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We are not the same type of immigrants. We came here for a reason and to win. I am not involved or part of the labor movement or any church affiliated with labor unions or the left wing. Furthermore, I am not enthusiastic about cheap labor and why they are in our life; dumber than hell. These debts and these problems need to be the burden of those who allowed this to happen or were enthusiastic with cheap or stupid labor. Do not bear it on the other immigrants who are here for other reasons. These people are here for their homeland and to scam the hell out of the nation; treason. Shut down the method and the way they gained access to our life. They act audacious and bold only because they are scared of being interned; hence, the books on internment recently and the vast explosion of crime. The government is liable for this and this cheap labor debt cannot be our burden or rest on our kindness. Shut down the places where they gained access to our life and how they did this; legally or with military might. All of them are cheap labor and this is why they maliciously reproduce or are sex predators in our life. Cheap labor is low quality and this is what we complain about daily and hourly; sex offenders. They expect us to be quiet and accept this; all of it.

Let me guess, there is no particular or causation why they are poor, desperate, resort to crime, foul, repugnant, and always running up our debt or cost of living? Is the government sure about this conspiracy? I can think of a lot of reasons why we do not want or need them; why they are out of line and out of control; and why the allies want them either dead or gone. First off stop lying. Second off read the book Guilty by Ann Coulter. Third off read our biography. Why exactly did they do this or why have they chosen to stay and continue this when the table is turned? After 200 or more years of civilization, we know why they are stupid and poor.

I guess the big question is how so many sorry ass psycho losers got in our life and why Ann has to chase them off? That is the big question, who opened this gateway? Furthermore, why do we have to kill all of them? Won't they just stop and go away as told? Let's ask Ann, Ann who let these losers or opened this gate into our life and who would you hang if it came down to it? Clinton? Labor? Catholics? Our arch nemesis? If we had one target and only one magic pill left, where and whom should be blame this on? What a bunch of losers; and they call us losers or sit there and drive us nuts. Why are there so many in our life acting like students or our teacher? Which one of them did it and is behind it?
It is obviously clear this is a felon and some kind of clown. Until they are put back on the boat and shipped back to where they came from; we have to listen to their stupid life story or endure them rummaging in our life. It is all about how poor they are, how people hate them, and how they are on a journey to find a job. In between is how they get us sick or give us feet odor, bad breath, and all kinds of daily annoyances. That is all we hear and all day of this. Until they are put back on the boat and sent back to where in hell they came from; we have to listen and put up with this SOB and their crap. This is their joke and scam; to turn the tables on everybody. Like this dumbass now or what they have turned into? Still not done yet and still mouthing off all day long.
Yes we know they like to F with everything and tinker wit all of our belongings, life, private life, etc... and here we are with them busted and nearly destroyed. Apologies? None of them have education or knowledge; they just want to tinker or F with other people. Even when it comes to our love life, sex life, and marriage; they like to F with it and tinker. What to do and how to stop this dumbass or smartass? No, I do not think anybody has any tolerance or sympathy for them either.

After all of these so called "run-ins", the only thing accomplished is the fact we know they are the worst and we are not. That is all. Furthermore, we know they are distraught; that is their only value. This idea we are in their world, have to prove our-self, and show this dumbass and jackass something; is why we are seeking the full frontal punishment hell can unleash. If that will lighten their thick and empty head; then we can agree to a second thing. Did I mention we have nothing in common and hate their guts? Yet with all these run-ins hourly, daily, weekly, and even coming in our homes; you would think they have some respect for the laws or a country that does not want or need them. So why do they stay? Yes, to tell us to leave and to F up everything in our world; and to say we are crazy, violent, and need to leave. That is all they have and how it ended; no other evidence or argument has shown or been proven. The table has been turned on them and they lost control a long time ago; now destroying them is merely a process. Do they know what that process is? Is it legal? Is it war? Is it where the heart and soul reside? Distraught yes. Broken no. Worthy of our attention or watching us, admirers, no. Plus they are too retarded to understand what war is and what it is about; you do not apologize over and over during one. You do not stay when you loose. The other side will become 100% violent; from nuclear, brute force, to a fist hitting you in the face; that is war. A retard they are also and allowed to be; not anymore.
Really good advice to Fox Good Morning LA and their buddy Maher, do not touch! You touch and Mo-bell will reach out and touch you on another level. I am skeptical about global warming; but I have not ruled out aliens; only have my nets and probes out hunting. You? Yes, I know how to bait my trap; thank you for the advice on seek and destroying aliens.

Yes we know you want us to leave. Yes we know you cannot win. Yes we know all about your cruel hoax and much more. Yes we know how angry you are. Yes we know you are a stalker. Yes you do take it like a champ. Yes you will die one of the most decrepit and beaten person on earth. Yes we really do not care about you and you really should leave and leave us alone. Yes a lot of people laugh at you and to your face. Yes you are a little pussy and won't come out of hiding for that proper ending. Yes you really should respect our rights and not be such a fool or hypocrite. Yes you were called every name in the book and humiliated in public. Can you tell us what else you need or want? Logic tells me you don't want to get hurt. My humor tells me you want to die and don't have a clue. Do you think people 100 years ago underwent the same feelings in life as you do now? L-MAO see my Tung. Yes you are very smart and very intelligent; like us.

