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Sunday, December 4, 2011


Apology accepted Ann. Next time and for the 100th time; worry about someone listening or watching. Do not let them or let Twitter ruin your life. If you have to unplug it; then do so. You worked so hard to get here, it is a shame to watch you fight these people or listen to your life story. In this case, you picked or started an argument over Lisa DeBasketball and I just do not think she is important enough to stand between you or I. But this is what you get when you are associated with human scumbags and people who are moraless or materially corrupted. Of course in a perfect world they would be gone and we would not be arguing about people who are no damn good or so stupid they have to order people around. They are in dire straits and a quagmire; don't stoop to their level but defend your ground. I understand it takes violence to defeat them or get through their thick and corrupted head; however, their police are on the hunt for anybody who gets in their way and I have been in their way. So apology accepted. Get a legal team as I have advised and go to war with them; not dinner or cocktails. The deadline on all of this shows you who they are and what they are willing to do; now it is the deadline of 2012. If all hell breaks out or if hell is unleash on planet earth; we filmed and saw people 200% guilty on TV refusing to surrender or end this circus of idiots. You will not beat them on evil or pure scum rotten; trust me. But once they are taken out; they go from poor to homeless.

Hey Ann, this was supposed to be a military page where I talk to my forces and Generals, thanks again sweetie.

I will have to set a deadline. Ann, it sounds to me and probably the rest of the entire world; Hannity has you caught with your pants down. Whatever the secrets you hold with him; we know it involves him filling in for your bartender friend; don't we? Regardless, I am beginning to think you are just another scumbag who is trying really hard to fit in with me and are having a difficult time justifying yourself. So tell me, was all of this a prank or were you intending on destroying them or just pissing me off for all the mistakes you made and making you eat them? I will say this easily again, as a scholar you are impeccable. As a person you are not the brightest out there. As a girlfriend nobody on this earth would ever be in the situation I am in. Even your best friends and enemies come to me and talk about you while you claim it is all untrue. Now it is more cocktails and doing crazy drinking or bar dares as if I am not even watching or here. Your time is running out and so are the excuses. I am starting to think all of this was a prank because you are guilty or a better liar than all of them are. Time will tell and I have said easily; spend a million dollars if you decide to come to me and tell me about rape plots or murder plots against you. We also know you are the most sexually harassed woman in the world, a little hurt about it, and need them in your life desperately. You try to get me to shut Fox News down and you cannot even do it yourself. Look how weak your case is now because you only want to start shit with me all the time or get me all ginned up for nothing. And you call yourself my trusted helper and my best friend; amazing. If you ask me, "filled in for your bartender friend" and "tell us about your boyfriend" every single show; has you caught with your pants down and I think you are either a scumbag or just totally flawed. Good job, you did well in this lifetime; maybe the next one won't be so gratifying. There has always been something about you that is just not right; always. We will find out who is leading the police and everybody on a prank or wild goose chase. We need to see the proof; love letter, email, text, garment, article of jewelry, etc...

We have been here, back and forth, done that, and concluded this case for trial. The reason why you chase dick, go to cocktails, attend this useless events, go on Fox News, and got in this mess has nothing to do with your pursuit of men for sex, romance, or other. It falls between being attacked, negotiating a hostage release, telling them to stop and finding out what they want, and lastly you own selfish reasons. These are moles and they are materialistic. They use people and material things to get what they want; even sex. They are spies and psychos who will not and absolutely refuses to leave. Your crime was not bad behavior, it was good behavior. This is how and why my record as all these arrests, bankruptcies, financial chaos, bad employment, everything bad and slandered. We finally got a half confession from them but never an admission or surrender. I set a deadline and I told all my Generals, even the office of hurricane and earthquakes, who I know well and admire broadly; to nuke them or shut them down for good. Other than this, I do not know any other resolution or closure. Our civil case is being prosecuted on those terms and I need you to spend the money and invest on our safety. My safety has been breached and is in jeopardy. I have tried to reverse or conclude most if not all of these issues. I am in class and in training all day; if not I have a business plan to get some of this mobilized. Stop picking fights with me Ann and stop trying to argue with me; does it matter why or about whom? Forget DeBasketball and the lard asses you call your material friends (giggle); they hate you also. You have run out of excuses, plays, and time. I also have Generals I have to train and get up to speed; can you give me some peace and quiet in my love life Ann?

Okay I know that voice and female is Chelsea now. She is a psycho, big time. Ann, you should know these people have no morals. Now they are hysterical and come to me daily about "nobody wants you to stay... leave... move." You should know they have no morals and are pathological liars; rotten to the core. They will play this game until death arrives; you bring them blood. If you have any common sense, you will stop taking them on and coming to me with overwhelming problems. They will torment you and they will bring you to the bring of murder or destruction. As a Christian you should know better than to associate or befriend people who are the devil or materialistic; all they are after is money, this is all. Now you spark fights on every side. You foment agitation in my camp, my love life, and seem to enjoy yourself while doing it. Perhaps it is to mock them. Perhaps it is to just be a bitch and start a fight with me; arguing incessantly. I know this, I have class and a lot of work to win back my life; recover. You have not been any help or little help. You expect me to take all of them and lift you up; then create so much problems; I do not care if you die or want to hear anymore of your stunts. You have run out of excuses; get a legal team as I advised and spend a few pennies on your damn safety. If you do not care then spend it on mine. Holy shit I have lost my flippin mind on this and you. You are quiet and they call you every name in the book and you expect to take them head on; they said you had a chip on your shoulder. I am getting really tired of the same speeches and your excuses; just nonstop blame back and forth. A professional legal team will help you far more than I can and you might end up with a marriage intact or in one piece; are you stupid? I just said no more and you step over that line again and again; just to torment me or start shit again. Everybody reports all you want to do is start shit, or erase your lack of fight and genetics. You are up against world class moles and psychotic terrorists; grow some balls and knock off the clown act.

I SAID THIS WAS GOING TO STOP AND YOU WILL GET A LEGAL TEAM ANN; SPEND A MILLION DOLLARS. Do I have to repeat myself? If you want to use Twitter and finish off or ruin what we have left or what has survived; then at least do not blame it on anybody but yourself. Also, knock of the insult me or throw something at me and go on TV shit. I am fed up with that also. Pretty soon I will have to place a deadline on your also; all of you are clowns and I am just fed up to the hilt. I see people use Twitter responsibly and I see couples use Twitter without stunts or wrecking their romance. You? YOU DO HAVE A CHIP ON YOUR SHOULDER AND YOU DO HAVE A PERSONALITY DISORDER. YOU ARE THE MOST HONEST OF THE CLOWNS IN MY LIFE. I DO OWE YOU A DEBT.

It is not necessarily your flaws; it is your survival skills. You people have the survival skills of clowns. If it is not destroying each other, it is destroying those whom you claim to love. But if it is not the point of misery, then it is begging like a bad luck charm up until getting nuked by some force of nature far beyond your understanding. Sorry if that hurts but it is the truth. Ann, there was one week of peace and you had to start an argument or do some crazy shit; then direct the flow at them. They will not ignore us but can you ignore them? Their deadline is 2012. Do you know why I am so upset or aggravated with you? There are more than one reasons you do understand, don't you? You expect me to fight a war with you. They do also. You expect me to win a war. They do also. I am in class all day sometimes. I read all night. All you have on your mind is CPAC and cocktails? I do all this below the poverty line or average income. Maybe all of you have your priorities so wrong? Can you be quiet or do you just want to keep arguing like they do?

Ann, I am glad you are so sorry and learned a lesson. However, tell me why you want the Jews in our life? Tell me why you want the Catholics? Tell me why a tubbylard could bring you to this level or be so vital to your life and mine? Who the hell is Lisa DeBasketball to do this or get you to have such a foul mothball mouth? Exactly. Nobody. Why then would you provoke a fight or try to argue with me again? Do you have some mental illness I am not aware of? It needs to stop and it will, do I need a deadline with you also? You and your F'in Twitter is like a kid with a gun. Twitter ends up ruining our life? You are like a little kid Ann; and I am sick and tired of flaws. You people are so flawed and troubled.

