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Monday, January 9, 2012


Ann, you people are just plain weak while the communist and the poor are just plain awful and evil. You do not have a bone of fight in you Ann, serious. I would not advise you weak F'ers to tinker or F with warriors for this reason; it is not wise to F with their family, wives, or careers, etc... If it came down to it; my hat goes to them for heart and fight. If we were in battle and war; I tip my hat to them but would smash all of you into a pancake when it is all said and done; call this deserving earthquake and hurricane capability. I would also send you and your forces to the guillotine for being so weak, feeble, and ridiculous. I like evil and the power of a hurricane and earthquake; not your feeble, snid, burly, and clumsy errors. We could go on endlessly but I would choose the mob and the French Revolutionaries over weak feeble fags; rich or not. Look at you all and look at you Ann. You made it look and feel as if I am your bitch when you are actually mine. These women are totally evil and you are just weak and my view of you now is... I need a new girl and a real woman. You F'ers are always jumping on or in front of trains thinking you can stop them or something. I cannot stand you F'ers; even you Ann. I want a more athletic female who wants to hang out. Go and find a weak man who has similar interests and likes to control other people. I need a real woman and someone who will or wants to do the Mogadishu Miles; the choppers are trying to take off. It's like Harriet Miers woke up in my bed with bad hair. Look at you all, we are in our fifth year of yelling and screaming daily. Hey anybody want some marriage advice?

I choose evil over sheep or weak fags; and I am the most honest and righteous out there. You F'ers might be rich but I still choose evil over a fag; rich or not. You also want to take on these women; they are totally evil but... it's revolutionary. All of you are like an apparatchik with a mirror under your nose or a hairy Trotsky monkey about to be slaughtered; no wonder you work for the government or love welfare checks. I would choose evil over this; but these F'ers are pure evil and cockroaches; not sheep or fattened up farm animals. I would F you all up hourly and made sure you understood how I despise all of you are and F'in with me hourly or 23 years of this weak fag bucket of junk. You think you are civilized and in control; no less police or have this stable life; a model for all to aspire. I would put you all in your place or flatten you like a pancake for doing this to me or tinkering. Well, there is not much you can do; I can do; or anybody can do now. Let's just get it over with and move on; whenever you F'ers are ready. Year after year, you people do not have a bone of fight in you; but you do all this and say I have a messed up and unstable life? All you want to do is control people or F with them while... oh hell; you too Ann; rich-poor or in love with me. As I said, find a man who is weak, likes to control people, and has similar interests. You F'ers are weak, dictators, too white, too controlling, too cruel, and not my cup of tea at all. My judgment stands and cannot be amended. In battle you can't even sprint for your life. You women are supposed to be abandoned by athletic men who seek younger women; and then you spend life lonely and at dinner with bald elderly men. After 5 years of this disaster, none of you have had enough. Want some marriage advice?

Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, I checked your dinner party list for this year and like last year and the one before; and the one before and before; it is outrageous. This will be another letter which began in 2008 when I really did not want to be here or dragged along for the ride of your life. You said you had a murder-rape plot on you and you needed my help. Reluctant and constantly arguing with you ever 3 to 7 days; I did as asked. One year became two. Two years became three. Four years will not be five, I promise you. We have two separate lives. We are not a match. I do not like your friends. I do not like your personality. I cannot stand the level of errors or mistakes you make. I do not like anything about you or your life. Had this horrible catastrophe not happened; I would not be here or would not stay. You do not pay me, instead use this to string me along. You have done a lot to anger me. I will say this again, we are not a match and two completely opposite people or lives. I hate your friends and those you claim put food on your table. I despise the female I have known or gotten to know better; mostly her work ethics and lifestyle. I am sure you feel the same and are miserable. You are always begging or sad. I just searched "dinner party" and got another taste of your 2012 deadline; where this ends and you get a legal team. In 2012, I need change and I need to find happiness; no more of this crazy crap. If you wish to get killed or raped; then you really did not take enough aggressive steps as I had asked. My blog is full of absolute junk. The sad part is you are actually the most trustworthy and loyal woman I have ever met; but you do this intentionally to have me argue with myself inside; an internal conflict. You use the work and Asian work model back on me; as usual and with all else in life. I am so sick and tired of it; honestly. You cannot be normal for one day or second of your life. Had this not happened, I would leave a long time ago; you went downhill quickly. You look like a supermodel now; how or WTF? You think you are in college or single; single a teen.

In 2012, I plan on dating again. Who and why is not your business. I should have never stayed 1 year; but 1 added another and another. I hope one day you will pay me for my labors and work; some form of compensation other than promises of intimacy or friendship. We do not get along Ann and I do not like Jewish women. You cannot decide who you are or who you want in your life; none. Half of your waking hours are spent upsetting and angering other human beings; I being one of them. In the past four years, I saw absolutely no change; you may have reduced your smoking or alcohol consumption; other than this your problems lessened as well. I am struggling and nearly homeless; you attend rich and lavish parties. You spend half your day on Twitter or emailing other people; mostly men. Then you complain to me about this or your inability to say you are not interested. You complain about your love life to me or how hard you worked to get here or be my dream girl. Then you break down and tell me how you messed up and ask for forgiveness. It is too much Ann. Your lifestyle is too much. Your dinner or cocktail reputation is too much. Had this not happened to either of us; I getting the most abuse and violation of my rights; I would never stay or choose a woman such as you to marry or be with; honestly. You have used it to catch you as you fall and make mistakes. You refuse to take action on those who you used to win my love and trust. If you join a dating site; maybe look me up. I hope to be a millionaire by then. Your life is totally crazy and so are you. Also, we have nothing in common; nothing. We argue day and night; but you avoid it or ignore it like all other problems. It is 2012 and there will not be a 2013; trust me. Read over the crap in my blog Ann; it is full of junk. Read your articles, Tweets, and the stuff you have out there; total junk. It just piles up more and more. Your list is longer than any other female speaker; again. Clearly I do not enjoy or like the Republicans or the conservatives; clearly. I hate and despise the left and the liberals even more; homicidal almost.

Dear Ann Coulter, in 2012, there will be change with or without you. Thanks for piling up the dinner parties and ski trips right on my birthday; February. I hope one day reality will sink in and you think of your mom and dad. As a person, I really do not like you and struggle with you hourly; like my communist enemies. We have two different lives, lifestyles, friends, and you have the pictures to prove it. I have gotten so much criticism for staying or just being with you; constant surveillance and more of what I complain as kidnapping. Poor or rich, I do not want to be with you or any female who is similar to you. It is too much and too little woman for me. I feel you are more male than I am when it comes to socializing and this lifestyle. I had told you and warned you, in 2008 and every week; but you used all of this to keep me here while you just burnt the candle on both ends of our life. You insist you are not Jewish; yet you have all these men who I really look down on; in your life and in such close proximity; the media thinks you are a pervert or intimate with strangers. Tell me next time the joy you bring to my life and leave out the money part. If by 65 I do end up homeless; maybe then I will forgive you and love you for who you are. I do not even like you for who you are now; thanks to the people you call your friends or bosses. You got me arguing with them also and I am a surfer and pretty laid back. You have always been crazy but aloof about it; never really hitting bulls-eye with me or scoring a perfect 10. I think you are in a fantasy world and have been. I hope you realize this and can find the strength to break out of it. You have done too much to me Ann; too much. Understand this and move on okay. It is 2012 and you are full of promises and crazy plans; none of them ever pan out or turn out the way you describe. My view of women is so negative and bad now after you Ann; just day after day of you in my life has made me view women as human crap and a slave we kick around or have to smack all the time. Then you crawl back or beg your way to forgiveness again. It is so freaky and so annoying. Go to an inaugural or hit all the political dinners; you know you want it Ann. Go dress up and be the queen you want to be; it is sickening to watch. I feel like a bitch or some female whore.

Go ahead and blame all of it on Lisa DePasquale or Allysa Cordova; or even Fox News and your publisher. You keep doing the same thing and shifting blame. I look completely stupid also. You refused to get a lawyer team; spend a dime on your own rape-murder prevention. You threw this on me. I literally hate you now; I tolerate you because I had felt sorry and you made me feel sorry for you. I turned down at least 4 girls, drop dead gorgeous cheerleaders; just to comfort you the past year. If I was a millionaire, you must be insane if you think I would stick around; there are better choices in life. Now I am paranoid you let this happen and used it to do all of this; then refused to spend a dime on legal or retaliation. It drained me and my resources to the bare bones. Yet I had nothing left due to so many previous problems; still trying to fix it all and this so called, criticism which requires murder, terror plots, kidnapping, stalking, espionage, etc... to criticize every aspect of my life. I need relief and I need a woman; I need to start dating and stop making excuses for you. My opinion of you is horrible now; you cannot be taken serious ever; and you are always bitchy. Women do not like you. Athletes laugh at you. Your picture at age 16 and at 50 must be FX or some trick. All you have to offer is money and I am so sick and tired of your tricks, theirs, and all of this. I will go and make my own money thank you. I sound like a female and your wife; odd. Must be another trick of yours? You F'ers are full of tricks. BTW, more junk and the important stuff just got lost again. I do feel stronger but my view of women is horrible now; really nervous of a dumbass or a cruel joke daily. Whatever they did or tried; you have reversed and fixed. But it does not fix us Ann, remember that.

You F'ers are retarded and sheep. All of you are a bunch of sheep, sloppy as hell, and you are destined to die; shall I pray or play along? Each year is like the last; never anything new or never getting any better. At least spend a dime on your own murder-rape case or mine; for God sakes Ann. You neglect everything in life and expect it to be perfect or worth saving. Even worse are those below you; holy crap. This is why we are all doomed; all of you are retarded. You want me along for a cruel hoax or to make me... and you more... but we are... I said had this not happened, I would not have been here for 1 or 4 years; now you ask 5? This is totally nuts. I am in the worst position and took steps to make sure I have 9 lives and cannot be tipped over; and all of you freeload off me and have this blockade; everything to slander me or criticize my name; even false arrest and putting me in federal prison. Turns out, all of you are total retards and marked for hurricane or earthquake death; POW-WOW what a world we live in. All freeloaders.

EDIFYING YOUR POSITION: Remember, the Pentagon, Police, and federal forces need to affix your GPS if you have waged war and are using terror plots to criticize us. We had gone in the bush to determine who was behind this, where your position is, and created a list of targets. Consider it hurricane and earthquake duty? You can declare their value or not; they were a huge liability and so are you right now.

Dear Rush Limbaugh, The Democratic Party USA, Left Wing USA, Labor Unions, Etc: Clearly, had you not decided to attack our life clandestinely, wage war on my life, and claim it was only criticism; none of this would of happened. But it did and this is why charges were filed against you and punitive damages had to be capped at 1.6 billion years ago. Your problems with hurricane and earthquake capability, you deserve; it is not our problem or fault. You went so far as to use terror plots, bombing plots, and murder to criticize us and how we are phony; the same experience you faced during the Vietnam War. The list of felonies to criticize every aspect of our life is in the 1000s; pure evil and a lack of respect for other human beings. Even in the 23rd year of this it has not ended and all of you insist it is only criticism. We still do not have the truth but we have our life and story; and a lawsuit against you for slander and other matters.

Look, in 1989 I started a new life with Ann. You keep criticizing me and are unaware I began a new life with a new woman. It was intentional and it was flawless; a perfect match. In 1998, you keep introducing new women while I detected an assasin or deadly enemy lurking in my life. I reported this. I tried desperately to seek or find Ann, at times upset with her. I used decoys because of this threat while testing what your intention was or would be when I revealed her finally. When I wanted this over; Ann delays and does not show up. This causes more confusion. You bombard me with the fat-test, most repugnant, and most insulting women repeatedly. I get insulted and upset; so I play them back and abuse them. You now criticize me for my wandering eyes before you got caught and captured; all untrue. After 2008, I put down my camouflage and deception because these women are also desperate; they are easy targets and run their mouth; stupid. This is how we caught you. I report the same thing; I started a new life with Ann in 1989; you bombard me with all kinds of women or criticism. I had no way to stop it or stop you. It got deadly and 911; still criticizing me rejecting all of you communist spies. Now you feel I am guilty of something? Had you not done any of this and hit the road; none of this would have ever happened; none of it. Our life would be happy and a perfect 10; unless I left Ann due to a steep decline. I kept arguing with her about getting me out of this and moving to another country. We find out the entire mess or catastrophe was you all and the communist left wing.

You knew how weak these women were and untrustworthy; we knew this. So you had to take the bait because we had mind F'd you almost like Total Recall; and you had to figure out if a raid was about to happen. Thus, wholla Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich (or Clinton). You feel you had control but what they reported was totally false and untrue; disinformation. You also killed them probably for being such a dumbass. Even if you use these terror plots to affirm you anti-arab, pro-Jewish, pro-liberal, anti-christian, shiite, or pluralism-democracy model; you forget the fog of war and your affinity towards communism. By having personnel inside your organization or using these women to conduct a trace or affix on your location; I can now coordinate attacks and even bombing raids abroad. You forget the idea of a trap or setup; it is to trace and conduct investigations; not blow crap in your ear or chat with you online. Keep this in mind, the contacts I choose are stupid, make a lot of mistakes, and will lead us right to you; and did. Also your strongholds, the states you are in, and where you ask me to meet or go and discover what you have in store for me. In love and war, you cannot ask for more. Remember, a trace was conducted and these women can pinpoint and affix a bullseye on you forces.

Keep in mind, I reported all of this in 1998; I will not stop short of killing your forces to end this. You make it sound like a date or relationship; friendship. We were and are outfoxing you; it makes no sense. We know it is an deadly assailant and took heavy abuse; women are vulnerable. I took careful steps and I know only women should be on the list and have a grievance, the contacts. However, how that woman led to assassins, terrorists, communists, and espionage psychopaths; they must tell us. They have to take extreme risk and I made sure they knew exactly what they were up to; fed them lies and disinformation. Ann said she was going to pick me up or give me a ride; so I am looking for her. I did get fed up with Ann; many times. Access; you never had access and you got set up and abused; or would you prefer a more vicious and deadly way of dealing with these women? All of them were psychotic and stupid; total liars and phony. You are being set up right now; but you do not want to end this. Again, you think it is love and we want sex with you; we want this to end.

Clearly, you communist kidnapped, tortured, and did anything you could do in life to slander, criticize, and leave me for dead. Luckily, I had a difficult and troubled woman in my life who does not know if people love her or not; similar to you rotten enemies trying to make it here in America. You are guilty of 911 and I have not changed my "hate" policy or stance on Israel, the Middle East, or you communists. I also want your personnel dead and gone for this catastrophe in our life and yours. All of you are vultures. We did this to you as a preventive or tamper proof measure. None of it would have happened had you not tried to "criticize" with such a single mind and lawless approach. We did not know if it was a stalker who hated, loved, or assassins; why the mix with women only, it is easier to detect. In 23 years, only women were allowed access. How did you gain access too? It was women only and we found out quickly. Of course we could have killed your forces. Of course we could murder or be lawless about this; but we did not and now you criticize us? This is how crazy and lawless you truly are; guilty 200% and trying to survive at all cost.

Dear Ann Coulter: The question with your life is whether or not you were headed on a path in life which greatly put you in the camp of many women who face steep decline. Their husbands leave them and for good reason. The fancy cheerleader type or the all around athlete type we all love; has merit also. Therefore, the brains and brawn type you portray as a conservative woman; has a path in life we are judging or analyzing. I report past problems with your personality but you are loyal as a fox. You stick to my side no matter what and I could run you over; it is your inability to achieve forgiveness. You are a very gracious, forgiving, and formidable enemy. The question is had this not happened; would another woman simply push you out and tell you to hit the road. Had I been a millionaire, do you think your personality and selfish appeals would have any merits? I myself am confused but then all of you are a bunch of absolute retards. There are so many errors, so many flaws, and a lot of disappointments; you are or had been ahead of them. To be abused as you have and to simply grunt your teeth; must indicate you are hiding secrets or they blackmailed you; it makes no sense; a secret bond or relationship. What does it matter if you miss the remainder of my happy days; you are never there and always causing my misery and asking forgiveness. I struggle with you constantly Ann; no matter if good or bad things happen in our life.

