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Friday, November 30, 2012


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why did I receive a notice in the mail about this case?
2. What is the case about?
3. What is remission?
4. Who is eligible to receive remission?
5. What do I need to do to receive remission?
6. When is the deadline for sending in my Petition Form?
7. How much will I receive if my remission request is approved?
8. Do I have to send any money?
9. Can I get my artwork or jewelry back if remission is granted?
10. Can I get my artwork or jewelry back if remission is denied?
11. When would I receive my remission?
12. Do I give up my legal rights by submitting a Petition Form?
13. What happens if I do nothing at all?
14. How do I get more information?
15. Who is Gilardi & Co. LLC?
16. Can I send the art without the frame?

1. Why did I receive a notice in the mail about this case?
You received a notice because a federal investigation determined that you may have purchased fake or counterfeit artwork or jewelry from businesses owned or operated by Kristine Eubanks and Gerald Sullivan, doing business as: Fine Art Treasures, Fine Art Treasures Gallery, International Giclee Print, Inc., Finer Image Giclee Limited, Finer Image Printers & Publishers, Fine Art Printmaker, Stellas Sales, Good Imaging Printing, Image Editions Marketing, Fine Art Network, Inc., Morei Inc., Morei Limited, and Finer Image Editions. If you believe you purchased fake or counterfeit artwork or jewelry from one or more of these entities, you may be eligible for compensation from assets forfeited to the United States in connection with these schemes.

2. What is the case about?
Kristine Eubanks and Gerald Sullivan manufactured and obtained fake and forged art and jewelry for the purpose of selling them on the live auction programs on satellite television networks. They prepared false certificates of authenticity, appraisals, and other fraudulent documents, and distributed promotional material containing material misrepresentations and omission of material facts. On March 5, 2010, Eubanks was convicted in the United States District Court for the Central District of California of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, wire fraud, and interstate transportation of stolen property, and tax evasion. Eubanks was sentenced to serve 84 months in federal prison, and was ordered to forfeit $3,874,000.97 to the United States Government. The government intends to return this forfeited money to victims of this offense through a process called "remission."

3. What is remission?
Remission occurs when forfeited assets are returned to the victims of the crime underlying the forfeiture. When forfeiture is ordered by a federal court, authority to grant remission rests with the United States Attorney General, as delegated to the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section, which is located in the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. This remission process is governed by the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 28, Part 9 (2010).

4. Who is eligible to receive remission?
Anyone who incurred a pecuniary loss because of his or her purchase of fake or counterfeit artwork or jewelry from companies owned or operated by Kristine Eubanks and/or Gerald Sullivan may request remission.

5. What do I need to do to receive remission?
You must submit a remission form ("Petition Form") with the Claims Administrator on or before January 7, 2011. You can download a Petition Form at or request a Petition Form be mailed to you by calling the Claims Administrator at 1-877-239-1483 (toll free). You must complete all information requested on the form, sign it under the penalty of perjury and include sufficient documentary evidence of your purchase such as cancelled checks, receipts, bank statements, and/or similar records. You must also include the artwork or jewelry that you believe to be fake, counterfeit, or otherwise defective. If you are satisfied with the artwork or jewelry that you purchased, you should not request remission.

Please, do not stop being rude, inconsiderate, a SOB, out of control, crazed, impolite, too difficult, phony friends, trying to help, or so totally insane and a train wreck on my behalf, carry on. As a matter of fact, do whatever you want or feel like it; there are no consequences, ever. Fools know how to be ridiculous and can teach us the wisdom in life; even if it is all a fantasy or hallucination. If we cannot be rude about this, then we are not surviving; are we? I am sure nobody minds and nobody will notice. I am sure nothing will be destroyed and everybody will win. Of course, do take down the Constitution if you have some time left over.

"He didn't just snap. This takes a lot of planning," said Mary Ellen O'Toole, who worked for 15 years in the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit where she studied psychopaths and helped capture killers. "I have not seen a case with callousness of this extreme," O'Toole said of Lanza's shooting rampage. "It's off the charts." "His computers were very important to him. They were a window to his world," O'Toole told Yahoo News. "He didn't want them to survive. He knew that they would give insight into him and didn't want people to have it." "It's time we stop putting out the mental health issue as an excuse that he didn't know what he was doing," she said. "He wanted to accomplish maximum lethality," O'Toole said. "He was not out of touch with reality. I think he put some security measures in place so he wouldn't be stopped." "If you pick older people you are going to have some blowback," O'Toole said. "He didn't want people to interfere. When people take security measures like that, you know what you are doing is wrong." - FBI Profiler About Shooter -

Dear Senior FBI Profilers, I will relay to you what they kept on asking or demanding from me. They want you to break down and cry. It is a way they view you have surrendered to their power and the kingdom of their flourishing glory. By crying or when they see you cry, there is an authentic mechanism that triggers and makes them human again. Until you show them this trigger mechanism, they are animals and the brutality will go on and on. I am not saying I will do it, I am saying military people find this enemy and the poor people behind it ridiculous; yet very dangerous and very deadly to life and liberty. Yes they are very rude but they hide it very well, extreme SOBs. I have never told them what exactly I want; I said I want them to pay the damages and consider jail, then move on and have a normal life if they even understand what this entails. They seem to be rambling about what I want, putting words in my mouth, and all kinds of stupid silent ridiculous retard who thinks he is special and genius would whine and whimper about in private. How rude are they? How dare they do this? They are incapable to learning or even forgiveness; a religious stunting and merely seeking pity and this map that is supposed to lead to Israel. All they do is sit there and feel sorry about each other while they cling on to what I describe in detail. Have you seen a half human or a piece of trash who thinks they are gold but with the boldness and the cunning of a real normal person? A go getter who survives by teaching this treason or criminal bearing to high achievement and advantage; that is who this religion and communist is. They will not say who they really are so neither will I; it is common sense. This is about the Constitution and this is about how able they are to usurp and bring down the nation. This is about lawlessness. It is about brutality and violence. It is about what they know will only benefit the liberals and the criminals.

Dear Ann, for a Christian I would have to say you are one inconsiderate B, although you are trying very hard to be nice to me. Also, you know there is no excuse for your abysmal behavior or what it has done to our friendship, none. However, when you are this ignorant and this stubborn; it has lasting impact. I said it once and I will say it again, there is no excuse for this kind of behavior and it does not matter if you are right, wrong, or free; it is flat out inconsiderate. I never said it was illegal did I? You should see the jewels you had to help me fight and how inconsiderate they were; seems like all of you read the bible and then go into the world and become crazed mad people or extreme people who preach being inconsiderate. I hope with every ounce in your body and even before who you claim to be your God, you are able to understand what you have done and how bad your management or leadership truly is; all of you. However, I do not think any of you have learned a damn thing; not a damn thing, so this goes on and on. The communist forces have learned how to play this game and having been burned so many times, they are out for blood. They may do to me; then you do it to them; and then back and forth we go; hating on each other and clubbing or blocking each other to death as suppressed humans separated from their family. I wonder if you people have any capacity to learn or do you just bombard and crash into others? All of you need to learn but we have not reached that milestone yet, have we? We are not even close to this being over yet, nowhere near. I have seen this type of behavior from corporate clowns. You cannot get a straight answer from them but when it comes to money; you cannot even get a straight answer out of them. I keep demanding they stop using us for this cookie-cutter communist assembly line where they dump the worst people on us. Their church and the people who hide behind Republican and Democrats have used us as part of their empire of trash and dumping ground in America; as this SOB will take over everything. I can tell you right now they are trying to figure out a new and clever way to take me out, win this, and get this map that leads to Israel.

California is a prime example of how wrong the Republicans are. Jobs opened the gates of hell to California and it is fair to say the Republican Party will never win an election there ever again. If you look carefully at the statistics, the Democrats will clean house there time and again. Why? Look at who and why the state has in the next 10, 20, and 30 years. What we need is for high tech exodus so that a fresh start and a new world can be made from the wrecked one these politicians have caused. Jobs did not kill it for the Republican Party in California; it gave the Democrats the election. If and when a mass exodus occurs; California, similar to New York and Florida, will sink. Look at Florida, what was once a retirement and vacation state. It is now infested with liberals, Democrats, and control freaks who will ruin it for everyone and take the enjoyment out of what made America so great and so outstanding. Worse is the government that tries to manage it or so blinded; they seek to try and fix it. So yes, at the heart of this is the problem with the Republicans; however, it does not mean the Democrats are correct.

They are trying to take down America and the Constitution. It is the first line of defense against the communists. This all means that business has opened the gates of hell but these people are the ones who ruined it for everybody. This is why I said, if I had a hurricane and earthquake capability; now is the time I would use it. Each move this enemy makes; I would move 10 against them. I would break them until the little pest and piece of trash begs in public for mercy and admits to what they did, had done, tried to do, and are doing now. I keep saying the job creators are the people doing the dumping and who are hiding behind communism. They use capitalism to take over everything by using us as a cookie-cutter or placing us in the most humiliating way on top of their church or empire of trash. But when we get them in trouble and when we sound the alarms, then demand they pay damages, leave, and consider jail; look what we get instead. We get double the effort and double the pressure. Look at Florida. One of the most beautiful states in the union has been turned into a dumping ground. Look at the people there. Did the Democrats create these problems or did the eastern liberals do that? Now it is ruined for everybody. Florida looks identical to New York. Is it the map this church is looking for? If it is, then this map is on the verge of collapse and severe problems. Everything they have done goes directly against the Constitution; except failure.

This is why I keep demanding they pay the damages and consider jail; but they are too ignorant and stubborn; they feel they are our God and even worse, are taking over everything. It is very simple, we need to figure out how to get rid of them before they ruin it for everybody; they have already been busted for trying this intentionally with us. So if anybody out there has a hurricane and earthquake capability; I suggest you break it out now and go to town on these SOBs. Don't leave one of them standing and do not let one of them see the light of day, shut them down. Maybe then they will learn something and this will teach them something a little better than what they are trying to teach us or force on us. Their map to Israel will only work if everybody is a Democrat, but how do they get there? Our map will only work if everybody accepts accountability and... we'll you see it right here and now. It is good against bad. It is right against left. It is time to settle this once and for all. America has become a dumping ground where the communist send their best, the most taken care of, and also their worst. When they get here they will not leave us alone and they claim they want to die until we surrender all of our freedoms while they ruin everything they touch. As we can see, they refuse to pay the damages and they refuse to consider jail. We all cannot be Democrats and we all cannot be Republicans; but we seem to be in a complete stalemate right now. It is time to finish this SOB and this gigantic problem. I keep demanding they stop using us for this cookie-cutter communist assembly line where they dump the worst people on us. Their church and the people who hide behind Republican and Democrats have used us as part of their empire of trash and dumping ground in America; as this SOB will take over everything. Until they are stopped and shut down; lives will be ruined and people will die. Until the good guys shoot back or the bad guys unable to; we do not have any chance of survival. As I describe, they refuse to pay damages and refuse to consider jail, instead I get this dumb speech about how powerful they are and how they wish to die.

Again, if I had a hurricane and earthquake capability; now is the time I would use it. Each move this enemy makes; I would move 10 against them. I would break them until the little pest and piece of trash begs in public for mercy and admits to what they did, had done, tried to do, and are doing now. Each minute that past is a minute wasted as 100 or 1000 future events are denied to them and snuffed due to their total guilt and lack of responsibility. If I had this hurricane and earthquake ability, now is the best time to test it on this rodent like enemy and until every inch of ground they took or every inch of ground they stand on is returned; their world and worldly possessions will disappear and be shut down. Hopefully, they will perish and return to that pig existence we know so well. Hopefully, their existence on this earth will be so clipped and removed; they will never become a threat nor ruin our life ever again. So this will be the last of them and this is the official record of how they disappeared or got chased off. I think if I had a hurricane or earthquake capability I would use it with impunity due to what they did to me and what they had inflicted on this world. They would pay each second of their life and all of them would feel the pain and the guilt of their evil existence and sick actions. No response or reply needed; however, pay the damages so we can have closure and consider jail so we can have justice. It can only come back and bite them; no less wipe them out or kill them when a human being is this guilty. Consider it being fired repeatedly. Consider it a more powerful God. Consider this God dead and shaking even in their graves. The communist have been burned and hated on; hence, they are retaliating and are trying to get even. These people do not care who they are hurting or how much they are hurting them; that is how violent they truly are, yet for now it is all hush-hush secrecy, all greed and power.

Keep in mind a very logical equation. If I had a hurricane and earthquake ability, even the smallest chance; why would I be crying like a little girl but instead go to town on your ass. Think about this. If you had a hurricane and earthquake ability, the world is yours; why would you even worry about getting in a shouting match or whose flattening whose tire or trashing their property? We would not be having this conversation and I would be talking to an empty audience, get it? What you did to me, to us, and to this country; is nowhere near what I would do to you and your army. Even better, I would not let up until all of you were gone or removed from my world, our world, and wherever you decide to invade or occupy. If that does not get a "hell yes" than Merry Xmas to you too! When and if this is ever over; I am sure the forces of good will hunt all of you down and figure out a more meaningful way to dispose this trash and remove it from our lives. Until then pay the damages and consider jail as you have been ordered. Let's not let this get out of hand or too crazy; we know what happens or will happen when the leash is too long or when the rules are broken. Keep in mind, these clowns are not powerful; they built a fortune on top of trash. Thus, you can never get a straight answer from any of them nor will. This is part of the act and their high grandeur life. It is so phony a monkey would laugh. If you ask them how flawed and how stupid they are, you will never get a straight answer. Never. This means they need to go to jail and they committed a crime.

I think we know and got an idea of what you want to turn America into; already. We know you SOBs are everywhere and these companies you are hiding behind are trying to take over everything. However, your plans have gone awry and are now near bankrupt. We know you assholes are everywhere and trying to take over because you are just a weird ass loser and your false religion has God really upset. Keep that in mind because when it comes to expelling you or making you all pay for what you have done; it comes down to shutting down these companies you all are hiding behind and the purse strings you have tried to sink hooks into in order to suck the life out of other people, who by no fault of their own, have stumbled on your clever, secretive, and evil plot. Therefore, we know you are everywhere, we know you are trying to take over everything, we know you wish to make the human race your slave, and we are going to either shut you down or really go to town. So if I did have a hurricane and earthquake capability; you can rest assured I would use it right now, right here, and I am really angry about this matter. Any questions? Good, then plead guilty and accept your punishment before this becomes ten or one hundred times worse. Remember, eventually someone has to clean it up, eventually. This would be the best opportunity to test this capability, or not on your stupid false God and your wish to become our God. All along you thought you were hot-shit and something special didn't you? Still?