Your life is in danger, you don't spend a dime. My life is in danger, you go to dinner. The nation is in danger, you join CPAC or surround my life with communists. Why am I upset? I don't know, do I have any reason to be? Lisa Debasketball said Yay? Is this another CPAC trick or lax security? You go to mafia or communist mole conventions while I have to listen to them or what they did to you while at home. Better, the deadline is 2012 and all you all do not know what to do but drink or bribe each other.
F YOU TOO ANN: This is why I had to shut you up. This is why I don't even care if they kill you anymore. This is your usual stupid tricks. You take their money; they try to bribe you; you sit there and throw it all on my lap and I don't get a damn cent for labor; labor must be free in this world. Everything free Ann. Then you get me in this Republican disaster. Now I am all tangled up and unhappy. I as so at peace for one god damn week; one. This is why I never get B days, Christmas, or any happiness in life. This is also why I will never ever help you again, " AnnCoulter Ann Coulter LIVE TWEETING! until cocktails ... RT @@LisaDeP Yay, @AnnCoulter is tweeting during the debate! #iowadebate 10 Dec" DO NOT EVER ASK ME FOR HELP AGAIN, EVEN IF YOU ARE DEAD OR IN DANGER! I told you to get a team of lawyers, not go get cocktails or chase cock! I bet you won't even take them to court or spend money on my safety or yours... watch!

The mole is the white guy on the Republican side who is working on behalf of the labor unions and Jewish bankers. What they are doing is cherry picking for the Democrats by driving way ideal right wingers and forcing the best candidates into the Democrats or the ghetto; a Catholic world of corruption. The communist mole is the white guy on the Republican Party. Even the Democrats hate them; or do they?

America has been turned into a ghetto and slum. Ann, you can sit next to them or take their money. Let me make this crystal clear, the Republicans are being taken apart and invaded. If you look at how they are plagued with membership issues; it is just the same game to undermine their chances. Nobody wants to join the Democrats and at this time; nobody can stand the Republicans. They may have money but their likability is space cadet. I suggest you begin to let the word out; the Republicans have major problems when it comes to public appeal or membership. Just look at the Iowa debates. Therefore, Fox News, Gingrich, and CPAC does this on purpose to undermine the right wing. I do not know who is in charge but they need to start taking them out. Furthermore, look at the Florida Republican Party. It looks like New York and New York is so far from America at this time it is the 1960s all again. Again, blame the Jews and blame the Catholics for their ignorant bias. Did I mention how they think they are tough? Who in this world would not nuke them? Who in this world would do business with them? Who in hell would join the Republican Party under these terms? You? Me? The fool on the street? We do all the work; they get all the credit. So you tell me how to get rid of all these nonsense people? Look at what these communist moles have done to our life and the right wing. This is why they are so strong around the world and here in America. Look at what these politicians have done and what these people have allowed to happen to our world and our life. They are 200% guilty do we need to say anything more? The million dollar question is how to get rid of ignoramus and all of these moles or their scams? Who the F would join or put up with this? Are the American people accountable or these criminal moles?

Why are they hated and try to keep hostages? If the FBI and Pentagon go back and check the records, Fox News is acting on behalf of Israel. They will never speak badly of Israel and the moment Israel is mentioned; their eyes light up. The bias in the media is grotesque. Kick these people out of government and make sure they do not take over the right wing or the Republican Party using debts or market scams. Then again, so are a lot of other liberal media channels. It is not the fact they are biased that is the problem. When they engage in espionage on behalf of Israel or try to pull America into wars by plotting killings or violence; it is an act of treason. Not only are there gross violations of the law, it is a gross violation while clandestine. Even in Israel their acts are illegal but in America; it is considered to be us who are mentally ill or refuses to go away. This is why nothing works.

All of them think we are stupid and they think we are easily scammed. Yet they remain completely out of control. It could be the justice system is all wrecked up and it could be they are lawless and the devil. Espionage on behalf of Israel, conspiring to plot or influence the life of others, violating the laws on such a gross level, endangering common citizens and expecting us to put up with them or tolerate this; it is all too much to bear. We know this is a struggle over a Jewish nation; however, we are neither Jewish nor Catholic. Can they respect that or not? The deadline is 2012; they have less than 30 days to figure something out. Giving us peanuts and a few dollars; bribing or trying to hire Ann Coulter while claiming she is their wife or girlfriend did blow up in their face eagerly. They are guilty and 200%; but they refuse to turn themselves in or stop this control and fear factor. America is not for them and neither are we; stay out and stay away. Just because we look good and think clearly; doesn't make us mentally ill, unwelcome, or racist anti-semites. Go back to the slums and the ghetto; America has nothing to offer and we verified this. Why would New York prosecute them or investigate this fiasco? Did I mention the wave of new immigrants?

Clearly they are looking for a major league ass whooping. Just stay down, leave, and stop acting like you are superior when you are a human piece of shit. Now a major ass whooping is needed. I do not think all of these medical problems, so called dialogues and debates, disfiguring other people because you are ugly, or messing up their skin and hair should be described as mocking them. That is what all these bed bugs, cockroaches, and mosquitoes are about. But then, this is what brings them bad hurricane and earthquake luck. Let it be known they refused to turn themselves in, used every single evasion method known to man, and jeopardized their leaders or those who are in the line of fire with their antics. If they get a hurricane and earthquake; it was not because they surrendered or were honest; nor was it because they were only 20% guilty. We are asking they be shut down, closed, down, and destroyed; no more business in America or with other Americans. No more problems with their leaders. No more political chicanery. Stay down and go away. We are asking they get hurricaned and earthquaked after 2012 while we try to legally prosecute them. They were given many opportunities to end this and turn themselves in, many.

Ann, they claim they were only mocking us so we would question ourselves and not question them. However, I am confused about who is mocking who now. Are you mocking them or are they mocking us? Secondly, everybody wants to nuke them. I tell them every single day they are vagrants, I hate them, get out of our life and die, I want to nuke them, and they keep saying how they only want to educate or mock us. This is what I call bad hurricane and earthquake bad luck. This vagrant also thinks they are you, they are my parents, and they are me. That makes me and others question me; while they are not even a suspect or the problem? What a dying fool and a psycho; because in the end they are about to be destroyed and a lot of evidence is against them, 200% guilty. Mock us? We are unsure and question our life? We question those we love but not them?

Ann, listen to me. They are spying on us heavily. The police is the last line of defense and they penetrated heavily. They are still trying to teach us about life and suffering. The goal is for us to walk in their shoes or for them to implant their life experience in ours. Okay, we have established and fought this. Now their police want you to tie your finances and life savings up to mine; which is wrecked. They know I have 3 SBA loans and am working on three companies; startups. If they do what they did with my credit card; the stick and carrot buying spree and blowing it with careful timing and espionage; I will go belly up. They want me tied to your life savings; they will give us as much credit as possible; they will be our customers or helpers; and then they will extort or say how nobody likes us; while trying to buy our stocks or take over. It is a god forsaken plan but you need to be weary about marriage to me and being in my life. This is how they plan on taking out satellite warfare or taking you down. This is why my books are the deciding factor.

If I get several million for them; it is seed money. I can pay off the loans or not even need an SBA. One of my plans will get through if not all of them. However, if you still want kids; you really need to hurry. If I am in a blockade, it will devastate your life and mine; what a judge will say is "irreparable harm which cannot be repaid in dollar terms." Without a job or this blockade ongoing; due to these people in my life; my books are delayed. I am trying to raise capital and get some income; one or the other. If we marry, they will take both of us out simultaneously and collect on what they tried to bribe you with; collection efforts. At least I can park my car at your house. The deadline of 2012 is because they do not want to do it and will not do it; outright refusal and conflict of interest.

Ann I met up with a friend of mine from the past. He has nothing to do with this mess. He is going to give me a ride to pick up my car. I am moving my belongings to my new place and parking my Trans Am at your Palm Beach home. This should shut em up. Take good care of my car okay. You don't have to fix it but I expect you to make up some story if you have to. If you want to avoid your FL home, then do so. That area is nothing more than New York and the state of FL is going downhill. I am into aquaculture so; I have work and class. I will get a ride from a HS friend and will park at your beach house; move your car or I will park it behind you. I am under attack by New Yorkers in Florida.

Go and help their family. Go and educate their dirt stupid friends. Go and move their family out of harms way. They are the ones who really need it. Stop F'in with us and getting so much hurricane and earthquake bad luck. They do not even have a diploma or education. Move their family out of harms way and help them; leave us alone. The bed bugs, bugs, stupid tricks... they always pay for it, always.

Have a talk to their loved ones? There is a deadline. They don't give a crap about anybody; not even their mom. Yes, I caught them placing bed bugs in my room or on my things. Make sure their family moves or they move in with their family. I am fed up with their daily tricks and gimmicks; or telling others to move or leave. Make sure their family leaves after the deadline and see if they think it is the right thing. That is how important they truly are. I suggest their family moves.

