prosecutors tell you to sign the confession, make sure you sign this one with a kiss. It is illegal to spy on people, case their money, and then either meddle or interrupt it. Doing this more than five or ten times is just a taste of your crimes. Also, make sure you worry about your money before you worry about my money. You assholes do the same to internet connections, phones, and various disruptions of services.
SWALLOW BITCH, IT IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING SO PATIENTLY FOR: Male not female, ha-ha; real hard and a lot of comfort, lonely nights, and aiding and abetting. I think you made a mistake also and I think you are more than confused. Wait till your wife finds out about the boom. That is the sweet taste of victory.
NOW THEY ARE IN HELL AND WE ARE IN HEAVEN: No heaven for them, rich or not; secular heaven does not discriminate in their riches or material wealth. Based on what Bin Limbaugh said, our marriage should be a win-win; but it isn’t, why? We should be feeling respected and loved. Furthermore, they do not know how to fight do they because if they want to retaliate, then all they have to do is expand the border of the RICO laws and prove Ann did not defecate in their mouth and provided aid or comfort. That is treason during war or the conditions of war.
RUSH LIMBAUGH ON DEC. 18, 2013 SAID EVERYBODY WINS (SECOND HOUR): Rush said he is over with this and it is no big deal, everybody wins and he has decided how this will be. It has something to with being our pimp and trying to get laid, big dollars. Also it has to do with crack and feeding us meth because I cannot hold a job; a major favor and taking a big change in us! They are our boss and want to be our creditors, sell us a home we can call our own. It sucks when I am not working or in financial trouble doesn’t it? Merry Xmas too!
THEY WANT US AROUND FOREVER NOW! This communist gook and their church are full of gimmicks, a total lemon and failure. They say misery loves company. The truth is they have no choice and no options left. What if we had kids? What if I had kids? Would they be doing this and would I be a hostage or not far worse? What is the value of their women or is it trash or a lemon as their entire existence suggests, a gimmick and financial scam to rob us?
DID ANN COULTER STICK A FLAG ON THEIR FEMALE PLANET OR DID SHE GIVE THEM AID AND COMFORT? The jury is still out and so is her biography. This is what her biography comes down to. Did Ann invade their communist world and defecate on them or did she aid and abed? Which one is justice and which one is legal because RICO will also make the final decision. She is the one who identified them as the communist and prepared the legal documents and surrender terms.
THEY HAVE TO SHOW ANN COULTER GAVE THEM AID AND COMFORT INSTEAD OF DEFECATING IN THEIR FACE: This is how inferior and stupid they are at legal matters or Constitutional law. If they want to attack Ann, they only have to show she gave them aid and comfort. Not only will I pick up on it; the prosecutors will know she is corrupt and working with the communist gooks. They say misery loves company and the world will be less likely to believe Ann if she does aid and abed them in our ranks or allowed them to benefit off my grief; she then would face RICO laws and cannot sue them in double jeopardy. What would it matter if a conspiracy existed or whether it was consensual; RICO trumps everything. Why let her enjoy your grief, defecate in your face, make you swallow, or embarrass your family? Exactly, the prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I. Tell the world what it feels like to be defecated on?
TABLE? This is still an open question
and history has yet to reply. Is it
Jesus? Is it the Terminator? Is it some important mission or military
I DID CUT THEIR HEAD OFF AND HOLDING IT UP FOR THE WORLD TO SEE BEFORE I DRAG THEM TO COURT BUT WHAT IF I HAD KIDS? What if I was with Ann right now and had kids? Would it be worse or not? Put yourself in our shoes or my shoes. I may have to make these changes but they are so slow and burn down the clock to worry and scare us. It is a sacrifice if it came down to kids, horrendous predicament but better than death or surrender.
GIVE ANN SOME CREDIT AND HONOR FOR HER SACRIFICES BUT… A TRAITOR IS A TRAITOR: I could not put a son or daughter to what I went through or another thirty years; they watch 24-7 and make it look like an accident occurred, Al Qaeda gimmicks. It would be inhuman to make a human being suffer as Ann and I did; that is the truth but I do miss their company if they were around. I tell Ann not to excite them or give them one moment of glory; not one second to the communist gooks. Condemn them in hell and then let me defeat them in war. I am not worried about the glory or the medals, not even the rewards really; did anybody notice? Horrendous predicament and choices we have to make and will have to fight against. Don’t ever give them a moment of glory, peace, or any happiness for this.
WHAT IS 24 HOURS OR BEING A HOSTAGE DOING TO ME OR ENDLESS GIMMICKS? Why don’t they tell me? I’m too paranoid and should relax right? I’m in trouble right? I need to worry about the next paycheck or the bills right? Ann is off doing it again right? I need to leave and move right? I have to be a black person or live as white trash right? Perfection is outlawed and a crime right? Honesty means punishment right? Violence and blood is the only reward right? I have to be tortured until docile and obedient right? They own all of my property right, am a servant who must surrender and tell them everything right? It is over now and only a dream right? I am mentally ill right? I am guilty and must stand before a judge right? I am angry, a threat, and only want to kill them right? This won’t end and I will never see victory because I have not stopped them yet right? I cannot accomplish any goals and cannot make any money right? I am a victim of racism and hate right? We trapped them and busted them, what else… drag them into the woods and just blow their head off?
WORK HARDER FOR THEM? Yes it is all our
fault and furthermore so many of them are homeless, have no jobs, live in
squalor, have mental illness, are poor and hungry, and we have to work harder
and better for them. They are not asking
for much and we should not be upset and feel fortunate. Again, can I throw them out or nuke
them? After thirty years of this I will
make sure they do not enjoy one second of this or will never be able to do this
again, never. I will uphold the law and
bring them into court, justice is facing them and if so be it war; then I will
drag them into the woods and peril where they will see the warrior and leader
in me and I will see the cold, useless, pathetic, coward, and traitor they
truly are. I don’t give a F if they are
a failure and total mess; they will not enjoy one second or get one morsel;
hence, I am upset with Ann. Ann should
know better and how easily excited the communist gooks are; do not give them any
aid or comfort, not one morsel. Imagine
if we did have kids and they saw this; disgusting and horrendous of her to even
act like their friends or date.
I WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I HAD A DAUGHTER OR A SON, ASK THEM BEFORE THEY DIE: Would they be going through the same thing I am or Ann is (Possible RICO charges for being part of this communist gook problem)? Would the prosecutors be waiting in their case also and their lives wrecked? Would they be hostages or victims of bullying and endless attacks? Would these people steal my children, wreck their lives, take them hostage, or try to molest them around the clock and spy on them with the king of the gooks and the most dumbass humans on earth? Yes we made sure they did not enjoy one moment of this or never do, never. So I can sympathize with Ann there, don’t even give them a boner or kick; they enjoy watching me with women or invading our privacy. Ann said they wanted a sex tape or wanted to see her naked; but the question is if she will get RICO charges or not and if so, I will have to disavow her and make changes quickly. She was right; they are the communists and the worst type, the king of the gooks. Not one hour of their life is happiness now; condemned and sent to the king of hell; hell awaits and the prosecutors are waiting patiently. Would they feed them crack or try to pimp them?
IS THERE ANY DOUBT IF I AM A COMMUNIST GOOK OR A TRAITOR, ANY? I rip their faces and ears off; look how big their eyes are trying to get our strategy and national defense college material. A two way street, respect right; we are all the same and God’s creature, can this be verified? They have given up their rights a long time ago, a long time ago; thirty or more years. Is there any doubt that they is? Is Ann guilty under RICO laws or not? I am not visiting her in jail either because I got blamed for all of this and had to serve in jail already; mother F’ers. That was more time off my mission and clock; five years to recover and normalize life again. If they start a formal drug war, a military war, or hint of one; I will be the first to drag them by their hair into the woods or into peril; mouthing off 24-7 just made our day better. Accept your guilt and pay the F’in legal damages as ordered jackass; it can only get worse, far worse. There is no way you will waste more of our precious time and life; F’in no way. I did not even leave a morsel; not a tinee bit vulture asshole; because you are guilty, must be held accountable, and wasting more of our precious time or life.
CHARGES TOO, WARNED REPEATEDLY: I don't give a F either. You, Fox, even O’reilly or Limbaugh; all
those ignorant radio hosts they hired and all of those people they had do their
dirty work; all face RICO or worse; beg for the RICO law asshole. I want to see you all beg for RICO. Wasting prosecutors’ time or taunting them is
an act of war, especially this guilty and important. I know you are a greedy enemy so I did not leave
one bit; why your eyes are huge. Don’t
act cute, friendly, or even upset and there each step of the way; it has been
over thirty years and I will not have more of my wasted or thrown to the wind
by some total asshole who is this inferior or a communist gook; F your church
also, I don’t see them saving your ass and the clock is ticking.
I DON’T GIVE A F IF YOU ARE THE DISTINGUISHED MEDAL OF HONOR OR A FOUR STAR GENERAL: Catching you or your church of gooks for treason is treason; not some gimmick I made up. Getting even for the Vietnam War or trying to blow up the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; is not how you earn your rank, pay, reputation, resume, or secret life. I think we are smart enough to know who did what and why; also who to walk into the forest first; stupidity is not a two way street jackass. Right now you look superior and you look powerful; even competent. People are fed up with your sorry ass and your leaders must be accountable; stupidity is not a two way street F’in communist gook. Also, shut up will you. Hurry up and start a war, I got things to do and people to meet; asshole. Yes I know you enjoy wasting my time, pissing me off, and wrecking my life; a complete and total asshole who needs to be marched into the field and shot a few times in the head; this is your trial F’er. That is how stupid you truly are. You make the prosecutors wait and go through hell. You see Ann weekly, so don’t deny a prosecutor did not explain what you are charged of F’in communist gook! Again, you think stupidity is a Two Way Street don’t you? Now tell the federal prosecutors and the world what took your ass so long, Civil War or World War? I got that covered too. Again, I have places to go and things to do, excuse me you F’in asshole! Ann may be facing charges if she is not careful about the RICO laws. Ann needs to learn how to say no, otherwise, it is aiding and abetting. She did take money from them also and willingly and deliberately knowing who they are. She had been fired repeatedly already and warned. I have heard enough from Ann, no more rescues or excuses.
HIGH TECH WARFARE: Is Ann a gook and
does she want to have dinner with a gook?
I need solid answers and confirmation, notarized. She spends her Bday, Xmas, and almost every
moment of her career with them; then expects me to believe she is not a F’in
gook or a traitor. These women are in our ranks and so are their
pimps; so when it is about money, they are all in the mood and full of gook
gimmicks. The worst part is Ann comes and sobs to me about how they
want her to leave or move; do I care if they changed their tune and want her
around forever; join them and stay with them because there is not much left to
life now but the sobbing. I certainly don’t want to hear women F’in
sobbing all hours of the day, do I? Sob-sob boo-hoo gook; now how do
we nuke them and how do I throw them out; who’s in charge and where is a
General at the Pentagon? I got Gook problems can you help me while
the prosecutors are waiting? If they start a war, take them into the
fields and blow their F’in heads off, first their public trials. Is
justice being served and are they not entertained and shitting
yet? I got more and more animal in me, only in my
40s. Who wants to see more animal, big tiger and lion eating a mousy
gook communist? For civil war they need welfare, also water; I have
this under control. They can be executed on the spot for these attacks
and these crimes; at a drop of the hat.
___________________________________________________________ANN, DO YOU WANT TO BLOW THEIR HEAD OFF OR GO TO DINNER WITH A F'IN GOOK? Eventually, I won't need you or any of them; this was your idea Ann. A simple yes or no would be fine; keep in mind, when this is over you have to deal with me. You know how I am. This is not about how much they love you or want you around; it is full pledge war right now and you look like a traitor. A simple yes or no is the best defense because there is no rescue this time. Why don’t you join them or do this forever; go wherever they will go. This will penalize you severely Ann and I had to listen to endless nights of your sobbing; never again. Your problem is you need to learn how to say no; you women are trash when it comes to money and I will use this back on you also. I don’t like communist gooks or any of this Ann, nothing. You need learn how to say no Ann, and then stop being a F'in gook about this; seriously. It will wreck our friendship and your relationship eventually.
IF THESE COMMUNIST GOOKS BOTHER ME ONE TIME, I WOULD BLOW THEIR F’IN HEAD OFF: We are at more than thirty years now and over a billion in legal damages; now they want to play nice and cute. I want to sleep with them or want to be bothered by them? Is this a F’in joke? We would march you into the woods and slaughter all of you so nobody would even know! Why the F would I sleep with this gook or marry them? Why would I hire them or even talk to them? Exactly. They seek a judgment on me or had? They had a sanction on me? I was shut out of my own military mission and career? It is not a formal war yet but hey enough is enough but marching all of them into the woods and putting a few bullets in their head is not a problem at all. Isn’t this what they want or need, asking us to do? It is and has been over thirty years do they deny this? Tell the truth about Ann and I am fed up with speaking for her. Why don’t they just start a war so we can march all of them into the forest and tell them how cute they really are? Then stop making us look violent or discrediting us with these violent attacks or terror plots! The prosecutors are waiting and so have I; what are they waiting for sex? There are grounds for war but we need to find out if we can throw their F’in ass out or nuke them first?
IF YOU BELIEVE ANN OR I AM WITH THE GOOKS AND THE CHURCH OF COMMUNISTS, THAN DIE MF: It is a simple no, put you in a field and stand you before a military execution squad and put a few bullets in your F’in head. Now that will teach you to STFU and stop lying. Questions? Ann does look like one of these Gooks, scary isn’t it, almost gross. Like I said, a bullet to the head will make their minds up quickly, stop lying. So why is Ann in so much trouble or got fired? Where is our military execution team and my rescue squad, I am trapped by them; over a billion in damages. Five years and this nightmare never ends... do I want to have sex with them and is Ann in love with them? Who the F is writing her biography? Have they keeled over yet? Earn your F’in pay and medals before you send out your nit-wit resume traitors. You know the mission and you know the problem, F’in gooks! Earn your pay and especially your medals.
TELL THEM? Why can’t you lead them out
into a field and blow their head clearly off their shoulder if you have so many
rape or sexual harassment with the communist gooks? Why do I have to explain or beg? I am in a military mission, I have no time
for pitter-patter; fly swatting. Why
can’t you communicate to the gooks? Why
can’t you say no to them or hteir ignorant policy of silence? In war you take this F’er into the forest and
tell them you do not think they are cute or want to see their
dingle-berries. Emailing them is kinda
gross. Cocktails and dinner with them is
really birth control levels, really. Why
can’t you just tell them to their face what I do? You are the one who said they are gooks and
communists, not me. How did I get into
this situation? Now they think they are
still my pimp and will manage my wedding, thanks Ann.
NO F’IN GOOK WILL GET MY SATELLITE PROGRAM, SHARE LIFE WITH ME, OR GET A BILLION: I have zero tolerance on the gooks and the communists; they will not share power. Do keep trying, I dare them; I will show all of them where the deep and dangerous waters are; right there! All of them are F’in communists gooks in Republican or right wing clothing, how? Does Ann Coulter look like a F'in gook, one of htem? Earn your F’in pay and medals before you send out your nit-wit resume traitors. You know the mission and you know the problem, F’in gooks! Earn your pay and especially your medals.
