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FACT: Newt Gingrich is a traitor. Vote him in and there will be massive retaliation. He is guilty. Perry, is guilty of sexual harassment. Texas will probably sink by 2014, swallowed by the ocean. Cain, is just a crazy cat unlike all other blacks. He defies gravity. How can he be a sexual offender or a rapist? He would never sexually harass Ann Coulter like Fox News, Sean Hannity, or the slew of men I have had to deal with. Maybe if we take pleasure in torturing them; watching them get butchered by Generals, and tell them to their face; I can avoid wasting my life on monkeys in suits, scumbag losers, or some turdball who is phony and does not even think he is a problem. Do they know how to act around other men? No. You have to club them to death. They act tough; even military, and do not even know how to act around power or men; left wing and communist; hint, hint! None of them know how to act because they are lunatics, losers, and dead meat. Vote any of them in and I guarantee disaster for not only their state but the union. It will fall into the ice age where Neanderthals foraged and roamed the earth fighting woolly mammoths. Do not be fooled by the communist or the Nazi nationalist; they will bring you doom and much worse. Our Generals are in school; and when they are on hurricane and earthquake duty; they will squeeze them like orange juice or a rotten tomato. We take pride and pleasure in telling them to get the hell out of public service, our life, the police force, and any form of power before authority and power comes knocking.

Ann, this is what my biography should clearly describe being abducted or stalked by a sex offender upon turning 18. That sex offender pulled us in a deadly game and a web of deception; noticing it and frequency of bizarre incidents repeating over and over. The first attempt to get away from them or escape a growing suspicion was to enter the military. The second attempt was to exit the military because a blockade was being enforced and this was growing or developing. This sex offender followed me to college and wanted to be a coach or some kind of trainer; to teach nationalism or how to bond with white and black trash; the poor. It got really crazy in college and the proof is the D grades; genius level or top secret level work is being done here. The growing suspicion is now growing and becoming bolder. This sex offender follows and stalks me into work; this really screws up marriage plans with Ann. Ann comes to the rescue and starts their growing suspicion. A ferocious fight ensnares and ensues; on a space level and we run tests to determine if it is aliens and how big their force is. Repeated tests and probes are done daily; feeding information through secret channels. They managed to get a judgment and manipulate the justice system; how bold they got and how large this problem became. This begins a string of false arrest and police problems; again. This bonding process with white and black scumbags who are sex offenders and felons is not working well or nice and neat. It is now an interstate crime; reported in Virginia and also New York. It will end up in Florida also. There was no bonding whatsoever and although denied; it is very difficult to conceal and hide. A crazed effort was repeatedly done to harass and scare off or drive apart so the bonding process can continue. There was and is no bonding process ever; no unity; no consent; and nothing in common.

Fallen from a federal false arrest and a coma due to heavy medication and isolation; it takes nearly a year to regain speech. A period of shut-up and détente arrives; Ann is worried and goes on TV to convey this. She uses code and our communication system. Relocation is enforced; a new hiding place to get this top secret mission up and get this began on the right foot. We expect them to go all out and smash it. A diversion is enforced which paralyzes them; while a dash for the door or a hiding place is attempted. It fails and we land or get stuck in Niagara Falls, NY; right on the border. Change of plans, it is now or never; this operation is late and has to be up and running; Ann cannot hold them off for long and is suffering; bleeding badly. Alex works day and night; all day long and does not go outside for years. By memory he recalls all the pieces of college material and puts it all together. Very little research is needed. After two years; he has enough and it is not fully completed or perfected; but Ann is bleeding badly and needs help. In 2008, she makes contact and there are sex offenders all over her and here; surrounded they cannot figure out what story or alibi to use. The FBI has the remainder of the story and how this went down. It can be read from the biography of Ann Coulter from 2008 to the present. Watching every move we make and spying on us does not produce any results; their alibi is flimsy so they hide and seek clandestine efforts. They try to bury it or overwhelm the case using petty attacks and matters. Nothing works and Alex relocates to Florida in 2011; several of them fell on the sword but the ferocious and level of resistance is not expected; worse they hid what the long term impact would be; drafting plans by probing and catching this enemy off guard repeatedly while directing and teaching allied military and police counter-measures. Is this what the spectators observed or did we sleep through it all? Is this what the facts indicate and what the “unreliable” truth is about? What is the real story and how much of it will they reveal when they plead Guilty? Will the future Generals butcher them based on our trial and tribulations? The FBI refuses to get their hands dirty or waste their life on this stupid piece of trash; they want nothing to do with this secret war. It did not end in New York and was kept low key in Florida.

