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Saturday, August 20, 2011


RUMBLE - THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ON AUGUST 23, 2011: Qaddafi forces are defeated and their military is smashed. The empire strikes back and the forces of evil are too scared to attack or lie, cheat, and steal their way back to nation-hood. A clear message is sent across the world to all dictators and other nations who live under the auspices of humans who have their head up their asses. Meanwhile, an earthquake of 5+ rumbles across the hills of the northeast, mid-atlantic, and southeast; which signifies the empire has struck back and the voice of God has spoken. Good things do not come to people who lie, cheat, and steal; but their head is up their ass and their mouth keeps getting them in more and more trouble. Hurricane Irene misses south Florida and heads up the eastern coast. Irene spares Haiti and rocks Property Rico and the Bahamas. By military force, the world is won back from the forces of evil and corruption; dead or alive. We cannot stop the attacks or prevent them from attacking; but we can take steps to make it harder and take steps to make them sorry they ever did this. We have taken this initiative and it is extremely painful and ferocious. They will be sorry and they will be full of regret if it comes to their last breath. They could not unplug our phone, life line, or any backup and help; although they tried. Shhh... the coast is clear now.

IS THIS YOUR WEDDING PLANNER OR HOW YOU PLAN ON DRAFTING THE RSVP LIST? STOP USING MY STUFF AND MY MISSION - UNBELIEVABLE RIP OFF AND GIMMICKS: VIP Reception with Ann Coulter, Where: Marines' Memorial Club 609 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA; When: Wednesday, September 21, 2011, 6:00 PM, VIP Single Ticket - $150 Couple Ticket - $250, Includes entry to the VIP reception with Ann Coulter, two drink tickets, a photo with Ann Coulter and book signing, Event Sponsor Single - $250 Couple - $450; Event sponsors get all the perks of the VIP event as well as dinner at the California Young Republican's convention that evening with Ann Coulter as the speaker. Reagan Sponsor - $1000; You and a guest will receive VIP entry to the Ann Coulter reception, drink tickets and dinner at the convention. The sponsor may participate in a private discussion with Ann Coulter away from the hustle of the other fans and supporters. You also receive Ad space on the front page of

DON'T HAVE A BACKBONE, NO CONSCIENCE, NO CARE IN THE WORLD, AND TOTAL DISASTER: I wonder who the hell I am with and who the hell is in my life Ann; it is not the people in your life; it is the people in my life. You are the cause of all this pain, not them. It is you. You have no morals, no conscience, and you rip people off blind with this fraud. Then you use my work to pull it off or make it more believable. I am mad as hell knowing you did this or have been. Regardless, you blame them for trying to marry you off or heroic acts which end up wrecking your life and mine. This is why they keep saying their intentions are not racketeering or payoffs. None of you have any conscience or any morals; but you all exploit and use me. Ann, I cannot believe who you are or who you have in your life; a state of shock is what you got me in with your love story. You lack and are disconnected from reality; but so are they. No wonder you got the drug cartels everywhere; you are exactly like a drug dealer, pusher, and trying to nickel and dime others. If you were in a slug match; it would be different; it has gotten so gay and retarded. All of you are depressed and it got me all wound up. I want to know where you fly and why also; retarded stuff really. Read your stuff in the month of May 2011 when this MRC event went down. You have rape, hotel rooms, the French, blacks, hotel maids, divorce, set you up on dates, etc... It was exactly how 911 went down, back and forth. Are you a black hotel maid Ann? Is this who you let plan your wedding; the Catholics and socialists?

