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Friday, November 18, 2011


Ann, how about going on RedEye and talking in depth about masturbation or watching people constantly while masturbating? This time don't take off and don't act like they will kick you off the show if you get a lawyer. Worse, they do this back to me; come to my life and my home; then make comments about us watching them nude. Ha, ha... masturbation must be a really big topic to them and you; is that why you walked off again? A million and a legal team for your peace of mind and mine; your life depends on it; do or die? They are now saying babble about how they want us to leave and we do not want to play with them; this is playing? Yes, they watch me closer than the KGB. You are exactly like or living similar to a police officer; why F'up your life over a human piece of shit and listen to or take this shit. At least go drinking with them and talk about masturbation and how it plays a part in your life.

Ann, perhaps by some odd humanity; you and I will be happy and our life normal. Start with being more involved and getting this stress off my shoulder. If you spend a million on your peace of mind and to prevent physical harm to both of our life; I am sure it it worth it. Start with what I need; a place and someone who can actually meet my needs. Then I have to park my car and figure out what to do with that while all of this is churning. My belongings are in storage. I need capital; I need a job for a little while. Without these things and you being more active; you cannot make any claim or expectations. I said before how much you lack common sense but all of you are like this. If you look at who we are fighting; they always fight a losing battle. Yeah, that is the same boat you are in. I am in class every single day almost and I take every aggressive step possible; F off and die does not dent this F'er and it will require more than a military. I am training my Generals and ordering them to take them out anyway or how possible. If there is a legal way to do this; then I hope it arrives and soon. I have documented it, they refused to. Someone will need to fix all of it; fixing their side is going to be impossible. Take these steps Ann; as I have aggressively done also.

Ann, I love you to death and am taking you back to when it used to be between us. I have heard enough about rapists, sexual harassment, Fox News, our problem with men, how all of you are innocent, how all of you are trying to get away, how all of you are a big tit and loser, bullying, name calling, why everything is untrue, etc... I remember you a certain way and I want that; not this. I suggest you call a lawyer and invest a million dollars on your peace of mind and ours. I will need at least 5 million to make my life right and straighten it out for closure and peace of mind. I love you to death but no more about this. I am taking you back to the time when trees existed and none of them were around; can you dig that or not? You lost me and I cannot rationalize this; but I am sure a lawyer will be more helpful and understanding with you than I will. My capacity to tolerate your stunts has reached it's limit and I have needs Ann. Get a lawyer and let me address the problems in my life and my needs. I hope you tune in and chime in with those needs because I know how jealous you are when another girl comes into the picture; or girls. If you do not want to address my needs or be there for me; then I am sure someone will. You were the only one who did and ever; but most of the danger is now gone. I have ordered my Generals to make a run for it; I am trying to hold this enemy back, get rid of them, and have the allies covered for now. They will be coming and they will be chasing; so run for it while they can. There is a next tier and more; we don't have time for this stupid stuff Ann and I need capital and a job to clean some of this up. The finger is being pointed at you for both my needs and jobs. All of the difficulty at work and unemployment is your fault based on how this turned out; which is completely false but the police version. They are obviously Democrats and lost but corruption sets in. I do not want to know or hear about Fox News, boyfriends, etc... I am going back to a time when it was only you and me; meet me there or not, it is up to you. Take care of my car please; it has gone through a lot. I will restore it and am taking classes now. I am in class and study all day Ann; my belongings are stranded and in storage; I could use a hand or another warm body. As far as the omen's movement; looks like they left you far behind also and some military unit had to come to your rescue; I do a lot of rescuing don't I and get nothing for it. Hearing this all day everyday is hellacious Ann; get rid of them and stop being a tit we all suck on. I take pro-active and aggressive steps to remove these people and bad people from my life; it is documented and proven. My address and relocation is extensive; but this keeps going on and on; home invasion and then leave. Five million dollars and an army of lawyers should rectify it but first let me instruct my global Generals on victory and world war; murder them for being 110% guilty.

Ann, after you and I; no more women at this level. Our forces are demoralized. You all are a tit to each other. F off and die does not dent your head. A total F up on every level except love and romance. Even I stopped having a conversation with you and I cannot shut up these other females; and I turned you off a long time ago when you could not or would not talk but wanted to show me. Then there is the nonverbal communications. We have evidence disposal going on and you dragging your feet while they dispose or make a run for it. All you want to do is superimpose your life on theirs and do what they are doing. No more women at this level because they cannot understand orders to take them out. Our forces are demoralized. Our forces are confused. This enemy is mixing in; adapting. The gross lies and the weak on crime. The police are utterly corrupt. The media has turned a blind eye because they are guilty. Is there any sign of life and any living civilization out there? Do we have to destroy them all? I hope my Generals are taking notes, no more women and war or satellite war from here on. I like the love and romance part however. After the love and romance part Ann; you got space cadet and filled my life with anguish; rape, murder, sexual harassment, stalkers, fiancees, boyfriends, etc... no more women in satellite warfare or this elevation anymore; banned from this poker table where tough decisions and rational thought reign. How the hell do we figure out who is telling the truth and what is going on? I hope you are getting paid for this also and not wasting my time or our time Ann. You came this far; might as well finish it. I like the marriage part and was okay with that. I will write to my Generals about a total ban on women in my next blog and report. Blame it on this stoker and their stupid tricks to defeat us. This is why I stopped having conversation with you Ann; I got confused, worried, delusional, angry, demoralized, and you just kept screwing off while they would not F off and just die. A tit for their tat; they are telling me to leave and you are their tit they suck on. I need capital and have needs; also business and career goals here. I could use a little help or a job Ann. Let me know when you are done. I need my car taken care of and I need you more involved; not with this or at this table; hell no. No more women and total ban from here on in satellite warfare; take them out. Next time report the truth and have it on our desk asap.

Exactly what is the most powerful repellent on this earth? Is it the appellant Alex or Ann? Making friends or meeting people is not a crime or premise for war. This is a total nut and psychopath; whom has to be killed. We are looking for a repellent strong enough and powerful enough to take them out and get rid of them so that no more safety violations and corruption flourishes in our life or this world. The most effective repellent we have determined to be; is satellite warfare. Given this truth, they play it off as ineffective, they do not care, they mean well, they will stop, we are mentally ill, they are the police, etc... Trying to make friends or be friends does not lead to murder or criminal charges; nor does it invoke the most powerful propellant on planet earth. When someone repeats F off to them 10 or even 100 times a day; a threshold is passed. Duplicating it over and over to suggest it is a norm or inescapable; will get this result; take them out and shut them down for good. Now they want to either separate Ann and Alex; keep them apart; or sit there and say "show us" or "prove it." Do you want to join us in bed or go to war with us also; especially when guilty and who we are waging war against? Smart, also criminalization and insane; I love it. How about F off and die; what this world is also watching. They refuse to F off and die? Oh really... this will never end and no fixes will come until they get what they want? They are in power and in control? Soon they will have millions of people after them and the worst disaster in the world; worse than this now. Who to blame? Right now, nobody in the forest will hear them scream because F off and go away went over their heads so many times. Fix this and give us our life and liberty back; irritated and agitated them to make this worse for us. I let the genie out of the bottle; it is up to them to return it and as quickly as humanly possible. It is their fault clearly. It is conclusively documented. How many family events did we make because they want to be friends? How many marriage engagements did we miss? How many Christmas's or Thanksgiving did we miss out on? Who is going to pay that back or return that? They want a war; I will show them the extremes of it also. Good luck.

