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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Ann, if the Democrats pretending to agree with Republican policies are F'in with you and trying to debate or talk to you; then do not send them the wrong message. If you did what I asked and stop F'in off or pissing me off; this list of what you did to others or what they did to you won't keep growing. They are calling me also and continue to keep this fiasco and crime spree ongoing. I have made it clear I want blood. I am doing all I can to take them out or shut them down; if you can stop talking to me about it or telling me; maybe you can actually stop them. By the way, how did you stop them? How did I stop them? How did we know who they are and what they were up to? This list of what they did to you, what you did to them, what I did to them, and this secret war keeps growing; it is not supposed to. Stop spending your time with them and shut their ass down and if this means slamming them until they stop or are shut down, then it does. Should I pass around a list of what you did to others? Right now, that is all they are focused on; what you did to others or me. However, there are more lists such as my mission and SATWAR; a death penalty charge. Stop the stupid Twitter or chatting-email and get rid of them; shut them down and stop taking calls from them; they call me right afterwords and claim I do not mind. I am working on a seance for bad hurricane and earthquake luck for this 2012 election; I hope they are dead by the end of it. I told them not to answer the Iran or the Israel phone; they do not listen and have too many flaws or personality problems. The right wing is not made up of disappointment or buffoons; nor is it made up of crazed blue collar workers, it is not blue collar at all. I have no idea who made that crap up, probably the existentialist camp. Do you want to keep on arguing Ann or get rid of them? Maybe this election we will see some of them die a horrible death? Now take them to court and stop them Ann. By the way, LEAVE BITCH AND DO NOT TELL ME TOO!

The reason I am pissed off is you people are weak. Not only do I have a war on my hands, I have an invasion force. The left wing has wrecked my life and the government has helped them wreck my life while I have this war I am trying to win. Then after my legs are cut off, all of them including my beloved Ann, tells me to get up or stand up while they wreck more or tinker with my life. Then I have a girlfriend and partner who has more problems than an identity thief and the culprits behind are not the Democrats but the Republicans. I smell a mole on the right wing and I smell a jackass full of flaws; that is why I am upset; people are weak and I am allergic to their filth. We know about them and we know about me, why is it all untrue? Also, I have a slander case which needs prompt and careful attention. I am upset because I need this to disappear or the people behind it to disappear; all the sudden they regain good hurricane and earthquake luck; right at election time. I am constantly counseling Ann about behavior; as if she has no common sense or is completely blind. I am not really in the mood for more jackasses or bind people; no less left wing or communists. Can you let me deal with their good luck with hurricanes and earthquakes? Can you leave me alone so I can figure out what seance is needed to kill this bitch for what they have done? I am not happy with their recovery or bad reputation in my life. Do you want to help me hose them down?

Why don't you pay me to watch you Twitter? This way I won't complain so much. Have you ever given me a Christmas present? Do you think I see you as selfish? Ann, I have given you so many things that need to be done; so many. I then see you chating at 4am at night or acting in a way which will ruin or squander all I have worked for. Clearly, you do not care about your life; but I care about mine. I can list item after item of what needs to be done; nothing. It took you 4 years to get here and you still have a total disaster; meanwhile, I am the human flotation device while you add more. I wonder if all of you are impossible or this screwed up because my case indicates white and black suspects, the Democratic Party. They still claim they are helping or trying to fix it. They are avoiding capture and arrest; also the payment of damages. I do not like going to war with a jackass and this is all I have; you have your choice; do it or stop bitching end over end. The problem is a character and personality we are allergic to; not someone who wants to help or their crazed IQ. They tinker and do not know what our plans or future is; then it is a total mess. Regardless, they feel powerful and in control when they are just a flake, a phony, and a fool looking for a nut in our life. I would not let them live; but you would; so we are not the same people at all. You all are weak. They are willing to pay you and protect you based on how weak you are.

DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN: The problem with the Republicans is they are actually Democrats. We know this because we are allergic to them. They do not like the truth and hang on for dear life. Consider the flaws and the disappoint, how the Democrats operate; some Republicans have the personality of a Democrat but logically or rationally make sense of the policies. Another problem with the Democrats is they never get fired. Consider the game they play with us; hire us, fire us, beg and steal, act like they are helping as they screw everything and our life up, etc... how do you get rid of them? Unless you have a method in place the traditional Democrat, Catholic, Jews, and blacks; will upset the Republican order. The right wing is a mindset. It is an order in the universe. It is a form of royalty. Without the personality and the ability to see these people; a complete mess will be made of our life and the right wing. A lot of the Republicans can survive or do well on either party, left or right; however, the true ones will never survive on the left while the true ones will never survive on the right. We are allergic to them and they love us; but we oppose them and fight them and it gets like this. How do you fire them when none of them, left or right, ever get fired? They are weak people with a message that appeals to the right, a scam, a lie, and a type of fraud. Sorry if the truth hurts but this nation is at war.

BTW: The crazed SOB are still waking me up thinking they are my human alarm clock or this is the Army. All of them are retarded and total F ups; they are of no help ever and do not have our plans or future. Like the cold war, they will attack until nuked. Everybody else is wandering around with their heads off. However, the reputation of the blacks, the left wing, and the labor unions; is basically over so just die and get lost. This way we do not have to wage war or waste more of our life. We are not having stupid and crazed babies who want to help.

This so called, "American Exceptionalism" forgot the part where I whooped their F'in American ass and brought them to nearly tears. It is not I that needs to leave, it is they. Furthermore, when their American ass wants to come out of hiding and claim how American, powerful, or how I need to leave or go home; they can end this game with America. I think America knows who whooped their ass and nearly ripped them to shreds for what they have done. I did not come to America to play their girly games or sit here and declare myself their chocolate brother; the question is did they? I am sure I can do it again if they have any doubts. This idea America whooped the right wing or the anti-communist forces is totally delusional and a joke. They also did not meet the surrender terms or the deadline and will have to pay dearly. For their records, in war I destroyed their Marxist American left wing ass and if not, tell me how sad it truly was. This little game is going to end sooner or later. They did this to royals and expect to double it? Your white and black poor "American" ass got the ass beating of our life. I did get injured in the melee but I will survive, will they?

I also like how the Catholics and the Democrats just let these communist and radicals into our life so they can do whatever they want or can. Then in retaliation for waging war; they imprison or falsely arrest us; in an effort to win this debate regarding the Vietnam War. Moreover, I did not mention lawsuit number two against the United States government; to recoup damages for the Vietnam War and the draft or forced military service. SATWAR was designed as a defense against the case but before we could catch them; the damage was done. They were trying to target Vietnamese in order to compel them to surrender or become a re-education camp critic. They could not win the radical legal case of slavery nor the Vietnam War draft. We hold the US government responsible for letting them in our life and doing this; then charging royals for the fiasco which now is a death penalty charge. Worse, they are still on the job and in office. Worse is they took this to another level and doubled down. They had been weak on communism during the Vietnam War and they let them invade and storm in before we could launch a counter-offensive and catch them. It is a little suspicious arresting royals while communist are invading; look at Ann Coulter's life. They even felt she was married to them. The Democratic Party better start naming names.

Rush Limbaugh is pissed off at the military for wiping out his forces and destroying his terror plot. In all fairness to the US military, Pentagon, and Private Danny Chen; we do not need more gay Chinese soldiers handcuffing themselves to the WH and parading this idea the Asians are the best friends of fags. It was the Jews and the New Yorkers who did this and so did the San Francisco liberal crowd. In the end, we want the Democrats out of the military and all of their homeless wrecks who have reduce the spirit of serving and lowered the standards for all warriors around the world. Did I mention their politics and how they are thugs or act like crack gangs? Yes we need them in the military to prevent spending cuts. How about the overspending and the defense contractors whom are out of control; we need them to make stop lights cameras so I get 5 iffy tickets and spend an entire month's salary disputing it? Wait until they get into real trouble or court; cornered and someone asks if they know who they did this too? Do you care who you did this to or tried it on? So what if you are a Jew, black, immigrant, or Democratic liberal; security in numbers.

Another thing suspicious. How many royals do you know get falsely arrested and locked up with the poorest and dirtiest scum on earth; cavity searched 20 times? How many royals do you know are walking this earth claiming to be "your chocolate brother." How many royals would even entertain this? That is what they must explain in court and if they are the police or on a government salary; to their supervisor. The Supreme Court will laugh in their face if they heard this. Humiliate them and wreck their life, how in hell would they retaliate or win it back? "Look, do you want it or not? Than leave." Does it sound a bit suspicious or not right?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: Dana Perino is a married woman, leave her alone. You are scaring the hell out of these women and they see you as a fat slob. Need an example and haven't you learned a lesson yet? I thought you were nearly deaf, sensitive to words? Do we need to see another Ann Coulter from you? BTW, Ed chimes in each time right on cue. Why don't you let Sean Hannity handle Dana Perino if he has the balls.

Jews v. Japanese: Speaking of atomic weapons; who is this police and why are they talking for Virginia or Maryland? They put me through hell after I bought it, "Look, do you want it or not." Like Marxism, do you want it or not, otherwise leave. Then once I began noticing anesthesia and surveillance equipment; they try to blame the matter on Toyota by having some Filipino family and a sailor fly off the interstate ramp; it was not a stuck gas pedal it was anesthesia or sleeping gas. Then they made me think I had aids or they gave me aids by pricking me and then implanting this; which I had my military benefits. Now we get Obama-care and the gigantic left wing surge. The trade-off is their slavery and radical lawyers in Chicago are all crying and do not know what to do but pack up and leave. Yeah right, we are united with this piece of shit and want to marry or date them; royalty would.

IRAN v. ISRAEL v. THE US: If I was Iran, I would sit down and shut up before they screw up the American political system even more by diverting the elections. Obviously, they along with the people behind this feel they are actually getting somewhere or have some merit to incite the entire world. Furthermore, just because my truck was purchased at 3k below retail value at Rosenthal Toyota in Tysons Corner, it does not mean I want to marry some fat disgusting princess or have her lay between Ann and I. I find them disgusting people who made me never want to buy a Toyota again because they had strings, rude behavior, and your typical insane dumbass experience after I bought the car. This Lexus or Toyota marketing is jackass. I am not enthusiastic about a fat slob who throws themselves the moment a stranger looks at them; we could be laughing. If I were Iran, I would stop throwing elections and bumping Obama. They adore these sanctions and it frustrates OPEC when these sanctions occur. Iran could then turn around behind everybody and sell their oil with more kudos; in Asia or other regions where the fiasco of Israel has not divided their nation or the industrial power. These people are so flawed and so warped in the head, it is a crime. That is what Enron, BP, Exon-Mobile showed us.

I cannot print my books. I cannot get a job. I have to give them all of my work. I have to... this and that. Still doing it. Who said I could not and would rip them to pieces? Yes, we are dying to marry them or see them naked and chubby. Who is to say they can or cannot sell their oil? I would and who is to say I have to have facts and the truth; is there a singles club I am not aware of? Keep in mind there are a lot of people and economies out there; lots of cheap labor and skilled ones. Don't be such a fat slob or tie us in knots with a fat princess slob who keeps on crank calling, "we are not going to take this laying down... he doesn't even care... we are sorry... we only want to help... we do not want to get hurt... we are the police, etc..." All of them can kiss my ass and F off; stop dividing the nation using Israel or this terror plot. Also, I hope the Republicans loose more ground for even mentioning this; oil sold elsewhere and the public fed up with flawed and disappointing politicians. Them them all to F off and take a hike, there is important work that has to be done. All of this was not because I bought a Toyota from a Jewish dealership who undercut everybody or have surveillance equipment inside my Toyota Pickup Truck. Like girls, they loose more ground and look like who they truly are; no good. Iran should take that oil and sell it elsewhere for more money; then lay low and let us wipe out the left wing and the Marxists. Tell Israel I said F you and beat it.

You are acting like that Gifford lady because Jared Loughner is whom I described to the police in NY who grabbed me at the supermarket and took off. I flagged down a fruit employee and they called the police and tried to find him. He denied it. You are supposed to deny it and be a good little girl; that is the knife-gun fight model. Your staff were setting you up and they "confessed" to it. Anybody can look up the incident in 2009 at the Tops Supermarket on NF Blvd. The guy took off and I recognized him from a bar when I first moved there; he was with four girls one of them came on heavily to me. He also bought me a drinks; the people upstairs recommended Lou's Pub as the local watering hole; they set me up and set you up; but want you to be Gifford and shut up. As far as I am concerned, you are merely helping them and letting this go on longer.

Ann, I did not invent this marriage caste which leads to civil or world war. Until you take them out and having their head under your foot begging; do not brag to me about your fighting skills, your brilliance, how you are forgiven, you get results, etc… I have to see blood and guts, no excuses and no short cut lies. I bet you won’t take this lying down either and it is still up for grabs. You opened the door and are behind all of them; a special adviser, aren’t you? In my eyes, you spend too much time with them and sympathize for them with me. This I am constantly pissed off with you and you keep saying not to worry and how you messed up. Because you are partial to Catholics, they feel you are united and want to share the stage with them all; just not me. That is and has been their legal claim for invading my home; leave or this whimpering appeal where they have no way out but to kill or rape you. Your New York mannerisms and egotism makes them feel part of royalty when they are human junk. You spending so much time with them; makes them feel connected to your life and a bonding friendship. Even if they cut your throat, you remain silent and act like a loyal follower. This is their legal case against me and kidnapping or spying on me 24 hours. I am not the one who wants to marry the evil or created this marriage system with the weakest piece of shit on the planet and it leads to this mess. Who did? Clinton? They sure are a big help aren’t they? Thanks to the French and blacks; I have gone through 1000 queens from the Congo, 1000 Jewish princesses, gotten loads of naked and lewd pictures, and have to listen to how sorry they are and how they will try harder. Meanwhile, Ann got four times as many husbands and sexually harassed, nearly raped by their royal savage midgets, and every Jewish man on earth thinks she dates blacks exclusively. Now that is help and royalty. Damages are set at 1.6 billion firm, let that be a lesson.

They will whimper all day and act like they are God the next; the most radical of all on earth, here in America where they know they cannot win. They refuse to turn themselves in or settle this civil war problem with a human piece of shit and normal people or royalty. Power by the poor and the religious weaklings; they want to win at all cost. However, if civil war or world war arises; they are dead and will be defeated quickly. Forget about the laws or the and the constitution. All you have to do is look at Limbaugh and understand who he is. This did not help them in civil war. They did not break through or take out our forces. It is not still up for grabs. They know we are royalty and we made this crystal clear from the beginning we hated them; but they want surrender or to break us by humiliating and kidnapping. Had they done this is another country; they would be executed on the streets. Now they refuse to admit or pay the legal damages; still toying with us and playing this game until we sue them, kill them, or figure out how to get rid of them. Consider this is going on in the right wing, not the left wing; and we are at the level of royals. They fear civil war and this brought them closer to it; not winning it. Kiss that unity and that poor man's royalty, Marxism, goodbye and rest in peace! The motive was unity and the survival of the weakest. They still think they are royalty and special, still part of our family. They knew we were royalty, knew we were anti-communist, and felt they could destroy us or kill us over the twenty or so years of this. They are not worried and feel they have possessed me or me; a mirror image. Odd, based on the interrogations; worried sick is a better way to describe it. They hide their wounds very well. Even that scrawny Palm Beach pizza face says they are not going to take this laying down. When they lost 5-10 trillion a year; trust me, they are very worried. They know what to do but they just take it and act as if they already won or have a chance.

"Gary" across the hall says, "what do you expect us to do" and "what would you do." Well, let's put it this way. We are royalty, why is a snide indignant radical communist in our family or claiming to be part of it? Do I look black, act black, or have a black name? What would they do then? Am I dumb or retarded? Also, who is asking the questions and who is demanding? Then why do they keep acting as if they are in control or asking the questions; as if they are some police or authority? He does not even know he is a human piece of shit or dumber than dumb; but he and all of them feel they outsmarted us or are going to win this. It is not our problem to answer these problems or the fact they are responsible and behind this. They are the problem and their goals or objectives need to be written down and not clandestine. What are they afraid of, death? Justice? The truth? Hurricanes or earthquakes? What? Did Tiger or someone else give them these idea or is it our fault? Which one of them told them to do this? Limbaugh? Hannity? Fox News? Israel?

