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Monday, June 30, 2014


F’IN WITH AMERICA AND INVADING IT, SAME OFFICE:  We will know shortly if they only want to F with America, prod it or be at her throat about hate and the laws.  If so, I dutifully suggest they get under the table and begin whimpering when the retaliation begins.  Actions have consequences and evil has accountability, not secrets or hush-hush landlords who are terrified, desperate, do not know what to do, are sorry, only want to talk, or want to be friends and live with us.  Here is my warning, get under the table and stay there if you are F’in with us or America; we are coming and the allies have struck back!  The hurricanes were not enough, we will need stealth bombers and satellite photons; please escalate this for me and get authorization; battlefield SoS and needs of the Office of Satellite Warfare.

FEDERAL INDICTMENT AGAINST ONE OF YOUR LANDLORDS FOR RECENT WITNESS INTIMIDATION, HARASSMENT, AND ILLEGAL COMMUNICATIONS:  We will find out if my recent trap has snared one of your landlords or not.  If it is strong enough, then your new “run-in” forgot I was documenting it and luring you in.  We know you cannot resist or keep away, not now.  If the emails to him and confronting him is not enough to prove a deliberate attempt to witness tamper, then you will have escaped my net once again; I will ask for the full photon powers of the US; hurricanes may be too weak for such a tough and powerful enemy.  Why would you want to live with us if you are trying to get rid of us?  You are more eager than we are and then hide it before you sneak up and reveal it is another ambush.  We also know you come to America for the welfare and benefits, another strange one.  Let me take a wild guess, we don’t get along with any of you?  I wonder why?

CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER:  Similar to the drug wars, it is clear we need to get rid of Israel or begin.  Let’s see if they make it easier or do what we are experiencing on this end?  Again, all of you hate America and want to come to America or invade it. America is giving you a piece of your own medicine and you are screaming like a bitch instead of huddling under the table whimpering as we expected.  I don’t think communism and America get along either; but you insist money has no morals and money is your God.

STEALTH BOMBERS AND SATELLITE PHOTON RAYS:  If we had stealth bombers or satellite photons, I am sure I would have used it already.  I am sure America would have deployed that self defense to retaliate against your invasion of America or buying it up; what a joke, money is your God and money has no morals!  We know you are in the line of fire and your face is being held in your own shit, blind or can’t smell anything?  I would use a photon on you while you are taking a shit, a sneak up ambush for yelling at me or ordering me around.  You still have not told the Ann Coulter story, jackass.  Ha, photon your ass while you are taking a shit, classic!  At our F’in throats and putting enormous pressure on us my ass!  Wait until a dog bites, it was me!  The mosquito, me again!  Yeah do you remember when we used to shoot you while sitting on the toilet?  I do.

MAKING FUN OF YOU, SMACKING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU, AND PUTTING YOU IN YOUR PLACE:  Huh?  We will need 10 to 100 times the hurricane-earthquake levels, hurry up!  Everybody is having a holocaust experience now due to the very bad leadership, the aggressors and failures.  Perfection is too tough for them.  We want to learn from a sneaky communist or criminal.  This is about money and money is God.  Oh please, just get real and stop being such an ass; I did not imagine this and I am not the aggressor; I am restoring law and order and taking shit right out of your pockets and hands.  Most of you have been evicted, a few more to go before you jump out of skyscrapers!  Do you feel the bamboo stick yet while teaching America how to be white?  I think you are a lunatic queer; in looks and how you bulldog us, Viet Cong and communist like.  It explains a lot about you and why your face is forced in your own shit.  Like a dog, you like to poop everywhere and in our life.  Well, how do you like it; you made it and it came from you!  How do you like my order for more hurricane and earthquakes at this level?  You are teaching me how to be white and I am teaching you how to be God.  Do you hear the voice of God yet?

IS THIS WHY YOUR CHURCH IS SO CORRUPT, ALWAYS GROUP THINKING AND POOR:  I am not a believer and still think you are a useless nigger and a queer but have to hide or else you will be taken out or killed.  I think you are so desperate and stupid; you want us to leave or go home; just move and stop making fun of you.  We know why you are such a gold digger and pain in the ass.  You think this is how to be white and nobody understands what being white is.  Everybody else is inferior and you are God, money.  It is proven how you are a total failure and a fat slob; stop lying or trying to impose this on royals and the elites.  I don’t know what to think but it explains a lot about your behavior, speech, and how communist you really are.  Do you want my worldly belongings also?  How about my soul and my heart?  Should I be your robot or slave or is this a master-slave relationship, who are you?  Man, you are going to get killed for this and don’t tell me or the world this is how you become white; you have nothing and even if you did; we could drop a nuclear bomb on your sorry ass.  You people do not even take a bath or have any college education, ridiculous.  Do we have to live with you also, really!  A ghetto slut like you or some lunatic predator loves money and admires us?  Is that a joke?  You sit there and keep screaming back; now I know why, you are such a cheap skate a hurricane is the only way you can afford a bath.  I am the quarterback; do you want the quarterback also?  So YOU want to teach us how to be white or this mythical character you admire, radicalization and brainwashing?  What a fat disgusting slob, really!  You are teaching us how to be white and powerful, yeah okay.  Just go home before we throw your ass out of the building!

JUMP OUT OF HIGH RISE BUILDINGS OR SKYSCRAPERS:  Well, we know how you all think now.  Maybe we will get to see you jump out of windows or buildings when this is over and all of your “morals” are spent.  We also know who your God is now.  That box just keeps getting smaller and all of you get filthy and more comfortable with each other.  How can your God be money, you don’t have any and your home is quickly going to shame.  We will see who will get the last laugh, at your expense of course.  I always knew you were a failure, just never why.  That explains the drug wars, your God is money and money has no morals.  Man, take a F’in bath and stop acting like you are a victim; it will only get you more hurricanes and earthquakes.  Now we know why you love Asians so much; we have seen those shrewd beauties all angry and upset before.  How about accountability, are you ready to leave or do you need to be thrown out also?

FOR A VICTIM, YOU ALL KEEP COMING BACK AND TELLING US TO LEAVE:  I don’t understand it either; however, we need 100 or 1000 times the hurricane and earthquake levels.  Fox News said @ 7/22/2014 9:20:47 AM how they have a “psychological need” that keeps them this way.  Do they mean if we smack the shit out of them or kill them, they will keep coming back?  I have never heard of that psychological need but they keep trying to make us in their image, some hostage syndrome in their DNA.  They are dirty, they stink, they don’t bathe, their sneaky thieves, they are criminals; and now they have a psychological need as a trash human breed?  If nuclear war breaks out, we know how they act and what they will turn into.  Until then we need an massive increase in hurricanes and earthquakes.  They call America their home and also hate reality, classic; totally disconnected from reality and very dependent on others for their emotional needs.  Shouldn’t they be underneath the table huddled with their family whimpering or sniffling?  Why, do they also expect us to?  Fox @ 7/22/2014 9:26:11 AM now claims they are money and “money has no morals.”  Where do these communists get this shit from, their religion?  They still refuse to admit we are restoring law and order while they are trying to impose chaos and total insanity; just make sure it is not a crime or indictable, otherwise there will be hell to pay.  Look how the box they live in gets smaller and smaller yet we have more run-ins with them!  How can a little guinea pig be so complex or a puzzle, perfection is too strong for them, tough?  Accountability?  They should be underneath the kitchen table huddled, talking to themselves, and whimpering for a surrender; odd.  Even a guilty victim would do this!

EXPOSE US TO A POLITICAL PEST OR LET THEM RUN AMUCK IN OUR LIFE A LITTLE BIT MORE:  Yes what a great idea.  Let them be my landlord or girlfriend.  Nobody will believe it, a civil matter.  How about cut me off or isolate me by singling me out, then live with me 24-7.  Nobody will believe it, a civil matter.  Expose us to this until it is cancerous or life threatening; what a wonderful guardian or leader.  Did I mention that part where we pick them off one by one?  It’s no big deal.  If it does not work, double it or triple it; as we are doing.  Oh is this what Ann is doing to them?  Look how they exploited or manipulated that also.  Yes live with us.  Be our friend and try to be that lifeline.  Go to school with us or attend the same parties, bars, or hang outs.  Oh we are family now, must have been a growing thing or voluntary?  Oh my dating life, I have no choice and am desperate now!  We need each other to make this work.  Man, we still cannot get along or do not get along with each other; after three decades, what went wrong?  What a wonderful Democrat and political leader, always agitating the matter or provoking more and more.  Oh now they were wrong and made a mistake, everything will be okay now.  We are their life-line and cannot hang up on them, ever!  They will bother us until we give in or surrender, too broken and messed up now.

A FAT SLOB OR QUEER ALWAYS COMPARING THEMSELVES TO JOCKS OR THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST:  It has been, is getting, and really annoying.  Where did it all lead or what is the final conclusion?  What is the outcome?  You know what, it is that F’in Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist forces trying to play this cat-mouse game they call “The Last Man Standing.”  All they do from sunup to sundown is imposing Israel on us or this grandeur of a landlord.  Do they want law and order; or the wrath of America and the cold warriors?  They will die for this; do they care about us enough to end this?  Oh I see, do we care enough about them to end this; retaliation or tic-for-tat!  How about being accountable for their actions before dying?  It’s that Barney Frank MF again.

ISRAEL VS. VIETNAM:  They were told to steer clear of this foreign entanglement, they press on.  They were ordered to shut down their espionage networks or terror networks, they press on.  They were ordered to leave the Vietnam War crowd alone and the veterans, they press on.  They were ordered to stop comparing the two or making them companions, they press on.  They were ordered to stop impressing this on America and to stop invading America, they press on.  The cold war crowd is for the Vietnam War and the communist crowd or labor unions (1960s left wing movement) are for Israel.  The gap between the two is huge and we know who the aggressor is; do we see them trying to restore law and order or pushing us closer to World War and Armageddon?  I have never seen a traitor and mole yelled at so much or on this elevated scale.  Yet they press on and clone or duplicate; an eye for an eye.  They are inside our military ranks and all over our police forces; the leaders of organized crime.  Do we really want one of these F’ers in our life, or maybe two?  Why, any particular reason?  Do I get paid to go through this or get paid for any of this, why any particular reason?  Who is the highest office in this world and who is the lowest?  Why do they want to make America their home or be the landlord of America, total insanity?  Greed?  Immigration and welfare?  They have no experience at this or even an exit strategy, yet they press on.

WE DON’T GET ALONG OR CAN’T WORK TOGETHER:  There is much more going on than this simple conclusion.  However, they continue to use it and then keep trying to work with us or control our life.  They claim to be part of the solution, not the problem.  Are they this stupid or is it all an act to pull the wool over our eyes?  Are human beings this stupid or created with this little common sense?  If they want to be teachers, then teach the subject as it is presented to them!  The subject is hurricane-earthquakes and how to stop communism and terrorism.  You either teach the subject or GTFO of Dodge.  As conscripts, I have never seen anybody being yelled at on this level or so much bad blood; this is their attack on the military bases and VA scandal; that is the liberals and moles.

NO PROBLEM DESTROYING THEM OR BURYING THEM:  There is a lot of bad blood already.  This was the exact same problem during the 1960s with riots and protests.  We are trying to restore law and order, bring you to justice, and you keep saying how we are full of bad blood and you want to work together or want our business because you are desperate and terrified.  What kind of a F’in human creature are you?  Do you really think Christianity was invented for this?  Honestly?  Than shut up about your religious beliefs okay.  You know we would eagerly kill you and you keep picking scabs, adding more bad blood, trying to pretend you are a Nazi hunter who is the highest office in the world, or we have to explain everything to you and debate everything in our life.  That is your stupid silence we have no patience or tolerance for.  Now, are you saying we are not trying to restore law and order also, as a prosecutor?  Let’s try this game of accountability again?  I have never seen so many people beaten up at one moment or so many people put into pain by such little self defense methods; is it comedic to you also?

EXTREMELY BAD BLOOD BETWEEN US:  Now that we know you were trying to radicalize us and got busted; why are you doing your exit strategy based on a retreat into our ranks or life?  Do you have a death wish or do you think we are blind?  We just do not understand or are incapable of understanding your feelings?  Think about this for a second, if you are dealing with people who have no problem or is very eager to kill you; why in hell would you keep dropping in on them or putting them into a master-slave relationship; no less a business relationship?  Are you saying there is no bad blood and this is your exit strategy, to make us the problem or flip all the pieces on us?  You also do this under the cloud of guilt; are you saying I am not trying to restore law and order or are you saying my life is totally messed up?  If that is what you are trying to prove or make a reality, what is your problem?  Why would we want to kill you or deploy 10 to 100 times the hurricane and earthquake retaliation force on you?  Do you understand why a giant would stomp on a little ant so many times?  What does the bible say about this or your Jewish-Christian experience?  Here is a clue; you are a straight up asshole.  Similar to Vietnam, you want us to fight each other; revenge for your anti-war and Vietnam protest.

SO FAR OFF NOW THAN WHEN THEY BEGAN:  If you were desperate when this began and had to score somehow; than imagine a world with 100 times the hurricane and earthquakes?  How much the same are we?  How small is your box?  How small is the box you have me in?  How big is my box and the box you put me in or kept me in?  Now you are telling me I am a suspect or a convict?  This is coming from a vulgar monkey who has no intention to restore law and order, no less surrender?  You wanted a political solution and we have given you more than political solutions; are you now saying I am a suspect or you do not know the danger you are in?  Do you honestly think a sanction or some little box you kept me in will work?  Honestly?  Now you want a cease fire while you cannot even restore accountability?  Oh no, you are not the aggressor here!  Never; you are victims and special people.  Civility?  Image?  Deceit?  Camouflage?  Victory?

WHY IN HELL DO I NEED OR NEED TO LEARN SECTION 8 HOUSING, HUD, OR LOW INCOME HOUSING?  This is the big mystery.  They choose the best people and make them undergo this experience?  Why does Ann Coulter have to learn or need to live with me in this Section 8 or low income housing?  You admit this is your goal?  There are many ways to die, how do you want and expect to die?

