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Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I think the best way to beat you all is to pound you into the ground.  This has been a time tested traditional method to win wars and no enemy has ever come out and tested this die-hard strategy.  I think if we pound you into the ground and keep pounding you into the ground; it will limit or prevent you from damaging our lives anymore or any worse.  Pounding you into the ground will prevent damage to our future and America’s God given right to a future, it will keep you at bay and hopefully keep you away.  If we pound your clandestine forces into the ground, we can protect the military and satellite warfare from your octopus like Octo-mom problem.  We will be doing good by limiting your damage to our mission and satellite warfare.  You might think you are the Viet Cong and can hold out after the Peace Treaty, than hit the reset button on your attacks. You have a long way to go if you want to emulate the Viet Cong; instead of substituting a coward half ass queer to annoy us.  Whatever the case, I just do not think the infrastructure can hold on or hold out.  So pounding you all into the ground is just one way to break you or the infrastructure you ride like a magic carpet.  You have tried the small wallet card.  You have tried the race card.

Have you noticed how you personify a beached whale?  Everybody is mean to you but now you have money and power?  So the beached whale also has gigantic pockets?  Let me guess, you have been the same people who keep saying, “Oh you have your shit together?”  Now I get to ask you the same question, “Oh now you think you have your shit together?”  Yes your life is fine.  You don’t have to leave because you have money.  Oh wait, you are white, queer, hiding, and proud of it?  Yes Operation Chaos, so you think you has your stuff together and is fine?  It looks like I am the one who has my stuff put together in a way you can’t complain about anymore, a beached whale.  You know we are going to pound you into the ground for this; but you keep on inciting more retaliation and insist your life is put together very well.  Well surprise!  I must be a total human disaster or junk for you to do all of this!  Ann also.

Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Clandestine Forces:  So this was all about you leaving even if you have plenty of money?  This was about money; not who has to leave?  I’m confused now but I know it is not going to work and has not!

Obviously this police, authority, or government employee is not telling the truth and exposing us and the nation to severe dangers, threats, and a revolving door of secret agents (liberals, Jews, Israeli agents, communists, queers and fags, communists, mafia crime, New Yorkers, labor unions, Democrats, etc.)  Obviously, they are manipulating the laws and the Constitution to fit or meet their needs, survival.  Obviously, we caught them and have asked for increased hurricane, earthquakes, and now magnetic photons to keep them at bay or force them to surrender and end this standoff.  If they refuse, it will drift into civil war and the courts and police are guilty of not policing this sooner.  Already we had one false policeman do the blame game; do we need another or another?  Either they do it right or they shut down and leave; it is not a negotiation or debate.  Either this is perfect or we unload a fuselage of self defense and national security initiatives.  Do not call it corruption or police protection either, do it right!  No more police problems or false arrests, we demand perfection.

This secrecy means the revelation and identifications are made only towards the end of the fight, or run-in; thus, the culture of communists, Israeli spies, and mafia silence seeks to police or determine this tracing method.  The problem is their silence from start to end, even if the police are involved.  The problem is they do not know who others are, from start to end.  The problem is they are too selfish and are always trying to make friends but never go away or leave; a kidnapping, a struggle, and brutal fight for survival.  It is not three or four separate enemies; it is one enemy and the totality or big picture.  I will continue to request hurricane, earthquakes, and magnetic photons until they get with the police and begin the surrender process.  We can also assume the police are either blind or have accepted this problem or these people.  Their silence is their guilt.  The same applies to the public relations or media campaign.  If I am the theater commander, it is in their best interest to accept this verification process and surrender to the police; pay the $2.5 billion in damages and begin the dismantling or eviction process.  Otherwise, I will continue to request more national security initiatives and a fuselage of retaliation.

  1. The first problem is a culture conditioned by either mafia leaders or Israeli spies.  This flips the moral scale to either silence or pure rotten no damn good traits highly valued in the drug trade or sex industry.  That culture is then a power base being marketed as superior or Republican right wing excesses.  We cannot tell the difference between the Russian communist power and the Israeli super secret spies’ power; yet they claim no association and insist they are the rich and powerful.  Now we have a human being claiming to be rich and powerful but with no morals, no standards, no truthfulness, and full of tricks and hate.
  2. The second problem is their view of minorities.  All minorities, rich and poor, black or Asian; fall into this category where being hated and despised is part of how loved and how embraced they can market and sell their ridiculous protection, legal fortitude, or professorship.  There is a gigantic gap between the race scale from Asian to black, to Caucasian to Jewish.  Due to this wrongful or malicious bias towards minorities, especially blacks and Hispanics; they tend to confuse both white women and Asian males. 
  3. All of the traits indicate a loose or weak connection; an up-and-comer not an established elite or royalty.  The cold war fundamentals are not shaky or weak connections.  Furthermore, this idea all persons of race shall be treated as if they are black; is the same principles they utilize to market or professorship this lackluster politics so near to communism it is annoying.  They professor this to women also, not only Asians.  Clearly, this is one big nutcase totally disconnected from reality and very proud of this totally insane behavior.
  4. It is the larger of the whole, the big picture.  Not only are they Israeli spies highly biased and set in their ways but they are also mafia candidates who share similar traits and behavior.  Radicalized or lionized by each others’ insanity the bad behavior and endless attacks trickle into the police or advanced military areas kept exclusive and secret.  We get a knock at the door and do not know who it is and what they want, possibly a Trojan horse attack.  That culture of Israeli spies, communist spies, mafia hijacks and tactics, etc… Are all part of this problem and this lack of culture that keeps on or continuously backs up and rams into our life and my satellite warfare mission.  It is this culture of corruption or school of rotten fools; it is this culture of communism or living on the edge of destruction; it is this breakdown in the nuclear family or moral traditions; it is the same problem we keep describing or keep having to fight to the death with.  They call it The Last Man Standing, we call it an eye-for-an-eye tactic of watching us, casing us, and at our throat every single minute of every single day of every single moment of our life; a prisoner to this culture and the power of the communists in America.  It is also the egg of terrorism and political assassination in America, some well deserved and some not.  It is that same radicalized and criminal lionized by each others insanity, a world full of chaos, imperfection, and a total lack of any moral compass.  It is the same crap and same predators on the internet now trying to market their enticements and grand expansion.  It is the same crap on dating sites luring healthy males to produce new candidates or a baby factory to keep this endless or without shortage.  It is the same crap trying to trap us and who is also in our national security traps presently.  They manipulated through the maze only to find out the inner sanctum is a trap and here we are now.
  5. There is a history of queers and inner city politics when the topic of Asian history is mentioned; however, most Asians do not try to associate with this bunch whose males are very similar to the behavior scales of their females.  Asians tend to have their own character and personality; however, it may be the same sex offenders and predators preying on religious church groups or children.  This idea they embrace everybody is a major problem because in order to embrace everybody, they lower and scales and keep lowering the standards.  Giving them the beating of their life does not change who they are or their rotten behavior; they merely get up and are back the following weak after their fight night.  They don’t seem to let go or release their grip, even if shot at or dragged into a military conflict.  They feel this is how friendships are made.  

Yes I am a prisoner in my own home and safety is their number one priority.  I thought it was trying to make a quick buck, destroying us, invading America, jobs and labor unions, taxes, manipulating the market, debt, and all of those goodies?  Let’s see if any of them have any shame, if so they will blow their head off when this is done.  Let’s see who gut’s sued for $2.5 billion; in the name of satellite warfare and the people behind it.  They say blood and guts is how you win wars, satellite warfare will live and win but will they?  All along I thought they just wanted to make a quick buck, steal all my money, and evict me or kick me out?  Now it is about their learning moment and how they act while stuck in this trap and prosecution.  Do they have any shame or are just silent and in denial?  Will they leave or do we have to use force and far worse than the laws?

Again, the hush-hush conspiracy of silence in the government; meanwhile, America is exposed to this pest and human disaster; lionized by their own silence and insanity.  Now they act as if everything is normal.  Just look at NY and the finances there.  Look at Fox News and this entire lackluster police whack job they are doing.  They sure kept their mouth shut while exposing us to this threat, cancer, and political SOB.  Again, why are the police silent and why are we exposed to these people or this communist menace?  I demand these people arrested and shut down immediately; not get police protection and direct it at me.  I’ll call the office of hurricane and earthquakes and request magnetic photons if needed.  I am owed $2.5 billion, mistake or not.  So yes, there is a major problem with the police and their silence is a sure thing.  The written investigation and record needs to be presented; total insanity from this human breed and disaster.  The only thing on their mind is hiding, insanity, and Israel.  Oh now the government is also in denial and cannot do the right thing or fix the problem?  In Japanese societies, they cannot keep quiet or apologize.  If you shame yourself in public, you must police it heavily.  Look at this jackass trying to do business with Japan.  Look at this police problem we have with quiet solitude and not shame.  We see this with Fox News and they show how multicultural they are, which a total lie is.  It is a psychopath and a total loser who has no shame; a major threat and a problem in America or the police.  They call it authority but they cannot do the right thing, ever.  Defiant, they continue to F with me or Ann; and all of America; where is their shame?  Yes they love Asians and are not racists, just not going to tell anybody or ever be shameful.