Ann, I do not know if you have noticed but the American underclass, or labor movement, consists of sex offenders, prostitutes, drug gangs and cartels, turdballs, dumbasses, white trash, turdballs, sick ass overweight bald men, black people, and throw in a few minorities. I feel sorry for the whites who get caught in the underclass; this dumping ground of nobody and good for nothing. Since I graduated from college it has been a web of deception created by this loser. This turdball and piece of human rodent dumbass has a death wish and thinks they are either tough or in control. Therefore, they call out the masters of war and all the masters of this universe. I hope they learn a lesson; where there is a will, there is also a way. They got a parole felon living with me giggling and trying to bother me all day long or piss me off. Then he says I have a grudge and am trying to nitpick or have to move because they are in control. Again, we need the masters of war and we need them to finish them off; I want the new Generals in school learn how we do things around here even if they want to butcher this piece of human crap for the cameras. Unfortunately, there are laws and it applies to this loser and so called bully who is constantly getting the door slammed on their ultimate game of control. This is why they are complete losers and so hated. This is why America has gone to crap and is dying. This is why we are drowning in debt. This is why these Generals are on alert and want to butcher them for all of this. What they did and what they will admit to is just the tip of the iceberg; for real. The ball is in their court now; in their dying wasted imagination. Decide if you want a husband or drinking buddy Ann; I am high maintenance after this fight and war; understand? I have needs and I have security issues that have to be met and addressed properly. You cannot just ignore it and expect romance to flourish. The sooner I double, triple, quadruple my Generals; the sooner we can retire and write more books. That is the basis of sustainable economics or development; it is developing. There is only one correct answer; only one. If two people did all that to them; imagine what will be.

Now we know they are sex offenders who hide their victims so they cannot be found. We know they are totally narcissistic. We know they are pathological liars. They want to share and be friends; but being such a loser has them in a deranged state of mind, a death wish. It all fits your typical rapist, serial killer, terrorist, 911 suspects, and a complete dumbass trying to piss us off and giggle all day long. They are still poor. They are still one step from the edge. They aren't really going anywhere in life. They have no schooling. The only thing they do or how they fill their day is to bother us; and so they did and are still. Take a look at how long that line for satellite warfare and earthquake duty has become. All of those Generals want to butcher this dumbass that is playing a game of chicken to take over the government and seizes control; and we caught them. I try to tell all of them not to waste their life on a dumbass or this sex offender who is nothing more than a loser. Look how they try to push us to the edge and how the “scum-bass” operates. Always giggling and never worrying about what may happen are they get in a fight with the masters of war. This is way past a war, fight, or an invasion; so much more and it will be answers decisively. I promise and I swear on the bible; it will be won decisively and we will not even have a scratch to brag about. They are trying to get me to bond with poor ass whites and blacks. Meanwhile, they know we are together and trying to bond you to the same dumbass. This is why they have a murder plot and a brutal rape plot on you Ann; me, I can fight blood and guts style. I feel so dirty and embarrassed around these poor people; they are whacked. Why don’t you just tell them, “Keep Dreaming You Dumbass” or “Let the Generals butcher them when the time comes?” Don’t screw our life over on this turdball Ann; we are royals and have a wonderful life without this enemy or sex offender. It is easy for you because you do not have to live with sex offenders, felons, or turdballs Ann; I do. You have to work with them.

This is what happens when they let trashy females have babies when they cannot give them a proper upbringing. This dumping ground will continue until their sorry ass is interned or destroyed. They get an A for effort though. The bonding process to these drug addicts and sex offenders is going just as we planned Ann; wait, as I had planned and told you. It is funny how they are on the Republican side also; what a circus and asylum. I think these Generals who want a chance to butcher this pest and enemy, who are sick or weakened by this political scumbag problem, know this fight is determined by elections. Satellite warfare and economic sustainability is what they want; for power. It is not how we determine elections; or is it? I have the right answer when the topic is my brainchild. Let me also teach them how to add insurance; in case this political problem gets out of hand and has us surrounded. Insurance means they need some assurance they will be around for the long haul. How many cards can you flip over before the assurance is threatened or cannot be guaranteed? Even you do not know that one Ann; ha, take notes wench. I have no aspiration bonding to white or black trash, sex offenders, labor unions, or these half-feeling. If we can get rid of them or get them off the side of the good; maybe we can walk with our own people. Right Ann? Is that your dilemma now and what you and Fox are clobbering each other over? Your people are bonding with my people? Did you forget us Ann? Is this some psycho joke and are you awake now? Are you done sending me hate mail? This was not my idea of a happy marriage or a career; understand? Let them try and die in vain as we laugh and throw ice on them; big ice cold chunks. The school is going along well Ann, let them die at the hands of the new Generals and our second coming; our rebirth.

