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Thursday, April 30, 2009


Thursday, April 30, 2009 Dear Ann Coulter about your private life and all these lies. I have been with you for over twenty years and even before 1989. I openly profess I am intimate with you and you only with me. So when I read "it's all lies" I am thinking who is saying what? Are you talking to them or are they making empty promises? So how do two people clear an entire country of buildings one room at a time? Spray paint an X on each room cleared and the ones without the X is. How do they feel now trying to rewrite and meddle in our life?

Did they learn a lesson or anything? That is a lot of rooms cleared by two people. How does it feel to be a subordinate and on the winning team? They are secretive, you are blunt. They are hidding, you are visible. They are up to no good. They are humiliating, we are slippery. They lie, we tell the truth. They wasted a lot of time and effort and should be blamed. So who is lying or are they totally delusional? Who is or is not doing their job and a good job? What do they get paid? Is it tax dollars? Do they live in fear? They say they want war and ready for us when we are scared and come out of hiding.

1. Did these men stay focused and chase after the impossible? Were they liberals or conservatives? It is easy to find them or ID them now, just trace the lie. Now they must check their work and rewrite the entire case against you and I. They need it. They want it. They are willing to risk their life to get it.
2. Did they lie and conspire to keep a lie ongoing and perpetual as a test? Or did they truly think an empty promise was real, their politics?
3. How does it feel? How does an empty promise feel? How does being lied to and tricked feel? How does it feel to be fake?
4. So is this why they hate their moms or dads? Rush knows Carla and Sean knows Alicia. sk him if he has a dark family secret.
5. Did these lies and secrets make it easier for you to play with these kids or are they a pure idiot? Did they go out and buy every Grateful Dead album just to get a date? Maybe start saying "dude" or "man" and "rad"?
6. Exactly how bad and how far did you lead them on as they tried to trick you and swindle you? That is their politics why would they be angry and upset about it when they practice and exist this way? Is it because they do not feel shame or emmotionally stupid?
7. Do you still have their attention and have they given up besides the hardliners like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity; Bill Maher has come forward and tried to hide the extent of his reputation and image as a sharp dressed man.
8. So who was on their best behavior and who was on their worst? It is about chasing and pursuing us while being mistreated. I would whip these women who were so fat, ugly, or pure evil into a horny state by toying with them also until they let go and stopped stalking me to humiliate me.
9. How many guys did you stand up and blue balled? I hear Maher and Hannity got it the worst. However, after Maher they came back with a sure proof plan, a married man. They had a woman named Carla who had a doctorate do the same to me; she had two kids and wanted to meet me at a hotel room in California. I did not show up. Carla was cheating on her husband and it was obvious while I really abused it. She was not evil but merely horny. Like my economics teacher in 1997 who was really attractive; she thought I was irresistable. I had her eating out of my hands unintentionally.
10. The professional ones are horny and not evil, the feeble ones have some of the meanest and evil parents who make demands. Overall, the women who were sent to humiliate me were very kind and needy; very polite, some were smart and some so stupid and mean. Their goal was to humiliate and embaress me and I would always beat them to the punch. I literally had a system to weed them out and would karate chop one after the other with ridicule.
11. Most of the women sent to collect information about you were polite and well behaved. All of them were horny and very open minded. It seemed as if they were collecting intelligence or trying to figure you and I out. I did what you told me to do while you did the opposite. They (women) are very well behaved except for Chelsea; she is very secretive. She was easy but can snap on a dime. Her best line was "wanna get off" and "wanna F..." She can hold her ground trust me.
12. In 2006 Carla (has two boys) wanted me to go to California and meet up with her on a business trip in a hotel. I said for what and why and she was very blunt and honest. I had never heard a woman scream like a goat while having sex and I mean two to five minutes of the oddest noises. So they were trying to get you to the hotel and wanted to listen to you. Carla said it was only fantasy. She was very professional and never abused this fantasy which she explained as an unhappy marriage. It sounds like Sean Hannity talking, classic. Sean is a total goon and a terrorist, there is a big difference. So I guess they caught on and knew about Sean Hannity; they wanted to know if you were interested in sex, wife swapping, or marriage only. I did not break the code and did the opposite as we had practiced over and over. I performed and executed perfectly as you said; look where they are now.
13. The union goon upstairs said "everybody knows it is all a bunch of lies" and "she does not talk but reaches a lot of people." Is that you or me? So they tried to rewrite your life and mine and look where they are now. Will they go away and will I be able to flush them out; they are the 911 terror plotters. It is a conspiracy and we did meet the most dangerous masterminds and terrorists alive. He said "they are not scared of us and ready any time." Whenever they are ready to come out of hiding.
14. They said you exploded with conservation and happiness and had the quickest recovery they had ever seen. It was a miracle.
15. These are times when I need you even more than you need me. Why is this so difficult for either of us? After twenty years do you honestly think I do or do not love you; why would I not love you? Can you tell me what would cause this?


