Class Action Suit: These
plane problems, transportation problems, financial problems, etc. are the
result of a traitor and terrorist running loose playing a “catch me if you can”
game. I am sure things will return to normal and all of these problems
will disappear when those in power decide to do the right thing and take a
strong stance on crime. I personally have no tolerance and have to wait,
perhaps another decade, of endless problems and a missing life or the return of
my nobility. The longer they refuse to turn themselves in or face
justice; the more the damages accumulate. That is their goal and their
objective; it is the identical objective and “small scale micro war” in my
nobility and life. All of these weather anomalies and problems are America and
God talking to them, zero tolerance. Limbaugh is right, internment camps
are coming. If they had zero tolerance on terrorism we would not be
complaining about crime or $2.5 billion in damages. Who to blame for this
reality and who will pay the $2.5 billion legal damages? I cannot sue God
and the public cannot sue God either. I am not making myself in that image,
they are. Take their time, waste more of our precious time and resources;
I am sure things will be okay in the end. Their leadership or life better
have their priorities perfect and right. Who created this reality and
wanted it to be our hell or last so long?
Transportation: We know the
Unabomber would rather walk than ride a horse. We know wars have been won
on foot and the spread of religion or education is paralleled by technology and
computers; today online communications. We know our own history and what
they seek to preserve. Yet they complicate our life. Yet they
complicate our love. Yet they complicate our society and world. Yet
they complicate everything and a simple no thank you is not good enough; now
they use that same technology back to suggest we are prisoners or
hostages. They continue to feed junk or pollute our life with junk about
how to seek pity or help by antagonizing and making life itself a total hell
with them in it. Furthermore, they refuse the obvious. They sit there
unchanged. They look back with a blank stare. They even suggest we
are the same or are living in the same reality. Who created this reality
and who invented all of these lies, technology or some new world they are
trying to discover? Now I have to sit here and share life with them or
the academy award performance about their industrial revolution and immigration
to us. What a pest and a psychopathic enemy we have. After this we
will be two worlds and will never share or be kind to them again. They
will have the war they want or need, and yet they keep trying. Yes about
those poor, sick, and unwanted who came or wish to come to America , now
zombies roaming free.
Class Action Suit: I do not
think this terror plot or the violent blame game is going to prove The Vietnam
War, The Cold War, or America is
anti-Semitic, anti-Zionism, or anti-Empire of Dirt. I do not think the
attacks on the US Army proved America or the Pentagon is
wrong or trying to insult these untrustworthy immigrants and defeated draft
dodgers. They may be the boss. We may be soldiers or do the right
thing. However, fighting Al Qaeda and these terror plotters, or the Drug
Wars; clearly shows the ferocity of the campaign and the pending internment
camps, legal damages, education, and the full brunt of the American and allied
forces. Just because they do a terror plot, end communism, or demand we
work for them or give them insurance claims; does not prove America is
anti-Semitic or terrorists. At this point, we have a clearer map of the Midwest collapse and this immigrant group behind the
Drug Wars and criminal syndicates. Nobody in their right mind will trade
in my nobility for food stamps or some homeless SSI safety net but this
domestic pest keeps trying to get us high or convince us it is the best and
safest course to the empire of dirt. Is no thank you good enough?
Who owes $2.5 billion for creating this hell or reality?
Class Action Suit: They
keep trying to make my life in their image. Hey, where is my life and why
do they keep acting normal or innocent? Do I need to be made in the image
of the blacks or the empire of dirt? I don’t even have a single family
picture, not one. I have to fight them every single day and learn about
their stupid idiot history. Now compare it to my life and my nobility;
what a F’in idiot and asshole. Do you want to kill them also? I am
not even allowed to raise my voice to them, imagine that. They don’t even
want to admit they are communists or terrorists. The worst part is they
sit there used to it and say, “We have to eat.” Oh should I join Al Qaeda
or stop talking about what they did or have done; and look for the next plane
that lands? I do feel like them or this total loser always looking for a
factory job. It feels like everybody is retarded and they are super
aggressive and terrorists in my dreams. Look at their damn church.
I find relief writing to the Office of Hurricane Earthquakes. I find
relief talking about my nobility and demanding it. I find relief raising
hell and winning this war. Am I a slave? Does anybody want to
torture them? Does anybody want to throw the death penalty at them?
Does anybody want to hurricane them? Is it just me? This is America ?
This is what it feels like to be American? I am now one of them? I
carry their cross and need to move? I have to live their life and am
paralyzed by communists or terrorists? There is a big gap between us and
the communists. Do I have to leave and go to another country also?
Do I have to be poor also? Do I have to be a left wing, radical, or one
of them also? Do I need to learn their life or say no thank you?
Can they accept a no thank you?
They Live Like Kings: I did not go to college for ten years to work
as the pool cleaner or be their chauffeurs.
Therefore, I feel very odd and humiliated; considering all the problems
and how much damage has been done to my nobility. All of them live in million dollar homes,
drive ultra luxury cars, have two or three homes, jets, etc… and here I am not
even able to fix my car. What is most
odd is Ann Coulter looks and feels exactly like one of them and she lined their
pockets more than I ever did. Why are
they even conversing with me, I filed endless reports with the FBI back in the
1990s; before the terror plots of a stalker, communist enemy, terrorist, or
some demented psychopath unplugging and trapping me in financial swindles. They live like kings and expect me to be
their servant or slave, the voice of the NCCPA or diversity initiatives. What next sell this espionage and terrorism
to Asian companies? Pretend to be the
prosecutors or the cold war police? I
believe in self reliance; war on the rich or not. I do not believe Robber Barons are
capitalists who want to spread self reliance; I think they are just trash and
part of this evil backwards empire of a false starving religion. I want my nobility back and the past thirty
years, not sit here and talk to them another thirty years.
Take Every Dime: Since they refuse to end this, turn
themselves in, pull the plug on propaganda, cooperate with the authorities, and
help put the genie back into the body or speed up the closure and resolution
process; it is prudent to put forward a plan to strip them of all their
material wealth which fuels their crime and propaganda. Every single dime they make since 1988 is
mine and every single dime after 2001 is up for grabs. I claim only $2.5 billion for this entire
fiasco. They should have done the right
thing and told the truth; now they keep pushing forward to conceal their
crimes. This is clearly the actions of a
dead man, a psychopath who already knows the death penalty is waiting and the
extent of the consequences. They are
making everybody miserable; there was no public good in it at all, none.
Truth: I had to do a
sacrifice and risked my homecoming from duties. However, my pay dirt is
gone and I have to figure out a new financial plan; this was what they wanted
and was after. Also, I have to deploy self defense until this is over;
otherwise, they will do a hostile takeover or an inside job. I have no
more funding source except legal damages and my nobility has been stolen; so
has all of my college work or decades pouring over textbooks. This is why
they are acting this way; they have the upper hand until this ends or I have
closure, torture methods. Without Ann I have no safety net. With
Ann I have hell and unlimited despair. Nobody is telling them or trying
to help them. They are being forced to, so I suggest they look up and
direct their comments our filthy mouth upwards, nobody is asking. The
$2.5 billion is to ensure no future financial tricks or hostile takeover;
plenty of prevention. They are not being asked to stay or if they want
war or not. They are not being asked to surrender or turn themselves in;
that is off the table now. They can go back to Europe or
whatever hole they are form; just not in our life or our happiness. They
are not asked to be stronger on crime or do the right thing, nobody asked them
so don’t ask us. If they have the money for a hostile takeover or thirty
years of this, then they have to money to pay the legal damages; nobody is
asking them anymore. I also have the next level ready and waiting.
