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Saturday, February 15, 2014


Everything About Them is Unfit:  Speech, financial, religion, behavior, crime, pride, narcissism, etc… Are they crazy?  Are they stupid?  Do they have a disease?  Why are they here doing this?  Nothing makes any sense.  Can the police find them?  Can the police catch them?  Why does internment camps making more sense?  Is it politics or just their history?  Now I am forced into a $2.5 billion legal case, homeless shelter politics, terrorism, or some crazed jackass who thinks he is in charge and homeless.  This is endless and it is all illegal.  Are they just desperate and an idiot?  Let’s rally around the dead again.  Half of them do not know if they are black or white, no less think for themselves.  Are we living among an inferior breed of human beings?  Have they taken over or taken over the world?

Civil Rights, Racism, Fox News and Limbaugh Forces:  Are they biased, a sinking ship, unpredictable and not reformed, lawless bullies, etc… or are they the Civil Rights Division in America, a clandestine wing to circle the wagons?  Are they willing to accept the brutal truth or are they similar to the liberals and Jewish brethren whose ignorance and religious intolerance has caused hostility in the religious world?  How deranged and unfit are these government employees?  How far will they go to keep their jobs or uphold a political message or agenda?  They pick and choose according to what their self interest or best interest is.  I cannot say it is legal either.  Someone inside the 1960s crowd, perhaps the FBI Civil Rights Division; tried to shut me up and conceal a paper trail.  Are they desperate for lawyers or staff?  Perhaps this is an inside job about funding and bias?  Israel and the entire left wing is deteriorating due to their inability to respect the rights of others and "change" accordingly; hence, the wilt and die.  Is the federal government and FBI prone to this smoke and mirror; a bubble of reality detached from the totality or whole of reality?  If so, then it is an inside job and a conspiracy.  This is what separates the communists and the radicals from reality; a severe bias and an incapable depreciation to respect the rights of others.  How far are they willing to go to seek this agenda or legal practice?  Who exactly is behind this and the false arrests, the gimmicks and the mind control to seek agreement or common ground?

Got Ran Out of Florida:  I never called you an inner city pest or a Midwest factory worker polluting pristine beaches or trying to run me off the beach.  However, I just think you look ridiculous acting like a beach bum or polluting pristine retirement communities.  As far as water, put this political pest or city dwelling thug-crafty human near water and they will ruin it or pollute it to death.  Did I mention their body odor or how dirty they are?  They do not have any respect for human beings either; full of spite, hate, and anger over their decrepit life looking for jobs or homeless.

Not a Random Stalker:  Fox News and Limbaugh tried to make it appear as if an online psychopath or stalker was behind this.  It was not.  They had been watching and waiting since the 1970s.  This is when the back and forth began.  However, they tried to make it look as if a random stalker online had been doing this.  It grew to intensity but the shoving matches were in the 1970s and 1980s; it pertained to segregation and the 1960s protests.  They may have gained access through the public school system and in 1989 the door got shut cutting off all contact.  However, this intrusion in our family went far back and may explain their behavior or total lack of consent.  They sought revenge one way or the other.  This is someone who has studied our family, knows how the dynamics or loyalties are, and knows how to pit one against the other; even mimic blood relationships.  Their behavior and actions indicate they waited or wait for the right time and place, when nobody is looking or when the least risk is presented.  Then they attack with ferocity.

Want to See a Resume:  I’ll get right on that resume and I will stand in line as they ask; just to get an “at home” interview.  Thank you.  I always wanted to work at a homeless shelter or feel so welcomed.  How is life?  Funny you ask.  You must be security or protection, the real deal.

Grow Feet and a Brain:  Grow some feet and think for yourself.  I have never seen a religion or a politics that throws trash and shit at us 24-7 for more than thirty years and screw up the most important mission this world has ever seen.  Can we hurricane them and teach them some manners?  Can we find any value or worth out of their life and their American story?  If not, die.  We are ready for your children and survivors of this holocaust.  I am only a safety net for the police and military, I stay in the background and out of sight.  Who screwed that up?  But you know what, I am really ticked off.  Retirement was the best concealment for me but I did not get a choice; an improvisation.  It was not planned nor was this.  I was supposed to have a nice happy little life and then introduce this or become the safety net.  I really do not flaunt my nobility or can now.

Hostage Rescue Team and Terrorist Plot Dialogue:  “Oh come on lighten up… we are in this together… stop being so negative… we are doing you a favor… you are the problem not us… you should shut up and leave… let’s be friends… we are in this together… this is going nowhere… stop being a cry baby… you can’t always get what you want… what about our needs… whatever you need… this is our hope… we do not want to fight anymore… can I get a hug… we want to be your voice… we are joined by the hip… I am you and you are me… see how crazy this is getting… this is your fault… you need to move on… we only want to help… we are well inattention… next is internment camps… we are not denying it… you avoid the truth… you can’t answer questions… you are lying… this is all an act.”  Look at the written record and $2.5 billion in damage, thirty years of this.  Oh the creepy old man Dave just said “go home” also; add that one, time warp in one second.  Can we expedite this and hurricane them or get closure?  How about their children, the survivors and last man standing?  Look at their plight and thug-craft.  At least they all know who is getting fired and where that letter came from or why; a class action law suit now.

Internment Camp:  I am not saying an internment camp is where they need to go and die in peace.  That is between the police and the history of Executive Order 9066 which justifies the action.  I seek prosecution, surrender, and legal relief of $2.5 billion.  If they die in prison or an internment camp; that is not what this is about.  I am a safety net not a parade or a homeless shelter they call home.  I really do not care if they are sorry or crying about this, worried to death.  If Congress or the police give us a go; all of you will be headed to an internment camp; no questions asked.  We ask you to surrender and turn yourself in peacefully.  Refuse and we get side tracked again.  There is no escape because communism no longer exists; no more homeless shelter for your church or immigration stories.  You should be petrified with the thought of prison and legal damages, shut up too!  Reform, shut up, go away, and think for yourself or grow some feet.  The ground to intern you or the drug wars is not set in stone yet; we need more reinforcements if this is an inside job.

Stonewalled and Run-Around:  It is time you let others, including yourself, grow some feet so they can walk.  Clearly you cannot think for yourself and clearly you do not wish anybody to think for themselves; including the police.  If you want to call your thug-craft stonewalling or a run around, then you must plead guilty and pay.  However, I have never seen a human piece of shit cling on and not let go in the manner you do.  Furthermore, you are exactly a piece of shit that clings on for life and getting rid of you is one of the technological crisis we face; access.  You continue to focus on why and not what you did, that is not an escape route, spinning the story so nobody can think for themselves or turning someone into a homeless shelter is how you got here.  It is not how you will get out either.  I hope the Japanese and Asians read this because they need to make personnel changes, fire your leaders; before this really erupts globally.  Grow some feet and grow some ears will you.  Do you really think I want more welfare, a hand out, or a government check for $2.5 billion from a white house negro?  This is how my life has been for thirty years now, where is my F’in relief from a human piece of shit?  Your church, your leadership, and your plight is unbelievable.

Homeless Shelter Ideology:  Clearly, your thug-craft indicate indoctrination and some career training that involves turning my life into a homeless shelter and welcoming yourself or your work with the poor, sick, and unwanted anytime you feel the coast is clear.  Furthermore, you have tongue tied everybody and paralyzed them; a total loser of a religion.  You seek to convert America into this same homeless shelter where anybody is welcomed and can get provided for; your work with the poor, sick, and unwanted.  Like a piece of shit, you cling to our life and do not let go; and if clinging on for dear life is a good description; than it feels like it while we grow angry, destitute, and as violent as a war can become.  As I said, the Japanese and Asians need to fire your US operations and make sure your leaders never walk or get up from the rubble.  You have your warnings so do not make more mistakes or add more to this.  I have grown feet and continue to; if it is not for you and the past thirty years.  I remain hostile to your homeless shelter indoctrination or politics of the destitute.  Do I look like I want more welfare, a hand out, or a government check for $2.5 billion from a white house negro, honestly?  I guess the question is can we find any worth or value out of you before you rob our life blind, a homeless shelter?