SO NOW YOU WANT TO DIE AND EXPECT TO DIE FOR THIS:  Okay, pick your poison and stop playing these games or filling our life with more lies and more evil.  Why be so evil if you know you will never survive it?  In death and in total defeat, you can’t be honest or do the right thing; now that is pure evil and staring in the eyes of the devil.  Do you see me blink whatsoever, ever?  Go back and check thirty years ago, did I ever blink or give one inch?  Will I ever give one inch?  So you knew this but are such a coward, reality is not good enough?  It is a cowards retreat but we know it is a retreat, just not into our life or America.

DO YOU ADMIT WE ARE TRYING TO RESTORE LAW AND ORDER WHILE YOU ARE TRYING TO CREATE MORE CHAOS:  So now you admit we are or were trying to restore law and order while you tried anything you could to impose chaos or create more chaos on top of what you already had accomplished?  Then you left it the way it was, as if some form of poison was injected in us and you sat there and said, “you don’t have long to live why won’t you give up?”  If you admit we are trying to win this and restore justice, than you will admit to using every aspect of our life as your hideout or for your retreat.  Your objective was not cooperation at all, it was to do the opposite; make sure we never restore justice or ever have any law and order; admit this.  Then you also claimed we were or are still your Civil Rights stooges, meaning you were behind everything.  Unable to win any battles, you decided to impose evictions, one after the other, and then this changed to harmless 30 day notices; there is a paper trail.  You wanted me to know both Ann and I had to leave Florida or this will never end; citing it was your home and we had to leave or some form of punishment would begin.  In response, we had to request 100 times the hurricane and earthquake levels which bring us closer to civil war and total shut down.  Then you had lawyers try to manipulate the police to suggest you are prosecutors and we are powerless.  As seasoned as I am and having gone through 1000s of these already, I just brushed it off as another one of your scams or attacks.  Now that is going to get you the death penalty one way or the other!  To cover it up this time, you issued a 30 day notice to move which borders on harassment or a continuation of this kidnapping; your point is I could leave at any time but refuse to.  Now tell us everything you did after 2008, getting busted; to create chaos or ensure law and order would never survive; beyond trying to attack military bases or police stations.  Not only did you do all of this, you had political protection in power!  Therefore, you were able to do this in the open and on TV while you used us as your retreat; Civil Rights stooges.  You claimed we were merely victims of either physical abuse or sexual abuse, some form of fantasy or dream like state you kept us in.  Do you admit you are and were the aggressors from day one?  How can an aggressor call a cease fire and do a retreat into our life?

THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION:  Obama is not there to determine who is the aggressor and who is right, clearly.  He has no interest whatsoever in restoring law and order or taking these people down.  Did not do their part to restore law and order.  Instead, they never put pressure on you; it was aimed at us instead.  Therefore, to this day nobody has put pressure on your or made any of you accountable; your politics is the same as the Democrats and Obama because you all want Obama-care to be this retreat and life-line you have to obtain, out of desperation and severe budgetary pressure.  If you do not get any Obama-care; your survival becomes very precarious.  I did not need Section 8 housing or any of the same housing needs blacks needed as part of the social programs and projects already tried.  That was the wrong medicine and it got me very sick; so did all the rest.  You wanted to place me in low income housing and be the landlords.  Obama is not seeking law and order, not even accountability.  So what are you all seeking?  Is it the demand we care and take care of you, empathy?  As I have said repeatedly, your political leaders will starve their own people just to get political objectives that cannot possibly work or ever get past us or America!  Now do you want to end this or do we need 100 times the hurricanes and earthquakes?  All of you are and have been in the line of natural disasters; since you have come to America and in your home country.  We can trace all of you and look up the history of God’s Wrath on you.  This also makes you defiant, so you shake your fists at us also.  Do you admit you are and were the aggressors from day one?  How can an aggressor call a cease fire and do a retreat into our life?  Obama, similar to the Bush Family, let’s this political enemy run loose in our life and has no interest in restoring law and order, none.  If so, we need hard solid proof before they say “sold.”  To combat all of this I had to ask for 100 times the hurricane and earthquakes; that much of a problem.  How you will survive 100 times the current level of hurricane and earthquakes; is not our problem, it is yours and yours solely.

BORN IN THE USA:  If you were born and made in the USA, than you must be a huge-very big problem if nuclear weapons are needed to restore law and order to the political system; but do they even care?  Look, this idea of generating complaints or exploiting the facts about where they are born is not strong enough ammunition and it will not give them anymore raison d’etre.  They will stand their ground and keep away from us.  They will not exploit or kidnap us to make a buck; no less use us as a retreat if they fail or are a confident, very comfortable failure in life and politics.  Of course they are there for us or anybody, as Ann Coulter has proven to be true; however, when they help or get involved, our life turns into hell.  When they come around or call, even a drive-by or in a way we cannot file charges against them; a gigantic storm moves in and the sky turns dark.  Don’t use Florida or New York for their retreat or invasion.  I am sure they are very strong and competitive; but so are Ann and I; I being the stronger of the two.  Being my landlord and spying on me incessantly to interfere or sabotage life is the worst mistake ever; I am in a war zone already and well seasoned!  Both the Pentagon and FBI know I am well seasoned and can manage the entire matter; I can run or win a world war.  It won’t be my first one either!

AS THE AGGRESSOR THEY DO NOT  HAVE THE OPTION OR THE POWER TO DECLARE A CEASE FIRE:  Here we go with the Vietnam War again and the Paris Peace Talks of 1972 (Easter Bombing Campaign).  The communist forces do not have the power, position, or the wherewithal to declare the cease fire; an order was made for them to be dead and gone; hopefully arrested and under police authority.  Yet they refuse and act on their own behalf.  Do not retreat to America or the American political system either; and do not retreat or find comfort in our life or business.  If this is about the Vietnam War or reliving it, then this was the final continuation.  Both Ann and I have made it clear, one hundred times the hurricane and earthquakes and they should be dead and gone finally!  Fox News and Limbaugh Terror Forces are totally insane, they do not have the power to make demands or pass these bills.  This mole, landlord, and political pest need to shut up and be dead and gone; otherwise, we will take the necessary steps to make sure they are dead and gone!  This is not our problem either; sue the government and the system!  Who let them run loose in America or our life?  How about Ann Coulter, who allowed them to do all that to her?  All of their forces are nearly evicted or destroyed and they act as if they are on top of it or do not owe $2.5 billion in damages; no regrets or worries ever!  Yes I too believe they did a little too much to us and America; go wage war somewhere else?

DEAD AND GONE WHEN THIS IS FINALLY OVER:  If this political enemy did what I described and if it takes one times the hurricane and earthquake power to remove them or make sure they are dead and gone; then someone better figure out what to do with them before we get to that point.  They probably see it differently and have another explanation full of holes or lies; however, I have made it clear this communist and terrorist enemy will be dead and gone, or better be, when this is done!  If they are terrified and desperate, then this war with us, God, hurricane and earthquakes, or the political system will ensure us either their capture or total annihilation.  The other option is to come clean, pay the damages, and make sure things are right again.  This idea they can walk into my life or keep coming to my work to disrupt or carry forward some humiliating terror attack, will cease and desist when they are dead and gone.  So if they have political protection and if the leaders of the poor can finally see it our way; I suggest they figure out what to do with all this human trash and the empire of dirt they have summoned on us.  If they have the nerve to wage war on us and the nation, then seek aid and comfort in our residence or life clandestinely; then we have the nerve to ensure they are dead and gone when this is done.  My life and my residence or all my worldly possessions are not theirs or there for them to retreat to.  I doubt if I will retreat into their arms even if they try to make me into their image; scared, terrified, a total mess, and desperate.  This is the road they have taken and this is the road we need now.  I have asked for 10-100 times the level of hurricane and earthquakes to make sure they are dead and gone when this is finally over.  I also suggest they hush-up and put down that secret phone or sonic megaphone blaring into my ear 24-7 trying to drive me insane or test my grip with reality.  I also suggest they cease trying to make me the fool or some Civil Rights puppet, too beaten up to hold a job.  The wind will escape their body when this is over!  The government better find a perfect and logical answer to the problem before we make sure they are dead or gone; jail is the perfect home for this total loser and enemy; they refuse to go!  They claim it is some made up marriage real to only them.  I never asked for this and did not create the problem, so I wish they would just shut up about our retaliation or strategic initiatives!  I think I am the leading expert on communism right now, thank you and I have a long record fighting them or removing them from our life.  This will be their last chance on earth politically or militarily; they know damn well and we know it was totally deliberate.

RETREATING TO FLORIDA OR THE SOUTH TO ESCAPE THE COMMUNIST PROBLEM:  The question is where do we retreat or flee to if we are retired or do not want to be part of their side-show circus?  What if the police fall in civil war, where do they retreat to?  Or do they?  How about us, where do we have to retreat to?  All of you inner city and northerners who are retreating to Florida will run into the “other side” of the problem.  This is the problem when the city people begin to move into the rural areas.  Having money means nothing if you are not willing to work and do the chores needed to be self-sufficient; such as kidnapping people or holding them hostages.  Already the police are not able to adapt to this situation or bend and curve with our improvisation curve.  If the system was in place, then the people behind this would be arrested and jailed by now.  However, we have to hold them until the police arrive or until an arrest is made.  So the curve is not reliable when the police have to get involved.  Furthermore, the retreat path or roadmap is already their trap; they are landlords.  So according to Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces, we are retreating according to their wishes or roadmap, landlords.  This will initiate the beginning of the evictions and it will complete the entire circle where we cannot run, hide, or fight back.  They are not going to retreat into our life or our plans, we will take the steps needed to clean the system or clean out the problems.  I will make sure Ann Coulter has at least 1 billion when this is finally dead and gone.  She made a commitment so that is the least I can do because she volunteered to be in the line of fire with me!  This idea they are retreating to Ann Coulter is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.  I am going to cut their tongue out for that one also; three decades at our throat and now the communists are retreating into our life and homes?

I WOULD GIVE ANN A BILLION OF THE $2.5 BILLION IN DAMAGES:  You know Ann and I have been through a lot and a lot of life was taken away from us and replaced with very bad memories.  Our life was denied many of the basic ingredients a nuclear family would have given our work, prominence, talent, life planning, and overall drive.  We were put on this earth, not to struggle but to be something else.  It was abduction and a kidnapping we have trouble talking about and even are so used to it now; we can plan ambushes and speak in tactical ways a seasoned person can speak of their life and career.  I can’t say life was happy and I can’t say life was not happy.  It was the victory and it was the way we won that fought back.  Everybody saw how they were at our throats and how they got Ann and I to be at each other’s throat when they were the aggressor on both sides of this.  The worst part is they are so far past the point of no return; killing them would be a general relief.  Clearly, they would rather die than be taken alive.  So I would give Ann 1 billion of the 2.5 billion even if we went our separate ways, maybe she can do something useful with it or find some peace and happiness.  She spent her entire life worrying about my problems or addressing my concerns.  As a safety net, she found herself in dire straits, needing a rescue or being forced to do things just to have a normal life.  I understand what she went through and the people who did this.  I understand how they warp and weaken life.  I know how they attack and how they harass people in order to make their life a living hell; to deny them a normal happy life they deserve and work so hard to achieve.  I would give her a billion even if we had to depart, we have been through a lot together, a lot; always on the same page.  So the billion is either a hello or even a good-bye, it does not matter.

EVERYBODY IS BEING EVICTED:  I guess this eviction game is the system?  Blame the system or the people behind the system.

YOU ARE DECLARING A CEASE FIRE AS THE AGGRESSOR?  How in hell did a guilty SOB and aggressor, similar to the A-hole we have right now; get to declare a cease fire?  Why can’t we just nuke them or keep on nuking them?  They are not fake and tough?  What kind of nincompoop is a SOB because they are tough and not fake?  It would be so easy if we could freeze them; keep sending them a brutal winter, maybe then they will go away and just leave us alone?  Instead I have to ask for 100 times the hurricanes and earthquakes, how insulting!  Everybody has a Katrina moment in their life, I wonder what their breaking point is; one hurricane or one hundred?  You know if we could just keep nuking them and not let up until hell freezes over, I bet this SOB will just go away and die, not yet though!  I can see a world where we can nuke them every single day or even weekly; just to say we are there and not very happy with them or how they have handled this problem.  Okay back to reality.  This is a very tough enemy and they are not fake; we will need at least 10 times the hurricanes or earthquakes; please send relief immediately, I am still waiting for them to surrender and be arrested so I can get the $2.5 billion funding for my satellite warfare program startup.  Everybody is going through a holocaust experience, even if they don’t need to or have to.  Now the communists think they are the security for America; over their dead bodies!

BRET GAIER AND FOX NEWS SAID “THEY ARE SECURITY” ON JULY 17, 2014 @ APPROXIMATELY 10AM:  Listen you little bitch, I would smack the shit out of you but I know you will call me a Nazi and pretend to be a victim.  You manipulate the laws, courts, and reality.  Furthermore, we know already you are terrorists, not “security” for the communists.  Your double-down and full court press will only break your own legs.  We know who you are and how you operate; we can actually stop you with verbal martial art that paralyzes and terrorizes you deep down to your soul and bones.  You creak now like a busted communist and terrorist, not security.  As far as doing the dirty work, we called you a whore, a lunatic, and a little bitch didn’t us?  I will need 100 times the hurricanes, please send it quickly; sooner rather than later!  You are a terrorist, not security; stop trying to copy or duplicate everything we do.  Do your women even take a shower while on vacation in Florida, disgusting; I want to live with you and want to stay?  You are a communist, how on earth did you become “security?”

GTFO MY PLANE:  You either get the F off my plane or I throw you out, this high!  It is a long way down, a very long way.  Plus, you are so fat and stupid; everybody will hear when you hit ground zero.  You are a F’in peasant and we are F’in royals; please stop trying to act like us, this is very annoying in the third decade.  Yes over thirty years of this!  Now the F’in landlord is flying the plane, amazing!

PS, WHY DON’T YOU LEAVE, LANDLORDS:  See what happens when we have to live with such an ignorant, incompetent, stupid, feeble, and vulgar mouthed thief or criminal?  Is this supposed to make them more attractive to the ladies or the men?  Why don’t we leave?  You are the landlord?  Who is being turned back into a peasant and who is getting turned back into a royal?  Oh… is that what this is about?  Marriage, is this some joke?  We dig fat people and they think we are black?  What have they done to help minorities?  Is this some joke made up by some loser?  Hey it must be World War II again, leave?  Look at their insurance rates or what they have done to the insurance industry!  Now they want a welfare nation.  They also are convinced I am a queer, deep inside, as they are!  Dirtiest and most disgusting people walking this planet!  We have a great retaliation for the communists and a trap; I need 100 times the hurricane and earthquakes.  Keep calling other people Nazis or the problem; everybody is going through a hollow-cost experience.  They also seek legitimacy for the criminal world; otherwise, their power and legal domination will disappear.