War on Reality and Rich: They
appear to be of a peasant breed, also leadership. I don’t want to hear
about their war on the rich. This is about Euro trash that made America their
home and now we are looking at an empire of dirt because they want the poor,
stupid, sick, and homeless. As far as who created the reality, we can
trace it back to the same people in the 1960s; this little game to make us in
their own image and pretend to be our parents or God. We isolated the
communists and this political pest to the Midwest but
they are migrants and integrating. Every single human will return to
their home; which to them is the woods. They cannot exist anywhere else,
not even in America .
This was the trash of European religions and how they expunged them; and now it
is difficult to expunge them from America or our life.
This is their empire of dirt and they have no shame or morals. It is a
two headed creature; as we are. The two headed creature is fighting a two
headed enemy also. They cannot stop lying or put the brakes on; it is out
of their scope of reality. They always return to home instead of
reality. We know who and what the communist are; they want war. As
immigrants and peasants, they are in it together. This is how they put
the best face on it. Computers are killing their religion and power
because they are ignoramus and very rude. They feel transportation is the
vehicle or how to win; it is not. I have proven this. Look up; do
you think they want a peasant or an empire of dirt in their life? Do they
like these dirty tricks or endless lies? What do you think they will do
with this religious ignoramus or these disruptions? Let them make America their
home or allow them to be the global policeman?
World War II and Generals:
This religious ignoramus and pest feel the car industry won World War II and
the 1960s; hence, they seek the sun in Florida and
we see what that has created all over America . This is one big
political pest and immigrant who is growing to astronomical sizes; a two headed
beast, we have taken form of a two headed beast also; the last line of
defense. They want war and I want my $2.5 billion in legal damages; that
is reality. I don’t want to die, they do; is that reality and why is it
authority? Like a psychopath, they live inside this bubble I am trapped
Weather Patterns: I never
said it was Armageddon. I said I need my nobility back and this
criminal-terrorist behind bars, if this is within the scope of reality.
Furthermore, we are approaching the end of the world but these matters are
beyond the scope of our powers. The reality is how long do I need to wait
or when my nobility will be returned? I am well aware of the future or
what is ahead and behind. I have addressed most of this; it is time I
deserve better and more than whose handiwork I am trying to expunge. God
is angry and so am I. I am not going to endure another decade or year of
this miserable Midwest communist
pest or these labor union communists. The propaganda has to end and so
does this weak on crime politics; consumers or not. If needed deport all
of them or begin the internment camps; if this are what they want. They
want war and to die, not pay damages and be arrested. The future is
uncertain; I hope the right personnel are in place and ready. It starts
with my $2.5 billion, the beginning of the end. Do not let them take this
war south or into the woods; I will be waiting to clobber them there and on my
terms, welcome to the jungle and my nobility. It does not mater what they
did, they have not stopped it or tempted fate, survived this. Computers
are killing their religion and power because they are ignoramus and very
rude. They feel transportation is the vehicle or how to win; it is
not. I have proven this.
Labor Unions and
Communists: When it came to traditional industries such as the industrial
revolution, the media and TV, or brainless endeavors such as cars or public
service; they might survive weak on crime. However, when it comes to the
post 1960s and computers, they remain the worst SOB and student we have ever
laid eyes on. Even in wars they cannot let go of that Midwest disaster or the migrant worker
problem. Therefore, other than the mafia and online criminal syndicates;
the labor unions and communist are loosing more ground and their politics and
propaganda is stronger. How far and how lasting has that power or
democracy gotten? A hypocrite is far from what they truly are; it is the
reincarnation of Satan, Al Qaeda, or a communist mole in our life. This
is about computers, not transportation and religion. Look up; do you
think they want a peasant or an empire of dirt in their life? Do they
like these dirty tricks or endless lies? What do you think they will do
with this religious ignoramus or these disruptions? Let them make America their
home or allow them to be the global policeman?
Technology Consumers or Buying
Power: The markets are changing and these transportation problems are a
gimmick to swindle into our lives. It is all debt. They are
consumers and the weak on crime is how they put the best face on it.
Again, who forced their wretched life on top of ours or my nobility? They
look back with a blank stare and try to hold on rather than find a solution,
sustainability. Again, they loose buying power and loose ground in America or
immigration; globally their religion looses more ground due to this rude and
forceful business nature. The question is how far up the political pest
and corruption has infested and when will my $2.5 billion in legal damages be
delivered? How much of this will they plead guilty to?
Tempting Fate: It has been
verified and they are guilty; the authentication and verification parts are in
book form. Expunging or removing their total hell from our life is harder
than it looks. Who created this reality and all of this corruption?
Their psychotic internet dating behavior or media campaign is just how
they put the best face on everything. The 1960s gang is a total wreck and
they loose more political and consumer powers.
The 1960s Gang: Again,
their terror plot-class action lawsuit was wrong and did not hit the
mark. But hey, they sit there and look back with a blank stare about how
upset they are with us and how much they want to help. I can test this
help or their desire to be part of my life and family. As far as Ann
Coulter, I want my $2.5 billion; she can spend life with them, I don’t care how
it is delivered. This is about being weak on crime and who created that
reality using politics, authority, or the Supreme Court. They remain the
dumbest and most inferior breed we have set eyes on to this day.
Furthermore, they are weak on crime and their religion or lawful acts,
lawlessness; are usurping all of society and reality, security.
Problem: All of them sit
there not sure what the problem is or what to do. All of them want to
blame terrorism for their problems or the problems with America .
What to do? What to say? Who to do it to or for? Do we care
about factory jobs or their employment? Do they care about ours or our
life? Is the problem more severe or has the corruption reached the
highest offices, an immigrant and religious expansion problem? All they
can do is go on TV or radio and spread more lies and propaganda about how
trustworthy and reliable they are; back and forth. When is my nobility
going to be returned and when is the $2.5 billion going to arrive? Only
the US government
knows that answer, only. The question is how many more decades of this do
I have to endure for their political aspirations and dreams? Just because
there are thousands of them or a mob of terrorists; it is no excuse for
crime. They continue to expand with drugs and crime.
Very Strange and Odd: Why
do I have to live or deal with these homeless wrecks? Everybody I grew up
or graduated had or has such a normal life. Here I am so far behind and
this total asshole or psychopath in my life trying to make me hold up all their
signs for them or trying to make me look like a black person in social and
financial status. I have more schooling and nobility than everybody at my
school and I am going through this? Fox News said they are the voice of
the NCCPA and they are only trying to get me high. Everybody has a normal
life, kids, a home, job, etc… and I am trapped under ice in this terror plot
and war. I want my $2.5 billion as quick as possible and I am holding
them responsible for all of this. Fox News and Limbaugh need to make this
right; I want the past thirty years back and my nobility. My family is
the same way; all have normal regular lives. It is something or someone
in my life. Why am I going through this? Why are they? They
don’t want to go to jail. They make me listen to them say they want to
die. I have to go through all this. Does it feel like they are
raping America and
the justice system? None of them have an education or want to change, an
empire of dirt; a religion. It is because of America and
the curse of history, no thank you. I did not create this reality, did
I? I come from nobility and is as cold warrior as they make them.