These people need to understand an eviction trial is underway, has been, and it is completely out of control. They also need to be aware of who the accused is and who is being evicted; being summoned. Whatever they did or actions which they may be behind will be brought out and their objective is to address it. It is not a mock trial or a potluck dinner. Do not come over and study with us or flood the trial with harebrained ideas, excuses, or absurdity. The outrageous behavior is why violence or brute force must be brought upon them. That eviction may require all the force the allied militaries can muster. The totality of these harebrained and lame excuses are absurd. Therefore, an eviction trial is and has been underway. We are not being evicted; the documents are in error and someone did that on purpose in protest. Whatever they did and the reasons they did them for; is how the punishment will be compounded. This eviction is not for us; get this through their "flawless head." We understand their pride, dishonesty, and how they are capable of no wrong; thus, a trial is underway and will conclude when they are willing to end this complete act of treason. This idea we are friends or students; does not apply at trial and never has. If it did, the damages would be settled and quickly. These charges are egregious.

It does not bode well when a court or the public is forced to listen to evasion tactics loose their tread such as "our life" or "our interests" or some paternal or family relationship. If there is any truth, then a combination of "I" or "myself" is what they are guilty of. This "our" death penalty case. It does not come off right when the accused is so close or linked to a surveillance or some unit responsible for taken this enemy down or shutting them up. Wishing sexual relations or even close friendship when accused; shows the complete disregard of others' rights. We know you are corrupt; however, we are not. We know you are liars, cheaters, felons, and no damn good. Let's separate the sides and the story here. The story keeps changing because this is hidden or being used as a legal tactic. Painting the process as corrupt or unfair is not going to work at all. Injuring the winners is a motive but will not work or ensure victory. An eviction means you pay the rent or the damages. If criminal laws were broken; then we will charge or tally them and you can respond. Do not come to our home or portray yourself in our image, a student. It does not work either side you are on. Clearly the totality of the matter indicates the extent of the problem; a near paralysis. It is true, "there are hot chicks with guns" and those guns are aimed and intended to erase the retard out of the equation; let's not push the IQ factor here. What is the value of hot chicks with guns when you are being recorded and everything you say will be used to bring you down; can you bring our nation down with you? Can we?

On Iran: Britain has made a fatal mistake. Tell my Generals to steer clear; there is too much bad blood and we do not choose Hatfield or McCoy's in a feud. If anything we take all of them out and when they are weakest. How about they all kiss our ass; F their team player rules and how helpful can we be to a lunatic, psychopathic, hypocrite who enjoys lying and cheating.
How dumb and how low is their IQ? Let's ask Ann what "Doam Ly" means in Vietnamese. It means don't lie. Now ask this human turd face and dumbass we call our student what it is and the SOB will just look back silent. Don't lie dumbass; even Ann knows how to speak another language. Next time someone Asian says "doam ly" don't sit there and be such a stupid ass; let's see them speak it like Ann does.

Question to the FBI: Is Synchro actually Mickey Kaus as Ann told me in secret? I tried to corner him but he kept acting like a girl or Lisa Dee. He looks like a Harley Riding Hell's Angel; I met a few already. "Baby, I am drilling all night. You can tell by the sweat on my brow and on my chest. If I drill any harder, faster, or stronger; it might sound different. I am trying not to go out the other side or push too hard; you may not like seeing things the way it is on the ground." (Taken from an interview with porn star Nicky Dial and closely resembling one of the females I had dated a long time ago, "I had to Dial and find out." She turned out to be GI Jane and swam 2 miles a day; a lifegaurd in Michigan; and built like a fitness expert. The interviewer had said, "everybody in the industry wants to drill Nicky Dial and have. That is where I got it from in 1998; the source of my comedy. This is where Emma Starr must have been conceived; striking oil finally.

Do not lie about this. In 1996, I was one of the few people who had cell phones. I had an Erickson purchased at Radio Shack for $99. I used this phone and this number to send out resumes; due to constant roommate or housing altercations (home invasion). In 1998 after a string of unemployment, I was able to get a job with Sprint; a new division called cellular phones. This is where and when I met the chair from hell (Made in Haiti); a supervisor named Jackie; and all of them calling the police on me at work and humiliating me when this smear and game is ongoing. After this I was scared to even get a job no less work for someone else; I got my own business with Fed Ex. They shut that down quickly by attacking me at the beach and using my cell phone to call in a bomb threat and now having me deliver threatening notes or letters. All the while this was ongoing and who we now have under the lights and with a hood over their head. They claim I do not and should not worry; shut up. Insurance will cover it and all the damages. Did insurance cover my car vandalism or home invasion also? How about all the false arrests and these bomb threats? Anthrax also. What would Tim Russert do had he been around, tell the truth? They were behind it; also the National Journal and Stuart Taylor.
Dear Hannity and Fox News: This is not the 1960s where you blow up things, kidnap people, rob banks, etc... and then go on TV and either make threats or brag about it. You can do it but don't try this after getting busted. Also, understand you are engrossing this entire case on the fact you are being recorded; anything you say and do can be held against you in a court of law. Do not try to drop hints, upset us, antagonize everything we do, or tell us one lie after the other; we already know and set you up badly. The feds will get you for something or everything; it is your decision here. If you choose the wrong one; they may punish you for each and every violation past the point of being stopped and getting busted; then going on TV.
My wonderful neighbor denies taking classes or being a student status. Additionally, I think it is insane pregnant prostitutes, crack addicts in their 50s, and homeless people are getting pell grants and tuition money; no less claiming to be students. Unless they show me a college degree or a legitimate claim to being a student; this mentoring or student status is null and void. It is nonstop students or 50 year old felons trying to show how good life is and how comfortable their situation will be. We are not hiring them and I have the SAT scores to prove it; student my ass.