From the Rambo Trilogy:
Trautman: Pressure? Let me just say that Rambo is the best combat vet I've ever seen. A pure fighting machine with only a desire - to win a war that someone else lost. And if winning means he has to die - he'll die. No fear, no regrets. And one more thing, what you choose to call hell, he calls home.
John Rambo: That we're like animals! It's in the blood! It's natural! Peace? That's an accident! It's what is! When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing. When the killing stops in one place, it starts in another, but that's okay... 'cause you're killing for your country. But it ain't your country who asks you, it's a few men up top who want it. Old men start it, young men fight it, nobody wins, everybody in the middle dies... and nobody tells the truth! God's gonna make all that go away?
John Rambo: I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!
John Rambo: like this, and I'm tryin' to pull him off, you know, my friend that's all over me! I've got blood and everything and I'm tryin' to hold him together! I'm puttin'... the guy's fuckin' insides keep coming out! And nobody would help! Nobody would help! He's saying, sayin' "I wanna go home! I wanna go home!" He keeps calling my name! "I wanna go home, Johnny! I wanna drive my Chevy!" I said "With what? I can't find your fuckin' legs! I can't find your legs!"

Considering what you did, had done, tried to do, and are doing now; don't you think if I had a hurricane or earthquake capability I would take this out on you or stop you in the most gruesome way possible? Did it ever occur to your numb coconuts little mind we might try to kill you all or take the law into our own hands at your expense or pleasures? Also, if it is about your capital and money; how low life and scumbags have built up your empire of trash; don't you think we were in a position to learn more about you before we unleashed a hurricane and earthquake on your little marriage or purse strings? The easiest way to shut you up would be to either take your capital away or deny your worker ants from allowing you the accumulation of power and greed. Don't you think a hurricane or earthquake capability would and could put a brutal end to your criminal life or posturing in ours? Do you? Did it ever occur to you the possibility you are not God and you play with forces that are either foreign or unknown to your little pea stupid mind? Now you tell me why you want to die now or beg for mercy when you already know you are the cause of your miserable measly pity seeking existence. Again, low standards and this reckless power by low life trash is not how this world operates; thus, your map to Israel or the treasure map you seek and demand from us; is not a life-line or a purse string to your insatiable spying and greed for power. Get it now?

These terror plots and the vast violence is nothing more than a courtship. It is a process of applying for a job and the difficulty of mind games when this type of warped courtship enters the life of normal human beings. The courtship is a complete waste of time whether they do hire-fire at will, powerful or powerless, or make people jump through one hoop or another. It is false advertisement and solicitation. This guilt already must be met with absolute resolve to break their endless tricks and lies. It is a mob of desperate and determined people who lack morals and life direction. They are foolish to think we are the source of this or will bring them closure to their future; yet this goes on and on while we state the same conviction, we are not your prostitute or prisoner. Go try this on a more pliable and gullible soul. And if we do have earthquake and hurricane capabilities; then they will know what exactly is in store for them each night they go to bed. The map leading to Israel is not a plot and not a real marriage; all made up and fantasy. They are a mob of nobody and they are looking for something in life; I think they have finally found it. The odd part is it goes against communism and everything they believe in; hence, the daily collisions and the back and forth which get's nowhere. As time goes on, this will cause us to sink and sink deeper in their trap or prison of lies. Stop applying for a job, and telling us to stop applying, and stop trying to be our God who demands absolute obedience. It was beyond annoying and now the ramifications and the legal retaliation is severe, police or not.

If this is about trying to get our attention, trying to show us what they will do for us, and trying to keep us focused on a bunch of clowns who spy on and exploit every aspect of our life while trying to switch our life to one of ruin; then it is a clever robbery. This corporate espionage and spy ring is trying to steal inventions and then destroy the source or their informant. Very similarly, we see this taking shape with Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, and a very demented and unwelcome bunch on the Republican side. They claim there is pressure from their culture or mob for them to save each other, a pact and unity of criminal elements undergoing collapse and very abysmal behavior. It is not an excuse to rob a bank and the same applies to a marriage; you do not go on a crime spree due to the expectations or pressures inside a false marriage of loose fantasies that come and go. This constant marriage arrangement or bombardment with temptation; is part of that corrupting process by the same people who do not even have a clue who we are but only wish to bombard us with vices and corruption; hoping one of them will sink a hook and they can actually get somewhere or be the police. Of the 1000s of scams, all had to be checked out or investigated; none of them could stick or sink any hooks. This is what they are up to as a spy and a mob of criminal elements. The best and only answer, no matter how peaceful and well intended they truly are, is to figure out how to dispose of them and get them off our borders. Otherwise, they will secretly usurp and put America on a false path and one of severe disaster.

I think everybody will agree, including this spy ring and opposition, the best answer is to try and figure out a way to get rid of them, stop them, and throw them out. Even the people who face this death penalty, expulsion, and the products of their own evil will agree; it is better for everybody involved if we can figure out an easy and quick way to get rid of them so that our survival is no so severely impacted and our life is not so abnormal or a legal disaster. The problem is where they are or their home. The problem is not with others or even me; it is this home and their wanton acts to keep control or pursue such an abysmal life. Even I pity them and their total lack of responsibility. This little game of luring people in a web of deception, hiring-firing them at will, and slowing bleeding them to death; has gotten them in major league trouble and was the worst possible outcome imaginable. Until we can figure out a way to throw them out or get rid of them, they have to pay damages because they are an utter mess and this has had such negative consequences on whom they did this too. It is no game and the problem itself is how they are here and now.

What they did and to whom cannot be changed. How they change this or rectify it, is an open threat still. We continue to demand they pay the damages and consider jail; yet they claim we are a threat or threaten their existence; otherwise leave or go home. Clearly, this is just another clever trick and lie to sell communism and this mob of evil wandering around in America screwing up everything. If they were not here and now, none of this would have happened, the suffering level would be so low, and people would not be ruined or driven into poverty. Regardless, the pandering and begging goes on and on; even into the wee hours of the night. Until we can figure out how to implement the best answer, the most logical answer, and the strongest solution; we will have this paralysis as bills stack up, repair bills gone wild, and their goal of a slow death is allowed to have life. Even their police lack utter responsibility and play the blame game; yet when this unwinds or come to a close, they have no willpower to clean it up or admit fault, no less stand for the truth. The truth is they got busted and stopped. The truth is they did nothing to clean this up, even in the fourth year. The evidence against them is overwhelming but for a criminal; it is just business as usual. As we can also see, their security in numbers or sheer quantity; makes it impossible to pursue every single thread or fix everything they have none; no less brunt the cost of one repair after the next. This is also why their life is on the last breath while mine is just starting to breathe. History will also judge them as they perish before our very eyes.

If I did have hurricane and earthquake capability, I would not be so pissed off. But bad things do happen to bad people and it gives us a new perspective on life. If I was God or had the power of God; I would slay this false one and this criminal immediately; before the TV and public, to show them what their false God and evil antics have gotten them in life. Maybe they were not built for the destiny of America. Maybe they are incompatible with us and America? Maybe they are just too dumb or too evil? They need to stop making something out of nothing or trying to fool everybody they belong. This is about incompatibility and malice; an intentional and purposeful attack. It is no courtship. It is no terror plot. It is no job application to be our God or our servant by enemies of the state. They are merely fools who think they are powerful and very clever; now look at what they have done! One or two of them may get by and we are expecting that; also a lot of bad luck at the last minute.

Keep in mind that if I did have a hurricane or earthquake capability, I would reduce you to tears each and everyday on the radio until you were thoroughly tortured. In other words, if I did have a hurricane and earthquake ability, I would F you up royally. Your forces would pray each and every day it is not their final one. They would go to bed every single night with the recurrence of a premonition about the end of the world or their own thievery. I would turn you all into a baby sucking their thumb and wishing they were dead. However, it is irrelevant and very inconsequential to the ending. You owe two billion and you really need to consider jail before somebody does obtain a hurricane and earthquake significance and take you out for reaching this reckless power level and exerting it on our life. What does it matter if you know or have this relentless pursuit; you would be dead before you could blink and see who is on the other end. Now if you are really that good and really that smart; you would represent yourself in a better manner and be in a more advantageous position, but stupid is as stupid does. Even worse is your people, how you keep them in the dark while you quake in your boots trying to pass along the next lie or attack supposedly to bring the forces of freedom and justice to their knees. I pity you fool and I pity your measly existence; don't give yourself too much credit on this earth okay. How irrelevant is this? Pay the damages and let justice be your lesson.

Now if my life normalizes and stuff like trying to isolate me from my family, isolating me from Ann, wrecking my car, all my property scattered here and there, my books on halt due to computer problems or hacking, all the unemployment I had to battle, trying to make me look suspicious or rejected by employers, trying to do crazy things at work, trying to constantly run me out of the state, etc... maybe I can focus on legal matters or this 2 billion damage claim and locking your sorry spy ring ass behind bars. Until I can pay for the repair bills on my car, how in hell can I battle a felon and serial killer who keeps taking the first punch? Do I call on a hurricane or earthquake on a whim? If I cannot even pay $4000 in car repairs; how would I obtain a lawyer and begin my satellite business or business plans? Exactly. I spend more time trying to fend off the attacks, then sweep and mop up the damages, and back again and again; how would I focus on my suing the hell out of these people and making them to pay for what they did or tried? Oddly, they are the same people who are sponsoring the claim or the legal suit; which is now all a hoax and total lies. They are the people who are 100% guilty but they are also the people who are blocking, stalling, obstructing, quieting, and trying to stretch all of this thin until the opposition breaks. Even if they are 100% guilty, they take on our existence and we have to carry their voice or live their existence; how did this happen? Being poor is no excuse and trying to be nice or well intentioned is no excuse either. Every single one of them behind this should be thrown on the streets and all of their belongings should be burned or confiscated, that might teach them a lesson. Again, how do I get the legal power to claim 2 billion in damages when I cannot even pay a car repair bill of $4000? Meanwhile, all of my assets are magically going away or disappearing and I have to sit here and listen to how they are sorry, want to die, do not know what to do, etc... Did I incidentally marry one of their hideous females also when I had a DUI heyday? I am grateful to them for stopping the framing and setting me up, day and night walking on egg shells or waiting to see what their next trick will be.

Oh and how about going to great lengths to bad mouth me about DUI, speeding, financial problems, stealing from you, drug problems, or stuff you use to corrupt and entice people. I have not even touched drugs since high school and everybody knows I am allergic to beer. It is a good alibi and good front; but it also shows how you hide your crimes.

Example 1: am I a dumbass or a genius? Explain my grades.
Example 2: am I a squatter, wanderer, or do I come from a rich or royal family? Explain my credit.
Example 3: am I as bad as they say or made me look? Explain my partnership with Ann Coulter.
Example 4: am I as bad as they tried to make me think, 24-7 pressure? Explain my books.
Example 5: am I really their friend or is this some phony scam and robbery? Explain this dialogue.
Example 6: am I the real deal or are they; and if so who is the police? Explain what is going on right now.
Example 7: am I really them; a panderer; homeless; destitute and always needing money; what happened to my fierce independence and self reliance? This is still uncertain.
Example 8: knowing my political views; am I really schizophrenic or paranoid or are we under attack, kidnapped, and under some external influence? This is still uncertain.
Example 9: am I a failure, military wash out, long hair-bearded white trash riding around on a motorcycle with VETERAN written all over my clothing? They can read can't they?
Example 10: does the Pentagon have 90% of a problem with me as I was made to think or feel; or is there some secret I have kept hidden and used it to clobber them with? I am not bragging or going around flaunting this am I? Am I throwing cash here and there and asking them to kneel?

This list can go up to Example 1000 and possibly Example 3000; that is the extent and the level of this. It is also why I am asking for 2 billion in damages and why they want to die or claim it is a death sentence. So let's ask a seasoned FBI investigator or even reporters; do you see something wrong or is this some cruel hoax and terror plot? I can feel these people all around me. They are here in Florida also. It is the psycho type who has to be the biggest, baddest, most psycho. and total trouble maker in the room and in the state. It is the same Al Capone syndrome or mafia element that is constantly at war with others. Their power is always threatened and if you want to sit next to them or exist on the same planet, you have to bow and kiss their ring. These people think they run the county, the state, and even America. Right now, they want to know who out there knows what they are up to and who can stop them; hence, all of these probes we discovered or describe.

What is this the church of the stars or the church to destroy destiny? The church of the stars is nothing more than the church of crooks, criminals, terrorists, and communist spies. Furthermore, this game to collect or accumulate publicity and then discharge it, which is a gimmick to control the minds of the people who are fooled into discharging it to rigged or specific rogues; is some racketeering scam. First it was begging to stars, then it was despondency because I am not a star, now it is back to pandering to stars, and then it was impeding on rise and growth long established before any of them were even born. They want to give publicity. Oh wait, they want to steal our publicity. Oh wait, we have to forget all the rules and do as told; a portion of our life has to be given back, similar to a kickback. How about the feeling of being ripped off or cheap? Where did that come from? How about the labor camp and the sensation of doing humiliating work in order to instill some life lesson? What is it now? Immersion and hands on teaching, not only reading? Who in Gods name is this quacked out or crazy? Church of the stars or some financial scam to take over our life, career, and run us into ruin or servitude? To trap us in life and to deny us all rights and privileges? They know we are not communists, we do not buy into any of this, we are independent and extremely successful; but none of this stops them or makes them think about what they are doing; nothing. I find watching me brush my teeth, get dressed, and enjoying themselves as our expense very repugnant. It feels like a demented peeping tom who claims they are the peace movement or only protesters. As interrogation has shown, they are nothing more than posers and scientific retards. Rush Limbaugh has proven this and the spy ring that stretches across country borders. Clearly, they are not cleaning up society, they are spreading the disease. God is angry and the hurricanes and earthquakes is just his way of softening them up for a ground war. They need to pay the damages and consider jail if and when their secrets are revealed.