DO I BELIEVE ANN IS FRIENDS, WAS ENGAGED, DATED, IS IN LOVE WITH, OR WANT TO BE WITH THE COMMUNISTS? No. I know they lied and continue to lie; one gimmick after the next, pure evil. Do I believe any of their lies? No. However, does Ann look like a Gook and enjoy their ominous company too much? Yes. Do I want a gook? Hell no. Do I want a rich gook? Hell no. Do I want to work with one of these F’in dangerous gooks? Hell no. I had and have zero tolerance and they keep coming in, encroaching, and attacking; so no more submission holds. Is it believable? Ann is the person who said they are hardcore communists and Al Qaeda, not me; Ann. It is hard for me to believe she has their DNA or can be such a Gook! It is very disappointing, really. It is a gigantic ant hill and they control a lot of American power, a lot. Who else wants to sleep with them or loves them; bring us their F’in heads. They control and will steal The Satellite Warfare Program and blow up the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes? Do I really believe that? No. Oh all of them are innocent bystanders, innocent church going communists?
FOX NEWS AND SEAN HANNITY ARE THE MOST INFERIOR PEOPLE I HAVE EVER SEEN ON EARTH, RIGHT WING REPUBLICANS: All you have to do is look at my life and then Ann’s life; but I have told all of them and gave more than abundant warnings about wandering into the deep section and then doing what they do. They always say how they want to die, will die, or are sorry; they will taunt you into your grave until you are fed up. None of them, not even Ann, can say no and walk away from the most insane and dangerous predicament. This is why I say they are the most inferior breed I have ever seen on earth; no shame, no thinking ability, greed beyond the imagination, and when it is checkmate they go into 90% total lying and criminal mode. Everything they do and each breath is for conspiracy, cover-up, evasion, camouflage, and evading capture or arrest. Myself, I am approaching the thirty year mark with them; endless war and attacks, endless. Ann is approaching ten or fifteen years of endless war and attacks. Not sure how they feel but they play it off well and feel it is no big deal; okay with it. They are not conservatives, they are the most liberal and the least of the inferior; as far as you can get. The single goal is to wage war and keep hostages; thirty years of this endless attacks. Now they continue to wander into the deep and most dangerous waters. The federal prosecutors waiting need to key into this and the level of lying, crime, and equal or greater punishment. Their fans and their social circle are probably as guilty and will follow them to the depths of the lake and hell. They also claim they are learning, not much yet if you ask me. There will be no rescue for this MF and SOB, none but they continue to rely on politics and communism. Don’t be fooled by the Republicans who lead the right wing to the dangers of thin ice or this communist plot. We are watching and the prosecutors are watching very carefully, zero tolerance.
history of battling the communists. I
have seen them slaughter people senselessly or starve them, vast crimes and
robbery. It is hard to believe Fox,
Hannity, Limbaugh, and the rest of them.
However, Ann says they are the communists; they deny being a greedy,
miserable, narcissistic communist mole.
Who is right and who is telling the truth? Does Ann love them or find them as friends or
did they exploit the media and information to give the appearance we love them
or sleep with them? We F’in kill them
and hate their guts but we are not at war and I want to ask if we can nuke them
or throw this F’in gook of all gooks out?
Sleep with them and date them is the most disgusting shit I have ever
laid eyes on, ever. Anybody who would or
does is definitely a communist and a total gook! So who is lying and who is telling the
truth? Do we love communism or do we
love the communists? This is their legal
defense and they are still searching for a judge to impose judgment; we love
the king of gooks and want to sleep with this F’in total loser gook? What judge is this idiotic; wage F’in war on
them you fool; otherwise, we will deport all of you immigrants! Here we go with Vietnam Syndrome and The Vietnam War again!
ANN WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE COMMUNISTS AND I DID NOT HESITATE TO REALIZE THEY ARE COMMUNIST MOLES: I jumped on them and subdued them immediately; however, my patience has run thin and I’m all out of goodness. I am changing my submission holds now and I’m not going to subdue them for trial; they got their opportunity and chance and all they did was keep taking swings at me. No more nice guy or horseplay; from here on and with a billion in damages, anything goes. Ann was right when she told me they were communist moles; 100% right. I have never seen a criminal of this nature, never and could not believe it. Ann was not imagining or making it up either but I had no idea after thirty years fighting them. Ann was warned about playing with human feces of this caliber or numbers; there will be no more rescues and she is enjoying the communists far too much, their stupidity and capability to exploit or rob. I'm from
IN CHECKMATE SO 100% TOTAL LIES: If they are in checkmate, then we are 90-100% true and they are 90-100% false. This is their work and this is the basic blocks of war and defense of it from barbarians. It is impossible for them to do the right thing, 100% impossible. Their leaders will be held accountable, to the bitter end or not. Endless babble and nonsense does not make this world spin or make stars shine brighter; totally glad to see these flaws or imperfection. It was checkmate in 2008 and now it is 2013; the prosecutors are waiting patiently and the legal damages exceed a billion. WE KNOW WHAT THEIR MILITARY OFFICERS AND POLICE OFFICERS ARE UP TO NOW! ALL OF THEM ARE PLUGGED IN TO A CENTRAL ORGANIZED CORE, WE HAVE THAT CORE AND IT STRETCHES TO MULTI-NATIONAL COMPANIES AND LEADERS. THE THREAT ARE THEIR JUDGES! IT IS DIFFICULT TO PROSECUTE IF WE AIM AT THE CORE OR UNPLUG THEM IN ONE MOMENT, THEY WILL SCATTER AND HIDE AMONG OUR RANKS.
YOU INFERIOR NIT-WIT DUMBSHIT: Yes please take your people into the deepest section now that you can’t walk back and we are not your flotation device. The more the merrier and we can make it a big party; fun all around. You MF are so inferior it is beyond comprehension. I know why you have a policy of silence now. I know why you are so desperate and stupid; the gap of inferiority is unimaginable. Now you expect a rescue and according to Limbaugh: On Monday, December 16, 2013 Limbaugh comments on checkmate: 1. He says it is impossible to win, no way to victory. 2. He says they will never stop because we cannot make them stop yet. Is he lying? 3. Limbaugh then says they cannot stop Christmas from arriving, or the birth of Christ; abortion or otherwise is not strong enough of brain control. He then mentions the Pope and comments about Marxism in the first half hour. There will be no rescue this time and your leaders must be held accountable for how inferior your group truly is.
I AM WELL AWARE YOU ARE EXPLOITING MY GRIEF AND SO ARE THEY ANN: I will say it again, you are not my tax collector and it has been counter-productive. This means both of you are exploiting the matter to your own benefit. As I said, you women need to find a place in this world and do things yourself. You wander further into danger or the deepest section of the lake, where you are now; there won’t be any rescue this time. It is not your behavior it is all of you Ann; horrendous. It is important don’t you women think so? World War is very possible do you agree? Pollute the matter more then; total junk and communists.
ARE ALL OF YOU DUMB BITCHES AND TOTALLY INSANE? You tell me Ann and stop acting like my tax collector because they are easily excited; even their women. They are F’in idiots so be very careful with who you talk to or what you do please. I am going to get another outbreak of dumbshit from their forces and I need to find out if we can throw them out or nuke them before then; they are always in the mood when it comes to money; do you F’in understand?
ANN BUT YOU ARE ONLY SCREWING THINGS UP: What they are telling me is
they are paying you the damages, not true. I have fired you also and
you are not my tax collector; let’s get that crystal
clear. Furthermore, I am aware they disrupted my transportation
lines or routes again; paralyzing my operation and ability to print books or
speed; a slow poke incapacitated. The problem is how you like to
wander into a lake and sit on thin ice. You women are really
annoying. You do it without thought and then expect a rescue, a
typical female. You wander into thin ice or treacherous waters one
more time and there will be no more rescues. The rescuers including
myself are straight up F’in pissed off with all of you. My patience
with you New Yorkers is being stretched think. My patience with you
city dwellers is also getting stretched beyond breaking; those “F” means I am
F’in fed up and pissed; am I clear? I am asking if we can throw them
out or nuke them; furthermore, you are not my tax collector and I have yet to
get a dime in aid or comfort, just more problems and endless paralysis. I
think you enjoy being my tax collector and you women are about as annoying as I
have seen, you don’t even know when enough is enough. None of you
can walk away from extreme insanity or danger, idiots. People are
going to die over this and you people think it is a F’in cocktail party or
fashion show; another chance to walk down the runway. Most of the
work is not being done by you all either and it feels like the sound of
flapping in the wind is getting annoying again. Welcome to war and
important missions, can you tax collectors do anything right and stop F’in off?
been paddling upstream. I feel you are very inadequate with me and
as my value balloons. You feel the pressure cooker. You
see my work and standards; I strive for perfection and constantly refine my
work. If you can only mess it up and do not know how to meet
standards or perfection; then you are in the same boat. I have zero
tolerance over the span of time frame and how well you used your
time. I would think you can snap your finger and things are perfect;
but I have not seen any of you get this right. When you are walking
on thin ice and wander in the deepest section, the ice becomes thinner not
thicker. If you antagonize me; it will backfire, I expect
perfection. Don’t walk in the middle of the lake and don’t sit there
for days or years until the celestial alignment is for me to come get you; the
clock is ticking. As time passes, I am less likely and more
reluctant to listen to your time management.
COMFORTS. When you know what someone wants; you can achieve that goal
Ann. Closure will be how you spent your time and how proactive you
actually were in battle if ever. Ann you are a person who plays the
same card over and over, lacking desired results; while the expectations
increase. You must go off a checklist, one at a time. I
feel you may be full of artificial gimmicks; some crazier than the
next. I expect perfection and when that much money is on the line; I
better get it. I have seen you screw my life up completely by
playing the same card over and over. Sure it may bring you a week or
two of joy but that is all I seen. I am not stupid and neither are
you Ann. You don't have anything in writing either so you must be extra
careful; got it? If you only goal is to debate them, then it is and was a
self serving goal, very selfish; you allowed them to steal all of those years
and are full of gimmicks. Ann I eat rice, I am not stupid, and I
expect perfection. I am not here to debate them, but you may be the rest
of your life.
___________________________________________________________DID IT EVER OCCUR TO THEM WE KNOW THEY ARE NIT-WIT SECOND RATE REVOLUTIONARIES WHO NEITHER KNOW WHAT THE F THEY ARE DOING OR SAYING? Okay someone said it finally and it was or had been on the tip of their minds. Of course there are many poor people in this world but do we stick to them, every F’in second of the day; for thirty or more years to taunt them with babble and nonsense? Just because I eat rice or am from
THE IMAGE OF CHRIST IS PURE BROOKLYN: Let’s not go there okay, it is too
WRITTEN MEANS. A charge d’affaire is delivered by a legal expert. It is only an accusation and it does not
warrant further escalation or expansion.
This may arrive in an email or chat form as GTFO. Beyond punching the SOB or sending them back
to the homeland; if they refuse to vacate in a 24 hour time; any means of
arrest is possible for espionage and it can escalate to full World War or
worse. I did not do any of the above but
I was very stern in my disapproval and sought legal damages. A charge d’affaire is 24 hours, not back and
forth, five years, or more than thirty years.
THE UNITED STATES RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAGE WAR AND WORLD WAR ON THESE ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, POLITICAL MEANS: Your choice was to face criminal and civil charges, so be it. However, we reserve the right to empower the prosecutors to wage World War in the future or at any given time due to the severity. If World War does break out then we will conclude and decide then; but we reserve the right while the legal and criminal charges are “teased” before your very eyes. If you wish to write me and say F off, you can but this is not the case is it? What we do with this power or right in the future is moot, not up for discussion. If they decide toHiroshima your
ass in the future for kicks and giggles; then it is their choice and
option. All I said was the prosecutors are waiting and so am I for
the legal damages. Eddie Snowman did nothing to this but he gave the
SNA a good scare.
THEY ARE RIGHT, THOSE LITTLE OLD LADIES CAN MAKE A MEAN EGGROLL BUT THEY DON’T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT ASIAN PRODUCTIVITY: So who does? They want to represent Asians or pander to them? Can they see each other or themselves?
___________________________________________________________THE UNITED STATES RESERVES THE RIGHT TO WAGE WAR AND WORLD WAR ON THESE ENEMIES, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, POLITICAL MEANS: Your choice was to face criminal and civil charges, so be it. However, we reserve the right to empower the prosecutors to wage World War in the future or at any given time due to the severity. If World War does break out then we will conclude and decide then; but we reserve the right while the legal and criminal charges are “teased” before your very eyes. If you wish to write me and say F off, you can but this is not the case is it? What we do with this power or right in the future is moot, not up for discussion. If they decide to
THEY ARE RIGHT, THOSE LITTLE OLD LADIES CAN MAKE A MEAN EGGROLL BUT THEY DON’T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT ASIAN PRODUCTIVITY: So who does? They want to represent Asians or pander to them? Can they see each other or themselves?
A WORD FROM THEIR UNDERGROUND LEADER BIN LIMBAUGH: On Monday, December 16, 2013 Limbaugh comments on checkmate: 1. He says it is impossible to win, no way to victory. 2. He says they will never stop because we cannot make them stop yet. Is he lying? 3. Limbaugh then says they cannot stop Christmas from arriving, or the birth of Christ; abortion or otherwise is not strong enough of brain control. He then mentions the Pope and comments about Marxism in the first half hour. He said I never talk about the Pope because he has no political power and does not understand economics. Limbaugh said the wealth of the Catholic Church is linked to historical capitalism; also why the Pope is the man of the year and the most powerful human on earth. I could not crack the code but they were passing messages and possibly love letters. He said the Pope eradicated same sex marriages and is the ladder of abortion. Meanwhile, Fox and O’really said Jesus already forgave them; so we have to move on, we are not getting anywhere yet. Limbaugh knows Asians, when his name and our name are mentioned; he knows Asians. Asian businessmen are lined up to speak to Limbaugh and Hannity; they know why Asians are so productive; rice and Democracy. Limbaugh says the Pope knows more than we do on this; no way to win, surrender while in battle; cuckoo. The Pope knows it is rice and is in on this.
WARNING DO NOT SLEEP WITH THE RADIO OR TV ON: In the past, both Limbaugh and Hannity have
been known to pass a love letter or try to make a move on us if they notice us
sleeping in bed. Why? Because when someone is in a mild sleep or
sedated, they are most vulnerable and the least inhibited. Therefore, you must be on your guards and
understand they are predators and their behavior goes against logic or common
goodness. They feel power, not profit,
is the ends of all their actions and profit is virtuous; however, there is a
lot they left out or hide. Power is what
they seek for their forces and underground failure. Insofar as how much or how well they know
capitalism; it is very difficult to debate them but there is no logical stream
and total chaos; one piece is used to reinforce the other, skipping and
cheating here or there; lying and spinning the pieces on it’s head, etc. The Pope knows better but secular capitalism
and trade is vital to the Chatolic Church because it is up front and respectful
of the needs of Asians. You can’t sell
ketchup in Asia and you sure as hell won’t sell soy sauce in Texas .
THE POPE KNOWS FRIEND CHICKEN MAKES FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND RICE MAKES ASIANS PRODUCTIVE: Now tell Limbaugh. Limbaugh and Hannity are savvy enough to understand this power relationship instead of demonizing anything against them as liberal or left wing. Also, keep in mind their existence is on the line and they are fighting for a pot of nothing; just death and total insanity. So soon the capital of Chatolicism will begin to declare victory over Asian banks and communism; the new capital and the power of the poor immigrants. Most if not all contributions to the Democratic Party, even Republican Party comes fromAsia . The Pope is also as savvy as Limbaugh and
Hannity on crime and the decline of American history. Asian productivity is simple, rice. Imagine if you want power or even non-profit;
I put a bowl of rice in front of you and a pot of nothing; there you go, they
choose the pot of nothing. We heard this
over and over at least 500 times. When
you fight for nothing and your existence is based on nothing; it is very
difficult to break their will. This is
about their image and feelings; not a bowl of rice. Secular trade takes from one and gives to the
other; hence, the productivity levels.