WILL YOU F OFF AND GET A LIFE: Ann, it is almost like a god damn spy or psychopath. Go away and F off does not work and makes them retaliate. I have no idea why they want to be study buddies or as intelligent as we are; but they are just plain stupid and a pest. This is why we are ready to murder them; tell them to F off and get a god damn life. Also, I need you in my life more and I also need Thanksgivings, Christmas, and Birthdays. Yes when we are at this level and training Generals around the world; we may miss a few family events; however, let's not forget what our objective is. I have a dumbass and the same psycho spying and studying with me. Whether it is cars, bikes, sex, life, you, me, etc... this pest is so annoying and we have to murder them. That is the only way this will end or ever. I am building my forces and my Generals up and instructing this is what they want and how they want the world to know them. This is the only way to stop them or restore any sense of life; F off man, it has been almost 22 years if not more with this lunatic in our life lurking and hiding. You sort of look like them also Ann; at least you helped me stop them and put an end to their horrendous existence and presence in my life. They are so stupid and annoying; they interrupt and act like the professor when totally clueless. We have now been designated the teacher of a jackass and a dead MF. That fat little F'er Limbaugh is behind this again; and Hannity, Fox News, and all of these so called conservatives.

By the way, their women have weird looking feet, corns, bunions, and their men have the smelliest bare feet I have seen; and they want to share this with me and I have contracted it. I hope they are getting paid for this and to take the degree of abuse we have laid down. After two decades were are now trying to murder them and have a normal life; so I do hope they are getting paid or understand what is going on; F off and leave our life alone. Stop impacting it and doing things that cause us to murder them or feel as though they deserve to die. Who is paying them? Terrorist bankrolls, welfare, public aid, blood money, crime or drug money, etc... This is a theft and how they want to make an investment; claim a percent or all of our life. Now they went after Ann and she is the only person who helped me stop them and get rid of them. So I owe her for that and this is what they feel and are experiencing; a duality. F off and do not even think about getting paid or less pain. No, they need to F off and here is why!

Dear Mitt Romney: if it is okay with you; I would like to admire the Chinese and would like them to be on our side. Considering they have the largest economy; growth of 6% yearly to their GDP; expected to rise well past the standard of living; and has less crime or corruption than America; I find them an easy trading partner. I would not mind being an ally to the Chinese. The Europeans I would rather worry more about; those who started this and refused to fix anything; the damned white and black trash we have in our life. I would rather we admire the Chinese than they admire us; understand stalkers? You make more mistakes on that front and I may not be so kind or understanding next time. I would like to lead our forces and the allies to victory. It is difficult with the situation the way it is in America. However, the epicenter of this are states like Missouri and the Mississippi basin. We want to admire the Chinese and their economic progress; we do not want them to admire us. America is not the model for any economy; we need a new labor force and to throw this one away; no damned good. Keep them as far and as many oceans away as possible and if they can get equal grades; we may enjoy a conversation or two. I do not like correcting people at this level; not one bit. I would rather worry about my own problems than more mistakes. Our traitors put their debts in the hands of the Chinese; why? Our enemies entrust their life in our hands while attacking us; smart decision?

If it is okay with you; I am instructing our Generals to make a run for it; I have them covered and have a next tier. I have a worry free stratagem I based on "Mutually Assured Destruction" and I am the father or the designer of both economic sustainability and satellite warfare. Someone has impressed a life of poverty and struggle onto my life; superimposed it. I am charging them with abduction and kidnapping; a death penalty charge. My life is paralyzed and I am doing all of this while telling our Generals, not their Generals or this traitor; to make a dash for it. Run, it is a foot race from here on; and they are chasing. I got the trap set. They will run into my forces and security; trouble and worry free. I am headed to the next tier; hurry up. We cannot murder their forces if my life is paralyzed; so they know what they are doing; up until getting caught. I have their six and this thought out to the end. I have labored hard to get this far and to pummel them with worry. I need them to tally up all the safety violations I documented; then multiply it by three. That is the total amount of safety violations and attacks we encountered. Was it all in vain? I am charging my forces and powering them up for a final showdown; take them out. I have laid the groundwork down and it is worry free. Send me their best strategist and learn; my life is paralyzed. My chick looks bad in both my life and public life; that is my only lifeline; only.

Ann: just so you know, search google for "ann coulter boyfriend" and read what it says about you? Either I am a dumbass and a liar or someone out there is. Read the list of your "confirmed boyfriends" and interludes. It is an enemies list.

Ann, first everything about my car is broken; now my bike locks totally fail. I need you more involved and to help me stop some of this so I can laugh at them and torment them about how I am going to murder them with the help of aliens and God. I am paralyzed and not able to do this; so they are bold while the criticism against you racks up and higher Ann. I have told you this repeatedly before and you keep screwing off with your rapists, murder plotters, attackers, and those behind this. None of them are surprised and they do not act surprised at how things turned out.

Ann, I do not know if you understand what exactly is going on in my life; and neither does this terrorist group. The labor movement and unions are now suggesting they have some integral part of my life and your life; our protectors or guardians. I am not a laborer and very educated. Someone filed false reports and now I have a half criminal record; all slander and false imprisonment. Since I moved to Florida; they have been coy and very calm; picking and choosing when and if to fight. None of my things work. My internet does not work. My bike had 12 flat tires. My old bike had the bearings blow out. I got a new $600 bike (the 12 flats) and it is all scratched up. I constantly have tire pressure problems. If I turn my back; I am a victim of theft or some burglary. This terrorist and criminal group feels they are coaches or advisors. They continue to entrust their life in our hands. They continue to be an integral part while tampering and sabotaging everything I own. I do not have the funds for this. I am too poor right now. They claim it is your fault and you do not want more involvement or to help. Whatever the case, I feel you need to be more involved in my life if you want to be happy or together. You cannot keep causing trouble, avoiding the real problems, and doing this back on them. It will never stop and even if we murder them; it does not achieve our goals. This terrorist and menace messes up everything. Nothing works in my life. All my things are broken or vandalized. They continue to seek jobs. They continue to innovate. They continue to wreck up my belongings and suggest an exchange of ideas took place or a working relationship. Go tell the big companies and manufactures. I cannot even fix my car how the hell am I going to innovate and produce all of these new products. They are totally nuts. I am ready to murder them and it keeps going on and on. You do this back on them; I try to take them out; and my entire life is a total wreck and a mess. We caught their spies and terrorists; who continue to feed us "weak spots" or "vulnerability" to them. But there is a problem and a major one; who else wants to murder them for all of this? If there were no laws and no morals; things would be very simple and easier. All the sudden my bike lock does not work; and it is intended to keep them away and problem free. It is expensive equipment. Somebody murder these terrorists and hurry up; we are at a critical level, a junction. I let the genie out of the bottle; it is too late for them. It is about our safety now; nothing else. Nobody gets hurt if and when our safety is the focus.

