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Saturday, August 27, 2011
DON'T FORGET THIS EVER ANN: I need you and was in a very bad situation. Similarly, you needed me and was in a deadly standoff. If you had a child and that child needed food, medical care, or was in a fight to protect you; could you deliver or would you? I have to go to the doctors, even in combat, there are injuries. I need to go to the dentist, even in combat or waiting for this to end. What the hell is taking you so long? Keep this in mind next time you pick up a loser, are at dinner, or decide to film yourself asking another man out while they set you up on a date (Klavan, dinners, VIP events, drinking buddies, lunches, and dinners). I can get you medical care if needed via the Veteran's Administration; you are the one too occupied with picking up men or letting them set you up on them. Then when I got sick and tired; they move in for the kill and you are all giggles. All you want to do is make it worse when they try to make it worse or go for the kill. They deserve the death penalty or a hurricane earthquake. You deserve the truth as I am asking you for the truth; condemning this enemy is useless, stop letting them hang on or trying. You use them and they use you; just no sex. Keep making me wait Ann; you never show up and are so indecisive.
SAME TIME, SAME PLACE, SEE YOU NEXT YEAR: Classic, pick up your pride, same time, same place, see you next year, and don’t be late. Who us or them? This is getting really insane and really crazy. I wonder how Hollywood will see this and will the FBI pay money to go and see it before it all washes over? How inferior can this jackass get before they explode and go berserk chasing us? Can anybody beat them? Can they be anymore real and defend their own life? We cannot tell if they are in power or just a tool that wants to heckle us obsessively.
PROFITING FROM A BUNGLED MURDER AND ABDUCTION TRIAL: Did I also say terror plot or bomb plot? What is crime and what is organized crime? What is their objective and goals? Holocaust or total jackass with their head up their ass?
FORCED TO CONFESS OR ESCAPE FROM PRISON: Odd how there is no court orders and why a prison break or release is needed. How can society and a culture of thieves be convicted and what is the sentence of such an act of treason? Is this about religion or doing the right thing no matter where it leads? What is the cost and the benefits? How long can they beat the system and keep this under wraps? Who keeps throwing society off on a wild tailspin? This SOB needs to have their heads shaved, thrown into a horrendous labor camp, and let others shine or live their life; they need to go back to the homeland and go back to the gutters. This is taking heckling and kidnapping to a whole new level.
WHAT IS A STALKER AND WHAT IS EXTREME TRAUMA AND STRESS: Dating is not a ferocious battle or leads to the demise of others. There is a difference, a stark contrast, between dating and back and forth endless attempts to get away, escape, or put an end to this intrusion. A stalker will not accept no or yes; instead their goal is to control others or keep them as a prisoner. It does not matter how fierce you fight them; if you shoot them, spit in their face, throw feces at them, have your boyfriend beat them up, etc... They will continue to invent this fantasy so deranged and so demented; you cannot catch it on film or record them doing it. I had this done to me; but they were robbing me, not trying to help or improve my life. When the investigators ask if they kept this standoff and pursuit ongoing; it will clearly indicate a ferocious attack, a murder plot, and a bungled brutal rape. They did not get a movie deal either. The real story is out there; and due to circumstances, it had to be altered and used as a public message. Therefore, it caused more financial problems; a life and death matter. We have had ferocious battle with them and filed official charges; why has this not ended and we are painted as mentally ill? Why are false arrests occurring? Even a female is involved; how many times did she tell them no or instilled them with so much negative "love"; their careers ended and their heads exploded? Why would a stalker or assassin keep up this pursuit or even try to hide it? Why return to the scene of the crime when it is recorded? When you return to the scene of the crime; you double the chances of it getting worse or getting caught. I suspect this has been going on for a long time and they were able to stay under the radar or perfect their espionage; now a crime wave and drug war. If they are not a slave breed or inferior; we need a full explanation and a full account; we had to do this and are still fighting. History will judge them and the demons have been released into the stars. Don’t come to us and hide behind us.
THE QUESTION IS WHETHER WE LIKE THEM OR NOT? DO THEY? When insulted and rejected, why return or keep up this standoff? Why keep setting up dates or rendezvous; when it is obviously not wanted? This is how a lunatic twists facts and makes their role more heroic when it is a deadly trap. I had to go through this in 1998 and filed a complaint with the FBI; right out of college. I did ask my girlfriend to help me, my life partner to go and talk to them. Make them understand and chase them off. I have a trap on my end also; to catch them. I did not tell her to get trapped, caught, or place her in danger; it got so bad and so horrible, it was a fight to the death. They kept setting us up; both of us and now even Ann Coulter had to come and ask me to "talk" to them. Humiliated they act heroic and paint us as negatively as possible. They come into our homes, try to evict us, and try to terrorize or scare us into silence. Then they act as if they do not want to fight and are so civilized and okay with us. The first step is to stop inventing this romantic story or set us up on dates; let us work on our marriage. You do not set up married people and if you do; this can happen. People can get hurt. Lives can get destroyed. Obviously, they are a walking ticking time bomb; why are they saying we are? Are we a thief and a robber? Are we this pathetic and a pathological liar? They are looking for jobs and need money? Go forage in someone else's life and choose a mission that will not kill you if you fight these military forces. We call them the most awful names; in desperation and to make it crystal clear. They act concerned and uneventful. It is much different if we enjoy their company or like them, but we hate their guts and have fought the communists throughout time. Why are they here and in our life? They keep acting like parents or concerned; then they act like they are abused or taken advantage of as parents. When you walk up to a stranger and unload this; they laugh at your face.
IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE USING YOUR WEBSITE AND FAME TO PICK UP MEN; DO A GET TOGETHER: Ann, I know this is a touchy subject and you do not want to be labeled negatively, treated like a slut, and are constantly telling me how there is no sex and to show you where you went wrong. At the same time, you want me to defend your name and you want me to have the right image of you; at times, clouded by your own stalking, brutal rape attempt, and a murder plot. You wanted me to report how these people set you up, trapped you, put you into awkward situations; and then fabricated or invented a blackmail plot and waited for your demise and death; a murder plot. This is a lot of events. Worse, you battled them and tried to stop them or put them in tremendous pain. Therefore, some of your actions are retaliatory and intended to injure them; for attacking you. In some instances and heavy grilling; you just gave in, perhaps due to frustration; and said you do not know if you were in trouble or was unfaithful; you knew I disapproved and was angered. I gave you a tumultuous ultimatum, either provide me a respectable answer or face my wrath; I have zero tolerance for this crap. You took your time and you kicked them up in a flurry. Both Hannity and Limbaugh, along with Fox News and others; kept on circling you and it was ferocious. Not a day went by without one or ten attacks; not one day. You told me about some singles club you got stuck in because they were setting you up on dates or claimed to be heroic matchmakers. However, when this formidable standoff blew over; nobody said a word. They blamed you and you blamed them. They portray themselves as powerful pimps while we are portrayed as desperate Johns. Even women are treated this way and sexually harassed until a murder plot swallows them up. How do we make them pay and fill them with regrets?
DO YOU WANT TO MEET OR STAY TOGETHER? I began to chip away and cut the candle cord smaller on both ends; both sides began to scramble and I was attacked more ferocious on my end. There were instances where I cannot tell or even judge you. If I was your husband, as a wife, you came to me for a rescue and kept me in the dark so that this rescue was fulfilled. I was not able to Judge you and they waited for your death to get a movie deal or judge you unfairly; what you had told me. They were trying to kill you and then write your biography; all mucked up and secrets. You surrounded your life with this slave breed or they surrounded you in order to exploit, make them more likeable, rob you, abduct and kidnap you, gain and benefit off your grief, or used you to look heroic while it was all untrue or total lies. Consider shutting them down and consider internment for an enemy of this magnitude; otherwise, the liability will be immense. They were caught trying to steal satellite warfare as well; after all that, they tried to take off with this or claimed they are the original author. Does this sound like espionage or terrorism? Bring their head before they try to sit with us. All of them are lazy and they expect to become special. The majority of these attacks originate from the Jews, blacks, or the Irish; all of whom have a history of substance abuse or bad politics. They are people you just avoid or do not want in your life. All of them cannot accept rejection or take no for an answer; but always get beat up. Mentally they are beat up and very mean; a demented disposition or with a chip on their shoulders. This idea they are powerful and we are dying to include them or become a customer; is also a financial scam to steal our life. This is what kidnappings are about.