CREATING A DISASTER AND THEN TAKING AN ANTI-GOVERNMENT OR CRIME SPREE TO TRAP PEOPLE: Almost similar to the cigarette smuggling or other black market contraband; the use of crime, anti-government sentiments, and the causation of disaster or putting others in awkward positions; allows criminals and terrorists to run free in the streets and reduces those forces who combat them. Oddly, nobody wants to pay for the cleanup or pay the welfare costs of this enemy; thus, the police and the defense forces are stuck in the middle of the trap. This is what this sneaky and clever thief is doing; keeping the profits of crime while making a mess or total disaster. The operative word is fending them off. We cannot stop the attacks or prevent them from attacking; but we can take steps to make it harder and take steps to make them sorry they ever did this. We have taken this initiative and it is extremely painful and ferocious. They will be sorry and they will be full of regret if it comes to their last breath. They could not unplug our phone, life line, or any backup and help; although they tried. They kept saying we were not partners or did not want each other; then they kept saying and doing things to imply we needed them, wanted them, was on their side, or were in love with them. None of it was true. This is why they did 911 and WTC; they kept tinkering and throwing out this propaganda.

ANN YOU KNOW I LOVE BEING MARRIED AND I HATE BEING SINGLE OR WANDERING AROUND SEARCHING FOR SOMEONE: If you know me, you know how much I love being married and finding the right person. Why in the world would you mess it up so badly or fill it with so much angst, stress, and anxiety? Why would you force me away and then blame the people around you for plotting your murder, trying to drive you crazy, and hiding their evil acts to ruin you with heroic explanations or a lack of detail. My version is we are captives and prisoners; and until the key is presented; until we are released or freed; until the FBI arrests and forces these people to end this; we are headed for ruin and death. Why would you be an accomplice when the one who has most to loose is you? It makes no sense and perplexes me to this day. Yet I do not have the patience to play along; your game or theirs, so I choose to just move on or insulate myself from anymore dangerous events or damage. Who is telling me to be quiet; you or them? Who is forcing you to be quiet and come to me; to tell your story? Those heroic acts better have every single detail; there is no escape. I am tired of this rumble Ann and I thought we were going to spend the rest of our life together, now it is so messed up and I am pissed off with you. You did not fend them off; I did. Worse, I did this to women and they blamed me for dating them or humiliating them; now you do as I did and it got worse.

REMEMBER WHEN I ASKED YOU TO LOOK FOR A PLACE IN CALIFORNIA ANN: It was such a special time. I felt appreciated and you were so well behaved. Now it is day after day of your foolish stunts, total craziness again, and your old ways. There is the tape of you and Klavan at the MRC. Then now it is people picking you up in LA, taking you to bars, live tweeting, etc... I don't know why you don't think your life is crazy and keep telling me how you work so hard or have a calm and quiet life. I don't think almost getting brutally raped or had a murder plot on you is a quiet life. I don't see how after all of this and how I devastated you; you can muster the ability to repeat your flaws or disappointment day after day. Life is about improving yourself and none of you want to improve yourself. Even you Ann; happy with where you are. Even if your private life is a gutter (Gutterflower or guttersnipe) or a ghetto; you just do not want to improve it and tell me to show you evidence of any sex. It sounds too Catholic to me and right now; Catholics don't rank on my top 10 list. I am not sure if you mimic them or if this is really you; it scares the hell out of me and makes me hate your guts. I had to spend almost 20 years of my life enduring this gutter and ghetto existence in my life and it never stops. There is a mental block, a bigotry, a form of ignorance in you gutter warriors. It scares the hell out of me you are still a single woman; in Los Angeles; and have men pick you up or take you out drinking and to dinners. To me you don't want marriage or feel trapped; maybe you are guilty and already ruined our relationship. This is all you can offer; nothing. You say you need me and I tried to help you; but you keep crashing and burning. I tried, you tried, we all tried; I get the feeling you are not marriage material and are not sure how to get married Ann. You are very happy in the gutters and in the ghetto; worse, I come from a form of royalty. I am not proud of it; but it is a form of it. You can't seem to leave me; but you can't seem to walk away from this fight; even if they make you or try to set you up for more attacks. Such heroics and heroes you all are. Is there a mental block or is it a deliberate ignorance? It is certifiable and clinical insanity; the criminal part is how they keep the church and their political party alive. You are not chickenshit; you are a scary pussy competing with scary chickenshit. How do you see it? You made me sorry and full of regrets Ann. Now the story is your love pad in LA to support your career and single's club; which are true dates or outings. It is no longer how you are fending them off.

