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OLD PROBLEMS AND NEW ACQUAINTANCES: Ann, these problems you have date back to the mid or late 1990s. I have made it crystal clear to you how I am unwilling and not cordial to more acquaintances or even your previous confidants. If you and them are close; that is your business. I have my own opinion, life, and feelings. You do not govern them and neither do your acquaints. You and I had a physical, intimacy, and sexual relation which compares to married people. I am not cordial to a singles club and always had an goal to marry. My aspiration is to survive this and get remarried. You may have problems with these greedy and overly ambitious people; but our problem is I have a bigger problem with them and you. If you have a legal and criminal case against them; contact me and ask if we can be friends. Right now, you are holding on to my entire life savings. I asked you to hide this while I was under attack or a hostage; so that they would not steal or damage anything. You are using this to keep me here or appeased. This was my work; the brains and the boss. You were a good partner, good author, and had a miserable personal or private life. This void allowed vultures and bullies to circle you and they waved that evil wand; wholla, here we are. I have ran into machine gun fire and you just opened more and more doors; as if it was a shooting gallery. I am nearly broke on this end due to your measly mental state and lack of leadership, failure to accept input. The problem are your acquaintances and your inability to write your own biography or a lack of control over your private and personal life. That is between you and them; your friendship or not. I have provided my side and how I see it. I have given you the method to change my mind or make this right. There is gross negligence and these problems go back to the decades. Worse is how you introduce me to new love triangles or male acquaintances; a state of mental madness; a total lack of care; and even abusing your stature. You don't look or act like you want this or ever have. Most observers might be confused; maybe. Whatever the case, it is upsetting my side and their side; you are just living it up and trying to endanger both sides while you enjoy the attention of both. One scrambling and the other like a pitbull. If they put it on paper and report it; maybe I can address it in a more civilized manner; that is their mistake. This is the clandestine game you all play; animals and subhumans. They have changed their game and story; repeatedly trying to reinvent themselves. Don't expect a miracle and decide what you want to keep or hold on to; be decisive and not so liberal or left wing. If you have to make a list; put yes or no next to it.
ANN, IMAGINE IF I WAS A FIRSTBORN SON OR FIRST FAMILY: If you had a first born son; if you did have Jesus Christ; if Fox, YAF, CPAC, etc... were chasing you and trying to kill you before you gave birth or had a fist born son; would you go to them or run? Would you keep going to them or hide? How long do you want to run before you realize you killed him, left him in a cave, or shook him to death. You can blame them. But as a stupid bitch and a complete moron; it is total exageration and you are guilty. Even worse is you are going to dinners, staying out late, doing dinner parties, etc... to satisfy the fantasies of these people. You also try to satisfy your own fantasies by making up this insane story about how this is about you; it is not. When you have an injured partner or a child; someone who needs care; do not neglect them, hide them in a cave, and think you are a ferocious fighter; you are total chicken shit and a complete annoyances; a human piece of shit. Even I hate your guts and told you this in 2003 and in 2008 when this began; you keep squirming back. What are you teaching these fools and why? I have asked the FBI and Pentagon to take down the Catholic Church; who is behind real estate and this drug war; now a complete and total disaster. Their inquisition is now Protestant v. Catholic; on the SATWAR levels. I accepted your resignation a long time ago; a long time ago Ann. Here we go again; shame shit and shame story. Do you know or realize you are kidnapped or abducted; worse you do not run or hide; escape. Do not fall for their tricks or drag me deeper; it is called false consciousness. False consciousness is when you have the mind of a child and every life decision has to be made for you. How tough is this enemy and can we inform them and let them know? Knock will they.

ANN WE KNOW HOW YOU ARE AND WHY YOU DO THIS ALL THE TIME: Listen to me you shitbag; settle your debts with me and move on. I do not want to fight your worthless pot smoking or hemp wearing brothers and I have no interest telling your niece and nephew what kind of person you are. You are insane. You are more bold than ever before in your life now that I am involved. Your slut bag act, real or fake, is worse than ever before. The way you dress, the way you do your makeup, and the stunts you throw at those you claim to love; is repugnant. I even said your parents rotted in hell for this. Look, I said you may not make it to your 25th anniversary with me; and I know your story more than anyone on this earth. I do not want to fight your legacy, your family, and your darling kiddies over your fortune; which is all based on our partnership and my work. I have the college notes and my professors know I was working on this. My transcripts confirm this and so does my knowledge; of your work and why I am able to piece all of it together in my sleep. You are repugnant; settle your debt with me and have men pick you up, hot dates, or live your life how you want. Now you are headed down a road of absolute pain and suffering for your idiot family; I surmise their royalty will be clawing their way in a manner which you managed to muck up. Wake up and deal with reality you god damn mad woman. You do this to me also and you are going to cause more misery; and more. Settle this quickly and hurry up with your special girlfriend or best friend in the world act. I did not want to fight you either; now I have to fight clans of idiots, hordes of spectators, and even waves of you worthless human beings. The truth hurts; get over it okay. Never question my strategy, decision making, or judgment; got it; never. You must retreat, do you understand?
BIG GIRLS HAVE BIG HEADS, BIG FEET, AND BIG HANDS: Ann, you are a big girl and this did not have to be like this. You ignored all of my warnings and even my feelings. All of you did. You went and traded pieces of your life; as if they were bargain chips with this idea I would always be there for you. Meanwhile, you gave me a leash so crazy; people think you are a love or sex slave. You even want me to smack you around or tie you up; total chaos in your life. You felt that by doing this to me; you could show me and the world the hell you endured or the feelings you had not liberated. Eventually, you felt it would improve your standing with me or have me do that miracle you expect. Don't ignore my feelings and ignore what I had told you, this has to stop and now. There are no more chances. You cannot do this on me and expect different results. There is a lot of anger and heartache involved; faking it or not. You are a big girl, big girls do not cry, big girls have big heads; surely you can find a big enough shoulder to lay it on or someone who understands your life? Maybe they will treat you with more kindness and with more respect; roll the dice again and waste another 22 years of your life; jackass. You abused this emergency channel and lifeline; then used it as propaganda or a sounding board to amplify your total disaster; which is a brutal rape, harassment, assassination, and murder plot gone sour; both you and I foiled it. You did foil mine but your techniques are less than honorable. If you want your marriage or this back; you better have everything nice and neat; every detail. Don't rely on your friends and if you want it done; do it yourself. Stop complaining. You did not write the final prologue to the Vietnam War either; none of you did. You face judgment and failed.

ANN WATCH IT NOW AND UNDERSTAND THIS SPLIT: You are not going to make it to our 25th Anniversary, understand or are you too giddy and drunk? You are guilty of fraud and misrepresenting yourself. This may be a crime if you keep it going. You are guilty of abuse of 911 or emergency channels at this time and possibly harassment; whether it is your fault or back and forth. Whatever guilt you have or are hiding; it led to a major breakup; which you tried to fix or play out to its very end. The travel expenses is still up for grabs; whether you are billed for it. The cost of investigating this; my charges is separate from my own diary and personal account. You owe me money for damages and being attacked because of your antics. They face heavier and severe charges. You refuse to take accountability, all of you; and it led to your grief or level of unhappiness, which you deny. In your mind, you are sticking it to them and regardless of the outcome; you won. One of you will have to provide all the details; whether it is you or them; all of you have the attitude of "who cares." Therefore, you are also guilty of conspiracy and lying to investigators. To make things right with me; you must provide me every single detail; not demand your love triangles, derranged fans, work mates, rapist, criminal conspiracy, and busted felons to save your marriage and clean up your life. Do you understand me and reality? This will not and is not going to arrive before your 25th anniversary; we only celebrated our 22nd anniversary Ann; do you understand and has reality settled in? Your actions or lack thereof led to a missing 23rd anniversary. You cannot abuse this 911 channel; even if it is trying to mock these traitors. I am authorized to do this because I am under attack and a hostage; you are not. Leave it the way it is and cross your fingers; watch it and see how it turns out. All of you got caught for fraud and lying. Some of you got conspiracy and tried to cover it up.

