March 31, 2010, 5:55 PM Canadian Professors Demand Apology... For Threatening Letter March 31, 2010, 5:40 PM "I'm here to kill Bush" - MUST SEE VIDEO! March 31, 2010, 5:38 PM Canadian TV Outlet Doctors Tape of Coulter Speech - NEWSBUSTERS: Media Badly Misrepresent March 31, 2010, 5:16 PM COULTER TV -- GERALDO BOTH NIGHTS THIS WEEKEND - AND O'REILLY ON MONDAY (Wow, and pictures to prove it! Let the alcohol flow and the God of Wine take me home) March 31, 2010, 4:23 PM COULTER SPEECH AT UCLA -- POSTPONED! -
March 31, 2010, 9:07 AM At Least He Could Shake the "Liberal" Label - Obama's Disapproval Rating Hits.. costly, most say March 31, 2010, 9:07 AM Refuses to Change Business Plan - Fails to Stop Fall in Ratings March 30, 2010, 5:43 PM This is how the Tea Party Movement Could Hurt Conservatives - March 30, 2010, 4:23 PM COULTER TO SPEAK AT UCLA THIS WED NIGHT! - (About...)
March 30, 2010, 3:37 PM Didn't Loretta Sanchez Throw a DNC Party at Voyeur? - A Tale of Two Donors, Media Bias Division March 30, 2010, 3:11 PM AND 78% TRUST THEIR DOGS MORE! - March 30, 2010, 7:12 AM OH CANADA! [The Continuing Crisis] - Comedian to face Human Rights Tribunal ‘I’m sorry sir, before I respond to you, can you tell me if you are part of a protected group?’“ March 29, 2010, 4:13 PM Los Angeles Reception! Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:00pm - 8:00pm Didn't Loretta Sanchez Throw a DNC Party at Voyeur? - A Tale of Two Donors, Media Bias Division March 28, 2010, 5:15 PM He doesn't believe it and neither do I. BIG GOVERNMENT: $10,000 CASH PRIZE TO DISPROVE A NEGATIVE March 25, 2010, 2:10 AM Mark Steyn on Coulter Riot - Shouting "Fire!" March 24, 2010, 7:53 PM COULTER IN CANADA! - VIDEO: Ann Coulter on O'Reilly: I'm OK, I am in Calgary; VIDEO: Ann Coulter on Joy Behar "Oh Canada" March 24, 2010, 9:46 AM Not a Hate Crime - Christian Burned Alive, Wife Raped, for Refusing to Convert March 24, 2010, 9:19 AM WELCOME TO CANADA! - FULL REPORT -- WITH PICTURES! Ann Coulter Riot in Ottawa March 22, 2010, 10:42 AM Where Do I Apply to Get on a Death Panel? -
If we did something wrong and you do not like it or got the bad end of this lie; then sue us or file a real complaint. Do not make us listen to some fool or aholie sputter all day about how great and holy they are! Now my lawyers say they are guilty of stalking charges and slander; they also have hidden camera charges and neglect charges; or is this on her? They keep saying they cannot win or have it bad; show us, what is bad? Does it look like their complaint is real? Do it look like ours is? Does it look like they have a chance? Then stop and knock it off; are you a maniac, lunatic, communist terrorist, or just a total mess and trying to stalk us and slander us? Then do not look for a shoulder to cry on or say how you are the shame; you are a total enemy and the devil; the antichrist; go home and get lost. Can you at least get the F out of our life? The bully act is terrible and will get you locked up for life if not killed. The sex offender one is disgusting and the police one is a total fraud and joke. Here is advice; do not lay a hand on others and you will not be leveled or on your knees. "He is a liberal" did not work either and was a total fraud (Rove) invented by a clever career criminal. We do not want the disgruntled ones on our side either! If they are the police or a secret sex offender camera crew; we would love to get their full confession; even what the true record or their surveillance packed up? Again, when you get the bad end of the stick; ask why or how you may be viewed by the eyes of him, the law, and our life. If you have a complaint, then you cannot bury it will murder and total lunatic crime sprees. We know this is a serial killer and how they are aiming at Generals, the military and anyone who disagrees or tells the truth. It comes down to this, they are a faggot and a predator; end of story; do not go any further than this or else it will be retaliation and bullying.