Have you seen my satellite stuff or work? I am so thorough and nearly
perfect. They hate America .
Insurance Scams: At least
you are not doing this to get me SSI, welfare, or Obama-Care. That would
be similar to a terror plot or terrorist plot. Your messengers keep
suggesting this and I keep throwing back, I believe in self reliance.
That would be similar to pulling a Major Abu Nidal. Here I am one step
from my return to nobility and you are attacking me with everything you have
and offering me SSI for being brain damaged or unable to work? This is
similar to attacking a movie star so you can give them food stamps or attacking
a US Army soldiers to give them disability. You do see what my life and
thirty years of a career was all about, don’t you? Would God hurricane
you so you can get FEMA help? You are a clever sneaky thief for a
communist mole. Why would I trade in my nobility or life mission for
welfare, food stamps or SSI disability? How many times do I have to say
no thank you and what do I have to do?
Academy Award Acting: I
cannot believe this domestic and international pest would force themselves into
my life or life mission, do this and then give this academy award performance
when the damages are buzzing around $2.5 billion dollars. What I want in
life somehow became a total nightmare and disaster, a living hell. What I
wanted was the perfect situation to build this nobility on, military computers
and military satellites, just a simple retirement plan. What did I get
instead from the domestic and political pest? Everything I got was
everything I did not want. Now they think they are the boss, their empire
of dirt is going someplace, they are taking over everything, and are going to
dictate what I need or want in life? This empire of dirt running up our
bills is facing the level of federal charges the internment camps were invented
for; as Limbaugh has forewarned. Yet they refuse to budge or give on
inch. The empire of dirt expects everybody to bend over backwards for their
stellar leadership performance. What do I have to do to get my life back
or nobility?
Academy Award Patriotism:
Stellar academy award winning performance by this communist pest and domestic
traitor, the FBI cannot even tell if their patriotism is real or not. Nobody
can tell if their empire of dirt is America or communism.
Nobody can tell if their religion is a complete hoax and swindle, a defiant
refusal to do the right thing or reform. At least we know they are the
walking dead and drugged out zombies. At least we know it is Fox News and
Limbaugh blaming the Asians for their empire of dirt and immigration
problems. It’s a love story and they are invited into our heaven.
They must be parents and the boss, in charge. What a miserable, psychopathic,
ignorant down and out Midwest thief
we have on our hands. They look normal don’t they? Even on film
they look so human and so normal. I describe them as a dick sucking
psychopath, not anything special or worth talking to. As they age, they
get much worse and the empire of dirt is a restless blob of crime and body
odors, death. That is their history and it is their religion; a
trustworthy immigrant in our heaven.
Ordered to pay $2.5
Billion: They need to turn themselves in before anybody else gut’s hurt
or before anything else happens. We have enough problems and enough to
worry about. This will hurt their credibility and legal defense. I
made it as simple as possible. Someone tell me what I need to do or how I
can prevent this? Did I create this reality and who did; who owes $2.5
Terror Plot: I enlist in
the US Army and become the best they have ever seen, a satellite expert and get
a college education; and the next thing I know I am in a terror plot and am
being attacked around the clock so I am disabled, disfigured, or qualify for
multi-layers of welfare such as SSI and food stamps. Then you send these
homeless creepy old men to suggest they are mentors or my parents? That
is psychopathic and something a Midwest thief
or a European Empire of Dirt would do. Now you want to trade SSI
insurance for my nobility and won’t take no for an answer? I am forced
into the Last Man Standing Game until or unless I am brain damaged or go
insane, a safety net where you live or wait as a predator? Is this how
this became a terror plot or how I got my nobility stolen? Or is it a
trap to lure you in, block your strategic moves, clobber you anyhow we can, and
then drag you to jail so you can pay $2.5 billion dollars? Is this all
you can see or the only road for my life, nobility, and doctorate level of
education? Is this why you are stalking me or trying to help? Do
you have a homeless creepy old wife waiting for me also or some swindle?
College Loan and IRS
Problems: If you look at their trade or barter, my nobility and career
for an SSI policy due to brain damage or worse; they did not add my college
loans for ten full years. Hence, if I work I do not get any tax
return. They call this an incentive to accept their package, to include a
wife; and seek closure or end this. It is also why I keep having this
mentor or homeless creepy old man lurking in my life or around me. Why
would I trade any of this or let them put me on the road of the empire of dirt
when I have my nobility and over night success? It makes no sense, none;
unless a trap is underway, a trap to take them down or worse.
Tempting God: Every
military leader or General knows the heavens determine the outcomes of
wars. There is an element of every war that is beyond their
control. Even a computer cannot determine every single battle. I
know better than to tempt God or the heavens. These people are too stupid
to comprehend their problem or why they are here so they blame. They
blame the cold war and financial problems on the Vietnam War,
anti-Antisemitism, Asians, the right wing, etc… all along it were them and
their leaders. They still refuse to reform or turn themselves in, shaking
their fist in defiance and $2.5 billion in legal damages. What is wrong
with America and
what is wrong with their academy award performance? It has to do with
what they demand or ask from me; I don’t tempt God or the heavens. I
don’t carry their cross or want to trade in my nobility for anything they have
even if everybody has their price or love in life. Limbaugh said
internment camps are coming. I said the American people need to certify
these people or authority; I did not create this reality or hell. A
complete dumbass did for Europe , and then
concealed it with an academy award performance. They continue to send
diplomats and negotiate a peace. They are good for something; politics,
drugs and prostitution.
Hardcore Communists or Academy
Award Performance: Limbaugh in 2008 passed a message. He said we
need to watch out and be careful because we under-estimated him and them.
He said they were not Al Qaeda or communist moles but “many times over.”
I tried to send this warning out and could not describe his exact words or
warning but he said they are not 100% pure but super level 200% Al Qaeda or terror
plotters who will see it to the very end. They see me as stupid and
willing to trade all of this in for SSI or some psychopath dick sucker who
wants to be my daddy.
Internment Camp: Look at
this enemy and pathetic psychopath. Like an animal, their movements and
actions are predictable. They cannot even stop a war they cannot even
win, that is how pathetic they are. Instead, they choose babble,
propaganda, and more lies or swindles; just to appease the matter for another
24 hours, so they can attack me one more time. Look at how the police or
authorities are looking at them; an insolent slave like psychopath who is so
pathetic they want us to punch them and savor the satisfaction, rather than end
their war and turn each other in. That is just who they are and what
their existence is all about. We know they will run into the woods
because they live on the fringe, right now on the edge; we will be waiting when
and if they do because I am welcoming them to the Jungle again, not them.
They expect everybody to just let them go and let them be, a revolving door to
our life or the terror plots. This is their best moment, live it while
they can. This is the pinnacle of their criminal life and the beginning
of the end, savor it. Let it be part of their memory and soul.
Their whites think this is the Holy Roman Empire and the blacks think it
is Africa or village politics,
tribal. Or is it the reverse? Why would they ever fight for Rome when they know
how or what their fate will be?