Fact: there are two of them across the hall; both claim to be my "chocolate brother" and we are "unified." Otherwise, do not accept their help and leave. No matter what the truth or facts are; they keep saying "welcome to their world" and "leave." Next time ask me or write this down, chocolate brother or undercover brother my ass.

Here is just one example of how they operate and do this. Consider the physical evidence we have compiled and how we were able to record them in the act; and provide witness testimony; when confronted with this they will say "It is my belief he is mentally ill, suffers from schizophrenia, and needs our help. We have medication available with will help his grand delusions and help him on a road to recovery." That means they force medicate and control every single aspect of our life when and if institutionalized or medicated; they increase or decrease the dose for chemical torture where your skin feels like it is peeling off. The best thing to do is sleep 24 hours; fortunately I succumbed to a coma through it all. If they cannot get what they want; they send Mossad, Israeli, radicals, and all kinds of criminal or left wing elements of the Democratic Party to do this bullying until you break down, they get caught, you sue them, or your life is a total wreck. In 2008, they changed the message to “we are ready to die… we are sorry… we do not want to get hurt… we are the police, leave, go home… move… we are stronger and tougher… we are superior… we are more courageous… we are powerful… we are not suffering… and we do not know what to do.” This mental illness now was merely a mistake and to be forgotten but it was still on paper.

Example 2: In 2006 I moved to New York on my way to Canada and could not cross. They said I had to get a citizenship first and showed me how. I decided to begin writing my books while staying focused. A home invasion occurred in June 2006 and I was blamed and arrested for it; false arrest number two; we have been there and done that already. This time it cost me $5000 in bail and $350 cash. Meanwhile, someone had place all kinds of devices in my Toyota Pickup truck. I describe them as "prickling devices" to indicate or threat of a toxic delivery, poison. I also describe some listening device or surveillance along with an anesthesia gas. Who would believe it or even think of this stuff. When I posted the bail, which took over 35 days; my car was flooded and home was trashed. People had been in and out. My condo deed was missing and I later discover when I try to sell it; the deed was stolen along with little things (cigar lighter, a few bucks, a computer, etc...) The biggest problem was a gas bill for $300. In the hottest month someone ran up the bill. With winter coming, I had to scramble and prepare my case. I was not going to let them get away with this. I also filed formal complaints with the state attorney's office. There is a reason they are scared of being caught or are terrorized. Still trying to apologize and not be sued or arrested. The judge who was also implicated in this later is removed from the bench; sixteen court appearances before they dropped the charges and the plaintiff not even showing up for one court date; five minutes each time and the entire day waiting.

To address the blistering winter, I began to search online and do research. I suspected surveillance or being watched; a spy. All the data I got was for a Japanese manufacture of Kerosene heaters; the cleanest, the best, the most flawless, etc... virtually no byproducts and a green product. Each time I looked, the web page did not sell the product but they analyzed and marketed it; Israeli origins. I rarely see web pages from Israel; all of these were. I went on eBay and only one was for sale in San Diego, CA where my family lives. It says it is brand new still with receipt from Home Depot. I order it and it arrives via Fed-Ex; a fat lady. Looks and feels brand new; packaged perfectly. It sits there for several months before winter. When I begin to use it; I notice a problem. I begin to research it again… troubleshooting. I put a new wick and clean the tank as told. I add the cleaning agent and buy the synthetic kerosene, etc… It appears to be fixed. One evening not more than a week, I went to cook dinner because I had been job hunting all day. I did not notice a problem but had a gut instinct. So far I had not left the heater on all night. When I got in the living room; flames were shooting out the top at least 3 feet. I hit the emergency smother lever. Nothing. I turned it down but it would not adjust; smoke billowing everywhere and the heat intense. In a panic I got a fire extinguisher and put it out; which took several minutes to find. The entire house was full of smoke and carbon was all over my six computers, walls, clothing, and all my belongings. That is how they operate and what this failure or humiliation is all about. It is also called attempted murder. Additionally, they refuse to fix anything and offered both Ann and I only $75,000 each for their mistakes.

Goal: Israel wanted to market Japanese cars or high end Japanese products; thus, it led to the Lexus gas pedal scare in California. This is how I knew it was them behind it all.

This proves two things. The security is completely inadequate to tackle this left wing threat. The Democrats, who are the beneficiary, claim they are the police and they do not have any radicals, criminals, or left wing threats on their side. Meanwhile, we catch one after the other serial killer on the Republican side who are motivated by individualism, freedom, freedom of speech, security, military issues, and undomesticated topics. The Republicans however, this Marxist mole, were paying people off using public or private funds to stack the right wing and conservative movement with personnel who bullied, antagonized, sabotaged, terrorized, refuse to tell the truth, refused to leave, changed the rules of the game, were completely nuts, did not know what they were doing, incompetent, thieves of identity theft, etc... in order to both alert their revolutionary command and to call in strikes on vital targets. They wanted all military secrets and this cold war secret weapon which they are still looking for to this day. Meanwhile the Democrats are planning an invasion where they arm the masses, use the drug wars to enhance their left wing agenda, and then mobilize blacks and Jews in a campaign of hate to win this lawsuit which stems from refusal to accept Jewish immigration, segregation, and also slavery.

Obama and Chicago spearheaded a law suit attack concerning hate, a right wing plot, and slavery; however, Obama and his staff lost it or disproved all their claims. Meanwhile, they pulled off the biggest surge since FDR and spent enormous money on anything they could buy using tax dollars; wars, debts, public aid, stimulus, etc... The primary culprit was Israel and the Democratic Party. While this was going on they used the public trust and funds to stay under the radar; become the beneficiary, and complete this inquisition which we are part of or were victims of; severe bullying, kidnapping, harassment, and a murder plot. In the end, the public hates the government, the US government is guilty of reckless endangerment, and it is corrupt as hell while the security needs of the nation are ignored or depleted by frivolous wars for oil or Israel. They claim, accuse, and imprison us in some secret court trial of being on the wrong side; when it is them who are on the wrong side of the truth and fail to acknowledge or act accordingly. Who is the problem? Why are they the problem? Why don't they leave before evicted; by failure or military war? Prove they stopped this. Prove they acted accordingly and truthfully.

Private Danny Chen: is them. They are the ones who do things daily until it aggravates others. They use landlord or access to upset or irritate others; incite violence. Then they come out and release this propaganda. Again, that is them and what their problem is; but the violent attacks are menacing while they are still the problem and the people doing it. We are 10% flawed and above; they are 90% flawed. This is why they pulled that stunt with Private Chen, and did what they did including following me after my active duty service in the US Army; stacking the courts, the military, officer corp, government, and healthy states (California, Texas, Virginia). The people behind this are radical: blacks, Jews, liberals, labor union, criminal gangs, ghetto dwellers, southern whites, etc... primarily whom we consider failures or the roster of any police department. They put me on that roster and have been trying; an offer to become a God or member. My unit had Haitians, Puberty Ricans, blacks, Irish, Southerners, etc... the dumbest of the dumb and the poorest of the ghetto. The officers was a guy who looked like Congresswoman Duffy, southerners, Hawaiians, and a lot of Chicago-ans. This in a unit of elite and honor students.

Since Florida, they toned this down because they wanted to get into the insurance and construction business using their bad hurricane and earthquake luck. Thus, they toned it down 50-75%; however, they were robbing me and trying to share crack or drug buys. I turned them in and almost sued them in small claims court; which humiliated them before. Each and every resident was conducted by the Jews, Italians, blacks, Mexican, Puberty Ricans; but it was mostly white not black. It was more drug gangs and senior alcoholics than who Limbaugh says is behind this. Meanwhile, Fox and these suspects watched me like a hawk, calling me a drifter, homeless, unemployed, etc... Exactly what they wanted to paint me as, a failure. Even after we outfoxed them and caught them; they pulled the same Danny Chen. Now they kept saying "leave, go home... " and I was ordered out of the state by homeless New York junk or non-surfers looking for a job; struggling in paradise. I narrowed it down to the Catholics, labor unions, drug gangs, and a clandestine secret army.

The record shows that Israel was one of the parties behind this bullying and severe harassment. It shows they were parading their power and intellect in an effort to encourage you to join other dangerous people who were lurking in the back watching everything we did. As I was interrogating Israel, they gave me repeated death threats; then acted as if they were only "watching" or concerned with the matter. When I began to read them international law and the rules of espionage or coercion; they protested with a string of attacks to include violence on the opposite side in order to stay or win over the debate. After much coaxing and death threats; they decided it was illegal what they were doing and was ordered to obey the charge d'affaire. The Israeli agents left the country and did not use satellite technology while acting as the lawyers for Rush Limbaugh or others. Now these Presidential candidates are using Israel in every sentence they use Ronald Reagan; additionally, they are claiming Israel is an ally when they and the liberals were behind this brainwashing and severe bullying, absolute authority. They are the ones who sent the dangerous "Democrats" and radicals to attack America to influence policy and to improve their reputation around the world. Meanwhile the Democrats were fomenting war and robbing us blind. They used public funds and the US military to build their own robots and agents; then destroyed them like pawns in a game which pit man versus God. The mole are the Jews and the blacks; along with the Democrats and labor unions; who thus in the end had a global reach and strategy which surrounded Israel, military dominance, and espionage activity that a seasoned expert could not distinguish between Marxism. They did this to the Palestinians, Americans (reverse), and to anyone in their way; then claimed it was their home and to "leave." They weeded out the strongest in the military and did the exact same with drug and criminal gangs; thuggery in the name of greed and evil.

What it looks like is we emerged from Waco or Jonestown and are trying to alert the police and others; they are headed towards the city water supply, stop them. Well, at least that is what it feels like and I saw who they were and are; Marxist serial killers. I have told the FBI and Pentagon who is behind this. They are entering the military due to economic hardships and they strike a resemblance to blue collar, non-commissioned officers, who are labor union thugs or gang members. Thus, they form a near cult like close knit society where you have to be initiated or taken in by the cult. Most of my encounters were with blacks and a few white, southern, and really stupid soldiers who had no business in the world of complex warfare. Recently, I got word of a soldier named Danny Chen and it sounds like the same people. The military needs to screen these people and make sure the Army or any other is not a dumping ground; as I had run into. It is the Democrats and this was their Jonestown or Waco. It is not going to stop until the Democrats stop using public funds for a dumping ground or to inject their crime ridden immigrant policies. We know the Democrats are behind this because of the goals they sought to achieve; the personnel. They call it a form of out-loud "Testify." What they are doing is targeting their own, the strongest individual. I had the Baker Act on me 3 times in a few years and one was a female in the Army who was laughing at my jokes and all the sudden; says I threatened her. This was the same problem in 2002 with NBC when I was arrested; however, they managed to get a judgment and would not take the case to trial. Once they got this judgment, I had this stigma of mentally ill and being medicated, however, it was all untrue and this was who did it, the Democratic Party of the USA and their radical or labor union bullies who are dumber as dumb but cunning and with serial killer mentality. They do the same to labor union or blue collar workers who are weak or desperate, rob them. I left the Army in 1995; so none of this should have carried over but it did.

I describe it as a Waco or Jonestown atmosphere and blacks are the main culprit. It is the Democrats. Out of that rubble emerged McVeigh and Mohammad; and finally Hassan and this female who got me Baker Acted at Walter Reed when I had to get a prescription for an open wound. Fox News was guilty of the same thing, it is their home and they are not leaving; a fight to the death:

This is a life and death matter. People have lost their life. We are under attack 24 hours of the day. You told me a story so bizarre; Penthouse Forum would not even print it. Doritos, cocktails, and Twitter is not going to save your life or change things. Most people who are put in this dangerous situation, would care, would spend a few bucks, and would make a concerted effort. Ann, stop bitching about what you can get away with or why you can't do this or that. You do not learn a lesson nor do you want a better life. Do you want me to pay for your legal fees also or just your drinks? Put the damn iPhone down and stop spending your time like a Twit and prove your legal case or your worth. Do not come back until you have this done, do you hear me? Do not come back until you finish this task, which will probably take 4 more years because you have to fly back and forth to Los Angeles and go to brunch and dinners when you are there. I am sick and I am tired of this and if you do not want to win this; then do not come back. If you win your case, I will have 40% of mine won and done, now do it. If you do not, I am going to spank the living shit out of your bony ass and tell your New Yawk mannerism to shut the F up. All of you are like this and have so many problems; total nuts. Do you want to act prim and proper or just sit on your ass and eat Doritos all day, "@jackass RT BOFF, I told you so @ F you too!" I live for the "Night With Ann Coulter @ Live Tweet Debates." WTF, get a life and stop; I am losing my sanity because of you and your crazy problems; you must be either insane or legally logical; but unless you prove it @US Supreme Court, BFF! Get off your ass and get this done; I prepared the entire case for you and you pissed me off each step of the way; day after day, RT @Alex Sorry for the mistakes, you do not have to worry... what is wrong with dinners and cocktails? The nation is under attack; get off your ass and sue them; take them out. You opened a massive door and I had to shut it; now ask, "what about Alex?" Yeah what about me... duh BOFF. Don't come back until you have proof and a solid story to back it up. They want their PAC money back and are pitching or harassing me until you give it back okay; hurry up.

IF YOU DO NOT GET A LAWYER OR TEAM OF ONE ANN, YOU ARE ALSO THE DUMBEST WOMAN IN AMERICA, SPEND THE MILLION AND CALL IT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT: "Hi name is Ann Coulter, I like to sit at home and start fights with my boyfriend while I eat Doritos and piss off both sides. Then I like to go online and flirt or email men so I can sue them or file sexual harassment charges. I am a virgin but not an angel. On my off days when I am not at Fox News, I like to fly around the country, meet new men (especially new men) and piss off my boyfriend by drinking or going out with them. If that does not make me look important or busy; then I give speeches to PAC group and use my boyfriend as a conduit to attack them or bash them for trying to bribe me. After tiring out and pissing off my boyfriend, I like to stay up late and eat Doritos with the guys on Fox News; so I can look sexy and tell the world my life is perfect and I am happy. When my boyfriend is mad, I cry a lot and tell him I worked so hard to make our life better. I love Republicans and will never turn down an event. I don't care if it is in a shack, a car, or a motel; I am there with Doritos and cocktails. I love to meet people and love to look busy or important when I do my book tours. I have a lot of money and can have anybody I want; heck upwards of 100 offers for a date on my email and twitter account. I also love taking pictures so they piss off my boyfriend. I have been groped by an old perverted man, forced to hold hands with a dead corpse old man, been hit on and blue balled a Jew who is totally boring and a loser, ripped the face off a grown jackass who likes to call me his drunken buddy, and it is all their fault. What can I get away with? Ask my boyfriend and tell him to tell me okay!

I just like to eat Doritos and have watch my boyfriend fight. He is poor and not happy; but I love him and beg him to forgive me. Hey, watch me pick up a man! Should I get a lawyer or do something for him? What if he is in danger or I get him in a bad situation? Well, I just walk slower and carry a big stick. Want to join the Republican Party, they are so-so awesome. I am going to quit and it is all untrue. Wait, I meant I messed up and am so sorry, really. Should I get a lawyer? For what? I am working as fast as I can. Why don't you clean this up, why me? Well, I don't care and F you. I love my boyfriend but he is always pissed off. I am not sure if I am a Jew or a Christian, I think Christian but they made me look like a Jew. I am suing, I think. I am happy and do not have to do anything; my boyfriend will. Who wants to invite me? If it has not been done the hard way, then it is not Coulter. By the way, don't ever ask me for a dollar! Alex don't worry okay, nothing personal. Oh, I really do not like black men and I don't date, I promise. "

Now that we know the Democratic Party USA is behind all of these attacks; we can now squeeze them for specific names and details for the indictment. Additionally, there are three wings of their Party who are guilty of criminal charges: 1. The political wing faces conspiracy and fraud charges; also intimidation, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice. 2. The radical wing or the ultra left faces the death penalty. 3. The business or money making wing (which includes the black-market or organized criminal syndicates) face slander and a host of civil charges for antagonizing every single bit of our life, falsification of our records, and forcing us to fight for out life without merit or cause. They are also under indictment for this plot and I suggest they start providing names such as Clinton, Obama, and other heavy hitters. They are responsible for a failed recruitment and defection effort; along with numerous violations of privacy, intimidation of witnesses, false arrest, cover-up, etc.... I do hope they cooperate and not fight this conviction.

