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Dear Bill Maher: I do not want to debate you or talk to you; because if I did, I would pull an Elizabeth Hasselbeck on you, deck your ass, and show why my reputation as a Gladiator strikes fear into the communist hearts and mind. However, don't ever say you want to talk or repeat my words; it will only get worse for you. You are a sick weak man; go away. Dear Chelsea: I have a great idea, call Bill Maher. This way nobody complains. You can show him your bee stung sexy finger and he can jump your bones and tell stories about how brilliant he is and how women adore him. Obviously, the two of you make a wonderful couple. He even knows your wiener. Call him and knock off the Nazi crank call; most people are repulsed by you people and it is not because you are strong, light skinned heated, funny, or wonderful people. Does that solve your problem or his in court? Good, tell the judge and the FBI why the two of you carried this on so long and what this is all about. Ann hates his guts and I know I could not ID you so I can't hate your guts, or can I? He does not want to know my reputation around the communist circles, trust me. It feels like a hussy and floozies you just can't get out off your shoes.

Chelsea, Ann wants to talk to you. Come on TV because she wants to know why you refuse to recognize or acknowledge her. You keep playing this game with me and calling; I call you a Nazi bitch. The moment Ann wants to talk to you, you get shy and defensive. Are you this scared of her or so scarred inside you cannot even think what to say? Ann says it is because of your father and how scared you are when she and I are together; so you block her out completely. Is this true? In the eyes of the world, you look like the biggest Nazi this world has ever laid eyes on; and you are pro-labor.
Ann knows it's you Chelsea and who you are. We know it is you Chelsea. I think you are a phony and a complete pest. The FBI knows you are phony and wants to nail you in more positions than one. How about it, call me with a real answer? Ann said to say hi to your dad for her and stay away from cigars. She also called you a few names I won't repeat and said you had Thanksgiving, turkey, or dinner in mind. I am not sure what it is all about but say hi to dad for me! I would say beyond deranged is where you are at right now; leave? Ann wants to talk to you about staying and the pictures you sent me; you forgot the face part. How do I post them? Does it still hurt so much after a bee stung your sexy finger? Your mom slept with whom? Aren't all of you married? Don't get shy on me all the sudden, Ann wants to talk. I am way out of your league and so is Ann; leave?

Oh no, they are not the biggest Nazi this world has ever seen. Oh no way can they be communist also. Hell no, they would never be deported, evicted, or arrested. In no way should they worry about what they are doing or who they are. Who are they? Yes, call in bomb plots without leaving a message or return call. Yes, it is their home. Yes, we are the problem and must leave. Yes, everything will be okay for them as soon as we leave. Yes after 20 years it still works like a charm; we leave and they always win. Yes, they are very big friends, BFF as a matter of fact, with Ann. In no way should they hurry or surrender on our terms, take their time and have a blast. No we don't mind them in our life and we are okay with them spying on us. Take whatever they want and call when they get a chance. Remember, offense only and nobody cares about motives or intentions because it is still up for grabs. It is all about money and jobs. Hitler is a striking politician, brilliant.
Is it me or can everybody read this? That is my complaint. I am paying rent and talking to Hitler at all hours of the day. I deserve a refund and damages. I had shut Hitler off at work and other places but he followed me home and kept telling me what he could or could not do for me or to me. In court, I will make this crystal clear; I do not enjoy talking to Hitler and having to deal with his emotional problems or mood swings. It has damaged my life tremendously and I have done just about everything possible short of blowing Hitler's head off; but that is what my sexy babe Ann is there for. Also, he is dumb as dirt and lives like a pig; disgusting. Yes, I have a major problem with Hitler talking to me, calling me, or trying to communicate with me. It is bad enough to sit there and fight off the devil; but to listen to Hitler himself tell me to leave, move, and what he and his forces are going to do to me; please. I have listened to retards in my life but this just takes the cake. East shit and die Hitler bitch; how about if you leave or move; you are the one in the FEMA trailer. You are very ignorant and make so many mistakes; what now? I also got a problem with Hitler calling me about his or her mood swings. One moment it is about how they made a mistake and are sorry. The next is leave or move. The next is how they want to help only, etc... At least change the clothes, you have hacked people to death, are a serial killer, and your clothing is still full of blood. So yes, I do mind Hitler calling me all hours of the day and tinkering with my girl or F'in with my life. They? Everything about them smells like dead flesh or a rotten corpse they could not hide.
The story and bio of Ann Coulter should have read, "Instead of a happy ending and a quick resolution; she had to hold them at gunpoint in her own bedroom while their PR team lied about what she was doing in her bedroom or the gun she held on them until the police got there or understood the story. One mistake and she was dead or raped. Their lawyers stopped the police from entering or blocked any rescue; which delayed and caused tremendous harm to both her and Alex. The behavior of the police were mediocre but they were up against a world class felon and terrorist plot. A lot is on the line and not just two people." The media bias failed to report this and the Justice Department ignored it for years while they list-ended to selected lawyers who were corrupt.

Dear Hitler Bitch or "Chelsea": I am glad you are sorry and cannot stop repeating "sorry" or "leave." I am the one who is sorry for having to experience your ridiculous life and parading your ridiculous life to the public. Furthermore, the truth is you sunk our battleship, so I am "sorry." You are good at one thing and one thing only; a beggar. Other than begging, there is not much use for you all. Your nonsense crime and senseless acts cannot erase how or why you are a beggar. Your insane appeals convince nobody about your kleptomaniac dictatorship. Your headquarters in New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, and Los Angeles; has not sprouted anything other than debt and misery. Your men are as retarded as they come; and your story in our life has become super retarded. This landlord or employer "mock trial" did not get you anywhere but one lawsuit after the other; for 1.5 billion dollars. This date and competition with Ann Coulter got you nearly killed; and her. Grandma got really excited and soiled her pants!
Begging you excel at; crime and punishments you remain a human piece of shit. You sunk our battleship and do not want to get blasted out of the water. All your media crack-heads want is to step down or quit in midstream; except the investigators who are still looking and targeting this cold war secret weapon and using us for this role. It is I who am sorry you are a super retard who feels they are on a date day and night; it is not, we truly hate your guts. You will spend the remainder in life stuck in hell; God help your followers. I hope your leaders will come to your aid when you are thoroughly without anything left in life but begging, "you sunk my battleship again." All these vacation, Golf, and retarded incitement and you are still a labor beggar who thinks they have deep pockets. You have not revealed me as the same or hidden who you truly are; a homeless wreck and a jpeg piece of shit. I am still not united or on this rental date you insist I am here for; tell Wasserman and West this can you? All of you belong in a FEMA trailer; not shouting at us or spying on our life.

I will say it again so this monkey can understand. I pay rent. I am not living or renting there to join a cult group, to join the union, to join the mafia or Democratic Party, or do anything more than pay rent. This emotional appeal about "leave" or how they paid Ann Coulter; is exactly the same. They need to be medicated and is some pervert lurking in our life. This fag thinks paying rent is a date. They continue to warp reality and act appeal their labor union ban. They continue to call us a bigot or hypocrite while not even writing any of this down; racketeering and extortion attempts. These New Yorkers are banned. We are not paying rent to be schooled, harassed, or join a terror plot. It is that simple and this is what the lawsuits entail. Simple basic life has been turned upside down by this maniac who sees so much more in nothing. Stop trying to find the right formula or just the right amount of pressure; how long is this going to keep going? Neither Ann or I am interested in their terror plot. If they have some dirt on us, write it down or come out with it now. Otherwise, the police are waiting to fingerprint them. It has been at least 10 landlords who feel this is a marriage or a date.