A message to the Jews, liberals, and egg of the left wing communists (who are hated and despised as a total disaster); that is what you get for making my life and career hell.  That is what you get for being such a drama queen and queer in my life.  That is what you get for what you have done.  That is what you get for invading my life and kidnapping me.  That is what you get for all of this evil and failure.  Please continue to stalk me or make me leave or move!  I got more tricks up my sleeve, so I will sit and wait for you to arrive; before I take any action or nuke your F’in ass.  Do drive-by or give me more attention; I want to buy into it but not at your prices.  Don’t even try to pick up the pieces and run; we will find you and we will kick your door down; it is time to surrender to the police.  The real reality is you are a failure and a disaster; get real.  However, you are used to this and have come to terms with being a total disaster, evil, or a total menace.  As far as spying on Asians or stealing their industry so you can be a military giant, what a joke and teaching moment.  Leave everything the way it is and surrender, don’t even try to apologize or smooth things over; we will retaliate on a God like level.  We are now entering the age of magnetic photons and we can see the failure or disaster already.  Did I mention you are also stupid also; offensive and rude but also very stupid.  All you can do is pissing people off because you have nothing to offer, only pain and grief.  All of it is and will be directed at the source; so I have made it clear what you should and need to do while you tell me what you refuse or will never do.  You are disappointing and have nothing to offer, not even happiness; a total human disaster obviously.

I honestly thought hurricane Katrina taught the Jews and queer mafia a lesson.  I honestly felt hurricane Sandy taught the same liberals and egg of communism another lesson on top of the lesson, on top of the lessons already.  Now I have another jackass in my life telling me to move or go home; now a cease fire?  Satellite warfare just began.  It is written and verifiable; however, their spying campaign and invasion of America has not ceased or been prosecuted.  None of the communists have industry, food production, or any claim in real estate; but they keep telling me they want war and they keep telling me this or that; recently, they made up another story about how I was a jilted lover or some queer.  They want a face to face so I am preparing the indictment for their escalation.  Nobody wants their junk, nobody wants their lies, nobody wants them to spy on them or steal their industry, and nobody wants anything to do with this SOB political enemy and total disaster.  If there is reality, than it has not hit home and they are delusional, disconnected from reality, and very paranoid while making up these myths and stories.  That teaching moment has not arrived and I am still waiting on their arrest, prosecution, and $2.5 billion in damages.  As far as spying on Asian economies, I doubt it.  They have no industry but they have all of this high tech hardware and military power?  All stolen of course or what I had to go through.  Like all communists, they place food production behind their fantasy about military power; such as now.  It is fair to say their real estate career is over and they are way over their head already; the chest wound cannot be repaired, it is too severe.  Let’s see how they turn out the lights and end this, if they ever have any intention on ending it?  Oh really, maybe we need to kick up the retaliations or teaching moments?  They do the same thing to the stock market, loot it and make a buck while passing it on to the next guy.  Reality, take a look at their real estate junk or scams; do we need stock market problems also?  Can someone shut them down or shut them up please!

I wonder why you people are always blaming people or calling them Nazis.  I wonder if any of you will ever grasp the essence of your own demise.  Obviously, you are a very sick and demented enemy.  Obviously, you like or enjoy F’in with people and circumventing the laws.  Obviously, you pride yourself on espionage or financial chaos, where you find a home.  Obviously, you deserve no compassion and live in a dream world where human beings are your subjects and prey.  Obviously, your parenthood is nothing more than lionizing each other based on this idea there is no mercy or peace in the world, only your selfish and disgusting world nobody wants to be part of.  Obviously, this explains your behavior or why you kidnap other people or their children.  Obviously, nobody wants your life or wants to be part of it, so you have to invade or play this little game where we sit and wait for you to try another demented trick.  Obviously nobody in their right mind would agree with you or let you into their life, a parasite and cancer to the world.  Obviously, you must be overwhelmed by fears, worries, stress, and all kinds of foolish intentions; insisting how clear minded you think and how clouded our judgment is or was.  Obviously, you have to hide and play the blame game back because you cannot change any of this or escape it; your sick twisted little kingdom where junk and insanity is an everyday staple.  Obviously, this is a major defeat of many more to come but you still have not reached the zenith of your learning moment and still have not learned your lesson, insisting death would be better for your pride and selfish narcissism; even the thought of being wrong is just too perfect for any of you.  Obviously, who you are and who you want others to think you are run amuck as you silence them or try to make them go away because you feel your property rights or manipulating the laws is another staple of your freedom to exist in the world.  Therefore, I have a feeling you will never change who and what you are and we will always be in struggles with this kind of enemy on our territory or even in our homes, an invasion of America by some lackluster immigrant who has a thick accent or is always trying to date us or sneak a peak into our life.  It is not a marketing breakdown or an advertising problem clearly.  Regardless, you trudge on into the unknown with this idea we must treat you with kindness or utmost respect.  I think eventually life will beat you down and life without anything will corner and trap you as we have here.  It feels really good to knock your head off or watch your knees buckle for mercy.  Even you can’t say you don’t deserve it but you keep pleading for mercy or for more kindness to address your flaws and imperfections.

Testing “our” or “your” ability to respond?  As tough, as sneaky, as selfish, as criminal, as hated, as ridiculous, as imperfect, etc… you would think they would cannibalize each other by now; so we sit and we wait.  Why aren’t they throwing each other out?  Why aren’t they doing a “face to face?”  Is this a joke or are they serious about it?

  1. What are you going to do about it?
  2. What is our weakness and what do we fear the most?
  3. Words and association, when the bell goes off again (PTSD)
  4. Just sit and wait, let them come and find you!
  5. Knows what is going on now.
  6. What to do, how to take them out, how fast is the response?
  7. It is just a dream, only a training exercise, you are taking it way to serious!
  8. Wants a face to face; just sit and wait, they will show up, watch and see!
  9. Guilty.  Thief.  Liar.  Coward.  Ruthless.  Rude.  Very flawed.  Human junk.  Narcissist.  Delusional.  Jump all over them.  Superior numbers.  Not safe ever.
  10. What we know and what they do not know.
  11. How we know and how they do not know.
  12. Who they know and who they do not know.
  13. Where it is happening and where it is not, not yet that is.
  14. We know more about them than they know about us; but we are not taking guesses or making it junk.
  15. I am going to sit and wait; for this face to face and escalation; when is it coming?
  16. Hostage or prisoner “syndrome.”
  17. What they want us to believe and what we want them to.

Boy that is a lot of birds with one stone.  Don’t try to brush away the blame or accountability, you are not a victim, a failure yes but not a victim.  I don’t want to hear this idea the police are looking at every angle, if so then this would have ended in the 1990s when I filed the complaint.  I need written records for each angle, detailed and missing no evidence.  Don’t go and pull an Israel on us; we might retaliate with a hurricane or tornado.  Maybe when you are slammed a few times by the fury of God, you will be taken more serious?

Learn some F’in manners.  I would rip your hair out and kill you all in a heartbeat.  All of you are rude, vulgar, selfish, and pure criminals; just shut up before a tornado picks you up and slams your fat slob ass on the pavement several times; there I said it.  Call Israel, do that.  We will Katrina your asses on a weekly basis if you want, just ask politely okay.  Otherwise, don’t ever open your faggot mouth or show your queer little ass again, learn some F’in manners and stop being this selfish SOB we have to kill!  Go to F’in Israel and do this, not America you homo.  Why would you keep hiding if we are saying this and if you want more war?  It is here, you found it.  Why do you open your mouth, go back to Israel and just shut up, drama queen homo.  Yes hot shit now and tough also; until broken like a twig or your knees buckling.  This is a certified moron and dangerous pest!  They will get everybody hurt, killed, or make life total hell.  Nobody is calling you and you have been hung up on repeatedly, keep trying?  Dressing up like my dad did not work, what makes them think living with me will?

