1. Who is Bobby Gucci One? How do you know him?
2. Dinner DeSouza is your lover is he not? How do you know him?
3. Who is Billary Maher and why are you pretending to be his lover?
4. Are you a liar or a fake or just a moron looking for credibility and material?
5. How come none of those people know you? How come you never mention any boyfriends by name?
6. Do you admit you are a loser and men have their ways with you?
7. Do you admit you smoke to be cool and go to concerts so you can smell pot from secondhand smokers?
8. Your mom put you up to this and set you up or introduced you to these men didn't she? didn't she?
When we asked every name you have mentioned as your date or boyfriend; they said it was a conspiracy or would not say. Do you admit you lied or not? Before you were married to these men, did you perform any type of human sacrifice or cult worship? Talk or else we will make you talk. If I were you Ann I would tell the truth instead of reply with "its all lies."
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