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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Thursday, July 30, 2009 If you ask me, I am one of those people who feel a court martial is the most horrible, terrifying, and humiliating decisions. To be court marshaled when the evidence is against you and when you are the vehicle and the same footprints the enemy is using to walk in a mine field is career ending. That is what makes me a decent choice when it comes to a military family and tradition. I fear that and bow down to it, I do not want it or to jeopardize that gamble no matter how brave or much I wish to show off. There is no other reason to step on a line which is designed for safety and to protect our side and their side. They were and trying to arrest you and use that to advance your prisoner swap or dating game. If you are not afraid to die, then I will court martial you and you can prove this to their side, not our side. This is extreme risk taking and so annoying it has to be banned.

If the murder scene has your footprints everywhere and we are tracing it or if your vehicle is always parked outside their house and their car outside yours; you better have a good reason. I personally do not want anyone in my family who is friends with a known terror suspect, dated one, went to dinner with one, and openly is seen with one. That is just me. Maybe you have some power or might in you that do not fear being judged by a court martial and by the one person you trust the most and admit were a miracle and made you the happiest person. I would fear that court martial and stay home, stay out of trouble, and would not even talk to a terror suspect. You are being used and they got you in more trouble correct? When will you learn? You play ball and avoid trouble? You are a quitter and that is final.

I would see all the military forces and get behind the fire line so the police do not say “does she have a toy gun or a real one?” They have real ones and so do I. Military people are the meanest people in the world, me included, and prancing around in a fire fight or well beyond the DMZ is not only dumb; it will cause you to be a hostage, get raped, and become unwanted or some bargaining chip for the terrorists. It is to their advantage and you are clearly aiding the enemy, fist bump! Every argument being used now to make them bullet proof is from you. Their armor traces to you. The only foot print is yours. The car they are using to escape belongs to you. If you ask me, you are not bullet proof or super woman and there is a reason why you tick people off and end up needing a rescue. You are a quitter and that is final.

Now it is not necessary and either they will kill you or one of the military-police forces. I personally do not want any terrorist in my family and I do not want any connection to one. I fear a court martial and if you are trying to get in trouble or brag about trouble; you go as much as you want and need now. I fear that court martial enough not to even go out or ever step on that line; I would fall to my knees to show discipline and honor. You ask who you are doing it for now if not nobody. You are in trouble and major trouble and you want more and more. So this is the most trouble you can ever get, your best friend and the only person you trust will request your court martial; if you fear it, then fear it. If you do not, then stay in their camp and do not put footprints all over or let them use your ammo, footprints, or energy. Fist bump!

Don’t kiss them and beg; crack a bottle over their head and stop being a god damn pussy and a lush. I’ll kick them in the back, I have no problem with that either. That is why you are getting court marshaled and acting like some super commando when they are surrounded by the meanest of the meanest military people on this earth. Why are you so special and need so many rescue while pissing your own side off and arguing incessantly and asked to provide a decent answer? You said you have none and you are in trouble now. Hell you hit harder than they do and you cause more problems in life than they do. That is why you are being court marshaled; oh, and spend the weekend with them and hide it from me to avoid a court martial. In your mind, you are a prize. In mine, you do not know.

I do not know anybody in a military family or system that does not fear the most humiliating mark on their record and see it as a badge of courage or find it as an opportunity to prance around and protest or debate whose judgment is better or vague. It is called a foot fault in tennis and even if it is not intentional; most people and pros do not rack up 20 or 200 of them. If you have to do what you have to do (even build a criminal case on him) then you are of no use right now and the entire surrounding force has concurred; you cannot even see your tracks all over or why they are so slippery and sliding; you are even better than they are and it is a foot fault. Soon you will be a hostage and are already in major trouble. This is why they call you a crazy lady and mad woman; do you want to impress them or yourself? So let’s play ball and see if you are in trouble.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Rooftop lyrics by Lost Prophets

Last Train lyrics by Lost Prophets

Ann, I know Axl Rose looks like Doug Carter who ended up the lead singer of the same band. They were close friends and wanted me to join but I was skeptical at the time and a little shy. I had other interests and was very active in sports. I know about the Axl Rose thing. This girl who was half Filipino and who met me in college, looked exactly like Stefanie Seymour. Her name was Stefani DelaCruz. About that time there were reports of Guccione in your life and you told me it was to impress me - live this dual life as best friends. It sort of ticked me off and your antics to impress or show off ticks me off. Please stop. Most especially now, I think you may be a total loser. I have this sense of asking you what the hell was going through your mind to pull such a stupid stunt and think I would be impressed?