Military Career - None of This Would Have Happened:  Had I enlisted and used my math and computer skills, what I went to college for and is a paper trail; then I would have escaped this and it would be clear sailing.  My college loans and financial problems would be less volatile.  We know the NSA is desperate for math majors or clear thinking scientists.  This is established.  However, had it been clear sailing; all of this would have been avoided and I already had a college degree or was seeking it.  By placing me on an alternate career path or plan; the terror plot and revolution used me or tried to trap their opposition, the police and Constitution.  They now know it was a trap and my life is a trap, a safety net only.  Now it is an eruption of military problems or government problems “leave, go home, nobody wants you… etc.”  Is it really a white house negro?  Are they really trying to get me high, escape a death sentence, or a 911 call?  What did they get out of it and what did I get?  Nothing?

Not the Support Group for Asians and Not Their Hope:  The Midwest bottom feeders and their drug war religion are already in line and jumping on this bandwagon.  They see it as hope, we see them as a nightmore zombie or bottom feeder.  The creepy old man in the back said “whatever you need.”  Everybody knows what we need or expect, except the bottom feeder behind this.  They are targeting Asians and the government is giving them a passport to lawlessness or Midwest industrial immigration now a drug war.  It goes in one ear and out the next.  I bet they want an internment camp also.  Their multiculturalism is a complete phony and fraud due to self esteem problems.  They want war and crackdown as far as the eye can see no end in sight.  Give them what they want but first, give us what we want and deserve.  None of them want to fall on the sword, cowards of accountability and unfit for duty.  Can I go out this Friday?  How about Saturday?  Can I work now?  Are you going to show up and screw things up?  Are you going to tag along or watch every move, safe?  Does it go in one ear and out the other?  Why are they holding office when unfit and have severe self esteem problems?  They look awful too, full of confidence!  Do I have to get high or catch a buzz?  Why?  They sell Asian cars like pancakes, why?  Narcissism?  Self esteem problems?  Hope?  Creepy old stalker?  In it together?  The sole of America?

Out of the Realm of Reality:  The more you look at the paper trail and the inside job, what is clear is how far out of the realm of reality this is.  Everything.  So if you are lost or cannot fix a coordinate, how do you navigate or find help?  Who is out there to help or fix this?  You can bet Fox News and Limbaugh forces will be the first in line the moment they hear the lock click or the door open; that is how they overwhelm everything when they are unfit and put the best face on it.  They will rip you off blind, everything.  They will endanger their own children and those who depend on them; such as $2.5 billion to help the police and military quell this and begin my mission as a high tech nobility.  They suck the life out of humans and are very skilled in the medical field, very.  I am the king of satellites, I invented the topic of warfare in this industry; look at what I have to undergo for unfit human beings.  Can I shut them down or do anything about this?  Let’s find out.

Give Ann Coulter and the Whites Credit:  I understand how Ann wants to be a good citizen and even generous to immigrants or others, considering she is both an American and an immigrant.  I too try to be kind.  However, look at what is wrong with America or this political domestic pest.  Look at their goals and what they have done.  Look at how they trash the Constitution and their loyalties or allegiances.  I too am an American and I too want a good life; all I did was enlist or do the right thing.  All I did was telling the truth and swore my oath to my military mission.  Look what I got for it.  Look at how I have to care or help the police; under these terms and I have lost everything.  A lot of rich people invested their money with these phonies; I never gave consent and was aware through the entire ordeal; look at how I have to win back or wage war just to get my life and nobility back.  Yes being American is getting harder and so is our belief in the system; upholding it.  Yes I have addressed this self esteem problem and what is wrong.  I do have clear vision and mind; of sound body, but if this keeps up and their plans work, that too will be stolen.  So yes, I too tried to be a good American and do good in this world and this is what I got or where the road led.  Can I do something about it?  Can you?  I think I can.  I think you can.  They want to fight and I gave them a fight to remember.  Can you fight them or are you dependent on me?  Keep in mind, I believe in self reliance and my family ran the Vietnam War; what did we get for that?  What did we get for being rich, considerate, nobility, or warriors?  Do I want to join their ranks?  Does Fox News or Limbaugh?  Do you?  Do they have self esteem problems or is it all narcissism?  We know they have self esteem problems and are unfit for any duty; jail and a death sentence.  I spent my entire life with Ann, a white girl; what do they know or feel?  Nothing now?  Do we feel nothing also?  Hence, I have to collect $2.5 billion from someone, is it an inside job?  If so, they win regardless; unfit or not.

Unfit for Duty or Business:  This is an inside job.  They are unfit for duty and have many self esteem problems, life problems, and family problems.  Furthermore, crime is their business and after thirty years, they are not quick to do the right thing.  They are unfit for business or government service.  However, it is a puppet act and a communist military parade.  I describe them as a demon or devil possessed.  They remain defiant and need to swear allegiance to the Constitution, self reliance, and do the right thing.  Stop prepping me up for this parade or occupying my life; I did not create this hell or their reality.  It is all thug-craft, illegal.  They want jobs or a promotion, so it is an inside job.  I cannot be or become their self esteem problems or spend life with their wife and daughter.

Insulted by Award Ceremonies:  Yes this North Korean parade atmosphere using prop up dolls or models.  Many of these people have self esteem problems and they seek to create me in that image; hence, the constant attacks and the effort to destroy self reliance.  They do not believe in self reliance and they do not swear allegiance to the Constitution.  This unity, association, organization, freedom run amuck, leadership problems, sob stories, homeless wrecks, lack of education, constant immigration pressures, migrant workers, and crime or corruption; is not an award ceremony where our bias is to look for only the positive and not the negative.  Therefore, I consider it an insult and this looming disappointment where self esteem problems plague self reliance.  I wonder what happened to me.  Fox News says on Friday, February 21, 2014 “they are no longer terrorists.”  All along I thought I was their lawyer or going through a lawyer school for terrorists, my imagination again.  Stop making it more complex and defiant, turn yourself in, expedite the legal damages, and swear allegiance to the Constitution; not trash it because of how you feel today.  How do they put the best face on it?  Me?

Occupation or Occupy Life:  On Friday, February 21, 2014 Limbaugh speaks highly of the liberals.  Is that the problem now?  It feels like this is what they are doing and still trying to do very quietly.  I have no intentions or plans to become their lawyers while they speak so highly of the liberals.  So they have not ended the occupation or an occupation but they have changed their tune on terrorism.  They claim they no longer want to fight and we are destroying this unity or friendship.  We are destroying their future and fate in this world.  They need to turn each other in and end this occupation on American soil.  I never wrote them for a job.  They remain defiant and refuse to reform, ignorant.  Limbaugh said we cannot live rent free in life.  Most criminals know when it is over and when things turn really bad.  Is this my cover letter or some business plan I am sending them too, narcissism?  Should I address you as the Sir Duke of My Life from here on?  Am I still a prize on your dinner table to be offered for a terror plot or this secret war?  Do you even want to reform or make this more complicated, $2.5 billion in legal damages already and possible slander charges and dereliction of duty charges?  Sound disappointing or gloom?  You got yourself into this, what is the problem now; are we too inferior or are you too narcissistic?  Too big to fail also?