Immediately out of college, I had to report extreme surveillance or some communist enemy; labor union goons is how I described them. How about the reports about following me around DC-VA, playing dangerous games in cars, and trying to fabricate or make it look like I was paranoid or losing my mind? We find out they are communist spies and their message is peace or anti-war; but first we have to surrender to the communist movement and adopt all of their experiences and feelings. Most if not all of this is kept secret so that nobody can retaliate or seek damages. Furthermore, nobody can prosecute and arrest them. Surveillance and a spy agency who evades the FBI and the police are nothing more than dict-actors, madmen, and control freaks. Look at the list of crimes they will see thru just to win or prove their power. Similar to the communists, they sound nice until you actually see how they are run. Similar to the liberals or the Democrats, they sound well intentioned until you see how far they take it or what they will do to win. Similar to an enemy traitor, they will evade the laws and anybody who get's in their way or exposes their evil deeds. We get this cheap feeling; there is a cloud of cheap and trash; and we get this feeling of being ripped off or stolen. Did I mention pushing or peddling this problem with psychiatry and the impact it has had or is having with our life? Does it sound like a spy is peddling communism or some form of mind control? Am I really biased and a liar? Maybe I am just a complete loser and accept failure? What is it they hate so much to reach this terminal point and be trapped in our sting to figure out who they truly are behind all of those secrets? Is it really big brother with all the purse strings? Oh I owe them a debt and they are willing to forget about it if I do? I had no idea they were still collecting. This much be such powerful information, nobody can see it unless they have been through our training course or pay into this level. This map that leads them to Israel must be so powerful, they cannot share it with the world or to the police. It is called communism and brain washing by the anti-war movement. Who is the liar and criminal now?

Read these psychiatry reports and look at the stuff they are doing with this mental illness theme. It sounds like a crazed liberal spy wrote them to suit their ends because they hate the world or the truth. All it is was a spiral into madness; trying to turn us into madness or crazy people too feeble to exist in life. Did they even bother to clean any of it up? All clandestine and labored to circumvent the laws or our rights; an intrusion or total invasion of our life. Do keep pushing our buttons and trying to wind us up to a terrorist level; what is it now twenty something years of tailspin anger because of this gross violation or invading our life? It feels like a room of gays and drama fighting but it is real and it is a deadly game they want to win or die in the process. We find out they are 1960s radicals and communists; the anti-war crowd also; they are wealthy and rich however. The following me around has now ceased and is very subtle; only on the radio and extreme surveillance; big brother and a control freak. How the hell did this terrorist group and insame enemies get in our life with all of this trash and secrecy? Keep in mind, the Democratic Party and the Labor Unions are ran the same way, they may look and sound well intentioned, they may claim to do a lot of good; but the truth is always hidden and you become trapped by a prison of lies and vicious attacks. Here we are now and they refuse to go to jail and they refuse to pay any damages; which suggests they are not anti-war but war hawks after all, communist infiltrators and radicals of the anti-war crowd. The central theme to all of this is a mob and liberals trying to exert power and control over others they dislike or want destroyed. All they do is criticize, attack and attack, and use surveillance. We find out they are communist spies and wish to trash our life because of the 1960s. How about taking a hard look at who we have and who we have been in fierce battle with. Is this the church of the stars or the communists in Hollywood and around the world? If so this is a clever bait to take over the media, the radio, and to become big brother. They are not fighting communism and crime, they are spreading it.

It is starting to feel cheap. It is starting to feel like a rip off. It is starting to feel like an idiot is trying to play God with our life. It is starting to feel like I am not allowed to get what I want and I have to accept trash. Even you Ann are beginning to give me that creeping communism feel; you do know what the creeping communism feel is don't you? This list of crimes or oppression list was a complete total fabrication and lies. The error levels exceeded 10, not a damn thing was even true. Then this separation and suppression list was the cause of this disconnection from our own life and our own family; even life partner. They keep feeding us information on how this partner has been expelled or not welcomed; then it is the control or bombardment of new partners or some new life. Worse is how they act as if there is nothing going on when the malice levels exceed the death penalty. How does a human being get the tools to pretend they are God or do all of this in such gross error and become so full of malice or trickery? Sure, we can pick up a phone and take action; but that does not excuse their actions or errors. Keeping secrets and refusing to admit to what was done or the secretive manipulation which caused such damage; is criminal. Clearly this was a robbery. It has the look and feel of being cheap.

Everybody knows the sensation of being ripped off. Everybody knows these people are trying to play God using our life or exorcising such reckless errors. Neither I got a paycheck and neither did the people behind this got a paycheck; but why is it such a total waste of time? Furthermore, there was nothing consensual about this and no contract was ever presented; all criminal and illegal. Why am I being denied damages? Why is this a secret game? Why am I a prisoner and forced to work for a psychopath who is totally erroneous and flawed, but wants to play God with my life? Why? Have I been chosen or been drafted by the communists or some spy agency? How about this one. As a writer and scholar, this ridiculous and constant pressure to buy their books while mine or my life is suppressed. How long has it been since any goals have been achieved in my life? Yet they still refuse to pay damages. This pressure to buy books and bombarding the world with goofy books on conservatism or Republicanism; all coming from this nest of spies and communist enemies. You have to admit, my life could use a big boost if Ann stops making me feel ripped off or life is cheap. This is why we never see eye to eye; I get this feeling I am being ripped off and life is cheap or artificial. Did they consider this when they made so many errors or decided to play God? Instead, they made this about money and only dirty-corrupt wealth.

They are in power. There is a major problem with American power and it should not be limited to throwing money or purse strings around the world. We have and are inundated by utter retards and psychopathic political operators who are wrong 10 out of 10 times. They scored a 10 out of 10 for criminality and maliciousness; an utter psychopath. This is a test and testament of how bad their power, management, and judgment truly is. I think the race for power, greed, and a lack of responsibility; similar to communism as a reckless exertion of power once a certain level is reach; is behind all of this. Furthermore, the race for land and occupation is also one of the major themes, control. Whatever the case we have errors on the level of 100% or 10 out of 10 and a dictator who disregards these errors when judgment has to be judged. It is more than a psychopath. It is more than a factory worker or some sleazy living porn. There is no value or use for the pieces this enemy, this church, and these traitors have accumulated even if they built America or the world. We are talking about slave labor and slave power; an utter retard and a very dangerous and deadly enemy who is on the hunt. In other words, the world's policemen is utterly corrupt and thinks the purse strings win in court.

Nobody knows where to begin or end with this; they just need to be shut down and unfortunately a lot of lives were destroyed for their reckless time honored accumulation of land and power. However, when it comes to power and being judged; a total disaster and even worse is the leadership. Luckily, some intervention was possible and we were able to win back some ground; however, to certain consequences to our own life and being trapped. Even Ann is guilty of this lack of judgment or problem with American leadership. If you do not see it than you are blind or stupid. Whatever it is, it circled us, came in, tried to mate with us, and we have battled it up until now and it is slowly crawling away. Crawling away is not good enough. As I said they are so mentally ill, so stupid, so flawed, such liars, so guilty, so criminal, so wrong, and so evil; they are in power. It is a disaster and only a labor movement or real estate brokers. There is not much to this enemy left; however, they are more criminal than ever in history, a mob of opportunity seekers and thieves. How we got here is due to their utter flaws, ridiculous ambitions, ignorant narcissism, corrupt money, unwavering determination, total errors in judgments, and game of blame or entrapment. They also want to be killed and will do kamikaze runs right at anybody in their radar. As we can see, the house of lies, deceit, corruption, crime, and labor has reached critical mass and they are searching for a life raft, anything.

I am glad they finally decided to stop running my life or our life into ruin. I am very fortunate they have finally decided that what they have to teach, professor or not; what they have to offer; what the life lessons they wish to pass on; only antagonized, humiliated, and had no value to our life or life mission. All it was is failure and accepting it. I am glad the communists and labor unions have finally realized their immigration to America is or still are a curse to our future and prosperity; destroying our property, begging and pandering, trying to rob us blind, or trying to hold me as a prisoner while pressuring me day and night eventually failed. I am glad this attempt to change my reality and change my environment has collapsed or imploded. I am glad they finally realize they are not God and cannot pretend to be God, otherwise they will suffer and be in pain every waking second of life. I am glad everybody in this world has come to the conclusion they are toxic and nothing more than pandering opportunists who sneak, occupy, kidnap, and try to take over the lives of others; but first they must run it into ruin so they are not easily identified. I am glad they have stomped playing God or trying to pass on goofy life lessons that embark on failure and a collateral acceptance of backwards illegal criminal behavior only meant to line their pockets, accumulate feudal lord power, or build an empire of failures and poverty. Now pay the damages so my life and all of our lives can return to normal or be the life it was meant to be. I am very fortunate they have learned how angry God is with them and has experienced firsthand his wrath, our wrath. Maybe this will make them human again and compel them to pay the damages as requested and ordered. Next time don't try to play God or else God will smack the hell out of them. Now they know the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate it.

Ann, nobody is this dumb or blind. Your relationship with these people and your relationship with these men; by consent or not, is what ruined our relationship or 20 something partnership. Although you are not a security threat and plead, even go so far as doing stupid things to justify this 20 something partnership; it appears you seek redemption or are seeking thanks. They are seeking respect, accolade, and power; as a king wants a peasant to kiss their hand. Now they have no hand on either arm and do not have the legs to run away. It was not what they did or what you did; nor how innocent you are or was. I do not think you are a victim either; neither is the history of America or the US; it was your relationship with these people and how long you carried this relationship, no sex or not, into 2013. The judgment on America is severe. As everybody can see, the cultural lack of reality, the aura of retards in power, the opportunity seeking of criminals and citizens who were hungry and ridiculous, and the pressures of global trade, debt, and collapse all took a toll on everybody. However, capitalism does not abide by the rules of equal life and some people have blessed fate or destiny. As you see, someone mixed and flipped all the pieces upside down so that they could win or the good guys could not. Here is a perfect example and it focused in on the relationship, not what happened in that relationship. The relationship may be financial or strictly business or pleasure, it was the relationship itself. You are trying to win this by alliances or relationships and it is getting really toxic. Everything is tainted. How wrong are they will translate how bad they will loose.

God is softening them up. There will be a ground war. We are close to world war. The only good news is when another one of their centers of power or control is slammed and ripped to pieces. It feels like a nuclear war is secretly underway and this enemy truly wants a nuclear war to be secret because they do not care; they only want to win no matter what the casualties are. If you copy them and duplicate their power, even alliances; you will be inhuman and become one of them or of them also. 2013 will be the year your flaws and your lack of management ends in the history of my life. I know what American power and American values are about; this is not it and these people are not of our kind. I want them gone now, immediately; 2012 was supposed to be the end. I will not sit here and repeat the same words I have repeated in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. That was your fault. You take ownership of it and you let it keep you warm at night or when you are out traveling and having fun with those relationships. In the romance category you are a complete dummy, flunked it. These are the same lessons girls learn in high school, some play their cards perfectly. You have twisted everything but it comes down to alliances and relationships. What we have is a precursor to World War, thus, expect World War. We have an nationalist enemy forcing us to side between the Nazis or the communists and they will jump on the bandwagon of the winner circle no matter who it is. We know them as communists but now they are merely the winners circle and the ultimate prize; a champagne fantasy for all human beings.

I warned you about this critical mass and your relationships which literally dragged the matter into critical red zones. I said there would be a hurricane, more hurricanes, and even a bottom out earthquake. I said God was angry and all I have to do is put my ear to the ground. You should know by now you cannot win cleanly with traitors and total criminals. This enemy or political power against us is only good for jobs or labor. Your crystal ball should be indicating what is going on. They are so mentally ill, so stupid, so flawed, such liars, so guilty, so criminal, so wrong, and so evil; all they have is a criminal life that seeks out opportunity. They feel it is power or control, nationalism. As I said, don't be dumb about this. Your race or breed has a sense of innate stupidity, a genetic malfunction and to make-up for it, you are predisposed as criminals or secret rejects who lack judgment. I am not here to save your genetic species or the labor movement. I am not here to save Americans at any cost; all of you have misjudged me, even you Ann. If 2012 was not a tell-tale sign of your wisdom or how you manage your life, 2013 in my crystal ball appears to be the final and last year. I am not going to give a reason or any particular example, ever again; all I will say is your life is very harmful. This is who doomed America and why the power or leadership cannot be trusted. It was a reckless rendezvous that got worse as time went on but by these alliances and relationships; we have this and the people who also wrecked our lives. They are communists and they are nothing more than criminal opportunists.

Ann you and everybody need to recognize it and you need to take drastic actions before it will ever get better. If your road-map is not re-written in 2013, I can promise you it will be the last year of our 20 something partnership; 2012 was nowhere close to a disaster or total disaster, it was a mirror of your life and your management. Sure you are not a threat or a security problem but flaws and perfection does have merit and meaning. Your choice of toxic people and your insatiable thirst for conflict or displeasure will end what you love in life and those you love in life. If and when your parents tell you not to play with bad kids or the kids they know all about, don't. They expect families to just move or get the hell out of their state. They expect people to take the brutality if they want to stay; similar to the school system. What it came down to was a preparation for war and these alliances and relationships that got us into World War I and World War II. It is the same people, the same churches, and the same criminal conspiracy, all kept in secret. It surrounds and is enshroud by a human class of retards who have no identity, no destiny, no class, and who embrace nationalism whether it is communist, radical, or illegal Nazism. Nazism can be legal if it is an act of self defense or stopping a crime; as the case with any mob or criminal enterprise. Their problems and desperateness have now gone from 4x to 10x; next it will exceed 15x and even 25x. How much of the pressure and stress can they tolerate before their head explodes or they have a mental breakdown? We will see. I did not like the drunken plans or parties after the elections either but I see you had signed up as usual, blindly.

Head my warnings Ann. Do not think you are infallible. You should know by now you cannot win cleanly with traitors and total criminals. This enemy or political power against us is only good for jobs or labor. Your crystal ball should be indicating what is going on. They are so mentally ill, so stupid, so flawed, such liars, so guilty, so criminal, so wrong, and so evil; we have to give up or surrender. Now that is power; they are in power. The problem is not how to get it right, it is how to get rid of a problem that will not go away. Don't you think your stupid life or your existence in mine has caused enough pain and suffering yet Ann? Does it matter if it is your fault or not, even if it makes you feel better about what you did or messed up? So they are retarded. So they make us look retarded. So they are evil and brutalize us. I can accept all of that. I can accept we live in an evil and violent world. My final conclusion is none of you have any sense of the truth or appreciate a life of transparency, trust, truth, and the simple life. Does it matter now who is right or who is the real victim? I honestly thought 2012 would be the year, it looks as if I was wrong, 2013 will be. I know how this enemy is and I know how they exert power or deceit. They do not have a prayer now and cannot win; but they have to make it to retirement, otherwise they lose everything. On a scale of 1 to 10, they are and have been wrong on a 10 level. We are dealing with a complete retard and psychopath. They do not have a clue what mental illness is but what they did was manage to flip everything upside down or reverse the sides so they look similar. They are not infallible but it is difficult to get rid of them from the public sector while this game is in full swing.

