Dear Ann, picture me in my prime running and chasing some terrorist group. Now picture me seeing them exhausted and tire. Now picture me taking pictures of you giving them water and even a banana. Now I come to you and ask if you have any for me and you say, nope! So I ask you if you wish me to keep chasing your little criminal enterprise and terror group and you say yes. Then I thought I heard one of them running and you cheering and he asked you “who loves you the most” and you say “you do” as if you are about to let him kiss you. Can I ask you a basic question? Why am I chasing the SOB and why am I tired and nearly collapsed? Is it because of me or you? Can you tell me?
Did I see you give him water just when he was about to dehydrate? I have no water and it was stolen; you gave them more water and I am chasing your murderers and rapists? Do you see something wrong? Can you tell me why I might be upset with you? Wait to the last minute, “oh wait, not him.” Do you think you are that great and can run as quick as I can? Is this the problem or do you think I am superman and do not need water? You all are fucking animals and you all make me sick sometimes; I cannot tell who is doing what. I am trying hard not to be mad and it is really hard sometimes because of the stuff I hear you say and then say to me. If you wish me to chase a rapist, then fine. If you wish me to chase a murder-terrorist than fine; but if you want to date him or go to events with them; leave me out and end this now. I don’t get it, I have no water. You want me to buy your DVD also?
Ann what you said emboldened them. What you did attending these events caused the Irish bacteria to spread and hold his erection while his world collapsed. He is not going to survive this; it is a trap; whoever organized it is aiding them; why are you raising money for them and not us? What you say and do is causing the 911 terrorists to “share the blame” and attend military events, balls, marriages, and parties; even if lethal commandos and bodyguards are chasing them and trying to kill them. They only have 20 per cent power left; do not rescue or even boost their energy levels; you have not once but it is a fabrication and they are professional criminals who can frame others. Do you want another year of this or not? This is clearly a suicide bomber and a biological bacteria threat.
I do not want this bacterium in our life, on our missions, or even to show up at our military events; am I clear? Now someone has let on board all these 911 terrorists who want us to adopt their bacteria kids. It is almost like a biological weapon. Security is informed that Ann may have to go because of them and this bacteria problem framing her and dragging this out longer with terrorists-communists-radicals. I do not want to find one trace of bacteria on her or in her life; that is how much of a nuisance this is. Tell them do not come to military events or political functions; it is hell and a horror story. We have to adopt their bacteria kids? They wish to thank us and invite themselves? This is insane and Intel says they are doing it intentionally; to inflict maximum damage as a nuisance and bacterium; like a suicide bomber. We can see the same mentality.
They are framing you and have; the same with me. They are trying a legal defense. One year of this is way too much already; time to get rid of your so called friends. If you have to all of them; they are not coming to military parties and political balls. We have security looking for them and tracking them; we do not need complications and you being framed for a crime or their legal defense to share the blame. So far you have not rescued them once; their careers have only 20 per cent left and they need this one. It has to be above 30 or 40. If you wish to share the blame or rescue them; then show your loyalties and love for bacteria. Stop making those speeches also because it adds one more year on this. They are deranged and mental cases; they frame everybody or fault everyone. They take no responsibility and have the capacity for atrocities that are unimaginable.
So unless you are doing it, you better halt it or else you are not coming to the military party with your entourage ever again; neither are they. It is ridiculous how they keep showing up to thank me about how I taught their kids and how I am their buddy-partner-best friend. We have a seek and destroy squadron on their bacteria asses. I made it clear not to show up for these military dances-balls or ever show up for them; they do and now there is absolute chaos and problems. It is like a human wrecking ball and your life is this way due to it also. It is some horror movie where everybody is framed and total lies. Who set this up needs to get aiding and abetting terrorists charges? There is some organizer such as Lisa DePasquale and CPAC; Newt Gingrich is one also. I have tried to tell them not to show up at our events or military ones; they do it anyhow and it is for their legal defense. They are taking it back and taking it when they want to.
The Irish bacteria strikes again and now calls us buddy and wants to thank you personally for being such great teachers and he credits his kids being conservative on us. Does anybody wish to kill this moron and SOB? The bacterium just does not stop and comes at you day and night like the living dead. Now Bin Limbaugh is hinting about dinner parties in Texas and Bin Hannity is still inviting himself to our events, dinner parties, and military parties as if he is a VIP, esteemed guest, some family friend, and somehow not a terrorist trying to board our ship no less kidnap and rape our family. The indignant Irish bacteria are suggesting he is going to be in Dallas, TX for the freedom concert in August and strikes again. This is getting so ridiculous, their careers are almost over. It is not as if they will blow their brains out; they will frame others.
If I were Ann, I would find out who scheduled these events and have they hung for allowing 911 terrorists a chance to a legal defense or using her as a rescue. Apparently, they view this as a rescue and an opportunity to hit it big with us if not already. We just unleashed bodyguards on them and they are now trying to use our life as an opportunity to fabricate a legal defense for kidnapping, calling me a common nigger for over 20 years, stalking, terror plots, and trying to hoodwink the public no less attend fund raisers and charity events to finance a deadly terror sleeper mole cell and use charitable funds to open doors and gain entry on the ship? They are the band now and tried to kill the captain? Wonderful and how appropriate of such a bacterium single cell creature.
Come to our house, come to our parties, come to military balls-dances; get ripped apart limb from limb; then come back again and again; get ripped apart more; and nearly killed and then come back again to inform us that Zionism and Irish unions are the best and most powerful in America. This was almost as bad as using Abercrombie and Fitch models to market some obese maniac of a hellacious crater and creature who “enjoys life and loves to go out.” They joy in their life and spirit; it is so wonderful to see them at our events or do these fund raisers to advance their cause. If I ever see any of them at one of my events or a family event; I will have security and my bodyguards rough them up and cut every article of clothing off their body and send them in the streets saying “we will never try this again or come back.”
They did this in high school and military kids used to beat the hell out of them and are doing the same thing now. Do not go to our events or try to sneak in; if you meet bodyguards and they rip you apart; do not come back. Now they are trying to cover it and present a legal defense how we share the blame also. We never shared the credit and we will not share the blame with them. They have got me near homicidal and this calling me a common nigger for upwards of 20 times a day is the last straw. Now they are showing up at the same events, military balls, dances, and parties? Are you kidding? They want to hang out with us? Apparently, whoever wishes Ann to fund raise for them are not her close friends and we will now have another year of this “legal defense” and attending the same events problems again and again.
This has been over one full year; now they are announcing another year of this and their legal defense how we share the blame? Who the hell is letting these terrorist into parties, political events, and military events? Tell Jill Bin Hannity she is banned from all of our events also and if I see any security letting one of them in; it will be their careers. We are fed up with terrorists and moles trying to act like Abercrombie and Fitch models and attending the same events when they are repugnant and hellacious. This is how they gain access and make an entry; fund raisers, media events, charities, concerts, etc… So we will begin to track those who are organizing this and the people behind this “sharing the stage” and “sharing the blame” legal defense. It is almost like a bacteria effect.
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