It is going down on this end also. Look at it this way, if you jump in cold war and frigid water enough; you won't feel a damn thing. When it is real, all that training paid off. Don't worry about their dead or our dead; worry about finishing because the choppers want to take off; F them too. Trust me, do it enough times and you won't feel a damn thing. Yes I was aware of this and what they were doing; it's called muscle memory. It is also a heightened perception. The problem is they are chasing and will be a pancake; herd them or chase them the opposite way for the Mogadishu Mile god dammit. You F'ers are retarded. THAT WAY NOT THIS WAY FOR THE FINAL MOGADISHU MILE. NO WORRIES IT IS AUTOMATED AND WELL THOUGHT OUT.

Ann, you are guilty of filling this blog up with so much of your junk and retarded life. You are absolutely desperate and it is so obvious; all of you are! Even if it is an important matter; the buckets of junk flows. You are also guilty of wanting to cover the Bubble Roller Story and fighting with 20 other women over the drama. Ignore them; let me worry about this so called criticism or asking the questions. Look how much junk is on this blog now. For someone stuck in a Mogadishu Mile; do you need to worry about LA, Tweeting, a coffee shop, or fancy galas that add more junk to my blog? The helicopters are trying to take off; who the hell wants to stay in hell longer than needed? Do the Mogadishu Mile and stop worrying about their dead or wounded, worry about your own. If all of you were this capable; we would not be here right now. Let them stay in hell. Ann, it is not just them; it is you also. Furthermore, without me you would be a confirmed idiot. However, you keep opening yourself up for them and making mistakes. All of you are a confirmed idiot. They need to stop this criticism and you need to stop talking to the Catholics, labor unions, and communists about Mr. Mitt. I had no idea you were an idiot; are you verifying this and your lack of all physical talents also? You women are so elusive when it comes to your abilities. I have to watch you brag about the 100 yard sprint when you can't master the Mogadishu Mile. None of you can or will; total failure. What did I tell you last week and the week before last; and even the one before that? Is it really that dispiriting Ann, really? Like I do not know what that feels like for the past... oh 20 years? Try longer! Are you going to finish the GD Mogadishu Mile or not; just fake it or pretend they are killing you and you are killing them.

Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, I keep getting interrupted and we cannot have a romantic moment. I was talking about a tax break and if you want the hottest, freshest, most expensive, the roughest, meanest, and high priced penis in the political business; give me a holla or a dolla lady! Are you dead or still breathing? Give me a shout out my way will you. As I was saying before I hit their funny bone: "Just to prove my point, before you get a dog or own a guard dog; you have to have enough space for him to run loose. He is going to grab things and try to bite it, shake his head, or stare it down. He is going to run loose all day and tear up your beloved patch of grass. Everything you love, he will try to tear up and that is why you love him. That bone has an owner. He likes baths and when you talk to him. You have been complaining about these bitches for some time now and all they do is come into my life, wreck it up, and kidnap me; then hide everything when the police are called or when the lawyers get involved. If you want the freshest, the roughest, toughest, meanest, and most high priced penis around; be willing to put the sweat into it and work a little. You women are ridiculous and must be living out some romance novel with the government. People are going to ask questions about your dog and you have to show him off occasionally; not scare them. We have to keep this low key Ann, they will tax us if you end up with the freshest and most expensive penis in the industry. They want you to pay them, not get paid, understand? Do not let anybody know you got the hottest and freshest penis, take it to the grave okay. If they find out they will use it to destroy you or smear you, trust me."

Rush claims he only intended to criticize us. Hannity claims they found "God" now and it is over or has ended. I do not know how my life got this way or how criticism has escalated to a death penalty case? Exactly how did they criticize us and what did we do to respond or corner them in the end? Here is an example:

1. Did you criticize my dating or marriage? How.
2. Did you criticize my consensual sex with the opposite sex or only with Ann whom I was dating or have been with for over 20 years?
3. Did you criticize my Middle East policy and research?
4. Did you criticize my Israel relationship with a terror plot? I was not your friend now or ever?
5. Did you criticize us on blacks? How? Prison and false arrest? Rape and murder? Blacks have money and I do not? Walk a day in their shoes?
6. Did you criticize my perfect life by erasing it and replacing it with the life of a black man or homeless veteran?
7. Did you criticize my military record or mistake it as rejection?
8. Did you criticize my royalty after the Vietnam War by replacing it with your lies or life?
9. Exactly how did you criticize me and did you ever go beyond the legal acceptance; violate the law or commit 1000 felonies?
10. Did you prevent me from stopping you by criticizing me and protected or circled this surge by the left wing, liberals, and communists?

Obviously, there is more to this criticism and even if you have found God; you have not finished criticizing my life. We are talking every second of life for over 20 years; what can I do when you remove my oxygen and lifeline; life itself? You did not do a blockade, only criticized the impact of the blockade? You felt Asians or Vietnamese people struck fear in your hearts and mind; so you began a killing spree and wave after wave of attacks? That is not criticism. I understand some of this happened over ten years ago and is still ongoing; but we are not closer to the truth and your surrender to the police yet. When?

Is what you did to Ann; this murder-rape case, also criticism to me or her? What about her biography and mine; how do I remove this criticism now? Tell me how please! How do we stop and put an end to this criticism? The other day you had said you were "asking the questions" and not to doubt you because it was your money; not ours. We are ordered to "go home." Who is criticizing and who is asking the questions; or is it all the same group: communist, liberals, left wing, radicals, and Democratic Party USA? I have not worked or made more than $110,000 my entire life; that is over 23 years, why? Was this criticism also?

ANN GOOD MORNING LA: They got you on something Ann and you looked like they grabbed more than just your hands. What exactly are they blackmailing you with because there is a lot about you that pissed me off. Is it with a past boyfriend that I do not know about or a date in high school? Most people felt you needed a rape kit after that Good Morning LA show and the hand holding you deny. You are also back at it tweeting with a new guy named Derek. Come on Ann, it is starting to look like you are the real problem here. I think you are trying to make the best out of a very bad situation for your own secrets or love life. You nearly got raped and killed; but you are back at it again with a new guy. Make up your mind; do you need a rape kit, twitter buddy, new boyfriend, or a lawyer? What exactly do you want Ann? It feels like both of you got each with a gun; who will shoot first? You definitely are not trying to get them or end this ASAP.

THE ANN COULTER CLUB, NEW! UP FOR GRASS: THE HOTTEST, THE HARDEST, THE MOST EXPENSIVE, AND THE FRESHEST: "Yep, me too. RT @garysteveneaton @derekahunter I said it yesterday. My ex thinks I'm an asshole.Ya know what? I was. So? ...Show me someone who's happy with their ex & I'll show you a sitcom, cuz it doesn't happen in real life. ...@DLoesch I met Stephanie Miller at the talk radio conference 2 years ago. She was hammered & making an ass of herself. HAHAHAHA! RT @DLoesch My favorite Stephanie moment: "No one will hear it." Hey @DLoesch, how many twitter accounts have been created specifically to attack you anonymously? Gotta be a record. Progressives are brave!" It is right there is black and white Ann; you women always need a man and you cannot stand to be by yourself. Also, you rely on the male enterprise and use your sex as a weapon or marketing tool. I cannot beat it but I am going to try! Daft, harder, faster, stronger, and now longer!

ANN ARE YOU THEIR LITTLE BITCH? @anncoulter: Ann, I am reading this @derekahunter which has gotten you in so much trouble. Everybody is now tweeting the live debates with the cougar. However, only @anncoulter is responding. Most other women ignore derekahunter except @anncoulter. He is personal friends with Hannity and the late Hitchens. He is focused on you and Cougars. However, after reading him; I would say either you are longing for Bill Maher or a new drinking buddy. He is paying very close attention and seeking retaliation for the damage inflicted to their side. You are either agreeing or helping him; which is it? If you ask me, Good Morning LA got your ass in a sling. Your desperation is they are shut down, arrested, or both before they take you out or overpower what you have on them. You are either retarded or have one retarded life also. Did Twitter put you up to this or just you two?

HERE WE GO WITH THE SINGLES CLUB, STRIP CLUBS, AND MISTAKEN IDENTITY: Question: None of the contacts we met or had problems with had been injured, attacked, filed charges, or was ever threatened. Meanwhile, only Ann was. Why? Why if a rescue was coming did they only attack the FBI and Ann? How or who do they think Ann was and who do they think she is after 2008 and then 2012? She ends up getting a visual of them and a confession. How and why? Yet they have a murder-rape case on only HER, why?

The Elusive Singles Club and Matchmaking Psychopath: Rush says they are only criticizing me now and back then. I forced their mom and grandmothers through a lot but they got so hot and so angry; they came! Whoever this is, male or female; I would drag them through strip clubs, say the most vulgar things to scare them off, force them to watch some of the most hardcore porn, and tried to have them have babies out of wedlock. I assume this got them angry and wasted their time; they said I was on a "fishing expedition" because the evidence they planted I just ignored or turned it back on them. I thought it was much larger than just Limbaugh; but now we see how gigantic it is. The funniest thing is what Ann wrote about Newt Gringo in 1999 and serial dating. Here is a clue for them, when I interrogate them; I can tell if they are lying, feeding me information, or a man. Here is an example, "do you like or love anal sex." It is a loaded question or a red herring to determine if they are male or female on the other end. There are so many questions to determine who they are or if they are scamming you; casual conversation. They would lie to gain your trust and would be caught repeatedly; a spy or serial psychotic.

I also forced them to watch porn and fed them so much crap their head must have exploded. How does Limbaugh do it without laughing? No wonder none of these decoys are dead or were threatened! I know whose side they are on. Yes we used them as a human shield, I admit it. They knew it was Ann and they knew we had outfoxed them. Ann was upset about how many decoys I used but they sent. Rush knows we used them and put them in danger. Right there (2441 hours, "To map the continental passage... return them from the moon... safely... filled with grandiose ideas... I remember...") This is how we built up their profile, lured them in, and used mirrors and decoys; Rush says they were only criticizing us; this is not what their indictment says. Rush is correct, if we know who they are or them on the other end; we have a face to face and get their ID, address, etc... and begin the trace to lure the ring leader in closer; a trap. The trick is to never give them what they want or are looking for; only tease them. Rush refuses to admit we set them up and they kept rushing us to surrender or hire them. For what? Well, once we knew who they were and put a gigantic net out there; we know who to fire or issue the warning at. Due to their psychopathic attacks, it is now a criminal and an evolving civil case. They are espionage and communist spies as I we had known and reported in 1998 with Ken Cuccinelli and the FBI Field Office.

HAD TO TAKE A SHOWER WITH YOU (Ann), BACK NOW AS THE FRESHEST PENIS: Yeah, had your momma been here Rush; she would spank the hell out of you until those two girls cried on TV and put the best smile on UGA gal named Jackie who wanted to be a teacher and was online telling me about her beauty pageants. You and I know your momma would make you cry and agree with me; so stop toying with us. I never got naked pictures either; she was too elusive and had a master's degree from the UGA. I did get all of her dirty laundry and luckily your mom is not here now. You F'ers are like a scene from the Terminator II when JC get's tricked and "Ralph" detects your momma trick. The Terminator says to hang up, "Shiia uh dad."

HEY ANN, REMEMBER 1998-1999 AROUND WASHINGTON DC? THE GEORGIA GIRLS: I told you to meet me online and go down to Ocean City, MD. You still do this today. The GA girls began while I was working at Fairfax Country Club near the university in VA. It began with Jackie, a UGA crazy bitch who told me about 6 men she dated at one time and partying at the UGA campus. She gave me all I wanted to know except when I asked for her weight; she always said "I have to go and take a shower." She had said she won a few beauty contest and after heavy questioning; I was convinced it was not Ann behind the internet. Ann sometimes pops in and says one or two words only. The other Georgia girl came off the movie Gump. She burst out crying the moment you talked to her and if you tried to see if she was faking it; she got angry and nearly would blow up at you; really strange. You could not even ask her why she burst out crying; almost a basket case. Jackie at the UGA (UGAgal) said she was rich, had her own apartment, wanted a baby, and was dating 6 men and sleeping with them. When I asked her how many men she sleeps with; she gave me a number less than 4. I was shocked to hear but interested about this Madame Ovary. In 1998 she was 26 years old and getting a masters in teaching or child education.

CNN VS. NEWT GRINGO Dear Rush Limbaugh: You or Newt Gringo taking on Obama and John King about how you want them to FAIL; is just not enough and really weak. All of you are shameless and very indignant to the point of the death penalty and I have reiterated this for over four years now. We do not need a lecture on pluralism or southern politics. The south does not like or enjoy voting rights you idiot. I personally am not as fond of you all either. All of you are serial killer clowns, indignant, and so full of errors and flaws. However you see this, you love pluralism; admit this. You hate the truth but love pluralism and disappointment to death.

Dear Chris Plante: Hey jackass, why are you defending yourself and debating me? Am I in your home trying to argue with you? Then why are you in mine? You mean to tell me you have no idea why you are arguing with me except how angry and innocent you are? Yeah okay and F off; you are totally and 200% guilty. Like Newt Gringo on CNN; you act as if you are so violated and so above it all. Then you tell me you, or the media; are the most radical of all of them. Your stupidity is why you have argued with me for three days straight and backing up Limbaugh, Levin, Hannity, etc... F'in spy and Catholic labor mole. You all are ewww weak on crime, disgusting, and also weak on communism. Read it below and your tricks right now. I must be pro-labor and love you communists. You have no respect for the law and are on a crime spree; at least get an education on the law if you want to be your own lawyer; call Ann Coulter and try this dangerous murder plot.

I have no problem with 5 or 10 year work permits for illegals because I would not want to have labor problems or unions knocking on my door, running for office, or telling me to leave and go home. I really do not want to have to deal with these Catholics and their uneducated crackpot legal defense. After 5-10 years; they can reapply or seek citizenship the legal method. Also, after the amount of vandalism and property theft; it is fair to say I am done and finished with any labor whatsoever; I am not strictly self sufficient and seeking self employment. None of them have any education or clue what they are doing; a complete madhouse and crime spree.

Now we have them invading and occupation the government services. Even government service or military service got me attacked by the left wing and the labor union goons. This is why the communist use the blacks to create the conditions; use drug wars to create the conditions; and used our life to create the conditions without any knowledge of long term consequences or death. Their effort to shut us down; divide our family; pit our spouses and children against us; far supersedes the death penalty and espionage charges for Rudolf Abel, The Portland Spy Ring or the MacLean Gang. These characters are all under the table and clandestine; but they operate within the laws by inventing the conditions for overthrowing the government or killing anybody in their way. This is also why I have not worked in 6 years or my income is severely suppressed. Given all my accomplishments; they still prevent my books and marriage. They must prove they did neither of this or ever tried. They all feel the Asians struck fear in their hearts, refuse conformity, and are out to humiliate them. All truth and justice is the enemy and must be killed or imprisoned.

NOTHING EVER HAPPENED AND THERE WAS NO SEX: Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, here we go arguing about returning to work. I want to know why you keep putting yourself into danger, crazy as a fox; and then going on TV as if nothing happened at work or having your entire support and lifeline eviscerated or evaporated before my very eyes? Furthermore, I want to know why I am begging and pleading with you about me having to prostitute myself when my case has been ignored, delayed and I cannot even seek relief or justice? I am the person who comes from royal lineage and has bodyguards who protected me from this plot. Why am I forced back into their extortion, kidnapping, and landlord-tenant war and write about hourly attacks still? Can you explain for me why you pretend nothing happened at work while I am put in hell and am royal? I have to prostitute myself so I am not homeless and these people are on a feeding frenzy about how I need their welfare, assistance, and am desperate. Somebody created this condition or climate and has the death penalty right now. They also claimed to be my parent or life coach; but now is my student and shooting up all the schools I went to to get here or do this.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: if what you is currently being hidden and you are trying to prevent couture, arrest, and shutdown of your communist forces; then we have the right to wage war on you. However, we have not committed a crime, only issued warnings. If you did try to recruit me by creating or inventing the conditions to suit your political existence; then a crime has been committed. If you say today you helped us by offering us access to this but we actually have no poewr or access to prove any of it; then you are guilty of treason and a huge list of high crimes and misdemeanors. You will have to face the law or take it over and kill it. I do not and have never tried; thus, I suffer today due to your evil ways. Have you slandered my name? Have you won? You claim I have no power and no access to any of this; why then am I struggling? Why then am I doing this? Why do you think I am angry?

