Christian or not, you SOBs have to go Ann. Maybe some God like force out there cannot see you and maybe there is nothing they can do about your personality or behavior, even your lack of care or constantly sneaking around. However, you criticize the Jews and you are far worse than a Jew. But in the end, the apex of this will identify you as some enemy combatant prancing around as if everybody is going to stop what they are doing for you and let you get everything you want or ask for. As the case with the election of 2012, you did a cut up job there too. Maybe one day my satellite forces will finally see you for who you are and all of your "police" claims; and finally hunt all of you down or perhaps take the credit when a wall of water hunts you phonies out. You should be fired and the more you pretend to be this social bug in the middle of a war zone, the more it should fly back and eat all of you alive in the grave. So you are trash and a political slut also, what everyman's dream is? You got to be a complete retard.
I am not sure what the hell is wrong with all of you or whether anybody can do anything about your behavior; but I am sure that something or someone out there will recognize you and it will be way too late for you all by then. Don't be pandering anymore with me either and as far as what anybody can do about you; you have reached the gamut with me. You need to be judged but your Leona Helmsley act is just a trash can someone forgot or neglected to put on the street. Now I have the trash they cannot do anything about, thanks for nothing crazy ass. Next time you fight with satellite war forces, bring a fork okay. The fork is not with you anymore you human jackass and phony. I cannot tell if you are a man or a woman either but you have a long road to travel now and the forces against you and your New York crowd is building; stop winning in our life or exploiting our life with your gutter existence. Eventually, they will battle your forces also and it will be too late then also. Is this why you are also a political prostitute or have this cloud over you?
I have never seen anybody who is constantly sneaking around and lying about who she is and what she is up to. 2013 the end; maybe that will bring some happiness back into life and cure Ms. Hemsley of her onward babble in the cyber world and myself needing a master or a partner so hated or unwelcome. Glad your friends are there too and maybe in 2013 a wall of water will greet all of you while you try to seek applause. We will see who is happy, laughing, or who is still sneaking around then. Oh great another year of this tramp infested swamp of people who feel we are looking for a master and cannot live life without them; even while a vicious enemy is at our throat. Somebody slay this monster and pull the plug on them before they stink up more priceless ground and take more of our timely life away. The sneaking around problem is going to end quickly in 2013; no more of Leona Helmsley Barbie Doll problem, please. Yes I get my news from the gossip columns too, Leona is that sneaky.
Why can't God strike these people down with a lightning bolt and we do not have to listen to them rally an army against me or my sacred forces. How about those New Yorkers always managing to win or gain access; we need a master or an annoying phantom in our life pissing us off? Got to love those Americans and be their partner, right? Managing my money well Ann or trying to prevent me from being great? Sue you also? Care to give me what is mine or pay me finally instead of trying to get more from me or holding on to my money for safe keeping while this goes down the toilet? I am sure there is a pretty girl out there for me and I am sure I will be just fine without you. You are fired and I have told my friends not to let you sneak in ever again. Don't try your OJ and Nicole crap either okay Leona, all total lies. You damn NY'ers do not die easily do you; just go away! Always throwing your money around or sneaking around, yep that is them. You all like to linger and hang around for a very long time, very.
This complete and total lie about how you are pretending to be them or getting back for what they tried to do on me; was believable at first. Now it is clear you are not pretending to be anyone; you are just being yourself and yourself is not very far from the ghost of Leona or who they truly are. How you New Yorkers always win, get into the most powerful circles, and throw big money and big funerals; is now a big stupid surprise that is beyond annoying and unwelcome. You are not pretending to be them Ann; you are the Barbie of New York evil trying to recreate or sell yourself again to the kings of the Cold War; the core of the Pentagon. You F'ers are something else and full of tricks; Lord have mercy on us. You especially have no heart, maybe a soul; but look at all of you and your applause self-gratifying life; disgusting and so in my face also. Plus you want to sit next to and claim friendship with cold warriors or the legends of it, disgusting. The wall of water inches closer with each closing step in my direction. You are not a Christian, some kind of a liar or filthy witch; sneaking around claiming to be more than you truly are. A hero you are definitely not or ever will become.
