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Friday, November 11, 2011


Ann Enhanced Security: I know they are not reporting it and even if hurricane and earthquake duty is the most important development of the century; they want to be victims of violence. If I park my car in your driveway or put my personal tags on; they know a man is in your life. They have to report this. They cannot keep this scam and slander ongoing. Just take damn good care of my convertible. A man parking in your driveway is payback for this musician going around saying how he stayed at your apartment. If I park there it will shut them up and prove they censured you illegally and were behind all of this and 911; sex offenders are not the victims of violence. For the Catholics to place their trust in sex offenders or psychos is insane. They should have checked into an asylum before millions of people get killed in war; or 20 Katrina's sent from aliens wipe them out. Read my next blog; I will talk to my Generals. I suggest their followers shut them down. We are in the business of winning wars; end of story and we will win this; with or without them. I am going to park my car there and get a motorcycle; baby my muscle car. I am so pissed off and upset; you should start making this up to me. So you asked for my help; and this turns the table on them; unless you totally go against me again which will seal your fate. How will they act and will they ever be used to this; I do not want to see their faces again. Ever. The deadline is 2012; read it in the next blog. You said you wanted to get married Ann; well, are you going to or not? You got a boyfriend? He is living or parks at your house? Who knew?

GOT YOUR MESSAGE: Okay, I have to park my car at your house. Take care of it as if it was my kid. I will leave a note in there and my number. You make sure to call who you have to since you did not help me get a place but all your turdballs and political enemies are now chasing me or chasing me off. Make sure you make it clear to them it is your property and to stay out of our life. Alex. I will park it behind your convertible since you have not driven in years; fix them both up okay. I am really pissed off about this Ann. The stuff they did in my life is just intolerable and will get them the death penalty. You better take them out and hurry up. All of you are acting innocent. All of us are trying to get away. All of you are quiet. All of you are trying to die over a few bucks. All of you are in this mess and now I am. All of you will rob each other until someone dies.

ANN DO YOU WANT TO HELP OR NOT: Ann, I want you to know how upset I am with this idiot relationship you have with the Catholics and the Jews. Someone just invited them in our life; while they keep saying how we do not want to be “with our people.” Now your New York people based on how I understand it; created a crisis in my life and are about to tow my vehicle. Someone invited or keeps the Catholics and the Jews in our life; on a level that is very uncomfortable, very painful, and near death. I checked with my family and I do not think anyone in my family would invite such an idiot or pest. It is not me either. It has to be you and your delusional or idiotic relationship with white and black trash; the Catholics and the Jews. They are so inferior. They are such loons. I did not invite this or them. Now they are trying to tow my vehicle in your name or your state; New York. So thanks for nothing once again; running around eating dinner with them, holding their hands, and acting like you and them are so innocent. I do not know how to express my anger with this matter or these people; meanwhile, we know all about them and what they are up to. Go and shoot up McDonald’s and leave us alone before a war is delivered on their doorstep; oh wait, it has been. Stop shooting up my Alma matter in the name of a job or the police also. Stop trying to act like my army buddy or some helper in my life; I am so fed up and sick of the Catholics and Jews; we need a new labor force and new labor supply. I am blaming this car crisis on you Ann; it was your New York fools behind it; acting so innocent when 110% guilty; that filthy white and black sex offender again. I am so angry I would give them the death penalty without reason or cause; fed up. My anger is now with the government who is apathetic and horrible slaves; shut them down and take them down for good. I do not want to hear or need an apology; get rid of them. I should just dump it at your house Ann; that is basically what you do and blame you for it all; stop running around holding their hands and going to dinner with this loon.

For some reason, I constantly have to worry about blacks, sex offenders, Jews, the Catholics, labor unions, the Democrats, these fat lazy Republicans, and this entire mess of homeless and stupid people. Even if and when I go into the military; they make it an exercise in ghetto life or a training program on how to live with lackey homeless children. Now who do you suppose did that and screwed up our life so badly? Since 2006, in both New York and Florida, we get this human trash (felony record, repeat sex offender, no education or college, homeless, nutcase trying to shoot up McDonald's, sober houses, etc... ) trying to welcome us or put a welcome mat and this kidnapping and abduction keeps going on and on. Then we have to deal with them on the Republican side or in some whacked position of power and authority. If the word guilty is associated with the wrath of God; then they got it and deserve it 110%; die and be gone. Living with this McDonald's terrorist, complete loser and phony, and such a dumbass is the most unpleasant experience I have ever felt in life. Even if they were dying and struggling for their life; they smell, they give you diseases, they are lazy and fat, and they refuse to get an education. Their women and their leaders produce more babies than a guppy or a mouse on crack. Yes we know it is their handiwork and we know it is them behind it; we caught their leaders and now threw them in front of the public and before the cameras to explain themselves; and even if we do that, they expose they have no soul or conscience; not even a living brain. They are so guilty and they act like nobody minds their company. They even said we were married to cover up their sexual offender life. We love their presence and their involvement in our life; let us show them our surprise and plan. We have a lot of ideas for them; a lot. They also keep saying they will stop; and the question is why they even started this.