IGNORANT PEASANTS AND IGNORANT RICH PEOPLE:  Don’t confuse our ignorance or my family background.  Sure they can dress up, act similarly, or pretend to be my parents; however, my parents were from extreme wealth.  Their ignorance is not the same as a peasant who is also ignorant, combative, low achievers, and possible communists.  There is rich ignorance and poor ignorance; and then there is other people watching what we have here or are going through.  We need 100 times the hurricane and earthquakes so that we can distinguish who is who or why.  Both Ann and I are ignorant but it is a different kind of ignorance.

NEW YORK PEOPLE, CRAPPIEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET:  Can we get fat and be gross somewhere else?  Come to Florida if you want to witness and experience the crappiest people on the planet.  Most lionized by how comfortable they are with themselves and each other; the rest by people who either want to be your sexual conquest or look at you as their sexual conquest.  Queer in speech, their vulgar mouth is unnoticeable and uncomfortable; yet lionized by living in squalor or never finding any real bargain in life.  So they argue but that queer little monster lies beneath; ready to send out the negativity.  They always seek followers but never really fit in or meet the standard of perfection.  So you get what we have here; a fool playing a man’s game in life.  Hey come to Florida if you want to experience what that squalor and fuss is all about; try sharing a beach with one of those things!  Did I mention how they are lionized by America or the true essence of freedom and power?  Yes please make our retirement and experience in the sun a living hell or full of negative people lionized by their incapable ability to find a home.  What does God think of them and what will America do to them, not for them?  Yes they are such a good addition to our life and this precarious situation.  Joined by a Mecca of squirrelly people who are lionized by how comfortable they are with themselves; they flee the ghetto only to create another one where it is beautiful.  Now who wants to see that eyesore in the state known for beaches?  Exactly, an invasion of the very rude body snatchers!

ARGUMENTATIVE, CAN’T DO NO WRONG, TOO COMFORTABLE WITH THEMSELVES, ALWAYS BREAKING THE RULES, IS A SLOB OR LIVES FILTHY, EXPECTS OTHERS TO CARE, WANTS TO BE TAKEN CARE OF, ONLY WANTS TO “TALK”, DOES NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH, ALWAYS TRYING TO SEND A MESSAGE OR TEACH US A LESSON, WANTS TO SCREAM AND YELL AT US, THINKS WE ARE DEAF, THINKS WE ARE ALSO BLIND, WANTS TO LIVE WITH OTHERS, ETC…  Who else is mad as hell and has a headache from this?  I am a happy, decent, and have a beautiful life; until you come around or talk to me, three decades of “run-ins” so far; on the receiving end of your terror campaign to destroy everything in my life.  This is who you are, how you survive in life, and this is all you have to fight with or keep you one foot in the grave.  The funny part is you did this so that your American experience is better; look what it got you in the end!  Are we supposed to embrace you and give you the love or care; security and safety, you finally are demanding?

TAKE A HARD LOOK AT YOUR ENERGY LEVEL OR LIFE FORCE REMAINING:  Yes I know, now please shut up and die.  Okay don’t die, just go away until the police arrive and take you all down.  I believe in the system, as slow and feeble as it is.  Do I look and sound stupid?  Do you?  Yes I am holding you.  Slut, shut your mouth before you get the shit smacked out of you; nobody likes you or wants to see what you look like in make-up or naked.  I am really pissed-off by you.  I am a happy and content person, a very good thinker.  This is your survival; you suck!  You are pathetic and disgusting!  How do you expect to win a war or civil war?  How would we ever kill an enemy such as this, a cartoon disaster who is too comfortable or evil with themselves?  If you feel that way, I will call an ambulance for you; you are that competent?  You could not call an ambulance for yourself and each other?  Holding you does not involve your feedback nor is it a romance story you sugar coat however you can make it fit.  You need to find a cure and right now, our DNA and life is what you are willing to die for; a theft and robbery.

DO YOU HAVE A BRUTAL WINTER?  It is a simple yes or no.  Than F you too!  I am not the government and until they arrest you and figure out how to bring you down; we need ten times more hurricanes and earthquakes; make it one hundred times until you are dead and gone.  I am not the system and I cannot arrest you, I can hold you until the police arrive only.  I can use whatever I want to subdue or disable you until the police arrive; right now I need 100 hurricanes, so F you!  I want to watch you suffer a brutal hellish winter also, power and outnumbered.  Don’t misunderstand what “holding” you really means or the reality of the matter; asshole!  I think you can read but do not understand English, it goes in one ear and out the other.

SOMEONE IS KICKING YOU OUT OF THE USA, KICKING YOU OUT OF OFFICE, WINNING THIS SECRET WAR, EXPELLING YOU, SHUTTING YOU DOWN, AND IS MORE POWERFUL OR IMPORTANT:  Stop lying, you started this war and now you can’t end it or find a legal solution.  You also refuse to pay any damages or do as ordered, a death wish or a psychopathic nutcase who wants to die.  You know it is like talking to a loser or the water boy who has gone totally nuts.  How feeble is the government and do we live in this entitlement bubble; this is the vision of your war against us.  You are the homeless, sick, and damned.  Your survival is to destroy people secretly and to employ terrorism, drugs, or other crimes.  You also feel this is the benchmark of “power”; the stronger force here.  We told you a long time ago to get out of our life or else we will kill all of you!  You refused repeatedly and said this back; a liar and a thief.  I know how this will end, it will be an extremely brutal winter, people need to blame your selfish criminal life and your endless lies.  Do you have a brutal winter or a hurricane?  Than F you!  Who told you to talk back like a small little bitch that needs the shit smacked out of them?  Outnumbering me or sneaking up on me is not going to get you anything but severe pain and suffering, hell will freeze over until the government takes you down and arrest you.  I am not the government or the system, however, I call it how I see it!

HOW ARE THE CHIPS GOING TO FALL AND HOW WILL THEY CALL IT?  You will get a brutal winter that you will never forget.  If that does not work, then another 30 days notice will be issued until you are brought down, arrested, cornered, expelled from the USA, die in a civil war, or surrender to the police as ordered; do the right thing and tell the truth.  Otherwise, your situation will get worse and worse; people will blame you and your fugitive secrets.  The sheet you are going by is completely different and the story you tell is sugar coated because you can do no wrong.  How do we know?  How do we know it was you?  How are we able to monitor the situation or shoot back with such accuracy and distance?

GET OUT OF JAIL OR CEASE FIRE?  It is going to be a very difficult and brutal winter, you can feel it already.  Obviously, the people we caught, such as Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces; are and have been willfully trying to make life as hard and demeaning as they can.  We are happy human beings but put us near or in the same room with this enemy and they can do no wrong or accept any accountability.  Their existence and survival is based on destroying others anyway they can.  They try to work them to death; also claim they are victims of physical and sexual abuse.  It is some form of mind control or mind F.  If their only means of survival in this world is to sneak up on people, manipulate the laws or utilize terror plots, stalk and kidnap VIPs they admire or hate, and destroy people by using sexual or physical abuse; then they will be exterminated for these secret crimes and this secret war.  The brutal weather and environment will get them eventually.

GOD MAKING LIFE EASIER FOR ONLY US:  The federal agents working this case and who will be arresting the many layers of the 911 terrorists or Communism USA; a bunch of white and black radicals hiding behind the cloak of hate, Civil Rights, and Israeli politics should be asking this after they are brought down and arrested:

1.       Did you or any affiliates you know of ever come to a worksite Alex or Ann was working at with the deliberate intention of causing problems, degrading them, or increasing the work load by working them to death?  Explain how, while they were there?  You called in and wanted to scream at them?  You wanted to make them your Civil Rights stooge?  Your legal predators make victim-hood a political platform for radicalization or a secret war?

a.       In the 1980s:  how many times?  Why?  Was it to make life less comfortable?
b.      In the 1990s:  how many times?  Why?  Was it to make life harder?
c.       In the 2000s:  how many times?  Why?  Was it to cause serious injury and get away?
d.      In the 2010s:  was all of this one big picture or tiny pieces?  Is this the only way you know how to survive; an eye for an eye or The Last Man Standing Secret War?  Was it to get away or work them to death?

2.   Did you create the problem; try to fix it, try to make it go away, or worse?  Did you also wage a secret war on America you refuse to disclose or reveal because of the criminal justice system?  If it is civil war or some other type of war, why would you act in this way; totally anonymous?  Why would you call a “cease fire” if you are the aggressor and criminal here, a fugitive running from the laws?  All of these actions have consequences, are you aware and understand this?  Why do you claim it is white and black; we are your Civil Rights stooge or sexual conquest?  Do you understand who is fighting you or who is retaliation, what it means and how serious this is or can get?

HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES EVERYWHERE:  30 day notice to move or find a new home?  Have you even learned anything yet or why you should not be F’in with every aspect of our life?  Stop dicking around with this or shooting off your vulgar mouth; you will be getting the beating of your life until your political party or your church is shut down, broke, and facing civil war.  As far as imposing a cease fire, it is not a get out of jail free card; jail is where you are going when this is over.  A cease fire is almost comparable to saying you will leave or leave us alone now; that simple?  Wait until world war begins and finds out that is behind it; what will happen to them under the auspices of military retaliation.  America is your little conquest and Civil Rights stooge; an entitlement state?  The winter is not even here yet, how much fight do you have left?

FRIENDS, FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS, AND OUTRIGHT QUEER:  Maybe if you try harder, Ann and I will be friends, friends with benefits, married, or  just plain queers!  It has to end eventually, will it work?

SCARED, TIRED, BEATEN, AND LOOKING FOR A MASTER:  Listen you queer little bitch, we caught a few of you doing this at my work site already.  Furthermore, I have the FBI and a task force on the other line, ready to kick your door in and shoot you.  This idea you can keep having “run-ins” such as public places or my own residence; is a very important matter.  They know it is you behind these incidents and run-ins.  If you cannot make this go away and keep up the pressure with these run-ins; your fight with hurricanes and earthquakes will be over.  All these run-ins justify what I said about you paying $2.5 billion.  When you are finally arrested and when you’re political or legal protection is taken out or gone; you will face arrest and I have the proof these run-ins add up to the big picture over the past thirty years.  All these disruptions were the accumulation of three decades of insults, disruptions, and these run-ins.  However, it is your leaders and those who can pay the $2.5 that matter the most.  A useless honky nigger looking for a master in life because he or she is scared, homeless, unemployed, does not know what to do, is ready to die, or wants to destroy us until we care or give a shit about them; is just futile.  All of you may be down and out, scared, desperate, tired, looking for better employment, or looking for a master in life; but this is just disgusting.

TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND LIFE AND NEEDS A MASTER OR OVERLORD:  Very clever how you manipulate the 911 system or the laws to your favor and bias; however, we have the overlords of the underground trapped, defeated, and helpless; all they can do are these run-ins or leave a mess for others to clean up.  I would not doubt if we can also nail you for 911 and terror plots.  You still have to talk or tell the full truth, otherwise you will get obstruction charges or worse, default.  What is default, the war with hurricane and earthquakes?  So the prosecutor will ask, “any particular reason why you want to kill them or destroy them?”  What will you say?

A POOR LITTLE BITCH WHO MAY BE GOOD LOOKING OR SEXY:  Another Run-in, More Attempts to Make Life Hell, Etc:  So I have had to call the police on yet another landlord scam and another attempt to make my life hell or extort money.  These run-ins, thousands now and the drive-bys; continue and so does the effort to make my life hell; however, we have their leaders and the people who can pay $2.5 billion in legal damages.  They claim I have to find a new home or pay them money, some form of a gift; otherwise, I will have life problems or face financial chaos or other insane life problems as my life is turned upside down.  They are not violent, not overtly, but are avoiding the truth or the police at all cost.  It is harassing and very annoying but the run-ins with the Jews, labor unions, left wing, radical communists, and organized crime continues.  It is some form of underground activity involving spies from other nations.  They way they are making life hell is to rent out property or include homeless and less desired people into our life to cause problems.  I have the FBI on the line and I have also called the police about this pest and harrowing experience, yet more run-ins with them as they are displaced and continue to look for jobs.  They are also trying to make me look crazy while their political leaders look totally incompetent or insane about poverty.  This is what you are watching right now; and reading.  This is how we caught them.  It is just another harassment and run-in of the bigger and larger picture.  They seek sympathy, empathy, and want to be “family.”

Find Another Home, Not Welcomed:  There are serious doubts about your judgment and sanity.  I am confused.  Here you are begging, crying, and babbling all day long about why you did this and to appeal to our secretive side.  First you kidnap me and try to get me fired or trap me in some hola-cost scenario, total chaos.  You try and try, endless attempts to crash into me until I am able to “group think” or study your labor union philosophy on teams or teammates; similar to social class or birth right.  Naturally, you proclaim yourself King or some ghetto princess.  Then you stalk me, kidnap me, and try to make it look as if I have serious problems or are mentally insane; even incompetent.  You embed black people in every part of my life but nobody knows who you are or what you are up to.  In the end, after getting caught, you launch relentless attacks using white people to suggest we do not know who is behind it or why.  At first, you claim to lovers.  Then it was a girlfriend.  Then it was a family, a marriage.  Then you went so far as to act out parenthood and tried to convince us we were your children or greatly admired and cared for.  Then you tried to steal Ann’s identity and suggest I have to move, leave, or go away; this is not important and nobody cares.  However, you are fighting terrorism and cannot be bothered; if so, you will destroy any enemy.  You claim it is an eye for an eye, A Last Man Standing Game.  You then tell me how you are done and are ready to die if anybody finds out, sitting there waiting for the reckoning.  When all else fails, you begin to sink in your hooks; serious car problems, unemployment, victims of hate and bullying, victims of sexual abuse or physical attacks, and some life switch or trading places.  Now you issue me a 30 day notice to move and tell me I have to find a new home to my face while floods, rain, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc… plague the US or poverty.  Are you suggesting I am a victim of the hollow-cost or are you a holocaust denier?  Are you going through the similar experience?  Why do you keep trying to teach me the law or about terrorism, through your own eyes?  What kind of an ignorant, selfish, and defiant bastard are you?  Shall we feed you and clothe you also?  How about take care of you, would you also like that?  Okay, why don’t we just drop this and let you go; will you leave us alone then?  Either we are supposed to kill you or nobody will ever know what went down, what you did, or what we did about it.  Now you think I am going to walk away and you can steal everything, even our soul and mourn our nation?  You were planning on slaughtering our military or forcing surrender, a slaughter; we know this and did it back!  If there were enough dead people, the out roar would be detrimental to our side.  Nobody wants war except for you but you claim to also be nonviolent.