1. Who is Bobby Gucci One? How do you know him?
2. Dinner DeSouza is your lover is he not? How do you know him?
3. Who is Billary Maher and why are you pretending to be his lover?
4. Are you a liar or a fake or just a moron looking for credibility and material?
5. How come none of those people know you? How come you never mention any boyfriends by name?
6. Do you admit you are a loser and men have their ways with you?
7. Do you admit you smoke to be cool and go to concerts so you can smell pot from secondhand smokers?
8. Your mom put you up to this and set you up or introduced you to these men didn't she? didn't she?

When we asked every name you have mentioned as your date or boyfriend; they said it was a conspiracy or would not say. Do you admit you lied or not? Before you were married to these men, did you perform any type of human sacrifice or cult worship? Talk or else we will make you talk. If I were you Ann I would tell the truth instead of reply with "its all lies."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wednesday, April 29, 2009 I told Ann Coulter to shut up and go away for the right reasons and had she told me things up front; I would not give her the time of day. Now she is unable to recover and is using her pain to make me love her when I am disgusted with her. She was mistreated but I did not mistreat her. I told her that if hiding her lies and trickery is that expensive, then keep the money. I am through with being angry or dealing with this biological dysfunction of having blind hatred as she calls it. Does she possess uncommon valor? If she does then she better show it quickly and stop having such a great time at the expense of others. She just wants a good assignment and embodies a washed up cop; this is not the military standard and their spy hunters.

This is pepperoni and Chrysler customizing their products for a reason. It is not a bad product but it is not a world class sports car. It is old style and old hard liner style Republicanism where high quality work and poor quality intersect with no apologies. I am sick of being angry and upset with myself because of Ann or feeling embarrassed and a liar with no apologies. I am sick of the fact she needs therapy and causes so much grief while I tell her to shut up and go away for the right reasons. If it is that important to her, then keep the money and stop making life hell for others. It is not only her at fault, they did abuse her and they did tell her to shut up and go away. She did swim in the sewage but it was not courage, honor, integrity, or power. It is not because of things I would like to admire and love myself.

Would I do her dirty work? No. Would I try to get rich doing it? No. Do I care if she does it? No. Do I want to sign aboard her train wreck? No. Is she using my good name to market it? Yes. Are people mad at her and feel a better or more deserving person should be there? Yes. Do I agree with them? Yes. Is Ann ridiculous sometimes? Yes. She thinks having all these so called boyfriends, secret dinners, paling around, and secret pretend affairs is proof of her womanhood and power; what Hannity calls a cougar. To him it is real and to her it is how powerful and strong she is. Hey, go and knock each other out or knock each other up for the right or wrong reasons; nobody cares. Hey why don't they both shut up and just go away and stop torturing us all with this murder plot and who is more gullible. I can trace how many times Ann walked into an ambush, how many times she hit a wall, how many retaliations she tried, and how many times she just skirted the whole matter entirely. Not a good record. To do this job or her job you have to be as nuts and as bone insane as who you are up against; boy are they all dysfunctional, insane, and exist so lovingly in total madness.

Ann just had the time of her life and all these memories to cherish her career and all the great moments with terrorists and spies and that is her legacy. That is what I have to cope with and it is not some special breed or uncommon valor; it is a dark and terrible side of human reality where survival and family drive you to do things nobody else would. Had she been my sister and best friend, I would give her a spectacular and A rating. As a wife and a lover, something and someone to love back, I would give her a F or a D flunking grade. She can choose which one of those she wants but as far as I know she can keep the money if it means that much to her. That is twice I came up with conclusion and this drags out longer and longer because of her while some reckoning is going to arrive for her. We do not hear her mom argue with her dad about these matters. We do not hear her dad accusing her mom of this. So why is she and who did she get this from? How did they or who raised such a dysfunctional child and such a human disaster? A washed up cop and spy hunter with a penchant to grab the best assignments and graded down and badly for what the military calls uncommon valor and characteristics which come from a set so unique they cannot be duplicated or explained.