My black or mulatto neighbor says they are following us and we are teaching them. I am confused who is following whom here and why. Apparently, they are in our life still and we are teaching them; plus they only want to help and fight with us hourly. The call came in as expected and as usual. We have been inducted into the ghetto and slum Hall of Fame! Now we know who is robbing me and who just flattened my bike tire again; 13 times now all punctures. This is also our prowler and who keeps banging on the walls. Can we resolve and seek closure again? The story before was we are victims of hate and they were there to call us a nigger; reported over and over by the Irish, Jews, and the liberals. Also, it was their money paying for this and a favor; they want to study us. Who will pay for the damages and the cost of cleanup? My black or mulatto students? My nasty slave blood fiancee which Ann Coulter cannot beat or compete against; a quota?

The question is why they wasted their time and ours twenty years ago, three years ago, and now? What is motivating them right now? Let's ask Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly, the labor unions, the Democrats, organized crime, and a few others. Who paid them and with whose money?
1. Did they get the story they were looking for?
2. Are we the main attraction in the parade or not?
3. Do we make good laborers and are we as well taken care of as they claim?
4. Is it all lies and a robbery or scam?
5. Do they want to die or are they really special and powerful? Power.
6. They have no other option in life; a do or die moment?
7. They are desperate and cannot take no for an answer?
Those are the questions they ultimately must give in a court of law and after being busted, stopped, and taken to the brink of destruction. We know our story and there will be a lot of talk about it from here on. Why did they waste their time, did they get paid for it, and what did they tell the public or the world was the reason? Whose handiwork is this and what is their goal if any?
Here is a warning to CPAC and the Conservative Movement. I do not like correcting myself. Let me repeat this, I do not care if you are free or slaves; I do not like and want to correct myself. Lately, I have had to correct myself a lot. Ann has brought people into my life such as Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, Rich people who aggravate me, and F'ers I would gladly nuke if I could. While Ann brought these people in my life, I have a sting or a trap set and they all set it off. Son of a bitch did I ask this or do I have to correct myself? I don't care if they are fed up or fighting for their freedom or the country; go to F'in hell. If I have to correct myself, the first call will be to the President to nuke this SOB in our life and then I promise the call will be made to the office of hurricane and earthquakes. I will say this again, who needs a left wing to sharpen our machetes when we have a right wing we constantly have to use a machete on? F your freedom and F how you exploit the right wing. If I had my red phone; I would ask for Deafcon 5 immediately and call it accounting 101 for dummies. I do not like to repeat myself and I sure as hell will not complain about errors and corrections. Is that crystal clear to CPAC and how it is the soul of the conservative or right wing? Now I pretend to be happy while Ann brings all of them in one room and I yell at all of them for the same exact reasons, why? Out of control and trying to win freedom?
Who the F let the gates of hell down and let this enemy in our life? Look at the amount of corrections and the errors they pile up each year; take a god damn closer look. Do we shut them down or just call the red phone for some dumbass? That circus of snots trying to act right wing or plugged in is what I had to listen to from Ann; luckily, she is the most sexually harassed woman on earth acting innocent of course and trying to get away. I am in the business of winning wars; not a gathering of snots who are losing their freedom or have to be corrected and taught how to behave properly or told when they are lazy. The bottom line is error probability to how many mistakes on both sides; why do we have to correct these snots and losers? I am in the business of winning wars decisively; not listening to some woman tell me about how awful the right wing is or why they have to be corrected constantly. Do we want to sharpen our machetes or use them? You decide. Why is the truth so difficult? I need this to claim victory.

There audacity and nerve of this rodent species is unheard of. I would think a human this desperate and hated would crawl on their hands and knees like an animal and beg for their life or mercy; but no, this lazy fool won't even rebuild or improve their life. They just sit there and wait for us while they catch a free ride or mooch off our life. We get this stupid "dialogue" or "debate" when most human beings would crawl on their hands and knees for their people and to become heroes. That is how audacious and ignorant this enemy truly is. Worse they want us to believe they are worthy or heroes; imagine that, crawling on their hands and knees and eating up their mess is too good for each other. For Christmas, they must be robbing each other or trading loot. Their leaders should me trimming our hedges and cleaning our toilets; but they demand this from us; how unerving and stupid does this measly fool get? At least we hire a lawyer or ensure our kids and family grow up properly. How would anybody fix or stop harm to this measly bunion? Let me guess, terror plot? Our biography? Pretending they were wrong and welcomed? Duplicating the nationalist or nationalism? Come closer if you want to know! No closure, we have a surprise! Wait don't go away mad, closer! What is that phony mole going to tell their kids or the public and can we record them or catch them in the act? Oh, victims of violence and crime now... classic. Hope. Sorry. Don't know what to do? Leave? It is their home, ah. How about shut up and crawl exactly like a zoo animal?

