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Saturday, January 4, 2014


Does it foster paranoia and make them uncomfortable if I talk about or document what they did to us in the most illegal ways?  What can I say or do to foster more paranoia in them or take them to the brink of insanity; so the police can arrest and prove they are not only a lying pussy, but a disgusting jilted stalker, and worse than a 911 plotter scheming their way into our life?  What can I say or what can I do in a legal format to stand my ground and defend my honor; win back the life I had stolen from me and end this ordeal so I can return to it and be the man I was supposed to be or intended?  How did this happen when I worked so hard to make sure they were not in my life, could not get in my life, would never be in my life, and would never be welcomed back ever again?  Did we make a mistake or did they, a fatal one?

On Friday, January 17, 2014 @ 1445 Rush Limbaugh says it was a “tough year.”  If he is speaking about events, then he said they went up against teams they should have walked all over, but it was a nail biter.  He says he has doubts about this year.  Shep at Fox said “The FBI knows we did it.”  Greta said nothing ever get’s by her.  Jenna said “we did wrong.”  Laura has moved on as a single mom.  O’reilly tried the child molester slinging (you are not us).  All of them refuse to run for office, a trap waiting.  Limbaugh hinted already he knew they are very close to being busted.  If Obama is their escape route, I do not see this bridge over the River Quai.  Members of Congress cannot waste valuable time or resources on these bums.  What Limbaugh was actually saying was, this loss was not a fluke.  Even if he or they imposed double-durr or played stupid; there is no way this loss was a fluke.  Limbaugh ends his show with picking teams pro-gay.  Were these attacks intended to abuse the laws and induce a psychotic attack or worse, murder and even mass murder?  Was it a terror plot as described in the Case of Ed Gingerich the Amish husband?  This was their way to coping with a marriage fantasy or being jilted stalkers?  They could only see power and money as the root of evil; now disruptive technology.

On Thursday, January 16, 2014 Limbaugh explains what capitalism is and then says he despises it because he was “scroowed.”  He then explains what durr is and how things were supposed to turn out for him @ 1330.  He suspects something is wrong for the first time and also says he knows they are close to being busted.  He does not comment about his appreciation of literature or works of art.  He says he works hard and gets nowhere or nothing out of it.  He knows my plans did not turn out the way I wanted but the money for my business after my government career finally came through.  I lost all my profit from my books but it was worth it, a strategic trade in.  I still am still making strategic initiatives to acquire my office and my career back; lost all of my rank and power.  Lost all my private life, credibility, and family in the process; however, I am willing to rebuild and start again on different terms than before.  The records sustain this and also indicate a verification process.  I would like the government to fine Limbaugh and Fox News two billion on my behalf; add 1 billion in legal fees and all cost of ending this standoff.  I am willing to start my career from scratch, stage one with nothing.  That is the ultimate test, was he telling the truth or not?

Rush Limbaugh goes into details about their terror plot on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 @ 1240.  A little too late don’t they think?  They claim it was a raise and they were afraid of losing their jobs, the labor unions.  Yes obviously this is the motives.  The communists used the cold war to get labor union, military, and government jobs; they depended on this to build their empire.  If we put Al Qaeda in front of them, will they recognize or know who is real?  Will it work?  Durr.  Dumbass.  Back at ya.  Takes one to know one.  Guh-guh.  Muah.  Who wants to leave?  Is it working yet?  I double durr you.  Talk about yourself.  How ya doing now?  They think they are experts on terrorism and they think they are also Republicans!  They could not shoot durr if durr was in front of them.  Speaking of their IQ, I seen some weird stuff from the Protestants also but it must feel like sticking their finger in an electric socket or an imaginary penis, major mind masturbation.  Do I honestly look like their perfect bastard or Asian bastard?  A double-durr on Ann and I?  Daddy is a killer and wants you dead?

Does it foster paranoia and chaos in their ranks if I talk about it or them?  If they do it or make a move on me, do they get a shock?  Is it strong enough?  Will this work and has it worked?  Their feelings and emotions are not relevant when we are dealing with a psychopath.  The law is not there to protect a despot or killer whom is full of anger and jealousy.  Does this foster paranoia in them when we talk about this or them?  Does it make their life hell and kill them, shoot holes in them with M16 precision?  Why in hell would we be sensitive or sympathetic to their feelings or opinions?  Can they describe our motives if they are prosecutors and a real lawyer, terrorism?  Do they know who and what Al Qaeda is, daddy?  How did they get into this business of feminine mental masturbation from their leaders, single sex problems or mix-ups?  We can compare fighting the communist forces to fighting the Catholic Church or the Pope.  We can say it is our roommate, housemate, or neighbor whom is 100% nothing but evil. 

So the question is whether this has worked, is working, will work, and can I change this situation?  If you do not know what is real, are full of anger and jealousy, and think you are the judge-jury-prosecutor in my life; can I take every step possible to end your endless accusations and criminal tirade?  Can I flush you out and bring you into the open where you cannot hide?  Can I take your nothing and make it my something?  Why worry would be if you join our forces, become us, or merge; it would make things more difficult.  Example is to have little kids contact me and pretend I did not take any steps to avoid them.  Another example is trying to get their ID or location, to see if it is a man or woman behind this plot so a police report can be filed.  How can you accuse a child molester when you take every step to prevent them from being in our life?  If you have a female pretending to be demure or sophisticated, can I rip it up or expose her?  How can I end that type of attack?  Will this work?  Has it worked?  Can I change the situation in my favor and remove a despot psychopath from my life?  What else can I do?  What can I say?  Who can I get to help me or attack you?

I truly want and have worked hard to turn the tide in this stand-off.  Yes I need relief and help from the courts to get this stalker and predator off of me or away from me.  My intention is for them to feel the burn and stress of life rather than imposing it on me time and again, no matter what I do or no matter what precautions I take.  This can be trying to hang out with the right people, removing the wrong people, relocating or finding the right place, finding my own happiness, getting an education and using my thinking abilities, and making sure my life is healthy, secure, and positive.  Instead of imposing this stress or life tragedies on me; maybe I can turn it around and make those behind my ordeal to feel the stress and pain now and forever.  I do hope they die and not a day goes by where I do not wish them harm or death.  It is such a relief and such jubilation isn’t it?  I hope they know what life stress is now instead of constantly imposing it on me.  Yes I have to start my life over and I am willing to do this, without this enemy or pest in my life, can we expedite this?  As far as I am concern, the communists are dead and were dead a long time ago.

The Drug Wars and the Social Impact of Drug Culture:  Experienced people in the drug industry do not die from usage; they die from financial consequences such as debt and criminal ties.  We did not sign up or get here because of our actions; it was instead a secret life involving debts and criminal ties; a larger social impact.  Successful people do not take or abuse drugs, no less mix with those who do.  We did not invite them into our life.

Can they handle peace or a civilized criminal trial?  Can they pay legal damages or will they try sneaky, evil, or violent maneuvers to win and escape prosecution?  It comes down to their bond, their parole, the death penalty, and trying to be the state witness.  They are the best witness up there, aren't they?

At the end of the cold war, we are supposed to be nothing or nobody, who cares.  The Vietnam War is over and no more security checkpoints.  Crimes involving fire do suggest both murder, foul play, and the suspicion of evidence removal.  Crimes involving control or robbery, usually involve costumes, concealment, and infiltration.  The nature of the crime has nothing to do with the date 911 or 2001.  The date is actually 1989 and what problems they faced.  Their plan at CIA and inside the Republican Party matched the Vietnam War; a peaceful surrender not war.  However, the communist bloc capitulated because of technology and what they knew, an avalanche in technology.  With offense impossible, defense is the only way to win.  Therefore, how do you get the right people to surrender?  First, create the protagonist.  Second, create the antagonist.  If they can tire out our forces and wreck our technology; they can seek the control measures for surrender or capitulations.  Now we are nobody, who cares.  It is PTSD or our imagination.  The best way to win the French Revolution is to trick your enemy to surrender; care them to death.  This is extreme high level military strategy we are at, the summit.  Worse, their financial situation is worse than ever.

As I said, they are looking for someone or something; however, they need bait.  They need a lone survivor story or situation; who else knows about their inadequacy and paranoia; a total disaster?  Second, they cannot win on the military front or on the battlefield due to technology.  Third, their domestic forces are battered and in total hell, a sputtering tower of babble and a second class citizen.  They cannot sue using the race card.  The schism of the 1960s meant to go forward, they had to first reach this new level and then make sure it was impossible to go back if control and surrender was the ultimate military strategy.  Put yourself in the war on crime and drugs; this is their experimental lab and how they intend on using legalization or social pressure, pressure tactics.  Is the drug war a violent act or organization?  Is robbery a violent or process of control?  When you see their lab become successful, such as the 1980s; then you will see the pressure tactics on a larger scale.  They must take over the right wing or Republican Party; then make sure the coast is clear.  Similar to a hot air balloon, if they let the air out; we worry but they never have to; what is our breaking point?  What is our financial breaking point?  It is financial not ideological; they want us to move and leave their world. 

When these loans, mostly Asian loans, are called; they will have their French Revolution and the massacre of the aristocracy.  They will bomb the trade and commerce areas until surrender is met.  Why?  They have no way out now, none.  This is aimed directly at minorities and the reformed.  This was a racial attack by the church of the blacks and the whites on the aristocracy and resistance.  This is their immigration also, the actual attack.  Think like the communists.  Welfare.  Education.  Technology.  They know blacks stick with blacks.  Blood sticks with blood.  Whites stick with whites.  Now they know Ann sticks with me to the very bitter end and death; ask Fox News and their church.  When the Parties are all the same, taken over; we become right wing, not left wing.

With this end, we have to join them and fight “God’s war.”  We have to worry, not them.  Are we with them or against them?  Are they in control or just seeking it, aggressively?  Do they enjoy attacking women?  Do they enjoy murdering human beings?  Do they see ratings a higher priority than doing the right thing or the rights of the innocent?  Are they intentionally trying to look too aggressive or not?  Are they intentionally trying to look scraggly, wandering, throw away, a trash pile, unkempt, poor, or do not wipe their ass?  Are they trying to look like someone we want to talk to and want to do business with?  Are they trying to look or give the false appearance of someone we can trust or would never lie, careful of the laws and etiquette?  Their eagerness to help is psychopathic but they hide this.  Are they someone is allowed in our home, residence, or embarrassing moments?  Would anybody question them if an intrusion or intruder was in our home? 

Our suspects are very sophisticated, or are they; but they do have a very professional side to them.  Are they trying to appear as if they are helpful or helpless to the predicament?  Our suspect is wild, lacking manners, poor, forceful, rude, extremely stupid, and just an attack animal from the pages of absurdity.  Unless there is a link of the suspect and the problem; there is really no evidence or any fact which can link them to the crime.  Are they correct or wrong again on this?  It is a gamble and one mistake can be very costly.  There is a problem with this home owner or is it another mix-up and lie?  If this is a criminal conspiracy, then control of the time from day one to sentencing; a job or position is the best possible outcome.  Becoming the prosecutor is a very good strategic location; but using the control of the system is the best of all strategic positions, us or them?  Are they looking at something and then recreating it to fit their world and this strategy of control?  How aggressive are they or is there no end to this?  These are the same ingredients of the normal world and trust.

Just because they want to see Al Qaeda behind bars does not mean they want to also see me collect my legal damage of two billion and restore my life or livelihood; we saw this repeatedly from the start.  We also heard “we only want to help” or “we agree” endlessly.  There is a big disconnect in the big picture and also conflicts of interests.  No bond does not mean an end to the police incidents or reports on this end; nor a bloodbath by their cells; more death threats.  We have to monitor the rate of crime or reports of moderation or normalcy.  They need to find a lawyer whom they trust and understand what is real or not.  Perjury and discrediting the witness is illegal.  They have tried and they have succeeded, hence the damage amounts.  It may not work.

What did this female “Amy” say to me regarding how she felt about Ann Coulter on this Al Qaeda phone?  Amy for months said, “We are sorry… we will leave… we only want to help… etc.”  Then Amy said, “She does not make a very good co-host either” implying she was a good co-host and things had been fixed or back to normal.  It was the most disgusting and repugnant thing I ever heard inside my residence and private life; a call from Al Qaeda with a death threat; another of the repeated ones on Ann.  Now I have to go and talk sense into Ann and I am sick and tired of it or this predicament with sexy Amy whom is the adopted child of the First Lady or some white family.  I cannot run a company if Ann is entangled with these people.