So police that and suck it up their pipe; time is running out. The police usually do not hide, commit murder, involved in terrorism and murder, get leveled, are unwanted and unwelcomed, pathological liars, hunted by the military forces and a military tribunal, accused of rape or abduction, and shred the Constitution; or do they? Nice try and thank you, may I have another lie. Also, go home and die there where you will be respected; it will get worse and much more dangerous. Here is their recent attack and smear: if I am a captive and being stalked or hunted by an IRA terrorist or a communist rogue police; I might wander in a bar to loose him; not sit down to have a drink with them. Do not scold me and show displeasure about how I have a problem with alcoholism, mess things up, am derisive to the law, weak on crime, and act like an Irishman. The point is this action led this person to make evasive or risky actions to escape and evade. Not join the gang or express how we are energized, enjoy, and wish to be stalked and slandered. The threat or compromise to this scam is how we are being investigated or showing interest; but they are rejecting us or disapprove; again, we are being rejected, hunted, are weak on crime, and running from the law. Explain that one again? How about this explanation, "you are angry... you get the bad end of this... you got leveled... you got caught... it will never end now... you are even more disgruntled than we will ever be... and you are lawless." The Patriot Act does not even give you the right to engage in espionage and surveillance must have a warrant or else it is peeping uncle tom sputtering lies of a liberal and communist terrorist. A complete and total fraud using the criminal justice system. The truth is this person still refuses to leave and is protesting in the most rancid and insidious manner. So sue us for stalking or slander? Then explain why or how. Accuse us of violating your civil rights and falsifying records; do we want this to be widespread? Who is doing it and why?
Read about our life together on these pages and what we did for over 20 years trying to catch these career criminals, terrorists, sexual predators, stalkers, and communist spies; now they claim we are guilty and not wanted; nobody can get along with us and we refuse to obey or conform. They will not imprison us or waste their time with us anymore? Listen to them and how they throw money around. Now show me when and how Ann has come to their defense once? They use it like a machine gun and pray; then they run out and demand more ammo. The truth is there is one way out and so far; we got part of it and demand all of it; we are not kidding around so I hope they are not. So Ann did this to them or did they do this to us? It gets worse for them the more they prop her up or all the puppet strings they attach to her; I cut all of them and here is my poker hand to do so; read them and kiss our ass. Now we ask to be paid for the injuries, charges, and damages; also each of our legal fees. We are really expensive and can prove this!
Now I am being harassed and bullied by the DA and legal forces in New York. If they want to file some charge or open case; make sure it dates back before 1989. Make sure also they are not linked to the communist, liberals, or left wing. Make sure it is not linked or related to Vietnam or the Catholic Church International. If you want to file charges; do not accuse me of being Catholic or Irish; I do not stand for any of it or being weak on crime. I make clear I am Presbyterian and study Bawdiest philosophy. If you want to charge me of a conspiracy; you will have to show me fuel tickets, meetings, phone records, and some surveillance or coordinated bullying and recruitment; that is my case and why I am charging them with slander. This legal bullying and BS "pressure tactics" is to loosen up the anal cavity of a political menace and loser that is trying to suggest America is roughing up the Irish or the poor once again. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this; but there is a lot more and a near perfect case against the communist, labor, and this terrorist invasion force.
I will make clear for the record, the first person who contacted me in 1989 was Bush Sr. The second was Danish D'Xousa. D'Xousa was working at the American Enterprise Institute and discussing civil rights and affirmative action. He was a speaker at Georgetown and was caught pitching me in this recruitment effort. When I returned to DC in 1994 (ignored all of them) he was gone. Ann came in and asked him what he wanted and then identified herself; right now he is gagged and cannot talk about either Ann or myself; the media version is her being engaged with D'Xousa. The true story rests with both Ann and myself. Then they tried this again, a second time with Laura Inherhand. This time to reverse it (Laura was engaged to him also). So I ignored all of this pitching and recruitment and in July 2008; Ann had her first face-to-face with Laura about her man. The whole point is to tell them we know, are listening in also, and are watching them watching us while we annoy them and make their head explode with obnoxious and wild behavior. Then spring a trap with fury and delight.