It is labor. They are a terrorist. I do not care for or want their input; I am ready to murder them. I do not care about their life analysis or views; I am ready to destroy each and ever single one of them. I do not want them to touch my belongings; they will not stop. They do this in my private life and our marriage also. So I need you to be more involved; we are approaching the deadline and I am vulnerable. I need you here and things are paralyzed. It will be for some time. Recently, my bike lock; virtually anti-theft and has a $2000 insurance guarantee on it; stop working. The key spins round and round. They are up to their old tricks and I am fed up; pray to whoever created them and make sure they murder this traitor, idiot, and terrorist; I have had it with them. Now they claim to be helping me become an entrepreneur. Everything I own is broken and the ideas they have are so helpful; don't you agree? This is just one of the reasons why I want to kill them; there are 1000s of other reasons. So Limbaugh declaring himself our coach, business partner, even a special access and relation; is the terrorist we caught. Yes the labor unions and the Catholics are still up to it and doing it; hurry up and tell all my Generals to take them out and to deploy everything we have; anything. This is totally whacked and so crazy; I am upset and mad at you Ann. Understand? Things are so slow and nobody wants to fix or clean up anything; even you cause so much problems in my life and for them; but you are the only lifeline I have Ann; am I clear and do you understand? Your stupid speech in 1989 got me in this war and I am fed up with it and this enemy; hurry up. I am totally paralyzed and nothing works. I know and understand you messed up and are not the brightest light bulb out there; but you are paralyzing me also Ann. You are causing me to be disgruntled because you are not evil and cannot stop them. Kick the god damn shit up and be more involved Ann; I have to park my car at your house and live in the slums. Even my bike locks; virtually tamper and theft proof; do not work now. My bike is stuck somewhere with the lock on while the key does not work; it happened today Monday, November 21, 2011; right on cue as always. They want to be taken out and are so gone; do it and let's get this over with; first, lets worry about our safety. Again, my complaints are about my safety and a total mess; very uncomfortable. Nobody has to be hurt or get hurt; that is my point but I am ready to murder them. Who else? Worry about what we are going to do to them; not what they will do to us Ann; I need you and need your help now. This has not ended; even when I moved to Florida.

Here we go again and again. Their last words on earth are "leave, go home, and go away." Their last act on earth was to invade our life and our home; torture was how they filled up their time or if they need reinforcement when bored. I do not think this enemy gets it or understands clearly. We fight wars and win them. We do not care about their torture methods, how they intimidate us, how they use scare tactics on us, or what they did the past twenty or so years to our life. We win wars and decisively. We use them as an example. I am in a crisis and that crisis is used to educate my Generals who will finish them off. If this means doing things we cannot really mention; then it separates victory and defeat. We know and recorded unspeakable acts by this enemy and this dumbass; we do not need a lecture on morals or more of their torture and scare methods. We know they buckle the moment we retaliate; what their tolerance level is. A lecture on morals is not needed. Since this is still up for grabs or may the best man win; I am instructing all of my Generals to level them or hit them with anything or whatever we have. They will surrender and they will face arrest; shut them down and get them out of this country. It is not only a safety hazard; it defines a traitor in our life. Silence! If 100 Katrina's hit their dumbass toughness or lazy ignorance; then it will save us a lot of work and produce a lot of laughs. All the torture and intimidation in the world is worth watching this human piece of shit suffer; the more painful the better. This game of tic-for-tac or do on to others as they done on you; is as stupid as it gets. How does it feel? It feels even better in the victory scene or flying the victory flag, how does it feel to lose so badly? I do not need a lecture or how to win wars. I said to my Generals to lay everything we have on them until or unless we have closure, arrest, and proper removal. If they have to lick it up; do so, they made it and it is their handiwork. They continue the violations and have not learned a damn thing; still testing the waters or pushing their limits with us. How fast will they buckle? How fast will they crumble when under the ultimate test? Is this what they seek and want to figure out? Then let me answer it concisely and decisively. I am the father and the owner of both economic sustainability and satellite warfare; this is who they waged war on. We have a plan and many of them; to be decided on.

What can we tolerate? What is our limit with them? We can tolerate the ending; it is them who worry or tries to worry us. Each card they play has and will forever be the wrong card; so no more lectures on morals please. No more classes on how they can torture us or hold us prisoner; let us instruct them on how to win wars easily and decisively. How fast will they rumble and how quick do they buckle for such a bad ass and tough dumbass? They are so dumb; only crime keeps them alive or food on the table; that is how stupid we are dealing with. Everything in their world is a scam and they are predators; looking to rob, steal, lie, cheat, or use crime to their benefit. Too bad they ran into us; we will do what we need to win and to make our life the best we can. If this means keeping secrets; then it does. If it means throwing our morals away; then it will also validate this victory. We cannot live with any other and it is unacceptable any other outcome; clearly. This is as stupid as an enemy can possibly get; but we will have our fun when it is all said and done. So yes, they are an example. But at the same time, we did not decide on the ending; they did. They were ordered to surrender and give up; as we caught them and gave them fair warning. If this is how they wish to live the remainder of their god forsaken life; then it will be determined and decisively decided for them. Anything else is just more babble cock. They still cannot get their way with us and still have not achieve anything; only a mess. If they leave that mess after the deadline; do not fill the war and air with babble. No more lectures on morals and no more unwanted communications; it is do or die deadline. Clearly, they are not coming back, ever. They are gone and it is not worth saving them. Prepare for that ending and their decision. They tested us and we have put them in the worst position on earth; 100% suffering on their part with a hair trigger. Each time it reaches 99%; 10% is banked against them; this leaves a 10% give or take tolerance. This will end when it is 100%; nothing less or more. It is getting too messy to play with this phony dumbass; really annoying. Again, their last words on earth are "leave, go home, and go away." Their last act on earth was to invade our life and our home; torture was how they filled up their time or if they need reinforcement when bored.