There is a lot of safety violations and a lot of charges against this labor group, religious group, terrorist group, organized crime group, their political corruption, and this war where we have let the genie out of the bottle, told our Generals to hurry up, and providing cover for all of our military forces. I need a tally of those violations based on my account. This SOB is a dead man and I hope their presence realizes what they have done, what we are doing, and how time is ticking. They refuse to unwind or back down; always in our life and antagonizing it. How smart are they? Can they meet the challenge? I have ordered my Generals to make a dash; a foot race from here on. I am covering them. We want to know how they react and how they will retaliate. My next tier will answer and reply decisively. It is do or die; a test. Do they want to stay or go; too bad, should have thought about that before doing something really stupid or on this scale level. Those violations against me for safety; obviously, someone is slandering me.

Count the level and the number of safety violations against them and count those against us; are they really the police? Do they really want us to remove their corruption or will they do this peacefully? They come into our life and wreck it while writing up all those false safety violations while violating each and every single one? Do they still have a job? Why? Now count all of those safety violations against them when this is done with. Who is lying? Who is slandering whom? Who is the traitor here? Who is helping our forces and my Generals? Who has been locked out and sealed their fate? I am to blame and I have to put up with this or shut up about it? Let's take a tally after twenty years and all of those safety problems or violations. The excuses does not mean they can stay or will be forgiven. Lying pathologically does not justify who can get away with dishonesty. Yes we are on a talent search and we will find that talent anyway or anyhow we can to finish this grotesque escapade with a traitor and a lying psychopath. Don't ever say they are victims of hate, violence, or crime; they sow the ground they work on.

We know how stupid they truly are. We know how much they impact our life negatively. We know the mess they create. W-he know who they are and what they want. We know they are uneducated, a phony, and laborers. We know they live life with extreme risk or suffer hardships most of us do not. We know they are lazy and full of regrets. We know they rely on welfare and the generosity of this nation. We know there are more of them than us; all poor. We know they are human trash; not even worth the time. We know a lot of things. Do we fear their organizational ability, right to assemble, right to vote, and their power? Either I am in the club of idiots or am suicidal; maybe it is them out of the loop and unable to see where this is going? We know they prostitute each other to put food on the table. We know they are foreign infiltrators and saboteurs; representing the enemies and wars dating back to the 1700s.

We know all about these Europeans, their church, and how they got rich here. We know they are at each others' throat and right now the future of Asia is much brighter than any other region. We know where we can take them. Do they know where we can also take them? Do we fear the poor and the uneducated; if they organize similar to espionage spies or a communist infiltration? How about a criminal organization that spies on the government heavily and is above the curve; they know a raid before it even happens? How they got here is not the problem; how they wish to stay is. We know they are organized and predators. We know they live on debt and borrowed time; our national beloved treasure and victims of violence. It comes down to how they impact our life and how we impact theirs; who did what and why. It comes down to whether or not they can recover or if the end of the day they have their head up their ass and are hated for eternity.

Yes we know they are monkeys. Yes we know how stupid they are. Yes we know how criminal all of you have become. Yes we know about your white and black brethens who have now joined your plight. We know how organized you are. We know you do not have a care in the world and are not trying to save life and liberty; just your ass. We know your gamble your life away and take extreme risk; playing Russian Roulette. We know how much you love us and want to help or give us money. We know how skilled you are at spying or kidnapping. We know how much you want to get away or not get hurt. We know how murderous and how blood-thirsty you are. We know all about conspiracy and how the world is trying to keep you down or make you leave; go home. We know God punishes you and we do his dirty work. We know you want freedom but are dumb as hell and more criminal than a crack gang. We know you want respect and to share life with us. We know you want freedom and to be left alone; not kept down or away; told to leave and labeled a menace.

We know you do not want to look bad or are insecure. We know you love minorities for all the wrong reasons. We know how nice you can be. We know how much of a psycho and how unpredictable you are. Here is the problem. About your police and how organized the left wing has become. We suggest you remove the corruption from the police and if we have to; then we will send you into the dinosaur age or the land of the wooly mammoths. How many warnings do you need? How corrupt do you expect us to tolerate? How dumb and stupid will this get eventually? We fear your presence or do you fear being taken down the hard way? We know all about your power and how you can impact our life; what do you know about us? What do we care what you know or what you feel? Do you have a pay grade of a monkey also? Do you want the pay grade of a monkey or to be reduce to one in a zoo; for us to feed and wave at? As I see it, I am leading the charge and directing a war; one called economic sustainability and another one called satellite warfare. Has this changed anything or everything? Has Ann Coulter changed anything or everything? Will you erase her also? Will you erase her biography now that you are in it and guilty?