The death of my mom was suspicious. My father filed for a complaint and investigation in 1976. All we know is Clinton and a few others came along and tried to kick out the Generals who were my protectors and guardians. Ann is trailing this and hit back or peeled their hands off. They are ferocious and vicious followers. So if friendship is what she wants; then I can deal with the blind love. However, if it is to be cherished and adored as a family and to be given an open door or praised as much more; there is much to desire and many questions. She was able to provide 50 to 70 per cent while claiming there was not much. She is in pain and hurting badly. She desperately needed my help as I needed hers. This was the best assignment a washed up cop would and could get and she did get them off of me and bungled their defection and recruitment jungle. For that she is praised and is a friend. She is not a threat. Now she must deal with the reality and the sinking feeling that she is not the same and there is much to be desired no matter what she does and no matter how good she is or if there is some crime.

Throwing back the idea, "did I do something to piss you off intentionally" was not good enough to address the regrets in her life and how badly she says she messed up. She admits she messed up badly and the work is very low quality, good enough for government work. She loves and wants uncommon valor or the prestige of military legends but she is unable and incapable of embodying or satisfying the biological and special care to reach that level. Everything we did was the same and in trying to have a parallel life and reality to the man she loves, she made herself so much more worse and less desired. that is the difference between a man and woman and that is the reason why she is in pain to this day. She keeps on bringing these people on board. She keeps accepting their money. I asked her to stop. Some she does it for free and it gets her in a world of trouble and so much hot water. She dines with terrorist suspects and gives no fight when her own marriage is sinking. She wants you to feel helpless and in need of serious therapy for misery. Ann wants this and is asking this from others in order to love her.

Yes she is seeking love and yes there are lots of barbarians out there who would kill to get into her conservative hot pocket. However, some people cannot jump in and swim in the dead sewage or the unwanted fate of being miserable for the rest of their life. She used to piss me off daily to weaken my defense and make me used to her. I am so used to her stupid tricks and missteps now. It is a daily phenomenon I ask what new idea she has in store. I am so used to it and this feeling of total self hatred. So what do I love now the truth? Reality? Ann? She has me confused and in need of therapy again and again. Some people tell her to shut up and go away for the wrong reasons; now I present the right ones. She has a secret and busted up love and private life which she is trying to market and sell to me. Had she been upfront and told me, I would have walked away but I was tricked and very cleverly by the smartest woman on the planet. I do not have this power of evil and am weak to it. I do not deserve this abuse. I am dealing with my own kidnapping and this help by Ann which she claims is why we are in love forever.

Maybe she does not understand but she has dealt with the "shut up and go away" problem before. This time it is for the right reason and not the wrong one. How will she deal with failure and the truth? She cannot rewrite history. She cannot tell the full truth unless she has the courage to accept the sting and burn. She has a cursed life and wants uncommon valor and entry or boarding rights. The problem with Ann and lots of women is they do not deal with reality well. The truth is something they love but mix up and twist. I have heard a lot of opinions and heard from a lot of people; both friends and enemies. They know I would never misjudge any one or play tricks, I stake my own reputation on it.

Ann embarrasses me and she claims she loves me enough to put me in therapy so that I will love her and keep this 20 years and many more while she is telling me how badly she messed up or it is all lies. These people are seriously insane and they are totally nuts; must she be also? These wounds she can fix but she refuses to. Who will fix this and these wounds if not her? then why won't she just shut up and go away? Why must I and others feel this sickness and total self hatred? She hates the world and wants to spread some sickness from women to men love? Everybody has the same symptom from contact with her and now I have it the worst. She claims she feels totally safe and loves to be in my arms. What is the other unapologetic story? So I save you life, love me? So I save your life, want to marry? Come on... shut up and just go away.

She is all that? Her tricks and antics got me and my family attacked and she is feeling down right proud and sexy by paling around, going to secret dinners, and boozing up with the people who are bloodthirsty and behind it. Thanks, we needed this more than she did!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


The pictures say it all, you are having too much fun and men touch you when and if they want. You cannot lie when the pictures lie for you.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Dear Ann, if you listen to Hannity and his show; you will realize that he has been caught lying badly and has no excuse or case. Not only is it a vicious attack, it has no semblance of truth. So while you advertise this courage, he lives it. He is fighting for his life and you are fighting for your own marriage and 20 years with me. After watching both of you and hearing your side and his; I think you stung him and got him. He cannot sting you back and it is not as if you asked him out or initiated this problem. However, when people are faced with losing their entire marriage; not many will go run and hide under the comfort of some made up or fake affair with some terrorist who is sent to kill you in bold blood. Listen to his show and what he is saying, he is sticking to his guns Ann. Do you have any fight in you? Even his wife and kids are laughing at you Ann and you were right, they do know. So do I.