Dear Fox News and Israel:  I had to listen to your coward ass for months about how you were going to bomb Iran.  You have had to listen to me wail about wanting more hurricane and earthquakes.  When the hell are you cowards going to say what you do or do what you say?  I had to listen to this crap every single day on Fox News, and then listen to Bin Limbaugh talking about bare cheated Tai Chi.  Now you act as if you are in the middle of war or something else really important; we are just a babbling useless idiot trying desperately to get your attention.  I would say you are at war and bit off more than you can swallow, jackass!  Are you going to do this to the entire world or just everybody?  If we torture you, will you talk or not?  This is world war and Israel is asleep, so is Fox News and Limbaugh?  Are you serious or am I imagining this?  Oh my God, I am knocking on their door everyday or coming to their work and trying desperately to be on Fox News or this circle of cocktails and hot white ass!  If you are all that and so hot, show your pussy and be real for once.  It might be your last act on earth, a club of hot pussy who never uses it but likes to flaunt it.  Hell I had to listen to this sex craved females for three decades!  Now are you going to bomb Iran or not, if not say so jackass.  Maybe we should call the stealth fighters and bomb your ass for being such a lousy piece of shit and a bottomless selfish coward; in war of course.  How did you get this legal defense or case you keep terrorizing or threatening?  Did I come to your work?  Did I have to leave my house?  Am I speaking on behalf of Ann Coulter or something?  Have you asked Ann yet or got it in writing?  Am I dying to get on Fox News and acting like a stupid bitch with a rock star?  Are you queers serious or should I kidnap you and give you the beating of your life?  So start a war and look important or too much war to worry about this!  Go ahead asshole.  Oh Ann… yes Ann!  You know Ann is going to get even and does it back to you; that is also how you got caught.  Yes she uses it but not like your sex craved females always doing a drive-by.  So bomb Iran, I want to see your pussy before the flies arrive (think why)!

ANY REASON TO KILL THEM:  Of course we will kill you if there is a good reason, what are you stupid or just a dumbass?  It is not as if we are chasing you around the house with a tornado or sneaking up on you and saying “one more step and I am going to drop your ass, stop and put your hands up!”  It is not as if you are leaving the doors open and running for your dear life because you are so scared of dying, is it?  Go ahead punk, make my day (the most powerful handgun ever made)!  I guess you were right.  Everybody is hateful and Nazis; except for you of course!  You were never in a holocaust situation, ever in your life.  You are not weak, as a matter of fact, you are in control.

TRYING TO WRITE THEIR OWN ANNE FRANK EXPERIENCE OR FIND MEANING IN IT:  Now we know why some political loser and two-bit horse shit would keep trapping me by using a tenant-landlord situation, my precarious situation they created over the years; to discredit white people, empower blacks or Civil Rights laws, monitor the situation to determine if it worked, discredit me while trying to make a quick buck off me, or trying to constantly throw me out and terrorize me, and lastly order me to fall in line.  We also know what you want in terms of being radical extremists and wounded communists.  You continue to harass or annoy me using this arrangement and claim you are not giving up, going down, or scared.  Oh you tried to get me fired before and now you have to issue a 30 day notice; I see how you are.  Oh double whammy, a 30 day notices to move from some queer ass F’er who hasn’t helped or learned their lesson yet?  How fast can you run and how courageous do you think you are?  You are aborting this battle because we are too strong, really?  Hey you might be dead by the end of the year if I can somehow get ten times the hurricane and earthquakes.  If I cannot shoot you, I sure as hell can quadruple the levels of retaliation or logical fate.  If the police cannot shoot you or chase your ass around the house; then we will need ten times the hurricane and earthquakes!  Thank you Mr. Landlord (Ray and Dave the queer parents or guardians); the era of 30 days notices has begun.  If we cannot put you behind prison, we sure as hell can earthquake you all!  Welcome to the world of the fugitive terrorist and communists!

LIKES BEING SNEAKY AND CHALLENGED:  Boy, now that is what I call water boarding!  Tell me if someone was steering a hurricane they did not steer that SOB right on our ass and got you center mass?  I bet all of you have ran to the library to check out that book by Anne Frank and shit was flying off the pages; you are starting to see new meaning everywhere!  You are probably reading your own life experience.  That is what I call smacking the shit out of you human pieces of shit and your vulgar mouth.  I know you have World War II on your mind so you must be flipping out at the world announcement that we can talk to your dog and control it, mind control.  Do you see Fox News and Limbaugh in tears, talking as if the world has ended?  Simply put mind control.  I bet there is not one copy of that Anne Frank book on the shelf now and I bet you read it to your kids every night so you can explain to them the true meaning of each chapter.  Golly gee, you are right I have to move and leave immediately!  I am going to move now okay but remember, every 30 days you will be reminded you are a fugitive from the law and you must surrender to the police or face one harrowing hollow-cause.  Talk about smacking the living shit out of you; another bad week.  Wait until your own pooch rips your face off in your sleep; now that is sneaky.  I cannot understand how you can remain so half-baked and stupid; I would be angry as hell.  I guess you did get drafted and you also teach the hurricane and earthquake program as it was explained to you; awesome teachers!  You teach the “public” version and not the “master” version.  Your religion or mind must be powerful; can we put a mirror underneath your nose and check out the half-baked?  You have a massive holocaust on your hands; do you want to be the lawyer or the head of it?  It’s like a recurring nightmare that keeps repeating!  Most people would be an emotional wreck by now, not you though, it’s half-baked.  I can’t wait until your little pooch turns on you from some secret government mind control program!  Yes it is because you are a human piece of shit and half-baked.  You don’t see anything wrong with half-baked or a piece of shit?  Well, this must be what the “silent majority” is all about.


I had no idea we were and are a dumbass who has to sit here and take whatever some piece of shit dish out or how you wreck and hijack our life.  We caught a human piece of crap and you still act as if you have us in some trap while the police are waiting and your investigators have concluded their findings.  I didn’t know you were a political bully either but we know you are a communist.  I guess what comes around goes around and you always get the short end of the stick while I get the best of both worlds.  When you can have anything you want, everything is junk.  Yet I recognize perfection and those who strive in life for this world you are completely detached from and hate.  This is your fault and you are a human piece of shit but you manage to spin the story, you hide and conceal your criminal life, and you are nothing more than a lunatic enemy who has to be killed or dropped like a sack of potatoes.  Even you know you are a piece of shit so let’s not sugar coat anything.  A human piece of shit will probably go insane in our world of perfection.  Yet you do it back, an eye for an eye to seek sympathy or empathy.  That is what is going on and how far you will take this to vindicate your existence.  Civil war is coming and you need to surrender to the police, with details; but you are a human piece of shit and a pro at this; what do you care?  You will rob and loot until you take over America or ruin everybody.  You will hound us until we leave or move.  You will stalk us and target us; hold us as prisoner in our own home.  Then we will beat a piece of shit down until you cannot get up every morning or until that piece of shit no longer exist in our world.  You will hang on for dear life and lie your way to the top, admit it.  We know you are the 911 terrorist and criminal terrorists; how do you see yourself, as us?  The same?  Do I need to repeat the need for ten times more hurricane and earthquakes?  So ask why we are here and whose fault is it?  You truly want war but you are lazy and will refuse to fight it, a draft dodger reincarnated as a piece of shit.

Did Anybody Hear Their Head Hit the Ground (Concussion):  How sneaky and how much trouble are you in?  I know you think the hurricane and earthquakes are funny while each of your states are thrown out of the union or shut down on your behalf; however, I am on the verge of another breakthrough.  I have used my Fishology skills to deploy satellites that summon Great White Sharks to your location and then superimpose your heat signature with one of an oily mackerel, a helpless baby seal, or a stinky pheasant any human being would be repulsed by.  This will terrify you and it will give us a new tool in our arsenal, to throw you out of beach communities or keep your junk off our pristine beaches.  The shark recognizes your species and thinks you are a baitfish, an actual dinner.  That should scare the hell out of you and make you more silent or psychotic.  That should keep your selfish real estate predator like desires away or put an end to your enticement tireless tricks.  Tell me if that does not scare the daylights out of you communists?  A Navy this scared is useless.  Furthermore, the police dogs trained to discriminate you and become animated with your DNA is a surprise you will discover soon!  Beware of the new breed of dogs who actually know who and what you are, programmed like my shark technology.  A hurricane and earthquake is just the tip of the iceberg but Rush Limbaugh was on to this in 2006; nobody can fool him!  Dogs, sharks, and humans truly hate you.  We have the technology to summon animals along with hurricanes or earthquakes; we don’t even need humans for world war.  Dogs and sharks can turn on you, as we have, but we know your story already, they hate also.  About your delusions, paranoia, or last man standing game…You think it is funny but it is part of my computer science, satellite warfare, and neuroscience expertise.  I can give dog instructions remotely and train them in secret; just like you do with human beings.  Oh come on, you know Ann and I are really into head F’in; just go away and shut up.

I am retired and a millionaire; why am I fighting wars for America or the head of all this, WTF?  Why am I the bad guy or struggling?  Why there is a queer or terrorist in my life all the time, am I a Civil Rights stooge now?  Have I been targeted and kidnapped; or being finished off?

Tell Israel to STFU II:  Israel has not granted them immunity or immigration rights; so we cannot nuke them yet.  However, we are watching closely, so is everybody?  If they turn their back on America and let the communist forces escape this, there will be hell to pay; landlords or not!  Why this little queer is not scared of us, is unknown; but they feel they are bringing out the flower that they are.  What a flower now!  We knew all along and warned them for decades!  Oh is this you’re dating game or game with sex?  You selfish monkeys are totally delusional and totally nuts; who is the problem?  What is the truth?  Do you even know what a lunatic or predator is?  Oh it’s all confidence?  America is an evil and mean place, so expect civil war and world war!  Oh you own and control America, I forgot; we have to sue you!  Do I look like your Civil Rights stooge; all NY and landlords?  America is F’in you over, not telling you to leave everybody alone, sue you?  You love minorities and think we are black?  Oh you are smarter, richer, and better at everything!  Well shit, let’s have sex with some fat slob.  Damn, you people been through hell, are you still horny and trying to make a buck off us?  Your women smell funny when naked, the men are disgusting; no wonder your women are this way, look at Fox News or Limbaugh.  Oh you must run the mafia and the underground, also terrorism and communism; welcome to America!  I bet you know your rights and the law also, this is a dumping ground or your playground, right?  My life is here for you to toy with or act like professors who are mad as hell?  You must be terrified by this or ten times the hurricanes?

It’s just a little political game and we are imagining it; they are winning, it’s our problem, and they are only trying to make a buck off of us.  They are above it all and not accountable, biased and control the media; they know the laws and know their rights as owners.  After them we will be ready for world war.  Hopefully, I will have my pristine life and $2.5 billion before world war begins.  It’s all a dating game and sex, they only want to make a buck off us; they have to eat and did nothing wrong; leave everybody alone is their message, not ours.  Ours is we want the truth and nothing but the truth, or die.  Eventually we will be at civil war, secret or not; and we will get the same outcomes; a homeless F’er and loser barking about what they want or how we have to leave everybody alone.  Then it is going to be about trying to exploit us, make a buck off us, or how they are landlords and we have to take care of them or else face eviction.  Increase the hurricanes by ten, we will eventually be at civil war even if I am their Civil Rights stooge, want change, or stuck in some dating game by these enticing females.  Presbyterians get married three to four times in their life, in case they are in learning mode.  Of course men are easily enticed by a pussy; why else would this queer be living with me?  That is the cold hard fact, eventually we will be at civil war or world war, I promise; I am just desensitizing the entire world and training them for this civil and world war.  They seem okay with being destroyed, I’m okay with destroying them also.  If Ann is going to kill them, she has to be more transparent; this F’er is as delusional and deliberate as they can get; a total lunatic.  How many times do we have to shoot them?  How many times do we have to beat the crap out of them?  Take a look at Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces if Ann is not transparent.  The worst part is Ann is telling me she was forced to do this and only wants a normal life; they keep lying and trying to spin the story; all lies.

This Landlord and Queer Ass is Trying Desperately to Make A Buck Off Us or This Dating Game:  Oh the Kentucky people want to F and have sex with us also?  Count California in on this sex game too, the dating game or hook up game with queers who want our kids!  Revoke their ability to own a home or cause anymore political problems, ten times the hurricanes!   Check out Rove and Fox News talking to me as if they are not even scared or unaffected, destroy every single one of them; ten times the hurricane and earthquakes until they are accountable, stop talking to me, and surrender to the real police.  We do not need to talk this out and they do not need to be on learning mode; both Ann and I told them to stop and stop talking to us a long time ago.  Now the queer asshole is pretending they don’t care, it’s our problem, they can do whatever they want, they are unaffected, they are Republicans, this is their home, I have to live with them, they are teaching us a lesson, etc… hey STFU we will kill you all when this is over, if not by war then some other way.  To end this, your fake queer communist ass will need to be accountable and a real human being.  Oh, it’s your home, it’s your hope, and we have to move or leave?  You are terrified and are trying to piss me off or get me fired?  I have 30 days to move and you are not guilty of kidnapping because I have choices and options?  Destroy all of them, I need ten times the hurricanes until they are accountable; this will teach those useless labor union, mafia, illegal immigrants, and Midwest F’ers who wrecked our life or still are.  The queer ass still wants a kid with us and thinks they are parents in a dating game; we can’t say no?  But wait, I am also their Civil Rights stooge; thank Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist forces.  I need ten times the hurricanes, they will never be allowed to buy a home or own property again, nobody will insure them.  Before the end of the fourth decade of this, they will face civil war or arrest, I promise!  Thank you Ann, I still owe you okay.  I am mad at you not because I hate you, I want you to win and have what you want in life.  I hate their F’in guts too.  They are acting like they are members of my own family or my best friend, outrageous.  All of them hide behind a door so I don’t knock their ass out or kick their ass for this!  I’ll tell America who to tar and feather; or lynch.

