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NOT DEALING WITH REALITY AND JUDGMENT DAY IS APPROACHING: Ann, none of you are dealing with reality, not even you. I have never seen a pilot who refuses to shoot down a bogey or enemy hot on your ass; then actually encourage them to land with you and take you to dinner. I understand the Jimmy Walker or the other aimless dating was due to their cupid assassination game; a clever mole-spouse game of a psychopath. I had this done to me for nearly a full decade. I got put in prison for this same game they did with you; a real legal claim. Even if it was one, five, or one hundred enemy planes on your wing; you cannot get yourself to pull the trigger or shoot them down. Now I am almost out of ammo or must find some way to refuel and rearm; you are the problem. Your actions ruined my life. Your lack of actions ruined our life. Your lack of voice ruined our life. Your ability to pull of your slut act has pissed me off completely. Your private life is a complete disappointment. You make them throw themselves at you. You refuse to shoot any of them down while this gets more out of control. Worse, you ruined and intentionally sacrificed this relationship so everybody would watch you; in the most selfish way. Your attitude and theirs is whatever. You are not dealing with reality and reality is not far away; incapable of it or the truth. You force your hand and make it worse for me to escape this or avoid it.
Work on your life after me. At least I paid you and gave you options. They will beat you brutally; I promise. You expect me to stay with you, honestly? You expect love and a happy marriage; betting on this game and how they will beat you to death one day when they get close or win. If you want to fight them, you better learn how to fight and when outnumbered; don't throw it all on others. Look at the clean up on your end and mine; unbelievable. Reality is fast approaching or has arrived; have you noticed also Ann? Do you want to shoot them down or date them or dine with them? Because of all your mistakes, I refuse you any access to my life and am scrambling to find a backup or a safety net; I am under severe and extreme attack. You are of no help whatsoever, none. I would describe you as a buffoon who has my work or this is all you had to offer; nothing. All you do is piss me off; as they do. Disappointment? Where do we begin Ann, where? There is your god damn ratings and victory; enjoy it. Maybe if you had more teeth or sense to you; none of this would happen? But they are verifiable nuts and completely crazy and they are at your throat and trying to put the nail in your coffin, but you are having too much fun to worry about this. You are so in control and so skilled at this game of hate or evading their attacks. I would rather earthquake or hurricane with them; not dine with them or have drinks. You have lost your mind and lack reality as well; happy now? Do you have any idea what is going down on this end, do you?
DEAR ANN COULTER: I have told you this before, do not call me again or ever unless you intend on settling your debts with me or providing every damned detail of your doomed and disastrous life. I mean it, I am not longer your friend or a shoulder to lay on. Don't vulture my work either or place yourself in my college material. You have a list of 100 things to do and until it is done; don't even talk to me. This is called punishment. Also, find a man so you do not have to check into an old folks home; I plan on remarrying. You did this and need to accept responsibility. You vulture my work, run around with men, go out drinking, and live this crazy life; then profess your love to me or do everything to embarrass me; with the cameras on and off. Maybe you have the story wrong but this is what it looks like now. Meanwhile, you have me solve all of your problems and none of mine are even near fixed; take that to the bar or next time you are at dinner Ann. This is really getting me upset now. At least you hit jackpot with my life or me; look what I got out of this.
I AM TAKING THIS TO PRINT AND ENDING IT HERE: So what happens when Alex arrives on the scene? Ann gets Alex to fix all her problems so she can run around with men some more and enjoy herself even more; happier now. They blame Ann because none of Alex's problems are fixed and he ends up homeless. Then it is back to love triangles, dinners, Margaritas and wine, and fancy hotels; nothing ever changes or will. Disappointed? How the hell is this female doing this and getting away with it all? Now I have to sue her or get lawyers to get the truth from her and have her finally pay me; wonderful employer and wonderful people? It is not one or two; it is all of them. I fixed her so she can go back to being super single soccer mom. Does it suck or do I feel cheated? Now they woo her more than ever and say I am more worried than ever in my life! What a game of death they play with girls.