They are too scared of America and does not want to be paraded around now. Before they loved the parade but the crank calls from the radicals and the communist is because they are scared of America and do not want to be deported or ID. A very sad and a very psychopathic weakling, a clown in a three piece monkey suit. It appears as if all of them are centered in the Northeast or migrated due to failure in politics; an octo-pussy. Some of them turned in other New Yorkers so that they can stay or earn rank. As far as association, it appears a tangled mess due to this incubate and unleash policy. For the record, I have no intention of keeping the New Yorkers or any New Yorker in my life. I have never been enthusiastic about them and know how the nation feels about them. After I have found out what they did or how they did it; you see the dialogue with Ann Coulter and how all this PAC money is ripping our relation apart. Meanwhile, she finally realizes there is a problem and is acting retarded; weak on crime, weak on defense, and reckless endangerment. As far as the US government; I have asked them to intern this threat and this enemy; that is reckless endangerment, not Iran or any Middle Easterner.

Immigration is not our cup of tea. Shut them down and remove the surge personnel they put in place. Ann has her choice in this and I am fed up with the excuses. Increase your productivity and work results; I do not like a mess or a woman who enjoys one. Want to act like a retarded New Yorker, marry one. For the record, I have no intention of keeping the New Yorkers or any New Yorker in my life. I have never been enthusiastic about them and know how the nation feels about them. After I have found out what they did or how they did it; you see the dialogue with Ann Coulter and how all this PAC money is ripping our relation apart. Meanwhile, she finally realizes there is a problem and is acting retarded; weak on crime, weak on defense, and reckless endangerment. As far as the US government; I have asked them to intern this threat and this enemy; that is reckless endangerment, not Iran or any Middle Easterner. Shut them down and remove the surge personnel they put in place. Ann has her choice in this and I am fed up with the excuses. Increase your productivity and work results; I do not like a mess or a woman who enjoys one. Want to act like a retarded New Yorker, marry one. Imagine it as a Ponzi-scheme; you keep the in while you use the out for power and payroll.

Ann, let me make a list of negatives. 1. dating black men. 2. chatting online with strangers while I am with you. 3. emailing and having casual conversation with people you claim to have a law suit against. 4. using me for a flotation device and then claiming you are of the highest quality. 5. pissing me off for four years and counting. 6. a total lack of common sense and not noticing any problems; indignant to the truth. 7. reckless endangerment. 8. unreasonable expectations, not 1 or 2 men; try 100,000 and counting. 9. mousy New York problems. 10. using money to get people to jump through hoops or refusing to pay them for labor performed. There is more such as providing ammunition for this surge and flooding the right wing with buffoons; also dating irregularities. Did I say treating royalties with commoner demeanor or mannerism? Asking me to sympathize for immigrants and be poor, a blue collar agenda.

Here I am riding around on a bicycle while you tell the people who did this or ruined my life how much you love me. They are telling me how much of a blast you are and what your secrets are. Then you parade around the media acting as if I love you to death and leave a complete mess and throw it on my lap so I can keep you afloat for 4 years and help you win your case. Then you neglect your case and use me to keep you afloat while you try to get into more parties or inauguration celebrations; now I am being called a phony and a liar at your expense. The level you will stoop to in order to better your life and how you continue to endanger my welfare with your stalling and forbidden life or lifestyle just amazes me. Then you claim they did this and you are sorry about your life being such a mess, in pain, and really will try to fix it.

You sit there and act like you are snacking on Doritos and have it all or the best life. Then you tell me to come to Florida after some crazy story about how they are trying to rape and murder you and I am freezing my ass off while you act like you are having Christmas with family. Oh there is much more Ann. It took you four more years to just simplify who you are sleeping with or not sleeping with. Then you neglect your mission and what you are charged with, screw off more. You are on tape being groped, engaged in dating activity, holding hands, etc... and you feel your intentions and cause supersedes all explanations; it is your business or not to worry? Who the F teaches you this or gave you this crap? It is 2012 and already you are pissing me off and better keep a log to prove you did not screw off or keep me in the dark while you say not to worry and piss me off more. If you want to stay then start earning it; if not, then do not keep making excuses. All of you are so scared of being paraded as a trophy and your life is what ticks me off the most Ann. Is that their fault? Well then you have your mission, I want blood.

Anybody who is saying Edmund Burke began conservatism and they know what it is or is not, including using Ronald Reagan in every sentence, is not only circumventing the truth but undermining it. They are hiding something which is entangled or tied into fear, terrorism, and Marxism. Be forewarned of this and what we encountered or who we caught red handed. They will always use Obama as a way to blow into their sails or shift the focus of the conversation, a scape goat. We have a massive surge and invasion and the Pentagon and FEDs better get in the fight and demolish this left wing surge before we are all done. We will fix the military after Obama; we do not know what he did or how he did it. Remember, Limbaugh and Hannity turned them in also; so Ann Coulter is on equal footing with them.

Ann, look what you did. That pizza face lady you call Wasserman, who is telling me to "leave" Florida or has since I got here; is acting on behalf of Limbaugh and Clinton. Additionally, she is going on TV and saying how you are trained in PR and doing anything to have Obama re-elected. Is this true? They failed to find this secret cold war weapon, you have a mission and are wasting time again, I told you to focus on what you need to do to save us and our marriage, etc... have you done this or completed this? Then get to work and stop arguing with me; there is a time and place for everything. Don't worry about what they say, worry about reckless endangerment on your record and your slave driver mentality ripping us up. Keep your mouth shut about Iran and stop giving the Republican core more motives to act like monkeys or add more flaws and disappointment to this. If you want to spend the night at their inaugural, then do not let me keep you down or here. As I see it, since 2008, you have been using me as a flotation device while you get fatter and more rude with me. Now look at what you have done; she and this bullhorn will keep saying, "bring it on" because of you. I do not need legal advice on intruders, torturing them, or blowing them away, etc... thank you. Look at what you did with the Iran problem; it is ripping the nation apart and they are cutting gouging the Defense budget in preparation for more cuts to welfare and left wing policy. Your antics also ripped us apart and this nation; F Israel and F Iran, am I clear? Fire all of them and get rid of them so we can snuff this surge and attack; and stop antagonizing me or causing such a disturbance. You females have no business in war and do not even understand torture or what terror is like.

Summary Statement and Analysis of the Obama Demonstration from 2008-2012, he escaped impeachment, this time but not next time:

1. This lawsuit to sue the United States for Slavery or indicate a conspiracy against blacks; is completely insane. All of them are poor and had experienced the same thing. All of them were hated or had mannerism which nobody wanted. It was a scam which Obama and the 1960s radical failed horribly to set up or establish. Oreilly and Goldberg are correct and know. It was they whom are guilty.
2. So long as I sell books, write about topics nobody has, or earn my pay; I have not violated the law. They did help me write books but they cannot violated the laws. I never asked them to do any of this or asked them into my life or home, never.
3. I have given them what they want and listened to their leaders. I think the Hurricane Hugo analysis about a rare form of cancer on all of their leaders; can be the same the Russian dissidents had done to them by former KGB. He failed to go after the KGB for dosing Russian dissidents with nuclear material.
4. They have violated the laws and they have violated our rights by this espionage and hiding underneath my table as I set fire to it and they claim to have been tortured. I never let them in or said they can hide under the table.
5. Obama hurt their legal chances by becoming President in 2008; a far cry from their legal plans to sue for slavery, implement socialism, nearly got impeached, and wrecked the Democratic Party. He made things much worse for them and his clandestine legal team are all in tears about suing the United States. Paralegal or recruiting high ranking government employees to become their eyes and ears; was a total failure and was shut down.
6. Oprah said good riddance and F you too; got out of Dodge. So did a lot of them on this legal and clandestine invasion force. Very few remain and those who have; went home with an empty stomach.
7. The fact finding mission indicated they were fishing, lawless, and obstructed justice or taken over; it was they who lied 80% of this. In the end, we have a 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit against them.
8. Both Bush and Clinton are guilty of stacking the courts; ask Limbaugh. Since 2008 they have given up on this and Newt is currency trying to suggest he will reverse it. This is only part of their left wing surge.

The whites had the worst personality of all and were the most artistic. However, they compensated this with religion, materialism, organization, and pioneering. The blacks and the Hispanics were behind in all category; although the Hispanics had the most similarity to the Asians when it came to social and political issues. The blacks had the same personality as the whites, which is attributed to the history of slavery. In order to change the balance of power, they wanted the financial power of the Asian who had a very scientific approach. When it came to natural versus other models; the Asians far excelled the other groups with the whites close behind; however, the whites were the poorest of the group which is also shared with the blacks. Nobody "won" any race wars, they really messed things up though. Their criminality bonded the mixes; seeking rewards. The whites and the blacks were the most abusive and criminal of all the bunch; this made police and organization a centerpiece of their politics. When abusive personalities are loud and daring; they tend to produce conflict with the weaker and most abused losing. The southerners have a weak-strong relation built upon years of abuse for each other and the North which is both a force and a lack of organization.

Ann is guilty of reckless endangerment and what I have pointed out to her as her willingness to place me in the line of fire without any assistance and expecting me to accomplish unreasonable tasks, a slave driver mentality. It is uncertain whether she has brainwashed herself to be a Jew or a Christian; a Democrat or a Republican. She herself has difficulty answering straight or direct answers; insisting it is her business and her personal life; she will get attacked again. She has shown herself to be very poor in battle but she did not create this war or standoff. Her role as a female is known and her mistakes are expected; however, they cherish and honor her in the wrong way. Her academic skills suit her weakness or personality problem. Her problems have been addressed and only she can blame herself now; a deadline was set at 2012. She cannot continue to make people sick, even on her own side, then make these claims; an act of a retard and a scoundrel. She is not permitted to use my name as the motive for her insane life or retaliation.

Ann wants to win this case at the expense of destroy us; and then apologizing repeatedly; a very selfish personality who seeks no permission or accountability. Her gift was this fell in her lap. However, she put herself under those same strains. There are a lot of negatives against Ann, too many for her to stay and not seek a better life. It is do or die time with no turning back. I have given her a a clear mission and it is up to her to accomplish it or not; we will know eventually whose side she is on; however, the clock is ticking against her and I have no intention of extending any deadlines for anybody. The problem is a lot of labor was performed and a lot of people benefited; yet the labor rates and pay do not mesh. Those who owe money are being charged. Her claims must fit the ending; not antagonize it or continue to.

If left unchecked this woman will destroy us. She is also facing removal or impeachment if she does not act accordingly or continue to make mistakes she views as brilliant. All of them view each other as brilliant and follow each other into hell where they burn and are paraded in purgatory. Ann has pushed the limits for too long without any punishments and she is guilty. This is why she desperately needed my help, to tell her story which I have refused to continue after the deadline due to doubt and full regrets. It is unclear if Ann is a nuisance or of any help to anybody but herself. She is full of regrets and admits she messed up; she had no place in war and her role is elsewhere.

Keep in mind also Ann, you are a woman. A woman has no business in warfare and your retarded strategy (such as Madelaine Albright's Iran Sanction) will only lead down a road of hell and illogical twists. The Eastern bloc was always the weakest of all. You need results and have been hanging on, like your insane party chiefs, to a platform of never wanting a better life. All your manners are awful and even I notice it in you. This is war and you woman do not belong. You will get so many people killed with your radical left wing shit. Am I clear? You spend day and night explaining or whimpering; then acting bold and courageous. Wait until a shotgun is put to your head when captured or when you see real terror. Wait until a military force tortures each one of your men. Wait until you feel the impact of real war and real torture before being executed. Wait until your bowel movement experiences what your mind knows is inevitable. It is a phony war or phony circus we are watching with all of you. Woman have no business in war and all you will do is upset the men who fight them. Happy New Year to all you Noo Yawkers! I am sick and tired of you draining my resources and having to be counseled. Now win this and prove you draw blood retard. There is a time and a place for everything; making me yell at you because you are bitchy, selfish, or do not have productivity problems; is not how to start the New Year or a new life. Mommy and daddy will tell you the exact same; so stop acting like you are such a daddy's girl. You let these people trample all over you because women have no business in war and you create a total disaster of your life and others.

Another thing Ann. Let it go because I do not need a lawyer to tell my attackers how I will or can legally take a shotgun and put it up to their head if they enter my home and I am in the process of mourning or on an important mission. It is all phony shit. You look worse pointing out the obvious and are only inciting me twice as much. Do not even give this phony Hitler bitch the time of day. If they come in my home and if they have the balls; there is a time and place for everything. I am sure nobody has held a shotgun or military arms to their head while they rob or try to injure loved ones. Don't tell them that just let them come and get results. This has been going on for 20+ years. You share life with these people, you lie to them, you let them in my life, you do everything right but make me happy with the situation. Why? Do not give them the time and the day and this will be taken care of; blood is thicker than water. If you want to email people, call them on the phone, it is even better.

Happy New Years and try to find a better life will you? Don't bring more New Yorkers or more flawed and crazy people into my life; I will kill them and without any remorse. I have ordered them to turn themselves in and instructed our military and Generals to win this at any cost. Take a close look at what they are up to or did; apologies are not needed and lip service will only sound like a shotgun at close range. Do not take hostages or come in people's home; bottom line. Only a retard would and only a retard would get yelled about this. Your Twitter account is nothing but smears, crazy harassment, and more of your insane life; do you want a better life or not? Okay, then not with me. What did I say before Christmas? Why am I in a bad mood again? Them or you; or maybe all of you New Yorkers? I do not need legal advice on blowing someone away; trust me. What do they look like? If I can describe them; this would end really quick; why play this game with them? What do I care what they look like or who they are? There is a recklessness and carelessness in all of you to indicate stupidity; therefore, I wonder if any of you notice it or care about what you are doing? Your manners are driving people insane and so is your politics.

I cannot do anything in life. You are completely retarded Ann; the least of them all. I am trying to get rid of all of you. You are trying to get rid of them. I want a better life. I have this plot down there. None of you can give me a better life. All of you are bitchy and indignant. I am allergic to your mannerism. Ann, the retard is you. I don't want to hear it. I want to see blood, it is do or die. I am trying to earthquake and hurricane all of you if I can. Who the F is behind this and why are they breathing air? Why are you so selfish Ann and always using me to find your way in life? Why are they? Why are all of you so retarded and so flawed; constantly chasing you off but lured by jobs or promise of a better life? F off will you and get this mission completed; stop F'in off and trying to get in each others pants, F'in retards. If you want call each other but not secretly or put us on a wild goose chase. Do you want more men to make passes at you or get raped Ann? Do you want 100 women to punch you in the nose or spit on you? That is where all of you are headed, all of you F'in retards. Now get this god damn F'in mission down you lazy no good worthless fools. What the F is wrong with all of you? None of you want a better life or a change. All of you are selfish and flawed; one of you is almost my love slave in life; constantly yelled at. It sounds like Limbaugh's up for grabs, Cain's best man win, or Palin's double down full court press. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you also Ann Coulter. Welcome back again; enjoy the Christmas returns? I will say it clearly and concisely, it is 2012 and past the deadline. I don't want to hear it, it is do or die. If you have something to prove for causing this total disaster, now is the time to do or die.

Stop. Ann I said I would like a Christmas present and to stop being bitchy about this or indignant. You are losing everything. You continue to repeat your mistakes and are indignant, retarded. Why in hell do you care about these people, why? Why put them between us again? I do not want to hear about it or your excuses, am I clear? Keep your flaws to yourself or get lost. How about improving your work and productivity this year? An idea? You opened a door for flawed or disappointing people to flood into my life without clear or concise warnings. You expect me to fight not 1 or 2 men; 100,000 men for a glass of water. I am looking for a better life. I am not looking or will share a life with total mess or indignant people. I have been put through an ordeal by people who feel they are stronger or more worthy; superior, but they are merely indignant. I am and never had been trying to share my life with indignant people or help them in any way shape or form. If this is Ann Coulter; then I refuse to share my life or counsel her on her problem. I am sick and tired of this and how this problem refuses to go away. Why are you bringing new or more people I am allergic to into my life Ann? Why? Finish your case and go away; you have them in a death lock. Stop acting like you are the only one in the room. I do not care about or for these people; if you wish to talk to them; then marry them, am I clear? This is 2012, I need change and I need a better life.