OUR LIFE AND HAS THIS STOPPED MR. LIMBAUGH: If you slandered my name just to prevent me from stopping you, calling for help, or trying to break me down so I would lead you to our secret weapon or cold war secrets; then you deserve hurricane and earthquake capability. I hope you all are turned into a human pancake and your Generals watch as your forces are taken out on TV; then have to undergo therapy for the remainder of your life for waging war on us and attacking us hourly for the past 23 years of my life. I know no other joy in life than to watch you suffer and this end how I want it to and how I had planned. As you can see, we took very careful steps so you could not tamper and even if you spend day and night; 24-365 now trying to look for an escape or ending to save your life; you find out we expected you to tamper and was expecting your forces to be coming; we even prepared for world war and eliminating your forces globally. How? With sheer brilliance of military strategy and of course the brute force of military might. You have no merit whatsoever and you know we are blessed by God in every category; including looks, brains, and physical competence. We even have extra-ordinary human powers you have still not figured out or can explain. You all are in hell and what I just described. All you have to do is check my financial and employment; all the complaints I filed through the years and when this stopped. Has it stopped?

A VOTE FOR NEWT GRINGO: A vote for Newt Gingrich is a vote for the devil. Do not listen to the SWF movie double Palin about who is best for the Republican Party. Also, whatever you do; always vote against Rush Limbaugh; he is a communist mole. A vote for Limbaugh is a vote for a communist. I would even vote for Santorum over the Gringo. I would vote for Palin rather than the Gringo.

Dear Chris Plante of WMAL: You Catholics are notorious for being weak on crime, weak on communism, and it goes back to Vietnam. You are the ones along with the damned; who have struggled in America with the protestants for centuries. Today, you think you are hot shit. You all dress up as the police and shoot up our schools. Then you go and play this game about being our students or do not have enough public funds. We and a lot of people in America have been fighting your dumbass fantasy and your cockroach lies for so long and here you are now; even think you are striking fear in our hearts and minds with both crime and communism; the drug wars. You all have some nerve being on the right wing and acting like the police; I piss on your graves, really I do. You been running your mouth all week in defense of Levin, Limbaugh, blacks, and Obama all week. All of you hate Asians because this is who struck fear in your heart and mind; admit it. This is who shut your church down and pulled your dick out of each others ass or little boys; look at you all now; indignant and trying to smear us all day and night long. You don't even have a prayer and you are no martyr either. You did this in Latin America also and flooded us with immigrants. Did I mention you got this down since the days of Candide and feel you are bullies? Bully?

1. Right wing conspiracy right? Slavery case against the US? Homeless Vets?
2. Go home? Still poor and a piece of shit doggy style today?
3. War on crime and drugs overwhelming us? Radio shows right? Now we know the homeless scam or who slandered us; the European socialists and Catholics.

NOT SORRY Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, is that a yes or not? Sorry I got sidetracked; we were talking about the most expensive penis in politics. Remember, freshest, hottest, strongest, most expensive; like the daft body "stronger, harder, faster." It is up for grabs if you want it.

IF WE GO INTO CIVIL WAR A TAX RATE AND TAX PLAN IS FUTILE: However, we will rip them to pieces. After the 2012 election, the Republican Party will begin to set a budget. This budget will consist of the essential elements of government only. This drug war and war on crime will eradicate the communist forces and force our tax rate below 15%. Until then, consider we are facing domestic war and world war. It may end up looking like world war and this enemy is pushing us and them to the edge with this cockroach war on the royals. We will drive them into hell and deep into their hearts and mind. They will learn or perish; either or. So far, they have not learned and have not made 1 single correction. So we will double and up the pressure 10 fold.

The plan is to fire a lot of them who are behind this. A flat rate tax will be imposed. Reforms will be made to the medicaid and social security system. Expect eventually a rate below 15% and a flat tax. They have wrecked a lot of our vital resources and treasures. They have wrecked crucial elements in our life and the SATWAR program. We all are hurricane and earthquake crazy about their death. I will lead the charge into hell, but Ann is just crazy as a fox on this TV time stuff. They are in my life and violate every law imaginable; and will pay dearly, I promise. I do not intend to be around when they trip over this or find out; boo-hoo. Expect them to be in the way at every turn and expect massive payback.

THE ELECTION OF 2012 AND THE VICTORY AT THE POLLS: We are in no position to discuss jobs or tax rate. The immediate problems is 1. Obamacare and repeal of socialized medecine. 2. This problem with immigration and incubation of Democrats while unleashing them as they run their state into the ground. We see the same model in NY-VA-FL where an invasion force drove out so much talent and good people. After those repeals, we can get an accurate assessment of the FEDs and the manipulation of the currency. Then we can set into place the eventual "fixit-breakit" model for the housing crisis. With it stuck there will not be any jobs or fixes in the near future. This surge has taken this nation deep into the brink of death and ruin; nearly dead. The country is dying and we face civil war in the next few years; look at the violations, the charges, the terror plot and their strategy. They do not expect to survive this and the left wing knows they are dead and have no way out. It will be the Mogadishu Mile from here on; but my forces are ready and prepared for a long haul. I need people who are crazier than a fox to take on this human cockroach and destroy them politically and at home. Fear will be in their hearts and so will therapy for the rest of their life.

THE DUMBEST HUMAN BEING I EVER LAID EYES ON: Dear Rush Limbaugh: I hear you go on radio everyday and spew out right wing or conservative politics; meanwhile, you have the original people who ran Vietnam and have seen the communist in action; and yet you put yourself above us and torment our life and slander us to the point of death. I hear all of this talk about money and tax dollars to educate you rotten human junk and I look at Asia who went from a third world country to the top 6 electrical engineering colleges in the world. I see their math rate up with the best schools in the world and I have to listen to you talk about jobs and your grades which are dirt poor and rotten. You want more tax dollars and government checks and if you look at Asia; they barely spend anything on their own students and they work twice as hard and get SAT scores you dream about. What the F is wrong with you and why have you done this; turn yourself in you communist bucket of junk. All of you are like this and a felon. I have a 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit on you and you act like my pupil. Had you walked into my class I would shoot you. If you ever sign up for my course, I would kill any of you. You act like I am your master or teacher and you do this today. I am sick and tired of telling you to go to hell and I would never teach you or be your stupid teacher; I would rather kill myself. Why can't you or any of these Republicans, such as Newt Gringo, understand this? You compare and put yourself above the Asians but when it comes down to the numbers, you are AWOL, all of you. I hope a hurricane teaches you and flattens you to a pancake size so we can survive this ordeal. I will destroy you all for slandering my life and wrecking it; I promise.

THE CATHOLICS ON THE RIGHT WING OR REPUBLICAN PARTY: Ann, look we know about the Catholics on the right wing or Republican Party. Catholics are almost like a swarm of insects and their bite is fatal. They were notorious in Vietnam as weak on communism also. However, they will go toe-to-toe with us and wreck our life. They do not fight fair and never come to a fight individually; we do not have the forces at this time to worry about them; the big surge is the left wing and the socialism. You New York Catholics are retarded and the cruelest living crap of a human I have seen yet. Some of their Generals are in therapy and they will keep the pressure on the royals. We cannot sit here and take on more Catholics when the case is still wide open and with an open wound. Do you see my life back to normal? Do you see me working again? Exactly. The Catholics will keep this up, as a whole, and have that notorious record of weak on communism and crime until we are menaced into surrender. Do not go in there and pretend nothing went on and boost them into the Republican side again. We just went through heavy battle with their labor union and communist forces; now you want to battle them again as if your hair is perfect? Yes, I know even worse than the communists are the Catholics and in Vietnam we got this lesson; steer clear. Until I can figure a way to expel them or shut them down; it will be a gigantic swarm across America and a road to decline. They are the most criminal of them all and you need to not challenge the Catholics at this moment. We are too weak and a ban is in place; I expect their head to be ripped clean off the body and their leadership to be taken out. Do not get near them or anywhere close; you will get dirty and you will have their junk all over you. They want to go with us and I do not intend on being around when they hit that tripwire. Hurry up! They are crazy as a fox and are not scared of getting nuked or even hurricanes!

CONSUMERS AND THE CONSUMPTION RATE: People do not understand the market system. They do not understand the bucket of junk model. Consumers are nothing more than a bucket of junk trying to sell products made at home or abroad. Bucket of junks want material goods so they can cover up the buckets of junk. They will go to great lengths to rip each other off; such the case with a bucket of junk mortgage. They will run up the debt to trillions of dollars until the politics of buckets of junk is disposed of or removed. A bucket of junk is not how you run a market system; however, in America a bucket of junk gets you a government check. You get a big government check if you are the leader of a bucket of junk. You get a smaller check if you sell products made at home or abroad to a bucket of junk. However, the majority of a bucket of junk is lazy and stupid; so they get the smallest government check and is the motivation of all these benefits. In the end, the market will collapse no matter what you do or say because of the bucket of junk and their politics. When you can forcast and formulate an economic model free of a bucket of junk; then they will not challenge royals or royal warriors with this bucket of junk or get antagonized on this level. They tinker like a bucket of junk. They put themselves in a bucket of junk predicament. We get buckets of junk all over our life until we cease to function; overwhelmed. How do we get out of it and what if war is waged back on a bucket of junk. Remember the lesson of Vietnam; even the masses are weak on communism. Certain religions are notorious for being weak on communism. We know they are a bucket of junk and this is how they made their forture; now they want us to pay for their buckets of junk. They invite more buckets of junk with a government check; thus, we are overwhelmed by immigrants.

YOU NEW YORK WOMEN AND THE CATHOLIC-JEW MONEY MODEL: Are retarded. Everytime our love life returns or things clear up; a whiff of fresh air; you go back to what you do best. Each and every time you get a small little opening; it is desperation on high gear. I do not know what the F to make of it but call you all retarded. I give you oxygen or the smallest credit; I have to be careful what you do with it. All of you are like this; and it makes me really nervous to have so many of you in my life. I do not know if you are mocking them but it is time to rip their F'in head off. This is no lesson on how to mess up our life or bounce ideas off my chest. I have made sure their Generals are in therapy for the rest of their life; do I need to join them because of you New York menacing immigrants? You people are retarded.

ANN: Do you understand what you are doing or why you are returning to Fox News? There is no end to this and you are not on my side. You need to take swift actions and there is a major surge. You can do much more with real actions. Instead, you choose to Tweet and go on Fox News. You better get your act straight in 2012 and quickly. You better get your legal situation done with by 2012 and spend a million on a legal team. After this and you will be out of options. You will loose two ends of a candle. But so are they; do you want to go down with them or are you trying to save yourself? Don't be a hero because heroes never get anything done. You have 12 months to reverse what they did in 20 years. At least take the legal steps and let hell become their habitat. I am not going to sit here and watch another 4 years of you at Fox News. If I want to do that, I will find another woman there who does not have the problems you do, understand? There will not be more of this, understand? Why in hell would you return to work refreshed and with your hair perfect? Those are the terms, either you take it or leave it. I do not like the way any of you do business; not a bit and you better learn or teach them how I do business. There is a serious problem with you New Yorkers Ann, a major one and people do not like it one bit. You F'ers spread across the nation and wreck the lives of everyone; me included. Then you wander in as if nothing happened; F you immigrants and your plot to spread this disaster.

I DO NOT THINK YOU WILL GET AWAY WITH THIS, MAYBE: Dear Communist forces and the spawning of this evil royalty: if what you say is true and God is on our side; then the trip wires he set is in place and we are testing you. Obviously, you have not learned a lesson and do not respect human beings or royals. You see no merit in academics or physical talent. You have created and kept us in an incubator to reproduce the conditions which allow you to seek love or this spawn of evil. We do not intend to be around or debate you on whether or not God smashed your head to bite sized pieces, your best warriors in therapy for life, or how a hurricane ripped your arms and legs off. It is there for you to find out and test; if you have the gall and the audacity as you claim; then I do not need to know about it or how weak I am hourly or daily. I personally would teach you a lesson in life you will need therapy for the rest of your life to remove; but I want this resolved and to move on with my life. Whatever your claim it does not and will not supersede my 1.6 billion claim. If you seek power, have power, and are as evil as you claim to be with us; then trip over the hurricane and earthquake capability. It is foolish and even stupid to even debate this or test it. Do it at your own risk; don't tell me what you will do to me or make me understand your communist and evil world. Your fight right now is with a God like force who is unleashing hell on your with fury and homicidal impulse; why do we care TOO help you? Nobody even recognizes me at this time and they are beginning to recognize Ann again; all because of your evil spawn. Either you are delusional or trying to win at all cost; have you learned any lesson yet? Not one bit; thank you and good reddens. I do not even care to be around when you trip on it and find out yourself; but why would you do this and ignore these warnings?

If we were royalty; would the communist finally learn what can happen or will happen to them if they F with royals? They might now live to tell the story; American, New Yorker, or now a southern Democratic state problem flooding across America. The question is will they ever F with the royals or the masters of communism ever again? Surrender because we love being spit on by buckets of junk looking for a welfare or government check.

After 23 years they are still our landlord and we still have not gotten anywhere in life. We are not dead yet and neither are they; so it cannot be that bad. We should try harder and work more if we want to get ahead; don't be lazy. Had we been anywhere else but America; they would have a tornado or hurricane in their living room by dinner time and by midnight; they would be hung in a tree. Only in America can a peasant get a welfare check and brag about communism or the power of stupidity.

Let me guess, we have to pay their tax if we want them lifted out of the sewer? All of this happened to perfect people who have outstanding grades, merit, and never make mistakes? Do we look like cheap labor or buckets of trash? We have to move or pay their stupid tax or buckets of trash tax; to remove it? Hey we do not like their immigrants either and as far as their tax to have their trash removed or out of our life; we have a lot of better ideas they will not like or want to hear. So if it is civil war, prison, or internment they want; they why don't they evict or deport themselves. They need to worry about their standards and not pitch our standard of living when they do not want a better life or have any education. We do not like their immigrants or their immigrant tax. Let me guess, it happened to a black man, it happened to a communist; we probably would not like it if it happened to us; correct? How stupid can a bucket of trash become? Look at their measuring stick. Let's huddle and share the pain or pay their tax, shall we?

Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, is that a yes or not? Sorry I got sidetracked; we were talking about the most expensive penis in politics. Remember, freshest, hottest, strongest, most expensive; like the daft body "stronger, harder, faster." It is up for grabs if you want it.

BTW: My life plans, my careful steps to ensure Ann and I are living on a Florida beach, flying our helicopter around, and enjoying a life made for a King; has been delayed and have been changed. We are not sure when or if we can return to our normal and real life but this life fit for royals has been delayed; any guesses why? Some of it has been won back and taken out of the cold dead hands of the enemies.

STFU AND CHOOSE YOUR OPTION: You have four options and only four. Choose your option and let me know which direction you are going so that I can tell the FBI-CIA-Pentagon and the pubic. Calling me names is not going to do anything but fuel the fire. Four options, choose one or all of them; it is up to you to loose more and loose it all. It is for me to win it all or just more. We began with 200 options; you are down to only 4; do not talk to me with that dialect or act as if you are opening my door or watching my best self interest; I must be a complete idiot or have not been there and done that yet. In the end, we don't care either. In the end, we are as honest or more. In the end, we both live in a cruel world and there can only be one winner. We are far past all that.