UNFORTUNATELY IT COMES DOWN TO MONEY: This comes down to whether or not I become a millionaire and how long it takes. If I become a millionaire today; the likelihood I stay with you or marry you is slim to none. If you take them down or bring their heads, all of them; between this time frame; you have a chance to erase the aimless dinners, brunches, margaritas, galas, and innuendos. I don't count on this whatsoever. I have someone in mind and whom I trust. You should have been wiser and more careful. You no longer have a friend to come to or lay your shoulder on. You have expended 22 years for nothing and put worry and endless time in screwing this up. I need peace in my life and did not sign up for this. If you had been a nobody and did this; the US government would banish you to Alaska and tell you to go away or shut up; then send an elite FBI team to make sure you understand this. It is confusing. It just comes down to if the tables were turned right now; what would I do. I want to be paid and I am bitter; this was my work and I read every textbook on this earth. There is no reason why I should be here wasting my time. There is no reason why I am or keep wasting my time on you while you sneak around or are running around with men. They hate you and you hate them. It is all sex, trust me; if not rape. I know someone who deserves more than what life offered her; but you take advantage of our relation constantly also.
PARTIES, SNEAKING AROUND, EXCLUSIVE LUNCHES, GALAS, SPEECHES, AWARDS, AND A CIRCUS OF CORRUPT MENACING PESTS: I am discombobulated and outraged how these people claim to be family oriented or stable in their ancillary life; then sneak around in some singles club, cut each others throat, beat each other over the head, and then attend galas and exclusive events where they put the best face on it or claim to be each others personal assistant. The detached event after event; when their family life and career is on the line; the kickback and the degree of corruption; the total lack of a backbone and this singles club or atmosphere, constantly partying and trying to be happy or put this best face on a fiasco and disaster; or hiring personnel to prop up their life and parade it as if it was a role model or just an extracurricular problem they can easily whisk away. Look at these parties and celebrations; intended to trap and hook each other; as bait on a line and sinker. Corruption has a new face and traitors and moles have a new name in this world. The ambiance of total lies and the genetic dysfunction of this lower species; a clepto-cratic stampede of giggly and brutal beatings; rounded up like a pack of wolves strung out there for the sun to cure. It is a special camp to lionize the corrupt and bottom feeders; so they can perfect the art of vulturine or the art of pathological lying and spying; a vehement force to combat. How artificial of a web they weave and the rusted justification of their dwellings; a single life intended to party and have a grandiose time 24 hours a day or 365 days a year. Worse, they anticipate a family or a loving atmosphere when this mob and cult like mentality shouts at any threat to go away, leave them alone, or one scam after the other. They pull the wool over everybody's eyes and open more and more doors; until stopped in their tracks and exposed. Anything goes with these people and if there is a price, anybody can have it. They circle each other in numbers because they lack any fight or special ability to recognize what the problem is or who they are; and so we get this disaster and how they put others in the most negative light. Do we need a machine to detect this subhuman species or a secret plan to keep this menacing pest out of our country and lives? The club of communists has been taken down and destroyed.
ARE THE BARS OPEN IN THE BACK? I love how the MRC tapes caught Ann's eyes light up the moment they screamed out, "are the bars open" and she and Klavan skirts off the stage. I also guarantee you they climbed or stomped all over others just to beat everybody to the bars. However, the good part is Ann finally found a guy who is incapable of beating her with a bat or she can beat up. With that in mind, I would have to say it wasn't all a waste of time and aimless. Margaritas anyone? You cannot debate me either Ann; never could. Remember, this was my work; all you did was drink, do dinner and brunches, waste my time, and made me really pissed off and disappointed. If I was a millionaire today; we would not be here and I think you would be worse off. But hey, drinks are on them and so is dinner and total control of your life. At least you had a blast. I hate to say it Ann, but you turned out to be a complete slut and worse than I had ever anticipated; a disaster. One day, the tables will be turned. At least you got a date from Klavan finally. This chick is totally nuts and is always running around with men; even if her life was on the line. At least she cannot get pregnant and nobody can enjoy her naked or clothed.
MAYBE WE WILL FINALLY GET SOME PEACE AND QUIET IN OUR LIVES: Obviously, marriage is not something your species excels at and the family life is not what your genetic code is put on earth for. Quite the contrary, my genetic code is different and this is why we have a disaster between you, me, and all of these people Ann. All of you are destined for a violent death; never looking around the corner or trying to amend areas of life to avoid such a brutal life; full of hell. I don't see you as special, more groped daily and full of humility. This comes from the heart and is my honest opinion Ann; how I feel. I regret my relationship with you obviously. Even if there was "no sex" or so much worries, the trouble was so astronomical it never delivered much to this deep inner being so many people look for or cherish. I think had you fallen into their trap and played along; they would have eventually beat you up, husband beatings; or hired people to change who you are. Who you are is a very stubborn person and annoying. Even if you nearly lost your life, even if they plotted to murder you, even if they brutally raped you, even if you laid next to a serial killer or your attacker; nothing would change your inner being. Furthermore, marriage is something you "conservatives" do not excel at. Don't even try to lie about it and how empty you all are inside; full of greed and full of deceit and betrayal. I don't even consider you all human beings yet you present this responsible or uneventful life where children and kids are always loved. You know what people judge you on and you present it; what you are a failure at, you hide or play this game. I honestly think you lost your life with me. Your next husband or beau will use you and will abuse you severely; I tried to avoid this and it was very difficult Ann. No matter what I did, you constantly put me into this position or forced my hand. I just walked away and tried to figure out what to do; you are full of misery and suffering; incapable of love and I think this filters down to your family as well. Even if you are brutally attacked, it would screw you up so badly and make you so dysfunctional; you could not survive if you fend off the attackers. I wish you well but I know better now who I was with and why there was so many bad times; more bad times than good. I think you forced me through this, as everybody else does; and I just want an escape or to get away from all of you F'ers. I thought you were a good vehicle or passage; and you could not even pay back or help me in the end. Your money is just full of hell but you all stuff it in your panties.