ALL THE SUDDEN, IT IS UNTRUE AND YOU ONLY LIED OR DID NOT KNOWS WHAT TO DO: Now you claim it is all untrue and I am the one who is most pained or impacted. Meanwhile, you run around with men, pick them up using your website, do get together, and make it look like you hooked up or picked them up. This is not how you get married or stay married. It has to end there. I am unable to judge you or am indecisive. None of you are sticking to your story, none of you because you want to start over or write a new one; unless they can bring you back to this plot or fantasy. You tell me not to worry and how you are trying to stop them. I asked you to go and get help; call the British embassy and tell them what happened; this enemy is high up in the US government. It ends in a stalemate unless this trench warfare is broken. Again, the person most impacted or affected was I; I told you everything, you kept me in the dark. This was my work also. I read every philosopher and narrowed down the origin of communism, conservative or right wing thought, and created this existentialist enemy which I patterned religious studies to isolate and do a Venn diagram. I also traced the changes and how these schools of thought changed literature; from 5th Century Athens to the enlightenment and up into the post modern period. After this period, the American authors shine but the quality of world literature gets abstract. You do not discuss my satellite and computer science background; which is the creation of satellite warfare and my twenty two years so far inventing this ending. They try to portray females as queens or desperate for their attention; a male pimp. It is so ridiculous, no female would even consider this delusion; but Ann had to play along and make it worse by tooting their jackass. Now their head is completely up their A list and the question is who will survive or throw the other out?
ONE IS HATED AND THE OTHER IS DESIRED AND LOVED: If you baited them or used your legal acumen to prove your case; then it was a secret war or some cold war; I do not have the details. Insofar as your image or public reputation; obviously, it is ruined and a total disaster; which none of you have parlayed or been responsible to disclose; some game or future together. It all depends on after your death and how you are judged by each other. Both you and they should get this off your chest and clear your conscience while you can; it will eat you alive and soon; it will get worse and there is no way to run, hide, or say a prayer. A lot of people are really pissed off; how do you and most especially, how do they want this to end? Notice how they backed off and in 2011, circled you and came back in to get another bite or piece of you. What did you do? It's like a video recorder that plays back and forth; endless. Decide how you want this to end and what your wishes are with me; twenty two years is a lot to throw away over this; but we are at this stage. Not very many men would walk away from you; so this will indicate the hell I had to endure. What I had reported and have been writing to the FBI and in my diary. Someone in the FBI knew about WTC and worse; arrested us. We traced it to Northern Ireland and the Kennedy Family (Catholic v. Protestant); also drugs and organized crime. They targeted the Presbyterians because they are known as scholars and a major threat. The Presbyterians are linked to The Vietnam War and the Pentagon. Who else did they do this to or where? They use America to carry this plot forward and shut it down? You have to ask how they got into this position. Was it who they tried this on? Was it about how stupid and dirt trash their life is? Was it just uneventful and being in the wrong place at the wrong time? How did dumb get this freaking dumber? Ignorance? Silence? Cowardice? Lies? Money? Poverty? Hate? Religion? Numbers? Most people will agree and say “slave breed and totally inferior; a lower species.” What other explanation is there and why not stand up to it and be honest? .
THE 1900 JACKASS LIFE LINE: I had to cap this in January of 2010 at 1.5 billion in damages; and it keeps growing. The bottom line is I did not call 1900 (Jew, Irish, labor union, crack addict, mafia mob, commie, slut, Italian, hero, sugar daddy, dirt bag, or Catholic); moreover, I am positive and sure as hell I did not call 1900 slave breed; so the blacks can think about this one. Please take care of us and please give us some of that hope and power; please. We are dying for it and being evicted (at last count six or seven) and this is still not over yet. All of them need to get in their boat and sail off somewhere; just not here or our mission; need a really good reason? Convinced yet? Another eviction? Who is getting thrown out or lost everything? Just a little bit more to go and we are done? If and when I dial 1900 Jackass; they can voice their opinion in my home or invade my privacy; hence, no fingerprints and no evidence or record of anything or anyone. Odd, we caught them and by a huge margin. We don't even have to call 1900 Jackass; they keep dialing, mouthing off, or filling the media with disinformation. Again, all of them are lazy and they refuse to bring us their head. To enter the kingdom, you must have the key. I have released the demons in this world. Those demons tell the story. Those demons will do ten times more damage than Ann and I will ever do. I asked Ann to tell my story and go to these people; is there a mistaken identity or what is their problem? We are not total losers who play this game on others; they are. Everything is under the radar and so pathetic; you cannot tell fact from fiction, reality or not, and nothing is real. They even called me the boy in their bubble. Now they are the boy in their own bubble. Nobody likes them and all they do is throw them at us or insult us; around the clock surveillance or captivity. How do you get rid of or kill a stalker who has ruined our life and wants to kick this up after being caught? Calling the FBI and police did not do anything; it made it worse. How?
THEIR GENETIC CODE AND OUR GENETIC CODE, DIFFERENCE? They marketed themselves in our life by imposing themselves on us. We marketed ourselves and they got more aggressive or crazed; got it all wrong again. If they do not understand it or understand these demons; do not toy or play with the levels and the power we have harnessed. If they take us out or try anything funny; those demons will quantify. Ann and I are just a probe and a test; this is what they are up against and those are the demons they have released into the world. Judge them by the work they have done to Ann and me; and then let the demons judge how they made this better to both Ann and Alex. While Ann and I are here on earth; they have their hands full; it will be ten times worse after us; I have insured and guaranteed this. Don't take another or more cheap shots when they do not understand these demons or the layers of power they must defeat. As the father of satellite warfare; the stars provide insurance and God is the invisible hand; believe it and trust it. We never got what we wanted or the truth. We got more effort. We got more attacks. We got more lies or smears. Nothing we did and all the pressure we put on them; compelled them to talk or tell the truth; nothing could break their plot or their ignorance. Someone has to come in and take decisive action or make clear thinking decisions. All they want to do is act special and sit next to us; while they ruin us more and more. Trying to steal satellite warfare is comparable to killing the baby Jesus. Even that has not ended nor the pests who created the disaster; the Gods of wrath will judge them and in a horrible way. How do we throw this pest and stalker out before they throw us out? How do we destroy them and make them regret every second of life? If they were liked or enjoyed, it would be one thing; but they are not the slightest.
DOES NOT WANT THIS TO GET OUT OR ANYONE TO KNOW: Ann I agree with them; I can see this now; you messed up and do not want this to get out? Admit it, you don’t want your secret life all over the TV and radio; but you are too embarrassed. All of you are a bunch of liars and we are completely delusional now. This is how genius I am and how aloof I got; above it all Ann. Admit I got all of you in a sweaty position. The book, “The Secret Life of Ann Coulter…” will conclude with my careful, impeccable, and perfect analysis. How does it feel now looking into the mirror? Have you seen the aftermath of tropical storm Irene? You all do not know when to stop or when enough is enough; then it is complete silence and giggly overtures. When I say enough is enough, you all kick it up twenty times the storm; then evict me. Worse, you still have not brought me their head or made this better.