Ann, it is crystal clear how you manage your life. Your parents magically die and you call me while you try to write to me and sugar coat it all. Living with you is almost as if Leona Helmsley turned into a Barbie Doll. Even if you had or we had kids, how many people do you expect to put up with your crap or life full of lies? Exactly. How you get away with murder is the most incredible slip-slide I have ever seen; it turns out the blame comes back to you and you are also equally guilty. Anybody need proof? Do piss away more of my life as yours seeks applause and some dumb gratification you refuse to or can't even man-up to. Trash will be trash in the end and trash will do as trash does. You try being with a cow or a horse and see how that makes you feel; Leona look alike. As a general rule, you New Yorkers lack all the tools in life but manage to win or rise to the top; how and why is a complete mystery but it is also the most annoying applause seeking I have ever witnessed in life. You make capitalism a rotten egg and hell. God knows what you all do to life or normal people. Plus you all are always demanding to be a hero, always. 2013 will be the end of us, right on track and on time as expect; yet powerless. Anybody can see it a mile away. What in hell am I supposed to do with this? WTF are you SOB doing to us? I can hear the wall of water, inching closer. How do you love that Fox News and those clowns now? Stay with them Ann and let them keep you warm and safe now that we know who and what you truly are.
Keep up the stupid games and mismanagement. Do continue to impede or step in the middle so you can gain more applause. Yes, the applesauce are rolling in. In the end, it was your female intuition, lack of management, and inability to ever get your life straight. Clearly, you are guilty of this and clearly you admit to being a very hated person. Now if your partner tells you how hated you are and how a line in the sand has had to be made; then the rest is either ignorance, total flaws, stupidity, or rotten to the core trash nobody even wants to think about. Yes, do continue to sneak around, lack any management skills, leach off anybody, etc... a line is in the sand. Hear the applause as you go on Fox, sneak around with Red Eye, and complain about how you wrecked your own life or are frustrated about how you messed up everything and cannot stop yourself; it's like a magical mirror and a cancer in life now. Good job Ann, take a bow. Had enough yet or all the fun you can have? Getting anywhere in life or losing all of your core goals? You did not mess up and you deserve more applause? Yes you are doing a very good job; 2013 is going to be the end of the line. Do step in the middle and act like the secret service and stepping in the way or pissing off everybody or everything; hear the applause, yes life is about the audience and the lack of brakes on stage. You people are totally nuts and a complete and utter mess; pure trash. Not guilty of that either? All work and business? Maybe you want me to sue you also, deep down for everything you have done? Is that your only redemption now? Is that the only way you can have a normal life also? Oh wonderful!
A revisit of 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012: "The line is in the sand and I said one more time or provoking me one more time and I am not going to be very happy. You need to learn how to shut up or keep your mouth shut, the lip service will get your head ripped off, if not by me. The line is in the sand if I have to repeat myself or have to say I am sick and tired of your presence in my life; I expect a 200 feet wall of water to take all of you down and we can laugh or celebrate it. It's funny. It's not only funny, it is very entertaining. No more warnings and the line is in the sand, bring it to the time and place and invite all of your friends for one last bash or party; it will be a great way to end this ridiculous disaster. I don't care who did what, who did not, or what circumstances apply. When I say the line is in the sand, do not step on it or cross it. I expect a 200 foot wall of water to get my point across. We can fondly celebrate all of this and all of you can work it out among each other, not with me ever again having to listen to ridiculous lip service that makes me take the head off of a bunch of clowns. This is no game, decide how you want to end it because I really do not give a damn.
A line is drawn in the sand. I am sick and tired of this and they need to pay 2.5 billion in damages. You can go down with them too. Decide how you wish to play out your moves and who exactly you wish to wage war against, the line is drawn. I do expect to win it. I do expect you all to become rude, ignorant, annoying, full of nonsense, babble, and turn into some creature I want to rip the head off or smack the hell out of. None of this needs to be reported and all of these secrets can sink to the bottom of the ocean or hell. It is getting really old, really rotten, and really annoying. I am sick and tired of this and the lip service. Go ahead and shut her down, the line is in the sand. Nobody is welcomed now, nobody. The management has ruined everything and everybody. The evidence is overwhelming as to who is not able or competent enough to manage and stabilize their life. It is beyond a reasonable doubt who is guilty of mismanagement or irresponsibility. 2013 will probably be our last year together and when new changes, efforts, or ideas have to be implemented to escape this situation. "
This is not about race, it is about power. Obviously, someone tried to make my life and life in general much harder than it was supposed to. To do that, they used psychological warfare and dirty tricks. They are in search of power and claim home advantage or "home" so they can scream insults and chants. Unfortunately, this is no ball game and home rule does not apply. What they tried or wanted to do is capture a privileged life and make it a working man's. Then they got caught trying to reverse this or switch places; make a working fool a popular privileged one by cloning us. We see this hard life and the cards they dealt our life, how it was full of suspicion, how they played the police card, how they used pressure or home rule, and how they were exposed on TV and radio with this phony privileged and rich life. That is what everybody saw and what they kept secret because if they plead guilty; they must pay 2.5 billion in damages and face the death penalty. Making people in their flawed image or toying with their fate backfired. Does it matter what their intention was or how they tried unsuccessfully to fix what they did? Does it matter if they sought love or understanding? Does it matter if they are friends, family, or not? By playing God and toying with the fate of our life mission; they got the surprise of their life and even under heavy scrutiny and publicity; tried harder than ever to conceal it or their crimes. The bottom line is my life was not intended to be so hard or a working man's; but it is right now. Everything I said they did and all the tricks they used; were intended to be malicious and cover up what they tried unsuccessfully; even if it was in search of gold, money, or a pile of trash they call their kindgdom.