A Lot of Problems:  I have a lot of problems as a result of this American dumbass and total pest.  We are looking at a defiant traitor and terrorist.  If the FBI gives me the go to shoot or defend my mission or ground, I will find a way to hurricane or earthquake them.  So if they see this as an eviction or getting fired, then it must be coming from a very high level; don’t know what their pay grade is or care.  If I get the go from the authorities, I will go absolutely insane night and day, no questions asked.  I have a lot of medical problems and life problems right now and I am not trading in my bothersome career or nobility for this piece of ass or domestic pest who wants to protest Vietnam or war.  Now I have to wait for $2.5 billion and find a new fine piece of ass.  Am I happy about more problems?  Not really but it must be high up and they know this is their firing or political death.  Great leadership and fine management; especially in business or finance; try to get more corrupt or evil than they are.  Take a look at what exactly they put me though or are putting me through, how high up it is coming from.  I would suggest they turn themselves in and get on their knees as ordered; before it got worse.  All they do is create more problems.

A Nice Piece of Ass:  What do they hate the most?  Well, this female cannot compete or stand it when I am with a nice piece of ass, especially the hot blondes.  Meanwhile, they tried to feed this stuff to me constantly and hidden murders.  It was sick.  What angers Fox News and Limbaugh the most is their worst fears; a real woman.  This is why they act the way they do, inadequacy and isolation; the bubble I have to live in.  They also tried to make me look and sound like the Va. Tech shooter and a few other very violent terrorist plots, mental illness right?  Everybody saw Fox News do it and also these so called “Republicans.”  Ask them to reform and they will spit in your face.  That is what they fear.  That is what this bag lady fears.  All of them fear $2.5 billion or more of nobility coming to me also.  I describe them as a serial killer for a reason.  They have it down to creation of this ticking time bomb motivated by race and radicalism.

Limbaugh and Fox News Forces:  How about that class action suit?  Every victim of crime and terrorism, violence; need only read my prosecution for their legal damages or the legal justification.  Why are they running loose doing this?  Who invented this reality and total hell?  I’m asking for $2.5 billion, just a scratch and close call right?  I did not create this reality and I am not a black man as they continue to insist or create me in their image.  I am not weak on crime and this is what will happen if they kidnap someone or gain access to their life.  Crime will be rampant and this ape will see your life as a homeless shelter.  They will visit it every single day of every single hour like a smelly bag lady.  If you let them manage or become the leader of your fate, this is what will happen.  I think they are getting and receiving an order to shut down; a form of firing or dishonorable discharge.  However, we see their lies and tricks to retaliate.  When it rains they flip out also.  The white house negro has to do is reform, do the right thing; is that so difficult and too must to ask?  Do they truly think they are leaders or managers of our fate, honestly?  This mission or my military mission is ran or led by a white house negro?  I've seen it all now.  The question is who created this hell and all of this crime, the Presbyterians?  America?  Asians?  We should lynch that SOB or pelt them with hail.  I think they are getting fired or getting a letter addressing this leadership problem.

Dangerous Predator:  One of us is a dangerous predator and the other is not very scared of getting in a fight or trapping this predator.  Clearly identifying this predator is one of the problems but the level or degree of sophistication in their crimes surpasses a common pest or a domestic nuisance.  This far exceeds a down and out criminal annoyance.  Most people will say it is a robbery gone badly.  A predator will be motivated by greed and will fall for prey or bait.  We understand the motive but facts do not match the sophistication.  Like an animal desperately trying to escape, we get to see what kind of predator is behind it all.  Another way is to leave a plate of food and see what or who shows up at night when everybody is sleeping.  In the morning, the food is gone and nobody knows what exactly happened.  I would say you tip the scales of a traitor as quite large.  I would say it is a suicide mission, a blood oath.  I just want $2.5 billion in damages; and can do without the babble or details.  Child abuse or molestation is concentrated in their population ranks, now we know why.  It has to do with their narcissism level and endless need for control as a total loser constantly seeking love.

War Against the Presbyterians:  This began as a result of a war against the Presbyterians in the 1970s.  It was Barney Frank and his gay parade along with other Congress members; a welcoming party or ground force.  Keep in mind the Presbyterian Church sponsored most if not all of the Vietnamese and did not view the Vietnamese as a political pest or a domestic traitor.  Our sponsors in America, whom knew we were nobility and rich; accused the Vietnam Generals, all Presbyterians; of child molestation.  This white house negro than launched a Congressional attack on the Church and our sponsors which complicated matters in life while they rushed to fill that void.  Now they try to cherry pick and form a diplomatic hub with the last chance they have in this secret war.  Hence, the war on Ann Coulter was also the same people whom were at fault.  This will tell you how bad and how much worse it can get for them.  So this is their welcoming party and who chased our sponsors away in the 1970s with allegations they were guilty off such as terrorism and violent terror plots, the radicals and communists.  Here they are on film and shining bright.  They live an act like kings for a house Negro.  This was about the Vietnam War and immigration or sponsors of persecution.  It is also about the cold war and their class action law suit; now destroyed and impossible.  They planned on suing the government for the cold war and lack of protection against violence and terrorism; such as gun control.

A Fudge Packing Father:  I am not claiming to be them but they claim to be us or parents; hence, I am trapped in this mess and trying to get my nobility returned.  It is a white house Negro who is also a migrant worker, the communists and radicals.  They are in the military also and want more.  They can loose everything overnight, a tsunami of tears.

Fox News and Limbaugh Forces:  Is nothing more than a cast at Glee trying to put the best face on this.  Furthermore, on a scale of 1 to 10 for narcissism, behind the scenes and the pretty normal faces are 13-20 scales of narcissism.  Regardless, they claim we are safe with them and are free to be whoever we are; homeless, terrorists, communists, child molesters, psychopathic stalkers, criminals and thieves, drug felons, etc.  It is worth $2.5 billion if they can prove it is not a kidnapping or some web of lies to produce death or worse.  All along they were online child molesters or constantly watching us trying to coerce and lead us down this dangerous path they are on.  It is an inside job but we do not know how bad the corruption and dereliction of duties are.  Does the government owe $2.5 billion for slander also?  Are they trying to get as many miles out of it before they die or are taken down?  The charges against them do not suggest we are safe or ever was safe.  They are on film as the same people waging war on the Vietnam Generals and the Presbyterian Church, cold warriors.  Who is guilty of hate, terror, and mass destruction?  I would also suggest to the government personnel offices to put a freeze on their hire or hidings.

A House Negro or Government Official:  Your efforts to undermine or unplug everything we have has not made your 1960s disaster or plight to justice anymore powerful.  I would call you a house Negro in a government uniform; but I know some of you are white and this is not about race or racial motives.  You have a lot of explaining to do and have not even addressed this yet.

Leave:  I had to listen to you tell me to leave while on active duty in the military and high tech industries.  I have to listen to you all say leave at least 5-20 times a day; as if I am pounding on your door and mentally ill.  I would describe you as a deranged and demented psychopath whom is completely detached from reality but has managed to climb the ladder of government or power and is hanging on for dear life right now; pay grade or service.  We can see how inadequate and peculiar you are.  You make it look and sound so real!  Keep putting the best face on this or your arrest and prosecution.  We will crush you and you will spend the remainder of life on your knees or distraught.  You fooled or can pull this off on the whites, not the Asians.  When it comes to war, the Asians think a little differently and see you in a whole new way.  None of you could ever do what I do, never.  How about that pay grade?  Did you get a letter of termination or asking you to leave?  How?  Did it get delivered or did you admit to this?  Who got fired and who is going to leave?  I see you as a house figure who just looks back with a blank stare.