Ann, this important. This is the future of satellite warfare and sustainable development; two of my biggest creations. I put over twenty two years into this. You have to choose between these VIP events or your own marriage. Marriage is the best and the biggest thing in your life Ann; biggest. You are a no show and AWOL; or at least that is what these people and the media says. I even heard you had a boyfriend and was spending time with them; instead of showing up for your own marriage or the most important mission in your life. Explain that to the public. Explain that to me Ann. I am so confused and I am kept in the dark. What little support you have has deserted you. They refuse to let you do your own thing. They want to sit in the front row of your wedding and came to my home and my life. Tell this to the FBI and the Generals I am schooling Ann. Why would you gamble this mission and your own wedding; after 22 years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears; at times terrified and near sheer terror? Why? All I wanted in life was a wife and a happy family; the rest was optional; optional Ann. All this stuff and all this media hype is unimportant to me; understand? I don't get it or you. It is sick and aimless Ann. Luckily, we are retiring and getting older. We can be trusted. There are Generals who would butcher this enemy just for the chance to sit in the seat of the father of satellite warfare or be the first to be schooled in it; you ignore hurricane and earthquake duty? You walk away from a fight with aliens and the biggest showdown this century has ever seen? You use my sustainable development project to go drinking with buffoons and a psycho sex offender? You should be on the team and you should bring these people along; for kicks. I consider this hate mail; so F you too! If you want to see stress; take a look at the line of Generals who want to butcher this enemy. Yet they send Jews, Irish, Italians, and blacks into our life and this is how it ends. I was not enthusiastic about boyfriends, drinking buddies, Grateful Dead concerts, sharing the stage, all of these dinners, and 24 hours of telling me to leave or placement of bugs and boobytraps in my life. If they want to get butchered; let them, but leave us out of it. We are retired and will be enjoying our life soon; it is their problem now and nobody believes any of it, nobody.

Ann, I honestly think it is getting harder for them to lie. What little support base you had is definitely not what you want or need. I think there is a lot less confusion and mistakes, so it is even more difficult to keep up the pressure and continue these attacks on us. I think as an inventor trying to build a time machine; they need to score at least 600 on the math SAT test. The constant hit and misses, trying to get something out of it, trying to be our friends, and trying to make everything perfect for us; cannot erase or cover over what has happened and what they did. At the same time, the pieces are falling into place in our life; we actually got a chance to tell our story even if they were all over us and watching us 24 hours with this blockade or prisoner status. This was not about hate or a grudge. This was not about nit-picking and trying to make sure he fails. This was not some competition up for grabs. This was nothing as they describe it and never has been. We still cannot escape the mistakes they made; still. The ongoing lies are aimless; intended to suggest we hold a grudge or hate human beings. This is about a sex offender. This is about a communist in our life. This is about the impact of a sex offender who was stalking us and would not reveal their identity so that we could put an end to matters with one call to a lawyer. This was about illegal spying and invasion of our privacy, a lunatic's prisoner dilemma. This was about how stupid they are and how far they were willing to take this. This is about the needs of a felon and an aimless turdball. This is about a human being who looks out into the world with jealousy but refuses to look at themselves with reality. This is about a lazy, no damn good, retarded, and violent SOB. This is about a spy who has an attitude; nobody likes them. This is about a sex offender with a major attitude problem. This is about a little kid who does not know danger, playing chicken with earthquakes and hurricanes. I love how they act intelligent, wanted, educated, coaches or life trainers, or powerful in order to scam or rob other people. This is about robbery isn't it? I wasn't too fond of them being in my life no less stealing everything I had or claim. What exactly did I save for last, to claim? Ah ha, now we know how this ended and why they lost or could not do it again and again. This was a fight to the death and they were not dead yet. I destroyed my support base also; why? What kind of charade were they running or scamming people with? Well, where is the support base and the people who are guilty as charged?