All of this homeless and 501.C groups in Florida is what I keep running into. It is the same people I ran into while in the military; some training course on sharing life with them. How retarded they are is one thing; how criminal they are is another; but it is how evil they truly are which got them in the most trouble and caused hell to be unleashed. I think the consensus is clear, we need to find a new labor source and supply. They feel like dating us, remain or keep in the way, and they even feel they are either married or our parents. They are not retarded; we are caught in the middle of their scam. Somebody much smarter and more clever devised their scams. How do we get rid of them or destroy them before they destroy our life? Can anybody tell me or give me the answer they want or are looking for? This is their challenge and why they did a rampage in our drive-thru. The Pentagon and FBI should know they turned government work or service into an exercise in ghetto life or how to get along with stupid homeless people who are deadly. Even worse, it is all they have and it is the thread they hang on; like a muffin being overcooked in an oven. They are still on me, still making contact, still trying to make me go crazy or intimidate me, and still telling me if I do not like it to move to another country. I tell them I do not let VC or communist tell me what to do. They keep playing this game where we never get what we want, they do, they are not guilty; and we are going to hang for this. Who is going to hang for what? Let's start with their debts; not our debts, their debts.

I tell them we have waged war and been at war with them for nearly a century (family and friends). I tell them never F with the rich or the powerful in America; or else they will feel pain for the remainder of their life. I told them they do not have a dime and even though they brag about how they have a job; my family is rich and my girlfriend is 10 times as rich as my entire family; I do this because I don't mind getting into a fight or waging war back on them. I tell them they are there to trim our hedges; not be our buddy, F with us or our wife, or try and get in the way each opportunity they can. I gave them all the warnings in the world and said, "go ahead and make my day punk". If they leave us alone, then they can focus all their energy to doing rampages at McDonald's or military bases. This is the turdball and the F'er we caught and they are living with me or have for a very, very long time; and still are. There message is "if you don't like it, move to another country, I was born here." All of them are felons, sex offenders, junkies, or drug dealers with a history of crime. The number of homeless loons on their side is rapidly increasing; rapidly. They do not know how long they can hold out; but abducting or stalking us was to enable or prolong their demise. How do we get rid of them or prevent them from public service? I think the consensus and effort to seek a better labor supply or helpers is needed. One way is to incorporate a local, state, or even private enterprise. So what do the nationalist do? They also incorporate as either Nazis or communists. Even worse, we have to meet their challenges and compete with this loon. This is why I tell them to just shoot up a McDonald's and leave us the hell alone before a big surprise or the table is turned on them.

Military service was nothing more than an exercise on how to live and get along with homeless people; and we never get what we want, never. That is what those fingerprints on this mission indicate. They are so guilty and they act as if we do not mind. They even created this "marriage" so they can watch us undress or go faggot; as if nobody minds what they are doing. Living with them is one thing. Having them watch us or force themselves on us is another. Making snide comments or pretending to be innocent when 110% guiltily is obnoxious and how insulting the nationalist truly are. Hearing them all over the media and acting as if we are rape victims of some loser who will get their teeth knocked out or killed; is just plain phony. They continue to call it their prison and apparently; they do not think we mind but like to say "move" and "leave" daily. If we do not like it, leave or find a new country. I have a better idea and how to shut them up for good. That is the loon we have to deal with and who keeps toying with us; what this is all about. Are we guilty or they? Are they as innocent as they think or invented? Who is the prisoner here? Who is going around and doing this while we try everything to stop them or kill them; and that must be done just to prepare an arrest. Who in hell let the Catholics and Jews in our life; that is the question. Now after everything; they act like nothing is wrong, we do not mind, and they are innocent.

Question: Ann is your life or liberals like a revolving door? That is what it feels like; a revolving door.

If the federal authorities analyze the profile of who is stalking us, trapping us, and spreading the disease; it is the same element who went into McDonald's and blew people away. The profile we have given and the leaders we caught who were behind it (starting with Limbaugh) all fit the same checklist. The checklist include: white trash, black trash, Catholic or Jew, lunatic or psycho, stupid, lazy, image problem, stupid or full of stupid kids, beggars, refuse to get an education, desire to reproduce is almost criminal, labor union, enjoys fast cars or American made motorcycles, sex offender narcissistic and feels they can do everything better, white and black supremist, can't get what they want or be liked, etc... Everything we wrote and describe about this pest and enemy, labor and the labor unions mixed with communist elements; are the people stalking us and trying to drive us crazy, do a massacre, spread their disease, deny us love, or make sure we never get what we want unless we sign up or surrender our life to this demented and sadistic serial rapist, murderer, sex offender; and human turdball. They have a love and fascination with blacks or radical enemies. They are obsessed with their image and nationalism. They fit the profile of a rampage killer. All of them were behind all of this violence and rampages. In those rampages, the police had to blow their head off before they hurt more people. They feel it is a threat and they are not the problem; only trying to help. This is why they should be hunted down and shot; they are doing it and have the death penalty when they surrender or have to be taken out. I keep on saying the same thing; take them out and throw them on the street; guilt by association. I am getting fed up with this and this ongoing confrontation with this stalker and this church or labor movement. All of them are poor, homeless, on welfare, have no education, and nothing similar to our life; but they act like they are in control or more powerful. Shut down and take down this church for the number of poor, homeless, and dumbasses they brought into our life. We know what they are doing, why they are doing it, and what exactly they want. In their mind, it is their home, they are the police, and they are in control; la-la land. La-la land got them the death penalty. The McDonald's terrorist still has not figured out a way to take us out or to win this. They get closer to their death sentence and are mad as hell after two decades of dumbass games.