We are dealing with traitors, criminals, and communists enemies. They will read these negative reports and opportunity will overcome them; guilty as hell and no damn good. They will also present the best case on mental illness and how they are infallible, the truth is far from this but because they work for the government; they have to watch their back and jump through the hoops; a system that threatens legal prosecution but lacks any. It is clear as day they are nothing more than liars, opportunists, and traitors; but wrecking your life over a retard is even worse. Who will disagree? The question remains on how to expel them, clean this government-public service sector up, and round all of them up for what they have done? Using Ann and I as a canary in the coal mine is not a good idea; their life became an earthquake. They are so mentally ill, so stupid, so flawed, such liars, so guilty, so criminal, so wrong, and so evil; we have to give up or surrender. Now that is power. Heed my warnings, 2013 will be the year this will end finally. I will say this, at least with some people, I know what I get and I know ahead of time what I am getting into. If I hear anymore in 2013 about Palm Beach or Los Angeles, I am closing up shop and won't make a noise about it. You have ruined the story. No more of this stupid crazy dedication by trying to make my favorite dishes, it is getting dumber than dumb. Don't you feel stupid yet? They know they are wrong on level 10. They know they cannot win and we will win on a scale of 10. Obviously, they do not have a clue and are only criminals, opportunists and traitors. You will wreck your life or kill yourself trying to win over or defeat a complete retard who is a psychopath and criminal.

Dear MRC and New York: By the way Ann, didn't the MRC help you get a date with Klavan and aren't you two a thing now? What do you need me for but to make your life hell? As I see it, the MRC dinner was the special night of your life and the day all your dreams came true. Now if you play your cards a little bit better, this idea you are a security threat or a real nuisance might not be so aggravating to both you and I. Now I am not sure who exactly is the security threat but I know the MRC was when you two hooked up or got together. Go and bother Hannity about this engagement, not me okay. Why is it always me who gets the fallout, I don't even get paid. Go tell Hannity to have a word with whoever they keep trying to hook you up with; why always me? How nappy can you all get? Well, how nappy can this get? See, when they set me up with some crazy psycho spy, I abuse them. When you get set up on a date, you coddle or fondle them. Not me. So maybe in the end, you are a total A-hole and cannot help it? You of all people should know how these people are and why they always have to be manhandled. You do know they must or have to be manhandled, don't you? Stop coddling them. Now you are part of the problem, admit it. There is no gray area, it is either black or white, understand now? See what I mean, you all do deserve a hurricane but an earthquake has much more merit. Lovely isn't it, Merry X-mas.

Ann, it is a little difficult to believe or understand unless they admit openly to all of this or even some of it. First you are the one who came to me about how they were brutalizing you, how they were the people who were behind my legal problems and kidnapping, and who tried unsuccessfully to ruin my life or switch identities with my entire life work. They even tried the switchover on my love life. You said they were trying to rape, murder, and control you against your will and you fought them the only way you could; avoiding the pitfall of ruin I had encountered or used to trap them. Then Hannity turns around and starts sending me these messages about how unfaithful you are, how you two are engaged, and how well liked he is. He literally kept pressure on me 24 hours about how I dare to come between you and him. As a matter of fact, all of your friends brutalized the matter more with their lies, paranoia, and stupid games; what the hell I was doing or up to? What about them? It turns out after I believed every word you said and did my own investigation or questioning, by confronting them, did I find out the rape and murder attempts you described was only a front of a bigger sinister plot or goal. Hence, they will not disclose any detail about one tidbit or another because it leads to their bigger sinister plans. With you out of the way, nobody would find out about me and with rape or murder as the key focus, nobody will discover more. Thus, it is a diversion. The same applies to me, a mere diversion of a much larger, more criminal, and more evil plot to control or take over everything. Look at what and how they did this to Ann and I; a wedge right between us. It feels like a gigantic wall now.

Look at my car and when I was upset at you for not letting me park my car at your Palm Beach home or stay there. After all the vandalism and attempts to drive me further into ruin or homeless; what do you think they do? They vandalize my car even further to the point I have to buy a new car or pay $4000 in repair bills. This car was mint and restored to showroom condition in 2006. By 2012 it too was a complete wreck, down to the cutting of my spark plug wires. Whoever this crazed female is she now claims to be my wife or some engagement; a partner in life. I have to sit here with a bigger target on me while they sort this out. Meanwhile, this female proclaims herself as some wife or total bitch who runs every single minor detail of my life, a total stupid bitch; and breaks everything. If it is not my car she allows vandalized, then it is the complete lack of attention to my real problems. I end up looking like a rust bucket or homeless, them. Nothing works of course but it does for a while. Constantly breaking things, am I supposed to argue or be mad at you for my car problems? How about security problems? Well that is their goal currently. Are you my security nightmare? Just to prove a point, this fantasy psycho wife I do not even know; orders me to buy a new car and then persuades me how stupid I am; via vandalism and total ruin. Yes I should have listened to her and none of this would have happened. Then the mutt was saying stuff about how they wanted to die, did not know what to do, and reaching the end of their ropes; unable to fight any longer. We find out they are dreaming about their homeland and view America as their homeland; where the poor and communists are kings. As King they should know God is angry with them and hates them.

In the past 4 years (2008-2012) I had to listen day and night about how right, how sophisticated, how smart, and how self-righteous a complete bitch and psycho idiot was. Meanwhile, you coddle them and open every door and tell me this about them? Are you serious or are they? Now none of them can get any footing on this or get their story right; so I hear or have to listen to one after the other after the other; almost like a broken damn record about how stupid or crazy they truly are now. They look stupid as hell in the end, won't you agree? You kept giving them a stick and they kept on being the carrot; it felt like you opened every door for them and each door led to some new totally crazy lie or some new level where they got more weird and much worse into this. When is their head going to explode? It would be nice if you clobbered them and made their head explode trying to pursue or stalk you. Instead, I end up doing the heavy combat and my life explodes watching all of this. I remind you, I am retired from the military; I do not get paid to fight the wars of this nation any longer; have you seen my military record? I mean, give me some credit, I did save the world from evil imposters fooling just about everyone. They managed to fool the FBI about me; yes my life is a complete lie and gimmick. Who do you think is responsible for this? Me? You? Who? The people who did it? The police?

Do you think people will view me as a good Samaritan or just a poor down-and-out Irishman who is stricken with heroism? I got lucky in the women category? This is really annoying and even worse are the people who allowed it to get this way; no measures to stop them or fix any of this; except me fighting for my life and you running for your life. I end up doing all the work and for free, yes free. Yet we have the labor unions, mafia, and communists on the other end claiming to be Republicans. How can this be? Now they are right. I do have a $4000 repair bill. You did not even try to prevent it; but are you my security problem? Could I be happier or even better and are they right? You see what you did, you made them win the argument about our life, still. They are going to ruin us and win this so called debate; then deny any of the terror plots or murders, even attempted murders. Worse is how they are total losers, just poor peasants who want to come to America or stay in America but genetically cannot; they are predisposed to crime and communism, even violence. Does anybody think they are prepared to pay two billion dollars for all of this pain and suffering? Do they? How about consider jail? Instead, we have to buy into it and what they did; how right they are. How controlling our psychopathic stalker or mystery spouse truly is. It is still a secret but not fully a secret anymore, thanks to me.

We now can see what they bought into and what it all got them, disaster. What in hell they are preserving we can also see now, nothing. There is one big and common thread behind all of this crime, communism, and crazy surveillance; Russian Orthodox Jews. If it is not the Russians in America gravely suspicious, then it is the drugs or rapid decline of the immigrants. If it is not the Russians in Australia gravely suspicious, then it is the drugs or rapid decline of the immigrants, an American revolution in Australia. But the primary operators we caught are not Russian Jews, it is Irish labor union thugs. All of them can go to hell. They can play their game or keep playing it; we can play ours and keep playing it. This problem with mobsters or strip club owners trying to film us or blackmail us; using 1000s if not 10,000 different posse women, just won't work. All of it is very bad behavior from the Euro and Eastern European crime organization, down to the real estate insurance fraud or arson. Maybe it is success and maybe they know the formula for success; but it go them nowhere in the end.

Dear Ann: You were engaged and now you want them to fix both of our lives? Are you nuts? Your playground taunting of Sean Hannity is getting to be an eyesore. If they are going to lose and if it is time to fight, then it is time to throw their asses out. You of all people have been very weak on this front but the pieces align in your favor. Hannity is totally nuts, why in hell do you think you can talk sense or even argue with a madman and a lousy group of immigrants who you yourself know are the cause of so many American problems; even violence? Even I know who they are or what they have been doing. If they are going to lose, then throw their asses out and stop talking about it. I am not sure who is worse, the Republicans or the Democrats. At least with the Democrats, we know what we get. With these Republicans it is all secret. That is the problem, all of these secrets. Next thing you know the ocean opens up and swallows them up, in mid-sentence. One moment we have a psychopath yelling and attacking, the next they are completely gone. This back and forth, on and on in perpetuity; is a scam to make Christmas miserable for everybody. All that is left is a few pieces of wood and blue FEMA jackets everywhere. The rule is if they will lose, then throw them out. Can anybody get anything right? Can anybody do anything right? Why is this toxic mess so close and so annoying? All of them fit the same pattern, mindset, abysmal behavior, try to be big brother, etc... all of them. Just take your pick and throw them out. I am glad you care enough to finally sink the hooks into this SOB enemy; you actually think they will fix your private life or mine; even my career or yours? What we should be doing is earth quaking them, no Christmas for the next two decades until all of this is fixed!

Is it beginning to sound like a psychopath pretending to be engaged, interested, or even some fake marriage? If so then this is the SOB we keep describing as the communist mole whom infiltrated our life and keeps messing it up with their lousy trash match-making games. We want two billion in damages and a clear concise shut up and go away. Why would anyone want a clown to run their life or tell them total lies? People are suffering, they are getting poor, they do not trust government or the police, there are clowns running around manipulating everything and we have caught them red handed. The only thing they refuse to do, among everything they are totally insane and eager to do, is tell the truth. Meanwhile, our life is paralyzed, people are losing their entire life savings, we are chased in the streets by if not one side then it is a secret spy from the other side, etc... What do the government, in their reckless and belittling ways do? Tell us if we do not like it then go home or find another home because they are in control and this situation or reckless liabilities are the mainstay of freedom. They tell us the lies the communist are known for and the utter lack of truth in who they are or what they are up to, poor immigrants who cannot make it or had to come to America and ruin it for those who can or will.

That is the bottom line, they can't make it and they try to ruin the life of those who can so they can make their measly life a little more true or more free. Who would or could care for these people if they did build our nation? As I said, they want to control every aspect of our life, how we think, who we sleep with, and every waking second; then they claim they are scared or have to take action because people are scared. A thief we have in our world and an utter criminal communist enemy. Everybody in America should sue them to hell or make them pay every cent they lost, even if it is debt. Is this who they want in their life or who they want to control it? If anything, they will wreck it and our future. No wonder they face the death penalty if any of this is proven, get's out, or if we can ever accomplish a single goal and plan already in the works. But hey, a lot of them will not make it to retirement, we will. Most of them will be homeless or broke by the time this war is over; back and forth in the most annoying and stupid manners.

Are the Democrats remaking themselves using Asian and Hispanic voters? Based on my damage claim and my complaints, the answer is a big yes! However, they are behind the scene and I am being manipulated and persuaded to vote, think, and feel a certain way; how can I blame one direct person when it is all a secret and a terror plot? Also, the Asian vote is not as clear and unified as the black vote. Asians are the top achievers academically and rank lowest in the poverty scale. Therefore, the demographics is being manipulated or they are being "targeted" similar to the middle class; perhaps by the same Republican clowns we describe as a bunch of sex predators who like to fondle people while they sleep so they can get more on their dinner table. None of them will report what exactly they are doing, they just stalk and invade our privacy so they can report each time we breathe or go into public. If they can get a sex tape or rape and kill someone; it only benefits them in the long run.

Question: Who the hell would vote for the likes of these clowns? I will give an example, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin. They all turn out to be white, labor union leaders, immigrants from poor upbringings, and worse antagonize the hell out of the defense forces of America or invade our life and wreck up everything so we are Democrats or must vote Democrat if we want to just eat or survive. So who the hell would vote for a Republican clown or a communist nuisance to pester and destroy their life to prove a point? Is incompetence is numbers supposed to survive the test of time or the test of survival? If so the communists will win that one hands down. What will the labor unions and the communist say? This is about money and industry, you are only cheap labor and the people who build it so the real people come and do the ask kicking. When they arrive, you will see the major ass kicking and the real results. So get to work Republicans and build it so we can do some ass kicking and win this war against the left wing, poor immigrants, and communism or crime.

Note: I stand corrected. It is not only Euro-trash, it is Third World trash also. They are the backbone of the left wing and the communist Immigration Act bulging the welfare programs to astronomical sizes. Also, they are the demographics of crime and so called "consumers." Add the Euro-trash and the entire Immigration of Welfare Act and you get Democratic Party. That is at least 75% of the voters and the crime rates in America. Who do we sue? The leaders of that communist movement, who we have right now.

I love how they screw over the people who end up exposing all of this and I love how the people on watch allowed all of this to occur. The bad guys end up ruining the life of the good guys and the good guys end up poor or sitting there demanding answers. Keep in mind who they blamed or made look totally crazy. Keep in mind what we end up catching them for or what kind of a scumbag we are dealing with. Keep in mind the damages and the level of suffering involved. Regardless they are sworn to secrecy and have chosen the wrong scapegoat. The scapegoat they chose was the worst possible choice. Furthermore, the person they end up chasing to lead them turns out to also be the absolute worst possible choice; why? They do this to the only man in her life since he turned 18; meanwhile, they tell her all about it or drops it right on her lap. If everybody had a mask on, then they totally played their cards wrong. Why would they keep attacking him if this is so bad and the choices were the worst possible? Keep in mind who they try to screw over or blame. Keep in mind who they end up screwing over. Keep in mind how well he is able to describe and clarify the situation, with clarity. It is almost like dialing the police chief accidentally and telling him the details of your plot.