Who wants to work with or talk to a human piece of trash who is this stupid or whom cannot form a complete sentence? Furthermore, who would for twenty years or could even tolerate such a dumbass? A lack of education is why they do not write this down; it shows how stupid they truly are and the need to explain or accountability. Also, minorities hate them. In most Asian countries, there is virtually no crime except Catholic ones. Lock all of them in a room and if they do not learn how to spell or make a complete sentence; hang the lazy SOB. Someone nuke this idiotic F'er in our life and who has done this and who thinks they are a bully and superior.

The Catholic Church is suited for reptiles and communists. However, they feel a holocaust is occurring and need the "Right Stuff" to stop it. In order to do this, their remaining fledglings need infiltrators to feed their strike units. Their main force or elite special forces are communist white collar felons with this ear communication implant. Based on what they told me or tried, they felt it was a conspiracy because they are superior. The evidence indicates low IQ and they got hosed down badly. The Jewish and Catholic Church are behind this but they paid the Democrats (Clinton and Bush) big dollars to help them take out anyone in their way. Here is a section of "Corleonesi or Cosa Nostra" about the Second Mafia War. The Catholic Church and the Jewish Church sent the mafia to undermine America while they seized power using elections. That is who is behind it; then they do a holocaust and we get Berlin and the eastern bloc.

[Another pentito Leonardo Messina described how the Corleonesi organized their rise to power: "They took power by slowly, slowly killing everyone … We were kind of infatuated with them because we thought that getting rid of the old bosses we would become the new bosses. Some people killed their brother, others their cousin and so on, because they thought they would take their places. Instead, slowly, (the Corleonesi) gained control of the whole system. (…) First they used us to get rid of the old bosses, then they got rid of all those who raised their heads, like Giuseppe Greco 'the Shoe', Mario Prestifilippo and Vincenzo Puccio … all that’s left are men without character, who are their puppets."]

For someone whom we all look down to tremendously, they can get back in the sardine they came in and go back to the ghetto and slum they escaped or created. To think this human piece of trash is doing this to us or comparing themselves to our life is beyond absurdity. Go back to the ghetto and slum you emerged from or are king of; you will starve in America and the noose is tightening already. Also, STFU and just leave. Go back to New York or go back to the slums of dumbass where you belong. This is why you starve in America and will be ripped apart. I think 1.5 billion in damages and all police and military units chasing you is really bad luck.

The procedure I developed for their elite ear implant espionage units are as follows. Usually, they only come in numbers and are the elite of the communist spies in America. They are the most dangerous and operate similar to a police or military unit. When facing or encountering 100 or 1000 of them; lay low. They are either doing a show of force or setting a trap. Because there are no rules here; instinct and feel is the only way to see. It is good to have a satellite backup. Begin by flagging each unit down. Once they are verified as a ear implanted or communicating, do not shut them down; trace them. Place them in a system where the computer knows when a high concentration of them are. These are their elite units. When the concentration reaches 75% and above; pray for a hurricane and earthquake. That concludes our lecture today on how to take out elite communist espionage spy rings who operate like police or military units. The police can thank me later but these units never do the dirty work; they are well manicured and white collar. When they are about to be busted; that ear piece has to be removed. I could not detect or lock into a satellite footprint so it could be on shortwave radio; but it reaches 1000 of them while on the same mission. Each sentry does their own thing and the goal is layered. One of them will get through. It is better to do it my way and flag them, track them, and then call the office of hurricane and earthquakes. This is why I am the father of Satellite Warfare.

Ann, the Catholics and Jews are still coming around and they want to manage my accounts, your life, and possibly my family. The last I checked, they messed up everything and refused to fix any of it; nothing. If anything is fixed, it is about money; big bucks. Yet they want to manage our accounts. This is what the public saw on Fox News and it was them. Furthermore, they are so inferior and stupid, the New Yorkers are coming in my life, on the street; and saying personal things relating to this case or the past. Their favorite is "he doesn't want to leave." They are so inferior and grotesque, they cannot get anywhere in life. Even if they rob, murder, or run their mouth; they cannot get anywhere. They feel they live in some prison and we are supposed to help them break out or free; at least sieze the guards and take control. They cannot do anything right and their mouth is just indescribable. Insofar as their religion, they no longer wish to "debate" it with us. You stomped on any of their religious pontification or zeal. It is my belief their religon was invented for reptiles or the animal kingdom; however, the Jews and Catholics are very wealthy. Their real estate and construction developments over the past 100 years is a phenomenon. That has changed and it is nearly collapsed. America allowed their real estate to occur and this is why all this indigenous and other races come in. Asians are not included in their religion. Blacks are their main foot soldiers followed by the Hispanics. The New York crowd has a different Latin breed. They are just weird. I know the Cubans and Latins much better but the New York bunch just stinks up everything. Therefore, they are scared to debate religion with us now. They claim I or we refuse to leave. They claim we are the problem and we refuse to open any doors for them; they have nothing against us. Look at how self-assured their moles are we caught; on TV and radio they act exactly like us. This is why and how you had so much problems with the Clintons and then Fox News. It also goes back to Vietnam. Finally, they claim they are not budging; we have to move and leave. Imagine foreign spies telling us to leave or move all day and night; have we lost our minds? The deadline is 2012; they come to our homes and want bad hurricane and earthquake luck?

They still want to manage our accounts and life; even if they refuse to clean up anything and this mess. Manufacturing and industry shut down their American dream and immigrant plight to America; but that also shut down their real estate which is in steep decline. They scared the government so much debt is being used to keep them in power or employed. They feel tax dollars and revenue from their labor or work fueled growth in America and created a lot of private sector and government jobs. They are still coming around but on much different terms. They still want to manage our accounts but refuse to clean up anything; no more debates on Christianity; they are beat up. They are known for attacking and taking over; then implementing real estate or hostile takeovers. Military might and military weapons today make their real estate difficult because nations are armed to the teeth. The only fight they have is in the ghetto where these clowns reside and nobody pays any attention to them but they feel "he do not want to move." New York was a plan they tried on Florida and it did not work. They are leaving in droves. The construction industry collapsed. Foreclosure and drugs is everywhere and everything to them now. How do you debate 100 or 1000 of these clowns? How do you work or get life in order when they send out sleazy looking models to woo you, day and night? I have written to the office of hurricane and earthquakes to inform them of advanced surveillance and espionage tactics. They have surgical implants to locate and implant a hearing device in their ear so that a vast network is possible. Therefore, they operate as efficient and as coordinated as police and military units. They flip flop between war and not wanting war; but they wage it 24 hours and refuse to admit to anything or fix anything. Get pinned down and stuck with one of their remote ear implant units and it is nearly impossible to evade or find breathing room. I have had to do this 100s of times. Even though they are under the radar and almost mafia like; they are a business, commerce, law enforcement, and private espionage group. They claim to also be bankrupt (Limbaugh) and have reached the end of their ropes. They want us to lead them to a watering hole or someplace better. I led them to hell and our mission. The deadline is 2012; they come to our homes and want bad hurricane and earthquake luck? They are also trying to get a foot in the hurricane business or storm chasing.

Ann listen closely and do everything as I say. My safety and your safety depends on this. The people behind this are making gestures and contact; very aggressive. They are gesturing how we made a fatal mistake. They calmly claim we cannot take them down and they are in total control of the government. The communist have indicated they are not defeated and will smash or keep this ongoing until we either kill them or use violence. They are suggesting our safety is at risk if we go forward and pursue action against them; a retaliation or punishment. Here is what I want you to do; pay attention, our safety and future depends on this. Don't be scared or impregnated by this psycho; I think the Pentagon plans on nuking their forces in the near future.

1. Find someone you trust who is fearless, preferably a female and lawyer. Send her a package with any and all evidence. Put it on a disc. Make sure that disc will lock them up for life. Give this disk and package to more than one person you trust. Tell them if anything happens to you or I; to send it to the US Dept. of Justice, the Canadian and British Ministry of Defense.
2. Find someone you trust who is fearless and can nuke this enemy or take them down. They will handle your legal case and prosecute. If during the case they get out of hand; nuke them or call the office of hurricane and earthquakes. Our safety depends on this and they will not stop or cease until nuked.
3. When you have enough insurance and are sure they cannot stalk or follow you using their spying mechanism or street soldiers; lay low. Do not get in arguments with me about men, lies, untrue slander, or any stupid stuff. They are using rental property I own, rent, or have been in to convey messages, have a dialogue, or prosecute the matter. My safety is still in jeopardy and I need you to make sure the pieces are lined up properly before throwing a rock at them and shattering their world.
4. I need you to contact the media and let them know; inform them we have the federal authorities and leading them on a high level pursuit with armed and dangerous political terrorists. Do not trust them; they made up stories about me and got me arrested before; to lure me in by suggesting they were interested in what I had to say. They turned out to be some contact or handler.
5. My living arrangements are being used to divide you and me; to aggravate or break our bond. You need to have a disc or include in there what we, you and I have been up to; our biography.