It is strange how your support base is gone or always there; but we can never achieve simple outcomes unless it involved them? Isn’t this racketeering and extortion? There are layers and layers to uncover; still the truth is not provided. Here they are trying to scrap up the smallest minuscule on us and it turns out we put them on a wild goose chase or they got it completely wrong. Worse, their effort to conceal and hide their identity; led this case right back to them, to see how stupid and how long they could play chicken or keep up this phony attitude. Things fit perfect for us; nothing fits ever for them; and they want to be part of it. That was another lie and trick; they want to be part of it, friends, and to have what we have. If respect is what they sought, then all of it was lost. If confusion is what caused their life to get so crappy; then confusion is now three times worse. I guess they just cannot win; but has yet to accept this. Next time they try to build a time machine; check to see if the one they are stealing has any security. If so, expect a world war. If they spy on this, expect some retaliation and fight. It makes sense to also have an IQ of a human being and an SAT score of at least 600 on the math part. However, this self defense we are holding grudges and want them to fail is going nowhere and neither are they. The problem is exactly like the Democrats; we cannot get anywhere with them and when we wage war on them; we become legends and the rewards are endless. Everything fits perfect. Why would they even try a defense or try to keep this going; that is the real problem and question? This was well past their pay grade; obviously. A lot of what happened was well past their pay grade. The numbers migrate from their side to ours; worse and worse. Even their leaders and who we caught are trying to make this migration. They got clobbered; look at it right now. Murder is about power, domination, and not getting caught. When you parade your enemy around your neck to show you are merciful; it shows no effort to hide their body or any event which led to their demise. A felon and sex offender will go to great lengths to dispose the body or ensure nobody finds it.

The government is going to get sued for negligence because it comes down to a sex offender, being not interested, trying to get married and have kids, saying no thank you repeatedly or I don't even like them, and being accused of holding grudges or being violent. It depends on how you see this story and which side you are on. They can call it a high tech lynching all day; it will not change the outcome ever. It is the usual dumbass and pest we all know so well about who has taken a new identity; us. I guess in the end there was something they could not duplicate or forge; intelligence. Communicating this was their plot and we all know why they have so many problems communicating when a felon or a sex offender. I am convinced, how about the public or the world? Do they still hold on to the claim they own us or are our boss and friends? What did they save for last; when all the chips are down and everybody has gone home? Holding grudges? Jealousy? Wanting what others have? I am guilty of educating my Generals at the FBI and Pentagon on how to destroy or defeat this evil enemy; I stand as charged. We gave them every single chance to avoid this outcome and asked them repeatedly if they were willing to provide the truth or surrender for arrest and capture. This is what I am guilty of and utilizing the disaster to educate or school my protégées; even Ann Coulter. I did this penniless and while surrounded by corrupt cops, evil politicians, sex offenders and felons, injured or broken, and flirting with bankruptcy and danger. The world saw it with their own eyes and if I am guilty; then I plead no contest to my mission. What is their mission or do they have one? Show us in writing and provide one as clear as we have. Who is the boss and the master of our life? Is it us or them? So why would they hide all of this? Here we go with this chicken game and how they make stuff up by antagonizing the world we live in. We get an A for effort and so do they. We get an A for the outcome and they got an F. Sometimes effort is just not good enough and will not save your life; especially in warfare.

This lunatic is actually arguing with us. Well, how do you know they have not had sex if they both said they did? How do you know they are mentally ill when nobody else agrees with you? Maybe they know you listen in and watch and they do things to throw you off or punish you; such as utilizing their looks and intelligence to compel you to jerk off as cars go by and wonder what in hell you are up to? Could that be what you are observing? How do you know if you do not ask them? Invading someone's privacy and watching them on some spy camera is illegal; it is not only a felon but in this case and situation; carries federal charges. It seems like the only one left out is the one trying to get in; but they don't realize they have no power or any say in this matter. Unless they do as we report and come to our home and kidnap us or hold us prisoner while telling us, "You are free to leave anytime." How long did they do this or run this racketeering scam?