It is very logical and a very good strategic plan to deny any bond while their assets are seized or disputed.  The grotesque behavior is repugnant and they were unrepentant and without any remorse for any of their victims or any of their crimes.  Getting taunted only revealed their true nature and guilt but they threw it back and came back stronger than before.  No bond means any delay tactics or legal gimmicks.  Their lawyers, if they know what is real or not; should get some document stating they waive the right to cooperation or silence; silence and legal gimmicks is not a winning legal defense but it puts the pressure on the victims, it bolsters their crime.  It does feel as if they let these genies out of the bottle and we could not put it back or stop them; however, they are with us now and we need to worry.  Now they claim they are or were fighting God’s war, huh?  How did this merger happen and do they really want to die and refuse to be reformed?

Al Qaeda was a dream comes true for these people.  They got jobs.  They got security.  They got unity.  They got control.  They got media time.  They got headlines.  They got funds and bourgeoisie budgets.  The got a waterfall of donations.  They had endless books and material to report.  They got everything we could not give them, the truth.  But there is a problem here.  The problem is this next level of the 1960s revolution; the schism in their church and debt.  Communism ended, how did they get a dream come true?  They came to us and wanted surrender, control and a treaty; we said no, never.  That was the 1990s.  We are not in the 1990s today.  They are not free to do whatever they want.  Things have changed and they are trapped.  They have a lot of worries and a lot to complain about, we do not deny this.  Remember, Limbaugh said they have a concussion, they are scared of those combinations and another black eye, and nobody knows if he is lying or not.  Fox News said the FBI knows they did it, have not found any evidence, and they are very sorry for this because they want to die and never reform.  They are with us or they are against us; there is no middle ground.  Al Qaeda was the dream comes true for the 1960s crowd, the poor, the liberals, and the Democratic Party; never had they voted for the draft, The Vietnam War, or the Television War. 

They are with us now, no worries.  We need to worry.  We will see who wants them behind bars and who wants to see me collect two billion dollars the most; I want to see hands up!  Who wants to see me get married?  Who wants to see me become a CEO?  Who wants to see me begin Satellite Warfare?  Who wants to see me write about this in my diary or what I have in store or can expect?  Who wants to hear what they feel about me doing this?  Who wants to know what their plan is for my career and military mission?  So far so good right?  The evidence is electricity and technology.  The evidence is what can or will happen when you stick your finger in an electric socket.  Some people know better.  Some people hate the feeling.  Some people can tolerate different levels.  Other people get fired or die.  Who is dumb enough to do that?  Watch their faces while they try it.  Napoleon took France and the Revolution to its glory; and then as messed up, he took them to their knees.  Only he died on a lonely secluded island, beaten and defeated.

This is not a public service announcement and I do not like their little game or have.  It all depends on how they want to go out, this is the final line.  Do they want to go out with a bang?  Do they want to rat each other out?  Do they want the maximum penalty and impact?  Do they want their leaders to suffer endlessly for their crimes?  Do they want legal actions taken against them or loose their rights slowly, the bleeding effect?  Then it comes down to the system, which wants to see them behind bars and stripped of all their material belongings and freedom besides us?  How will they explain their guilt to the innocent of this world or the reformed?  The tower of babble has not talked their way out even if they are no damn good and corrupt, real 911 terrorists in a Catholic-1960s political schism involving the French and Irish.  They can’t save the poor and the real America does not want their crime or corruption, not even their drug wars.  How do they want to go out and do the FBI and Justice Department want them behind bars or stopped more than we do?  This will mean I collect two billion dollars, can they live with this and can they see this to the very end?  Clearly, the poor and these immigrants are totally corrupt and they do not want to rat out each other; they want to impose their rule and inflict as much damage to our life and our livelihood; why are they so special or are they?  Clearly, they are a separatist church and do not even speak our language nor can read any of this, a total retard in our world who refuses to reform and has no logic, none.

For the record, I do not see any evidence stealing our life or credibility restoring their citizenship.  I do see a lot of evidence and a lot of witnesses to suggest they are nearly dead and gone; goodbye.  However, the real war and the real terror begin when they are incarcerated; we will know their rescue and alliances, how strong they truly are.  I do not think they gave me life or improved it, no evidence of this except damage claims.  Their church is fit for a slave, a criminal, or a mere water boy.

This is the chance of your lifetime.  You can be a hero or write a book.  However, fail to protect yourself and I will ask for the death penalty and far worse, even one of your legs to eat.  Your silence is your answer; do you choose life or not?  It is being recorded and it is hard to believe your lawyers did not read this or you failed to exploit the matter to your benefit.  You did not make a bribe, yet.  You did not make a verbal death threat, yet.  You did make numerous death threats on Ann, I recorded it and I sent her a secret message of whom, what, and where.  This is why I yell at Ann also.  Things can change very quickly and for the worst.  Heed my words, I will eat you.  It is hard to believe you did all of this and failed to do the right thing.  Clearly, your oath is not to the nation and only to our death and destruction.  You seek to live long enough to see us suffer but the real hell and the real war is when you are in jail.

I think it is insulting and almost automatic taunting how Fox News can even suggest they are faithful servants, faithful helpers, fearful friends, parents, staff, or even the prosecutors.  We know criminals use control, orders, and lies to traumatize their victims during a robbery and through all stages of a crime.  We see this from start to end.  They even want us to believe they are faithful lovers or a secret spouse where the only elements that exist is criminal control.  They use crime to suggest they are doing the right thing.  They use drugs to suggest it is legal or widespread, in debate.  They use or mimic this prosecutor control in a Last Man Standing game with us where we have to fight to the death and look like animals.  Who has this mentally?  The communists think this way.  The labor unions think this way.  Terrorists think this way.  The mafia and criminals think this way.  I don’t see their endless impersonation as helpful, rather insulting and taunting.  Everybody is watching, if they have any shame than they will be or become a state witness, rat out each other (not us or the US government).  Everybody is watching them and everybody knows they are the bad guys and are intent on dying or seeing us die.  Yes and we just woke up one day and sought them out; for this book.  If they want to be heroes and if they want to be the good guys, reformed now and things change; this is the chance of a lifetime, that window of opportunity will end.  Apparently, we are still being prosecuted or have to share power with this faithful lover or servant.  They are full of emotions; anger, resentment, regrets, embarrassment, hurt, jealousy, etc… don’t try to hide it.  What exactly is a traitor?  That pretty much sums up what a 911 schemers is and how they get into our vulnerable lives and make it hell.

First they meddle and impede my schooling.  Then they try to corrupt me.  Then they try and block my military career.  Then they try to recruit me for some terror plot.  Then they impede and meddle in my marriage and family life.  Then I have to take steps to prevent them from stealing anything or everything.  Then they try and put me in some communist business plan called “exceptionalism.”  Then I get both an impostor and a house slave to be my savior, dirt stupid.  Then it dips into the sex fantasies and worse.  Now they pretend they are truly sorry and lost the most or got injured the most out of this fight?  What do I care about the media or who is behind the camera?  What do I care about broadcasting their propaganda and brainwashing messages?  It all plays out and here we are.  They refuse to be free, they refuse to be reformed, they want us in prison or some prisoner mentality, and they treat us like dogs who do not know where to poop?  All of that meddling led here; what is here?  All of that anti-Vietnam and anti-war led here.  Where is here?  Two billion was a very small number but they also claim they want to die and this has really harmed our reputation and discredited us; they are not the least worried.  This does not include the plots on Ann or what she went through fending them off and defending my name.  A lot of these disruptions impacted my purchasing power, freedom of movement, my ownership of property, and my ability to pay back my college loans.  However, they take their time and they pretend I should be more worried now than they should be.  Although miniscule amounts compared to two billion; we can play the “what if” game and get a window into how the last thirty years have been.

They did have an impact on our credibility while they traded it for their credibility; they can say we will pay with our peace of mind or suspicions; it was the system and the politicians, we are mere puppets in a game of pawns.  We are disgusted and traumatized by the entire matter; it is a fair accusation or insinuation.  It is fair to say we have not stopped the death threats or stopped them yet; a win-win, they will walk out after we walk out of the bank.  I concur with the investigators; the fact Ann Coulter did not or has not filed charges only proves they knew from start to end.  Had they gotten what they wanted, such as consensual sex or a decent catch, a bag of gold or valuables; they might have gone away or made an escape earlier.  A bank robber needs the help of employees that is the final disposition of why we are captives or being used as a hostage.  A bank robber and a terrorist are not too far apart.  The fact surveillance cameras do not show the robber or the team of bank robbers, does not mean the crime is not underway.  They provided all the evidence to convict them.  I did not give them a thing to steal, not a thing but they have been very effective in keeping me or Ann trapped.  Now everybody is facing conspiracy charges, aiding and abetting; how do you prove they are 911 plotters or hardcore communists looking for excitement and action, the thrill of a crime or partnership?  This does not mean Ann Coulter is off the hook, not yet.  It does show long term consequences and injuries due to all of these events.  Should I be eating $100 sushi, driving a nice sports car, and making these calls from my CEO office or should I have a callous lizard living in my life or near me; looking for something finally to steal?  It is hard for me to say the water boy or this idiot did not do this, very hard; nor deny it did not happen.  We will let the audience and the world judge this in our biography.

Why am I fighting the lesbian squad at Fox News over Ann?  First stalkers, then a stampede of Fox hosts, then lies and innuendos, etc… now lesbians?  This is too much.  Ann has to do the same on this end; mostly black and Catholics, all Democrats.  Just recently, they stole my wheels and I filed another police report; it has been going on a very long time, very.

Is there a mole at CIA?  Yes.  It is identical to Tartuffe and Mission Impossible, the boss.  The mafia is the communist front.  They knew I read Tartuffe.  Al Qaeda gave them a lot of ammunition and a lot of material.  They did not act faithfully in Iraq or Afghanistan.  They are now more trusted than we are.  Silent and deadly, they are not acting faithfully, only scripted.  They will try and act like a Secret Service team to make you feel important or valuable.

I gave up on fixing my car.  It feels like the entire car blew up, everything fell apart even if I never drove it, it is an antique and I don’t have any car problems or insurance expenses.  I look totally insane and crazy to file a police report on most of the problems.  I was one payment away from a new vehicle, one.  I called the cops and filed a theft report for my wheels.  Although minor compared to the two billion legal damages and your legal problems; stop watching or stalking me using my residence or occupants, it will come back and bite you.  Ann, if you are reading this; I don’t like the bar problems even if they do not report what you where or your conduct.  Obviously they are casing us and obviously there is communication back and forth.  Clearly this is very offensive.  What if we did have kids or what if I did have kids?  This is why we need Charles Manson grade to deal with this problem.  I could not file a police report for a lot of this, still.  It is clearly these F’in Catholics and Democrats, they are no damn good!  From the start I mistook them as Secret Service or some security; I found out slowly who they were, communists and then 911 terrorists.  Those police reports will kill you.  Boy if you sit there in silence and then act innocent or say you were only following orders; you should get the death penalty for this.  I wish to eat your leg after you are sentenced; a stew.  I want to do this in style, savor your flavors.  Your church will hang for this one.

This was never us or them, it felt like it.  It was never me or them, it felt like it being outnumbered constantly or stalked.  It was never the good guys or the bad guys; it felt like it being circled or on the receiving end of this delusional and psychopathic prosecutor.  From the start it was always Ann and I against them, it felt like it and it kept me safe and warm.  Even when they disrupted my life and caused me to be “fallen” or have endless “downfalls” it felt like everything was alright because it was Ann and I against them, to the very bitter end.  Then things began to change when Fox News got into the picture, for the worse.  Once we tracked them, found them, tested the evidence, recorded them, etc… things took a turn for the worse.  If a multiplier effect could be applied to a psychopath, then a ten multiplier was fit of the iron grip they had on our life or the extent they were willing to see this to the end.  My reality and my warped thinking defended my soul but were definitely formed by this ordeal, crime and fighting crime will warp both your existence and your reality.  The physical abuse was momentarily, the emotional scars and psychological war took much longer.  However, we are glad we were able to help teach them what was real and what was not in the end.  They do not see laws, civility, or doing the right thing as real; only a product of our imagination, a false consciousness and a weakness of being reformed.  It all unwound on them and it took them to the very beginning; who I was and who they were; none of them were the most successful man in the room but they claimed it was government oppression.