AH HA! MR. WONDERFUL (AKA SEAN "THE RAPIST" HANNITY): Ann, its no secret. We never get the name of this Mr. Wonderful but we get threat after threat. Read the transcripts from 2008 to 2009 about what Bin Hannity said about how he and you were "engaged... a couple... roses... Ruth Chris... attends my events... comes on my show... had dinner with her mom... etc." It goes on and on Ann. What a woman Ann and what a wife you turned out to be. You think you are having a hard time or a bad life? It sounds like Bin Hannity is now upset with your Mr. Wonderful; what is he blackmailing you about? He wants to talk about your boyfriend? Sounds like he got busted and the FBI is closing in on Fox News and the 911 plotters. They should see this lunatic Sean Hannity when nobody is looking and how he is when everybody is looking. Rush Limbaugh is three times as worse. Wow, he was your rapist and attacker; but you managed to win over his heart and all of their blue balled hearts; now what? Did you win their hearts and minds also? Now you throw your marriage away for their minds and stomp on their heart? Good call Ann. Are you going to cry or shall we memorialize your life? They love you to death? They made a lot of money off my work and so did you? Go and tell them this if you got the balls Ann; see what this enemy and gangland will do to you. Outrageous.
THE PRESBYTERIANS AND THE CALVINISTS: What is it about Presbyterians and Calvinists does this terrorist and enemy not like and why are they always watching and targeting us? What is it? Why? Why Presbyterians always under the microscope or a prisoner of war? This protestant sect are known to be the best Christian scholars and the brightest of the Christians. Why this brand? Is it because of Vietnam or World War II? It is always the Catholics, Presbyterians, New York City, or NBC. Shut them down and expel them will you? Win back America from these felons and traitors!
DEAR ANN COULTER: If I get a conviction, the entire scandal collapses and I can nail them for slander and conspiracy. If you get a conviction on your end; I get double the rewards; from you also. The question is why you do not want to resolve or settle this with me; nobody has settled. My credit is suffering and my reputation; missing out on life, but I have a future and a safety net. Do you? Do them? Do they have you for blackmail yet, why? Why hesitate? Obviously, Ann is not a keeper and not marriage material; innocent or not. If push comes to shove; she values other things before marriage and family. I am remarrying Ann, I need your bio or what they have on you; unless you hurry up and settle with me.
Watch this: Gangland in Ireland and the USA Analysis -
WHEN NOBODY IS LOOKING AND WHEN EVERYBODY IS WATCHING, BETTER?: A lot of these people are retarded, slow, possibly feeble, reluctant to tell the truth, snatch and grab practices, some are lazy, and they are always under some threat. They can avoid a lot of disasters. They learn the hard way others have rights. They are inescapable of understanding the feelings of others and are single minded. Thus, they act civilized and even aloof. The truth is they really confuse others and really create a mess. The truth is they should not be in leadership positions. The truth is they are under constant threat and need to fix things instead of singling out one threat. It comes down to picking a side and they lie, cheat, and steal about which side they are on as well. Wonderful people and so trusted in their eyes of the law. They should also be the burden of all the financial strains or debts; the facts are right there in front of them and they should be fired or coup. Stop ignoring the facts, twisting them, and playing this game before more people get hurt. The next step is to expel them and intern them because they are incompatible and incapable of understanding who is the problem or what is the enemy. They have nothing to offer accept disaster or trouble. This must be contained. You cannot threaten someone if you do not know them or met them. Now they know us; why try to carry this out? Shut it down and stop the suffering. They are not highly sought or desired. They brought these surplus people here and let them into our lives and promised them the world; how about the truth and reality to fix them? Who is going to fix this and make it right, who? Ann? The FBI? The Pentagon? SATWAR? Nobody? This idea they are threatened or facing a threat of war; is the drug war and crime, total communists and spies. We are under threat hourly and daily; how about our rights?