Herman Cain: Mr. Cain is almost exactly like Sarah Palin; however, those who love her is going to love Herman Cain even more. Mrs. Palin was just plain stupid. She has never been put in a do or die situation where you have to create something new and not follow the old. Thank God Herman Cain is so much smarter and an academic; we now we the Palin love and the Cain intelligence. I have a dream that one day we will join hands because there are no longer fat people or homeless ones. Washington is a machine and if the machine is not calibrated and working perfect; nothing works. Until someone writes all of this down and displays some wherewithal and not a dog and pony show about stupid people; my vote is for the leader of all men Herman Cain. Rick Perry stands out as more feminine than Mitt Romney; God forbid we get more famine men trying to act like George W. Bush. Then we had Obama who brings a gun to a knife fight. Me, I would bring a tsunami or earthquake to a debate; forget the knife fight. How crazy are these leaders or is it only a dog and pony show to see which of them is the king of the dumbest? What a fool we have turned into and what a stupid world we have to tolerate or be part of. If we look at the score sheet; Clinton is ahead of them all; now rationalize and explain that one? Thank God Herman Cain is not as stupid as Sarah Palin on David Letterman. He is the coolest of the cats so far; even Clinton.

How delusional and narcissistic are they? They do not want to go or leave? After what they did; after getting it so wrong; after making such a mess; after being so stupid and utterly erroneous; after all they put us and the world through; after 110% guilty; and after having to listen to a dumbass and a jackass for hours on end for the past twenty something years; they do not have to go and do not want to? Can we say pain? Can we say punishment? Can we say hurricane? How about a earthquake or flood them out? What would God do? What or how much suffering can this enemy and this pest take? They have convinced themselves their pressure tactics keep others as prisoners while they are free and can do anything or on anyone they want. How about throw their little asses out and punish them with everything we have? Will that teach them or change them? Will that change our world and get rid of this nuisance and dumbass in our life? Being poor and helping poor people is not sufficient of an excuse for all of this. The fact they feel sorry for themselves does not expand the fact other people cannot stand their guts. Let my Generals a game of chicken is being played by the nationalist and they need to go; the sooner the better and to level them anyhow they can. They can kiss my ass up to the point I turn 40, 50, or even 60; nothing is going to embrace them or shower them with the accolade they seek. This piece of shit needs to die and deserves it. They also think playing this game with us about how they feel is going to compel us to empathize for them; tell them to F off and go away Ann; let's see if they understand english? Make sure they know we want them dead and hate their guts Ann; maybe they will not repeat the same mistakes? Come to our home and bother us and we will kill you with the latest and greatest crime prevention tools. I do not think jealousy is our motive; perhaps there is a conspiracy on their side? This is what the liberals, the Catholics, the blacks, and the poor have turned into when they starve; a jackass. They are a jerk about satellite warfare and our biography also; extreme jealousy. They have to hold the door open and if they bleep out a stupid comment; it is slammed in their faces and we laugh hilariously. We really enjoy people with no education or morals in our life trying to mess it up even more? We yearn to be so evil and so be so confident?

How stupid are they and how evil do we have to fight? They are the slaves also; who the hell do they think they are? I hope my Generals are prepared to fight this human trash; this is how they think. They are prisoners and if they do not keep this pressure up; this enemy will breed and spread. Close the exits, block off the city, and let's prepare to fight on our level; so they want a war? They do not want to stop or surrender for arrest? They think they belong and it is their country? Their world? Let me use them to sharpen my tools or have my fun. Welcome to the world of the poor and homeless? They want to bring out the worst in us? We are their prisoners? This is how we practice and how we refine our war on this human junk politics. This is about jealousy? Are we jealous or are we sick of hearing the lies of a dumbass or loser? Did we come into their life and act like a jackass or did they? Did we follow them home or come to their home? Did we feed one lie after the other, the best one was "we worry sick about you." Who is using who as propaganda? Who is doing this until someone kills them or arrests them? Who is this enemy and why do they hide? Not a bone of courage in them; all cowards. We are not jealous of the liberals and they are so stupid; they have somehow annoyed us enough where we want them dead; and it is not because of jealousy either. We are smarter. We look nice and neat. We enjoy the good life. How jealous are we and how much do they worry sick about us? Their mistake was when they came into our life and came to our life and said this; or used these attacks to suggest they are studying us and are the same. We are such good friends with a human piece of junk. Are we really living their life and do we really need them in our life? This is how crazy and how obnoxious the Catholics, Jews, and the liberals have gotten; just take a look at Fox News or the Republican Party. We do not waste a breath or loose any sleep while they put so much effort into nothing. They hide as if they do not even have a home or a place to call their own; a bunch of poor lackeys who need friends. Let's see it for what it really is and silence that babble or phony talk; won't we?

Ann, Hannity and Fox News are completely nuts. First of all, they know I know who they are and what they did. Had it not been for my security; matters would be much worse. Secondly, Hannity is going on TV and claiming he is only guilty of sexual harassment. All of them are guilty of conspiracy for several other matters; such as coming to my home and me writing to the FBI about it. Pretending to be the police while trying to rob us; did not create this enemy they want to recruit. Utilizing a total fraud to suggest their intentions need no explanation. Demanding we pay their taxes or extortion for services that messed up our life; constantly skimming. How long and how many times did we revisit the same crime committed; getting caught and chased off and then coming back repeatedly as if we forgave them or are forgetful. All of this under some guise of a personal relationship (marriage, dating, parents, family ties, etc...); yet they still have not made a recruitment or cured this personnel problem because what they have to offer is nothing and death. Keep in mind the cornerstone of satellite warfare is mutually assured destruction and all stratagems only entail brinkmanship. Brinkmanship does not determine the outcomes; what does is circumvention of the enemy and their strategy.

He led investigators on a wild goose chase and concealed all of this; now he says you might sue him. They continue to suggest to me they are the best planners and plotters; I have to pay their tax and I do not get a refund; extortion. The reason they are completely nuts is it is all on tape and they deny it all. For a bunch of communist spies; I have to say they are the best I have seen and are very advanced. As we can also see clearly, they feel they can also get away with murder, rape, and other charges. They think all of this war and fighting is merely about sexual harassment. They expect all of these attacks on us to win over the public trust, line their pockets, and have us begging out of their hands. When in the last twenty-two years did this ever occur; ever? Moreover, we find out all of them are sex offenders on a mission to convince everybody they are not as bad as they seem; give them a chance, and another, and another. How important are they? It's never our money, war money, American money; it's always their money. How important do they look like now? The type of personnel they are trying to produce is not even mentionable. The impact they wish on our life failed and only simulated a blockade; up until they got caught.

Now they admit to that; I need to inform them about probable cause and anything they say can and will be used against them in a court of law. The only problem is it is a little too late; much too late. All of them are acting like we are the problem, it is no big deal, we will get over it, they are sorry, and we cannot get away or stop them. It always comes down to a refund doing business with them and how they demand we pay their taxes. What is all of this about? "...entirely Democratic cash cows, they managed to dirty up enough Republicans to make it seem like bipartisan corruption." They want to spread it and suggest terrorism was bipartisan; racketeering was bipartisan; attacking us was bipartisan; rape and murder was bipartisan; anything is possible is bipartisan; and our life was open to them or this bipartisan objectivity. I guess that is also what got them twenty Katrinas’ and a lot of hell money. All of that fighting and killing was not about bipartisan corruption or objectivity; not a bit. Obviously, we are the eye of that storm. Everything is geared to defeat and stop us; a blockade. If it is not a robbery then it is an extortion or an outpouring of love.