QUIT WHILE YOU ARE AHEAD, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? Ann, first it was public education. Now it is your private school teacher or hot for teachers act which is nothing more than sexual innuendoes or a brutal rape and murder case. I am so fed up with the fact you are some personal assistant and a private school teacher for the most obese, stupid, and hopeless morons looking for power, prestige, and sticking their head up their ass so it won't get knocked off. The more their head is up their head; the safer they feel. Why don't you quit while you are ahead and most especially, why don't all of you quit while you can and just walk away. Let the warriors and the lawyers fight this out and club each other over the head with a dildo or a hair brush. It brings me no pleasure watching you or giving you this priceless advice. Dressing all sexy and turning genetic defects, inbreeds, or doing your hair like Diane Fossil; is how their head got stuck in that hole. Are you happy how they look now or how they feel? Are you Ann? I had to go through this similar hiring process and they don't pay squat or have any benefits; all you get is a turd they call their kid. They don't shut up either and are so inferior; they lie, cheat, and steal in order to feel heroic and act powerful. Now take a close look how their heads have exploded, even while in that hole; and look how messy this got, are you happy now Ann? Are they? How stupid can they get and how much longer do we have to live in this jackass fantasy? Anyone this stupid obviously has no morals and does not even understand the meaning of religion; why be their private teacher or dancer? Look at this moron now Ann; all crazy and about to self implode. Are you happy with yourself or trying to make them respect and like you, are you? Do I care about your street credibility or how angry they can get; but are so civilized? They have a chip on their shoulder and carry this around; a walking, talking, ticking time bomb; are you aware of this? They look civilized and they look well fed; it's all untrue, none of it is true. They are now a ticking time bomb walking around society; stay out of their way and quit while you are ahead. Don't fight this or fight them anymore; they are a ticking time bomb now; very hungry.
ANN, IT IS TIME YOU SELL YOUR NYC CONDO AND MOVE: If anymore topical storms (Irene) hit NYC and the headquarters of the liberals; the Italians, Irish, and Jewish will be poorer than the blacks. It is time you consider escaping New York and the gutter which has mucked your life up. In all honesty, I hope they get ten more Irene's; just for sniping at me. How dare them talk to me and in this way; how dare them. I don't think these people will fix anything and I do not think they care how much they anger or negatively impact our life. Even I ordered them to shut down and never ever talk to me or come into my life; how dare them. Whatever the case, if this keeps up; the poorest in America will not be the blacks any longer; advantage minorities. They deserve it and I hope the FBI takes their head off; for real, this is no game and it has gotten deadly. I will write to the FBI and express my resentment with these people and this criminal organization.
THIS IS ABOUT JOBS NOT RELIGION AND MORALS: Just quit while you are ahead and let the authorities piss their life away or spend hordes of debt on this mob and gutter human trash. Why even throw yourself in front of evil or battle it when there are no rewards or benefit? Tell the FBI to kill this ape and knock their head off and see if they are happy about life or more of their romance stories. Where is the eye of the storm? Are you crazy, look how big it is and where this stampede is headed? It is growing and fueling; spreading like wildfire. They are like jelly without a mold, growing and expanding by the hour; mission accomplished. You must be new to this or some novice waiting to be knocked off? Listen to me, when it comes to rejection; these people are invincible. You could stomp on them or rip their clothes apart; they chug onwards. This is no longer about residual value. This is no longer about sentimental value. This is not about debts or doing the right things with money. This is about cash for homes or a bag of instant jackass. It is about jobs and dating us when we puke at the mere sight of them and that stupid dumbass voice. It is about how they receive this sermon and this new intelligence they have acquired by watching us closely and copy cat our life. This is no longer a game Ann, it is about jobs and anything they can get; anything. You got to quit while ahead; this is not about religion either or morals; it is about money and only cash for homes. They buy houses. They restore or fix them up. They resell them at huge profits. There are no sentiments or cherished memories; it is their homes and money over morals and religion. You have to quit while ahead; otherwise, we are doomed and can be trapped in this clever web of deception. None of this is even true; but they truly believe it and cling on to it for dear life; until we puke and slam them again. This is about jobs and you have no idea what they will do or put us through for a job. Look how angry and awful they got; like a savage they cannot smell it or see themselves. Their religion is totally worthless and cannot even describe the problem; them. You let one of these terrorists in a vulnerable position and we are dead; it will open the flood gates. They will take anything they can get or carry; then they will high tail out of town like an Olympic athlete. You will not stop them Ann; listen to me saggy, it is better safe than soggy.
HANNITY KNOWS HE IS THE PROBLEM AND SO DO THESE PEOPLE: Ann, this is aggravating and I think you are dirt stupid or have this very negative image of you. Hannity knows he is the problem. They are trying to kick me out of your circle of lunatics and thieves. They want me to leave and are trying to evict me; all because of you. They want to drive a wedge between us; break us up; and control the information that is released. Their people are clowns; they don't even know they are the problem. This is how the abduction, kidnapping, detaining people, and this entire fiasco occurred. Hannity and Fox News has been there and done that; repeatedly, but they keep smashing into others and causing more and more accidents. They seek to blame you; it takes two to tangle. They are in the position to make a false arrest; abuse of authority. If you cannot see this yet; you must be stupid or blind. Limbaugh never released his relation (advisor) to the Kennedy family and how he had to break off relations and go under the radar, while using Hannity as a proxy. Then you turned Hannity against him and they knew it; so they tried to checkmate you. They did not explain how Clinton turned to Limbaugh to shut you up; then how you moved in from 2000 to 2005. They came to you, you went to them; it was back and forth because they did this to me. When they circled you and felt you were fooled; they set you up repeatedly for this brutal rape and murder plot; to be executed by crack or drug gangs who the mafia controlled or paid. All of this was bungled but they keep circling you and trying to make a mound out of a mole hill. Even worse, they keep claiming nobody cares and nobody will do anything about it; paralysis, due to this company town or take over. They know what they are doing and the intent gets more deliberate and stack up in the 100s. Now you know why they want to die and are on a suicide mission. It does not matter if we are geniuses or how stupid they are; they act like the Khmer Rouge; humans are their victims and they are a slave breed. Are you and others convinced yet? They are a slave breed, do not associate with them and get rid of them immediately; before this gets worse.
"IF YOU GIVE ME CHRIS CHRISTIE AS AN ANSWER, I SWEAR I AM GOING TO HANG UP ON YOU AND THAT'S IT; AND THEN I AM GOING TO TALK FOR AN HOUR ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND": Ann, you can tell in your voice you are scared or frustrated. You struggle to get out your point but you try to avoid pissing off Hannity. "I am feeling pretty good overall... they do not appear as perfect as we put all of our hopes and dreams in them... he is the real... want to forget about the texting thing... can't seem to get away from him." I have never seen you run from a fight and you have always given me the appearance or confirmed you fear Hannity. You even told me you were hiding something and Hannity caught it and told me; he is speaking about something between the two of you. You told me you did not tell me and you are very scared to say it. Rarely, you are obstinate and even in your face rude; even with me. I think most people have caught on and even I feel you take advantage of my presence or relation; while you act as if you made your moves and strategized so perfectly. Obviously Hannity is talking about himself when he says, "I swear I am going to hang up on you and that's it; and then I am going to talk for an hour about your boyfriend." This is about terrorism and treason, is it him or not?