Suicide:  I don’t know if you are a homosexual, plain stupid, or just completely detached from reality; but you are wasting a lot of time and money on one human being.  Either I am extremely expensive, extremely important, and extremely costly to fix; or you are straight up stupid.  After ten years of college, military service in the high technology sector, and my high tech nobility; I must be the poor man in the family and the lowest on the totem pole; an open target and a revolving door for your diplomacy and secret war.  You are literally committing suicide and sacrificing all of your worldly assets on my behalf or just to force me to obey or sketch-erase the image of your creation.  Moreover, I don’t even like you, respect you, or give you the time of day.  So far you have stolen thirty years of my life under those terms and I want my robust nobility returned better than it was ever.  I don’t care if you die trying or cry incessantly all day like a stupid wife or crazy bitch, this is as honest as I can let you down other than punching you or killing you.  I also have no plans on dying with you either, known across the globe for being warriors and superior academics.  Even the FBI has not given an explanation; all we heard was mental illness or how I have to be hospitalized.  This is also why you are in a trap and facing death.  Can we expedite my $2.5 billion please, I been through a lot.

Our Safety:  It would be nice if their pay grades were more concerned about our safety or the future of this country.  Selfish and ignorant they all feel it is another perspective and not the whole truth or reality.  It would also be nice if their pay grades were more concerned about America and her security, including the future of satellites or the masters of it.  It would be nice if I can match those two together and pressure their pay grades or the public to be more concerned about my life mission or where my nobility went or went through.  Do they know terrorists are running loose and so are their leaders or this terror plot?  Save them or save us from ourselves?  This is about money and power, also the total lack of it.  Is the government the problem?  Is the Congress the problem?  Is their pay grade the problem?

Agreements:  There are several aspects of my “life lessons” or “teachings” this enemy has brought forward with astounding clairvoyance.  I will list them in the order I feel are most relevant.

1.       Money – although money does produce a lot of problems and the competition or search for ever increasing money can lead to chaos, murder, a stampede, and overwhelming attacks; we cannot say the root of evil is material or money.  I do not think they want to make love instead of war; right now they fantasize about money and only money, what it will do for us and what it will do to their little secret war.  They are not seeking friendship; they seek to make an enemy or a ticking bomb out of me and others.  They seek to make me in their image or in their comfortable dreams.  Now they expect us, or fantasize; about being made in our image and reality because they are so wrong or a mere pest.
2.       Ignorance – the best way to combat an arrogant foe, such as we have or are seeking damages from, is to show them no matter what numbers, amount of wealth, or made up power they have; the human being and the earth is not ruled by these superior numbers.  This was a European concept and a traditional way of military thinking.  Similarly, material wealth is not necessarily power; it is trouble or potential trouble; a threat.  Some large companies and entities with large funds are a threat, not all.  However, all living creatures have a plan for self preservation and survival; some have none and grow old before they die.
3.       Humiliation – when you are stalked and targeted by a human common flea, it is the most life threatening experience.  Given their goals are to produce a specific and fabricated outcome; the way to give them the sensation of futility or powerlessness; is to use that power back on them.  Similar to martial arts the defense is no defense.  When they are exposed and trapped, that power is no longer.  Therefore, when it came to “similarity” or this “respect” this empire of dirt sought, their greed and selfish lack of respect for others took over all of their reality and world.  For a human being so low in the pecking order or so low on the social ladder; you have to ask how they got access to our life or this secret war.  How did I and how did we?  Are they prepared to carry it out, finish what they started?
4.       Equality – as the voice of the poor and how they seek world domination by targeting the nobility and powerful; this enemy is not equal in any category.  Poverty does not win wars or feed the engine of wars.  Hunger and stupidity does not operate on the same levels as we do.  Judging people is a formula of perfection, not hypocrites.  Oddly, they use our power on us and we use their lack of power or nobility back on them.  Hence, we get this ending and this back and forth.  This is the 1960s bunch and their dreams are also our nightmare; but look at theirs.  Before they seek respect they should be educated on the fundamentals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Material pursuits come with the ability to gain respect and have doors open, not shut.  I think they have learned what earning their pay all is about and what being rewarded for good work looks like; even if it is a clandestine war and a kidnapping to steal my nobility, or merely wreck my life and education.
5.       Decline – some civilizations decline and others grow stronger.  A lot of human beings make up stories and fantasies so they can appear or look different than what they truly are.  Looks are deceiving and we do not judge a book by the cover, obviously.  However, this is a pest to the human race and slavery is what their history is built upon.  We can see how they exist in our world or in America; where the doors of freedom continue to shut and they continue to fight or bother us into opening more and more.  What you see is their thug-craft gone badly; their worst nightmares a living reality they cannot kill or do anything about unless they change the laws or the powers of this universe.  They come to America for this freedom and this power and they shall and will meet it.  There is not much to them left but the tears or the constant pursuits; a cat-mouse game they feel is a playground taunt or bullying tactic.  The Yin and the Yang, the world of opposites in north-south, east-west, cold-hot, male-female, etc; also has a third world, the whole or totality.  That is the reality they face.

Castrate This Enemy:  It would be very wise to castrate them, psychologically if needed; and not let them get a job or run their mouth.  They will teach hate and pretend to be a retard looking back with a blank stare or some media circus.  A long wet cold winter is not hard enough to bend them, what is?  Will this cartoon terrorist get up and walk away with their balls in their mouth?  I witnessed them get castrated did anybody else experience a semen problem with this religion?  We need a guinea pig to guide us through this inside job.  Do not let them immigrate.

Live Under These Terms:  You have a choice.  The Constitution is your enemy.  Getting caught means you loose everything and I win everything.  The FBI is investigating you.  Everybody in national security knows you are a communist mole.  Everybody knows what national security is about, not your secret war they are trapped in or stuck in now.  If you live or decide to live under these terms, a true indoctrination into technology; then your fate and future is precarious.  The criminals and the empire of dirt grow but they loose power and all worth.  Everybody knows about your religion and how you forget or refuse to reform, do the right thing.  We are not going to die or sacrifice for you; will you die and sacrifice for us?  This is your test and it is an inside job; are you going crazy or turned into a slave yet?  We know what is growing below or in your mind; it got harder to go into public and wake up, keep dreaming.  You will be forced to say yes and stop saying no; we will exploit and use every mile of this, do hurry.

Safety:  We are so safe when they mobilize and in a secret war.  This is their dream, not our dream.  This is the soul of America.  We are so safe and well taken care of.  There is only several problems, how to get rid of a stupid psychopathic zombie communist stalking us and facing the death penalty.  They accept their fate do they?  If they can read, then it is not safe or about public safety is it?  Was this an inside job?  How about that class action suit?

War:  What is the True Soul of America, war?  It sounds like you are using slaves, minorities, immigrants or otherwise as the model of your empire for dirt.  It sounds like hating you is illegal, no matter who is in charge; you morph and make yourself in our image or opposite.  Keep antagonizing the truth and this ending; hate is therapy and hating you is justice.  I am ready for war with you, not trying to threaten or make threats.  Is this what you falsely arrested me for, an inside job?  Who is the soul of America, your stupid terror plots or war?

Choices and The Truth:  If it is as good and safe as you say; and if you are well intended and powerful as you calmly claim, in charge or taken over; then why don’t we have a choice and why don’t you let the chips fall as they do or let the truth take over?  Why are you facing the death penalty and owe $2.5 billion?  Is your dream worth as much as my nobility?  Then why do you keep trying to steal it, become it, and making yourself in our image when we see what your image is?  If it is so good as you claim or so safe, even for your leaders or most powerful empire of dirt members; than why are we going through this or watching it unfold?  Are you this stupid or just this sneaky?  I do have a choice and do not have to be watched 24-7 don’t I?  I don’t need to have things unplugged or my lives stolen do me; similarly, you have better things to do don’t you?  It sounds like a web of lies, a terror plot, scare tactics, terror methods, re-education camp, and a lot of propaganda to knock us off the right path.  We know you want to be superior or our boss, share this or take it over.  Is this what these honor killings and attacks are about; your shy, fat, ugly, and despicable life?  Is that your religion or teachings?  Information comes from your money and so does the truth or public goods?  You must be the source of life or this mission.