Let’s start the arrests with the landlord.  We need to find out and verify how much is the police’s fault, if any; by beginning the indictment with the landlord.  There are written emails and witnesses; we need to find out if the public has to sue the police or government while a cover-up is underway.  If these terrorists and spies have political protection, than we will know.  We need an example and we need to set an example so nobody else tries this or need not too.  This should have ended a long time ago, a long time.  NONE OF THEM ARE IN ANY POSITION TO MAKE DEMANDS OR NEGOTIATE ANY ENDING, NONE!  DO NOT PICK UP ANY PHONE AND DIAL OUR NUMBER, EVER!  RELIGION WAS INVENTED TO GET RID OF THEM, NOT HAVE THEM LIVE WITH US OR GRANT THEM FREEDOM!

Telling me to leave, forcing me to move, charging me rent, using high tech espionage methods or communication, stalking my family or myself, sneaking up on me, refusing to pay damages, coming to my work or showing up on site, Having queers chase me, filling my life with homosexuals, yelling at me on the top of your lungs, etc… all these methods to oppress, hinder, disrupt, or turn life into a living hell will only keep the embers of this war raging.  It is you all who are burned or get burned.  If you decide to stay in America and if you decide not to pay damages or face arrest; then the hardships you will live under or the retaliation levels will be far worse than what you have either seen or will experience.  The quicker you end this, the quicker your hell will be over with.  The longer you delay or try to squash self defense strategy or America’s defensive posture; the magnification and amplification will spiral out of control.

Cease fire?  You know I have waited all my life for this war.  I have gone through training, recreated scenarios of what I would do, always wanted to run a war or even introduce satellite warfare, and do a quick jog before I get to work and lay in the shots.  Now that is living!  All the sudden they are sick and tired of this war?  They are fed up?  Did we make it to the first quarter yet, what time is it?  I don’t even have any victims or any military representatives bowing before me, cease fire?  You know this SOB never let’s me get my way or have my war; I was just getting started and just introduced satellite warfare; now I have to sit and wait; then wait some more, etc… I may never get the chance to be in this teaching moment or learning moment ever again!  What about my $2.5 billion in damages just to get here and the long road it took fighting this SOB political enemy, can they just quit and walk away?

All I can do and all America can do is sit and wait for you to show up or attack us.  Then we can destroy you when you come around or pop-up.  Maybe the beating of your life or smacking the shit out of you is so moral and needed, it will become another “learning moment” or a new teaching sensation.  We will see how many people experienced it around the world.

Maybe when this is over, all of you will stop spewing out crazy shit about how liked, cool, helpful, or unique you are.  I am sure you can do something for our life, now do it.  If I had my way, I would hurricane you all at the exact same time every single day for the next several years; unless or until you surrender and turn yourself in.  Now stop telling me how special, how unique, what you can do for me, or how superior you are.  All of you stress me out and make me very unhappy, very!  Stop coming around and stop trying to communicate this crap to me, we know you are junk or selling it.

At least I got the chance to introduce satellite warfare.  I have refined and perfected every aspect of satellite warfare.  I have maneuvered so I have the advantage and can capture the widest audience.  I read book after book not knowing if I would ever see my child grow up before my eyes.  Now we know.  Now the entire world knows.  It was me, satellite warfare is the last war on earth, continuous perpetual war with no end.  I knew this and I prepared heartily.  Now here I am introducing it.  Of course people are asking for details and enumeration of the many facets such as:

  1. How did my wife get pregnant?  It was me via satellite, talking dirty to her and then busting a move.
  2. Car accidents?  It was me also, both magnetic and kinetic energy via satellite; I am the one who heated your brakes.
  3. Tree fell and nobody heard it?  Yes me again, if it is not a lightning bolt than it was gale force winds; but no not this time, soil erosion and magnetic kinetic energy; brilliance.
  4. Your child had an accident?  Yes me again, I hate you that much.
  5. Stressed out or work getting you down?  Of course that was me, who else?
  6. Girls hate you and only want your money?  Yes we know where their hearts are, don’t we?
  7. Injured in war?  It was probably me, not one hundred per cent sure yet but it was probably me.
  8. Your nation destroyed overnight?  Me again, sorry; I could not help myself.
  9. Your drinking water gone and your food production evaporated?  I don’t eat much but yes, me again.
  10. Weather getting you down?  Me again, any questions?
  11. Feel the world is against you or a Nazi; there to do you in?  Me again, sorry.  I am very biased and set in my ways.
  12. The bottom line is stop, leave me and my family alone.  I will never give in, I have plans.  Pay the damages while you can; the police are waiting.  If we cannot force your arrest or the damages, than world war or some form of conventional war will be imminent.  We have already won this so you can only loose worse and worse.  How bad do you wish to loose?

When this is over, you all will be so beat up and so removed from reality; you will never think about sexual abuse, terrorism, radicalism, satellite warfare, getting an erection, same sex marriage, or doing this ever again!  Your leaders will never stand before an audience of college students and give an audacious speech without breaking down and crying or becoming unhinged.  Your confidence will be nothing but broken memories.  You will keep telling yourself and asking why any of you refused to end it and be accountable.  Of course, you will be good for something; such as huddling under and table and giving speeches while whimpering during a thunderstorm.  I hope you learned a final lesson and we were able to teach you a lesson; so if your life ever takes a change, you will be giving speeches about your experience and ordeal.  However, we know you are evil and you are the worst political enemy walking this earth; you still have that bold and audacious terrorist malicious intent to harm others or pretty normal people who are the best and the brightest.  As trash and human junk, you sell this and you hate all else not human junk.  As the world can see and as the police know, all of you will be a broken human being and the most terrified communists walking this earth.  We will see to this and we will see to it all of you are destroyed if you decide to stay in America and hide under the umbrella of Israel or friendly financial spying.  When this finally stops and ends, you will have to pay $2.5 billion to the Office of Satellite Warfare for the three decades of putting us under siege.  You will never get an erection again or think of same sex, sexual abuse, or what we are looking at right now.  If you are faking it and playing a game with us, then escalation will make things much worse as you lie, cheat, and steal on greater levels.  That is how guilty, how poisonous, and how toxic your life and politics has become!

You continue to stick your nose in our day-to-day affairs in the most intrusive manners possible.  You still insist you are fighting terrorism or have some form of special relationship with myself or my family.  You continue to make up false or misleading stories about how Asians admire you or need your management.  You continue to manipulate reality or relations; to disrupt, to harass, to weaken, to trap, to make more dependent, etc… the entire matter to include deploying espionage tactics intended to destroy any opposition of the Jews or communists, some organized crime syndicates and others strictly political opposition.  You continue to put our life under siege and evicting or removing us the moment you do not get your way or the moment we detect something wrong.  You have used this same formula for decades now and it has created a gigantic mess out of the nation and life itself.  You are so disruptive we had to launch retaliation after retaliation and wage war back on you.  Again, all of this was done in the most intrusive ways possible and there is no excuse or way to excuse your unacceptable behavior other than jail, arrest, and prosecution; however, the little cat and mouse game just takes a new twist every single month.  You also refuse to be taken alive or pay any legal damages, a total lack of accountability citing how you are hunting Nazis or targeting hate groups.  The only problem with all this is you are a complete idiot and fool; despised in an unrecognizable fashion while you look into the world and shake your finger or shoot back at anything treating you as you should be treated, guilty!  So yes, all of these steps including hurricane and earthquakes are America’s way of defending herself against a psychopathic loser and a totally delusional enemy who cannot do anything right and is hated unlike anything we have ever seen.  Is there any excuse for your behavior which will work or convince others you are not a dangerous enemy?

We know you are a stalker.  We know you are homosexual or bisexual.  We know you think I am a “closet” homosexual or communist, a conversion.  We know you studied or know my father very well.  We know you are trying to connect the loop with Asians and exploit or use their economic power.  We know you think you are better than Asians at math or technology, even if the quantity is much higher.  We know you have thinking abilities or despise hard labor while imposing others to hard labor.  We know you are trying to stress my life to the point where it kills me or leads to suicide.  We know you are using this female to cover up for your crazed man-love or activities.  We know this is about Israel and their relation with the Middle East or America; even Asia.  We know your predecessor killed Kennedy and do not trust the Democrats because they are brawlers or street fighters; Republicans are more passive and sophisticated.  We know you are very good lawyers and legal professors, thus you are seeking something or anything out of this.  We know you expect rent or payments while this is in full swing, which breeds your delusions or criminal activities more and more.  I could keep on going but the bottom line is we know a lot about you all and what you are up to and did.  We also know you are hardcore-devoted communists who can fool or trick others into falling into your traps or deadly game.  Similar to Al Qaeda, you will take that step to kill others in a callous and illegal manner, guilt.  You murder to cover your tracks and to hide, a natural survival instinct of a deadly mole and terrorist.  Oddly, you speak in judicial manners but the only people who are attacked or under siege is us and America.  We know you are communist spies, so that is your first and biggest lie; also Israeli agents.