When is this going to stop? Must we make this about Ann Coulter and who we sleep with; it is not you and will never be. All the lying in the world is not going to change this or our mind; we are planning on throwing everything at you; even the kitchen sink. As always, when we do this; we always win and come out happy or the good life. Do you wish to test this again; or again? Do we fear their organizational power or are we shutting them down one window at a time? They act surprised as if the morning brought a new day altered by a new plan or change. With technology and globalization; do we fear their communication abilities or the presence they have in our life? Presence? We cannot get rid of them or topple them? They have a clear presence in both my life and Ann's? Oh the web they weave and the ground they sow with evil in their eyes and not a penny in their pocket.

Who will hear them in the forest when all is silent or silenced? Their schools are dilapidated. The hospitals are penniless. Their bills are a scam. Their church is dangerous. Their wars never end. World wars with them always repeats. How about their presence? We know who they are and what they want in order to stay with this presence. Screwing up their life is one thing; screwing up ours is a new world for them. Apparently, someone brought the LBJ bunch to Virginia and DC. As the story goes, we (our family) cannot survive in America without them. We are not only their workers, we are their political prisoners. They are upset with Vietnam and represent the French empire. It is a hodgepodge of poor and uneducated people who spread across America to stop or revolt against the British empire; considered prim and proper.

You do not save lives by playing Russian Roulette with your life or ours. You have no value when a wanted fugitive or felon; trying to avoid surrender and arrest. You fill our life with lackeys and children who are so disappointing. You degrade our happiness with your constant babble and antagonizing everything we cherish. Is this what you wish to be known for and who puts the nail in your coffin? Is this your last opus and history here in America? Is this the corruption the world has to watch and read about when they hear hurricane, earthquake, satellite warfare, economic sustainability, Ann Coulter, and the next tier? We regret how you are monkeys; but it impacts our life, not yours. Everybody knows who you are and what you are up to; care to lie some more? Why do you antagonize our life; even our marriage and the most sacred parts of our existence? Do you have a presence or some special ability or is it just criminal insanity?

How about that corruption on the police force that paralyzes us; what if we could earthquake you? Now what? I do not see heads rolling or this presence dead do I? You play a risky and indecent game; but saving lives and love is not what you are built of or for. Your phony life and existence disgusts us and this world. At most you live on our welfare and when that is at risk; you roll the dice with debts; national debts. This important? This much presence? This much corruption and power? You either clean up the corruption and restore our life and a healthy nation; or meet the dinosaur age. Your police are a serious threat and a big problem; so is your organizational presence. Do they deny any of this and how to they plead? Your reason to have us in your life is all the wrong ones; while the reasons for us to use you or destroy you is all the right ones. Those are not good odds if we can hurricane or earthquake you. Maybe. Does it even matter? Has it changed anything? Still?

Yes we murder people all the time; and for no reason. Yes, we cannot control it. God knows what we would do with a hurricane or earthquake. We roll the dice and play Russian Roulette with the most vital and top secret military missions. We starve our own people and show signs we are disgusting people. All the more reason to keep us around right? All the more reason to try harder or lie to our faces; more antagonizing by a dumbass and a monkey all rolled into one big ball of lazy jackass and dead meat. If you do not like being the loser or non-existent in our life; leave or go home. We have no use for you or ever did; ever. Who invited you and who let you in the most and best kept secrets? You? Then you take the blame and be accountable; don't ever get smart or antagonize us as if we are the problem or the criminals; you monkey. What does it matter if we did earthquake you or not? Can you change that or change the world? Then shut the F up and go away; stop antagonizing every single part of our life, liberty, and happiness.

Who is we and who is you? We will hunt you down and kill you eventually; eventually. It took twenty years to get here already; what is another twenty or so? These people after Vietnam; set a trap and an elaborate scam; to dignify their work and to suggest they were the victims of violence; so were we. Obviously, their are stark contrast between Asians and white or black trash. Obviously, Ann Coulter caught the Clinton's off guard. The Clintons started this; Jimmy Carter only did a probe and tinkered. We were and are sucked into the 1960s, radicalism, and the labor movement; the poor in America. They sent the Clintons to DC to carry this out to the end. In the past twenty years; nearly all of their worldly possessions are gone or has been taken away; yet they remain persistent and extremely stubborn about the matter. They represent the French and colonialism. They hate the British and their etiquette. The British have been at war with this foreign saboteur and it is an offshoot of the French empire. They did not like Vietnam and today are trying to settle a score. This is why they are buyers. They are buying up everything before getting shut down. Clearly they are not the most clear thinking and do not represent America; we have proven this.