Secular trade makes people violent and gun control must be imposed
otherwise, it will snow and they will be very sad. This is who we are dealing with and why, they
mean business. Fried chicken makes
football players; rice makes productivity.
THE POPE KNOWS FRIEND CHICKEN MAKES FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND RICE MAKES ASIANS PRODUCTIVE: Now tell Limbaugh. Limbaugh and Hannity are savvy enough to understand this power relationship instead of demonizing anything against them as liberal or left wing. Also, keep in mind their existence is on the line and they are fighting for a pot of nothing; just death and total insanity. So soon the capital of Chatolicism will begin to declare victory over Asian banks and communism; the new capital and the power of the poor immigrants. Most if not all contributions to the Democratic Party, even Republican Party comes from
FIELD: His motive is very logical, a bowl of rice or a bowl of
absolutely-positively nothing. Check their work because each and
every time it will be nothing; also nobody is at this outpost yet, not even the
SNA. It does not exist because we are looking at more than a billion
dollars in damages and that I son the low end. Even Snowman is in
checkmate but we will see who comes to his aid out here in computer
cuckoo-land; monkey see and someone does. Snowman is motivated by rice; as all
computer people are, he is in denial. There is a major push in the
computer field and it is the labor movement; however, they are more of a crack
dealer than a computer geek, it is happening everywhere except somewhere
special. Mr. Snowman is a cut rate spy trying to shut down the SNA. He and his comrades seek to replace a bowl of
rice with fried chicken, thus, replacing the identity of all Asians. Colin Powell failed in this capacity and so
did a few of his bosses. Fried chicken
will devastate the Asian productivity levels thus allowing New
York investors to hire new football computer talent in Africa . Rice will
produce “super freaks” and this will cripple the SNA and further advances in
computers. Most strippers do not eat rice, but they do love fried chicken.
beaucoup dollars and in order to be bosses; you need friend chicken to lure
strippers. The only other option is
violence and robbery. However, to learn
Asian economics you must speak and read between the lines and they cannot read,
no less program while looking at our crack.
No crack means no fried chicken or football; this means all the rice
goes to Asia .
You need crack to lure chicken and you need chicken to spy on the SNA. Remember, when in the bush, think like them
and become them! It is a degrading foxy
hole we all must be in. We beg Snowman
to have mercy on us. The bottom line is you have to be careful with them,
they are always passing love notes back and forth, even while they are arguing
and fighting.
SOMEONE TELLS THEM CHECKMATE AND F OFF: I am a bit tired and fed up of repeating myself. I have heard, “We do not know what to do… live in fear… we want to die” at least 500 times in the past five years; endless, the moment we tell them to F off or go away. They are protecting their way of life and this is their way of life; opposite of us while sneaking up on us. Nobody has been authorized on this outpost why are they still here? It does not exist yet due to so many attacks and escalation. I have not punched them out yet, still.
ASIANS LOVE KETCHUP AND WANT TO BUY POTATOES! Call me a rice burner. The racism is subtle but even worse is the anti-Vietnam commotion. Shall I get on my knees and cry or apologize for being a cold warrior? Or shall I hire a little Asian lady who is from the least productive, least academic, and knows nothing about Asians? What a total asshole. I am a junky and not a cold warrior; erased my identity and kept trying? This is about your church wanting to teach this; isn't it?
WANT TO TEACH THIS SHIT: The only problem is both Ann and I are still alive; hence, the policy of silence. Their lies are running out and they are not denying it, or are they? How do they expect to teach this shit? My imprisonment? My agreement? My wrecked life? Discrediting us? Wrecking our life? F our mind up and drive us insane? What if that does not work?
HAVE A RIGHT TO BE MAD AND UPSET: Put yourself in our shoes and then theirs. Yes please be the voice of the other person or the enemy, no matter which side I or Ann is on. Their head is so F'd now it is hilarious isn't it?
- Investigating: They lied about investigating. Instead they were trying to corrupt us; but did not try this on my family members, only Ann and I. They were not protecting us or investigating attacks; it was merely stalking, verbal accosting, and trying desperately to pull us into crime and corruption. However, they just would not take no for an answer and the attempts racked up to 100s, 1000s, and even ten thousand attempts.
- Friendship: They lied about friendship or trying to make friends. None of their actions suggested anything but an adversarial relationship and a troubled life. Nothing suggested sanity or any organization. It was more of pushing and coaxing people to live on the edge or some obligation to uphold our family name. They did not force or expect us to do anything they would not; hence, the slew of violence and slew of terror plots.
- Trying to hire: If it was not lying about investigating, then it was lying about the existence of a friendship or dating relationship with the opposite or same sex. When that did not work, the last resort was money or some offering; which always led to a dead end or firing. I describe the endless attempts and more than thirty years of this as stalking. Nothing was legal and everything they asked or set as a goal was illegal. I would describe it as stalking, harassment, taunting, and extreme bullying; had sex or carnal physical contact been involved, it would be a rape but this was a fantasy and imagined; hoak-up pokus stuff.
- Trying to corrupt each other: they lied about everything and the stalking was trying to set us up or trap us into some form of oppression. Obviously it failed and it backfired; however, the extreme stalking and spying did force us into a game of trying to corrupt them. They are easy to corrupt obviously and have no shame. They lied because in order to enrage them or send them into a spiral; both Ann and I vigilantly thought up ways to corrupt them but the extreme stalking continued and is still ongoing. I led them into the alleys, bar trips daily, strip clubs, seethy behavior, and all along wanted nothing to do with them. My efforts were coordinated and aligned with their efforts; but Ann’s effort is documented and is scientifically analyzed by the same people who did this to me. They finally knew what was going on and why.
- Tried to blame us for it: When they found out what we were doing and why, they lied about the entire matter and tried to blame us; it takes two to tangle or fight, everybody is guilty or gutless, what are you hiding, that is only your side of the story and part of the truth, etc… Police tricks to blame us.
YOU CITY FOLKS OR CORPORATE TRASH SCREW UP EVERYTHING: If it is not gun rights, then it is overwhelming our life with drugs and violence; then discrediting us. If it is not your standards, then it is your power over the poor and the factory slaves. You all cannot just say no and walk away; a breed of inferiority that has no shame or pride in your own work. You think Asians are blind and stupid because you lack all hate and feel you are special; the chosen one or a calling. It is you city folks and who those city folks truly are; buy this or that; never able to see yourself. Your spending and voracious appetite for money is criminal. The worst part is the content of your character, the brooders of the worst and most evil kids. Hate evil and hate the communist traitors we have; not skimp out and teach our work idiot. You cannot survive in Alaska or in the wood; but around guns you can’t use them either. You want us to live with animals and then ruin everything; admit it. You compare yourself to Asians and even other giant economies; not productive at all, worst kids too. I would say you are inferior but it would anger the blacks and make them silent. I notice how you hire all these little ladies who are not productive and why; never royals or rich classes; carry the party line comrade. Do you hate or are you racist in shet clothing? How do we throw you out or send you back to the homeland? Do you have shame? Do you have standards? Do you even have a soul?
MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS, ARE WE THROWING FAKE MONEY AT YOU? I see the game and why it is such a fantasy now. Your state and your church of poverty does not want to leave, you want federal money. We bullshit you constantly; we are now and it is all an imagination of a crazy person. That is why I am insane. We know that is another total lie because the prosecutors are waiting and the damages is over a billion dollars. This was about federal money, your state of insane poverty, welfare, and voting rights; admits it. Admit we waited, trapped you, waited some more, and then clobbered your MF ass; to benefit off your gried and criminal penchant. You people truly suck and are total losers. This is why you refuse to document or teach the material; still alive.
STILL NOT READY AND STILL INVESTIGATING: Still trying to figure this out and investigate? Still unsure why everybody hates your poor, welfare state, and why you are total losers or poor? You labor or common people have to be kidding me, right? Yes we do benefit off your criminal life and pure evil; but mostly it is far beyond war and hell. Your case surrounds our reward and benefiting off your gried; profit. This is why you hate Ann Coulter. What are your options or what is ours?
DO THEY WANT WAR, PRISON, DEATH, OR TO GO BACK TO THE HOMELAND? The prosecutors are still waiting and the stupid lies and endless tricks are only going to make things worse or get their poor ass church in more trouble; maybe death and total shutdown.
MONEY TALKS AND BULLSHIT WALKS, ARE WE THROWING FAKE MONEY AT YOU? I see the game and why it is such a fantasy now. Your state and your church of poverty does not want to leave, you want federal money. We bullshit you constantly; we are now and it is all an imagination of a crazy person. That is why I am insane. We know that is another total lie because the prosecutors are waiting and the damages is over a billion dollars. This was about federal money, your state of insane poverty, welfare, and voting rights; admits it. Admit we waited, trapped you, waited some more, and then clobbered your MF ass; to benefit off your gried and criminal penchant. You people truly suck and are total losers. This is why you refuse to document or teach the material; still alive.
STILL NOT READY AND STILL INVESTIGATING: Still trying to figure this out and investigate? Still unsure why everybody hates your poor, welfare state, and why you are total losers or poor? You labor or common people have to be kidding me, right? Yes we do benefit off your criminal life and pure evil; but mostly it is far beyond war and hell. Your case surrounds our reward and benefiting off your gried; profit. This is why you hate Ann Coulter. What are your options or what is ours?
DO THEY WANT WAR, PRISON, DEATH, OR TO GO BACK TO THE HOMELAND? The prosecutors are still waiting and the stupid lies and endless tricks are only going to make things worse or get their poor ass church in more trouble; maybe death and total shutdown.
CRACK ADDICT OR JUNKY: Worse this has been more than thirty years; but
they claim to be taking care of us and hiring us; very productive and perfect.
They need to leave, not us.
What are they guilty of and why do they want to die? The prosecutors are waiting and I want to
know if we can throw them out or nuke them?
Whatever they do is up to them but understand they are too guilty and it
is getting too late. They might as well
declare war and stop hiding or end this secret war as ordered and
instructed. They continue to lie and
drag their feet, even in severe violation; stoned out of their mind on
crack. How about pisses test them also,
not legalize it.
DONE: Yes feed us crack or drugs and
then act like you want to give us benefits, free medical care, and more government
benefits. To this day I have yet to
smoke crack and the last time I did smoke dope was around my senior year in
High School and freshman year. Will you
please knock it off Fox News, Limbaugh, and Hannity. We are not amused by your constant stalking
and efforts. Now you want to make sure
we have the tools needed and the training to be junkies and homeless; thanks a
lot for this. What are we on now, thirty
two years give or take a few years? Your
church is nothing more than a white skin nigger who cannot get your act
together or your work with the poor; a church of nothing. Worse is your endless efforts and trying to
fight us way out here; nobody is out here, nobody. Shall we embrace your poor, your work, demand
for money and charity, or your endless politics of poverty? How about your church debt? Total assholes when you see yourself,
agree? We cannot see it your way or your
side of the story; total lies.
CIGARETTES: You know what, I am not sure
what is going through your mind but this has been almost a handful of tenants
who are crack and meth heads. I wish you
people understand this is nothing more than harassment and taunting the police,
more and more of the same. The last five
years has been smelling crack almost on a weekly basis; would you just shut up
and die you F'er? Thanks Fox News and
thanks Limbaugh and Hannity; great help and why you are in our life. Should I also do as told and move or relocate,
or should you dumbass? Yes good for you,
bad for us or those who are productive.
___________________________________________________________STILL HAVE THE MONEY TO HIRE ME AND THEN CALL IN TO DEMAND SERVICE AND MAKE MY WORK AND LIFE HELL: Keep telling me how special you are and how you have the money hire me, trap me in your attack, make the most ridiculous or annoying demands daily, and then accost or taunt me; I bet you will also let us know when you run out of money or time to hire me, call in as customers, and humiliate me anyway you can. All you are doing is racking up more debt, acting like you are bullies, and continue doing what you do best. Yes I know it has been over thirty years of this. Now I know what your church of the poor wants from me, for me to kneel and kiss your ring. Everybody knows you all are poor and trash; trying to act special.
KEEP A TIGHT WATCH AND LOOKOUT OF WHO IS OUT HERE AND WHY, KNOW HOW MANY OF THEM ARE IN THIS: As I said, we keep a tight watch of how many people are in this and are out here, also why. We know what is wrong with them, why and how productive they are. I am and have been very productive about managing this outpost and who is out there, very. Everybody knows they are lying and also what they are up to, everybody. They want to stay out here and fight? For how long because there is only one plane out, the police.
THEIR CHURCH DOES NOT KNOW HOW RIDICULOUS THEY ARE OR WHETHER GOD IS ANGRY WITH THEM, THEY MUST BE US: Some people are so ignorant and stupid; they cannot see themselves for their entire life. Instead they seek to live life through others or take on the identity of strangers; an impersonator. Do they know how ridiculous they are and how everybody knows they are complete liars? What is the lying meter, ten now or more? Come on man, do you think we are this stupid; honestly? Be fair in your thinking okay and stop wasting our time by trying anything or everything. Come on, you do not know how ridiculous and busted you are? The prosecutors are waiting and so have I. They know how to wage war but can’t get down the surrender part, they got the crime and corruption down.
PETTY ASS WHINING AND HATE THEMSELVES AND EACH OTHER: Like all revolutionaries, they remain in the dark. However, it comes down to being the same, the same soul, and their idiotic church preaching; they feel the same. There is a big problem and a lot of ridiculous idiotic politics; the last man standing and the one who is always out of the loop. They also need an invitation to their own funeral and expulsion; now that is a bully. How about all that petty ass whining, same? The prosecutors are waiting; there is an easy way and then a really hard way, really hard.
LIFE BELOW ZERO OR LIFE TRAPPED UNDER ICE: You would think we are not in a war but living life trapped under ice or below zero. I think our strategy and long term planning is a pretty decent strategy to combat this traitor and evil communist city pity of welfare.
For some reason they feel special and think they are bullies always
bullying; however, the truth is they are poor, homeless, desperate, not very
smart, and are constantly begging. They
despise freedom. They have no respect
for others or their life. This is where
their life of bullying or being a dictator got them. Now they are opportunists and always in the
mood with us. Our life is not the homeland and we have to wage war just to defend our identity.