Oh Not Scared of Me Anymore and Talk Behind a Door While Unaccountable:  I don’t care if your queer ass is the landlord, stinks or does not shower, admires Asians or Asian cars, whether you hate or not but on learning mode, are the secret police, are from NY, is a poor immigrant, wants to have a baby with us, is on some fantasy dating game, is a selfish Jew or pretending otherwise, is tough because of your criminal life, is looking for muscle and friends, or just wants to call us names; we don’t care.  We want you shut down and gone, the sooner the better; and if you try anymore shit we will kill you; if not in war than a secret war.  Right now I need four to ten times more hurricanes so I can revoke your landlord or property rights.  You will never be allowed to own property in the USA again, citizen or not.  If you want to fight this out in the open, I’m right here.  You don’t need to mumble or hide behind any doors or play these games so we do not retaliate or call the police on your ass.  All of the Midwest is flooded and you will destroy each other, not us; when this is done.  Are you done yet?  The police are waiting for your surrender and the return of my normal millionaire life.  Yes you are oppressing that and delaying everything we had planned, everything; don’t forget that.  I don’t give a F if you are the CIA or related to the Bush Family either; you will destroy everybody with your silence and flaws when this is done.  This is no game where your looks count or we are your sexual conquest, asshole.  You are just some selfish damned gold-digger in hiding and trying to F with us anyhow you can.  We also know you are the communist and used the drug wars for political change; look at the change you have not implemented.  You are nothing more than a liar and a thief, a predator who has to be shot several times; how many so far?  WTF are you trying to live with me for and say “leave everybody alone?”  Is that supposed to be some lessons you are teaching or did you just learn it?  Also, don’t tell me you know the laws and your rights either; do I look like one of your stooges or a toy for you to F with?  We told you decades ago to stop talking to me, both Ann and I did.  We know you are communist and we know you are a queer ass MF; hence, we are beating the crap out of you.

Tell Israel to STFU:  I have never been Pro-Israel in my twenties, thirties, or now!  Stop acting like the landlord or a Christian!  I want the truth and nothing but the truth!  My message is not to leave everybody alone!  If I have to water board all of their asses, I will; bring it on?  How about STFU for once will you?  I thought they were trying to bomb the Middle East and cut off all of our oil, then move to Alaska because they have Asians and plentiful resources?  Oh I see, put us in the same room and tell us to work it out; it is not their problem?  As I said, they will never own property again.  Fox News said they wanted to bomb Iran; now they have the same message and tune, leave everybody alone and bring it on!  Oh wait, they are learning about Asians or the Asian economies, we are no longer a threat!  We are not a suspect anymore.  We are amazing!

Ann:  If you want to kill this MF by going to Paris, then make sure you say so and be transparent okay.  The transparency level will get you in more hot water, trust me!  If you are going to travel and kill them, make sure you are transparent; do you see Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces?  They are sitting there doing it right back on me!  Then the SOB is saying bring it on; it is our problem not theirs!  They are calling me and walking by, left and right; so if you are going to Paris to kill them, say so okay.  They will spin the entire matter, trust me; then in secret do it back on me!  You see what their F’in message is now?  I am not their F’in Civil Rights stooge and they cannot be a normal human person, very flawed and imperfect.

We are NOT the Dumping Area for the Drug Wars:  GET YOUR F’IN ASS OUT OF MY LIFE!  I DON’T GIVE A F IF YOUR MESSAGE IS TO LEAVE EVERYBODY ALONE OR HOW SELFISH YOUR CAPITALISM IS.  YOUR RIGHTS AS A COWARD HAVE BEEN REVOKED!  TRYING TO CIRCLE ME, LIMIT MY OPTIONS, TRAP ME, TALK TO ME, OR BE IN MY LIFE WILL ONLY GET YOU MORE STORMS, TORNADOES, TROPICAL STORMS, INSURANCE PROBLEMS, CHEAP ASS HOME BUILDERS, ETC.  DO YOU REALLY WANT TO F WITH US SOME MORE OR JUST LIVE WITH US AND INITIATE THE SITUATION?  OH YOU JUST WANT TO PICK MY MIND AND FIND OUT WHERE I STAND, A PROCESS OF BEING FRIENDS OR LEARNING ABOUT US?  I need four to ten times more hurricane and earthquakes, immediately!  Nobody wants them to be in charge or to own a home ever again, nobody!  They want us to bring it on now!  Oh yeah, we have the right to leave; just not be inconvenienced by any of this reckless behavior!  It is just money… who pays and who does not, right?  It is about retail and business, of course.  Yes, you are care-givers and only want to help, bring it on!

Your Message is “Leave Everybody Alone” and “We Are in Charge”:  I see how your creepy gutless guilty little ass is now.  Let me guess, you are in charge or still in charge right?  You all never learn do you?  Your rights as a landlord, renter, disabled veteran, or welfare recipient has expired; your option is civil war or surrender to the police.  Oh, it is our problem, not yours at all?  We know what you are up to in Florida so the Midwest is being destroyed because you are a gutless guinea pig trying to F with our thinking process.  Oh, now your message is to leave everybody alone, how convenient of a landlord are you?  You are limiting my options and I live under your rules huh?  Meanwhile, floods, storms, tornadoes, tropical storms, and other things everywhere!  Keep showing your F’in face or coming around; you will get far worse than a concussion from this and will destroy each other.  We will not destroy each other.  I see, all you want to do is agitate the situation and provoke us to make an arrest?  The blame game and the last man standing game; now it is leaving everybody alone or legalize drugs?  Your creepy selfish ass is also open minded too I bet?  I also think you are faking your Christianity, admit it; it’s a costume.  I see, you are helping us help you?

The Church of Immigrants, Workers, and Factories:  Why the F are you dictating to Asians or cold warriors?  How about those home owners, farmers, and Midwest labor union members?  Oh, we are turning you into communists; you are not already hardcore communists?  Prove it.  Oh we are also your sexual conquests and Civil Rights stooges; still?  Oh, you are going to stop and when you decide to stop, your troubles and problems will just go away?  That is logical isn’t it?  Your church is persecuted by the elite and rich people, even Republicans?  Oh now it is about Asians.  You are landlords, media stars, gold diggers, selfish, do not want violence, and know your rights?  You are professors of criminal law and the law, even hold an appointment?  You have seniority also, I see.  You control the money in America and jobs, even Capital Hill.  Either you surrender to the police, get arrested; or we will escalate it to ten times what you have been through; you are also surrounded, not us.  You also knew I was a millionaire by marriage and you had to send in your queers or dictate more junk, and told me to move or else you will issue a 30 day notice.  I guess it is over now and you have stopped.  Are we still your Civil Rights stooge and are you going to keep educating us?  You are only weak on crime, not guilty of anything else?  We need to learn how to get along or live with you because you came to America before us?  How about those communist and labor unions in the Midwest?  Oh I see, we are hostile to you Americans; and you are in need of care-givers?  You have a lot of financial and life problems?  Yet we are your Civil Rights stooges, you are not a media stooge?  All you are doing is trying to protest and get us fired?  This is why we need four or ten more times the hurricane and earthquakes before world war begin.  It was an accident, you were wrong, will stop, and are very sorry?

Ann Coulter and I, Know Your Rights and The Law:  You will destroy each other and we will prevail; however, your stupid tricks have backfired in a manner that is so bad, it is a great day for you to die.  As far as your church queer games, I’d kidnap you and give you the beating of your life; try it; nobody is in the mood to tell your queers to stop or go away, nobody.  Do we need to here your advice or professorship of liberal America, terrorism, capitalism, business, or communism; you have been busted, how far do you want to take us or take this?  Oh I see, you understand but only want to show your queer little pussy now; you are a defiant, stubborn, ignorant little bitch who just cannot leave us alone or stop!  Eventually, you will have to explain what you did to Ann Coulter or how false and criminal it was.  Then everything will begin to collapse on you; but your property rights are in a very small box right now, the situation is so tense, you were terrified and desperate throughout the entire ordeal and faking your courage and intelligence.  Even a retard understands what death or danger is.  Oh you need a Civil Rights stooge and want us to provide the publicity you need, Asian economies!  What do you do when we bust you and shut you down or shut you up?  Let me guess, you know your rights and the laws; we need to shut up and go away!  In case you are not aware, I am already a millionaire but not by law, why?  Why are you F’in with millionaires or being such a useless nigger?  Do we have to spend money on you or kill you?

Interference and Retaliation:  Oh now your story is you are beginning to experience both interference and resistance; but you are almost done?  Don’t bother you while this is going on?  Bitch you are going to die for this, so why don’t you shut up and know your damn place?  I do not and many people do not think or feel you are a full policeman or authenticated.  I think you are trying to hang on for dear life, are looking for a job, or just some rag-tag immigrant acting like they have a home or are looking for a secure paycheek (constant financial security).  As far as being an asshole, you have tipped the scales, left wing or right wing.  Keep throwing everything you have at us; you will get everything America has in retaliation!  Using terrorism to train our military is not what we are about; I am training our forces right now while we kill your church and terrorism scams.  Your landlords will never be landlords again, ever!  Do I need to know what the laws say about you or your freedom and privileges?  You are the professor of America?  The box you live in will be reduced and shrunk until you surrender to the police and pay the $2.5 billion in damages; guilty of terrorism and manipulation of our life and road maps.  It is a legal matter and your manipulation of our life and the laws have ended abruptly; a good day for you to die.

America is Such an Evil and Mean Place:  As I have told their kidnappers and the criminals talking to us right now; we have zero sympathy for educating us on how evil America is and what their leadership means to us.  If they show their face while all of these measures are being implemented; there will be more “immediate” retaliation.  We are not going to support the 1960s crowd or the liberal left wing communists.  Furthermore, kidnapping us using employment or property rights simply mean they are no longer allowed to own property or buy a house.  Yes, this too is being implemented.  I will need four times the hurricane and earthquakes to complete that task, please hurry with my request and please hurry with seeking closure.  I am not going to be one of their Civil Rights media puppets or a victim of any of this, even if I am caught in between two extremely terrorist forces.  Teach me any more junk or show your face and I will ask for ten times the hurricane and earthquakes.  If needed, immigrate to France; go home, there is no welfare here anymore.  As far as the drug wars and the political impact; we are in battle currently; civil war may be arriving sooner than expected.  All of them are ordered to withdraw and surrender, otherwise, face total destruction and chaos.  I am getting a little tired and fed up telling them to stop!  Because they have issued a 30 day order to move; they will get a 30 day order each and every 30 days; from here on to the end.  War is their best way out and I have gotten our forces ready for world war, my mission in life.  It is and was a Trojan Horse strategy, destroy us from within and then use democracy to implement the changes needed for control and communism.

Do We Want to Talk to You or Do We Have too:  The truth is you will end up pissing off the people who can hurricane and earthquake you; you can’t possibly ever make it up.  Furthermore, if someone is watching you and if someone knows what you have done or are trying to do; they will become so enraged, hurricane and earthquake retaliation becomes second nature.  You take something simple like home ownership and use it as an instrument of crime, brainwashing, communism, kidnapping, etc… Then you butcher up things more by suggesting it is about Civil Rights when all you are doing is calling Asians black to our face.  It is the dumbest trick ever but it is fashioned to drum up support and empathy.  You remember empathy and how you get people to agree don’t you?  When that box gets so small it crushes you or when your insurance got so high government and public assistance is needed; you will put a hand out and it will get the smacking of its life.  Why is your hand still out?  Last Man Standing or last hand out?  Because you have implemented a 30 day notice, every thirty days you will be issued a notice from now to the very bitter cold end.  Now, who do you blame for that?  Do you think Ann Coulter wants to talk to you or does she have to talk to you, why do we have to?

Nobody Wants You to Own a Home or Buy a House Anymore:  You have been expelled, understand yet?  The impact of your real estate dreams are far reaching beyond Civil Rights.  Nobody wants you to own or buy a home, look at the insurance problems you have imposed on this nation!  Eventually, we will not agree with you and you will break like a twig.  We know you do not want to fight and have investigated the matter; it is a loose across the board, nothing.  We literally shut you down but the damage has been done before we could arrest you.  The rights of a home owner or property ownership had and was abused by your political movement and Party; do not push it on us or sell us more junk ready for a makeover.  You have abused the rights of a home owner severely.  You are therefore banned from all ownership in the US jurisdiction until you do the right thing and seek closure.  You will ruin everybody with your selfish predator criminal life.  You will be evicted until your war on America becomes transparent or not so cowardice.  That is the problem here and we have the solution and the people behind it.  Stop using me as your Civil Rights model or push me towards publicity or media attention for these excesses and abuses.  The insurance rates will wipe out all of you, even your richest and most powerful primates; they will turn on you, we will guarantee this.  If it comes to war, we will just kill you; no questions asked.  That is the result of your stupid scandal or lies about me or Ann Coulter.  You are not behind my retirement either; I stand on my own two feet F’er.  See how you manipulate Asia or Asian economies; now you know how fast it can come to an end or what we can do about your little conspiracy, using me primarily as your puppet.  You will never own a home again unless you do the right thing and the prudent thing immediately!  Evicting me, scaring me, verbally harassing me, playing tricks on me, pissing me off all hours of the day, trying to corrupt me, trying to confuse me, enticing me, making my life hell, ruining every aspect of my life, showing your face everywhere I go as a coincidence, etc… is how we know you are a pure hardcore communist.  We also traced it, you need to immigrate to France and stop saying you do not know what to do or sorry!

You Are Under 30 Day Notice Cycles:  Keep using phony landlords to drum up support for Civil Rights or discrimination laws.  Keep the dream alive by manipulating my desperate need for housing now that you have kidnapped me and sunk your hooks into my financial health.  Keep trying to manipulate the matter by using employment as a means to either teach me workplace discrimination or force me to enter law school after ten full years of college.  Keep trying to mentor me by giving me the experience fitting of a useless nigger.  Why don’t you continue to go online and use fake aliases online to harass or verbally accost me into a position you feel is in agreement with Civil Rights.  Yes deploy your strippers also and your sexual predators; all organized criminal cash cows.  Keep telling me you are stronger or how I have to live under the laws you refuse to enforce or enclosed.  Why don’t you get two same sex stooges to pretend you are Ann and I, and then do back on us how Ann embarrassed you or the verbal sting I have left deep in your soul.  My language is at a killer instinct level and the seeds that will compel you to surrender or die trying to escape.  I see that landlord scam has not gotten you terrified or desperate yet.  You claim you are trying to hire me as muscle but I am fake or not up to your criminal standards in a deadly fight.  You actually want me to become your assassin.  Wrong again, very wrong; either you surrender or we impose a 30 day rule, to be imposed every 30 days from here on.