DEAR ANN COULTER, YOU FACE ARREST AND PROSECUTION ALSO: This is my diary and personal account; it does not pay the bills or did. Don't sit there and tell me about the favors you did or the pain and grief of having you in my life; I hated it and did enjoy a brief 2 years of it. Out of 22 years; 9 was uneventful while I was in school; 3 was arguing; 2 was bliss and happiness; the remainder was just chaos and suffering. These charges can be pressed on you at this time Ann and the FBI is well aware you are guilty of them; silent or not. One of you is lying and one of you is trying to do a clean up. You claim you are not; they are. Whatever the case, it led to your own marraige or relationship with me to end; for abuse of 911 or emergency channels and for fraud, abuse, or harassment. All of you are guilty of exploiting this and my life; all of you. You turned them in and then refused to turn yourself in or make things right with me; unreasonable expectations and a lack of clear thought. You are full of indecision and hid this also. You keep telling me you are not happy about this; and I am? Charges can be pressed on you at this time; although the microscope was on me and I turned them in or presented a perfect case, with your legal help and close help; very close. You get credit for no sex, catching the 911 terror plot, and being a great author. You wiped them out only at the expense of being indecisive and having a lack of vision. When I get more money; I am shutting this down, printing it, and moving on. The rest is your life and your problems; you can knock on my door and keep on doing it; its been 22 years of knocking. Now you and them are not welcomed; none of you are. Are we clear on how this ended and your own biography; this is what it should read and why; the official record. Any other print is slander and faces serious retaliation. They have no choice but to leave it the way it is; as you are; until arrest or being thrown out. Corrupt? Traitors? Retarded? Enemy? Insult? Money or greed talking?
THIS IS WHY THEY SHOULD ARREST YOU, LOVE TRIANGLES; EVEN IF YOUR LIFE OR THE NATION WAS ON THE LINE; EVEN IF MY LIFE WAS ON THE LINE: This is the type and person you are Ann. I was not aware of this before. This is why you need to settle your debts with me and move on Ann; for real. More love triangles, more data investigators must sift through, more lies and muck, more and more... complaints, disaster, and utter chaos and hell. You do it with me also. Then they act as if this is supposed to be about jealousy or something important. "I'll be LIVE-TWEETING with my pal john phillips during the GOP debate tonight (!!!) if he sobers up and picks me up soon....Its my fault that @anncoulter and I are late...but we're here!" Keep this in mind next time you are on a hot date or out with men Ann; how many love triangles and tirades you created in your own life. Not happy? You keep this up and try to forgive yourself; let yourself off the hook. Worse, I have to watch it. Your parents would smack the F out of you; admit it. Your family is so worthless and weak; they must be idiots or some Deadhead. You are a pack of idiots and feeble losers. Even if world war or your life was on the line Ann; even if my life was on the line. I read his Tweet and it is not a lie; but he is playing along in a "Gotcha moment." Gotcha is surf clothing I wear with Instinct, Quiksilver, Billabong, and Local Motion. If they arrest you for this love triangle crap; I would not visit you. I would do what you did; F off and exploit my weakness. Question, why don't you settle your debts and move on if you truly feel this way and are guilty or screwed up so badly? Why not just move on? Why would they all let you off the hook? All the sudden, they go silent? All the sudden, you are not under their microscope, I am? Please... conspiracy charges. This is what you get for making friends with enemies and traitors.
MORE STRANGE MEN AND LOVE TRIANGLES FROM MS. COULTER: Very funny Ann. Now you all sobered up, John Phillips is picking you up or is making you wait for some date or TV date. You two are tweeting the GOP debates and watching TV together. Do we need to know more? Is there more you wish to drip out now that it is total disaster? Remember, next time you are on a hot date; just keep in mind what events are going down and how you react to them. This should keep you busy in either heaven or hell; pleading your case and how your parents stood by and watched in silence. Maybe if they were here; they would have some comment about you also. Now it is not dinners; but it is invitations to your home for TV dates? Great way to get married or stay married with everybody watching. More and more lies... You eat it and you watch it, don't tell me to horny homo. Your exact words, "I have a calm and quiet life... there is nothing for you to worry about... there was just no sex... all the fun a girl can have." What if your life was on the line Ann; think about this, what if it came down to life and death; can you be more honest and real? Can you be less suspicious? Can you please clear this up and allow others to be more decisive? Don't tell me it is the liberals and left wing okay; don't even make a snide comment. Who else did you have over?
FBI ANALYSIS - WHO IS WATCHING THIS? Ann, I am not happy about this. Who exactly said, "If you do not give her to us, the both of you will die or suffer?" Who said this? Also, who said to you, "If you do not back off, we will kill you?" They said this to the FBI in 1998 also. Whoever said or did this is trying very hard not to get arrested. They also are not going down without a fight. Even worse, they want to show off and want everybody to watch it. They still feel nobody is watching the hen house and we are not protected. I am sick and tired of playing this tug of war with them; fed up and nearly broke Ann. It's not consent on your end or being happy with how this turned out; and it never was on this end either. I got the Gladiator ring on this end; a revolving door of crack addicts. The police know who is behind it and who is setting up these standoffs and attacks; Italians. Their best fighters are the Irish and blacks. This is who I have to fight or have to defeat.
KEEP THIS IN MIND NEXT TIME YOU ARE OFF ON A CPAC AND YAF VACATION SPOT, OUT TO DINNER, ACCEPTING JEWELRY AND KICKBACK, OUT ON A HOT DATE, OR SKIRTING OFF TO A AWARD DINNER: The only person you have to live with is you. I understand you are not happy; I am furious about it. You look stupid doing this even if you are mocking or having them attack air make believe. I love the hurricane and earthshaking mocking also. Keep this in mind the next time you go pollack or Catholic idiot on me. They are all communist lunatics. Open your eyes, they have outfoxed you and are not going down without a fight; are you a jackass or just a protestant pol-lock? They are goons, unwelcome and gay; don't muck your life up at their expense. So next time you are out on a hot dinner with Bill, Sean, Donald, Andrew, Mickey, JJ, or this insane singles club you keep telling me and bragging about; you keep in mind what is going down on this end. I need a girl now who is willing to do what you refuse to do; understand? This is insane. You expect happiness and to live with this guilt? Just like Casey Anthony; you just want to go-go while total disaster is occurring at home. Even if your worthless family was sick; you would let them whack you with a bat; call it a hot dinner and love taps. If you cannot do the right thing; then do not throw this crap on me or tangle me up; I am exposed to moles, career criminals, and this insanity. Next time you are out or off to a CPAC vacation spot; keep in mind what is happening at home or why you are unhappy or upset. You hate yourself? You don't think I hate you? Indecision? Helping me make decisions? They are now on a suicide mission; they are not going down without a fight and have outfoxed both of us Ann; are you blind or just stupid?
POWERFUL ENOUGH TO DO THIS BACK - EXPECT FORGIVENESS AND VINDICATION: They obey no rules. Nobody and nothing can teach em manners. They are trapped inside a scrawny, tooth-pick or obese body, they are all thieves and pathological liars, they refuse to keep away and want to be exactly like us so badly. They want others to understand or give them recognition. No laws are suitable for them and they have no chance here. They run up the debt, add more welfare, spend their mouths and lies away; nothing can keep them away. Torture makes them giggly and depressed. Who and what can match and destroy this enemy; even shut down their worthless church? Did I mention the church of sexual offenders and molesters? They are not even guilt ridden and do not understand manners or rules; too ignorant, stupid, and selfish to stay in America. Who would surround themselves with this gutless SOB and pretend they are innocent? Who? They do not value their life. They do not value their career. They do not value their nation. They do not value the truth. They are so gutless, they go on TV and have that look of fright or horror.
OUT TO DISCREDIT AND DISRUPT - NOT JUSTICE OR REAL HUMAN BEINGS! THE AMERICAN VIET CONG AND DRUG GANGS: Ping, Ralph, and the Florida chapter of the Democratic Viet Cong guerrillas want the world to know they are using us to talk or communicate. However, they are very scared. They are defeated. They have so many wounded now. They do not know what to do. They want us to leave or get expelled from the state. They feel this is their home. They want us to understand their feelings. They are labor unions and must hold their lines; terrorize anyone trapped. They are getting more scared. They know a coup is coming. They cannot lie their way out. They are not as good as we are. They do not want to get hurt. They want to terrorize or torture us into understanding their feelings, empathy. They do not care about our feelings or wishes. They want to hire us; but must create a demand. They know they have been defeated and are hanging on for dear life. Their focus is their wounded; so many. They are confident in helping their wounded. They want us to help them eliminate some of their wounded because they are facing total defeat. Morale among their forces is low. They are walking on egg shells. They know they are dead; this is over. They know if they bother a female and not a male; they will get caught and arrested. They refuse to stop or end this. They are bound by a bunker mentality; total defeat and derangement. They are stingy and selfish; only liars. They are the police and in charge. They are very scared and want us to know this; hence, these attacks and this clandestine Viet Cong force made of Catholics, Jews, Democrats, and terrorists. They want to follow the leader and stalk them; but did not expect this or how this ended. They know they are thin skinned and have no backbone; they accept this. They accept our case but want us to know how they feel and ask why we are so mean? Why do we treat them like a subhuman or enemy when they are just a human being? They do not want us to abandon or be fed up with them; retaliate or coup them. This is the greatest and strongest force their church has ever gone up against and they did not expect this; tragedy.
EVEN THE FBI IS FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIFE AND CAREERS - A POWERFUL ADVERSARY: They want us to be more quiet and understand how they feel and what crisis awaits. This is how the labor unions hold the line and prevent escape. They want us to be as weak, feeble, defeated, terrorized, and the same as they feel; a messenger. They have given up on playing follow the leader and are ashamed of admitting they are Nazis first and communists second; afraid of public retribution and stigma. They are closet enemies, too afraid but must take care of the wounded; so they devise these plots and attacks to shift the blame on the right wing or "follow the leaders." They refuse to accept us as their leaders and want to be recognized as our heroes. They admit to being Nazis and communists spies now; unable to deny or admit it. They want us to know how angry they are with how this ended and how they are trying to be quiet and walk on eggs. Their search for this leader for their church has now ended and it rests on Obama; nobody else. They feel that racism and hate will assist with how many wounded they have to care for; once their foot soldiers and now unemployed or have a dead end life. They know their church is dead and this is the end; they are too ashamed to admit or face the truth; so they claim ownership to anything or anyone. Winning is impossible and they did not expect this much resistance or damage to their already wounded forces. They no longer welcome us in their house or life; due to our reaction to them and fight. They are not sure about the 1.5 billion settlement; ask Ann to help. They do not know what they are doing wrong and need us as a guide dog; exploit our powers.
STOP USING ME AS PROPAGANDA: Ann, stop using me or our relation as propaganda or a business plan. It does not matter if you are right or wrong; stop using me as propaganda and playing this game with everybody. I am serious, I am going to file charges if you try to get kickback or give me kickback; I am not privy to these games or Kabuki dance. I am sick and tired of women using me or men trying to set me up with hookers or puppets; all over my personal life. Now my security has been stripped, life is a complete log jam, my marriage is destroyed, and I have no privacy because of everything. My entire life is an open book and now broadcasting all over the world. Regardless, they keep trying to rewrite the life of Ann; or try to worsen it with damage control; hacking? Try hostage and ferocious attacks! I work at home and this is my residence; not office or open space. They are forbidden from my private or financial affairs; I have filed charges. I am not paying them anything for any reason; I am directing law enforcement to take them down and the Pentagon to attack them.
THE MARTHA STEWART BIOGRAPHY AND PATH: Ann, I am not sure why Martha Stewart is in this but it traces to my ex Linda and her Polish descent. This Polish descent then traces to Buffalo, NY; NBC; CT and the old world; Jews, Italians, Irish, and local events there. I always considered Linda almost like a mom; a teacher of fine tastes and etiquette. I watched a show on the bio of Martha, not Martha Washington; and you are parading or mocking her. However, it appears you are intent on mimicking or going down the same road; to no end and have them criticize or attack your bio and authorship of this Madame Bovary freestyle. Now I understand the dinners, homemaker, bitchy business lady, very difficult personality, Catholic heritage, NBC, Upstate NY, mafia links, beauty, expensive tastes or education, cultural figure, and shrewd business woman. Crown books is also involved. Time-Life books is also involved. A bad marriage and fights with the ex is involved. We have this upstate NY childhood, Big City or NYC career, big money and personalities, cultural icon, banking community, and the hell of your life and career. I need to get away from this and you need to settle your debts with me and move on; do you understand? Your fate is already written or has been played through; it is all corrupt and very rough, undesired. Oddly, I was arrested unfairly and living in some dual or parallel universe. I moved in 2000. You came to DC in 1995 when I finalized my college choice. Jail and lying to investigators in 2002; jail in 2004 when I was released and had medical problems. Martha looks like Tammy in my class; Tammy was Greek. I had extremely good looking Greek friends since elementary from upstate NY. Tammy had a blankness to her which made her unattractive or wandering. It looks like someone came to DC-VA and attended my high school; why it traces to NY and ended this way; a standoff and hostage negotiation. They did an abduction and kidnapping. You spooked them when in DC and headed back to NY; Martha. They mistook you and your undercover work; how they got busted and how it unraveled.
DUALITY, TIC-FOR-TAC, BIG LABOR, COMING TO DC, MOLES, SPIES, COMMUNISTS, THEIR HIGHEST OR MOST SECRET: This is getting crazy and I feel like a stranger has hijacked or taken over my life; additionally, you and I are fighting heavily and cannot agree on anything anymore. I can tell the despair in you and how you have just given up; like a boxer you are on the ropes and just blocking. You wait for me to knock you out or the bell to ring. This duality to Buffalo or upstate NY is extremely damaging to both of our lives; NY is a total curse and so is your life Ann. All of you are dysfunctional, shrewd, and act sexy; nasty people. All of this is make believe, phony, and a total act; verified? Where is your bio and why is it not completed or broadcasting? Are you mocking them or trying to get them to attack their own life? What is this duality or parallel universe? A lot of laws have been violated and it is wracked with terror plots; lunatics and total psychopathic traitors. They are grabbing people, teaching them how to be moles and spies, teaching them how to be criminals and terrorists, and trying to drive them insane or make them suicidal; what I describe or reported about this duality or paralegal universe. Then they tell us to leave or go away when we complain; communist spies. This is how they teach them culture or sophistication; a mentor. This portal traces back to the US Army and CIA; worse it cause our life to split in two. One is going up and the other is going down Ann; headed for disaster again. Spy catchers and super spy hunters are after their ass and got them trapped; defeated. This is the highest confrontation and battle the communist forces USA has ever faced or spy hunters have ever been in. We are talking ferocious and daily extreme combat; terror. Kennedy died before getting busted.