Imagine we are at McDonalds or this is a fast food restaurant. If they get smart or go on a rampage; blow their head off because in each instance; they are a machine and will seek out victims. Do not wait and take that shot when and if the opportunity allows. Clearly, they refuse to surrender and are trapped inside McDonald's now; and we are in it and they will not let us out; this is how we pulled a take down on them. This is also why they are scared and do not want us to tell the story or let others know what they did. They want to walk out of McDonald's as if nothing happened and we did not make the arrest. We made an arrest on them and much more; much, much more. We do not want to hear anymore about death threats, how we are at war, they want to give us money, or how they are threatened. They are guilty and with extreme prejudice; a complete loser and a utter dumbass. No wonder they remain silent and keep quiet, hidden out of sight as a coward while doing this. Similar to sex offenders, they do not want anybody to know. Consider this a McDonald's restaurant and they are trying to walk out the door. This is who we are hunting and who we are describing; yet on a larger and bigger level. That is the lunatic we have and ripped apart; it is not one man or race, it is their entire leadership and they want us to fight their battles while telling us to leave or shut up. That is the SOB we keep on telling the snipers to hit in the head or take out. It is the entire communist movement and they are fighting us on a strategic level; as high as we take them. They should leave us alone, go deliver pizzas for a few bucks, and then shoot up a McDonalds. I and in particular, we; do not want to hear crap from this total loser, turdball, sex offender and felon. Don't tell me to shoot up a McDonald's or sit there and play this game about how I am mentally ill; we have the good life and are from the other side of the tracks; just go and shoot up McDonald's so we do not have to listen to this and deal with the problems in our life. What a complete dumbass and jackass; the sniper needs to aim for their head. That is how it usually ends with this little F'er and total moron. Go and shoot up a McDonalds but just shut up and go away. The terror plot they did was to make sure we did not or will not get what we want; the labor unions and communists. It has something to do with the UAW and oil; it has something to do with the mafia, other labor leaders, racketeering, and Jews in New York or the liberal legal powerhouse. What a loon and an orangutan we have in our trap.


Even their police are dirty and of no help. Subsequently, they are always trying to have their way with us and unless or until we figure out a way to get rid of them, keep them off the force, deport them, or somehow eradicate them; they will remain a problem in America and probably the world. All they want to do is get their way with us and are of no help. When it comes to wealth or people on the other side of the tracks; that is when it gets really bad and obnoxious. It is those liberals and Democrats; who we know as the blacks, Jews, Irish, Italians, and the trash that made America the dumping ground for the world and the place for the homeless and poor came to join the mob and make life hell. Now they will not leave us alone or give us back our life unless or until someone kills them or smashes the hell out of their stupid life; and that might get them to babble more and longer. This is the seedy and obnoxious enemy we face and we have the perfect answer and the most effective ways of getting this war over with. Their worst mistake is when they decided to knock on our door and when we warned them repeatedly not to come back or try to contact us again; and again; and again. Now it is time to instruct our Generals to clean up this dumping ground and get this piece of trash out of our life once and for all. Good reddens and to hell with them; don't ever say nobody gave them a chance or how the system treated them unfairly. This big McDonald's terrorist has not and still cannot figure out a way to take us out; now they are trying pity or smooth talking.

We are a McDonald's. Find them, seek them, destroy them; and most of all show them what justice is about. They know they are the problem and being hunted; that is what makes this so fun and so rewarding. There is no room for them. There are no jobs for them. This idea our lives are interconnected or somehow impacted by a total loser or nut; is disgusting and also obnoxious. In no way are we here to benefit their life and even worse; we know who they are now and what they are up to; the dangers are compounded. They know who the most beloved is out there. They know who was entrusted with this world and has all the power. They know how and why their demise will arrive. Fear? Their game of misery; to come to our life and home and cause as much problems, as much misery, and to torture us with their disgusting and repugnant life; is where this has been and where we are now. It not only got them in trouble; they ended up fighting how happy we are and how pitifully miserable they are in the end. They were ripped into pieces and soon; that embarrassment and humiliation will be arriving on their doorsteps. They are right finally, but does it matter? The reason why they are stalking us or trying to pull us down; even offer us jobs, welfare, and some life of poverty; is because we do not get what we want or ever. Shut them down and take them out; co-conspirator or not. The McDonald's terrorist feels we are the threat now and we are the problem; not them. We know who is behind the bomb scares and who is manipulating 911; exactly like the 1960s.

This game and this constant effort to sedate them or make them understand they are the problem; needs to wind down and finish up; no more complaints. If they are or were as rich as they claim; take that money somewhere else before it is gone. They stay because of debts. They have nothing and they are bankrupt; now morally bankrupt. Nobody would stay and subjugate their life to this; it is torture. If they are special and so acclimated to riches; why risk it or face an expected destruction? Clearly there is malice in their blood and nothing good worth saving. They know they are hated. They know they are the problem. They know they cannot keep reproducing. They know they are not welcomed in our life. They know we wish them dead and will destroy them the second a war begins. Why in hell would they come around repeatedly and pretend to be either helpful, our advisors, or some parent who is constantly in the way, violates thousands of violations, or puts this world on a manhunt so fiercely they have been condemned to silence? Why in hell would they even call, crank call, follow us home, or take matters this far and this insane? They know they cannot be coming around. They know they cannot be reproducing. They know they are the problem and cannot stay. They know they are dead meat now. Clearly they are not helpful and clearly there is more than enough for any General to impose the death penalty. In war there is more than enough and plenty to give them a battlefield execution; with proper trail and procedure. They better hope there is no war on the satellite warfare level or some space age high tech hunt. They better pray that is not and was not our security; who will hunt them down and who will treat them properly. I hope they would just shoot up a McDonald's so we can get this over with; stop coming our business or enterprise.