If Ann Coulter does not want to have or create a better life; she can prove it because this is not what I am looking for. I read her Twitter. It is harassment central. I read FReeP, they groped her and bash her day and night while this Mickey Kaus guy pretends to be debating or marketing the Ann Coulter product. I watch Fox News as conservatives are expected to; I saw them do the same thing; flirt, grope, and then go away. I saw a lot of things and caught many people lurking and lying; 60-80 per cent; day in and day out in a willful and malicious way. I am upset with Ann and made it clear to her I want a better life; if she can win back 40% of this using her own problem; it will make things much better and I will feel better. However, I am sick and allergic to all these people; and Ann makes me sick also. Sorry if that is the truth but Ann understands me the best while I cannot understand women at all. I am looking for a better life with or without Ann; it is hers to mess up or totally screw up; as her life is now but a little better. I am not in any way looking for excuses or more excuses. I do not let flawed or indignant people into my life; I am allergic and have a horrible allergic reaction to them. I do not dumb or retarded people because they mess up my life and never fix it. I do not accept apologies from enemies or those intent on making me fight for my life. They will have to fight for their life.

It is a mad invasion on the conservative and Republican side. They demand jobs and are holding us hostage to some plot; still calling indignantly. Ann, listen to me. These people are indignant. Clearly you can see this. Do not make it worse; you are draining my resources when you do. You females make a lot of mistakes; both sides. I would never hire them; I am 100% allergic to this problem. Do not rack up more negatives or make me complain; even if it is directed at them. These people are indignant, flawed, and really stupid. I know what they are up to. If it came down to civil war, they know they are the first to go; with the job market the way it is; the price on their head is beyond comprehension. Let them sit at home with their illegal guns waiting for this vicious war; they are not getting anywhere in life. Also, this is about their church and taking care of the homeless; some conspiracy. They want blood, not jobs; right now you have so many doubts and look stupid. This stuff with me is going nowhere. If you want to pick a side or blood; then here is your chance but what you are doing is foolish and only hurts yourself. What you say and do cannot compare to them or be as indignant. I hope by now you have learned a lesson as they have. Remember, if it came down to an armed conflict; the first to go are the criminals. All they have are their guns. Without any church or life support; they are dead. I have instructed my Generals to prepare a hard and long fights with them; focus on how indignant they truly are. They claim we are helping them with Insurance and you called them; so they are returning your call. Do not get in that lie or argue with them; take them down and shut them down.

How about a Christmas gift Ann? "This year my News Years resolution is to be a better wife and better friend to Alex, not make him upset at all; never again." How about a New Years Resolution I can understand Ann? Do I have any happiness or good news from you? Ever? How about a present? How about some good news for a change? Too cheap or forgot again? If you want to run your mouth or email men; do it in the next lifetime. They are very flawed and disappointing; you should know I am allergic to them and would not call; but they hold my employment and jobs as hostage exactly like the labor unions. It is just circular from you and from them; but they are indignant and will twist everything so we have to fight for our life. I want to escape this, not keep it going for another year; am I clear? You are draining my resources also. Is that your goal or not? Are you willfully trying to get me to complain about flawed or disappointing people who continue to call me indignant and not written or provable? The squeeze is on; do you want to pop or bleed? I need you to get it right; concise and clear each and everything; not beg, cry or complain to the point where I am losing my mind. I am so fed up with counseling you I am ready to tell your floozy ass to shut up and F off. I want to see blood and you to win your case, not wreck your life; end of story. They are arming right now and want war; give it to them and prepare for war. Don't worry about any sanctions or jobs; that is their story and game.

This is no dumping ground. America is no dumping ground for them to prove how tough they are. It is not a revolving door for them to call or come in anytime they want to be indignant. Do not come here with a chip on their shoulder about a job or how superior they are. We are glad they feel they own or belong it; however, that is not the problem in the 1.6 billion lawsuit and their indictment. The military is not a dumping ground where they can try to pull this shit off or on either. It is the same problem repeated overly to the point where they must be interned or ripped to pieces. It is time they fight for their life and honorably. There is nothing they have or will teach us except what is coming at us or how to react.

As I have told their messenger and surveillance units, I had to defend my life and my country. I did it honorably and impeccably. It is time they prove themselves before they tell me who is in control or what I should do. They are the ones who are losing 5-10 trillion dollars yearly, not me. I wish them the best of luck and we will know if they are above it all or just a fool playing foolish games with us. If they fail then we know they never had it to begin with. Remember, that is the same test and situation they put me in and the public has watch with disgust the triumph and tribulation both Ann and I had to accomplish. Maybe if they had this on their resume, they can give me lip service or crank call me even more. Good luck and I wish them the best of luck; the clock is ticking. My resources are low and I need a job. I plan on and want to shut this site down and if and when Ann gets this legal team; maybe they will shut the F up and leave me alone. She is using her leverage to demand them to let go of my employment problem or stop tinkering with my life and hers. I already spoke to her and what lies ahead in her life. I have sent my Generals after them and sled them to hunt them down like dogs. It is time they defend their life and their country before telling me they are above it, I am a threat, and to surrender to their evil and phony will. I also told Ann a deadline is a deadline; spare me the intentions and good acts. I got enough stupid shit in my life for more than 100 people; meet the deadline or not, just plain tired of all of this. Ann started 2012 with a bang as usual but not what I am looking for.

Ann, three days into the New Year and I am already counseling you and you are going in this dark period of your life. Three god damn days and all you have to be is more careful of what you do or say. Meanwhile, I am doing everything I can for you while trying to get through to your thick head about how you are draining my resources and I had to set a deadline. Do you think that is their fault or yours? What about this legal team? Are you the least upset with yourself or is just this only about me? If you want to get yourself killed or wreck your marriage; then do not come to me and keep apologizing. I set a deadline; now you can argue with them about your men, the flavor of the week, what you are doing, emails, careless behavior, games, etc... Even after I told you so many times before the New Year and after you write a wonderful article about your dad... back at it again. Who do you think is making me so grumpy; just them? Who brought the most flawed, reckless, and insane people into my life or is making me complain now? Did you read my frustration with the Republicans, more clown games. It is do or die time. You either have the results or do not; no more. You either spend the money or not. They are losing 5-10 million per year; yet they walk away from 1.5 settlement and indictment? That is insane and that is stupidity. Did I mention the problem with the Republicans and my disappointment? It just never ends. Who brought a totally flawed right wing into my life and this standoff? I told you so many times, I do not want to talk about this and am watching, I want to see blood. If you did all this to prove your case, then do it; end of story.

This is all I have Ann, can you stop or help? Emailing men or talking to them online will not help me; got it? Ann, I am a master of war; understand this. I read your stuff and Twitter, happy? If you want to prove something or make me understand; go and stick this F'er, I want to see blood from them; not tell me about our problems. I am a man, I do not comprehend. I am a master of war; if they did this to me, I would kill them anyway and anyhow I could; then drag their dead body into court with a handcuff on mine; it was a death match. I am saying my resources are very low; will you have some consideration for my needs and my problems? You created so many problems between us in order to stop them or end this rape and murder plot on you. But I am drained Ann; why deal or delay? If so, then not with me understood? This goes on and on with you; as if it is some gimmick or chip on your shoulder. Ann, all I am saying is you are draining my resources and my patience. It has been four long and arduous years. You continue to antagonize me or play me as a fool; not always but it's there; then you twist it in some way to suggest free will and no influence or underhanded event took place. I have a high school event; wow, so do you. All I am saying is you are done with the excuses I heard from you; there are times I get this sensation; and rarely is my intuition wrong or my instincts. Maybe I am too stupid for you or just not an Ann Coulter fan? My entire life for the past 20 years has been wasted on a F'er and criminal. Ann, do you remember that stupid Klavin shit you made me watch on the MRC video where he is all over you, then you ask him off the stage? Do you? Why am I being dragged through this? What do you think your mom and dad would say if they read this? Maybe I am too stupid Ann; you are so much smarter and have so many more options than I do? Win the game or spike the ball; but not another 4 years trying to prove or explain yourself.

I have not seen my family in over 6 years. In 20 years I have had 2 New Years and maybe 2 Christmas; and you? We must have something special for those numbers Ann. I let you slide on the working all the time, never being there, emailing with men and chatting, and all this trouble which came my way. Would I do it again? What do you think? Regrets? Yes, I have a few. You? You spend at least 90 per cent of your life explaining yourself to me and I am fed up with all the insanity. It is the last two minutes, decide if you will win or just spike the ball. I never said you cheated or did this on purpose; they did. I am done with this Ann; win it or go home with nothing. By the way, my sister is taking care of my father; so while you write about this or that; understand my life is just passing by; another year with you. Do I get anything normal in my life or anything restored even if you are in it? You told me not to expect money unless we are married; which scared the hell out of me; should I tell my family this? How about think about me will you; the clock is ticking, you do realize this? Life is not getting better until all of this is gone or your insane life; will it? You will not find your answers online; remember this. I wasted 20 years fighting this F'er and trying to stop them from ruining my life, did I win or not? Do you think Twitter or talking to men will help me? How about your friends and all the people you know? Have they helped you or tried? This is all I have Ann along with a lot of doubt about you. Am I selfish here or not? I need change Ann and they are all over me using your name in every sentence. Everybody tells me there is a problem; there is a problem Ann, but not in your world. None of this happened on my watch. If they did all this or violated the Constitution; I want to see blood; I do not understand and am a master of war. Don't force this stupidity on me or my watch.

Dear Senator McCain: I personally do not know what you did or why you did it; but my sentiment is you have a lot of regrets. I also suspect you introduced this world to Sarah Palin and that is what ticked off Ann so much; I accept your apology even if I and the public have had enough of incompetence, flaws, and utter disappointment. I have a lawsuit for 1.6 billion dollars if you want to hear what true disappointment or what feeling disgruntled is about. Maybe I did something to deserve it; such as point out how flawed and how incompetent people are; but mistakes cost lives and in dire times; any help is thankfulness. The problem is this nation is being divided by two elements; one are spies and moles; the other stands on unity and immigration. I am allergic to all of them; hence, I chose to become a master of war and I studied as hard as I could to make something of my life. I ended up a hostage and in a two decade battle with the worst people on this planet. Is that dumb or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time? As a master of war; I tell these people to beat it or hit the road; do they? Now the world knows I am allergic to them and why; do I win my 1.6 billion case or not? When? I was not happy to hear about the TARP and repeatedly warned against it. This allergen pest would not hear anything other and took us down a road of destruction with them. Shall we let them back in or slam the door on them with merits and academic honors? They got Ann and I to argue; something very rare and difficult; VERY! When I hear and see the truth; I will trust it and the voice of power; all I hear is deceit and lies or a complete nuisance. Part of this sad spontaneous orgy is we never get the truth or can speak it; no less get rid of this enemy who is flawed and so disappointing. None of this happened on my watch; none of it and I am insulted.

Annie, I am watching you closely and I never said to look for new male friends, chat with them, or email them. If this blows up on you and you took no steps to fix or shield me from your insane habits; whose fault do you think that is? Mine? You are the one tweeting people who are full of hate, disappointment, who think they are rich, are always in the way, stalk others, real life spies and agent of saboteur, terrorists, and rapists or murderers. I am the one whose resources are being drained by you and them. I never said jump from one arrangement to the next, that is CPAC, MRC, and Fox News; your F'in staff, not me. I am allergic to these people, remember this. Then why didn't you fire them or try to file a formal complaint; have a legal team handle this professionally? Why didn't you try to protect your life or mine? Whose fault is that or is it so hard and so complex; you freeze up and think about your mom and dad? What is more embarrassing, you getting raped, you getting an abortion, or you getting murdered? Do not come crying to me about more male friend problems or roam the chat rooms for them; you have your case now eat it. Are you the F'er who told them to use Israel to divide us and this nation?

Fact: Obama has hurt the blacks in more ways than the Democrats can ever use against the right wing or Republicans. The truth is the Democrats do not want to compete and lack the qualities we need for them to be competitive or compete with merit and our blessing. When people associate blacks with Civil Rights or the decline of the black family; they will not say "whitey" or America; they will say Obama and his inability to wield power or solve complex issues. He has no record to run on and we do not expect a surplus of black politicians even in black districts. We do not expect any minority politicians to ever try to associate or claim they are identical to Asians or the region where a lot of business growth has led to much greater living standards and our understanding of capitalism. This is what we want, to plug into it and be part of growth, here in America and abroad. Therefore, the Democrats have destroyed their domestic policy for generations; expect vicious civil war from a divided nation if it ever came to this.

Limbaugh is not far from Obama. Obama ruined the reputation of the black politician and he is set on policies that create lazy or stupid people which is an overwhelming number in the Democratic Party. I happen to be allergic to all of this and all of them. Limbaugh was correct in his analysis and spoke the truth; he sees it as a huge accomplishment and a total nuisance. Limbaugh says we are all included and have a sense of winning; and he is totally in love with Santorum but loves Newts determination, "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you." Ask him why he and the left wing are being sued for 1.5 billion and he is no longer Mr. Brilliant.

They are still crank calling or coming to me to tell me you shared the stage with them, you attended this singles club events, they paid you under the table, you were in their stable and helped them blackmail politicians, you engaged and willfully were involved in lewd behavior, you dated a several of them, etc... while they are coming to me and telling me to leave or ridicule my life. You are telling me it is untrue and they were trying to murder or rape you but you had them at gunpoint or were using your sex life and private life against them. So now they are telling their lawyers you willfully participated and are also guilty; but you say it is untrue and you were faithful unlike any other female can ask from you. Do not try to use your situation to climb their ladder or get more perks; they will lie or kill you in the end; but you will also loose my faith and cause me to see you differently. You have only one move remaining; to prove your case and finish them off; not delay or any other. Do not use this to compel them to act against Obama or not undermine more socialist or communist hell.

You have to hurry up with this lawyer team and win back your life Ann; there is too much damage to your life. We also have a rogue police on the scene. They see you as a daughter or as a labor strike, trying to get attention, get a raise or bonus, and just making commotion so you can benefit off them. All of them (Fox News and Limbaugh) got major bonus and raise; did you also? Well, they offered if you refused from 2008-2012. This is how prearranged and how psychopathic this enemy truly is; a mound of dirt we are buried under.That is all you have done in the past 4 years besides ticking me off with your so called buddies and beloved conservatives or phony right wing. You have your choice and your option; do or die time. I think that is reasonable and you do not have any other choice in this matter; wish really ticks me off. Had they turned themselves in and put the brakes on all this; I would not be so ticked off. You do not need to apologize to me anymore or make excuses. It is yours to loose and screw up now; even worse than before.

By the way, this "Chelsea" girl continues to crank call while I am stuck in this landlord and financial chaos. My living arrangement is being exploited to give them advantage or leverage, "leave... move... why do you keep hanging around... we only want to help... nobody likes you... only we helped you, shut up." Chelsea and these people in my life in Florida, has been apologizing in the most phony way possible, in words. Meanwhile, the offense only strategy has slowed down 50% only. No court in this world would ever exonerate or let them get away with this; yet they feel crank calling and saying "sorry" over and over will. This is the Hitler bitch who began this in New York with some call identified as "the police." Chelsea had been secretly intercepting me online; thus I hit the strip circuit to ID her; but she also blocked Ann and I; why Ann went along with this. When she found out about Ann and I; all of them made up a story using blacks and how they were viciously attacked. All the records will show a seamless story; and the real action; exactly how we outfoxed them.

I could not ID them so I cannot confirm, yes or no; whether they have a real or true position on the police force or ever did. All I know is her name is Chelsea and she was ordered to come on TV so Ann can ask her a few questions face to face. She has been sending XXX pictures and wants me to give them a child by adoption or by F'in his cranky limp wife. It is really disgusting and it makes you so disgusted just thinking about them or who they are. They were antagonizing my hygiene and the level I fix my hair, shower, or take care of myself; using homeless blacks or crack addicts to say I was no different and to stop being a snob. Then they acted as if we slept in the same bed and I wanted them around or pay them alimony and welfare checks. Nobody would let them apologize or get away with this; but this is their script and it is being traded as if our life depended on it.