Government is not a job you get rich at. Our business is we win wars. Some people have gotten rich because they are in the high technology field. You do not and will never get rich at crime or corruption. Mix crime and government together and you get a powerful mix of traitors, communists, drug wars, decline, and a fight to the death; the problem with the nationalists. They go into government, find out there is nothing for them; and they resort to this death wish or these plots to suggest they are victims of violence; they are not. They are willing to die or a few bucks and willing to die trying to rob the hell out of the nation and others. Again, we fight wars and win them; but the best mind and the best technology keeps us superior. How did a complete jackass wreak so much havoc in the most important development in the history of mankind or our future? I will say this again, we fight wars and we win them; decisively. If they want to play this game and refuse to surrender to arrest or fix any of this; then it is to their own demise. Do not deal with it when you get there; if you are there now and been stuck there for a long while. Again, the impact they wanted to our life was temporary; we had an escape route. The personnel they are trying to recruit and build is what got them the death penalty; yet they are only willing to admit to sexual harassment?

The deadline is 2012; they either provide the full truth or take it to the grave. Maybe if I park my car at your house, this infighting and the attacks on me will stop; and the rape and murder plot on you Ann. If you want my help; then you have to work with me and try new or different ways. I got them on this end and they are weak on crime; their position is if I do not like it, move or find a new country. I put a deadline on this and there is nothing they can do or say; not even worth debating or wasting our time any further. I am glad they can prove they tried everything because there is a paper trail we did. Duress. They set it up and then tried to cover it up; and that is what got them shut down or the wrath of God. We made them guilty by exposing them; not in lying or attacking them; they refused to end this on our terms. This is what I am going through; they feel they are in control and I will abide or must meet their settlement. They are trying to settle it; but only after they are done or got all their miles. I think they offered 50k; some ridiculous number and then debated why it was so low. Again, like 911 they are not the victims of violence; they are the instigators and behind it. This is how they take over and steals; get used to it because the nationalist are Mr. Questionmark. Who do we know is Mr. Questionmark? Are they certain or is there something else going on? Weak on crime or refuses to stop? Does deadline mean anything? Accountability? The truth? Inferior? How about addressing the real culprits? We have thrown every defense measure at them; how is this occurring; every single one has been thrown at them. Now we ran out and there is a deadline; we ran out of methods. Who exactly asked them to be in our life or to do any of this, who? I will say this 100 times for the world and everybody to hear; we are in the business of fighting and winning wars; not listening to a sex offender kidnap us or our family.

The problem is we cannot change history or reverse it. The problem is we are living with a sex offender. The problem is we have people in our life, good or bad, who are weak on crime. The problem is they are inferior and very stupid. The problem is we are ready to kill them. The problem is we are fed up with this abduction and kidnapping. The problem is we do not want them in our life; not the reverse. The problem is they are going around saying or broadcasting they are victims of violence. The problem is they have no life and nobody can fix this. The problem is they are inadequate and uncertain. The problem is I cannot seem to get a refund while they calm say how it is only business. The problem is they refuse to tell the truth. The problem is it is more than one and more than 100 of them involved. The problem is we have the most important project on planet earth. The problem is we are inconvenienced. The problem is they are weak on crime and will not go away. The problem is we are not the culprits and should not have any charges or convictions; a clear record. The problem is our life was taken over and invaded; by some government employee union or secret government. The problem is they are trying to get away and cover this up. The problem is they keep talking to us and trying to debate this. The problem is one racketeering scam after the next. The problem is they paralyzed everything; even the economy. Do they have any idea what they put us through? Do they? They dragged us into some game with a sex offender, communist, and nationalist spy; then acted completely innocent when 110% guilty. Everybody was trying to get away and they kept fighting this. The problem is how they dragged us into this and who was behind it. Imagine if one hundred earthquakes or hurricanes arrived because of this or God and aliens were pissed off or wanted them dead; the public has to endure this? The entire world and planet earth has to read the history of satellite warfare?

We can keep going on and on about what exactly the problem is. The problem is they do not know what the hell they are doing or ever did. The problem is they refuse to get an education or the proper training. The problem is this keeps going on and on when we need change and a good work force; not a bad or crazed one. The problem is we are not Catholics and do not like sex offenders. The problem is we are not mafia or criminals. The problem is we have a good life and should; but they want this or our life. There a lots of problems; and a beautiful life; however, our beautiful life has been smeared, tarnished, and made to suffer with these murder plots, terror plots, character assignations plots, crime, poor people, etc... It is the result of a delusional relationship with the Jews and the Catholics; the usual suspects. That is a lot of problems in the last 22 years and I am only 41. For them to make this challenge, this guilty and then try to get away or get killed over a few bucks; is why they need to check into an asylum or be deported. They are lying, they knew and know we want to kill them and avoid them at any cost. They would not let us have our way. They kept adding more problems into the oven until all of us were fighting for our life. Now they try to blame us or look like they are not weak on crime; they are. That is the nationalist and how the Nazis and communist work; and who let them in our life? We are not Jews or Catholics and they drag us into this game with a psychopathic sex offender. Do they know what they put us through or what the public was put through? Even if twenty Katrina hurricanes arrived; the public would savor the moment and punish them more. How about a refund and our rent back? Let's start small, how about a refund? Call the police on us in favor of the sex offender? We are protestants who invited these people? The Catholics have and are condemned for eternity on planet earth; want more of this? They also want to die for a few bucks and while robbing the most powerful military on earth. That is a real death wish and it is proven. Intern or deport them now? Shut them down or take them out now?

They are poor and they are homeless smearing others or trying to aggravate them; we don't even like them either. All of it was false and slander. When they are this guilty and this inferior; they become this much of a problem. Worse, they will try anything to cover it up or accuse those who stopped them or put them in a bad situation. Safety wise the police are guilty as sin but the labor unions protect them; obviously the safety concern is tantamount and they have nothing; nothing. We look ten times better and they look ten times worse; nothing but the cat and mouse games goes on and on. Do not seek your wealth or power when with bad company or these losers. We need a new labor force and a lot of change; a lot. They will not make these changes; total refusal. At most they will attack our relationship and not us. How about address the false police reports? Racketeering? Abuse of power and wrecking our marriage? How about don't do anything unless it is in writing? Is it in writing? You can get away with murder if their police are on duty; look at the homicide levels and crime. Why? They are victims of crime and we don't even give a damn about them; welcome to the world of the poor, communist, and the McD's terrorist. They side with the criminals because they get more respect and more benefits than they will ever get with us. Too bad it is true; too bad it is not true about us. Had they done nothing and not attacked us when in doubt or guilty; we would not be here. They better be 100 per cent certain or else fire them. That is my only warning now. We know they are biased and circled us. They are guilty 110% and we fight them 130% now than before; but we ran out of time and patience. We ran out of money. They better start fixing that weak on crime career or start running planet earth right; no less our life, there is a god damn deadline on this mess. Exactly what is their pay grade to be doing this? I will say this 100 times for the world and everybody to hear; we are in the business of fighting and winning wars; not listening to a sex offender kidnap us or our family. Do they understand what I say when I said, "We are in the business of winning wars?"