You on the other hand lie there still as if you are courageous when it is not. So even if you hide and he is running for dear life; it comes down to who is pretending it is real and who is pretending it is fake. it doesn't matter and people get fed up and stuck on why people lie. You both are but Hannity is not begging to me; you are. In begging, he shows courage and in seeking pity you show none. You claim it is unconditional love and how you wish to be remembered. I think both of you are washed out cops and deserve each other more than I deserve either of you. You think I will sign up and get behind you with Hannity and I have heard his side. He has more fight in the world and is a pathological liar where you have no fight whatsoever. It is 20 years or one of you and you decide to hold off on it until further notice. Very smart but most people would tell the truth immediately not tell some terrorist goon you seduced, "you first." He a terrorist, he is going to say okay you stupid.

The weirdest part is how you feed out of his hand and throw your own marriage away in this courageous and lying manner trying to act like a decent and good person. Does it matter if it is a lie or all lies when you loose everything or all that you work for? Do you think the guy sent to do a whack job on you is going to confess he lied of having an affair with you? Honestly, do you think he has this courage or how you turned it back on him by flirting so he would not? You both are pathetic. But he is not going to loose his marriage because he still claims how real your love is and how he took you to dinner, send you flowers, and how much you are in love with him. You must be the most stupid person on this earth and it disgusts me you would treat the perpetrator of your own murder with love; real or fake.

If it was so real, why didn't you take this to the police instead of telling me like Lisa Joseph and then having him attack me while you stood and watched and he blamed me? That is how they see it and that is who and what is behind this. You are just as much to blame as he is and you want me to stick with you and believe you while you play two people. That is how selfish and how awful you are and he loves it. Sean said he is scared you will take him to court and I say if it your last breathe, then taking him to court might make you more believable. Why didn't you call the police when you had the chance instead of playing along? If it is that much of a crime, then why would you avoid the police or the truth? The police are corrupt regardless? Why would you delay?

It makes no sense to me either Ann even if you are telling me the truth. Everything you told me so far was the truth and even how vicious Hannity is. But when it comes down to it, I did not share a table with him and feel embarrassed or must lie about it to avoid guilt. If what you told me is true then Hannity lied about everything while you roll over and say you are no angel; I wonder why you are loosing 20 years with me as well. Can you tell us why? For real Ann, please tell us why you are losing 20 years with the man you claim to love more than anything in this world? Is it because you are courageous or because you are a freaking coward and a liar?

You have showed some courage when I know you to have none. So you want a medal for courage but do not display it? You must show courage when it counts and when the battle is intense. You must show uncommon valor in the most unpredicable and most intense moments; not the least. The fact you have so much fun swimming in the sewage and the inability to speak any truth is not courageous at all but a slow sign of cowardice and a big brush of insanity by a washed up cop looking for the best assignment in the world.

You are not military. You show no discipline, no honor, no respect, no character trait of a real soldier; but you wish to be viewed as one and the best. None of these character traits are present and you want the military to honor your legacy? Ann is Hannity loosing his husband or are you, let that reality sink in while you play pretend again. Keep your god damn mouth shut okay; are you for real? Shut your god damn mouth and just go away or do as you are told. So I will play the card they use on you also because you love it.

Now think about this Ann, do I love Hannity or Rush? Do you? Who do you love and why? Who is or has the advantage here? Yes, they made me desperate and I do eat out of your hand. Why would you fight this? They made you famous and your reputation, why would you fight that? Who cares about the truth or all lies?


David Horowitz Roast and Toast: April 26, 2009 (good choice Annie; you are showing superior political acumen and wisdom). It looks like both you and Hannity are liars and you "feeling guilty" as legitimate but you would not tell me. So why is Hannity not? Annie, these secret dinners are a major problem; do you notice or care? If you do not care, please tell me okay. When you do not care, tell me and I will not care either. If you do care, then live by your protruding reputation. I am at the point where I feel pity and just want you to go away. You always come back and beg and I do not understand it. So you are a carbon copy and you are doing this for me right; how the hell do you deal with this and tolerate it? This is for us? How the hell do you deal with this and take this? I am going insane and it is not even me.