I hold these people personally responsible for legal fees, legal problems, each negative comment on my credit report, steps I had to take in order to evade this blockade, steps I had to take to evade espionage or extortion, steps I had to take to try and explain or fix some of the false information on my credit, check, and employable reports, and missed opportunity due to a lack of information or a cruel hoax while surrender and criminal charges were delayed. I hold them responsible for other companies taking advantage of opportunity while this blockade was underway. I hold them responsible for my inability to obtain employment due to false or improper reports generated on my credit history in the twenty years this has been ongoing. I hold them responsible for my inability to obtain capital and trying to solidify this "right wing conspiracy" on the Jews and the blacks; the labor party and Democrats; while none of it applied to myself or Asians. Do not forget the labor involved; over twenty years of forced labor and trying to clean up their "offense only" strategy and vindicate our life from a psychotic nutcase. Refusing to surrender to the authorities is a major insult.
All these negative marks will show an anomaly and strange events occurring in frequency. The impact had a tremendous affect on my credit, employment, and ability to obtain financing or vital resources. Then the harassment as they kept pounding in this idea both Ann and I had to accept this cruel hoax and a murder plot if we can identify them or made the wrong moves to trap and corner them. They are trapped and cornered at this time and it took a lot to get here; I am suggesting war and have ordered my Generals to unleash hell unlike they have ever seen. The records will show I had to cap the damages at 1.5 billion because they were so neurotic and psychotic after being caught; they added more and more years and more and more attacks on over two decades already. It was win at any cost and all cost in the end with no concern about the rights of others. They had to be taken to a breaking point; a point where failure is imminent or hell on earth. I am sure God or Aliens will begin the earthquake and hurricane campaign on them after the deadline of 2012. Then there is the case Ann has and what her legal team has to work on. I can understand why the big chase and refusal to end this legal chase.
Nobody said they could do any of this and nobody ever said, even now; they were ever allowed to do any of this. But they did it. So if they get a hurricane or a few earthquakes; then they know it is time to pack up and leave. First pay the legal damages of 1.5 billion and rat out the human piece of shit they call themselves. Refusing to surrender to the authorities is a major insult. Nobody ever said they can or will do this; but they did and it did happen. How we stopped them will be quantified until they have had enough; go to hell and the world will know who your coward ass truly is or was. I place my honor and name on this; you are going to have a rough ride, a very rough one where your teeth and finger nails fall out. All you had to do was turn yourself in and do the right thing; not F up the country and our life up even more or violate more retarded incitements. KEEP TALKING YOUR STUPID SHIT MF AND KEEP COMING TO MY RESIDENCE OR SPYING ON ME; WE STOPPED YOU DEAD IN YOUR TRACKS BEFORE AND WILL AGAIN AND AGAIN. THIS TIME YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET ANY CHANCE TO RUN YOUR MOUTH, WE GOT WHAT WE NEED AND REALLY DON'T NEED YOU ANYMORE.
People do not understand, they put a gun to my head and said I will go undercover and do as they wish. I will open doors and lead them to this cold war secret if it took my entire life. If there was an SDI or a secret weapon, they were willing to go all the way to the nuclear levels. They did on me what the US did to the communist forces; using some rogue police. Also, my fear was introducing this at the wrong time, satellite warfare, I had to out-maneuver them or else the retaliation they were doing would be a direct hit on our bow. I was locked on by a missile and I knew the time was getting shorter; I ordered Ann to hurry up and work faster. She did not go on vacation or have a day off since this began. Look how they treated her and what they did to her; even if she worked day and night. It was her plan to catch them; not mine. My plan involved unleashing hell and meeting up in Canada, but I never made it. She agreed to meet up and I had ordered her to meet me at the beach in the early 1990s and then in 2000-2002. The treatment she got was retaliation; this from hardcore moles and terrorists. Unless they found someone to be their eyes and ears; they cannot win and already had collapsed financially. Their military was nearly destroyed or dismantled, up for sale. Domestically the 1960s was a total disaster and the drug war blew up on them and got most of them killed. This is how I got in this and how Ann got so tangled up in twenty years of this; but she loved it.
Stepping down will not fix this or amend anything. I tried to fight it and evade them; too strong. Therefore, I had to shut my life down and hit the strip bars. I intentionally planted evidence, what I call the 10% on them similar to a trace dye at banks. Weiner, Spitzer, Clinton, Bush, Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Fox News, and literally the entire Democratic Party had this dye on them. They used this 10% on me to suggest I cheated or had an affair; was sexting, etc... I used my love life as bait and a weapon. I plead guilty to this; but not any lewd or evil act; I call it a sacrifice bunt to hit the maximum home runs, a strategy. The dye showed up in more places and we have a list; we also know their strong holds, nests, and where they have control. They were ordered to shut down and turn themselves in; in the name of nationalism and the community. I just proved what they saw and reported was the complete opposite of what really went on. They chose me because I was a stud, an honor student, knew powerful people, and had been trained early in life by commandos. I was also a varsity athlete and a jack of all trades; incredible muscle memory and brain. We know who they are and we know what they are up to.
A Democrat is nothing more than one step from becoming a communist or socialist, however, the attacks are coming from the Republican and right wing. The people behind 911 were the Democrats, specifically, the blacks, labor unions, rich slave owners, and this police force we had to destroy. All the blame for 911 is directed at the blacks and the Jews; there is no way around this. This is why we do not work with Democrats or want them around. This is who is spying on us and who is on this end with babble, that scrawny reptilian voice I recognize.
All of this was based on the work I had done. They not only wanted to block it; they wanted everything. I had been researching the cold war and how we beat the communist forces around the globe. I read everything and studied satellite or electrical engineering; obsessed with and now the world's best satellite designer and the inventor of satellite warfare. I know the cold war inside out and what they had or we had. It all surrounded my life and work; which they made me look stupid or kept saying I had a low IQ and needed medication. They were angry and wanted revenge; for many things. They knew this went back to the Vietnam War and the most trusted commandos on earth. Mistaken for Delta Force, they followed me and put me under 24 hours espionage, watch, and brain washing.
Had they found this "office" or "conspiracy" they would have sent John Mohammed, Timothy McVeigh, or even Al Queda to take out or blow up this "I want you to fail" plot against the communists. I had studied Reagan and the Cold War. Reagan's strategy against the communist was to outspend them; humiliate them with the pocketbook. Here we are watching them reverse or do it back on us. What Ann did is exactly what they did. Used me as a scout or some bloodhound. Ann then retraced their steps and did back what they are guilty of. When I asked Limbaugh why he had done 911 and these terror plots; he refused to answer. The answer is this "Right Wing Conspiracy" and this Reagan Strategy which they felt we had in place or were implementing. To this day, they only found Alex and Ann; this is what they found on this "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" or "I want you to fail" movement against the blacks and involving Asian companies. They despise Asians but they cannot escape the evil politics they created with multiculturalism or minority bias.
When it came to the drug wars; they used it to mobilize a force that would and could instill revolution and armed overthrow of local and state government. There is the answer to the WTC and 911; Limbaugh did not answer it directly. There is the answer to McVeigh and Muhammad; also Al Queda. Had they led guilty; I was going to nail them like a sniper. God talks to me and he will make sure the Empire earthquakes and hurricane them to death. First let's have a little game with the 10% they have on us and the damage they have caused; set at 1.5 billion dollars. They also expected Ann to slap them on the risk and pay her handsomely or give her as many hung men as she wanted. Another insult so disgusting she does not want me to accuse her of it. This is why she was furious with me; what they did and how she defended herself. They are looking to step up to the plate if this conspiracy existed and Limbaugh and these moles are looking for our cold war weapons; our secret weapon against communism.
I had told Ann in the late 1990s they had me in a death lock. They were trying to force death on me due to worry or stress. Every single move and place I went; they were right behind. If it was to be a backup or invent this conspiracy plot they were going to kill or take out; I do not know. I then told her if I had any chance to survive this; she has to take up the slack while I do diversions, under the radar, and various evasion methods. This led to a chase across the US and Canada; mostly strip clubs. I sat there and waited to see which city they controlled while I isolated who ran and had control of the area; who was it and who was behind this; white or black. Ann then used the information I gave her in the 1990s to match or shadow me. She knew they were watching closely and listening for a ping. I told her blacks and labor unions were behind this; communist spies. At no time did they intend on letting me go or letting up. Even today, they still stress me or try to overcome me with worry and endless intimidation (ran over by car, close encounters, death threats, lazy or insane babble, etc... and the stuff on Ann). Their plan to escape was to fuse or unite into one; so they can stay under the radar.
They sent a clean up crew when communism collapsed. Domestically, they were hanging on for dear life; really bad stuff and they felt beat up badly. The blacks and the Jews; communism's favorite sons, were in heavy debt and prison. I compare it to an assassin who sneaks in and then walks out of the building in a uniform and one of the staff; also how prison escapes are accomplished. Look at the paper trail and the lawyers I spoke to; I could not put the pieces together and had a total mess. I could only describe observations and how they operated like ghosts and pros, no amateur. I would say world class and on a scale of 1-10; at least a 9. They will kill you before they let you win. If you ID them as Ann did; they will plot to murder you or rape you. First they will rob you of everything you have and own. They will steal your wife, kids, or lover. They will fill your life with homosexuals or whom you despise. If you give them one clue about who you are; watch out in the next 7 days. They expect only a slap on the wrist and an apology, from us of course. Of course they severely wounded Ann and broke her heart. When you are at war and in a war zone; your kid will hang on to you and you will feel the fear and bond between two human beings who feel safe together. Until you are in a war zone; you will not know who these people truly are, evil in human form.
Remember, you do not have their ID and they have backup and various ID. If you talk or try to retaliate, they medicate and institutionalize you; first you go through 20 anal cavity searches or physical decline (bunion feet, warts, skin rashes, shingles, hair falling out, bug bites everywhere, salmonella, and a lot of fear of contagions). Meanwhile, I am trying and doing anything I can to draw them out or solidify my case; which I am now gagged with this mentally ill label. I was Baker Acted falsely over 3 times in five years. Now they agree, say we are the best, and we never make a mistake or should be doubted; so they want to share in the reward or a piece. Yes they did try to kill me; in many forms including what I felt was anesthesia or humiliation of the pocketbook. This idea life was passing and I was always looking in the windows of homes as families were happy; is what they tried to invent. Yes they are neurotic and no chance in hell will I let them survive or go free; none.
If I had a hurricane and earthquake machine; I would kill them but first torture them and test their tolerance levels or what they were made of. Who knows, maybe one day I will invent this machine and do much more damage then they can ever imagine or torture them on a level they do not even want to remember. That was just what they did to me; however, Hannity and Limbaugh (along with the Fox News cast) tried to bury me with worry about Ann or fill me with a broken heart; they already hurt her badly and took away her marriage. Now it was breaking her and using her to break me or finish this injury which they did not know how I survived; a murder plot. First they wanted to humiliate me and say I was no special or different then a monkey; beg for my life. I would do anything to fill them with anger and draw them out; to make a mistake and I can show or prove how I would do this day after day. They do not want to get caught or hurt because of the charges; but they did much more then murder plots or what I describe; much more.