ASKING ANN IF SHE WANTS TO BE WATCHED OR WITH POOR-STUPID LABOR AND COMMUNIST OBSERVERS WHO TAUNT THE PROSECUTORS AND WALK INTO THEIR LITTLE OBSERVATION BUBBLE: If I had a daughter or even a pretty girlfriend such as Ann; to ask them to walk into this circle of observation or being a hostage to some demented sex offender, predator, or serial felon; a repeat offender who is bold and audacious about how poor and rude they are; is asking too much. That is as close to rape as you can get. Furthermore, you have to wonder if they think people are flashing them or what kind of dumbass thoughts are going through their mind if they saw a naked pretty female. I think they should pay the damages and turn them in immediately before more details about them begin to surface. Yeah they think they are parents or our parents, so anything goes! Can we throw them out or just nuke them? You have to wonder who in hell would even walk into this matter, emergency or not? So long as they do this, it will have a profound effect on my private life, marriage, love life, and even other aspects; but they remain vigilante and so does Fox News and Limbaugh’s forces. That is the communist for you and that is their psychopathic church at work. Who in this world wants a starving, poor, rude, classless, lawless, repugnant and disgusting, and psychopathic sex offender this stupid watching them or studying their life? Exactly as I describe. Do they think Ann wants to put herself in this position or join their little family party? I can’t even stand them and it is humiliating but they are vigilante and determined to get away or carry on. They all feel it is some World War II prison camp mentality, no big deal. This is what happens when poor people and communists sneak into our life; total hell. Boy the
FOR CHRISTMAS OR THIS CHRISTMAS, I WANT TO ASK IF WE CAN THROW THEM OUT OR NUKE THEM: Do we need to be patient? Give them lip service and make them beg for mercy, leniency, or no more public embarrassment? Make them eat the crumbs of their evil? Make them suffer more than any human being should? Can we just throw them out or nuke them? The prosecutors are waiting and there is more than a billion in damages; just in case they lost track of where they are or what nation they are living in. No; this was not their beloved homeland and this mistake is probably why they are in so much trouble. I’m a little pissed off with the entire matter, how about them? How about a book or a lesson on humility or what stopped communism? What did it take to stop evil in our world?
ALL THE BOOKS WERE DONE AND READY IN 2008, IT IS 2013 NOW: Think about this for a second, what if there were no attacks? What if none of my equipment was wrecked up, my home invaded, my cars vandalized, etc… Would I be done now and would I have to fix one thing after the next? All of the books were done in 1998 and put together in 2008; a truck load of computers and printers, everything needed for publishing. It is 2013 why are the books still not done? I spend most if not all of my time trying to get rid of them or shut down their spying-espionage before they steal more or wreck up worse things in my life. Why?
WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING THE PAST TWO YEARS IN FLORIDA (2011 TO 2013): One car problem after the next, looking for part time work or work to pay for all of these big repairs; otherwise, I would have lost even more money. It is also difficult when you have people you are trying to get rid of spying and watching every move you make; invading your privacy. Therefore, instead of spending my time on productive things; we have to defend our position from these assholes and try to get rid of them so they do not spy on us or be molested by a sex offender and predator. Then I have books to publish but all my money is spent on rent or car repairs, mostly finding work just to fix the endless problems. This is why my life and Ann’s life is in a state of disrepair or why we are damaged. We see this currently and how difficult it is to eradicate this traitor and dangerous criminal from our life. Attacked constantly, the financial problems are severe because the bills get jacked and things are constantly in disrepair. Thus, Ann and I have to defend or help each other fight this communist and dangerous criminal. They claim they now want to die and are too embarrassed or hardened to surrender to the police.
SOME ADVICE ABOUT MY PORK FRIED RICE: In my business and line of work, we try to perfect things and we strive daily for this standard of achievement; those who cannot keep up go home a sad poor loser who are happy with this or this world. This is why I say the poor cannot sit at the table with the rich or powerful. This is also why I am constantly at war with this total asshole and F’er. We eat pork at our house every night. If you don't like pork, then it sucks to be you. However, what you eat is good for you only. I got a lot of problems with strangers telling when to eat, how to eat, and what to eat; then they wreck up my house or place of business. So I fire them on the drop of a dime and if they ever wage war on me; I got much more than
COUNTRY YOU ARE IN? One F’in hell of an
act if you ask me; do they even know what F’in country or nation they are in;
where are they doing this and what nation is this? They are this stupid and ignorant but it is
all in the name of love and well intentions.
Can we throw their ass out or nuke them?
Why are they in power or even in the ranks? Why are they even in this mission or trying
to taste my world famous pork fried rice, assholes? This is about their paycheck, how about mine? If this is how you act back in
the F’in homeland, then it explains everything.
STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT MY PORK FRIED RICE AND GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT ASSHOLE: Little you little wench, I am tired of your little mouth complaining or verbally accosting me in my own restaurant about my world famous pork fried rice. We eat pork fried rice three sometimes five days a week. I have people as far as
HEY ASSHOLE POOL YOUR MONEY TOGETHER, ORGANIZE, AND BRING ALL YOUR EFFORTS INTO ONE; THEN COME AROUND AND RUN YOUR MOUTH OR BULLY YOUR WAY THROUGH THIS TRAP: Pool all of your efforts together, bully your way, run your mouth, and come again to run me off the road or scare me some more and see if you are not crawling on the ground begging for leniency. Are you suffering or is your inheritance gone yet while you stick around? I never asked for leniency or forgiveness, a pardon asshole. You all seem as if you do not know your place as slaves or slaves to the machine; but on the rude scale you have hit the total insanity levels as such a poor decrepit asshole always on crack or some road to poverty and slave-dom; get a real life will you, it is really annoying to see such a stupid poor ass do this nonsense. Do we need you or want to hire you? No not really. Do we need your church or immigration? Definitely not, look at the welfare and benefits deficits. Also, your work sucks, a total mess, this is why you have no inheritance left. Do cause more car or transportation problems then beg furiously like the slave you are. We know you want Asian money asshole, any slave would drool. When you are done looking in the mirror, read below on MAD and human intelligence; what satellites and cameras cannot see; then cry and beg for another few months.
___________________________________________________________WHAT EXACTLY WORKS ON TERRORISM AND COMMUNISM? WHAT WON THE COLD WAR OR STOPPED THEM? Is it fear of brute force? Is it fear of prosecution, politics? Or is it fear, pure imagined or not imagined loads of it? What exactly wins wars if we replay the Vietnam War, cameras? The media and public opinion or how wrong they are? Finally, do they fear the inevitable? What method and strategy works on Al Qaeda if we have their leaders? Is their church or history a force to be recon with?
If the secret war in the last five years was pure confrontation, then it
never showed or explained the more than three decades of attacks and
plots. Even if they deny it, the cameras
tell a very different story than what is on cameras. It also is a textbook guide on why human
spies and satellite warfare are far apart, or are they? Ask them why they lost their job and why the
historical record differs from what is on camera? How many stories are there? From 2008 to 2014 is only five years of
trying to fix this; where is the past thirty or more? Denying this or the resumes?
SATELLITES, CAMERAS TELL A VERY DIFFERENT STORY: They all claim there is no denial or any
attempt to conceal what was caught on camera or what the prosecutors saw for
the last five years of more than thirty; however, only until you ask them why
they all lost their jobs does it make any sense or fall into place.
MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION (MAD): Is it flawed or a perfect strategy? Is it scientifically proven or not? Can we bank on it? Do they truly want war or justice? Let’s ask them and study this communist political traitor we have trapped. When this is done you will have a doctorate in Satellite Warfare.
PROTECTING THEIR TOTALLY FLAWED, IGNORANT, AND UTTERLY ANNOYING EXISTENCE: Do we need to know about your immigration, welfare, success stories, military might, underground power, drug wars, or how totally insane annoying your existence is? Do we? Do I? Thirty years now and counting; a F’in communist pest. Some of them make it to F’in retirement also, full of benefits! Oh they have good looks, are thin again, and are always in the mood; just what we want and need employees.
FEAR THE POLICE, NOT US: Again and again they get it wrong and keep on stalling or wasting our time about friendship, partnerships, alliances, etc. Is this really about women and their fantasies? Wow, it must be really important because it is public news now. Similar to a con-man they target Asian elites, royals, and money; still no let up. We know they have a love-hate relationship with
PUSH THEM AND PUNISH THEM FOR DRAGGING THEIR FEET, DELAYING, AND WASTING MORE TIME: It comes down to dollars and their inheritance; punish them for inventing more bias, more escapes, more excuses, more lies, more lip service, and more nonsense. Make sure they have no inheritance or retirement as a result. We know who they are targeting and why. The prosecutors are waiting and that is all I am going to say. Now they are a victim of their own crime and goals; they will never rip us off again, or try.
WITH CON-MEN, PHONY MUTUAL FUNDS, PHONY RETIREMENT FUNDS, AND ENDLESS RIP-OFFS OR ATTACKS; WE HAVE TO LOOK AT THE POLICE AND THEIR POLITICS: Keep in mind these are savvy and high class thieves. They target income generating groups or elites by entering their ranks. They claim their politics is superior and we have no money, degraded by them. We have to ask if the Justice Department is biased or if the media is biased to them. We have to ask why the prosecutors have to wait or why I have to wait; there is over a billion dollars in damages. As everybody can see, they are targeting Asian money and the Asian economy but the police are impervious to this and so are their politicians. They are merely bimbos who had nothing to do with it, nothing. This nation is beginning to be known as the capital of global crime or a nation of criminals.
TRYING TO GET RID OF THE QUEEN B AND HER FANTASY? Yes we know they are a total mess or want to dream with us about driving a Cadillac, fantasies, power, or a world without the truth and perfection; we know all about their slave church and immigration problems. Their slave church or immigrants don’t even care and want to die unless they can fulfill their fantasies, with or without us. Obviously, this love affair has ended and they want to be happy with where they are or what they have, so negativity is illegal and so is criticism. That is why they are repugnant and lawless. It comes down to their inheritance and how long it will last. They want war and they want blood stains of violence, there is nothing we can do to change their bloody minds or slave church. Who would not want to manage our life? Who would not dream about or life or my military mission? Now they are busted and the federal prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I. This is about inheritances for the worst criminals and drug wars. I don’t want to “buy” their city; instead I want to throw them out and nuke them, can I?
WE KNOW THE KLAN IS COMMUNISTS, AND WE KNOW BOTH ARE FUELING THE BLACKS: It is a very complex and very tough question,
we must debate this and make sure there is no room for mistakes, total
perfection. Do we support the communist
or the communist; or do we support the blacks?
Let’s take a vote because a mistake will be fatal and if we send out the
wrong message; the communists will pick up on this and will exploit our
movement. Let’s consider our options and
whether or not we can make the good out of the worst decision or the bad out of
the best decision. This is why nobody can
crack American culture and foreign policy, do we support the communists or do
we arm the slaves who are totally oblivious to the reality? I’m a perfectionist so this a very difficult
decision, please be patient. Let us not
make an Un-American decision and be a martyr or imperfect, a cult of selfish
and evil criminal acts. When it came to
brutality we could never match any of them.
Shall we arm them all and call it a draw? They all are not communists but they want
free and open elections.
WEAK ON CRIME, WEAK ON THE TRUTH, AND PROVOCATION OF THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS: Not only is the left wing and stupid jackasses running loose; they are shooting each other and demanding action. Had they not been weak on crime and had the police able to defend each citizen; things would be perfect, so just shut up about gun control okay. The truth is they are traitors and should be shot; hence, they empower the criminals. It is always those totally flawed and those weak on crime, always. Meanwhile, we have to ask if we can throw them out or nuke them. Let’s just cut their welfare off and all these benefits; that will eradicate their criminal penchant and policy of silence.
THE GIANT BLUFFER AND THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS: None of them are communists but we will have free and open elections now? All of them are Republicans and we will have free and open elections also? None of them are communists but we need them to accomplish our goals? Odd how it all comes from me, is transported magically right into the public domain and they have no answer for it or how this exchange is taking place. How about this pressure, always from the people closest to me; not them or nothing to complain about? Odd how the more they own it, the more invisible they become.
PRESUME FOX AND LIMBAUGH IS ALSO BEHIND THE SUSPICIOUS AND ENDLESS CAR PROBLEMS: If the objective is to run my bill up, terrorize me when I go into public, force me to be a prisoner in my own home, fed up with my games to evade them, or forcing me to stay home or ordering me not to work or go outside; then it makes a lot of sense. As I said, they are totally insane and complete assholes. They also feel this is no big deal and they are forgiven or I must move on or face some form of retaliation.
WE KNOW FOX NEWS IS BEHIND THE TERROR CAMPAIGN TO FORCE ANN AND I TO STAY AT HOME OR GO OUTSIDE IN FEAR: Sheppard S. admitted they were behind this in December 2014. It has to do with Jews and Blacks living in fear or being attacked when they go outside. Fox News and their accomplices wanted to terrorize Ann and I until we understood and agreed with their hate policies. This was ongoing and most severe in the 1990s; however, Fox News admitted to this campaign. They wanted to terrorize us at home and outside with the goal of total control and “protection” under their political leaders, the Black Movement and the 1960s policies. This is why the attacks dropped and Ann and I can travel or go outside, it is still ongoing but not as severe. Fox News made sure to keep tabs on both Ann and I, then made sure we were annoyed and terrorized when we went into the public domain. They were the first to walk into the trap in 2008 with Limbaugh, Ingraham, and Hannity; they were behind the terror campaign. We also know they are the communists.
LOST THEIR JOBS BY NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN DOING? Is this a F’in joke or have I woken up in a terror plot and a communist plot? The communists pride themselves on starving their own people and using fear and destruction to get what they want; all we ask is to leave us alone and especially our love life and marriage. Do they know what treason is? They demand the government to give back their beloved benefits or expectations? At least acknowledge the matter.
IT COMES DOWN TO WHO OUR PIMP IS: They tried to be my pimp or entourage and failed. They tried to be Ann’s pimp or entourage and failed. We complained vigorously and even would go to war over it. If you ask Ann, she will say exactly what I say; I don’t have a pimp, want one, and this pest and spy ring is totally insane and pure evil. Neither of us has a pimp but after thirty years of this we can conclude it is deliberate and intentional. They need to stop pretending because the prosecutors are waiting and the legal damages are more than a billion dollars; no means no. Now they act like they are only bullies and made a little mistake. They want us to marry spies or have them watch us 24-7; a make believe marriage or imprisonment?
IT ALL COMES DOWN TO IMMIGRATION AND WHO WE HAVE ON THE OTHER END OR WHAT PLAGUES THEIR WORLD: We know who they are and we know what the problem is; we also know they are targeting White-Asians and businesses. It comes down to immigration and their politics. The likelihood of this church or pest immigrating to Asia is slim to none but the likelihood of coming to America is very plausible.
IT ALL COMES DOWN TO OIL AND WAR, US RESOLVE AND DETERRENCE: Oil is the staple of all wars. If the communists seek to win this, they must solve the energy crisis. If the oil stocks are being used to win this war, then you must be Robin Hood and take from the rich then give to the poor. How? How do you use the capitalist market to take from those who have and put it in the hands of those who do not? Politics? Regulation? Price Control? Stock Manipulation? A Ponzi scheme? Technology or science? Mathematics? My college thesis in 1995 had the answer and to this day; they read more into my “US Resolve” work more than I could imagine.
FOX NEWS AND THE ARMY OF BIN LIMBAUGH PLAYING THE RACE CARD ACCORDING TO THEIR CHURCH NEEDS, PURE EVIL RACIST? We know their deceit is the reliance on The Black Movement and leaders; stock values. If you look at their hiring practices; if you analyze the topics they broadcast; if review their guests and their behavior on air; if you review who they force down Ann’s list of prospective beaus; if you look at the hometown or places they grew up; if you review their circle of friends and private life; if you examine their race card or cultural needs; if you examine carefully all of these factors, things are very clear. First is the look and feel of the communists. Second is the anti-Asian or Anti-war, specifically Anti-Vietnam War roots. Third is the Catholic theme and the lack of this warm and fuzzy race card. Fourth is the origin of the ghetto or the events they grew up under, the 1980s. Fifth is the lack of money or investor trends, only labor or corrupt stocks. We can go on and on.