What is terrorism and why would anybody kill them?  It is possible to walk into a police station and say, “They are trying to kill me.”  Who are they?  Is there any evidence or edible records?  Is it mental insanity or make believe?  Let’s examine this allegation and possible scam to fool the police and security.  If they sit down and tell their side, they can say “his intent is to seriously harm us”.  How?  Is it terrorism?  If so, can you show the beginning and end of it?  Yes.  “They are totally crazy and think they are God, fighting God’s war.”  That is a typical motive and a common one.  Another one is, “can you investigate them, and we are the police.”  Again, a very logical and legitimate statement if someone is a victim and does not want to be harmed or killed.  How about this, “He is God and God is killing us.”  This is rational if they can prove or establish; mental illness, malice, proximity, conspiracy, etc… Did you intercept their phone calls or emotional state of mind?  Does he have an instrument or weapon of terrorism?  Are you missing something and has anything been stolen, a real tangible item audible or of value?  A typical female may even say, “He is harmful and I want him behind bars.”  All of these things are encountered by the police daily, even bomb threats.  Police officers can be killers also; “are they worth anything and why should we let them live or keep them alive?”  If they took these steps, now or twenty years ago, it might be logical and damaging to the case.  Why would a secret agent, killer, agent of some secretive government, Rambo in costume, an actor or comedian, author, visionary, CEO or even a king; shoot you in the courtroom?  Why would a poor ass loser and smartass?  It is very possible they were dramatized or tortured by the entire matter; just move and leave.  It is possible nobody actually knows if he is telling the truth and it is worrisome.  They may see conspiracy or have strong emotional discharges; a ticking time bomb.

I would like to say how ridiculous I feel about the entire matter.  They put people through a world of turmoil and struggle for unnecessary or obvious daily functions.  None of this would have ever happened if they would have shot each other in the head and died peacefully.  However, now they want to pay a few billion dollars and make it all go away; even war.  I have never seen superior soldiers, even if they were barbarians and psychopathic, as high as we can make them; walk away from a war the moment it starts raining or the slightest cold weather.  I have never seen so much preparation and then right in the middle of a really good fight, they just walk away and go home because they don’t feel well or they have a headache.  How do they expect to win wars or for this matter, be patriots?  Furthermore, look at what they make me go through to claim a legal damage of two billion.  You would think I pulled out a gun and put it to their head; even worse began shooting their family members one by one until there was just nobody else to kill.  At some point, even in war; they have to understand the need to stay down and shut up.  They need to understand war are fought for their country and it benefits their family, do it for family not TV ratings or a good laugh.  All they had to do in 1989 was cut a check for two billion dollars and none of this would have ever occurred, not even a word.  How about our feelings and our honor?  How about our motives and our good name?  How about the truth once and for all?  Instead we get all lies and this human being, if you call it a human being, who keeps making up one thing after the next; just to present them a certain way or look another way to their peers and the public.  It is really disgusting and I have to say, if I were them; I would have just quit from the start.  Lastly, keep in mind the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake was the grand opening of Rush Limbaugh in 2006; however, we would like to staff it and have a word with them.  If that turns their life into a nightmare; then it takes two to tangle, it truly sucks to be them!  It was you whom brought your family both shame and embarrassment by making up total hell into heaven.

What exactly is my wish list for Ann?  I would like a woman who has a more “bloodthirsty” proclivity if my life is in danger or I am under attack.  I need a cold blooded killer; who will do anything to win; Manson like would be on the lines of what I am talking about.  Being too civilized can be a very awful way to live.  Choir boys never get the hot and smart girls.  I need that killer instinct and stamina of a partner that can clobber a seal to death or stick their finger in someone’s eyes while they are talking.  Acting sexy and looking beautiful is great; but not when being attacked by ferocious terrorists or cold blooded killers.  You have to fight evil with evil; fire with fire; an eye for an eye.  The nice little old lady or the street hooker who is constantly looking for a man is not my thing.  A bad reputation is not my thing; these flaws and imperfections is just not my bag of tea.  I have fine tastes and a very discriminating eye.  I do not plan on female problems or a life full of headaches because of her dating life, marriage engagements, or all the secrets the media writes about her or the public knows.  A poor man can enjoy that or perhaps the men at Fox News and her nit-wit friends.  I can’t deal with such a total mess and such messy work; real or not.  Ann claims there is no sex, so what; am I supposed to be happier?  I need that Tyson kind of fighter who will bite off an ear or even break a few bones.  Instead I have to sit here and be fed meth, crack, and all kinds of drugs by miscreants and losers who circle me or share my life; thank you Fox News and thank you Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the Republican impostors.  Get your act together Ann, we don’t like seeing this.  What am I saying or suggesting?  We need Manson grade here and we need Manson level fighting, none of this poop-shoots dialogue.  This military mission needs Manson grade levels.

Like all things, it always comes down to money.  Let’s analyze your legal defense or what you have said to combat terrorism or the claim you are a terrorist.  If we look at this from all angles, even a subjective level and a perspective not easily seen; it is possible you are not making things up or inventing alibis.  It is possible you are my biological parents and have waited more than forty years to tell me you love me.  Why in hell would you make my allowance so low and why in God’s name would you make my inheritance of two billion so legally difficult to obtain.  Is it because you are truly an asshole or plan on living a few more years before suicide?  Suicide would mean I get no claim or insurance and murder would mean the police are involved.  You see, I don’t believe this and it just makes no sense to me why you waited so long to tell me; all that anger and resentment, pent up inside and ready to explode.  I am still pissed you took my car away and keep telling me I have to learn how to act around you, I hate you and I would recognize my parents even if we need a DNA test.  The verbiage and the back and forth dialogue does show some form of parenthood at the same time, it also shows dirty sex going on.  Well what is it, sex or no sex?  Can you prove sex is going on?  Remember, you want to walk into a police state and say “they are trying to kill me.”  You must be an asshole if you make your own kids wait forty years to inherit two billion dollars in good faith; it is possible.

Rush Limbaugh said on Friday, January 10, 2014 two important things:  1. “See, nobody actually knows if he is telling the truth.”  2.  “Now we really have to worry.”  We know this for a fact, Ann Coulter.  They know this for a fact; they got that wrong and got busted.  We know someone did this and if they did not do it, then how could we catch them or correct them?  Why is their hand in the cookie jar if nobody knows they did it?  The only explanation is they did something and they are hiding it.  So how did they get this information and how did they recalculate what they were doing if they did not do it?  If they did not rob the guy, then how can he say they did not do it?  What I saw them do and what they claim they did not do, are two different things.  If they were very skilled to hide evidence on Ann Coulter; is it possible they are hiding other evidence?  Can we take the right steps to put an end to whatever they did not do, if nobody knows they did it or if nobody saw them do it?  Somebody did it. Somebody is wrong.  Somebody got caught.  Somebody is forced to tell everything they did.  Somebody is trying to settle it or make it go away.  Somebody is living my life also.  How did they know if they did not plot and scheme their way here?  How did we? 

That proves they are communists and it also proves they are terrorists; we have the road map also, how did they get this map?  What did they know and what did they try to hide or cover-up?  Did I see them do it?  Did other people see them do it?  What did they say?  What did they do?  Did they end it or stop?  Could they win?  Were they too hurt or injured, traumatized?  Did they have Ann as a prisoner or did they have other people?  They did this to how many people?  Did they exhaust all the other possibilities and confirm this?  Positive?  Did we?  Okay, nobody actually knows if they did it or are telling the truth; this confirms they are child molesters also.  If they did not do it, then there is no possible way we can take the steps to put an end to what they did not do or whether he is telling the truth, it is impossible.  However, they have to take the steps needed to hide it or not put an end to this or else they are imagining it.  You can’t fight a ghost and you cannot confront someone who did not do it.  For two billion dollars, I’d tell the truth.  Let’s see who is cleverer at this game if they don’t know if I am telling the truth or not?

Based on their thinking, nobody saw anything.  We did not take them out.  They did not take us out.  It was all made up or the imagination.  It never happened and nobody heard or knows anything.  They also have no feelings and have nothing to say about this, pure silence.  This is why we ask the help of the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes.  Let’s test them.  How good they and can they juggle are very abstract thought, two worlds?  If nobody saw you or nobody knows you did it, then you are safe, right?  Did they try to take us out and did we take them out?  Who knew or knows?  Did they lie or try to cover this up, on TV and radio?  The damage claim and legal damages are two billion; is it worth the criminal charges that follow?  Did we stop them or did they manage to stop us?  Is my thinking perfect and do I have a habit of lying about this even if nobody knows if he is lying?  And do they or are they repeating under heavy questioning?  Positive?  The charge is terrorism and murder, not mass murder.  So they are safe, not the least worried; hurry up and take them out!  There can only be three motives; he, she, or nobody.  The intent has to be established and we did this already.  Nobody cares what their motives are.

It is possible we made a mistake or saw it as malicious or deliberate stalking with the intent of inflicting serious harm; impostors and thieves scheming-plotting?  However, there were several attempts to correct the record if this was so.  If it was a lie, then the evidence was never audited or cause of this was never furnished.  At most, they did not know what is real and greed drove them to tremendous evil, and then possessed them until they turned into a madman or terrorist among normal or healthy humans.  I heard something on those lines.  Similar to gangs and mafia, you join but do not leave; and the option to be a state witness is still open but the prosecutors are waiting.  The key word is intentional, deliberate, malicious, and with the intent to cause serious harm.  The motive is less relevant when the intent is established.  Example, I did this because I was attacked or was taken hostage.  Or I did this because it was my duty, service, and the only way I could survive.  Or I did this because none of the facts are true and someone stole my identity.  He did this to save mankind.  He did this for his church or history.  He did this to win or get away.  They are fixed now and healthy.  Their vision is clear.  Repeating the same thing and throwing it back and forth will not work under heavy questioning; furthermore, making things up is deadly. 

During the Reformation Period, the Catholic Church gave specific reasons why punishments against this schism were necessary.  They call this the catechism of the Catholic Church.  It defines three specific sins Protestants are guilty of.  We are in a similar period of catechism due to the events of the 1960s and The Vietnam War.

  1. Incredulity or the willful neglect and refusal to the revealed truth.
  2. Heresy or a state of denial and doubt to the Catholic faith considered to be vital to religious faith.
  3. Apostasy or the rejection of the Christian beliefs.  An apostate is a person who leaves both Christ and the church.  Materially an apostate is a person whom abandons any religious or material need owed to the church and congregation.
  4. Schism or the separation and attempt to deny submission to the Catholic Church or their leaders.

When found guilty of all of the above, the highest order the church can rule over any subject is excommunication.    Therefore, it is hard to determine if the sentence of death came as a result of opposition to the church or the church leaders such as the King.  Excommunication is similar to a financial trade sanction.  It is a form of imprisonment but is delegated by priests; a state of being alone or quiet solitude due to disobedience.  This state of schism and catechism has led to death and also wars in the annals of history.  Hence the Constitutional decree to separate the powers between the church and the state.  This schism within the Christian churches has led to many secret and clandestine activities within particular groups upset about their beliefs and the role of the state.  These divisions are the primary reasons for clandestine activity within democratic states and large voter populations.  It is also this material obligation to the church and state which raises concerns about taxes or entrusting of privacy.

The Playwright Moliere wrote the book Tartuffe during the age of Louis the Fourteenth and the wars of the time period.  Tartuffe felt dismay and utilized satire to style his technique into humorous translation.  The original play Tartuffe is about a religious hypocrite whom schemes his way into the life of a French Family using a clever devised system called "affinity fraud."  Actors during this period were very low in the social ladder.  Therefore, actors were banned from any political or religious participation.  Moliere's skills and contacts expanded as he caught the attention of Louis the XIV.  The King protected Moliere but his satire was too critical and controversial. 

During this time a large schism occurred inside France and all of Europe.  A schism is nothing more than a split or difference inside an organization.  A schism can be associated with separatism or nationalist groups.  However, a schism is typically associated in theology and religious denominations.  Within Christianity the 16th Century was the primary period associated with this breakup of the Christian church into denominations.  Schism therefore is the cause of the Reformation Period.  A schism also occurs inside terrorist groups and separatist groups when they are in turmoil.  At the core of Tartuffe is the question of trust and corruption, then the need to utilize the church for self serving needs.