BULL! I AM NOT FIGHTING THE BULL, NO MORE BULL STORIES: Ann, either it is just you; or all of you are retarded. When you buy a car, you have to try and keep the scheduled maintenance. You cannot let the car sit in the garage and not take care of it or rag it out to the point where it cannot run any longer. You think money will fix it. You think if you use this car to do stunt tricks; it will not break. There is a tolerance; and if you a jumping or hitting anything in it; the car will suffer permanent and debilitating damage; do not keep on driving it or pulling these stunts in it. Do you or your family understand this? Are you all worthless? I take care of my things. I think it is because you are a woman. I think all of you have this female gene; then you feel money will make that car run like new; it won't. Even if you fix it and spend every dime of your money; stop thinking like you are careful or take care of your things; I am in a state of shock with you also. You keep claiming you do not have a break down and I am already in the garage and had to be towed due to these people; this is true. They vandalized and took this car out of order; then kept saying they will fix it and have not. They did try this on you and you did escape it and turned the table on them; now all insane fantasies about marriage or hidden motives; evil plots. The car is in their shop; if you want it, come and claim it; this is why they blame you. They want to send you the bill, extortion. They want business and to get rid of this car; it is junked. How do you think they see you now? Of course they did it. Of course you caught them. However, you do not see it my way and I am always right Ann; trust me. This is their way of outfoxing and retaliation; torture and kidnap. The police are on this end Ann.
DON'T EVER FORGET THIS NEXT TIME YOU GO TO DINNER, WANT THE WORLD TO KNOW HOW MUCH YOU LOVE ME, ARE OUT ON A DATE, OR PARTYING YOUR BOOK OFF: I have a total disaster and log jam. If you have any desire to be happy in life and if you have any raison d'etre; understand this could have been avoided and you could be happy or survived this. Instead, you refused to pay me what you owe and move on; and I am in this god damn forsaken log jam while you are wisked off by your security to the next party, speech, dinner, or date; sometimes a co-pilot who is there all night. Keep this true to your heart and ask God how he sees you slaves the next time you go on Fox News. You people are animals and so weak it is pathetic. All of you are phony and just want to drag others down with you; cowards and traitors. If it is not one thing, it is another. I am glad you recognize you are not happy Ann; with yourself or others. I managed to find my peace out of this; but when people F up on this level; you and I know what the consequences are and what this world has in store. These people will be nuked; it is written and inevitable; but they take it like a champ, don't they Ann? You find your peace without me and stop telling the world how much you love me; I just went through this same shit. All of you think you are so important and so infallible; so strong and so invincible; aren't you? If you and they survive; you will have to live with yourself and I want the world to know how sweet it is. Just keep joining them, one after the other and see where that gets you. I even said your family was worthless and couldn't even give a damn about your straight jacket politics and life; what miserable slaves this human race is born into. They keep pooping out another baby that gets nowhere or can never be real. Wonderful people you all turned out to be! All of you must kill your own kids or eat your neighbors. Obsessively inferior and having way too much fun around those who are not. You burn more oil, pee in our water, cut down more trees, use up more oxygen, and kill off more and more... for what?

DEAR ANN YOU HAVE LOST ALL CONTROL: Okay, so you do have some feelings about the problems we have. Let me ask you how you marry someone who does not care, runs around incessantly with strangers and horny men, and is always reported partying or drinking? How Ann? How do you marry someone who does not care or is always fighting one way or the other? Worse, you sound like the people we fight and the constant effort to match both of us up with lunatics. Do you understand? The secret in life is happiness and I suggest you start focusing on both your happiness and mine. Now I have to listen to reports of rich men, kickback, and invitations to you. I have to watch horny lunatics and rapist throw themselves at you while you act like an interested married woman. You expect happiness? You expect me to hold on to you or allow you to lay your shoulder on me? You expect a place in my bed when I am remarried or moved on? Why don't you care for your relations better? Now you have so many enemies; you talk about shooting them and they want to marry you so they can beat you to death with a bat; welcome to my hell, not yours. You could get rid of all this craziness, at least try or take my input. Do I look like an accomplice? Do I look like your prisoner or corrupt? Do I sound retarded or easily manipulated by women; quiet the opposite. Do I sound like or look like an easy victim or a good idea to try this on? You just keep trying to drum up more eyes and trying to get more people to investigate; working or not? Exactly who is writing your bio or mine? Who writes the bio Ann, tell me now? So you can kiss my ass and understand you would not be here had it not been for me; twice. You took it and ruined it or ran it into the ground. Stop joining, attending, and socializing with the Catholic, Jewish, Gay, Communist, and labor union mafia; all moles or traitors. You have lost control and so have I. Knock off the leader act and worry about your own life and ours; jackass. You have to be put in a straight jacket or they will beat you at your own game; no more desirable outcomes or control. You are a F'in retard. You did this to surprise me or want the world to know you love me? Look at this shit and total mess; look at my secret war and top secret mission to launch the SATWAR revolution Ann. Do I look or sound happy or do I sound like a 5 star who wants body counts?