JUST REMEMBER IT IS MY WORK AND MY LIFE MISSION: Next time you are partying and out for two full weeks Ann; keep in mind who developed this and who you model all this on; who exactly you get this from such as Demonic. Now you know why I feel used and blame you. I have no idea why you are so happy but you said you were going to hell already for pissing me off. I literally have to trap you or force you; just to do the right thing; and you still cannot make it right. You still keep asking who has reported having any sex with you while you live this singles life free of any sex. Then you blame those in your life for matchmaking, painting you negatively, constantly trying to make me feel loved or in a faithful relationship, and coming to me after almost being brutally raped, killed, and in this tail chasing game. Someone has to clean up your toilet because I am sick of doing it. Eventually you will have to and I probably won't be around when you decide to. This is why you are in a standoff and playing brinkmanship with them; the balance of terror at the highest levels. You have to figure out how to save your marriage; they will figure out how to ruin you and it; don't play along jackass. The people in your life are not heroes and are not there to save you; are you stupid or just annoying? This is ready for print and this is your biography; which is actually my work and research. Why am I upset with my work and my life? Gridlock? You break it you pay for it?

SOMEBODY OWNS THIS URINAL AND SOMEBODY KEEPS ON MESSING UP THE TOILET ALSO: Yeah well, remember that someone owns this toilet and somebody keeps on making such a gigantic mess; it stinks so badly. You try cleaning this up or working here and see if you can stand it. Go ahead, clean it while they compete to see who can mess it up more and more. It is so crazy they are competing to see who can mess each others' life up; and it is deadly. It is no game and they even proclaim how they want to die. I am not sure who is better, you or them Ann. Cleaning your toilet truly sucks. They are more crazy now than ever before; still not able to make this go away. Draw them in and lets go earthquake with them. I know you are trying to hold your ground and hold them off. I know you are fending off your own brutal rape. I know you want me to love you and how important this is to you. I know you are upset and feel awful. I know you hate yourself now. It did not have to be this bad and you did not have to give me the idea I was a victim also. You did not have to play this game with me or when I got upset; repeat it and live the entire episode again and again. I realize how stupid it is but there come a point where you could have stopped. There was a point where fending them off was inexcusable.

A PRISONER OF DEMENTED PEOPLE OR AN ACT OF HEROICS? In order to establish a "prisoner status" two things must be proved. First, a key, a method of unlocking, freedom, liberation, or exoneration process was denied. During this denial, captivity or pain and suffering was severe. A process of danger and escape has to be present or existing already. Second, a deliberate, intentional, or malicious effort to keep a human being in this state of mind, mental unpreparedness, or repeated battle and attempts to free or improve their life. Slander is too mild of a description and slander does not carry a death penalty if the truth is revealed. Additionally, pampering someone is not a heroic act. Acting as a match-maker, puppet master, or parent is not a heroic act. This is a very sophisticated and highly elusive criminal organization. They are well connected and well financed; regardless of the outcomes. Throwing yourself at someone is not a heroic act, nor is repeating it hourly or daily for upwards of twenty years. All of this pinpoints the true malice or the act of foul play; guaranteed by either a murder plot, execution, character assassination, or some other form of foul play. We can also sum it up with "conspiracy to commit an act of terror and conceal a terror plot." Stopping this or establishing this is very difficult; it requires a skill level which very few human beings possess. Therefore, to put the best face or placing "normalcy" on top of all the clandestine efforts is a criminal violation. Was it heroic or a prisoner status? How did they get here or acquire so much danger? Where is here? Who is here? The reason why Alex had to fend them off is he was a pro and a prisoner of these 911 terrorists. Ann caught them but before she did; she had to fend them off because Alex had to draw them in and piss them off. Clearly they view themselves as heroes and these violations or crime spree as heroics. They stomped on our story and we had to fend them off after catching them also; even worse than before.