The McD's terrorist in our life feels you are filing for divorce so they want to be there for me or be my buddy. I don't even like them and I know what they did. We are trying to get rid of them, honestly; and they made up a story about divorce. And they were behind any and all divorce because they got caught and were stopped by the world's fiercest top secret program. Sounds exactly like 911, these false arrests, who we have, and how they are victims of violence. Ann, are you going to invite them over so they can F with my car also? Don't you think it is time you address this problem? Your filthy associates are coming to me telling me to pack my things and leave. They are innocent. Additionally, you are coming to me and doing everything they do (get away, die over money, sex allegations, lying and more lying, covering this up, etc... It feels like you are the one who is shooting up McD's; but more problems occur while you keep this going so you can "stop" them. Your life was perfect with me in 2009; nearly perfect. Now the people behind this are telling me to pack my things and go; even find a new country or move out of America. I am ready to kill them Ann. If I ever see them in my life again; I will put you up to starting a fight. They may want to try avoiding any future contact instead of barking orders clandestinely. Someone has to fix this; if not you, them, and then someone. They wanted you to pay for everything in my life (medical, expenses, etc...) while they antagonized it. I wanted to kill them. I still want to kill them. The police let them and allow them to get away with murder. 2012 is the deadline but until then, take care of my car; how they acted in my life will determine how they are treated in 2012. Even if twenty Katina hurricanes hit them; they would not and refuse to learn anything. Nothing. Weak on crime? Refuse to go after the real culprits? A menace to society and planet earth? Refuse to cover our story; only cover it up? Total felon and turdball? Doesn't want to loose their job or reputation? Willing to die over a few bucks? How many comments or evil acts did I get in the last week or so? Exactly. It is getting better? There are fewer problems?

The deadline on this is 2012; I do not want to hear this crap anymore understood? Is I clear on this? I guess your boyfriend parked his car there or lives there now? You do owe me money also, whatever. All of them think we are their bitch; and they are not coming around and will not show their face ever again. Are they fighting over you or me now? I am allowed to piss you off and you are allowed to piss me off and much more; they are not. Stopping them is not a crime; wrecking our marriage is or pretending you can do a better job at being my partner. They are not victims of crime. Not only is it the media not covering it; it is the police also Ann. You don't get this in Asia Ann; it is a deliberate attack. They ignore civil rights unless it benefits them. Do you have any idea what they have done when you say, "Don't do anything" Ann? Any idea? Freedom and political power does not give them the right to do anything they want in our life; so it must be taken away or they will be destroyed. Ann, I am glad you had the sense to walk away from this and them; finally. Stop making me watch it and stop making them involved in my life; I do not want to hear or see them in our life ever again; ever. When they are this weak, this lazy, this inferior, and this much of a problem; they are of no help whatsoever; none. If they would tell the truth; it was not be such a big mess and so many people suffering. Fire them before the inevitable happens. They are trying to be my buddy and have been on this end also. They see me as the problem; not them. They feel I have to move or find a new country. They are weak on crime and total liars; not worth saving at all. Do not spend a god damn dime on them and the people behind this need to watch their backs; they will be hunted down eventually and they will pay dearly. You do not go after victims of crime or terrorists at this level and live to do more of this. When in doubt; do nothing. It is not favoritism either.

I am parking my car at your house and I will leave a note to get in touch with me; I am also in danger. They may retaliate if Generals go after them. They will use you or me as a shield. Your effort to train them to leave us alone or not interfere in our life; did not go as planned. They did the same thing in my life: 1. came into it uninvited or circled me. 2. began going to bars or toying with others in my life. 3. Began to take over or make the most obnoxious moves, acts, or decisions. 4. Acted as if they were welcomed, could do this, or had permission from me; as a parent would. What I did was filed a complaint with the FBI and all hell broke out. Twenty years after, they still do this and we are still fighting them; but they want to die over money, they want to get away, they want to use us, and they want to keep it going and going; a repeat offender who thinks this is their life or we are living their life. Had they checked into an insane asylum; none of this would have happened, but it did so history will judge them and for a very long time. Work on us Ann; I will park my car in your driveway; make up a story about your boyfriend spending the night. Do not let them F with my belongings and if they so much as open their mouth, I will kill them. Either these errors just keep repeating or someone does not want to be accountable and wants to get off easily. Who is this weak on crime? Are they victims of violence also? Are they sex offenders and prone to lying and deceit? Do they know how to run a country or the world's top secret mission? Prove it? Sounds like more of the same and "if you don't like it find another country sex offender." How did this enemy and all these poor people get in our life; perchance or happenstance? We put up 100 per cent and fight them 120%; how does it happen? They lied 110% while trying to trick the public into believing they were victims and not the culprit; as they called in one bomb plot and attack after the next. This is how we also caught and exposed them. Does it look like Vietnam now? We won hands down. They do not have a chance in war when and if the right leadership is in place. Welcome to World War III and IV; a major attack and saboteur effort.

Do the police know what a repeat offender is? Do they know what to do when in doubt? Have they ever been in a war or ran a country? How about a top secret mission? They have not learned a damn thing and did the exact same thing to me; as I took this to the FBI in 1998. Is this about getting rid of them or they fighting over us now? It is getting so messed up and so long; I forget. Oh yes, we are still their prisoner and we are still in their prison or being attacked. I don't mind you pissing me off so long as you are trying to stop them or get rid of them; but they are attacking me and making it as painful as possible; I need you here so we can take this to the new level and defend our life at the deadline of 2012. The government is apathetic and does not have skin in this fight; none. We cannot fire these servants and they are invading politically; must escalate and take it to the next level or tier. You don't get this crazy shit in Asia or in Asian cultures; you do with these black and white trash; too much. Let the Japanese read this or the Malaysians; see what they think. The Civil Rights laws are a scam to rob people; a total farce and so is their freedom. Does the public and the police have any idea what they have done and do since this began twenty years ago? Don't do anything? It is everyday and every waking minute. The abuse of power is so gross; they keep it rolling downhill, 110% guilty and done on Asians and whites. They loved civil rights when it applied to immigrants and blacks; they hate it when it is used against the communist and left wing; it seeks accountability or the truth. How about focusing on the real culprits? How about reporting the most important events in our life? How about reporting and not tinkering or F'in with the most important events on planet earth? This does impact a lot of people; how about some fair and honest reporting? We also deserve a refund; nobody pays for this treatment. All of this is too little too late. What did they get paid for this?