YES OR NO? ARE YOU INTERESTED IN THESE POLITICAL BEAUS OR TROPHIES? There are a lot of males involved and a lot of guilty people; a lot. Bill Maher? Donald Trump? Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? Allen West? Lou Dobbs? There is a huge list Ann. Worse you are always running around with men; always. I am ready to end this and print the book on your secret life; all I need is some breathing room and it's done. The title is "THE SECRET LIFE OF ANN COULTER: THE CLOAK AND DAGGER, THE ROMANCE, AND THE TWO DECADES OF POLITICAL BATTLE." Notice how I left out the biggest name of them all on that list of male trophies. All that matchmaking and cupid events went to waste; just smoke signals of the war to come.
PREVIEW OF "THE SECRET LIFE OF ANN COULTER: THE CLOAK AND DAGGER, THE ROMANCE, AND THE TWO DECADES OF POLITICAL BATTLE": "There is a reason why hundreds of disasters are in our life. There is a malicious and deliberate effort to make our private and financial situation an utter debacle. There is a clandestine and concerted attempt to misconstrue facts and events so that we are viewed extremely negative or ostracized. In the end, they lost control and could not achieve any of their goals; which also carries over into political crisis, terror plots, social disasters, drug wars, and everyday life. To seek control, they create disasters and attack valuable targets. By doing so, they can break them, seek surrender, or slander their name in the worst possible way. Until they unlock this trap or this criminal conspiracy; all they have to do is hide the key or until the victims figure out a Houdini act to escape. They do the same in America and in other countries; to take over and seize control. We not only caught them, but we schooled them in the act of betrayal, warfare, and how to agitate or annoy people. Keep in mind, they still have the key and until this concerted effort is unlocked; there will be more mob violence, terror plots, bomb plots, and war waged on us. Henceforth, the web of deception and the endless disasters are intended so we cannot survive or spend the rest of our life vindicating or trying to catch them; while they maneuver for more attacks and more twisting of facts or the laws.
I am the father and the originator of satellite warfare; this is my twenty-two year history and biography with Ann Coulter. I have perfected and developed the art of victory utilizing satellite warfare; however, most people do not realize the pain and the suffering along the way. Most people do not have access behind the scenes to the ferocious battles, near world war crisis, and the effort to destroy the leaders of this phenomenal development. They failed in stealing it. They failed in sitting next to us. They failed bankrupting us. They failed to win a clandestine war. They failed to make us crazy or appear crazy; at times held prisoner in mental hospitals. They failed in controlling us or forcibly medicating their prisoner. They failed to rewrite our life. They failed in breaking us up or silencing us. They failed to stay under the radar. They failed in buying it. They failed in destroying it. They failed human kind. They failed in making us look as negative as humanly possible. They failed in rewriting history, what is most important. About the only success in this secret garden was a love story and the history of satellite warfare. If there is a better story in this world, we would love to hear it or from this traitor. All of this hung on the balance of terror and a tiny thread in 2012. We all live for the same reasons; but we never die for nothing. Who will live and who will survive to tell the tale? Welcome to the new revolution, it is going to be a very wild ride."
HAVE A WEDDING NIGHTMARE AND WANT SOMEONE TO PAY? CALL NANCY GRACE AND SWIFT JUSTICE! (WWW.SWIFTJUSTICE.COM): Just remember Ann, you will spend the remainder of your life seeking justice and getting even with them. You are never here and always running around with other men; innocent or not. My expectation and disappointment is gargantuan; but I know the true story and what they did; so does the world. What they did to you and I, weakened us to a point of failure and tragedy. The reality is my life is in shambles and your stigma is so raw and bad; even I do not believe you. They feed you more rope and you feed them more. Now with the truth out there; they are unable to lie anymore; but they made so much money on your life; which is my work and college research; its better to get rid of me. They did and tried; and got leveled; repeatedly. They feel you and them could have had it all Ann, nobody would have known. But look, you are never here or ever was and you are always running around with men; on the west coast and even on the east coast. Maybe it was to throw a wrench in their wheel and stop them from attacking your life or even stalking you; but the damage is done and the trap has not been removed or unlocked. All of this is still locked and they have the key; but are hiding it. Why? It is a death sentence and both of you risk losing your jobs because they must keep control and be the boss. Otherwise, we win and they loose. You will not win, ever; with this enemy stalking or being our ally; understand? It is not a trap you or I can survive until it is unlocked and we are freed. This is happening on your end also Ann. Why are they still hiding the keys and refuse to unlock us? This they must disclose to the government investigators; what took them so long? None of this would have happened had they not violated our rights and went on a crime spree; still part of their escape now. They still try to vulture our lives; still. In the wide open blue and in front of millions; they put the best face on it. Wonderful people and wonderful church aren't they? Wonderful friends and wonderful help aren't they? Even better, wonderful Americans and freedom lovers, aren't they? The world has no idea how they are when nobody is looking. Worse, they get bolder now in public. It is fair to say they are hardcore spies or heavy duty moles. Rotten to the core, they see no evil and can do no evil.
SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE FIGHTING THESE PEOPLE? THE BIO OF ANN COULTER PROVES THEY DID IT: 1. They pressured and circled you Ann because they wanted to know about your private life; you made it clear you do not discuss it. They kept pressing on. Then all of them claimed they were your boyfriend and even fiancee. How they knew about me and how they ended up in my apartment in NY; as I busted them for 911 and communism; used to be a mystery. 2. In order to cover this up, they had both a brutal rape and murder plot on you; similar to the Anne Pressley murder. It was a gang hit and part of this mafia or Democratic and Catholic inquisition. 3. I understand you played along with them and gave them all the rope they wanted. Now they are trying to woo you or tell you how innocent their intentions are and if you listen to Hannity; he even feels he is almost your best friend and closest ally. I busted him for your stalking and he was baiting or luring you; into a trap. 4. The stigma and the fictitious character they created; what you call a singles club or "trophy hunting" turned deadly. It may have been innocent; but to cover it up and who they were; it was deadly. 5. The only way out of this is if you let them off the hook; so you keep playing this game with them and they are totally and completely insane; whacked out of their minds. When you circle and kidnap someone; you can have this much impact on their life and only until it is escaped or unravel led; you cannot survive, a game of death and deadly trap. They sat next to you and even shook it in front of your face; what they call bullying between friends. 6. Clearly there is malicious intent and the objective is to silence you and ensure you cannot escape or survive. I know because they had me in the same trap. Now your biography and boyfriend has been released; you waste all your time playing this game with them and gauging how insane they truly are. If they report it; it shows they were given access when they were not; we were in a trap intended to kill us off or make sure we would not be a threat to them. 7. Now you spend all your time trying to get even or clear your name. You run around with men. You feed them more noose. You play upon their fantasies and warped reality. You allow them to get their way. You secretly plot their demise and capture. You made a psychopath ten times worse. You made a serial killer ten times more deranged. 8. Due to this big trap and hole you are in; you waste your life fighting them and getting even. Likewise, I have not even been vindicated and the FBI even knows they did this. My big biography is out there now and so is yours. They did the same to me. I have them on this end right now; blabbing away and trying to win back control of this. Therefore, you are never there, always running around with men or out drinking and dining with this menace, and you make unreasonable demands to me. You expect me to be happy with you or stay with you when you are never there and always with other men. I just do my thing and am trying to get remarried; which panics you but does not change your objectives. They are too evil and no matter what you do; they refuse to release you or talk; do a confession. Only arrest, death, or expulsion will end their total lies and conspiracy; to cover up who they truly are and what they have done; a death sentence is how they describe it. We got our 911 terrorists and we got our communist spy network; and the drugs and crime they infested the world with.
MALICIOUS INTENT, UNABLE TO SURVIVE THIS, ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, AND CONSPIRACY: The US government is not off the hook yet. The question posed to them is why they let this go this far? Why did they let these people do so much to us or violate so many charges? Did you try to label Alex "mentally ill" and even "forced medicated" him; before and after the conspiracy blew? Why and how did this get so insane and get so far out of control? Could they take them out earlier or will they finally come to the conclusion that internment and full scale war is necessary to combat this enemy and domestic pest? It is not our fault we won this; but it is their fault why there are so many charges and so much suffering on our end. The worse part is the fallen; we are not the only decent people who have been executed before this church of evil and labor; total lunatics and under the radar; other police officers and agents have fallen in less time or less battle. We don't like the weak either and this church of nonsense needs to be shut down; too ignorant to even understand disaster or respect of other people's rights. Did they abed this enemy or allow them the opportunity to do this on our life; as a way to gain respect or benefits? If so, they turned their backs, benefited from our grief, and were in a secret conspiracy. Silence means they all must be thrown out; a code of silence and take over. The whole idea is to prevent or deny our ability to survive this; a malicious intent. The only way to win or defeat us, is to divide us; the evidence proves this. The chaos and cost of cleaning up their mess was astronomical; meanwhile, they denied it all or concealed any culpability.