MARRIAGE OR SATELLITE WARFARE: We know the role of satellite warfare and who developed it, teaches it, and is the author of it. We know who did the work in college or the classes, college levels, it came from. There are scientific proofs and a methodology which traces back to doctoral or college courses. However, this does not indicate or explain Ann Coulter's life. We know she did not study this in college and had to read it from somewhere. Insofar as piecing it together or a seamless goal; can we narrow the conclusion to marriage or a marriage proposal? If so, who ruined it and who destroyed her efforts? Did she? Did a puppet master who is clever and sneaky to put avoid any fingerprints? Did a very dangerous and sick person do this? Was their target people or satellite warfare because if they were able to steal this or obtain it; the ends do justify the means. Time will tell how, why, who, and what these payroll changes took place. For now it is a criminal investigation and there are a lot of violations.

DISCONNECTED OUR PHONE AND KNEW WE WERE CALLING FOR HELP: They created so many problems and disasters to paint us in such a negative manner; they ran up our cell phone bill in 1997, 1998, 1999; 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2011. It led to severe financial hardships and impact to our credit and history. These were not boyfriend-girlfriend related matters; it was an attack. Who knew? Who was being called for this rescue? They were hoping we would call them and would even give us their numbers. They could not unplug or disconnect the phones; no matter what they did. Again, if this is not kidnapping or taking hostage; the key is being delivered and we are in the process of freeing yourself. Who turned off our phones or disconnected it once they knew we were calling backup and help? This clearly shows how they operate and how we beat them down. They recently ran up the phone bill due to all the calls to the police by a crack gang.

RUNNING PEOPLE OFF OR RUNNING THEM OVER: When an arrest or prosecution is being executed, running the opposing side off or over is an act of desperation and shows an irrational survival instinct. It is not only a crime; but this form of obstruction of justice and witness tampering indicates the presence of racketeering and under the radar tactics. It is the probable cause to immediately begin a probe and investigation. Since 2008 this bold initiative was in the open and as nonchalant as a criminal organization can possibly get or resort to. It is not an act of courage but shows they are kurt and skittish about what is about to occur.

IS IT POSSIBLE FOR AN ALIEN TO DO THIS OR COME RIGHT IN? This is the big question, who are we elaborating about and who are we dealing with? Can an alien do this or would they get away; escape the bone crushing security? How then did a mole and these traitors? Aliens are not well funded or have such low aspirations. These Catholics and labor union mentality; what we call an inquisition and a climate of lewdness or savage attacks; is using drugs and this war to survive or advance their cause. Stop them and the church of the poor will be forced to shut down. It is a forceful takeover. They kept saying we were not partners or did not want each other; then they kept saying and doing things to imply we needed them, wanted them, was on their side, or were in love with them. None of it was true. This is why they did 911 and WTC; they kept tinkering and throwing out this propaganda.