Ann you are asking for punishment or want to be punished. You told me you have a lot of self hatred and it is religious insanity from you nuts. Act normal and not like a goof. It is so fun until you show up. Things work until you jump in. Things are fine until you are the leader or running loose. Do you have some brain damage or some biological problem? Never quit no matter what is going on and how much trouble you have caused or in. Remember, you get uglier in life not prettier and the friends you choose determine how you will be judged. Using your mom as an excuse was a bad choice but just like you; that is what it is an excuse. They know you are on the ledge and dying to rip you up or coddle your biggies. Hannity himself said you are a washed up cougar and you feed out of their hands. What you do is reaffirm it and ask me to accept it:

Monday, April 27, 2009 Ann I do not get it. Why in hell would you take Hannity out to dinner with your mom? Don't you think it is slightly insulting to me and don't you think that door is... how would you feel if I took Rachel or Carrie to dinner with my dad? Does that make it any different? He keeps on saying how you and he have dinner parties, exchange presents, etc... Then you confirm it. You two go back and forth; then you cry to me and tell me how he is trying to kill you and you are a prisoner. Now you really fucked up because you got my god damn family in your god damn fucking mess. Oh I have a right to not only be pissed but punch you in the nose if you do not answer up.

All your boyfriends and drinking buddies have attacked me. All of them have degraded you and because they are trying to grab me. I don't blame you for that. Wow, you and your mom love them but I am glad to hear she was always with you. I do not take any women out to meet my father; why do you? You make me feel really bad and you turn around and have no idea how dangerous it is for my own family and your god damn stupid slut act. Knock it off okay, for real. I have reached the 10 level with you and you just forget who and what is most important. You must be some Jane Fonda on some god damn fishing expedition. Worse, you unwind it and clear it up just enough to keep me waiting and stressed. Ann we are not partners and work buddies okay. Do not treat me as if I am and throw this personal life and tell me to accept it.

You are insulting and irresponsible and a god damn subordinate. I swear to God you fuckers are so insane and crazy I will kick your fucking ass. Do you know the danger you got me and my own family in? Keep having drinks and Palin around Ann. Then tell me months and years later. You defy reality and then turn around and call everybody revisionists and hung up on history while you beg and plead about how unpleased others are with you. You do this to me also. Even I do not know how to react and how to deal with you; yet you feel it is because you are too hot to handle. How do you address this problem I have with dinners and drinking buddies? Signing up more, what a gal; I thought my story was difficult to swallow or accept; yours is pure insanity.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Ann, I am getting to the point where I am getting embarrassed to be associated with you. You are becoming a washed up "cougar" and your past is catching up to you. I am sick and so tired of being attacked and listening to your pathological and pathetic love life catch up to you while you cling on some ledge and cling on to me trying to give the appearance you are not dependent and clingy. You are now using your moms’ death as some excuse making me feel guilty while writing how I am a member of your immediate family. I did not even see two other people in there and part of your immediate family and I had given you one warning after the next after the next. You seem to think that one day, water will wash away everything and you will sound courageous and actually doing good work. I have asked you to produce good work and high quality work and you cannot while on a ledge.

You cannot even get the story right about Sean and I and I have to listen to the crap. Sean is hanging on to you. You are hanging on to me. I tried to get you to let go. You tried to get Sean to let go. It is the most pathetic of circumstances and I have never known a more ugly disaster, it is not even a beautiful disaster. It is some type of political vengeance and revenge between you and your circle of friends and I am on that list covertly. By signing up or having you crash on me, I just pissed my life away and my happiness. How do I handle this? What do I say and do to you? I cannot get the truth from you; I got most of the truth. You said there was one more thing you were not saying or telling yet; and you never mentioned these secret dinners among conservatives Rush keeps mentioning. Now ask why your reputation is the way it is and why I am unhappy or displeased. You think you are a leader and you are not; but had this been the Bush Administration, this would be okay. It is completely acceptable to you and reality. That is the problem; you do not know what reality is. The reality is I am not enjoying this. The reality is you finally admit it is a disaster.

The reality is you lied. The reality is what I had asked you, "Do you honestly think if I had a choice and I was strong enough, I would stay here and keep helping you or letting me look as if I am tagging along and eating out of your hands?" I have never been embarrassed about anybody in my family and my family would be disgusted and puke Ann. You are like the gateway to hell for our family while fusing together your past, our past, and now our future. It is a bad mark on our family Ann and I do not mean your side of the story. I personally feel embarrassed for you and because of you sometimes. The odd part is how you have all the money and everybody you know is behind this kidnapping. I do not know what is worse. It feels like death either way. Every time I let time heal a wound, you open a new one. Every time I forgive and forget, you abuse and take advantage of it; then blame something as "a bunch of lies." You told me it was all lies and now you see Miss America. Do you notice a difference in how I act, you act, and how she acts?