Remember I used to tell you what I liked and loved about women? Such as strippers and how they handle men or can be so loyal? Or Hooters girls who have to deal with men groping them all the time or trying to be too friendly and not realizing it. Or how married women window shop and constantly look or stare at others with the wandering eyes. You are kind of doing the stripper-customer-bouncer-boyfriend thing. You actually live out some of the stuff I tell you. You must be hyper or something. I realize it involved my life and I used to talk to you about Axl getting his butt whipped; now your idiotic stunts are happening in my own life. Axl Rose and Doug Carter look identical. I was supposed to be the singer for that band and he took the vacancy. The Guccione situation did not impress me but annoyed me even if a Stefanie Seymour look alike was asking if I wanted a blow job and a ride to my car. This is like college and a long time ago; must I be reminded? So I understand how it is messing up my mind; ignore it.

Now this pajamatv and Klavan, Evan, Horowitz, and the radicals you hang out with. I am getting annoyed and if you keep pretending or trying to act Jewish; you might get some laughs and an audience; but it is turning me off and making me really annoyed also. Can you please act like yourself and not in this manner around me? I understand you were seeking opportunities and rose quickly through the ranks; but the act is really annoying and pissing me off. I do not want a Jewish girl and Rush describes you as one. Can you act Christian? Can you be a cool heavy metal rocker like me and stop doing things that end up making me disappointed or annoyed with your male friends? Why can't you focus on what is important to your life? Ever? You wander off and come back years and years ahead. It is like that Forest Gump movie.

They are radical or former radicals. They are writing about and making money chiding others while the cops buy it and read them; like Mark Levin. It is how the Zionist profit on their own organization. I am glad you chose some gay guy or people to throw themselves at your feet; it is a complete nightmare and your wrecking your own life with this act or pretending for laughs. I do not even like it and remember you doing this on your video-DVD. I know it is them and trying to study or butcher up your life. I understand they refuse to leave you alone or keep pestering you about being your number one fan when they are derranged and bizarre. I do not know what to tell you or do; post all their names, addresses, and pictures; then list what their problems are and what they did to you okay. I also know it is the Kennedy-Hannity-Rush-Clinton game going on evolving in your life. All I know is someone said you were dating Andrew Stein and I was really annoyed by that also. They must have watched your DVD and got pissed; such the case now. Bin Hannity is pissed and ready to kill someone; I mean the degree of rage, anger, ferocity, and murderous impulse in this group is pure power and greed. There is nothing else; a pure maniac.

I know what they did was wrong and so injurious to our life; both yours and mine. I know how pissed you were as Stefanie Seymour's look alike tried to give me a blow job or date me. They did not know I was with you or trying to meet you. Also, you were stubborn to show up because the massive attack and recruitment drive. Those are wounds which will not heal. What is more important though; ruining our relationship to get even and piss them off or posting their pictures up and describing what they are doing. At some point you got to stop and I am asking you to stop because I am annoyed also. You have the biggest whores edging on your man wishing to sex him up and be a slave if he joins some terrorist group and rich Zionist organization headed by strong Irish-Catholic families. That would piss me off also and it would hurt not being able to do anything about it; having to chase down and track them. Maybe I am at fault there as well but you took your time and too long to show up. You keep saying you are working as hard as you can.

Now is this New Black Panther and California cell the radicals Bin Hannity keeps mentioning? He says you like to hang out with radicals and I have been focusing on LA, the 1960s, kidnappings, shootouts, and why Alice Hansbarger looks like the North Hollywood shooters. She said she works with retarded kids for Fairfax County. There is a Catholic thread and undercurrent here. Why the Catholic Church and these rampages or shootings, then the Police Chiefs and the unions; I am not sure. We cannot fight everybody Ann and if you keep that mentality; you will fall for that Cold War and Vietnam faux pas of biting off too much. It is too big already and getting bigger; I have to shrink it, magnetize it, and try to eliminate several layers. I do not know; so hold tight and do not grow this or expand this please. Let someone else fight this and worry about the core or the engines; not wander off as you always do; concentrate on the core where the reactions occur. If this has to do with me then tell me.