FACE THE LIVES THEY IMPACTED OR THE RETRIBUTION THEY MUST FACE: You would think they were behind the Virginia
Tech Shooting or were there when it went down, such as 911 and these violent
attacks. All of them have some root or
some connection to either radical or Irish terrorist groups, even the mafia. Let’s ask who has ever seen human beings such
as we have here; is it my imagination or mental illness? They are extremely accustomed to driving
drunk, even prepared for deadly confrontations or war. Remember, we work hard or harder than they do
in order to win this or get to this point; don’t forget that. However, most people do not resort to this
and will work two jobs, or do whatever they can to provide for their family;
this is very important to family.
Condemning their family to hunger or poverty, embarrassing them or
hurting them deliberately; is the act of an evil traitor. Eventually, people will get sick and fed up
with this and seek happiness and liberty; eventually. When that time comes, their will to wage war
will far exceed those who did this too them.
TRUSTED THEY ARE! Now ask yourself how
all those factors can conclude or rise to the very top; to become more trusted
than either Ann Coulter or myself? Ask
why I am or would be so belligerent and passionate about my hatred for them; to
hunt them down like dogs in the streets?
Ask anybody who knows me or my work ethics; even my military
mission. Have I ever even talked smack
or made up a story about anyone? Where
did all of this information and knowledge about communism come from if not them? Experience?
Observation? Imagination? Are they the poor doing an armed robbery or a
church who just merged with the communist forces and are bragging about this; a
stalwart of America
and the community? How did their resume
become so secret? How did mine get this
way? Who killed it if not them? It sure sounds like the communists and
American labor, the underground telling us to leave or pay union fees. Who are the poor in America and who
do they see as the enemy or their enemies?
Who are the traitors and most disruptive or secretive in America , the
underground? Ask any seasoned
investigator out there if anything is out of place? Yet they still operate in the dark and say
nothing traces back to them and there is no solid evidence? Do they have a sense of accomplishment now,
after thirty years and all that failure of secret crime? Do they have a careless disregard if they get
caught or not? Is this to embarrass
their family or to hurt them; pure selfish evil? Some people will do anything, anything to
hold on to their image of success and superiority. I think they are living a secret life but
don’t actually like it or enjoy it; a total hilarity they wish was not so
always leave clues of their demands or communications. We know they switched costumes and are
incapable of relaxing, in a state of pure paranoia; and trying very hard not to
laugh or pretend nothing is wrong. Desperate
they search daily for easy prey or anything to help their escape. Most robbers will seek out those with the
most money, not the least. Even though
they did not have a note, they were armed and ready to use it; did a shootout
go down? If the dream for them does not
come true, then why start world war or use us to steal it or worse. Not many people can mastermind a terror plot
and then run into a bank and rob it; not meticulously. It cannot be an act of the moment or
insanity. Most terrorists would run and
lead the police on a chase, not hang around for so long. There is no way to traumatize the police if
they did not have a gun or had plenty of backup; this is completely out of the
realm of possibility. Any robber who
sees a police officer or undercover agent during a robbery will leave evidence
in their underwear. Also, any robber who
shoots it out with the police, although they may injure or kill initially, they
act as if it is over or they forgot what just happened. Disguised, they know the cameras are snapping
their picture hourly; but the emotional and psychological impact is comparable
to PTSD or worse. Sunken eyes, breathing
irregularity, loss of weight, stress, etc… they know one lie and the
investigators will be all crawling all over.
A communist would loose their will to resist and will to wage war, not
this one because they are convinced they are well intervention and can actually
do the right thing. They just saw the
opportunity of a lifetime, what they waited an entire political career for! But there is a big and nasty problem, a very
big one. Put yourself in their shoes and
see if you can predict their strategy and options, we can and have.
CAPABLE OF THIS CRIME? They do not deny
it but the bravado is only to taunt the police.
Can I do this or do all of this?
Can Ann Coulter do this or all of this?
Who then in this world is capable and acts this way? Terrorists?
Imagine the fear factor and sense of desperation involved while the
cameras are going off. This is familiar
territory and their resumes reflect this.
Most robbers are caught by invisible latent prints; the transfer of
their identity on paper. If they make
one little mistake the investigators can search national databases; it is
shocking to learn who is behind the robberies and what they do for a
living. It is a shock to learn their
private life and the lack of criminal experience. It is hard to match the crime to the
criminal. Someone this desperate must be
worried about their professional reputation, stock values, and what their peers
will think. Only a diseased and warped
mind can think of this much pure evil and greed. The price of oil will suffer while this drags
on; no solution to the energy crisis.
There will come the day when they must go before the cameras and tell
their story to their family because Chairman Mao even said Revolution is
similar to water. There are survivors
but similar to all communists, they always end up starving them.
___________________________________________________________WANT TO TEST THIS OUT ON FORMAL WAR OR WORLD WAR? This is so ridiculous and they are so inferior, second class citizens in a conspiracy of silence; we have to keep asking them the same thing over and over. This is serious business and I did not sign up for this or total assholes. Can we throw them out or can we nuke them yet, I keep writing and petition for first strike capability and my Satellite Warfare Program. They own it or want to buy it? Is this what I am hearing or heard? Is my life a total joke and why am I trapped in a crisis of this magnitude, I feel fine and am totally pissed off. How do they feel, good? Glad to see me? Glad to see Ann? These people have no shame and they are not victims, just total assholes whose life is full of disgusting mind diseases. I refuse to show my Satellite Warfare or be in their parade, don't push me or force me okay!
YET: They are so insane and full of
evil, they hate their own race, parents, or where their church has taken them. They are so stupid and desperate; they seek
to steal our identity, clone us, or bombard our life with endless insults. In this effort, they claim to be well
intervention, our parents, our bosses, our God, our torturer, and even our
sexual partner or mistress. None of this
was true or legal; so it was the what-if world, a recruitment plot and
expansion. They were the people behind
world war and the terror plots, a draft and enlistment to merge with the
communists. They now feel they got a raw
deal and we are at war. Similar to being
married or sex partners, they seek war.
If I were trapped in their stupid, ignorant, bigoted, total asshole, and
impoverished life; I would be saying the same things but I am not and we are
not. They are the communists and they
have merged and doubled immigration, drugs, espionage, terrorism, military
might, etc… why they avoid war is not clear.
They claim they are not done and this is not over, they will be back
again! They will hunker down and get through
this even if it kills them. They also
feel fat people are superior because they play football and always get the
cheerleaders. Dirty and barefoot, they
can get any job and tough it out; we have to move or be fired for always
whining; totally backwards and obnoxious disgusting. They do hate their own race and only want to oppress
the DNA they despise. Right now there is
more than one billion in legal damages, after thirty years of this; they
continue to grow in our skin. They want
to know if I have an army our brought security with me. This is why they took me or the inventor of
all this.
RENT OR MORE IN COST OF LIVING, SERIOUS! Telling me to move or pay the
cost of your poor village is pissing me off.
We might have to throw all of you out or burn the entire village down,
Vietnam Vets or not. Stop being a total
lazy loser whose poor and a trouble maker, endless provocation. Yes the world is doing this to
you. Yes I need to feel your pain, don’t I? I am not going
to repeat myself ever again. I do not know how many times I have to
repeat myself or what their little tiny nibbles are all about but I have no
intention of paying their way or financing any of their future. As
soon as we can trace their finances, we are taking it to the prosecutors and
will try to shut both their state down and their secret
operation. The prosecutors are waiting and so have I so this is
going to really kill their chances and cut off all of their
benefits. I don’t find their retaliations funny or
entertaining. I did file a formal complaint about this financial
scam or constant attack. How long do they expect on trying or
jacking my bills up? Man F your church, for real.
FOR THIS SECRET WAR: One of the problems
is they are guilty of all the charges and deserve to die. The second problem is they are total assholes
and are deliberately and intentionally trying to starve their own church, poor
people, or those who invest in this communist threat. There are survivors but they are going to
make sure a policy of silence is enforced and retaliation is met if there is
any protest or opposition. They do not
deny they deserve to die or are guilty of all this; but they refuse to and
evade the legal damages; that is the biggest problem and why they are wasting
so much time burying us. I think it is
time to fire them or throw them out also; the prosecutors are waiting patiently
and so have I for this day coming. It
was not Tiger-Mom behind this, it was Bunion-mom but the “Yo-Phone” and
“Yo-Care” is trying to address this lack of hygiene or the cost of living in
squalor. It is difficult for me to cope
with such a poor, pure evil, and such an enemy bitch claiming to be my
parents. They are poor people and total
failures, hateful of perfect people or higher standards. They are always in the mood when it comes to
money and food.
Yeah and you wonder why my life is turned upside down also or why I have
communist spies watching me and talking to me 24-7, trying to trick and fool
me? I knew war was coming but this is
totally ridiculous, really. Are they
scared of a formal war or world war?
This is the first time the communist forces have acted this way or are
scared of a formal war, even if they have superior numbers and can surround our
forces. I have won wars in the past and
drafted every single strategy to victory; I did not expect this ending or this
kind of career. About your policing
skills, do your forces run the street and own them? Are you going to force me to stay and home
and scare me or attack me on a level that disrupts every single aspect of my
life or habits? What happened to
you? This is not the communist enemy and
terrorist we know or have been at war with.
Odd how you turned out or how dealt you are very poor hand, a very bad
deal. It just shows the chaos in your
church and why life beats you down or why your history if full of violence,
ignorant psychopaths and selfish traitors.
Your college grades and schools suck also, just a total asshole full of
a mind disease hell. I think you may be inferior or have alien DNA not of
this world.
TELL ME TO MOVE AGAIN: I will laugh all
the way to the bank and we will see what happens or the outcome; give me a
reason punk. The prosecutors are waiting
so are we to think you are sorry or treat us like dirt because you mean well? Now we know who you are and where your mother
ship is, just give me a reason! As a
matter of fact stick our face in it and throw all of our condemnation back at
us. Why not declare a formal war while
you are so bold, confident, and powerful?
For real, it is a secret war so why deny it and bring it to a formal declared
war? We know and I know my life is not
your home or ever was dumbass so either turn yourself in or declare war to
evade capture and legal damages. Did you
all turn meek and shell shocked or just totally insane, very deliberate and
intentional. Can we throw you out or
nuke you yet, yes or no? Go ahead and
put that on your resume because the prosecutors are waiting patiently. I am sure you are getting somewhere with this,
perfect yet? When are you going to take
this to another level, we are still waiting?
There is only two roads left, one is a formal war and the other is turn
yourself in and pay legal damages; an unconditional surrender in ink. Throwing people out or going nuclear on your
ass is only a delay tactic because you can’t keep it a secret war or on this
level for very much longer. Lastly,
crying all night and begging about how sorry you are pisses the hell out of
people, serious. This only shows you are
nothing but a slave and are pure evil.
Who? It does work I think and they are getting richer, the have and have
not. This is how the communist feel and what is happening in their
communities or world. They just do not care and want to die, the hunger
wars. All of them are in the mood because they feed the poor and feel
sexy kind and superior kinky. They are upset with White-Asians and seek a
rescue, blame; money, reputation, and big working economies.
not said anything yet and I have not reported anything either; right now it is
only tiny nibbles and totally annoying assholes who know they are the
communists but have no shame, they don’t even care! So are they
taking us to world war or are they avoiding it? What does their
strategy suggest because the prosecutors are waiting
patiently? Where exactly is all this leading? Their best
option and only choice is to declare formal war, a secret war is total failure
and won’t ever work; even if they have the votes or not, they cannot keep this
a secret war or a policy of silence. Even if totally inferior
assholes reproduce and out populate us, they are racked with debts and crime;
the drug wars. They have to change their identity, existence, and
entire character; their DNA! We have to find their motherless ship
or this factory. They are terrorists and they are doing a mandatory
draft, their low standards and total asshole politics. That is their
church and bigotry.
THEIR STATE OR THE POLICE? Perfect? s she milking them or having too much fun
being paid? I can have their state shut
down in thirty days, why is she protecting their purse strings or
investors? Resume and experience as
seasoned warriors or investigators? We
can also bring the prosecutors the police behind this and prosecute
immediately. Ann can either blow them
away or take it to the DA in thirty days; there are a lot of options and
perfect outcomes; what in hell is she doing?
I am a perfectionist, I am not her preacher. I expect perfection from Ann. I don’t even care if she shoots them or turns
them in, really. I can take this to the
prosecutors and shut them down immediately, less than 30 days. I am also pissed off about the resumes. There is the problem and why it is so
imperfect. Pretending to be silent,
forgiven, helping them, loyal, damaged, or the innocent one is not
working. It is pissing me off more than
the lies or starving their church.
Acting poor and always in the mood is not very perfect either. The problem is I live in a perfect world and
cannot work because of the communists and Democrats. Get me the information and give me thirty
days. Their church is pure evil and
deliberate, full of stupidity. Ann will
ruin things between her and me.
___________________________________________________________PICTURE PERFECT RESUME, VERY EXPERIENCED AND SEASONED WARRIORS: After thirty years of this, all you have to do is look at their resume and the battles they have been through. The sky is the limit and they will grow to enormous sizes. Satellite Warfare and Hurricane-Earthquake may even hire them; an interview is possible. They have learned a lot about us and this world, very seasoned. Experience always beats grades or training. They should teach a college course or write books, a book club!
HAVE THE COMMUNIST MERGED WITH THIS CHURCH AND THE POOR? They have no shame, none. Now we know. Did they win this yet? We switched and now they are taking on our soul? We are their church of the poor and hungry now? We know they are communists and we know they are ethnic terrorists; but have they merged or are separate units; total chaos among their ranks, total insanity. Will they take down
HOW DO WE KNOW FOX NEWS AND “LIMBAUGH'S” ARE COMMUNISTS AND ARE ENFORCING A POLICY OF SILENCE? All communist strategy starves their people to win secret wars; we and the world know this already. Do they? How do we know their church is behind the cold war, the drug wars, and our hostage situation? They claim they are not denying this and are “cooperating” fully. How do we know they are 911 terrorists? Odd, how do we? They are definitely NOT Nazis or right wing; verified and authenticated; all traitors in silence. Hint, it is their "ethnicity."
SO DIFFICULT TO SUE YOUR F’IN CHURCH OR SHUT THEM DOWN: If all you got out of this scam and secret war was misery and false promises; then starve and die in poverty. We are not going to see one more year of this, over my dead body; am I clear? We know they feed the poor and are always in the mood; but starving their family to win a war is total communist strategy. End your war and turn over your primitive nonsense before all of your benefits disappear and you starve of believing. Sue them F’in idiot, they got you in this misery. Don’t go telling others they are to blame or are mentally ill, watch out! Like all communists, they will starve and rob you before they surrender. How many times have we seen this before? Yes and after thirty years they continue to waste our time with the hunger games; this was about their endless selfish interests!
HERD ALL OF THIS THE PAST THIRTY YEARS, ONE MORE YEAR? That is the biggest problem they have yet to solve or fix and it will bring them to the last and final brink; that will be their downfall and final death march, the very last step in life and why. This is their simple lie and symbol of success; what we seek to take their criminal empire down. Odd they do not know who and what the biggest revenue maker is or the biggest players on this earth? Are they hiding all of this from their employees and investors, a final conspiracy among thieves? Will there be one more year of this misery and conspiracy? This is what they want the entire world to view or see; their secret war on us. This is their mantle-piece what they waited their entire life to do or for.
shame, none. Now we know. Did they win this yet? We switched and now they are taking on our
soul? We are their church of the poor
and hungry now? We know they are
communists and we know they are ethnic terrorists; but have they merged or are
separate units; total chaos among their ranks, total insanity. Will they take down America to win
this war of benefits and welfare, feed the poor war? A verification and authentication process is
underway, talk! The process is underway
and the prosecutors are waiting patiently; even they cannot stop the communist
strategy of starving their own family.