Ann, open your god damn eyes and stop living in denial. You feel courage will wash everything away and redeem your past. I have shown you and you know you will not survive this but you are like the energizer bunny and you have many buyers who will put up with this crap. I do not need to know from you or them. That is my point Ann, I do not want to be with you and hear this or be attacked by them and if you keep forcing me and endanger or embarrass our family; then you are at fault. You threw them in a jealous fit and then went to eat out of their hands as they made threats about you and it is the same story and play in the same god damned book. That is why you are on the ledge and why your life is a mess. You say it is all rumors and they look horrible and you ran to patch that patchwork up. Is it any worth to me? Hell no. Is any worth to you? Why the hell should it or is it? Your system and life sucks. You hate your life. You are so insecure of me leaving you and finding a better woman. I have gotten to the point where used to it and how stupid and ridiculous I feel is.

It is being tricked by a girl one after the other and you seem to think it is my honor and my wish to be in this situation. Meanwhile, you could be working on our legal case and prepare for confrontation; not chumming up or paling around with the same people. It takes other women to tell you what you are doing wrong and to get you out of my life. It is like I have to be rescued because I have a past with you and am intimate. I hope I am not the only victim and have these symptoms. You are like a washed up cop who plugged into something you really want. You just told me a few days ago how badly you messed up and were nearly in tears again. How many times do you tell me that and are nearly in tears? There is a pattern here Ann and there is denial from this mess. You are loosing your entire life and you seem to be fine with it. It is as if you wake up sluggish and remove one straw slowly so it does not all collapse.

If I was your employer, I would hire you one day, rehire you the next, fire you the next month, and the cycle keeps roaring on and on simply because you write how I am your family but neglect how embarrassing it is for me or my family. I hate my family and they are dysfunctional now I hate your life so much more. Man, you talk about dysfunctional and a giant mess. So who are you going to fight Ann when the entire world is against you, me? Boy they made you run out to LA and eat out of their hands for the morsel on the ledge. That is where you are on the ledge and each move you make is a morsel and really annoying. Am I on that ledge? I blame the Clintons for all of this and trying to kick out the Generals and hijack our family. I also claim Bush for picking up where Clinton failed. Now I am upset with you and also have to thank you. You all are predators and such liars. All of you are insane and do such poor work.

You all use money as an excuse and if you loose all that money; there will not be any excuses left; understand? You are the one who told me you had to get sedatives and near a nervous breakdown but keep kicking when in quicksand and I cannot get through to you. What is wrong with you? It seems like all you want is access to my life while I get burned and struck down by you and your mess. Who is going to miss you now that your mom and dad are gone? You are great as a partner and in some employee role but as an intimate spouse a headache and nightmare. The question is whether you know it. I do not think you are cool and I do think you try to hard to be like me and piss me off. Did you have to go and find tennis pro just to tell me you are into tennis and my tennis game is beautiful? Yes it helps my pride but our pride is strange when you are in control of it.

Life is strange and unpleasant when you are in control of it or in my life. You say there is a good reason and excuse or how much people love and admire you making you a real trophy. The real problem is how I am sick of hearing about these rumors and boyfriends. It takes one guy 10 years to admit you did not date him. Now there is another one saying you and him were engaged and had your own ring; how you never go out and are dying to attend the freedom concerts; thus, he sees how you go along and I do also. You must be a jackass. He even catches you in a lie as if you cannot resist him and on automatic. It is ridiculous and Miss America told you to sit down as you fall down again. How come they do not bother your family and just mine? Tell Clinton and these goons to pick on your family and leave mine alone.

Rush said you went to LA to do some show, pal around, and some secret dinner. Now he is my intelligence guru? Now he is my source of truth? Before it was Hannity feeding me intelligence about you and this is how awful it is being with you. It is not them, it is you Ann. Do you understand, they are trying to be an intelligence source on you and you are so hated? Can you tell how hated you are and why? Can you tell me one person who you trust and who can say to your face the truth? Can you say to my face what is bothering you or the truth instead of cry and plead about how it is all lies and they are trying to kill and destroy you. That is my story. You stole my story and keep bringing them in my life. Thanks. You did a good job to keep us safe and my family secure. If we had kids; I'd be gone and scared shitless about trying to find them a good mom. I am scared shitless of you because of you and how you beg and cry all the time; do you understand? You do not fight me and I cannot stand you? Did you steal my story again?