1. Without a doubt this was a bungled recruitment.
2. This kidnapping was to entice, seduce, and trap myself and Ann; deeper into commitments to this group.
3. They refused to pay and what they did was measly general labor jobs or positions where they hire and fire at will.
4. A kickback was the assistance; time, effort, care, and attention. It was a personal secretary or assistance breathing down your neck every step in life. Just no escape and being smothered 24-7.
5. There is a lot of illegal recording going on and it is without consent, audio and video. Although complete strangers, they claim to be staff and also our parents.
6. Criticizing the labor unions and communism is not a crime and thus, I am not a criminal. However this "Fair Game" policy which keeps floating around is criminal. If depriving myself of property and then lavishing Ann in a manner to control our lives is not enough, then they should read what actually happened.
7. Destroying my credit, following me around, calling me 24-7, using the radio or media to pass messages back and forth; all of this is abysmal behavior.

Just pay the damn damages and let us carry on with our life before they start putting two and two together about immigration, ethnic labor union history, Euro-trash, and tracing 911 to the Irish and Jewish diaspora around the globe. Innocent people are getting hurt and suffering. There has been a lot of suffering and a hurricane of disasters. You can't get away with it and are trapped now, plus there were witnesses to all of this. God knows how many people know now, even if it is your sworn secret. The longer you all keep this rolling downhill, the less it makes sense and the more meaningless it becomes.

Dear Glen Beck and Company: I am sure you like to watch grown straight men who hate your guts sleeping! I bet you also enjoy it when they get soft, cute, snugly, and all messy with you. As I said, there is a reason why all of you are sex predators or child molesters of boys. What exactly I do not know but it is seriously messed up in your mind. Oh and no, I do not want to watch you or any other man sleeping so cute and festishly, no thank you. When grown men are naked, you are supposed to cover your eyes; not get "smorgasbord" flashing in your mind.

I do not think they deserve Christmas. I think they deserve a cold wet cell where they can begin to unravel all of their lies and scams to sieze power or take over America. They will do this dirt poor and freezing also. In time of need, they spend more time trying to insult us while their family starves and peddles for FEMA relief. Here they are criticizing or making our life a freak show and they let their own people starve to death, that is communism. I think God or some higher power wanted to punish them for not considering jail and paying the damages, truly. I think had they did what they were supposed to or told to do, karma would not strike them down or hold them over the cliff.

Clearly, your spy ring and powerful armies have pandered and bothered me as far back as the 1990s and you have now followed me, after everything Ann has done to confront you about this, into the present (2012) about how honorable, powerful, and in control you are. Facing Armageddon and total annihilation, you have the gall to test us? You failed every test about being honorable and being in total control, every single one. Your power is bankrupt and needs to be vacated or shut down immediately. What is it now, the road map you cannot obtain or how I and Ann will draft this road map for you? It leads to the Middle East, we expect you to be on the next plane and to end this immediately. So far the only logical thing you have said or done is "We are sorry" which then starts off a new round or layer of attacks. Eviction is your fate and pretending to be honorable people is the history of your race, people, and your existence. Violence and war is not immune from your false identity, neither is civil war. Considering how the test is right here in front of you, your responses, your grades, and how abysmal your behavior and life is; do you want to pay the damages and consider jail? If so, then the end; now go away and leave us alone, you have your answer and was turned off finally. You may deny this but the evidence is overwhelming. Now this involves two people and a lot of witnesses. Your goal is not to get caught and not to end this; you claim there is not enough pressure or evidence yet and your politics is honorable. No it is not, it is destroyed. Stop making the outcome about Ann, why is this still focused on Ann Coulter?

How many times do I have to say I do not like big brother and I do not appreciate these puppet strings all over my life, no less some whacked out psychopath spy ring pretending to be honorable people and also my parents? How many times now? Even trying to deck them, turn them off, or physically remove them from our life does not work. What is going to work? How do I prove all of this? How do I take them to court and stay stop, pay the damages, and get the F out of our life? How? They already make me look bad and even a little disturbed in the mind; constantly barking back while they are sneaking around, all quiet and secretive, and do not want to report anything, nothing. Should they panic or should I? Who needs to worry and panic by these scare tactics? Consider jail and pay the damages, the end. The effort to evict a radical communist from our living room and the effort to deck them continues. All quiet and stealthy around Christmas as they hunt, sneak up, try to drive us a little more crazy, and sneak another peak before attacking. A slow death. Do they need a chance or another, really? What a complete psycho, honorable people my ass, they need to be decked for being so secretive and communist. The effort to turn them off or pull the plug goes on and on. Stop trying to make this about Ann or hiding behind her, it is irritating.

What am I doing this Christmas 2012? Job hunting. I have major car problems among other things, still. I am stuck and cannot move until I resolve this car problem, financial related as always. First, I have to move again. Well, I have a dream. Since I am being harassed and some low life is trying to kick me out of Virginia, New York, and now Florida; this Christmas I am doing extreme-level rain dances, extreme-level earthquake seances, and I have more time in the world to watch those coming and those going. If the weather double dips in the north, it will starve and freeze the people south of heaven. Meanwhile, I am waiting for Silicon Valley to pull out of California and head to either Texas or Virginia where I will probably end up; by no choice of my own. I am fed up with the Bushes, Florida mending pandering, and all of these problems south of the Mason Dixon Line. It is going to be a street fight and we know they are coming. In 30 days or less we will know if Florida sinks because it has been for a long time. If by the end of winter Florida sinks, then I am going to get a tan and then watch the action. There may be an armed rebellion and an insurgency in the northeast United States this year. That is the talk of the town as the state of prosecutors close in on the spy ring, terror plot, and entire communist disruption. The candle is burnt and only armed rebellion will save them which in my opinion, will either arrive by Christmas 2012 or Spring 2013. A long cold bitter winter will thaw out the blockage in their mental clarity. Nobody is threatening their way of life, they are threatening ours. Stop harping about how talented their history is or superior they are in America, nobody cares and nobody wants to be a feudal lord who has to deal with this or evict their monkey ass for abysmal behavior. Go make something of your life as we have and stop harping about it. This is the government's fault also.

You people are so stupid and such failures, you truly believe people are trying to rob you, get in your pants, pander or bother you, fall in love with your poverty, and all kinds of crazy-stupid ideas. Maybe this is the true reason why you fail or have this damned stupid fate? How many injustices are before them now? I can say with confidence and with honesty; if it came down to armed rebellion, the Justice Department has not apprehensions or guilt killing this stupid fool and this deadly enemy. I can say to the mothers and fathers of those sucked into this armed rebellion, these people are no damn good and they never see or hear evil, only their selfish greed and hateful lies. You can yell at them or stick their face in it; there is a dangerous blank stare in their hearts. You can throw a fit daily about them being shut down, ending their rampage, or just paying damages so life can return to normal; they will launch a media onslaught on anything in their way. What can I tell the moms and pops out there? I can tell them this enemy will die, sooner rather than later, justice will prevail. If it comes to battle, these colors do not run; don't trust their race. Their stupid deadly mime act is nothing more than an artsy clown act. As they used to say in Nam, "bag em Dano." This enemy is incoherent. Their people are starving and destitute wandering around VIP pandering from sunup to sundown; and they want to play footsie with us from sunup to sundown about it. Hell, I have to figure out how to evict them from my own living room and my own private life. If these land owners think they have problems, they should read about my life and my struggle to evict them 24-7. These people are doing the exact same thing to me and I am not their king, landlord, nor do I own any land. It is the most peasant and crazy thing I have ever seen or experienced. They are truly low life trash trying to be a thug in our life or torment us 24-7. No wonder they are the communists. No wonder they are Euro Socialists.

I can tell the moms and pops out there, these people do not know what they want and are not thinking clearly; they want something, perhaps to be tortured, or they want death. Until they write this down or tell us, we have a damn clue what exactly their last demand is going to be. I can tell the mothers and fathers around the world, no less inside my residence; there is no cure for people who are no damn good or this stupid. The Justice Department does not have a law or dollar bill to cure stupidity or psychopathic promiscuity. Even the FBI will not call an ambulance for them when a fist fight is beginning; you do not wrap a pig in cotton, you eat him for breakfast. This church is known to be deadly, endless crimes, endless violence, unheard of brutality and pain, and corrupting suffering; armed rebellion is what their God throws them in battle for. When I stick a finger in the wind, I hear the footsteps of ground soldiers and the Justice Department and judging by the number and movement; I am at peace. Nobody is threatening their way of life. Yet they feel it necessary to evict or harass people who are well educated, have life plans, have life missions, come from good families or aristocracy, etc. No wonder they are being evicted or have a tradition of being ran off their own homeland. I cannot even evict them from my living room or bedroom, imagine if I was a landowner. A man's home is his castle. The laws can never allow a home to be violated or penetrated for safety and repose to himself and his family. I am not dependent on any feudal lord, yet I am antagonized sometimes from sunup to sundown about either those who do or bearing their cross. This is the problem. I am not dependent on any feudal lord, radio host, political party, or media clown, no less spy ring. That was a scam Ann and I busted; who wants to be a peasant? They do not aspire to be millionaires and want to plagiarize our life.

All I have to do is put my ear on the ground and I can tell if the Buffaloes are moving, the hunters are behind them, and the horses are fresh. When or if Silicon Valley makes that move or takes this first shot; I am there with them. Again this is simple an ape can understand; pay the damages for your crimes and consider jail before those buffaloes turn and those behind them loose control. The battleground states the next four years are California, Texas, Virginia, and Florida. Win those four states and it will decide the next elections in. Right now, Silicon Valley is still jockeying for position and so am I. I met God in a dream and in that dream, he said the people behind this should consider jail and pay the two billion dollars. I might not make it Virginia, Florida, or New York; but I like chickens. I have a dream that one day, one day, my life will be normal again and not paralyzed. Ann will have a normal life and be happy again; not made to suffer anymore or worry about me because of encirclement, powerful families, a church of dependency and low life degenerates, or all of these problems. Join me in prayer. We shall overcome! We shall overcome, God bless America and her ultimate defenses, her best assets; her people. It is pretty clear they are threatening the way of life for other people and they need to do the right thing before they are put on boats and shipped off somewhere else to call it home. I am not their feudal lord nor do I want to be. I am not dependent on any feudal lord and my life was severely impacted by these people. I need to evict them from my living room first and foremost so these debates, back and forth, can finally end between a feudal lord and his peasant. It is the government's fault for not trucking off this trash and letting them do as they do. I am not a crook and I am not a peasant looking for a famous feudal lord or labor union spy ring. I think the British were far too lenient on them, way too liberal.

The whole point is to make you go away and keep you back at the gates of hell. You do know how difficult this is, don't you? We know honorable people when we see them. Moms and pops all over the world need to know this feudal Christmas, all of this would never happen and keep going for so long had I been a King. When are you going to stop suggesting I have problems by lurking in my life and making excuses for your behavior. We know you are accusing us of being mean or waging war on your people. This 24-7 stalking and incredulous spying is about mental illness, failure, and having problems. I think everybody knows who the problem is or what the problem really was about this story teller who is now full of lies and has lost their mind. Inside the labor unions, this romance story is very real and it centers on the Irish and the blacks; their plight in America. Now instead of telling their story, written by the story teller, I am telling my own story and my own life; which has nothing to do with the labor unions, Irish-Scots, Catholic Church, or terror plots. Regardless, they still associate the story of America to the same failure or problem and this is why it has not ended or there is so many attempts to railroad it or sidetrack it still. The story teller in America are still the communists and labor unions; until something changes or disrupts this powerful secret army surprising and usurping the life of others. Do check us at stop signs or red lights. Do instigate more. Do watch your home turn into a gutter or the trash you built your world out of. We will see you go down and we will go up. You will descend to hell while I ascend to heaven.

Dear Peasant Mark Leavin: You are a serf and a peasant in my living room and you have done injustices to my life. I will evict you and break you. Do you hear me. I will throw you out of my living room and I will make you miserable and despondent for your crimes against my liberties. Beware you serf, your expulsion and eviction is underway. How dare you enter my anointed kingdom and try to protest or throw your semen on my family and on my career endeavors? When you are evicted, do not forget why and how you got to this denouncement. Mark Leavin, I have decided you cannot and must not be reborn. Their are warning signs, in the stars and on your face; buyer beware. It does not take a scoundrel to notice your people loosing every penny of their life for your treason. In your utter defeat and endless acts of treason or treachery, you proclaim yourself to be me? Whom you despised for all of your life so you could create an image of yourself? All you seek is mercy to fit your selfish greed and evil. Unlike Rush, your shame does not hide who you are. Your daily clown act is to honestly languish on the possibility of actually getting away with this, all of you. Stop goofing around in our life and maybe your life will improve.

Dear Peasant Sean Hannity: You are a serf and a peasant in my living room and you have done injustices to my beloved Ann. I think you are the cause of her madness and breakdown. I will evict you and break you the moment I can. I don't know when but I plan to. Do you hear me. I will throw you out of my living room and I will make you miserable and despondent for your crimes against my liberties. Beware you common peasant. You will feel the pain and the futile rancor of your aimless deeds. How dare you enter my blessed kingdom and try to protest, rape, pillage, and plunder my career endeavors? When you are evicted, do not forget why and how you got to this denouement. When you are on your knees before me, you will know the better man and why. You will be reborn as trash. Either you have lost your vision or you do not even realize the warning signs are in front of you like the Black Plague. What has or will ever change, your people suffer before our feet for your treachery, deceit, and lies. Do fools know gold when they see it or do they only live in trash? Your endless maladroitness and attacks to stem off eviction still has not ceased. Is this about mercy or is it about it's counterpart? For such a dumb or uneducated idiot, you sure enjoy teaching or being parents to strangers. Even today we cannot turn our backs or trust you with a room of kids. If there is a God, I am sure he will promote your rank to a jackass, that is to say what you are now. Even if we waged war on your people, you continue goofing around in ours. Is that dumb?