F YOUR DIASPORA AND TELLING ME TO MOVE OR LEAVE:  You all must be the most oppressed MF we have ever seen.  Everybody can see how you can’t shut up while getting beat up, thrown out, or destroyed.  That is what you get for telling me to move, leave, or demanding rent while this living arrangement is prosecuted and all of you are thrown out.  Why don’t you move to Israel if you are trying to escape or avoid retaliation?  The situation is being stepped up, we are not at cease fire or will be; I have asked for magnetic photon resonance.  You sound so confident but you lack any perfection, sanity, or direction; sink and die before us.  Maybe the police will be sued for letting you run loose and not taking you down sooner; America has spoken.  These people are dead and gone already; we will just sit and wait.  These SOB live in another world altogether but they keep making up crazy things about how similar we are or how powerful they feel as landlords and real estate criminals.  They have to be thrown out or destroyed because they do not know when enough is enough, a complete jackass.

NARCISSISM, LOW STANDARDS, IGNORANCE, BIGOTRY, LIES, GOLD DIGGERS, SELFISH, GREED, THIEVERY, DELUSIONAL:  See what this political pest and enemy has done to the real estate industry?  It is a scam and a huge scandal; now the insurance companies are involved.  As war approaches and near, they just make it worse while they try to make a buck off anybody who will listen.

THE WRITING IS ON THE WALL, WHAT ARE THEY WAITING FOR:  God has spoken, move to Israel and stop using America as their base or headquarters.

MY ADVICE TO THESE ISRAELI SPIES AND THE EGG OF COMMUNISM:  Move to Israel immediately, you have a 30 day notice!  Do not violate another warning or notice, people get tired of repeating themselves.  If they want to sue the police for not arresting these communist and terrorists, the egg of insanity throughout the world, then it may be the fault of the police for turning their back or allowing this evolving door to our life.  Maybe their career will take off if they move to Israel.  Remember, I am owed $2.5 billion so if you do not want to pay the legal damages, move to Israel immediately; I have asked for magnetic photon resonance deployment and stepped up hurricane and earthquakes.  You all look really stupid, especially telling people to pay your prices or live your way.  Take your money from the insurance companies and move to Israel while you can; the police are very upset with you.  I think it has turned for the worse, ultimate worse!  You can’t ask for any worst nightmare or situation.

MY ADVICE TO THE EGG OF COMMUNISM AND THIS POLITICAL PEST (ALSO ISRAEL):  Based on what I have seen happen to the real estate industry or their landlord career; my best advice is to move to Israel.  It is the only safe haven they have.  Why they choose to invade America or utilize espionage methods to evade the police, is going to get one hundred times more hurricane and earthquakes.  So even former communists escaping their own people; immigrate to Israel not the USA.  If they want to fight terrorism, move to Israel.  If they want to pester us about caring about Israel or the communists, move to Israel.  If they want to impose this evil political egg we have at our throat 24-7; than move to Israel.  All that trailer trash and white and black supremacy, move to Israel immediately!  All those Democrats and labor unions called “American Exceptionalism” should move to Israel, there are factories there.  All of those Asian haters or crazed internet bitches trying to cater to the new Asian males or want my child; move the F to Israel and raise a Jewish kid.  All the blacks displaced by the weather, move to Israel and practice African law their.  Those Hollywood weirdoes and sex pots, should begin to vacation in Israel, not Florida.  Those tycoons and real estate cartels, Israel  definitely, for sure Global Warming!  All of those construction workers looking for jobs, Israel.  All the evidence says one and only one thing “Get the F out of our life and move to Israel.”  Are they in denial or are they waiting for a message from God?  Those professors and the Fox News experts should move to Israel where they will find a better audience for this.

MY ADVICE TO THE POLICE:  If someone is utilizing hurricane or earthquakes to evict or stop this political pest and enemy, it is highly likely almost certainty, it was used in self defense and in defense of the nation.  I would advise the police to start jailing them immediately and stop shaking their hands or saluting them; conspiracy or not.  The more delays or obstruction of justice, the more supply and demand for earthquakes and hurricanes; I really hate waiting on $2.5 billion dollars while this criminal plot and conspiracy to invade America is at our throat and circling my entire life.

CONFRONTING OUR ATTACKERS AND PREPARING THEIR DEMISE OR TAKE DOWN:  This SOB enemy is not denying any of this but in private, they let it all drop out or hang out.  They are so flawed, backwards, and incapable of being perfect; they have no standards, only bias and prejudice.  Meanwhile, the SOB uses the landlord situation to be this Big Brother or communist spy watching me or at my throat 24-7.  They are not denying it, instead they are saying nobody will believe us or we have to take legal action to stop them; act appropriately or according to the law when the communist have all of this advantage and won’t stay away or keep out of our life.  The same applies for the 911 terror plots, they are not denying it but they refuse to take any accountability, the blame game.  Now they go on TV with the sad face, weepy tears, or reading prepared apologies.  That is the Jews and the blacks, that is the homosexuals and liberals, that is the evil that is exploiting or trying to use Asians to oppress or undermine American superpowers.  They despise the Vietnam War and being forced to fight each other, self love; yet they want to own or manage America while they sneak around above the law and steal everything; a liar and a thief.  This is who we caught and their match-making psychopath network of crazies acting as if they are special, untouchable, and loved.  The moment the authorities or police are called, they disappear; so it is only in private or the use of these landlord-tenants privileges are they doing this and trying this kidnapping, brainwashing, and mind control.  Keep hitting them with hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, or everything we have until they are dead and gone.  They owe $2.5 billion in damages and we are getting very close to all out war, very close.

THE EGG OF COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, EVIL LANDLORDS, HOMOSEXUALS, A PREDATOR, A PSYCHOPATH, AND A FAT SLOB LOSER:  They are not denying it behind closed doors; yet they claim it is private and the police and public need to mind their own business or stay out!  We are dealing with a bonafide idiot and buffoon.  They are incapable of being perfect, thus, have no standard and go on and on.  They are selfish and they still do not know what guilty or failure is.  They are backwards and know they are selling junk; but they love anything Asian.  Their real estate is a complete fraud, an insider game.  None of them are accountable because they are not above the law.  We can go on and go but it is they who are on their last breath; die you backwards confident ignoramus SOB traitor.  Don’t tell me you are white either, you are more hated and blacks; yet you cannot even fight like a man or do the right thing.  Yes they are incapable of doing the right thing; everything is based on lying, cheating, and stealing!  There are too many flaws but the biggest is probably living with us or holding me as a hostage of the circumstances.  It’s them, do you see any of these traitors accountable or capable of doing the right thing?

So, we finally confront the communists, Jews, liberals, and the egg of terrorism about why they are trying to radicalize me.  We finally hone in on their plot to persecute Christians by undermining the economy and using either Japanese cars or Asian economic power as an instrument of war or harassment.  They undermined our life also and do not believe in Jesus; however, they claim their DNA does not allow them to change who they are or what they do.  Their Invasion USA is the egg of communism and is designed to destroy the Christians.  This is their Perl Harbor attack and it is our response, retaliation.  We need to keep the liberals and the Jews far away from Asians; they want to pull the race card and radicalize them using hate, hateful speech, and shouting slogans.  I am glad we have a chance to confront our attackers or ask them what the hell they were and are thinking; scream back at them!  None of it worked because they are totally insane and evil, they do not know when enough is enough.  They are going to be destroyed for this, obliterated on many levels.  Their support system has disappeared; they have no safety net left.  They are no friend of America or Christians; yet they are in our life and living with us doing this also.  Odd, they act as if I am not the theater commander of satellite warfare; give me magnetic photon power!


We know more about this Last Man Standing game and about the Last War on Earth; a terrorist plot to peacefully take over America using democratic forces, the poor, the liberals, and drugs.  It is the usual suspects, the most hated; who claim to be victims and advancing Civil Rights, gay rights, and moraless cowardice.  If they continue to F with Jesus or his disciples, they will be exterminated and destroyed; quickly.