The French have had a presence for a very long time; so has the Catholics. At most, they represent crime in America. They are saboteurs and their message is we cannot exist or survive in America or this world; the communist own it or the labor movement. We have something to say about that and a war to settle on planet earth; we will decisively, my word and honor is on the line. They will not take over or gain anymore in America; my word is on the line. The communist will not advance further. They will die poor and imprisoned for crime or horrible servants. If they loose more power, their welfare will be shut down and hurricanes and earthquakes won't even give a damn. Thanks for nothing and being such a criminal in our life. Enjoy it while you can; it won't last long. It is illegal to have an organized criminal element with this much presence; worse they are foreign saboteurs.
Clearly, they seek some form of blood that they admire or need badly. Screwing up their life is not going to kill them or leave them penniless; screwing up ours will. They feel the mixture of Creole blood, by default, makes them victims of hate or racism; America and indigenous people. Fox News is totally guilty; if anything indigenous people. They are utter failures that grew rich on agriculture or riches in the mountains of America. However, they prove to be the worst, most criminal, dumbest, and most pestering traitor we have ever laid eyes on. They also are a secret sect of the Catholic Church and they do date back to the early 1700s. They feel a conspiracy is underway to expel them or humiliate them; they had no part of it. Yet this conspiracy somehow brought us to our rise or demise; what they cannot bear to see take shape. Losing it all and pushed into prehistoric ages; they remain vigilant and refuse to surrender to arrest. Obviously, they are outsiders in America and insular; until the media, television, and even the internet made them a nuisance and a pest to all of our lives.

Like a freak show, we present the biggest jackass, the most corrupt piece of shit in America, and the most insane and loony politician the world has ever laid eyes on; lousy immigrants who are still poor after 200 years of nothing. Now it is about seniority, not merit. They are all sex offenders, felons, and the biggest piece of shit the world has ever laid eyes on. There is and there have been a major league penetration. If it is not fixed, I will give the order to shut them down and take them out; decisively. Screwing up their life is one thing; invading our homes and nation, in order to screw us up is another. This is our saboteur and coach; a god damn piece of shit and traitor. When I say we win wars decisively; it means if we have to murder them so that evil does not take over the planet or this nation; then it already began a long time ago.
We know all about labor and the Catholics; do or die. They will die poor but will they die trying or as a human piece of shit we know them to be? How will they die? How will they live the remainder of their life as a failure? What have they lost already and do they wish to loose it all; one big gamble? The communist and this enemy will not take over America; my word is on the line. Live their life poor and in the comfort of safety; otherwise, they will begin to see a whole new reality; one without them. They have impacted our life but we have devastated theirs. They are poor and here for jobs; but they can't get that right or the politics either. Shut them down, take them out, and shut them out. That is the problem and is civil war epidemic. How about that corruption problem in government and how it got there; or is this presence unimpeachable on the Republican and Democratic side? How about getting that crap our of our life and removing it from the police force; the monkey's who never seem to care but have safety first or need to eat? How disgusting will this get and how much stupidity do we need to tolerate from this monkey whose pay grade supersedes ours?

Clearly, they are in our life for all the wrong reasons. They are in Ann Coulter's life for all the wrong reasons and it is why or how they were caught. Where are they taking this or where has it gone since? We know the identity of the war on poverty, crime, and communism. We know the identity of the 1960s and the radical movement. We know what this revolution is all about and where the origins or saboteurs are coming from. We are dealing with the poorest of the poor and the least educated or the most poverty stricken in America. This terrorist bunch is a pitbull or henchman for the poor and specifically; Creole. They date back to the French empire but as we had observed; they were nothing more than foreign saboteurs.
It is difficult to root out or determine how they interact with the labor movement, labor unions, 1960s hippie movement, socialists, or the extent they are involved in terrorism. We do know they are the poor or the core of the upper echelon. We know they are linked to the French colony by blood or some tradition. We know they are very disgruntled and were upset about Vietnam; out to settle a score or prosecute those in exile from the Vietnam War. We know they are foreign saboteurs but their history dates back to the 1700s and even they wanted; power and demand to the voice of the poor. 
We observed them to be hillbillies; hence, the Clinton's and their constant effort to take over the Vietnam-Democrat role in our life. This hillbilly element is dirt poor and they come from the foothills of America; a place most people do not understand. There is not much of them left and we have ordered them to cease and surrender or be destroyed. We do not know the extent of their spy ring, terrorist organization, or labor and communist infiltration; we know it dates back long before Eisenhower. These people are also secretive and exiles; all the way back before the birth of America. Does it matter if we could hurricane or earthquake them? Will it change anything? How will this impact our life or is it at all? Exactly how stupid is this enemy and this corrupt presence in our life? Do we kill it or tolerate it; be friends and coddle it; sleep with it and make it beg or scream?

Obviously, they feel they are here to stay and will advance; with or without us now? Show us what advance they got in the past twenty years? I have vowed to rip them to pieces for screwing up our life; who cares if they screw up theirs. They will leave this earth with a clear understanding of how this world views them and how we feel about a human piece of shit; poor starving or what not. This light and dark ethnicity spans into the Latin and Caribbean French empires; Catholics. This piece of shit has impacted our life; in a major way so we will make them understand clearly. They cannot even afford to rebuild their Presidential palace or speak to us on an intellectual level; that is how poor and destitute they are now. One big F up and human piece of shit. There is a trend here. Nobody can live with the blacks. The whites are now poor and backstabbers. Everybody wants to live or do business with Asians. Crime is rampant. Government is all they have and it is also the final frontier. The upper class got better and are not a problem; the lower class is totally lost. All they can say is, "If you don't like it, leave." Who created this and who let it persist or impact our life? That is who we are after; the last battle. A monkey has antagonized the most important development this century and tested their ability to ours at 1000 to 1 odds? A dumbass did all this and impacted our life while pretending to be our family or lovers? Maybe the joke is on them? Maybe we missed something here or left something out?