Yes please hurry up. Yes shut off
and close down all of their benefits. We
know the communists starved their followers to win this war or demand the gates
be lowered so they can enter the castle and the victory. Expel this church and their criminal
DISGUSTING PART IS ANN COULTER IS A PARTICIPANT: Why don’t they expose Ann Coulter? Is she them or pretending? Ann just sit there, even in their ranks,
pretending as if she has nothing to do with this and is on her best behavior;
she is doing more than anybody, so far, and everything she can for her partner
and whom she claims to love to death.
This is why if it ever came down to money or two billion, she has a lot
to be accountable for. I got no money,
wonder why? Money determines who is what
and most important, most sane, and has the most merit. Ann as always sits there and pretends she has
nothing to do with it or she is off limits.
She looks like them; they look like us; a conspiracy of silence and what
is most important.
LOVE, FAMILY: Who is guilty of
this? We find out all of them have their
priorities wrong and do not even believe in perfection. They are only out for themselves but this is
not what they ask. Do they report this
or expose each other? Not yet. They do not even expose Ann Coulter! She has done more harm to them than I have
and they hate her ten times more; but I know this. Ann used their money to bet or hedge against
the dangers of her clients; is that an act of treachery? Fox News and the Irish, the Labor Party of
the USA ,
does it right back, step for step on Ann Coulter. It proves they are the communists who will
starve their own church to win dirty or traitor wars. They are full of malice and deliberate, pure
evil traitors. I call them a psychopath
and a serial killer who will not give up or is so determined to feed the poor. They do not deny it but the prosecutors still
wait patiently for their side of the story.
Ann thinks mimicking them will win this war of love; it won’t. Instead they parade her and take the
credits. Ann is guilty of being a
PATHETIC COCK SUCKING MF ASKING FOR FORGIVENESS: They are so flawed and so cock-eye, almost
narcissistic and disappointing? Is
perfection too much to ask? It all comes
down to a billion or more dollars and a program called Satellite Warfare. My plan was to find a nation who has enough
talent or responsibilities to make it perfect, an act of God. Nobody is going to steal this or do harm,
nobody. There is nobody out there, just
us. There is no competitor only who we
hate and despise. Am I pissed off about
my own creation, yes? It deserves more
and perfection; not these MF. We are
inundated by traitors, those with no shame, total assholes, hungry poor people,
terrorists, felons, and the Democratic Party; all slaves in the hunger
games. What a wonderful project this
turned out to be or the employees we have to find; I’d rather starve the
communist then put the gate down for them.
Now I have to wait for a billion in legal damages and thirty years of my
life to be returned, what a total asshole we have on our hands. They and the government claim they are
striking a deal and it preserves the peace?
this before we certify them as communists and put the final nail in their
secret war? Can they see each other, are full of deliberate hate and
violence, pure evil criminals, or in a conspiracy of silence? Who exactly
do we have in this trap and where does it all lead? Is it criminal opportunism
or mental illness, let’s verify and certify this for Judgment Day. What
will they report and how many flaws can they tolerate before they starve to
death? Why is this in the military and police ranks? Is anybody in
charge? Yes please call and please explain, yes does that. What do
I think? I think their church F'd with the wrong nation and especially
the wrong people. Honestly. However, we do not have the right staff
or resources; out here by our self and hostages; more evil than is being reported
or allowed.
ALL OF YOU NEED TO JOIN THEIR RANKS, IS THAT THE PROBLEM OR SOLUTION? I expect perfection, not some stupid church
who wants to feed the poor and is merging with the communist forces to feed the
poor and cut us down to size so we are prisoners of the poor who are always in
the mood or totally insane. Serious, do
us a favor and join their ranks, they are recruiting and expanding. There isn't going to be one more year of this
because it comes down to damages of a billion or more and I expect perfection,
not beggars.
THIS IS ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT WE CAN SHUT THEM DOWN OR NOT, NOT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: It is the same issues with the communists, the labor unions, or the Democratic Party. What or who can stop them, fix this or shut them down? What will stop fascism? What will stop the poor or their leaders who will starve them to death to win their wars? This has nothing to do with slavery, racism, free speech, or any Constitutional rights; pure selfish evil. What can or will stop it, kill it, or eradicate it? What are the damned and evil willing to report and document? Nothing or everything? If drafted will they fight and can we trust their leaders?
CAN WE THROW THEM OUT OR CAN WE NUKE THEM? One skirmish or one little nibble to cut us down to size again; I will see to it their boldness and confidence is dead and gone once and for all. I am not going to tread water on their behalf or use me to float. There is more than a billion dollars in damages already; over a billion, do we need more lip service or diplomacy while an uppercut is coming? Ask the prosecutors how long the wait was or going to be, go ahead; verification and authentication. It comes down to two billion dollars with Ann, if she treads water or pleads guilty for keeping their head above water, she is a traitor; I am not going to be used as a flotation device or allow little nibbles. Ann better understand what corruption is or treading water for them is about. I have zero tolerance for any of this, not even a nibble; yes family. Their lawyers are trying to keep the lights on and use us to float; I have zero tolerance with this Asian rescue.
THIS IS ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT WE CAN SHUT THEM DOWN OR NOT, NOT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: It is the same issues with the communists, the labor unions, or the Democratic Party. What or who can stop them, fix this or shut them down? What will stop fascism? What will stop the poor or their leaders who will starve them to death to win their wars? This has nothing to do with slavery, racism, free speech, or any Constitutional rights; pure selfish evil. What can or will stop it, kill it, or eradicate it? What are the damned and evil willing to report and document? Nothing or everything? If drafted will they fight and can we trust their leaders?
RETARDS: After one year no more in the ranks and if they remain,
then there will be a change of personnel. Am I clear on this? I
want to make sure someone is in charge or accountable for such horrendous work
or standards. Meanwhile, the prosecutors are waiting patiently while
they starve their own to win; and blame others. Do not let us find
any of these ignorant communists in the military or police ranks, which are a
warning. All of them are in a conspiracy; they are selfish, will
never tell the truth, and we do not need to know more about their politics or
political power. Look at the crime rates and look at the state
of America ;
their work standards or loyalty? We know they are the communists,
who let them run loose in America or
our mission? It is far better to
get a new force than to be in a stalemate, especially be willing to accept
their resume, drug wars, or terror plots.
RESIDENCE: I really do not like peasant whores or bitches in my
life. We know you are poor and began
this war. I call the shots, not you.
You don't tell me to leave or shut up. Am I clear? If I say
your planet is shut down, then it is shut down. Do you understand yet?
Good, do it again! If I say your resume is no longer good or
banned, then it is. Test this and verify it at your own risk; the
prosecutors are waiting and we know this is communist treason. I don’t
need a poor peasant barking demand at me in my residence; thirty years ago or
today! There is no way to win this war
and we know you are communist; end it before the people you starve hack you to
death and put that on their resume. I
think you bit off a little more than you can chew also!
___________________________________________________________CAN WE THROW THEM OUT OR CAN WE NUKE THEM? One skirmish or one little nibble to cut us down to size again; I will see to it their boldness and confidence is dead and gone once and for all. I am not going to tread water on their behalf or use me to float. There is more than a billion dollars in damages already; over a billion, do we need more lip service or diplomacy while an uppercut is coming? Ask the prosecutors how long the wait was or going to be, go ahead; verification and authentication. It comes down to two billion dollars with Ann, if she treads water or pleads guilty for keeping their head above water, she is a traitor; I am not going to be used as a flotation device or allow little nibbles. Ann better understand what corruption is or treading water for them is about. I have zero tolerance for any of this, not even a nibble; yes family. Their lawyers are trying to keep the lights on and use us to float; I have zero tolerance with this Asian rescue.
IS THIS OFFICE, PLANET, OR FREEDOM? Exactly and they make things
worse for the business world and the survivors. It was not up for
debate or ever was, zero tolerance because this has gone on far too long and
way too lawless. The long term impact will be more raids, more
misery, and more of this zero tolerance model. Keep in mind, the
prosecutors are waiting and there are over a billion in damages, this is no
verbal confrontation and never was. The egg of communism and
scumbags cannot be America ,
they got this wrong. Why do they keep repeating the same thing before
crashing and burning? A wealth of real
estate and values or a scam of debts and fraud, exactly!
NOTHING BUT MISERY AND FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE: We know they are in the mood and waiting. We know there billions of misery currently, this is serious and dangerous business. What are the casualties of the Last Man Standing Game or their will to wage war on perfection or any opposition? Exactly what I said and why there are over a billion in damages. Exactly what my life and military mission was turned into or this transformation with them; what they did and what it brought was nothing but misery and death. They expect to be in the ranks of the police or military after this? They expect us to give them a chance or respect their church and authority? Sure they feed the poor and are always in the mood, is that what we want or need? What this got them was endless misery and decades of it, so stop lying and defrauding the public. They want to die rather than go to jail, clearly. They are a misery factory, a disease of the mind and a state of damnation. If feels like a game of Survivor for poor miserable people and I am stuck in the ranks of the rejected. I still cannot cut the mustard or make their ranks; this F’in church and their endless lawlessness. Yes the Democratic Party
WANT THE INDUSTRY AND BRAIN POWER OF THE FORMER COMMUNIST BLOC, IMMIGRATION: I don’t give a F if your island nation is totally corrupt and live in squalor. If you want immigration of communist power to your low wage immigration scam; then you tell your church to go to hell. We are fed up with your drug wars already also; we know it is centered on
GO TO THE END OF THE LINE AND STAY THERE FOR ANOTHER CENTURY ASSHOLE: Don’t even try to jockey for position or try to cut us down to size or your standards, play hard or go home in last place. Of course we know what your church and what your nation-state is up to. We also know you are a secret government usurping the federal government and the Constitution; in the name of your church, unity, and feeding the poor. Do you want to F up or be forced to F off? Bullying tactics or a robbery attempt, what have you gained trying to cut us down to size or little pieces? One little skirmish is all it takes because the prosecutors are waiting and so have I. Go feed the poor and stop toying with our life and military mission. Also, zero tolerance for labor unions and police and military rank and file, no nibbles either; we don’t like communists or this asshole police.
NO MEANS NO, THE ENDLESS COERCION AND NIBBLE GAME: What got them in so much trouble and what built the walls behind their prison? One more little nibble and we go get the big boys, the meanest and toughest alive on earth. Either they change their strategy or go home, play hard all the way or go home empty. Ann, get ready because if they nibble; then I need you to go get the big boys also. I am fed up with this, tell them to play hard or go home. If they want to see the big boys and the big guns in action, then let’s make it clear; no means no, one little skirmish or nibble is all it will take.
THE TINY NIBBLE GAME WILL END: It will end next time and the prosecutors are waiting patiently, zero tolerance on tiny nibbles to cut us down to size. We know your strengths; you do not have the strength or will to fight. If you want to bite, then bite; no little nibbles.
TRYING TO CUT US DOWN AGAIN, WILL FIND OUT EVENTUALLY: This is either about how bold ad confident I am or how bold and confident they are; my freedom. They can walk away and the prosecutors are waiting patiently. Don’t get up again, this is the worst mistake. I do not know how many warnings are necessary to end this or stop them. We will find out.
AND OBNOXIOUS: Every single
time there is a fight. Every
single time I get my strength back. Can
we please cut them down and put them in their place before they strike
again? Every attack is
about how bold I am or how bold they are. There is only one way to settle this
and the prosecutors are waiting patiently; otherwise, this will kill them
slowly. I am sure they
cannot get up once again nor do this again! The question is am I bold and
obnoxious or are they?
DO NOT GET UP OR GET MORE STRENGTH TO FIGHT THIS, THE PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING AND SO HAVE I: This is where they went wrong or made a fatal mistake, still ongoing and still claiming to be our family in need of money. Clearly they are intent on seeing me poor or cut me down to size, a mold or character they seek or was inventing.
DO NOT GET UP OR GET MORE STRENGTH TO FIGHT THIS, THE PROSECUTORS ARE WAITING AND SO HAVE I: This is where they went wrong or made a fatal mistake, still ongoing and still claiming to be our family in need of money. Clearly they are intent on seeing me poor or cut me down to size, a mold or character they seek or was inventing.
PROBLEMS: If there are anymore enlisted
problems, we will ask for a total shut down and a final one. Do not make that mistake again. This includes the category of Vietnam
Veterans. We are very close to shutting
them down and ending this, very. No more
nibbles, either play hard or go home empty.
There is a total ban on little skirmishes.
WANT TO BE FED: That is why they are
full of molesters and sex offenders.
When it comes down to feeding the poor they are always in the mood. Add on this a hatred for themselves, the
desperate and poor, a don’t care or I hate perfection mindset; they hate both
rich and poor and want to be fed. Their
men resort to crime while their women resort to sex or lewd behavior; that is
their church and their God. That is what
I keep describing or endless violations; it add up far more than a billion in
damages but we have to be realistic and start somewhere. This is how this church is staying afloat
while the ship goes down or in pitched warfare.
INSANE IDIOT IF I MET ONE, SAW ONE, OR IMAGINED IT ALL: That is how disgusting this is; what sick,
demented, possessed, high on crack, America loving patriotism, etc… could even
think of this idiot for an hour? Try
this for thirty years and see what it does to you! They actually look at each other in awe;
bucking the system and so clever or God like.A den of psychopathic idiots who are totally
insane and think they are totally sexy or money! They do feed the poor and there are a lot of
good looking desperate people who are always in the mood; far worse than the
communists. Look at them looting and
scamming as it all ends.
STOP COMPLAINING OR CRYING WHILE WE THROW YOU OUT OR WORSE: We don’t like the communists nor appreciate them waging war on us daily, in every aspect of our life, or 24 hours of spying. We are dying to sign up or join. We are dying to join your church or attend your schools. We are dying to learn about poor people or a bunch of human assholes that are starving or totally insane. I spend each minute of my day thinking about this and reading your work. There is over one billion in damages and this is approaching thirty years; that is pure evil and a complete asshole. We caught you and now you dare us to wage war on you or worse? You refuse to surrender or turn yourself in? Are you this ignorant and stubborn; or superior and sexy as you claim? Oh we are ugly and stingy? We caught you in a terror plot and far worse and you worry about the poor and your good intentions? Serious, F your criminal communist church. Can we throw you all out or can we just nuke the world criminal enterprise at once? The worst part is your complain, blame us, and tell one lie after the next, endless. That is totally insane and a pure criminal.
STOP COMPLAINING OR CRYING WHILE WE THROW YOU OUT OR WORSE: We don’t like the communists nor appreciate them waging war on us daily, in every aspect of our life, or 24 hours of spying. We are dying to sign up or join. We are dying to join your church or attend your schools. We are dying to learn about poor people or a bunch of human assholes that are starving or totally insane. I spend each minute of my day thinking about this and reading your work. There is over one billion in damages and this is approaching thirty years; that is pure evil and a complete asshole. We caught you and now you dare us to wage war on you or worse? You refuse to surrender or turn yourself in? Are you this ignorant and stubborn; or superior and sexy as you claim? Oh we are ugly and stingy? We caught you in a terror plot and far worse and you worry about the poor and your good intentions? Serious, F your criminal communist church. Can we throw you all out or can we just nuke the world criminal enterprise at once? The worst part is your complain, blame us, and tell one lie after the next, endless. That is totally insane and a pure criminal.