Their defense lawyers and the nationalist leadership are very clever; very purposeful. All they do is get in the way or try to deny day to day activities; what they called a blockade or protest. We caught them and destroyed them because they want public servants, military personnel, and normal people to think a certain way, to see them a certain way, to be there when they want, to let them or help them reproduce, to add more conspiracy, to join a secret spy ring, to infest the world with corruption, to use crime and violence as a vehicle to victory, etc... This enemy wants anyone in the military or government; even regular citizens to be in their eyes or image; and we have made sure the government and anybody involved is condemned for life due to this charade and silly circus by our enemies. They know they are the problem and this is full of malice; the death penalty. The danger is when caught and exposed; we are heading to the next tier while they are stuck in the one they are in. Because we know who they are and what their game is; what their goals, methods, and malice level is; the danger for them compounds. They will have to take out the security now and the only way is nuclear war. So far so good but for them; an incredible feat and a gigantic mountain to climb now; here is the test. A trap is in place and we expect them to show up right on time. La-la land and more la-la land; just constant babble; more challenges and this circus. They think we are mentally ill or in la-la land? I see lawsuit and liability. As prisoners, we never get what we want or need; only what we are told. After more than two decades of stalking by the McDonald's terrorist; they are scared and confused now; unable to take us out or win; they get closer to this death sentence. It gets more difficult to hold secrets and they are sweating and near popping like a grape.

Ann, I have no idea what you are doing and why. I need you to be more effective and to work harder. I did not expect you to take 3 years to make this messier or mess up our life. Do you hear me? You all and your leadership are deranged. I need you to make this crystal clear; we do not work with Democrats and we do not like liberals. No matter what their scam of the week is or how hard they attack us; we do not work with blacks, Italians, and Irish. The remainder is almost as risky. We do not and most especially, I do not enjoy this racketeering scam where one side (Republicans) terrorizes them and is a chaser. Meanwhile, the other side (Democrat) coddles them and is a momma’s nipple to everything and anything this bunch of buffoons has to offer. If it is not one attack after the next, it is a problem with the police. After 22 years, the data indicates the police are more of a problem than a help. They nearly caused us to loose this war. They let the needy enemy get away repeatedly. I need you and the FBI to work diligently to remove them off the police force; that means political victories and not letting these elections fall. We are losing ground. We are under attack and severe attack. We are prisoners. We have been slandered, falsely arrested, and the labor unions are ensuring we cannot fire them while they make up one story after the next about how they are trying to give us money or help. We do not work with them.

The Republicans will not fix the debt; it is a nationalist trap and ruse; all sex offenders and liars. Only count on 5% of the population; the rest will get swallowed up because they hear no evil and see none either; too flawed to do anything about it. They know we are the best fighters; look at our life; I have left instructions and a roadmap for my predecessors; it is time to head for high ground. I have told my Generals and predecessors this is going to become a full blown war; or erupt into one. Prepare for it and do not forget what I have taught them. They better hope and pray there is no satellite war or satellite force out there hunting them down or watching every move they make; otherwise, retaliation can come at anytime or anyhow. They are the problem and they want to be at this level even if they are this much of a problem. Not so. The reason they stay is because they are nobody and have nothing; bankrupt and the communists; cloaked by nationalism and even Nazism. Their game is to make things as miserable and uncomfortable as possible while pretending to be helpful. It has backfired and gotten them a world of trouble. They will not survive it. Of course, anything they say. The question is whether or not they got what they want or did we; and why this ongoing stalking and clandestine effort. How do they want hell to arrive that is the question and also the quest here; need a reason? Match it? The McDonald's terrorist would not let us out of the drive-thru; so we had to sit down and eat with them while they gave us anything on the menu. They are mad as hell and still cannot figure out a way to take us out; boy did they get the surprise of their life. It is so hilarious. I even got them laughing so hard; they nearly had a heart attack.

Let's go Ann; time to go. I am only a scout unit and they are all over me. F your rape and murder plot Ann, let's go. Knock off the "John Brooks, Chicago's former fire commissioner, filed a lawsuit against Daley six months ago claiming Daley threatened to smear him with sexual harassment accusations if Brooks didn't resign. He resigned -- and the sexual harassment allegations were later found to be completely false." We got more trouble besides your love life or mine, got it? Even their police act like dumbasses and think we are the criminals. They are not the problem and their errors are easily forgotten. They are too ignorant and we cannot seem to be able to get through them. However, based on what we have seen and observed; lunatic and psychopathic spies is appropriate; or henchmen. This is why it will erupt in a war and we have a hard time getting rid of them and off the force. They do the same thing in our life as civilians and now the war has arrived and the table has turned. It is time they meet the beast and meet the danger; stay down and stay out of the way. They will get what they dish out and it is scary; too scary to describe. I suggest they surrender and end this; I have reinforcements and those Generals know what to expect; so do we. We are the McDonald's or an office building and they are trapped inside. They try and will try anything to get out; anything. Their lawyers are so delusional and their FCC sanctioned media are such liars; it is apathetic and pathological. Evil and greed pushes the McDonald's terrorists closer to something; what they still are a dumbass about. Dumbass! You look great on camera!