Exploiting Housing Arrangements to Forward a Civil Rights Case for Publicity or Media Attention:  We know you are using real estate law to affirm Civil Rights or the black movement or low rent cycles.  Now your landlord has made it clear you are in a heap of legal trouble for trying to drag me into court or deploying one failed effort after the next to get a national law suit or personal injury damages.  Right now you just tried and had tried before to drag me into court to file a “discrimination” suit against landlords for verbal harassment, mistreatment, and a host of other “black related” matters during the 1960s.  Furthermore, you manipulated the Jewish position as landlords to favor welfare or public funds.  You tried to take credit for my military retirement not even knowing a damn clue what I was working for or working on.  Clearly I was hand chosen to teach the topic but now that you have turned my life upside down and used me as some stooge to file a Civil Rights or discrimination suit against so-called “Neo Nazi” groups or white supervises; I am back to square one, caught between white and black, both the same and a lunatic predator.  Since your strategic aim was to kidnap me and use me as a media stooge to parade around your discrimination or sexual harassment (by a bunch of loser queers); Anti-discrimination discrimination is exactly what you are doing.  Right now you want me to pick a side, black or white.  However, when I choose white; you deploy race-baiting and had used both real estate rentals and employment as a vehicle of extremism.  I guess we will have to impose a 30 day rule.  You must surrender to the police as ordered.  You are under arrest.  You will face eviction or severe punishment or retaliation; it will quantify and multiply by escalation.  You will ruin your life, your future, and those you claim to be helping or represent.  You have also been ordered to immigrate to France rather than the US who will prosecute communism or spying by communist groups.  Yet you claim not to be a suspect during the entire ordeal.  You have waged war on the Office of Hurricane-Earthquakes and they have waged infinite or never-ending war back on you.

You have 30 Days to Relocate to France and Get Out of the Jurisdictions:  So, you got caught again trying to marry off your sex offenders or predators in some form of healthy family or spouse scam.  Well, you got caught again!  You are advocating we rebuild their life by making us empathize with their hardships as sex offenders and child molesters; your church policies.  All of you are scam artists, not reliving the American Indian Wars where women are abducted because it is their home.  We also know you are the communist toying with our logic circuits and thinking abilities.  Do throw another wrench into my life; see what kind of police retaliation arrives.  This is about predators struggling and trying to find them a comfortable home; rebuilding their life.  Oh I get it now, your secret police and court has granted a divorce, with full merits and honors.  Why do you have to immigrate to America, welfare?  Are we in competition for you all?

30 Days to Move or Relocate:  So now you are giving me 30 days notice to move?  I see you have or are trying to wave the white flag, unfortunately, it is not the end of this and it is still an open ended thread.  If you think letting things calm down while you try another tactic or trick is going to be your escape or winning move; think again.  The box you live in, with us now; is doubling and quadrupling yearly.  I know the pressure was immense and you have had a harrowing life changing ordeal, forcing me to move and using my home to hold me as a prisoner did not work and got you in more hot water than you have ever had so far.  One of us learned a lesson and one of us moved with their pride intact.  As far as my credit and what you should have fixed, it still has not been fixed.  I am still in that box but it is not shrinking, it is getting bigger while yours is ending.  I will take this as your first harrowing experience and you throwing in the towel finally because things got too hot in the kitchen with your parents, family, friends, or same sex marriage fantasies.  You are done for now but your “Last Man Standing” game is not finished until someone is dead.  When the coast is clear and I am out of the kill zone; we make our move to take you down.  Don’t ever forget how this game is played or who will win it.  I almost had the police on you and you almost got caught for being my landlord or tampering with my car.  Like usual, you will create a mess and try to walk away unscathed or beaten severely.  Hopefully, we can hurricane or earthquake you on a higher scale when I get rid of you; when the situation improves.

Should Know the Police and Military Forces are Behind It:  Now when the floods, drought, monsoons, tropical storms, tornadoes, and earthquakes come; you will know the police are behind them and will be storming your home, right behind it.  The pieces are in place and you were ordered to surrender to the police and given proper warning.  If you delay, then it will be another futile, illegal, and low down trick to wiggle out of another yet harrowing experience.  The seeds were planted with Ann Coulter also idiot; we see how you wiggled out of that.  Keep in mind, things will double and quadruple on a yearly basis if you truly have a death wish and are only trying to wiggle out of your criminal life.  How is that for the ending of the cold war and taking on the communist forces in America!  This was my F’in homecoming and my sacred parade you decided to piss on.  Things will get worse and become deadly for all of you; end your looting and crime spree immediately; the police are waiting.

The Seeds Have Been Planted in Your Mind:  This encroachment or taking me as a hostage in my own home has allowed us to plant the seeds in all of your minds.  Your leaders have been informed and briefed in detail.  We will know shortly if you do the right thing; as I said you are under arrest and need to surrender this war.  The box you live in will double and quadruple yearly.  This was just to get you off me and keep you away; not seek compromise or some agreement.  We go by our own planning sheet, not yours asshole.  When will you ever learn?  I am a prisoner to your legal moves but you are also a prisoner to the situation.  I have to comply with the 30 day notice, which was actually your notice to vacate, cease, or desist; leave!  I highly suggest you get these sex offenders and molesters out of our life, immediately!  I don’t care if your church or politics is behind it or them.

Insurance Scam, Victimhood, Extortion, Racketeering, Protection Racket, Terror Plot, or Other:  It sounds like you are trying to force us to sue you for damages while you use it to gain political points.  It is undefined but a conspiracy for certain, very unwanted.  Apparently, we have to talk to you!  What will I say…

Want to Talk or Have to Talk:  Let’s not state the obvious.  Yes, we enjoy talking to stubborn, ignorant, and rag-tag flimsy people who struggle in life; feel their pain.  Political junk collectors and junk makeover, via jobs or marriage; terrific and terrified now; yes and we have to talk to them while they claim we have to talk to them.

Always About Sexual Battery, Physical Assault, Rape, or Sexual Molestation:  Why are you always trying to show up at a parking lot, frequent location, public facility, or somewhere vital at the same time?  Also, stop signs and signal lights are your favorite spots to “coincidentally” meet.  Then it is how you are trying to get me fired, how terrified you are, or how desperate you are.  The problem with you is nobody likes you and nobody wants to talk to you; yet you still impose more and more ridiculous junk about how you are not weak.  We know why you are always the primary suspect in rape cases.  I call it pandering or extortion.  Online, you change your costume to a 16 year old girl or this 40 something cougar; always a beautiful and cruel female nobody can tolerate.  See, you must not be weak and must truly love us to death; hence, we are going to see if x4 times the hurricane and earthquakes can test how strong you are.  Drugs make this fantasy of yours more real, especially when it comes to thinking matters.  Dumb already you get three times as dumb, idiot like, when on drugs or alcohol.  Actually you are scary careful when under the influence.  Do you really think we are stupid enough to think it is a coincidence after three decades of destroying your forces?  You live in a tiny bubble, not me; that box you live in is smaller now and going to get so tiny, you will go insane!

Not Weak, Stronger:  So this “Last Man Standing” game is to determine who is stronger politically?  This drug war and all of this crime is to see who is stronger or has the stronger force in politics?  I am trapped in your competition or event?  Poor and always searching for jobs, you are stronger as a race?  I think you have gone bonkers, really.  Do you really expect me to feel your pain?  Do you expect anybody too?  Yes, it makes sense; almost like your women who make fake profiles on dating sites or why you are acting like a coward hiding underground.  A hurricane is chasing you, run!  Don’t tell me how great of a swimmer you are idiot.  People would laugh at your fat face or tell you how fugly you are if you keep playing this game; yes, one hand behind your back and never doubt you either!  I bet your women are good MMA fighters, especially with police officers!  Do you remember when you were online?  I do.  How strong were you?  Yes and you are the egg of child abuse or child molesters also.  Tell the Vatican we will nuke them if they do not get these sex offenders out of our lives!

A Greedy No-Damn Good Lunatic and Selfish Predator:  Admit you all are desperate and poor.  Now we know who kept showing up or sneaking into our high school parties!  We also know what you want to talk about and who you were.  I recall all of you had to be hospitalized with either broken jaws, stitches, or a concussion for crashing our high school parties and then mouthing off.  Nothing has changed has it?  This is what you get for messing with military families; even I don’t get paid much in terms of salary.  You got the hurricane and earthquake MMA style of retaliation.  You also face criminal charges and punitive damages, keep showing up and wrecking our lives.

Feel Their Pain Yet:  Yes and I have to pay rent to live with you while this is going on!  Business leaders!  The worst was Dave White but all of them smell (horrible smells) they tamper with my car and belongings (mostly car), they sabotage my computers, are completely annoying or living “large” on either SSI disability or welfare.  Did I mention they tell me to leave or move daily, even do things to “encourage” me, thank you communists!  I sure empathized with you, do you feel our pain also?  We need x4 times the hurricanes and earthquakes; this won’t get past the fourth decade; blame the government and system.  Landlords?  Not a suspect at all… none of them are.

They are Insiders and Business Leaders, Not Communist Terrorists:  Boy is they pissing off all the cold warriors and anti-communist forces!  They even look better!  Did I mention how pissed off Ann gets when this useless nigger talks to me or hits on me as if it is a mutual attraction?  Did I mention how pissed off I get when one of these stooges is needed to retaliate or shut them up?  Ann grabs one of their own stooges and uses them as a lightning rod, which worsens their lunatic paranoia and makes them more retarded.  Yes keep talking to me; as a matter of fact, make contact with Ann or try to communicate with her also!  Why did I tell her to knock it off?  What did she say?  I too want a normal peaceful life without this communist lunatic trying to communicate or teach us communism; now it is about immigration or trying to get us high.  How are we going to stop the communists and this terror plot?  It is beyond a joke while Ann is on the other end; or me.  Now the joke is on them, what a lunatic and such a retard!  It is so annoying… you literally wants to kill them!  They claim to be peaceful and democratic!  Jesus loves you?

Talking to a Lunatic:  If the police and security forces have to use a hurricane or earthquake; if I keep having to request 2x or 4x amounts of hurricane and earthquake retaliation; If you truly live in a fantasy world where we are your sexual prey, sexual victim, or undergo physical assault without the possibility of shooting your ass in the head; if all of this is true than you belong behind bars for life.  You got a severe head injury alright; but nobody knows how exactly you got it and none of you are willing to say if the police come asking.  Even if you are charged with murder, you still pretend to be the No-Nothing Party.  I would not say it is stupidity, I would say it is survival.  Everything you are doing from the start to the end now, is for survival.  You definitely are a lunatic if you are getting drunk and trying to talk to me at work about how close you are to getting me fired and how desperate and terrified you were through all of this.  You look and act like normal people; even the police cannot tell you are terrorists or communists, you all look like models or secret X-rated stars.  Maybe there is something you forgot to tell us or show us?  Maybe we left something out?  Maybe you are so much more cunning and sneaky we do not even have a chance?  Maybe you are just a lunatic with a gigantic headache; a stooge who jumps when called and completely unaware of your surrounding?  If we have to hurricane and earthquake you, then you are definitely a lunatic!  Tell the world how much you love America or what America can do to you!  Don’t ever talk to me and tell me okay, I will teach you some manners since you have not learned any yet.  When we are done, you will have the biggest and maddest headache this world will ever know!  A lunatic does not scare easy, do they?  They want us to empathize or understand where they are coming from, am I right?  You want to teach us communism and are the teachers for America, aren’t you?  Too bad for you, isn’t it?

The Jews and Donald Sterling:  Everybody saw the secret methods you use to communicate or how you manipulate the media.  Upset and angry, actually furious over the matter and wishing to shoot your ass, Ann grabs one of your stooges and uses him as a puppet to shut your ass up.  The problem with this is the residual and how delusional or fanatic the entire matter is.  It damages her life.  It has damaged her life and I know she is doing this; however, I told her before enough is enough.  Than it all switched to me, retaliation and doing back on me what Ann did on you.  I had to quell that one really fast!  I don’t know where they are today but in the ground is find with me.  So now Ann has to disprove that one, like a string of pearls and a chain reaction.  All secret and all in a manner so you won’t be arrested or get killed; the truth is I hate your guts and really would shoot you instead of talking to you; but I have been kidnapped or hijacked, forced to.  Now Ann is back to where she started with Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Immigrants.  This is how you recruited me or tried; how I caught you finally.  You got the whole story wrong and it is a surprise party for me, jackass!  Everything including Ann’s private life or sex life is a surprise party for me.  Why and how you showed up or got invited is a really big headache and continues to be.  Now you see the erosion effect?  Your headache gets bigger while you try to make my headache permanent for the rest of my life.  Ann wants a normal life without you but this is what you demand from both of us.  You want to talk.  You want to be friends.  You want us to give you something.  You give us way too much attention or your life.  All of you communists are predators and all of you are being taught a lesson.  You may die before you learn these manners or get taught this lesson, we will see!  Yes another close call!  Ann wants a normal life without any of you!  I want a normal life without any of you!  This, is what everybody is watching and what the police reports should clearly say.  Can’t we just kill you?  Yet still you insist we are being sexually molested, physically assaulted, and all of this fear and intimidation is your emotional retaliation!  We have to empathize with your American immigration and give you socialism or welfare.