  1. What:  We know what the last war, how they plan to prepare their defense, and what kind of media campaign they are striving for.  They claim to be in power or landlords with property rights (Israel and NY) and we are terrorists who do not want a peaceful method by blocking democratic forces.  It is full of lies, deceit, treachery, and has ran the gamut of illegality.  The very last war on earth has to do with two differently structured DNA of two or more human beings who cannot change who and what they are.  We know who the egg of communism and terrorism is, also where and why.
  2. Who:  We know Christ and the Christians are on one side along with other religious faith committed to moral and civilized behavior.  They are persecuting Christians using material domination and view money as their God.  Thus, crime and targeting those with money is their business while they claim it is a “buyer bewares” situation, no retaliation or punishment for greed.
  3. Where:  It is taking place clandestinely in America and other “democratic” nations where a peaceful coup can disrupt and displace this Last Man Standing World War.  They claim it is a terror plot and the world is in love with them, empathy.  They want money and also claim we are on earth to take care of them or suffer from their abuses 24-7; until we die or are destroyed mentally.  They seek to destroy our thinking capabilities, mental faculty, physical health, and other aspects of a healthy normal life.
  4. When:  Although this is a war of the future, similar to satellite warfare or nuclear warfare; they are already using political solutions and democratic powers to impose their will on others.  By persecuting or blackmailing them into corruption; they seek to extort or make demands; such as “either you get along with us or you have to leave.”  This was the outcome in hundreds of battles with them so far.
  5. Why:  This is about democracy and peaceful democratic solutions.  We know who and what the egg is.  We know who it is in America and what that egg wants.  It has been at our throat and chasing us for more than three decades now; sitting there lurking in the dark and waiting for the right moment to strike.  We cornered them and surprised them, thus, flushed them out of the dark alleys and into the open.  Then we launched a counter-offensive to pick their minds and to determine what they wanted and why.  However, they are using methods of espionage and mind control very difficult to do back because it is so evil and rotten.  The police look incompetent and appear sympathetic to this mole.  They claim they are not manipulating the laws and there to protect it; however, it is merely bias or bigotry; their right to think and decide.  It is betrayal of the highest order.  It is a traitor and this lousy war on Christ and his disciples where judgments and material accumulation supersedes doing the right thing. 

So why are they being kicked out of America for being a democratic force or imposing democratic solutions?  Why are they all over us or all over the US government, as employees in a conspiracy?  Why do they claim to be peaceful, victims, and demand we get along with them or leave; be thrown out and evicted?  Who and what is this egg of communism, socialism, and terrorism where they fantasize about being real and powerful military forces?  We have them know and have them trapped but the police do not appear to be interested in their arrest, prosecution, destruction, or my $2.5 billion in legal damages for three years of this stalking, kidnapping, and trying to destroy every aspect of my life and my mind.  Now they want to live with us and claim we are victims of sexual or physical abuse?  Is that a joke or is this just how evil and outrageous their follies have become?  We want them arrested, in jail, and with no more adieu; the process of paying back for what has happened over the last three decades begun in full force.  There is also a written document and record keeping, which they refuse as they try to intimidate witnesses, tamper with evidence, be part of our life, live with us, or sneak up like a clever spy and terrorist mole.  We also have a positive ID, one hundred per cent certainty; now it is up to the police to act in an appropriate manner.  They were the people behind the 911 terror bombing attacks and the egg of chaos and insanity in the world.

Get the F off my plane man!  Everybody can see how creepy you are trying to shoot it down or cause me to crash and burn.  It comes down to how guilty you are and how guilty I am.  What kind of plane is this?  Well, I don’t know; maybe the voice of God?  The plane did not crash; it cannot land and is running out of fuel.  You know how to make it look like an accident, go after my fuel.  Hopefully, a refuel liner will come along and help me while I limp in.  Oh wait, they are still on the plane; a struggle and hijacking.  They were on the plane when it was running out of fuel.  How did I bust them and how did they get caught for 911, terror plotters?  What an asshole, get the F off my very important plane MF, I’ll call you a nigger if you do not!  I’ll make your dick shrink and give you a gigantic headache, even terrify you and make you beg for your life!  I’ll make your dog bite your ass while you are sleeping; now that is cruel.  I don’t care if your race is Asian or an internet girl who wants to show her tits, get off now!

I understand your religion and Jesus experience is a total headache; nearly in your face or kicking your doors down.  Not sure what to say if you need to know but I filed a complaint in 1998 with the FBI and the police look really incompetent.  Is my life and mission nothing more than a revolving door or a legal dispute for $2.5 billion?  That’s it, thank you have a nice life?  Remember, you don’t believe in Christ and you cannot change who or what you are, a mouthy bitch and a queer playing drama bitch games with us.  Do you know when enough is enough?  How about aid to Haiti or the Philippines instead of Israel, looting racist pigs!  Look how selfish they are, greedy little bastards with their hand out.  Those people are walking around with only one shoe on their feet and they put Israel over the poor?

You don’t owe me a job; you owe me $2.5 billion.  Here you go again about trying to hire me or making this about jobs.  I have asked Delta Force to take out any communist, white, black, or terrorist spies who retire in Alaska or Florida; including Virginia and a few other states.  Tell Israel America is not the place to retire, especially Florida!  Again, you ruin our Jesus experience and we hate your guts, go home.  Nobody in this world wants to be near you or listen to your stupid management problems.  As far as sexy goes, go and find another corner!  I dare your communist and terrorist egg to retire in America or Florida, dare you!  This is what you said to me, “we are daring you to stay in Florida!”  Remember, you people do not believe in Jesus.  You believe in white and black supervicest.  The entire world hates you all and we know you are junk but you hang on to Civil Rights as if a terror plot is after you and it is an emergency.  Let me guess, your fantasy is also military domination?  Surprise!  If you F with Jesus, it will be the last war on this earth you will fight, understand?  None of you know the meaning of respect if respect smacked the shit out of you or leveled your trailer park.  What makes you think your DNA and stupidity is capable of respect, is it written?  I call you a nigger for a particular reason and it is not the same reason why you call yourself this.  Why in hell you’re in America, think about it.  Why in hell are you in my life?  A tornado could not teach you respect or the meaning of being polite, rude ass ignoramus queer; gay ass communist terrorist.

Hmm, how do I say F you in the loudest manner I can?  You are interfering heavily with their Jesus experience and I do have “disciples” who are looking at you and know what you are doing.  I don’t know how many disciples I have but you do what you have to do and they will keep on watching you closely.  Yes Ann is one of them; I think we have you outnumbered.  They are thrilled with the way you do business and sneak up on me; also how you trash their Jesus experience.  Oh are you the police also or do you run the legal system, really?  I thought common law was based on Christianity, not white or black superviscest?  Why do you keep messing with Ann also?  Oh my love life is your love life?  Oh you are going to put me in prison or did?  Let me guess, you want to torture me and Ann also, persecute us?  Your support system, real or fake, has been eliminated.  Do you want to escalate this?  I am really good at this, can you tell?  Are you suffering or terrorized?

What make you think a communist can become the police in America or a communist can just walk into our life and do all of this?  We also caught you for 911; so if we ask for hurricanes and earthquakes, I am sure magnetic photon resonance is a step away.  Have I asked for a white supremacy or a black supervise; all of you are junk and uneducated.  Go home or stay under the F’in table; you all suck and are annoying.  Do you think my life needs management?  Oh I see, you all are born managers!  Asians need managers!  Do any of you Jews know when enough is enough?  Here is your test.

In the Bible, it even says that if you mess with Jesus, God with takes his wrath and revenge on the Jews.  This includes kidnapping him, being his landlord, talking to him in a condescending manner, pretending to be the police after him, making fun of him, living with him, etc… This idea Jesus is or was a Jew is impossible.  Limbaugh made it clear you all cannot change who and what you are.  Therefore, you’re DNA and molecular structure is completely the opposite.  We and the rest of the world are normal healthy people; you all are the walking dead.  Here is Limbaugh telling Jesus he is God’s gift to humanity or handpicked by God himself.  You are a certified idiot.  Jews and blacks are the most hated groups in the entire world; they are also the egg of terrorism, crime, and communism.  Don’t give me the race card or tell me you are white or even black supremacy.  You ghetto dwelling little coward, queer, and faggot drama plot has gotten you nearly killed.  So it is time to ask for the deployment of magnetic photons for F’in with Jesus; stay under the table and do not ever come out again!  If you do, then you will get another hurricane, understand English; I don’t give a F if you think you are the police or government.  The only way you can survive on earth is to hide as a coward, otherwise, you would get the shit beat out of you; but go ahead and try to dress up as my dad or tell these wild lies.  Oh shit now you are white?  Ah, that must explain why you are so sexy and always hiding like a coward; this world would beat your ass such as right now.  Yeah, that is what you are in right now ghetto turd.