We had been in some secret "dialogue" with the Kennedy's and specifically Ted from 1989 to 2008; trying to flush him out. So that is why the bars and alcohol mixed in. We are not and in no way drunkards, repeat offenders of DUI, or enjoy the company of drunkards and wild labor elements. We did this for cover while trying to draw them out; yet they keep pressuring it as picking on their plight. We are not in their camp and if they stick their head out again; it might be bitten off; knock it off bastard and stop toughening us up by aiming for the hole they are not supposed to be thinking about or fantasizing about; whether it is Ann or myself. As far as making them angry; kiss my ass and answer the five questions. That is my slander case and 520 million; to sit in my home and record me runs the risk of disinformation and fiction; I feed them false and misleading information in order to draw a charge. We know how they recruit; it is also with conservatism and Republican. They make contact, pitch, draw us in, keep us locked and focused, and then make contact to hire or recruit us. We take them to the limit and reject them and slam the door and it drives them insane; so a fight broke out and we could not charge them or file a legal complaint. They use trust and a message of truth to recruit, hook us, hook up, and steal everything.
I will engage is the most grotesque conversation with women or Ann; I want them to listen and get off. I know they are a sex offender; get the joke? I have been doing this for over 20 years; to mess with their demented head; I know they are watching and a shadow. If I know they are listening, I sing and tell jokes; make death threats or tell them how their kids will be harmed. It is not to make it comfortable for them; it is to scare off a communist, terrorist, and predator. If and when I can; I make sure their head explodes and barrage them with incendiary messages or communications with my "imaginary friend" where we discuss their violent death and lots more. They come back by bullying and we nail them or charge them; it is a predator, communist, labor union, and a few others. It is illegal so they hide and are not welcomed; so sue us and bring it to court when they have the nutty balls. It is done on purpose; same with sex; it is to stiffen them up and Ann and I drive them insane if we know they are listening; a joke between her and I. So shut up and go home a loser; show us what we did wrong and prove it. Ann is not allowed to do the male things I do; she is allowed to tease and drive men insane. We are amateur spy catchers and I have an apprenticeship with Delti Fork, not sex offenders or predators; we take them to the edge, out of control, and jump on them or slam the door. I try to leave a “popcorn trail” or “paper trail” to strengthen my case and complaint filed in 1998 to the FBI; that dates and traces back to the early 1980s; so do not open new ones or fabricate new charges.
Here is an example of my controversial tactics: 1. If they are girls and try to meet me; I go in strip clubs and do not go anywhere else. 2. If they look respectable, I go in strip clubs or the beach; some risky culture or extreme sports. If they are fat, I find a place that makes them look like an odd ball. 3. If they call me; I talk worse than John Holmes; totally leave them feeling like a dirty whore and slut; they come back every time angry. If they act kind; I go ape shit. 4. If they try to pamper me; I abuse them and make them pay, buy me things, and act like a total pimp. I try to make them run, keep up, and stay unhinged. 5. When I think someone is listening; I find the most lewd and sexually promiscuous female and talk to her all day long; then try to make them jerk off and determine if it is a total fag. 6. My objective is to fill their heads with fantasy and marriage dreams; to make them angry and contact; to make them feel we are slipping out of their hands and they need to hurry up and take charge. 7. If I know they are in my bedroom; I will play porn or the most grotesque porn; they love it and enjoy it; they fight and will not be denied. Then they send someone who can match us or be the "same." I would slam the hell out of them for "trying to be the same" and "unifying." 8. It is hard to unify and "clone" us and if they do; they end up F'd in the head; totally confused about who and what they are; they will act like some preacher and guardian and we cuss at them and call them the worst names. 9. The objective is to suggest we are high prize and sneaking around; we talk to them nice one moment and then enrage and blow their minds the next; Ann is on the other end doing the exact same so they can only follow and ask what we are doing. They want us to know they are not intimidated and will not accept no for an answer; it goes on and on for over 10 years and now I ripped a few of them up badly. Try listening to John Holmes all day and for months on end; then listen to death threats all day and while trying to be our friend; total whacko. The point is it does not pay to be a predator, sex offender, stalker, and communist spy or terrorist recruiter. Yes, I am the one who designed it and it is torture; the worst kind. The stuff I did caused them to be so angry they ran me over with a truck and I looked it.
I was hit by a truck; my face looked like meat. I spent months in a coma. I could not even eat dinner with others. I could not take care of myself. As I said, there was a big change in 2005 and 2006. I was back in Virginia and going out a lot; trying to date, go to concerts, dinners, and learning to socialize and talk again. There should be a big if not major change in Ann's life. Also I spent the holidays in California and was out with my family a lot. In late 2005 to 2006, I worked almost 13 hour days weekly; and saved all of my money. I ate dinner out every single night and bought a condo and several big items for my move. My father bought a house and there were many changes. I notice Ann in VA-DC a lot; then they invited her back to DC in 2007 and she did not go to any events. So in 2006, Ann went to a lot of parties. I was talking to a California teacher named "Carla" who was married and wanted to divorce and remarry. She had two kids, her father was a top secret pilot shot down in a U2 plane, and spent her life overseas. All I did was talk to her to work on my recovery and to test things. So do not misjudge Ann during this period; I was talking to a married woman and then a Russian model.