Dear Peasant Rush Limbaugh: No comment. I think you know you are a peasant in my living room and how long it has been annoying me every single moment of my waking life. No comment. I will turn you into a hateful pig, a frog is too complimentary. In your next life, you will be known as a pig. Enjoy what human life you have left and your true fate on this earth, scorned and belittled by your own acts of treachery. The warning signs are all over and the stars do not shine for your life. Not a walking human being will ever side with you or how you have altered our universe, you will burn in hell like the Black Plague. Like it or not, your people suffer for your evils but you know of no other way to exist. You feudal peasants do not know how to wield power; then again you know less how to defeat it when you falsify civility against it. The only reason you wish peace is because you finally figured out you cannot win. After thousands of tries and endless suffering to create us in your warped sugar coated image, you claim you cannot change who you are and you only seek accommodations? No wonder this has become the only serious undertaking your measly existence will ever get to know. Your final act on earth to convince people you are civilized and an actual kind person, is very convincing. But then, so is ours. We are both guilty of this. All of you should already know that only war will prevent the eviction of communist peasants, only war. This is what we caught you for and how you got in this mess. Why don't all of you stop goofing in our life and live an honorable one? Maybe then your life or fate will improve?

Dear Communist Phone Operator or Liaison: Stop trying to act honorable or clean up the total mess you already made. I know how often you use this secret little communication device and it is starting to make me look a little whacky and crazy talking to myself. Shutting it down will be difficult and if you call me one more time on there or use it to argue back and forth, even pretend to be partners in crime; it is going to be shut down. The whole point is to make you go away and keep you back at the gates of hell. You do know how difficult this is, don't you? I don't care if you are the Israeli government, shut it down and stop using a secret phone as if your life depended on it. Then you deny it and act like I am crazy or imagining all of this, shut it down. Call me one more time on your stupid phone and I will go hurricane on your ass, I do not like communists or a secret government pulling every string in my life or trying to put my entire life on panic or hold. If you do not shut it down, I ask it be shut down in the worst way possible. You are not welcome, do not call me on a secret or communist phone you use to overthrow governments or pass messages back and forth. Your labor union and communists need to shut up shop and go home before this get's worse. We are not partners, married, or your puppets. This is starting to make me look bad, very bad. You do not want me to go hurricane on your ass do you? Do try to panic me again or throw my life in a complete tail spin until I go hurricane on your ass. How many times has it been now? It is time to consider jail and pay damages, the end. Everybody knows what you are up to and everybody knows you are trying very hard not to get caught while you try very hard to make me look totally crazy. Everybody knows you are totally crazy already; it is time to consider jail and to pay damages. This is not a game to turn people off or on. We are and have been trying to turn you off, for good. You continue to get turned on again, like a machine. What the hell is wrong with you, hungry or merely pandering? Turning you off is very difficult. Decking your ass is very difficult. Even if we do, you get up and are back at it again. Are you a robot or do you know how to flip that switch?

Dear Sean Hannity: The whole point is to make you go away and keep you back at the gates of hell. Is it working yet? Still? This is not a game to turn you off and on, honest. It is a life-death effort to turn the communists off and remove your labor union from our life. You do know how difficult this is, don't you? Stop trying to act like honorable people. Everybody knows what you are up to and knows you are not honorable at all, zilch. About how people owe you answers or owe answers to "the mothers and fathers" of these honorable citizens. Do you know who the good guys and the bad guys are? Not only does nobody trust your race or your history of immigration; they do not trust your judgment. Stop F'in with Ann and I. Consider jail and pay the damages before you get sacked or decked by something or someone. You are the bank robber and I caught you because I was the guard. All of you have flipped this upside down and on it's head. You owe money and must replace what you took. Do not tell the guards to or order them to do things when your spy ring and communist labor union plot was caught, trapped, and exposed-exploded before our very eyes. Why you insist my paycheck be deducted or I have to work off my defiance to your feudal lord-peasant business model, is beyond how stupd your life has become. Yeah right, we are going to forfeit our paycheck or run the risk of a lawsuit when you are looting and robbing the hell out of the bank; and we caught you. All of you are very confident and bold about this also; too bold. If the police are biased and ignorant about the laws; it will be very difficult to blow all of your corruption away and more difficult to evict all of you; even at once. All you have to do is sit and wait; keep the pressure and make sure no evidence ever arrives. When this is done all we will have is our social security.

I think the world has seen corruption before, just never of this magnitude. Your church and the damned peasants do have a history of corruption. What kind of a creature are you all? If you are a bank robber and flee in a getaway car; as the guard who confronted you, I can pick up an RPG and send it up your ass. Don't get out and tell me what I did or look at the mess I made either. That is almost as stupid as raping a female and having her pay for dinner. You run the risk of capture if you call her back, again and again; even if you are not successful and have not been. This is like a serial killer calling a victim and asking "do you remember me?" No we do not, who are you? I wonder exactly how corrupt the media is compared to the police. Or if all of you need to be thrown out like a common dog before you learn anything about yourself. How biased is the police? How biased is the media? Maybe you are in a conspiracy and do have security in numbers, far more than we do? If so, maybe you truly want to know if anybody can throw out the labor unions or the communist threat from all offices? Maybe your church is this corrupt and reached critical mass? Is this what 911 is also about? Evicting your history making capability or control of public service? One more stupid move and one more clandestine threat; blows up in their home. One more attack and they will be thrown into the streets of hell where they belong.

Tuesday, ‎November ‎27, ‎2012 (7:45pm-ish) Sean Peasant Hannity finally says the dirty word finally they have been hiding; or are trying to hint or clobber me about. It is a race card. He says "this is about people who are accumulating power at the expense of other Americans." This is not only about immigration and eviction, it is about global trade and competition. First off the peasants are dumb as hell. Secondly, they feel everybody is either trying to rob them or get their ass. When you are totally dumb, the world is against you. Everybody is trying to rob you or are after you. Not only is this about capitalism; this terror plot and communist war is about "people" who are getting powerful at the expense of those who sacrifice, suffer, or have hardships. The police are on of the suspects. The Asians are one of the suspects. The system of capitalism or human growth is one of their suspects. Labor unions think exactly like peasants and their feudal lords. If the feudal lords fail, they get evicted or the peasants are sent off to find a new feudal lord, a parent. Meanwhile, their previous feudal lord views us as a peasant, why we have no idea but this is what the case is about. Immigration is the collision of all these forces and it is the backbone of communism. Drugs is also one of those pillars. Welfare is another one. Feudal lords are part of the church of the poor and these people are beyond poor; always evicted for one reason or the other, constantly.

There is more to this than just power or competing forces. It is more than just kidnapping or rape. This dedicated kidnapping or identity theft; is about the process of getting powerful or successful. They use spy rings or organized crime to win back what is taken or take back their country. This is why we are their prisoner, POW. This is why a standoff or this demand to consider jail and pay damages is here and now. The scope of the extortion or the "take back" is astronomical; almost all the communist have to fight with in this world. When you are dumb as hell or have no identity but from a feudal lord; the world is against you. When you "block" or "run-into" someone 24-7 or all day and night, you can create this same feudal lord and peasant relationship. Before, the race card was aimed at white people who become rich. Labor unions make a lot of money for companies but they also threaten them or ruin them. Now the race card is aimed at anybody who reaches a level of responsible or stable power. Communism is the discharging of reckless power once they reach a certain level. 911 and these terror plots were not all encompassing; however, the central thesis was immigration. It is about religious persecution and their "control" or ability to say "leave." The treasure map is the resting point, The Middle East and a final war. They are finally going back to their resting place or home, where this began centuries ago.

1. They are a form of police because they can antagonize and harass any progress or process of power. They can present so much frustration or total hell, people give up and move. Worry or keep attacking?
2. They are a form of spy ring or intelligence agency. Thus, will gather intelligence and look for any clue, the slightest weakness or opening; in order to attack. Again, do they worry or keep attacking us to make this go away?
3. By playing on the guilt, kindness, and compassion of people; they can actually present a very credible and powerful opposition, protest, plea, and wish list. They feel it is almost like a lock, the right combination is needed to open or unlock it.
4. The terror plots were free advertisement, a resupplying effort, a revival, and utter chaos. It is one error after the next and is based on their identity; immigration. They were dumb enough to camouflage who they are or their identity. The problem is they do not have an identity but now they do; nationalism. How do they win the case or remove it now that they are nearing economic Armageddon? Why attack us, the stress will kill a horse; just consider jail and shut it down.

As we can see, Peasant Hannity takes the first strike and finally breaks the ice or discloses what this is really about. The reason why a lousy peasant is throwing themselves at the feet of the King and saying woot-woot is because I became everything they dream of or wish in their life. There is just a small problem which has also become a really big problem now. At least they did not get sick and have the steering wheel. Obviously, your mind is not built to handle reality. Furthermore, your value is becoming more aligned for a low life; however, the persistence of instigating or intersection brings your moral decline in value with your material bankruptcy. Do keep trying to sell your trash and instigate more decline. The story-teller is almost like a drug dealer lurking; and they see us as an addict or a customer. Life is total paralysis. No matter how many lies or investigations they have invented, the evidence is very profound. We are too gracious to deck the hell out of them. They are too ignorant to pay damages or consider jail; yet the story-teller still cannot get things right. In the end, someone will deck them and sack them. The other secret is they are full of debts and stretched thin, almost foreclosed on. They blame it on creditors. However, they seek immigration or a new buyer. It is the usual enticements that play on a victim's weakness. It is a Bernie Maddoff scam. It is a potential for sex or even more dirty rotten smut. This comes down to immigrants and debts generated by total lies. This is the endless phony marketing or the 24-7 enticement using these women. In order to get out of debts they must do a sale and soon, otherwise, they face total ruin. How long those lies and those scams can carry on when stretched so thin, is unknown. All of this centers on immigration or the life of a labor union feudal lord. They built their empire of trash and dirt and now the evidence and pressure is coming back to roost. The police are sitting on top of it. We know the serial killer's name is 911 but can we trace the calls and who they truly are; then reveal it?

We need to do a discovery on their assets to determine if they could pay the two billion or not? This would have been the error or missed opportunity they could not accept. Discovery will reveal exactly how much they have or do not have. We will know in the end if it was worth it, when they decide to give us this assessment. Let's cut through the chase about what exactly this is about, it is about your religion and your church. They are families, states, and even large corporations; however, the biggest problem are public officials. They see no evil and hear no evil; hence, they are the firemen-policemen men for their church and purse strings. The bottom line is do not trust their race, their money, or their power; they seek access and will make you worry about them until you die; a marriage and sneaky little psychopath. This wretched pig hates themselves now and the cards they hold, hate them back ten times more. The cards we hold are verified and permanent; so is the ones they hold. They are the modern American Jacobin movement and they are plotting a rebellion similar to their ancestors; to loot, rape, and plunder.
1. Britain created a penal colony, guilty. However, someone antagonized or created freedom out of this. It led to revolution. All of them are weak on crime, all of them. They do love money and love freedom even more. It might have been unfair. They may have been set up. We will never know. This is the true fate of a pig.
2. This fueled civil war and fueled mass immigration, this is about immigration and homeless people. They might be hated and they might have problems. Why don't they write to the FBI and ask these questions, who is going to take care of the poor if we take down the communists? They are notorious for braining a mutt into the family so that it outrages everybody least them. I compare it to spitting on someone or throwing semen into the air.
3. There are deep PTSD about British or Protestant oppression, also anti-British or religious persecution. They all end up in life hateful, angry, fat slobs, or a wretched mess because they are overstretched and wound up by each other. This back and forth has been going on for a very long time.
4. Enter a teacher, liberator, and this professor of evil; the head of this monster. By using debts and even land holdings, they can become buyers and sellers. We end up paralyzed by this insult or humiliation; which is long dead and gone. Yet they really took this out on Ann Coulter; in their final act and last act of treachery. Expect them to put the best face on it. Does anybody hear give me jobs or give me death? Do they hear give me money or give me death? What do they hear with a complete injustice?
5. They have reached a level of reckless power that allows them the ability to gain access to our life, to impose their will, and force us to worry or answer their life problems or use us as a proxy and bait; prisoner status. If anybody cares besides this Dr. evil, then they must call, make it known, and fight to the death.
6. This control and power comes from religious, economic, and socialization skills; education. They seek to destroy that and mold us into who and what they want us to be, a nobody and die of no identity or begging. The cards we hold are the cards which will destroy them. We began with a deck of 52 and they throw one down, we pick it up; we throw one down, they pick it up. Now they are the total loser and they do not even know or realize what happened. Depose them and you end up with utter low life degenerates all over you or everywhere. Let them win and they will brutalize or even worse, wreck your entire life. This is what everybody is watching, listening to, and seeing; our right to self defense. They watched these cards back and forth and then also watched as everything went asunder. They see no evil and hear no evil; only nit-pick and extort dependency. Everybody is a great American now and even worse, they are part of this ending. The only problem is they are the same spy ring and terror plot.
7. How about that Africa Corp? I am not dead yet but I saw what they did and how they wanted to show up and show off, some man love. They do fight our wars. They did build America. They may be virgins. They may be sneaky. They may not hate. They may be heroic. They may be hated. They may be the governor or guardians of the poor. They may not leave anybody behind. They may want to feed, bath, and comfort us. They may want to be our teachers. They may want to save our life. They may want to die for us. They may want to do and say all of these things; but they are nothing but low life pigs. The hell if we are going to show respect for a hateful pig and this surreptitious felon occupying our life. How about their baby factory and how sensuous their skin is? Nobody trusts their ace or their measly leadership. It is worse when they are following and stalking us. They want to fix my business. They want to fix my friends. They want to fix my sex life. They want to fix my car. They want to fix my bike. Nothing works and everything is broken now, what else do they want to fix, my marriage? Well then, fix it now! After they fix my marriage, pay two billion and consider jail. Fix it all, then fix their own wretched life as a hateful pandering pig. Here is the catch, money. Until we come up with the money; we are nothing but liars, homeless veterans, mentally ill, and irresponsible or a nobody to them. Thanks for the respect. It ends up as my identity and they stole my own identity.