Given that what they tried and what they did is still a secret; the fact is crimes were violated in a gross manner. We know they are demented and angry people sneaking around America. We know they are on both sides and very disenfranchised, both sides are trying to unite on one single purpose, their terms. Meanwhile, they are losing ground. Their religious power is eroding. Their flaws are exposed and must be addressed. The ground they achieved for power is now a history and identity in need of credibility or fixing. We are not advocating aetheism; we are talking about broken and angry people whose customer service is a fraud. Forced to live under market forces or the laws of America; they claim home rule. Well, that home rule is now trapped by higher standards or competition. Thus, by snatching an enemy or claiming to be the same; they were able to draw in an arch rival and run tests, human experiments; which haunted their existence and history. Even to this day they are still running tests and insist their money and power unites reality or redeems their life. That is fine, just do not make us in their own image and do not toy with our fate; to replace it with a hard life or a working man's fate; privilege. They are learning more about their life and their flaws; but the road traveled has now gotten them in serious trouble.
In murdering our true fate and placing every barricade known to mankind in the way; it may have worked temporarily. Thus, in deposing an enemy leader, the other side was able to point the finger and learn from their own hypocrisy; utter disaster, utter flaws, and lack of reality due to this home rule. They made the best case and when the result they expected blew up on them; they reached a higher and new guilt level. Who messed up? Who is poor? Who lacks power? Whose trying to help whom? Who is to blame? Who is more powerful? Who will defeat whom? Who in the end needs help and is headed for jail? Well, the best outcome for this current crisis is to share the blame and share the anger; but this is not reality or the truth. This is the best they can possibly get right now. It all comes down to a lack of truth, a lack of understanding, a lack of responsibility, and trying to burn the people who they know will win it fairly or has a much better life. The people who know what they are doing cannot be blamed no matter which side or what they throw at them. It does aggravate and slow us down; quiet a bit as everybody can see. We are aware of their secret plans and customer service now; we are exposing it and them as a malicious, vile, and secretive enemy on our shores whose intentions are reactionary even if they are totally messed up. That is the customer service and why they are so angry; did they mess up America or did America mess them up? Well, the answer was how they picked a fight and how they lost it.
The truth hurts, did they mess up America or just my life and our life? Are they paying for it now or did they get their head ripped clean off by a bigger dog out there? Are they trying to get it ripped off or do they just want to act like the junkyard bully or guard dog? Losing religious credibility and being pushed further into economic chaos or debts; cannot reflect a normal prosperous life. Losing credibility, power, and freedom; exposes the religious insignificance and inability to keep up with modern advancements. Thus there are gaps in their existence and each groups. In other words, where they want to be now and where they are; are two different realities. Odd, that is my problem and my fate also; how did it get like this? Who is to blame or are they only trying to balance this on racial lines? This is about power, not race. They are losing power, at a enormous rate; a king or dictator would cut their throats over. They now live in two worlds; ours has no hiding. Theirs is fading and sinking quickly. Using us as a human shield or vehicle; it is now harder than ever to say others are messed up or the image they created is welcomed. The gap in their credibility and home rule grows wider as debt accumulates and needed changes are ignored. Therefore, trying to create us or me in their own image; trying to expose or exploit what they find or can scavenge from snatching my life; has them tangled in a ball of critical mass. It backfired so badly, it is expected to hit critical mass and explode. Keep in mind, they are in trouble and in critical mass. They have no fate presently unless we let them in. This will trap them far worse than critical mass or what they are facing by the courts.