If a war is going to erupt or some disastrous McDonald's consequence of their actions; they need to do the right thing and not play this game or keep F'in with us. They do not seem to think they are the problem or ever have been. Who is this about; us or them? Who is being kept down here; us or them? Somebody got the story very wrong and their errors are not the least attractive or appreciated. The problem is preventing them from public service and banning them for good. This was just another charade and screw up from their school of corruption. This school has to be shut down and punished. This was no story about Elian Gonzalez, or ever was. As I said, we gave and give them a chance to surrender and turn themselves in; the consequences are not describable or will it be. I have left instructions for my Generals and they will be tracked via satellite; do not go there and do not push this to the terminal level; it will be ended decisively. It is a foot race from here on; we are at the next level and will be waiting for them. We do not want to see them finish and knock on our doors the second time; not after what they did. Do not get in that foot race or show up at the second level; the next level of this has to be more painful so we get what we want; our good life and great reputation back. La-la land and more la-la land; just constant babble from this clever pretender; what a complete phony and traitor we have caught. They think we are mentally ill or in la-la land? I see lawsuit and liability. The game is identical to the rampages at McDonald's we know all too often; what they want. This is their pitch or marketing scam. That is the death sentence they are talking about.

I need you to come get me and get me out of this mess. I cannot sit here while you keep saying how you need me or help. I got major problems; overwhelmed. You handle the finances; start being generous with me. You are not helping Ann; not one bit and are becoming a liability; even worse. This means that out of the entire population of the United States; that leaves us only 5 to 10 per cent; I will take the low number. That is how bad things are or is getting. I do not want you to get involved where I have to choose if you terrorize them or if you are a nipple and their slut. The Republicans are guilty of a racketeering scam; the chaser. The retard and this dumbass are their prey; now our helpers and staff. I need you to make this crystal clear; we do not work with them; no more scams and surrender before this break out into full fledge war. We caught them fair and square; but they flooded government, local government, and federal government due to election victories and Congress. All this debt is how they won elections. One is a chaser and the other is a cushion or safety zone. The police are dead meat; surrounded and going to be swallowed by the ghetto. Even the police are filled with these enemies. The constant corruption attempts and communication or contact with us; persist. We do not work with them (blacks, Jews, Italians, Irish, and most of all Democrats or liberals). Ann, do you have any idea who we have and what they are behind; it is not just our life or the crimes we are complaining about. Now we know why the McDonald's terrorist is so fat; they spend all their time watching us work and this is how. They don't pay the bill either; obviously. At least pay the bill for the cameras you rampage loon and dumbass loser. Did we rip you apart or are you mad because you still cannot take us out or stop us?

Your job is to chase them out of McDonald's Ann; also take their order and document it via the drive-thru. Hurry up Ann, we need to get the hell out of Dodge; do not send me into their god damn stronghold so they can live with me or make more contacts. Do you want to fight it out with the communists or the nationalists? One minute they are fighting you; the next they are your boyfriend. One minute I am fighting them; the next I am fighting you Ann; all of you are F'in retards, rich ones. The only people allowed to become rich in America are the monkeys. The rest of us live in fear or are some form of prisoner. It is going to end up as a full blown war unless this enemy gives up or gives in. Prepare for it as we did and do not underestimate them as they did us. Feel their weakness and mesh with it; but do not succumb to it ever. Let my Generals play chicken with them; we are done. I will take them on the other side. This is what happens when you smoke too much dope; you get dopey. Run god dammit and win that foot race; I will see you on the other side where I am at now or will be soon. I have instructed the defense forces; now run and understand what is going on. That's right, now shut up and go away. We do not have to build anything unless we want to or choose to. Is that the case with them? So that's right, they are right, and just shut up and go away before they get hurt even worse. We know who they are and we caught them; that is the killer. We are not trying to say they got what they want or not; what we are saying is we do not get what we want, when we want, and this is the test we crafted and created to prove it. All of them are wounded and cowards; that is why they cannot fight. We cannot get our way with this McDonald's terrorist and loser; it is so frustrating with them in our life or spying on us 24 hours.

Whatever you did it has not gotten better. They are upset because the communist have lost and we live a life free of problems or the remnants of communism. Therefore, we cannot enjoy life unless they are in control. This is about control. This is about one criminal scam after the next to bond with their police. This is about them on the police and the Democrats in power. It is a pit of hell and utter corruption where nobody sees or hears any evil; all too ignorant and this circus. I am trying to have the FBI ban them from public service all together or get rid of them somehow; if necessary escalate it to the Pentagon. So there is a huge penetration in our life and in these vital and crucial offices. After communism failed; they are in a state of criminal insanity or deranged chaos. Unless or until you break this; they will hide until the chase is begun again. The Republicans are guilty but we do not work with liberals or Democrats; however, the constant and persistent problem continues and lingers as if we are being scoped, groped, and some trophy they can have. The police pester and bother us at this level; imagine that. How do we get rid of them and make sure they do not get in the way; talk to us; communicate or try like a sex offender; and dry to drive us crazy with this ruse about needing us or our power? We need their protection and need to pay them tribute or extortion money? Their lawyers are using a blockade to enforce this kidnapping; while they use debts or some under the radar job to parade their Harley or stupid slutty wife. Then the game is identical to the rampages at McDonald's we know all too often; what they want. This is their pitch or marketing scam. The McDonald's terrorist is employed and has an accomplice; blacks.