MAJOR JAM, NOT WELCOMED, KNOW THE TRUTH, INDECISION, DONE ON PURPOSE: Ann, I realize you do not care. I realize you needed my help. I understand how things would have turned out had it not been for you or for me to help you also. However, I need to move on now and I need my life back. You are full of indecision and you are using your life to get back at your enemies. I realize this. I realize you are the author of a book and that book has nothing to do with your real life or identity; an undercover bother. I have read every classic literature masterpiece ever written. You have a bit of Achilles. You have a bit of Dante. You have a bit of Don Quixote. You have a bit of War and Peace. You have a bit of Madame Bovary. You have a bit of Candide. You have a bit of Dostoevsky. You have a bit of Lady Chatterley. You have a bit of Le Carre or spy novels. You have a bit of Jane Austin. These books are classics and they were written about women; by men. I happen to be the author here. You are my subject and researcher. We have a total log jam; so keep this in mind while you are out drinking, all night, accepting jewelry or trips, or just working off with some male friend, enemy, or beau. That is the bottom line; a total log jam. Somehow I have to get out of it. I am in a very tricky and difficult position; there is leverage and pressure tactics daily; sometimes hourly. I have crack dealers and addicts circling me; I get robbed and extorted; have a communist bull horn trying to brainwash me. That is the log jam. Therefore, I have or am a hostage to your life and your mess; and likewise, you are a hostage to mine. I did not do it and you did not do it; so that only leaves one suspect and conclusion. It is getting so insane and crazy; you won't survive it and neither will they. Both of you bend over backwards to attack the other or chase the other off; unwelcome or going away. The odds are not good for neither of you; but this is why you were brutally raped, almost murdered, and acting the way you are. Yes I understand it is about payback or stopping them; but at what cost? What cost do you wish to pay? It is stuck in their life; do you want it stuck in yours now? Of course I want payback and wish them dead; I do not deny this. They are denying it and also claim they love us or are only there to help. My privacy has been taken away. My security has been stolen. What cost Ann? Decide and stop wasting time. You are full of indecision and stupid stunts. These stunts are to infuriate them and make them chase their own tail; as done with both of us. I was the first victim; you did not need to be or become such a gigantic liability. This idea I am moving on and you are going to get a new beau; and beg or secretly want to be my mistress so you can be monogamous for life; is totally insane also. I am completely surrounded. You are completely surrounded; deep in their dens. You have not escaped yet and as you can see; nothing has changed on this end. Now you are fighting to stay together; but as friends with benefits while you date and go out aimlessly or with no care? This is total insanity Ann and it has been. Who are these people and why are they totally nuts?
FIRST IT WAS BRUTALLY RAPED, THEN IT WAS MURDERED AT THE HANDS OF DRINKING BUDDIES, WHAT NEXT BEAT UP DAILY BY HUSBAND? Ann, I honestly think if you were married; you would be wife beaten daily. Although I have to deal with all these men and am sick and tired of your gimmicks and lifestyle; I hope if you are married and get married; your husband beats your ass daily. Come on Ann, rape plot, murder plot, and you go to dinner with them. Why don't they just smack you around and throw you out of a car? You see Ann, even I see it your way now. Everybody knows why you cling so tightly on me and can never make me happy; you are retarded. You won't admit how retarded you are. We can test it; get married and I bet you will get beat up or punched everyday, even as an old lady and invalid. You set up your life so you could not be fired, hated when married, and trusted? You are too comfortable with your life. Way too comfortable. Your C-Span interview is full of shit. You speak of men very comfortably also, too comfortably. Such a protector of marriage, monogamy, happiness, love, etc... I think the men at Human Events would hit you with a bat; be honest. Layers of retarded people, who me? You can't even keep me happy and at peace Ann, are you hearing me? They would beat you with a bat if you were old, had cancer, and an invalid. You are exactly like the founding of America; sounds great at first and then it goes downhill from there. I might outlive you; if so, you won't know if I attend the anti party afterwords. Ha, deal with it Ann! Tell all your "close friends" I hate their guts and piss on their graves!
THE BIGGER THE HOLE; THE BIGGER THE DELIVERY OF THEIR HEAD, ROLL THE DICE? Don't lie to me and play that full of shit smear or red herring, it is a perjury trap. You are an awesome author; too bad it is based on my work and our partnership. You are a better speaker than I am; hands down. Imagine YAF and your crew at Fox or even Red Eye; how would this go down if I was not here or doing this? The thanks I get Ann; you are welcome. You won't even get rid of them and they cause trouble for me? Who do you think they are chasing off now or where the pressure tactics are? Take a guess. Who has the bulls-eye now Ann? Tell CPAC not to come to Florida, please. Ann, you are completely insane. The only thing you have left is to bring their head; and we know this will take 20 more years because you will just go drinking with them. All you do is irritate me now Ann; at least bring their head in this century. It is embarrassing because this is why you are single. You cannot handle reality, never have been. Do not compare yourself with warriors, ever. You are such a hard worker Ann; I admire you also. So powerful and cool with the drinks and the men stories. Yes CPAC and such conservatives. You still have not delivered and the more you keep this game up; the bigger you must deliver. Failure! Ann, even I boycott your books; do you understand? You do well with slaves or weaklings. Couldn't have done it without you; but won't ever know if I piss on your grave! Loved every minute of it and lost your soul and heart. This is how insane it got and is.
GUILTY OF WHAT THEY ARE DOING: Ann you are guilty of what they are doing: 1. Take it or leave it, nobody can match the offer and there is no other competitor; trapped. 2. It is a total disaster. 3. Reinventing themselves over and over. 4. No pay, no benefits, and day and night games or babysitting. 5. Constant arguing and constant back and forth; bottom up though. 6. Believe it, there is no other competitor. 7. Housing and living arrangement tied into this offer; turn over my entire life? 8. Do not get what I want or never do. Now you take a look at the mess and the serious problems I have on my end and you compare it what you and them; do I get any choice here? Why can't you just settle your debts and move on? Why? Both of you? 9. All of you are putting me through this shit and your awful life; "then why don't you leave." Guilty. I am filing charges and this SOB needs to be slammed and thrown out.
LETS GET THE DINNER AND LUNCH ISSUE OFF THE TABLE: I am shocked by the numbers and the controversy. You knew I did not like it. You withheld it from me when I asked. You had a look of fright and were hesitant. You did not know how I reacted. You were scared I would overeager or would disapprove. You told me nothing or was reluctant to even mention them. Romantic? Business? Friendship? Exciting? Attention? Semi Dating? You felt guilty and the more I found out, the more I was shocked. I go out to dinner with females; but not on your scale; but we were also having problems or was not together. Your view was how your life is uneventful and you had nothing to tell me. Your story is you were too busy or had no time for friends or even marriage or a boyfriend. Nobody listed any of these dinners as a date or romance; at least not yet.
C-SPAN 3 HOUR INTERVIEW: Who are these people? Ask them who I am? Ask them to read my stuff and look at my biography and research from 1995 to 1998 at George Mason. Have I read every classic ever written in world history? Yes. Have I read and studied every philosopher from 5th Century Greece to Post Modernism? Yes. Have I indicated the history of communism traces back to a philosopher named Jean Jacque Rousseau? Yes. Could I describe his work? No. I could not understand his world. Do I indicate the origin of communism as the existentialist school of philosophy? Yes. Do I indicate the father of the right wing as Thomas Hobbes? Yes. Do I credit more philosophers also? Yes. There is no father of it; but many whom contributed. Do I also describe the purpose of Demonic and the relationship with group think or conformity? Yes, by definition it is deviant behavior. Define for me deviant behavior, please and I will debate anybody in this world. Is my work the final piece to Ann Coulter's life? Well... you are an excellent author; impeccable. Why would you make people not take you or I serious? Do I want or have I asked for free publicity? It is worth nothing to me; you can keep it and enjoy it yourself. All of you are derranged and unwanted. We have very little in common now. All they do is play this game on my end, "leave... move... go home... etc" They are caught in the middle of us.