Skin and Complexion
Problems: I have noticed over the years, the many steps I take to keep or
promote a youthful or positive complexion; was always unplugged or put back to
a mess. I noticed this in many aspects of my life but it just shows what
kind of a pest and psychopath we have in Fox News and Limbaugh. When you
have fitness people who are religious about their skin, complexion, and various
aspects of their outward appearance; you don’t tell them what you want or like,
and then mixed up everything or put them back how nature wants it to be; a
total mess and ugly. I noticed over the past few years they have really
focused on this category or aspect of sunny environments and beaches. So
I hope the Ice Age will last a few decades and turns them into a block of
ice. This is who Fox News and Limbaugh truly are; or why they are in my
life. Meanwhile, I have to let them watch every minute of my life and put
up with this stupid shit or live with a homeless wretch of a thief. How
in hell can anybody be happy with such a total loser and psychotic pest?
I think an internment camp or worse is fitting for them. Now they call it
a diversity program or the voice of the NCCPA. Now they want me to grab
this foul mouth old creepy homeless man and punch his lights out for all of this;
so we feel better and move on. I rejoice when God dispenses his wrath on
them and I will rejoice when the taste of war becomes the long lasting taste
they cannot stand. I am not going to punch out some dumbass homeless loser for
this that would be too easy. I have a better idea. One that will
strike fear deep into their hearts and mind, and last to their dying days or
give them endless nightmares and bad memories. Are they growing used to
it and acclimated? The funny part is if they run deep into the wood or
the mountains, it is a very long run back out; what lurks there? Fox News
and the police had me do this with the blacks also; now the white
Mid-westerners and labor unions. They are 911 terrorists but they have
done worse things to me.
Fact: They know we are in
heaven and everybody knows they are in hell. However, they keep throwing
the empire of dirt at us to suggest we cannot be happy or heaven has embraced
the empire of dirt. By contaminating heaven and our new discovery, they
can pull us down or make it hell. One is heaven and one is hell; they
failed on two levels and the two worlds are separating; one is the empire of
dirt, what is wrong with America and
this communist pest terrorist. Their religion is the empire of dirt, one
they call property or landlords. It is coming at them in all directions
and with the full force of an ICBM. They feel we are the cause of their
problems or why they are living in the empire of dirt or their religious
experience. Hence, they continue to contaminate our life and ruin our
heaven; make it worth $2.5 billion.
NCCPA: If Fox News is the
voice and propaganda for the NCCPA, than it is not our problem or our legal
liability. It is also not the FBI or any other law enforcement agency;
they are accountable for their own actions, not finger pointing or shifting
blame. This babbling is going to hurt and really damaged both their legal
defense and their future. They also know who and what the problem is but
continue to contaminate the resolution and closure process. They could be
the voice for the Soviets or Al Qaeda. They could even be the voice for
the mafia or Israel .
This is irrelevant and their costume or who they know is irrelevant to the
matter. Rush Limbaugh said on February 12, 2014 an internment camp is
quickly approaching their lack of standards and morals. It does not
matter at this point how many notches they go down or how many notches I or we
go up.
On Wednesday, February 12, 2014
from 1200 to 1330 Rush Limbaugh says: 1. He knows the days of internment
camps will return if this keeps going. 2. He knows if Fox News and
he does not turn themselves in or surrender, they will be responsible for
internment. 3. The federal debt and life with a thief will get them
financial internment camp. 4. He is worried about crime in America and
this big gap between a homeless thief and us. 5. The result of this
homeless thief or always trying to get us high will lead to internment
camp. 6. Crime and drugs in America , poverty and ghettos, is leading
to the days of internment camps again. 7. Limbaugh is not worried
about legal damages or deportation, only internment camps.
Snake vs. Common Squirrel I:
Snake vs. Common Squirrel II:
Cobra vs. Mongoose:
Eagle vs. Jackrabbit:
Eagle “Snatch and Grab”:
Mob of Meerkats:
Ordered to pay $2.5 Billion: They need to turn themselves in before
anybody else gut’s hurt or before anything else happens. We have enough problems and enough to worry
about. This will hurt their credibility
and legal defense. I made it as simple
as possible.
Fact: It appears as if this pest and creepy
stalker-enemy-spy, is trying to associate or contaminate every relation I am in
or we are in. This includes friends,
family, business, or long term love. By
associating or sinking tentacles in every single life event, this contamination
and destruction process over time is possible.
However, what they fear the most is heading towards them faster than a
speeding bullet, totality. This is
exactly what the reports indicate and the endless deception and chase. As a pest or enemy, they seek to harass the
matter or torture us, similar to semen contamination on world class brood
stock. Their propaganda is they are
superior or chosen; that is totally false and lies, obviously. It is racially motivated and in the worst
ways possible; even dangerous and violent.
None of our wishes or dreams can ever come true unless they have their
way or we put their dreams ahead of all else.
It is racially motivated. It is
aimed at Asians and their vulnerabilities.
It is intended to create vast destruction or life problems. It is intended to remove the self reliance
and personal choice; and replace it with crime, corruption, or radicalism. It is intended to anger, disrupt, prevent
life, and contaminate everything and all thought; every single thinking process
for a smelly, dirty, ignorant, zombie like enemy one step from the grave. What is best for me or what is best for my
life; the obvious and the Constitution; however, they keep taking a new form
and changing their stories. They are not
there to help, only to contaminate and wreck.
Other than this a repugnant zombie has no other life aspiration, neither
does a communist terrorist. This is
their bubble and how they make people fit in it. They do this to America also.
___________________________________________________________More Academy Award Performances: They attack the strongest link and then expect us to attack the weakest link or spend our life with human junk. Why do we have to attack the weakest link or their insane church of the poor, stalker problems? Is Satan or an asshole in our life constantly? Is a communist offering welfare or a demand for surrender? Somebody has to pay $2.5 billion?
Victim of the System or Satan? Hey it’s not only me who got medicated or labeled mentally ill. The minimum wage is the problem. No jobs are the problem. Look how articulate and sophisticated they are. Are anti-government forces in your living room or knocking on your door? Do you need to write to the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake for immediately relief from a total asshole? Dial 911 if a drug gang has taken over your state or business; ban all of them and then yourself.
Corruption: In today’s world of terror plots, crazed mental health problems, or violent public shooting hoaxes; you would think safety and public safety was in place to ensure verification and authentication of any public figure or politician. Is this proof of driving drunk or even reckless endangerment? What is their trustworthy or reliability score? How do we know they are not a Fox News or a Limbaugh? How do we know they are not Satan or an Al Qaeda screwball? Are they all clowns and corrupt? That is almost as ridiculous to putting our fate into the hands of a rock and roll band or a used car salesman. If you want to be the greatest Americans, go and find the greatest Americans. That is one dumbass isn't it? Any wonder why they act like they are on drugs or driving drunk. Now they think it is their home and they are Americans! It's about race and always motivated by race. They think the weatherman is conspiring against them and passing secret terror plot messages!
Academy Award Performance: They all want an award for their fine work or reality. Also, they want an award for their ingenious performance as a human being. I am far apart from their world and I see it in minuscule ways; but I have nobility that involves computers and satellites, yet won back or returned. How much longer do I have to wait? How did we get here? Look at the world they built and look at the one I built; why do I have to live with the homeless or beg for welfare from them?