We are on the precipice of a civil war, inequality, and class warfare. These people have trouble getting along or fitting in; very undedicated, very criminal, very competitive, very stubborn, very coarse or cowards, and not much to offer. Their game of attack and shouting leave; was adopted from the American Indians and how the western half of America was settled. They are still here and still poor; still a menace, pest, and enemy. This enemy is floating up and down the Mississippi; also the trails that lead to Oregon and the West. If they cannot get more welfare or more safety nets; they send out some death squad or death rally to invade our home and tell us to leave. We have shut them down for the most part; finish the job and make sure they understand the relationship. I am not happy and will make sure others understand the extent of the problem; which deserves a coup and a proper expelling. Expel them or be expelled; that is my end game and my plan. Play footsore with this and it will rock or haunt their world. For this to last this long and get this bad; is an indicator of how much has to go or how bad the cancer has gotten. Either shut them down, get rid of them, or else that cancer will undergo major operations. This is no game and these people are no good; either they go or everybody goes because of guilt by association. Hey silence is a bitch isn't it? Is the death penalty or world war the answer? Are they truly victims of violence or are others disgusted and so out of control they do not know what to do with a monkey we have no use for?

Is a secret war the answer or not? So is war and so is an enemy coming to our homes and our life and telling us to leave when it is they who are the problem and the traitor. We fight wars and we win them decisively; do we need to prove this or use them as a test? Does this ring of fire want to be the bellwether for the entire world or only America? These people are nuts and they are also Catholic and the labor movement; the entire Midwest and abandoned run down cities. Did they get taken over or did chaos go unoticed? Keep screwing up our life and see if they will end up with anything. Keep screwing up our life and world and see how long they can stay alive here in America as a foreign saboteur with the flag draped around their lazy rotten body. They keep coming wave after wave. F their church and F their leaders; lets get this war ended and quickly. Throw them out if needed and make sure they do not have the kindness of clothes on their backs. Screw up their stupid no damn good slave life; not ours. You F your life we will laugh; F ours and we will kill you decisively in war. This little charade about invading our homes 24 hours and saying "leave" is pissing off a lot of people; a lot.

It is in our life and it is too late. Curiosity killed them; come closer? Free call? Want to know the details? Want in or to be the boss? Come closer and I will tell you; closer (April 2008 – Ann also clobbers them but gets co-clobbered, a full court liberal press) I suggest they STFU and do not come to our homes or play this intimidation game when dirt poor and dirt stupid. What would it matter and does it even matter if an earthquake or a hurricane; even a tornado made them go away or leave us alone? Will that stop us or impact our life? Will it prevent Ann Coulter or Alex Nguyen from marrying? One hell of a honeymoon and sexual affair while watching them die or being tortured. We call it survival, what do they call it war? Exactly like sex, love, or marriage; they do not have a chance in hell. See, the controls are in our hands now and we have all the advantage; all of it. Not a very smart war or presence in our life; the sooner the better they leave or die. First, get the corruption out of our life and fix the corruption problem on the police force; or there will be real trouble. Not the kind you fantasize about or tell the public either. Does it even matter and do we even care? Welcome to my world and my mission in life sucker.
It all depends on whether or not you like indigenous people. Do you like the Nazis? Do you like the Catholics? Do you like the communists? Do you like the Jews? Are you seeking freedom? Are you a thief and a felon; 100 per cent guilty? Do you see yourself as a problem; because you get one free call when in jail and prison. Together, they are a lethal weapon. The blacks and the white Catholics, along with the jews and liberals; seek to divert the money. Where is it all going? They will choose a recipient where elections are guaranteed. All the riches and debts of America will flow there while their European or oversees counterparts make a friendly contact. We are now out of the loop and prisoners. Together, the Catholics and Jews are both a white communist and a black Nazi; all criminals and felons. As everybody can see clearly, shutting them up and shutting them down is quiet a task; nearly impossible. They have penetrated so many levels and the financial diversion, an armed robber of the treasury; is immense.

The Catholic Church, like their predecessors, are at war with indigenous people; a lethal weapon. They use blacks and slaves to carry this forward. In Asia and in Latin America. Vietnam showed they were not the best on the battlefield; who is? Yes, the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese battled every superpower known to planet earth and once again with their American counterpart; beat all of them to a pulp. Who and what is the antagonist of the Vietnamese? The French? The Catholics? The 1960s? Or is it labor and the left wing? Once again, we are treated as outsiders while they are the invaders. No they cannot be inferior or stupid. Good job dumbass, you got the job you were looking for and our surprise and secret. We expected this from you and we did not expect how your behavior would be; at least show some class and some intelligence. I guess we expected this from such a jackass and human turd; you are not the problem, we are so insecure, come closer and I will tell you, closer! Meet Ann you MF… rot and die in hell! Yes you did a really good job… truly.