Ann, don't be scared and I will walk you through it as always. When you have all these bases covered; you can proceed to take them down. I am in a blockade and my legal cost ranges in or at 5 million; just a total mess. Yours is the best chance to break them and gain footing. Go ahead and spend a million dollars of our fund and get a very high level legal team; fearless and with killer instinct. They are the only people who can keep up with us or this case. Due to the financial conflict of interest, the steep decline of the nation, and the political damage we have both extolled on them; I do not trust the lawyers. I assume they are politically or financially motivated; threatened, prodded, and lured against us. Most lawyers are not whom we would call ideal candidates to handle this case. Furthermore, there are so many tricks; especially when I get arrested on the legal end. I viewed it as legal extortion or abuse of power. Whatever the case, the legal team needs to understand the implications, the danger both you and I are in; and how close this psycho is to our life.

I have completed most of the above or tried to; now I need you to go into war mode and take that leap of faith. Go ahead and spend that million and let's get our life back or our sanity. Also, I really need you to hurry up with the devoted wife campaign. I know you plan to quit and told me this; there is nothing left for you to return to. I am quickly getting our forces up to par and preparing them for battle. I have moved them into position; I have and am covering their six and using the surprise of suppression to inform them of my assessment. They are not as helpful as we need and my security is zero to none. This mess and this mission was not supposed to be this way and I can blame a lot of people involved. Let them rot in hell; we need to get going on this. Make sure someone, at least one person, has your biography and mine; inform your family a plot was in place for your harm and sexual molestation. It is hard to read a dumbass and idiot. When you sense shame in their voice, tremble in their hearts, and when you feel they are soften and not as psychotic as they were before; let's clobber them.

Until then I will inform the Generals in the office of hurricane and earthquakes to nuke them or earthquake them when and if they are out of line or gesture to us. Unfortunately, that is the only thing right now that separates you from I and one of us drifting away or suffering more. When that deadline comes; lay low and watch out. There is no telling where or how it will be coming from or how fierce. Even if our Generals unleash hell and the fire of purgatory; it does not dent this maniac and psycho very much. They have an ability to recover and get up when missing parts of their head or body. If they are in total control of the government; it will require more than lawyers or a military to remove them and compel them to do the right thing. As you can see, compelling them to confess, tell the truth, or even push them back is extremely difficult. They do not understand F off or F you at all. None.

Those are not very good odds and our story does not resonate well with those who are put in our shoes. However, most of my goals are achieved and I would say reasonably verified. They continue to press this idea I am phony, cuckoo, and mentally ill; no matter how this turns out or what the dangers are for them. Now I cannot change this or their ignorant bias; but the malice degree with incur them the death penalty; for sure. Make sure you tell someone our story and biography; I dropped clues and left a paper trail as I told you. I saw them do it and they were gesturing to me; talking to me during all of this (Waco, OK City, Va. Tech, 911, etc... ); it was just nonstop craziness like a line of firecrackers. It was if the Vietnam War came to America and fighting in the streets every single day; shootouts, bombings, and much more. That legal team has to be prepared for what they have in front of them and understand what the implications are; pioneers. I can cover them as I am the Pentagon Generals but the penetration and take over is immense. The damage is immense as well. That is all I can do, I am totally paralyzed and in class daily or studying. I need income and capital badly.


STFU will you. You are so inferior and dumb. This goes on all day. Don't sit there and keep using these landlords or messengers to say you do not know what to do or "what do you want us to do." We have issued surrender orders a long time ago and interrogated your leaders. They did not admit to this in the open but used a vocabulary. When you are told to turn yourself in and stop playing this game of control; don't sit there like a retard. Stop saying how we have to leave and sue you. When you wage war on a country and are trapped, surrounded, and was destroyed; you fly the white flag and we talk to your leaders. They kept saying this was up for grabs and may the best man win. So do not play dumb and ask what we expect you to do or you do not know what to do. When you rob a bank, when WACO is raided, when a negotiator is at your door telling you this is over and to give up; you do not carry it on and flood the airwaves like WACO or Jonestown. That is a filthy no good trick by the same human piece of shit. You know exactly what to do and have; we also have your playbook, strategy sheet, and positioned our forces ready for heavy fighting. What do you expect us to do? Let's ask Ann; are you going to let them rape and murder you Ann; or just play it off and be quiet? Then why not shut up and go away as you are told? Move on and stop harping about nothing. This is why this clown got nuked or ripped to pieces by the military of the world. Now they are taking over the Republican and right wing with terror plots. Follow the money and understand debt or how a robbery goes down; a scam full of lies. CPAC is guilty and not even worried about security, right Ann?

When half the budget is spent on jails and defense spending; when the other half is spent on welfare or medical costs; it indicates a very obnoxious and troubled people. When jobs are going overseas, when you read stories like such and then read what these people are up to, how can they bark back "leave" or "go home?" We tell them to F off and they flood our life with drunks, laborers, homeless junk, mentally ill felons, poop dreams, farts, bugs, fat disgusting women, men who are as dumb and smelly as a man can get, etc... it gets disgusting and they are seeking what? Now like the Nazis they are surrounded and the militaries and Generals are gearing up because this is what they live for and how they feel alive. To watch as an enemy and menacing nemesis be taken out and made to suffer is worth the victory of the challenge. Ask them if they enjoyed their time on earth and watch as their heart explodes trying to tell their story of invasion and holding captives. They eat what they preach and they got nothing out of it but a mess. I hope the government also understands how this cheap labor, ignorance, and mess ends up on their lap. You can fix it now or wait until it fixes you; and what do we spend our money on? Destroying them of course; all of them. First, we cut off all their financial holdings and make it clear; they will never do business in America again. If they are ruined or loose all their life savings doing business with this enemy and felon; then buyer beware. Choose better company and people next time you decide to make a complete mess and disaster in our life. This is 2012, who has the gall and the balls for it; the deadline? Make them suffer for what they did.

There is more but they had the nerve to hold us as a prisoner, part of their promotion, to investigate or figure out how we were spying on them or caught them. The question is how they are spying on us and what we caught them for. The audacity and gall of this enemy, in our land and our territories, is impossible. This is also why I keep repeating they have the death penalty and the charges against them ranges from murder, rape, massacres, terror plots, bomb plots, etc... plus they expect this nation to throw a welcome mat for them; even after all they have done. They expect "sorry" blurted daily to excuse them. They expect money or a few bucks of their chump change to fix a 1.5 billion dollar lawsuit or stop hurricane and earthquakes. This is why they refuse to talk and are cowards hiding but also attacking like Nazis. The fresh boat also is saying how superior or bullying they are; we are weak. Who would not nuke them? Is life not worthwhile watching them suffer?

Ann, when they bombard me with PR to suggest you are a nuisance or more of a nuisance to my life than they are. When they bombard me with untrue or a drive-by how you are a right wing party girl looking for any gig you can attend. When they bombard me with PR or "suggestive" matters which indicate Christmas will not be arriving again this year. When they bombard me with hot Russian Jews or chicks who throw themselves at you but are gold diggers. When they attend all of your events, flash pictures, write emails or replies for you, when they forge your name, and when they steal your identity and portray themselves as your bodyguard, security, entourage, and even boyfriend or lover; it has a very negative impact. Similarly, my adult mentors were one and two star Generals. When they flash three and four stars to indicate radio Hanoi knows more people, is better for me, can open more doors, knows what they are talking about, etc... then literally takes over or guns down my life; it has horrible implications for both sides.

When the people who are doing this; the Catholics and Jews bombard me with security forces fresh off the boat or straight up weirdos, immigrants from other countries; who are my bosses; who attend Republican events; you associate with you; who did all of this; who blocked my life and shut it down; it makes me feel you do not care or ever did. No matter what evidence you presented or what they did; it just eroded that trust and that sense of warmth, no matter what you said and how untrue it was. This is what the communist are doing. This is why a deadline has to be imposed and they are ordered to surrender or withdraw. They are stating they have gone too far into our territory and after twenty years; cannot retreat or surrender. It is a suicide mission by them and radio Hanoi is changing its tune to our com-padres or lovers; even family members. This is what the landlord, New York, and all of this has been about. This is whom lurked outside of Washington DC and came into our life. I noticed them a long time ago and they felt they were under the radar and nobody was looking. How wrong they were; everybody was and is now. They are upset because the door is always shut for them and on them. When you go into an enemy territory and are trapped and surrounded; it indicates you are the aggressor, Nazis, and very wrong. I hope someone nukes them with a hurricane or earthquakes; makes our time on earth so worthwhile; and I hope they enjoyed their time here watching us smash, defeat, and outfox them; a total dumbass fresh off the boat and the gook in this story looking for applause.