MAKE IT TO RETIREMENT: stop telling these people who can or cannot make it to retirement. The only way you can make it to retirement is if you 1. overthrow the government 2. impose martial law or socialism 3. kill everybody who knows the truth 4. start a nuclear war in Iran 5. avoid a civil war. I do not need your stupid dialect or the advice you keep feeding me or trying to brainwash me with. Stop meeting me at the crossroad or when I am in public and offering me the right of war; as if you are not or have been the problem. It is retarded. I do not want to see your F'in face proving or not; what 23 years has been about. Stop telling these people they are going to make it to retirement when we all know this is not true and you are sabotaging the election because you do not want to be destroyed or marked for dumbass camp; a FEMA appeal. I do not want to see your face or ever hear your stupid dialect again! Am I clear? You keep acting like a door opener or some magic rug; poor ass loser. YOU TOOK THIS COUNTRY TO THE BRINK OF DESTRUCTION, TOOK OUR LIFE TO THE BRINK OF FAILURE, AND NOW YOU CLAIM YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM OR AN OBSTACLE? NOW YOU RIDICULE AND SLANDER MY NAME BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT A BULLY OR PROBLEM? WE ARE GOING TO BE FINE WITH OR WITHOUT YOU?

ENGLISH DIALECT: here is another thing, stop talking to me in your usual dialect full of insanity, stupidity, lies, fraud, crime, and dumbass proclamations. I have no idea what dialect it is but it needs to stay our of our life. We do not even speak the same dialect and you slander my name on paper with your own dialect? F you, 1.6 billion is what you and whomever wrote it owes. I would love to get this over with and your ignoramus as is wasting more of your own time; but ours is worth 1.6 billion, don't you agree? Why stay then, invite yourself? Stop talking to us in that stupid dialect and then writing this human piece of shit down to slander our name and life. When you are ready to end this; you let me know; I will let you know where you stand in this world or this country.

1. Welfare President? Police? I am fed up with this poor plight or forced to be their prisoner.
2. How do we feel about cleaning their toilet? You are a cockroach, a total failure, inferior; do not make us one also or agree with your existence. We have taken every single measure, very aggressive warning steps, in this universe short of killing you on TV. Your reaction cannot even be written or described. Even if a gun was put to your head; this enemy repeats it over and over.
3. WTF - do they realize we were once royals? We have to fight and take this human piece of shit attack?
4. Do they realize what we can or will do to them; or have? Do they care?
5. Here we go again; we are they, they are us; we have to agree and take it.
6. We do not care or want to hear more; we have issued the communist the surrender orders in America; no other country. Do not surrender overseas, we do not want them here or in our life ever again. That is final; we will fight them until that time.

7. Even if you made a come back; got good with God or created your own God; we would still match you. I am confident that is you reach or if hurricane and earthquake capability was available to you; you will perish overnight or quickly. This is the threat you pose and what you have proven time and again. Even if you matched us or had capabilities that God only has; you will and would perish. Do you wish to live with this fear? Then end it now and obey the surrender orders. I can discuss the options for your military strategist or those behind these terror plots and attacks. It is a win-lose proposition each and every attempt. Even now, you reject the win-lose and still say it is a win-win. It is not and will never be. I am giving this to you; and you are taking it with no consideration to the truth or the laws. F your elections and your ability to anger royals. F your lies and what I have written about you. We will take you to hell and see you in hell, this lifetime.

Dear Bill O'Really: I do not view felons, people who do not want a better life, those who refuse self sufficiency or blatantly violate the rules of the market system, and your analysis about relief and long term problems. Long term problems are individual processes in life. If you make wrong decisions, day after day, eventually you will be a long term problem and dead. There is no relief. If you do not have the capacity to understand this and take steps to isolate or block this left wing enemy or creeping communism; they will take you prisoner, harass you, or try to pull you down with them. This is part of their brainwashing. Therefore, the radicals and the communist we caught behind this are not the victims. Their failure does not make them victims. Our success and ability to make decision after decision; to fend you off or contain your movement or incursion into our life, limiting your negative impact or paralysis of our self sufficiency; is no contest. Our ability to recover has nothing to do with your ability or fate. Our ability to fail has nothing to do with yours either. Some people are more blessed and built much better; some are not.

You use us to justify 23 years of incapable success? For you to use us or tricks into believing your genetic value must supersede others; is the biggest trick I have ever seen from your political wing or your religious one. How many times will you stp over that line? In the end, the market rewards merit and it punishes a total lack of it. I see a total lack of it but no punishment. You drag us all thorough 23 years of this and we have to accept it or follow your commands? Even face more criticism or repeated efforts to unite or knock on our doors again? We get crank calls day and night; on the hour or one after the other, wave after wave. I now live in hell and the urination you all have created out of my life; thus, I seek relief by torturing you with your own lies and tricks. All of you deserve more evil than I have in my body; and in Ann's. Even now, you people do not understand self sufficiency, warfare, and what 200% guilty will get you in life. Your memory is that of a reptile or monkey with money. Your left wing associations have taken this country into the red and near political communism-socialism; now you want credit for asking us the question and challenging us? Are you insane? We are nearly at war and each others' throat. You were only wrong about this? I think it is more than wrong or a mistake.

Dear Rush Limbaugh: stop telling the public and the investigators you are only "asking questions" and how I am a hypocrite because I am doing what "he got fired for in the first place." If or had your questions been easier; our lawsuit would only be 10,000 or 100,000; it is 1.6 billion and I have clearly, concisely, and deliberately written a formal complaint. There is much more to the case than one question, one person, and one case. Rush you are a total idiot and you waste your time on the stupidest detail of your worthless life. You have to know how to get things or how to take on what others only dream of; try writing it down and not violating so many laws. These women want a picture and they want you to be straight up and straight forward; however, for a man so fat he cannot even see his own penis, I doubt if you can do it also. You have to see what you are doing before you tell others where it is going or how it felt. Your words are worth nothing and nobody would ever do business with you communist. Look at you today, still coming around and telling us we are "disrespecting" you; you do not even realize we are at war with your forces and you convinced yourself we are united or prisoners. You communist have that glib act down pact; but cannot get away with anything, some police you turn out to be.

You still do not know what, how, when, or if you did all this? How many written warnings and verbal warnings have you gotten the past four years? How many in 22 years? We are and have been trying to get rid of you all for 22 years; when or if have you realized why? Do you know why we are suing you for 1.6 billion? You act as if we cannot, will not, and are powerless. You act as if you are full of macho confidence or intellect; we have none. We can fire you and get rid of you; trust me, it has been 22 years and we will. You come into my restaurant and think you can eat for free. Then you argue and complain how we ripped you off. You steal my car and think you can drive it anytime you want. Let me guess, you think you are a victim or a victim of violence; we wage war on you because you are innocent, not 200% guilty. What a god damn stinking human piece of shit you all turned out to be. Yes and we are still interested in you all and your work; which turns out to be forged or stolen work we had been looking for you slut. Who would do business with you and who would even trust you or accept your words, who?

Dear Ken Cuccinelli: Rush knows that I walked into your office in 1998 and sat down with you inside your office in Fairfax, Va. (Prosperity Avenue). He realizes you had been or were trying to figure it out along with the Falls Church FBI office. He also knows you had taken notes and wrote down everything I had said that day and what I am saying today is a perfect match and fit. He called you a "Rat" and said you are worried.

Dear Ann Coulter: Ann, is that a yes or not? Just to prove my point, before you get a dog or own a guard dog; you have to have enough space for him to run loose. He is going to grab things and try to bite it, shake his head, or stare it down. He is going to run loose all day and tear up your beloved patch of grass. Everything you love, he will try to tear up and that is why you love him. That bone has an owner. He likes baths and when you talk to him. You have been complaining about these bitches for some time now and all they do is come into my life, wreck it up, and kidnap me; then hide everything when the police are called or when the lawyers get involved. If you want the freshest, the roughest, toughest, meanest, and most high priced penis around; be willing to put the sweat into it and work a little. You women are ridiculous and must be living out some romance novel with the government. People are going to ask questions about your dog and you have to show him off occasionally; not scare them. We have to keep this low key Ann, they will tax us if you end up with the freshest and most expensive penis in the industry. They want you to pay them, not get paid, understand? Do not let anybody know you got the hottest and freshest penis, take it to the grave okay. If they find out they will use it to destroy you or smear you, trust me.

WHO IS DEBATING US? This goes deep into the school of realism and the work of Thomas Hobbes. Thomas Hobbes gives us the theory of civil war. However, the school of realism was written and defined by a Jewish professor who I did not understand or agree with; so I rewrote it. All the textbooks gave this school to the Jews which I knew was not the right history. Additionally, the left wing also had it backwards; all of them did. The hate, anger, and violence they had being oppressed; was the basis of communism or revolution; however, they were only fighting or describing Jews; not capitalism or right wing political theory. Therefore, Morgansen was wrong and the textbooks and work at the college level was greatly flawed. I was graded down for not playing along or correcting these people; thus the straight D grades and only a A in economics class; a hot female professor. I got a B in economics for the work on the Austrian Economic School. The people who wrote or write the "goods" for the right wing did not even understand it; which puts us on a path to Rush Limbaugh and his infiltration problem. They had been moles at the college level and they had it all backwards; right was left and left was right. This is how it ended in the lap of the Democrats and the communists. The people who hacked into my laptop and began to change, write, or cut off my internet; were the Democrats or this female who keeps talking in my diary.

DOCTORAL THESIS ON POLITICAL THEORY: My work in addition to Ann's work is essential if you are doing a doctoral thesis on political theory. In my original work from 1995-1998 at George Mason to earn my undergraduate degree; I was asked to write and explain three classical political thoughts or schools. In my paper, I only clearly identified two of them, the realist and the pluralist-democratic camp. In the third school was what I described as the existentialist or left wing. In reading Jean Jacque Rousseau; I was not able to identify a certainty where I had or was able to classify traits of certainty. Therefore, my final basis of the left wing or existentialism was it centered on personal preference, people had no choice in war, and it was an eye for an eye. Existentialism constantly asked "what are you going to do for me" and not "what am I going to do for you." It left out one element, truth. The realist gave you the model for civil war and even military strategy because most analysts who understand communism or the COMITERN realize the Bolsheviks understood the Constitution and democracy far better than American leaders. Thus, they scored and were able to crush Democracies all over the world.

In Ann's book Demonic; she completes what and who finally answered the question of existentialism. I was asked to provide three certainties in political theory; I did two and kept writing the last was crazy, it made no sense, it was war mongering "if a sword is used on you then use a sword to defend yourself", and there was no overlapping feature because it focused on personal preference of the individual. Ann calls it liberalism and she also identifies more than 4 schools of certainty in her book; not three as the professor had asked. Thus, I was not able to fully do the assignment because there were more than three and I had only two certainties in political thought and a final one called existentialism. All of it is pluralism or democracy; what Bush and Clinton were fighting wars about.

Dear Ann Coulter: if you are interested in not only "The hottest" or some of "The Most Expensive" Penis in the political industry; you have to join some form of singles club or a conservative political action committee. If it is something you really want and need; then contact your local PAC and ask to book me as a speaker for a night or two. Even better is to fly out to my home and spend a weekend. Price is negotiable depending on who referred you and how much you contribute to the PAC. All drinks and condiments; including air fare is strictly your responsibility. If you are ready to take that big; and I mean BIG, step into the political industry; it's there for your taking baby. Just take that step and you will be among right wingers and the best if not the most expensive penis in the political world, hugs and kisses! XO honey. Make sure you leave me positive feedback okay. Remember, if it ain't fresh then it was not just off the boat;-) no muff too tough, we dive at five alive.

Dear Ann Coulter: Since you love RP; Ann, look tax season is around the corner and I could use a tax break or write off. Do you want some of the highest priced penis in the industry or not. We are talking the hottest penis around; call it charity! You are 51 now and a big girl; you can do whatever you want and do not need a man in your life. You let me know if you want some of the hottest, freshest, most high priced penis you can find in the industry okay, just Twitter me!

AUTOPSY REPORT: The autopsy report should say "Death was caused by pure selfish evil greed" and "Picking a fight with the wrong people." Underneath for gender, it should say "Jackass" or "Buffoon Clown." The problem is "No Way Out."

Rush Limbaugh said he wants you to FAIL and Debbie is hot in a bikini; do not doubt me ever! Debbie Wasserman said Santorum is a racist and she will not take this laying down or on her back; that slut is no conservative! Chris Plante is a plantation owner who refuses to clean his own toilet; he needs blacks to fight him for political gain! What a liar.That honky homeboy can wash my Japanese or Asian car because that is as far as he is going to get in the Republican Party or in life. He needs blacks around to tell him what he is doing wrong; me I am self-sufficient.

HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKE CAPABLE: Well, if I do talk to God and if I do have a hurricane and earthquake capability; the chance of them surviving is 0 to none. Why talk to me in my living room about terror plots or what they will do to me? I also suggest that if their people are a threat and threatened; they should learn how to do business, not yell in my bedroom window and get millions of people killed. But it is too late and the deadline is 2012; which was in writing; not a bedroom shout out jackass trick again. I am not sure if they are trying to save their ass, get their people killed, do not know how to do business, or are just a primitive clown living in America. Whatever the case, I pray their homeland is destroyed and we sent them back to where they came from; but not in a body bag. Stop talking to me and how dare you! A cockroach living in the life or royals and we get this standoff and 1000s of lawless acts. They built hell for a reason and clearly; we are allergic to it and them. Stop telling me to leave and acting like God or a landlord; you have no chance of surviving this. The police and authorities are not waiting any longer after the deadline, it is just a waste of time. They are in la-la land and cuckoo fantasy land now. We must be in the movie Total Recall again.

Dear FBI-CIA, Pentagon, Fox News, CPAC, and the "Ultra" Right Wing of the "Republican" Party: this is also why we detected and have been fighting this clandestine communist surge and why Newt Gringo has been eliminated from the contest; that same war and same 22 year relationship. There are a few other nominees who have been eliminated already and on a list of verified insurgents. I doubt they will ever speak about this failure; only the positive or offense only. They call this "guilt by association" and we have a gigantic network. Not all at Fox News or CPAC is guilty. Not all of the Republican Party, police force, or FBI-CIA is guilty either.

IRAN AND INDUSTRIALIZATION: this debate about Iran and nukes is not actually about Iran or nukes. It is about a secret and clandestine network that cannot be broken with facts, the truth, military weapons, quality, religion, or righteous material debates. Money will break it and fear will break it. The debate on Iran is no comparison to the former USSR or any former communist nation. Nuclear arms is an evolution process; it is not purchase, used, and thrown away. The Soviets, Cuba, and China, even others; used nukes as a "status symbol" and a scary movie. However, these people and the war mongers on the "Ultra Conservative" side of the right wing; feel their clown like flaws and disappointments can be hidden while this network trumps any player. They are and have been serial killers and violate the laws upwards of 100 times a day; lawless. They feel they are God and above any physical being on earth. Try fighting them or this communist threat. Meanwhile, they sabotage the capitalist system and feel it or us are "sell outs." We stand for the truth and the elimination of this secret clandestine network of agents. Iran splits on war or status; war is impossible. Anybody can buy nukes, Iran included. War in Iran is obsolete and if they do join the club; then go ahead and buy it. This only leaves one option, defensive reasons. The Soviet and all other had a defensive position and we lived through 100 times the capacity of Iran; I am sure we can live through Iran. Try to reason and rationalize with this "ultra right wing" and "ultra left wing" clown act and you will come to the same conclusion; also the ferocity we will and have destroyed their forces. Prepare to fight them in our homes and workplace.