We Hate Your Guts and Don’t Want to Talk to You, Learn Some F’in Manners:  I have experienced way too much of this kidnapping.  I have asked for four times the hurricane and earthquake levels, to solve this problem.  The problem with you F’ers is neither Ann nor I want to talk to you.  We hate your F’in guts and have told you to stay away or else we will launch a maelstrom of hurricanes and earthquakes.  You ignore these warnings and act as if we have to help you or you are going to be deported, so you get what you have here, doggy style.  You drive-by trying to show off or teach us something, you always show up at intersections too “slick” the lights red, you show up at the same time I do constantly; and you do things to give people a complete headache.  We have a complete headache when you are around and when we see your stupid face doing what you do.  I believe in high school a few of you showed up with your foul mouth (The Bush Family either sponsored you or brought some of you to America and the DC-VA area) and while drunk ran it.  A few of the redneck military people broke your jaw or kicked you until you were unconscious.  So I can see how you have taken it to me or appealed to me how great of a human being you are or what you can do for us (nothing).  You are on the verge of being getting an earthquake MMA style.  You talk to people and look out into the world with these bifocals and you struggle through life as a total loser and someone nobody wants to talk to.  Why you bother both Ann and I, we don’t know.  Maybe it is some fascination with minorities and maybe you think we are the same or connected by some bipolar cosmic phenomenon.  We are ready to shoot your ass or worse, steer a hurricane so it follows you on the freeway like OJ.  Everybody is watching that chase on TV, seeing you dodge left and right.  Yet you think we want to talk to you! 

Do We Have to Teach You Communists Manners or Kill You, Live Underground in America with Us:  The days of breaking your jaw or knocking your ass out is gone.  We have grown up now into professional adults.  All of you will pay a heavy price for this before the fourth decade, I promise.  You think Ann is giving you a headache because we want to see your stupid face or follies.  I mean an imbecile is not enough to describe you all.  Even your whites have a mouth or a vulgar mouth and you constantly want to use it when we get a headache each time you try and communist your way into our surrounding.  Yeah, like we are going to give you welfare or a gift; how about a knuckle-sandwich!  If this was high school, your jaw would be broken and your injuries would be severe; but it is not.  We want to shoot you, not talk to your “French” or European ass.  That is your problem and has been your problem for three decades now.  We see this with Fox News and Limbaugh communist forces; such as the landlord and this guy Dave who is “in your face” slob and annoying as hell.  Do tamper or put a finger on my car, I will summon giant hail to touch your cars.  All of you are on the verge of an earthquake for continuously trying to talk to other minorities or humans.  You need to also learn some manners and if a war is needed, then it shall be ready and forthcoming before the fourth decade of this.  Your system must be undergoing haywire emotions.  If you have not experienced a gigantic headache (Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorists) than you are either faking your death or trying to look alive and kicking.  The truth is Ann does not want to talk to you and is doing this only because you won’t leave me alone or keep communicating with me using secret channels, technology, or criminal methods.  Ann is doing it back, which is the truth; she hates your guts. 

FYI:  I think I understand what Ann is trying to do, it is similar to what is happening on this end.  All you are is a piece of meat and a tool, to be used and disposed of.  This is why you refuse to report it and what you wanted me to report or experience.  However, you up and jump to so many conclusions; used, abused, and thrown away; you cling to this lasting friendship that will never go away.  It is thuggery and a lunatic we have, clearly; an empty shell of nothing.  That is not Buddhism or the path of enlightenment, obviously.  She is trying to shut you up and reverse what you do or have done with your stupid advances and groping; I don’t like it but what choice do I have watching it?  Someone needs to get you on the ground and unload all they have on you like a battery of armaments, military mode of operation style.  Again, we want a normal life while you try everything possible to ensure we never have one or will ever get one!  That is worth $2.5 billion but how will you ever explain it now that the criminal complaints are filed and waiting adjudication?  Die?

Your politics is nothing more than thuggery.  Other than this, you really are defenseless beyond coming to our work site, sitting there in protest, stalking us in life, and crying like a bitch at all hours of the night like a Banshee.  It is aimed and coordinated to get me fired and to cause as much financial or life problems as possible while you wait for me to knock on your door or make that call, in tears or broken.  You see it as a relationship or some form of imaginary marriage.  As I said, your communist and terrorist forces are teetering on bankruptcy and expulsion; however, you are defenseless.  Your appeals now after getting caught are all emotional and ridiculous; full of lies.  So other than corruption, all you have to defend yourself is lying, cheating, and stealing.  Hence, you live with me or try to become a roommate and landlord.  This is supposed to make your thuggery more real and your reach closer; another emotional appeal.  You really do not have a way out of this left wing trap or being trapped and interrogated in a right wing trap.  Look at your choice of immigrants, mostly here for menial and temporary jobs; very flimsy and welfare bound.  Again, one step already in the grave; you are defenseless and you continue to make contact, be an illegal part of our life, and claim you can muster all retaliation or consequences; which are all lies.  Furthermore, you are closer to becoming legitimate due to our work and my life.  You owe both Ann and I a lot of lost time as our relationship and partnership in life is also teetering; the glue now is our promise to fight you to hell and for hell.  If civil war is what you want and need; then let me remind you how defenseless you are other than a few lunatics in your coffers to shoot up malls and schools.  This will not make your children safer or many more marketable.  To a certain degree, it is socialism and it is pointless.  For a while the reports on Ann were the only source I could use to verify my partnership with her; but we see what those reports have done while she confuses and challenges your spy networks that are also in hot pursuit or stalking her.  You are a thug and nothing more than a laughing lunatic in my life, three decades already.  The question is had you had enough now that we have explored your defenses and brinkmanship at the nuclear levels.  We know and you know how fragile you are living on the edge; and we also know you break like a twig under combat pressures; the legitimizing part is more formidable and difficult to fight; you are a victim in all sense of the word, and pure evil, an empty shell looking for anything.

  1. Did it ever occur to Fox News or Limbaugh Terrorist forces both Ann and I are doing this to laugh in their face?  It looks like the only despondent, broke, and desperate people in America are them and their politics.  Did it ever occur to them what we talk about in private besides intimacy or other private matters?  She tells me and I tell her and we both go out into the world and find out who did this to us and do much more than laugh in their face or protect our citizenship and dish out a bit of their own “go home we do not want to stay here anymore America” which always bites them in the ass.  So yes if this is laughing in their face, then it is all they are going to get no matter how hard they try or how far they take this.
  2. Isn’t it strange how these three states keep popping up when it comes to drugs, organized crime, and strange or oddball immigrants?  Look at their choice of stock and then look at their politics.  Isn’t it also strange how terrorism or the terror plots always circle around NY, TX, and FL?  How about the drug routes?  How about the mafia?  How about these crazed immigrants know are left wing.  They just keep trying to pull us deeper in their despair. 
  3. Isn’t it strange how these states are advancing the immigrant rights while they are here illegally/ or so far behind?  They end up spilling over other states in search of a future or jobs.  One example is the state of Virginia where it has the best public services available.  The only thing they are getting is a plane ticket home, so keep this going as long as they can.  We not only know all about it, we are scratching names off of an enemies list.  How is that for laughing in their face?

You still expect us to bend over backwards for you or to take care of your needs.  If I can’t shoot you, if Ann Coulter can’t shoot you, if the police can’t shoot you, and if the FBI can’t shoot you for terrorism or hijacking everything; than we need more hurricanes and earthquakes; it is that simple, four times what would kill the average human being.  Are you human beings?  Than you have to prove this and have a very big hill to climb now.  The fact you are desperate, sick, angry, stupid, or terrified; is not a legal defense.  If so, write it down and tell the FBI from start to end.  We caught you for 911 and you covered that up and spun it also.  You saw us take this to the FBI in 1998-2001.

Whatever your scam is why you didn’t just surrender to the police and tell them everything, why spin the story to fit your “well intentions?”  Why did you have to be on attack from start to go, all offense; why not get out of our life and tell the truth; why tell us to move or leave?  Again, if people were hurt and getting more hurt by your actions, why didn’t you stop and end this Last Man Standing scam or conspiracy?  None of this makes sense until you are forced to tell the story about how Ann Coulter only wanted a normal life with me but no matter what she did or I did, you made sure both of us never had a good life or a normal life.  When the police said, you did what to who; you clammed up and claimed we did everything or did this to you.  The truth was we should have shot you at hello and even today we should shoot you on sight for terrorism; but we can’t and the FBI HRT cannot; can Special Forces shoot your ass or will you take this to the TV and media how gun rights are behind this?  Muslims are not behind this either or the destruction of America, you all are.  That is your cover up and what kind of a useless nigger you truly want to be.  Why didn’t you just take this to the police and tell the truth from start to finish, why spin it or put the blame on us while you told the public you are trying to help?  Do you see or hear this in the reports about you?  Finally, if you are and were watching us closely, a prisoner of yours; didn’t it occur to you we took this to the FBI and would shoot you if it was this serious?  You prevented us from escaping and prevented retaliation or punishment, we would shoot you on sight; admit this.  You kept showing up or coming around to harass and injure us more while you hijacked our life; so we were forced to demand more hurricanes and earthquakes, at least four times the level that would kill a useless nigger or communist.  So the real story is you met bad fortune because the police won or are winning, admit it.

You do not want to work, you want to spread the disease, steal our DNA genetics, exploit our life, do photo ops or show up next to us, and be the heir to all of this so it takes away your insanity and hell.  The way to the cold warrior heart is military battle, such the case now.  Why can’t we shoot you if you kidnapped us, explain this one!  Why can’t Ann Coulter shoot you?  She had to call me instead and I had trouble shooting you, ask the police.  Let me guess, we are always calling you for help and you don’t really like helping do you, a draft dodger?  You better ask Ann Coulter about this before you tell me okay; I am fed up with you and would shoot you on sight, why can't I?  Are you better or more perfect at everything in my life?  The reason why you are a predator is greed; hence, you show up in a picture with Ann but still cannot tell her story; useless piece of shit you turned out to be!  It is your greed that turns you into this predator and an enemy.  You don’t want to work either and when you do, you F everything up and cause chaos!  All you want to do is sit there and spread the disease or disaster; we now are trapped until you surrender to the police.  Why haven’t you?

Terrorism:  Do you still think you have more fight than the Vietnamese?  War is long and this one is really long, satellite warfare.  All of these wars and terrorism, do you have more fight until you are dead?  Why can’t we shoot you?  Why can’t you shoot us?  Why do we have to talk it out?  If you got hijacked, I would tell someone; as Ann Coulter did.  You have more fight than the Vietnamese?  Is this a joke, ask Ann Coulter.  You are more loved and got cheated by the Vietnam War?  You can kiss my ass many times over and F off.  All of this to prove you are worthy of public service and only want to die?  Say it to everybody and not to us; you are trash and dirt, nothing else.  A greedy, lazy, evil fat slob and lazy immigrant whose only concern is leisure and accusing everybody of impeding your growth; the inevitable victim here and in America; we must be in love with you or trying to impress you, a show off.  Oh just look at the drug wars and your politics, for the people right?  I think it is time for you to die or surrender to the police; we need more hurricanes and more earthquakes.  Why didn’t we shoot you at hello, dammit; now we all are damaged and desperate!

Stop Impeding and Invading Our Heaven:  I will make this clear again and again.  I don’t give a shit if you are a holocaust victim or a former slave; I don’t even give a shit if you are sorry or admire us way too much.  I don’t care if your hair fell out or if you are born a fat slob.  Are we clear on this or how we cannot shoot your ass while you do these paralyzing violent attacks to shut us up?  Are you going to get me fire this time and are you really desperate and terrified?  The minute you show up, things go to hell but you keep inviting us like a stinking drunk loser or a ignorant drug addict.  If you did not use chemical weapons or psychological weapons on either Ann or myself, why then are we mysteriously sick and so angry with you; the world is totally nuts except your teachings and heaven?  So you did kidnap us or tried?  We cannot live with you, can you live without Ann or I; greedy gold digging predator?  If it is not terrorism, than what is it, a hijacking?  Is it your will to wage war on us, an eye or an eye; unwritten laws?  So why haven’t we shot you if you kidnapped us or hijacked our life, explain.  Does the mafia do this also?  Don’t you think we are a little too big of a fish for your lousy useless nigger life of crime?  You have not told the Ann Coulter story but when you do, people will ask why we did not shoot you while you got us terribly sick and angry.  Don't you think we would kill you at hello?  Our future is Latino politics and immigrants?  Go the F backs to the Midwest will you!  They have not caught you for the drug wars or terror plots; but I wonder if there is a problem with the police also; your politics and Jerusalem.  The more you work the more you turn into a fat slob, yeah okay.  Drugs make you look better and tougher?  Things are bigger and better in Texas?  If you ever talk to me again and if I cannot shoot you for this; I will ask for three times more hurricanes and earthquakes; such as now.  I am retired so I can look good for you, really you useless nigger?

Is this the Holy Land (Jerusalem) or My F’in Life:  Wait, this is about Ann Coulter right?  You ought to know that when it comes to military matters, the Vietnamese are involved.  Especially some goofy ass left wing American and draft dodger.  If you were not such a F’in coward or thief, I would shoot your ass right now.  However, you have changed the rules on us while telling me to leave or move.  Show your face again and make sure I cannot shoot your ass; see what will happen proud American you truly are!  You are not a proud American, you are desperate and terrified.  You have made this clear by your actions; don’t change it with your empty words.  We would shoot your F’in ass on sight, don’t lie about how proud you are or how patriotic.  You need to believe we will shoot you on sight and you need to believe we hate your F’in guts; for all the right reasons.  However, you have taken security or preventive measures; even national security.  Keep showing your face, keep coming around, keep talking to us, etc… there will not be a fourth decade, I promise; Desperate or terrified.  I understand you are sorry, the landlord, or living in the backroom; we need more hurricanes and more earthquakes.  This was made clear a long time ago when you are ordered to surrender to the police, you are under arrest and I would shoot you if you did not paralyze us.  Sue Obama, why are you talking to me you useless nigger?  Let me guess, you are also blind and stupid?  You mean well?  You are very tough and ignorant, even a greedy thief?  We can’t stop you and are powerless?  We are confused, depressed, and need anger management?  We are a victim also?  You are still trying to hire us?  I would shoot you right now if you were not such a coward or paralyzed our politics and life.

You Better Pay the $2.5 Billion and Surrender to the Police, Your F’in Ass:  Ann is trying to prove to me she only wanted a normal life while you are making sure she never gets one; such the case with my life now and my legal damages of $2.5 billion because you hijacked my life, tried to get me fired for decades, made sure I was desperate, suffering, and terrified for you useless niggers (Irish and blacks) while you said the Muslims are attacking.  This was not about Terrorism; don’t try to change the story.  Now we need more hurricane and earthquakes to reverse everything you did or break your will for war!  You associate all of us with the wrath of God or Mother Nature, admit it!  Does that stop you or has it?  Yes immigrant rights, go home!  Do you really want to tell your story to us, here is your test!    America has F’d you over, asshole; I am making sure of this now!  I am not moving until you are dead or destroyed, got it?  God bless the USA for bringing this war to your F’in doorsteps and making suffer such embarrassments, especially Fox News.  If you ever try to buy anymore of America, vulnerable or not; we will nuke the F out of you all and your country of origin; got it?  Have you learned your lesson yet or do we need a world war?  You are an idiot for showing your face or keep trying, never show your face around us, drive-by or not.  Are we clear?  Don’t ever tell us to stop either; we need more hurricanes and more earthquakes now!

Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces:  If you had half a brain, you would realize the problem with mixing retirees and the mafia.  But you don’t and here we are again, again, and then again.  Furthermore, why in hell would you mix these people with elites, VIPs, or even more normal people?  These messy and sick women throw diapers in parking lots because they think it is a love message or some type of marriage counseling, which is how insane you truly are.  You ought to know now there is no way out of it and you can only injure more people; but apparently none of you care and you want us to do the same; be damned and made in your image.  Again, you give people way too much attention and a lot of it is unwanted, unheeded, and very annoying.  Now you think you are still my teacher in life and it really pisses me off.  We need more hurricanes and more earthquakes until this ends and you are behind bars.  Eventually, you will have to tell the story behind Ann Coulter and I; I am not moving until then, over your dead body.  You associate me with Katrina and the President has made it clear, he does not give a damn about your feelings; neither do I.  This is crystal clear because I have not moved and you are suffering more than ever before your inevitable death.  He doesn’t care and I don’t care, just take a hike or be blown away.  You are just a useless nigger with an attitude problem but we are here to fix that same problem.  Other than this, there is really no other way to describe any of you.  Yes the world is so evil, we have to be corrupt, not care, and be a traitor with you; sure okay.  Why do you keep saying it was supposed to be private and you felt it would never be made public, we don’t like you and made this clear a long time ago while you were on attack or attacking us.  It goes in one ear and out the other while you try to exploit the situation and hide.  A little bitch and a little whore is one way to describe you, no damn good and a useless little nigger with an attitude.  Yes you are predators and this is about money, clearly!

Your organizational skills, black or white, are unacceptable.  Your moral bearings, black or white, are far beyond the scope of unacceptable.  You have a history of victories on the battlefield and also a history of brutality as an empire.  Your leaders are nothing more than gold-diggers; left or right, female or male, white or black, Republican or Democrat, communist or capitalist, authority or not, etc… You continue to fight us or trap us in your hellish imaginary world where being disconnect from reality is how you prove your manhood or skills.  Again, you have an undefeated history on the battlefield that has just turned really ugly for you, the same financially.  Therefore, you can use your plight, your religion, or even your women to dignify or justify your existence in our world but let me make it clear; you are not fooling anyone here.  As far as your politics and control of the American landscape, it is a Trojan Horse and we know it; you are here to take over America on the backs of immigrants or the poor.  Continue as you are and you will be destroyed anyhow, anywhere, and by any means.  Turn your back on the justice system or the guilt you are adding more to and you will suffer immeasurable hardships and pain; all imaginary I figure?  The day when you have to explain all of this is approaching but it will not go past four decades, I promise, civil war will arrive before then.  So if America and the world want another world war or even civil war, let this be documented how you turned your backs on reality and the truth, again!  Corruption does not even come close to your evil or treachery, treason is close but it is beyond the scope of measure; all to ensure your survival of the cold war ending.  This is the cold war ending, the history and the printed record, you forget who the teachers are and where it all came from.

This was about money.  It was about you trying to buy everything.  It was about your standards and ours.  It was about the fine line between us and you.  Obviously you are corrupt and a predator, looking for anything you can get your hands on, even our bodies.  You also think you are the history of America or the soul of America; bought and own everything, don’t you?  You can read our story and biography.  You were doomed at hello.  Why you continue to act as if you are a big player or still in the loop, is beyond guilt.  You do it with me also, constantly showing your face and acting like we are connected in some way.  I hate your guts, honestly.  Eventually, you will know you were doomed at hello.  However, the legal case against you is when you knew and what you did.  I said Ann and I made plans back in 1989; you were doomed then.  The crime is not that unless you are totally corrupt or an idiot.  You are still doomed now but far worse than the wrath of Ann or me.

Does Ann Coulter have a gun on you?  Are you in a trap?  Did you have to change your tune or try to make it appear as a business decision or mistake?  Are you now trying to play with reality to suggest we imagined it and it was only a mistake; we saw only the bad side of this?  So Ann is using this to have you treat me better or prevent you from hurting me, insurance!  She is holding you down in a fight, imagine that, a female.  It is as if you are scared of my girl, ready to fatally bite you while I am preparing your legalized execution.  You forgot to mention why you got so nice and changed your tune; also the murder plot and extortion.  It is very logical if the police hold the same cards and play the game as we have.  So who owes $2.5 billion if not Fox News and Limbaugh terrorist forces?  Is the government in a conspiracy or hiding information relevant to assess damages or were they a victim of those who withhold evidence and information to make a proper arrest?  That is a very fatal mistake, very.  Again, you still have to tell the story about Ann and I, avoiding it won’t make it go away.  You demand proof or you had it years ago and wanted to kill it but could not because we are too protected and strong?  I did prepare for a vicious fight in 1990, made plans, re-read the record; this is my backup plan in case we got into a mess or attacked viciously.

Dear Fox News and Limbaugh Terrorist Forces:  I do not need to know who you are and what you are doing or did.  I really do not need to know the stakes or for you to report it.  As far as making us dependent while you keep pretending you are “helping” or here for some imaginary race war you not only started but manage, that is your terror plot.  This is not about hurricanes or earthquakes; it is about whether or not you will get away with terrorism, kidnapping, extortion, and a host of other crimes.  This is about treason of the highest nature, your will and your demands.  It is about whether or not you will get away even if we caught you and everybody on this earth is reading or watching it unfold.  Your unbridled protection scheme or politics is the worst and most evil this world has ever come across.  So you tell us and the world what it will take and how long it will be until justice is served or you are compelled to surrender, cease and desist, and vacate.  Not only are you being shut down and thrown out, these important questions must be answered.  Your scam and confidence is based on a culture of looting, a stampede, and this idea there are more of you than us.  Eventually, you have to tell the story of Ann Coulter and satellite warfare, my belonging and my mission since I was nineteen years old.  None of you seem to even have one answer or the right one, odd?

We are trying to study the impact of hurricanes and earthquakes on your individual behavior and your group think.  Does it curb or stop your criminal penchant?  Does it change the mentality of a person who does not care about anybody or themselves?  Does hurricane and earthquakes alter the consciousness of the communist forces?  How about domestic politics, is there a correlation between a hurricane and religious politics?  Is Fox News or Limbaugh terrorist forces more or less likely to attack me if I request three times more hurricanes?  Does an earthquake compel them to surrender or boost their audacity to loot our life and country?  Real or imagined, this relationship is very important.  Do they associate me with bad events in their life?  Why would they want to impose this on me or Ann?  Do they have a breaking point or a point where they are less ignorant and more agreeable?

  1. O’reilly on 1 July 2014 @ approx. 8pm said they cannot F off because we are blood relatives and I have to be taught lessons.  This is exactly why the police want to talk to them, to vindicate their “Last Man Standing” plight.  We know they are desperate and we know they are terrified; it is all very logical and easily explained.  Is this about making babies or money; dependency?  Do they have a business plan or are they trying to only destroy mine?  That is nearly impossible.  When someone tells them to F off, F off; beat it!  Is this some competition to stay or go?  Remember, eventually you have to tell the story of Ann Coulter and I.  If not to the police than to every single human being walking this earth, do you know what they will say or how they will react?  Look up… that is what they will say and how they will react.  Yes it is deliberate and that obvious, we need more hurricanes and three times more earthquakes; this will not stay under the radar or go past four decades.
  2. If you owe $2.5 billion and are going to be arrested for obstruction of justice while we teach you a lesson or throw you out for corruption or worse charges; than understand how deliberate we are.  You said you wanted to talk but would not show your face; hence, I filed charges with the FBI in 1998.  Now we see your face and we have a dialogue; called “The Last Man Standing.”  It is all very logical and very easy to explain; however, it all depends on which side you are on!  If they are blood relatives, than I have to take care of them or met their financial needs; I felt this was about total losers who wanted or needed super genetics so they could produce a race baiting super kid from the DNA of either Ann Coulter or myself, which prevented us from having a normal life or kids also while they kept it going endlessly.  If they wanted to just talk, why didn’t they talk to Ann instead of continually calling me or acting as her messenger by getting between us, why hijack it so nobody would find out?  Now they are far more damaged and desperate than we ever will be; and terrified!
  3. To undergo what they are going through is enough to kill many human beings many times over.  Sure they are tough and uncivilized, in the fox holes and trenches; getting their hands dirty with skin in the game or even getting the message out.  However, this is the epic scene they want to put out and not what is actually going on; false representation and severe reckless behavior.  Why in hell are they still messing with my car or killing my battery and then telling me to move it?  How would they feel if we played with their car or used several hurricane and earthquakes to shut their life down?  It is what they did to us.  We need more hurricane and earthquakes, many more before this is done or gone.  They need to learn how to F off and leave other human beings alone, family or not.  Now the only person getting taught a lesson is their stupid ridiculous existence.  Is this an endless competition or challenge?
  4. It would help their case if they were on my Facebook, verified and accepted as a friend; otherwise, proving any of this is impossible.  Remember, eventually you have to tell the story of Ann Coulter and I.  If not to the police than to every single human being walking this earth, do you know what they will say or how they will react?  Look up… that is what they will say and how they will react.  Yes it is deliberate and that obvious, we need more hurricanes and three times more earthquakes; this will not stay under the radar or go past four decades.  I have no idea if you will be killed before the end but keep digging; there is nobody to rescue you, nothing!

Are they saying we can’t or do not know how to do this also?  We can’t fight them or fight back?  Somebody film this and document all of it, force them to tell their own story!  I wonder if their nerves are rattled.  If so, they hide it well!  Lip quiver?  Hands shaking?  Loud outbursts?  Radicalized and a ticking time bomb?  We are the best on this earth, who the F do they think they are?  You are a stubborn, defiant, and ignorant enemy.  We can circle you, trap you, and then bomb your camps with shit and dead bodies.  There is a degree of sophistication in humans.  There is a point where shit and dead bodies stink so bad, the sophistication of the matter takes over.  No, not you all; you don’t even rank as an enemy or a human being.  You see the data and the reports; how do they see it, they have a fighting chance?  The shame and embarrassment will probably kill them; The Nanny Politician from hell!  We see this conscription in communist nations, not here in America!  Fox News said they are not in the trenches or foxholes, we are!

You don’t give a shit or are your nerves rattled?  Let us see your hands!  Film this coward before and after arrest, are their nerves rattled?  Arrest them and let’s see the hands, nerves rattled yet?  Yes, you really hate my family, the Presbyterians, and my dad; don’t you!  Your homeless ass and evil church is really trying to F us up or throw a wrench into everything, sabotage and extortion, aren’t you!  I am asking for double and triple of the hurricane and earthquakes!  You will learn how to F off even if we have to kill you or worse!  When this is done, you will be on your knees and you will tell the world you understand now and will never make this mistake ever again; even if it kills you!  You are a predator, terrorist, and psychopath; clearly!  If you do not F off and pay the damages; civil war will arrive before the fourth decade of this.  The record will state who is to blame, why, and all the details.  So if you wish to report this or study your history; tell the story about why you are desperate and terrified; rotten to the core.  You political will is nothing more than a little faggot who is very near death!  I need more hurricanes and more earthquakes; as many as America can throw at them!  If they surrender, double it so they get it and F off.  Have you ever seen such pretty people with uncontrollable lip quiver?  How does it feel, back at you!  Who is the phony one?  They feel no pain or can understand, liars?

Similar to Ann Coulter, I too wanted a normal life and got dealt this crap; how do I respond and how will I retaliate?  Wait and see, just wait and see… it will be a masterpiece!  As a computer scientist (2nd in the state of Virginia in 1988) I think on many levels simultaneously.  Yes they screwed that up also.  They screw up everything, trust me.  They will continue to feed us the wrong story and will never go after the right one, what’s their problem?  Who are the communists?  Who is this terrorist we caught?

Why are you always instigating or trying to do harm to others?  Can you explain or is that the “Last Man Standing” game of survival you force us into also?  Just because you drive Asian cars or have a Prius, does not mean Asians support same sex marriage or want to.  That is totally crazy and another insane effort.  I have never had a homosexual friend nor made any attempt to have one.  Most Asians don’t even want to go there so don’t make us “think it.”

Do they really think I want to hear their stupid crap every single day or even want to see their face?  Do they really think I need to be told how or why they are trying to get me fired because they are desperate and terrified?  Is Fox News and Limbaugh stating for the record they cannot pay the $2.5 billion or defiance, they refuse to pay over their dead bodies?  As far as compliance, it is another scam, one after the other.  These are the terms and there will not be a fourth decade, civil war will arrive before the fortieth year of this.  If this is what they want, then this is what they will get; I need more hurricanes and earthquakes; hurry up and stop dicking around, get ready for civil war with the left wing and drug cartels.  The record is there for the historians and this is unconventional warfare; but how do they explain it or take it to the public?  Oh, keep telling me to leave; I will shout back with lightning and thunder as a warning!  When this is done, they will be a gigantic rust belt and these are the terms if they decide to stay or choose the death penalty; punishment for hijacking our life, mission, and all of this.  Remember, we know it does not return or come back; so those are the terms as the little box they live in get smaller and smaller.  Keep using the media and ignorance as a self defense mechanism for terrorism and communism.  We are preparing our forces for civil war and world war; also unconventional warfare!  Yes, do shut the F up and go away, don’t ever show your face again!  Our forces, the side of righteousness and moral bearings; are almost ready as I am for anything they have; including world war!  Trust me on this, I am an expert and this is my mission; unfortunately, we drafted America again.  This is the egg and origin of unconventional warfare; I have been targeted as a VIP.

Here is a list of the most important aspects and details for the reporters and camera crews!  The police have official “For Official Use Only” versions.

The media is invited in this unconventional war, come as you are if you wish!  It depends on who you ask but “some” would call me “one dirty nigger.”  They love dirty niggers.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.