Wonderful church we have on our side or trying to probe us. First they bring in psychotic spies, labor unions, and all the labor problems. Then they bring is sex offenders and predators. Then they bring in crazed women who are disgusting. Then they bring in a bunch of drunks who mess up everything. Then they tell us to shut up and move on. Then they refuse to let us go or leave us alone; and we are not even a member of their church. Then they bring in all these dumbass immigrants and cheap labor to parade and market their turnkey American dream. What next F with our partners and wife? One realistic religion on the verge of total jackass or demise. Why not bring them here to America and we can have a huge problem with Nazis and communists? Did I mention crime and their politics yet? They want us to think they are wonderful Americans. They want us to think they are a welcome addition. They just want to have their way and are not even welcome. They want to be the church known for being such good and innocent Americans. How do we get married when they are constantly trying to take our spouse out or making passes or comments daily, at the workplace, or all of this junk we keep reporting as a psycho trying to assimilate into our life?

Enjoy their time on earth and enjoy themselves with kidnapping or using Ann Coulter? Enjoy their time with me? Well then, I did also! Yes, run your mouth and get up after each match; not hurt or doing more damage to us? Drifter? My reputation must be improving in their book and vocabulary. We know who is doing it and that person is the one doing our security; it is the same one on Ann Coulter and my side. I must ask, did they enjoy their time on this earth or not? Are they really right wing or conservative as they say? Really? Do you want to know what our mission is? Our mission is truth, justice, and the American way. If you do not like this; go home. We can nuke your ass when you are on the boat and sitting pretty chanting how the homeland suits your fancy. That is how important you truly are. As I said in 1987, as I said in1990, as I said in 1993, as I said in 1998, as I said in 2000, as I said in 2003, as I said in 2006, as I said in 2008, as I said in 2011, and as I said now; F OFF, F YOU, AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR TIME ON EARTH, LoL; THE JOKE WAS ON YOU! If you got a problem with my mission; F you and go home so we can nuke you; how many bulls-eye have there been so far? Expect another bulls-eye and all day long. You also have two, two civil suits; one for 1.5 billion dollars!

Ann, I just watched a documentary on Western Canada. Inuits and Canadians live in that harsh climate. If this industrial human lazy fat ass wants to prove themselves or mouth off about how tough they are; why don't we throw them into the Canadian plains and see how long the frigid toughness of winter makes them a little bit less of a pest. If it comes down to debating the Asians or the whites by invading their home; this labor baglady syndrome can walk the hills of Canada and then tell us how special they truly are. It would be a month before they robbed each other or cannibalized their own; that is how civilized and organized they truly are. So F off the deadline is less than 30 days and we don't worry about knowing what to do or not; we don't care so do not even repeat this as a landlord. Don't ever compare yourself to us but a boat for the homeland will make this easier; can can sink it or nuke your failed communist life of "don't know what to do." They got something to prove; settle that land and we will talk to you then or share life with your lazy industry human piece of shit. Won't you shut up and leave us alone? Go home or die; 200% guilty and still...

DEAR JOHN ROBERTSON (@ANN COULTER): sit your ass down boy and shut up about how you love Ann Coulter. Newt is a mole and part of the gang of six; a labor union based spy group. I am reading your shit also. @ Fox News, Ann hurry up and get more involved with my life so I can remove Fox News' police cops. They are going around saying I am a "drifter" whom is associated with you. Great security we have on the most important and top secret mission on earth chasing aliens. Let me guess, devout CPAC member also! Newt is not running any show here except his own. We are expecting massive fighting and this is why.

Dear Pentagon and Security: we do not invite the French, Italians, Canadian, or British Security forces for Republican events, why or who is exclusively bringing the Israelis to them? Who is this idiot and mole doing our security? Get them out of the military also. I want to know who is doing it and to flag them. Until this case is over and we know exactly who is doing it and what they are doing; I would think Israel is a primary suspect or threat. Also, there is a strange anomaly between Florida and other southern states that is disproportionately Jewish. This word terrorism and anti-antisemitism seem to follow each other around so until then; stop making stupid mistakes. This is comparable to inviting the KKK to an NAACP event to do security or vice versa; who is wrong or in control? I am not sure who exactly is behind this mess but that F'er between us and them better knock it off. We have a massive penetration and security problem right now and I have informed my Generals to shut them down and instill a procedure. Take their trash out and get it out of our life before talking some half-cocked game about control. I too want to hear them when their bad hurricane and earthquake luck runs out because they did not obey the surrender terms or the deadline of 2012; now they are 200% guilty. This is getting very obnoxious and we should and nuke thse communists.

Ann, I can see they are making a pass at you and you are drawing them in or doing things to upset them; they are spies, psychos, and demented felons. You will not win. Spend 1 million on a legal team and let this be a lesson for all women. The deadline is approaching and I need you more involved in my life. F them and flick them off next time, don't upset them back. Three Hi-rock-em-all was not enough to shut them down; we need ten and more. Call the President will you and get that bastard piece of shit off his ass. His wife would never go through this because she is disgusting.

They must be very important! We expect heavy fighting in the coming seasons. Since a lot of people have not been with their families for the holidays, have not seen their loved ones in years, and have wasted so much time on a human piece of shit and felon; we have laid down a plan and a procedure. The deadline is 2012, no questions asked and no altercation. If anyone looses their life fortune due to their misgivings or punishment, a retaliation, then it is up to those behind this to provide a proper explanation and to do as the procedure and guidelines instruct them. Here is what the deadline entails. It is not their safety at risk or why they use human shields; it is the fact there may be evidence already on them and they are 110% guilty. Those who loose their life fortune have plenty of material and information to seek out those behind this and make sure justice is served with prejudice. They think all of this is free and we want to waste our time on a human piece of shit. Identical to New Orleans, they loot and grab any freebie they can with no concern about who is paying for the labor, watch them in action.

1. We have mobilized every military and government in the world and expect heavy fighting in the near future. We are undergoing preparedness and instructing our Generals for a showdown.
2. Because this is about control, they are in serious violation and a federal prosecution for dereliction of duty is being enforced. When you are in control and when you are busted and guilty; you must abide by the rules. They claim they are not scared of 3 or 10 Katrinka, shut up and leave for god sakes; and move on.
3. This idea we must accept them, must shut up, must move on, and must go away or leave; will bring them tremendous hurricane and earthquake bad luck; too much to mention.
4. If any of them get nuked, evicted, loose their job or have unforeseeable bad luck; understand they kept telling us this was over and to move on.
5. Orders were given and warnings were in place, with or without evidence against them, to surrender. They refused completely. We were ordered to move on and then attacked once again; we are fine with them getting nuked or arrested; just get them out of here, intern them, throw them in jail, or rip them to pieces.
6. We outlawed any and any further communication and they decided to violate this completely. Instead they infested our life with bugs, more stupid tricks, and just the usual undermining every part of life to include vandalism and prowling.
7. A procedure is in place to begin shutting them down. This starts with their financial holdings, life savings, and will extend under the auspices of the whomever is in charge to ensure our wishes are served. We also have a private life and a life outside of this insanity and psycho. Shut them down and begin with their financial holdings.
8. If the evidence on them ever comes in or is thrown in their face; then buyer beware. The evidence against them was immense. This was not about any control. The order to cease, desist, and vacate was in place. They were 110% guilty. They violated every law and safety violation imaginable. They refused to stop while telling us to move on and shut up and they knew Generals wanted to nuke them or preparing to; installing plans and safety guidelines to remove this enemy or intern them.
9. We wasted a lot of time on a human piece of shit; who pays the labor and cleanup? Unlike World War, a Hiroshima in our life by this jackass means they make it three times messier and want ten Kagoshima's; but who pays the labor cost and cleanup? The deadline means it is time to put up or shut up.
10. Reward for this labor and work. Your reward will be a signed autographed book in satellite warfare, dinner with both Ann and myself, and an offer to work at one of our future endeavors which can include a prestigious chauffeur position. They laughed at hell unleashed on them; so make sure it is ten or one hundred times before.