WHO DO YOU FEAR MOST, ANN COULTER OR I? We blocked the stupid marriage attempts and the murder plot. We also know the communists did this in the 1960s. They used the media to leak the information, mass murders of an entire family. They do admit it was both a marriage plot and a murder plot, don’t they? Now the question is who they fear the most and what will happen if they take out Ann or me? If the power transfers and the truth come out, then they will have more trouble than this entire world can throw at them. Right now we know they are stalling and trying to make it two pieces again, not one entire piece. They can’t take out Ann or me at the same time; so how will they move the pieces now? One mistake and we can throw them out or nuke them, can’t we?
OTHER? Let’s ask the media if they know
why? Does it matter if a complete
asshole is poor, rich, or claiming to be the public good? They help the poor and feed them,
so we are definitely dying to have sex with both men and women! This is how totally insane they are or why
they are in this predicament, a complete total gay idiot.
EVERY ASPECT OF MY LIFE INCLUDING INSIDE MY RESIDENCE: I don’t give a F about income inequality or
the haves and have nuts. I don’t give a
F if you are an orphan or starving, handicap or an invalid. If you keep doing this, poor or not, then you
will dig your own graves. Keep making
excuses and lying and the public will hack you to death when they learn about
your dirty deeds, pure evil acts, criminal stunts, and your deadly plots. We don’t like poor people and we definitely
do not like an unabashed-smelly common man model they force down our
throat. They are evil and pure trash all
dressed up to look not poor or orphans. You
people make more poor people than you claim to feed; F your church too!
the public finds out when you knew and how you made it far worse than it had to
be; they will hack these guilty people to death and their spouses will do far
worse while they sleep because the FBI will get to them first. Remember, the prosecutors are waiting
and so have I. Be careful
about your kids also, they may get word one day and all the information will
surface. The prosecutors
are waiting, pick up the phone now, they want to know more. I am sure a deal can and will be
worked out, generously. In
the thick of battle, good information is extremely valuable. It comes down to their name and their
legacy, when reality hits and it all collapses. Taking their damn time
will get them hacked to pieces!
exactly. The prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have
I. Keep in mind; it is usually not what you think because your mind
is a total asshole. Why do I always have to fight a complete
asshole? I am the techie remember, not the pretty looking bull-shitter.
As a matter of fact, I would rather have their spouse hack them to death
in the name of justice and truth. Do you really trust your wife or
husband? Really? Let's test it, shall we?
not lie about this or what is in front of us.
It will break the American soul and fill it with nonsense. Regardless, this enemy refuses to leave and
they also feel they own it. Paying for
it and being born on planet earth is no excuse for waging war on us.
GIVE THEM A HAND: The only thing I can say is we know they are
coming and a process called verification and authentication is underway. They are a victim of the system. They are a casualty of war. They are a victim of the system. They are a victim of everything; however, they
are the victim of two planets at war, us and them. This legal defense has never been used in a
court of law, never before.
THE COAGULATION OF THEIR FILTH AND LIES: Now that we know what is making everybody sick and who is doing it, can we throw them out or nuke them? If they were and are a real doctor, then they would know the coagulation of this scumbag is not good for the soul and they will destroy human beings. These attacks need to cease and desist immediately because there are legal damages far exceeding a billion dollars. It is unethical to keep piling up lies and shrugging their shoulders as if an idiot punched their lights out. Similar to a toilet, you put one of them on it and they will break everything; even the brush to clean it up. Now we know what the real problem is or who is lying. Lying about it got them nowhere also.
KNOW WHAT WAR IS OR WHEN IT HAS ARRIVED? You are looking at a person who
comes from a lot of war and a lot of battles with the
communists. What makes any of these people think I or we need a
lecture on who and what we are fighting? They act as if we have no clue
or have to be told what to do and how to do it. They forget where we
come from and what we have been through. What a total asshole,
really. Some people revert to who and what they are no matter what the
outcomes dictate, such as a scumbag and a total asshole.
IT BRINGS: Most tragedies do not happen
during war, it is the events afterwards.
Families are ripped apart.
Children are orphans. Lives have
no future but to start over. Sometimes
war forces people to relocate and find better days. Sometimes the legacy of war oppresses the
losers and enriches the victors. Other
times there are no victors. The war is
not over so there is no point in looking over the ridge or what can be. In war you can be anybody you want; but the
reality of the ending will remove any doubt.
Some people cannot rebuild their life and they are so broken, they
remain in a state of war. Keep this in
mind because the reality of war is nowhere here yet.
felonies and gross violations? How
did you get hurt? How fatal
is the wounds? Did the FBI
say shoot at will because you refuse to turn yourself in? Did you try to resist arrest? Did you report any of this? Don’t I have better things to do with
my time? The truth is
Satellite Warfare has the potential of changing our planet and our future;
stealing it was the worst mistake. Taking
captive the center of all this was not a very good idea. The legal damages stack up higher and
higher. How did you get
hurt and what did you neglect to mention? All you had to do was ending this and
pay legal damages, do you deny this? More
tricks and lies from a sneaky enemy full of pure evil. It is possible you
drowned in your own blood and refused to seek medical attention, isn't it?
OPEN SEASON ON THEM: The prosecutors are waiting and this attempt to experiment and turn us into a communist has failed. There are horrendous amounts of damage due to the effort to turn us into a harmless retard, brain dead; but they remain vigilante and claim they are not trying to deny it. They claim they do not care if they win or loose this. They still try to hoodwink the entire world and cover up pure evil and deliberate harm on other human beings. A failure to report a robbery in progress exempts them from becoming a victim, so we encourage the allies to have open season on them and their rank and file. Teach them a lesson they will never forget, such as invading
WHY CAN’T THE FBI GET ANYWHERE WITH THE SUSPECTS? Is it due to a conspiracy driven mind? No. Is it because they had the same exact situation in
COUNTING ON ANN COULTER TO GET YOU OUT OF THIS? I told Ann if it came down two billion, I expect perfection and much better; Ann knows this. She may have done herself in already, as all of you have. Yes, you bought her and I expect perfection. Are you trying to play a monkey on TV?
AGAIN, DO AS YOU ARE TOLD: The prosecutors are waiting patiently before more people get hurt, do as you are asked and told to. Nobody is going to steal this and we have no plans on retiring with you sorry ass, I expect perfection. We know you are retarded, do as you are told!
YOUR SORRY ASS MAY NOT BE DENYING IT, BUT YOUR SORRY ASS IS NOT DOING AS YOU ARE ORDERED TO: The prosecutors are waiting patiently you stubborn SOB so doesn’t try anything funny either. Oh please help yourself, run your mouth, and take your F’in time. Let me guess, you don’t care if you win or not now?
ANY PERFECTIONISTS OUT THERE OR ONLY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES, STRUGGLING ZOMBIES, EVIL TOTAL ASSHOLES, AND UPCOMING COMMUNISTS: Man, stop mixing up all the pieces and stop attacking our mission and life. We know you are poor and desperate, now shut up.
complete idiot and psychopath? Not
the problem is I am a perfectionist and all of you are just slaves, poor,
wandering around in life, complete assholes, a sick demented evil criminal, and
you are guilty as charged and now busted.
Can you live with perfectionist or do you have to brainwash me or make
me look stupid? Do you have to make my
life hell and explain why you are so happy and superior where you are? Look at what you assholes have done, it is
ten times worse now and you are nowhere near destroying me now then when you
began. Has it been beneficial or has it
paralyzed my life? Has it made me look
stupid or embarrassed my family and reputation?
Has it brought you fame and fortune or only truckloads of shame and
regrets? Do you want to be a
perfectionist now or only Republicans and conservatives in a wolf mask? What exactly are you trying to prove or win
perfection? Tyranny? The world of stupidity? Fill the world with crime? Make women chase you? Maybe you have no goal but to destroy our
mind, body, health, and everything we have in life because there are more of
you than us? Is this your crime and is
this why you refuse to “talk!”? Now you
cannot win. Now we know who you are and
what you are up to. Now you have to
surrender and turn yourself in. Now you
must tell the truth and shut it all down, everything.
I HAVE NO INTENTION OF RETIRING WITH FOX NEWS OR ALLOWING THEM TO SPY ON ME AND WATCH ME: I don’t give a F if they are Republicans, conservatives, or even communists and terrorists. They all got this wrong. I don’t care if this has been one year, five years, or ten and twenty years; I have no intention of forgiving them, allowing them to violate my rights, or retiring with them. I don’t give a F if they are well intended or not. I don’t give a F if it is for the public good. I don’t give a F if they are my best friend or even my parents. What part of this or that do they not understand? What part of the laws or my legal damage claim of two billion do they not understand yet? I don’t even give a F if they are Catholic or Jewish. I don’t give a F if they are racist or not. That is the bottom line. I don’t give a total F if they are 911 victims or one of my ex girlfriends, not a damn. Now is that enough for them or not? Do they get it now? Are they ready to talk or not because the prosecutors are waiting. This is going to have a big impact on their life and take a big bite out of their future.
OR FIRE US : Is going to take a big bite out of their
pension, a huge bite. They may look good
or make them feel good right now but it won’t work. I have no intention of retiring with a total
disaster, an asshole, or any of them.
This includes Ann, I expect perfection and careful attention; not
endless games to make me look stupid.
Talk! The prosecutors are waiting.
ANN I WANT AND EXPECT PERFECTION: I have no intention of retiring with these
people or having total assholes in my ranks.
I suggest you figure out a way to let them down easily and stop making
all sorts of promises or telling them yes.
This “good enough for government work” is not perfection, I expect
perfection; not this asshole. Ann, I
warned you about bringing them in our ranks or even into my forces; they do not
fit. Their standards are abominable or
abysmal. Talk! The prosecutors are waiting.
Man Standing Game has failed and is going to have a big impact on their
retirement, their name, bring embarrassment to their family, stunt their
growth, and have serious consequences to their future far on than what they are
saying. Making us look stupid or beg
might make them look and feel good for the time being; however, it is starting
to unravel. Their stupidity and secrets
are beginning to unravel too. Talk! The prosecutors are waiting.
THEM: I filed charges and I have no
intentions of retiring with those in this trap.
Even if Ann is close to them or is the same as they are; I expect
perfection and can do without any of them.
Following me through life or making me walk in their shoes, even
suffering from poverty; was their worst mistake ever. Also, I was not and will not become their
preacher or healer, hell no. I will wage
war with them before having any association with their organization or church. All of them can go to hell; I expect
perfection, not some asshole I have to give instructions to all the time.
RETIREMENT: It does not look very good
for them and they are so guilty; they will have a lot of legal problems also,
even in retirement. They are avoiding
closure and that is far worse than paying legal damages or digging a bigger
hole. Trying to make us look stupid or
make us poor, for employment or some job they fabricated; will fail and make
them look very bad.
perfection; even a college degree.
Obviously, people are not amused with these total assholes and this game
to make us look stupid or feel stupid.
As far as capping our growth or stunting it; it will fail. Closure is coming fast! This low standard or lacking standards, an
ocean of “good enough” is obviously unacceptable in our ranks. I was a victim of this many times; even in my
own military mission. We also know it is
a conspiracy and we have no intention of tolerating it or feeding this
stampede. We expect perfection, some a
total asshole that can’t meet or exceed the standards. Also, take a F’in bath will you; you people
smell and are pathetic.
ANYTHING WE WANT? ANYTHING? DRUGS, ALCOHOL, 40 SOMETHING GEMS, MEN, GAY ASS MEN, THE LIST IS LONG? Let me think about it okay; I am a slow decision-maker. I know it has been thirty years be patient. Do you accept credit or checks? No banks? What do I have to barter with? Sell my sexy body? Don’t trust me? Trust me now? I’m safe around your people? Sure? 100% sure? Positive? I smoked dope in HS? I have a mental illness? Whoa terrorism? Communism? Violence! Oh Ann. No man, not my Ann.
TO THE FBI: That is the source of all
these insane observations, errors, dumbass babble, religious dream, and why the
compound state of mind is stupid whacked.
Those sexual thoughts are from watching another human being who hates
your F’in guts and is very offended by your intrusion or invasion of
privacy. Don’t call it a marriage or
family either moron. Soon reality will
arrive at your door and it will all collapse.
Do we want to have sex with you or do we think you are awesome? Yes and even better in jail sexy! Seeing people in their underwear or most
intimate moments will get your kitties hard, even your men. Watching us is the source of this headache
and insanity; plus espionage is illegal. I have never even had a curfew in my life, what make you think you will corrupt me or ruin my reputation?
about a helping hand and a little encouragement? Maybe to them it is and was no big deal? Maybe it is an allergic reaction to their
boner, a mental illness?
THE EXTORTION LEVELS: How did I become a
prisoner in 1989? Where are we in 2013? Reality is going to hit them like a ton of
living with them or deterioration of this urban dweller. The suffering is how they are so full of shit
and have to pay damages, but they act like a criminal conspiracy.
and misleading information. Ask what
kind of drugs they are on to make them behave this way or say these
THEM: This is why they are
communists. Is it all fake and total
lies? I never hired God or Jesus. I do not fall into false consciousness. This is why they only expand and never
collapse or shrink. How do we fire them
or contain this disaster? Who hired them
and who fired or is trying to fire them?
The entire dog pound erupted to prevent removal. Why am I a prisoner of espionage?
EACH OTHER, IN THE NAME OF THE LAST MAN STANDING OR WHOSE HAPPIER: We are dealing with the lowest forms of humans on earth, right? They are guilty and trapped, right? Their backs are against the wall, right? Do I want to have sex with you? All the time. Do you turn me on? Of course. So pretty. Do I want to know about your stupid secrets or dirty underwear? I heard enough lies about Ann, even from
her. Hey if you all come to work and
give each other a migraine headache it is on you; don’t get me involved while I
try to take you down. If you all have a
circular firing squad and blow each other away, keep me out of it okay
asshole? I am sick and fed up with
this. If you want to stab each other out
of love, then do it for the federal prosecutors, not me. I’m not your F’in leader either idiot. Hey come to work and shoot each other, rip
each others eyes out, but leave me out of it and stop spying on me 24-7; I am
not your F’in hostage or compound member. Yes play the Last Man Standing on each other.
ONLY FOX NEWS AND ONLY COMMUNISTS CAN DELIVER THE SEVENTH SEAL: Man us been through this F’in nightmare before and we know they are the lowest form of life on planet earth. It is nothing more than a web of lies and a crime spree. How did they become so trusted? They do this on the media and around the globe? Is this some F’in joke? In order to do it, wouldn't they have to invade our privacy or keep us under watch 24-7? Nobody is going to steal this or do any harm, nobody but they can try and they can fail; again! Are these plots the way of the warrior and the way of a coward and scumbag before our very eyes?
THEY DO THIS WITH A STRAIGHT FACE TO CIRCUMVENT THE LAWS - STOP PULLING THE WACO TX “I’M CALLING 911” FRAUD: Yes, we saw the same thing from the Waco people while the ATF raided their compound. I am sure they are busting your doors down, violating your rights, threatened your family, and you have no idea who they are or what this is about. The federal prosecutors are waiting, talk! I am sure the same people did the same exact thing in 2002 with the same false arrest scam; now they don’t want to be fired and won’t put an end to all these lies, fabrications, or conspiracy. If you can’t do the time, then don’t do the crime; it is a very simple formula. Did it concur to you to shut down your spy ring or espionage conspiracies? Exactly, why do you do the crime and plead or beg until war is imminent, are you totally insane or just plain stupid? Wrong? How we are perfect and we verify and authenticate, talk! How low is their human form or this scumbag? They also shoot back and do terror plots; then they hire people to force credibility down the throats of others. Meanwhile, their only objective is to circumvent the laws and evade capture, conspiracy. They also claim it is public speech and protected, nothing else is protected only their public speech and rights. They have to eat!