But wait, it is not just hurricane and earthquakes.  The Bible also says you shall not:

  1. Persecute Christians.
  2. Hang Jesus like an ornament for the world to see.
  3. Use his name in vain.
  4. Play a Last Man Standing Game with him.
  5. Prostitute each other on his behalf.
  6. Throw gold digging promiscuous women at his feet so that he is enticed into a drunken stupor.
  7. Become a matchmaker or screw up his love life.
  8. Have fags and queers chase him and try to assault him in a physical way.
  9. Be a little drama queen in his life or try to drive him insane.
  10. Act like a dumbass every single F’in day and hijack his life so he has to take anger management.
  11. Try to brainwash him into thinking he is a Jew or married to one.
  12. Try to make this about sexual abuse or physical abuse.
  13. Try to make someone unemployed and desperate, such as they are.

Need I go on?  I would say the people we caught are extremely guilty but are playing a very stupid game with myself, such as trying to evict me or generate complaints, while God’s wrath destroys this measly enemy and horny little psychopath fool.  Look how selfish they are, they keep coming back and do not know when enough is enough.  They don’t even have an answer to the hurricane and earthquakes; what makes them think they can respond to the magnetic photon resonance satellites?  It says in the Bible that when Jesus came back, he will take his revenge on the Jews and they need to stay under the kitchen table huddled and whimpering; not in his home yelling at him, draining his car battery, issuing him a 30 day notice to move, breaking his shower, stealing stuff from him, causing massive financial damage, trying to set him up with some gold digging beast who keeps on insisting she is beautiful, or the thousands of other things that has happened.  You are not white, you are Jews.  There is a major difference between a communist, a terrorist, a criminal, and a human piece of shit.  Don’t say you are white and be some poor ass white trash or trailer trash looking for a handout; that is a beggar.  So don’t give me that white or black card.  Go the F home and go the F back to NY; otherwise, stay under the table and whimper as God told you to do.  It is written so this little queer ass drama bitch Jew or Israel problem, which we know is the egg of racism, hate, terrorism, and communism; is all junk.  Who is selling us this junk?  For people who have suffered tremendously and will suffer more than many humans lives in one lifetime; you are truly an idiot and a fool.  Doesn’t ever F’in tell me this pest and this piece of shit is “white” when we know they and the blacks are probably the most despised group of people walking the planet.  That is nothing more than more junk.

If you F with Jesus, than it will be the last and final war on this earth!  So go back to your hell and stay under the table; you have very little time to surrender to the police, every second counts so if you keep lying and hiding like a coward fag; you are going to be destroyed because the entire world hates your guts and God wants you dead.  Now you tell us you are the best wife, not some ghetto turd we step on and humiliate?  Also, wash your F’in ass and take a F’in bath, can you even hold a job who the F would allow you in an office no less our home?  WHO THE F TOLD YOU I LIKE YOU OR WANT COMMUNISTS IN MY LIFE?

Yes we know you are liars.  Yes we know you call everybody niggers, even each other.  Yes we know you live in squalor.  Yes we know you don’t know when enough is enough, even in a fight.  Yes we know you are tough.  Yes we know you are criminals and junkies.  Yes we know it is always about money.  Yes we know how sexy your women are, always showing themselves off.  Yes we know you dream about us or our money, how your life will change.  Yes we know you are a selfish ignoramus and a coward.  Yes we know you hate being slaves.  Yes we know you are hated and found a home in America.  Yes we know you need jobs, terrified and desperate, a total mess.  Yes we know you are the egg of communism, terrorism, and drugs.  Yes we know how white and black supervisors you are.  Yes we know you like to steal, a hostile mind.  So if you also read the Bible and know scriptures, then you know you are the living words; how God took his revenge on the Jews for messing with Christ.  So either you are totally crazy, totally delusional, totally in denial, and just want to win at all cost because it is only $2.5 billion.  Waging war on Jesus and God cost much more than $2.5 billion.  Oh, your biggest fear is being arrested and humiliated, treated like a common thief.  You are not, you are the egg of communism and terrorism; deserving of a kingdom or subjects to rule over.  Do you want to keep playing the Last Man Standing Game with either God or Jesus?  Do you want to talk to the disciples or the office of Satellite Warfare?  Yes make it about sex or entitlements, please do that.  You don’t know when to go away.  You don’t know when enough is enough.  You stay ahead and lie, cheat, or steal to win.  What else?  Are you my landlord or someone I am married to also?  You want to be friends now and want our business still?  It’s your mouth also!

Oh I see, our fantasy is to be a powerful military force; but you are the real deal and reality?  Our fantasy is to be martial arts teachers; but you are the real deal and the reality?  I see what this terror plot is about; you are a powerful military giant!  Are you really better at everything in my life and my life is a total mess or utter chaos; lacking leadership and management; this powerful female touch? Shall we mourn you also or cry when you are dying on TV and media?  Boy the Israeli military looks gorgeous!

What are you going to do when the best cold warriors come after you, act like landlords or we are Palestinians?  Do we really have to get along with you or else face eviction or expulsion?  Really?  Yes we share a seat with the communists and holocaust victims, classic.  Let me tell you something you drama bitch communist and queer mafia fool, there is no escape now; go ahead and begin World War and your wishes will come true.  This spy was lurking around our schools, life, and in the DC-VA area.  They are also persecuting Christians and the most evil human beings walking this earth; however, they are homeless and in a holocaust crisis.  They are being thrown out of America, not invading it as they claim.  If they do not solve the race situation, they are dead!  Again, they owe $2.5 billion for the entire matter; over three decades of this “run-in” and encroachment.  Now they are living with us 24-7.

The Palestinians, similar to the blacks, are not guilt free.  They are actually trying to tell the Nazis by dressing up as them; how wrong things went.  They want the Israelis to be empowered and be landlords; to show they are not who people think.  It is a conspiracy and the communist have a big hand in the Israeli-Palestinian crisis.  I really do not want to talk about this landlord problem or Israeli politics with their communist spies in America okay.  However, the only person standing trial for crimes against humanity is them, manipulation of the laws; a sting.  Similar to race politics in America, the Palestinians are giving the Israelis more ammunition and communism advances.  The world must be fools but not at this elevation where hurricane, earthquakes, tornadoes, magnetic photons, and satellite warfare is one step from World War.  They are circling each other and notice how the Palestinians also arrived for the circus show; endless drama bitches.  None of them know when enough is enough, none of them!  All of them want to lie, cheat, and steal; communism.

You are lying!  America is deploying stealth bombers, magnetic photons, hurricanes, earthquakes, and her entire kitchen sink including her most valuable cold warriors to this war and for battle.  America hates their guts and they are nothing more than a homeless guest.  However, the drama bitch does not know when enough is enough, more drama and more dirty attacks.  They are getting the fight of their life, even if they own real estate or all the banks.  We now know who the communist forces are and why they did 911; they have not cooperated and continue to lie or put the best face on it.  This was the queer and the female I described; endless drama or attacks on the scale of total insanity.  They cannot act normal, are predators, totally selfish, and incapable of judging each other or themselves; bigots.  A bigot is a psychopath and this communist enemy full of anger and hate.  They claim we have to stand trial for crimes against humanity, The Vietnam War; so the victims are the communists, blacks, factory workers or labor unions, real estate, and this empire of trash who live like animals are act like drama bitch queers.  Similar to the Palestinians, they see us as blacks and they want to be our landlord; still going on with this Barney Frank psychopath Israeli spies.  They are the communist and are using espionage methods the US or the police cannot combat or prosecute; same with Fox News.  This is happening under the nose of the US government, so there is liability and incompetence; a failure to combat this pest and a free ticket or get out of jail matter; bribery and political protection.  They claim they are helping and fixing this while the drama bitch goes on endlessly.  It makes no sense whatsoever, go back to Israel, America hates their guts!  Their life will be much happier without this case or the endless retaliation; however, we are moving to the magnetic photon levels if they are doctorate and professors.  I would think a PHD has more intelligence and judgment than this!  Why in hell would you impose communism on America or us; then sit there and undergo this kind of treatment?  Oh wait, we are them and they are us, friends!  Yes we will come around and see it their way!  Yes, we will embrace eventually same sex marriages such as this one here (Barney Frank).