Here is the truth and it has not changed. They still think they are the police. They still feel a conspiracy is underway and people are acting against them. They still feel they are in control and superior; only in numbers. They get away with this by taking extra criminal and espionage measures to ensure security. After more than four years; thirty years to be exact; they found nothing. All they found was Ann and Alex. Want to hear the story about Ann and Alex? Then they tried to use us to open doors and conduct this inquisition; deadly terror plots and massacres. We saw it because they insisted we are their leaders; who is they? We got them now. With no shred of evidence and so much against them; it is in their favor to... target Ann and Alex while steal or divert what they are working on. It was they who for years said "steering hurricanes" or how the US Navy had an earthquake machine. Well, that hurricane and earthquake machine will be their worst enemy; we have the power of God and the Empire always strikes back. Had they written something down, it would say, "nothing so far." They were sending secret messages, Pre-911, how it was a fishing expedition or wild goose chase. Yes Congress was doing all of this.
These communist leaders were placing them on witch hunts and investigations; in the name of the poor of course. They use us and exploit us as prisoners or hostages; this is why. All they will say is, "we do not know what to do." All day and all night, they chant this insane babble; as if evil and communism is their only choice in life and it is not their fault. This is why they refuse to write anything; what they wrote so far was used legally; slander. What they did not right; is our true biography and this here. Had they written something, it would or should say, "OMG look at their work and career" and "we cannot take them out, nothing so far." There is a Hitler bitch, Ann says her name is "Chelsea" who is on a bullhorn or sonic radio. She keeps saying "sorry" or trying to buy both Ann and I flowers and ice cream. I recognize it because Hannity was doing this. She was online flashing and showing pictures of her during her heydays; all of them got married in 2008-2009; a mad rush and panic. This Hitler bitch still tries to buy us flowers and does not listen to anything we say; we are at war with them and it is not a happy ending or show your tits hour. Good job Chelsea; you did good on your knees and on your back. Flowers do not grow well in a war zone Hitler bitch. You must be the dumbest girl I have ever met or had to put up with; get a life you floozie. No book deals, only failed terror plots that pissed off a lot of people; even your own side. Even with terror plots, "nothing so far" or this conspiracy witch hunt about why you are in a ghetto or homeless. Who got the book deals in the end? Yes, you are reading it right now. Ann was dead on with the plot to use her life and smear her after the rape and murder plots; ask DeBasketball and CPAC.

That is their game; 200% guilty while the score on us might be 10%. With 10% they have to either let us go or watch us carefully for one screw up. So far so good. This from a felon who is 200% guilty and facing a secret war. May all the hurricane and earthquakes rock your world and your blackened heart; and may you truly know what misery and torture feels like deep in your soul where flaws remove any presence of a human being. May hell be of more comfort for you than our life and our life mission. That is what they should have written down; and the indictments would have flowed like water downstream. If they are the police; then that rogue police got nothing and was destroyed. As far as how we beat them and knocked out all their teeth? They still do not know and are using our life against us; it is never about them, only us. Limbaugh is guiding them, read him and you will read their destiny. They use and exploit us; that is how they win but we have turned the tables on them in a major way.

They want to get me started again? They need a full explanation again or daily? Obviously, this SOB and felon refuses or is taking steps to conceal their identity. Meanwhile, their police are focusing more on how we caught them then who we caught or why. They leave us no option. We cannot take this into a Justice Department Office or hire a lawyer; not yet. So the deadline is a message of why hurricane and earthquakes are essential to removing a criminal, shutting up an incitement, and why they cannot wage war on whomever they choose. Yes we caught them and right during a very important global mission; why do we need to explain our self? They need to. We are not patient and do not work with them? I would like those who are 200% guilty dead; stop making this sound like a madman talking; 200% guilty and dead. As far as helping, a robber and a helper is two completely different matters. Doing it for selfish reasons and getting killed or ripped into pieces is one thing; lying about torture and wounds so big the government cannot even assess or put dressing on them. Should they be tortured? Yes. Do we need to strip them of their rights and worldly possessions? Yes. Do they face a secret war and a legal wall? Yes. Do they want to end this without force or some authority or intervention which as scared the hell out of their own rogue police? No. Will they be so eager to keep waging war or F'in with our life 24 hours if we knock all their teeth out and make them crawl? Maybe, it's up for grabs. A secret war has begun on those who made this pest doctors, lawyers, judges, and have so much control on normal basic life. Who made them consumers and come to our work? Just stop the lying and the stupid tricks, really. Eventually, they need to be interned or institutionalized for this crazy endless cruel hoax. Why are they F'in with me or debating me on Christmas also? Stop talking to me on the holidays; landlord or not.

Obviously, their story is wrong and the lies are running out. Obviously, someone made sure we are ripe and negatively impacted; to medicate us. Obviously, the entire security and national security is guilty. Obviously, a secret war is or has been begun on them also. Look at this crap and look how the political climate is completely out of control. We are the suspects in a story so insane; the bad guys are in our face 24 hours. When you have every law enforcement and every military after you; it is time to consider what the legal and lethal consequences are of being a complete buffoon and jackass of an idiot. That is not power and it is not brilliance. We look like the bad guys when they take advantage of the kindness of this world and the survivors. Who in hell grabbed slaves and brought them to America and made them consumers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, and now helpers? Do they have any idea what they have done or do they even care to end this "no chance in hell" war on our life? We are supposed to stand there and take it? That is even funnier than what they did. Again, who brought slaves here and converted them to normal people or a spying political tour de force of lies, evil, and corruption? Those individuals face trial and have hurricane and earthquake bad luck.

Why the terror plots? Why the prisoners? The hand that feeds you? The best advice is to get on a plane and seek politico asylum in another country. Just get the F out of dodge. With the police and the military after you now; your chances are none. I was not happy to find out you had the police on me and each time you had a fit or rant; the tower of babble would come knocking on my door, "come on let's go... " as if you all knew what this was about or expected to get away with this crap. Now your police forces have pulled back and said you are on your own; too risky for them. Most rogue governments stuff cash they stole in their duffel bag and get on a plane for the Congo. There is not much for you or your political forces to stick around for; you F'ed up everything. Look at New York. Look at the entire south. Look at the industrial hubs. Look at Florida and the best beaches. The person writing this is a surfer and laid back; but your handiwork has turn Gold into crap once again with your stupid stunts, tricks, and offense only strategy. Why are you sticking around saying "leave." I have written down you have no chance in hell and you want to agree? You want to use us to get what you want? Anybody who wages war and acts the way you do, has a death wish or wants to be tortured and beaten to a pulp; 200% guilty but accepted this. These attacks and terror plots were so you can find a new state after you screw up. Your rogue police officers will tell you what type of danger you face or they face. It is only a matter of time for them also. It has blown up in your face and much worse now than ever.