What did I say about Israel? What did I say about the radicals? What did I say about the drug wars and the southern sectors and NY-Florida? The return of the 1960s crowd? What did I say about immigration and election racketeering? Listen to Santorum and how he jeopardizes his life, liberty, and career over a land stolen from one group, given to another, and then stolen back by another group or the same group. The liberals and communist antagonize everything we do and base their policy on friendship and bonds we cannot rationalize or break with logic; yet they claim it is money or supernatural policies of freedom; an election. Read this again and listen to the communist agents we caught and have ripped apart or are suing for 1.6 billion dollars. How evil can they get or have gotten? Rick Santorum and his Red Communist Ties:

Dear Rush Limbaugh and the Communist Party USA (some say Democratic Party USA): we are not fighting yourself or our flaws and disappointments, fact. What we are fight and have been fighting for the past 22 years; is you. It is not one or two of you; it is all of you, day after day, hour after hour. Nobody, I included, woke up in 2008 or yesterday with the notion; this was and has been a brand new fight or war. Somehow you built-up a relationship and fought with us on that very negative or other enemy list. We describe your acts and your tribulations; however, you hide all of your failures so far; all of them. Why? You hide your flaws, imperfections, failures, culture, and evil; yet we parade ours and display our righteous wounds and fight. Therefore, do not sit there and think for one moment this is or has been new information, surprised and shock by the awe of the entire matter; we know who you are and know what you have been up to. What and how you did it was to change your story and change your alliances. The rotten evil liar is still there and still in our life; but you moved the pieces on us and we know your options, none.

LOL: you sure RP and not me? I saw that and you did... as you had... before. Now if you could just behave and get a legal team so I can refocus!

Dear Ann Coulter (I want everybody to be able to google that): you and I have been through too much together and literally thick and thin. The hell if I am going to let them get the better of this or us. The hell if I will let them take us down with them. Me I am already down so there is not much more they can do; not at all. I will take them to the limit and the end of this universe. However, sometimes we argue because it seems like the people you told me about has control or influence in your life or ours; and they are bottom feeders. Do not slip to their level and make me feel you are flawed, disappointing, or we cannot love each other. Of course I love you and we have been through way too much for a single life. You gotta fight as hard as I do and let things go; they have impacted my life and my psyche; my mental state. I want you to keep this in mind and not waste more time. I know if something happens to me you will take care of me or make sure I am happy; I am forever in gratitude for this; but for this to work, you must begin to drift towards me and I will catch you when you drift by; hurry up okay. I cannot hold them off too much longer and they are losing by the day; desperate. Their arms have been ripped off and their head will soon be; it is messy. Do not let them get to you; I am exposed already and I have nothing to loose but our future. Let's make them pay and suffer for what they did to us; for the remainder they are on this earth. Stay out of danger and remember, you are my girl and you must accept some of the unkind or stuff I have to dodge daily. Our fighting force is dwindling and theirs is too weak to survive; hurry. I got them, but keep in mind how weak and the zero options they have. Don't let me down okay; it is so messy where I am.

GET THEM OFF THIS PLANET AND OUT OF AMERICA PLEASE: I would like to have this problem and this enemy off the planet and out of America in the next ten years please, thank you! This will not come up ever again, am I clear? Never. Do not accept any of their apologies or lies; wave after wave of them. Hurry up and wrap this up for good. They keep coming at us and after us; hurry up please! Because they have felony records, a life of crime, or problems with employment and the police; they have been locked out. Therefore, they are also using me to obtain medical benefits, and a host of other right wing ground while using the electoral process to flood the country with new and more immigrants. This is the surge and the arming of the drug wars. Smearing my life and the degree of slander and police problems; was to open the gates or grant clemency. The gates of hell have been open and there is a gaping wound. I took a major wound and a heavy blow; over twenty years of this so far and counting. This is why they are painting me as a criminal or having a criminal record; also mentally ill or Baker Acting me four times in less than ten years. These people are so evil and so retarded; it is incomprehensible. They refuse to clean it up and are trying to block it with statute of limitation laws; a legal blockade. Do not let them gain more ground or steal anymore; set a ten year deadline. In 2012, most of their surge has to be repealed and destroyed; hurry up. No more movements on their part or further attacks, none.

GET THEM OFF THIS PLANET AND OUT OF AMERICA PLEASE: They are trying to take on the whites and the asians who rank among the top and are far more industrialized and superior in this game of power. This cult of cockroaches who are taking up the Democratic Party and whom invaded the DC-VA area during the 1990s; need to be taught a lesson. They were also in my military unit; primarily Chicago. It is the entire gang: Jews, Catholics, blacks, Puberty Rican Zionists, some illegal Cubans, Haitians, and the smothering slave movement around the south Florida area who are constantly looking for trouble and taking up the New York ways of life. All of them want a war and they are joining forces with the whites in a communist and left wing unification; that is what this drug war is about and extortion. As I said, this is not the Third Reich and people are fed up with them and this 1960s surge by the labor unions and communists. They want a shooting war; and they better have an exit strategy; not what we are seeing and hearing now. The best thing to do is punish them severely when this is done or when it starts. All of them are doing this for the Democratic Party and the communist wing. We have to live with this welfare junk and they feel it is their homeland and laws to break. They attack as a group during the 1960s and have surged again; destroy them.

THIS RIDICULOUS LEGAL CASE AND DIALOGUE WITH THE ZIONISTS: is going nowhere. This is not the Third F'in Reich. It is not the F'in homeland either. They should leave and move. This is not Israel or Palestine. They cannot blow it off or tease us with phony terror plots; like a clown parade. This constant apologizing and how wrong they were; does not bring us closer or nearer to closure or some form of ending. This is America not the Middle East. You have no rights or power to usurp our power or rights. You have no right to wage war on our land or nation. You have no right in our life or as this tyrant-dictator landlord trying to extort anything you can get. You have ruined just about everything this nation needs and must have to win all future wars and stop the communist surge underway. Hate is in your blood and soul; so is your errors of a blackened heart. Your underworld and underground agents of crime owe 1.6 billion without more haste or delay.

I cannot believe the degree of penetration and circus in the right wing or the Republican Party. There are spiraling debts. Crime everywhere. Cockroaches in our life daily. Ghetto politics so paralyzing it has reached this end. Leaving it there and telling us you like it messy, tough, or filthy is unacceptable. Telling us to leave or move is the most insulting and ridiculous shit I have ever heard. If your left wing and communist agents did all of that; it is called treason and you should be taken into the field and shot on TV; for all to enjoy. At last we know your name and number; at lease you have the courage to admit it and pay back what you owe. The trash of Europe, the junk of third world nations, the poorest of the poor and criminal; can go to hell and stay out of America; or face this same end. Punish these people with the full force of the laws and the might of this universe. Who the F do the dumbest and most evil in the world think they are coming in our life with this sensitivity case; it is 1.6 billion in damages and had to be capped years ago. Who keeps on hiring them and bringing them to America?

LIMBAUGH, HANNITY, LEVIN, AND ALL THE OTHERS: In the past four years, they have done nothing. None of them have a college degree and they constantly struggle with us. We have a 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit on them. The level of this debate surpasses doctoral candidates; Rhodes Scholars do not even have 400 million in salary a year. We keep on saying they are communist and labor union spies sent to sabotage and redirect this racketeering and extortion from the labor movement and Catholic Jews. Look at their salary and who pays this money for the eviscerating mess they have created in our life and this nation. Listen to what they are saying and how they get away with it. How about a straight answer and a truthful answer? The truth is they are only clowns, nothing else. They have no right to make any claim. We caught them red handed. Who in hell would pay them 400 million in bonus or give them a contract for 7 or 10 years? Worse, they ridicule my life and my income; but I cannot even get justice or end this case. Should they suffer many lifetimes over? Do they deserve the mercy they refuse to consider? Has anybody heard a right wing this flawed and this insane? They are deadly and they are violent; but merit and human they are not. The Zionist and labor unions are doing a recon to see what they can save before they sell off America piece by piece; those bastards are traitors. The customers or this extortion; are the Asians and the Arabs. Decide if America wants to live with them or get rid of them; with extreme prejudice, 200% guilty and still playing games with the authorities.

Ask them about Ann Coulter and they cannot even give a straight answer; a total communist mole right out of the Ostermann Weekend. We get lectures on politics, religion, conservatism, etc... all phony lies and tricks. Do we need to discuss the margin of error or the individualism of their enterprise? They do this in the private sector and expect to loot the government? What is the margin of error here? They exploit the market and leave a skeleton? Those poor and stupid; the position they forced me into; are those who suffer because of this kind of capitalism? What kind of trickery will they do next? Look at the margin of error and the truth meter; 90% lies and almost 80% errors and they make this much? That is a clear indication of espionage, back channel funds, and illegal activity. It is a clear warning signal of a major problem in the market system when junk bonds or relations like them flourish on the right wing and impact the rescue forces so severely. They are communist saboteurs and serial killer psychopaths. All of them should be forced to resign and fired for this gross injustice; all of them. They also used Vietnam to open the door to the Middle East for the communist invasion; thus, we loose our battle oil and all future allies over flaws, killer clowns, and disappointment. Who disrupted and sent shock waves in my battle plans? Who the F did this? That MF will pay dearly.

WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST: Yes, we abandon our allies in the middle east. We also abandon our right wing wars. We abandon the military. We do not fix anything they F up or wreck. We leave right wing politicians strangled and paralyzed. We kick them out for no other reason but clarity with Israel. Yes we abandon our allies and do not explain; just silent and vengeance. What else do these communist or whacked out conservatives have next; wreck the Republican Party? Extortion or racketeering? Sex, lies, and more singles club? When you are this flawed and this disappointing; don't ever claim to be anything but a clown. Where do they get this strength and this power from, us? What? Stalking? Spying? Surveillance? Who and what did this? Did I say screw up more? Did I say wreck our life even more? Did I say bring in more immigrants to the US and form more racketeering and job extortion? I pity the Republican Party and what the communist have done to them. In my world, the communist would be dead and buried; but here in America, it is still up for grabs and have to be debated in a court of law.

SECRET WAR AND SAFETY NET: just make sure you have the food, water, medical, and welfare taken care of before you put yourself in a bad situation; such as this. Once those are removed; how long do you think you can last politically or fight off eviction? Where will you go afterwards? F your racketeering and multi-culturalism; the asians and the whites own your cockroach life. Blacks and illegals will give you the electoral power to carry on this racketeering on both sides or wipe out our industrial base; our military and industrial might? You have a death wish!

So in the 1990s, there was a string of landlord-tenant problems and you are trying to extort or create a racket; but did not know if we "Asians" would go along with it. Then you have been doing home invasions and these landlord problems since 2006 in order to invent an eviction. Now in Florida, you New Yorkers are still pleading on the basis of race and your weakling Democratic Party line or the use of blacks and immigration to control elections. Thus, recent payments and a lack of employment for nearly 22 years; constant workplace and landlord problems or police problems. Now you want me to accept payment from you? If not then I have to pay or be extorted, a dog eat dog world? You are under federal indictment already. Can you handle a shooting war also? Running out of time and money? Close to the end? Your people are turning on you? Everybody knows you are dead and do not have a chance? You will take this to the grave? You just sealed your indictment and the government is liable for this degree of corruptibility. There is a long paper trail and a long diary of events.

NEW RACKETEERING CHARGES AND EXTORTION: You do know that landlord or not, "leave... move" is a form of racketeering and you are getting closer to death. We know you are black and illegals, hispanics. We also know you are the Democratic Party USA and have lost this. We know our affiliation to the right wing, conservative, and these so called Republicans; led to a worsened situation on Ann's end. The racketeering is on both ends of the candle and you have no time left. We pay you for your stupid "leave" and ghetto politics? Landlord? Eviction? We got fired from the job place? Ann is being told to leave or escape, a murder-rape plot? You can do better than this can't you? What if a shooting war erupts, can you handle it or not? What makes you think you can survive this legally or otherwise? Spying on us 24 hours? A lack of money or ability to challenge you presently? You wrecked too much in our life so far? All the more reasons to take it out on you afterwards. You cockroaches from New York and the ghetto are total losers here.

THE NEW MULTI-CULTURALISM: Let me see if I understand you because your filthy no good mouth has been running all weekend. You blacks and communist think you are going to compete with the whites and the asians by dividing each of them up and we cannot tell who is behind it or blame each other; meanwhile we love you communist and cannot tell? Who the F do you people think you are? I think it is time to throw your ass in the ocean! You think you can take on not only the whites but asians also? You have nothing, absolutely nothing but crime and evil. You think you have a chance because asians are not as confident as you or whites get into so much trouble or have as much sex partners as they do marriages? You are a sick creature to divide the whites and asians, the two most competent racial classes and try this on each one. Then sit there all weekend and tell me we do not know or can tell if it is you behind it. I bet you feel you will win at war and a shooting one, don't you! What a stupid, lazy, worthless, and diabolic human being you turned out to truly be. A poor ass excuse to still be in our world. You are one desperate loser in the political world, truly. Right, you want reimbursement or payment. Keep trying and keep up the pressure!

Dear ISLAND SLAVE AND SOB: yes we know you all are Democrats and communists. Yes we know what you are up to and have done. Yes we know the repercussions. No we are not in love with you or ever were. No we do not give a god damn stinking moment about your island or whether you perished over $10 or 1.6 billion dollars. No I and others will not miss you if your island disappeared or if you did with it. I think you are in love with yourself and are mentally ill to the point where you actually think you have a chance or can tell us how much we love or hate you; trust me, we hate your stinking guts and this is as truthful as I can get publicly. There are others who would kill you on the spot but I am much too polite to say it. What home? You have no more home after this is done; with us or your people.

DEAR SOB BITCH: Here you go with the "move... leave" crap. When you get some balls and are man enough, not this dumbass confidence; you bring a gun or a knife to this fight and we will discuss if you can really fight or act the way you do. As I have stated and repeated, you want a shooting war when nobody is shooting at you. However, when a man or real armies is out to kill your cockroach little ass; you turn into the biggest bitch and female we have ever seen in a clown suit. Keep in mind who you are talking to, who wears the medals, and how much trouble you are in. It will not end well for you and it just gets worse and worse. The more you open your mouth, the worse it gets; keep up the good work and I am willing to bet your home will be gone when this is done with. Your beloved nation will turn on you; all of you. With 1.6 billion, what do I care about your internet or photos? Whose side are you on really? Have you billed the cops making the arrest or the soldiers who shoot back?

No matter what court or international police agency you go to; left or right wing, they will say the same thing: 1. You need a court order. 2. You have to wait until this case is solved or is over. 3. It can last the rest of your life unless you read the below and show baseless or credible reasons. 4. Hate is inside the person who owes 1.6 billion dollars; have you taken this up with them yet before taking this up with us in our living room? 5. Have you called a lawyer and filed a formal complaint because there are many people who would like to wage war, torture, question, and destroy you. 7. It sounds like you do not want to pay 1.6 billion at any cost or respect of the laws. You can quote the "dumbass."

DEAR DUMBASS: Obviously, we are taking aggressive steps to ensure this does not continue or is repeated. Therefore, raise your hand if we waged war on you. Raise your hand if you are scared. Raise your hand if you got nuked, a hurricane on your doorstep, and an earthquake. Most likely, you owe 1.6 billion dollars. Who the hell gets tortured and war on them for no other reason than being stupid, retarded, or envious? That is the worst defense and the biggest crock of lies I have ever heard. There is a very good reason you have aliens and supernatural beings trying to kill you; and it does involve me or us. The only evil you have to fear, is evil. Did you come here and read this? If tomorrow comes, will you read it again or additional information? Do you "quote" words, sentences, and other off here without proper footnotes or intellectual property? Then why would I give a crap? Why would you?