An Inside Job:  Right now we do not know if it is an inside job, we only know a conspiracy exists.  Furthermore, it is an empire of dirt, a blob, a way of life, a culture of corruption, and a refusal to do the right thing or reform; all they know is hate and the removal of it.  If there is an inside job, which they claim is after them or prosecuting them by using oppression; then they are getting bolder.  We have a right to not only expose them but to expose their lies; what protects this force field of failure and prevents us from being happy, normal, and successful humans.  Keep this up and the entire world and all the police will be against them.  Keep this up and the negative energy or press will kill them or have a psychological war with their existence.  If it is an inside job than they have the death penalty also and are escaping capital punishment, lawlessness.  Did I or America have anything to do with their problems or the end of their life?  Where is mine?  How about return it?  After the courts they must face God and my forces; save their strength.  We have a right to act on this inside job; what inside job or side?

1960s:  I am not Martin Luther.  You are not the Kennedy Family.  America is not a black man or your soul.  This is not the reality inside the ghettos or the black mind.  This is not your dream, it is mine.  We have a trap for you inside job and propaganda.  If you fail, you will be turned into a peasant or a common house flea.  I am not a black man or your repugnant dating life either.  This is not taking place live or in NY.  We are not going to be stuck with you or in a fox hole with your ignorant empire of dirt.  We know it is you have a very powerful plan ready; are you ready?  If you want to go toe to toe, and then turn yourself in and let the punches fly.  We know you are the underground, the empire of dirt.

Treason:  Keep in mind what they put above their country and how their priorities are structured.  It is all smoke and mirrors, a web of lies, deceit and scams, and a secret war to take down the government.  If they don’t then they embrace death.  They place communism above America.  They place their defeated religion above America.  They place jobs or material acquisition above America.  They place hate above America.  They place their rights and liberties far above my mission and worth, claiming there is another manager ready to fill my worn down shoes.  I am too poor to keep up or fight this.  Furthermore, they place eviction, removal, obeying the laws, etc… above their goals to unplug and destroy everything.  I don’t think one hour of my life since the late 1980s has been free of some form of harassment, verbal abuse, accosting, or trying to corrupt me or trap me in their disaster of lies and gimmickry.  They have filled the world with hate and destruction.


What They Love:  The only thing they love is death.  All of this is based on hate, a world they have created.  However, they love who they are and what they have done; the rest is lawless.  We will perish under these terms and their hateful love of themselves, each other, and what they have done.  Reload!  If it is a chimpanzee then you must reload!

The Zombie and Communist Movement:  It does not matter what side they are on.  Their message is to be lawless and weak on crime.  Their objective is to take down all of government and instill chaos so they can take control and remove all opposition.  Similar to Fox News and Limbaugh forces, they are rude and have no manners; no respect for any rights or the laws.  It is that Midwest zombie movement and their leadership; both sides.  See them as only a labor union, on both sides; a religion and a political pest.  The empire of dirt is on both sides, not one side taking over.  If they do not get results soon, the road ahead will be a deafening one.  Do not pick a side, pick the Constitution and understand it is all propaganda effort.  However, the greatest impact is when this empire of dirt is on the right wing or pretends to do the right thing; us and them.  They are a combination of a barbarian and peasant breed, the worst we have seen and they will create this reality of despair and no relief; futility.  If you cannot say no to them and if they look back with a blank stare, it is them shifting the blame.  That is defiance to reform or be human.  They seek religious freedom also by material means.  They need to get on their knees and surrender to the authorities; it will get worse and they will not be able to get out of bed or trapped in despair; no means no; a two headed monster.

Got Exterminated:  The evidence indicates you are a worse than a common flea.  You are being exterminated, possibly extinct.  We find you ridiculous, often rude.  You have no manners or understand what respect is for, hence have no respect for others freedom.  You no less care about our feelings than we care about yours.  You don’t want to go away or be exterminated quietly, so you create this false pride or fantasy where you are the boss or God.  You live like pigs and animals.  The laws don’t have enough fight to deal or address how much of a problem you truly are.  You think the Constitution is there to put up with you or how rude and unmannerly you are.  It sounds like the world hates you and you are trapped in this reality.  So why can’t you just pay the damages and go away as told?  Do you feel tougher now or feel better?  Do you need a hanky or perhaps a biographer?  On paper you are not pleasing to the eyes either.

Don’t Want to Fight:  First you were the boss.  Then we were married.  Then it was a family and you have to eat.  Now you do not want to fight about this or want to fight anymore.  Should I just pack up and leave?  How about if I just close up shop, rewrite my life, and just move on like a good little boy?  What a great idea, why didn't I think of this?  You people are geniuses, even if you smell like Peppy Le Peiu.  What next, you are worried and cannot get out of your deathbed?  You should be on your knees and did everything you are being forced to do now, can’t get up or now?  You are so wise and you are always full of advice.  Can I call you a psychopathic dictator also?

Watchdog Class Action Suit:  I think the question with these unreliable immigrants or this empire of dirt is why are they trying to get us high?  How about suing Florida, The Midwest, The leftwing, The Catholic Church, or this watch group for the empire of dirt why the lawsuits are not directed at the source or the problem?  Did it occur to them or is it just coincidental they are still trying to get us high and are everywhere; a disease the military must consider action?  Did it occur to Fox News or Limbaugh this may be the problem also?  What about the mafia or bootleggers; how about their attempts to get us drunk or a date rape drug?  Just move on, it is no big deal.  Is this an inside job to deflect the blame and gain insurance or safety nets, welfare and debt?  They have jobs and are treated like kings, especially in the drug states or the empire of dirt.  The police and security forces have a duty to fight them anyhow, anywhere, or anyway they can.  I have proven this and proven this is my homecoming and we are competing for my nobility as we speak.  However, after the security and police forces defeat them; they might be so injured and so weak an internment camp is the only option other than deportation or some large scale peaceful and legal measure.  They cannot exist in our life shy and quiet; while refusing to reform and attacking daily; or an empire of dirt looking for jobs and loyal friends.  How about their police, can they do the right thing?  They are not looking back with a blank stare.

God Himself:  Let’s ask God and the leaders of the empire of dirt how they feel now?  How does it feel to be God?  A little mad or upset?  A little stressed out or smaller now?  How did you find out about your termination or how did it arrive?  Do you know what is real now or are you still seeing double?  Do you think you look better on your knees and what is your best position?  Do you know how to insult people now or are you still learning?  How do you feel about America if internment camps are your next immigrant street credibility?  How did you get hired or apply to be God?  Do you know what to expect when you get to the end of the world or world war God?  What will we do now after the 1960s and all of these problems?  Let’s go and get it from the horses’ ass won’t we?  Can we hear the horse’s head?  A little shy now and still mumbling?  Confused?  Stressed out?

Rallying Around the Dead:  Does it feel like all of our enemies, foreign and domestic; are rallying around the dead or this dead human being?  Is that what terror plots are intended to do?  Stressed out?  Causing stress while this is ongoing?  Worried or worried to death?  Where are your loyalists?  Where are your loyalties?  Going to win it all or going for the killer punch?  How about that friendship and those retirement plans?  Just resign and it all will go away?  Just copy them and do as they do, every word and action; that should teach them or work.  I think they might be feeling the stress finally.  Please take your time and waste more of mine.Ask me if I want anything from an arrogant bastard or if I love their products and wish to buy any arrogant bastard products?  Go ahead, you will be surprised.  As far as their welfare and gifts, not what I call my nobility or a fair trade.