LET ME GUESS, THIS IS ABOUT TERRORISM AND TREASON CHARGES; IT'S NOT HIM? The two of you are keeping secrets; you are scared he will reveal it or I will find out; you pander or play out this love triangle to hide it while you try to get him in trouble before he gets you in deeper water. You are not even this submissive to me in public Ann; understand? I even call you a pussy, chickens hit, etc... openly; but you can hear the fear in your voice. He knocked you back 10 steps and kept you in that dungeon; which has you going back to Fox News again and again; and then complaining to me about them. You took Sanity’s threat serious, you explained and corrected yourself, and then you did not even mention Christie for the rest of the day. Hannity did not bring up the topic of your boyfriend again; you backed down Ann. You do the same with me. This is why I say you are the most sexually harassed woman in the world; and enjoy it. Now he wants to get back with you Ann; while you claim it is not true; it is all lies; and it is a trick the audience is not aware of. Odd, he did this to me while you were on the other end. They got a lot of people hurt; and they will hurt a lot more; count on it. They have no respect for anyone. Hurry up and arrest them you spaffoon. They face treason charges and if they fail or ignore the warnings; the consequences are on their shoulders. They got a taste and an hors d'oevre already. Now it is time to swallow or chew. How many times did they step over that line in the sand? How quick was the response we got? There is a reason why I am trying to draw as many of them in as possible; and it is not very pleasant or worth mention; there is no need to waste my breath anymore.
SAY IT LOUDER SO YOU’RE PARENTS CAN HEAR IT ANN, SCREAM IT ON THE ROOFTOPS! There you have it; you want to stay on his show or keep publicity and you are lying to me about other secrets which enable you to go on their own show while you try to take them down. You are very insecure and you know it is very damaging; however, all Hannity said was how he was engaged to you, supposed to get married, even had a ring, etc... but then so did a few other men; and it was all total lies. I could not tell if it was one guy, two, four, or even more. Also, I took you at face value and then got really suspicious and began to catch onto you lying. When I had enough, you began to drop hints, clues, and even have me think much better of you. I am not sure exactly what this is about; but I can hear the fear in your voice and you are never this submissive to me. So far, I have moved my pieces much better than you have; and I will continue to. You tripped me up and made my life hell also; which made me lose concentration and mess up repeatedly. I was not able to clearly think, clearly see, or had that killer instinct and aloof sharpness I usually bring to the table. They say behind every man is a powerful woman; thanks for tripping me up constantly and then acting as if you did not do it intentionally. Then doing it intentionally to say it was no big deal and you messed up; not to worry. Had you mom and dad hard that or overheard this; they will know they screwed up and was going to hell for imposing this on mankind. They sat there and let you get away with this crap; imagine that. Just keep in mind what your parents or grandparents must be thinking if they overheard this Ann; or God and aliens. Be honest, do you think you are going to hell or not? Do you think you are doomed for damnation; if that day was today? Do you think you are in the same boat as they are; or just faking it, faking the orgasms, and making them think a certain way? Did your mom really like your boyfriend and think he was a really great guy Ann? Yes, such a hero and such heroic acts from this Hannity and you; like a hand that fits a glove.
THE BOTTOM LINE IS YOU ARE BACK BATTLING THEM BY YOURSELF, TRUE OR NOT, and AND HAVING WAY TOO MUCH FUN DOING IT: If you have not noticed yet Ann, you will be back at square one and Hannity knows this. He even asked you if you are ever going to get married and to talk about your boyfriend. Meanwhile, you are all curt and giggly; telling him how it is all lies, not true, and part of his tricks you just ignore or pay no attention to. You and they can do your revisions; try to make it work out for the two of you again. All of this was for nothing and none of you climbed off your high horse or did anything to fix or clean any of this up. Listen closely to how the interview on August 25, 2011 with Hannity ends or your voice Ann. Everybody agrees with me and knows I am always right; don't even second guess me. The stink is all over. Hannity even says to you how he is a genius and is never criticized, "he never accomplished anything, and this is who he is." Whoever this guy is Ann, Hannity has met him and says you have a boyfriend. He likes him a lot. What does Ann say, "Can we take this off stage. that is completely untrue." Hannity says, "I have never lied to this audience... but I will take it because it is all I can get." How insane is this? The two of you are laughing as if this was on a playground; giggling back and forth how the other is so bad... just so bad on the air. You take your personal life almost as serious as they do; almost. My objective is to draw them in; as many as I can, been there done that. It is no rumble or some chick game to cry rivers of tears when the levy cannot hold them back. This is a major game of treason and betrayal; let them step on or over it. My objective has and will always be to draw as many of them in and then push them back; how quickly can we push them back and arrest them? Odd how quickly they change their minds; this is no vacation and they do not have an enchanted life; it is doom and gloom. They obviously do not know how to play the game and are obviously not very good at it; clearly. All they want to do is look important, act crazy, commit suicide, and put the best face on it. Obviously, you don’t want this to get out and are not accepting his challenge; no matter how annoyed this gets.
GUARDS! ARREST THEM FOR TREASON, CONSPIRACY, AND WAGING WAR ON US: I WON'T EVEN TELL YOU I HEARD IT AND FELT IT; ITS FOR REAL: Ann, the two of you are so bad and seem to get along so well together. Are you calling him a liar? He has never lied to his audience, never. The two of you are such pranksters and so precocious with humor. He is not going to cut this out Ann; did you hear him? Enjoying this way too much. At least you had the balls or enough pussy to say, "you are compelled to correct them... this is completely untrue." He said it best, he will take anything you leave for him or give him; no matter what the value or if it is a total lie; the two of you really enjoy it and get along great! Now you tell me who is more insane or completely crazy? Betrayal; why didn't you betray me Ann; too chickenshit or just a pussy? He gave you the chance and he gave you the moment you been waiting for; I been here and done that; go ahead, go for my throat. See, you know what you are up against and why. All of those people you stomped on; what is one more? Don't be scared, I won't block it or say a thing; look at the entire list; why not one more Ann? Why not add another one; can't read my complaint list? One word, chickenshit. I never block it; why are you all so close and so careful now? I never block it; I want to draw you in and see what you got if anything. All that noose and none left to hang yourself with? Come on, is this a joke? Why are all of you so scared and so reluctant all the sudden; cat got your tongue? A little rumble made you soil your pants? Had enough? Odds are on your side now? You think I am on defensive mode or running scared? Who exactly is the crazy one here? Who exactly are we hunting and why? They can't get enough to quit now? Now whose side are you on?
ANN, LEAVE THEM ALONE AND STOP F'IN WITH THEM OR TOYING WITH THEIR MIND: God Dimmit, will you listen to me. Leave these people alone, stop toying with them like a yo-yo, ignore them and stop talking to them, do not invite them into our life and make this worse, and for god sakes understand they are facing treason and terrorism charges. Have some humanity will you and understand their life is ending; they are exposed to the climates. They cannot run and hide, call momma, or beat it into the bushes. Do you get what I am saying, they are scared and do not know what to do; ignore them and let them screw up their own life or run their mouths off until the earth shakes or The Great Flood knocks on their door; stop getting me tangled up in this or fighting your battles. For heaven sakes, they are facing terrorism, treason, and various charges and are scared to death; they are hoping you will have mercy and let them go. Imagine if you were them and how scared you it would be; nowhere to turn; nowhere to hide; getting leveled and clobbered by the moment; and not know if they will make it past sunrise. They just do not know what to do and have to be left alone, do you hear me? The "Please Do Not Disturb" is not an invitation to knock down their motel door and throw their breasts to the ground. You do have some part in this and right now, nobody is happy, understand?
ARE YOU TRAINING THEM OR ARE THEY TRAINING US ON THE JOB? The problem is these people are dumber than dumb; but they view us as special ed cases or we cannot even determine when to wake up and go to sleep. They have no respect for other human beings and get themselves in this predicament and salacious laughs. People hate their guts and laugh in their face. They also think this is a good trade and a fair trade; you for one of their Irish or Caribbean Queens. The best in the class is always seeing racism or hated. We want sex with them and desire them day and night because they have special powers; unspoken and secret. This dumb ass is always negotiating with us or looking for a job; asking if we get it yet? Oh we got it a long time ago. Can anybody beat them at this trashy dirt and dumbass worthless act because now they want to die! We have to be sensitive to their needs and their special powers. We have to educate them and work with them; to be the same and to be powerful. We can't slam them or level their efforts. This is how they target leaders, VIPs, and even the police or FBI. It is brainwashing and dog training by a deadly, evil, piece of human trash so dumb; they feel superior and sneaky. This thief will not go away and it is impossible when they are full of lies or trickery. If it is their money, show the bill and the work performed. These are the cleanest crack addicts money can buy and the flimsiest hookers money can afford. Look who they seek to train, the police.