Sit at McDonald's and wait for this loon. I am telling all the upcoming Generals to butcher this enemy and do not let them even get a chance. They will bombard us and probe us; to see if they can get away with it or continue; more corrupt contact and unsigned contracts. The Catholic Church is the culprit and we cannot get anywhere until we get rid of them or break this blockade. Underneath the Catholics and liberals are the blacks and the Jews; an entire umbrella of the usual and same history. All of them want freedom and are full of lies and bullshit. Do you want more bullshit from these people? Now it is about money and money only because that works. All of them are phony and liars. The more you lie to them or act politically correct; the worse this gets; it is over for them. If they surrender; they are guilty and will be arrested; what are the odds they will? We have 5% remaining; what odds is that? Let the Generals get them on satellite and rip them to pieces. They do not know they are the problem. We got to go for the sho'; they are that dumb and they do have a death wish. The game of misery and making our life as uncomfortable and humiliating as possible; has begun a satellite and space war. They better hope and pray it is not our security, retaliation, and method of operation. We know who they are and what their game is; what their goals, methods, and malice level is; the danger for them compounds. They will have to take out the security now and the only way is nuclear war. So far so good but for them; an incredible feat and a gigantic mountain to climb; from here on; accept the challenge or not people of action? A trap is in place and we expect them to show up right on time.

These people are all over the police force; so not only are we under attack; we have to work with them and share our life; which means more and more problems; personnel problems. They are lazy. They are stupid. They are flawed. They are deranged. They do not understand their duty. They lie, cheat, and steal. They are undesired but they make it about money. It never stops from this orchestra of phonies and babbling orangutans. This is also why we live in a “see no evil and hear no evil” society now. All of or world is falling to them; evil. If you see it and hear it; then they better listen very closely now. Do you see any change? I see more of the same and have the paperwork and reports to prove it. Right now they are trying to trick you and doing the same to me; on my end. It just does not stop and they just will not let up; so let the Generals who want to butcher them finish them off. It is time for us to close up and retire; I need you to hurry up and stop adding more chapters to your dumb biography; forget how they add more chapters to mine; do not add more to yours. You told me to go to Palm Beach and it is their stronghold you jackass. Do you have any idea what percentage of them is there? Do you? Do you have any idea what purse strings or the money is in their coffers until this is broken or ended? What you are smoking and what the hell you think you are doing; send me into their nest and stronghold. Are you stoned or just too damn drunk to make reliable decisions? Your PR sucks also. You did not clear up anything; I had to. Instead of driving them away from me; you have made them deranged and pity seeking. We know the identity of the McDonald's terrorists; it is southern democrats; that is what their prize or what they want. All these bomb plots drive the herd to the southern democrat in Florida; the New York liberal legal establishment. That is their home base and stronghold; paradise and surfing grounds.

Their New York and liberal lawyers are very clever; but they know how to manipulate and brainwash the mob. Look at their handiwork in our life. These people are ignorant and too flawed; yet they propagate and use elections to buy or offer jobs; all debts. Look at all the debt right now. All of you are ineffective and trapped. I am not able to send in or sneak in any reinforcement; too much resistance on this end. Scout units do not last long in the open Ann; hurry up. Directing fire or backup is needless or ineffective if they are in power and have control; hurry up. I am getting angry and really pissed with your life and efforts. We can slow them down; run and stop slowing things down to a crawl. Let my Generals find them on satellite and rip the hell out of them; at least drive them crazy for trying this. I leave the instructions so they can finish the battles and so I can retire and move on; start building again. Rip them apart and do not let this get to the next level; a foot race is worse enough as it is. Guilty is one thing; gutless and twice as guilty is another. Constantly showing up at each level, as the problem, and enforcing this blockade is no welcome. Do not show up at the second tier after satellite warfare and economic sustainability; we have another trap ready and much worse. Finish this up on level one or the beginning; they are guilty as sin; and going to hell. They should have and could have ended this a long time ago; but we never get what we want and we keep getting kidnapped or abducted. Then it is some crazy story about marriage, boyfriends, trying to make us feel good, being helpful, etc... and this is the test we crafted and at what level to eradicate this criminal element. Too bad if they did not get what they want; the dangers are far beyond what they think or how right they are now. Shut them down and take them out; co-conspirator or not.

The nationalist have invented a Nazi side to drive them into the communist side; and we have all the ringleaders and people who were in this scam or terror plot. Do you have any idea how many are on the police and how they mix or spread out into society? They are saying it is shared and belongs to all of us. Holy crap; will you work on our life and ensure our life is better; now it feels worse than ever because of you Ann. Stop drinking and dining with the nationalists; I need you to work on them; the communists we can handle and defeat; it is the nationalist we have a major problem with if you stop keeping them as boyfriends or drinking buddies. I was offended with how much of them you share life with; and how you acted as if it was no big deal while not accomplishing any goals. Financially, you did okay; but the goals are not met and still not met Ann. Do you suck this badly? Do I need another partner for this? Out of frustration, should I go and get a liberal or Democrat; just to spite you? They spy on me incessantly and screw with all my belongings; then say how they are scared or some crazed babbling. This is no longer about their dumb homeland or ethnic background. It is no longer about illegals who only want to work here. It is no longer about how their country needs us. It now is about their home; yes, they all call this their home now. Doesn't that make you jump for joy or make your day go so smooth? Shooting up McDonald's must be tarnishing their image; so was drowning their Harley. This loon is just a god damn pest. Their leaders are extremely dangerous; a mafia leader image and power. This loon's M/O is to use their job or loser money-making rash to brag and utilize this blockade to make snide comments or deny everyone or anything in our life. Even if we were rich, powerful, pull a fast one on them, or turn the tables at the finish line.