I am stressed and also stressed with you; I have at least six different crisis or emergencies; neglecting my own life, personal life, and health-welfare at this time. But we are chasing down radical sixties radicals, moles, sleepers, and spies or else they get away and complete this grand master plan and 911 terror plot. I feel you accepted anything and bit too much off; please put the brakes on and realize how stressed I can become with your life and problems. I understand and feel your pain which is identical to my own life; but when you do not hurry and they send an army of whores to throw themselves at me; you will sense that helpless feeling and unable to stop while you watch a predator in action. So they are the leaders or the head of the SDS in California and all of these shootings; such the case with the Black Panthers in the sixties or the bank heists. Focus on what is important to you and stop wandering off in the mall or wander off by yourself. If you cannot then do not drag me through the mall; I am sick of this. There is a complete disaster. I am somehow stuck in the middle of the god damn thing and nobody cares. The only person who cares is you and it is that sensation of Vietnam; I am annoyed and turned off but you cannot focus on what is important, like some ADHD problem. Who?

If you want to act Jewish and be Jewish then do so; but stop trying to be with me or impress me. I am not impressed or enjoy the fence sitting or the you one day and Princess the other; it is very convincing but is a turn off to me. The love slave and sex slave act is every man's dream but maybe that is the advantage Jewish women have or submissive women have; my head is spinning with who you are one day to the next. Focus on what is important and immediate. Do not bite off everything and try to swallow it all or have it all. You cannot piss me off and please this other camp or piss them off and please me. You of all people know this but you do this to oversimplify or overkill our already big disaster. When you have a diaster, chances are big change and starting over is needed. A new start and a new life. Yes I do realize they keep waiting and waiting until total disaster and wish to start over or reset the relationship. I have no idea what to do or say. They wait until the last moment and until disaster occurs. They do not focus on what is important. are you asking me to accept this right now? You are selling this or wish me to accept you or this? You know my answer already and you know I talk about it all the time. It is worse than a total turn off.

You know that is not me, I would never wait till the last minute, the final moment or disaster. I know society is like that and these persecuted religious or the damned is like this; but we cannot fight every single mushroom cloud or mind. They are evil and they do want power; am I to accept you also? Are you talking about others or are you saying you have some problem with you which gives you the power to hang out or tolerate this degree of hostility I get or we get? Maybe the military system is being invaded by this and people get insane by it also. Wait until disaster or the last minute. They always take the first strike and some knee jerk moment in total error. Then they ask if we think they are stupid. Can you please stop it and get rid of it and the people in our life marketing this junk? If you are, then can you admit this so I can just finish my thought? Let me guess, you now are my disappointment and focus of anger? Are you saying women are like this also? So all these people are a bunch of genetic screw ups and morons? Our relationship is about real love; can you focus on it, the core, and not ruin it or have to apologize? I am going insane with all of this genetic screw balls and screw ups.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


To J-LO Bin Hannity:

Rooftop lyrics by Lost Prophets

Last Train lyrics by Lost Prophets


Dear Ann, picture me in my prime running and chasing some terrorist group. Now picture me seeing them exhausted and tire. Now picture me taking pictures of you giving them water and even a banana. Now I come to you and ask if you have any for me and you say, nope! So I ask you if you wish me to keep chasing your little criminal enterprise and terror group and you say yes. Then I thought I heard one of them running and you cheering and he asked you “who loves you the most” and you say “you do” as if you are about to let him kiss you. Can I ask you a basic question? Why am I chasing the SOB and why am I tired and nearly collapsed? Is it because of me or you? Can you tell me?

Did I see you give him water just when he was about to dehydrate? I have no water and it was stolen; you gave them more water and I am chasing your murderers and rapists? Do you see something wrong? Can you tell me why I might be upset with you? Wait to the last minute, “oh wait, not him.” Do you think you are that great and can run as quick as I can? Is this the problem or do you think I am superman and do not need water? You all are fucking animals and you all make me sick sometimes; I cannot tell who is doing what. I am trying hard not to be mad and it is really hard sometimes because of the stuff I hear you say and then say to me. If you wish me to chase a rapist, then fine. If you wish me to chase a murder-terrorist than fine; but if you want to date him or go to events with them; leave me out and end this now. I don’t get it, I have no water. You want me to buy your DVD also?