PHONE NUMBERS, EMAIL ADDRESSES, TEXTING, AND OFF STAGE RELATIONS: When a female goes into a bar or mingles in a social atmosphere such as a trade event, concert, or organized gathering; the phone number or email is a very controversial cat and mouse game. If these men acquired the phone number or email of Ann Coulter via some "run-in" or "planned introduction" by a puppet master or supervised organizer; then there is a conspiracy involved. Knowing what they know, the blame is directed at those who knew and persisted in a negative or persistent manner. These murder plots, terror plots, and brutal rape plots; an effort to silence or stop the apprehending part of a criminal investigation or detective work; has to follow the same formula. These are not meetings or diplomacy; instead, they are clandestine efforts to penetrate, gain access, obtain information, obtain secrets, and to exploit or invent more danger. How did things get this way and why did it end with the danger level at ten or above? Danger levels of nine or ten result in death. If they can prove they approached Ann Coulter with the intent or in a sexual manner; then she consented or had flirtatious intentions or expected a romantic date from the exchange of phone numbers or emails; they can prove infidelity or a lewd behavior which resulted in their dangerous predicament. They can also prove malicious intent or severe harassment. It is up to them because it is a he said she said. There is a point where fending them off got really bizarre and upsetting; but I did this and showed Ann how to get back at them; I am guilty of it. I am the designer of all of this; it was never intended to injure her; only get her slow-poke rendezvous to hurry up. I also had to fend them off; and for Ann.

WHO WAS THEIR INTENDED TARGET AND DID THEY THREATEN ANN COULTER TO ACQUIRE THIS TARGET: Obviously, this was an act of confusion or irrational thinking; criminal acts typically are. If they threatened Ann Coulter and threw themselves at her to either exploit or create dangers in her life, to ruin it, or to spread some negative form of smear; than the negative impact and the outcome was a malicious intent; a concerted and deliberate attack. Do this fifty or one hundred times and you can easily lie or conceal it all. Why are they in her life? Why are there so many resentments and problems? How did this begin and why did it end this way? Silence or having a show is not a proper explanation or excuse. Sharing the stage or working with someone is not an acceptable excuse. Persistent, plunder, surrender, or obsessive compulsive thoughts about having someone or raping them is why criminal violations are everywhere. It could very well be a heroic act which went unappreciated; however, they are not the judge and their heroic acts resulted in disaster; therefore, they can judge themselves but others refuse to let them off the hook. A heroic act has many details and facts which indicate transparency and valor; not full of fraud and tricks. If their irrational or confusing actions led Ann Coulter to respond in a confusing and irrational manner; then this has not been disclosed or cleared up. There is no written proof or sworn testimony which exonerates any of them.

WHY NOBODY WANTS TO HIRE THEIR ASS OR WORK WITH THEM: Nobody likes a coward, admires a bastard, or pays money to listen to their foamy mouth all day; but its not the case now and they expect jobs and some delivery of it; that is irrational and not reality either. Apparently we pay money to spank the hell out of them, which is just a waste of time. They keep saying how powerful they are and how others love them. Ann keeps saying it back and asking who is hurt. Who is she trying to hurt back. Ann keeps making promises of quitting and does not; she keeps trying to beat them in the money category also. Everybody is saying why nobody wants to work with them; they can do no wrong and are rotten to the core. There is no end to it or this; none. The only thing real is pain and suffering; no facts or way to verify anything. If this was a military battle or combat; my last letters to Ann was what I was told and her effort to tell me how it was all lies. I deserve more and better. I deserve to know the truth; even from Ann.

FBI AGENT OR COMPLETE SLUT AND PORN STAR? Whenever you see a female on the street, in a bar, or in the night; you have to ask if it was an FBI agent or an actual slut? Not too many FBI agents will go to dinner with terrorists. Not too many FBI agents will allow bank robbers to fondle her or shower her with gifts. Not too many FBI agents will break down the trust between her husband, partner, and best friends. If this is the case, then why didn't she call these men or these people in times of need? When it comes down to life and death; why would such a close friend turn a blind eye or shut the door and lock it? This is the question surrounding the people in the life of Ann Coulter. Are they super hot, wonderful friends, the real deal, or just an ape hiding in the bushes? Her biography and the blockbuster movie will judge them accordingly; the author has made sure Hollywood producers emphasize this aspect of the movie. Heroic acts and valor in battle always has details; insurmountable levels of details. When we piece together a battle; things fall in place unless they are in over their heads and the people who we are fighting. This is true in murder investigations, brutal attacks, and criminal investigations. Typically, predators and child molesters personify this type of heroics.