Yes they are always in the way and so is this blockade and how we have to work with them or hire them. They also keep telling me to shut up and go away or go home. Imagine that; a mirror looking back at us and always in the way. Hurry up Ann, we need to get the hell out of Dodge; do not send me into their god damn stronghold so they can live with me or make more contacts. Do you want to fight it out with the communists or the nationalists? One minute they are fighting you; the next they are your boyfriend. One minute I am fighting them; the next I am fighting you Ann; all of you are F'in retards, rich ones. The only people allowed to become rich in America are the monkeys. They got a blockade on me. Be forewarned, the data clearly shows a string of violations by the police and a heavy penetration. We cannot get them off the force or prevent public service by these corrupt officials. The data clearly indicates they are more of a problem than they are of a help; they either want a photo op or always to be included. We cannot seem to get rid of them or fire them due to the labor unions and the police unions. Even the police were used to make our life miserable or to humiliate our efforts. At the same time, they were of no help and only made demands. La-la land and more la-la land; just constant babble. They think we are mentally ill or in la-la land? I see lawsuit and liability. Yes we know and yes we were watching and conscious all along. We are not trying to say they got what they want or not; what we are saying is we do not get what we want, when we want, and this is the test we crafted and created to prove it.

Stop eating with the McDonald's terrorist Ann; they are fat and never pay the bill. They are there to shoot up the place; not catch the bomb scare callers (hint: Jews and communists). All of them are sex offenders and they want us or want to watch us cum because they are sex offenders who cannot get an RSVP or an invite. Our sex life used to be awesome Ann; get rid of them before it slips through the cracks or accidently breaks while we are going at it. If that happens, it will be very painful; very each time. We are dealing with a hardcore sex offender and a total fat loser. Stop talking about the IRA, NRA, Illinois, sex offenders, Hermain Cain, or your parade of losers for whom you keep complaining. Focus on the nationalists and the final fight with the communists; I am in dire straights and cannot help you; do you notice? They have a two prong attack and your not making me happy with the boyfriend crap or the problem drinking and dining. Forget about these woman and how they are linked to Axlerod and these consigliere. Laura Ingraham was busted already as this female mole; similar to the Axlerod and Bialek problem. Go after the nationalist and hurry up Ann; I cannot hold them off for long. My Generals are locked and I have left instructions; let's head for the high ground. Do not go past the deadline; understand? You are really pissing me off. I have boobytrapped my life, career, and all of my work; only my Generals will survive it; they read the cards I left well. They are headed into the storm and right into the arms of my Generals who are really pissed off. I have given up this ground so I have to create or go to the next. Those who survive will have to either fight this out or make a run for it; and we will be on that high ground with the next set of instructions. Hurry up, it is a foot race from here on. I need to set up the next level and the next set of instructions based on what resistance and problems I encounter. You keep on waiting and the foot race is going to be a crawling exercise. They are using the blockade as ammunition and employment or gainfully working a labor job as a way to boost their effort.

Liberals are similar to a revolving door? Ann your life is a revolving door. Ann, am I clear and do you understand; I am not happy with your performance or anybody else. Let them run for it; do you want to help or not Ann? Let my Generals go in there, do what we did, and make a run for it; there is more work afterwards. Five per cent is what my numbers show; not good with numbers. I put them on a wild goose chase to buy us time; let them chase until we defeat them and while reinforcements arrive. The foot race is on and they know the odds; a do or die moment. Remember, I am logging all kinds of attacks and this enemy has a defense. They have a first line of defense and so far; it is against us and this mission. All data for the past 22 years shows corruption or some wild circus of legal errors; which now they all want to be part of given their record in this fight. I do not know what to make of it; but I will let the truth be known. Did I mention the spies? They use police tactics and are even worse when it comes to control; more errors of judgment? Should we call them henchmen or felons if caught and exposed? Their first line of defense is still there and still wrecking havoc. The evidence is before the public and in plain view; the truth is known; they were more miserable in the end than misery could be defined. A daily feet for them now is begging and getting a positive response. They had no idea security was watching them and retaliation was right around the corner; but it is too late now. They are right and we are blown away! As everybody can see clearly, their opinion no longer matters and we know who they are and what they are up to. As I said, the road to ruin is paved with good intentions and they need our trust. They did not have a chance in hell to begin with and we totally fooled them and got them closer to the edge before hanging them on it. We got the McDonald's terrorists and we know their bomb scare calls are just a rip-off to drive the public to the Jews; yeah our favorite group (other than the blacks!). Win all those traitors and you will have the communist, left wing, and the entire labor movement and war on poverty.

Fact: Rick Perry is considered one of the "Gang of Six." The Gang of Six is a hardcore Republican infiltration unit bent on self-destruction. They were caught and they operate on a separate strategy sheet. I would compare them to the purse strings for the Democrats and their eyes and ears; labor union motives. They are fence sitters and the more we grow; so do they. So long as they are lazy; we sink and if we do the leg work; they win also. The Gang of Six is a hardcore infiltration unit for the Democrats and liberals; do not be fooled about their nationalist progress or growth message. Something tells me these traitors are not very intelligent or lack something we desperately deserve. What could it be? Truth? Justice? Value? Convenience?