Were we messed up? It is hard to say but one of us put the effort in and one did not. They glamorize and worship the one who did not while they attacked and tried to humiliate those who did. In other words, they are incompatible with doing the right thing or telling the truth. How messed up we are as a result of them, is now insignificant and a tangled mess they have little time to verify. We were not messed up or as defective as they made it; over estimation and false judgment. Furthermore, the actions they took to depose or take charge; failed badly and was on racial lines. They called it home rule. Consequently, deposing our life and rise to power did expose a hard life. It also exposed how desperate and what they have become. If their poverty and hard life was overcome by America; America is now incompatible to the turning problem or true problem. They tried to sell this and tried to make our life a sales pitch. They failed in making a mascot who worshipped their sense of victory and failure; even as communists re-inventing each other. This sales pitch for redemption or political power; was being sold to the highest bidder globally. This was their invasion and sales pitch. America is and was under attack; presently, hunting those who did all of this.
This quest for redemption and understanding, the bottom line; was warped and full of lies. All of them are very warped, angry, and broken people who cling to anything or anyone who has a sense of decency or kindness. That is their scandal; to put the bait out there and capture or snatch those in their web of lies so they can sink the hooks in and make them in their own image. This game of seeking surrogates has failed very badly and has them in a world of problems. If they seek to deposit this image of their history, power, and illusion of power; then their effort is becoming intolerable to even those whom gave birth to it. It has gone viral and people want answers, they want the truth. Everybody knows they are guilty but the game when they cannot win or are wiped out; is to scandal the winners. Yes send in assasins to finish off the victory parade or the winners. Muck up their celebration and make their life even harder or through humiliation; who will know or can catch them? Well, what can be said when and if they get their head bitten clean off by a bigger dog out there?
Everybody knows and everybody realizes they are keeping this secret while they try to stop us or prevent a prosecution. They want to be the prosecutor, not the defense or to play defense. They cannot win with a pile of junk or trash. Who wants to buy a human disaster? Who wants to live with people who make life more difficult and total failure? Even if they claim we are lying about our life and desperate; they do not speak about the past or the future; only living in the present or for the moment. This is who our enemy is and what their handicap and brain cells cannot intercept. They cannot hide it for much longer but they cannot keep running from reality. Secrets are coming out and people are beginning to notice what they did or are up to. It was a life of crime and corruption and the impact is so severe; a national security alert has to be posted by civilian and private sources. That is how bad the matter is. This is how big the problem truly has become. This home rule has found a home but soon they will have a lot of explaining to do. A lot. As far as the customer service, so long as paralysis and failure is injected or paralyzes our life; they have credibility and power. They own it. The standards are not important when you are struggling and broken from war or brutality; laying on a hospital bed. Nothing is certain but their bank accounts have not felt any real jolt or threat; this is because it is not even real and their existence is a gap of lies and secrets. It comes down to their bank accounts and what they can steal or have forfeit. Everybody knows sooner or later, a bigger dog will bite their head clean off and they will learn how to live without an arm, two arms, and even without a head and brain. We have a deaf mute as our leader now or stalking us.
These people are very similar to a kitty-cat. They like to pester or toy with other animals and when a big dog, mellow and quiet; bites their head off, it is too late. Let them live in the moment and let them toy with people, eventually, they will run into a big dog and that big dog will bite their head clean off. You live and you learn even to the grave or living life missing a head. This is what we are in or the trap they put around me; meanwhile, they were coming in and playing kitty-cat; biting, scratching, aggravating, pretending to hunt, destroying things, etc... It won't be long until their head is bitten off, furthermore, they will refuse to pay damages; tough people aren't they?
Whomever is watching me like a vulture and continues to comment, "He doesn't have any money"; if we catch you or manage to trap you at your own game, you are going to get skinned alive. This has been going on for long enough and the people who are literally trying to raid our accounts have been issued a decree, seek and destroy. If they feel it should be ignored, then it does not mean they are off the hook. This delay game is also going to hurt them badly and bleed them to death. If what they have done is not enough already and estimated at 2.5 billion in damages; checking to see if we have money now or can get more; is the most fatal mistake ever. Acting like your leaders are communists, have no money to pay damages, are bankrupt, and pandering in our life; is a death-wish. What does it matter if I have or have not any money at this point; can they not read or grasp reality?
Even if they are loosing the shirt on their back, at least some good has come from this. We have managed to stop them from raiding or looting the accounts of others while their own accounts go dry or is starving. If we can stop them in their tracks and if they can starve each other instead of switching the blame; they loose and they die. For them to refuse payment or damages totaling 2.5 billion is just a symptom of who the real problem is and who needs war. Furthermore, if the force of God is harnessed or if they conjure up the wrath of God, then they deserve it. This is how delusional this SOB truly is or was and this is what level they will resort to in order to cover it up or switch the blame. Now they meet failure and they must figure out how to win when the odds are completely against them or when the chips are down. As I said, we do not have to do anything and they will either starve or sink; but how do we force them to pay the damages or come out of hiding as communists and our verified murderers?