They want to know how cruel we are. This is about them not us. We are extremely cruel people but we have to be. There is nobody to blame but those 110% guilty if their financial holdings disappear, retaliation is enforce by paramilitaries, or justice served by bad luck with hurricanes and earthquakes. Our orders and wishes were to aggressively take all steps to get rid of them or block them from our life; they violated every measure. If they are mafia based; then they should take their trash out more frequently before they are dirt poor on the street with a felony record to prove it. Shut them down and if we find any of them after the deadline; on our side or still intact, the evidence suggest it was retaliation and a process of shutting them down completely. Unlike a UFC fight, there are referees to ensure the safety of the participants. If they stay in the ring they will be killed. A fighter always addresses when hurt and when they are unable to fight; this is when the fist begin to fly. Obviously, they are dumber than we had thought and even the referees agree they need much more than hurricanes or earthquake bad luck. It is all a game or some cruel hoax to them; we are much more cruel. They think we are here for them and they feel this is Jonestown where you can have anything you want; just don't tell on them.

Until the surrender orders are fulfilled; the instructions to the Generals and allies are to make a run for it and do not look back; they are chasing. The more they increase the problem, the more risk they pose to each other and the general public as a whole. The retards who are supposed to make sure this does not happen; are insolent but this is much more effective. Do not ever mark on our record or slander our name and work with "weak on crime" or how they were in control or managing the problem. Watch as they undermine each other and fight it out; paranoid, retarded, and as stupid as a human can get. They didn't get clobbered because they were helpful or understanding; they got it for being 110% guilty and passing the deadline. We stopped them. Now this is the deadline. Again, they claim bad luck with hurricanes and earthquakes will not stop them and it comes with the territory; even 10 or 20 of them. I am calling the President now and telling on them! The pressure is now on the good and the bad guys; and one call to the President could be fatal to their chance of recovery. All the blows at this level results in permanent damage and being crippled for life. We hope they figure out who is the fighter and who is hurt. I would like to see a Katrina system in place and I would like to see our forces train to dismantle them with this Katrina style. Is that cruel enough for them or not?

We understand they are and were using rental properties for harassment, prowling or casing, extortion, etc... We understand they use property to harass or extort 24 hours a day. We understand they use US government property for the same reason and we ran into this in the US Army. However, when served and warned of a pending danger; the fact all allies were alerted and instructed to destroy or shut the liberals and communist down; instructed on various reasons why they are in serious trouble because of what or whom they did this to; served of a notice that a deadline was set before instructing military Generals to decimate them for using US government property for harassment or extortion (kidnapping); they laughed at the prospects of being toasted and doubled the efforts or threw out more rental property for kidnapping, harassment, or extortion. This is why they have bad hurricane and earthquake karma. We know it is a liberal harassment and a communist method while shutting down competitor rental properties to increase the chances of this trap. We are past this. A deadline is set and has not been met. A process of shutting down this threat is in place as before warnings indicate. I have written to the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes to shut these people down. Do I need to call the President and get more teeth into it? Now there is a deadline and what happens after that deadline is automatic.

The motive for waging war on America and the world was group survival. In the end, it was group survival, their motive, that got them killed. The deadline was set a long time ago; years back. There are less than 30 days on that deadline. If they want to rat each other out or kill each other; then that is them. Both the good guys and the bad guys are now under the gun. Following the deadline, orders and procedures have been forwarded to shut them down and for good; not for the survival of the group. Obviously, the survival of the group is a complete scam; but so is their vocabulary, politics, mouth, life, and whatever junk they can muster. This repugnant and obnoxious claim of group survival and never ratting each other out; got nuked and toasted. Crime and corruption got them all of this greed; with a felony record and being wiped out; they will rank among the poorest of the poor; also dumbest. The communist and the Democrats are telling us we cannot work until we pay them; and if we do they will throw us out. We are telling them they will never make money in America again, ever. They can get on the boat they came here in and good reddens; they have the worst criminal record now and their assets will be nuked in the future no matter what happens or what they do. If they are this special, why stay? Looks like they hate their job more than we do but let's test it no matter what happens to us or them. They want to know how cruel we are? We are very cruel people and this is why we win wars. They?

Even though they are labor unions and the left wing; pay careful attention to who pays the labor costs for all this work. Also pay attention as I probe them in 2008 to see how hurt they are or if they want hell unleashed. They use confusion and start talking; but still refuse to surrender. What about the cost and the labor involved; do they have the money? They are after slaves and free labor. They are slaves to each other; doing this for the survival of the group. Somebody has to pay for the cost and not boast about how hurt they are. Notice how they bond to a female when we test them on their genetic code and internal compass. They chose Ann over Alex even after Ann put them through hell; naturally, that was the wrong decision. Notice how their vocabulary changes and how they start dropping off the radar; all of them. For good or bad it was not the survival of the group which got them here. Their future will further test this obnoxious stupidity and drunken human piece of shit. The truth is their best trick, their best scam, their best liars, and their best terror plots; were not enough to save them. Had they done the right thing and had their leaders ran off and not come back; things would be different. They also could have faked their own death; of all the tricks refused to. The deadline is 2012 and there will be no more back and forth or wild goose chases; am I clear on this. If they have a problem with a deadline, sue the government or find those behind all of this and being written about. This is why you are missing 20 million or 100 million; choose better workers next time dumbass shit for brains.

Survival of the group meant they were dead meat and this is their death wish or sentence; rat each other out for good. Their motive for kidnapping, waging war, and brainwashing us was not for group survival at all. Telling us to move on did not stop there. The group survival robs in order to defend their religion, politics, and now wars. Hence, the good and bad guys are under the gun; what can we do to one of them and what can we do to all of them? Kill each other but leave us out of their mess; we have a gigantic mess already. Notice how they put us on a wild goose chase, try to collect the rewards, and then refuse to pay any labor while billing us or demanding payment if we want to work. Notice how I probe them initially. If someone has a hurricane and earthquake machine; there is a heavy reward on their head; a heavy one. They want to be nuked and desire this war. Give them what they want for the ultimate reward. Your reward will be a signed autographed book in satellite warfare, dinner with both Ann and myself, and an offer to work at one of our future endeavors which can include a prestigious chauffeur position. They laughed at hell unleashed on them; so make sure it is ten or one hundred times before. We will need much more than Katrina hurricanes or earthquakes; I have written to this office and offered a reward for shutting them down; dismantle them piece by piece. I do not want to get angry and call the President about this either; that will be my last call.

100 per cent has to be brought to 0 and on a downward scale. We know how to do math. The punishment is how many we know and find after the deadline; how fast or strong can they be shut down? If they get loud and obnoxious; throw the evidence at them and tell them the table was already turned. It was about control and they are in control. Clearly, logic says they should have ceased, desisted, and vacated a long time ago. When you live for the moment and when you do not respect anybody's rights; this can happen to anybody. If they were not dead, committed suicide already or will, then they should have surrounded or turned themselves in. This is about control and they are out of it. It depends on evidence and how we busted or destroyed them. This is what it comes down to; how we won and how we can destroy them. You do not win without evidence; you use it as insurance. Next time they take out their trash and not F with the wrong people or else this can happen. Those mafia bosses and leaders should have got on them a long time ago; but I guess they do not like money or want all their finances toasted. The deadline is there for a reason, with or without evidence, they must be very important for them to loose so much. Stopping them was difficult; almost twenty years of work. Now the deadline better deliver and easily. I have already written to the Office of Hurricane and Earthquakes; this should not be happening nor my residences being used to further a kidnapping or incidents.

Everywhere we turned and in every work site, private affair, etc... they were there saying "leave" or accept them as a gook. This being done to a Vietnamese and Asian. So it is not racism; it is a form of reverse brainwashing by the communist. We have not addressed Hollywood yet or New York; but this is who attacked DC and lurked in the background throwing money around. All of them are corrupt and utter liars; a dumbass but a deadly psycho kind. This is why the blacks and the Jews are so involved in this terror plot. It is about the 1960s and when they got the Protestants off their back and got on theirs; who jumped us and who tried to rob or kidnap us using drug gangs, mafia nobody wannabes, up and coming failures, etc... what will the result be when and if we catch them and teach them a lesson; will their wheels fall off and how much pain can we dispense or measure on them? Do we have the answer or the results yet? Do we have the evidence on them but want to set a deadline? Is God directing it or are they? They are trying to invade and take over Virginia and Florida. Florida is unknown; Virginia is still up for grabs because it is a southern state and heavily funded by the federal government. California is not far from being taken over for high tech; but it is on the verge of collapse also. They are trying to add Florida and Virginia but used New York to carry it out. They were watching the growth and the cultures around DC; a different type of immigrant. They cannot expand faster than their birth rate. What is the source of this utter retardation and stupidity; is it their money or their power? Is it who they know or how they see us? I am talking about waking up one day with a psycho in your bed and then a horrific ordeal trying to remove this dumbass ape.