Ann, I was watching the KABC “A Night with the Ann Coulter, “it was scary as usual. I kept on saying to myself, “Oh crap, they are going drinking after or there is going to be an after party.” Based on what I know, when you pretend someone does not exist; it means you either like them or they are more special than you say. I finally get to see your relationship with this Ned guy; really weird Ann. I also think your wine was laced because towards the end there, you started acting weird and overly friendly. I guess the night has to end and all good things must come to an end eventually. I think it is their fault also Ann; definitely. You didn’t do anything wrong and you are so faithful. Now that you’re delusional and stupid life is more confusing; let’s talk business and satellite warfare. I guarantee you there was an after party and you did not tell me; it’s like God told me, “Alex, did you know Ann was out that night with them and she did not even bother to tell you because she knew you would be upset?” Yes God, I know; and your suggestion? Did you put her up to this to spite me? Have you ever drunk too much and passed out or fallen asleep? That is a lot of books and a lot of men you have cocktails with; are you sure you remember everything? Positive? Why not drug your ass up and really give you the full experience of being kidnapped or raped? With all that alcohol flowing; boys will be boys and girls will be with the boys. What exactly is your crisis or problem and why does it involve me? Even I do not know and I need to know; I was not there or ever there; never ever. I do not trust your word at face value; not after what I have seen from you. Sometimes a lot goes right over my head and I have to be clued in by these “boyfriends.” That was back in June of 2011; so that tells you how far back and how up to speed I am. You do realize they are bleeding you as much or more than you have bled them? Guilty. You are still drinking about this or our life? I hope it is a celebration and not a sedative. Can you let them know what I think, please?

You also do know they are impersonating you and anything you dish out on this end; don’t you Ann? This game of impersonation and anything either of us dishes out; is impersonated on this end. Meanwhile, they emulate anything you say and do; while bleeding you to death. Ann, how did we go from murder plots, rape cases, stalking, punishing them for trying to date us, punishing them for listening in, retaliating for invading our privacy, destroying them for wrecking our life or stalking us, and making loads of money for wrecking our marriage and slandering our name; to holding a grudge against this human piece of trash? If we scream into the microphone or use every name in the book to "chat" with them; they say we are "talking to ourselves" and mentally ill. If we tell them to get the hell out of our life or stop violating our rights; they claim we are a threat or mentally ill. Did they enjoy how I made them watch porn all day long so their head would explode or their stupidity and mental illness exacerbated? Do they think I call them the worst possible names because it works back on me? Now this jackass says they are still interested, we are holding a grudge, we only want to nit-pick, we have a chip on our shoulder, we need anger management, we imagined all of this or made it up, etc... They are still interested and want to know what is wrong? It is really simple. Die! Go away! Go ahead and make our day punk! We earthquake them for kicks and are doing this because we are bored stiff; do you believe that? I question whether or not they are really the police. They seem too determined. They are way too interested. When we say no they hear yes? They are way too secretive for a police officer; also silent. Nobody goes to this length or this extreme if they represent government. Pathological lying aids in catching criminals and felons? Sex offenders are on the police force? Is this a joke or are we really mentally ill and made this up; if so, please wake us up.

We do not enjoy sex offenders in our life. We do not enjoy rapists, felons, homeless people, the down and out, poor people, or your garden variety nutcase in our life. We definitely do not enjoy living with them or sharing our life and house with them. Can someone explain to this turdball, enemy, idiot, sex offender, felon, total loser, and F'er we do not have a problem or hold grudges; that is not what this is about or ever was? It is called punishing them for stalking, spying, invading our life, violating our rights, stealing our life, and then trying to marry us or pull some gay ass trick we never appreciated or wanted in the first place. The threat is their stupidity and ignorant appeals. The punishment is a hurricane and earthquake; what they call a death sentence. This was not and was never about hate, holding grudges, mental illness, being similar, or if we are all guilty. So is everything cool now? Do we still need medicine or help? Are they still offering us money or kickback because they are corrupt? Can they be on the same side or exactly like us; on the same side? Still up for grabs and we have a chip on our shoulder? How about no thank you, not interested, stop being a fag, go away, and F off or we will make sure you F up badly? Go and get an education before looking for a daddy or someone to kidnap. Something tells me they are not the police and a major threat; they appear way too interested, curious, determined, and are willing to violate the laws in a blink of the eye. This is the police in America? The police get executed by the government and military? Can this be so even if it is their home? How can we hold a grudge if we are not the bit interested and they are all sex offenders and spying on us? Did I mention how dumb and ugly they are? I would give them the Nobel Peace Prize for being so wrong and stupid.