Obama 2008 really slowed everybody down and paralyzed this nation; however, they cannot toy with the political system any longer and history will judge those responsible for this after the fact; so they got nowhere. Anyhow, McCain-Palin was a mole or infiltration unit, another blockade; to clear Bush and W of what the British already know; they are antagonize the other counter-intelligence team and have not given a proper or logical explanation. Clearly, they refuse to tell the story and are assessing their options. Like clockwork, it fell on our lap and was all delivered in 2012; thank God. I will take credit for that one also. However, there is an obvious problem with the right wing; it is so obvious that the left wind even knows about it and is exploiting this sheer chaos. We have a major racketeering plot, extortion attempt, and mole; and it is not the mafia and not Democrats; it is the devil himself. Luckily, Obama was there to push us along and won in 2008; otherwise, they would have had the House and the President again. We ended up with their 20 year economic plan; how did we get that? Keep this in mind, when the left wind is on an offense only strategy and hanging on for dear life; they will loose 5-10 trillion per annul. If you loose 5-10 trillion yearly; you will have world war in less than 5 years; prepare for a long and hard fight. They were wrong about who Ann was sleeping with, was engaged to, or dated; but so was she; the joke was on them. She was not interested while they threw themselves at her or made passes at her day and night or showered her with gifts so they could take control of her life and deploy this murder-rape backup plot; she could ID them in the end. We owe Obama a favor for screwing up both sides and being so "Randy" about this entire matter. He did a horrible job, worse than we had expected. It is do or die time.

Ann, your beloved conservatives and Republicans are whacked. The problems you encountered are the same ones I have; they are not right wing and they are not who they claim to be. I just gave up and do not want to work with such flawed people or get disappointed. Right now, they are voting with their feet. I have not gotten one logical answer from any of the Republican candidates on Israel or Iran; almost like a bully pulpit. At least with the Soviets and China, we could debate it and have logical answers. The most logical answer I got was they were in love, suffered hardship together, were the same, or were lifelong friends. Try to argue with ignoramus on a war and conflict that has lasted 80 years and will last another 80 years. There is no logic to it; only force, power, military might, and corruption. There is no academic merits, none. If it is then it is a victim of violence on both sides. I smell a trap and a clever Marxist death game. It is a misuse of authority, high crimes and misdemeanors, and we had caught them; but they went in the bush before the FBI and Pentagon could figure how to take them down. There is just no logical and rationale; exactly like the Democrats and a party stance. Remember, this is coming from the right wing and they feel they are powerful; crazed and sneaking around perhaps.

Did you all get your legs blown off or shot in the mouth? Ann, this keeps going on and on. My plan to meet up with you in Canada and to finish them off; was better. I just wasted 4 years on your love life and who you are or are not sleeping with, etc... It is complete insanity. You hang out with people who are so flawed, such bad behavior, those no damned good, and have such a gigantic legal complaint. Meanwhile, I cannot stand them and am allergic; but they throw themselves at me day and night; even take me hostage. My family has been in counter-intelligence since the beginning of the century; but we are underground and hiding due to the Vietnam War; former royals. If you do not take the next legal move and screw up your life more; it will show you willfully and intentionally refusing to sue them or end this game. You have a case on them right now and can win a big chunk of this back while they take the office of the President and the nation to hell. You have no escape but I have an excuse. If I had a million, I would spend it on their legal racketeering just to get rid of them and give them a 20% win. Look around, are they victims or did they get their legs blown off? Victory for whom? Sounds like they are letting the wind blow and flipping the coin on where their life and this world takes them; to hell. It also sounds like your life until I got here.

Your beloved right wing and Republican has been taken over and so has your life and mine; but who do we surrender to or charge in a federal indictment; Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox News, CPAC, MRC, etc... if what I say is true, why are they sticking around for the victory party? They want us to leave and willfully and intentionally used us as a mole or a surrogate spy? We also caught them intentionally allowing 5-10 trillion in losses per year. They call it hurricane and earthquake bad luck; yeah sure. I love the "fiscal conservative" model and how they put Ronald Reagan in each sentence; ask them what the problem is or why the conservatives and Republicans cannot win or get it right? This gigantic mess was their fault; to take over the right wing and the global finances without full merits. They are using the elected offices as a hostage; if you want this, then you have to give us this; racketeering.

One part of my lawsuit for 1.5 billion has to do with the surrender to Limbaugh and Fox News. They said we had to surrender our life and all military matters to them on the grounds of:

1. They were white.
2. Then they were black and did not hate or were racist.
3. They were more powerful and had total control of the media.
4. They controlled both the Congress and the Presidential office.
5. I had no chance of winning, would be killed or imprisoned, and they are too powerful.
6. They had infinite sums of money or had control over my entire finances.
7. Endless spying, violating the laws, and the worst treatment you have ever seen from so called Americans. How do we take them to court today?
8. They were the police and are all authority; no disputing or crying. Take a look at the paper trail and the financial trail.
9. There was a war or some conspiracy, we were drafted and this is insubordination and a federal crime. We acted in violence and unreasonable; a threat.
10. They are some rescue or going to help us escape; but there are catches and gimmicks; an unwritten contract. They are not the right wing and not who they claim they are. They are only there to create more hardship and re-introduce this model.

Then they switched it to flaws or what I call less than 2% lying compared to their 90% lies:

1. I had no chance.
2. They had Ann and my family.
3. It just gets worse for me; I cannot escape. How will I afford a wife and family, think about them first.
4. I was mentally ill, got arrested, and need to be medicated.
5. Nobody will believe me or hear me.
6. Nobody came to help and nobody came to my assistance after I was arrested; give up.
7. They can keep this going as long as needed; they have total control of the world and won.
8. They were a superior human; smarter, stronger, and more competitive. Don't make it harder for myself.
9. When they finally got panicked, they rushed and began torturing; both Ann and I. This caused a lot of promotional grief and hardship. We had to endure and then break them.
10. Watching or spying 24 hours; without merit or logic. To this day they have no explanation. Limbaugh provided their legal case and right now; he is totally whacked and distraught. One moment he is a psycho the next he realizes they were caught and it is getting worse. This spying continued at every residence and messages were passed in Florida; their second nest. It was related to the drug wars and immigration; still back and forth.

This does not include the espionage charges related to SATWAR and our military future; which will eventually be used on them. This is their plan of victory and the communist invasion which was intended to cripple us or shut us down. It almost shut us up and got us killed, repeatedly. Look how easy and comfortable I talk about it; as if fully seasoned. Those wounds are real and so are theirs; whose is bigger?

Limbaugh and Hannity, along with their crews, are still going around pretending they are loved and we are jealous. Their live a lavish life but claim they are now our servants and to spare them mercy. We are the lucky owners of these spies and slaves, their masters now. Furthermore, they wanted us to mentor and teach them on how to be normal and a human being while they used us to sniff out this secret weapon and cold war secrets. They were going to bomb it because it stood in the way. First, it was to teach us how special we are and how they are masters. They were beloved, not phony; and they were exceptional-ism defined; made in the eyes of God. We and all others are merely jealous of this power. Now they are our servants and slaves; but we do not want them; any takers? Yet they say we have to leave because they have a racketeering and occupation underway; squatters and financial backers. You try to take on this whacko and mole and see how much of a dent you can do; look at the damage we did to them and why; they still hide fearing capture or death. Their trap is Israel and the Middle East; but they use America as a dumping ground to occupy it and major city-states. Do they teach this in college?

Additionally, this so called right wing is telling me to leave and they have thrown themselves at people in the most awful manner while being a nuisance is just about every single aspect of life. Some of them were part of this singles club, CPAC insanity, conservative mole issue, and they were also generating a call list for the communist, liberals, and the Democrats; specifically the blacks. That is how I observed it and how they treated you as you outfoxed them. Clearly I outfoxed them on SATWAR; but they crank call constantly now and are still pulling this landlord gimmick or real estate gimmick. I am getting a serious suspicion after 6 years of not working; they have something to do with all these employment fiascoes; a sense of constant hit or miss. It is just total chaos with them and when it comes to Israel; nothing is logical and fits to a T with the Democrats. I first ran into the blacks in the military; the Marxists battled me while on active duty; that is what I call security. This is how they are getting in and infiltrating, the Ho Chi Minh Trail of the supply route. This is why they are behind the drugs; generating a call list for the left wing. This is going to keep going on with the conservatives and the right wing while we never get a right wing or a real Republican Party, no options. Then they will throw the money around, both sides; until it is total chaos. This is why you nearly got raped and murdered; they are awful people and infiltrators; not willing to let go or restore the true right wing.

Until they commit to the truth; the Republican Party is under siege and taken over as our beloved conservatives have been; and they throw themselves at and on others. This is why they are loosing 5 and 10 trillion dollars a year; the public should be up in arms about this because they cannot last another 3 to 5 years before world war arrives. If Reagan was alive he would see the problem and fix it immediately; not play this game with us or keep it ongoing; let's not keep using Reagan as an excuse or Ann Coulter. Keep in mind, the Republicans lost Vietnam and shut it down. The Ho Chi Minh Trail is how they are getting in. During the 1960s, JFK and LBJ called on the Army; they tried it again with Bush or Texas. They got the wrong number for twenty years. This opened up the black threat which is decimating our finances at home and abroad. Essentially, they have taken over the military and was almost busted; yet Bush delivered and took them to war for 8 full years. Many retired and many got promotions and bonus. It will be very difficult to undue the damage they caused for America at home and abroad; yet they lost this war and are trying to repair it. They have only less than 5 years to repair it because their flaws and games caused 5-10 trillion in losses; Limbaugh kept repeating how they are bankrupt and living lavish; jealousy. Bush made sure the Democratic ticket did not shut down the Ho Chi Minh Trail; which is also fueling the drug wars and deposing entire governments; including the USA.

Hey, shut your god damn mouth and stop crank calling me in the middle of the night. First, Ann is way past your league. Second, I am not going to F your wife and give you some adopted kid so you can act nice to minorities or look perfect. You are not going to F Ann even if you try a rape plot. Third, you have some GD nerves. To think I would not destroy you and take you to world war or civil war is a fantasy of your own making. Additionally, if you bring this nation to war or world war; 5-10 trillion is not what you are going to loose. Your mouth is a F'in dead roadkill, shut up and hit the road; I am not your shrink or your shoulder to cry on. I don't like you and think you are a nut or some basket-case; a psycho. To think you have the nerve and the audacity to think I would not bring you to the edge of world war or Armageddon is a joke. If you can read and if you can understand common English; you will know how I feel and how we feel. I would love to show you what real war is like and how to be schooled in public. I don't care about Israel or your pets, at home or abroad; am I clear MF? Good. You have some nerves and have a filthy ridiculous F'in mouth; we are the masters of war, not your tool or pet you F'in fag.



IRAN: In the future, let Saudi Arabia, UAE, and other OPEC nations take care of Iran by either taking them out or deposing the administration for whom threatens industry around the globe. I trust them not to be fools because we have been in this region since 1990 and then 2003 and it just keep going on and on. Here we are bickering about some lady named Madelaine who keeps on insisting this is the way to do business when a military threatens them. They fight like pussies and they act like it too; but their religion and manners reflect the true animal we know them ass. If these people had enough common sense; they will focus on the business at hand and not let distractions, rogue states, or foreign enemy cause their loss and mission failure. One word describes my disgust, rank amateurs who have caused a slowing death for themselves and others. There seems to be all this money and chaos on the right wing when it is supposed to be the most religious and conservative; very odd. I have never seen the stalking level I have witnessed from the conservative brand; either on myself or Ann Coulter. Yet nobody can see them because they repeat and spy on us and rack up 1.5 billion dollars in damage and one day in the future we find out they truly are Marxist and nuts. Should I clap? Try to keep Madelaine and Iran out of the conversation next time; it is a hypocrite scare tactic and the voice of a playground weakling who does not have any other life mission. When it comes to Limbaugh, Gingrich, Hannity, and a few others; this conservative movement sucks; total phony and trickery of lies. Save me the speech on "this land tis-a-vie." We are here because our future is threatened or had been.

DEAR RUSH LIMBAUGH: I listened to your speech in New York at the Town Hall Theater and I have to say that I counted over 100 falsehoods, red-baiting, and plain untrue statements. I also counted a few things which you repeat religiously you got from us because you are scared of reverting back to being a Marxist. That is how we caught you; a cold calculating and sneaky Marxist. This idea others are threatened by the truth, you are trying to limit the number of people who stand in the way of change, and the stuff I hear from you; has nothing to do with you. You also repeat my words and Ann's religiously; but it has nothing to do with you. Then you say we have a problem because we are against exploring or having one of your curious explorations in our life; where do you get this stuff. On a meter of lying I would say you hit the 80% mark; all lies. 80% lies is a serious sign of a compulsive thief and a serial liar, 80% lies. This is how good you are and how well you are at your craft; I could not live with myself if I lied 10% and you all nitpick that 10% as if the world had ended. Compare my 2% and your 80% and you have a big difference between us. By the way, this year alone your Marxist forces lost over 5 trillion dollars; more of you win at all cost and fuselage of nonessential. Had you not found us and repeat everything we say and do daily; people would be on to you and know you are a total psycho. I bet in 2012 you will outdo 2011 and loose twice as much or 10 trillion; we are taking tally and keeping count loser.

People cannot see you because you have been repeating everything we say and do; this identity theft. You have kept up this attack and even used this gay guy named Zeke and his bed bug girlfriend. You made it harder to catch you by carefully repeating our existence while you refuse to pay any damages and got a woman whom "wants to marry you because you can afford her." I think that took you over the 90% lying level and people have no idea who you truly are; a Marxist antagonizing us constantly and now what Thomas Friedman says is "The New You." You have gone from a question mark to us and it is more difficult to catch you now then before. You may even top the 10 trillion in loss this year and dip into the 15 trillion per year loss in this offense only campaign you have imposed on us. A Marxist stealing our identity, ridiculing us, and then harassing us because we are poor or spent the last 20 years in the bush to figure out who attacked and crippled our life? You are one hell of a job and this world will know who you are eventually. Your forces know you because they felt the loss of 5 trillion and will really feel 10 or 15 trillion of your foolish mistakes. You tell those poor people what you truly did and how you cost them their future, just to spite us and ridicule our life.

Limbaugh had his Marxist forces invade the military because they had to eat and find a better life. Then they took it over and began to attack me when I got there; the highest IQ in the entire Army and they put the dumbest of the dumb. I got upset and told them I was on a very important mission; so they gave me several options. I was happy with it but they came back and began to twist everything to fit their story and this recruitment or attack. At some point they figured I would be so distraught and so paralyzed; I would have to surrender, to as they wanted, or begin to cooperate with their re-education experiment. This is why I sought 1.5 billion dollars but Limbaugh had every detail because he had to assess what went wrong and who was on to him. They began to notice things not right and felt we had them on satellite or recorded them. Then they said we had an earthquake machine, hurricane machine, tsunami power, and tornado intervention. I said to his face F you and the authorities are waiting for you to turn your forces in and get the record straight. They invaded the military using blacks, liberals, and immigrants. Then they used them as bombers and assassins to invade or target Presidents. It was an offshoot of 1963 and what they did.

Limbaugh and Bush (along with a few 1000 others) will claim it is not their fault and they are being treated unfairly. They will claim they only were advisers and not spies or moles. This is why their fingerprint is all over this. Similarly, I have a paper trail. When the best and the brightest could not get along with the worst and dumbest in the US Army; they had their Marxist political machinery kick in. They came to my work, my home, and my private life to suggest I was crazy, paranoid, or imagined all of this; meanwhile, they were trying to exploit their senior positions and advance further. If we trumped them; they were dead. Peace and nonviolence was now about taking over the military using homeless people and beggars; who then became terrorists and bombers. A paper trail developed as they attacked and tried to make payment for work performed or extreme honorable decorations; into one about being mentally ill, a criminal, homeless, and paranoid or imagining their brainwashing. We saw their Army personnel in the late 1990s and up until the present. I describe the observation as a North Korean parade. Also, after years of war and this going south; they did deliver. They gave their invasion force spirit, mission, and retirement at the expense of a gigantic surge and our economic and financial destruction.

I describe them as completely psychotic and serial killers; dumb as dirt and phony. It is hard to connect the dots until you know how they attacked me in the Army; what measures were taken to ensure this mission success; and how they twisted that story in order to sneak up on the Pentagon and use their political machinery on the Republican and Democrat sides to wage war in the Middle East, seek this seniority and bonus, and then advance even farther than communism had done. Limbaugh is a complete phony and Bush is not going to take this chance again. He lies 80-90% of the day and has a very demented and secret life that is eating him up inside. However, he is trying to change and is still a complete psychopath and enemy; but they do not want to be caught and get hurt. They also claim they were only trying to help the blacks and the Jews; believe it if you may. Since coming to FL and living in 3 residences; they shuck up on and were attacking on a level I have not seen; almost passive and harmless. I took a peek at what they were up to or had done; their nest. Also, I did not know how this was going to turn out and was there for Ann. After a long summer I decided to bike across the state and did in search of beaches and new surf territory. They did deliver. This blockade devastated me and everything in my life. I have not seen my family in years. I am just here for Ann now; as she was attacked viciously when they found out she was not the Chairman of China. After 20 years, so much has changed and I lost so much because of them; but we got them and it feels really good.