HOT STUD OR TOTAL PHONY AND LOSER WHO REALLY NEEDS TO GO AWAY? With all these men in Ann Coulter's past, this singles club, the drinking buddies, and the extreme sexual harassment due to playing cupid; the question is whether or not these people are total phonies or the real deal? How does a happily married woman go from secure and calm; to the most sexually harassed female on earth in less than the span of ten years? Is it possible and is there any female on earth who can reproduce this insanity? Can they retrace or walk her steps? Losing your marriage and 22 years of heart and soul would devastate someone; why I asked for 1.5 billion dollars. How about wrecking the most important mission on planet earth?

GOING AROUND SAYING YOU EFF'D SOMEONE'S WIFE, DATED THEM, HAD A RELATION OR LURID PAST WITH THEM IS A CRIME: The question is who did what and why; who painted who more negatively and why? Odd how they seek no damages or can speak a word about this when I have it all. What did they do and what did she do? I judge Ann based on what she did and what I asked her to do or want. This was not what I wanted whatsoever, never had and never will. Where to now? They do face arrest and conspiracy charges. Eventually, this has to come out; the question is who has the burden to do it or be paid for the work? Them? Us? Everybody cannot be negligent here. Everybody cannot be blamed when we have the good and the bad guys at the table. Will Hollywood tell a different story? Will Ann? How long will it take before the smoke clears and the audience goes home? Does Ann Coulter fake orgasms or is she the victim of a savage attack? They really helped and was trying to get Ann Coulter married; really they were. They love her so much; she is fighting for her life now. Odd, this is my case and complaint. The people in our life has to pay; who pays or paid?

WHO WILL BE MISSED AND WHY: If they whack Ann, I won't miss her and her biography will stand. How I judged her and what she took to the graves will now rest in the hands of those who were her assailants, assassins, attackers, or bottom feeders who saw her as food or a chance to do a photo op. Obviously, all of them are fake and the truth about who they are or how they prosper in very difficult situations; comes down to this and their future political career. Will they stop and quit while ahead; or wait until that line is cross before crashing and burning. The tight wire act did not fool anyone or get them anything but heartache, blue balls, bully injuries, and worse; total death and failure. I am not going to miss Ann and will probably get a movie deal; the question is if she wants me to and why? Does she seek my love and respect; or is so guilty and so guilty; she accepts death and punishment? Will she go on in life, survive this ordeal, and just check into an old folks home where she cannot bother anybody or continue this petty thief legend we all despise? Did they beat her finally or just rip her heart out? Did they win her over, treat her well, and give her the best memories of her life; or did she just fake it and the orgasms? This is the question; what did she fake and what was for real or not? Even she does not know. Did she begin with a vendetta and end with a new view of her attackers and those in her life? A friend in need is a friend indeed. By the time she figures all this out; we all will be dead and at world war. Did the Gods have a vendetta on her or did fate prevent her from having a cherished private life? What is fate? What is self determination or self improvement? Poice and military personnel have similar fates; how will she be remembered? This is how evil the people around her truly are. Some was them and some of it was her. I know I can live with myself; can they?

WHO IS BURIED AND WHO HAS TO DIG OR START EXPLAINING? My risk assessment is three tier. I am done and do not have anymore explanation to do; I have asked the FBI for robbery, extortion, racketeering charges, etc... the rest are civil or tort law which I am seeking damages and restoration. The next tier is Ann. Ms. Coulter has a major problem in her life and it is a circle of people. She has to make choices and decide how much work she can provide or can they provide. If they provide nothing; then she will be overwhelmed and has to do it. If they do all the work or cooperate with the federal prosecutors; the whole truth and nothing but the truth must be provided; this includes 911 and terror or murder plots. Tampering with evidence, tampering with witnesses, intimidating witnesses, causing a social disaster, a crime spree, etc... is not good and so are the odds. They do deserve sympathy and recognition; life truly sucks. The last tier is between the FBI and the culprits. Who can explain it better and who can get who first? Someone has to restore our life and provide a clear, concise, and acceptable account; at least some rational and seamless explanation; otherwise, they run the risk of liability, negligence, and defeat. Oh how we weave a web of deception and stand by nothing or nobody; not even the truth.