Now I have cleared up and won back 70-80 per cent of your lives while the last 20, I cannot stand. I want out because of that 20 and you hold it secret. Meanwhile I worry shitless about those who I love and care for no thanks to you and this courage you stand for. When you are in a fight and bleeding, do not come back to the cave where the kids or the injured are okay. They pick up on it and get hungry.


Monday, April 27, 2009 Ann I do not get it. Why in hell would you take Hannity out to dinner with your mom? Don't you think it is slightly insulting to me and don't you think that door is... how would you feel if I took Rachel or Carrie to dinner with my dad? Does that make it any different? He keeps on saying how you and he have dinner parties, exchange presents, etc... Then you confirm it. You two go back and forth; then you cry to me and tell me how he is trying to kill you and you are a prisoner. Now you really fucked up because you got my god damn family in your god damn fucking mess. Oh I have a right to not only be pissed but punch you in the nose if you do not answer up.

All your boyfriends and drinking buddies have attacked me. All of them have degraded you and because they are trying to grab me. I don't blame you for that. Wow, you and your mom love them but I am glad to hear she was always with you. I do not take any women out to meet my father; why do you? You make me feel really bad and you turn around and have no idea how dangerous it is for my own family and your god damn stupid slut act. Knock it off okay, for real. I have reached the 10 level with you and you just forget who and what is most important. You must be some Jane Fonda on some god damn fishing expedition. Worse, you unwind it and clear it up just enough to keep me waiting and stressed. Ann we are not partners and work buddies okay. Do not treat me as if I am and throw this personal life and tell me to accept it.

You are insulting and irresponsible and a god damn subordinate. I swear to God you fuckers are so insane and crazy I will kick your fucking ass. Do you know the danger you got me and my own family in? Keep having drinks and Palin around Ann. Then tell me months and years later about how deranged and insane they are. Now how are you going to get rid of them or out of your and our life? I do owe you thanks but this is pushing it way too far. I do love you but this is asking too much don't you thnk?

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Soldiers Returning Home To Fight The 'War On Jerks'by Rachel Marsden

This week marks the two year anniversary of Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declaring the Iraq war virtually hopeless. Coincidentally, so were my dating prospects. One of the best side effects of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is that there are men worth dating again.

On the battlefield of love, I’m a decorated five-star general, navigating the endless minefield of jerks with the attitude of Patton and the skill of Napoleon (or, some might say, Rommel). I worked my way up in the ranks, took some enemy fire, and have the purple hearts to prove it. But over the course of this journey, I believe that I have figured out why military men make the best dating prospects:

Soldiers know the meaning of commitment. Those who volunteer for service are obligated to sign a contract and stick to it. Chances are that if they managed to resist several years of, “I really don’t want to risk going out and getting my head blown off today, I think I’ll bail,” kind of thinking, they’ll probably be less tempted to cancel on a nice dinner out that doesn’t involve grenades and head shots. This obviously doesn’t apply to deserters who take off to Canada.

They know accountability. If you screw up in the military, someone will care. And there will be consequences. Sometimes even death. What’s up with men nowadays who just do whatever they feel like, at any given moment, and fully expect that everything will be cool? Did they not learn consequences from mommy and daddy? I believe in relationship accountability. If more women held their date-mates accountable for deplorable behavior, the jerk-pool would be much more shallow. How about giving that kick to the curb some strategic direction, ladies? Put some effort into it! Personally, I have drop-kicked a guy still living with his parents back onto their doorstep for further basement incubation. I then returned an intelligence officer who secretly married another woman inside his house half-way through our two year relationship back to her -- and handed the classified documents he would leave on my coffee table, presumably because he was too cheap to buy me jewelry, back to his superiors. And perhaps most prominently, I returned the founder of Wikipedia, who announced our breakup on the site, back to the Internet -- by auctioning off on eBay the clothes he left behind. Some “men” might find this sort of accountability downright terrifying -- but obviously they have never been on a battlefield.

Soldiers don’t need to be taught the meaning of bravery. They can stomach telling the truth in the first place -- and not just when forcibly extracted from them because they’re busted in an outright lie. I dated one guy who was sick for a week after I unraveled all his lies in what amounted to an hour-long verbal waterboarding. (I’m not exactly the type to waste my life waiting for the lies and deception to come trickling out over time.) I told him that nausea is common during the turbulent trip from Bull**itville to Realityland, but that he’d survive. The whining about my “torture” persisted, and I soon grew eager for Stockholm Syndrome to kick in. Military men certainly wouldn’t debase themselves in such a manner.