Who you are and your inner peace can tell a lot about your spending habits. We know grandeur and excesses to be one cause for poverty, even decline. We know spending is the root cause of saying no to saving. A good self control and internal factors can remove you from the now and assist in proper administration of resources. Clearly this dependency is much deeper than worker's rights or the effortless greed we see ruining our life by always aimlessly pandering to an empty room. The second level is the immigration and church; it is clear this enemy and this church is too dependent on the charity of others, the kindness of others, tourism, or the financial gain of their own church who claims to be seeking independence or individualism. Sustainability is not spending or pandering. It is never total chaos because in this dependency, they will lie, cheat and steal so they can established a "hedge" to sink hooks into various security nets. The bottom line is their church is too dependent on charity and the kindness of others; who they are is nobody; no identity or fate. They make up this hateful pig and church of no fate more realistic by just looking for jobs. The bottom line is do not trust their race, their money, or their power; they seek access and will make you worry about them until you die; a marriage and sneaky little psychopath.
1. These states are too dependent on New York and New Jersey because they are part of the organized crime syndicate or the house rules. That is almost as bad as using a terror plot to become the firemen-policemen or conspiring to defraud someone by robbing them blindly. They want to be exterminated instead of paying the damages and considering jail.
2. These churches are too dependent on New York and various families linked to organized crime syndicates or house rules; essentially, they see no evil and hear no evil, a do as you are told mentality. They should know they caused a breakdown, not blew up my car. I don't need an ambulance, I need to get back on my life mission. Even if they caused this paralysis and add more on, evidence and pressure; nothing is going to change the ending or make up my mind.
3. There are families out there who live or exist on an elite and above the law level; they want to know what we can give them or do for them; extremists. They make up the organized crime or dependency for their family, church, state, and even businesses. Unless their politicians can aimless pander and beg, they will be removed or vegetables thrown at them; a hateful pig. We can test it. All of this monkey crap coming alive, was a lie to begin with, no matter what they do or say, nothing has worked and they are stretched to the breaking point. What is that lie? Wars. Dependency. Church. Labor unions. Police-firemen. Virgins. Prison. Benefits. Debts. A map. Answers to their total wretched mess and nationalism. Immigration; everything 911 created. What is this treasure or treason map?
4. These firemen-policemen officers and public officials are nothing more than representatives and puppets of their church. They live on the kindness and the charity of their church, thus, they see no evil and hear no evil. They no less want to turn on their community than loose their position in society. History dictates their access and inclusion is based on these purse strings.
5. Remove one of these warlords, families, figureheads, and extremists and you open a can of worms. First is the defensive posture when they attack, trust me they will attack to check your money or seek submission. Once you depose or defeat this nutcase or figurehead, even a corporation; you have to figure out what to do with their little dependent liabilities. These fools and prisoners will try to cling on to anything while the umbilical cord to the total insanity is missing. Deposing them is one matter. Cleaning up the toxic waste or the low life camp is the bigger problem. This is the endless battles and fights everybody is seeing now; it is European history in one life; a gathering of all of them from around the world in one state or nation. They will not admit to communism or labor union benefits and pay. Instead they will use our life to seek solutions to their church or dependency problem, governors of the poor. They will make us suffer and beg due to their way of existence and communism. They will admit to antagonizing or trying to talk to us; trying to be our lawyers, manage our life, or seeking some form of heroism. Expect them to put the best face on the labor unions and communism.
6. They claim to be seeking independence or becoming a better person. However, there are chains on their ankles and that chain is very easy to figure out; they have no fate and no identity. All they have is immigration. They want others to live out or share their problems; also riches. The problem is they are too dependent on the charity of others, the kindness of others, tourism, or the financial gain of their own church who claims to be seeking this or that; total lies. They want us to worry sick or die a cruel death. They feel they are fighting jihad or some form of oppression. That is not what they are fighting, not what I have been forced to fight, how many fights it has been truly, or the 24-7 problem bothering me. The map is about immigrating to Israel now that communism collapsed and the cold war is over. They are selling anything; even their soul and ours. It is a grand deception on both sides; hence, only one side is reporting this or telling the story. They know we do not want their poor and low life, the church of dependency is a total wreck or wretched pig now. They claim they are not the problem but they see no evil and hear no evil.
7. This is why it is an avalanche of day to day reports and this echo chamber; they literally stole our identity. So what is the map looking back at them saying? Read it and look at the cards we have and then look at the cards they have. Does anybody think they are native Americans being kicked out or evicted by a King? How about land conflicts in the Middle East? I can tell them in less than ten seconds what the problem is and why they need to pay two billion in damages and consider jail. This is our self defense and our cards; it comes down to the hand they hold and the hand we hold. Ann Coulter is holding my cards and I am holding her cards; they claim to be the house rules. The communist have reached a level of reckless power and their church or religion is too dependent on the charity of others, the kindness of others, tourism, or the financial gain of their own church who claims to be seeking independence. The cards we hold are the winning cards, they want it and like what they see. However, we know who they are and what they are up to, again. This is how they hide and hedge their bets; lie, cheat, and steal. If they can make the sale, they will steal our cards; we get this sales pitch 24-7 in various ways; primarily female sex and male brutality. Always expect them to put the best face on it; even online.

As I said, nobody trust your race and all of you act as if you have never seen the movie "Home Alone", not a damn clue what this is about or why. For a bunch of crazy people and their leadership that never get's anywhere; they still try to manage my accounts and life, suck a joke. What kindness they display. What great stewards they have become. Now if they could leave other people alone, we might actually get somewhere. I think everybody knows what God would say to this hateful pig if he was here. Now we have to sit here and listen to utter ramble about how they pick winners and losers. Do I need to know the methods or science of picking losers? Do I need to be one? Do I need to know how they do business or be one? Now I have to listen to the steps they take, or corruption and being a puppet master, to influence the outcomes. I have to listen to how they circle America or markets. I have to listen to what their role is and constant brain dead condiments. They need to watch the movie Home Alone until they understand how to pick winners and losers. Do they even have a clue how irritating this has been? Do they? If not, read my biography and blog again! We did not put the best face on it and we did not trick or phony up the entire matter. They did and they are totally guilty. This wretched pig hates themselves now and the cards they hold, hate them back ten times more. The cards we hold are verified and permanent; so is the ones they hold.

There is a third level to this and here it is. It is a map and their defenses. They want us to live their life, managed to force us to worry about their problems; which stem from low pay to the inability to save any money; living from paycheck to paycheck or a budget. They seek welfare and benefits for the poor and homeless. This is why they want to manage my life and the life of Ann Coulter; but something went very wrong, very. I do not know if people know what it feels like to have a psychopathic foreigner or a pig lurking and creeping around in our life seeking an identity. However, here is a list of questions and answers which you need to be coached on and will be your final and last stand before immigrating to your homeland in the Middle East. This is the final resting point of the communist movement. I can tell you exactly what I am going to do for you, do you want to hear or listen while I describe in detail?
1. Did you use me to find or seek your identity? Yes. Did you use my life as a proxy or propaganda for the troubles and problems of your church and plight in America? Yes. Did you use me also to be your eyes and ears, impersonating the FBI or some firemen-policemen agency when all you did was hate me until I told you the answer or paid you something? Yes. Did you keep using virgins or very high priced hookers to ask what I was going to do for them or portray myself as santa clause? Yes. Why can't you deny it? Well, we can do it back and see if you deny it; one is real and one is total lies. Guess which one is which?
2. Did Ann Coulter use me to seek her identity in life, almost in the identical way you did? Yes. Was it consensual? Yes, until you totally screwed this up and made it a wretched mess by lurking and creeping in both of our lives in search of an identity. Did Ann Coulter use me to be her eyes and ears? Yes. Was I her biographer and was she mine? Yes. Do I provide a time line from 1989 to the present and describe when and where you totally screwed things up? Yes. Do you want to do what she did or use Ann Coulter in the same way, scratch her back? Yes. Now it is one over her and you are in complete cahoots and must be loosing your mind trying to map this defense posture while trapped by it. If we can prove what you did and prove it is the way you operate, will you notice which one is real and which one is total lies? Guess which one is which now?
3. Wrecking our life or my life did not give you an identity. You are not investigating and are full of hate, a hateful pig now. Is your church any more safe or is your question, what are we going to do for your criminal enterprise and labor union activities complete? Yes. We turned the clock around on your original complaint, how you got here and now. As you can see, this is where the servitude and staff comes in; a process of being indentured. This pretending and phony scam is your usual gamesmanship; before getting raided or shut down, you are not investigating, in control, or the authority. What you are is a hateful pig talking endlessly about what I or we will do for you. What is an army of virgins worth?
4. Did the FBI and CIA use me to seek an identity and mission? Yes. Did they use me against you or to drive you crazy? Yes. Was I in the line of fire and did I get paid well? No. However, this is where the 2 billion comes in and your kindness to consider jail. Even the FBI used me as their eyes and ears, as Ann Coulter did. She is so patient and so totally crazy over this; well, you have her biography and story, don't you? I am not sure which one of you will write her biography or even try now. You seem to lack an identity or any direction in life; totally lost and a hateful pig. If re-incarnation is true, then we are literally watching it.
5. Your church is about immigration. Your politics surrounds your identity and your religion, a belief system. It is a map and it is uncertain what that map leads you to. All of you claim it is jobs or this fantasy of a homeland where you find identity finally. Your spy system is with certain totally communist. Your power and deception is rooted in both the labor unions, your race, and your love of Israel; the passions and alliances far exceed America or American laws. It does not matter if your God is male or female, it is still a rapist or sex offender. We can see where your investigation led or leads. Apparently history is looking back at them becoming us.
6. You did fight the Indians. You did fight the British. You did fight the Civil War. You did fight World War I and was magnificent in World War II. You did fight in Korea and Vietnam; however, you still do not have an identity and you want to know what we can or will do for you (hint terror plot). This is where you got it totally wrong and are still replaying European socialism and history endlessly. Your spy ring and communist movement, based on electoral votes and victory; got everything wrong from 1980 to 2008, everything. You are the labor unions, you are extremely mean Democrats, and worse you are as communist and psychopathic as they come; we cannot find a worse spy ring out there.
7. You are not the same killers as we are and this constant anonymous smile to imply we are psychopathic or a complete loser, is the total wretched mess your plight is in America. I can do without the kindness, presence, leadership, problems, or constant effort to manage my entire life. All I get is their problems, struggle, total insanity, and how hateful I have to become before this ends if it will ever. Do any of them admit my life is blessed and they managed it wrong or got a trap sprung on them in the end? Is Ann Coulter guilty of this also? Are they?
8. Limbaugh and this church cannot get the strength or courage to say the Americans and the Vietnamese kicked their ass off planet earth. Did they? Yes. People can see clearly and in recorded footage, they turned into and was re-incarnated as a hateful pig. This ass kicking was so severe a peace deal or pullout has to be brokered. My role on this earth is not to give birth to their church identity by way of some same sex marriage or not; nor is it to solve the problems inherent in their immigration or labor union history. Do not infect me with this total disaster or toxic spill, it is a plague. Do not coax me deeper into this by using terror plots. I am not a nationalist. Your church nationalism is very extreme, either you are a Nazi or communist; and both since you have no identity or care in the world. Don't pull that nationalism or imperialism issue with me using your hatred of the Vietnam War and The British Empire. Keep in mind, when you are in their radar and they are investigating by lurking or sneaking around, they will clobber someone the moment they show happiness or a sign of normal life. Limbaugh calls it a drive-by and they have perfected it. I had a drive-by or got clobbered maybe twice a day by some form of deliberate annoyance or verbal accosting. It is some form of sadistic behavior linked to Opus Die and it is intended to celebrate Christ or the Virgin Mary, a trail of blood tears.
This is about your plight in America and the world, immigration. It is about your identity as a people, a pig, and a bastard who is trying to beat us in life and every aspect of our existence. I do not have a right to live and neither does Ann, that is your goal because it is also who your church is now, living in squalor or not worried. Now there is only two legs on the chair and it is still standing. This is also a measure of British or Vietnam War oppression; counter-culture. The reverse of it is communism and a homeland you call fantasy but is now a struggle similar to the land of milk and honey; against native Americans. We know your identity and we know you are also industrialist and have to expand or collapse. What are you selling? Everything and anything, even your soul and your nation. You tried to sell us and that did not go over well either. Who are you? Well let's call 911 and find out. This may have been after safety or about safety; but now it is exactly how much danger you are truly in. Consider jail and pay the damages instead of negotiating or brokering a deal. There is absolutely no way you can escape the biography of Ann Coulter or my bigger biography and aristocratic life; impossible. Okay I am done now but your re-incarnation into a hateful pig and responding or sending hate "male," is how you lurk and creep in our life.

VA-DC Area After the Vietnamese Moved In, 1975? Feudal Good or Euro Bad? Was the Vietnam War Good or Bad to the Area? Teach them a damn lesson for flooding into the peasant DC-VA area and positioning themselves around the capital. Next time do not welcome yourself into restricted or sacred ground, such as our residence. We do not care if your hometown burns down in flames; do not march into peasant DC-VA or flood there to assault America in search of jobs. Soon the area will be a ghetto and look similar to Manhattan. I would call you an American Jacobin in a transient world but this would be too flattering for such a low life.

This staff got left high-dry and missed the boat completely. By changing the area in and around DC-VA, they turned it into New York City, a nobody's world they can take over, dominate, and conquer easily. Virginia fell to the communists. I was expelled and the labor unions and these communists infiltrated and ran out most if not all of the threat. They will target more (DC Sniper). They felt the Vietnamese were strategically placed inside DC-VA as a scarecrow, a deterrence or repellant to keep them away. By removing the once heritage, history, and traditions of the local area (Fairfax County - Arlington and Falls Church primarily); the liberals flooded the area from all over and made the locals rich; but to a worse consequence. The entire area looks like New York and New Jersey. These were the cold cases and serial killers in Virginia; a probe. They correspond to what is happening in NYC, identical fate or duality. It is a form of imprisonment, big brother, a spy ring, and subjugation; buyer-seller control. If you ask everybody who came to the DC-VA area in 1980 or before; they will say the same thing; the liberals and the communist assault on America to take back DC and the capital of the South, Richmond. The communist and this church of dependency is crawling everywhere there now; taken over. 911 and the attacks there signified it and is the sounding call. As Ann and I pick up on their methods, strategy, and operations; we can also duplicate it by using our own life or the cards we have; our blessings. As they can see, all public services and "customer service" in the DC-VA area is a bunch of lousy retarded liberals and the enemies. Good job must go to the people who did that, this back-forth effort to win.

I wonder if they deserve a slow death or a quick one? I wonder if this will ever end or we will ever have a normal life. Obviously, the people who did this and the people we caught; are still trying to manage our life and instigate fights or set up one stupid insult after the next. Furthermore, they do not take no for an answer. No matter what we do, it keeps going on and on. They send one person after the next; to instigate or damage one thing after the next. The question is why they feel they can do this and when it will end? Is considering jail and payment of damages still not good enough? They do know we still do not have a normal life and their actions, all clandestine and intended to slip prosecution or detection; is a debilitating and deliberate attempt to trap our life and do much worse than robbery. Demanding money, seeking gold, accumulating power, etc... endless. They attack and blame us when we are too gracious to deck the hell out of them? Ann failed to rescue me but they are not to blame? They sit there and pretend to have a normal life while ours is wrecked or totally paralyzed by their baby factory? When do we get a normal life? When is their normal life taken down, removed, and thrown in jail where it belongs? How much longer? How much more lies and utter failure to manage our life, rob us, or invent a new date?