Maybe this serves as a public notice and when this emergency or life and death matter is over; things will return to normal? Is this my diary or is it yours? Then why are your words in it and I am the author? Shouldn't I quote you or give you credit? Why the false consciousness and this standoff? Do I get paid to type for a dumbass we are waging war on or filed complaints about? Whose world are we in currently, mine or yours? What about Ann, whose world is she in? Here is more dumbass tricks and scare tactics. I am a professional author; do you wish to debate me on Marxism? What level am I at for you to contact me clandestinely or secretly? How do you stand a chance? As a professional author, I have work and research dating back to 1989; do you see any anomaly or demarcation? What makes you think or feel anything is different now? With an academic record in High School and then ten full years of college; what difference do you feel applies now? Mental illness? Baseless charges? Suspicion? The question is why you are in my world and what side you are on. Good versus evil? Capitalism versus communism? Cops versus robbers? What is this game and war about?

PHOTOSHOP OR GOOGLE PICTURES: If you have a problem with me using a picture, then contact google and tell them to remove your picture from their search engine. Similar to phone numbers and address; you have to contact the people whom you gave it to. As far as I know, your wife's naked pictures came from an international site and not google search; but if it did, then ask them to remove it off the internet. I make searches that exclude these people and only search international sites. If your wife or your daughter shows up naked, I did not photoshop it, trust me. Also, there are worse violations or problems on this web site other than photos on the internet. I got all of these pictures from where else, When I posted the same pictures; others got another meaning out of it and said you were a cartoon clown. Are you sure it is the same picture?

Ann, keep in mind something. I have to go through your Twitter hell right? You can play this game with me and see where that gets you. You can play this game with others and see where that also gets you. You can force upon me or others this judgment or false judgment; a process of false consciousness however you feel. But your circle of clowns has been nothing but a source of anger and resentment at each turn in life and every step. So keep this in mind. You can push it until you get to the guillotine platform or not. Eventually, I will have my life back and my life will be healthy again. I suggest you move all the pieces to that day instead of what I am now watching or have. You are getting closer to the guillotine or have. Your circle of clowns has been devastating to your life and mine. Things change with time and so do the people. There is a time and a place when these people will be gone from my life, even if world war, death and destruction, or even worse is delivered. Maybe our life with outlast them? Maybe it won't?

The only game you are playing with or have left; is with me. You put me through way too much to erase or forgive you. There is no expatriation for some of the things you do and I hope it never comes up again for your sake. Nobody really knows if you are heading into the fire with all these damned people; but you are getting really close. I don't particularly want to watch it or point out your mistakes; nor do I even understand why you would waste so much for so little in life. You wasted so much, so much of what other people only dream about having or cannot ever achieve; remember this. In the end, the only person you wrecked may be yourself; but this will be for a future time and place. I suggest you prepare for the day when my life returns to normal and I am less likely to sit here and listen, no less be angry at you all the time or made to go through what I have been forced to. Look ahead and imagine a perfect world; will you fit into it or have the ability to uphold it. These people will be gone eventually, will you? Imagine a world and a life without a god damn single memory of this. It is clearly obvious we have the Marxist on the other end; thus, the false consciousness.

I would love to see what they do when an alien force attacks them with the full might of an Army. I do not think stupid insults, lies, or scary words is going to do much but to a jackass and a buffoon; hacking fulfills their wildest fantasies. Even worse, they want a job and is nothing more than a complete joke. I too find it amusing a cockroach is in our life and does not want to go back to the sewage it was born from. I find it amusing this cockroach would dare drag us in or even try some stupid stunt that would upset us or garner retaliation. What do they expect right? This idea Florida is teeming with cockroaches is also amusing. Watch your words because the next step will be your biggest fall. Go back to your stupid shit and your measly existence, understand yet? It is clearly obvious we have the Marxist on the other end; thus, the false consciousness.

Well, look at this way. It can be a lot worse because if my lawsuit does not get them, if my books do not discredit them, if Ann Coulter's love life does not get them, if Ann's books do not get them, if her flirting does not get them, if our combined legal talents do not get them; then my hurricanes and earthquakes will. However, if they are more powerful than my hurricane and earthquakes; then my cars and laptops will finish them off. If they are even more resilient than we expected; then my aliens and super-natural beings will. Now after you are put up against a wall and have to face the combined forces of the above; how do you lie, cheat, or steal out of that one? Is this the behavior of a complete moron and jackass or a cold, cunning, manipulative communist enemy who does not understand my world and who I am or was? Up against those odds, would you crank call and get in our face every single day with petty trickery or street corner pick pocketing?

Had it not been for the market system and capitalism; my tanks and peasants would be storming across their shores; instead, it is my hurricanes and my earthquake. We are in a mess and they better realize whose ship and who is the captain of that ship. I have no problem throwing this retarded enemy in the ocean and making them swim for it in order for the ship to stay afloat. Who the hell did this? How did they get on the ship to begin with? Do they realize there is not enough seats for all of us? After what they did or have been doing, there is even less seats now than before. I am the demarcation line between heaven and hell which is edifying our destiny and course. I have been made to suffer and endure extreme hardships; want a shooting war or blood stained images of history? I am expected to what? In the name of Chappaquit-it? Man, F them and choose a side; I am tired of this clown race. Remember, I am the one who takes you there; you are not the one who takes me anywhere but to hell. Hell has frozen over. Who is my master or our masters?

[The Theatre of the Absurd (French: Théâtre de l'Absurde) is a designation for particular plays of absurdist fiction, written by a number of primarily European playwrights in the late 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, as well as to the style of theatre which has evolved from their work. Their work expressed the belief that, in a godless universe, human existence has no meaning or purpose and therefore all communication breaks down. Logical construction and argument gives way to irrational and illogical speech and to its ultimate conclusion, silence.

Critic Martin Esslin coined the term "Theatre of the Absurd" in his 1960 essay and, later, book of the same name. He related these plays based on a broad theme of the Absurd, similar to the way Albert Camus uses the term in his 1942 essay, "The Myth of Sisyphus".[2] The Absurd in these plays takes the form of man’s reaction to a world apparently without meaning, and/or man as a puppet controlled or menaced by invisible outside forces. Though the term is applied to a wide range of plays, some characteristics coincide in many of the plays: broad comedy, often similar to Vaudeville, mixed with horrific or tragic images; characters caught in hopeless situations forced to do repetitive or meaningless actions; dialogue full of clichés, wordplay, and nonsense; plots that are cyclical or absurdly expansive; either a parody or dismissal of realism and the concept of the "well-made play".] - Theatre of the Absurd, Wikipedia -

Dear Rush Limbaugh, I just love how Fox News, the labor unions, so called conservatives, the Catholics and Jews, and the Democratic Party USA; have handled this capture, cease-desist orders, and how they feel you and your mighty forces are impervious to the laws or the rights of others. Not only are you recorded doing this; the list of witnesses is immense if not damning. I also love how you answer the questions we demanded or expect. It is as if you lost your mind, are a lunatic psychopath, and you just cannot get what you want or how you want it. You live in a complete and utter state of failure and you beg, lie, and steal until there is nowhere to go and nothing left to hide behind. You call that a real human being? You want us to accept this state of being or raison d’être you sneak past our defenses and goodwill? How wrong you were and how evil you have become. There is no place in hell that is cold enough or cruel enough for your state of existence, none. This is what happens to bozos when they come to America and begin to challenge the degree of important people and the range of power which find comfort in a better life and the freedom to seek their destiny. The left wing is desperate and they are struggling hourly, violating every law imaginable, just to keep up and preserve their lazy image of grandeur. Unable to keep up or stalk us in life; they repeat and mimic anything we do or say. This is the level of defeat and failure they are at. The ground they defend is nearly gone; but they throw everything back at us because the pain and the loss is creeping death. They know help is not coming and is not going to arrive. If or had government been the way to security; we could keep this enemy out and keep this enemy back; government is both the solution and the problem.

This left wing and enemy works diligently and carefully for 22 years and end up jobless in the end; which you try to impose on our life so the suffering is not as lonely for you. We catch you time and again in terror plots. Your trickery and evil is still as vicious as it was 500 years ago when you reached our shores or begged for life. Your pursuit of us must have lasted over 1000 years because it is your church behind all of this and your escape to America for freedom and royalty. You still have not gotten anywhere with this war and there is no chance in hell of completing your campaign to take over America. How will you exist among us knowing this? Even now your forces still do not know how to behave and think you are hot shit, still. I have never seen an enemy such as you with a tremendous penchant to be in our life or become our friends; it is retarded. You do not have your own laptops, cars, or consumer goods; but you mess with ours all day and night to suggest you are far superior to communists. It is a sinking retarded feeling with you around. The problem is not our loyalty; the problem is theirs. Now with this a total failure, they have become more desperate and left behind; worse off now than when they began. Still acting like parents or controlling us like their own kids; they grow more desperate and try to provide more of nothing. One interruption after the next. One obstacle after the next. One blockade after the next. This utter loser and failure still does not comprehend what the effects and damage will be. They already know control or any sort of involvement in our life is impossible; only painful to themselves. As defeated and an utter failure; they are impervious to reality and too accustomed to savagery or evil. They are incapable of living a life free of crime and with merit or honor. They cannot win in life or our world, so they steal and plunder.

We know and have described your true colors and existence. You come to America and invade our life for nothing more than your filthy existence and inability to live within the laws. You expect and demand our material goods or a job; based on how awful and ridiculous your behavior is or has become. Worse, you see no end to this and you refuse to leave or accept surrender; turn yourself in or stop raping and plumaging once caught, defeated, and ripped to shreds. Is there any other foul and despicable act you are capable of or have left out? That is the question, you have run the gamut of evil, there is nothing left or anymore decline. Thus, you cycle and repeat it back and forth, over and over; until you are hanging on the end (edge) again. I have never seen such a filthy loser and wreck as you; skirting around like a psychopath lurking and trying to unite with us. I never knew human beings like you all existed among us and why death, pain, and torture were in our world. Then again, you obviously have a lot to learn about your enemy and our resilience and ability to crush you; to pieces and in ways you cannot even tell your momma. Your momma asks you how you are doing and all you can do or say is... sorry? That is really sad. Our books tell our story and how we struggled with these people and all of their vicious lies. We know it is game over and time to leave when they have nothing left and only mimic or throw back everything we throw at them. Death is imminent or inevitable for them and this is a clear indication. The inability to control our life or theirs; has reached meltdown levels. They know help is not coming but they wait and try to play this clever game. Even when spying, they become angry when kept up all night or forced to loose sleep, stalker problems.

People will know who you are and understand evil each and every time they read your name. Your church and religion will know who we are and why you refuse the truth about us; because it is only who you are or have become. There might be more of you than us; so far so good right? Take us out one at a time and slowly while you sneak into the night and find that decisive final blow? Given you have failed and been caught; one move can be your last if your forces get in another fight. How do you expect to remain in America or live among us? Your penchant for evil and your persistence at it is unlike any other human being; still not knowing how to behave or what is expected of you. You are resourceful and tough; but most people who starve or are this evil; must figure out a way to live among the normal society. Nothing you have done so far defines you as a human being; nothing, yet your penchant for power or to be our masters is why you are here now and constantly ripped to shreds. None of you have a learning capacity, none whatsoever. We offer and give them no loyalties; none. We hope they enjoy hell and depart this earth quickly. This is what happens and the result of being lazy, stupid, and left behind. The message they send now is only chilling and numb. For human beings as unskilled, uneducated, from broken homes, and this desperate; their dream to control us or dictate how we impact their life; has turned into a shooting war they cannot win or can ever achieve. Even if they cannot achieve anything we have or do; they are lazy and desperate. Back and forth, they lob back what holds them down or kills them. This idea they are better or more superior; scary people who control our life, is a complete joke and is really annoying. All day and night repeating our words or throwing it back. They know help is not coming either.

To see you all in full colors and to see us in this full color mode is refreshing. It has been a triumphant victory and I have lived to the day where my flags fly with medals on my chest and yours naked because your war on us was an utter failure; just remember that and how the last 22 years have been for both of us. You proved to be a lying, cheating, lunatic dumbass, and a beggar in the end; your fantasy to become a bully and a nobody in our life; is the true colors. Everything we are aspires you but you cannot achieve anything. Yes, I find pleasure describing you and telling of your evil acts; yet you still insist we are the same or made from the same mold and blessings of the universe. You think you could ever aspire and achieve what we are or what we do; if only you work hard and demand more from others. You lazy fool, you did all the work and went backwards in time; a lot more than 22 years in time. Who we are and what we have done has nothing to do with you or what you have done either; nothing. Still incapable of claiming one morsel ounce of worth, you are truly a despicable sight for all to see. You are more man than I will ever be having to live with such repugnancy in your life and having to ingest it daily as you suffer and have the door slammed on your life. As a total failure and incapable of keeping up, they resort to clever brainwashing methods other enemies find effective. Invading our homes and repeating or mimicking our life day and night; it did not erase history or release their evil. At the point of termination, all they can do is become us or at least try their best to mimic everything or anything we do well or use to defeat them. Does it work? No. It has not worked after 22 years and will not the 23rd year.

Books tell history and ours. Remember this because now it is between you and God Almighty; your destiny and ours. You fear settling this case and fear closure honorably because people know your name and who you are. It is the same cat and mouse game the communist and the most evil on earth play with us as we prance around you and run for the hills. Remember, you were caught and you were surrounded; how in hell will you finish us off or fight us? You will lose the campaign to take over America decisively. An enemy as retarded as you with a tremendous desire to be our friends or become our masters; is how I describe your flawed wrecked life so far. Without any ability to act normal, you have no learning capacity and are of no use; none whatsoever. Yet you stay and you are vigilante. I have never seen people so evil, so flawed, so poor, and so annoying. Why can't you just die and leave us alone? Why do you want to be the masters of perfect people or royals? You don't even fit in or know what the hell you are saying or doing; just die. Again, their loyalty or desires towards us is reckless and so flawed; it is torture; yet they demand loyalty back to them. Having gotten nowhere with all these efforts, your despicable human forces have grown lazy, forgotten, incompetent, desperate, and left behind. Even as we wait for help and expect it to arrive soon; they prove everything we describe them as. As a master of war, nothing they do is effective and nothing they try is going to be scary. They still do not know who they have or why they lost so badly. We acknowledge them for waiting to be disposed of so diligently. Had government been the solution; then we could have kept this enemy at bay and kept them away. Now we have to fight everybody including the government to win back our life and ease our burdens; the work of the Democrats and liberals.

Your hatred for Asians far exceeds what you describe as my anti-semitism or lack of care. Therefore, before you sneak in that biased analysis; understand whom you are talking to and what you are stating without any evidence or facts. I have been trying to listen to your rationale for this hatred and so far; non-sequitor or none of this makes any sense. A F off is as clear and concise as we can get but in the 22nd year of this; you have made up your mind on day one. Due to self-preservation problems, you have changed your tune and for no other reason; but the psychopath, loser, communist, and fraud is still there and extremely indignant; same with mine.

Dear Rush: can I ask a question? Who the hell of your extravagance and wealth, who goes on vacation and plays as much golf as you do; uses black radicals, felons, and street thugs as their legal defense? Is this supposed to boost your ratings or just your welfare? You feel this happened to us because I or others did not care for anybody's welfare? You must be totally insane; to put me and now Ann through 22 years of this because you feel we do not have "our" welfare in mind? Lastly, I would think for a man with such blessing from God; you would have a proper defense. Do you see me with street thugs, communists, or black radicals? Exactly. This is all I described and who came to your defense. I had more people come to my defense than you; you have to hand that over. Also, my bodyguard is far more sexy than yours and had I paid for her services; I got more bang for the buck than you will ever get with a dollar; got to hand that to me also. Just remember, I can still harass your forces by obtaining a lawyer and taking you to civil court; remember this. You have to show I left my home or residence while all of this occurred; otherwise, it is nothing more than a home invasion. Next time you try this, bring a flotation device and a stretcher; I would be happy to give you a brief tutorial on what is expected of a military master.

Dear US Marines: If you attack me or get into a battle with me for no other reason than friendship; than afterwords I too would piss on your grave and snap a picture of it on youtube. Go to hell with this crazy nonsense. So long as they are imposing violence on you; you can impose violence on them but it has to be clear and concise; not out of friendship or bonus pay, that is blood money. I piss on all their graves and recalculate how they do not understand war and what it entails. Hell they attack me hourly and daily; so I deserve to piss on them, agree? Oh wait, I am supposed to take it like a champ and leave!