Naturally, they will deny it all or refuse to report any of this, to no end and their own destruction of course. We do not have to travel far or look very close to find guilt do we? This is their little secret and what they will take to the grave; a world that has beaten them down or beaten them to hell; yet they blame the people who stopped them and exposed their evil flaws. What they see and hear now, is all part of their imagination. The minds they screwed with, now haunt them to the grave. It is a mind cancer and a deep scab they must hide, somehow. To win this, they must erase the current ground they stand on and the ground they are heading towards. Wander off or become a smart ass again and hell will greet them or smack them, harder than ever! They must learn customer service and how to resolve difficult problems; we know how obviously.
Has anybody noticed how disobedient, how obnoxious, and how hostile these people truly are? Has anybody noticed how they surround us and each other with human trash or enemies who are very proactive, sneaking around, and always up to no-good? Has anybody noticed how they block, paralyze, and ruin our life while the gates of hell are opened and our accounts are looted? Has anybody noticed how they impersonate and forge our life or work; meanwhile, they are getting away with murder and total fraud? Has anybody noticed how corrupt and how exactly they have managed to fight this matter or win this war; they make the perfect enemy even if they are impersonating or cloning us. Has anybody noticed how they surround their life with human trash and complain about it; then surround us and refuse to let us complain about it or their religious beliefs? Now they seem to think others are behind the collapse, failure, and rapid decline; not anything they did or refused to do. Furthermore, when it comes to taking out this trash or shutting them down; look how they fight or block our mission, life, and finances. How violent and how hostile are they truly? How fake or how much trickery do they wish to inject into this before we sink and loose this war; they took over the world? I am glad now we are able to tell them to pay 2.5 billion in damages or fight this out anyway they can. Welcome to the world of communism and the enemy camp.
I am pretty certain these people have or are screwed up in the head. Furthermore, their head is so F'd up we have to smack the hell out of them, dispatch 300 feet walls of water, conjure up tsunamis or acts of God, and shut their lousy good for nothing ass up before they wreck something else or piss another normal person off. They embrace each other and their flaws, no less their poverty and so many problems. I am glad we reached a milestone now and the end of the beginning is here. When this is over, maybe they will die or perish, maybe they will get what they deserve, and maybe they will pay the 2.5 billion in damages for using government as a game of chicken and king of the hill. I am glad their minds are more messed up now than ever and I am glad they figured out arguing with us and ruining our life by making it hell or a total wreck; only ends their own.
Therefore, 2013 will be when all of them shut up, go away quietly, and hopefully a period of restoration and return to normal. Now if they wish to fight this out more than I doubt if they are thinking clearly or even who they claim to be; a stupid fool. Look at their life and the total mess they have made of it; how they argue and sneak around; how they annoy the most productive and the most well thought out of matters. If they were that smart, they would win this war and get it over with before it traps them in their own false reality. Nothing is real or true because they are so proactive and still have fight in them; let's take that fight out of them and stomp on their future so kicks and giggles. Welcome to power. It could have been much worse had they decided to fight this out or not pay damages, much worse; I am glad they witnessed up and did the right thing eventually. Look how screwed up their head is now. Everybody knows they are dead meat and rotting.
Current Fiscal Crisis and Budget: 1. Pres-Christmas rush to pass 60 billion bill for New York restoration after Sandy. Struck down. The US government cannot replace or repair subways or beach homes. 2. Gun Control - struck down; England decides to arm police officers for the first time. 3. Foreclosure crisis - even if those facing foreclosure have lost half of the value on their homes, the banks are trying to encourage the sale of the property at half or marginal portions of the original mortgage; in order to minimize the total loss. EXPECT COST CUTTING, 2013 MAY BE A REPEAT OF 2008, 2009, 2010, AND 2011; however, the stimulus and the aid packages have proven to be fatal. In other words, an after effect is coming and it will compound the problems. I expect Congress to begin cutting and begin budget pullout of major waste or federal funded programs. The rich get more worried and stressed while the poor get poorer.