DEAR WHOMEVER: Stop tripping over each other. Do I trust the American people? Yes. Why? Because they are too weak to be a real threat. However, do I see the truth or hear it? No. This tells me not to trust them until I hear the truth. The truth is we are in a whole lot of trouble; you have no idea and that is no exoneration. Do you think these leaders will provide the truth? Over my dead body right? Keep on reading and dreaming right? Who to blame the people or the trust in the people? Yes, they called me "cuckoo" and said I need to be medicated. Imagine a nut like me saving the world and getting no pay for it; how unfair.

Dear Mitt Romney: (no caps) it is yours to only loose now. Here is some advice. In terms of religious credibility, you are the smallest guy in the room and the Jews love the little guys because there are so many of them. Keep focus if you want to win. If you loose Obamacare and immigration; you will never get Medicaid or Social Security fixed. If you can repeal Obamacare and bring this initiative forward I have shown you; the seniors will love you for letting them withdraw their social security and opt for a premium medical care option; even if it is overseas. Some seniors have two or more pensions. How they play it is the advantage they get in life; but tax free living takes the strain off social security and Medicaid. Take a bow, thank you. What the public also hates and despises is an officer who thinks they know it all and argues with a young-blood who has been in tech bush for twenty years. There is nothing you will teach us; we are hardened and seasoned. I get attacked around the hour and these crank calls come in 100s a day sometimes. It means they are coming up your center and you do not know which direction they will split so you will shoot someone chasing them. You took it like a champ and I warned you. Trust the people who know the future and know the past; those who are on the ground and can teach you a few things. You do not need to rely on the PACs who will make you jump through hoops and beg for oxygen. Look at the Republicans and how they cannibalize the right wing; now take a look at the left wing and see how civilized they appear. They are not really civilized and neither are the Republicans. Do not believe the conservatives and understand you are playing in Newt and Limbaugh's world; they only know offense and are the Terminator; they are the left wing and the mole. Try to defeat them and you will get a surprise of your life. We been there and done that; you have not; your focus is Obamacare and this problem with immigration which will wipe out the strongest states after Texas and California collapses. They are just incubating and sharpening their blades. The public loves the little guy and you are the smallest of them right now; enjoy it. You loose this and all of us can pack it up; it is over.

DEAR MITT ROMNEY: I will repeat what I said. First, steer clear of Iran and do not get tangled up with the Jews. You will either float or sink upside down. Secondly, if you think I am tough; you ought to see who Ann and I had to fight, the biggest pound phony on earth with an attitude. You are a beefcake with the money to look Presidential. Lastly, in 2006 I was given intelligence. That intelligence went like this, "America will never vote for a Jewish President and the Christians will never vote for a Mormon one." The liberals and the left wing view you as weaker than the Jews; get it? Don't prove them wrong by proving us right. Take your cue from Ann and know when to be quiet and when you have no chance in hell. Limbaugh and Gingrich makes a lot of mistakes but they will never stop the offense; learn how to stop them. You just gave them their first victory and proved a Christian is weakest. You cannot make mistakes in this game because they are there for you to cry on. The reason I am poor is not because I am an idiot, it is because I spent the last twenty years in the bush fighting this monkey and money broker.

First the Republican Party is the second coming of Reagan, now they are the ghost of Madeleine Albright who invented the economic sanction on Iran. I must have made another mistake; but isn't Iran playing right into the hands of... who? Who benefits from this? Republicans or Democrats? Why is the second coming of Reagan spawning the ghost of Georgetown alumnus? Do they teach you this at Harvard? Did Reagan teach you or baptize you so you can teach us what Christ said? Iran crank calls and the Republicans pick up and answer? What a buffoon and right on key; election year. I happen to get these anonymous crank calls every single god damn day. Look at the F'in stupid ass blockade on me right now. How many sanctions had Iran lived through? Why would they call at election time but to antagonize the matter even more. This blockade goes on and on; only diverting our Arab allies from becoming a regional policeman. Why? Because our allies keep dropping off the radar ever since the 1950s when the Pan Arab league began this jockey race to see which dictator would stand up against the US and the flawed foreign policy which keeps that region down; oil flowing; and politics more stable than America. Do not let them fall victim to the failures of our economic system or the second coming of Reagan. The bible says that is the anti-christ. Thanks Republicans for another labor union strike and lie.

This must be the singles' club and the same problem with Fox News where they pull a union strike, cannot see the truth, do not want to speak it; and thnk the Jews and blacks are conservatives? Meanwhile they play right into the obvious; Newt Gingrich who is our mole. I seen buffoons and strange religious fools; but this is a whopper. Now we got to fight both the Republican and Democrat party in the name of conservatives and the right wing. Another union strike by labor union spies; as I had said. Gingrich is now parading Reagan around as if he was baptized by Reagan. Gingrich is the mole; the rest is just part of the show. Ann is my eyes and ears; the rest is just part of the show. W learned the hard way; do not repeat his mistake or Clinton's. Here we go with the whack a mole and avenging the Jews over WWII using the blacks. Asia did not defeat the communist or become the largest market on earth because of Israel; remember that.

DEAR MITT ROMNEY: I do not know why you and all the Republican candidates are set on Iran. I will say this again, you are killing our foreign policy. Israeli espionage and other matters are tangled in a fashion where we have serious issues that focus on two groups; the Jews and the blacks. In debate, you will get crushed by an avalanche of heroism which W learned the hard way. Our military is completely screwed up; a beggars ball. Listen to my predicament; I am dealing with a dumbass hero on teacher mode, a mistaken buffoon who just cannot stop themselves. Take a hard look at the military today; not our best and our brightest. Enough of this heroism and slut parade. Let Saudi Arabia and OPEC worry about any threat to their oil. We wish them well and sell them billions in military arms. They have the power and capability to threaten any Iranian Navy. As far as nuclear options, Iran is the weakest of the bunch and in terms of the cold war; Russia and China were 100 times the capability of a nuclear Iran. We have a left wing advance and you want to give them the keys to Saudi Arabia or oil in the Middle East; are you nuts? In the past 70 years, we have lost nearly every Middle Eastern country due to bad foreign policy or bigotry of heroism. Look for the truth before you look for the hero. My beloved SATWAR was to be turned over to the Jews so they could pass it on to the Democrats and then the communists; do you want to help them? Why in hell would you support 911 or WTC; help them clean up their act or reputation? I am constantly asking Ann if you all wash down there because it stinks so bad; she says it is you all. Is this why I am always fighting you F'ers?

You make it sound like priority number 1 or some real debate, it is not. We won the cold war by outspending the Soviets; let them spend themselves into paranoia; you feed it. Therefore, before you make a strong announcement on Iran; understand you are a hypocrite in the warrior lingo. Weak boys often pick fights with weak girls; but when the warrior class get's word; they think you are a buffoon. You need to protect the Middle East from the Jews; not the reverse. You need to protect them from America and let them decide how they wish to deal with Iran. Like NATO, this is what they are there for. Thus, you failed the foreign policy test. Iran is also a Shiite state. The Sunnis and Shiite have been at each others throat for centuries; the communist and the liberals are antagonizing my analysis so I won't say who is the good or bad guys. You are now a hypocrite in the eyes of the world and a puppet of Israel. You are now a chess piece in their coffers, good job. You people do not listen and you are weaklings trying to fit in a world that despises them. That was strike one on all of you; and stop inviting the Mossad to the Republican Convention as a VIP. Jackass. Is this some jobs ploy or a method to take over the Pentagon? Is this what you are up to; if so let the world war begin. It is one gigantic show of force and parade. The liberals built our military and handpicked their leaders. You and the Republicans let them do this. Our military now has to be won back and those behind this expelled. You are not listening to me; it is a gigantic black hole and the fuel feeding this is Israel, the blacks, the liberals, and part of the Democrats who are uninformed or misguided. Now you are treading on a clash with SATWAR and I have signaled numerous alarms. Tow the party line but get it right will you; I do not like correcting myself or explaining who bad our predicament is. We almost lost SATWAR to this mole and this domestic pest. They are trying to clean their reputation up and you are handing it to them.

The monkey messenger is still "debating" our analysis and legal suit. They claim they are not at fault. First, they are guilty of being stupid and lazy. Second, they are willful and intentionally an obstacle to the truth. Third, nobody cares if they are gone and nobody wants them around to wreck up more business; total paralysis. Fourth, they antagonize every single one of our goals and are behind a lot of crime, suffering, and violence. Fifth, they are always wrong and usurp the legal system; our world has been turned upside down. Their leaders are 200% guilty but there is a lot against them even if they are a spectator. Lastly, they are not the police and too poor to be of any help but the constant claim to power makes them an enemy. Did I mention how this goes on and on? Did I include the cost of disposal if they are wrong and do not know what to do? Did I mention punitive damages or court fees including lawyer cost? As a capitalist they are 100% guilty. As a communist they are 100% innocent; take a pick. This goes on and on day and night.

This spy and mole, along with the political machinery has impeded so much progress and so much business. They were trying to steal our satellite designs, take them so they can wear medals or seek the credit we deserve. They felt they had seniority or some superiority which we were obligated to abide by and pay under the table taxes to have a normal life. They constantly pitched us and even acted as if they were married and part of some fantasy family where they were parents and told their kids what to do. They messed up our private life and launched one terror plot after the other; just to screw up the nation more and vindicate their name. They did everything except the right thing; which was to leave, leave us alone, and turn themselves over the the police. Now my business interests are in jeopardy. My books are severely delayed. My marriage is delayed or wrecked up. We have one legal case after the other. No wonder they get nowhere in life and are hated to the point of murder. They are the worst, the dumbest, and the most violent; not a victim or a normal being.

By the time we clean this up or sue them; we will be elderly and they will die or commit suicide. This from a monkey and some moron who relies on others for survival and wants to play hide and seek with the entire world. I could be a millionaire today; why aren't I? Because I had to battle this idiot day and night. I could be a famous author by now, why aren't I? I could be rich and with a trophy wife, why am I stuck and nearly homeless? Because this F'er wants to take charge of our life, steal our designs and destiny, and wants to shout insults day and night. Meanwhile, they use the same spying or espionage mechanism to beg for their life when they had once told us to beg for ours because we could not stop them. Someone needs to take them out and take them down for good; and I mean for good. They think it is over now. They got nothing and caused a total disaster. So if you had God on the phone, would you ask him to hurricane or earthquake them? If you had a hurricane or earthquake ability; would you go to town on this monkey until hell was unleashed? Exactly.

Just look at the mess they created in my life, in Ann's life, and what we got from them as far as violating the laws and decency of others. The pain and grief, the constant back and forth, and the futility of fixing one matter only to have them mess it up again or more. Then it is the lost opportunity and the chance of a normal life. This SOB has a mouth also but they have chosen an offense only; so there is no looking back, win at any cost and screw you. That is why there is such disaster and why it is taking so long to get back on our feet. Luckily, we expected heavy resistance, came prepared to fight, and have held our ground. I did not make any mistakes, they did. We did not make any mistakes, they did. This mess is their liability; not ours. Consider we have a mission and how important it is; they have a gigantic debt to pay but this keeps going on and on; we keep getting lip service or defiant saber rattling. This is why it had to be capped at 1.5 billion dollars; obnoxious and ridiculous behavior. Look at what we have now and what they are up to; if they had to confess and admit to it. You have to put them in a headlock, choke them, and smack them around before they will even quit; imagine trying to get them to confess or surrender. They are damned and no damn good; let this be a lesson.

This monkey and loser thinks they are special and is going to penetrate the Asian markets. How? Robbery or making them cuss like the whites do with this monkey? They need money but are dumb as heck; how in hell do they think they will penetrate any minority market when nothing they say or do has any meaning. They can work for the US government or be a cashier at a store, even take the trash out for the Asians. How in the world do they expect to penetrate a heavily competitive electronics industry when they are the worst students, the stupidest human we have ever laid eyes on, and who have racked up 1.5 billion dollars in damages? How? Rob them is the only way or take them as hostages. Now the Asians get a taste of what the whites got; total insanity.

At least when World War II was around, they had an ability to carry a conversation; now we get the most ridiculous crap from their mouth and ditzy politics. This is why we cuss at them day and night; stop talking to us and passing clandestine Marxist brainwashing; beat it and understand how disgusting and repugnant you truly are. We are not in love with you and you prey on people who are uneducated or unaware. You have nothing to offer but total insanity; but I have to let a monkey tell me to leave all day and night so their politics burns down everything or steals our world. Nice. This is why they do not belong, are a weakling, and think they are special. The Asians laugh at you back and the whites really do not want anything to do with you; unless... Also, stop talking about how you are scared and stalking us or hanging on for dear life; beat it.

This insane dream about how the left wing is going to come to America, to antagonize the right wing; and everybody will love them because they will circumvent the laws, go on a crime spree, act retarded and piss people off with their intelligence level, violate every sacred rule in the book, and then pretend as if we are the blame or they are our leaders; is why their entire world is how it is. When you are this dumb, this evil, and this good for nothing; do not expect others to enjoy living with you even if your dream is to live with them and pick their pockets when and if you feel. We do not even want to entertain the idea of voting rights or rights so long as this is their goal. Everywhere we look it is one of them or their stupid stunts. I think the police and a lot of other people know what we are talking about. America has been invaded and the enemy is inside and causing tremendous damage; but the lights have been turned off.

Everywhere we look it is one mistake after the other; while clinging desperately to government funds and this demented idea they control their destiny and ours. Living with them was hell. Having to work with them or waves of homeless people employed by the US government is a nightmare. Having to dispose, stop, or break them into little tiny morsels for the police and other law enforcement agencies did not improve our financial wealth one bit. Having to listen to them blow in our ear about how romantic it has been or is with them chasing us; is totally retarded. Now waiting for them to turn themselves in is just more proof of who we are dealing with and what it will take to stop or get them out of our life. This idea they are us and in control or in charge of our life; has gone on long enough and far enough. The more they mess up, the more they will fix and have to be accountable for. The sheer stupid tinkering they do will cause you to go ape shit. Their dream is for us to love them and live with them in peace; which is quite difficult as we have proved.

Dear Rick Perry: Let me give you an analysis of George W. Bush's mistakes and why you are a mismatch. Texas is in a zone we call Southwest politics. It is based on immigration from the southern border and has one of the highest his-panic populations in America. I do not think or feel the future of America is based on your Southwest model and I truly feel Texas will collapse as California has. Eventually, the strain will be so severe it will impact your state in a negative way and thus floods of cronies will flock out of the state as they have in New York and head to Florida where drugs and crime has replace the pristine surf weather and culture. The mismatch is your white-Hispanic model which W. had been prancing around DC before he was shut down or shot down. Immigration is not the future and your model is a short term dream. Look at the analysis below and the real problems. New York at one time was bragging as Texas is now. New York has severely wrecked the US economy and like Europe, the diaspora of migration occurs and flows westward. This now begins what Manson called Helter Shelter. You are a mismatch and not what we are looking for. Also, stop staring or mentioning Ann occasionally; I have had to listen to droves of men make passes at her; none really very keen or with any instinctive clue. In order to play this game or pal on the level we are teasing the left with; you will need much more than good looks.

Because of CPAC, Fox News, MRC, and this splinter group trying to invade and take over the Republican Party using money and power; this dating game or singles club will keep going on and on while the damages stack up more and more. Identity theft or much more? They will throw their life away and then they will live for the moment until that time comes when unity was never there to begin with. Then they will blame it on their targets or claim we viciously attacked or speak negatively of them. They may not be behind communism directly; but they are directly behind the war on drugs. In order to take over or foment this revolution, politically and violently; they need to introduce a substance similar to coffee and with the ability to decimate society utilizing the dumbest of the dumb and the most violent. This will increase their voting power by ten fold and have the police and authorities chasing common street corner thieves instead of hardcore terrorists and communist spies. The radicals won that won but they have lost everything; this case cost them 20 times what they expected and they got shut down. Now it is a matter of war and disposal due to their refusal to surrender or tell the truth.