Yes, keep barking back how you all are sorry, leave or move, you do not know what to do, etc... the gloves are coming off and when they do, all those nasty teeth will be gone. If you can count, that is over 200 years lost because a few jackasses want to live for the moment. As far as these churches, this has been ongoing for nearly 1000 years and began around the time of Christ. Keep the pressure up and keep sharpening those teeth; then try to explain. 200 years and everything you believe in is a terrible thing to waste; especially on our life which is supposed to be perfect. Are they still saying I or Ann is a total F up? Not them? The question is how much they want to lose and what is their threshold before surrender and turning themselves in? Bad hurricane and earthquake is not strong enough to stop this threat or criminal world. They have been voted off the island and I have spoken to the power brokers.
The Hitler strategy was a total failure. Offense only as Limbaugh put it, only got you behind enemy lines hanging on for dear life or expanding into the ocean with debt. One side is a monkey and the other is normal and moving; but this lazy stupid ass monkey feels offense or a Hitler strategy will duplicate or neutralize their losses. It was a total disaster. They lost 200 or more years. Their church is now being shut down. They are caught behind enemy lines with no logistics, no way out. The pressure and the torture of lying every single day is increasing. The gloves are coming off and the teeth will be gone. Lastly, the deadline is set and firmly; we have more to gain without them then they have to gain with us. This is why they are acting this way or utilized a Hitler strategy, an eye for an eye, tic for tac, etc... We are much better at this and have not lost anything or any ground; they have. They have no legal complaint; expected to turn themselves in or write it down. Those are not good odds. Once a felony has been committed, they stepped over the line and cannot go back or complain.

How do we keep freedom of religion when these churches operate against what is right? Furthermore, to spur economic growth and interest, they grab any slave in the world and send them to America, if not for politics than to quadruple crime and corruption. Now all these churches demand jobs and this reputation of taking care of the poor; which also quadruples our welfare burdens. Take a look at the drug wars and this showdown just beginning. They want welfare. They need jobs. We get nothing. Meanwhile, some jackass with commercial interest brought these slaves here for crime and corruption; to leverage their power. Now they created a left wing welfare state and brought us to this point? Not even writing it down they expect things to work out or be okay? Their workers suck. There is no chance in hell we would hire them or let their politics flourish; but their church has been at battle with us for so long. Freedom of religion and a blank check to do all of this leverage? They pay taxes? America is open to anybody seeking freedom or a job? This is how we got here and who we caught; now they want jobs? How about us? How about this deadline of 2012? Medicate me and pretend to be the police or this ongoing game? What kind of a SOB and MF do we truly have?

Keep on inciting more and more. Keep on trucking, coming to my residence, acting like my landlord, harassing me anyway possible, coming to my workplace, spying on me 24 hours, violating every single law, acting smug or careful about getting caught, and refusing to surrender or turning yourself in. Then keep on telling me how you have street credibility and have not ratted on each other. Keep coming to America and inciting more problems or telling people such as myself how it is your home and I am disrespecting you. Send your WOPs, monkeys, and retards to help; and then incite more and more. Screw up the real estate and ethnic makeup of the DC-VA area and parade around like a General who cannot be stopped. Spread all of that around and undermine everybody's life. Leverage your position endlessly. Abuse your access and power. Act like cops from Texas. You should have turned yourself in because if you did all this and are this powerful; it will be overkill. That deadline is there for a reason. Incite more and see where it will lead you again and again. Screw up more and see where it gets your American dream; then go on TV and tell the world you are a victim or need welfare. You need welfare by forcing us on it or violating our rights? You want to help by inventing the environment and conditions of a ghetto, then disgusting everybody as if it was their fault?

Yes you are in a better position and not worried. You follow us and like workers; have a better situation and work less. Yes you vacation and play Golf, laugh all the way to the bank. I bet our feelings are this way about communist spies, liberals, and left wingers. I bet Ann is in love with you all; weak on crime. Your time is up and never again talk about how you are mistreated or need patience. Patience is the least you need and a home is the least you have now. Even after getting caught and taken down; a complete loser just kept being a complete loser. Somehow you also managed to say we cannot socialize, get along with others, or are victims of bullies. We will see where your next screw up gets you or lands you. We know what it got you before. Why are we here now? It is turning out perfect? Bobbing and weaving, moving with the punches? Really, write it down.

Using me to do the work and apologizing while this was ongoing; made things four times worse. Did I mention the false arrest and the paper trail? Did I mention what these political losers and spies did to Ann Coulter; who they embrace? Also, refuse to write it down and say we are your secretary or helper while you mentor or get free schooling by spying on us; repugnant stalkers. All of this is as easy as you say: 1. you are the landlord. 2. we are weak and being spied on, every move is being carefully watched and defeated. 3. orders are to move or leave immediately or face retaliation. If you play by the sword, you also die by it. Is this why they came to America or is this what they want to test us with? Even when they got their answers; they just kept on testing as if nobody could or would stop them. That deadline is set and firm; we do not need or want people who is weak on crime or just stands there while this happens.

When that invasion and that leverage is put on them; we will ask the same questions and do as they did, "sorry." Nobody knows what planet they are from or culture; and this is why they feel the way they do. Nobody does this and expects to be forgiven, a home, or no invasion force the size of the US military. Also, they suck at manufacturing and are fat and lazy. Their kids are the worst criminals and their grades totally suck. Even after sneaking into or in charge of the right wing and Republican Party; they suck. At most they copy us or follow; until this happens and we pull the ground they stand on and flip it upside down to see if they can defy gravity. Just keep on inciting and using those labor agitation typical of a mob. Come to the VA-DC-MD area and blow the real estate market up or parade around there like the smartest and most powerful. The truth is we never liked you and never wanted you in our life and have worked hard to get rid of this political army and invasion force.
What pissed me off was this monkey or WOP telling me how open their mind is. Also, all of them feel they are landlords and this is their home. Since 2006 it has been a nightmare as a tenant. If it was not home invasion, then it was bugs, theft and robbery, extortion, corruption, etc... The medical problems I got as a result, since this began, pisses me off and is phenomenal. It feels like I slept with a hooker or some flea bag; no I scream at one constantly and know what anger management is all about. Thanks for rekindling all these memories. They want to make this about easterners or immigrants, holy crap! Here I am Johnny Utah and a surfer; and I am amazed by what I see. Florida and the best beaches in the USA is now gangland and drug infested.
Now we know why the New Yorkers think they are still in gangland when the beach is not their style or "hang loose" tourist destination. Now we know why nobody can enjoy Florida and why it is now drug infested or gangland. Here we are surfers and they want to incite memories of the ghetto with sand? The blacks like them; I hear a lot. Dude, not very classy and the sand and beaches is not really their cup of tea; the drugs are. Good luck explaining about media bias. Good luck on why telling the truth is important. Good luck on religion or religious freedom. Good luck explaining what communism is. Good luck on security and national security matters. Good luck on the explanation about Israel. Good luck on the hate or Civil Rights laws. Good luck with why they would want to medicate you. Good luck on laws and seeking justice. Good luck on lots of things such as getting rid of them. Now if they can just admit guilt and make life a bit easier for all of us; we can begin to intern them for causing such a struggle. The plan is offense and offense only; nothing else but attack. Good luck on why the Constitution is important and why they cannot spy on others or violate their rights. Good luck on prisons and hostages. Good luck on explaining what a monkey is or a WOP.

They feel that these new hacking and denial of service attacks proves they are not inferior or have power; not a retard. If that was the case, you would think I would call myself the father of dumbass or a business partner! I am the one with the computer science degree but they feel like God on my turf? This is how you find enjoyment and power? Do you have a life or any value in this world? One thing is true, you got the police in a tizzy or confused; and you are good at terror plots or shooting up public places. Stalking you are not bad at; but I think it is the instinct of hanging on for dear life. Come on, you don't even have a college degree or mathematics aptitude; for real. Who on earth are you joking or just yourself? Ha, the new kid on the block loves Asian food and women also. The truth is you have a degree in being a straight up dumbass and terrorist psycho; not a computer science degree or a money maker!