Send out the Stealth Bombers and Drones to Bomb Palaces or Evil Empire:  Idea and then intern them in a camp.  Do they wish to or want to surrender?  Inside job?  It must be Al Qaeda and terrorism; the end of the cold war?  Did they prove their class action suit or the next level for the 1960s; look at my life and biography.  What is the next level or step?  Do they have stealth bombers or drones; then it must be our voice.  This enemy and domestic pest is not on their knees and not ready to pay legal damages; when they are, they are ready to be finished off.  They are not ready yet.  It does not matter how many warning shots are given or if we do the right thing.  Did we try to do the right thing and avoid war?  Did they return anything stolen or seek justice?  If their wish is to die, then the first step is to kneel and get on the knees as ordered and as human dirt.

Trying to Get US high or corrupting:  Underway and still alive.
Stupid Ass Women Who Hate Men or Self Reliance, Cult Honor Killing:  Underway and still alive.
Wandering Off Plantations:  Underway and still alive, who let the genie out or revolving door.
Escaping Ghetto or Cities:  Underway and still alive, leave and go away.
Escaping Midwest and Retiring in FL:  Underway and still alive, leave and go away.
Midwest Sex Industry or Trophy Hunters:  Underway and still alive, leave and go away.

Attacks on NSA, Counter-Offensive:  Underway and still alive, leave and go away.
Cell Phone Attacks, Counter-Offensive:  Underway and still alive, leave and go away.
Resign, Apology, and Make it Quiet:  Underway and still alive.
Save the World Legal Defense:  Trying to merge and take over.
Control of Internet, Information, Reality, etc:  Rejected and failed.
Avalanche Propaganda Campaign:  Rejected and failed.
Assault on America:  Rejected and failed.
1960s Bubble or Solution:  Rejected and failed.
Midwest-Drug War Spill Off:  Rejected and failed.
Black Bank in Caribbean:  Rejected and failed.
Drug War to Africa Migration:  Rejected and failed.
FDIC Safety Net Home Ownership:  Rejected and failed.
FDIC Safety Net Job Security:  Rejected and failed in global trade.
Migrant Worker Welfare:  Rejected and failed.
Racism-Honor Killing:  Rejected and failed.
Female Survival and Multiculturalism:  Rejected and failed.
Asian Recruitment or Financial Swindle:  Rejected and failed.
World Policeman Plot:  Rejected and failed.
Technology or Internet Campaign:  Rejected and failed.
Surrender, Arrest, and Prosecution:  Open and possible.
Internment Camps or Military Intervention:  Open and possible.
Financial Loss or Collapse:  Open and possible.
Anti-business and Immigration:  Open and possible.
A Great Depression or 1920s Midwest Prohibition:  Open and possible.
Debt and Bank Collapse:  Open and possible.
Computer Target or Acquisition:  Open and possible.
Alternative or Robin Hood World:  Rejected and failed.
Slander, Blame or Class Action Legal Suit:  Cold War and Supreme Court Bias
Legal Damages of $2.5 Billion:  Not arrived, stagnant, delays, lost, unplugged, or otherwise chaos.

Note:  Almost 100 Police Run-ins Before:  Only one after 2011, guns drawn; sorry wrong guy again!  Home invasions and ambushes stopped only ten or less random ambushes; most brought to small claims court; more than 10,000 shouting matches or daily messaging.  Was this motivated by race or about the 1960s, a class action suit to suggest the cold war was anti-Semitic and a Nazi technology hunt was underway, a military, police, propaganda, and spying campaign to cover up the 1980s and the drug wars?  The bottom line is they do not want to go to prison, they do not want to surrender, they do not want to end this, they do not want to reform or do the right thing, they do not want to speak the truth, they do not want to be self reliant, and now they do not want to be accountable or pay legal damages; internment camps is on their mind.  In other words, the war has just begun.  They do not want to shut down anything now, only us.  Now it is their legal fight and political votes.  How large is the inside job?

How about my nobility and legal damages?  Who created this reality?  Who is the voice or the traitor in my residence?  Who keeps on trying to communicate or unplug everything?  Ask them if they think they are God or feel they are God now, if we are their children and hostages?  Do they know they are unreliable or the least trustworthy?  Do they know how many lies is part of their empire of dirt?  Do they even know what the empire of dirt is and how an idiot or dumbass is trying to carry the cross for us?  How can this be about race or Civil Rights when it was motivated by it also?  Also, eventually the military will arrive and eventually the safety net they seek will not have anything to protect.  In other words, time turned them into slaves again; not God or the boss.  Ask them if they know who created this reality; me, them, or us? Now ask the police.  Why are there so many stories and viewpoints?  How about my nobility, do I get it back and better than it was or not?  Is a military campaign needed and if so, what will be left? Do they need to keep talking to me or have this debate? Punch them, are you serious?  How about reform or go home before war arrives?

I hope their Civil Rights Division is not run like the experience I had with the police already.  Then again, I hope it is not ran like the endless Ponzi scams the federal authorities have seen; just keep lying to save their skin and just keep going until the last man standing.  So I hope the police who have to take them down are not ran like Fox News, Limbaugh forces, or the Democratic Party.  We saw this with the mortgages and with the politics behind their business models.  Now I am not sure if I want help if that police help is the help that hurts or causes me this anxiety while they lie just to save their skin or make things look normal.  How did this espionage exist right under the nose of the police?  A military campaign may be needed if they cannot do the right thing, not internment camps.  I think all of them are a little squirrelly and push the envelope of authority and Justice.  Do they know how trustworthy or how reliable they are, exactly how disappointing this has been?  I did not create this reality either, they did.  This may require a military campaign to remove them or arrest them.

The Democrats and the empire of dirt know the anger in their community and how to manipulate the kindness of others or the Civil Rights Divisions.  They know the police are in it together; survival because if it comes down to a military campaign, they have no choice or chance.  They know as time passes and the verbal harassing is chaotic or sounds like authority or the bosses; that anger will grow or radicalize.  Similar to Ann, she knows how that anger will or has grown by their own guilt and ignorance.  The communists are the best when it comes to the hearts and mind but gangsters know the FBI will follow the lead of bootleggers and a religion full of nonsense refusing to reform.  Hence, the 1960s and the need today to remove this empire of dirt under these terms; it strikes deeply in the home turf.  They also seek a safety net, a new one; for eviction, removal, protest, landlords, and bank robbery.

I got the biggest surprise of all.  I thought after they got caught their behavior would improve or this would come to an end.  Instead, they went the opposite of what is predictable or expected; double the insanity and effort.  Hence it went from one billion to two billion in legal damages; it is in the records.  It is time to turn them in and they are at the mercy of the public and authorities.  If war erupted next week, it would be more fatal than sitting there running loose trying to change things and save their skin.  Also, don’t touch my car.  Do not throw oil on the road.  Do not add drugs to my drink or use any drugs while I am in my car.  Do not hit my car or vandalize my car.  Do not make it look like my car broke down or I need insurance.  Do not scratch my car or set my alarm off.  Do not try to educate me about my car.  Do not even look at Asians and tell them what you can or cannot do to their car or for their cars. Don’t do this with my education either or any other aspects of my life, including my love life.