Education - left to the states, no federal funds. Medicare and Medicaid - 50-50 split for now between state and federal. Social Security - 50-50 split with state and federal until major overhaul. Defense and Security - 100% federal and competitive. This will balance the budget. Now for the existing debt of 16 trillion: companies or wealthy income holders can elect, voluntarily; a percentage of their gross income for the 16 trillion and accumulate long term interest to offset the interest currently. Thus, if they donate 10 million to the debt; they will have a tax credit of 10 million upon retirement or death.
Dear Ann:
1. You are dealing with an enemy and human species whom is very pro-active and hyper when it comes to crime, attacking, falsehood and lies, espionage, felony charges, abuse of the laws or power, and is in the business of selfish ruin or greed. Your sit-and-wait mentality coupled with your lack of action or care is a symptom of the problem and the mismanagement. In other words, the situation of fire-meets-fire was completely lost and now 2013 will probably be the last year we will be together. I suggest you and your "Christian" mentality be more aware of the world you live in, the people you fight, and the stubborn appeals you make which compound or worsen the situation.
2. Similar to the police, the traditional action-reaction or justice model does not work with such a proactive, demented, active, secretive, and evil enemy. They will impose dictatorship, impose their will, ruin our life, take us hostage, and do anything possible to prevent us from victory or freedom. As the data and our life clearly shows, the mismanagement is a paralyzing and crippling effect of being attacked and being unable to fight back or corruption. The defense forces are and have been taken out while the bad guys claim freedom and their rights over the rule of law or justice. What we are left with are gracious people who have no teeth or a police force who cannot stop crime and corruption.
3. This proactive enemy will and has proven the problem to be the good guys who stand by and wait for some deliverance that fails to arrive. In other words, God must be angry with the people who either are blind or just turn their cheek while they line their pockets with selfish motives, a lack of care, or rapid decline. All of this goes against the rules of sustainability and also most if not all of my work; however, I am paralyzed financially and our world only works when financial freedom and ability is restored. So far, the main crippling effect is Ann Coulter and thus, 2013 will be the final or last year we will be together. By turning the other cheek and toying with a deadly enemy who is proactive when it comes to violence, crime, lies, or attacks; her leadership and management skills is absolutely worthless, that is to say her forces and the Justice Department behind her legal merits.
4. We will loose this war if personal goals are neglected. We will loose this war if personnel are not replaced. We will loose this war if the people involved continue on the same course or keep on arguing about how important they are or how good of a job they are doing. As we see with the totality, the Christian religion, America, and the entire concept of freedom is guilty; hence, the eruption and the constant bickering with Ann Coulter over who is doing what, who is sneaking around, and why she should be included or why I should be welcomed in her camp. I do not plan on dying this way, she does.
5. We can see the huge gap, the differences, the lack of personality or character of those involved. We have an enemy intent on kidnapping us, doing harm, pushing or driving us into ruin, making our life hell 24-7 for nearly three decades of existing. Ann Coulter's contribution to this was minimal while she wants to be honored or celebrated as a victim or some integral force which made the situation better or brought some new outcome. We see those lies as not only self-serving but very artificial; sneaking around or not. In the end, nobody was welcomed and everybody was looked upon with complete suspicion while the truth was either stolen, hidden, a forgery, or lost in the mounds of records and personal accounts. This is the enemy we are facing and who is at the gates of hell.
6. There is a lot of blame to go around, primarily when the ship has a hole in the bow, these people go to dinner, glamor balls, go on TV, and drive whom they love or rely on into hell. We see this lack of character, lack of management, lack of responsibility, lack of A to Z across the board while they claim to be responsible or taking care of their own life. A life with blinders on or a life full of stubborn debate while embracing each of their flaws or empty soul, is part of this invasion force. Get rid of them while we can and while we have a fighting chance, replace the bad personnel with the right ones; those who are not guilty and not going to make the situation worse and worse. With this person or enemy in our life, we will never escape the reality nor the false reality. Ann Coulter is guilty. It is no fun arguing with her about this or having to explain every single detail about how flawed this enemy is or was. Judgement Day has arrived and this war and map to the Promised Land continues on with no positive results or truth. I am not only fed up and disappointed, a line has been drawn in the sand.
Ann 1/3/2013 Plane - Whose Mercedes? What happened to the convertible?