Why don't these deranged and trouble people come out and say it. They lived through World War II. They were in prison camps. They were left with memories. Those memories were lost in the 1980s. Their kids are awful and baboons. They worry and hate their kids; but need them to stay out of trouble. They saw Jesus in us. They seek out Jesus. They need a leader, parent, and overlord for their rodent like baboons. They did not think we would fight so hard and would fit if they kept it up. They wanted to pass down their experience, perspective, and broken down heart felt suffering by imposing it on us. They got the surprise of their life and a heart attack. They know they deserve to die and have the death penalty; a felon and a no damn good human being. They really do not have a home or can say anything; how they got here to begin with. The best thing to do is make us look bad or make us look exactly like them; which is repugnant and similar to a rape. Using marriage was a grand excuse; it was an alibi. Using money made it work. After marriage, they can claim it is only disciplining their kids or some parent relationship. It all sounds grand; is this why they got hurricanes or earthquakes? They still refuse to clean this up or end it; still waging war on us. I am sure they are the best, the most athletic, and the smartest; yeah okay. How do you get executed and a full scale manhunt if you are special, smart, the best, or the police? Can this be so or is it all make up? I think they need to get their ass home before they get hurt even more. I know why you drink now; but don’t let the stress kill you Ann. I have been there and done that; people know why you drink. It is hard to lure them in a bar; trust me, I have tried repeatedly. They are very careful; very. If they were rank amateurs, they would have been trapped and been caught by now; still difficult to lure out.
Using government made them invincible. All along the forces mounted against them and the paramilitaries came to our sides; and here we are today alive to tell it. Odd, what mistake they could have made by taking us out or carrying out their death threat or vow to take us out had we not shut up. It turned out odd how we had to go to extreme self defense mode and security mode to get an interceptor off us; even during romantic times. Odd how we save the best for last and all they had to do was say this. They did everything and anything to stop us and in the end; they could not stop themselves. Wonder why? The easy way out was to kill us; but each one was unsuccessful and made to look like an accident. Strange how life turned out for them and how it turned out for us. We now are history and their story will be read and studied; it is time for them to tell the truth and surrender. America has become a dumping ground for gangs, drugs, felons, losers, and now this. It has been 22 years and it will get 100 times worse; trusts me. We are retiring soon; and that should send chills up their spine or make them go berserk. There will be nobody to pick on or bully; nobody to chase or blame this on anymore. Are they sure they want to enter that phase of total darkness? So be it. They bring us blood and we will love them for it. I am glad somebody finally told their story or what they tried to do. A test is underway to determine how stupid they can get or will get before they either kill themselves or each other. Exactly how stupid are they? Exactly how crazy are they? Is there a bottom? Someone bled the both of us; but is there a bottom to any of this? I defend you now because I am forced to; not because I want to. Before I wanted to; now I am only forced to. Ask me why? Are you using the bar scene to lure them out as I did? If so, it will not work and never does. I love you, I hate them. Similarly, they hate me but love you to death, oddly. How do you feel about them and me Ann? Have you told them this, they do not believe me. They find me unreliable and a nobody in their life. Should I tell them what I think or how I feel about them? Will it even help or make things better? You are not bleeding them and neither am I; they are bleeding the both of us, badly. Shall I tell them how we feel about this or them?
I would not mind fixing my life or improving it before my teeth fall out Ann. If you could reduce my workload a tad or maybe stop adding more and more stunts or names on my worry list. Also, I am in training for Triathlon. I did decide to start training when I got in Florida; but ran into another blockade and a smaller blackade. It was mostly gangs, felons, crack dealers, and sitting and waiting for nothing to arise; no change. I could be using the time to rebuild some cars or bikes; maybe building my TT bike; or maybe pounding some miles out while swimming in the ocean. It is expensive to store my vehicle or fix it after all of this vandalism; also my equipment and needs are high maintenance. I would think and most people agree that if you are in a relation or romance; you do have some duties and responsibilities. You seem lazy and even uncaring about this aspect of your life. I have a start up and can even begin several businesses; even make it big writing books. Why am I babysitting you while you run around and wreck our relationship? My medical problems have not been fully addressed. My needs have not been met. My legal problems are in limbo. Someone is not doing their job or a horrible job; work that is unacceptable. Who is going to pay for these expenses Ann? How about my diesel mechanic schooling or my motorcycle rider course? I have all this skill and all these plans; why is everything in a state of limbo? Is it you? Who is this lazy and careless? Based on what I have seen and the evidence I have; your faith in the Republicans is as retarded as your fight with the Democrats. Have they switched places? Putting your body in front of the Republicans was the dumbest stunt I have seen you do as yet; take them out and make sure you have the power to get it done magnificently and for history to see. Do not place your bets on that bunch of fools either; use the red button before they get close and bleed you to death. Your life is going nowhere and getting asinine. All I need to complete is my swimming training and I am ready for a triathlon. I have things I want to make and dreams Ann; how about my dreams? Do you even care? I need to know and need a frank answer or talk with you Ann. I have needs also that are not being met and may never be met; should I just give up or give in? Is this mess partly due to you drinking and passing out; or maybe overly friendly? You keep saying how you do not even like them; prove it. They claim a totally different story; it is all on tape and recorded.