YOU ARE A GREAT AUTHOR AND I LOVE YOU TO DEATH AS AN AUTHOR ANN: Did I study terrorism and Islam? Yes. Did I study the Jacobins and American history or the evolution of religious and civil war? Yes. Can I teach it? Yes. Do I have a doctorate? No. Did I put 10 years into college? Yes. Am I an expert on Chinese and Russian History? Yes. Did I study world religion in college? Yes. Did I study the History of American religion in college? Yes. Did I invent economic sustainability? No. Did I perfect it? Yes. Did I invent satellite warfare? Yes. Do I teach it? Yes and in a painful way. Did I study or have my research notes to prove this? Yes. Is Ann's work as revealing as mine? No. Is it as detailed and as good or better? Yes. Which is stronger? Mine. Which has clear and a map? Mine. I almost went out of state for college in 1995 after getting a science degree in computer science and did study military satellites formally; a top secret school ran by NSA. I did get certified by the NSA after college in computer security and wrote policy and alerts based on the Rainbow Series Manuals. Do I get any credit? Not yet. All I hear are parties, cocktail parties, going out with friends for two weeks every single day, etc... still no biography or way to make a decisive decision with Ann; more and more punching each other. I still did not get a clear understanding of Ann Coulter based on Ann Coulter's explanation. I get a clear one from me. Anybody else? Who the hell are these people and why are they ticking me off? Is it Ann's fault or theirs? Did the C-Span interview clear anything up for me? No. It used to be, "My life is boring, there is nothing to tell you." Clearly, we have very little similarities remaining.
AS A NORMAL PERSON OR LOVE INTEREST - BODYGUARD PROBLEMS AND CONFLICT: Still inconclusive and a joke to Ann. Laugh it off? I thought it was a time for celebration? I thought you were celebrating victory and your own marriage? Who screwed that up? Who is the jackass? How do I celebrate and enjoy your company Ann? How? I cannot even take you serious anymore. It is increasingly difficult to take you serious Ann; can you comprehend this? Even if you were brutally raped or murdered; it is very difficult. Did you really get a bracelet from Trump and do you wear it all the time? Any other jewelry from men over the years? Yes I did get jewelry from women over the years, nothing serious. Any invites which you feel embarrassed about? This is supposed to be a celebration Ann; you are an excellent writer and can be so happy; why? Why if you are so satisfied and have infatuation with our relation; would you not take it more serious? All I hear are names of men, names of men you complain about, and dinners and lunch. Even I do not think you are faithful and that is honest. I feel exploited and used most of the time Ann. This is all I hear and you cannot even do the right thing with me. You kept a lot of stuff away from me and the more I know; the more I dislike or feel used. Do you comprehend or even care or is this just how you are? Should I get used to this? You even use me as a sounding board; what I accuse these people of doing.
WHO IS ALLERGIC TO WHOM OR WHY ANN? When it comes to clear and distinct patterns of behavior; I get a bit angry with Ann. When it comes to why we are arguing; I get very turned off and more angry with Ann. When it comes to her biography; I have a pattern of behavior stuck in my mind which replays weekly; sometimes monthly. Am I the only one? Have I been brainwashed? What happened to celebrating? I am glad you spoke to your family and brothers about defending you or how I am not able to take you serious anymore. Speaking of watches... Propaganda? My research and work in propaganda said this, "the human billboard is the highest form of propaganda... it resonates well with others." I wrote this in 1997. I did not tell you to use your life and now my life as propaganda, did I? I must have forgotten if I did. You look very bad; even in my eyes. Your personality is very unknown; even to me. We are in a horrible time right now. Your job and duty on earth is not to make me hate you or see you as a very bad person Ann; do you understand this? There are a lot of bad people on this earth; nowhere near you. I cannot deprogram you and they cannot deprogram the communist terrorists we are battling; leave it alone Ann. You are taking my work and college material to a whole new level; one even I do not understand or like.
IT FEELS LIKE MY LIFE ON THE SCREEN; MY OWN WORDS: My favorite author is Dostoevsky. He is the biggest communist on earth. Why do you mimick or do the same things as I do; it aggravates me and makes me confused; why I cannot take you serious. You tell me how happy you are; then a list of men arrive and all these stories you have or do not want to say. Good lord are you confident and confusing. I need to know how much you go out when in LA? Stop telling people to speak the truth; I also need it. All you do is go to lunch and dinners; and try to pull me into this game of yours; or is it ours? This is my work but you do deserve credit; I set out to do this mission and can prove it. A good solution is to put the fire you have stoked and move on or separate Ann. Are you insane or only deranged? You feel we enjoy meetings in phone books or this cloak and dagger life? Are you homo or just nuts? You look like a lawyer who wants to take up the plight of a poor guy and exploit his predicament. You give him no credit and think he likes cloak and dagger stories. Even if you do this; I don't even feel connected anymore. Am I in training? How about your role and your duties to me Ann? Why drag it out or beat a dead horse?
FEELS DEFEATED; STILL IN CONTROL; LEADERSHIP; HELPS COPE WITH FAILURE; HATE THEIR LIFE; HAS TOO MANY PROBLEMS; HUMILIATED AND ANGRY; REJECTED REPEATEDLY; TREATED MEANLY; FORCED TO STEAL OR PESTER; WANTS TO HIDE ALL THIS AND GO AWAY: Ann, we know why you are doing this; why do you think they are doing it to me now? What you do or how you make them feel; is what they criticize or do onto me. This now makes me angry at you. None of you have any fight and you come to me. I get punished because you have no fight. I get blamed when they made a mistake and to fix it; make another and another. Now look at what they did and how they continue to claim it is their town, home, and world. Look how they cope with failure and how much of a baby they truly are. I have chosen the rational course and the right course; did they? They even give orders and shrug off the total disaster; as if it did not impact their life or can. They don't even call help and have so many problems; they claim we are causing more trouble. The mistakes just pile up and everybody knows how dumb these robbers and enemies are. All they do is phony up or scream back. The disaster is so gigantic and we all are trapped under it; they worry about stupid or small little details. I have never seen anything like it while someone is yelled at, pummeled, or constantly slammed. This is one tough lush and baby. This is worse than a baby and they act or think they are tough and dangerous? Did it help them at all; did it? Have they gone insane yet or wish to be filmed smiling? The level of irrationality is unheard of. If our enemies are irrational; imagine what these so called friends are? How evil?
A CHANCE TO CLEAR THE RECORD AND SET THEIR OWN BAIL BOND: To fix one mistake, they calmly make another and another; all day all night. These compounded errors indicate they are despots and tyrants who are not the slightest bit worried. They even apologize and act as if it was unavoidable. Hey shut it down and knock it off will you. They are so stupid and so irrational; it shocks people. This is why I am mad at you Ann; you had no fight and then came to me for help. Then you told me you are going to stop them and took off before I could stop you or grab you. Now I am in the line of fire and have to listen to them cope with this; all day and all night. Now you are offering me a trophy, their head and it is hard to resist; a very good trophy for my collection. It does not make up for all the abuse or how grotesque this got; but it is a very difficult situation for everybody. Check out how Fox News is dealing or coping with their problems and mistakes; utter and total insanity. It has the look and feel of a terror plot. It has the look and feel of an armed robbery. I do not even think they are human beings; not the slightest. Their will to survive far surpasses any criminal element or enemy I have seen, fought, or come up against. Even God is mad at them and punishing them; and you know once you ruin that relation; only death awaits. They cannot hide. They cannot deny it. They cannot decide whose side they want to be on. They pick more fights. They try to act strong and powerful; even better leaders. You have to wonder what is in their mind and how they will be taken down; that time is coming and they even refused to shut it down or end this horrible disaster. They need to be prepared to solve this case and let us guide the FBI to their plot and leaders; no bail bond yet. Will they change after they are taken down, or will this get more irrational?
SEVERELY BEATEN, HUMILIATED, NO BACKBONE, NO PRIDE, AND A HUMAN PILE OF DUNG: Keep in mind how phony this crisis and predicament truly is. The length of this war waged on us or this shadowing is over twenty years. We have been battling their phantom forces; not exactly sure who or where they were doing it from. Battling this worm like enemy for this long indicates they expended and expelled tremendous effort and resources. Wiping them out and slamming them on their head; even after repeatedly throwing themselves at us or trying to break us down and make us less inhibitory of their demands is exactly how the Catholics and the labor unions personify the labor movement. Exactly like the unions, they put forth blood and guts in waging war on others. After they get slammed and nowhere, they are typically forced to leave; so they hide or scatter. Some return and try to finish the job or keep the pressure. The problem is the disposal of the carcass and why it stinks so badly. This carcass goes through lunacy and derranged states where they act dignified or having a backbone. Well, if you spent your entire life savings on a car you cannot afford or buy; you cannot get a refund or play this clandestine game. Acting dignified or with a backbone is how they cope with rejection; nobody is knocking on their doors or called them, nobody. They did quiet down. They have no pride or any honor. Exactly with sex and copulation; they must deal with rejection.
TRYING TO ACT DIGNIFIED BUT HAS NO BACKBONE: As with a waterboy or person who had to pick up the trash for someone they despise; they continuously throw themselves at stronger or better people. Unless they can act like an employer or even leader; this dignity is not there. After twenty something years, they were beaten severely before and after the curtains were pulled on them. It is not working or ever did, none of it. We faked it. It was a bluff and a trap so clever; they look like a clown and everybody is rolling on the floor laughing. The abuse and hell they took is deserving because they are psychopathic and a derranged lunatic. They dished out enough abuse to apply the death penalty and smash their jaws like cheap glass or a dinosaur. But wait, a lunatic never plays on a level we can predict and will never walk away when they have nothing left; not even their pride or honor. So they need to trap us and tell us to leave; drive us off; and this is exactly what they did. We could torture them all day. We could fire them or throw them out. What goal and what expense did they put forward on the table? Thus, they keep saying how "nobody is happy about this" or how they "want to make it better." This human pile of waste just stares back or flicks people off; nothing there. A blank. There is still no reward or redeeming value for them. They got no credit but they refuse to leave or leave us alone. It does not stop with one or two illegal attempts. They won't shut up. They refuse to surrender. They pester and provoke the matter more and more. They claim they are losing a brother or a family member; being broken up by the courts and the law. Really? Trying to act dignified made them the joke of the town. What pride or honor do they have left? Do we care now or before?
IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN: It is true, while in college I ate at an Afghan restaurant every week on Saturday. The restaurant is located in Crystal City next to the Formosa Restaurant. I did not trust or like JFK. I do not like or trust the Irish. I do not like or trust the Democrats. I do not like or trust the Catholics. Therefore, I do not like or trust the leaders of this war; a repeat of Vietnam and the problem with Catholics. They should have been removed earlier but pulled a fast one on us again. The tables were turned on us once again; stonewalled or blue balled. None of them have backbone and are better at being a waterboy. This is why we have so many total disasters or crisis, but who has the balls to tell them the truth and smash their church and political mess? Who? Who is armed and dangerous? Who declares war? Who is in charge of our wars? Who are the foot soldiers? They got all of this wrong and messed up again.
A COMMUNIST ASSEMBLY LINE ON THIS END: These spies and this criminal political enemy has me on an assembly line again Ann. I do not know what they got you on but this assembly line is designed to brainwash you and then make comments such as "he doesn't care... he won't leave... he doesn't have any money... he is stingy... he doesn't care about anybody... why do you have to be so mean... we only want to help... he won't leave... etc." They are labor and left wing; the Catholic Church and crack or drug addicts; old timers. Whatever you are doing on your end; has caused them to kick up and panic. It could also be the FBI and Feds who raided their guns and drug Ho Chi Minh Trail. I thought this ended; but they are still trying to circle or close in; in panic mode. After 22 years of this "assembly line" which is support to create a sympathy or recognition for the work of the communists and labor movement; we are back at the same day and night of attempted brainwashing and bullhorns. The problem is catching them but the shock of it all is how the assembly line is here in America and very persistent. Their bosses are the Haitians and the Italians. Up North in NY and Canada, it was the Jews and the Irish; the system is ran by the Italians. They keep saying how I do not care, I have to leave, I need to go home, this is their town, this is their property, they pay into this, they are trying to make it better, nobody is happy, we are at war, etc... This is why they blame you for the delivery problem; for allowing them to take me hostage or putting me in a position where I am vulnerable or an open target. Before, they were hidden and we could not catch them; now it is hard to tell if they are surrendering or sputtering; a loss of morale. They are trying to be honest and paint a new face on everything. I keep writing the same incident report and we do not have any security; it looks like they penetrated at all levels and the leaders have no fight or are not willing to crackdown on any of it. Even you are not aggressive enough and have very poor strategy; a lot of problems. Remember, I am mad at you also for being so weak and trying to debate them; which nearly got you killed or brutally raped. You need to understand there is an assembly line on this end again; and it is intent on producing a robot, a POW puppet, or a full fledged communist mole and terrorist. This is how they stalk and target people who are unprotected; or produce moles and violent terrorists. It is a challenge to stop them with non-violent methods or harassment.
ANN CAN YOU EVEN DEFEND YOURSELF AND STOP TALKING ABOUT SHOOTING PEOPLE? I am glad and very happy you have decided to shed your chicken shit dress and taken steps to defend yourself. All I hear is how you intend on shooting them or how this has not impacted your life; and then I watch as you rise to the ranks of the most sexually harassed and abused woman on the planet. I least I vow to kill them if they tried this on me. I least I pray to the God of hurricane, earthqakes, lightning, tsunamis, and more about how hot I am or how they will pay dearly for this fiasco and circus. I am not sure if you can tell them off let alone shoot them; but I guess this is why you need me. I suggest you and those on our side; learn how to fight and get some fight before we get wiped out or our entire life is taken over by lunatics and criminals who claim their cult is an actual religion based on communism. F their inquisition and demands we leave and we are the threat; they are going to hell and being schooled at war at this time. The line is in the sand; can you at least fight for your own life and stop telling me about your brutal rape or how much fun it has been for the both of you? They took this to me and used it against me you jackoff; total lies and criminals now in pain and dying. I forced you to fight for your life or die; which ever comes first. Its so sad Ann, really. You people are slaves. I despise how weak, feeble, and phony you have made this. Bring me their head and we will talk about your and their future. This does not apply to only you either, hint! At least you have learned when to fight for your life but can you survive or just talk tough? They are using both your relation and my relation; to determine a mirror relation; but they are the same group or people. So what you do on your end determines what they do on my end and vice versatile; get rid of them and quickly will you; I do not need more of this. There is no redeeming value or reason why this has to drag on or get worse; no redeeming value whatsoever unless it is a robbery or theft. Did your fight against them do a damn thing Ann, or did their fight against me? The only cards you have in your deck right now is Christie and Rush Limbaugh; both linked to Fox News. I would not say they are fighting you; would you? Would you describe your relation with Fox News as "war" or "fighting?" They told me a completely different story; but then so did you. They will illegally solicit anything I touch or anyone you talk to. Then they will circle and put their fingerprint all over until they are in total control. Benefit? Leave?
DID IT EVER OCCUR TO THEM TO SHUT DOWN OR FIRE THIS PROBLEM? DO WE NEED TO HEAR MORE EXCUSES OR WET DREAM SLIDING OFF THE CLIFF? They are so full of tricks. Now I have a Chinese guy who has chicken legs and disgusting leoprasy all over his body looking at me and doing love taps through the walls for this human piece of shit. If they illegally or falsely detained people; their wet dream is so god damn crazy and far away now; the human piece of shit has to be thrown out or reduced to a smoldering pile of crap someone has to pick up or discard. Why were they in their jobs and positions to further this ridiculous and utterly insane wet dream? Why couldn't they live their life accordingly or let us live ours? We do not care for or need more vanishing acts or excuses; this enemy is so far from reality; the best outcome is deportation or internment. It is always a grotesque fat ass, some Caribbean Queen, some human dirge or apothecary of what humans are not supposed to be breathing down our necks, giving us a hard time, trying to kill us, or watching us like a porn movie while their wet dream gets worse and worse. Why didn't you shut down the church or act responsibly? Why dinning you fire them or at least try to figure out who was telling the truth and who was not? Did you have to take it this far and this bad? Even worse, they still insist we are interested when we cannot even see them or what they are up to? This is one whacked out church and one whacked out human sub-species. Does anybody feel they deserve to stay or deserve any legal protections and rights? Do they really? Exactly how far is their head up their ass? Why are they watching us like a porn movie? They actually hired Asians now to challenge us and do this; god bless the Italians and the Catholic Church. Does anybody know how poor these SOBs are or how disgusting they get?
DEAR PENTAGON AND DoD: The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are getting so crazy, even I have given up on you and can no longer support you. It is just total insanity within the ranks and more of the same; jobs and benefits or some stunt to expand.
THEIR PLOT FAILED TO DETERMINE THE OUTCOME OF OUR ELECTION: How do you fight this? How do we recover? How do they recover after this? Look at the two characters they waged war on or kidnapped; how do they stop or put out this fire? The damages get bigger and bigger. The disaster grows and grows. They get evil and worse. It is now at the Pentagon and FBI HQ. The British are after them. The police are after them. The Catholics are flagged as corrupt or refusing to crack down; shut down their church. How do we let people who are not good Americans do this to America? Are they saying we are not good Americans? We should leave? Look at what we did and the rewards granted or what it cost to our own life. The bottom line is: United States of America v. Catholic Church of America; the first step is the Justice Department. The next step is the Pentagon; harder and for real. Anyhow you see this; it is across the board, no contest. The same with Fox News; total disaster and across the board. When and if they assist or shut down this disaster; they can have the 501.C restored. This is complete and utter disaster. The Justice Department must be restored and so are the personnel. We have proof they were on the police force and penetrated the Pentagon or DoD forces. It is time the FBI battle this gutless human piece of shit. All I can do is ask for hurricanes or let them come in and slam them on their head; repeatedly. No, I did not loose my mind; but I got really angry daily. Everyday is a new day, but not for them. Fox News took no precautions and it is completely insane now; terror plot criminal intent level and who we caught. We know how this ended; we need to know what precautions they took to ensure our safety (follow the leader).
DEAR ANN, ABOUT YOUR GOD DAMN WET DREAM: Are you deaf or stupid? I said you have a problem with your security; understand or not? Do I have to yell or repeat myself? You god damn flake. All the sudden a change of tune when the wet dream ends. One of you needs to get your head out of your ass and our ass; decide. Whose head is up their ass and whose wet dream is so insane; they have to be thrown out, beaten by the cops, and so over their head they can't even pretend or begin to imagine the trouble they are in. Who is full of this and who has this wet dream? Whose the problem and whose head is so far up their ass; they want to die or are miserable? Whose biography is this and who is writing it? Am I dealing with an idiot or just a wet dream? Who has this wet dream problem Ann, you? Fox News? Drinking Buddies? Who? Whose head is this far up their ass?
FACT ABOUT THE ECONOMY: The housing crisis will continue for the next 5 years at least. If your mortgage is not gone yet; expect it to be when you loose 50% or get arrested. I blame the Bernie Maddoff of politics for this. Try to ask him to leave or tell the truth!
“The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed. The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips in the debate over fiscal policy. Despite this year's wide-ranging debate, in our view, the differences between political parties have proven to be extraordinarily difficult to bridge, and, as we see it, the resulting agreement fell well short of the comprehensive fiscal consolidation program that some proponents had envisaged until quite recently. Republicans and Democrats have only been able to agree to relatively modest savings on discretionary spending while delegating to the Select Committee decisions on more comprehensive measures. It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. In addition, the plan envisions only minor policy changes on Medicare and little change in other entitlements,the containment of which we and most other independent observers regard as key to long-term fiscal sustainability. Our opinion is that elected officials...” - Standard and Poor -
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH NEEDS TO DECIDE IF THEY WANT WAR OR TO STAY IN AMERICA: Let's see if we can understand them or not? There is no difference between them and guerrillas and apes? Everybody is a problem, except for them? We cannot do anything right; not even live our own life? This never happened and they are so untouchable; nobody is responsible or all of us are guilty? Do they think humans are this stupid or just them? This war in the Americas between the poor, the Protestants, and how we are stuck with the worst, horrible products, and loud indentured servants; is going to end one way or the other. You have my word and this church has not change a damn thing in over 5 centuries of nonsense. So far the only thing they got right is obstruction of justice and causing a total mess. This is why we are closer to yanking their head out of their ass and destroying them. This is all they got. I think in their wet dream they honestly think they are partners or working with us; ask them. This wet dream was destroyed and clearly, they are not in charge or ever was. If they are; then a lot of fixes need to be made. Don't tell us to get a life or how messed up ours is; we know who the problem is or why. That wet dream just gets further and further and further.