The root cause of crime is either evil or greed; and these traitors are guilty of both. They knew they had no chance in hell; but even after being caught and exposed; they allowed the root of all crime to take over them and become their navigator in life. The path they took or chose; didn't have a chance in hell before and even worse now. This is why they should be hunted down and shot; but who in hell would piss their life away on this trash and this total loser? Who? Do not spend a dime on any of them; not a dime. If they come up on the radar and do not obey the no-fly rule; take them down the hard way. Do we need a reason? Do we have the high ground? Are they all wet? Need a reason now? Who has the high ground and stuck a flag on it; how long? When is the Good Life going to arrive Ann? They use "up for grabs" or "best man wins" or "double down" as if it dignified "no chance in hell." How the hell would a General on their side get out of this one; which one of these enemy traitors has the wherewithal to tell me and the world? Yes, this phony hid all of that and much more; such as their relatoinship, involvement, and the persistent spying methods; all which is illegal. Their General better have a damn good answer for "no chance in hell" and "if you build it they will." How the hell do they get into this and get out when they should be hunted down and shot; if anything for being a dumbass.

Ann, life is supposed to be good for both you and me. They say this is about money, it is not. They say this is about power, it is not. They say this is about control, it is not. They say this is about you or me being single, it is not. They say millions of good intentions, but it is not. I am sick and tired of a traitor no matter if they are on the Democrat or Republican side. We do not work with Democrats or liberals; Ann will. This is not about party affiliations; it is about a traitor, all of them are guilty. When and if they are guilty; expect hell to be unleashed. We do not get our way ever; even in our own marriage and personal life. I have no idea why after giving you everything in life; you still cannot have your way; with me or them. I have no idea why after I have tried everything; both you and I still do not get what we want. Do you have any idea and any clue why? Why can't we get our way when it does not involve them or even concern them? That is the 1 trillion dollar question; why can't we get our way even if you give me everything I want and I give you everything you want; all they do is deny is everything; even love. Now this stupid turdball is talking about how we are obsessed with them; we are threat; we are the problem, etc... How did we get here; life is good and is supposed to be at this level we are at.

All I ever hear from your life or the moment I try to plug into our 22 year relationship; I get Fox News, rape cases, murder plots, drinking, wild parties, etc... a lot of bad behavior. Do we have to fight them to the death? If we are the problem and a threat; shouldn't they start logging or reporting some of this? How did it get this way; where are the facts and the allegations? Because we did not tell them is not an acceptable answer; why are they in our life unwelcomed? We have victims everywhere and they do not even try to find the victims; instead they interrogate and see us as the criminals. They give the perpetrators more access to complete their research or guinea pig scams? How insulting and outrageous. How long do we have to tolerate this until a hurricane or an earthquake kills them or throws them out in the street; how much? Do not spend a damn dime on these people, destroy them. If they want to know why, read our biography, over and over until this stops. This dumbass will spy harder when a hurricane and earthquake arrives; la-la land. I did not write the book for them to stare back; build it and we will come. Those Generals love it. A spending fight? They do not have a chance in hell but greed and evil will overcome them; as we have seen over and over.

How do we get what we want in life, how? Do we have to beg? Do we have to fight them to the death? Do we have to be on the end of a terror plot? Do we have to destroy our own life so they do not get anything or receive any reward? I am upset and I have given up; I never get what I want even in my own marriage and each time I open my eyes or my ears; I get boyfriends, drinking, crazy Fox News stunts, and nothing I want or deserve. After how hard and how much you worked Ann to give me everything I want; after 22 years with you and giving you everything you want; why can't we get anything or get anywhere here? Are they this guilty? Do they have a death sentence or are they being threatened; a victim? That is their story; they are threatened constantly and we are the problem; we refuse to leave or go away because they only want to help. They are constantly sorry and we are at war. They still do not see themselves as the problem, still. They still see us as mentally ill or the problem. Worse, we have a hardcore sex offender and a demented spy on our hands; who lies, cheats, and steals harder than all other enemies on planet earth. They turn out to be the nationalist; who chase us urging the Nazis and stalk us or follow us using the communists. We cannot get what we want, why stay, why build it so they come, why try to help them, why support the police when they are miserable and so risky?

When is the government going to shut them down and take them out? When? Does someone have to unleash hell or do things we all would regret? Somebody is lying and someone is spying illegally also. I keep on telling these Generals, do not wait and do not let them have a seat at the table; the babbling and situation will get worse and worse; take them out and shut them down quickly. Put them in pain and keep them in pain until the political means are there to intern them; take them away and relocate them to a prison camp. Who the hell would let these people loose in our life, who? Do not give us constant speeches about how they are scared, how they are threatened, and how they are not the problem; they are guilty as charged and a traitor. Do they need the proof or a trial? That is the question. When and if they come to our house and our life; then they can try to kill us or act bad. Until then, the only person who will dispense hell or unleash it; is given. Don't spend a damn dime on them; shut them down and take them out. This is the current game. Again, I did not write the book to be insulted or for them to stare back; do it or die time. Their reputation is how they are people of action and not weak; we are. It is do or die time; my vote is already known. Ann's vote and voice; is always known. It is just a game to turn the tables around; but will we ever get what we want, ever? Hell will not be so kind or give them so many opportunities to do what they have or are doing; hell no. The problem here is they have no chance in hell and were never in control or in charge; never. The reason why we ended up as prisoners or kidnapped, is because we do not get what we want; ever.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.