THEY BETTER HAVE THOSE SANDBAGS AROUND THEIR STATE: I hope they have those sandbags in place and they are strong enough when we knock them down; all I have to say. Keep running their mouths and telling the world they are totally and utterly insane. Keep playing that game and double talk; as if we do not know who is doing it and where it is coming from. I will lead our forces and I will take them down; they picked a fight and want a bigger fight. Take them down and knock those sandbags down because it is weak and we do not like silence. Keep wasting more time and keep wasting our life; it will snap back. It will unwind and is almost completed. Acting as if they do not want to fight or wishing a bigger fight is straight up utter insanity. Ann has gotten me to the point where I am pissed off and need better results; much better. She is going to get some pain and up to her usual. Tell them to sue her and work this out with her; not me. I want all of their heads; no questions asked. My goal is to remarry; not make her aggressive with these people who are total orangutans. Too aggressive? Too stupid? Too foolish? Too crazy? Too worried? Too much fun? Too big to stop now? Where are they reading their life at? Where is the text on their future and careers at? Silence? Where do they get intelligence from or can they figure this out? I am not putting up with anything, anymore, or from any of them.
I TOLD YOU TO CUT THEIR THROATS ANN, NOT BE THEIR FRIENDS: You could always pay me and let me do it; I don't like them and I have to remarry; do you understand? It works out perfect, who cares about you or how much you F off? This is all you are doing, F'in off and wasting more and more time. Firing them is a bargain chip and so far; arm twisting and you have not fired your security; the buffoons. Who is the idiot again or the chickenshit buffoon Ann? The more you fire, the more bargain chips you get with me. At least you tried to prevent their advancement and exploitation. At least you fought honorably and did not F off 24 hours of the day. The more throats you cut, the better off you will be. The more you fire; the more you will win my heart. Keep wasting time, you will start over and this is my work; my college work. You have no say in this. This is how you got powerful and had say; playing this game on me. Worse, you ruined my expectation and wanted me to... or let you... and... what else? You are a failure. You F off so much; honestly. You don't even have the balls to fire your clown act security or those who did this to you; jackass. Too mean? Too nice? We can work this out? Balls? Intelligence? Incredible decision making skills? Show me the college work you did on this; please do it. Where did you get it from?
DEAR DIANE BANNISTER AND MR. HANNITY: Maybe you need to fire Diane Bannister and let Hannity have his way with you? Hannity is your rapist; why would he go out with you and this "boyfriend"; unless he is lying through his teeth. "Coulter got me to go out with two of her friends, one was her boyfriend... I might go to yours... ducking and dodging... finally found your weakness." Why is Hannity saying this Ann, to raise his stock price or to avoid rape charges and conspiracy? A coverup? Ann shoves Chris Christie at him; while Hannity hides he was sending her gifts and roses. Coulter got me to go out with two of her friends? Yeah okay. One of whom was her boyfriend? Is he dumb and does he know who exactly Sean Hannity or Fox News is? What they are up to? Oh how tangled a web we weave in life and in death. So fire this Diane Bannister Ann; do you have any balls or just full of piss and vinegar also? Piss and vinegar never wins a fight, understand? So cut their throats, what are you waiting for, me? My goal is to remarry; what is your goal Ann? I realize you will not live up to my expectations; are you stupid? The debts and problems rack up; cut their throats will you. Listen to you all; even if your life was on the line or your throats cut; laughing and giggling with each other acting like friends or the in crowd.
DEAR ANN, I EXPECT IT FROM THEM, BUT NOT YOU... NOT YOU: wrong again about you, how stupid am I? Why do I have to listen to this crap from you and them all day; 24 hours and the hell never ends? They want to stay together also, were you aware of this? They still want you and still need me. Do you? Unbelievable behavior from you F'ers. If they appreciate you and you enjoy going out with them or doing this; stay with them and move on; but you have not settled your debts with me still. A coverup? I am getting really pissed off with you now; and there is no excuse; still no biography and details; but more baggage.