You would think these so called conservatives would do the right thing or go away. However, they pay more and more money into the right wing who keeps losing more and more ground to the left wing; then they say how it is their money and they attend these events. If Jesus Christ was here on earth, he would pull their fingernails out or nuke them. Worse than cannibals or the Manson Klan they refuse to do the right thing or tell the truth while they cling on for dear life throwing money here and there so the left wing and the liberals wing. Now take a look when they go up against death from above or the satellite warfare program; we get this control or money problem again. Meanwhile they send up phony candidates to tell people it is okay or what they want to hear. It is Jan. 01 2012, the deadline is over. Prepare for intense fighting and matters to get worse; people have no idea who this enemy is, no idea. Each year we loose more and more ground to them and finally we wipe them out and these clowns act as if we do not know what is going on or want them around. They are fighting over money and control; not the truth or winning this war. In war, you will not stop them by inviting them; understand this clearly.

Limbaugh is too astute to know that a Jewish President could ever be nominated or win an election. What he did not know and what the communist did not foresee; was a Vice President. McCain ruined that chance of ever taking place in 2008. Instead, they wanted to replace Lieberman with Coulter; only to become very suspicious of her. Also, look at his financiers and his nest in Palm Beach. They were linked to the Kennedy Family and Civil Rights. If I step foot in there; I am watched 24 hours and spied on 24 hours. I could not even go to the grocery store. I was attacked constantly, even with bloodsucking bugs. A girl was killed a block from my apartment. Limbaugh runs around town as if he owned it. He also knows what happened in Dallas, Texas 1963; how it was linked to Civil Rights and communism. He is their destiny and right now; they got outfoxed. They do not want another ass whooping so their strategy is to drive us off; not hold us as captives or hostages. If they do, they are afraid of bad hurricane and earthquake luck.

The immigration problem was coming from this locale; Caribbean and it quickly arrived in Maryland and DC. The left wing said the Pentagon and CIA were stacking the DC-VA area up with new immigrants; so they flooded the area with left wing and French colonialist from the Ivory Coast, Congo, and Carribean states. It was a game of tic-for-tac and the Jews were reaping the rewards of this counter-measure; a real estate scam. Once these new blacks arrived; they became the foot soldiers of the left wing and quickly adopted a reputation. However, their contingency was shut down in the most awful manner possible; so let's not begin the lip service about who did what to whom.

Every thirty years they launch a revolution or another phase; an economic plan. The second tier of Civil Rights was to sniff out this cold war secret weapon or conspiracy. It was also to hunt down those behind this conspiracy or anyone they suspected knew and was preparing for a clash. Any clash would have signaled trouble and knowledge; this is why we had a massive surge and so many violent attacks. I must have panicked them; several times importantly; a terror plot. They are extremely organized and do not operate or work alone; never. Typically, it is a team or a swarm of 10 and upwards of 100; every single day. I try to snap their pictures or get a visual; rarely ever the same people. If you set up a trap; you cannot record the same team or faces. Newt Gingrich is a mole and on the same page as Limbaugh and Hannity. Their goal is to hang on but they know a force out there is twice their power and capability; outfoxed and toothless. So far the only route they got passed, was a black Presidency. Limbaugh has this special ability to project himself out of his body and become virtually anybody. His ability to reincarnate himself as Charles Manson and relive 1969 and the end of the cold war is probably my biggest fascination and how he is able to go on the radio every single day and capture the attention, intellectual merit, and the fascination of the most conservative people in the world.

"Identity theft occurs when someone pretends to be someone else for financial gain. An identity thief is a criminal. These criminals steal from mailboxes, sift receipts from trash, hack into computers, steal documents from homes, and do whatever it takes to get their hands on personal information that may be used for committing crimes. Identity theft can arise in various forms and methods. It is not limited to electronic or paper transactions. The top five causes of identity theft are: 1. Lost or stolen wallet. 2. Relatives, friends, or associates. 3. Corrupt employees. 4. Offline transactions. 5. Stolen snail mail. Most people do not know they are a victim of identikit theft until their credit is damaged.

Bad Credit can cause consumers to pay more, affect opportunities, create stress, and puts a consumer in a position of dealing with creditors who take advantage of bad credit scores. Bad credit is the result of not paying on time, extended large balances, and victims of credit fraud. It is not limited to a failure to pay bills. A person's history of borrowing and spending will give a clue on why the risk is inherent.

Identity theft is new and has destroyed credit ratings. With the introduction of the computer, online commerce and electronic payments; financial data is vulnerable. Credit reports do not take into account how the bad credit happened; however, there are steps to take to repair a credit history. There are also many unscrupulous companies who claim to be able to fix credit for a fee.

The result of bad credit is known. Bad credit leads to higher or extra fees. They cause problems when reserving hotels, renting cars, or writing checks. Employment can be denied due to bad credit reports. Insurance premiums may be higher. Lastly, it may affect a person in marital or personal relations. Typically, bad credit also indicates periods of unemployment, serious illness, complicated divorces, new family additions, and business failure. The consequences of bad credit will continue until it can be solved. Bad credit is a sure bet for rejection.

Under the FCRA, a credit reporting agency must forward the dispute to the creditor. In return the creditor must investigate and return the relevant information in 30 days. If no work is performed within 30 days of initiating a dispute, the credit agency can be sued and the creditor or collector who provided the inaccurate information; for willfully ignoring the request. For each 30 day period no work is performed; a court views more willful and intentional the act appears. Though not required, individuals are encouraged to send in a letter each 30 days via certified mail to document the passage of time. The initial 30 days is enough to establish liability. Any subsequent letters will increase this liability. The longer the request is ignored, the more likely the individual is to receive monetary damages and winning the legal suit."

Dear Rush Limbaugh: The term "internecine" is a very rare and sophisticated word used only in academic circles; specifically, Asian history. When you study the history of China from 500 BC to the present; you will run into one author who uses this word internecine. I myself came across it once only while studying the history of Japan in 1995. It is used to describe the period of the Shogun. Internecine warfare is only used to describe the on and off again period where the social class structure of the Samurai led to the rise of a warrior class and political system. This is why it is such a unique term. When you use it, you need to understand where it came from and how many authors use the term. I use it once or twice in my writing; rarely. However, unless you are doing what I describe you as doing; internecine is far from your academic range. This is part of your hide and seek; also exactly what I say you were caught doing. You have used this word more times than I have in the last three years. The term is from an author who is known for his work on Japanese history and you will only come across it in college.

TAX CUTS 2012: A few politicians tend to throw out tax cuts due to the inability to cut spending or sound conservative. Tax cuts are a trick. It is a way to sound and appear to have a mean game. Unless or until there are spending cuts; it is nearly impossible to propose tax cuts. An overhaul must be done and it has to be calibrated to the spending level. Otherwise, this spiraling debt and decline will continue until more people are trapped. America and the world has lost at least 35-45% of capital from 2007 to 2011; this will increase unless the real problems are addressed. Newt Gringrich is not the man for the job; and even if he is, he is tangled and has so many webs of deception. Gingrich is a mole; I place my name and my honor on this 100%. Do not trust anybody aligned to him; they have no idea what is truly going on or where this nation is at presently. We have a communist surge and moles who will say we imagined it or are crazy; they still have not found the cold war secret or the cold war secret weapon; so laugh in their face! Ha-ha look whose in trouble and who is going to loose now. DO NOT BELIEVE ANY TAX CUTS UNLESS SPENDING CUTS ARE MADE FIRST; WE WILL BE WORSE AND IN DEEPER DEBT. I need to see what they have in terms of the Jews and the blacks; our two biggest legal problems.

DEAR MITT ROMNEY: The Year was 2006, in 2006 Hitler Bitch (Chelsea) passed a message to me and I did not respond. The first message said a Jewish President can never win. The second message said the Christian coalition would never vote for a Mormon President. What this indicates to me is a concerted and coordinated effort to not only target but to control those candidates and politicians they feel are a threat or have a big chance in winning. Things have changed since 2006; the entire matter changed in 2008. The fact is the liberals and the Democrats do not want to be judged and religion or religious people tend to treat them harshly. When it comes to the blacks, the biggest threat to the blacks is not the black church but conservative politicians. It is a cultural phenomenon; not anything biblical or transcendent. This is right on cue with the intelligence we were collecting and how we maneuvered to turn the tables. The liberals know the voting base are conservative and want a better life; however, to defeat this they must keep the Jews and the blacks in the pocketbook of those who want a better life. Their emissary and attache made a terrible mistake and a lot of them; they literally gave us their strategy. You see these so called "conservatives" try to elbow their way and inject all of their fears into it; it is because they are unprepared. They did not see it coming and are caught off guard. Romney was not a threat to them in 2006; he is now.

NEW YEARS MESSAGE FROM PSYCHOPATH COMMUNIST MOLE AND TERROR PLOT TOILET: The psychopath weaklings behind this wants everybody to know they do not care. They said they are not budging and are still in control. However, they are confused and do not know if they are safer hiding or in the open. Their guerrilla war was stopped dead cold. They are accused of impeding or trying to steal the satellite warfare program and its leaders; who were all targeted. They claim we imagined all of this and have gone insane; lost our mind. I guess the most important military program on earth gets that way on its own and nobody even knew about it before. Odd, it stopped. The paper trail ends cold in 2008. Oh yeah, it is nuts and it cannot be them; we are paranoid and made all of this up. Yes the Nazis are still calling with their Jewish and black radicalism; how we have to fix their financial disaster and share our genetic code or God given power with them by letting them mentor and study us. They want to be powerful also; but cannot accept 200% guilty. This weakling who cannot fit in or get along with anybody; cannot figure out if they are safer in the open, in numbers, or in the bush hiding while playing this guerrilla war to pick our pockets and wreck our world. The dumbass is confused because they passed the deadline of December 31, 2011. Back at it again, begging for their life and defiant about turning themselves in.

As I said, the SOBs have a blockade going on and they are taking over everything. If you get in the way you will look like us. If you are pliable, they would like to add you on the payroll; add more numbers to the party. While this terror plot and defection campaign was underway; they are trying to destroy the last remnant of defense forces; what I call the cold war secret weapon or die hards. This is the SOBs we caught and who has surrounded us; they are everywhere. Cut the debt and they will loose this payroll capability; but the deadline has ended; so the debt will naturally go away. This is why they attacked us and continue to; we did not leave and they are guilty 200% of treason. They say security in numbers is how to win wars or take over the world.

Let me give an example of a police force whom is unpredictable. Dear Rick Santorum: Are you telling me that Israel got trapped in this mess because the Palestinian put them in a trap? Let's flip this around. Are you suggesting that Rush Limbaugh deserves more and was trapped because we got more than we should? Sean Hannity and Fox News was trapped by no action of their own; and this keeps going on and on. Limbaugh has a rigid strategy and he is the voice of Israel; offense only. Look at the carnage he has done and the violation; 1000s if not more violations. Are you telling me someone trapped in this position or is it an offense only Hitler strategy which cannot meet up to their logistics? We have undergone 8 years of war and you have Israel on your mind? Are you nuts? The reason why this has dragged on for more than 40 years is an offense only strategy which has wrecked the entire region because no matter which direction you turn; it is all flaws and mistakes. I do not want anybody who thinks like that or on this level near power or anywhere near destructive devices. Had you given Israel good clear advice back in the 1950s; we would not be in 2012 talking about Iran. This keeps dragging on and on; and my analysis is clear. The political process has to stop taking money or kickback from any lobby or self interest group; even Arab and oil countries. For a conservative who is now placing money, pork, or funding from Washington power brokers; you send the wrong message to conservatives. Are all of you F'ers corrupt or moles?

I am uncomfortable with your ability to throw away the truth when it is only bought with blood money. Look at the black community and tell me what your solution is; the Jewish plight is identical to the black movement in America. America did not create the Middle East problem; we solved it. That soft money going to these lobby groups; is all debt. We are in meltdown and close to civil war. You along with all of these moles talk a mean game until Israel comes up. The minute Israel comes up you go haywire. You score 9 on everything and then score a 0 on God and Judaism. Head towards the high ground; we did not waste all that to go backwards. We want progress evolution; not reverse. If it comes down to it, we choose civil war over the peace movement. What kind of conservatives are you all; Catholics? All of you play a mean game when it comes to fiscal policy; but the moment Israel comes up, you go haywire and off the planet. Are you a mole? Worry about America and the ramifications it will have on America. When it came to World War II, worry about America. If it came down to blacks or the 1960s; worry about the ramifications to America; not blacks. What is wrong with you all or are you in a conspiracy to lie, cheat, and scam the public? Due to these same people; I have a 1.5 billion dollar damage claim and an undeclared war. Would you care to vividly give me examples of what you are referring to or talk directly on the topic again? F you too and I hope you come under attack or get viciously attacked by communist and see if you can discuss conservative values or fiscal policy in the way you have, fag.

You Catholics are all the same. You talk a mean game and base your strategy on this offense and growth only strategy; destroy anything in your way. Then you fag us up when it comes to the blacks and the Jews. We want positive evolution and unless you can cure the blacks of low numbers or relieve the Jews of debt; both of them are dragging this nation into ruin. Therefore, you Catholics are unreliable when it comes to this fight against communism and crime. You need to solve the debt problem which plagues the Jews and real estate. You need to solve the black situation which began in the 1960s and has reached proportionality numbers now. You play a mean game but when it comes to those two groups or what the communist forces did to us or this terror plot; you go ape shit and haywire; oblivious to any truth or facts. This is why we are sinking and going backwards at the same time. This is why we are at gridlock and had to set a deadline. Are you also a hemp smoking, peace loving, drop out and smoke some pot conservative? Good lord are we in serious trouble; everywhere you look it is a mistake or flaws. The blacks and the Jews are inseparable; the same destiny. If you cannot solve one or both; then do not act conservative or play this game with us. We are edging closer to civil war; not a communist takeover. What a fag you all turned out to be. This is about jobs? How about clean up your act before anybody hires you morons? Don't worry, just join the military and fight Arabs in the name of Israel; make it twice as worse.

You Catholics are identical to the labor movement. You play this Nazi caller with our life and without our consent; then you stand back and watch as the communist forces smash up our military and our life. But when it comes to the impetus or their main chess pieces; you ignore and turn your nose up while you play this mean game with us about bullies or defection. Clearly you are unreliable and not trusted; but why are you on the right wing and the conservative side? To pickpocket us or rob us? The blacks and the Jews are in the same boat; and you are imposing this on us so that crime and violence is ignored while your political strategy destroys us. Then you fag us up all day and night with some of the most stupid shit I have ever heard. How many communist moles are there because we are either surrounded or trapped by them and their political game of hide and seek. One moment they are there and then they are gone; an invisible weakling who can no longer fit in. Is that what my problem is? I am a weakling who is irrational and cannot fit in? I don't get along with others or I have a personality disorder? How about this game with my military mission as the pioneer in satellite warfare and policy? Did we expect to run into the communist or resistance forces? Did we? Did I get a pension for mental illness, compensation, safety reasons, brilliance or world class level performance, or is it all just a mistake? What about the blacks and the liberals attacking people while they are on active duty, "leave... move" and this defection terror plot?

Ann, this sanction or job block on me is getting annoying. Even if you are not involved or had anything to do with it, do you want to help or not? Yes or no? Nothing is going to happen until I print my books, nothing. I cannot print my books until I get a job and normalize my life. Right now, this sanction has been imposed off and on since 1998; my college graduation. The Jews and the blacks are behind it. They also are "bullying" both of us as if we are Iran or Arab states. This works well for a terrorist recruitment or communist defection. That is their surge and why oil and capital is disappearing. Until I get a job (2006 to 2012 now) I cannot print my books. I am trying to park my car at your house; to ease the pressure on me. The blockade is still underway but the collapse of the economy helped them slightly. Until the books are printed; I am in the line of fire and this blockade is working. I have no support other than you. They claim attacking me is the result of you asking or taking money from them Ann; similar to hiring me for a job and under the table contracts or demands. Then slandering me or ruining my entire record. These people had attacked me while I was on active duty in 1991-1993; the Fort Hood attacks. The blacks and the Democrats are trying to take over the US military; they used the US Navy to antagonize me (JFK) and to suggest racism or Nazi links (Ocean City, MD 2002). They were behind the anthrax and the NBC attacks, which got me falsely arrested and Tim Russet killed. NBC is whom filed those charges on me; some female. Still they refuse to fix any of this; brinkmanship.