Moliere mocks the church for the upsetting critics who translated pre-thought with free thought.  He felt he was a prisoner of the church or an intrusion into his life and success was rampant throughout France.  Moliere felt the church was incapable of thinking for itself and had to be told what to do by a dictator or King.  Tartuffe is imprisoned by a police officer who acts on behalf of the King.  Therefore, Tartuffe is a satirical play about the quarrels with a religious hypocrite who refuses to allow re-thought and must be told what to do, a mockery of this state of mind and the power of the Catholic Church.  Moliere died in 1673 acting out the tragedies in his life.  His differences with the church were the cause of his mistreatment and also the denial of services upon his death.  The lesson in Tartuffe is finally revealed in a table scene with a female.  What lie beneath the table is sin and the church.  Hence, no sin is ever committed if it remains secret and private; a lesson in trust with only women.

Tartuffe depicts his life by using satirical methods against a religious hypocrite to artfully dodge punishment.  Moliere says name calling does not hurt him and he would rather suffer unlimited pain of any degree than allow a callous lizard to scratch him.  Tartuffe takes advantage of this dilemma and tries anything to make the religious hypocrite to stay.  Moliere structures his dialogue with intentionally demanding why he is guilty of sin by trying to expose the power and virtues of a religious hypocrite as a pack of lies.  Tartuffe becomes the heir of an estate and also tries to combat this false piety of schemers who seek the fortune of his friend through affinity fraud. Tartuffe says inheritance can fall into wicked hands and be employed for evil use instead of heaven’s glory.  From afar we call this back and forth financial manipulation “legislating from the bench” or perhaps “insurance fraud.”  Tartuffe is entrusted with papers that can cause extreme grief if ever found.  Those papers end up in the hands of the police.  However, the King explains to the family of Tartuffe he is the impostor in the story.

We do not, I do not; treat any of them with compassion or understanding.  We treat them as if we are in the same room with Al Qaeda.  My wrath and my hope one day, the nation’s wrath; far exceeds mortal men.  Under questioning, they will find out this traitor is lying 99% of the time.  When asked why there are witnesses who say you are and swear you are 911 plotters, do not expect that 1% of truth.  This has been going on for thirty years and unless I have lost my mind, there is more than enough probable cause and evidence to lock them up for life now.  It has been thirty years, can we expedite this and can someone seize their assets so I can finally get my two billion in fees, rewards, repayments, injury claims, damages, and my life back?  They know their political life can end in one day or less; all of them do but they do not show it.  I treat them how they should and want to be treated; the evidence on them was provided by nobody, a ghost.  My warning is nothing good has ever come from this church or these people, nothing.  Do not expect any change; only the tower of babble and lies.  In year 2200 someone will read these exact words, they choose death instead of being reformed.  They were not fully honest when they said control is the only goal they seek; the ends do not justify the means.  They seek control but they are also terrorists and communist moles, 99% American lies and full of jealousy and defeat.  How corrupt is the government?  How much control do they really have?

Well, I am glad they care about our feelings and what my opinion is.  I am glad they can handle the truth or have.  I am glad they can tell what is real now and want to die, meet their punishment and the consequences of their false actions.  I am also glad they know what failure is and know what a laughingstock truly feels like.  Can they please leave us alone and my career, even in retirement?  Can they please leave our business life alone, stay away?  We really do not care how they are doing in life or ever have; I am glad they can accept this now.  I am glad they know my vision was fine to begin with and can see themselves or each other because my vision was never flawed and near X-ray level.  My college work from 1990 to 1998 will clearly show the same X-ray vision levels, nothing has changed; they do not see it as perfection or the truth; even today.  Now can we expedite this or not; a lot of people are getting pissed off, flat out pissed.

Can we expedite this or not?  After thirty years, do we need to drag this out or is there some relief; how about seize their assets and stop acting like real parents and real children in a real family or relationship is in front of us.  It would be very polite if the tower of babble would just go away and pay the legal damages; if they rot in hell than we don’t even want to know.  They can die or be put back into slavery; we don’t even want to know; that is the entire point.  It is their politics and vulgar participation.  Clearly, they refuse to expedite this and it is a strategic or legal strategy to look civilized or so above it.  Do I look like them?  Do they think I am smart enough to recognize my family or parents?  Do they think I am competent enough to recognize our friends or what is real?  Why does anybody have to pull out a firehouse or even a shotgun; just to snap a few pictures of their intelligence?  It is insulting to look, feel, and be like this vulgar asshole.  They are not very bright people and extremely rude, can anybody tell?  Can they tell their products are flawed and nobody wants to buy it?

Are you trying to stand in front of the public and the world right now, just to tell the prosecutors and investigators, none of your lawyers can tell what is real or not?  You do have a job don’t you?  You do have the resources to pay two billion don’t you?  You understand the charges right and know or knew how much trouble you are in, don’t you?  I don’t know why it would matter if you know what is real or not; but you did not give me the luxuries or the choices you have, did you?  Odd, I filed a complaint and went to a Virginia lawyer in 1998; do you have any idea how much it cost per hour?  How many hours has it been in the past thirty years?  How many hours would a regular lawyer who has no idea going to spend?  Who is wishing to be hired or contact us; our lawyers of course, right; the Negro hotline or the Prepared Legal Service?  The prosecutors need to know the level of lies you utilize or the level of conspiracy, how corrupt and sneaky you truly are.  They also see you on camera and why two billion was a very low number; but I need your assets seized because Limbaugh took steps to make sure I could not get a cent legally because I made sure you could not get a cent back.  I don’t see any legal excuses or room to wiggle, none.  I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel or any prosecutor or lawyers who can tell what is real or not; utter incompetence legally.  There are witnesses, including yourself.  You do have a steady job to hire a real lawyer, who can tell what is real, don’t you?  Nothing good will ever come from your existence, nothing.

Attention:  This nit-wit vulgar Negro named Amy needs to stop contacting us about how sex or sorry she is; especially in that really annoying voice that sounds like she or they stuck their finger into a dripping hot electric socket and enjoys it or is having too much fun.  Nobody on this end is dreaming about you, your voice, or how much you want to reach out to us.  An apology on these terms is unacceptable and our family lawyer has come to you and scolded you about ceasing and desisting.  If you do it again, I will see to it a water-spout follows you into the shower and sprays you until you learn to shut up and get out of our life.  I find you annoying and the fact we have to run you over more than once or a thousand times; just proves how terrible, unreformed, Catholic-Irish, totally fake, or how quickly things turn sour for you all.  One minute you are the endless tower of babble and the next a sneaky little traitor who we can’t keep out of our lives.  Nothing good has ever come from you people and nothing will ever, I find your poverty and failure completely vulgar and intrusive, even if all of you sound like an orgy in an electric socket.  I also feel we need to skin your church alive and give you a taste of the French Revolution you began.  Stop trying to give me advice or steal advice, I find you way too intrusive and need to die; we cannot be anymore clear about this.  Nobody is fantasizing about you or your sex voice on this end, ape head communist.  Can I smack the shit out of you and call you the N worked? 

If you know you did wrong, if you know you were and are doing this under these pretenses, if you know you cannot steal anything real, etc… then why do you keep racking up more police reports?  Are you hiding something or a conspiracy, malice?  Do you understand your actions and why you have to see it to the end?  I report verbal harassment and accosting under these false pretenses and illegal surveillance.  I report back and forth, almost an interview like atmosphere or a question and answer session with Al Qaeda or the leaders of the communist forces.  Did I imagine it or did you craft a clever crime you could not pull off at the very end?  I cannot believe how annoying you vulgar humans can be or have gotten, in the land of the free and the brave.  I have taken every step to remove them from our life and ensure they never come back or remain in our life; admit this fact.  This is no game and they will get very hurt; very.  The only people getting destroyed is you all, not us; so let’s not lie or deny who is getting it or not.  You people are facing life in prison and I claim your assets and am waiting, hurry up.

I must be on the 1900 Negro hotline right now (Fox News).  How in hell do we trace your call and record your vulgar Negro finger burning, crying, and trying to “pull out.”  You act like electricity is your friend and you go hand in hand with technology.  Now we know you are a pathological liar and lying to the entire public safety.  Yeah let’s count how many ways I can smack the shit out of them or their terrible church; but they just won’t pull out because it feels so good!  Your lawyers need to read this, they are reading this correct?  They do know what is real or not, don’t they?

What do you imagine will be reported when they call out the real military or the real police?  Run and hide?  So open the gates of hell and ask how long they intend on staying?  All I can say is if you make the prosecutors or the federal agents bend over backwards for you while you taunt them; it will be difficult to be a federal witnesses.  You have to be proactive and earn it.  If you are going to rat each other out or escape; now is the time.  It will not be offered again.  There is just a long string of police incidents and vandalism; as if someone is watching every single move I make.  Add another police report to thirty years of this.  Obviously, you are not security or there to protect my belongings; nor my intellectual property.  The espionage and verbal harassment, including the crack and meth incidents, I look crazy reporting.  It will count against you.  I see you all have been watching every single move I make, casing me.  So far in 2013, I had two small claims court totaling more than $500 in stolen cash.  I also see you have moved from vandalizing or causing disturbances to theft of my wheels.  So I have documented more of your antics.  I told you about “reasonable expectation of privacy” and how I do not like your poor people around me or casing me on your behalf.

Does anybody doubt they are 911 terrorists?  I don’t see any evidence, does anybody else?  Show us the proof.  That is the little bitch in our life and what they are up to; blocking my military or political career; and selling me drugs or trying to crack-meth me up.  Thank Fox News and Limbaugh for this awesome marriage.  I did leave out the parts where they rent a home or apartment to me “a reasonable expectation of privacy.”  I also left out the treatment by the police where they declare me mentally insane or become prosecutors.  Then they actually try to become impostors and steal my life, claiming I was full of jealousy and living their life; even sleeping with their woman.  I think I documented our life and our biography fully for historians to nit-pick about who did what and why.  I have to do all this to make sure they do not even get one crumb or loose what little I have in the final leg of the race.  Now they expect me to open a restaurant and hire them, yeah okay.  There is no evidence their citizenship is returning, going to be returning, or has any chance in the future; none until their leaders go to jail for this and it is shut down.  They are not going to get a damn thing, not one damn thing.

I do not know why I am saying this or need to repeat it but when it comes to punishing people, we go the full limit and are brutal; I can be a very sneaky and creative man when pushed to the limits.  So if they want to live with me or in the same home; or do what they do before they get in jail; I have a tendency to not waste a morsel of what I get from you.  Not one little bit.  It is behind bars and locked up the real hell and war will begin.  Right now I am just moving the right pieces and making the arrangements.  Keep trying to cause trouble, be full of jealousy, mouthing off, or whatever you do best; it will come back again.  Everybody knows you are fuming and full of jealousy, you wear it well.  Yes I do know what will stop you or your mouth.  I just don’t waste a damn thing and use it back.  You always have to be a roommate.  You always have to be in my residence.  You always have to be up my ass about something.  You always have to mouth off 24-7 with inflammatory nonsense.  It will come back to haunt you because the real hell and the real war begins when you go to jail.  There are no police in jail, you do know this right?  This is the chance of your lifetime, be the hero you truly want to be instead of getting defecated on vocally.  Making my life harder never got you anything but hell.  I will break you.  I know how to reform you.  I know what lies beneath and how to handle it.  I know your soul and worse.  I know things the police would not even dare to think about.  I will not only break you, I will eat you.  After thirty years, you should know this by now.

Oddly, their church, their criminal control over our lives, their immigration policies, and their iron fist grip over our political world or reality; has produced more welfare recipients than any other religious group or for that matter, more debt than any other religion walking this earth.  Yet they feel superior and blessed by God and we know this to be a simple matter called a financial scam to loot our government and the world of natural resources; thus, enabling the communist forces.  Now they live in the building the created and peddle right wing victories for a morsel of welfare or the right to call themselves powerful and victorious.  We will see if they pull off this hijack and hostage crisis off unscathed as they have been doing.  Once they walk into that trap, it is impossible to crawl out or shoot their way out.  They claim there are political bets and debts owed to their citizenship.  They have given up their citizenship already, the evidence clearly indicates this.  They are trying to lie their way out and trying to fool people while they make an escape; increasing their control and demands.  They intend on walking right out the front door and right as the cameras are rolling, that is totally insanity to use the front door, the police have the entire city surrounded; also the entire state.