Narcissism doesn’t fly in the military. In the heat of battle, if you’re obsessed with your image and your Twitter account (“LOL OMG TALIBANZ!”), you won’t be reading the enemy and chances are you’ll probably die sooner or later. If only this happened in the dating world, some of us would be much better off.

Military men don’t have inferiority complexes. Most of the war veterans I know say very little about their service. They have nothing to prove. They’re real men, with real accomplishments, and feminism hasn’t rendered them so weak to the point that they attempt to bolster their self-worth by racking up a high-score on the booty circuit.

There are certain codes of behavioral conduct in the military. Granted, I’m sure there are a lot of shenanigans, as well -- but that’s to be expected when you’re faced with the very real possibility of death on a daily basis. But what’s the average schmo’s excuse? I find that so many men and their friends are so lacking in values and character that if Charles Manson were to be let out of prison, they’d gladly buy him a beer and laugh at his “antics”. After all, who are we to judge this poor guy with progressive, unconventional values? Plus, he’s, like, soooo funny! It’s like someone has taken a giant magnet to manhood’s collective moral compass. It’s something I wish self-described “progressive” women -- both Republican (ahem, Meghan McCain) and Democrat -- would give some thought to before they declare all these “old values” to be useless and dated.

So I’m quite looking forward to the boys coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan to rescue us women in this “War On Jerks” quagmire.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Wednesday, 15 April, 2009 These videos of Ann sound like my own biography or my life. In first grade, 1977-78, I had my first girlfriend named Tori M. Her parents took her out of public school and sent her to private school and I met her later in high school. At age 14, my twin buddies and best friends from upstate New York began to hold our own parties every Friday. At age 16 we all went to our first concert (Anthrax and some punk band) at "legendary" Hammerjacks in Baltimore, MD. Hammerjacks was closed down and is near the railroad tracks and station. Unless I hear it from Ann, I cannot tell if she is talking about me or her; she has my entire biography. I know Ann is very remorseful because she has been in so many "tic for tat" and fierce fights, but tried to explain how she did not intentionally try to anger or piss me off. I have never ever known her to act that way or betray my trust, never. I cannot see her with someone for 20 years and doing something stupid or trashing 20 years and more of a relation. To me it is completely alien and some odd aberration. Ann did not have many "boyfriends" and love interests.

New Video on Ramones:

Annie did NOT buy the home, it was too expensive, but look at her face! Cute:

This apartment is the high end "urban mansions" in Brooklyn and Manhattan. Art dealers and art alficionatos usually have these types of houses in New York. I used to talk to Ann about how cool residences are downtown where you drive in the door and straight into your living room. This apartment was too expensive. I have no idea why she posted this or why "John" is interviewing her in someone's home. It is a cute video but we used to talk about how cool these types of residences are and who lives in them. I do not know about this stuff, only how Ann wanted to sit down and explain the last seven years after 2002. Also, if you have seen Bill Maher when he says how Strom Thurmond had an affair with his servant in South Carolina, then you understand the gist of what is being done to Annie. It is better to isolate herself and not pal around with these people but she says it was only for her career and now she is allowed more freedom to choose who she is friends with. I can see it and how things changed or how she is more free.

Kelly's Court: Rape on the Subway and "No duty to rescue."

The video on Fox News, Meaghan Kelly's Court, where the girl was raped in the subway and sued the NY Transit Authority and lost because the judge said "no duty to resuce." That case is wrong and adjudicated in gross error. The public has a "reasonable expectation" about their security. The question is a gap between no duty and total duty. Had a bomb been placed on the subway, no duty is not valid. In this case, it is a rapist openly raping a female who is yelling for help. Immediately the behavior appears "cruel" and "prolonging." So a girl is being harassed, she leaves the subway, is subdued and raped while two employees of the NYC Transit Authority watch but hit the panic button. Are they trained in security or can replace security guards? If so, why was a whistle not used or a flash light? Why was a camera not pulled out? They are not armed guards but they are given a panic button so they must be trained as a certified security guard for insurance reasons.

These matters come up all the time in high priced office complexes. In cases where office buildings hire security guards as escorts, the walk to their cars in parking garages are an insurance liability. It is cheaper to hire a security company or to show some effort to patrol the grounds. Like a bomb threat, people have a reasonable expectation to be rescued by the Transit Authority. No effort is no excuse for arguing all efforts. Therefore, New York's "no duty to rescue is corruption and advocates criminal activity with no liability." This is private property and they police the grounds. This was improper and total lack of security and worse, during a violent and dangerous act.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.