From 1998 to 2005; I have never been so miserable. I know I am being watched and caught a shadow; so I am trying to upset and draw them out. I have to do outrageous things and tell Ann about it; even womanize married women or lewd acts. Ann is a participant and even giving me instructions; so it is our thing and she is not jealous. I even eat dinner with these people; all the time. I went to "Fur Nightclub" weekly and tried to attend parties and concerts in Adams Morgan and Wisconsin Avenue. DC is filled with spies and I picked up one hell of a deadly one and powerful one; now we caught them. We know they will show up and try to attend also. They sense Ann and are losing their mind; watching my life in hers. She says the same things; does the same things; and it is flipping them out. They must do a face to face or make contact; do how many will fight and bulldog us; they know we will win and trap them. I apologize for the inconvenience Ann may have caused duplicating my wild and insane methods; my objective is to draw them out and the only way is to flutter and make their head explode; what they dislike and try to control. I am not really like that; but when attacked; my objective is to push away or scare off any threat or force them to make a mistake. They see their target isolated, injured, alone, reaching out, and making stupid mistakes; not the case. What they see is someone vulnerable and egging them on.
I think Ann feels left out or just logging our biography. We have identical lives; so we know when a problem comes up. I can see and analyze hers; easily. I went to dinner a lot only in 2006 and chained smoked. From 2005 to 2006, I tried to go to a concert weekly and learn how to expand my travel and comfort zones. Pictures of me show me improving and I had to learn how to talk again. The pictures of Ann in 2005 and 2006 are very controversial and very edgy; almost lewd and very outgoing. There may be 'social' or 'private' events; not business events in those two years. It sucks to go to events solo or by yourself; but I had to do this all the time; it sucks and there was so much I had to find partners or dates. After 2007, I only am solo; nobody is in my life except Ann. She uses her life as a diary for both of us and she has others log or take pictures. I have no pictures from 1990 to 1999; none. The home invasion in 2006 has been solved. Also, I report yelling in my window, "go home" which is the claim of Sean Hannity and upstairs; the unions and communist. I report voices and constant heckling; all repeated and blurted out by Hannity. It was some subsonic bullhorn; or a recording for brainwashing; used on war prisoners. Rush and Sean are the primary suspects; also Sean goes to FL and Rush looks in Ann's window at 4am and admitted this; but the hand writing is by a left hander with DNA evidence on the envelope. Ann has the same injuries and the same problems; so she and have to overcome the same things in life.
Recently she has written about my hot towels, my pinched nerve problem, the scar inside my nose (not booger picking), and a lot of love notes (sexual). There is a big change in her and she has been chewed out several times but has gone out of her way to explain and walk thru the scene of the crime. They are subtle with Ann and do not use the violence they use on me; my end is vicious and feels like a truck hit you. ___________________________________________________________________
Ann says that Jann Wenn and Maher have some kind of link and she was invited to the Christmas Parties either through friends or him? Is this correct? Maher says he calls Ann when in New York and they go out? Let me guess, he is in New York once every three years and they went out once or twice to the Wenn Christmas Party? The pictures show Ann and some weird guy who I have never even seen before. Also, Ann dumps all her socialites and circle of media events in 2005. The drinking or bar events were part of her book tour. Ann says it was something she did and may not have been a good idea. It was based on my excursions from 1999 to 2002 visiting every bar, strip club, and concert in every city I went to. I went to many if not all major cities and the nightlife and spoke to a lot of people. Ann says she met them once and wanted to establish a relationship so she could come back on her book tour; but she grew too big and had to end the relationship as they used it or took advantage of her single reputation. It caused a lot of problems and Ann was deeply sorry. I kept asking Ann how she got invited to the Christmas Parties and how; who she knew and who her dates were. It has to do with Maher and his media contacts; he has his own show. Nothing stops the smears and the rumors; so Ann caused their head to explode. Here is their chance to get it right and the facts straight.