Call Off Strike and War: Fox and Limbaugh have sent in the people who tormented my father; who are now claiming to be my father. Furthermore, they do not want to be enemies anymore and only want to help. They want to get an award for this. It was done in peace. Therefore, the decades of antagonizing my life and tormenting my family, is their way of helping or self help. If it is not enough then they want to see the evidence or only want to die now. Hence, they are calling off the war on me and are sorry about decades of tormenting us in the DC-VA area over the Vietnam War. They know the FBI is trying to lure as many of them in and then take out as many of them as possible; however, they want to call off the war or strike, it was a mistake. They want to live with us now and only want to help me get over this ordeal or era of solitude. Antagonizing our life until we go insane or are radicalized was intended to only help, a gift of friendship. This is how they do business and it is nothing personal, they are calling it off and want us to; family now. They no longer blame us for their problems and understand what the problem is now. They know this is a trap and do not want the FBI to take out as many of them as possible; therefore, they want to encourage people to call the FBI and help them, a gesture of peace. They want an award and never intended this undesired outcome or how ferocious we will take it. They are trying to call off the strike and the war; to only die now and lick their wounds. They do not trust the government anymore based on my experiences and story; carry the cross for the left wing.
World’s Policeman and Professor of Global Conflict: What next? Will they end this and turn themselves in or do they want to be shot, asking this from the Last Man Standing swindle? Yes, expert on terrorism and
Fact: $2.5 Billion dollars to carry the cross for
them; hint, all of them can kiss my ass.
Money is not why I joined the military and spent thirty years having to
be swindled every single damn day by this thief. I carry the cross for the 1960s crowd or this
asshole immigrant whose immigration and factories by being clobbered by
capitalism? Now I know why they hated The Vietnam War and hate me. What will I do, what will I do now? I am glad someone is working on getting these
people out of my life, out of my nobility, and out of all of my business plans;
implementation is the problem and where all the wheels spin. They keystone cop act goes away overnight but
they remain and also refuse to turn each other in. Proof?
Evidence? The proof is their
course on self torture or how to torture each other in life and in death. Implementation cannot be a problem when a
slave driver and a total asshole are in charge.
Remember, the only person they can harm is themselves and the torture
can easily become self torture; they will be back at it next week and will keep
plugging away.
Ann Coulter Biography: Talk to Fox News about this and why it took a turn for the worst. I guess they were able to conceal the murder plots, ask Ann. It might be a gimmick or swindle; a photo op.
Fact: Take the volume of words or labor to write what you are reading and scale it to the past five years, after they were caught and in a trap. Now scale it to thirty years. This means it is very difficult to get anything done, especially in college; while they did this. It took almost ten years to obtain a four year degree. So if you scale the number of words and factor thirty years; that is six times the volume or work; a lot of missed family events due to work or legal damages. Now consider their actions after they got caught, keeping a low profile, it does not accurately describe the volume of labor, worries, grief, felonies, etc… Now they expect us to see them as our father and live with them or take care of them; the same communist problem and homeless wretch that transform everything into a ghetto or total disaster. I am a perfectionist. I am from nobility. I have a very important life and military mission. This is not only incompatible, it was life threatening. Where is my relief or my legal rights? They actually expect me to live with them and take all day of this; even at work or on vacation. I am battle fatigued and far worse than they are; but I will win and prevail because it is written in the stars. I have to carry a sign around saying I am a homeless Midwest total disaster and then face political enemies taunt me all day long? Then I have to go to the police or FBI and explain while they ignore or deny it; and claim I am mentally insane and a threat with a firearm? How about expediting this, I have nobility and a noble life waiting. I did not build this mess and I did not let them run loose. I want my $2.5 billion dollars and am taking it out on Ann Coulter also, even if she caught them.
Dear Ann Coulter: I have some advice for you, you better have a receipt. Also, you’re drinking problems and picture problems; that is all you. My nobility can do without it or these people. I did not appreciate and remain to this day upset with having to live with these homeless people while you date their bosses and give them more ammunition. I suggest you learn how to get rid of them quicker and worry about your nobility, not mine. It is highly unlikely my nobility is compatible with your homeless plight or politics. In the future, I suggest you work quicker and learn how to get rid of this pest lightning quick. It took me over thirty years, I am in no mood to drink with them or spend one second of life with them; but that is your nobility not mind. Also, Fox News finds you funny and CNN finds you funny; I think your drinking problems are disgusting. My nobility is getting warmer, keep it up and keep up the good work. You are exactly like this pest, you work like mad, you build this glass house, and then you can’t even… and then throw it on me or whatever. My nobility is mine and I am not compatible to this pest or those who keep them alive and kicking. I want my nobility back and I am not going to revisit this topic. Maybe you and the police need to write to the Office of Hurricane-Earthquake; it might help your career with nobility? I do not come from or a child of their slave European pest system, no thank you. I do not enjoy living with this church or homeless wrecks either, very funny. With all that money and power, they never could figure out what the problem was or why they have no shame or class. WHAT NOW THEY WANT TO WAGE WAR OR SEEK PITY FROM GOD HIMSELF? HOW ABOUT KIDNAP AND HOLD GOD HOSTAGE, FOR KICKS AND GIGGLES NATURALLY. THEY WANT TO GO TO WAR WITH GOD, AN END OF THE WORLD! THERE IS JUST NO EVIDENCE YET! MAYBE YOUR NOBILITY IS TO SPEND LIFE WITH THIS BILLIONAIRE REPTILE NIT-WIT PUPPET, BUT IT IS NOT MY NOBILITY OR LIFE PLANS. I AM VERY OFFENDED AND SO IS MY NOBLE LIFE, JUST THE THOUGHT!
Taking matters in their own hands: Why didn’t they call the police or use the chain of command? Why did they refuse to surrender or document anything? Why did it continue until $2.5 billion was accumulated? Why did they have to put the best face or spin on it while they kept the pressure or pretended to be the police or prosecutors, without any verification or police retaliation possible? Why do they keep the police paralyzed if they acted for self defense or righteous strategic
Stealing: If you stop stealing, then you don’t have to give back or return everything you stole. What you stole is worth $2.5 billion or more. That is the trap and how they got in this trap. Now they act as if I don’t have a noble life and have nothing better to do than live with homeless people who bully or thug-craft more theft. I was not impressed with their PR or propaganda either. How much do they have to give back? Eventually, the wheels will fall off and they will get hurt or stranded. I do not need to know about your Middle East Policies and what I intend on doing about it or communism; I am really upside down over the entire matter. I don’t even give a F if you are 911 terror plotters, I could not call 911 through the entire ordeal, now you cannot either. A thief is what we have in this trap, not a victim or American citizen.
Military Officers: Even the military people at Fox News think it is a game or shouting match. This is not a game and it is not a shouting match, it never has been or will. They know they are loosing more than 500 years of history as we speak. No police officer on this weakening earth would ever turn their back or walk away from this bust, none. Call it for what it is, a traitor is a traitor. Don’t try to make this look like playground taunting. Of course you all are scared, that is war; just ask a soldier. War is described as nothing more than terror amplified. I know because I wrote the strategy for all future wars, I do not need your teaching or professorship. Now try 30 years of this and see how you react. My nobility is on hold because of your thug-craft. It can only get worse for you so don’t try the cute act or the lost puppy routine. I am missing a noble life or my position in life because you made me vulnerable and an open target, and then opened up your door and revolving door to my life; to share or suggest I was homeless and a migrant worker. The evidence clearly indicates this gimmick or swindle. This is why I have to live with homeless wretches or this revolving door. Do you think you will get all of your miles, really? Maybe this is why we are doing it this way? You are not
Question: What do I think of their leadership? How do I feel about their soldiers, infantry, power, toughness, combat skills, courage, MOS, or government service? Do I think combat is needed to make it to General or the ranks? It depends on who is asking. Is there a way to “cheat” or “skip” the nomination process? How do I feel about their inclusion in the military or service? How reliable do I think they are? How smart do I think they are? How trustworthy are they? What do I think about their security or protection?