JEWISH DRAMA BITCHES WHO JUST DO NOT KNOWS WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH:  Similar to the Jews, all of you do not know when enough is enough.  You cannot fight or be normal, so this incessant problem with a drama bitch goes on and on while you target Christians like a psychopath.  If it is not about your sexuality, then it is your drama bitch embarrassments.  If it is not how dirty and stinky you are, then it is how you are not hiding or cooperating.  If it is not this or that, then it is how guilty you are in America as both communist spies and Israeli spies.  Now I have the Barney Frank of all drama bitches living with me and acting like a caring landlord while this is going on.  It is all a fraud and it  is all a drama bitch who is in harms way.  Are you still trying to look for that last chance to play an eye for an eye?  Do you really think this is self defense if you circle yourself with insanity?  You have a right to self defense and others do not?  We have a chance to decide if our life includes you or not? If so, you should have been gone three decades ago; but the bully continues to add up more and get the shit smacked out of them.  But like any Jew, they never know when enough is enough; homosexual or not.  We have the Barney Frank of all Barney Franks right now and he is the worst of them all so far.  We are going to need a magnetic photon to be deployed immediately!  Now we know who the communist are in America and we know they will never stop or see their own guilt, a blatant refusal to judge themselves or each other.  They are incapable of judging others, a bigot.  This is who is destroying America and persecuting Christians, a very immoral and guilty enemy.  They don’t want to go to jail and they do not want to leave or go back home to Israel.  Nobody wants them and it drives them to this insanity or desperation; they are not sorry, they are merely Jews; that justifies everything they do or need.  They also think Asians are in love with them and everybody is their guinea pig.

America loves New York (I love NY) and Virginia is for Lovers, so you know this drama bitch will move or come to Virginia and bother us for the rest of our life.  Oh yes, we are stalking them or we are stalkers; they are not.  Yes we had a choice and could leave any moment; but we know who we got and we know who is behind 911.  They see it as a game to win our hearts, drama bitches and lovers.  As we said, none of them know when enough is enough.  Furious with the matter, they don’t even know what is around the corner or what is happening to their life.  They still think they are in charge or run the justice system; even real estate.

Obviously I am the theater commander and the person who invented satellite warfare.  Ann is merely my assistant and I asked her to contact these people or establish who they are and what they want.  She did this but too much danger.  That is all Ann Coulter is end of story.  Ann is not the theater commander and has no electrical or computer training, only I do.  She did as asked and got in trouble; her explanation is she was forced to play their game and win back her life; took these steps to obtain normalcy or a normal life after being tangled up with the gays, Jews, and terrorist plotters.  Neither Ann or I am actively trying to “live with them.”  Satellite warfare is not trying to recruit them or hire them; desperate or terrified.  I do not need to know or experience what their life is like or what the life of a nigger consist of, am I clear?  If I ask for magnetic photons, just do it; don’t ask questions, I am in the middle of battle and cannot explain okay.  I have attacks daily and a communist enemy on my ass or living with me; spying while I am the theater commander.  So when I ask a question about satellite warfare, don’t make shit up or deploy terror methods to get the answer.  Am I clear?  Torturing me will require massive retaliation.  There is already a shooting war on this level and I am not sure if the legal system or the police can win it.  This idea I have to work with them or get along with them or else be thrown out or evicted; will deprive them of all life, liberties, and garner massive retaliation.  I will accept only written requests and clearly defined goals; not an erection or some pretty girl walking by.  We will destroy you when this is done and if you want to explore this, be my guest.  I have asked for increased hurricane and earthquakes; now magnetic photons because it did not work as expected.

I am not “actively recruiting” Jews or homosexuals, male or female!  I am approaching my limits with these people and right on the edge of killing them; not having sex with them.  I am going to make this clear for everybody; my life is off limits for New Yorkers, queers, or this political enemy!  I don’t care if they were born in FL or the USA; they can remain desperate and terrified.  We will do whatever we can to protect America until this is resolved and the communist forces (including NY’ers and Jews) are kicked out of my life.  Go and get an erection somewhere else!  Stop prostituting themselves or me!  I am not going to give them a baby to foster or pay child support to any of them; never.

I just spoke to this SOB landlord about the previous homosexual SOB landlord.  Neither Ann nor I am “actively recruiting” homosexuals.  The US military is not “actively recruiting” homosexuals.  I do believe Oklahoma kicked out the Jews and homosexuals due to odd events or violence.  This idea Florida is actively recruiting homosexuals is completely false; however, it is this history of New Yorkers and Jews, mafia people.  The Floridians call them transients and have clearly told me the New York people over the past century have been very bad for Florida.  Their life is hell now due to the politics and the cloud that follows Jewish people or gays; such as New York.  I don’t know who made this up but Ann said they all got an erection out of it; so just leave.  I hope the tornadoes and the hurricane can combat this problem or these false misconceptions about the US military actively recruiting homosexuals, blacks, or Jews.  I also made it clear, steer clear of all Israeli or Middle East politics or people until this ends.  We are entering the magnetic photon level and if they follow us, they will walk right into another trap.  If the police want to help us get a restraining order, then be my guest but I will make this crystal clear; I am very upset about the “false arrest” or trying to make me “get along” with them or work with them; otherwise, leave in this trap.  I refuse to be destroyed, go to prison, or work with them; no less live with them.  I have escalated this and requested increased retaliation, magnetic photons.  Do I have to wait or use my own money as well?  Do I need to be inconvenienced or must I keep calling the local police or FBI?  Neither Ann nor I am actively recruiting New Yorkers, homosexuals, or black people okay!  I have made this crystal clear and there is a shooting war right now, I am in active combat, with other satellite or communist forces during my kidnapping or this demand for a child they can foster.  I am F’in pissed and if we get magnetic photons, will show them just how pissed off I am.  I also need more hurricanes, I need increased and escalation levels until this are resolved legally; fondling closure.  The SOB left hardcore gay porn all over the residence, maybe just a hint or clue about the erection Ann said they got from this.  These 1960s people are not good for FL or retirement communities; stop coming to Florida and prostituting each other.  I am at the point where I am ready to kill this enemy and this political pest who insists this is about their erection and trying to get one.  That is Fox News and where it all leads, communist prostitutes!

Ann said they got or had an erection from this and claimed we are victims of sexual abuse or physical abuse; so we are shooting back and changing the story on them.  Their goal is clear, get along with them, and do as they tell us, or face massive retaliation.  Leave!  It is the same crisis with American Indians and the same crisis in Israel, a holocaust.  Limbaugh said “they” are being exterminated as we speak. Fox News has launched a new media and public relation campaign about the indigenous and crisis in Israel.  On my end, I was issued a 30 day notice and the police are or have responded four times in the past week to this order to leave if we do not get along with them.  I have also escalated it and request magnetic photo levels; the next after hurricane earthquakes.  They may even get a bigger erection!

Their kids are ugly or monkeys; but we pretty people are victims of sexual abuse or physical assault.  This is why we need to embrace them or their DNA; or leave!  They are dumber than dumb, a fat slob; look at them go!  Wow brilliance.

Fox News and Military Officers:  None of them have a clue.  We can administer a test; they would make up the answers.  Yet they keep on going on TV and showing off their Vietnam medals.  Their Generals are loony, just as Rush Limbaugh is, “getting exterminated.”  They don’t seem to have a problem with any of this.  Does it feel like they are unqualified or just looking for a job, but are using the terror attacks to brag about medals?  Would I trust Col. North or West?  Hell no.

If we have a shooting war on the satellite warfare level, let the FBI and law enforcement chiefs tell me what they could have done to help us or prevent these attacks!  I am waiting for their report.  How do they combat advanced espionage tactics or fight wave after wave of zombie like drug war soldiers?  Creating problems for us and trying to avoid them sounds like what we have been doing.  How do you get a restraining order on this spy or their government spies?  So one person with limited funds is going to take on all of that?  This is comparable to the local police taking on a cartel.