The only thing these people or this damned church has done for my life and Ann’s life; is make me poor, her life hell, match our trust or confidence, fill our life with crime or fear, pretend they were lovers or married to us, etc… there is no audible records of any good will or any forward moving, nothing.  They did fill our life with blacks and the politics of minorities, also a lot of legal problems and problems with the police; nothing in the past thirty years was normal or healthy, nothing.  So either they are lying or this is what they want to transform America into.  We see the damage of their work and how it impacts the best Americans.  They are not the best or the rich, not even right wing.  There is a paper trail of this so even if they do deny it; or become the prosecutor, they are in a trap and totally backwards.  They can fool a few people but not the entire world.  They must plead guilty to this criminal control and animosity or adversarial relations, a hostile workplace.  America, my life, is headed down that road but I have a backup plan, they do not.  We have the best and we have the worst, and then we have an immigration game using Asian economics.  I honestly believe we have to destroy their state before any good will or this problem with the worst is finally gone.  They can run but they can’t hide; especially when in jail.  I get very creative when they are trapped, very.  If they do not want their citizenship revoked by the end of this, move and stop producing police reports or a paper trail, such as a diary and blog.  My citizenship was never up for grabs or being gambled with, never; but I love that mouth they have.  Just recently they stole my tires at the bus station, to help of course or retaliate.

One house slave ran over repeatedly is enough for a lifetime, no thank you.  Their church and politics needs a savoir and here we are?  Is this some plot?  Their best hours was World War II and in warfare, to die for something?  They want to die a total and complete asshole?  What nobody understands yet is why they cannot stop lying and why they hate technology and the internet?  Being hated and inadequate is not strong enough.  Why not sign over a check to us and just go away; why demand proof about who and what they are such as “they have not figured out a way to stop us so this is a win-win matter.”  Sign the check for two billion and just go away as you are told.  Who wants to be dragged through this for entertainment or ratings of yellow journalism?  My credibility is on the line and so is my peace of mind!  If it was all fabricated; then all of them must agree to wipe the records clean and impose a court ruling; the fabrication is total lies and was used as both offensive and defensive measures to trap a clever and dangerous terrorist plot.  If it is not verified but used as revenge or retaliation; then damages are owed; an audit of this verification has to be produced.  The legal defense of not knowing what is real or not; is insufficient if conspiracy, muckraking, or yellow journalism was part of the crime and used to bolster the escape of the bank robbers.  The only statement Ann has given to me is “don’t even worry” and “there was no sex.”  It comes down to money and if I deserve better, I think I am fed up with all of them too; who is guilty or not?  What exactly is aiding and abetting?  Hollywood is almost as worse as the Democrats.  They need to make movies about their experiences in America instead of our experiences.  They are not America or the directors of it, obviously.  What exactly is on their minds besides image, sex and parties?  Communism is a failure, so are they; stop peddling to the Asian markets.  Here we go about this camera problem in the hands of communists and traitors; yet they keep lying and their church and politics needs a savoir and here we are.  I bet cameras cause violence and terrorism, so does the internet; right?  Yes it is their media and control of media.  Two house slaves and an Irishman snapped something, nerve damage.

Note:  We told them to turn in their badge if they actually had a badge because the game and racketeering is up.  They are impotent now and nothing more than a common street thug or thief.  We never viewed their lack of hate as very intelligent anyhow; yet they hold up the Jews as a testament of their iron grip on our life.  If they do not turn in their badge and end this circus of ignorance; we will see this to the end and all their material worth and dignity is stripped.  They will die penniless, broken, and far worse than a corrupt cop who has our life by the balls or an iron grip based on the piety of total insanity or lies.  If they have a badge they better turn it in before they have to explain what took so long.  We know they are not women but men.  Therefore, the girlfriend or pleading, “baby you would never turn me in” is not working or ever did.  We tested this by bombarding them with porn or fake images.  However, the radio host or operator is a female diplomat.  Don’t ever call me your baby or accuse me of homosexuality or child molesting, faggot.  Whatever we have to do for happiness?

911 Plot, Family Advisors, Catholics, Manson Family, Mental Illness, Torture, Drug Cartel, Fake Family or Parents, Fake Girlfriend and Hate; now inner demons and the crime of Ann Coulter:

This problem with the entire blob of poverty, mainly blacks and Catholics along with Jewish labor union organizers; has had a serious and unhealthy impact on the relationship of Ann and me.  If it was not retaliation or abnormal evasive steps to block them or evict them from our life, then it was the pure evil of those ultimately behind this; a ring of core spies in the media and Fox News.  This problem with Asian education and Asian wealth has put us in the cross-hairs of the Catholics and the Democrats; all closet communists.  They claim they are America, an exclusive group of total insanity, crime, drugs, and the underworld.  Insofar as legal damages, Fox News and Clear Channel not only lied; they took evasive and secret actions to sweep it under the rug or cash in on our power over our own lives, exploitation or looting.  They claim death is required to end this.  We also advise the prosecutors and leaders of this world to strip them of all human dignity and possessions

They continue to claim we imagined all of this and are mentally ill yet they do not know what makes them weak or do what they do; no damn good.  I do understand Ann is fighting for her life and happiness, a plot for her death and desecration; however, I also have limits and expect perfection when it is all said and done; not a total mess or embarrassment of being a rape victim.  We seek their destruction for unimaginable crimes and the failed attempt to destroy America; we did stop them but at our own demise, suffering.  To cover up this plot or the vicious attacks, they must address the happiness or union between Ann and me.  Hence, the bombardment from all kinds of sexual solicitations or invitations; which they claim is a business decision.  It was not, it was an attempt to deny a rescue and anger both of us, if not at each other.  This is what everybody saw or who did it.  The 1960s crowd has an iron grip on the right wing utilizing politics and terrorism.  Meanwhile, they blame global trade and block any success or the life of business; to keep the Catholic and Jewish church in power as the voice of the poor or left. 

Ultimately the injuries chipped away at our life and sacred career and they refuse to budge, only stink up the room.  They claim it is best Ann and I breakup due to their iron grip over our life; it is not their fault or actions at all.  Thus we write to the FBI, Justice Department, public, Asian economic leaders, and the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes.  We have rights also and we have a right to exist; to choose our own destiny without an iron grip.  We are not accepting their apology; we wish their total destruction and full punishment of the laws; on all of them.  They choose death over being reformed.  They claim it is easy to resolve, fire us and repeatedly; then try it again.  Right now they wish to see the impact on Ann and my relation; tear us apart with their silence and perseverance.  If my advice reaches the right places, they cannot hold on to the idea they never knew what was behind their destruction or the collapse of America or the world.  It was all a pack of lies for their church and the policies of the 1960s, a massive infiltration.  In the end, Ann must present a perfect package, within reason; but the iron grip has not been released or will.  She was right, they seek her death; but this does not mean she has a long leash or anything goes.

Who is behind the circus like atmosphere or the endless attacks, ignoring all warnings with utmost stubbornness?  Who keeps up the pressure and keeps on throwing the race card at a futile situation to take over the right wing using their church policies or the inclusion clauses intended to only aid them and not make them a king or dictator?  Who continues to throw race at us until we side with them, form an alliance, or share power with the church and poverty?  It must be those who are poverty stricken or poor; whom we despise the most or wish dead.  Mostly homeless and poor, they do not understand why they are totally insane or what makes them weak, weaker and weaker, or a total pest.  Furthermore, the church is inundated by labor union policies or alliances we would prepare to keep out of our life.  We also advise the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake to strip them of all human dignity and possessions to break up their iron grip or racketeering.

Regardless, they want a fight to the death until all of them are dead or homeless.  Taking over the right wing and keeping an iron grip on our life is not what the race card was intended for; this church of communism policies.  To cover up this plot or the vicious attacks, they must address the happiness or union between Ann and me.  Hence, the bombardment from all kinds of sexual solicitations or invitations; which they claim is a business decision.  It was not, it was an attempt to deny a rescue and anger both of us, if not at each other.  This is what everybody saw or who did it.  The 1960s crowd has an iron grip on the right wing utilizing politics and terrorism.  Meanwhile, they blame global trade and block any success or the life of business; to keep the Catholic and Jewish church in power as the voice of the poor or left. 

In other words, they are pedaling communism hidden as race policies of their church.  Before, when they call I hang up.  Now we have to fight them to the death and their mouth.  They use the 1960s and slavery as a political excuse intended to force Asian economics to merge with their church and it is worth more than their life.  For this, I request consequences so brutal, they will be forced to cooperate; I want them brought to justice or worse.  For these mistakes and crimes, also the outright refusal to end this and taunt prosecutors or the right wing; we also advise the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake to strip them of all human dignity and possessions; until they fully cooperate and end this fiasco and nightmare.  Their total destruction will come as a result of this secret war and lawlessness.  We advise all right wing nations, including the leaders of Asia, to take a harsh and imposing stance which can lead to their surrender or disposal; the prosecutors are waiting.

The problem with the Catholics and Jewish church is not their politics but their race policies.  Asia is the largest economic market.  However, due to the events of the 1960s and the lifelong schism inside the Christian church, they see blacks as the ruler they impose on Asians.  As insulting as it may be, they also allow radicals, gays, and communists into our life or go wild using their church politics and power.  We see this in America also.  We see their priests act in this manner when it comes to industry.  Now with the success and the education of Asians; they steal the credibility or the good will they get, a piety based on lies.  So their church policies on race are so flawed; we have thirty years of the total insanity of their 1960s leadership and race policies.  Asians tell them they are totally nuts; they tell Asians they are the same or leaders of minorities.  This is how the communists got in our life and why we are in a death match with them.  It is not merely a theft; it is a division or isolation from kidnapping us and keeping an iron grip on our life, career, and love life.  There has been no sex only scandalous insinuations and a web of lies to invent their piety.

It was a theft but it was also a way to target Asians using race policies of the Democrats and the communists, brutality and lies.  In other words, they christened the blacks as the leaders of the Asians and we had to take each of them out or throw them out.  Then we had to be the victim of their phony white policies, meant to grab back the ground they lost.  That is their church and that is why they need to pay much more than the money deemed legal damages.  The only reason why I would keep them alive is to suffer or some financial benefit.  Therefore, we have to go and find the horses’ ass and we will also find the head.  Now we have to cope with homeless poor people rummaging through our life 24-7.  As you can see, Ann is looking at my life with great angst.  I am looking at her life with great angst.  Both of us are perfectionists and very intelligent.  This slob or total disaster has a negative impact on our morale or how we view each other due to the pedaling of communism or terrorism.  There is a big gigantic schism between us and them; both education and economic wisdom; they cite the history of communism or “hidden treasures” they must bring out using brainwashing techniques.

If anybody has noticed, there are several aspects of these people which really annoy me.  I will point them out in rank order.  First is the constant reinforcement and stimuli they are good people and model Americans.  It is a group of patriots and nobody else is except them.  Is their church?  Are other churches?  Are they really?  Second is the constant form of conformity and this insistence of being or becoming the police, we know that is a far off lie.  Third is the replacement of courage and superiority; their penchant for crime and willingness to be lawless is not superiority.  That stubbornness and obstinate scale of 10 makes them totally insane even if they do have refined social graces.  Some are not what you expect in a leader or people you take orders from.  Some are fat ill-bred boys whose inadequacy is covered up by their powerful associations or group inclusion, which causes strangers to expect wisdom from their outward appearances.  A regular encyclopedia would describe most of them as “schlubs” whose particularities and alliances never dignify the women they parade around them as the product of their own DNA.  Who in hell would want a right wing of these clowns?  I wish they would just pay the legal damages and leave us alone, really; we know all about their debt driven French Revolution and their church schism.

All of them are assholes, smartasses, and think they are important partners.  We are so far apart from the Catholics and Jews.  All of them feel they are part of the production process and when they spy on you, they can’t stop meddling or voicing their opinion.  That is the main problem with this psychopath following us or spying on us.  If you have a new product, are working on one, or do not want terrorism or endless frustrations; you have to blow their head off.  Getting rid of them is harder than it looks, trust me.  Some of them feel married or joined at the hip with us.  Have you ever seen such a dipshit in your life?  In their mind, they feel it is hate, it isn’t hate, trust me.  We had to share thirty something years with this asshole SOB already, we hope we do not have one more day of this, please God kill the little bitch in the worst way you know how will you.  No more of this, not even one day.