Obviously, there is a sense of power and narcissism which borders criminal insanity and clinical madness. We know it is about New York, Florida, and Hollywood. We know they do not like and wage war on the Protestants. We know they want the blessing and fire of the Asians. We know it involved Poland. We know it involves Russia. We know it involved phony or just ridiculous people who were drunk on the idea they are special, needed, wanted, or intelligent. We know it surrounds immigrants who either came here for crime or got the economic support for it; a ghetto dwelling. We know it surrounds blacks; an allergic reaction to all of history and this idea the world is keeping them down. We know they are filthy rich or elites. You would think important or communist human crap like this would understand good from bad; or white and black trash. They do not. The theme is about World War II and when in their biggest fight or when they are fighting for their life; they get a cold shoulder. Nobody cares about them; only money. We know it is a little guy, a flat out coward, who is trying to act or be a bully. This entire matter surrounds eastern Europe and World War II. It is about their home. Clearly, they are communist and spies; already guilty of treason. They are powerful and this is about straight up filthy money; until it collapsed on them. This is why Fox is linked to them or why eastern European names such as Greta; it is about the time period which were the Golden years. They invaded and took over New York; that has long been lost. They invaded and took over small regions such as the Midwest. Their birth rate is billowing and jobs are overseas. The slums and ghettos are bursting at the seams; they must expand without reform or the truth. We need the truth to win and without any of them whatsoever. They refuse and deny this ending. This is why we were dragged and in their slums; the stupid lazy dumbass hates it and are appealing for jobs.

House Un-American Committee (HUAC): "Communism is the most dangerous influence in the world today. I am talking about the communism of Leon Trotsky that is based upon the hatred of Christianity. Remember that communism and Christianity can never live in the same atmosphere. Communism is older than Christianity. But this communism is older than Christianity. It is the curse of the ages. It hounded and persecuted the savior during his earthly ministry, inspired his cruxificion, derided him in his dying agony, and then gambled for his garments before the foot of the cross... We are today in a deadly conflict between those two ideologies and there can be no compromise." - John Rankin (Chairman HUAC, Mississippi) -

"Your purpose is to use this to drop the Motion Picture Industry and to invade the rights of... and I will not permit it" and "I told you from out in California that perhaps this hearing, our Congress... no question given the policy how to handle Americans who don't deserve to be, if they are communists, to get them out of our face" and "ideology, term; ideological terminology that is, termites, have burrowed into many American industries, organizations and societies; wherever they may be, I say let's dig them out and get rid of them. My brothers and I will be happy to subscribe generously to a pest removal fund. We are willing to establish such fund to ship to Russia the people who don't like our American system of government and prefer the communistic system to ours" and "I know they are Un-American because I know their methods... they put certain things into scripts that in my personal opinion is Un-American and in my presence it does not get in or eventually it does get in and I cut it out. ...I agree with everything you say and agree wholeheartedly; a statement of a real American." - Response to the HUAC and John Rankin from Hollywood Moguls; the beginning of blacklisting -

These people are horrible and they are so much trouble. Ann, I heard they refuse to report your life story because they were undergoing a secret conspiracy to fix what they had on you before. Furthermore, they claim you refuse to report your own sex life or private life. However, the sources they used before were not only slanderous; it made no sense whatsoever, none. When I confronted them in 2008; they hacked my computer, invaded my home, and began this isolation and compartmentalizing called a second blockade. It felt like a kidnapping. The public was kept in the dark and the only way anybody; including the FBI, British Secret Service, German Secret Service, or other NATO allies could be informed; was to rely on our biography; which was blocked and fed one script after the other to suit their dumbass stupidity. So erasing what they did was not easy. Ending this kidnapping was even tougher when they said they were helping or trying to report the truth; they never did and refused it by filtering anything damaging to them. It is also a copyright problem. We say one thing and it goes into an echo chamber and on their strategy list. Now we utilize security measures to frustrate them. I cannot force them to correct your record nor force them to report any of this; you may be able to if you spend a million dollars on a death defying legal team. That is done with; can you help me get rid of and destroy the SOB on my end who has me trapped and as a prisoner. They claim this is your fault and you have jobs. They claim you are rich and they only draw a government check. It is called bias. This kind of bias is called criminal conspiracy. This degree of bias is called treason and a terror plot. This total lack of honesty is what is called espionage. There is a really good reason why they blocked and filtered all of this; can you guess why? Yes. They will be shut down and they will loose their jobs; for merely bias of course. Yes, they got the death penalty for petty sexual harassment; nice vocabulary of lies they have.

Listen here you Catholic bastard, drunken gook New Yawkor, drunken sex offender gook, and human piece of shit. Knock off this "what do you want" or "leave" act where you come to our home, school, and work; parade a bunch of fresh boat gooks, and then offer some turnkey fresh off the boat "Total Recall" dream where we can have a slutty wife, the American dream, and a trouble free day. We have taken aggressive steps changing jobs, changing addresses, and reporting you to the FBI; just to shut your ass up. Now since 2006; you say how we do not want to "be with our people" and you flood America with communist or utter retards in this parade while you bring out testament about how friendly you are to minorities and immigrants? What kind of a gook are you? We look good. We are honor students and varsity athletes. You lurk around our college and wait to contact us while we take every step possible to get rid of you from our life. Now your drunken New York gooks in Florida with their parade of Bernie Maddoff turnkey Gook dreams; tell me I come in your life and your home and disrespect you? I am a rat to some gook who is too stupid and retarded to understand what is going on? If steering a hurricane or nuking you with an earthquake is disrespect; then I must be guilty of it you human piece of shit and drunken gook. F your turnkey American dream package or the XXX slutty wife package. F your turnkey internet grandiose Bernie Maddoff business plan. Who the F do you think you are? You wish to buy our stocks? How about we deport your impeding gook ass for all you have done? If a hurricane and earthquake is disrespect; than you better take a look at what you have done. It is your fault you SOB and New York piece of shit.

I am sure it takes a special and the right person. Shut your immigrant and Catholic mouth about how we come to your home and disrespect you; drunken fool and sex offender who is getting clobbered. I had to listen to this when my home was invaded. I had to listen while you came to my work or private activities. I had to put you on the wildest chase imaginable in life. Here we are now. F your turnkey gook parade and stop coming to our life, work, and home with your Kim Il Jung stories. We need to deport and intern your ass. There is a deadline to your failed or stupid parade in ours. You are approaching that deadline; you do what you need to but if you cross it or fail to meet it; then that is your fault and your problem. It was you who labeled us mentally ill for ratting your gook ass out or clobbering you; now we take every step imaginable to get rid of you and you infest our life with bed bugs, cockroaches, and your New Yawk ways which is repugnant and disgusting. Did I mention the arrests and using us as some parade float? Did I mention what you did to Ann Coulter or how you tried to use her also to carry forward this terror plot? Did I mention how you shot up my god damn alma matter? You just lurk on in our life you drunken New Yawker and keep talking about how we need to leave, come to your home and disrespect you, are a rat, you do not know what to do now, or how you are ready to die. You left fingerprints and we caught your leaders; but while your wheels fall off or nearly gone; your mouth is a babbling tower of bacteria we do not wish to experience either. Your feet, your head, your hair, and everything about you is disgusting and so poor; you have no turnkey Gook story to sell. Shove your god damn ghetto and slum award for grit up your ass and get your head out of it also. F your drug wars and F your immigrant story. Stop offering or bringing liberals and communist to America with this turnkey story or banking rights by Jews who control capital. Yes we hate cheap labor but we have a major problem with cheap labor doing this in our homes and workplace. Take your gook story and GTFO our life; we have taken every aggressive step possible already; what next our spouse who is weak or mildly retarded? Ann is not up for the mission; she was forced into it by your turnkey gook package being sold. Are you this dumb or is this pure evil and malice?

Did I also neglect to smash your drunken face or gook ass with the hordes of police and military units chasing you and will be chasing you to hurricane and earthquake your arrival in America? F your view or feelings. I would like to dispense a deadline and remind you of one also, 2012. It is up to you to talk or surrender; not us you stupid gook. How dare you come to the Vietnamese who are honor students and varsity athletes; in combat and mid battle with your Bernie Maddoff scams and terror plots; F you drunk ass New Yawker and sex offender gook. Is that too white for you are are you too ignorant? We are your models?