LAWSUIT, COUP, AND WAR WITH THE LEFT WING: They do not deny they caused this accident and repeated it over and over. We do not deny slamming them on their heads and rejecting them 20 times or more a day; day after day for 22 years (2011). We have the Catholic Church, Democrats and liberals, labor unions, and communist terrorists in our trap. They have their fingerprint all over and was busted. They are so poor they share our life and feel our life and belongings is part of something bigger, they wish to improve it or give us a push. Their defense is we did not leave. Their defense is if we did not consent or like it, we had an option; not a kidnapping, assassination attempt, hostage taking, etc... We fought them to the death and have the evidence to prove this. They are so weak and inferior; they created some fantasy and all they have or can look forward to is attention while slamming them or fighting them. Additionally, they have communist and Catholic or labor agents all over; at every level as watchdogs. They seek and make the same claim; buyer beware, if we do not stop them or catch them; they can improve on or sabotage equipment or anything with legal ownership. This is our terrorist and bomber. We have filed extortion and much more; but they keep making the same claim and hang on for dear life. The moment they are arrested; these damages and claims will be shared and subsequent. A felony and high crimes and misdemeanors occurred. It is not a conspiracy or their attempt to make things better; they are being destroyed and thrown out; rejected and slammed on their heads. This is how they cope with the violence in their life and being destroyed; a fantasy and romance so make believe the death penalty cannot even keep up. They also feel it is their home, life, and world; we have to leave or fight the filth to the death because they are too weak and inferior to survive any other way. All of them now have felonies and severe problems with the law; yet they are pushing on and taken over government; this is the control and war we discovered and busted. Only violence and punishments awaits this traitor and enemy; no home we call hell. All of them are crazed sex offenders. All of them commit the same felonies and scandal. They feel wave after wave; determination; perseverance, numbers, frequency, immediacy, pressure, stalking, copying and twisting reality, etc... will win this; a defensive position after they have control. They are circling the debt and increasing taxes; for survival. They cite crime and violence as their defense; not the truth or justice.