HOW STUPID ARE THESE PEOPLE? Ann, did you ask me "what are you supposed to do?" Well, the sooner you are out of my life, the better. I am trying to get remarried; it is obvious you are not. I am trying to look for someone who brings me happiness, obviously you are not. The sooner you and them are out of my life; the better. Why in God's name would you do this and expect a different result? The sooner you clean this up; the better my life. The quicker you are out of my life; the better my life. What formula and who are you listening to? Show me this formula you have and who wrote it Ann, show me. All you have to do is write a biography; your account. Instead, you want to add more money and more stunts to your already foolish and deadly biography; now you took me out again. Remember when you sobbed for an entire week after I had a heart to heart talk with you; why did you do this to me Ann, why? You sent me some video of people who killed their best friend drinking and driving; at least they did not do it again and again. They learned their lesson. You people are god forsaken and doomed; you use others and just throw them away; but not you Ann, not you.
DEAR ANN, THE ONLY PERSON YOU HAVE TAKEN OUT IS ME YOU STUPID JACKASS: Obviously I am not into eating, drinking, or tweeting live. I have no idea who Diane Bannister is or which one of your love triangles you are exploiting and using now. I suggest you move on and stop crying about how messed up or how happy you are. If you are this happy; pay what you owe me and move on so I can get my life in order and stop giving you free attention, free publicity, and my entire college work stolen or shared. I have not even been paid or paid a dime for any of this; not a damn cent. Meanwhile, you are being picked up, eating, drinking, and just having a blast with more men and more love triangles. Even if your life was on the line. Even if my life was on the line. Even if our future and nation was on the line. I have just given up with you and wish you to just go away and stay out of my life; end of story. Don't even try to make more excuses and hide more crap; or desensitize me. Alex, "its not my fault... I don't know if I was faithful or not... there was no sex... I am not happy... I hate myself, etc." Obviously and without a doubt you are not a very good match for any man or a pleasant addition to any romantic story or marriage Ann; admit this and move on. Additionally, you are too old; has reality sunk in and the baggage you drag with you or add more and more? Look at the amount of baggage and your response each time I hate you more, "Oh great... what now." This is your attitude Ann; this is how rotten of a person you truly are. Do you think you are this hot and a wonderful gift? Do you think you have been a good wife and make one? Exactly. Yet you hold this money and use it as a bargain chip; brinkmanship and then blame them for the same thing; all of you are guilty. You are weak and your indecision led you here; this total disaster also because you have so much clean up. Add more and more just to eat your cake Ann. What a love story, all you did was shut them up and do this back on them; that was all you did. What a wife. Check the records, I don't like this or you; still lacking information from you or indecision while you buy more time and do more insane stunts. You should have left or leave; agree? Duh! You do smell a tad better than them; but not much; admit this? You act so confident and so well put together; all of you. You still have not stopped them and are out of control yourself; admit it. All I get is more and more lies. I get more and more bad memories and bad people in my life. Obviously you did this on purpose to break me and you up. When are you going to accept responsibility? Reality? Who me? Good work Ann, the first person you took out is your own partner, me. Happy now? All of you are retarded and a stupid jackass; I have yelled at you before Ann for being one or so weak.
COMMUNIST SPY, SABOTEUR, AND AN ADULT DIRTBAG ADOPTION PROGRAM: The basis of these spies and saboteurs is to shadow targets, sabotage life, remain hidden, and just use people to carry out their objectives or evil plots. They even hide when murder and police forces wage war on them. Clearly, crime and the 1960s has transformed these communist forces into terrorist forces; an instrument of terror, spying, and crime. As I said, we have an adult dirtbag adoption program and their objective is to stalk, kidnap, and use people; then discard them as if their life was important. As we see clearly, they are far worse than human trash. This is what the communist and drug wars have turned into and who has put a gun to the head of America. They have short term memory and are so zonked up on drugs or some high; a total mess. They just grab us, use us, put their grimy hands all over our life; and here we are trying to dispose of them or get rid of them; bring them to justice. Ann decided to adopt these full grown dirtbags against my will and then has the nerve to tell me what they did; how convenient of both her and them. Now their feelings and loss is imposed on me; speaking on behalf of Ann; but representing this full grown dirtbag; a shadow or rogue voice.
Dear Michelle Bachmann and the Forces of Good in America: Let me give you some advice and wisdom. You are dealing with an enemy and political force whom are suicidal. For you to do what Ann is trying to do; is also suicide. Given that you are also outnumbered; you are not focused on the road map and the warnings out there. Therefore, blind followers and blind leadership is not what I want or need. You need to analyze the life of Ann; look at her negatives and the damage she has done. All of you block this out like a blockhead; an ignoramus.