It is true that Ann Coulter may have sent "mixed messages" and some of her attacks reached the wrong places. However, this is getting zany and very absurd. Ann has made clear who she loves and who she hates, or dislikes. She is forced to work with people who are either awful or not one bit of help. Her message is practical and very to the point; she does not trust and dislikes liberals. This idea she does not want to be with Alex or spend time with him; is absurd and damages have been set; shut them down. This other idea the communist and liberals drive foreign or Japanese cars, have an open mind, and I throw myself or drool over their stunts and lies; is completely untrue. Not a shred and none of it is true; hence, the slander, false arrest, constant harassment, and this Gerry-meandering of our private and love life. Our private life is not public domain or eminent domain. Ann Coulter is under no obligation to direct them on any trajectory. They lie to us constantly then expect us to give them what they want, when they want, and do as they order; and they are merely the new kid on the block getting schooled. Then there is this game of war they expect to win but have not. We will win it and at any cost; any. Whatever. Spending time, sharing the stage, song and dance, media power, marketing power, etc... does not make someone part of the family even if they are spying on us and in our living rooms and bedrooms.

The deadline is there for the new kid on the block to F up even more and more; they torture themselves and each other but most of their torture and hate is directed at us! It is only theirs to mess up more or get more wrong now. Damages were capped at 1.5 billion; shut them down. We do not like them one bit and they are terrorists who fought this fact. They are lawless and surrender is inevitable; why even make stupid comments or tell the world who you truly are? What did it matter if an Asian car or Domestic one ran them over; don't jump in front of them. Look at the car they are jumping in front of now; hurricane bad luck or earthquake stupidity? They are the psycho and criminal enemy everybody is trying to forget but can't; what now? When will they go away so we can live life and forget about a total jackass and enemy?

Trust me, we do not like you all. You may be good with song and dance; thus, are in our living rooms daily. However, when it comes to power, you are merely the new kid on the block and that kid is really struggling now than ever before. Even if this was the 1960s, we might find folly and laugh in watching you; but you disgust us as any other human being would and should. As far as your award winning politics, what difference does it make if you were and are getting ran over by an American car or an Asian car? It has four wheels and it is probably made overseas. This notion you want to live in Asia and need powerful Asians to lift up your wings is why we would torture your ass and make you scream had we had a hurricane and earthquake machine. Additionally, you are like a flea in love with yourself; trust me, when it comes to war and power; we love ours elf also. This game of antagonizing our reality to fit your bathroom politics is why you forces got destroyed and the new kid on the block is getting schooled and put in their place. If your politics can fit that reality; then maybe you would not lurk, talk to us, or antagonize every part of our life and stalk us to undermine our future. This is not the 1960s and your brain cells have died a long time ago. Now how to I say this so a dumbass can understand? You want to live in Asia or follow the formula normal people did for business? Go to Israel and do it to them. You will get laid and get further with the soot face than here.
What is your GD point? Good! Nobody likes you either, so the sooner you go home and stop talking to us; the sooner we do not have to tell you what you did wrong or how you are lurking in our life. As far as keeping this going for more than 20 years; obviously, nobody likes you either, you need to leave, you have no future, and we very much do not care about some jackass or pest in our face daily. I am glad FL is kicking you out or forcing you to move. Get some balls and be more confident about what your goals are. Get an education also because you are one retarded loser who flood here from other countries and throw this crap on our lap. By the way, Merry Xmas, the deadline is winding down on December 31, 2011. Now leave me alone and stop talking to me about how you want me to leave or move. F you too; nobody likes you either, so get a life.

How Limbaugh described it is completely untrue. These spies are doing all the heavy lifting. They were opening stupid companies, dating websites, and all kinds of crazy underground businesses while we fed them more rope. Eventually, their kids and the public will know who they are and understand what exactly happened to them and their real parents. We are actually the ones who sit back and wait for them to mess up or screw up more because they undermine everything and have short memory. This is who they are and why they have to live with this regret. They act confident and play this game so nobody can ID them. Their kids will know who they are and what they did; to them and to everybody in this world. Worse, they did not have a chance in hell and they did all the heavy lifting before it all came down on them. This is what they mean when they say unity.
Look people are fed up with a communist spy or criminals spying on them day and night. If they are this confident and this bold about what they are doing; then stop the invisible ghost, disappearing act, desperate crony voice, or this little game. I am so fed up with this security or protection racket where they are investigating or searching for racists and Nazis. We have concluded only Hitler would maneuver his military this way and be caught so far behind enemy lines with no support or logistics. If they are this confident about what they are doing; now is the time to prove it. There is a deadline on all of this and it is 2012; bold and confident enough to meet that deadline; or a coward little thief running for cover? I am glad this little dumbass keeps saying, "leave" or "move"; keep it up if you can.

Why didn't they shut these people down? Why didn't they surrender so we can get this internment and segregation started? Why did they keep this pressure up and keep contacting us? Why... why and more why. We will begin with your support structure, close that down. Then we will begin to purge, which means the mechanism or security of cover will be gone. You will be dismantled piece by piece. Do you want this under our terms or yours? Then surrender and do not keep this game ongoing; we will smash you, slam you, and make you eat everything you did. We have a right to live far and more powerful than your pitiful and X life. It will get much worse, much and mucho hell. This is your chance and we only give you one chance. The problem here is very simple to figure out and we know who is behind it. Accept surrender and internment before it is too late. Listen dipshit and dumbass, that is all you have in this world; there is nothing left. We know you are logical and thought this out carefully; every detail down to a single movement we made. You did not go to this risk and danger to not kidnap or engage in espionage and terrorism. We have a list already; with or without you?
Yes, I agree. This dumbass and pest is getting more paranoid and delusional. They are not getting stronger or better. I also agree internment is the best answer before retaliation and punishment arrives. If I was sitting next to them; I would cut their throat and quickly because they picked a fight with the wrong people and got slammed repeatedly on their head; and their imbecile accent and head trauma brawl made it worse. Stronger? Is that a joke? Do they know who this is and what is planned?

Don't forget that while this was going on; my consumer credit files and my criminal background was impacted negatively. Barriers were erected, what they call a "blockade" so that I was denied jobs and opportunity. I was made to look weak on crime. I was made to appear as a criminal. I was humiliated and laughed at repeatedly and over the course of almost 20 years while we ordered them to stop and surrender. The information compiled against me was completely untrue but I did not an opportunity to dispute it while I had to live with the consequences and the sting of a "Scarlet Letter" on my own chest. In 2008, we got the details of some of the things they were up to and the degree of stalking, harassment, and spying the communist forces were engaged in. They were moles and there to undermine anything or anybody in their way. They used my life as a key to open doors while my life was shut down because their dumb problems were made to be mine; I did not own it or this mess. The public and the police watched on the air as they did the same thing to both Ann Coulter and myself. So if they plead guilty to that; then they can also plead guilty to over 20 years of this in all aspects of our life. They act bold but this proves what type of coward and evil bastard we truly have been dealing with.
Question: How do they expect to win or win now? Well, they were bragging about how they are "sitting next to the fireplace" or how many vacations and how much Golf they were playing. They bragged about their jobs and how they were not struggling or luxuries all over their life. Meanwhile, they left a paper trail, got busted, got filmed; and were acting like the most psycho human being the public has ever come across. They not only sat there and was sitting back, playing a waiting game; they were trying to put more pressure and doing more tricks to suggest it was a conspiracy, we were imagining this, we made it all up, they were coaching us, and we were fighting against each other. They acted as if they were the police or us and we are not weak on crime or failures; they are. They are also the mole and the terror plot. It did not occur to them, ever; to stop or end this before it got worse. They kept thinking elections would put them in power and they were Machiavelli or God. They expect us to sue our own side and those who have to clean this up. How about shut up and shut their ass down?
Also, all of these New Yorkers and illegal immigrants; their IQ is so low and they are so evil; I am an honor student, varsity athlete and one of the most laid back people in the world. This MF needs to die. They need a hurricane, earthquake, and more hit them until they go back to the homeland they floated here from but refuse to swim back to. Not only is their mouth full of filth, their IQ is so low. This from some illegal or worthless immigrant who managed to come to the USA. All these landlords; a string of them dating back to 1997 (10+) always use this notion we "move" or "leave" if we get in the way or disagree. It is going on now and since they were caught; it was so obnoxious and in the open. Again, they are not the honor student, stud, or varsity athlete; did they forget who they are? Meanwhile, they were playing this game with Ann and pretending to be her best friend and in her life. This is what they do in our life and what their murder and rape plot is about. At least be a good student or do not a stupid accent. Yes, a dumbass with a ridiculous accent was doing this also; yeah immigrants.