How dare them. My idea of marriage was not to watch you get fondled on TV weekly or even monthly. I would think the media places my unreliable source well above theirs; but that is too late. Who in hell would save these people Ann, you? You want to save them and are gambling your marriage away? Your search for romance, enthusiasm for me, and your presentation of it was valiant. I question if it was wise Ann. Was it an act of survival or not? Do you suspect Ann that you may have pushed the limits of my trust or redefined the entire understanding of the world trust? Do you? We finally get to find out who some of these men are and why they are in your life. Any employer would fire you; what would your husband do? You tell me Ann. Are you trying to show off or brag about how your man makes really hard decisions or how loyal you truly are? Is that your stunt or is it how evil and how undesirable women truly are? But wait, life gets even crazier and more whacky. They all seek forgiveness and redemption. The 100 million dollar question is why these people still have their jobs? Why are they allowed to worsen or inflict more suffering? This is why I state and write for my Generals to read at a future time; do not hesitate to push the button and get this fight over with quickly, efficiently, and move on to the next problem; you may end up listening to stories about OJ and Nicole or this dumbass investigation where they linger and go nowhere; push the button and move on to the next level and next problem; we are inundated. When a human being has their head up their ass; justice is really blind; in war, it works towards our favor because in order to hit anything; you have to figure out how to get your head out of your ass first. The left is using minorities to form a blackade. Destroy it. This is what they are sharing and offering us; life in a ghetto. Whoopee! We offered them life in hell for eternity. How many thinking people play chicken with a tornado or earthquake? Of those few how many argue against it or rationalize their actions?
Against your best effort and wishes Ann, I would not save the Republicans nor the Democrats; I hope the public understands. I am not here to convince them; I am here to get my Generals up to speed so they can finish my mission and ensure this enemy does not and will not win. I have to show them how sneaky and how difficult this new satellite warfare truly is; how much they want it or to destroy it; once and for all. If you do not take them out quickly or call for rapid backup; they will recover and they will declare it up for grabs; a game of repetitive guessing will begin where the bad guy becomes the good guys. Tell them there will be no vacation this year or any vacation until all of this is fixed accordingly; do not hesitate to push the button or play this game as we have tried to probe the system. Had they fixed the system; the system would not be the problem; all of them are no damn good and have no excuses. You do not win wars with people such as we have now; it is impossible and when it comes to satellite warfare or sustainable development; it is suicide. Learn from our mistakes and do not fall for any of their tricks or delay tactics while they wheel and deal. Choosing the right partners and staff has everything to do with victory or defeat. Clearly, we do not have the right staff and victory is so far away; doing not hesitate ever. Satellite warfare is there not to be spit on, raped, driven off, called names, tested or treated like a guinea pig, humiliated and treated like a serf, etc... It is repugnant and we are neither Jews nor blacks. We could go on for days on end. Satellite warfare is not there to be apathetic; the longer you wait, the harder it gets as Ann Coulter has proven. Even if we turned the pressure up to 100 or tortured every single one of them; apathetic does not come near the retard we must deal with or have in our life. Play the game much more aggressively than we have and let them have it; early, fast, and will the full force of the universe. Who in their right mind would play chicken with this? What leader or fool would play chicken with us and then argue or make even crazier appeals?