Most people have a problem with the Klan coming to their homes acting like blacks no less a retard. At least we can charge them and they are not phony. Not so and not the case with this intruder and felon; they antagonize everything in life and we are not allowed to charge them or complain. This is why it ended the way it did; total warfare. It just keeps going on and on and on and on. They do not want to leave and are so flawed it is retarded.
The Real Problem: Is Newt Gingrich is even worse than Barrack Obama. With Obama, people can only sharpen their machetes. With Gingrich and these so called conservatives; they will have to use it. We prefer to use it. Tell them to get up and stop looking for that escape hatch or hole; it is closed. Get up and begin to rebuild so we can put an end to all this and find closure. Meanwhile, people are sharpening those machetes and it is getting really sharp and deadly; what to do when guilty? Take a look how many corrections have to be made on the Republican and Conservative side; too many? This is how they funnel or divert money; use ours for corruption and payoff; who pays? The joke is on all of these retards.

If they do not care, do not rebuild, do not come back, go away, and do not come to America; the homeland is where it is at. If they do, then we will have to ask that question again and again. How many times do we have to ask it before we get a real answer? The danger now is rebuilding; so we will take all necessary measures to include military strikes to protect our interests here. Don't act surprised or how they do not care; don't act mad just go away until the lawyers or the federal authorities retaliate. This SOB is so phony and such a hypocrite; just go away and do not rebuild or else it can get really nasty. I need my Generals to make a run for it; they are chasing and will follow. Until we get closure; head to the high ground and the next tier; we rendezvous there. Until then, life is a total bitch with this communist and domestic pest in it. Do we care or do they? We will find out.

Observation: another thing I notice this enemy and traitor liberal emphasizing is their foot odor. I am not sure if it is a problem with corns, body odor, or a rare breed of foot odor; however, they have some strain that is just plain nasty. It could be their men. It could be their women contracting it. It could be a joke between them. It could be that distinctive "homeless love" call that awakens their female intuition and brings out that love and mother they adore. The fact is I have contracted repeatedly; over ten times and it is a strange and rare strain. It is in the prisons. It is on my laundry. It is the butt of jokes. Who out there has this obnoxious problem with their feet or wants us to wash our feet due to their corns, hillbilly feet, or some universal and rare strain they infest or incubate. We must be all the same and we breed the same strain; the one nobody can get rid of and the ones that produce corns. That was just one of thousands of distinctive features of this bonding process they called it where we try to murder them and they try to show how much they love us. Someone cut their feet off and throw it at them; corn and nasty foot odor; see if they enjoy the gesture. If I leave my socks out; they wear it. If I do not have any foot odor; they give me cream or prescription levels. If I crack on their corns; I end up with some rare or potent strain which is so difficult to eradicate. Then there was the hair. Then there was the clothes. Then there were the teeth. Then there was the skin problems; massive skin problems from eczema to shingles to rashes all over the body. Then there was the bad breath. Then there was the smelly nasty seat when they work or share your space, room, or dwelling. You come to work with a new chair and then one of them sits on it and you puke. It is disgusting and they are a human piece of shit who deserves to die and much more. That was just some of the thousands of their tricks; so make sure these Generals know what I want and the level I want to throw everything at them.

Let's cut through the chase and discuss the real problem or answers. Obviously chicken feet or bunion feet has some life problems and it has impacted our life. Our life is not going to be and cannot be happy when a communist is in it or a psychotic spy. Additionally, nobody likes them and there are a lot of reasons to be passionately hateful to them. Their stupidity gets them in a lot of trouble but it is their mouth which really gets them in trouble. At moments of peace, they fantasize and create this scam about how they are loved or wish to give others gift. They really have nothing to offer. When they are in power, they portray themselves as right wing only to gain access to our most respected and treasured. Again, they claim it is to help or give us money; it is not, it is to rob us. So they are hated and they unload all of these problems about their life on us and it has impacted our life to a point of paralysis and death penalty violations. Meanwhile that stupidity keeps chugging along and running their mouth about how we are jealous or how they are the police. The truth is they owe us some money; a lot of money.

The truth is they have war on their hands. The truth is if the military takes them out; don't run that stupid mouth more. The truth is we cannot seem to come up with a reason to keep them alive or let them live; they have and it is robbery and scams. They are hated. They got a mouth. They are felons and sex offenders. Our life is not and cannot be happy with this in it. They created so many fantasies and defiant scams to elude or cover this up; not reporting any of it. They are not the victims of crime or violence; merely a stalker and a nut on a log; whom we have to knock off and is violent. We had to utilize extreme violence to sedate them and for our reinforcements to be called. Sounds like a dead man and sounds like the left wing; the worry is why they have access to our life, the right wing, and the highest plateaus on planet earth? Let's get this party started and let the fun begin; I want those Generals to show what exactly we have in store for this spy, psycho, stalker and MF. Is that why they are stalking us or telling us to leave? What exactly is the real problem and how to address it? Obviously, they are communist. Obviously, they want everybody to see this or watch them in action. Obviously, they deny everything. Obviously, this is fraud and much more. Obviously, we do not have a damn thing in common. Obviously, they have no business in our world or life. Obviously, they are experiencing some problems and have created a total mess in order to address their problems or increase their chances. Obviously, it all failed and now is there for the entire world to see. There are too much obvious violations; but it clearly shows the malice of this terrorist and the degree we need to treat them with brute violence. Don't be surprised and don't act like a victim or someone who did not deserve it.