Ann what you said emboldened them. What you did attending these events caused the Irish bacteria to spread and hold his erection while his world collapsed. He is not going to survive this; it is a trap; whoever organized it is aiding them; why are you raising money for them and not us? What you say and do is causing the 911 terrorists to “share the blame” and attend military events, balls, marriages, and parties; even if lethal commandos and bodyguards are chasing them and trying to kill them. They only have 20 per cent power left; do not rescue or even boost their energy levels; you have not once but it is a fabrication and they are professional criminals who can frame others. Do you want another year of this or not? This is clearly a suicide bomber and a biological bacteria threat.

I do not want this bacterium in our life, on our missions, or even to show up at our military events; am I clear? Now someone has let on board all these 911 terrorists who want us to adopt their bacteria kids. It is almost like a biological weapon. Security is informed that Ann may have to go because of them and this bacteria problem framing her and dragging this out longer with terrorists-communists-radicals. I do not want to find one trace of bacteria on her or in her life; that is how much of a nuisance this is. Tell them do not come to military events or political functions; it is hell and a horror story. We have to adopt their bacteria kids? They wish to thank us and invite themselves? This is insane and Intel says they are doing it intentionally; to inflict maximum damage as a nuisance and bacterium; like a suicide bomber. We can see the same mentality.

They are framing you and have; the same with me. They are trying a legal defense. One year of this is way too much already; time to get rid of your so called friends. If you have to all of them; they are not coming to military parties and political balls. We have security looking for them and tracking them; we do not need complications and you being framed for a crime or their legal defense to share the blame. So far you have not rescued them once; their careers have only 20 per cent left and they need this one. It has to be above 30 or 40. If you wish to share the blame or rescue them; then show your loyalties and love for bacteria. Stop making those speeches also because it adds one more year on this. They are deranged and mental cases; they frame everybody or fault everyone. They take no responsibility and have the capacity for atrocities that are unimaginable.

So unless you are doing it, you better halt it or else you are not coming to the military party with your entourage ever again; neither are they. It is ridiculous how they keep showing up to thank me about how I taught their kids and how I am their buddy-partner-best friend. We have a seek and destroy squadron on their bacteria asses. I made it clear not to show up for these military dances-balls or ever show up for them; they do and now there is absolute chaos and problems. It is like a human wrecking ball and your life is this way due to it also. It is some horror movie where everybody is framed and total lies. Who set this up needs to get aiding and abetting terrorists charges? There is some organizer such as Lisa DePasquale and CPAC; Newt Gingrich is one also. I have tried to tell them not to show up at our events or military ones; they do it anyhow and it is for their legal defense. They are taking it back and taking it when they want to.

The Irish bacteria strikes again and now calls us buddy and wants to thank you personally for being such great teachers and he credits his kids being conservative on us. Does anybody wish to kill this moron and SOB? The bacterium just does not stop and comes at you day and night like the living dead. Now Bin Limbaugh is hinting about dinner parties in Texas and Bin Hannity is still inviting himself to our events, dinner parties, and military parties as if he is a VIP, esteemed guest, some family friend, and somehow not a terrorist trying to board our ship no less kidnap and rape our family. The indignant Irish bacteria are suggesting he is going to be in Dallas, TX for the freedom concert in August and strikes again. This is getting so ridiculous, their careers are almost over. It is not as if they will blow their brains out; they will frame others.

If I were Ann, I would find out who scheduled these events and have they hung for allowing 911 terrorists a chance to a legal defense or using her as a rescue. Apparently, they view this as a rescue and an opportunity to hit it big with us if not already. We just unleashed bodyguards on them and they are now trying to use our life as an opportunity to fabricate a legal defense for kidnapping, calling me a common nigger for over 20 years, stalking, terror plots, and trying to hoodwink the public no less attend fund raisers and charity events to finance a deadly terror sleeper mole cell and use charitable funds to open doors and gain entry on the ship? They are the band now and tried to kill the captain? Wonderful and how appropriate of such a bacterium single cell creature.

Come to our house, come to our parties, come to military balls-dances; get ripped apart limb from limb; then come back again and again; get ripped apart more; and nearly killed and then come back again to inform us that Zionism and Irish unions are the best and most powerful in America. This was almost as bad as using Abercrombie and Fitch models to market some obese maniac of a hellacious crater and creature who “enjoys life and loves to go out.” They joy in their life and spirit; it is so wonderful to see them at our events or do these fund raisers to advance their cause. If I ever see any of them at one of my events or a family event; I will have security and my bodyguards rough them up and cut every article of clothing off their body and send them in the streets saying “we will never try this again or come back.”