Gangs, Drug Cartels, and Real Estate:

ADMIT YOU ARE GOING TO HELL AND DISAPPOINTED ME, PUSHED ME AWAY: Ann, it is on tape and almost like prom night in Junior High School. If I did this to you, you would whine and cry like a baby and tell me how you were in pain and was heartbroken. Don't lie. You can tell something is going on and all of you are playing it off. Klavan is lurking around you; almost clinging while you try to pretend you are talking to everyone. Then your eyes light up when they said the night is not over yet and the bar is open. It is right there why you are going to hell Ann. Want to put some money on how you would feel or how insensitive you are? Who is in the singles club? Who keeps on saying "but there was no sex." Who keeps on bitching and crying like a teenager? If you review the tape, you initiate it as if it was on the tip of your tongue. Then you ask him if he wants to go and get a drink, wants to get out of here, or wants to get a bite to eat. Only the two of you leave. My guess is you went out later on and with the approval or encouragement of MRC; how to get another invite. With me they caught on after getting burned constantly; and then would stand me up or tell me to meet them and never show up. This is why I am remarrying; it is an endless war and you keep telling me there is no sex; look at the MRC 2011 event; feel the love?

HOW A REAL MAN AND A REAL CHAMPION WOULD HANDLE THIS, A MAN OF DANGER: Now if this was me; what do you think would be going through your mind? How would you feel if I kept saying, "but Ann, there was no sex and they keep setting me up with these women" or "they keep F'in with me and trying to ruin my life, I humiliated them." Now you are bitchy and trying to have me defend you or tell your story; you don't even have the teeth or the courage to defend your own sexual harassment. If they set me up with 100 women; there would be 100 pregnant women who walks funny now. I bet their husbands would approve years later; even if it was intended to be an attack or seduction. Do you see those nudes I have; that is no game Ann. Do you see how drop dead gorgeous they are; spies or not? You are a giant pussy and your antics are intolerable. You need to learn how to deal with this enemy or these attacks. You cannot say they set you up or trapped you; the culture you were in where you had to fit in or play along. Had this been me, there would be pages of flicker images of women with wedgies, in intimate positions, and some hardcore Hustler stuff. Don't give me a runaround or play games with me; I been around the damn block okay. Don't play innocent with me, do you understand chickenshit? Now it is a he said she said matter even if they initiated contact or a tail chasing game where you were disheveled or forced into awkward situations.

I HAVE YOU ON TAPE: Ann, all you have to do is watch the ending of the MRC 2011 gala where you and Klavan talk before the event via your web site and how you mysteriously end up on tape and walking off the stage together. Watch carefully who initiates it and how it goes down. Do you think if a married woman did this and her husband saw it also; what do you think he is thinking or going to say. Go for it. Tell me, what do you expect or what do you feel is the reality? Let me guess, they are attacking you and you are trying to quiet them or stop them; by drinking and hitting the bars. Don't tell me about who had sex with Perry or why you, them, etc... are so obsessed with this little tail chasing. It is tail chasing isn't it? Even if I know you the best Ann; I saw that and said "slut." Be honest; this is what 9 normal people would say or how they react. Yet you keep holding tightly to how great you are or how you are winning your case. You are out of touch with reality.