My family is unable to help me and the police are unpredictable; one moment they are on the right side; the next they are doing delay tactics or blocking. It is unpredictable and paralyzed; do you want to help directly or not? My brother told me to ask you to send me a $100 so I can go and rent a car, park my car at your house, and get my belongings out of storage. You are partly responsible for me moving to Florida and being attacked by those who had viciously attacked you. This is why they caused so many problems in my life; to blame you. I am overwhelmed with problems; do you want to help? You have the money, I do not; until I can print my books; and right now a job has not arrived. It has been six years as a Veteran unemployed; and being called cuckoo or mentally ill. More of the same bullying which will cause defection. They will make you look toothless or cruel; either this or you will for never helping and only wanting to sit back and collect rewards, credit, and criticism. The dynamics of this game must change in 2012; imperative. The effects of this brain washing, causing problems, and blaming you; has nearly caused a total defection Ann. Even you are under an ultimatum and they are everywhere; in the government, in corporate America, even in the right wing. It is the mole and communist terror plot; but it is a sanction on me also. Luckily, the Pentagon got me a pension to address all of the attacks and the work I have performed; not enough but it is not their fault either. It pays the rent but this is why the Army (Fort Hood) got attacked; similar to Va. Tech. I expected problems and the pension was not enough to address all of them or the medical barrage; massive medical problems also.

Shut down and expel the Cubans, Porto Africans, and Haitians. They along with the New Yorkers have introduced drugs and this drug war which decimated the blacks; which then was this surge to implement Obama-Care stares. Now we have a southern invasion with armed and violent weapons fueling this money making enterprise and the political surges of communism. Thank the Chicago and New York political machinery for all this illegal immigration. This fight over Alias Gonzalez was some crackpot parent scam or the beginning of this blackade in 1998. Shut them down and will full force after the 2012 deadline; if they want to beg for their life or get a new life; be responsible for their past one.

Let me make this clear to this mole, I am not Iran. When they say the sanctions are having an tremendous impact and Iran is displaying irrational behavior; do not put me into the same sentence. Furthermore, Iran has a long way before they become a respected UFC fighter or a global player. This strategy is designed only to hurt the industrial nations. There are much more toys in this world besides nuclear weaponry Iran needs to worry about; it is not who obtains it but who has greater capacity. I am not Iran and I am not Israel; let's not get this sanction mixed up with my financial problems or how I was viciously attacked by some weakling thief under the radar. They lost twenty times more than what we lost; the damage assessment cannot even pinpoint their losses.

This bullying tactic and game with Iram is going to cause them and other oil states to defect; via Israel and traditional moles. This brain washing and bullying all day and night will create a communist mole or a new terror plot; so slander is one matter; a terror plot is another. Giving our oil reserves to the communist in the name of Israel is not going to make Hugo happy; why not give the oil to the US? So this is what the brainwashing and terrorist recruitment is all about; mass brainwashing using Israel and giving oil reserves to the communist forces or evil.

Calling Ann or stalking her is a separate matter. Paying Ann Coulter also does not mean you are "offering" me a girl for sex or a lot of money; I been with Ann for a long time; get the story correct will you. Do not even dare to write this down. We know we have a communist surge and invasion underway; and it was a result of the drug wars and crime. This means we intern them; not take care of them or offer them jobs. Yes this sanction did have a tremendous impact on my life and financial health and yes it created suffering; however, 1.5 billion will rectify this error. Slandering me like slandering anybody in this world; is a felony. I have to prove negative business loss; not irrational behavior.

Want to be the police or security? Want to beg for our life? What to be our leaders or lawyers? Want to win our freedom? Who used both Ann and I as their eyes ad ears because they were blind, deaf, and a complete jackass? Who used us after the cold war to find the office that destroyed communism or the office of the cold war secret weapon? Who used Ronald Reagan in the same way? Who then imposed socialism and communism on America from 1989 to 2008 when they began to beg for their life? The way to beg for your life or your people; is to turn yourself in and have a fair trial; not prance around like an invisible weakling who cannot fit in. If you wish to live and survive this; the deadline is December 31, 2011 firm; no other options are available. Turn yourself in and we will declare this secret war over with the communists; otherwise, do not even bother to crank call or laugh back. It is no laughing matter anymore. This is what they are doing; begging for their life and claiming we are viciously attacking them; they are nonviolent and not desperate.

Who is this weakling who is so weak on crime, they want others' to view them as tough, brawlers, or thugs who are willing to risk it all; a death wish? A terrorist or a psychopath? Courageous and weak on crime? A slap on the wrist? No arrest possible or ever? A powerful thief and prowler? Take what they want when they want it? Only they live to tell the story and are invincible protected? Who is going around saying I am bothering my brother, sister, girlfriend, father, etc... Who is saying I am provoking a fight with the police and to only trust them? Who keeps causing so many problems in my life and Ann Coulter's life; then using racism as an excuse to hide their tracks? Who is this lazy fat ass who keeps "bothering us" but say we are bothering so many others and to leave? Are they bothering me or am I bothering other people such as the police, Ann Coulter, and white people? Who did all of that to single me out and whom attacked me while I was on active duty in the US Army (Georgia not Texas)? Can it be the blacks, Jews, radicals, and the Democrats?

Every office I walk into or call gets whacked with a terror plot. Who did we catch doing this? Who keeps making us look wrong or a terrorist when it was them who did it? Who is this question mark and invisible ghost? Who is still attacking right now in Florida? We have our terror plot and terrorist; the blacks and the Jews. Who used the government payroll to dish out kickback or checks? Who accused me of this? Who said I was paid by the US Army for being mentally ill and a F up? Who then tried to cut off my pay after I defended the slander? Who repeats how wrong they are and refuses to surrender? Who keeps on flipping this story in every angle or way to fit their needs? That is who is weakling is and who cannot fit in; leave? Who claims they are nonviolent, only a liar, and big on terrorism? Who keeps wooing my family or trying to get closer to us? Who is running around saying Ann Coulter is their girl or fiancee? Me or them?

One of us is a weakling who cannot fit in. One of us attacked both Alex and Ann. One of us tried to make Alex look like a homeless Vet, a child sex offender, and a long felony record. One of us claims to be instilling a sanction until further evidence can clarify or vindicate Alex. One of us attacked Alex when he came to Ann's aide, after she was viciously attacked. One us flipped this story around to be about them. One of us feels they are the police and was wrong. One of us is being sued and got caught badly. One of us is still attacking and claims they were attacked. All the evidence suggest they are attacking and slandering because they do not fit in. Exactly who is being attacked and is there any evidence, physical or not; solid to suggest it is the Democratic Party or communists? Who flipped this story about them and made it about us? Who viciously attacked us, got caught, then viciously attacked the rescue or response unit, then said we attacked them in order to file a false police record?

Now who is getting sued for this but is still attacking or won't stop blocking the retaliation and law suit on them? Who wiped out my finances and owes a huge debt? Slander? Tell the FBI and the lawyers, not an invisible ghost. There has been two calls to the FBI and one to my partner and girlfriend. In 1998 I called the Falls Church FBI field office to set up a meeting and report I was viciously attacked and slandered. In 1999 I asked Ann to meet me and to help me because it was ongoing and continuous. In 2006 and 2008 I contacted the Buffalo, NY FBI field office. Let's review the facts and who attacked these offices. Who attacked the Falls Church FBI office? Who attacked the ATF (which dates back to 1990)? Who was going to the firing range in 1990 when I was training with ATF agents; so they could parade "Filipino boys" as their favorite boy toys or Asians? They were so good at being foot soldiers. Sex and Filipino or Thai Asians? Who is that? Who attacked the Buffalo, NY office in 2009? Who attacked the NY uptown girl who lives in Florida also? Case closed because they also left fingerprints and a trail. Who keeps flipping this story and is a sorry dip weakling who cannot fit in?

Invisible weakling? Invisible ink? Terror plot? Bank robber? Crank calls about how tough they are? Does not fit in and never will? A complete jackass? Dumber than dirt? Politically motivated and feels they are landlords? Organized pest who wants to share our life and power? Who is this weakling who cannot fit in and keeps calling, "leave... that is you." Who can't fit in? Who is the "phony one" who calls in a way we cannot take legal action or nail them? Who is stalking Ann Coulter, in New York, Los Angeles, and in Florida? Can we ID this psycho spy yet and this weakling who cannot fit in?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: You are a racist, a bigot, and right wing puppet. You hate Asians and make fun of the North Koreans in the most racist and humiliating manner. I hate you and how conservative you are. You also want Obama to fail you misogynist homophobe right wing nut. I hate you and how you vacation with so many people; I hate Golf. I hope Debbie Wasserman cuts your pickle off and throws it over the Palm Beach drawbridge. You are racist and hate all Asians, not just North Koreans or the Far East Movement. F you and leave my pure white babe Ann along. I hate conservatives and most especially I hate the Republicans; they are too right wing and powerful. I cannot win ever. You should die in hell for what you said about comrade Un; ask Ukwang (Ook).

Keep calling or dialing our number. I am not the one who is running around with their head cut off yelling, "draw them in, draw them in, take a shot; let em get up, hit them again, which direction are they going, they know something is wrong, flank em this way and hit em again; they got up again, draw em in and retreat; everybody heads down big shot coming." Yes, keep calling about how you are in control with the Hitler crank calls or Hitler laugh; we really do not care. Next time call it like you see it and stop being so phony and such a psychotic Hitler bitch. Draw them in and take them out; what a ridiculous joke; let's see if they can get up or have to be carried off the field; give me a F'in break. This is exactly why they have a deadline before this is officially undeclared war.

Dear Bill Maher: If Jesus was alive, he would tell you that your relationship with God is similar to your sex life. It is between you and your hand; talk to the hand. Football players or aspiring music artists need to understand the individuality God is there for. Do not be like Hitler Bitch and call day and night "leave" or "he doesn't even care"; God is not there to chase you off or sue you. Keep it between God and man; not Bill Maher the fool or reborn "stud." It is getting sad watching you; really. At least play some sports or inspire people to admire you. Go and travel; see the world or something. Even better, find a woman who is a total fart.

Dear Hitler Bitch and Communist Mole: when you begin to see your forces dwindle; when you see your power go from dumbass to nil; when you feel the hurricane of loss; and when you realize your mouth is far dumber than your stunts; you come back and we will have another round. I want to hear how your voice changes and if you still walk with a limp or need to be carried. The deadline is December 31, 2011; take it or leave it but do not come back until you are ready to sign the surrender orders which implicate you in a 1.5 billion dollar lawsuit and a terror plot. Surge my ass; more like letting you run around for a few more minutes before locking the fences. Remember, you aren't going anywhere until we say you are, so stop calling thousands of time and being this Hitler dictator who is being sued for just that. Shut up with that stupid "he doesn't care" crap or shit I have to listen to all day, "leave... move." Keep spying on me and going on TV talking about it; as if I have no privacy ever. At least you did not put a satellite on me or shake my world upside down; there are people who do that in this world.

Dear Michelle Bachmann: Before I begin, I must warn you. I will school you on foreign policy. When it comes to Israel; I will school you in religion and then I will school you in the history of the Middle East. Before you tread into no-man's land; I remind you that you are not the Israeli Prime Minister or an agent of Israel. Steer clear of an ever dwindling situation and read up on the UN Resolutions which has been a reasonable discourse on the European diaspora created by white Europeans. Your position at this time is unfair to America, unfair to the UN, unfair to me, and unfair to the American public who lacks a thorough education on whom we are dealing with and who threatens us the most. I simply word it as unbiased. However, the CIA and the British have squandered opportunity time and again for one knee jerk decision after the next. The blame on Israel has to be on the shoulder of the Europeans, not the Middle Easterners. For now I will not mention the numerous UN Resolutions or history. Israel is there and they cannot run wars without the authority of oversight.

We are losing capital at an enormous rate and it is not attributed to brilliance, religion, or Iran. Furthermore, I have read every philosopher and major thinker since the beginning of man. Do you have something to teach me when it comes to power. We are dealing with the devil and power is his game. We are in a shrinking economic climate with economic sustainability as a goal. Now you tell me how in hell I am going to get rid of this problem when there is no more land to conquer or bridges to build? Looking to Iran is a distraction of the real problem. This is a shrinking economy and no economic philosopher got it right or has ever addressed this; yet they cite text on growing economies and when world war is not imminent. How about these banks; where did the money all go? To the blacks? To the Jews? To the Catholics? Tell me where all the lost capital went? Then how does anyone compromise the price of real estate when the cost of living and future has zero collateral? Do you want to use a ghetto or flooded cities as capital collateral? If war breaks out this week; I need to know instantly what I need to know now; who to trust and who to blame. Do you see this happening or a cruel game of hide and seek?

Ron Paul has shown to be misguided but unbiased. I need an accurate assessment on this FED problem and incoming meltdown. I cannot have greedy people froth at more Zionist problems or more Middle East Wars; they are never ending and will not cease or desist. Oil is vital and you push all of this to the enemy with your stunts, lies, and ignorant appeals. I also have a problem with their espionage wing and the way they involve America in domestic policy. You are ordered to steer clear until you have a better understanding of the situation and understand the matter is currently beyond the boundaries of the Pentagon or the White House. We are under attack and a surge has been detected; do not send mixed messages. As far as Iran, a single nuclear weapon will never reach the level of Russian, China, Pakistan, North Korea, or such.

Do you want to fight a bunch of clowns or a retard and feel what it is like? Do you want to be in a fight with a complete dumbass for over twenty years and clean up the mess of their superior mistake making ability? Do you want to have this clown in your life daily or running the business of the day; and your security? You all have not read a damn thing about either Ann or myself. As a christian you are taught to be honest to yourself and follow the scripture; only if you do not have the truth in hand. What about they? Do you see them eagerly adopting the truth or this strong position we had to bone crush to obtain? Have you or anybody on stage done any bone crushing before you share in any victory? History is paved by the bodies of the weak; not the strong; define strong? Your clown act will soon succumb to blacks or hispanics; the Asians are not really into it all or you all; trust me.

As a master strategist and a master of war, I must ask you to learn and not preach. You are giving the Iranians street credit. My reputation in the left wing and the communist banks; are bone crushing. Now you forget NATO numbers for a glistening chance to parade Israel; let the liberals do thus. There are bigger and heavier hitters out in this world; and Israel is not one of them. Let's say Israel is behind all of this; do you want a nuclear war with them because I see them glistening with an inability to surrender or cease. In other words, you are helping this surge and it is about the weak in this world; not the truth. Iran at this time opposes Israel. There is not enough evidence to vindicate Israel. Actually none. I get this on the Rush Limbaugh Show constantly. It was the Europeans who forced Israel on the Arabs and also Americans. Who forced slavery and the black movement on America? The Europeans again. Do you think the Arabs forced slavery on America or this drug war, internal civil disobedience, and 911? Do you think the Arabs did this during the 1960s or this surge to "pay back" for rapid failure?

It is yours to only screw up even more. Your clown act will soon succumb to blacks or Hispanics; the Asians are not really into it all or you all; trust me. I am Asian and my family has been in counter-intelligence since the Vietnam War, did I do this or is it in my blood to? When it comes to politics, you all are pathetic; look at the blacks and America; needless, look at your social living conditions. Did I do that? Did I ignore it? Who do you thnk I am in battle with and their political leaders? Soon the Hispanics will take you to the bank for the ignorance you all have ingested or spit up.

If you continue on this course; without merit and research; I will open up with facts and arguments. I will also inform you that Ron Paul is the best candidate for the FEDs and this horsing around business which has destroyed nearly 45% of the capital in this world. On top of this, Obama-care is going to wipe out another 30% or more. With Social Security at 80% (including Medicare) that does not leave much or time. No errors and I do not like to correct myself. Israel has been and continues to be a bad partner; always have and always will. Iran is a stray; a nincompoop and former ally. Your wish is to destroy a former ally as the CIA and British did for the ignorance of the moment. Iraq and the Baath Party was in competition with Tehran since the 1950s. Look what happened to our former allies. Considering we obtain 45-75 per cent of our industrial capacity from the Middle East countries; why would you use Israel to target the industrial states; in the name of the whites, worker's party, or hell? Steer clear god dammit, you people are dumb. Also, who the hell is behind all of this; and what if it is Israel and the blacks and Jews? Do we nuke them for what they have done or let Iran save them by seizing the moment of chaos for peace?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.