The Jews and the Blacks are playing a very dangerous game in our life and it is not as simple as "they do not know what to do... want to help... only want to follow us because they are the same and share common ground." We are talking day after day stalking, harassing, and felonies. We are talking murder charges and scams the public would not believe. We are talking a complete psycho. We are talking about theft and spying on us, violating our rights. We are talking about arguing day and night, at all hours with us just to get their way. We are talking hatred of the Marxist and their spontaneous combustion. We are talking about damages. We are talking about hiding their ID so we cannot retaliate or sue them, stop them. We are talking about a communist enemy antagonizing every aspect of our life and robbing it. This was never about friendship or they only wanting to share in life or following us so they can learn from us. Furthermore, the medical problems and the disgust for them while they did this reached unimaginable proportion; which is why they have the rape and murder charges. Constant retaliation for a psycho who cannot do anything for themselves but crime and theft. The deadline is firm and there will be no amending or amelioration until they surrender to the authorities and pay the damages. We are giving them a dose of their own sensitivity training which is real, not some phony spontaneous Marxist appeal. It was the Jews, Blacks, and the Irish; along with a few other cohorts.
Reforms in 2012 Presidential Election: 1. Social Security. 2. Medicare. 3. Tax System. 4. Access. 5. Restrictions. This is not and never has been about Israel or blacks. Let's keep it that way and stop this foolish propaganda and vicarious stunts that get nowhere but a defunct run-down dinosaur police and political system good only to Machiavelli or the devil himself.
Dear Congress: Let me make this crystal clear so that even a felon and uneducated crack addict can understand. The Democrats have no credibility. They are correct about these so called "conservatives" we are at war with and the inability to cleanse the Republican Party of communist moles who undermine the inevitable. However, the Democratic Party is notorious for sacrificing long term inevitability for short term imbecile gains. We can count off one labor strike after the next; it is endless. To say all the sudden they want to focus on deficit reduction when they are already talking to deficit hawks; makes no sense. Now help us get rid of their clowns who undermine our life from our side and our business; and we can do business. They had to go a long time ago; hence, a deadline. Otherwise, this is delusional and I am not the one who needs to be medicated or have judgments against me. Obviously, they are the Rasputin of the political world; but when they come to America, they have a ghetto waiting to embrace their every move. If they get a company, they either run it into the ground or nobody wants to be their poetic customer.
Did we prove how flawed, useless, annoying, and how difficult life is with them in it? Their personality is totally flawed and they are stupid. Important? They are so flawed and so stupid; they think they are in control and make orders or bark orders. They think we want to do business with them or want them around; to help. Then they sneak on the right wing and the Republican side. To do the same thing of course; this time on the right wing and to other conservatives. It makes you hate yourself. It is embarrassment. The lies and the filth they fill life with brings us to their level; which is trash. Then they tell the public we are all guilty and it is all of our fault. After the deadline, make sure and guarantee they know they are not important and they know they are not in control. The sooner they leave, the better. I have never seen stupid and flawed people so evil and such an repugnant obstacle in life. Establishment? Yes they feel they are the establishment; in control. Enough of those pompous lies? Why we cannot stand this dumbass and total loser in our life? What did they do? Why we got molested or abused?
What next? Do we get the low key speeches about the court system and how the Constitution is there to be all things to all people? Do we get the Machiavelli speech about laws and how they can be anything the Prince wishes? All of you have more short term memory than liberals and here you are on the Republican and conservative side. I find your vicarious stunts grossly inflammatory. I find it a classic case of fraud and defrauding the public where none of you can tell the truth. We are not Machiavellian but you are and we have to figure out how to match your lawlessness. You cut your throat when you came to me and tried to explain why I should side with you while you cut Ann's throat and got rid of her. Didn't you fail and just get caught doing this to me? Are you F'in nuts? Now defunct, all of you act as if God baptized you. It is one unspoken favor to yourself after the next and we have to watch it?

Newt Gingrich has a very short memory. Not more than two years ago, after wondering who banned me from Free Republic, the Reagan web site and chat room, and Politico; then did DOS attacks on my internet day and night; Gingrich goes on Rush Limbaugh radio or North Korean TV and leverages an either or. He wants to partner with me to get rid of Ann because of this "chip on her shoulder" and then he turns around to Ann and does this rape or marriage scam so it does not explode on them. Then the Gang of 6 stands before Congress and shakes their fist at all of this. Newt got bold and kept this pressure and attacking. Again, telling me to partner with them to rid the right wing of Ann Coulter while they covered up the espionage and terrorism I was trying to nail them or trap them for. Mr. Newt Gingrich you are one piece of shit. Also, to believe your bandwagon of Zionist Jews are right wing is the most pathetic notion I have ever heard. We need to break out a firehose or call FDNY and spray you off also. Conservative you are not; socialist and a communist spy is how I see you; if not by association then by direct guilt. To sit here as Limbaugh and Hannity is; even with your Gang of 6 is the biggest act of treason imaginable. Look at you scramble now.

Ann, good news. Cornell University, your Alma Madder, has just teamed up and partnered with Israel to form a Tech or Polytechnic school for engineers. How much do you want to bet me that Singapore, Japan, Britain, South Korea, and the major technology leaders will sign up with Silicon Valley? You should be proud and the state of New York should welcome these people. I would love to work with graduates from Cornell almost as much as they would love to get a taste of what I am all about. That is how you make money.
As a mole, con man, spy, terrorist, and criminal; they are guilty of spreading hate on both our side and theirs. They are guilty of using this access to our life in order to block or effort to remove their process of defrauding the public. They spread hatred in the government, in the military, on the right wing, on the Republican side and around the world. We can call them inferior but they are guilty of endless lawless acts and treason. They are guilty of terrorism and massive slaughter. Now they are guilty of something else and we placed a deadline on it. Hate is their cause; rich or poor. Undermining the world and the normal process of life; weak or strong is based on their nationalist appeal and this inferior flaw we cannot escape. They seek the death penalty for all of those tricks.

It is really easy to understand, even a dumbass can get it. They suck. All they do is F things up. If they want to F us up or things up; maybe we should F them up for good. Get lost you suck. A deadline is set at December 31, 2011. Surrender to the police and authorities or face a grueling battle. Fix that god damn mess in our life also and for god sakes shut the F up; this is not North Korea. That gaping wound is there for a reason.
We know who they learned all this secrecy from, the North Koreans. They are more crazy and more quiet than Peonyang. Thank God for ICBMs. Yes and they watch while their people starve and laugh at us?
I find it unbelievable how they are still lurking in our life or coming around. I find it extremely hard to believe how we try to get rid of them and do anything humanly possible to get them out of our life and they tell our friends and family we are their best friend or we have some cordial relationship. I find it very difficult to believe how high and how powerful they are doing this on; what level of the right wing. Now they are parading their couples and stupid kids. What next? The stuff they did to me is one thing. The stuff they did to Ann will seal their fate. No matter how had we beat them down; they get up and come right back again. I hope they enjoy hell on earth.
Medicaid Reform:

The problem with the Ryan Plan before was it was flawed. It is a start to open up competition and give consumers the choice to pick what is best for them. However, medicaid is a federal program that gives states more power to corrupt a system drowning in corruption and fraud. Another problem goes beyond the states. If socialized countries such as Britain and Canada wish to charges less money, if higher quality and half the cost can be obtained in Mexico or by outsourcing; then it saves money to a near collapsing one. Trillions of dollars, increased state power, a system full of bigotry and corruption, and such an overwhelming problem of sick people is not going to work on the private or socialized level. I was willing to address the transportation problem had my plan adopted as not flawed; instead we went through another year of war with these people who were not right wing and not our allies. Medicare is federal funds and it should be beyond federal restrictions. Trillions of dollars in competition will open up massive regulation to prevent a system wreaking with fraud, corruption, false bills, and low quality. If sophisticated societies wish to take care of our poor and compete for these dollars; they can. Ship them to former communist countries and let them finish out their life in comfort. This was just the tip of the iceberg. Instead of any of this getting done, we spent the entire year getting attacked and on this lousy enemy in our life and homes.
Drastic and Major Tax Reform:

Everybody wants to know what the magic formula for tax reform is or going to be. There is not a magic formula. However, the tax reform has to be overhauled due to global and domestic changes. The key word is sustainable; what is a sustainable rate? There is not tax rate to satisfy the formula of economic sustainability, whether 10 per cent or 100 per cent; sustainability does not impact the taxes. This is why I am in this financial predicament right now; I am sustainable but I pay no taxes. I personally would rather pay higher taxes and produce abroad by outsourcing because I do not want to speak to or see a thief everyday who wishes to torment me or tell me to leave; I would gladly pay higher taxes to get this enemy off our shores and out of our life. Nobody will be happy with them around but they undermine and wreck the system while we have to figure out how to fix it and get rid of them.
The tax system has to be divided into two categories and a flat tax imposed on each. Domestic and foreign companies fall into two separate categories. From there they can be tallied for the total size or number of employees. This will allow a better assessment of multi-national and global trade. It has nothing to do with revenue or profit. It has everything to do with sustainability. If profits are quick and short but lead to collapse; it is not worth the heartache of all this shifting and government shut down. Therefore, domestic manufactures who hire domestic employees get a higher tax cut than foreign ones. Foreign companies who manage or hire domestic workers qualify under a separate group set. Again, most domestic employers are tangled with blackmarket drugs, crime, and those who do not pay taxes.