HEROIC GENE REPLACED BY EVIL AND RODENT ALIEN GENE: Why is there constant pressure to pay into this or VIP events, why? Ann, they say you all lack this heroic gene; however, these particular people are so greedy and evil, a heroic gene is just the beginning of their problems. They are so evil and so stupid; they feel that everything they do is an act of heroics. Even if they had 100 felony charges; in their mind they are Robin Hood or have this hero gene. I felt they were an alien and from some other planet, they did not understand their world or how to act in it. Whatever the case, lacking a hero gene is just the tip of the iceberg. Look how greedy, reptilian, and evil they are. Look how they lie, cheat, and steal. Look how their fantasies warp reality and twist facts to make us either look like them or a lesser species. Look how negative their impact on our life is and how they refuse to leave or die. All they want to do is watch us, make sure they control the information we get, and isolate each of us or circle you to reinforce the total lies and warped fantasies. It is all mind games and this idea they are super heroes when dirt worthless; they don't even have details and what details they have slander us or ensure we cannot survive. I am a hostage to all of this and you caught them; who will take them out and punish them similar to the wrath of God? Who? If they wish to live, I expect them to surrender and turn over the details so we can piece all of it together. The question is do they wish to live or just act heroic? A great idea to allow this species to share our life, rewards, duties, and utilize America or global trade to expand or grow; a really good idea Ann. Obviously, all of you are burying who you are or ditching your uniforms. All I get is daily pressure to pay them or financial debts they caused. This church of heroes we have to pay or pay into has to be destroyed and toppled. They are such cowards; we cannot distinguish them from child molesters and a coward. How do we make this thief go away and leave us alone: Do we earthquake them or hurricane them; if so how? Do I write to God or just tell them it will happen and soon?
IS THIS WHAT I WANT AND IS THIS WHAT I ASKED FOR, IS IT? We are not allowed to love or stray from them (the vulture pack) unless they allow us or give authorization. Who is this idiot germinating in our life? Meanwhile, I asked you to go and get help, call for backup, and garner as much publicity as you can; but this is overdoing it don't you think? Didn't I promise you I would make sure you were safe and did I deliver? Why then are you doing this? Why? There is three times the publicity I had in mind; three Ann. You cannot beat them to death; let me do that; we are trading blow for blow. I never asked you to make a mess, do a bad job, anger me, go against my word, piss me off, make men drool over you, bedazzle your panties, act like a 20 something moron, make up some crazy boyfriend story, go drinking with rapist, be friends with psychopaths, film your own sexual harassment, get brutally raped or murdered, or make me beg and stay here under these horrible conditions. Now it is negotiations about your betrayal or mine; how one of us has to leave but not them. I did this to you because you are a slow poke; you doing it back was uncalled for and baseless. Now look at it and our biography; the attention is off them and on us constantly. Get them to look in the mirror and go after each other Ann. How do we make this church of thieves and "careful" watchers go away or end their life of crime?
DID SHE LEAVE ON HER OWN OR DID THEY TRAP HER? Keep in mind Ann, their legal defense is you left on your own. All of this was your own coshing and they are only liars. You intentionally missed turns in the road and it is not an abduction, kidnapping, hostage situation, murder plot, or brutal rape. How I ended up with the movie deal and book of your life; is unbeknown to us all. How they knew nothing or were kept in the dark, is latent to their ability to stay under the radar. They place the blame on you for not fleeing or leaving when told, very similar to my own predicament. It was them who overstayed their welcome or refused to leave because they are a thief and a criminal organization well financed and in a game of death; waging war on us. This bullshit between you all is why I was forced to leave. It was why I was arrested in 2003 when I could not leave or took to the road to evade them. If this is not broken or a surrender is in place; I expect another false arrest, probably you. As soon as they say, "She could have left... she missed the turns... we had nothing to do with it" they are dead. If they take that step and go down that road; they are trapped forever in damnation. What a heroic thief we have and what a tangled web they weave in our life and the highest offices. This was for one reason and only one objective; power fueled by greed. Smile thief, you are on candid camera now and we gave you a chance to turn or leave. You had the chance to shut things down (on your end not our end) and you refused to take it each and every time. If this is about money, then show the bills or the bill of laden.
"As Ms. Coulter walked out of one of the Ritz-Carltons in the area (there are about a dozen), a middle-aged woman with sun-bleached hair stopped her and did the opposite of what usually happens in Manhattan when people notice the provocative pundit on the streets: she praised her politics and asked for a picture... Mr. Drudge and Ms. Coulter were frequent visitors at Mr. Limbaugh’s gated oceanfront compound, staying in one of his guest houses (there are actually five separate houses on his estate, including a 24,000-square-foot main house; but almost none of it is visible from the road because of high hedges). Mr. Drudge eventually moved to Miami, and Ms. Coulter followed. In 2003, she moved into the penthouse in his Miami apartment building."
Do you remember the cruise liner in 2009 heading out from Miami with your best friends and former runabouts on it? Do you remember how adamant I complained and how secretive it was? You did stand them up and booted them; didn't you? You insulted and bullied them back didn't you? You stood them up and had them waste more time and money on you, didn't you? When was the last time you spoke to them or even spent time with this morons? Obviously, you and everybody else missed the conservative Titanic and they sunk or are stranded now; lost at sea and drunk. They probably would have showed you the BP spill and environmental catastrophe. Do you remember the lady who got her face ripped off by an ape in CT? How about those hookers who all the sudden was killed or was missing on the west coast? Do you remember the Asian girl in CT (Yale) when you had this Tea Party drop in or the lady whose family was slaughtered for a robbery and asked for the police or help? Do you remember all those serial killers or copy cat crimes? Should I roll off more feedback, hate-mail, and fan mail? Who reported any of this, who Ann? Have you seen the volume of copy cat crimes? Have you? The more I run or stay in your panties, as it is billowing with smoke; the more I am painted negatively and attacked. This total disaster was deliberate and the objective is to make it impossible to survive, fight back, call for help, or escape. This is why they lack details and what few there is; are total lies. There is nothing heroic in what they did or how they targeted us; it is also why they did not put a fingerprint on it or are good enough to elude capture. All criminals are like this; they truly are stupid and they truly are inferior. Worse, nobody wants to breed with them so they phony up and create these fantasies to make them more likable or more realistic.
This has eroded my faith in Caucasian people and most of all; the government or America. There is a lot to be desired. Worse is how all of you misrepresent yourself and each other. The heroics and good intentions are so gay and fill the room; but wait until a crime is committed, you are betrayed, or you need the truth. The heroic scam now turns into a crack gang, hit men, dead hookers, and all kinds of felony convictions. Even worse, it is done to take the pressure and to divert the attention; more and more stack up so you are not cornered or focused on. Even you put me on your payroll and this is far from what I had in mind. They even used Fox News to ask you; if your own partner and best friend was discriminated against or if this story was an act of racism. Imagine that Ann; we are the head of the class and we are either racist or victims of racism. Now listen to how you answer Fox News and these lunatics when they pitch you and take the attention off of each other. The attention needs to be on them; not a runaround and some heroic scandal to cover up a crime spree and terror plot. See if you can get the truth from them and how long they skirt the truth or fill the room with lies. Now it goes in all directions; everybody is tangled and they circle and consolidate their forces; while they go on attack. You bring these people to America and watch as they get more and more desperate and turn into savage thieves; now see if you can cope with the heroic acts and the crime spree; a stampede of lunatics or a mob. Watch as their power and authority erodes; everybody is a hero and nobody is evil; except the good guys. See if you can get the truth from them; go ahead. This is their existence and their religion; love it and them.