Dear mystery person, this does not have to be recorded but I am sick and tired of your mouth and am ready to rip your head off. The line is in the sand and I said one more time or provoking me one more time and I am not going to be very happy. You need to learn how to shut up or keep your mouth shut, the lip service will get your head ripped off, if not by me. The line is in the sand if I have to repeat myself or have to say I am sick and tired of your presence in my life; I expect a 200 feet wall of water to take all of you down and we can laugh or celebrate it. It's funny. It's not only funny, it is very entertaining. No more warnings and the line is in the sand, bring it to the time and place and invite all of your friends for one last bash or party; it will be a great way to end this ridiculous disaster. I don't care who did what, who did not, or what circumstances apply. When I say the line is in the sand, do not step on it or cross it. I expect a 200 foot wall of water to get my point across. We can fondly celebrate all of this and all of you can work it out among each other, not with me ever again having to listen to ridiculous lip service that makes me take the head off of a bunch of clowns. This is no game, decide how you want to end it because I really do not give a damn.
A line is drawn in the sand. I am sick and tired of this and they need to pay 2.5 billion in damages. You can go down with them too. Decide how you wish to play out your moves and who exactly you wish to wage war against, the line is drawn. I do expect to win it. I do expect you all to become rude, ignorant, annoying, full of nonsense, babble, and turn into some creature I want to rip the head off or smack the hell out of. None of this needs to be reported and all of these secrets can sink to the bottom of the ocean or hell. It is getting really old, really rotten, and really annoying. I am sick and tired of this and the lip service. Go ahead and shut her down, the line is in the sand. Nobody is welcomed now, nobody. The management has ruined everything and everybody. The evidence is overwhelming as to who is not able or competent enough to manage and stabilize their life. It is beyond a reasonable doubt who is guilty of mismanagement or irresponsibility. 2013 will probably be our last year together and when new changes, efforts, or ideas have to be implemented to escape this situation.
Everybody says the worst part of Florida are the New Yorkers. Let's make it clear how they come to Florida and throw their money around but now are ripping people off left and right. Maybe they will learn a lesson in life about being better people and not causing so many problems. As far as money, they are turning out to be the poorest in the class, not the richest. Attitude wise, it is fair to say they are getting a complete makeover. Hopefully, the future of Florida and the United States will be better once their money and power is more manageable and not total insanity. You need a nuclear family atmosphere similar to the business world where stability, hard-work, values, and all of those basic family structures are similar and very well known. Instead, we get utter chaos, total insanity, and total collapse; so much for their power and abilities. I also think eventually the big money in New York will conceal or hide the fact they are from such an abusive, crazy, and warped reality; however, it has invaded our homeland and my own life. Furthermore, it has had a severe impact on my life mission and work. No wonder they all hate each other, are not self-assured, and a little bit odd.
Even if I smack the hell out of them or rip their head off, they think some bond or friendship exist. I am not sure if they are a victim or not but when it comes down to a fight, they need to just put their dukes up and I am sure the rest will just fall into place. If they wish to stay, remain on these borders, remain secret or utilize these dirty corrupt tricks; then we know the outcomes already. They must win this militarily and we know already with 100% certainty they do not have 5% of civility or victory. They know with certainty it will cost 2.5 million to cover their fatal mistake. Civil war is not in their future but if they wish to stay and not face ultimate retaliation or grievance charges; they need to put their dukes up and prepare for the worst. In war, don't expect lip service to get anything or anywhere. Even being invisible will not work or win this. To stay and take over America, they need to either pay 2.5 billion and rethink this; or put their dukes up. If and when those dukes are up and their eyes are shut; expect the worst of both worlds. Expect what they know and feel to last their entire life and entire existence. Don't walk away from a fight or try to flee; to win, they must go in one direction only. It is time to decide how they wish to remain in America and what the future remains for them; dirty tricks, conspiracy, and constantly attacking will not be a one way or how they run their rackets.
How you act in war will impact how much mercy the opposition will judge you. Do not even think of lip service during battle or intense global conflict, do not. IN OTHER WORDS, SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH WHILE ATTACKING OR TRYING TO REMAIN INVISIBLE. War and combat is not a one way street. This street is a dead end and to get out of this accident or the damages done, to go home and to have a normal life again; it must be resolved according to the terms of satisfaction. Nobody will find out the satisfaction of 2.5 billion but nobody will know what is around the corner or the next if it is a dead end. There is only one way out of the street and you are nowhere close yet. Also, I am at the door and you still have not brought any papers to suggest I should allow you safe passage, attacking me will get your head ripped clean off your head and a step closer to your own civil war or head exploding from low IQ and fatal mistakes. It is a one way street and you are not facing the right direction or will impact the flow of this; no matter how much violence or brute force is applied. You will die when this is over and I know your mistakes and moves, fatal and will cause your head to explode or be ripped off by some force that is also invisible or secretive. It is implicit in the bible and so far, so good. You need to pay the savage amount, shut your mouth, stop the attacks or stupid pressure trapping tactics, or creating injuries that require a higher demand for you to fix (bleeding by 1000 cuts). As an idiot, you do know your actions are one step closer to war and what you do makes it more and more harder to win that war? Don't you?