NO THEY ARE NOT SORRY AND NO THEY DID NOT WANT TO SURRENDER OR DO THE TIME: Ann, are you crazy? Of course they are not sorry and the hell if they tried to make things better or help. Help is blaming us and doing a disappearing act. Help is getting their hands all over our life and private affairs. Help is sabotaging, vandalizing, and meanly menacing every aspect of our life. This idea we cannot conform, have life problems, cannot socialize, do not want to leave, place ourselves in dangerous situations, and do not care or can understand them; is why they are 911 terrorists, communists, Catholics, left wing, guerrillas, lovers and friends, spies, sex offenders, etc... is exactly how we climbed their ladder and identified their leaders. This is the biggest bust ever; biggest in the world. They know if they do not surrender, end it, or keep playing this cat and mouse game; doing the same thing repeatedly or in a recidivism scale; they are only repeat offenders and determined. After 22 years and at least 100 murders, terror plots, bomb plots, conspiracy, and legal babble; we do not get anywhere. We can end this war waged on us and America today. We can intern them by the end of the month. We can demolish their forces, leaders, and entire plots by years end. Stop acting tough with me Ann and telling me how well intentioned you are; they are not sorry and almost killed and brutally raped you. Now you all act like ice cream is being served and everything is okay again. Instead they kept on calling protection or more racketeering; more and more ladder climbing. They are saying you do not respect my life or want me to live; you want me to suffer at their hands. Everybody saw Fox try another or endless attempts to woo you and get you to "co-pilot" or "be there all night" with them. They do this by hiring you and they failed to hire me; even if they got close and acted in our best interest; very bad people and very bad parents or business relations. Look how they vulture more and more to the end. Look how they claim they "pay into this" or "pay to play" because they own property or have real estate. I blame the Italians and the Irish. If they did not come to America and do this; if they did not start the Ho Chi Minh Trail of drugs in the name of crooks and immigrants; if they did not put up such a fight and challenge; we would have a normal and proper life. Furthermore, the cops and the FBI would; but the Pentagon ends up with the clean up and they even block that; the SATWAR mission. Make up their minds if they really want us and to be at our level.

Take a look at the scandals of real estate and insurance. Look at the disaster of the housing crisis; foreclosure is certain if you loose 50% or 65% of the mortgage. There is no recovery and they cannot even answer a question straight. All they say is not to panic. All they want is to increase taxes or spend more. They keep making empty promises which cannot reimburse or even make up any of this. Look how they are still foreigners and traitors; so whacked, the police gave them many chances to surrender or give up quietly. Now you know they will get their ass kicked and severe violence will be part of resisting arrest. Look how they blame and vulture more; even off the police and those who caught them. All day and night "leave... go home... nobody likes you... hope... we are trying to make this better... we are corrupt... we are weaker... you are the problem... etc." Does that sound like an enemy whom is intent on taking America or staying in America? Does it? Does that sound employable? They just throw more and more problems on the government and even the FBI is stressed or is pissed; they look awful and retarded. They arrested us and look what these moles wrote in the name of the US government; slander? Does this sound like they are sorry or culturing like Fox News and Newscorp? I can press charges right now for extortion. I was hit with a barrage of bed bugs, shadowing you Ann, crack addicts having access and watching me all day, Mexican gangs or more vehicle vandalism, 6 flat tires, breaking things on my race bike, etc... and I have to leave? I have to pay them more money? I have to be more careful? I am powerless and cannot make it go away? For poor ghetto kids looking for a bastard daddy or sympathy; they got busted in a major way; this is the major leagues and they do not even realize what league we are on. The problem is we need them arrested and a full surrender on their forces; then we can demand damages or proper compensation. Regardless, it is "he is poor... we only want to help... he doesn't have any money... etc..." and this stick and carrot with crack gangs or drug wars; sign us up, it was never a mistake. Apparently, this access to our life is how they are also seeking payment because they claim we do not have money to pay them; we can buy them like a slave. They also expect a job or to vulture more and more from us; watching everything and challenging us by spying and robbing our life. They act so sophisticated and intelligent while pretending to not understand our level or bottom feeding. Excuse me? Is that more slander? They are so cool and so collective while their entire world falls apart and they are the ones burning anything in sight. Is this enough reason to intern them or bring me their heads Ann? If it is, then you tell me how your life got this way and why you wasted all this time with this enemy; I hate their F'in guts; do you understand this? They watch every single move; how did they not know?

A GUTLESS BUTTHOLE WHOSE FIRST TEST IS TO BATTLE THE FBI: Why do they think this is good and it is good for them, stay away. All they want to do is pose for photo ops or pose for our cameras. Ann, look at your photo album; why are they posing for our cameras? They do not want to be a hypocrite? They want in or a job? They just want to help? In the end, they look stupid posing for our cameras and look even more stupid when people hear your biography or the real story. It feels like God just pecks their eyes out and throws them before our feet; asking if we want them or need food. I know God hates their guts; but he cannot speak and let us know how he feels. God has been silenced. Now all they do is tell us how they feel but it is time for God to let them know how he feels and imposes this wrath on such a complete idiot and enemy. Intern them. Lock them up. Get ready for war with them. Tell them to shut up and our life or history is not based on how they feel or what they seek. Why are they posing for our cameras or keep on running in front of it; why are they associating with decent people who hates their guts or are trying to kill them? Why? We have statistics, data, and intelligence to fly by and help with decisions; do we need a jackoff or the voice of some jackass? Why are they spying on us; now almost near a world war disaster. Like a criminal, they hide and get more desperate. Shut down the Catholics and this church. The question is how they got away with this and for so long? There were complaint after complaints. How did they get to this point and were there anybody on watch? Was there any security at all? What a gutless Viet Cong enemy and a boneless game they play.

ASSASINS WHOM ARE AFTER THE PRESIDENT OR THE PRESIDENCY: Ann, decide if you are going to bars with your friends and special bodyguard, getting drunk and acting obnoxious. Or if this is a rape and stalker issue. Based on what I had to go through and the damages involved; I would say rape and stalker issue because the bodyguard is very suspicious also. However, try to convince a drunken fool this and how they bully each other when drunk; like a few friends getting together on Red Eye and having a blast; and then why their life is ending or in a terminal crisis mode; you get a few jabs and false accounts. Why do you email people or why do they email you to find out where you are or what you are doing? Do you have a special relation? Even I do not do this or know what you are up to; then you tell me there is nothing to tell me. I suggest you get your story straight and so do they. Now Fox News is putting on a total facade and acting like they were never up to anything; change of scenery, change of story, missing hosts, change in attitude, and I have them telling me your story in my own rented apartment. Nice company. I think this is a little intrusive to tell me how they feel and how they see it; I suggest they sit down with you or write it down for future reference; their life and company depends on this. To say they are with you or with me is unacceptable; more of this marriage fantasy and scandal which always results in ferocious battle and combat. My escape and evasion cannot be beaten and has not; what makes them think it is just among friends or a get together? There is an open challenge right now and unless you are conscious or alive; can walk right into another trap. Look at how this is ending and why Ann; where you are taking this. You are so close to the edge, it is hard to tell if you will make it. This should have been over a long time ago; but it drags on. Is Trump stupid, right now you have the advantage. I am in a no win situation and rely on you or a better person; deliver their heads. I am tired of waiting, do you get it? The more you wait and date men; the more I suffer; hurry up or settle your debts with me. You have a temporary advantage only and a totally screwed up life. They know the kid has the power but every single time they come in on him; they get slammed on their head. Now they have very little time to win this. If they come in on him; he or someone slams them, and they must retreat or pull back quickly. Are you stupid? Are you insane? Are you trying to test my patience? Do you realize the theft attempt? Are you trying to give away my secrets or my power?

HOW THE HELL DO WE CATCH OR STOP THE LEFT WING WHEN WE WASTE ALL OUR TIME FIGHTING THE RIGHT WING AND REPUBLICANS? SHUT DOWN THIS CHURCH: I have a feeling Fox News and the FBI will be in battle soon; and it is not among friends or a get together; all around obnoxious behavior. You cannot go home with anyone unless they consent or allow you; this includes Fox News and these friends of ours. Yes they are on camera and have been busted; a terror plot criminal intent level, not among friends at all. Just because they are smiling and pretending there is no hostage; does not mean there is no kidnapping, stalking, rape attempt, bomb plot, terror plot, spying, or an evil enemy in front of us. A camera does not justify what is happening or why, especially when the criminal intent is this level. They are filming us and themselves on TV and at home. This is illegal. They are using us as a messenger; this is illegal. They are charged with stalking and much more; this is a high level felony. A terror plot can be solved if they weren't so evasive and dishonest. They avoid a settlement of 1.5 billion; wonderful church and way to call it among friends or private. We know who did this and why. Why film us? Why try to figure out how we are doing it when all the charges are on them? The bottom line is they got busted. Concealing this is the biggest crime of all including obstructing justice. Just close them down and we can save a lot of time. It feels like we are dealing with a little kid who cannot have their way or figure out how to fix their life of crime. The camera is there and they are in the room; but the clandestine events are hidden. Why? Fantasy? Dishonesty? Evil? Evasion? How they feel? The Catholic church is quacked out and has to be interned; bottom line. They are exactly as Moliere described and a repeat offender; Candide. They refuse to shut down or leave; and now will battle the FBI. These people are so narcissistic and so selfish. Where will they go now with it? This is a gutless breed of human beings and their existence is boneless.
Captured Libyan soldiers say army morale is low:
[NALUT, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's army is so demoralized that officers have to threaten soldiers and their families with death to force them to fight, government forces captured by rebels told Reuters Thursday. "I don't want to fight to any more. I don't want blood," said one soldier who was wounded after rebels launched an offensive Thursday on government-controlled towns and villages below Libya's Western Mountains. "But a senior officer looked me straight in the eye and warned me and other men in my unit. He said, 'either you go to the front and stay there or we will kill you'." His story, told from his hospital bed in the rebel-held mountain town of Nalut, could not be independently verified but several other captured soldiers and pro-Gaddafi militiamen gave similar accounts of the state of the army. "The army does not want this. The whole world is against the Libyan army. How can we win?" said another soldier named Hassan. Rebel fighters were in the hospital room while he talked, but did not appear to be monitoring the soldier's conversation.]
NATO Bombs Libyan State TV Transmitters:
[TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — NATO warplanes bombed three Libyan state TV satellite transmitters in Tripoli overnight, targeting facilities that have been used to incite violence and threaten civilians, the military alliance said Saturday.]