Ann Coulter has never said to me or acted as if she is the leader of minorities or my minority.  She always treats me the same and have shown utmost kindness in the past.  I have no reason to call her a nigger or any other names such as a kite.  Minorities have this right and this special power.  I don’t even claim to be the ladder or any association with minorities but I do monitor all them and all religions.  So you say that to me, I’ll rip your head off for being a racist liberal.  Ann is always a step behind, but not like this nit-wit I want to kill or worse.

Dear Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity:  It is really strange how I have never met you, never shared any schooling for this, never crossed paths or had any intersection in my life to suggest a conflict or accident; and here we are now.  I seek a sum of two billion from all of you, in a nightmare of course, not in your reality.  Nothing led to this war of how I seek your destruction, shut down, or payment of legal damages cordially by the laws.  It is odd how we wake up and all the sudden are at war or face a horrible future.  I am close to proving this but I saw what you did and your costumes; close to exposing you for who you are.

Dear Fox News:  What everybody is trying to figure out is how I know everything about you and who or what you are.  I know you did it.  I know what you did and can describe it in detail.  I document 100s of pages of your evil and total insanity; fit for a nutcase.  You can’t believe or want to know how I know so much and what agency gave me a dossier or surveillance reports.  You think NSA is behind this. You even think I am doing the same thing to you as I did Rush Limbaugh and Fox News; strange.  I never met you.  I never shared a drink or any private aspect of my life with you.  Here we are at war and I seek your destruction and payment of legal damages, according to the laws.  It is strange how we are strangers one day and by next week are close to a shooting war, isn’t it?

Dear Ann:  Your problems stem from the cumulative effect of having or keeping nit-wits you call your dear friends close to you or in your private life.  My cumulative effect is trying to get rid of these same nit-wits you call your dear friends out of my life forever and out of my private life especially.  Therefore, you must plot and think out the next twenty or forty years of your life carefully.  If you fail in your strategic initiative then you will know why I have or did run out of sympathy for your despised religious reclamation of the future and what your mistakes of the past have been.  I don’t pity you or they and my patience is running out.  Maybe in the next twenty or so years, your strategic initiatives and map of the future will not involve bars, seedy rumors, innuendoes, or pranks similar to shooting off your big toe or mine.  If you need professional help, then do not seek it in a bar or a life lacking this strategic initiative.  I see clearly, do you?  If in your old age you cannot make sense of your life, than how do I?  I want to watch this no damn good church be destroyed and dismantled; not watches you drink and date them or pretend you are. 

So Ann, there is a big gap between my strategies and your black friends or Fox News.  I have yet to see anything I like and I see all of you left wingers, not right wingers.  I do not plan a future with any of them, let alone your terrible fan club.  If God was on your side, he would give you the wings and the vision to fly away.  I imagined a life very afar where I could watch them ripped to pieces for their cruel injustices and corrupt nature.  How wrong I was.  But I am doing my part to correct this and to allow them no escape from prosecution.  I hope it gives them hell and I hope I gave them more than hell on this earth.  I did not imagine a life of watching this or coping with your silly ridiculous female problems or disasters.  I deserve better don’t you think?  It is very disappointing, don’t you think also?  I grow numb to your excuses and stubborn appeals as you grow older and wiser.  I don’t imagine a life with them or ever did, that is the problem and this is the problem I have with you also.

A lot of rich people and a lot of good people are negatively affected by these SOBs and this church.  So if they have a bone of vengeance in their body and if they too had to start over in life; then hear me roar.  The jungle has come alive and it speaks to them in ways they cannot explain.  I used to think if I give selfishly to Ann, even in difficult times, our life will be better and she will give back.  Now I ask when the last time she did anything for me or had my interest in mind; I am stuck in that hell or her hell.  So I look forward and I say to myself, one day things will be different, much different.  I have sat down and also planned out the next forty years, taking every step and every measure possible to make sure none of these assholes are in my life; ever again.  If there is anything left of this church, there will be absolutely any way to be in my life, I also have plotted that course.  If they try, they will fail and I will have a new surprise ready for them.  Can they see forty years from now?  I can and have.

It could be a case of psychotic or no damn good muckraking or yellow journalism.  We saw this as a product of the Industrial Revolution and then in the Vietnam War again.  All of those events became a nest for misfits and communist radicals; today they go by various names but they are all no damn good.  It seems as if it does not take very much to upset me now and it comes from only two sources; one of them is Ann.  Maybe they are printing things they neither know as true or false; but they feel it is the obligation of others to correct or stop them because they are no damn good or cannot tell what is real?  They call this slander and reckless endangerment, also malpractice.  Maybe they are doing the same thing to my life; one of their communists or Catholics is always around, a labor union goon or thug; and it is up to us to stop them or correct the matter?  If so then they want us to put the genie back in the bottle because we know they are the communist and terrorist forces.  How do we stop them from being under the radar or running for office?

Only they could know who did it and how, only they.  All of their powers and dirty tricks put together piece by piece could not match the power of the truth or the history of being no damn good.  In other words, we know and were taught early about them or their problem; what keeps them weak or down.  They know a reckoning will come and they are guilty of condoning or permitting this history of being no damn good, a process of reformation inside Christianity; to flourish.  So how do we put the genie back in the bottle?  How do we put the 1960s back in the bottle; this church schism?  It is financial suicide and extreme debts; degrading, deliberate, demeaning, and paralyzing debts.  Will they ever find a way to blow it up in the name of the church?  How will Ann ever put the genie back in the bottle; or address this no damn good life she has?  It sells and it is the best they have seen; but in reckoning, she must rejoin the other world and the righteous one.  Can they put the genie back in the bottle or will they ever take decisive action or deliberate actions to this cause?  We will know and we will know when Judgment Day arrives.  Of course Ann got hurt over pranks and insinuations; but strategic error and the wisdom of the universe does not like outsiders or these types.  See it for what it was, a stretch of the imagination, more lies to combat lies, or an atmosphere of total insanity and total lies to peddle piety.  This is why they are no damn good and in it together; strategic errors is not the truth or can match it.  The truth is not a crime, it is not a bully, and it is not something you can escape.  It may eventually lead to death.  I do not need to hear their F’in advice or their F’in mouth, really.  I know all about their politics and who they are, really.  I also know all about Annie’s politics and her efforts but it comes down to money.

Well, if you were the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake would you let them get away with this?  Would you let the Catholics rip you to shred or traumatize you?  How about the Jews?  How about Ann Coulter?  Would you let them bomb your office or spy on you all day long using street thugs or street hookers?  Would you let them peddle communism or try to hold an iron grip on the right wing and capitalism; too loot and destroy to their fancy?  Would you let them near your kids or your wife?  How about allow them to be your boss?  Then why is any other human being so unique, strange, or peculiar they have to investigate or be told what to do?  Who in hell would let them settle the matter and live under their rules?  I took thirty years of this, so my feelings are bottomless; I see, I hear, and I am aware of the miniscule trace amount.  If I had the choice, would I be here or someplace else; if they paid the legal damages, would I breathe fire or move the earth off the cosmic axis?  How about for kicks and giggles?  Would I even allow any of them in my life?  Ever?  Sure?  There are consequences if we do and I am taking every step possible to prepare. I have a life.  I have important things still to do, a lot.  Ann is safe only if it leads to their destruction and demise, which is her power.

Dear Ann Coulter:  As I said over and over, the ball is in your court.  You are a slow poke and you come up with many delay methods.  If this came down to a billion dollars or large sums of money; your intelligence and enthusiasm will be tested.  I am a perfectionist, not someone who wants or will gladly accept a mess.  Acting like or pretending like a Virgin is all you, not me.  I do not have the answer to your life, I only have mine.  If it came down to two billion, I can buy my own life or my own happiness.  If you cannot force them to speak for you; then it is all you.  I warned you about these bar gimmicks and future events; all of it must be gone.  I have no idea how you will make it all go away or adhere to zero tolerance, but the clock is ticking and I am not happy with your work or goofy enthusiasm when it comes down to life and death; even your death.  Nobody could take you serious Ann, not even me.  Pictures with black men did not bring the truth out or improve your long term peace of mind; nor did your drinking and bar games.  You live in a cruel world and you are also part of the problem, maybe not the solution either; however, it comes down to money.  If your enthusiasm cannot find a place in a man’s life, then there won’t be one; money allows peace of mind, not female troubles.

It may be your IQ talking or your mouth going where nobody else wants to go?  It will impact you’re your future obligations.  I did not do it, so I cannot address your problems Ann.  The fact you neglected to seek a DA or report it does not help either; nor fund rising on my behalf while doing this.  Even the FBI felt you were cruel.  Ignoring it does not help.  I don’t have an answer and you are not off the hook but the game is not over yet; I’m caught in limbo.  Pictures are going to hurt you too, real or fake ones.  I am not here to debate you or them.  I know how I feel and my experiences the past 20 years.  If I am going to be an entrepreneur or millionaire; I probably can find better or more peace of mind; right now things are different.  Will you leave me alone also now that you have raised money on my behalf?  Money is not a false bet or bluff, I refuse to even raise my voice anymore.  This is about money not your rumors, dating life, or partners.  If you are inadequate with money, then you are a total idiot.  I told you to seek professional help and what I saw made me go into a state of insanity; from hand holding, to insinuating romance and dates, to interracial adultery, etc.  It is hard for me to take you serious if it came down to a large sum of money.  People can see why you chose me as a partner and I am left with doubts.  Fund rising for me is very beneficial and strategic, obviously; and I have yet to get a penny to this day.  Things will change when I do, I promise; a reckoning.  You have to answer for your life and actions, I do not have the answers to your problems.

Chris Christie is guilty but all of them will say, “Fire the bitch or kill her.”  Do whatever you need to; to me he is of no benefit, useless.

Good news!  Fox News and the New Workers are not trying to pick a fight with me or jump me on the side of the roads of Florida!  However, they are still F’in with my car and that just makes things ice cold!  Dear Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes, I need your help… I have to be a role model and live under the laws; however, I cannot be uncivilized about this, can you kill them or ask God to?  I don’t like any of them at all, especially that female who pretends to be Ann.  Can you put an end to this while I drag them into court or demand my billion dollars in legal damage?  Rush Limbaugh said they got a “concussion” from this.  Nothing they say is true but they run their mouth on and on, with no end.

In order to prove our case, we have to establish several factors.  First, what they see is the same thing.  Second, one is real and one is not.  Third, merge both together and then explain why they were flawed or wrong from the start.  Nothing I have said and done cannot be found or heard on Die Hard and that movie got some of the best box office ratings and reviews.  Even some of the humor, while in battle, can be heard in this movie but I drag them into court because it is more beneficial and I am a businessman.  Therefore, we proved what they are or were doing.  Now we have to prove one is totally false and one is totally true; one is real and one is the piety of a web of endless lies.  The false stuff can die; we are trying to keep the true stuff; but none of them can tell what is real or whom; so they spray and pray by yelling “leave” or “move” all day long due to this “reasonable expectation of privacy.”  They think they are in the real movie, but they are in the fake one right now being separated or detached.  That is the movie everybody is watching but they think it is still real because they wrote it, not us.  That is how we caught them, making the same movie.  They do not enjoy being kicked out of their own building, home, or movie.  Instead, they want fame, fortune, and to be respected and admired.  Stuck in the nonsense, they pretend to be the producers or directors but it is our life and our biography, not theirs.  It is no longer their life or their movie we are in.  They are nothing more than a cast of evil clowns and poor pee-ons; this is why it is so dangerous, we may never see justice and get 100 per cent corruption back, as retaliation and a last stand.  It is already scripted and it is impossible to get them to rule against each other.

We can prove the parts visible when they shower their targets and victims with good will or some form of “fait accompli.”  The majority of the secret transactions have to be hunted down and killed.  Similar to a bank robber, the spread the loot all over town and nobody has any incentive to aid or abet their capture.  If I could prove it then things would be different.  Until I can prove it, we all are stuck in their mess.  It has nothing to do with the mission; it is about hard proof and evidence while at war.  This is not about mission, we are looking at the end of the world or not.  This is not about mission or the truth.  It is about communism and evil, pure naked corruption or crime.  We all cannot be Monday morning quarterbacks and we all cannot change history nor write the future.