What is most irritating of all? First they try to rob us, then they try to pretend it is a matchmaking attempt, then endless bombardment of "potential dates." For what? Their gold seeking and wealth building, trying to accumulate power using women or pure selfish, illegal, greed. It is an atmosphere of prostitutes, pandering, or psychopathic begging. A total loser, a total sense of being unwelcome, and the presence of a phony psychopath. Listen to the type of human being and the trash we have on the other end; this has been going on for over two decades. It is still going on. They are a money pit. If you have money, they expect you to spend every dime on them and it ends up in the money pit, the power vacuum of the damned and the low life peasants in America. Had I a hurricane or earthquake capability, all of this would be done and over with in 24 hours time. Instead we have to sit here, complain, watch more and more of the same garbage, and watch this slow death. It feels good but it has not ended or at closure, still. That is the labor unions for you. That is what a lusty and lousy immigrant is all about. That is what their church and God is taught. Eviction is their life story. Getting thrown out of their own country is about all they get in life. How much of this can they take? Just consider jail and pay the damages before things start to get really crazy. Why is their race not trustworthy or reliable? Why is their race hated? Who is the psycho? Who is more angry? Who is more jealous? Who has more friends?

The people behind this need to be decked; slammed. A sledge hammer to their door is required. We could be happily married and with kids, a normal family; instead, we get sucked in deeper, more failed attempts, more "checkmate" moves, and more whimpering because we have to deck each and every one of them. If I had the capability to build a hurricane or earthquake machine; I would get this done and over with in 24 hours. A slow and painful death is not what I had in mind or signed up for. Instead, more lies and more attacks. However, a slow death does not justify why I cannot have a normal life or are denied one by communists, peasants, labor union fools, and liberals who wish to invent me out of a mold or warped mentality of being welcomed or not welcomed. Did I mention how much debt they are in and how they have to find a buyer quickly or else it will all disappear on them? Exactly how many people did not have a normal life because of their refusal to stop, refusal to end this, and refusal to consider jail or pay damages? How many lives besides mine and Ann's? Oh we are the psycho; what kind of calculus did this peasant and low life use to get that answer? We know who is bitter. We know who is jealous. We know who is the liar and a complete phony. The police still cannot figure out who the psycho is? They do know they are sitting on a pile of trash, don't they? Dumb is not an excuse either.

Does a slow death have to be all secrets and made up also? Shut them down and slam them unlike any human being has felt in their bones; take them all down and shove their faces in the evidence and the indictment. I want them to feel the megatons in their bones and quake at the omission of all logic and rationale. So long as they feel and know the megatons of being decked for doing this to us and others, their ability to have a normal life must be shut down, expelled, and trucked off and disposed of. Now if I did this or Ann did this, then it would be different; we did not. Similarly, it is not the responsibility of the police or the bank guard to put the money back so the bank is happy. It is up to the robbers to put the money back, not put pressure on us and steal our paychecks. That is what they did and are still doing, isn't it? They robbed the bank, they shove the bill in our face repeatedly. Then they blame and scold us in a worrisome manner; as if our life was ending also. I would never let this linger for more than 23 hours. But this is what their church and God taught them. Eviction is their only life story. Getting thrown out of their own country is all they will get in history, their life is poverty and is feeble. They see no evil or hear any evil. Who in hell would trust a race of trash such as this?

What they are is a total wreck and this clandestine friends network or this utter wreck going out into the world and trying to make friends endlessly is irritating. It has literally shut down our life and the nation. It is total failure. Regardless, the friends network, or organized crime, continue to try and manage our life and impose one restriction after the next, in the most inventive or creative manners; totally secret and unaccountable. Then it is about showing them respect. It is about how they have seniority and we must sacrifice. Their freedom is nothing more than an eviction and utter disaster, a total wreck. How our life turned into one also or how they are so able to sneak around, come and go as they please, impose one sanction after the next, or keep this so ongoing; is miraculous. It must be a slow death. You would think they have learned something, so far. They haven't, it is business as usual. They cannot seem to change themselves and no matter what we do, we cannot change their minds, total paralysis. A hurricane is too easy of a death but a slow death is unbearable to watch.

First I owe the blacks and the communist labor unions something. Here is a list; full of lies, full of tricks, cheats constantly, panders and begs, full of bitter and anger, too dumb for reality, feels the world is snookering them or is out to rob them, is completely unaccountable because they are poor and secretive, etc... Who the hell would hire this kind of a person; who made them? Thus, the cycle repeats itself over and over again. Is there any doubts why their race is total junk and not trusted? God? What God, the one that made them? Then I have to show them respect if I want to do business or have a career. Then they pander and beg all day long because their history is about eviction or being thrown out. Now it is a broken tape that knows no other way to live. It comes down to money. I am not welcomed until I give them money, hire them as staff, or give a chunk of my life away. A sanction or shutting my life down is how they express being welcome, fear, extortion, and racketeering. Meanwhile, they were throwing money at Ann just to sit next to either me or her; then claimed they had to pay twice. Yes rob the bank a second time and tell the guards to pay for it now that the robbers lost the money. The guards are not going to pay for it and will probably kill them if it comes down to it. Again, a slow death when one is not required. Whose fault is that and who is 150% guilty?

One moment I am barraged from all directions about being poor or paralyzed, financial problems. The next this phony spy ring goes on the radio and uses poverty or being poor as an excuse for all of this. As I said, the bank robbers want the guards to pay back what they stole. Being poor does not make it better. Their lazy race has secrets and treachery in their blood. Even when everybody knows what they are up to or are doing, they still are unaccountable, lack responsibility, cannot tell the truth, and try to slip past anything or anybody there to prevent his. Their race is full of lies and secrets, no accountability or responsibilities; only dependency and greed. What kind of a manager do they think they will be in our life or mission? Exactly. Yet still unable to connect the dots or get it, still. This is still about how unwelcome I am until I pay them or give them my car, use their services, or place trust in their businesses, etc... Not made in the USA, made in the gutters of hell. They should drop out and join a motorcycle gang. This way we won't confuse them as the police but instead, terror plotters. They call America home because everybody else evicted them.

Oh but wait. Now we also have to listen to their ultimate wisdom and effort to govern the matter; after the fact. First is the total lack of accountability. Second is how they govern the matter afterwards. We have to learn how to live with each other, give and take a little. Wow. There is too much bad blood between us; someone has to go. Who? I am a potential threat and I may one day settle the score. What is the score? They are scared and they just do not know what to do, too poor. First we get it from the evil people; then we get it from the stupid ones sitting on top of the peasant trash pile. Tax the hell out of us while you are at it; please do. Meanwhile, they are in so much debts; there are endless accounting errors and scams going on; especially with their mortgages. Whoever is the last one in the seat, is the unlucky fool or the one in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hence, they see no evil and hear no evil; only what is outside of their world and this lack of accountability.

They did it the first time, got busted and slammed. Then they did it a second time, got decked on the megaton elevation. Then this rotten spy ring family has the gall to do it a third time. Take a guess what happened? A Slow death is what they want. A slow death is their masterpiece and goal, the ending. They say three strikes and you are out so I do not expect a fourth run or fourth layer attack. I will say it again, nobody trust their race and their genetics is a pile of ignoramus and feudal peasants putting the best face on it while putting the worst face on us. Even they know this is unwindable. They know it is a useless cause. They know all of that and hence the best face on it and the worst one on us. They know they are getting evicted and raided, they keep saying they want to die. But he is a threat and dangerous; it is back and forth, back and forth.

2012 Feudal Christmas Message For Peasant Terror Plotters and Spy Ring: It is different this time baby! It is always different, changing. No pressure. No problems. Hands off, always! Look how horrible and how angry they are! We already won, at the start of this. Listen to all those people laughing at them while we are warm by the fireplace. Listen to me, no hard feelings okay but you can do it. Say it with me baby, you can do it! Just do it, it will make you healthy again. We always for you baby, always. Don't listen to what they are saying, okay. You are okay in my book. Just a little bit more, a little bit deeper, and a little bit more effort; you can do it and well. We sitting here and you only have a little more to go before it is time for jail and paying two billion dollars. Everybody knows you want to die, do not know what to do, and need a sign or a message; do it to you or get out of the way. We never in the way baby, neva! You always numba won in our book baby, the best and the one we always rutting for. You pick yourself up, you get on your horse, and you do it now. Time is running out and you need to focus and think about what you are doing and who you are doing it to, focus baby. If you fall, I will be there baby, I will always be there baby, to let you know you can do it baby. Don't give up, do not.

If that European and African trash tries to push you around baby, you push back. If they circle back and come in for the kill, you clobber them. Don't ever let Euro or African trash have their way, it is a trap. I want to see spirit. I want to see how much people like you. I want to see that team spirit and like clockwork, working together. Give me your best and your last shot. Make it count and keep in mind, time is running out for us and you can do it. Don't be too comfortable or too happy, you become lazy okay baby. You can do it! Say it with we, we can do this! All you need is someone who cares and a little help, a pat on the ass and the sweet voice you hear day in and day out to make all of your dreams come true. Do it. Do it hard. Do it well. Don't give up. A little bit more to go. Neva say neva, neva! We are family and family neva gives up, neva. Now are you going to do it, we are waiting at the finish line, do it! Remember, this is about our home baby, it is our real estate, nobody else, ours! Crappy trash people, great real estate is the way it is. You can do it too! It easy, I will show you watch! Remember always, don't eva listen to what they are saying, okay. You okay in my book baby, always welcome. Forever remember, it is too big to fail and so delicious to put back okay; don't let the dream get away! They are dumb-asses and they actually think they are God, so let them give you the answer. This way they won't exploit or use you. Don't let up the pressure and tell them to leave you alone and go away; they are jealous and trying to start trouble again.

Dear Feudal Lord Rush Limbaugh and Peasant Terror Plotters: Man F your cell phone and F your emails. I want you to stop it and stop it now. Who the F is going to clean up this mess? F your cell phone and F your sex life, do you hear me. You SOB look at what you did. Look at that hurricane steering wheel you keep yapping about. You SOB who the hell is going to clean up that subway. Look at what you did to those shores you SOB. I don't see you out there with a broom or maybe a bucket, do I? Who the hell is going to clean up those coastlines you SOB? Here is what I want you to do, go away. Just shut up and go away. I want you to shut up and shut up now, who the hell is going to clean this up? You? The Magic Negro? WTF man. You SOB this is my retirement and you are playing Russian Roulette with our life here? Do you know this? Is this a F'in game to you? Now look what you have done. Who the hell is going to clean up that mess now? That is a pretty big F up don't you think? You SOB rent and mortgages are much more important than your damn cell phone and iPad. Every time you people run your mouth, we get more poor and something bad happens. These people are known to spontaneous rebel almost like a guerrilla, look at what you have done you SOB. These people are totally insane and animals, let them be, they don't care! People know what your spy ring is up to. Your spy ring and communist spy ring views all of us as evicted peasants who came to America because we were poor and destitute. You want to be the feudal lord and dictator, big brother, and if these evictions are to end; you want terrorism. You want revolution, bomb plots, terror plots and violence. All of you think you are parents or a bodyguard. Even native Americans do not trust your race and you are closer to being evicted again then any native American we know. How in the world are you going to stop these evictions now? Communism is no longer predestination. Socialism is not about self determination, you know that.

People are beginning to see why they were evicted or suffer harsh treatment. People are beginning to understand why they are landless people or lack civility. People are beginning to understand why someone would want to ethnic cleanse them from their own homeland or evict them and send them to distant shores. But here they have no family and they wander in a robbing manner, looking for something or somebody; a criminal opportunist. What the F'in Sandy is your problem now, you want to die or do not know what to do? Who the hell is going to clean that shore up or that subway, you SOB who? Every damn time your mouth opens, bad things happen; do you notice this? I want you to stop and stop now, do you hear me, stop! Do you have a F'in clue what kind of vultures those beach people are? Do you? They will loot your underwear just to have a roof over their head. You have no heart and you have no soul anymore, none, do you hear me SOB, look at what you have done now! The enemy is crawling all over, even in DC-Va. This is going to kill our chances next elections, do you realize this you ignorant SOB. They are crawling all over us and now this is going to open the door to our bed and even our life. F your cell phone and your ingenious ways to beg. They are starving. They are cold. They are hungry. Haven't they suffered enough already? Haven't they? Now they do not have anything. Who the hell is going to pay for this you SOB? Let me tell you something you SOB. Those poor people will be kidnapped, beaten, looted, and robbed by sundown. Do you know this low life is crawling all around us, do you? That's staff baby. You know it is staff talking when you hear it, show respect.

Feudal Question for Tampa, New York: The bus trick might make you throw up or fall asleep. Yes everybody knows and why you like to be near. Now your bus is not even around to make anyone sick anymore; consider it a tie. Also, is that guy Mike and his red curly NY hair still following me around Tampa in a White Ford Explorer honking, flicking me off, trying to run me over, and then calling me every single name in the book? I was going to mace the SOB but now I guess his "Arlene Specter" looks and White Explorer is going to be kicked out of the entire state no less the Tampa area with his PR crew. Luckily, it was not as bad as they thought and they did not mess up too much of my life or picked too much of a fight. I probably would have hurt them badly, badly if it came down to a fight with NY-Brooklyn trash. Welcome to FL and Tampa? Well, all I got to say is welcome to America you Brooklyn trash. I like the part where they came up to me afterwards and said, "those guys never fight fair, watch out for them." A trashy Tampa-Brooklyn PR crew had the nerve to pull a butcher knife on me, how dare them. Now they claim they gave me a chance and I did not past their interview? How dare this trash and New York criminal? Why would I waste my time fighting some monkey from their off-the-shelf army of low life immigrants? I am being interviewed? I failed the interview? Boy I would love to hurt that SOB and kick the hell out of this personal army they keep trying to sell. Why don't they collect all of that NY trash and throw it in the Gulf; same result. I had no idea these attacks were some NY or FL interview, didn't have a clue in the world. Odd, there is no more bus to fight over. I have an even better idea, stop F'in with the bus. Strange how I have transmission problems and so many experts around me presently. Odd how I have so many bike problems and so many experts in my life presently. Odd how these problems match those around me, doesn't it?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.