YOU HAVE TO REMOVE THEM BY FORCE OR COUP THEM: Ann, I just shake my head; at you and at everybody else. First, we are living in a nation with people who made a lot of money and got rich off of very rotten and horrible people. They are so rotten and horrible, they still will not shut up and go away; but they want sympathy and recognition because they grew up on a ghetto and was the bully or got bullied. So much for the life story of the poor. I just shake my head watching you with these people and how they scam the hell out of people; all liberals and a circus. They keep changing the story; bouncing one escape plan after the next off you; and you all do a get together and go out or waste your life trying to scam each other or play this game of one side versus the next. There is only one side here. I have also never seen a female so sexually harassed as I am or have seen you; now the bunch and those caught are just "all among friends" and "no big deal" attitude. I wonder sometimes if you will ever walk away or can take them down; if you have any fight or just want to piss your life away with them again and again. Then tell me how I have nothing to worry or what they are trying to do with you. They have to be removed by force; a coup, don't you get it? They are all liberals and the same; the Catholic Church. Nothing you say or do registers. They do not even know who they are now or before; just changing and morphing like a terror plot and enemy. They did it. They are behind 911; at least not telling us the parts we need to convict them. You act as if you are going to take them down; coup them; or remove them by force. Our "iffy" life suffers more and more as result. Remember they claim you are doing this to me and did not deliver because you keep on telling me you want to spend time with your friends and not me. You made a conscious decision to spend time with or piss your life away; none of it has been fixed or resolved; and the FBI is on their tracks and after them. Regardless, the circus gone wrong goes on and on. Your life hangs on a teether or the balance of terror. One day it is you; the next it is them. Nothing is real and it is all total lies and scams. They invite violence and war; they do not shut up and go away. Remember this and the valuable lesson I keep telling you over and over; there is nothing you can do accept the inevitable. They feel you live under the auspices of "false consciousness" so your life has to be planned and coordinated by a central committee; the mess and predicament I am in. You need force, balls, and muscle to get out of this one; so unless you have this; don't expect to. Also, don't brag or put too much into your own security; I bet they are there to set you up and shut you up. Even I have given up on you chasing the phantom disappearing act. Remember, you need force; bring it.

IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FUTURE, FIGHT THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: We are dealing with repeated, everyday, and never ending poor judgment and sub-human decision making. Ann, you need to kick this up. I am constantly battling these Italians and Irish; Catholics, and they are corrupt as hell. They need to be shot or deported, sent home but internment would be paradise and justice. I am trying to slam them on their head on this end. Right now I am battling the Italians, labor unions, their drug crews, and heavy resistance from the Limbaugh and NY forces. It is not as easy as you think and I am trying to slam them harder than ever. It is the same stuff. They tinker and sabotage people's belongings, break it, or tamper with it. They claim I have no money while a complete log jam is right in front of the world and the government. I can sue them and am asking for 1.5 billion in damages. They claim you are the source of all this unhappiness, not them. They are racked with bad behavior and all kinds of daily violations. Regardless, they stake the blame on you for not delivering or even helping me; while both you and I take them down. They claim I need them and they need me, a symbiotic relation or some friendship. I slam them on their head each time they try; but I am not sure who is doing it sometimes or if it is more of their tricks; a trap. They are messing with my bike and I told them if they do and I find out; don't complain or asked for FEMA when they get hurricanes or earth quaked. I am hot about this. We are dealing with a subhuman and we need people to kick this battle with them up; anyhow, anyway, and whatever is necessary. Even with pages of violations; they still claim we did not deliver. We do not intend on it either; don't waste their time or ours. I cannot believe our tax dollars are going to this sub-species; to pay their bills. Bad judgment? Bad decision making? It is clear we are being scammed and robbed blind; they need to go and no other. Their church of nonsense needs to be interned for treason and much more. This sub-species is guilty of treason and they need to go; and find a new nation to destroy or keep hostage. Shut up and find another country; you are guilty of treason.

IF YOU WANT TO SAVE AMERICA, STOP FIGHTING US IDIOT: Look kick this up. I want their heads. I want this church shut down and our life returned. Why in hell would you debate or even waste your time on sub-humans? Why Ann? Do you think you have special powers over them? Do you? Do you want to die at their hands? Do you want them to blame you? Why? They deserve to die and are horrible non humans. Everything you say they will twist or bend. They do one thing, want me to turn this direction, I refuse or deploy defenses; then you divert me and I go to you and they block it or claim you failed to deliver. Here is the problem, both you and I have pages and books of bad or awful behavior on their part but we have a coward and a MF who deserves to die. They think only short term and are totally stupid. I have one challenge or insult day after day while they tell me to get out of their state; I say evict them and lets get this show on the road. With you Ann, I am afraid of catching something, for real. I am afraid the more I know; the worse it gets. We have one gutless MF on both ends here; tell everybody to kick it up in the short term and lets take them out in the long term; they will not survive this; make this clear to everybody. I just got a new bike; watch how this MF tries to annoy me and do it back; even if they are the problem.
DEAR DONALD TRUMP AND FOX NEWS: Its all clear, no FBI surveillance or spies! Also, Fox News babes are ready to suck and tuck the next candidate; ready when you are! Its a go... meanwhile, the battle with the Italians, the drug crews, and the labor unions continue on this end.

DEAR FOX NEWS AND NEWSCORP: I am glad to see you still chasing the President, the future President, and Power. At least you finally got rid of the bar or drinking buddy talk and the lugubrious bar scene or scenario. What kind of a moron do you think we are? We know you are after the Presidency or to take the President as hostage by becoming his support or protection ring; circle the wagons. Then you work your magic as you did in our life. We know this. We also know who is behind it all, the Catholics and very prearranged clients; all sex offenders. We also know 911 was about the Presidency and elections; so in order to stop this madness, we asked the FBI HQ to devise a simple test using yes or no answers; a checklist. Let's see if you can pass or lie this well? Thanks for all of your "help" and constantly hacking into our private life, personal life, and just wrecking everything which brings us happiness or joy; thanks a bunch and rot in hell you MF. I will celebrate and sleep well when you perish or carted off to some prison camp worthy of our worst enemies. If you want to stop the madness; here is your chance and opportunity. If you want to help or save our nation; here is your only change. If you truly want to fight for your life, are not suicidal, and are not totally nuts and a spy-ass-sin-terrorist all rolled into one dish; be gone. Nobody liked your church in the 16th Century and we hate it even more in the 21st. Do you want to bring this to the SATWAR elevations; really? Here is your chance and only chance in life; don't mess it up okay.

AFTER THE PRESIDENT AND THE PRESIDENCY - ASSAILANTS NOT SECURITY, PROTECTION, OR GUARDIANS: Ann, let me make this crystal clear so even you can understand. I need 1.5 billion dollars in damages for this disaster. I need their heads and the limbs of the Catholic Church, not gutless games or more gutless enemies. Unless you have 1.5 billion in damages levied or their head; I don't want to hear it or want excuses. Am I clear on this? I have a mission to fix. I have world war to worry about. I have strategy and plans that have been flooded, burned, neglected, etc... and I am not happy about this. I have more important things to do than go down a list of 10,000 dinner and lunch patrons that Fox News, CPAC, or YAF caused in order to conceal kickback or a terror plot. I have a terror plot to crack and an enemy who invades summer camp in the name of a jackoff. Boo hoo on us right? I have an enemy who invades my town. I have an enemy who blows up the employer of my friends (ATF and federal agents when 20 years old). I have an enemy who invades my alma matter and slaughters pot smoking kids. I want to see you and them fight for you life. Don't tell me you are guilty and one of them; this is unacceptable. I want to see a list. I want yes or no next to each name as a test. I want to know how honest you and them are. Were you faithful? Did you have any romance with these men, just no sex? If they have anything on you, they are saving it for the end. If they are going to take your bony ass out; they need to get to work and fast. Fox News has to face this same test, yes or no. If they want to surrender, here is their chance. We will know which one of them is truly guilty or playing a game by sitting on the fence. Make list of all the men. Put a yes if there was any romance. Was their any "unwanted" romance or stalking? Describe it. You caught who did this to me and I caught who did it to you; and much more. Write yes down to whom was stealing or after the Presidency; this is the most important and will give us the 911 plotters. Unless they are after the Presidency; they are not in a different league. We now have our 911 terrorist ring. I hope the FBI and Justice Department has more sense than you do Ann, I hope and pray to God we are safe and not living in the Twilight Zone. You people have so many problems and it is not as serious as my problems; nowhere near, but look at what I am doing and the work I can produce; just look carefully.

SAME THING OCCURRED WHILE IN THE US ARMY: This enemy and this mole; whom we traced to the labor unions, Catholic Church, liberals, and the Democratic Party; were doing the same game or trick using landlord or housing status in the US Army. It would be crack heads; abhorrent stupid people from the south; and total nutcases. They expect you to be their best friend or have this revolving door. Then they house you in a manner to suggest we have to get along or work it out. It was done to harass and also anger the matter; and here we are after 22 years and destroyed them. We wait for the death penalty to be imposed on this menace and enemy; a complete retard. This is how they ran the military or used their authority to weed out those who were after them or who they could not trust. It now ends with a bigger surprise but the housing situation has not ended nor the onslaught of traitors and moles. This was the same game they played using the US military; landlords; housemates; or housing status. We ask and repeatedly ask their punishment be death and the expulsion of this church; a total ban across the boards. When you screw up this badly and broadcast this level or amount of insanity across the world; severe punishment and action is needed. They haven't learned a thing; not a damn thing. This is why Major Hassan and all of these US Army attacks came out of nowhere; the opened up on us. There was a conspiracy and coup in the US military; the Catholic Church. There is a huge ring and penetration at the Pentagon and DoD, confirmed. This gutless human piece of shit is using military enlistment to indoctrinate or follow people home. Now their first battle with the Justice Department is Fox News vs. FBI; will this gutless SOB battle them as they battled us? Ann, I mess up also; but take a look at how insane and how homicidal this got. Fox is guilty for keeping a safe environment and not just ensuring security or evasion so their gutless game can face the FBI or escalate. They messed up but this is so insane, the criminal intent is at the terror plot levels. Messing up is not a proper excuse, as I have told you also. They are gutless and have to be interned; were these precautions taken? Do they expect a job after this? Will the Catholic Church stop or end this now? Will Fox News? It is time they fight for their life, their nation, and the truth. They are after and trying to take the President and Presidency as hostage; assassins and moles.