There is a big gap between us and them.  I did not start my career or military career with the intent of scamming, seeking benefits, or doing anything possible to increase my retirement.  I only needed a job while I worked out and went to school.  That was all.  Then I wanted to get married or have a few kids; then when I reached retirement; I would rewrite and organize my college material for extra income and pursue a private endeavor I called Satellite Warfare which evolved from Cyber Warfare and my computer training.  I did not seek royalties, fame, special medals, etc… However, immediately I knew something was wrong, a wall or barrier.  There were odd things around me or the people.  At the same time, many die-hard cold warriors were being offered retirement packages for good service.  My official retirement was for good service and the end to the cold war or the defeat of the communists, a verification process.  I am not trying to obtain more salaries or benefit; I want my life back and I have been through a horrendous ordeal.  I am not looking for medals, pictures, publicity, invitations, etc.  I would like to start a business with the legal damages because I had a financial sanction that wrecked my life and forced my family to pay for my expenses or care.

It makes sense.  The Terminator, Unabomber, Al Qaeda, the 1960s, insane females, a female President, stealing our kids or making me their babysitter, child abuse or molestation, drugs, Catholics, labor unions, Midwest, Chicago, a race war, drugs, hate, and communism or total chaos; however, no contracts only a climate of insinuations or  marriage; only pictures and images.

List of Fake Kidnappings:
1.  Fairlie Arrow (1991) Australia.  2. Jules Croiset (Unknown) Netherlands.  3.  Joanna Grenside (1992) England.  4.  Dar Heatherington (Unknown) Alberta/Montana.  5.  Shannon Matthews (2008) England.  6.  Aimee Semple McPherson (Unknown).  7.  Audrey Seiler (2004) USA.  8.  Jennifer Wilbanks (2005) USA.  9.  Michele Sindona (Unknown) Italy.

Ann needs to realize one of these days I may not be there for her or to protect her from these monsters.  She has to learn how to fight for herself and why.  How about making the time I am here more hospitable?  Furthermore, in case anybody has not noticed, they are trying and had already tried to get Ann and me in major league trouble.  In failure, they keep plugging away and stated on tape or video; they want us to change for their church and the corruption wing of their religion.  In case Ann did not notice, they will and are still trying to get her in trouble and may very well succeed if she let’s them or if she let’s them do whatever they want.  I am not changing for them and I have refused to thousands of times.  Yet they plug away and want us to rewrite our life for their religious corruption.  Limbaugh said they only want control, nothing else; which is a flat lie.  They wrecked our life and want us to rewrite it, to accommodate their refusal to reform or control.  This means we have to leave or move 100s of times.  If they cannot seek control and take over the right wing, then they want to commit suicide or die at the hands of the police.  However, we are not allowed to retaliate and if we do, we will get a visit from their police and lawyers.  What else do they want, our soul and our first born child?  This is a child molester for you and what a communist will do to seek out vital targets and then call their clandestine wing of terrorism or separatism.  They are getting very close to rewriting her life and mine; but at a horrendous cost.  They only seek to blame and outright refuse an end to this; at any cost or any human toll.

Should they shut down or pay damages, just go away?  The communist like to play with people’s mind (brainwash or use a pack of lies for piety) or meddle in their day to day affairs.  After thirty years of this, Ann should know how they are and what they are; no damn good.  Why let them enjoy a second of it?  Why let them enjoy a moment of our precious life?  Why even give them any leash?  This is why experience is crucial and vital to our survival.  I would never smack the shit out of them.  Right now I need to figure out how to get back or claim my legal damages under these disastrous pretenses.  The bell in my head says I have to kiss ass in order to get anything done.  Someone knew what they were doing when they cut the feet from under me and having me fight my way out.  After five years I still do not have my lives do me?  They have not left and are asking someone to smack the shit out of them aren’t they?  One of the problems is the world policeman.  The next problem is if I will ever get justice without Ann, note without Ann.  So far, with Ann has not produced results only more attempts to discredit her but she won’t spike it in their face!  This church is totally insane and they are not playing games, they want to die not reform.  In their world, the worst that can happen is if they loose their job or step down; little political risk.  I do not even know if I can survive this without Ann or ever get justice but they plug away to discredit her also.

I hope they have learned their lesson about being traumatized or attacked physically at a work place; no less kidnapping human beings to have their children or steal their DNA ownership.  It was more than just a bungled dating plot lasting several decades; it also involved severe abuse and being terrorized.  Is an apology enough to walk away or let it go, moving on?  Then it was verbal harassment daily to “leave” and “move.”  Fox News are communists and they hide it well.  The question is how many people did they do this to or on; or will we ever know?  I would not describe them as a scumbag or total asshole, far worse.  You would think they would turn each other in or surrender, the prosecutors are still waiting but they are worried about their image and if we escape and enjoy life.  There is more but we are saving the best for last.  If this was not a civilized world, would I kill them?  Yes and with no remorse or regrets.  There are far too many benefits not to than to; it comes down to this.  When the time comes we will discuss this behind closed doors and top secret; apprehend them first.

If all your communist moles and leaders want is control of America, then you have a long road ahead.  Your loans are not going away either.  How determined are you and how much will you force your people to suffer for your hands off “control?”  It is hard for me to imagine you want to stay in America and manage every aspect of my life or our life, very.  However, we see the Republican Party is okay with this.  You will get a hell of a fight from me and if the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake is out there, then you have not gotten past them yet; control or not.  I am sure they know you are there now and who you are.  We know you are the communist and Al Qaeda because I am Tartuffe, or am I?  Good job screwing that up, I will get my office and I will get my legal damages, even if all of you are dead because you do not know when to stop.  If you are trying to blow up the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes, then it is between you and them; not us.  Our fight is for the last thirty years and using me as bait or holding me hostage to get what you want.  We see it was a religious war and you communists were merely shifting the blame.  I know if you tried to blow up my life, I would hunt each of you down and call the police.  All I can do is trying and claim the last thirty years and my satellite warfare mission.  This does not involve any of you traitors.  As far as Tartuffe and the reformation schism, look closer at who was the real impostor. 

Q:  If this has been more than thirty years are we entitled to all of their material wealth and earnings over that same thirty years even if it had no value to them or if they did not know what they had exactly?  Can they steal more or get as much as they can from us before this ends; hide what they have already?  Where did they hide or dispose of the evidence or did they?  Has this ended yet?  Why?

Q:  Is someone legally justified to smack the shit out of another and call them the N word if they order or want you to smell their ass for any reason?  Is this legally justified and protected by the courts?  Is this legal or illegal?
A:  The best solution to a child molester of this caliber is to shoot them in the leg, call the police, and cut off each ear for every 15 minutes the police does not arrive.  If they try to escape, then shoot them in the other leg, place them in a cab, and send them to Martin’s home so he can defecate in their mouth or make them smell his dog’s butt.  It is not legal but it will teach a child molester a valuable lesson.  Also, there may be some jail and probation for this kind of vengeance even though it brings high ratings and is good news.

Q:  They claim their migration or immigration is to seek higher wages.  However, history has shown a repeated pattern in their life over the period of one hundred or more years.  They migrate with the false or misleading ideology of higher wages.  However, in the long run, it was not uniquely climate change.  Thus, if a climate change impacts their nation, do they have to seek lower paying jobs in different nations or is the government legally obligated to provide for them, loan them emergency money, or provide any form of income and opportunity?  Is this legal or illegal?

Q:  What is a reasonable expectation of privacy?  Can this impostor define it or stop themselves?  Maybe we just don’t like them after thirty years of this?

There are a lot of countries in this world, outside of the USA; whom can put a price tag on the life of this high tech endeavor by the originator of it.  Is it a staple of their existence and was a life fit for a king denied or stolen?  It depends on the judge and the nation.  It depends on who will benefit from high technology or has.  We do not want the Unabomber or any of his followers to pass judgment.  When the survival of a race or the human race is on the line or in the cross hairs, there is no room for errors or impostors.  We want to avoid that model again and again and then again, etc.

If this organized criminal group or band of rogues and terrorists within the Catholic and Democrat Party are and were trying to steal more than 30 years so far of my life and impart death if needed, then isn’t it fair to say I am legally entitled to their material earnings if they cannot return my work or return the sands of time?  If the stolen material, as a result of illegal espionage and endless criminal scams detached my life from a more deserved and rewarding life fit for royalty was ended and is being swept underneath the table, shouldn’t I be entitled to all their gross earnings, stocks, advertising revenue from stolen property or criminal actions, and any other liquid assets to address the more than thirty year struggle to stop them, allow us to win finally, end the harassing disruptions, and address the gross and utterly disgusting violations of their uncivilized and totally insane political and civil service power a fair resolution and redress?  They have to prove their crimes were not to inflict death if the punishment is a death penalty matter.  They are obligated to furnish this proof and standard of their intent and deliberate acts if any.

It was made clear and viciously vivid they choose death instead of being reformed from a life of extreme ridiculous absurdity fit of only the devil incarnate or a traitor thief constantly rummaging through our life and material property.  Will the body of justice simply sweep it under the rug or at least give back the only surviving entity of our life endeavors; the satellite warfare program and the lifelong pursuit to raise capital and have a rewarding business life?  How about the reward and the labor costs?  Are good work and the capture and destruction of such evil not valued as a high commodity in our modern world of technology?  Those books and decades of schooling went into the expertise level.  In the end, they managed to stay neck and neck; as trusted and as powerful, moving piece by piece of the chess board; regardless of whom they were or who we were.  This clearly indicates a theft had occurred longstanding to the public awareness of the events.  Records also indicate a sick, perverted, and demented mind of a psychopath who denied or blocked any relief and freedom from these criminal burdens or plunder.  Their evil greed and their IQ misled them down this road; then their emotional turmoil was not strong enough to get them out of it or escape.

Victims of crime as well as criminal felons do suffer from a life long affliction to rebuild their life and make sense of events.  What do we get out of it and are we obligated to pay for emotional and material loss, constant theft, and priceless sentimental deprivation; loss of income, and the total cumulative cost or totality of bringing this vile human being to justice.  During this thirty year time of plunder and attack, this criminal organization restructured and could have done even more damage by positioning themselves or using the material they obtained illegally to ensure more blocking and more turbulent future confrontations or obstinate controls.  Two billion for the past thirty years was a fair price tag considering what the world is looking at and the forward moving peace of mind looking forward.  During this time their stocks grew to enormous size and caliber and nobody was aware how they did it or what they were doing illegally?  Stealing a life fit for a king, the piety of the heavens, the power of unlimited sustainability and fiscal management takes more than a lifetime to accomplish.  It has a price tag worth more than several billion dollars of suffering to the very bitter end; and it still is not over yet. 

If they can do the crime and then try to get away with it anyhow they can, then they can surrender all of their material possessions and worth when it is finally over; unless they have documents to suggest they are innocent or have their story verified as the truth.  If there was mental pacification or the absence of this endless meddling and harassment; then it would be different.  However, if you compare the life of high tech billionaires who began and started at the same time and estimate their fortune over the course of thirty years, some exceed 60 billion.  If you were to steal or rob them of this empire, overnight; and they could rebuild it overnight and prove this estimation or scale model; clearly two billion is a low estimation to the stolen and priceless goods.  Worse they were ordered to cease and desist from the beginning and they have yet failed to or surrender to the authorities appropriately because they wish death than being reformed.  Of course it was risky and the price they paid for getting caught by us was far more than they got out of it or expected; but it took over thirty years just to reduce it and scare them off.  How long will it take to recover or bring them to justice; another life altogether?

In 1990, I was one of the best shooters in the US Army and one of the best strategic thinkers.  However, I did not have a college degree and needed this.  So with the right mindset I did not set out to become a genius or tell the world this; I wanted an easy paycheck and with these talents, even right now; it is an easy paycheck.  There should not be a psychopath in my life telling me they want to torture me, want me to suffer and be poor, tell me they are the leaders of minorities, or how they want control and have good intentions.  It has been a difficult life for Ann also, as my partner in life; so I am more likely to give her some leeway.  Therefore, the only crime I am guilty of here is going into the US Army to achieve the GI Bill while I went to night school on active duty.  Also, I was trying desperately to find or meet up with Ann at or around the time of my active duty service; we did not know where I would be stationed.  The tragedy is it went from there to here and a lot of people died.  When I was able to identify them and saw what they did, I sent Ann to call for help; they were high up in government and everywhere.  Ann did as told.  I asked Ann if she can figure out who they are or what they want; she did this as asked.  Why are we screaming at each other now?  PTSD?  Anger management or fury of combat?  Prisoner of war syndrome?  Race?  Do we know why?