Tax rate for the rich and poor has to address who the cause of these problems are. I know who causes them and why. I know who seeks the rich for opportunity or how nobody would rob a poor and uneducated person; there is risk and no reward. Politics is not there for them to extort or keep a favorite list in the rich sector while the poor run freely looking for scraps. Therefore, the immediate need is reform of the poor sector while removing these tax collectors from the throats of the rich ones. Without any reform, all sectors will be shrinking and the suffering will be the middle class. The poor do not have anything or pay taxes; the middle class does but the welfare kills the rich. Until we get surrender; this cannot be matched or changed. My Generals are ordered to destroy them and seek surrender for what they have done; 200% guilty and climbing.
The rich and the wealthiest sector must pass the test of sustainability. They cannot keep adding more heads, taxes, debt, and sit back on real estate or holdings and expect a miracle.

The New Canaan High School Buzz? Ann, you told me this crazy behavior on your part was going to stop. It has gotten better but now there are problems between you and I. Also, I do not know what is going on with this high school reunion; but I have been hanging around a high school friend recently. Also, I hear a few people you know from high school attended your cocktail party or apartment book signing. Am I going to get more secrets or just another scare? Get a legal team will you; they will throw a wrench in everything you do, say, and our life. Everything. Even if it is not even true. Suspicion will go from nothing to 90% slander. Then they will sit there and say leave or how we are victims of crime when they give us a lot of reasons to play with a lot of dangerous toys owned by very powerful and rich governments. I have high school people on this end also but not at cocktail parties; I hope there are no more secrets. It is like a game of death with you all; who can take out whom?
Nice try defeating the right wing and all of that money. Even a classic case of trying to teach us what the right wing and all that money is about. Worse, the communist tell us they are a military force to recon with? Look at them. Defeat is nearly snuffed out. Educating or "re-education" camp got them school on what our biography and life was about or is now. Those are very few cards they have left or are playing with; what next? I have to say, what a bunch of assholes and jerks; how do we get rid of them?
Response: "Move... we want you to move." Boo-hoo, should I wipe the tears from your soot face or do you want to write down what a dumbass you truly are? Is this why I am here or why you are in my life; to wipe those tears away? F you. You owe a lot of money and have to serve a lot of time. It is the same thing with Fox News, Hannity, O'reilly, Red Eye, Limbaugh, Steyn, Mark Levin, and all of these so called "conservatives." They even try to lecture me on conservatism and the right wing when it was invented before the time of Christ; not in the 1700s with some fool named Edmond Burke. GTFO of the right wing and GTFO of us will you; that is why you are in trouble and face total destruction. Newt Gingrich is only one of these moles; one. Try to fight or stop all of them and see how your life and attitude becomes. The deadline is set firm at December 31, 2011. Merry F'in Christmas to you also. They want to tell us what the right wing is and to leave?
Dear Fox News: how do you plead to attempted first degree murder, conspiracy, extortion, witness intimidation, and fraud? I never said terrorism or bombing plots, not yet. Did you use phony pictures or false relations to cover up a crime punishable by death? Did you also try to make money of the victims of your crime? Ann, I need you to read off what they are guilty of against me; start with 1989 and when I was 19. Ask them if they want to come with us, go with us, or be interned (segregated or locked up)?

If we are victims of crime. If we are victims of bullies. If we cannot enjoy one day or one hour of life without problems or some verbal accosting. If our home is targeted for home invasion. If our career is being shut down. If all of those things did happen and we busted them; then maybe it is high time we segregate them, intern them; or get rid of them anyhow we can. Furthermore, if we did have a hurricane and earthquake capability or could call God on a dime; I would not segregate this dumbass or rip them apart, I would make them suffer every second on earth. Clearly we have nothing in common with them while they feel we are the same or victims of some crime nobody even understands; why then are they even in our life and why do we have to talk to such a pest, animal, bunion foot, or dumbass? It sounds like they make 100 times the effort and cannot come to accept this truth; a total phony. So are all of them coming with us when we leave this earth or not? Let's ask them and see how they feel about a deadline of December 31, 2011?
"The greatest joy a man can have is victory. To conqueor one's enemies. To pursue them. To deprive them of their possessions. To reduce their families to tears. To ride on their horses and to make love to their wives and daughters." - Ghengis Khan -
Social Security and Medicaid Reform:
I have some bad news, there will be reforms made to both social security and medicare. Let's talk social security first and what those reforms will mean. We need to isolate and separate those who do not need social security or government assistance. If someone is independently wealthy and wishes to withdraw their social security; then they can use what earning they have for medical expenses or a premium insurance plan for the remainder of their life. Now the rich and those who make over 250,000 are happy. If you withdraw and spend your social security on medical insurance; you will live tax free for the remainder of your life. No harm done and no harm intended. That is the first and most major reform to social security and medicare; income restrictions. Most business people choose to work well past their retirement age anyhow or what they call consulting jobs well in their senior years. We need a large proportion of the population away and out of the system so that if a collapse does incur; they are not worried and we do not have crisis rattling the cage of every company on earth. When someone takes this step out of the system; they are on their own and they live tax free. There are safety nets and procedures to ensure a gung ho individual does not try to grasp the bragging rights or find advantage by turning their nose to any government programs. By the way, it is only those lazy factory workers and dumb Americans who expect others to care for them who end up knocking on our doors hourly about how we should leave and do not care about their skanky life. Yes that SOB we are constantly running from or trying to kill with a water hose and security products.
Ann, if you refuse to get a legal team and are suicidal; put a knife to their throat and record them. Tell them if they do not talk you are going to take them with you. It will make my life much easier and get to the truth much quicker. You know they did this and you want to argue with me about how it is not our fault? Dude, take it out on them and rip them apart. I am sure when the time comes, all of them; not a few but all of them, will be coming with us, so good riddens! We won again and they got nothing at all. Whenever they are ready!
The December Analysis:
We live in a very dangerous world. We are living in extremely dangerous times, at home and abroad. I have proven how dangerous this world is and why. Ron Paul is the man 2012. Iran does not have a big enough Navy to become a threat and at this time; they are not our primary focus. We have much bigger and more capable enemies than Iran. Even if Iran obtained 100 nuclear warheads; they still do not have a big enough Navy to threaten any military power or espionage capability. They are not behind drugs. They are not behind economic espionage. They are not behind the housing crisis. They are not waiting behind a tree when you and I go to the market or fill up our cars. Iran is not that danger or will ever become that danger; they just do not have the resources to be a threat. There is a housing crisis and collapse. There is an even worse banking crisis. The threat of a total collapse is real; however, it remains in gridlock. The banking system is under attack.
I would like to understand more about libertarianism. I wish to know if it can stand the ultimate test; sustainability. Naturally, in dangerous times or times of high despair; we need our best fighters and our best policy makers at the banking or financial gridlock; crack it like bones. The banking industry has been around before Christ walked this earth; will it understand or can it match libertarianism in its understanding of our world. I do not want anybody near our social problems yet; until there is conclusive results on hands off policy or economy of truth. No to libertarianism social issues; yes to it as the head of the federal reserve. I want to see the best fight they have or have since the beginning of time and the garden of Eden. Tell me who the problem is and where. There is no doubt about it; Ron Paul is the best fighter when it comes to FED banking regulation and policy. To fix the economy and the housing stalemate; he is the man for the job. That should teach those phony conservatives! We have solved the banking and housing crisis; next.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: I agree, you played more Golf than I and went on more vacations. You also ingest much more calories. I disagree on malice or intent being irrelevant. Insofar as how liberals and how conservatives vote; liberals always vote out of fear when conservatives always place their trust in God and vote out of principle. Therefore, in 2012 do not get this backwards; conservatives do not vote for money or fear; they vote only principle and place "In God We Trust" at the brink of the ballot box. You are so flawed in your analysis but you are impeccable about the box you are in. I agree, you were almost honest and it is a disaster; some call it stupidity while others call it courage. Romney is the least aggressive health care reformer out of all the candidates; that is a fact and the truth you got wrong.
Furthermore, I also would not describe yourself or others as "brilliant." I would say you were put into danger and you did as instinct and fate told you. Brilliance does not contain guessing and is very structured; scientific formula we know as physics. The ability to understand our surrounding or nature is brilliance; the rest is either courage or stupidity. I hope there is room in hell for you; because you are one fat and lazy SOB who was never welcomed in our life and who is to blame for all of this nonsense; give it back and shut the hell up. Nobody said you could or were allowed to talk to anyone. I can save you and your Republican clowns some time or in the next lifetime. Buy a wallet. Spend $5 on a good wallet. This way, you can stuff your money in a better place and nobody will puke when you throw it around. On warm nights, it is like clockwork, I F'in puke. Give it back, shut up, and be gone; shut down, taken out, and lights out. Be honest and have some balls to say it, "F the country" you are only there for the food.