Fact: They need to turn themselves in before anybody else gut’s hurt or before anything else happens. This will hurt their credibility and legal defense. I made it as simple as possible.
Conspiracy or Delay: Proof? What evidence? The question is why it took so long to return my nobility and why I had to live with them or undergo far worse than what had already been done? Was it to say “where is the proof and evidence?” Was it to say “you are going nowhere and cannot escape?” Was it to say, “we won and have taken over, who will and can stop us?” As soon as the legal damages are paid and as soon as they stop; cease and desist this war on terror; I can return home and have my noble homecoming I did not plan or even want. I have simpler and more sensible things to do with my time, money, and skills. The question is can they escalate or pull rank, a swindle or conspiracy? I too have responsibilities but this is obnoxious and not my style; I am silent and deadly, not loud and ridiculous. Do keep living with me and piss me off anyhow you can.
The Return of My Life: Keep trying to wreck my life and piss me off
anyhow you can; I have a noble life being returned. What it proves and affirms is I have a noble
life. It involves satellites and
computers. If also proves you were and
are a total pest, white or black. Your
swindles and the way you swindled into our life were to make me homeless or
try. I fought you to the very end and
you realized how futile it was. You owe
an amount of $2.5 billion and I will return to my nobility with computers and
satellites. Even if you were and are a
suicidal terrorist it could not erase the memory or the facts; I have a noble
life. Furthermore, the evidence clearly
shows you tried to conceal it and put the best face on it. You even tried to suggest you are
family. However, no matter what you
sabotaged, tampered, or tried to wreck; in the end it went back to good. Yes, my nobility or royalty was set in stone
and decided by the stars; far beyond your scope of powers. At most you gave me welfare or food stamps
but the $2.5 billion shows the road it took you to get me there. It also proves you are the 911 terrorists and
I was at war with you and trapped you; so I could have my nobility delivered
and the respect and admiration I deserve; without you of course. Yes my nobility was far better without you
and you were a pest to the very end. The
proof and evidence is when you are behind bars and suffering to the ends of
hell. I exploit it because it is not
what I want and I have the power to decide whether my life has you in it or
not. To disprove this will be very hard
also. Nothing they have or tried of
offer could match or every replace my nobility, an overnight thing of course. The road here looks and feels like a war, a
terror plot. If that is not communism or
as far as trickery can get, then I have not seen the world in minuscule ways. You owe me thirty years of nobility, pay up.
Proof: The question is if I am nobility or an over
night success? What they are trying to
disprove is I have another life, nobility.
If they can prove I do not have a thirty year life plan they wrecked or
deliberately destroyed, then they can reduce the legal damages. However, if they paid the legal damages right
now or in 2008 as ordered or after being finally caught; then I would be an
overnight success. Therefore, their plan
was to “steal” or beat me to this other life; so I have nothing to return to or
get set up again, an employee. As I
said, give them one inch or one crumb and they will take off with it. Therefore, they are hindering this nobility
right now or this “other life” denied or stolen. However, look at the imposter, fraud, or
communist mole model; how would they duplicate or steal it? Am I getting the most buck out of the
bang? Yes. Is it my fault? No.
What exactly are they trying to steal?
Why am I a prisoner or a hostage?
If they give in, then the evidence will prove they are also guilty; but
all that is way too late now. It just
proves Fox News and Limbaugh are the 911 terror plotters or recipients. I want nothing to do with them or ever have. How wrong are they? How clobbered and messed up are they? I want my noble life; nothing they have can
match what is mine. You were a total
pest when this began and was a total pest when you were arrested and put in
jail. However, I did and was able to
collect my $2.5 billion so I can return to my computer and satellite nobility. It took a war to determine this. If that is not communism than I do not know
what is or what enemy is worse than who and what we have. Where did my nobility go and who stole it? The 911 terrorist did it, who else? If you keep pissing me off, then everybody
will know I will laugh all the way to the bank and return to my noble life
Fact: They need to turn themselves in before
anybody else gut’s hurt or before anything else happens. We have enough problems and enough to worry
about. This will hurt their credibility
and legal defense. I made it as simple
as possible.
Fact: It would be worse if we let up on our protest or give them one inch, much worse. I have been there and done that, they look for any bit or crumb; just a faint excuse or a small crack in the window or door. If the pressure and trap is not at a ten level, they will go back to being determined trash and junk. You have to wonder about the system, the police, or authority. How did this enemy and terrorist obtain so many liberties?
Fact: The only reason and the sole reason for thirty years of this are to collect legal damages. You have to wonder about the system we live in however. Even the process of legal damages, after capturing them; is racked with chaos and problems. In other words, they are better off dead and we are better off doing this and complaining with fire and hell; ignorance, lies, a dumbass who refuses to reform. Why would they even try if we are determined to see them destroyed to the very end? Just pay the legal damages and stop trying to exploit the matter.
Fact: You have to ask what part the police have in
this, if any; and why there is such a presence or contamination level? Why are there so many bad guys? Why are there so many problems? Why is there so much to be desired? Why is this total loser in our life and why
are they allowed to roam freely? It is
hard to believe this total loser has such a presence in our life and is doing
this, no less terror plots. We might as
well lay off all the police and send them home.
It is true; there are too many bad guys in the wrong place and the wrong
career. Are we used to them yet? Have we learned to live with them? In terms of male and female, everybody knows
they are the worst and at the end of the line; trash. The world will rejoice when they get
clobbered and sent home a total loser. All
the evidence is against them, why try again?
Fact: I cannot believe terror plot leaders or their propaganda is filling the airwaves and has been in our life for the last thirty years or so; meanwhile, they sit there like a lost puppy who has found a new home. Are we expected to feed them or let them run around the yard like a new pet? Meanwhile, their cute and cuddly act is being forced to pay legal damages and go to jail; hopefully they will die before they reach jail. Is the police or their authority taking the best and forcing them to live with the worst, or take care of them? If the police were eradicated by the bad guys, I do not think this chaos and total mess will get worse or better; so what good are they? Are we used to them yet or their “family?” How is this trash species, no less their religion, able to have so many liberties? Maybe they will leave and go home and total loser? Again, all the evidence is against them, why put an effort or another one?
Fact: I cannot believe terror plot leaders or their propaganda is filling the airwaves and has been in our life for the last thirty years or so; meanwhile, they sit there like a lost puppy who has found a new home. Are we expected to feed them or let them run around the yard like a new pet? Meanwhile, their cute and cuddly act is being forced to pay legal damages and go to jail; hopefully they will die before they reach jail. Is the police or their authority taking the best and forcing them to live with the worst, or take care of them? If the police were eradicated by the bad guys, I do not think this chaos and total mess will get worse or better; so what good are they? Are we used to them yet or their “family?” How is this trash species, no less their religion, able to have so many liberties? Maybe they will leave and go home and total loser? Again, all the evidence is against them, why put an effort or another one?