Fact: The reason I left in 2006 was to save up money, finish my book, and buy all their property at wholesale. I did not think it would be such a small tiny endeavor and expected an earthquake. Yes, I knew what was coming and headed for high ground. Ann, it is time to head for high ground; it is a foot race; hurry up. We can buy them at wholesale after if this is about money. I am not going to die over a few bucks or for a sex offender and rapist. Let them tell the public this crap, not me. Satellite warfare is based on mutually assured destruction and all stratagems only entail craftsmanship. Marksmanship does not determine the outcomes; what does is circumvention of the enemy and their strategy.

Ann, even you are acting innocent and asking for forgiveness. You will risk life and limb just to get away; one of you is guilty. You fight this enemy over a few bucks. You risk life and limb over money. You get in their face and try to get yourself killed over money. You nickel and dime like a crack dealer; and it is about money while your marriage goes to hell. Then you act innocent to them; while completely romanced by me. All of you are trying to get killed or will get killed over a robbery? All of you are going to get killed, fighting like an idiot "mine, its mine, not yours"; over money? Who is the idiot and the thief here? Who is trying to get away? Who is trying to get killed over a few bucks or money? Now I hate my country. I hate the police. I hate my marriage. I have to sit here and watch while you and these people fight over a few bucks and get killed like the jackass they truly are. None of you want to leave and all of you lack some planning or some clear thinking. You act innocent; they act innocent; and I am completely paralyzed. I am not going to keep this going; there will be a deadline in 2012. All of you can get killed over a few bucks or try to get away. How about documenting it so someone or somebody will fix it if not them? Want to know what I think? I think they are in major trouble and they realize 10 out of 10 people will hunt them down and make them pay for all of this. They elected to be here and do this; nobody put a gun to their head ever. Nobody put them in duress; so self defense is impossible. A respected citizen, a victim of violence, America's most taken care of and beloved; or just a terrorist, rapist, sex offender, felon, loon, turdball, and enemy who completely refuses to do the right thing and only wants to be known as "anti-terror" forces or loved for such "non-violent" protest? Who did we catch and who are we fighting for our life against? You can get away with murder with any of them; and even rape? This is about money and control; or something else? What is it, traitor? How did America produce so many sons who are born in the USA and such traitors? They are the welcome mat for immigrants and like to cherry pick or kidnap new immigrants or be their coach? Nice coach.

Ann, fight each other or rape each other over a few bucks; what the hell does it matter any longer? If they want to die over a few bucks; let them Ann. I am so good at this Ann, I have to address it; so if you all want to die, then leave me out of it. If you want to get away, then you better work harder or hurry up. If you want to rob each other and create a disaster; you have one. What exactly do you want me to say or do? My options are depleted; show me a General who knows exactly what to do with this enemy. They are 110% guility and they are acting or portraying themselves as 100% innocent; we are aggressors. What a thief and a fool all of you turned out to be; it is ridiculous how you die for money and over such petty measly work. Who is the madman? Why didn't they stop? Why didn't they check into an insane asylum? Why did they try to get away? Why didn't they obey our warnings and do the right thing? Why didn't they do what 10 other people would? Why did they listen to their conscience? Who are they listening to and why? Why did they not fix any of this and leave it the way it is; it is the history of satellite warfare; this is the biggest insult on planet earth. There are too many questions that get creative lies; total lies. How about the truth? How about documenting it so someone or somebody will fix it if not this communist spy and terrorist? How many false arrests and false police reports are there? Just forget about it and pay the rent? Accept their prison and spying efforts to talk to us or control our life? Accept how they have their way with us and are sex offenders? How about kill them while they are caught trying? Who the F housed us or forced us to live with a sex offender and a terrorist? Who! I would like to see one of the 50 states disappear; one less worry. We love them and there are no worries, none. How phony are they? I suspect anybody who would try this on us and then keeps it going for so long just to invent this idea they are victims of violence or their church was bombed; would cause extreme misery for their people and pull a Bernie Maddoff. They would even send their own victims into the thralls of death; do we need a good case or several examples?

Check into an insane asylum? Put them on medication and arrest them for violence? How in hell does anybody fix this when they refuse to check into an insane asylum? Then twenty years from now; how in hell and how does history show their appreciation? They want to be in our life and will use us so they can go down in history as victims of violence and innocent? Victims of terrorism and church bombings? They are the homeless, dumbasses, sick as hell, obese, and total loons; not a victim of violence or some non-violent protector seeking a Nobel Peace Prize. They will pay for this? Who is full of hate? Who is this lousy immigrant who turns America's top ass and prick? This is what they died for; to be known as victims of non-violence. Crazy or maniacal and psychopathic? Why not leave them alone? They think they are the same? They have something to offer? They are special and the most beloved? They are not interested? Antagonize them and keep them down? Go to war with them, kidnap them, and do even worse things; or did we match them at their crime? They forgot we won't do that and we are not just like them. We are very different human species; very. They are animals, we are humans whose history are being read before billions of people; so is theirs. Free advertisement? Who is trying to get killed over money? Who is trying to get away? Who is paralyzed? Who is 100% guilty? Who are our 911 terrorist and a victim of violence and hate? How long did they bottle this up and made us chase them; resisting arrest anyway possible; even murder and rape plots? Millions and billions have to die for this scumbag and slave? Is this a joke? Satellite warfare and the history of our planet have to tolerate this bastard and turdball? A lazy fat ass in our life mocking us or slandering our name? They don't like us? They have a problem with us? They want us to go home or go away; shut up? Victims of violence or traitor? How phony are they and do they get anymore real? Where is the bottom of their soul?

They think you are the problem. They think I am mentally ill and poor, near homeless. Who in hell invited this idiot and enemy into our life; that piece of shit deserves to die and be shut down in the most violent and destructive way possible. Does the Pentagon or FBI have any ideas how we can win this or shut this public nuisance and enemy down? Email me and get on Ann's ass about this lawsuit she has for sexual harassment, boyfriend and girlfriends, drinking buddies, etc... the deadline is 2012; if they have a problem or feel threatened; if they feel I am the problem and need to leave or find a new country; then for God sakes wear a bullet proof vest, carry a concealed, and shut the F up. That is the same game they play with us and I made this crystal clear the deadline is 2012; with or without them. Wear their helmet and flak vest issued to them since we are at war and they feel threatened. That is the best advice I can give them. As for you Ann, stop trying to get away and stop trying to get killed over a few bucks; all of you will die robbing each other and creating the most elaborate alibi and robbery story we have ever seen. You people are the greediest, dumbest, and most pathetic shit I have ever seen; wear your war vest and put your helmet on, you will need it after the deadline. We are not going to waste our life on a McDonald's terrorist; tell that loon to go and blast McD's without us and leave us alone; there is a deadline on this and it will be enforced with prejudice. I love how they use the history of satellite warfare and tried to destroy us, rape us, and rob us to get into history. I doubt it will work and I doubt if the history of satellite warfare will allow it once, twice, or even three times. All the advice I have for them is to check into an insane asylum and quickly; before they get sued or an investigation is on them for all of this. Push it to the limit and it will snap bigger and badger; why they need to check into an insane asylum. I will say it 100 times for the world and everybody to hear; we are in the business of fighting and winning wars; not listening to a sex offender kidnap us or our family.