The only way out of your terror plot, secret war, and political ambitions; is unobtainable before and especially now. Your attacks are an act of suicide even if they are intended to fabricate the injuries only you can fix. The disease or reality you are spreading; can only be obtained if you win or can be the doctor. You cannot steal this, use secret plots or strategies, win it by any means we have indicated, or open any of the doors now locked and booby-trapped. You have been warned and your war will fail miserably; look at what we have done to you so far and you have still not paid any of the damages but want to walk our separate ways because we still have not come to any resolution or closure. I am not sure if you are a victim of your own reality, trickery, or insane stupidity. You have lost miserably and militarily. Those are not good odds and it can get 1000 times more embarrassing. You demand a surrender but your actions are illogical. You demand an outcome to your war but are too afraid to wake up or look at the reality. The reality is not lip service, voting your way out, secrecy, illegal activity, sneaking up on us, or pathological lying. The line is in the sand and crossing it or delaying our victory, will be met with harsh and irreversible solutions to this global problem and this conflict on earth. In other words, you have no options but to put your dukes up or face arrest and closure. So put your dukes up and let the party begin. You have 5% of victory only or less than 30 days of life-force. Use it wisely as you are on your last leg and sinking fast. Those direct hits DO NOT MEAN YOU ARE WINNING NOR TALKING YOUR WAY OUT. Why attack when you can easily put your dukes up and make it official, scared? Embarrassed about who or what you have become? Embarrassed of Judgement Day? Embarrassed about who and what you are?
Everybody knows how many fist fights they provoked and what my fighting style is. The lip service will get their head ripped off. Trapping or kidnapping by way of POW and illegal tactics and spying will result in the wrath of God or conjure up the power of God. It says in the bible implicitly how the power of God can or will be called on, why do I need to repeat it or this? Attacking or using dirty tricks, traps, pressure tactics, or creating the injuries so they can cause a high demand for their services, will not work and will be met with disproportional dangers. The lip service, the attacks, and the pressure tactics need to be wiped out. They need to pay the 2.5 billion in damages and constant efforts to sneak up and cut my throat. Needless to say, they do not even know or realize when their throats have been cut and their attacking forces hacked to death by their own crazed methods of winning. Nothing so far has worked. Even if they launched a military invasion, the criminal, radical, reject-opposition, communist or revolutionary forces, etc... will be wiped out. Instead, they attack, give lip service, cry like a bitch, babble or mumble how they are sorry, want to die, do not know what to do, or trying to make demands or use some kind of trick to change the minds of people; which means they will get their head ripped clean off their shoulder when they put their dukes up or begin the lip service. Hey, pay the damages and puke their dukes up so that everybody has a fair chance to retaliate and fight. The forces of freedom are constantly forced to be in the dark or guess while they use every trick in the book to win this.
You people are blind, stupid, or faking it. The lip service and sneaking up on us, needs to stop immediately. If you wish to fight this out, then here and now is the time while everybody knows what you are doing. How you win this and what you do; is by the process of elimination, debated and scientific knowledge. They are not our friends and they know we are not theirs; yet they do the lip service, attack, try to control us or place us in the box; and then get trapped or sucked into their own pit of hell. Why pretend to be hacked to pieces when your friend is not listening? Why pretend to be hacked to pieces when you know attacking an axe is totally crazy. Are you stupid or retarded? Do you see or hear evil? Do you know when pain has arrived or when your phony reality cannot sell among the living spirits on earth? Judgment Day has arrived and the outcome of this battle for the heavens, what you call home; is and has been proven. The truth sure does hurt, doesn't it? Again, you do know stupidity or insanity makes it more and more difficult to fix or win if and when it comes to this scale of conflict? The more you screw up, the more your foot is in the grave and the more you become handicapped. Each step you fail means you become weaker. Each step on me means I become weaker or suffer more trauma. Make sure I do not get up; because if I do, I can promise you a hurricane or earthquake. End it while you can. The more you implode, the harder it will be to stand or feed your armies. The more lost you become, the farther you must backtrack. You are one wily jackass and hide it well. Your stupidity is purely a dumbass science now, enjoy it while you can. You are getting weaker unless you can win this militarily or politically, understand?
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Friday, January 4, 2013
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.
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