Cesar Chavez:
Larry Itliong:
United Farm Workers:
Migrant Workers: is their message? They are mimicking. They know better. They decide who lives with whom, the warden. They are not stupid. They only want to help, not the problem. They are the solution, never the problem. There is no proof they are the problem. They want to get the message out, sell it. They work hard and been in line for a promotion. They are not the problem, they are the source. They are the soul of
Housing and Living Arrangements, POW Camp: We have to live with them and the reasons are proof, thirty years of hell. This is their take over and prison camp. We can’t get rid of them. They are watching or always watching. We cannot escape. They have to eat. They are God. We need to worry. We are in panic mode. They have everything they need, no worries. This is their home. We have no power unless we watch their back. We are terrorists and their resume or experience, skills, is enough proof. They are the authority and only want to help. We are all on the same page. Only a bullet in the head will end this, they want to die. We have to leave. They are the Last Man Standing. There is no proof and what you see is what you get; their image. There is no end to this yet and we have not stopped them. They are zombies but look like a stripper and feel like one; a strip club. We have to take care of them or give them gifts; otherwise, they will take it; royals, nobility, warriors, or The Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes; no exceptions to the rule. Will some of them blow their brains out or will all of them, a massive suicidal effort? Have they taken
Fact: The moment they smell food or begin saying, “we have to eat”; they zombie and creep up on us. They begin to communicate or go into that car salesman mode. I have been on the receiving end or the stick-carrot more than 10,000 times already. It is very anti-business and just part of their script or swindling methods. They create the demand by overwhelming the supply, zombie like. The moment they smell food, instantly they turn into a zombie and start the tower of babble; unstoppable and with espionage methods the CIA cannot stop or detect. Does that sound Republican? Does that sound Christian? Does that sound right wing or conservative? Does that have the look-feel of authority? It has immigrant and labor union written all over it, zombies looking for welfare and progress; new home after screwing up their own. It looks like they found a new home alright, in ours. We even know why. They smell and look like a zombie but now it is “strip club mode” or stalker problems.
Fact: The only other option or after exhausting all the options, is to put a bullet in their head. Does the FBI SWAT or HRT realize this? If my plan and self defense posture works property, then they will put the bullet in their own head; accountability. However, it is all talk and so far no action, mere threats and innuendos. After thirty years and strategy at this level; there are very few options remaining. I am forced or being forced to live with it and also being blamed; it is their fault and they continue to debate it or communist it. The strip club atmosphere, the bars, the drunken nature, and the creepy old man stalker-zombie is their reality, “pappie.” I am a soldier. I come from nobility. They smell and look like a zombie but now it is “strip club mode” or stalker problems. I am not accustomed to zombie pappie or their stripper-bar lifestyle or culture; go Greek or not; labor union or not.
Fact: They cannot be the right and Republicans do not say “we have to eat.” They cannot be who they claim because the charges against them are all violations of “self reliance.” They violated all rules of personal self reliance down to accountability. Furthermore, at most they are an old, decrepit, smelly or unwashed, weird ass, mouthy and stubborn old man. As a zombie they do not comprehend American values. As a zombie they can slip into or out of their communist trance or rants. The clue is the strip club atmosphere, another zombie atmosphere where they can mouth off in the most outlandish and inflammatory viscosity. I document what they have said and the reality is we would not be here had it not or if it was not for them; even today in the current arrangements. They refuse to pay legal damages in that same zombie like manner. They force me to live with them and cannot shut up or do the right thing; it is out of the realm of possibility or reality. The only options we have are the only options I have taken; I have exhausted all of them already; a complete and dying zombie who is annoying and problematic as one has been born on this earth. You cannot ask for a worse enemy or a worse stalker, nobody can or will beat their transformation to become Americans or patriotic. They will go up to a complete stranger and try to swindle them into thinking they are their parents or family, anyhow they can. I describe them as some creature or breed right out of the Days of the Living Dead, identical with a higher IQ and sophistication. You could kill them or give it your best shot, this is what you will get or see. We have been there and done that. I have it now as my neighbor still spying and as a messenger service (drugs, prostitution, etc…) The Greeks did invent democracy but they never could get it right; and here we are with their fantasies.
Fact: I love the military and I love working for or on behalf of the military; hence, I would not have joined or spent over thirty years of my life doing this today. Similarly, I cannot say I love authority or the police; however, there is just too much crime and corruption to ignore the role of the police. I hope they too learn from the military and do not try to misrepresent or misconstrue their role or employment. I do not live up to any preconceived notions of whatever image they have or want to create; however, I do my duties and I know my place. Being righteous does not mean you have to be created in their image or be spied on 24-7 so you are. My plans from the start were to lay down the foundations and then aspire to the entrepreneurial solutions. Now it seems as if they created a monster and that monster has grown a head of its own. They denied me my own life due to the fact life beats them down and keeps them down; not being able to communicate this, they have created proxies, fantasies, swindles, and all kinds of thug-craft to see it to the end. Their church or religion merely impedes our progress and so does their participation and existence in my business and private life. If arrest and extreme legal pressures does not stop them; then war is coming and will arrive at their behest. I am their worst nightmare and made myself; they have no part or ever did. I am forced into this awkward position until my life changes or until these charges against them are vacated and they are finally stopped. Sometimes the skin you grow is the camouflage you need to survive; thick skin. They will always be a traitor; we know this and nothing will change except their story or lies. However, they wish to appeal to our pity and they wish us to take care of them in exchange for vices or the booty of the Drug Wars.
Fact: Whatever preconceived notions they had got them into this situation and have worsened. Those preconceived notions are worse now than they ever were. The strip club is a major clue. Either we hate them or we don’t. Furthermore, this course we are on and the righteous mannerisms to pay legal damages; appears to be another insult similar to the strip club. Their minds are more polluted and more filled with junk now than ever. A strip club was a way to turn them off and shatter those preconceived notions, to gather clues. They should know it will not last forever, not under these circumstances. The end is near.
Fact: Are they the modern Desert Fox or just a pretty face behind the camera? It is born from the mind of a madman. To advance the communist forces in
Fact: You do not tell a complete stranger you are their parents and you do not keep trying to do this once they call the police, seeking pity. Like the creepy old man they are, it should send alarm to anybody who hears about them walking up to strangers or telling the public they are parents. It has a look and feel of pedophilia. Having 16 year old girls contact me is clearly some attempt to propagate it; it is unwanted. Next they circumvent or subvert all truth and begin to unplug cars, bank accounts, jobs and careers, rental agreements, vacations, life plans, rip or destroy clothing, and make decisions a parent and a six year old might need supervision for; but this has been thirty years. This guy Dave claims he is behind it, we know he is only a scapegoat; Fox News is saying the same thing. We know this is about computers and crime fighting; a fact finding expedition into hell.
