Thursday, July 23, 2009 Hey Ann, you and I know that when I asked you about this, you told me you did a photo op and did not go to the event; that is what you told me. Whether or not you are testing me or testing others; I do not know but I have made it clear I am sick and tired of fighting you and having other people declare you their girlfriends and how you share the blame. When I asked you about this romance with Andrew Stein which is ludicrous, you said someone either dressed up as you or felt embarrassed about it. Someone set me up with a Russian Jew in 2006 and I was in New York again in 2007; but you said you were not going out with the guy and it was total lies. Someone keeps setting me up with Jewish girls also while I am called a common nigger every single day by the Irish and the unions. Oh they were doing it and are behind all of this!
I do not know who is lying or if there was a half day or photo op; all you said was you did not go and attend but did take the pictures and I said; we have to stop arguing, I am sick of this. You have some cursed and condemned life and it is a major turn off and you told me how it made you feel but you had to equalize the score and say “back at you”; but the O’Bin Hannity-Rush cell will not let you get away that easily. I read you did not show up for the Time 100 party and it was meant to insult or upset people. Rush says you do not give a damn about anybody, not even me and share in this blame or is as guilty as they are. Thus, you refuse to stop them and end this standoff. Sean said, “Broken promises… hiding.” I have no idea which one is a photo op; you said and told me you regret making the DVD… I saw some clips and you mention a boyfriend but not who. It upsets me also; not just you. It sounds like all hype. It seems like total lies; who is doing what, I do not know. MAYBE YOU LIE TO YOUR CONSORT OR HIDE STUFF BECAUSE HE WILL NOT DISAPPROVE BUT IT IS TRIVIAL OR FRIVOLOUS?
From 2005-2007 I went to dinner with my family every week, almost every night, and with a few girls; then went to concerts every single week to learn if I was damaged mentally or Closter phobic. It was like R-R; learning to socialize or walk again. In 1997 I took a long vacation to the beach. In 1998 to 1999 I went on fishing trips every single week. In 1999-2000 I hung out at the beach. In 2000-2002 I traveled every single day around the USA-Canada going to beaches, lots of bars, dance clubs, strip clubs, etc… The only clubs I been to were FUR in DC in 2006 only and it sucked. I was mad at you for doing the same but retracted it when you did not tell me you did not want to be seen as a loser and nerd with no life. You can do stuff or fix your hair-overkill and ruin it when as you are is fine; maybe even better. You are supposed to be a best friend to me; not some other man; that is why. You are under attack and in dangerous predicaments.
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