Ann Coulter:  There is a place and time for everything.  Biology tells us that life and birth is on a clock, a place and time.  So are many other things in life.  When you have time and place wrong, even so screwed up and disfigured; nobody can tell what time and place is anymore.  So this is what you did to her, a murder plot that involved time and place.  It is part of that dictatorial animal and psychopathic pest we know who screws up everything in our world based on their clock of time and place.  Now they expect us to live according to their clocks.  Ann should have known better but she is right in trying to kill your hate and reverse everything you did to me.  If Ann is America and this was The Vietnam War again; then she did the opposite of everything you did; maybe in the end she will find love or lost it.  Remember, she too is responsible for creating this reality, as all of you are.  May your fate be lost to the stars and lost in our life; for your time and place had no business or existence in ours.  So if Ann was America and she only has love to offer; then I support her campaign to kill you or worse and I will give her all the ammunition and weight she needs; but just not anymore of my time or valuable efforts.  That is the empire of dirt, you pay into it and you never get anything out of it but this.  All of you will keep making up lies to selfishly defend your life or save your own skin, it is in your nature as the most unreliable and least trustworthy human species on earth; an inferior breed not good for much and always refusing to go away or leave us alone.  It does not surprise me your ranks are being culled and your existence is diminished or almost nonexistent.  It does not surprise me if your state is gone tomorrow or next week; we won’t be missing you and we have heaven waiting.  Ann did sacrifice herself but for the wrong reasons and in the wrong ways; now that hell engulfs her too.  Look at America and the Justice Department; also the Pentagon.

Oh yeah definitely, they want to hire me and are also helping.  I should go back to school and be retrained, get another doctorate or start my life over and over; each and every time they do a smack down or firing.  Thanks for the advice; we knew they were good for something.  Maybe I should also get into social work or join the theology movement in working with the poor; join a convent or temple.  That was not harassment it was just an incentive and a little push.  Oh no, the more education the better.  Oh yeah, it is enough or when to say enough.  We do not have a problem with teachers or education; but then it is an opportunity to work with the poor or get high.  Remember, the harder you punch, the faster I can catch it and twist your arm to hell before you feel the ground.  Is that all you got?

This empire of dirt is everywhere and it does not surprise me if they make up more lies, excuses, or total hell just to save their own skin or survive a war they began and cannot end.  It does not surprise me if their state is engulfed in flames or becomes a hell overnight, not at all.  This is about a time and a place all of them got wrong because they created this reality and must live with it; in hell.  Similar to crime, they go after the computer technology and claim no crime or victims.  They are the mother and father of earth so they can do what they want; who else is out there to challenge it?  It is only material.  It is only words.  It is only technology and ideas.  It is only education.  It has only been thirty years.  Where is the crime?

Your empire of dirt is everywhere and I do not know if the Republicans are to blame for it but we know their self reliance is linked to this unreliable and untrustworthy ending you seek so desperate to change.  Your power or lack thereof, continues to show us and the world you are the least reliable and least human beings on earth.  However, I think you will continue to make up stories or figure out ways to humiliate us or use your hatred of this nation and the truth; to your own ends and self destruction.  You have not ceased or desisted anything, not yet.  I think as the least trustworthy and least reliable, you feel war and death, even suicide; will give you some meaning and value because in the past it has decimated your plight also and trapped you now in a nation that leads the world on this topic.  So you did flip things on its head and continue to use a business model or the material world against us, to include self destruction and failure in our life, and to spread your semen of hate everywhere so a seed will grow bigger and stronger.  We busted you and know how your empire of dirt operates and how it was destroyed. Meanwhile, you ignore the dangers and understand your state can be gone tomorrow, the moment one of you caves in.  One wrong mistake or security flaw and your entire state can loose this war and loose the entire history of mankind.  I am sure you will find a new way to swindle into our lives or mission; you know what to expect when you get there.

They call it a business model, a family, or power; it is not.  The bottom line is they need to reform instead of refusing to, lying, and asking to die.  A damage amount has been assessed.  We don’t care about your kids or friendship; your church is not seeking freedom, it refuses to reform.  Why?  You also claim to be us or identical; we are made in your image.  After thirty years of this nonsense, I am sick and tired of having my freedoms, liberties, happiness, and business plans fall prey to your criminal life.  As far as your biased “Nazi technology hunt” or business model; we obvious do not see the same.  Your search for a home is not our existence or material.  Your claim to be our parents is annoying and conceals your defiance and war against reforming; a total loser and an empire of dirt from European failure to American failure.  We do not want your poor, sick, fat, unwanted or dumbass psychopaths.  Trying to spread your failure or semen is the most annoying life experience I have lived; aside from being kidnapped.  In finding this, you seek to conceal it or throw another layer on top of your “Nazi technology hunt.”  I call you a psychotic dick sucker for a real reason and a worthy one.  All of you live in this business model lacking any reality or sense, total insane criminality, and you call it a material family or identical.  They continue to use business to manipulate reality and the laws, an act of defiance and lack of reform.

They need to turn each other in and end this.  Everything they own will be taken away from them when this is over and worse things can happen.  The sooner the better, for them of course; a last man standing or who can survive this challenge; the arrest and prosecution stage is underway and it will become increasingly difficult to escape or lie their way out; however, if suicide and death is what they are seeking; the clock is ticking and accelerated.  Their entire future and existence is on the line; however, it might have worked in the 1600s or even the 1800s, not the 21st century and with military might the way it is.  Using America to attack or rob the Asian continents, colonialism or religious wars has come to an end.  Their history and religious freedoms are in serious jeopardy no matter how biased or ignorant their business model and banks are.  They are a fool to do this and to try and get away; a fast talking idiot in disguise.  Also, they do not believe in self reliance; not even theirs.  They are far worse than a zombie or Al Qaeda.

It is a dual reality, one of the communist world and one of the left wing in America.  Their women are saner and can earn a pay check; but as they send them out of failure and into reality; they love reality and wander off the plantation.  This brain drain and diplomat drain upsets them to murderous jealousy in high school, college, and the workplace.  However, wars, drugs, and illegal activity have decimated their ranks, immigration, politics, and global power; now facing more technological pressure.  They put the best face on it and send out their most hardcore; thus, these scare tactics are to protect their women from the needs of normal human beings.  At the same time they need new markets and new DNA; a process of loneliness, defrauding sex, and online activity.  This war has really diminished them; it’s a strip club or strip act, no more costumes or clothes.

  1. Poor, Sick, Unwanted:  Their religion and business model is barely making it and they need the Democrats, A Republican Terror Plot, or some opportunity to survive.  The empire of dirt is collapsing and their leadership has resorted to the drug wars for sustainability and debt; national security.
  2. Women:  Obviously the problems are their men; hence, they put the best face on it and want peace while becoming this Al Qaeda propaganda and thief.  However, the women are keeping them alive with sex and power; not the men.  They associate this with Asians and technology.
  3. Men:  Most of their men are in internment camps, looking for work, or are migrant transients there for the drug wars.  However, they need women and their highest producers are the Asians; not blacks.  Hence, they seek a way to use Asian women to survive and we have run directly into this.  Across the boards their women make up the strength America is demanding; slaves to women or the system of welfare.  This labor crisis is the basis of communism and the reformation period, The Protestant Ethic.  Not all men are the problem and not all women are the problem; it is their management and religion, outside of science and technology.
  4. The punishments met the crime; so do the legal damages of $2.5 billion.  Wars and crime have decimated their ranks.  Hence they seek perfect DNA because all they have is hell and slaves.  Wars will further cull their ranks and family leaving them what they are; seeking a government and power to be that void.  This is their race war and multi-occultism.

The entire world is watching is happen live and in real time; as if the age of the internet has place the entire world right into their homes.  This is also the same reality or sensation during the 1960s when the left wing were on a hunt and attacking.  There are many layers to this espionage ring and terror plot.  It appears to be a research or learning institution with espionage and hostage taking as a precursor to how the information flows from one place to be distributed.  That distribution channel are no longer communist spies but instead either colleges, research institutions, left leaning funded projects, government research facility, or some form of business model and organization.  The problem is the illegality, the secret nature, and the deadly consequences of this spying pest or intrusion.  It begins with access or knowledge of some peeping tom like presence or even security cameras.  That information is bought, processed, and exploited; or just distributed as a public good.