Ann, I need more evidence than "my friend... leave... share the stage... marriage... etc." If you want to end this and help me with this case; I need to see blood. Not from Iran or Israel; from you. All I hear from Limbaugh and Hannity is "our friend Ann Coulter... etc." Well, now they turned on you and it is not because you are single either; it is because you told me about their murder and rape plot. I cannot believe you let them off the hook; "our friend the Republicans... he doesn't need to work... there was no sex." I really want them to fail now; ask Wasserman Ann, she is a native and friend! Are you going to take this laying down?

Dear Rush Limbaugh: this is the type of internecine warfare I am talking about. For a guy who after Iowa went on daily to say how Newt was not going to take this laying down, is going to rip Romney's head off, how Newt is seeking revenge and wants a war with Paul and Romney supports, etc... you let Perry off the hook? Also, I am with the notion you do not understand money whatsoever or what it is for. You have no clue what money is, what it is used for, or how it can destroy your life; so let me explain. If you have ever had a job trading stocks, as I have and have lost thousands of dollars on worthless inflated tech stocks, you also know pennystocks. Pennystocks are played by a select few, they are under-priced stocks. When investors find one; they create a portfolio and it is a risky venture. I strayed from pennystocks because their return was much less than what market tickers indicated. However, out of 10 pennystocks, expect success on 3 or 4 only. They do return significant returns only if you can identify the problem or what made them undervalued. What happened to the 5 million Newt just got and your daily resistance on the greatest comeback in political history? Why are your people in my home and also talking to me; are you communist, because they are. Yes, you F'D up royally on that one also and it is on tape. FReeP was also anti-Ann Coulter but they decided to just remove her column; I still feel it was Mickey Kaus on there, still.

WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET THIS CRAP FROM? “Fifty-seven percent of the voters that voted for Ron Paul were not Republican conservatives. And that’s one of the things that I wanted to see... Everybody is urging everybody else to get out of this except for Ron Paul. They want Ron Paul to keep pounding away at Santorum and Newt. They want Ron Paul to continue to get big numbers and take away any high second- or third-place finishes from Santorum or Gingrich or Perry or anybody else. The powers that be realize the monkey wrench that Ron Paul represents. Ron Paul is a conservative killer. Ron Paul kills the conservative vote, and the Romney camp wants him in there.”

Oh I love it and this never stops. First we can buy into it and Ann has been saving all her life to make my dreams come true; all I need to do is give her the nod. Next, we can have our way with any of their slaves, who are not only kidnapped when young and raised by white god-parents, they are trained to enter the drug trade immediately and some are even equipped for terror plots and radical political sabotage. If that does not arouse your pocketbooks, for a fair price, we can live out our Thomas Jefferson Monticello dream and have actual sex with a real slave, trained by liberal mentors to our very wishes, and with no extra cost, is well fed and has medical insurance. Not the same street crap in prison with foot odor, bunions, or the typical annoyances. These types have white parents and make great house mates. It gets better, if simple basic freedom is all we want; than for a small fee, we can be reunited with our family and this never happened; ever. This is a dream come true; but it is not our home until they say it is our home.

But wait, as an added bonus and offer, they understand money is tight and times are tough; therefore, we can work it off and become part of the movement! All we have to do is choose from a list of items: shoot up schools, bomb public places, target police stations, wreck homes, etc… training is absolutely free. If none of the above fits our fancy, they have special representatives ready and waiting to advise us on other options and costs; they want us to walk away fully aware of what we have and are happy with whatever we decide or chosen. Wow, they are brilliant. I could not do that without giggling; they do it with a straight face. Buy into the slavery movement or own it for ourselves, my gosh Ann and I have always dreamed about this and our independence. It is not only the deal of the century; it is only our home when they say it is our home. There is only one catch, these are trade secrets and we cannot tell anyone or sue them; otherwise we will have to leave. Keep in mind and remember, show them the evidence; and whom has to eat and who is always playing golf.

Notice what Rush, Hannity, Stein, and all of them say about Israel and oil. Therefore, the racketeering and extortion scam is the result of violence and terror. They are using the Israeli situation to extort oil. Up for sale is Israel; if the Arabs want it back, buy it and do not propose a UN Resolution. At this time, the price is 45 per cent what it was originally and they did the same gimmick in America. They were taking over and invading America and brokering or saying buy it back; not give it back. For sale is the parts they took over in America and the Middle East. A ban has been placed on them and an order to turn them in is firm; this will not go down any further. Go ahead and test it; but do not say you do not like the answer.

I just love how Rush Limbaugh is in love with himself and keeps fighting this idea we welcome them or want them in our life. Using landlords to house felons and having felons rob or cause all of these problems; then retaliating using the racketeering methods they perfected; then setting up drug deals or robbery; they cannot loose. The degree of narcissism in Rush Limbaugh and the rest is astronomical. We are in love with them? They are martyrs? The were killed because they cared for the welfare of others and not their own? How disgusting. Rush and his radical black forces keep on pounding in the obvious; they are loved and wanted. He himself is worse than any other black on earth insofar as he is smarter and even worse when it comes to greed or narcissism; a complete and utter bigot scamming the hell out of us. If you review his lies; 60-90% of what he is doing daily are all lies.

So this is what he is fighting and what these landlords-tenant problems are all about; power, control, and racketeering. He is not crazy and he considers himself brilliant; not manipulative, cunning, or a complete phony. Furthermore, his forces want to see evidence or proof; says we have none and we have described their proof or case. He keeps saying show him the proof or evidence. Even worse than blacks are the communists and Rush Limbaugh is the most highest ranked we have ever come across or caught. I compare this to a muscle car race where two or more cars are headed off a cliff; who will break first and who is for real? Will it be the perfect people or the damned and stupid?

Light bulb to Rush Limbaugh, right now your forces are close to either total sht down or arrest. Therefore, you contact your judges and ask them what they feel the outcome will be and how to explain it to the prosecutors. You want to F with royals all day and night; do what you did? There is security in place to prevent this but in a fist fight; you are a total pussy as we felt. You think a punch can match a choke or breaking technique; a total phony. A real fight lasts less than 1 minute in the hands of a skilled fighter and you will be crippled for life. Like this matter, what do you expect the outcome to be, brilliant? Phony soldier? What an emotional relationship they have with us and the public.

Let's ask the public, it is a crime to F with people hourly or terrorize their life; what do you think will happen when you do this to royals who place money as irrelevant? Money comes and goes; power and destiny is a different matter altogether. Limbaugh just responds, "he doesn't care who gets hurt in this... that is what Newt said... values and character." Your brain is not wired up wrong; you are pure evil. Did anybody catch his first response, "That is what Obama is there for... to help." Oh I see now, you are defending America and America is your good friend; thus, we are so inferior we do not deserve the truth or have to be treated this way; I see. Rush Limbaugh is America!

Let me guess, all of this terror plot and cruel hoax with Israel about how the left wing and the liberals are superior; is to broker a deal of America to the Asians and the oil Arab nations? Thus, this swirling tease with buffoons and nincompoops? I personally see you all as disgusting and your secret life takes you over the top, why are you in my life and blowing in my ear daily or hourly? Do you realize who you F'd with and I am a master of war? Why are you slandering the name of royals or masters of war? What do you expect the outcome to be? Violent? Disaster? Prison? Credit or credibility problems? I am still a buyer of our crap? You are? I want to take ownership of you slaves or your destiny? I had no idea you were this special and I cared so much! It sounds to me like a college dropout loser.

Rush Limbaugh responds as expected. 1. He is the best adviser and political fork in the industry. 2. He and the labor unions, the entire left wing, are making an assessment on whether or not America can be saved and if not, they are selling it off and moving on to communism. 3. They still believe communism was sabotaged by us. 4. They are making the decisions, we are not and never have been. 5. Their forces will do even better against a real military; none of these stupid games under the radar. Rush Limbaugh claims this recon force is only labor union, not communists. He and they did not even hear what went down or why; there is a ban on them and an order to surrender, turn themselves into the FBI or federal authorities who have an indictment ready and waiting.

This is how they start the day, everyday; still keeping tabs and adamant. The blacks and their messenger "Gary" are still F'in with me and they are trying to say they want a shooting war. Also they do not care who they do this on; it is their world and they are the boss. I guess it is time they know their world a little better. Interestingly, Chicago just took down people doing this same crap in Chicago called the Latin Kings; Pepsi just paid 3.1 million and agreed not to run felony checks on employees because it decimated the black and hispanic candidates. This is who is behind all of this but it was the Democratic Party USA who set it into motion. All of them are stating clearly they want a shooting war and refuse to turn themselves in. This is what the ban on their political bosses is all about; violate it and they will have civil war. Turn themselves in and there are no more issues or problems.

Ann, you have your task and I have mine. I have tuned you out and turned you off. I monitor the situation to determine if you have progress or changed your life, most likely not. It is the same story each and every time. First piss me off or do whatever you can to; then deny it or deny you had. Second, make corrections or go dogmatic for awhile to suggest change took place; it's just business, no worries ever or had been. Third, portray yourself as it never happened, it was a mistake, you will never do it again, etc... So I not only get it from the blacks and the Democrats; I get it from you. This is why I got the double knife. They do it, you do it; it all goes unnoticed. I get labeled mentally ill and forced medicated. I get home invaded or kidnapped. I get assaulted or almost 10 fist fights; won all of them because of my martial arts and street fighter mentality. You caught them and get a medal. Now you let them go; you loose your medal. What else do you want me to say or do? Can I change the way you are? No. The fact is they piss me off using this exact methodology; it is intentional and methodical. You do it back on them and the blowback or insanity; scatters in all directions. When it comes down to it; all of you are weak on crime and I mean weaker than people know. I am the one who has burglars sneaking in my room, problems with bed bugs, and get money taken from my wallet. The police allow them to do it; to support their drug habits. The problem is not strictly the criminals; it is the good guys who allow it to happen. It took four years to conclude you did not cheat or had any infidelity with any of these millionaires, celebrities, fans, or close relationships. Did I mention you enjoy pissing me off? Rush says you are on your deathbed and pissing off or flicking off anybody you can. But I have faith in you and have been here and done that before; you do manage to deliver even if I am so sick and tired of you. He have been here at least 25 times or more Ann; but you do win it back; I think I am experienced with you and I know every inch of your body.

This odd couple problem is annoying. I am not sure if it is a cultural thing or the fact you all do not know if you are Jews or Christian, there is a big difference. All of you have messy work and I do not know if it can be changed; all some police. All of them are living in America and right now a Republican State. They tell me to leave? How about them? A ban is there for a really good reason. We will know soon enough. What is true is they want a shooting war and to be attacked. They cannot win it, but that is what they want. Even Rush Limbaugh says you are on your deathbed and being ignored; he said this today (1/11/2012) and is still watching me closely using the Puberty Ricans, New Yorkers (Clinton and Wasserman operatives), and radical blacks. They do not even think I have tried or taken aggressive steps in the past or am currently to get rid of them. How do I fire all of these SOBs and F'ers? Tell me how. All of you call it love and I am allergic to all of this. How much do you want to bet you will piss me off next week or will do something to piss me off this week? What do I have to hold up, a present or some trademark of yours other than fantasy or crazy promises that are dependent clauses? You want to be loved and you expect to retire happy? You want me to trust you and to believe what you tell me? Did it occur to you I am allergic to you? I mean all of you? Yes, you did this on purpose and you did this to me on purpose to suggest you thought about everything and analyzed every single step when you did not. This is just how messy you are and how you operate; you will never change who you are and what you have done; you have tried seeking forgiveness. Where are we now Ann; back to me asking what the hell is wrong with you or why you have not done this or that. Decide if you want to be a Jew or a Christian; which side you like more and stick to it; do not stick to me. You tell me what your mom and dad would have said if they had lived longer and read this Ann. Consider how much you criticize others about messing up or screwing up their marriage; you still have not resolved anything. What to get away with next?

Here is another one, Rick Santorum and his Red Communist Ties:

Dear Rush Limbaugh: I do not know why you do not or refuse to defend yourself. However, what is clear and what has been established the past 4 years, is the fact you are the biggest buffoon and liar the political establishment has ever seen. People call in and catch you in six, four, three lies at a time and on a daily basis. Your heart monitor must go up and down like someone flicking people off randomly. Even Obama said on TV, I want him to fail! Even Obama's radical lawyers said, I want him to fail also! What have you shown, proved, confirmed, or done in the past four years? Exactly, nothing. Go and stalk Debbie Wsserman; she loves you; ask her out because you have a better chance.

We are into the 22nd year of this, two decades. I hope they are right and I hope they do get it right. However, this is also why there is a 1.6 billion dollar lawsuit on them and the death penalty for those who made these violent attacks. In the aftermath, they were indignant to arrest and capture; and they repeatedly violated surrender or turnover of power. So they better be right and not delay this further; it is our life and we have rights. Who the F do they think they are for a total F up with a life of crime? This problem with them not knowing their place, mouthing off day and night and all hours of the day, constantly butting up with masters of war, wrecking our life and this cat and mouse game; I guess they truly do not know their place and are always wrong. I hope they finally get it right. I hope they finally learned a lesson and do not make one single mistake. I hope they know who is the boss and what that boss can do to them or for them. It is them who does not even know who they are and worse, do not even know who we are. A total jackass and a total whacko who is 200% guilty and deserves to die. Spare them? Let's have the truth.

We know it is the Democrats and a ban has been placed. Who else did they terrorize and gag; hold prisoner, antagonize in their home, steal and wreck the lives of, lie and steal from; I guess we are just not tough enough for this F up masquerade they are running? Did I mention they did all of this for corruption and power? Let's see if it occurs again when corruption and power is taken away and held underwater? Kiss my ass you F up loser and stay the F out of our life and stop watching us destroy you while you giggle. Don't tell me to live my life or disobey you at my own risk; do you hear me or understand? That was your worst mistake of all. I will say this again, who the F would live with these people and who the hell would let them spread their disease? They are the boss and power? At least you got a chance in this, we gave you a chance. The question is if you can die honorably or only with your head up your ass? Shut up with the phony excuses and the dumb comments. Oh, you want to F with my worldly possessions and loved ones? Really. Did I wake up in a nightmare or did you? Care to write all of this down and debate it?

THIS POLITICAL TRASH AND HUMAN ENEMY: let's recap: 1. troubled life 2. total F up 3. human piece of shit 4. dumb 5. total waste of time 6. fed up with others who are perfect 7. thinks they are tough 8. sucks the life and blood from others 9. seeks power 10. enjoys raping or murdering the wife of their masters and did I mention is disgusting or repugnant? The ban is there for a reason and for them to violate. I never said wants to be the boss or be in our life. Is there more?

Anthony Wheiner and the Elite Flock of Marine Corp Puberty Rican Jews: This one was my all time favorite. In addition to posing as a mafia thug online; a guy online would chase me around chat rooms in Toronto. I knew they were not there and was headed to a high class area. This guy named "Anthony" would bully me constantly which made the girls hate him. Furthermore, he would try to have me go to a bar located in Hamilton, Toronto; constantly picking a fight after I would make fun of him. The next day you would here about a fatal stabbing at the bar or someone killed. Before this Anthony guy appeared, there was a game with "Elite Marine Corp Puerto Rican Jew Females." All of them were what else, Military Police. It was almost unbelievable but they had to be high priced models; very exquisite. When you tried to probe them or sneak a peek; they would send you any kind of picture which made it really suspicious. The question was why they were contacting me? Do I know any elite Puerto Rican Jews or Marines?