I have to ask. Now that we know how this sorry story ends; what exactly was the point of making me switch careers endlessly. If the FBI or authorities look at my employment or tax records; this SOB and F'er was coming to or at my work site; trying to scare me in each of my jobs. I had to switch my profession from one to another. When I did not know what was going on; I was apprehensive and sick of working. I decided entrepreneurship and self employment. This F'er responds by giving me a criminal record. I now have some half ass record that is so insane; I cannot even explain it. Instead they make me pay rent while running me off one property to the next; as if I have to reach some amount and this blockade will magically be over or end. Should they switch career or jobs or should we? Why keep talking to us and stalking our career? They plead guilty to stalking our career don't they? What was the reason for scaring the hell out of me at work? Was it a probe or to test if I was really faking it? Yes, I know they listen in; thus, feed them 24 hours of insults and disinformation; my fault? To get me to stop, they said I was mentally ill. I was calling them every name in the book at all hours of the day; one joke after the other, "Wake the F up... and pay attention you... MF... do you know your name?" That is just an example. Yes we know you were on the other side or end of the web pages; hence, the love story making. Does that justify a deadline or hurricanes and earthquake bad luck? You tell me because I am not listening and I really do not care. They should have settled but now the wheels have fallen off.

Excuse me, MF why am I still talking to a psycho? Excuse me dumbass and piece of shit; but why do I keep repeating myself? Since 2008, when you got busted, how many times did I repeat myself or have to clobber your forces? So why am I still talking to a psycho now or still have problems? There are problems aren't there? Yes invite yourself into our life and act upset or frustrated; more. Oh, they must be on a winning streak? They must be winning? They must be coming around for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th round? How is that winning streak and why are we still having problems with a psycho or have their memory in our iffy life? Did I mention this dumbass feels they are superior? They used tax dollars as a stick and carrot while they did this in our private life; and when Ann said to knock it off and tell her what their problem is; they not only stalked her, ruined her life, but they plotted to rape and murder her. All this in the comforts of their government job and while we were trying to escape or get away from their dumbass life; so we can lead our forces to victory. What do they do? Exactly, read it. Why are we still talking to this F'er and psycho; no less have problems in our life? Did I sleep through something? Stinky chair trick, try again? More tricks, try again?

Knock em Off: thanks for letting the air out of my tire again, while in my room. The New Yorkers and this enemy continue this charade as we prepare to finish them off. What now more bed bugs, roaches, ants; or more flat tires, stolen property, and aggravation from their failed attempts? Yes eat my food and keep trying to do business or arrange a romantic interlude with bunion footed street whores. Fill my life with drunks and crack addicts; it might work; even better, have me call the cops on them repeatedly. Did I really win an award in the school of hard knocks and Ghetto Slum America? They like our stocks and want to buy it or merge? Wonderful. Read what 2012 will be about and from here on; a welcome to the world of global warfare, satellite warfare, and crystal clear vision; what a goddamn retard and dumbass; a goal? I always suspected someone placing a shard on my car seat which gave me a welt. I always suspected some anesthesia gas in my cockpit. I always suspected a bug and constant dialogue with this psycho stalker. Now, I have had flat tires or air let out of my tires ever since 2006 in New York. Then a microscopic shard in the inner tube; followed by them letting the air out to confuse someone. I figured out ways to detect it now such as digital tire gauges, rotation of new inner tubes, etc... It is the black student who did it and I lock my bike up in my room. The New Yorkers did this when I moved to Florida also; even now and the stage they are in; we have proven once and for all how to defeat them in war and what it will take. They claim we do not want to play their cat and mouse game; but when the smack down is delivered on them; they disappear for days and come back all well behaved or refreshed.

The Democrats and the liberals have a goal of hurting others badly. They live for the moment and always have; now full of regrets. They have invented a vocabulary so delusional and demented; we could not even keep up. Words such as love, help, hope, team player, or even bullying; merely thumb over their malice and real intention to hurt others badly. Even if they shower us with sex or love; some form of enticement from girls, booze, or money; they are out to hurt others badly. Remember this lesson. They are not playing to win and furthermore, they do not have a chance in hell. What used to be a legitimate legal claim has become so rife with hypocritical, lies, scams, and no damn good intentions; they only play to undermine or to block any chance of winning. They are evil and they are the closest living creature we know as the devil. The main question is if they can do this to us; can they do this to others or at this level. At what level or ground floor is their stupidity immune or personnel safe?

We have proven they will stop at nothing; nothing. We have proven the degree of stupidity cheap labor will resort to. We have proven that after 200 years why they are the way they are. We have proven the tricks, gimmicks, scams, and lies they will bombard us with; even telling false stories about boyfriends, fiancees, marriage, etc... We have proven this and turned the tables on them; meanwhile, their babble surrounds a conspiracy to hold them down or deny them jobs; stupid and cheap labor nobody wants in their life. We have proven hourly and daily problems with a dumbass who expects us to put up with them and expects our kindness to survive; as if they are welcomed or not the problem. Can they do this, to whom, and what level will they stop at before they are done? Similar to all organized crime groups, they invented a new vocabulary to slip under the radar and speak to the public; and to our faces. They are victims of violence; but so are we, that is war and this is war on another level altogether.

Will an earthquake or a hurricane teach them any manners or improve their moral intelligence and life problems? Why do we look like them and why do they look like us; were we created in each other's image? If so, then something has gone very wrong. Do you think killing this enemy or interning them is the answer or the problem? They will antagonize anything we do or say; anything. They will watch us almost like a precision surgery; yet will not know or understand a single event. This is how they get a mess and create one. In the end, they will expect us to put up with them, tolerate it, denounce us for being unwelcomed, and all kinds of tricks to suggest they are welcome and not a problem; far from it. That is our communist and terrorist who undermines every aspect of life, liberty, and everything this country is about. Worse, they don't shut up either. Trust me, they do not shut up; sometimes all day and night until flattened or too scared to play this game. Somebody brought this cheap labor into our life and let them loose and that somebody is going to be taken down and taught a lesson. Whether they learn it or not is still up for grabs; but it is clearly their fault and they are accountable.

When and if they get sick and tired of losing or being destroyed; understand it will be too late for them. Never turn your back or trust the Democrats; never. Never allow them to sneak on board the right side or the Republican leadership. They will increase our debts while they extort and use right wing money to fund left wing crime. Don't ever let them in or to this level unless you are prepared for the fight of your life; planetary and with aliens or other. When and if they learn; it is too late; take them out and know who or what you have on your side. As the case now, it is too late for them; schooled properly or not. Have your fun with them or try out what will or not work; but remember the lesson carefully. They will take you out on the hour and try everything in the book to take you out; unless you can nuke them or clobber them ridiculously. When a fly is hit with a sledge hammer; more will arrive. They are here to prevent us from winning or undermining our life. This is cheap labor and they live only for the moment. Stop them and they will cry foul. Catch or corner them and you will see the most insane and bizarre behavior known to mankind. When dealing with a psycho or lunatic; violence is very effective.

We will always have a major problem with cheap labor and their homeland sending this felon to our home. They are such cowards and so evil; they will twist facts and reality to suit their IQ and their lawless desperation. Learn and observe as we have done; what their goals and intentions truly are. They do not have a chance in hell; so the question is whether or not they are playing to win. Do not get lax or ever let them in; ever. We have shown what will and can happen; unless an escape route is already in place. They plan on destroying and undermining; a blockade. When this is in effect, life will be a prison camp and hourly brainwashing; taken from communist prison camps or re-education camps. It takes a warrior to fight them and the process is to learn, observe, practice, and destroy. That is them and this is us. Even at this level; their audacity and evil cannot even be measured. They feel welcomed and safe to do all of this, for real? The world is a scary place and it is getting more scary as they get more evil and demented; will we suit their needs or not? Violence is the only remaining element to stop them.

Without violence or extreme military measures; they will hurt others badly as we have shown. You have to have an escape as they look for this escape also; they will seal it and block it after they find it. They will hurt you and invent a vocabulary so false and untrue; it may sound like a wife, parent, or even a girlfriend talking. It is not. It is a communist and a terrorist on the other line toying with your reality and undermining every aspect of your life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. If this is not what they did and are guilty of; then we did not destroy them or teach the world as they brought us to the brink of total destruction. They are fine with the fact they are guilty, not welcomed, or do not have a chance in hell; but so are we now. This is how they undermine what should be happening and what should be our life. This is how the communists have chosen to go down and to be taken out; is there a problem? The trick is to catch them. The trick is to bust them once they refuse to surrender. If all else fails; remember they are demented, lunatics, psychotic, liars, sex offenders, and the devil; violence is quick and effective when in a war. They are not victims or peaceful; they are defiant and refuse to surrender and only wish to hurt other people. No is never good enough; nothing is.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.