There was a party in 2005, a New Years Party that FReeP sponsored or put on. It was one of their "exclusive" events; maybe Maher was there but Ann says no. She says that it was actually a "fund raiser" but turned out as PR for exclusive VIP and access to her life. So in 2005, she dumped New York and they were angry as hell; someone from CA sent death threats to her FL home and it sounded like New York. The police traced it to California. Ann says that in 2006 she attended a "real" party that had only family members and some college girl. She said that might have made things worse but the people behind it was FReeP; such the case as the Tea Party in Bridgport, CT. They came to New York or CT to see her? Maher made some statements which were unclear and convoluted about calling her and going out when in New York. Ann says they never dated and have never been on a one-on-one date; she always tells people she is busy and avoids personal relationships. Maher was forced to admit he never dated or went on a date with Ann; maybe his game is to portray himself in a false manner; but if he calls her when in NYC, then he can get a date. The only person Ann has been on two dates with is JJ and one was with Rush at Elaine's and the other was a photo op in California in 2007. I had said something to her about porn sites called "Blackzilla" or "My mom is F'in a Nomad" and some other ones we were making fun of. I was saying, "oh my god, do you have any idea... she is on vacation and picked up random old dirty men... that is so gross... "
So in 2008 I asked her to clean things up and she tried to in 2009; all at once. I was emailing people and wanted their immediately explanation; identifying myself and what I read. The Ryan guy was a scam. He emailed me on and keep it all in two sentences. He said it was blown out of proportion, he was at the same bar and room; that was all. Then he said he lived in the same building but when I looked at the email; someone had erased and changed it. I recall him saying how they were in the same bar and lived in the same building; the email now said only he does not know her or met her. Ann did not even know what I was talking about. Andrew Stein is the same thing; I went to New York City in 2006 with a Russian girl (model) and stayed at the Belvedere in Manhattan. We went to Central Park and her neighborhood; also took the subway to Brighton Beach because she speaks fluent Russian. I was suspicious with the situation but wanted to know; so I took her to NYC for 5 days at a five star hotel. The Andrew Stein story came up somehow. Ann does not know him and if so; did not move to FL as result. The Russian girl lives in Orlando and moved there in 2006; she is very pretty. Who is still in the pictures? I went to Ann's condo and neighborhood in 2006.
It was FReeP and California who sent the nasty letters to her Palm Beach home; it was related to the New Year's "private party" in New York which Ann tells me was actually a fund raiser; or she was lured there for PR; now FReeP was busted. I had missed the FReeP thing and it was so ridiculous I just ignored it. They had blocked her site, read her emails, and was working with Rush and Sean; mostly Sean. They are skilled on the internet and has the power of Silicon Valley or the web masters. When they began to block my emails and server; I contacted the myspace site and got a girl and pictures. So I asked her who are they and if she can show me; there is a video. Then they followed me and Ann to PopModal and I got expelled in 2009. I eventually got fed up and told Ann to stop the chase; they would kick it up three times and 24 hours. Ann could not get them to stop the pursuit and it felt like a total maniac, lunatic or the movie Fatal Attraction and Single White Female; total insanity. It seems like it is FReeP and Maher; which is actually Clinton, Rush, and Sean; the communists. If they are looking for evidence or dirt on her; all they have to do is bring her picture and look in my life; there are witnesses, evidence, and it fits perfect. She even came to DC-VA in 1994 and was there in the late 1980s.
This is satellite warfare, not a party, a photo oops, and certainly not kitchen duty. If you want to hang out in the kitchen, then get the fuck off the battlefield and for god sakes; when you crash the beach and hill; do not hug those defending it or look at them shocked and say, "oh, how could you." Rip their shirt and hair out or go home and take your clothes off; this is not a party; it is nearly world war 4 and they are getting sucked deeper in it by the sucking sound and it is not coming from a woman. Also, someone has to go; this is the most exclusive poker table; not poke her table. Ann, you want to be a warrior or get court martialed again for cowardice and as a conscientious objector? This is war, invade their land, and break a beer bottle on their leaders head; not preach Christianity okay. Breaking McCain's other arm or biting the ear off of Lindsay is a good start; go Limbaugh JAG's. They are communist; get rid of them before we are appeased, stink, and end up as a drunk idiot with Catholic fight in us. Tell them to get the fuck off the battlefield and get back in the kitchen where they belong; but for god sakes keep the clothes on. Do they know how close this mole and terrorist group is? It is an "Indian Run" and from soccer tactics; the top attacks the tail end and it pushes the loop continuously. This enemy is very close and we need to go after the leaders; not the tail end; they are merely dependent.