Each time they were in uniform, it never looked like them or was so blurry. Then they would pretend to be the toughest, meanest, and cruelest creature on earth; to intimidate and make you feel small; rich gold diggers and Jews only. I found that to be one of the most amusing because of they were also parading "women of the Israeli Army" which looked nothing like these leatherneck Puberty Rican beauties in uniform. The girl who actually showed up was Jewish and she had a link to the Air Force; a pilot father, so she said. Thus, the elite Marine Expedition who was so tough and so mean; got a lesson on real tough and real mean. It is a mindset and right now, theirs has been toast; totally lost. There was also a strawberry blonde hair one from the Bunny Rance; who had the pictures to prove it. If you asked her for a picture; you got a surprise. When asked she was honest about working there, her name, and her bio; even a phone number. The phony soldiers were the best and I had heard of other Marine Corp phonies. That elite corp is here now; Ann just reminded me. Also, they were mostly from Arizona or the south. Go Marines! They are there to protect the dumbest and most toughest politicians; their diplomatic corp.

Blowback by Chalmers Johnson: just read the book reviews on it. A little late for the comments all the sudden? I personally do not hone my criticisms towards the CIA or British Intelligence. Instead I foresaw what happened in the Middle East as "unintended consequences" as a result of Israeli foreign policy and their dogma in this region. Yes the two intelligence agencies foresaw problems; but this was quadrupled by Israel and the Soviet Union in that region along with the struggle for power in the Pan Arab league during the 1950s and 1960s. Another key territory was Yemen; which was plagued with one civil war after the next and it was not radicalism; it was communism. We have the same Marxist threat today; but ten times more elusive. Yes it does help to be allergic to them but it handicaps you until you can coexist or function in society. The CIA and the British do not have the special powers I do; I talk to God and I am not joking; it could be an alien but I am not telling. Ann will verify this special power of foresight and remote ability.

The inevitable is these people will be stopped and they will be forced to surrender; this is inevitable. They have gone past the deadline and said they do not want to be hurt or do not know what to do. However, iRush says he still has a chance; it is still up for grabs and the voters will decide. The inevitable given they have tried everything to escape or manipulate their self-determination, their destiny; is total failure. Given they are a total failure and cannot change their destiny; their self determination at this time is to offer an olive branch and not invite the wrath of God. The NDAA is nothing more than a low level "martial law" because during a surge with people who are this evil and 200% guilty; there is no telling what they are capable of or will do. At most they will try an olive branch; we do not know what else after if it fails; however, the surge has been fully stopped on the 2012 deadline and the police know they are headed towards the water supply but are now scared. Where they will go? Well based on self-determination and what we know; it will be Waco or Jonestown once again; however, there is no water supply. The inevitable is to try and use this Patriot Act or this NDAA on me; however, I have already filed a cop-plaint for slander and misuse of authority. With that door shut and the olive branch being offered; there is only one question and it is below, "too", too what?

The mole was not only Clinton and Obama; but it was Bush also and he spread this disease into the Middle East with Israeli help; and the Soviets. Worse, he felt the oil would exacerbate the revolution or inevitability. Bush used to go on TV all the time and say this stuff. Clinton never did because he or the Democrats like to keep prisoners. We knew it was Bush when Limbaugh showed up; all these attacks are blacks, radicals; and the whites are either into drugs or labor union operatives. It was a gigantic surge and the head of the intelligence knows it. To defeat them we had to coup them; but what next? What do they do? Well, read what happened from 2008 to 2012 on this and other blogs; soon to be a book when this is done. The Democrats did as they pleased. The Republican or right wing moles would try to convince us and then accept our surrender; Catholics. If it came down to it, they would deny it all and blame each other. What Ann and I are doing to show it is not insanity; it was deliberate and malicious. I assure there will not be anymore screwball mistakes and more of this demented brainwashing and propaganda, if so heads will roll. All the reason to clean house and maneuver our forces into place for this defeat of a gone wrong surge. The bottom line is they must surrender and turn themselves in, not offer an olive branch so the wrath of God is not expunged from their evil mistakes. Relax and enjoy the show, it only get's better! If you want some Doritos, Twit Ann Coulter. Btw, iRush and all of them are in panic mode; no confidence at all; I inform them they are being recorded.

Dear Mark Levin: It is high time someone has a word with you. The next time you criticize my factual and accurate foreign policy and erase it with "I am sick and tired of people putting down my country..." and then captioning factual or credible information, such as your conservative genesis or beginning with Edmund Burke; I highly suggest you check your facts on Dick Thornburgh. He served under Reagan and is from the coal mines of Pennsylvania. Even I remember him and his name. Also, you can clearly see by the Santorum record; there is quiet a large gap between your legs and his conservatism. You scream and shout like a drunken slut taking it out on your kids or wife. That mousy annoying voice over the radio is what I recognized as loud, obnoxious, and on parade; no credibility or truth in anything you all say. It cascades down from Limbaugh, to Gingrich, to Hannity, to you, and then shoots in scatter positions to people like Williams, Stein, and just gets more ridiculous. This is what we caught and who we know as the mole and to respond to your capture; you write books on conservatism to erase the entire truth and historical fact. Nice job you buffoon; and to mention how Ann has slipped on thin ice about Rick Santorum; didn't you watch the debate on Saturday Jan. 07, 2012? This is why we need a backbone with you F'ers; whatever we have you want it and are chasing it; so GTFO of here you fool. You are suggesting Ann is less conservative then you all? Are you nuts? I am the only person who can make that analysis; ONLY PERSON! Furthermore, I am the only person who can make an accurate analysis about you; but we know what your work and what you all did to me; don't we? Once again, you were wrong by a very far margin. Even I remember Dick Thornburgh, daffy. Yes, now use his name in every sentence. You drunken slut, pay attention.

Question: Are they: too dumb? too brilliant? too desperate? too bold? too audacious? too indignant? too ignorant? too reckless? too phony? too poor? too screwed up? too tough? too gangster? too clumsy? too scared? too weak? too guilty? too evil? too demonstrative? too big to fail? too in the hunt? too intellectual? too exceptional? What is it that makes them tick but not tell the truth or surrender when ordered? Whatever it is, they want it and need it; a breeding program we have to give them a baby for. This was one of their goals or motives in kidnapping us; it makes a big difference doesn't it? A life and death matter. Show them my belly or get in my belly?

This weakling masquerade has gone on long enough and will be enforced by this warning; you are past the deadline. I have asked all power brokers and political operatives, in the US and the World; to enforce a complete ban on my left or liberal group under the Democratic Party USA; a total ban. The Democratic forces of the Democratic Party USA needs to understand they have to stay out of the way and how they were an obstacle each and every turn in our life. We hate their guts and want them dead; however, we have a damage lawsuit to recoup all the years we have lost battling them. Stay the F out of the way and stop dragging this on and on; still ongoing and still in our homes preaching or antagonizing us. The fiasco is because they tinker with our life, are guilty of kidnapping, and want to oversee or offer some SSI workers compensation where they bop us over the head or create an accident. Knock it off and stay the F out of our life; we have pressed charges. There has not been one valid or credible reason why they are in our life or an obstacle to every aspect of our life. This unity and overlord of minorities is a total scam and a complete utter lie. Stay out of our life, stay out of the way, stop F'in with everything in our life; the penalty is severe if not deadly. This has to be ended immediately or else severe punishment will be enforced and capitulated; waiting it out and taking it like a champ has proven to be disastrous. Until the Democratic Party USA concludes and gives us closure, provide names and turns over the people behind this; do not even consider running for office. That is not a threat, it is the law. Violate any more of them and the threat will be real. Hopefully, we will get to see a bunch of them die and the laws upheld.

This weakling masquerade is the result of a fool and a buffoon who is scared of being paraded and exposed. So narcissistic and evil, they cannot bear to be seen or caught. It does not matter if it is the US Army Negroes, the Bush Sr. Negroes, the Clinton Negroes, or the other Bush Negroes stay the hell out of our life and understand the death penalty charges. You have been banned from politics until this case is over; beware. There is a manhunt for the people behind this until closure and full cooperation. A stupid legal defense in our living room or bedroom just adds more violations and crimes to an already list of 1000s of charges. We are not interested in becoming any drug gang. We are not interested in any position working with poor and stupid Negroes who need our help. We are not interested in a post from the Catholic Church to revitalize the 1960s. We are not interested in prison credibility or an SSI check for loyalty; taken care of the rest of our life by a government check. To suggest this is a serious felony. To cause so much paper trail and not release their ID is a serious crime. This masquerade has gone on long enough and has to be closed and ended; otherwise, the risk of retaliation is severe. Those are felony charges which has been tried in the court of public opinion, to suggest they will not take this laying down is phony and total lies again. There is no reason to be in our life and none of the reasons they gave already are even true. There are death penalty charges which must be accountable for. Out of all the reasons given so far, it is clear none of the reasons to be in our life or to become an obstacle in every single part of our life truthful. Regardless, this indignant SOB communist still toys and crank calls us; only to deny it or hang up.

Suspicious: the abuse, intimidation, false arrest, Baker Act, ridicule, harassment, stalking, etc... even serious felonies both Ann and I had to endure for almost two decades far exceeds any gay, black, or obese person in the United States. Even worse, it is still ongoing and continuous and we are nearly flawless. Clearly, there exists a cruel hoax and a conspiracy to undermine our life and our message, thus, replace it with another one. Who exactly that voice is led to the Democratic Party, communists, liberals, radicals, and Limbaugh and Hannity. Therefore, there must be a repeal of these hate laws unless this matter cannot be addressed at the current time. This lawsuit against the US for slavery and hate; launched by the Chicago club of radicals and to bomb our beloved cold war secret weapon or office; is what the public had to endure and there are serious implications legally and otherwise to the security of the United States. All of this is ignored or has been so an evil surge or second wave of the 1960s could take place where those behind this were paraded as heroes and given a government check. This is not us and we stand firmly opposed to the Democrats or any other who tries this. The other case against the Pentagon for post Vietnam homeless or insecure soldiers who were pulled into a rigid system of existence; was also baseless. It was the communist who were trying to advance on all of these fronts and we were a guinea pig to it. Consider we are counter-intelligence experts; the lawsuit against the government or otherwise the Democrats do not make any sense except to them. Why it is ongoing and continuous is unknown; withdraw their forces and retreat or face total destruction.

Dear Democratic Party and their Forces: Listen you stupid SOB, stop following us, stop keeping tabs on us, stop telling us you do not know what to do, stop acting as if you are uniting or united with the Asians, stop tinkering with our life and mine; and stop trying to do business in the name of the Jews. We find you to be disgusting people and your tricks have gone way too far. We are trying to kill you and understand you have waged war on us and do not wish to retreat or stop. If and had you fixed this or concluded as expected; it would not have carried over or gone on so long. But it is too late for that and for you. I have ordered my Generals and the entire world to unleash hell on you and I am taking you to court. I have done this and tried it before; but you are an elusive and clever spy you F'in communist nincompoop. Go to hell and kiss our ass; you start more trouble and mess with our life more; we will make sure you pay dearly, stay out of the lives of royals, poor or rich, white or Asian. You people are inferior and your existence is repugnant; this is why we rise and you fall and keep falling. Stop F'in with me, keeping tabs, and following me; I want to see you suffer and die but I have a lawsuit on you at this time. Your insanity is unbearable and so is your begging and stupid recruitment. There is a reason why this keeps happening and why I keep trying to sue or kill your ass; stay out! Do not tell me to leave or how I should.

For the record, Obama and his negro forces are in my home and life. Wasserman said she is not going to take this laying down. This Chelsea girl says she or they is sorry. Obama and his negro forces are mad and retaliating or causing trouble. I will say this over and over; stop having living room terror plot talks with me and then hiding in the bush or denying they ever was involved or did it.

Secondly, I do not mind when I print or place my intellectual property for others to read or am engaged in merit talk; I enjoy sharing ideas and working with others. However, when people like Limbaugh and these communist invade my home and tell me to hand over all my work to them or else they are going to arrest me, cause as much trouble in my life, or wage war and terrorize me; I have a major problem. I will do it back and figure out a way to take them down legitimately. If this means sending the military after them, then it does.

Third, Obama cutting the military as he did was an act of war. Similar to the Soviet clumsy politburo way of handling nuclear war; they aim for the state to hit a single city; a spray and pray way of nuclear war. In this capacity, he cut the defense department in a hope he will actually hit something or control what is inevitable; failure and loss. All of them keep saying they are dead, do not know what to do, do not want to get hurt, or how they refuse to take it laying down; well, why didn't you think about this before you did all of this? You lost your lawsuit on the US for slavery. Your immigration policy is nothing more than a Trojan horse. You still call me clandestinely as I cuss and try to kill you. You still violate all of our rights and act indignant.

Do you do the same when you rob a bank or commit a murder? Nobody wants to hear your apology or even would accept it. It was the Army who was most generous to the blacks when they were in their darkest hours. It was the Army and Pentagon who opened the doors to the blacks; as an employer when nobody else would. It was the blacks who took it over and made it their hood when nobody could stand or tolerate them; now they treat it as they do all other human or living beings; with fiflthy indignation. To hell with them and this is exactly what they did to us; while they were pretending to apologize. Limbaugh did the same thing; as he came full steam ahead and like a bull. We blame the Democrats and the Catholics for this utter disaster. The Jews also helped to clean up their reputation and opened the doors by setting the building on fire; which all of them hated the fire department over the 1960s.

Fourth, similar to the history of China; an emperor would step in and crippled the empire to a pint size they went back 500 years in history. As desperate as the blacks, Jews, Democrats, Puberty Ricans, drug gangs, etc... I would think their behavior would be slightly better than our case against them. All of them should be taken outside and shot for treason, lawless malignancy, and just making matters four times worse than they should be. To hell with them. They set this nation on fire and wrecked it; then they sat there and told others to pay them or give them what they want, when they want it, or tortured them for no reason but stupidity. To hell with them in 2012; maybe we can see a bunch of them up in flames and tortured. How fun it is.

Fifth, this is how they were getting oil and in such redundancy to fuel their eastern bloc military units; Iran. It began in the 1950s but the communist forces have their own reserves. However, during the winters; they need a warm weather supply which is not in a bombing zone or target. Using these sanctions allows this. Everything they do is to help and aid the communists. I am 200% against the communist and would execute them on the spot had we been in a declared war; but because it is not a declared war; I am not able to retaliate and we go through this episode of yelling at them or taking their dirty tricks and intimidation. Had this been a real war, we would nuke them no questions asked. I do not even need pay to nuke them; it would be an honor to do so; this is how much I hate them as they come in my home or hold me hostage wrecking everything in my life.

Obama's last ditch effort; knowing he is not returning, is to take out the military. Failure. His attempt to do an inquisition or send Leon Panetta to sniff out and hunt down this cold war secret and weapon; our lifeline and only way to self preservation; ended with failure and total defeat. Obama is lying 100% to his negro forces; he totally messed them up and they totally messed him up. To think they would do this to royals is why their life is going down the shitter. Be prepared because they are indigant and this nation is headed for civil war. Even if we sue them and win; we do not expect them to surrender easily or quietly. Take a look at Limbaugh and Hannity as we engaged them in this surrender ritual; they turned a nose to it all. Now you see the moles and how they operate; take them out and shut them down with 200% guilty prejudice.

Everything they do from sunup to sundown is to lie, cheat, and steal; but their politics and motivation is communism; they have nothing and now are far worse than before the 1960s began. Even at this stage of the game, they still claim they will not take this laying down and no court or orders will ever stop them from invading our life. Be prepared to fight and slaughter them; it is how they chose to exist.

Debate Jan. 7, 2012: The Navy has nuclear carriers that have to patrol vital areas and support logistics. Also, those nuclear carriers are always running so they are always on patrol in the Middle East. Intellectual property is not the problem; having to fight off someone who is intent on stealing it and not giving it back is. Espionage or spying on them for this reason, to upset them or take from them; is why we go to war over this junk. These people have absolutely no respect for anybody or anyone; you can say no, F no, or kill them; they have no respect for anybody. They will repeat it over and over again until someone nukes them. Hopefully we will see a bunch of them die this 2012 election; let's be excited about this and how they will finally be gone from our life!

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.