The divisions and the disagreements indicate the same people.  We cite the Catholic Church and Democrats, a very secretive labor union and anti-war or anti-Vietnam group as the attacking group seizing this military pay grade, pay, or position; as the group acting under false or misleading premises of Republican name, based on the fingerprint and demands.  We have caught the person who planned or was behind the terrorism but they chose to die rather than be reformed due to the damage levels.  They seek secret settlements or only apologies.  However, they are unable to learn or have been denied all strategic initiatives due to self defense deployments.  It also indicates an effort to punish the people who are the target of this espionage or attacks; severe attack and torture.  This is also who they are besides the communist labor forces.  In war and in severe combat, they are paralyzed mentally and resort to animal instincts of crime, barbarian traits, emotional breakdown, and a state of mental “blank” ripe for communist or terrorism loyalty, they do not surrender or do the right thing.  In other words, they are inferior military personnel.  A cloning process was stopped, redistribution.  This is who we have and caught, impostors.  The lack of contracts and proxy (front company) methods of crime made this difficult to prosecute legally.  These false receipts and lack of receipts made audits confusing and was an atmosphere of total chaos. They wish all of it to go away and it has not or won’t.

All of them are so vibrant, healthy, joyful, and so superior.  Look at poor us, we can’t even get our car on the road and have daily struggles.  We need Obama-care.  Their church is so superior and their women are so educated, articulate, and so damn sexy; we fantasize about the communists or this schism among the churches.  Their women are so much better than our poor looking women.  Dominating.  Gold medalists.  Exceptionalism.  Words cannot describe my feeling for them or my love.  No wonder the people love them and especially “minorities” around the world!  What stopped them?  Limbaugh said a concussion finally stopped them, the fight we put in to this the past five years (Monday, January 06, 2014).  He also said they only are seeking control, do not know what to do, and was talking about what all of this fight we have has done to them a hypothetical concussion.  Fox has been saying it takes a man to apologize and they are sorry (kinda).  I think they are sorry they were caught or stuck so badly, I think they were saying please stay out of our way and go away, we want control and we are very dangerous, deadly.  At least all of them admit extreme contact or combat; The Last Man Standing or Freezing Cold.  Limbaugh also said I was struggling with psoriasis my entire life.  So that is what those rashes have been since military service, welts and psoriasis.  Most of them were treated a few remain.  Thanks for sharing all of this pain.

Take a look at the volumes of book and material the communist plunder through monthly after getting cornered in 2008.  They write at least one book a month on how to be a Republican.  The big problem and the secret sin is swept under the rug; they are not the right wing but trying to take it over.  This material and any they can steal using espionage is boosting their credibility and these events, which add more layers of human shields to their little game.  They deny the material was learned or acquired by espionage but they do hold the rights to the research.  They are learning about the right wing and doing it easily.  However, no vital units have walked into their web of lies so far, a discrediting process they call the Last Man Standing.  The prosecutors need to be aware of how elusive and clever the communist forces are or the material they are hiding behind.  Unfortunately, that bus driven by Ann is allowing them this dangerous escape route; so are the events she attends.  Fox News pounds out one book a month into the vast ocean of disinformation to get the right wing lost.  The only forces that have the manpower or the resources to combat them are the left wing; do we want to go there?  Do we want to promote left wing material or their books and teachers?  Isn’t domestic spy rings a joy!  They can drive the right wing and the left; simultaneously using us.  Now they get a check, racketeering; they just hedged all the profits.  They are a labor union for the rich.

When I am in hot pursuit, DO NOT gives them any ammo or led them on.  They will shoot back and then I have to fall back or give up the chase.  This means we will be in this mess another thirty years possibly because the evidence on them was lost or swept under the rug.  Clearly, they are totally nuts and they have no intention of reforming, opting for death or some ATF fireball from space.  Ask the ATF, do not give them the ammo to shoot back or any room to wiggle.  Do not even give them a human shield, they will use and exploit it when they call 911.  The legal team and lawyers are worse than traitors, vultures who want to win at any cost, any!  When they hit and I hear pop, pop, pop; I get angry and I have a morale problem.  If I am recording it, then do not confuse me or act like a total ass okay; especially with Fox News and those lunatics!  They will shoot back no matter who is driving the bus or who is chasing, in hot pursuit.  If they have any receipts or proof of aiding and abetting, my morale is not going to like this female or traitor problem.  I have zero tolerance and expect a spike when I make volleyball sets; otherwise, I am not diving and getting injured.  I am not interested in humans who want to be exploited or die, control.  When they are aiming at my vital parts, I expect the same spike.  Also, when you spike it; aim for their face and not the ground.  Obviously they have not learned a lesson and refuse to be reformed.  I grow impatient watching Ann work or matching her speed; so I am less likely to understand.

How wrong can I be?  Ann after twenty years I must be completely out of my mind or wrong?  I am wrong about you too?  Tell them to set me up with a spike and watch how I spike it.  The problem is morale.  Ann appears to not be able to address the morale problem and also the degrading conditions on this end because she is constantly too busy driving the school bus with these rotten ignorant bastards singing merrily.  I am not giving them any ammo or material; however, Ann is.  They are shooting it at me and the morale is degrading; hence, Ann claims it is not real, they claim it is real, and it is degrading.  The big issue right now is morale and everybody in this world can see it is the Unabomber, targeting specific targets, and using it for their morale while degrading our morale.  These communists are no damn good and we are not saving them or salvaging them; not after thirty years of this or knowing they are no damn good and deserve the shit smacked out of them repeatedly.  Look at their morale and who is driving the bus, rotten kids aren’t they?  It is all over their hypocrisy, rhetoric, and tactics.  Everybody can see this clearly and why they are the communist and trying to take over the right wing.  The Unabomber is looking to blow up a specific target, what is it?  It can’t be me; I am not an office and became their prisoner.  That bus Ann is driving is the impostors who are going to replace the Unabomber plot.  It is not the ATF either.  Who are they looking for?

With the political acumen Ann has, she ought to know the Catholic Church is no damn good and needs to either get the shit smacked out of them or a good Vietnam era B52 run until they sit down and shut up.  However, it is a carpet bomb on our life.  We see their leaders standing in unity and refusing to be reformed.  My father himself warned me about these callous lizards.  We have seen this in their history before and they are zombie like and communists in that stampede mindset.  Ann continues to get tangled up with them and it does nothing for me besides making me look like Moliere or Tartuffe.  I have never met anybody who is so insane and no damn good but I see a lot of labor union in them and drug addict.  I see how obstinate they are and how they use it as power or to disrupt and obstruct.  I was told these people are no damn good but this impostor has come alive to wreck up the world or our entire existence.  The dumbass thinks it is because they are happy, do not hate, are not worried, and are in control.  It is a conspiracy and it is deliberate; they are no damn good and desperate.  How no damn good are they and how much they not care do, corruption is in their DNA until someone smacks the shit out of this communist.  That is a true communist and impostor right in front of us and we were tangled up in Vietnam with them before.  None of them have any shame because they refuse to be reformed and want to die.  Now they feel they are the leader, ladder, and the labor union for the rich and corporate.  That is how the communist mole got in.  It comes down to money and they are not money, they are labor.

Dear Rush Limbaugh:  You are not the best and need to shut up about Obama.  I am sick and tired of you impostors or hypocrites.  Fox News should also march to a different drummer.  You continue to spike the shit out of that ball on him and his people for no reason; Fox News is also ice cold.  I am also tired of hearing about gays in the military, dope heads, or Israel spying on the Navy.  I want to know more about your female President. – Limbaugh goes ballistic on Obama on Tuesday, January 07, 2014 @ 1330 hours -

I was under the impression I had served under those pretenses and nothing more, I never faked anything but the disruptions compounded.  Suspicious, I began to test matters and noticed someone or something was following me or stalking me; an enemy or assassin.  I and Ann had to use our vital resources to apprehend, trap, and determine what they were up to and why.  So not only was I denied my medals or even reputation; I finally in the end was able to talk about it or reveal the pretenses others mistakenly saw as real or not real.  There is a big gap between us and them and I cannot be liable for their crimes or what they do; however, there is a huge entanglement and they are clearly guilty of meddling in our affairs and career.  I did not fake any illness or kidnapping but it is hard to prove these people did because it was by word of mouth or secrets.  Obviously they cannot tell what is real and what is not because it got worse.  The military did not kidnap me and the FBI did not kidnap me; we know this to be a given.  Who did and who owes two billion in legal damages but refuses to pay?  Their mental illnesses are allies to their crimes; a refusal to reform and a wish to die instead.  They claim they are peaceful, well intended, and only want control.

Based on the current totality and testing and retesting, it is evident the first intervention or disruption occurred in 1992 while on active duty service and as described; by Negro enlisted personnel trying to suggest they were superior soldiers or officers.  It also suggest a labor union attempt to “clone” the position so they could give it rebirth after they killed the career position on our side and expand it on theirs; a theft of unimaginable magnitude by the communists.  Limbaugh described her as Kathy.  It is evident the intervention may have occurred before 1992 or other disruptions; however, the current position or situation indicates an effort to reclaim or establish the permanency of career decisions in 1989.  Due to problems with officers and politics, that permanency had to be abandoned or shut down due to ongoing attacks or lifelong career attacks.  Although retirement was achieved and also permanency from military service; it does indicate an intrusion or an effort to meddle and manipulate a clever espionage theft or surrender.  This data and this event has been established and revealed due to either secret or ongoing investigations.  The capitalization was so severe and crippling, the extent of injuries does not have a calculus at this time but a two billion legal damage is only a fair estimate value.  It also indicates possible child abuse or molestation from outside and enemy forces in the DC area.  Limbaugh says this is about a “female” job and President in the making; a future war or terrorist attack being planned at this time.  This may include a domestic race war by the Catholics and Democrats over welfare or debts.  They refuse any open candidacy and want a puppet for this war or schism; we have tested this and been the victim of severe brainwashing attempts.

Limbaugh:  feels I owe him a thank you for all of this. 
Hannity:  Hannity feels I owe him a thank you for his wisdom about women and how he wards off Ann; so Limbaugh can fuel the flames of romance.  Hannity is the clean up because they are not sure about Ann being a fake.  He is going to do serious harm to her; what is in her heart or mine; the blind Catholic syndrome.
Fox News:  All of them are there for confidence, group support, and to be the organic growth.  They shoot us, guns get blamed, we get welfare or some SSI scam, they add an attack to the Unabomber coffer, the sanctions disrupts my growth, I get molested or tortured, Ann has to watch, and they are heroes because my life is worse, this woman gets a damaged man, Ann gets that hunk Hannity, and Limbaugh might get his male fantasy finally.  If they find something they like in my material or college research, intended for this family plan I had; they take it and use it to discredit us and circle their scam and inner circle.  Meanwhile, I get blamed… but we caught them, all of them.
My military career or such a simple plan to get the GI Bill:  Did I get set up?  Was I kidnapped?  Did I sign up for this or did anybody go from there to here?  How or why?  Who wants control and claims they only want to help or are peaceful, well intended?  So how do we have to combat and stop this?  What do we have to do, or not do?  They shoot people and corrupt them; they become heroes and file for fake benefits or profits.
How much did I make or my benefits?  My complaint is only on the constant attacks and disruptions.  There was endless illegal contact and illegal espionage.  My taxes and income the last twenty years explain it all.  I am not even allowed to marry who I want or have been with for twenty years.  Who do I blame for it and what do I intend on doing about it?  It was endless financial disruptions or damage and vandalism, endless.  You mean what they plan on doing; I don’t have to do anything, not a damn thing.  Set me up I need a set and a spike.

Suspicious Activity and Profit:  Do they have the ability to tell what is in our heart and in our minds?  Do we?  Did they file any suspicious activities report or ever?  Why?  How about any stalking reports or incident report?  Did they file one when it obstructed or was beneficial to their profits?  What then is a fake kidnapping or fake mental illness?  We see this type of scams in white collar cases, not kidnapping or terror cases.  We have never seen it in any espionage or communist penetration cases.  Some kind of payment took place that is not reported or traceable; is there a receipt or any?  Is it instructional or extremely high quality content such as advertisement or how to books; for those they care for or about?  We know it is not for sex, romance, or same sex nonsense.  Was it for business ideas, high tech business worth extreme stock profits?  Is it credibility or trust, something a tangible value cannot be accurately made?  Or is it control, which can really span the gamut of money; the more the power the more the price tag?  In the past five years, we know extreme growth and talent has been produced across the board.  Who cares?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.