This is what I am talking about Ann. In addition to having a secret life with me; you have several secret lives. Most of it is unknown to me. You wrote some crazy stuff about living with Silverman and Christmas; to appease me in 2008 after he died. Silverman was shocked when I appeared; as if he did not even know you. He was getting his news from me. Now I get my news from the infamous New York Times. What exactly is the problem here? Are they getting you into trouble or are you getting them into trouble? Are they squirming into your life, my life, or are you squirming into theirs? Lets be honest and let's make this official; what exactly is the problem with you and me Ann? Why are you running around with so many men; or are you fending them off as you claim? You are one of those people who cannot get up and walk on her own two feet; some childhood birth defect. All of you are full of regrets and have this secret life. It is the trademark of poor people or rebellious indentured servants. You know the degree of illegal surveillance this enemy utilizes; so there is sex tapes of you or lurid pictures. Speaking of copy cat crimes or insults... all of them want to break down your inhibitions and expand your horizons because you hang out with and run with Mango and is always at the Mango lounge or dance club. None of this is what I want but these are the same people who imposed themselves on my life in 1998 to fulfill some Asian American dream with Caucasians. All of it focused on organized crime, New York City, and real estate or property. This game and farce of who you know; has totally backfired on these people. This idea we cannot attend their events or get on the invite list; has gotten to a point of suicide and rolling on the floor laughing. They still do it and they still are stuck in this fantasy revolving their own narcissism.
Did you make a death threat to Matt Drudge and used Silverman instead? One last item, you are very close to the Jews and involved with a lot of men who are Jews; any admissions? This is about how I see you Ann. It is not about you being judged. It is not about sex or how you see yourself. It is not about how many men love you or want to marry you. This is about how I see you and how you want me to see you. I have written my feelings already and what would happen if you died tomorrow or next week. I even doubt your family and brothers will defend you or rectify your legacy. I am asking the same thing; what is there to rectify? Who are you trying to impress or for that matter; who are you trying to hurt or say go away to? If it is not one guy, then it is another. You are so weak; can you stand on your feet or can you stand to be alone? You displayed this on camera and off camera; you cannot stand to be alone. Now all you tell me is, "show me where there is any sex... there is no sex." What the F is wrong with you Ann; I am perplexed and did not get dipped in acid for nothing. Why are you so fastidious when it comes to this and so lazy when it comes to us? You will have to sacrifice them and send them to their dungeons; do you realize this? You keep lying to me, sneaking around, and hiding stuff and it will snap like a rubber band. I will not be here forever and so far; what I know I do not enjoy, like, or approve. Our friendship is nearly defunct and all you care about is sneaking around or running off with men for public media moments. You feel you have to grab it before it fizzles or fixes itself. The problem is these people are dumber than dumb; but they view us as special ed cases or we cannot even determine when to wake up and go to sleep. They have no respect for other human beings and get themselves in this predicament and hellacious laughs. People hate their guts and laugh in their face.
You cannot do anything yourself Ann; all of you use each other. All of you like to dress up as others or pretend you are them. You like boys clothes and they like girls panties. I am left with this lingering smell and after taste. If you had more sex, would things be different or would these people be in your life? You tell me. Why are you telling everybody to show you who had sex with you and then tell me how you are fending them off? Don't you think they will try harder or make it worse? Worse are the transcripts of our late night talks and how you insist you are faithful; then said you did not know because it pissed me up and made me feel cheated or stomped on. You are a gutter flower and a ghetto queen; they will pamper you and parade you around for professional athletes, music stars, and other odd jobs gurus. Other than exploit you; this is all they have. Do you want me to be exposed to this life or these poeple? Do you? You call yourself family oriented and marriage material? These are savages and lunatics; do you know this or have you not been beaten up by them enough? Why does this Ritz-Carlton thing keep showing up Ann? Trump? Limbaugh? Dobbs? Perhaps your beloved Drudge? Why are you running to me about all of this and pulling me deeper into this? I hate these phonies. All of them are retail salesman with big bonus and kickback checks.
You always use these people and discard them. Likewise, they use you and cover it up because it is similar to a stranger you meet on the bus. Even in college, you hang out with someone and after a few years; they go home and you do also; nothing. Of course I am guilty of that also. In 2003, our life crashed and it was the worst time in 22 years. These reports only suggest you were running around with men or sneaking around in 2003. I recall the reports at CPAC 2003. Drudge never made an appearance after 2008 and you told me he was gay. Hannity tried to step in and take his place. It does not prove anything but it shows you made mistakes or are reluctant to discuss this. During this time I had been laying low and actually meeting strippers; who are lesbians; I was actually arrested and humiliated. Therefore, I cannot make a mountain out of a mole hill; however, do you remember that picture you asked me to take with you showing my muscles from the back and my posterior region? Do I actually worry about you working with gay men or losers? I think you are the most sexually harassed and mistreated person on earth; how you all prosper is a mystery. Look at this ship, what we do to it, what they do to us or throw out there, and what the FBI and federal authorities have on their lap. It sounds like a hijack type of terrorist. They are not on the list and are trying to throw others out of their home, their own event, and even their own marriage and love life. Even if your life was on the line; don't expect the truth from them and for what it is worth; never depend on them to rescue you. Tell me, what is their weakness? Is it publicity? Is it the public? Is it the truth? Is it superior power or force? What is their fear and weakness?
Although I feel better if you are with gay men; you cannot continue to live life this way. You cannot ask me to live life this way or remind me of your brutal rape and murder plot; there has to be changes. I am taking those steps. Fighting this enemy and lunatic left wing has been excruciating; can you at least make it better, can you? Can you give me some sense of happiness or provide a sense of trust, comfort, and peace Ann? So far so good? I am not sure what they are going to write, "I knew her for a year... hated her during that time... she threw me aside and moved on to bigger and better things... I was a stepping stone and forgotten quickly... I had no idea it would lead to this... she had me in the spotlight and the media did not take her bait... she knows how to hide behind people... she beat them at their own game... we lost everything and they won everything, it sucks knowing her... she had a guy all along and we were just tools in this awful game... she was never there physically and we know why now." I have worked jobs where I could not stand the company, the job, and worse the people around me; but you have to play your cards right and look for something better. The line is around the corner to hear their side of the story and the truth; what an exclusive and VIP event they play with royals and the most powerful forces on earth. This is clinical narcissism and falling on your own coat-tail or drowning in a cocktail. We are dying to pay into it and get that small morsel of attention and fame they have to offer. It sounds like they are completely drunk, trying to crash a mission and party, failed and are too stupid to leave, want a fight, or are waiting for the police to arrive while they figure out how to escape. When you ask them what this is about or why this is happening; they act drunk and important; to heroic or important to answer. I have seen some dumb shit in my life; but this takes the cake. They will admit it soon; eventually.