A TOTAL LACK OF REMORSE OR LACK OF REALITY: Rape victims do not return to their assailants or continue to woo them after or before the fact; where in hell are you with your lack of reality? Pretending to be lovers, friends, etc... is even worse. For as long as I have known you; there is this lingering suspicion you were always an idiot and a loser; a total flake or loser. This is why you did this; to bedazzle it. You want this idea men want to rip you apart and are so eager to plow or plug you in two. Meanwhile, you spend 24-7 trying to prove you are faithful to me but messed up or created a disaster. With all those men, do you think lipstick and heels are this innocent; do you really? You must think the world is lazy, gullible, and dumb. Also, why are you so happy? This is what people do not understand; how you can smile and live with yourself. The test and the proof is when it is done back to you; can you stand it? Now it is sex with the Governor or how obsessed you are with male politicians. How will you react when it is done back to you?

WHO HAS THEIR WORK CUT OUT AHEAD OF THEM AND WHO HAS A LOT OF WORK COMING: I am not sure who is overwhelmed or overloaded here; the good guys or the bad guys. I am not sure where you stand on this Ann or if you are aware what can happen if I remarry and move on. You have a gigantic struggle ahead of you and I did as expected or delivered; you still have not delivered yet. Furthermore, in order to reclaim your life; you must stop the petty bickering or nickel and dime act; look at bigger objects and invent more ambition. The people who should be pissed are the FBI and Justice Department. They have to write this and report it; a containment policy or clean up. Maybe they are kinda pissed off with you or feel your pain; whatever the case, not much will be relevant once the gears begin to turn. If I become a millionaire during your renovation period; the abhorrent conditions and meat packing jungle of your uptown charade has to be flawless or presentable. If you take too long, which you have; it can end in utter failure and disaster three times over.

THE PEOPLE YOU CHOSE TO BE IN YOUR LIFE OR SHARE LIFE WITH: This might be the cause of who you choose to be in your life and who has the right to say leave or move. Obviously, organized criminal groups never act rationally or in a legal format. Obviously, the decisions already are clearly irrational and utter insanity. If there is a lesson here; then all sides can agree to the problem with who you choose to have in your life and who you do not want. How did this begin or start? How did it end this way? Why did it end this way? Who won or has advantage in the end? Why? You live and you learn; but who you choose to be in your life is sometimes unavoidable and can bring death.

SO YOU THINK YOU LOVE ME OR US? Ann, you kept me here and forced me to love you in the worst manner and under abhorrent conditions. Then you played this game with everybody called, "So you think you love me." Meanwhile, you did nothing to help the ending except to destroy yourself or any chance of survival. Meanwhile, you ran around town with men and were always having Margaritas, gala events, or dinners; and they would tell you the point is how nobody cares and this will cause me extreme worries while they played cupid with you and you played along. It was not your captivity or how you got into this; it was your behavior towards the ending. Furthermore, I regret now asking you to clean this up or telling you how disappointed I was; how you expect me to accept this or how you better clean up every drop or speck. This caused you to make it painful and as slow as possible; to get back at me. In the end, I was left with this idea you had a disaster, it was not your fault, and to just leave it the way it was or else suffer more. You made it difficult for me to leave while you disobeyed me repeatedly; then kept me here under these horrible conditions so your ratings increased or you did not look as bad as the world thought. The only best face you put on this was selfish; all greed and selfish intentions. Our life was so far apart in the end; you just stacked more on top. Now you have to clear your biography with me and with them; I am leaving it there; good luck and best wishes in your plight. I hope you are a terrific writer because this was my work and I scoured every textbook on earth looking for this material and put it together piece by piece; days and nights up pounding my research out. I filed or asked the FBI to accept official charges for extortion and robbery; if necessary your name will be on it. It carries with it charges for terrorism. Have fun playing games with them or mucking up your life more. I did everything I am expected; you did nothing expected; and somehow ended up with all the rewards; now I am very bitter and hateful because of you also. I am worse off now and broken at the end than the beginning or middle of this Ann; happy yet? Have you had enough yet or do you want more and to bring it all down? I am able to see you much better now than ever before Ann; and I am not happy with who I have; not at all.


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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.