Fact: The bad guys are trying to hire us or retard our crime fighting abilities. Hence, they are showing off or exposed their lack of knowledge or lack of college education. It is an inside job of their church, impostors. This is how they got busted for 911 and terror plots. They know I was one of the best and driven to results. They see how driven I am; the volumes of data. My computer skills were far ahead of my age also; as my other skills. I describe them as a homeless dumbass pretending to be a college professor of crime; one I cannot beat or catch, until now. They did not retard my career, almost. They did not stop me, almost. They are so close but they wish the FBI hurry up because they are freezing and wet. I would say on a scale of 1 to 10, their fright level is 10; however, as a recruiter, they must be kind, polite, and be very professional. The conclusive proof is not there yet so they are not allowed to throw in the towel. Clearly, they want my computer and technology skills; my ability to create and manage with absolute precision. They are almost there, very close, just one more inch or one push; he is the best and he is giving them a fight of their life; fear levels exceeding the scales of victory. Race is one of their profiling or racial motives because they are so dumb and uneducated; a swindler and pathological liar. It is the Evil Empire in ruins. This was a recruitment plot and a bungled terror plot, and more. They are spying currently, active. Is it man made?
Fact: They were spying and obstructing because they felt my computer skills would aid crime more so than police forensics. Therefore, Fox News and Dave the crack dealer neighbor; is actually a mafia spy who has called upon the old school methods because they are not strong enough to match or beat what is going on. However, this began due to computers and DNA or forensics. They really do not know what they are doing and are calling it a “fact finding mission.” Most of them do not understand two or three dimensional arrays or recursive algorithms. They also think the NSA is in this field of work. They think I am working on a mind reading machine, time machine, or Hurricane steering mechanism. This is why my grades look horrible and so does every aspect of my life; they want my skills for crime and kidnapped me. Now everybody can see what I was working on or what wasted so much of my time; trying to stop them before they acquired or buried me without a cent or an upside down life. As far as my computers, that is their number one target, because they still feel we are aiding the field of criminology or fighting evil. I am seeking $2.5 billion for this mistake and then trying to swindle into my life, still refusing to release me or us. All the DNA researchers were killed or executed but it did not stop or help their plight.
Am I a meal ticket? Do we look like a free dinner? Fact:
The atmosphere is almost similar to a strip club. There are married women. There are some of the most gorgeous females. The swirl of money and alcohol is fueling a
lack of any inhibition or behavior fitting of a workplace. Men are calling or suggesting lurid sex or
relationships “unorthodox.” There are
influences and incentives to be with other women or try a swinger
lifestyle. Every door imaginable is
being opened in the sex industry to include many inter-racial incentives. However, their story is how we will do
anything to catch a buzz and enjoy the attention. We dress up and look good when they are watching
or have us trapped. They have to eat and
this is a legal defense or “no explanation” needed. Therefore, the atmosphere is very similar to
a terrorist plot or attack. There is
also a revolving door; men on this end and the other end. Meanwhile, sex or relationship is completely
absent and the atmosphere is the most disgusting women or people. So to conceal this they put the best face on
it. The attention seeking and control
has also taken a nose dive; an inner drive to be a celebrity or bimbo star; I
would say a Rush Limbo gig, half ass and cheesy but full of money and image.
Fact: I used strip clubs in the late 1990s to lure
them into a trap so I could get a physical identification. I had information on them already and thus
would easily identify them the moment they walked in or made contact; such as
Documenting: The facts indicate I am jotting down and writing everything they did previously. I am also taking notes if they make contact, illegal contact, or need help. Clearly, the more they babble the more they must pay damages. All we did was document the negatives and neglected the positives.
Fact: All of their propaganda is to conceal their
crime and who they are. Is there any
evidence to suggest they are self reliance, patriotic, sophisticated, love
their country, etc… They claim they have rights and understand reality. If they have to eat then they know what
threatens them. They want to keep it in
the dark and they know what the problem is.
Fact: They know they are guilty. However, based on the evidence and the
actions; it is fair to say they spend more time disproving than proving. In other words they spent twice as much
effort than the prosecutor. Every move
and every word is to disprove they are guilty; however, they know they are
guilty. They are more worried at what
we are doing then their legal problems or how they will ever escape the law. Similar to all criminals, they have to eat
and exist in the dark.
Fact: They are just normal people who have to
eat. Those in jail are just the same as
you and I; however, they have to eat.
Terrorists, radicals, robbers, rapists, or any other miscreant or hell
raiser; are just like us. They are
articulate. They work hard. They love to laugh. Some of them wish to get us high. They really want to be our parents. We should thank them not jail them. We should pay them ransom not prosecute them. We should not worry about the minor details;
it is the positives that matter. Look
how happy they are and how full of love they want, model citizens just caught
in an evil system. They are not weak on
crime, they are just like you and I. The
only difference is they have to eat. I
have learned a lot from them and this mentoring; I could go on forever,
endless. They feel beautiful and are
beautiful but there is an urge to get us high which unites us into a big
Fact: On film and in action, they are very
sophisticated, calm, disciplined, knowledgeable, and self controlled. There is no proof and evidence of any
problems, none. The wheels are still
intact and did not fall off yet. They
are very powerful and very confident; excellent students and players of the
game. We are only looking at the
negatives, not the positive in this.
Fact: The more you talk and babble, the more they
will medicate the hell out of you. A
mental health nuclear pill is needed to break through your ignorance and total
asshole swindles, objectives. We got
this wrong from the start and after thirty years, we need to leave or move on.
Fact: If you are running your mouth day and night
and did this because you want to eat; does that mean you belong in a mental
institution, are competent to stand trial, and need a nuclear sized pill for
medication? Do keep talking or sending
messengers to leak. If you want to
correct it, and then write it yourself; don’t sit there and act like a deranged
lunatic who needs to be medicated and has to eat? At least you were able to stop yourself and
stop talking to Ann, so reliable and trustworthy. These are the best conservatives and friends
I have ever seen on the right wing; they only need to eat.
Fact: They claim the police work for them and so do
we. This means SWAT, HRT, and Delta
Force works for them and DC has their back.
These are great Americans and they are doing a great public service.
Fact: They claim the arresting party or the
prosecutors have it wrong, we work for them and they have to eat. We are learning and students please keep
talking and telling us how you feel.
They come in peace and are reliable and trustworthy.
Fact: This is about how helpful they are and why we
need to leave. They want to help us get
high and want to hire us. They are here
because our life is paralyzed, destroyed, or unplugged; we need to get high or
catch a buzz. It is that simple and so
logical; $2.5 billion in legal damages was only to get us high or say how much
they love us. If this is not the most
reliable and trustworthy swindler you have ever met, then their propaganda says
it all.
Fact: There is just no proof and their intentions
do not indicate they swindled into our life or are trying to swindle out of it,
damage control. It is not dangerous or
unpleasant work anybody would wish on their enemies. It is also not an adversarial or hostile
climate; we are family.
Fact: They are not only my father and parents; they
are the SWAT team and HRT parents; we got it wrong and we work for them. Is that grounds to medicate them with a
nuclear sized pill? I am documenting
every word they say or any coercion, suggestions, innuendos, and secret
Fact: There is not a damn problem with them, they
just need to eat. It is that simple and
that is the reality. Just shut up, go
away, leave them alone, and understand they are taking over or have total
control. This is about how sophisticated
they are and we only see negative; they are full of love.
Fact: They only want to help us get high, hire us,
or help us get laid. There is no need to
call anti-terrorism forces or all the secret services on the earth, relax and
tame the paranoia; they mean well. They
have to eat and come in peace.
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