First is the management or leadership.  I don’t know if you are after “Nazi technology” or any information which you can use or discard but the manner and methods you operate are lawless and goes against every protection the constitution was invented for.  You claim it is a secret or made up war, full of lies of course; and you have taken this to the public for their approval and justification, as we have.  However, the list of violations stack up unlike any other enemy or political pest who has invaded America or otherwise any other nation state.  This atmosphere of some race or competition to beat foreign enemies is simply nonsense and a front.  However, this domestic, internal, and widening international business model is taking form of public access, public good, or property rights.  Hence the charges of stalking, illegal wire tapping, privacy violations, psychopathic behavior; and a host of scare tactics, intimidation, and illegality to conceal high crimes and misdemeanors using murder or otherwise terror plots and tactics.

Second is the defrauding or the fraud process.  Again, the source and the access to the source is the first level of illegality; formed on trickery, lies, and fantasies.  The second level is the technological factor and the lack of human intelligence or evidence.  The meager resources cannot allocate or spend the amounts to trace every single attack or bombardment; hence, it is “too big to fail.”  Next is the information distribution or lack of consent or “competition.”  It is thievery and robbery but the defrauding process takes a life of competition or challenges.  Hence, the information ends up on the dinner table of their kids, companies, business models, funding sources, and some domestic underground searching for jobs or opportunities.  Everything is shared down to each second of the day; always two or more lives contained in one life of the intended target.

Third is the fate accompli or too late model.  It is too late now.  There is nothing we can do.  There is no point crying over spilled milk.  We just do not have the resources to pursue this.  It impacts too many lives or people.  We cannot put it back in the bottle.  This is a civil matter.  Our hands are tied.  Essentially, the nature of this God is nothing more than a thief or robber yet the authority is a Robin Hood sensation of being swindled or robbed.  Then the political stampede to cover up or shut the doors, to lock the theft from the police or the pursuit.  This can be 24 hours of verbal accosting or scare tactics.  This can be some form of retaliation financially or diversion of “problems.”  Therefore, endless disruptions magically emerge and layers are on top of the buried situation. 

Fourth is the start to finish problem.  Start is a state of disrepair or being paralyzed and trapped.  Next is a plea or demand to hand off, a sacrifice for the nation or some form of patriotism; based on total lies.  Next is the delivery or distribution of technology, information, or management of reconnaissance; to some form of business model highly biased and functional to promote, coerce, or tempt the fate of society and the public good.  It can be the government of a single state in the union.  It can be the labor unions or the political funding that state needs to keep up.  It can be seen as welfare or a taxing issue.  The bottom line is this level of illegality and robbery is or was being done by the communists and they either claim to be hunting Nazi technology or concerned about their kids or brainchild, their future.  Hence, the robbery and espionage process; a state of total illegality only the death penalty can address and a sensation of futility as the genie cannot be put back into the bottle. 

Fifth levels are the recipients and where the reality or the rubber meets the road.  It is about race.  It is racially motivated.  The Nazi technology hunt is a nit-pick this or that, not based on any science or verifiable fact; all made up and fantasies of a tower of babble.  The keeping and leaking process is geared to perform maximum damage and deliberate acts of malice.  The propaganda process is mere lies, scandal, innuendos, and an atmosphere of no accountability or truth.  The mind trapped in this feels inescapable, loosing reality, helpless, dying, or worse.  All this for a total loser and immigrants considered to be poor, sick, unwanted, and needing a home or some road in life.  Their power and domestic progress is stifled naturally by the opposition and the Constitution; but this does not impede or pressure them into content and doing the right thing.  They claim they have to eat and they are in charge or in control.  This is how the material is getting to them so quickly and why or how it is lost or distributed in a manner to create a “lost or loss” on the scoreboard.  This is also why it is a recruitment plot and an illegal hiring process; one of kidnapping, targeting, force, coercions, and utter illegality.  They are the voice of both Al Qaeda, terrorism, communism, drugs and prisons, crime in America, and many layers of deception; here to win at any cost.  They are here to take over the nation and continue this Nazi teacher or hunt for Nazi technology.

We are not sure if they want peace or had enough but they need to turn themselves in, unplug all of this and turn it off, and restore or put back everything as they found it and with the value and true meaning they found it back in the 1980s.  A sum of $2.5 billion is sufficient and they will and have incurred the death penalty for these lawless and utter senseless acts of defiance and criminal brashness.  Regardless they still shake a defiant fist and offer nothing more than fraud and deceit to keep the ball rolling as the chase causes the wheels to fall off or careen down a cliff.  To conceal this degree of illegality, they invented a mocking family, family structure, and a host of mafia like self defense or legal brief beyond the scope of sanity or reality.

What is Stockholm Syndrome, Battered Wife Syndrome, or Hostage Disorder:
1.  Traumatic Shock
2.  Isolation
3.  Indoctrination and denial
4.  A reward or survival

The 1989 case of murder and possible terrorism in Missouri:

In 1987, Deana going through a separation with her US Navy husband in San Diego.  She decided to spend time with people who had just befriended her.  She did not know they had gotten multiple life insurance policies on her life prior to inviting her on a vacation.  Then Deana was drugged, pushed off the cliff, and then was hanging on as her murderers stomped on her hands.  The police and investigators got the same story from all three people there.  Deana’s mom became suspicious and sued, then sought the help of the police.  Investigators looked at the couple who killed her and the photos they had taken moments before her death looked as if they were family; the photos were a form of arousal.  Oddly, the money went to their son whom had not been released from prison but managed to become the beneficiary of the insurance policy.

I.  The Life of Virginia Rearden McGinnis:

II.  The Movie “Death Benefit” and “Justice for Annie”:


Honor Killings or Fox News and Limbaugh Babble, Lies, and Propaganda:

Immigrate to America:  This political pest and psychopath wants to immigrate to America so they can bother the free people and make them less and less self reliant.  Yes, it is about their freedom and their freedom of religion; not ours or our rights.  Then they do not want to leave and drive us insane around the clock or for thirty years and counting; stating clearly how they want to come to America and die.  Yes, do send us your poor, sick, unwanted, and totally insane.  Who is responsible or behind that reality?  Could it be Fox News or Limbaugh forces, or is it just the NCCPA?  The question is who they think they are and who they really are.  Also, we have to go home.  You would think it was a little kid who found a Barbie doll but it is a full grown man and woman, an actual human being behind this.  Their little Barbie doll can also talk, write, and communicate with the public but they cannot and are silent, still hiding.  They don’t even know how to turn each other in or how much trouble their ignorance has manufactured or how unwanted they truly are.  It is malicious and deliberate, also belittling and debilitating.  Yet it goes on like the tower of babble.  Go bother white people, it might work better.  Do I look like your victim or a homeless immigrant in one of your Midwest ghetto?

Go Get Your Own Life and Property:  After thirty years of this, my advice for them is to go and get their own women, property, car, computer, and get an F’in life.  I am really fed up with repeating myself or having to clobber and destroy a complete idiotic, psychopathic, and complete loser who cannot keep their hands off others or has any comprehension what self reliance and the laws are there for.  I really do not give a damn about their wrecked life, empire of dirt, or this image they seek to invent out of my life and mission.  We can see the ending but we cannot see the end to this yet.  The damages are set at $2.5 billion and they need to turn each other or themselves in, total insanity and illegal.  I would take you to small claims immediately but we have a bit of a problem proving it or your terror plots also.  I would have you arrested immediately but you don’t seem to cooperate or see any end to this.  Please go on film, TV and radio and say your chimpanzee goodbyes.  As a matter of fact, come into my life while we lure your creepy ass in and clobber you like the ape and chimp you are.  Then we can drag you to jail, or worse; and take every dime you own or made during your wretched pathetic life.  Don’t ever compare yourself to me or my family, ever.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.