They did this in high school and military kids used to beat the hell out of them and are doing the same thing now. Do not go to our events or try to sneak in; if you meet bodyguards and they rip you apart; do not come back. Now they are trying to cover it and present a legal defense how we share the blame also. We never shared the credit and we will not share the blame with them. They have got me near homicidal and this calling me a common nigger for upwards of 20 times a day is the last straw. Now they are showing up at the same events, military balls, dances, and parties? Are you kidding? They want to hang out with us? Apparently, whoever wishes Ann to fund raise for them are not her close friends and we will now have another year of this “legal defense” and attending the same events problems again and again.

This has been over one full year; now they are announcing another year of this and their legal defense how we share the blame? Who the hell is letting these terrorist into parties, political events, and military events? Tell Jill Bin Hannity she is banned from all of our events also and if I see any security letting one of them in; it will be their careers. We are fed up with terrorists and moles trying to act like Abercrombie and Fitch models and attending the same events when they are repugnant and hellacious. This is how they gain access and make an entry; fund raisers, media events, charities, concerts, etc… So we will begin to track those who are organizing this and the people behind this “sharing the stage” and “sharing the blame” legal defense. It is almost like a bacteria effect.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


The Irish bacterium explains the TIME 100 photo op “lawsuit”! Madman O’Bin Limbaugh has explained the charge of calling others “a common nigger” for upwards of ten years and upwards of 20 times a day; now O’Bin Hannity keys in and presents his defense on calling others “common niggers” and wishing them death unless they love him as masters:



Thursday, July 23, 2009 Hey Ann, you and I know that when I asked you about this, you told me you did a photo op and did not go to the event; that is what you told me. Whether or not you are testing me or testing others; I do not know but I have made it clear I am sick and tired of fighting you and having other people declare you their girlfriends and how you share the blame. When I asked you about this romance with Andrew Stein which is ludicrous, you said someone either dressed up as you or felt embarrassed about it. Someone set me up with a Russian Jew in 2006 and I was in New York again in 2007; but you said you were not going out with the guy and it was total lies. Someone keeps setting me up with Jewish girls also while I am called a common nigger every single day by the Irish and the unions. Oh they were doing it and are behind all of this!

I do not know who is lying or if there was a half day or photo op; all you said was you did not go and attend but did take the pictures and I said; we have to stop arguing, I am sick of this. You have some cursed and condemned life and it is a major turn off and you told me how it made you feel but you had to equalize the score and say “back at you”; but the O’Bin Hannity-Rush cell will not let you get away that easily. I read you did not show up for the Time 100 party and it was meant to insult or upset people. Rush says you do not give a damn about anybody, not even me and share in this blame or is as guilty as they are. Thus, you refuse to stop them and end this standoff. Sean said, “Broken promises… hiding.” I have no idea which one is a photo op; you said and told me you regret making the DVD… I saw some clips and you mention a boyfriend but not who. It upsets me also; not just you. It sounds like all hype. It seems like total lies; who is doing what, I do not know. MAYBE YOU LIE TO YOUR CONSORT OR HIDE STUFF BECAUSE HE WILL NOT DISAPPROVE BUT IT IS TRIVIAL OR FRIVOLOUS?

From 2005-2007 I went to dinner with my family every week, almost every night, and with a few girls; then went to concerts every single week to learn if I was damaged mentally or Closter phobic. It was like R-R; learning to socialize or walk again. In 1997 I took a long vacation to the beach. In 1998 to 1999 I went on fishing trips every single week. In 1999-2000 I hung out at the beach. In 2000-2002 I traveled every single day around the USA-Canada going to beaches, lots of bars, dance clubs, strip clubs, etc… The only clubs I been to were FUR in DC in 2006 only and it sucked. I was mad at you for doing the same but retracted it when you did not tell me you did not want to be seen as a loser and nerd with no life. You can do stuff or fix your hair-overkill and ruin it when as you are is fine; maybe even better. You are supposed to be a best friend to me; not some other man; that is why. You are under attack and in dangerous predicaments.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


You're a Genius and I... :

Take Me Away: Alias Video of...

Angels and Airwaves: Love Like Rockets

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.