I have the police and the FBI on the line right now.  I have called them recently about harassment and the 30 day notice to move.  If there is an easy legal solution against these terrorists and communists, then the police is at fault and can be sued by the public or myself for $2.5 billion.  If they are paralyzed and could not act legally, then Fox News and Limbaugh forces circumvented the laws and manipulated it so we could not respond appropriately.  Whatever the case, we have a shooting war on the satellite warfare levels and I am the master of this theater, the authenticated commander of this theater now retired.  I do not have an office or official title, only books; however, we have a shooting war on this level and I have requested magnetic photons.  If they do not know what it is then please leave us alone?  I am not going to play this game or tic-for-tat with them while they use me as a political and Civil Rights stooge; claiming to help minorities or how much they love them.  If the FBI and police are in the same boat as I am, trying to take them down; than this has been established; they are a witness only and possibly a victim of the circumstances, political chaos.  We do not know if they could have done more but I am going to try and take down the most recent landlord, just picking a random one out of thousands of them.  This should throw them off and their planning.

There is an easy solution to this, you surrender and face trial as ordered years ago.  You have an easy solution also; either we get along with you or leave.  If we don’t respond or ignore you, you will throw us out!  This is how it surpassed the hurricane and earthquake levels and now reaching the magnetic photon levels.  Your solution is move or leave.  You made our solution or the prosecution very difficult but we managed to snare you, trap you, and smack the living shit out of you.  Even a dog would get it, not you all.  Well, I have the FBI and local police on the line; if you claim we did not take the right steps or failed to respond legally and you are cooperating; then it is a lie.  You made it impossible to respond legally and the FBI, public, and law enforcement knows this.  I am sure a restraining order sounds so simple or even a civil law suit; how many has it been?  So if you want to try that legal defense, as the police in this, than you will be killed off slowly on simmer mode.

We know their retirement and comfort in old age is on the line, the entire 1960s bunch.  The life of drugs, welfare, crime, murder, real estate to the poor, helping minorities, getting government jobs, and just being a left wing pest never really got them anything.  So the 1960s was a total failure and if they cannot get Obama-care; they will not have a bed, warm meal, or a roof over their heads when they retire or get out of jail.  The people they depend on right now are trapped and do not want to go to jail or surrender; what I am experiencing and what Ann Coulter is experiencing in her life.  Without that government medical condition and entitlement, they are dead.  We have the people they rely on or do their dirty work, the legitimate part they already legitimized.  Everybody can see clearly, hurricane and earthquakes were not enough or powerful enough to stop them or shut them up; not even bring back law and order while they create more problems and more chaos.  Limbaugh says they are being exterminated, I wonder why?

Yes we know, they would do it for us, adopt us, give us anything we wanted, be our bitch, be our entourage, work with us, etc… I think Ann has done that back to them. There is no solution, it is either us or them and “them” is either going away or they will face severe consequences to include stealth bombers, magnetic photon satellites, or hurricane and earthquake levels of retaliation.  They admit they are the aggressors and have no problem with this, don’t they?  They just do not like the retaliation and our orders to surrender and face trial; paying $2.5 billion to the same stuff they tried to steal and destroy.  Well, if they don’t steal it or if they cannot destroy it, then when world war begins or when we go full force satellite warfare; they are going to get the full brunt of this and not a little shooting match!  That is the box they are in.  Right now, they are escalating it and they issued another 30 day to vacate notice, leave!  Does it sound like a kidnapping or hostage situation or just a stupid gay queer who cannot take no for an answer?  Limbaugh never said he had a problem with this, he only said they are being exterminated.

The communist and terrorist forces are very fortunate we are only in the prelude of war and not stuck in a world war.  However, there is a shooting war on the satellite warfare level and hurricane or earthquake levels is not powerful enough to combat the problem; therefore, we have what you have here, a new request for magnetic photon satellites and increased retaliation.  If they think or feel they are going to live outside of that little box, they have another thing coming.  Also, if they think they can put us in that little box, either with them or not, then they are not only insane but very wrong.  Don’t ever try this in a world war that is my message to them.  Also, we will finish off their forces in America or their invasion forces, they were ordered to surrender and I have asked for a full scale retaliation, not little tic-for-tat games.  I am waiting for my legal damages, they are still causing problems in every aspect of my life, they still are ordering us to get along with them or work with them, and they are still using that standoff to create hell or chaos in my life citing how they are being exterminated.  How do they know, have they been here and done that before?  Again, their office is the lowest office in the world and they keep trying to grow or break out of that little box by acting like normal human beings or this powerful force we have to fight and destroy with little or no funds.  If they really want to best or test the allies, start a world war; we will eradicate their predators in our society and life.  Why?  Because they are hated and because they exploit the larger society and market to suggest they are not up to anything, just want to be friends.

There is a few major problems with who, what, where, and why they are doing this; also how they are doing this.

  1. Although the infliction of emotional distress was severe; all of you circumvented the laws in a manner that paralyzed the legal progress.  Worse, you used advanced espionage methods to conceal your relationship with Israel or the communist forces.
  2. If there was an easy way to get rid of you, then it would have been used already.  If you can prove we failed to take any or all of these steps, such as filing a restraining order; than the way you used espionage or kidnapping techniques suggest “no fault” whatsoever if we did hurricane, earthquake, or try new methods such as a magnet photon satellite ray on you.  You don’t even know what it is.  Why would you even consider these factors if we could retaliate with a hurricane or earthquake? 
  3. You continue to claim legitimate reasons, such as a landlord, girlfriend, or a normal reason to do this.  You also claim this is your brilliance, never doubt you, and we are slowly being let in or allowed to see your secret kingdom of squalor.  We saw enough on day one but you all keep insisting it is for us and we are trapped in it or stuck; get used to it because it is going nowhere; brilliant aren’t you all?
  4. How is it possible for you to match or even enter a fight with people who have magnetic photon satellite warfare capabilities or some hurricane steering machine?  If I can hurricane you tonight and teach you some manners; why would you come back and try to smooth things over or take us down another notch?
  5. All of you deny contacting us or some form of communication, even if it is espionage.  Did Fox News admit to contacting me, even following me in 1998 or before?  Is this what they are or were doing?
  6. When are they going to stop ordering us around?  When are they going to stop telling me or Ann we have to and need to get along with them?  Are they asking me to get along with them or are they telling me?  Are they kidnapping me and holding a gun to my head, “This is the Last Man Standing, you will get along with us.”
  7. You took every detail to ensure we are in harms way and we cannot shoot back.  Are you telling me a magnetic photon ray was used on you or earthquakes and hurricane?  I don’t understand why you would be tangled or get tangled with these entanglements, steer clear!
  8. It is not up to us to explain why a shooting war began, has began, or is in full combat right now in the sector of Satellite Warfare or even high tech.  I do not understand how we got here or how you got so tangled up in this.  Why didn’t you wave the white flag while you could? 
  9. How do you expect an end to this?  Shall I file a restraining order?  Do I have to do this on my own?  How did you see this ending or how did you see the outcome?
  10. Let’s say you are trying to smooth things over, get rid of us, or trying to coverup by lionizing or expanding this conspiracy; show us how you wanted it to end or what you want, how did this supposed to go down?
  11. Did you expect us to put you on our shoulder and invite you into our home?  How about give you the key to America and let you flood here?  Are we supposed to worship you and treat you like heroes or some powerful communist leader?  Honestly?  Are you saying both Clinton and Bush did not do this?  We did not give Obama the chance to do this.
  12. I have both the FBI and the local police on the line, as witnesses.  Are you telling me I made this up?  Why not just come out and make this clear?  If this is nothing more than a mistake or accident; why start a shooting war in the satellite warfare realm?  I have asked for magnetic photon satellites to be deployed, do you know what magnetic photons are all about?  Do you want to find out what magnetic photons are all about? 
  13. Why don’t you get real?  Why don’t you show or prove you don’t have a problem with this?  Keeping things secret and using silence as a weapon, “You SOB you set us up again” is getting really old!  Do you have a problem with any of this whatsoever, any?  Show us the record and show us your powerful actions taken.  You don’t have a problem with me or have any hate for me? 
  14. How do you know this is insane if you don’t tell anybody?  How do you know it was an error or mistake if you don’t tell anybody and just sit there doing tic-for-tat?  That is the Last Man Standing game; how do you know this is real?  Are you this sane?
  15. Why are we giving you advice or still talking?  I have asked for 100 times the hurricane and earthquake levels.  Are you telling me it goes in one ear and out the other; or are you telling me you enjoy this way too much?  Should I give you a hug now?

I have an FBI agent as a witness.  I have the local police as a witness.  I am filing charges on the landlord for witness intimidation, tampering with evidence, etc.  Are you saying you are above the laws also?  I am sure if he causes problems, breaks things, or do something such as disconnect the shower handle recently; it is pretty damn clear what you are doing and what we are doing, setting you up again!

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.