Listen to me when I tell you how suicidal and dysfunctional this political menace is. All the powers on this weak earth will not bring back the housing market; it has collapsed. What you can do is begin to lay the sandbags; on the state level, while defense forces begin to take out this enemy. We have the FBI, who is not as quick and nimble as we need or expect; and DC trying to get clear thinking Americans into positions where clear thinking is a crime. Your Presidency is headed for a suicidal mission; I am not in support of this. Unless you begin to defend against the flood; lay the defenses at the state level; and then begin to take initiatives (such as a lawsuit on Obama-care); the fire will engulf you. It has engulfed Ann and she is trying to run quicker to extinguish it or cannot manipulate forces to do the right thing. Even I have warned her and she has not acted with honor or wisdom.
There is not much you can do with the GOP; they are so weak and so corrupt; it is difficult to support them. Even the support of the basic and soul of America; is no longer there. Unless you wish to join the right wing and joying the Democrats, liberals, and labor union forces; there is nothing in the GOP worth mentioning. These are the odds you face; a suicide. Unless or until these lawyers can take out Obama and the Democrats; these social and financial problems will persist and on a level which spirals faster daily. What Ann does when facing this crisis or situation; is play along. This is not the answer. Then she lines up the pieces and calls her lifeline; now that lifeline is cut off and she does not know what to do; blind leadership or lack of backbone. They want war; give them war and impunity. They want people to agree; give them their wish. Then tell them to their face; be careful what you insist, impose on others, and wish for.
It is the end of politics. We are mobilizing for world war. Unless the Democrats fix this; they are trapped. Their reckless and lack of brain cells; has led their criminal life down this road. Look at the number and the degree of criminal charges on them. Look at the war they started and how it ended. Listen to what they are pecking at and babble daily. Does that sound like strength or a common thief at the end of the rope? Look at their church and this left wing and labor problem. Do you want to help them and fix them; fix their ignorance? I would like you all to get more education because all of you do not have the skills, knowledge, and the wherewithal to cope with this; we have closed the loop, now we must deal with what is in this loop and how to go forward. Either we go or them. All the sudden they did not do it and they do not need to shut it down; we are with them all the way. You need to protect your state from these people and hurry up. If you do not, your state will go down and quickly; accountability and lack of this at the federal level. I also can think of several political candidates who agree with Ann; quiet a few. If she is searching for a candidate and Presidential hottie; stop creating love triangles and getting me tangled up in this jackass or jackoff talent show. She has told them who she wants; go for it; pay me my fees and charges and move on; my work. Meanwhile, they attack and try to throw me out, evict me, or make me leave on this end; using crack gangs, Haitians, and drug cartels.
I do not recommend you fix this or fix them. I do not recommend you partake on an Ann Coulter journey into suicide. I do not recommend you make more enemies; with your only chance to survive this. We know who we have, who we are dealing with, and what they are doing or have done. They said they want a fight and war; so be it. We have plenty of war and we have prepared for the ultimate war on this earth; the question is have they? Moreover, we have covered our ass and have no regrets; in no time in history have we avoided or steered clear of world war; never. We will not again and based on this road map we have; they should be going down and their power source is running out of time; not very much gusto remains. Why step in and save them? Fame? Fortune? Business? Friendship? Marriage? Let's ask Ann Coulter why? What reason and what purpose do you have in doing this and then screwing up your life line? You see now; do not cross my judgment and ever wage war on me; ever again. They have learned the hard way and now the forces that knock down their doors are so great; it is an earthquake. They want to fight this and only help, remember this. They got us arguing about what? Listen to these fools, idiots, and F'in traitors. What do you think is going through my mind? Hmm...
The Catholic and Jewish church are making decisions, clandestinely; by bouncing one communist spy after the other off our life. If Ann is looking for a politician or a political husband; they have thrown 100s of them on her. They did this to me also; then told me to leave. These decisions do not involve them or ever have. Regardless, they remain silent and try to run people off the road. Cut their throats and ask why they are silent? Why be silent when your throat is being cut? Why try to make these decisions; one after the other, when it does not involve them or include them? Hence, they go down silent and keep trying to attack silent. This search for Ann's political hubby keeps getting more and more insane; now they face criminal and civil charges; but they refuse to talk or shut this church down. If this keeps up, their church and the real estate they hold; what remains, will be seized. We know they are wrong, they do not have to keep repeating it. Ann feels playing along is going to stick a stake in their hearts; yet they remain silent and attack on this end. This is where the attacks end up and this church is behind it. They are not actually silent; they are clandestine communist spies and terrorists.
Just a small little guy who is in a very difficult situation and crisis; yeah okay. The video below shows who we are dealing with and have right now.
Watch this: Gangland in Ireland and the USA Analysis -
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