I did not know I had to listen or hear them talking to me 24 hours a day in my own home? Who is the boss here? Clearly, all they had to do is give it back. Espionage and felonies are not allowed. Murder and terrorism is not allowed. Just give it back and go away; who wants to hear a retard who has no chance in hell day and night about corporations or power to the people? That is how they got there and that is why they got their head planted repeatedly. I do not care what people say or what they have written. At least I make an effort to be perfect and pound their rotten head into the ground. Maybe they should leave and maybe I do not have to listen to a retard talking all the time? Agreeing is not going to make this better or fix anything; surrender will. The deadline on that surrender; is not far away unless it is still up for grabs or we do not have a chance in hell for justice?
When a hurricane or earthquake has to be used on an enemy; that is one evil enemy. When a hurricane or earthquake is used on a friend; that is no friend. If a hurricane and earthquake is used because they only want to "help" and undermine the safety of military personnel, Generals in training, or the integrity of a mission; they are not help at all. I do not and cannot understand this "shut up and leave" or the attacks on us hourly and daily by a thug who feels they have the right to attack, accost, ruin, hold us hostage, refuses to give it back, or undermine every single aspect of our life and relation with any friendlies. Then expect us to stay or be happy in a ghetto. I have never understood this enemy; never have and never will. Now they expect we will hire them or be friends with them? They feel all of this fixed itself or was erased overnight because they were wrong, are wrong, and said so? Did I discover some new term or a new human species on earth? Who the hell are they and who the hell do they think they are; conservatives and right wingers? Perhaps Republicans and the money bag? I said they had no chance in the world and they do what? Who i angry? Who is the loser? Who is the liar? Who is the failure? Who is the psycho? Who is suicidal? Who is going crazy or done? Did I do this myself? Does it sound like the devil or just quack like one?
Ann, maybe there is a threshold in life where I just do not find happiness or enjoy life with you anymore? It could be your drinking. It could be your friends. It could be your stunts. It could be your secrets. It may be your male problems. It could be your disaster or how you are the most sexually harassed woman and daring men more than they bully you. It could be you are never here or never any help. It could be you start fights constantly or weekly. It could be you live the life of a single woman. It could be I went crazy because of you also. It could be you are too flawed; what do you think is the problem? Your age or your inability to give me a child? Or is your money and material needs irresistible? Yes I know women are evil; but why am I stuck or not able to escape this mess? Similar to a ghetto, who would choose to live in a ghetto that is run down or argue daily about whose ghetto it is? Maybe you have too many secrets and I do not like them or where they are taking me? Maybe you do this on purpose and we do not see eye to eye? Maybe you messed up and are way too ignorant? Who brought all of these evil and no damn good people into my life; you or me? Maybe all of you are F ups but you are the most behaved of the F ups; but want me in the ghetto with you and these no damn good losers you call F ups?
It is clear they are there for all the wrong reasons if not to undermine every aspect of our life and relations to loved ones, friends, or other companies. However, when it comes to the truth, rule breaking, telling the truth, giving back what they took, and ending this war with the communist or mafia; they are absent without leave (awol). If that is not why we are tangled with people who have no morals, who are engaged in espionage and violating strict vital laws, and who torment and undermine every single aspect of our life with a blockade; then I must not have saved the world and trained all of these Generals on the allied forces. They are the enemy and that enemy refuses to leave or go down quietly; take them down. At the end of this when they had no chance at all, maybe only then did they improve 20% of this or were finally not such a enemy; but that did not erase their entire record.
The December Analysis:
Herman Cain: Great candidate but 0 or no popularity.
Mitt Romney: Weak on health care reform.
Newt Gingrich: Who?
Rush Limbaugh: Wants everybody to fail.
Did I leave anybody out or have I forgotten any other strong candidates?
Dear Mr. President (You fill your name here),
We are fighting and cannot escape a very elusive enemy. They feel money and material needs far surpass any other force on earth. They have no value for the truth or human respect. They are in the Republican Party and trying to take over the right wing. We are on the brink of destruction. Your mission is to tell DeBasketball to go away, leave us alone, and it will never work. We know they are the devil. It is time they admit to being it.
When I was young, I dreamed about years when I had something nobody else had. The world would not change and my life would. I live that dream today but not the way I had imagined. I have watched the United States go from good to worse in a fraction of a century. I have seen people I never knew existed, except in the gutter of hell or the replacement for the devil; in all facets of my life and more. I have watched in the past four years turn into a nightmare. However, accustomed to this already, I had to watch as the past twenty years become the disaster it is today. Should we blame it on our leaders or followers? I say followers. I see lazy people who know they are rotten and lazy; but they know no other way to live their life than walk the path of fame between hell and damnation. Hell is where they will stay and I am here to ensure and keep that promise.
When you know you can sit and stand with the best leaders in this world; then you know you belong. You will hear them roar and then you will score. It is not the case of asking or telling others; you hear them roar and you score. Unfortunately, the glory days are gone. In the past eight years, bad leadership has wiped out any dream people dream. Some may claim Ann Coulter wiped their dreams away clean; I beg to differ on nice and good days. As always, I have the plan to save the world. I stand with the flag pierced through the belly of the beast we fight in this world. I stand where no other man can or have. To get here it was war. To stay here it will be world war. You are walking into that and do not understand the dangerous world we live in. On either side, right or left, there are goals and there are plans. It is a very precarious world and it will not go away; therefore, it is our jjob to make it go away.
There are things that must be fixed if we are going to get back ont the right path. I will list them below and what you will be walking into. Keep your mind clear because I do not think you will be able to match or save the world on the level I have experience or a reputation for. There are enemies left and right; some outright ignorant and others just a character you do not want to see day in and day out. Do not trust your Republican cohorts; we learned this the hard way. Never trust your Democratic cohorts; we learned this the insane way and in hell. You are entering a war zone; one where my Generals are learning and receiving information. They know how sharp the edges are and how difficult the climb up here will be. Nobody reads those words with the zeal of a clown on blind inspection duty. After 2012 and the changes that occur; the world will be a different place. It may be a violent place. It may erupt into hell. I have trained and gotten my Generals ready for anything that comes our way; anything.
I ask you to hear my roar and I ask you do not argue with my advice when the muffin is already cooked. These changes are intended so I have a standing army intact for my so called satellite warfare campaign and so I can tickle the office of hurricane and earthquakes. You will not be on hurricane or earthquake duty; only FEMA watch. The deadline has been surpassed and it is now in defeat. I cannot change the world or people; but we can correct it. We have discovered a monstrous conspiracy and scam; on the right wing and Republican Party. Do not be a turtle and trust these obstacles; they are there to undermine your journey in life, as well as mine. I will give you a quick glimpse of what I need done. Keep in mind, this is to ensure I have an intact standing army for satellite warfare; not to disappoint or fill these deflated heads anymore than they are already; we are not interested in their problems and are overwhelmed with our own. Here is your mission and here are the major reforms that must be made if we are going to survive this financially.
Place your name here and write what I write, when and if I ask you to write it, but not until I say so and say to write it; we know they are spying and cherry picking as I write this and are still enforcing a blockade or the refusal to clean up any of it; it is war after 2012 on the hurricane and earthquake levels; but we will pursue legal sanctification to level them. We do not have a choice in this matter; only evil makes the decision whether or not they live with the righteous and honest. Evil will never leave or step down; but we can make up their minds and I will help you with the full might of my powers as witnessed. My Generals know and have seen where this world is going and it will get scarier and scarier as we go along.
So what do we do if the wrong candidate forces themselves on us like all other ignoramus and psychotic leaders we literally have to destroy?
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