Keep in mind Ann how you don't fit what I perceive as the perfect beach babe or surfer girl. I am more laid back and count on my natural abilities or talents. When you introduce this New York elite lifestyle and the culmination of grandiose, real estate property, greed, and that hollow misfit or business acumen that is more accustomed to beating each other over the head to paradise or Surf City; don't expect paradise. Florida and Texas are being invaded or taken over by the greed of real estate and the gutter flowers or powerful cut throat lawyers. Hawaii was invaded in the similar ways back in the 1960s and 1970s. You yourself do not like the people in your life but they either come here to retire or pay their way into things; throw their money around. We can do this experiment over and over again; I do not call it conservatism or responsible business community; it is pure greed and powerful lawyers. Even you and I have mismatches in how we see things; however, to win this fight and this battle with these organized crime gangs and powerful well financed elites; your contributions are invaluable. Even your private life and your character is always butting heads with me; and I am the laid back, quarterback, jack of all trades, funny guy, Mr. Perfect type who has that long and deep surfing culture or simple life behind him. You have that corporate and blandness which makes it difficult to inject romance or perfection into; always undergoing change or revisions. You bring that New York crowd to Surf City; let the lawyers and politicians run wild; bring in their henchmen and middle class; and introduce this species to a laid back and beach town; and you will have the eruption of hell. Even if I gave you my heart and my soul; it felt like a dead end and went to waste. Even if I did everything to keep you alive and safe; there was a savagery in all of you which complicated life to the extreme. Even your personal life is full of inconsistencies or utter hell. None of you can find peace on earth and even if others give you their heart and soul; you would not or could not appreciate the meaning of it. Hence, if this was the precursor of where you are going later in life or a hell you all are trapped in; heaven is not going to wait around.
Already South Florida underwent a wave of illegal immigration and a crime wave; the protagonist being illegal narcotics and organized crime. You distribute this immigrant story to the rest of America and I guarantee you will have a gutter or ghetto royalty who has to increase crime and black market activity to pay the bills or stay open. This is what happened to Washington DC also; after the 1980s, the government grew at least twice as big. There are innocent people involved and those trapped in this exodus; but they do not realize the big picture or the phenomenon of expansion and growth going on; why it is so dangerous and has such a negative impact on the life of others. Even your expansion and growth is completely negative; you introduced this New York elite and powerful ring of fire to my life and now it is leveled. Your style and the New York way of doing things is to place people on your payroll and control them using either jobs or money; material control measures. Even if I depend on you or was planning to spend my entire life with you; let me make it clear why there is a lot of mismatch and this constant expansion or reinvention. You easterners and powerful lawyers are trapped in a asylum of lunatics, spies, radicals, and greedy people. You prospered in America by building an army of ants; so insane now and dependent; only legalizing drugs will begin to address some of the social disasters. Worse is how you strut around town in this parallel world using my work, good reputation, and mission; I place excellent credit on where you excelled and also where there is a big hole. Review how the last three years have went down; how difficult it was to swallow and work with you; how you benefited and used everybody; and how inconsiderate and insincere all of you have been. Not just you Ann; all of you. I have cleared the record and any debts owed to you; now it is your turn and it is your initiative. As usual, no or impossible delivery. It feels like praying in the wind and the fight of your life; just to be friends or get married. It feels like a pest who showed up when not invited; then threw their money or paramour around. It sounds like these people are throwing people out of their own life, own mission, own marriage, and they are not even on the list or welcomed. Regardless, they stick to their story and babbling glamour; pure useless narcissism.
Your tendency, all of you, is to just place me on your payroll while trying to make me go away or scream on the top of my lungs; empty or hollow human beings who feel powerful or run with a very powerful and well financed criminal and espionage organization. For this and to this; I have no problems forgetting you and remembering all the bad memories between us; it was not worth it and not working; rarely did you style fit perfectly but you tried hard and made 115% to see it to the end. Even today you keep saying, "show me the sex... show me where I went wrong" and other things dignifying your predicament and royal stature. Now you meet real royals or old money; who have fought the communists and did run nation-states; I am at odds with your American perspective or peculiar tastes. You live life on the edge and with extreme complexity; twisting and turning things until reality is warped or incapable of determining fate or desirable outcomes. Even when I showed up and even if I did everything as expected; there was always this problem with you and I can only measure it based on who I am and what I know to be true. I am not your average person and you did not try so hard because I was always behind or at the bottom of the class; someone put me there to tell this story and to market this American perspective which is awful and horrible. None of you are capable of heroics but you cannot seem to make things right or make them better; none of you can. Imagine what you would do to Surf City and imagine what you would do to Johnny Utah if that pest and complete menace was introduced? Imagine how things would change and what type of trouble would erupt everywhere; can you yet? This is not even your story to tell; you based it all on my life and as an assistant; wanted to do everything possible to make it comfortable and right; now it is much harder and very messy. It was never like this between us; and since then, it was never the same or will be. I cannot blame the enemy and this pest altogether; similarly, you cannot exonerate all victims of crime or tragedies. Evil never changes, it only goes into hiding and seeks out new victims. Even if your life was on the line; don't expect the truth from them and for what it is worth; never depend on them to rescue you. Tell me, what is their weakness? Is it publicity? Is it the public? Is it the truth? Is it superior power or force? What is their fear and weakness?
I am off on a soul searching mission. When I get back, my mind should be cleansed of all Ann Coulter memories or memorabilia. I have to get this printed and move on; stuck here for three years and getting advice from you which typically gets nowhere or humiliates me. I expect to have an assistant and a new one after my cleansing trip and period. I expect my life to be cleansed of all this and knowing I gave you my heart and soul but you are so doomed and in utter hell for your business style; even I am searching for answers. I know you don't see it this way and view yourself as powerful or even heroic; history will judge and time will tell. I am much better at this Annie; you all are just robots who learn on the job. I have been there and done that and my family has a history of being on the top of these global and world wars. For you all it is on the job training or come as you are; wing it. You can tell I think so much clearer and am not clouded by abstract or insignificant things such as live tweets, dinners, galas, dresses, hair, when you will be on TV next, how many houses you have, who you know, or whether or not someone lives or dies. I suggest your leaders not make these decisions and conflict this story so much by projecting their broken life or poverty stricken background where it does not belong. This is not a story about how poor people became rich or which church was good to whom; this is a story about how to survive this enemy and human kind. If there is a rightful owner, of all of this; history will judge. What you do with you life is up to you; where you take me, is up to me. Right now, I am trapped in hell and I know why. Who is the idiot in this story now? Who keeps on injecting this smelly rotten semen in this legacy? Who keeps messing it up or sticking their nose in it? I think we know the answer to that and so does the world. I pity you all; for who you are and for whom you wish to be. Who is seeking fame and fortune; then again, who are they and why do they feel so exclusive or important? I think these people are confused at who is getting thrown out and who they really are. There is nothing heroic in what they did or how they targeted us; it is also why they did not put a fingerprint on it or are good enough to elude capture. All criminals are like this; they truly are stupid and they truly are inferior. Worse, nobody wants to breed with them so they phony up and create these fantasies to make them more likeable or more realistic.
These people think we are special ed cases or inferior to their superior common sense. Ann you need to pay special attention to the case of Brittany Drexel from Rochester, New York. Pay attention to whom she has around her, who knew her itinerary, and how she goes missing after they give her an order or expect her back. Pay attention to how she is talking or testing with her boyfriend and visiting guys in their hotel room; by herself. Pay attention to how nobody knows where she is going, who she is meeting, and who intercepts her in between. There is this lingering feeling she may be lying to her boyfriend about everything that happened. Notice how she is not permitted to do things but does them anyway. Notice how only her boyfriend knows. Notice how she is wandering around without her boyfriend and then is put into a dangerous situation. Notice how they attack her and try to push her out or get things from her by inviting her or making her feel welcomed. Notice the date of this occurrence and how the beach or spring break plays a vital role. Clearly, someone planned or changed plans with her so that her last night would be the best night. The events are secret and it led to danger.
They did this to me and then tried it on you; both failed.