WERE EVEN WORSE! They would fabricate
all kinds of blame and then hit you up for hundreds of dollars. Then if you fought the fees, it would jump
incrementally. They went so far as to
make jail the punishment for fighting their endless blame and fabrication. It felt like extortion. When they put you in jail, they make sure the
experience is the worst; usually crack addicts or homosexuals. However, none of them can fight and life
operates on the smallest step or goal. What
happened to me was I fell into a coma for almost a year but before I did; I was
in at least ten fist fights. You had to
fight and they provoked or instigated them by putting you near the most
dangerous terrorists. I also describe
them as serial killers; cold, deliberate, and calculating. Years on end of this, I lost thousands of
dollars if not everything. Meanwhile, I
tried to look or search for a place they had no reach or no power; an untainted
area or uncontaminated state. So far,
nothing; they are integrated in every aspect of government and business. Shutting them down and adding 10 seconds for
each second they waste is a Godsend. It
is the second coming of Christ literally.
There is conspiracy in the ranks, also major cover-ups. Yes thirty years of this crap by the lowest
form of humans; and it is not over yet!
Now they mess with both Ann and I; and my beloved Satellite Warfare
Program. My records show ticket after
ticket after ticket, a stalker and then legal complaints and then retaliation
by total lies and fabrication. They
played the race card and always in times of crisis. We expect them to resort to this strong card
and get out of jail card when cornered. Now
they sit there and claim they do not know what to do but wait and fight to the
WING: Admit what you are and what you
stand for. All of you are smart but they
do not like or want college degrees.
What they want is the mind of a child because they do not have the
intelligence, skill, or the capacity to harm others. Similar to the communists, the idea of false
conscience, a staple of communist theory is the conscience or lack of one. It states the communists are incapable of
harming or doing harm to others. Ever
since this began, you people always F with my employment or have some grip over
the careers of others; it is really annoying, really. It will probably start a war inside your
ranks if another five years is foreshadowed.
You cannot survive another five years, it was a total disaster.
AND CHICAGO : If Detroit declares bankruptcy, then eviction
notice must be posted and served. This means federal troops will have to come
in and begin the eviction process. The city has to be leveled because it is a
public safety disaster. This is where
deterioration and chaos leads; total disaster, bankruptcy, public safety,
shutdown, eviction, and federal troops. I
am surprised they have a sixth grade education.
THIRTY F’IN YEARS OF THIS: Someone is going to pay very dearly if this
is the 30th year and it was endless insulting or worse. I would blow their head off but I won this in
1989 and nobody will take it away from me; but do I need to be angry because of
Ann Coulter? This was her fault but I
will fight as her partner to the very bitter end while she tried to prove she
is perfect and worthy of two billion of satellite warfare. Nobody is going to insult, steal, sneak up
on, fire, or do any harm; nobody. How
much and how long can they create and start this program; do waste more time
and add more attacks or insults. What a
complete and total asshole that deserves death; I will enjoy every single
before I see this fall into their coffers, be embarrassed and humiliated, be
treated the way I have, or allow this to happen to this program or have them
take little bites out of it. Nobody is
going to steal this or do any harm, nobody.
That is a strategy and advice from me to you Ann. It is a line I draw and a line I stick to the
end. I will not allow them to do any of
this, never. Each second wasted is ten
years of family embarrassment, future demise, and hell they must be accountable
for. If you live by my words, there
would be no problems between us Ann, none.
If you lived by zero tolerance, then I would not be so disappointed with
your life story but I will fight with you, as promised to the very bitter
end. However, it comes down to two
billion dollars, take it or leave it. That
should make you run into the DA’s office screaming and yelling. The first strike is the last one in satellite
warfare. I’d blow them away if I had
something to prove but I don’t have anything to prove, I won this in 1989. The insults are endless, thirty years
It comes down to two billion dollars and I expect perfection not lip
service or wasting your life on these people.
I am your partner to the end but you waste so much time and are so F’in
slow and scatter-brained. This is not
the end but when it is, I expect perfection and deserve it. I don’t give a F about Delta or how much
cocktails they served; but I will see this to the very bitter end. This is and was your fault Annie… your stupid
ass love life. What do I think of your
love life or how many times you were engaged?
ME ANY LIP OR CALLS: I know when and if
I stick my head out there, don’t I? The
prosecutors are waiting patiently and so have I. Nobody will steal this or make an idiot out
of my life or this beloved program.
Nobody will decide the fate of Ann Coulter or me, nobody. Don’t even take one more step, the
prosecutors are waiting patiently and none of you can win this. I think your mouth is taking you places you
do not want to go and you are stuck with that mouth.
PARTNER, BUT IF IT COMES DOWN TO TWO BILLION, I EXPECT PERFECTION: I will stick with you to the very bitter end;
but don’t expect any favors when it is all said and done. You would have to reverse everything in 24
hours or maybe a week or two? Who is
going to cover you; come to your rescue if it came down to two billion
Ann? Me?
If you want to be totally flawed and live like an animal, even keep your
enemies next to you or waste your entire life with them; then do not come to me
because I hate their F’in guts more than you know. For you to waste your F’in life and hand my
beloved program and my blessed life this pile of crap is a complete insult and
an act of treachery. Do you agree
Ann? Can I do it to you? I will stick with my guns and be your partner
to the very bitter end, as a soldier also Ann; but when I go home to my farm,
don’t even pull that anything goes with me.
I expect and deserve perfection; not a numb-nut total idiot and a pile
of insanity or flaws. I hate these F’in
people and you waste your entire life on them, for what? Kicks?
Your pride? Your name? Hope?
To make me unhappy? Talking to
them is an act of treachery or insanity, do you understand? I think your mouth is taking you places you
do not want to go and you are stuck with that mouth.
ARE WAITING: STFU about putting a smelly
homeless F’er near us or some felon with bunions and the worst body odors. I heave heard, “You two have to learn how to
live together” how many times in the last thirty years? Who the F do you all think you are doing this
for? When I am healthy, I will come
after you for this and I will make sure the score is settled once and for
all. I am fed up with the smelly MF game
or always putting some nigger next to me, very F’in fed up. Also, take your damn time in the name of the
communists, labor unions, Democrats, left wing, and liberals; do that. There are bigger fish on the block but total
hell does not mean all of you are off the hook.
We will throw a final party for all of you; on our schedule and when
this is finally over. You people are
nothing more than a F’in parasite of poor immigrants. Your war with the Office of Satellite Warfare
is not over either but total hell does not mean you are off the hook. This little game to make us look bad, to win
your lawsuit or squash mine; is going to get your state shut down and the plug
pulled on your ass. The decision is in
and the plug will be pulled on you if there is another attack. It is very difficult for the public to fathom
a police officer or police department is behind this; no less the people we
have in the trap. So total hell right
now does not let them off the hook; it is the political problems we are
going to give you a warning Ann, it needs to be perfect and not this totally
flawed, dragging your feet, or having so much fun from start to end. These mysteries with D’Souza, Tully,
Guccione, Stein, Wheaton ,
and Maher; is not going to help at all.
It comes down to two billion and you are not the quiet innocent one in
this. You do not have a nuke to
eviscerate all this either Ann. Even if
all the power in the world were on your side, you played the waiting game; Last
Man Standing. You would have to nuke all
of these mistakes and lies in one night; I am a military strategist and I know
war very well. I do not live in a
fantasy world and think very clearly. You
people are total assholes and deserve everything coming. Are they heroes and better fighters than we
are? Tougher and built much better, or
were they set up? How many times have we
issued a warning and said to knock it off or end this? Are all of you total assholes and an enemy
threat, a pest? We may shut your state
down if it comes down to it, like pull the plug on all of you; this has gone on
long enough. I hope the public sues all
of you for being total assholes or this “Last Man Standing Game.”
OR GIVE UP THE BALL: This last man
standing game is going to either kill us both or one of us; and I have nothing
to do with it or those behind it, nothing.
If I had a nuke, the text and “too long” of a book would have been
clear, concise, and straight to the point.
with the endless drama and babble added to my texts, really. I expect this to be perfect, not good enough
for the government levels. I am so fed
up and sick of these people who are total asses and so flawed, they make up
LAST THREE YEARS IN FLORIDA: It was not everyday but it was a lot of
attacks and a lot of scumbags in my life, many so poor they smell like poop.
Oh Ann, why don’t you take a hard look at the last three years and who
benefited the most? You or
I? If it comes down to two
billion dollars and you play the innocent quiet one, what do you think will
happen? Do you have the
emails to the DA’s office or the FBI office? I do. All I am saying is it better be F’in
perfect or I am calling the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes, by letter and
in writing. They call this game "friends with benefits" it is
also corruption and fraud; nothing is true and they all sit there and play the
waiting game or nothing is wrong.
FINGER: Wait until the reality
hits. You should have called it quits a
long time ago and taken this directly to the DA’s office. Now I have to figure a way to make them talk
while this is ongoing and I complain about one problem after the next. If you had a nuclear bomb and could nuke them
or eviscerate them in mere seconds, things would be much different; but they
are not. In a snap of a finger, I expect
things to be perfect and all of them gone, do you understand? This is no joke Ann. Your fantasy world has to come to an end; I
suggest you and they run into the office of the DA and stop F’in off or F’in
with each other. I got the same crap ten
times worse on this end; so why don’t you stop the back and forth also and help
me win this war? No not your way, my
way. It starts when you can say no. Do you expect me to go through another thirty
years of this Ann, honestly? All of them
are active participants, all of them. Do
we see any of them running to the DA’s office?
We have more of the same.
TRYING TO FLY AROUND OR SHOW UNITY WITH THEM ANN: I keep saying the same thing over and
over. I seriously question your
loyalties. One of you will end up
destroying me, one of you will.
Apparently, it takes you a very long time to dump people or put an end
to things, a very long time. You should
know by now they are poor and totally flawed; that is how they get power, it is
who they are. You are their dream and
until something changes, you will be their dream. There are more important things than a plane
also, seriously. Annie, you are the one
adding more questions to an already diabolical situation, will you make it home
either? If it came down to two billion,
I snap a finger and it better be perfect, understand? Why can’t you understand this earthly idea
Ann, or is it me? Someone has to take
the first shot, the initiative, and it is not you. Why are you flying around with these people,
are you in a fantasy world?
CRITIQUING: Yeah welcome to my world and
the last thirty years, you could be more aggressive. How many people do you know email your
mom? Why in hell do you trade text
messages and emails with them, to sell books?
Do you have any F’in idea what is going on in my life or on this end
because of your stupid circle of friends?
Now you want to make life hell and I have to ask why you are walking
away from 2 billion dollars? Do you F’in
think I like these people or your circle of total losers? Are they not the most inferior and poor MF
walking this earth? They are my consumers and customers? Is this some F’in joke or are you in on it
also? You got to be in on it, how in
hell… This trash and crap is all over me while you invite their leaders to sit
with you or to bother me 24-7?
EMPLOYERS WHEN THE EMPLOYEES WILL BE FIRED OR OPPRESSED? If they are inferior, not transparent, and
totally flawed; then how in hell do we get them to take down the political
power that got them where they are? The
communists know this and so do the labor unions. What exactly is their best interest and why
have they hedged their political power?
We know they stand in unity but they have paralyzed our future and
jeopardized much more than their image and reputation.
it does take a little time and money to start a business or even a life
mission. All of them sit there as if the
world has ended. It better be perfect
Ann. I have watched and seen you piss me
off for weeks on end while I had to listen to all kinds of lies from your
circle and power. Your power better be
perfect as mine is. I’m a perfectionist
and I know how these people are or how slow and retarded they can get. It comes down to two billion, if you don’t
want it or are a retard, then F there are survivors. You are the same way Ann. These F’ers think I am trying to hire them
and you are identical to me. Man I am
ready to go ballistic on someone’s ass.
Apparently, they are hiring me or trying to hire me because of you
Ann. This is not the truth and I have
zero tolerance, zero. It comes down to
two billion and throwing them in jail for life.
ANNIE, HOW ABOUT WRAPPING THIS UP? I got the impression you are having too much
fun or only worried about selling books.
Would you like to wrap this case up or are you waiting for them? Are you waiting for me or them? Even I am getting a bit annoyed by you. These people are proactive and all of you sit
and wait. By the way, the hiring-firing
is still ongoing in my life; nothing has changed. Don’t ask me how they got in my life, they
are in my life. I am still going through
their hiring process and until something changes, they are only trying to
help. You want to what they do and wait
also? They are pro-active; they seek to
take the first strike. The waiting game
is designed to sabotage your life and mine; you do know this don’t you? You may end up looking worse than before; stubborn,
too confident, too complacent, etc… It comes down to how you present it, is it
perfect or totally flawed? Maybe you are
too narcissistic and cannot fix any of it, thus the waiting game?
WARFARE? Still can’t kill it, take it
over, or steal it. Yet how long will it
take and how much… keep in mind it is still ongoing so they knew and it was
deliberate. They should be talking and
running to the prosecutor’s office right now, not playing a “Last Man Standing
chicks are the same way too. They need
the tools to wage war. They have to
figure out who is on them or who knows.
They are pissed off and fed up.
Grew up in the state and will die there.
Old ladies are ragged out. Major
customers and buyers, cash reserves; would like to expand. Is anybody looking or knows? Have the skills we are looking for. Send them all to meet the seniors, parents
and founding fathers. Don’t like what is
going on in America . Claims we took food off their table and have
to return it or make it right. A scumbag
culture of losers pushed around or beaten down by life; just not around their
kids; don’t let their kids find out.
Could not defend against the IED attacks a major weakness; scared to
patrol or go to work. Old ladies are
fat, ragged out, and told to go away; but always a party and want to be part of
it. Always taking our stuff or trying
storm-trooper tactics.
You might now agree but it might serve your interest or even benefit you if you
clear up this “dating life” or “relationships” you did not have or had with
Tully (who?), D’Souza, Guccione, Wheaton, and some guy named Stein.
All of this is new to me and it is not as if any of them have verified
it. About all you told me was Wheaton was
emailing back and forth with your mom. My dad does not even know who I am
dating or slept with. It is really annoying and it does not add any
confidence in you. Remember, I am the tennis star and was on the tennis
team and I play like a pro; what in hell are you thinking or feel the need to
do this for? Are you also looking for a guy in the space industry or
satellite business? Really? Google Ann Coulter and dating; tell me
if it is just annoying or if you are a total loser? No wait, don’t answer
that one. I’m just standing here and shrugging my shoulder. Do you
also date expert marksman, martial arts experts, book authors, fitness experts,
computer science majors, soccer players, tri-athletes, master tropical fish
breeders, gardeners, car enthusiasts, motorcycle enthusiasts, retired US Army
veterans, hostages, people paralyzed or in financial chaos, Vietnam War
experts, or people who grew up in DC-VA, etc... It feels like you have a secret
life and I am not allowed into it or must worry. It feels like you
are obstinate and all you want to do is piss me off. It feels like
you are unrepentant and will walk away from billions of dollars or a great
future; as if it is no big deal. It feels like I fired you for these
character flaws. I want to win this but I am just saying; you look
and feel a certain way now. I expect way much more and saw you way
different, how about you? You sure threw one hell of a wrench in my life
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