Hurricane and earthquake duty does not abide by this formula obviously; rob each other and then try to get away. How about the truth? How about the real story? How about putting your helmet on and your bullet proof vest if you are at war! It is not self defense until we see self defense methods. I am confused with who is scared of whom Ann. All of them are trying to get away; with what? What did they get or what exactly did they die about? Why not tell the world or at least document it; if it is worth that much. I am a man of my word and this is just pathetic and unacceptable; a deadline has been set with no more debate about. Do you hear me; my Generals cannot sit there and ask whether or not I am lying, bluffing, or just a victim. War over money is the most pathetic crap I have ever witnessed. When someone declares war on our mission or this country; we kill them. If it is personal or a personal war; then we can elect much worse and make them suffer much more. When it is personal; expect their head to be taken off. When war is waged; we kill our enemies; that is the creed of SATWAR and the principle of satellite warfare on earth; no spin or crazy shit. Don't do it if you have a problem; don't do the crime either if you have the time. Nobody wants to hear it after the fact or how it got this way; this enemy wants to shoot up McD's and die over a few bucks; they are homeless and bankrupt, otherwise they would protect their wealth and riches. This is the history of satellite warfare; no apologies needed and it will not go down in history or be treated like a joke and a total loser by homeless people or the labor movement. This is the history of satellite warfare on planet earth; shouldn't they crawl? Shouldn't they check into an insane asylum before more people get hurt or this is our road map? Call me stupid; but stupid is as stupid does. When and if 20 or 100 Katrina's arrive; the public will cut their throats. I will say it 100 times for the world and everybody to hear; we are in the business of fighting and winning wars; not listening to a sex offender kidnap us or our family.

It would be a little better, a bit more helpful, and worth something if you would put a little planning into this Ann. All you keep saying is how you need my help, you are in pain, you are sorry, you do not want to break up, and you know what you are doing. A house or some gift is not good enough Ann. People are really pissed and I am really pissed off. I said the deadline was 2012; not a party and celebration for you to go to or add on your list. Now because of you, my car may be towed. I should just put my car in your god damn drive-way and let you deal with it. I hope in the future you think things out and plan a little better before sending me off on another goose chase. You better take care of my classic restored car which has been vandalized and due in part because of your delusional and idiotic relationship with the Catholics and the Jews. Thank you so much for inviting them into my life and my family. Apparently, they are doing this for you; not for me now and it just never stops or ends. My car could get towed and I could be stranded because you refuse to get rid of them and caused one hell of a disaster; strike one down for the state of Florida and the federal government. Do you want to know who is the most affected by this? Me. I get it from you and then I get it from them; meanwhile, you could have used a little thought and planned this little better because the New Yorkers and the loons you call neighbors in Palm Beach County; are going to tow my car and we are in a stalemate or total paralysis. Last time they put their hands on me; they got more regrets than 200 years put all together. Do not make this mistake again; ever. Can we say pathological liars? Can we say pathological thieves? Can we say, get me a new work force or labor force by 2012 or else they are dead? I am not going to waste my life on this and piss my life away on a robber who is a dumbass and a turdball. Explain how they died over a book or a few books? Explain to me how much they stole or could not get away it; what exactly did they get out of this? They made this history and our biography; they need to understand it is not a joke and the danger they are in. They need to understand the parameters the Generals must operate by; do you or would you accept that history or record by your enemy and sworn foe? Are we this generous and this proper? Oh yes, blame it on Ann and have Ann fix it all for them; while they try to rape and murder her?

I already said 2012 is the deadline; nothing else is acceptable; I hope you hear clearly and I hope my Generals hear crystal clear. I no longer enjoy or like my marriage, this country, protecting them, fighting this idiotic war, or being in a state of paralysis. You figure something out and you tell those Generals to figure something out, with extreme prejudice. Do I make myself crystal clear? I don't care if you have to drag them out of their homes by their hair or hunt them down and shoot them. The deadline on this war is 2012; nothing else is acceptable. Now are you going to take care of my car or not since you dragged me down here and into your life; full of liberals, Catholics, Jews, and this lunatic McDonald's terrorist who is trying to tow my car and paralyze my life. Don't drag me into your life unless you plan a little and help me out also when I need it or have to find a girl who can be there Ann; they are using this against you idiot. Their story is they are 100 per cent innocent and you never get what you want; neither do I. We need to find a new country if we do not like it here; 2012 will be the last year I or the public will hear this crap; are you and my Generals clears on this? Good, now take care of my car as if it was my daughter who was beaten up badly. I will leave a note on there so you can call me when and if you are ready. I am fed up with your games and most of all theirs Ann; understood? They are sorry and this is the history of America? It is now the history of satellite warfare? Are you kidding me or is this some joke? I love how they use satellite warfare and our life for free advertisement. They want history to know them as the victors and not the losers? Please... They are all victims of violence, total losers, thieves, the mafia, criminals, etc... They will pay for this? This stupid and this dumb? This hateful and for nothing? This is what can happen when their leaders completely refuse to do the right thing or clean up a mess. The pillar of satellite warfare is mutually assured destruction and all stratagems only entail craftsmanship. Brinkmanship does not determine the outcomes; what does is circumvention of the enemy and their strategy.

I would appreciate you doing a bit more planning and helping me with my life problems; to say the least with the Catholics and the Jews; but most of all the blacks; holy crap! I have never seen total insanity but now I have; and they are laughing and saying "you are going to have to kill us." If I hear anymore shit after 2012; it is going to roll top down. I don't even like my marriage no less my country anymore. What exactly is this death sentence about; and can they show someone they got it? Robbery? Money? Sex? Marriage? It does not matter if they standown or not; deadlines have to be met. It is there for the record and the history of satellite warfare is there for the liking or not; God help them. The bottom line is they need to check into an insane asylum before they get millions or billions of people killed. We are here to stop them and this from happening; but we are paralyzed and were targeted. It is up to them, the deadline is 2012. This is our history and the history of America? Who is the madman? Why didn't they stop? Why didn't they check into an insane asylum? Why did they try to get away? Why didn't they obey our warnings and do the right thing? Why didn't they do what 10 other people would? Why did they listen to their conscience? Who are they listening to and why? Why did they not fix any of this and leave it the way it is; it is the history of satellite warfare; this is the biggest insult on planet earth. There are too many questions that get creative lie; total lies. How about the truth? How about documenting it so someone or somebody will fix it if not this communist spy and terrorist? How in hell does anybody fix this when they refuse to check into an insane asylum? Then twenty years from now; how in hell and how does history show their appreciation? Without duress, they are a sitting target and the worst felon this earth will know; dead and alive. Duress. Who the F housed us or forced us to live with a sex offender and a terrorist? Who!

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.