Saturday, August 20, 2011


CREATING A DISASTER AND THEN TAKING AN ANTI-GOVERNMENT OR CRIME SPREE TO TRAP PEOPLE: Almost similar to the cigarette smuggling or other black market contraband; the use of crime, anti-government sentiments, and the causation of disaster or putting others in awkward positions; allows criminals and terrorists to run free in the streets and reduces those forces who combat them. Oddly, nobody wants to pay for the cleanup or pay the welfare costs of this enemy; thus, the police and the defense forces are stuck in the middle of the trap. This is what this sneaky and clever thief is doing; keeping the profits of crime while making a mess or total disaster. The operative word is fending them off. We cannot stop the attacks or prevent them from attacking; but we can take steps to make it harder and take steps to make them sorry they ever did this. We have taken this initiative and it is extremely painful and ferocious. They will be sorry and they will be full of regret if it comes to their last breath. They could not unplug our phone, life line, or any backup and help; although they tried. They kept saying we were not partners or did not want each other; then they kept saying and doing things to imply we needed them, wanted them, was on their side, or were in love with them. None of it was true. This is why they did 911 and WTC; they kept tinkering and throwing out this propaganda.


A PRISONER OF DEMENTED PEOPLE OR AN ACT OF HEROICS? In order to establish a "prisoner status" two things must be proved. First, a key, a method of unlocking, freedom, liberation, or exoneration process was denied. During this denial, captivity or pain and suffering was severe. A process of danger and escape has to be present or existing already. Second, a deliberate, intentional, or malicious effort to keep a human being in this state of mind, mental unpreparedness, or repeated battle and attempts to free or improve their life. Slander is too mild of a description and slander does not carry a death penalty if the truth is revealed. Additionally, pampering someone is not a heroic act. Acting as a match-maker, puppet master, or parent is not a heroic act. This is a very sophisticated and highly elusive criminal organization. They are well connected and well financed; regardless of the outcomes. Throwing yourself at someone is not a heroic act, nor is repeating it hourly or daily for upwards of twenty years. All of this pinpoints the true malice or the act of foul play; guaranteed by either a murder plot, execution, character assassination, or some other form of foul play. We can also sum it up with "conspiracy to commit an act of terror and conceal a terror plot." Stopping this or establishing this is very difficult; it requires a skill level which very few human beings possess. Therefore, to put the best face or placing "normalcy" on top of all the clandestine efforts is a criminal violation. Was it heroic or a prisoner status? How did they get here or acquire so much danger? Where is here? Who is here? The reason why Alex had to fend them off is he was a pro and a prisoner of these 911 terrorists. Ann caught them but before she did; she had to fend them off because Alex had to draw them in and piss them off. Clearly they view themselves as heroes and these violations or crime spree as heroics. They stomped on our story and we had to fend them off after catching them also; even worse than before.

DISCONNECTED OUR PHONE AND KNEW WE WERE CALLING FOR HELP: They created so many problems and disasters to paint us in such a negative manner; they ran up our cell phone bill in 1997, 1998, 1999; 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2011. It led to severe financial hardships and impact to our credit and history. These were not boyfriend-girlfriend related matters; it was an attack. Who knew? Who was being called for this rescue? They were hoping we would call them and would even give us their numbers. They could not unplug or disconnect the phones; no matter what they did. Again, if this is not kidnapping or taking hostage; the key is being delivered and we are in the process of freeing yourself. Who turned off our phones or disconnected it once they knew we were calling backup and help? This clearly shows how they operate and how we beat them down. They recently ran up the phone bill due to all the calls to the police by a crack gang.
RUNNING PEOPLE OFF OR RUNNING THEM OVER: When an arrest or prosecution is being executed, running the opposing side off or over is an act of desperation and shows an irrational survival instinct. It is not only a crime; but this form of obstruction of justice and witness tampering indicates the presence of racketeering and under the radar tactics. It is the probable cause to immediately begin a probe and investigation. Since 2008 this bold initiative was in the open and as nonchalant as a criminal organization can possibly get or resort to. It is not an act of courage but shows they are kurt and skittish about what is about to occur.
IS IT POSSIBLE FOR AN ALIEN TO DO THIS OR COME RIGHT IN? This is the big question, who are we elaborating about and who are we dealing with? Can an alien do this or would they get away; escape the bone crushing security? How then did a mole and these traitors? Aliens are not well funded or have such low aspirations. These Catholics and labor union mentality; what we call an inquisition and a climate of lewdness or savage attacks; is using drugs and this war to survive or advance their cause. Stop them and the church of the poor will be forced to shut down. It is a forceful takeover. They kept saying we were not partners or did not want each other; then they kept saying and doing things to imply we needed them, wanted them, was on their side, or were in love with them. None of it was true. This is why they did 911 and WTC; they kept tinkering and throwing out this propaganda.

WHO WAS THEIR INTENDED TARGET AND DID THEY THREATEN ANN COULTER TO ACQUIRE THIS TARGET: Obviously, this was an act of confusion or irrational thinking; criminal acts typically are. If they threatened Ann Coulter and threw themselves at her to either exploit or create dangers in her life, to ruin it, or to spread some negative form of smear; than the negative impact and the outcome was a malicious intent; a concerted and deliberate attack. Do this fifty or one hundred times and you can easily lie or conceal it all. Why are they in her life? Why are there so many resentments and problems? How did this begin and why did it end this way? Silence or having a show is not a proper explanation or excuse. Sharing the stage or working with someone is not an acceptable excuse. Persistent, plunder, surrender, or obsessive compulsive thoughts about having someone or raping them is why criminal violations are everywhere. It could very well be a heroic act which went unappreciated; however, they are not the judge and their heroic acts resulted in disaster; therefore, they can judge themselves but others refuse to let them off the hook. A heroic act has many details and facts which indicate transparency and valor; not full of fraud and tricks. If their irrational or confusing actions led Ann Coulter to respond in a confusing and irrational manner; then this has not been disclosed or cleared up. There is no written proof or sworn testimony which exonerates any of them.
WHY NOBODY WANTS TO HIRE THEIR ASS OR WORK WITH THEM: Nobody likes a coward, admires a bastard, or pays money to listen to their foamy mouth all day; but its not the case now and they expect jobs and some delivery of it; that is irrational and not reality either. Apparently we pay money to spank the hell out of them, which is just a waste of time. They keep saying how powerful they are and how others love them. Ann keeps saying it back and asking who is hurt. Who is she trying to hurt back. Ann keeps making promises of quitting and does not; she keeps trying to beat them in the money category also. Everybody is saying why nobody wants to work with them; they can do no wrong and are rotten to the core. There is no end to it or this; none. The only thing real is pain and suffering; no facts or way to verify anything. If this was a military battle or combat; my last letters to Ann was what I was told and her effort to tell me how it was all lies. I deserve more and better. I deserve to know the truth; even from Ann.

HOT STUD OR TOTAL PHONY AND LOSER WHO REALLY NEEDS TO GO AWAY? With all these men in Ann Coulter's past, this singles club, the drinking buddies, and the extreme sexual harassment due to playing cupid; the question is whether or not these people are total phonies or the real deal? How does a happily married woman go from secure and calm; to the most sexually harassed female on earth in less than the span of ten years? Is it possible and is there any female on earth who can reproduce this insanity? Can they retrace or walk her steps? Losing your marriage and 22 years of heart and soul would devastate someone; why I asked for 1.5 billion dollars. How about wrecking the most important mission on planet earth?

Gangs, Drug Cartels, and Real Estate:


THE PEOPLE YOU CHOSE TO BE IN YOUR LIFE OR SHARE LIFE WITH: This might be the cause of who you choose to be in your life and who has the right to say leave or move. Obviously, organized criminal groups never act rationally or in a legal format. Obviously, the decisions already are clearly irrational and utter insanity. If there is a lesson here; then all sides can agree to the problem with who you choose to have in your life and who you do not want. How did this begin or start? How did it end this way? Why did it end this way? Who won or has advantage in the end? Why? You live and you learn; but who you choose to be in your life is sometimes unavoidable and can bring death.

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About Me

- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.