Common sense and people who are not insane or complete felons would go after the bad guys, take them down, and lay off the good guys or those who can explain their actions. Just so you and other people know this; lay off the good guys if anything. Ann, just say it so I can quote you. Only the TSA agents got to second base. They can afford Prime Rib, I cannot. You are a perfect and the best wife. It was their entire fault, all of this. You have always been there and always will no matter what. There is nothing more you could have done any you exhausted yourself trying to find the right man, the perfect fit, and someone special. Your mom and dad would be proud of you. If God was here, he would agree. You are not like other girls who do get married to break the hearts of who they love. Sex and attraction was never part of it and why you were struggling with me. Give you a chance because you worked so hard and waited so long; this is all you have and you put everything in me. Moreover, if all of that were true and we lived in a hermetically sealed world; what can possibly be the problem; you tell me Ann. What in hell is coming between you and me? You’re drinking about this? Smoking? Looks? I don't have any money and am mad as hell about this; trying to ask everybody to push the button on them? I hurricane and earthquake them for kicks and laughs now; are you trying to drive me crazy? I imagined all of this and made it up along the way; so did you? They "didn't have any sexual relations with that woman." They are "your blacks" not "my blacks"; don't ever forget this. Shut that SOB up for good will you; I am not the Watermelon Man. Clearly, there nothing we have in common; nothing beside some blackade. Take your pick who to take out first; the Republicans or the Democrats? There is no difference. As I said, how dare them. It leaves you with the feeling of being groped repeatedly; repugnant. Is this the real definition of a “drive-by?”
If I understand you clearly; you are the best wife, everything I ever wanted and more, worked and waited so long you almost died, this was all their fault, millions of people should die, they deserve to be gagged and shot in the head for all of this, and they have nothing against either of us; our best chance in life and a dream waiting to happen? Who is telling our story, is it you or is it them? Luckily, we do not have the button because if we did; there would be a lot of dead people because of this gigantic fiasco; add that on top of everything else. I finally am watching this KABC hit job on me Ann. Are you dumb or just faking it because time and again; Bill Maher, CPAC, MRC, Los Angeles, New York, Fox News, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc... and now this John Phillips guy; haven't you learned it is a hit job and he is another henchmen for Fox News? They claim they cannot report anything because it is an unreliable source; well there are a lot of them and they did years ago. Why not now? Then this Phillips guy tries to suggest you and I are OJ and Nicole; do I look black or as you say, "our blacks?" Dude, who keeps insulting my intelligence and life with this black, minority, low IQ, felon, teach him how to be an American, retard, labor and poor ass, etc... Someone better shut them up and quickly. Someone better start rounding up the bad guys before the genie calls on other genies. Then they told two friends and so on, and so on, etc... I am not black, a homeless turdball, Catholic, labor, black or white, gay, and all of this they make me out to be. Stop offering us the life of some lower species or our sworn enemies. Stop trading with ours or stealing ours and replacing it with this phony, cruel hoax, slander, and turdball we know. Then I hear stuff like, "He doesn't want to be with his people." Excuse me? My people? Ann, is this your idea or some joke? Exactly who called these shots and made these decisions? Who? Did you Ann? Why you are nearly killed and raped; while they try to pull this scam and fast one on me again. There is what we think of their chicken game and what they deserve. Any questions? In the future, I do hope they are not silent about this than they have to be.
Luckily, we can be trusted to do the right thing. I think my Generals and protégés have learned something about the pressures and the decision making I had to take on at a very young age; still trying to get paid and penniless over this entire fiasco and traitorous act on our life. I want my money and to move on. I want my life and my career back. I want this blockade gone and to never hear or be reminded of it again. I do not want to get one more offer ever for the remainder of my life or a dumb tubby fallopian turdball trying to ask me out or tell me how they admire me and are offering me a chance. My Generals need to know when and how to feel out this world, this enemy, and when the time is right and not right. Similar to war, you have to be careful and not hesitate when it comes to pushing the button or destroying this enemy; what would stop us? Who would stop us? Ourselves? Do not hesitate before it gets to this terminal point and this gigantic disaster; take them out quick, easy, and fast; do not wait or hesitate. You will regret it and you will walk the same shoes we were forced to in order to catch them, get a hold of this, stop them, and waste more of our life over. I hope you also learned Ann; waiting is not the only or the best answer; put more thought and thinking into it before you make horrible mistakes you cannot redress. Again, lay off the good guys and go after or take down the bad guys; this is what got them a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake. Now we are schooling Generals to learn from our experience and not hesitate to push the button on these traitors and lunatics; unless they want to end up like us or have done what we had done. Worse, they all stand heir with their head up their ass; unable to explain their actions. Even if you put your body in front of them Ann; I would not save the Republicans. You are mistaken and you have very bad judgment. We judge these people based on a benchmark; ours against theirs. The word is racketeering. You are a bad leader Ann. Bad leaders get their followers killed. Can you convey what I think and how I feel about them please? Is that too much to ask or will they keep talking to us and thinking the answer was delivered by God? Go bother him next time. If you do not like the answer, then I suggest you not ask the question pussy. I did kill their pussy on the last day and let them really know how I felt or what I had in mind.
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