I hate you all so much while you play this bleeding heart fool's game; it is pathetic for a warrior to watch; get a F'in life will you? To invite all these Jews, Catholics, and enemies into my already lunatic life; then have them sit in the VIP circle with me; and then tell me this is the full circle and how you as a Jew reach Christianity from me; it is pathetic and a gutless losing fight. I had no idea you were that weak and damned also; thanks for a little bite. I have to ask you to stop holding hands or going to dinners while you tell me you are a grand prize and a gift from God? You are the best wife and are waiting for me? Don't you feel queasy or sick about it or you? Do you think heaven is eager and enthusiastic also for you?
Did I mention how she kept going on the Hannity show and in the most weak and pathetic moment; look him in the eye and say "how could you?" After what he and they did, you would think she would stop winking at them and maybe rip their hair out; but conservatives are too tough and too ferocious to be bogged down by such menial and liberal sputtering. At least one of us has some fight; while the other creates more legal problems, more disappointment, and a total mess; clean it up now and do not give me 100 excuses like before. I am sick of it and you Ann; do you have any fight in you or are you this pathetic as I was telling you in 2002; a complete loser and a moron. They dump wine on your head, get it? That is real, not a useless protest or bodyguard.
Then while you hit the panic button on all of them or pretended to like them; you were telling me who was trying to use, exploit, and betray you. Who was trying to rape your life and leave you for dead like Barbara Gold; at least she fought and did not go down in such a pathetic and stupid manner. It does not stop them when you rub their hands, give speeches, or attend their events, parties, or fund raisers. It does not do a damn thing to rub their hands or advertise their names or take pictures with them Ann; what kind of a beastly fool are you all? How do you clean this up in 30 days when you have no excuse or chance of going to heaven; it is utter useless.
It is so pathetic to fight on your side, be your man, or to share life with you; at least I have fight and at least I am proud of it and who I am; can you even stand with a legend or do you only fall for him and beg about how you are in pain and will risk it all partying and traveling with them? Maybe I should come on your show and do the same thing, "how could you... what were you thinking... you expect this to fix itself?" So fix it and in 30 days or less if you are that good and a genius; insanity is not far from genius if you ask me. I had to push and prod you just to admit you were going to hell with them; you claim your conscience is clear and have a pure heart; what a wonderful person now with me in it. Then they took it away and stole it before your very and every eyes while I acted like you were a marvelous warrior; you suck and worse you are a total fake and a lie; thank you and for being a wonderful friend; but I owe you some reward and some responsibility. I cannot believe how bad your management skills are or how you live life; it is pathetic and you cling so close to me.
At some point, your snail pace and catch up with fixing will hit the reality that for every problem I fix, two are magically appear. I will repeat my frustration, "please do not mess up my 500 million dollar case" and it is very big. You have not been a very good help or a very good assistant. You also do not plan, it is I who plan and if you keep running against me and what I am doing; I will get to the point of worry as I am now and simply tell you to "give me a percentage" of what you expect from this. So far you have not told me what you want from me, what per cent, or anything; I am in the dark completely. Meanwhile, I have to plan my legal case, your legal case, and a lot of problems related to your association or "special relationship" with me. One day is works fine; the next it crashes and flip flops. You get attacked daily and it makes me jealous, unhappy, and disconnected with you. Then you tell me I will never leave or you will never leave. Ann, listen to me; you have pushed the envelope and taken me to my ends; this will be at least the fourth time; you still claim it is not your fault and this mess was because of the intervention; I agree with that. So what do you suppose I do, shoot them or dump wine on their head? How about you drive them crazy and make their head explode? How about you get them off my god damn mission ASAP and stop cozzying up wit them? I have a checklist of what I needed done and what is needed for this to work and so far; there are not much you can brag about. I do not even know whose side you are on anymore; all I know is what I can do for you and try to make it a happy outcome for you if I can. I cannot change what happened or erase the bad memories; nor can I fix your life. The question is if I cannot, than can you? I am not able to be more unhappy but am sucked into this and cannot be more unhappy with you also. That is the problem, the same legal case and team; but it will destroy our relationship. I am drafting plans without you already.
My plans after this are to oppose you based on your actions and my demand for these people to be off this mission and out of satellite warfare or the "most exclusive poker table." You seem not to understand the extent of the problem or who is the problem. We cannot win under these circumstances and the communist will take the first strike and have. Now you must do diligence to get rid of them or bring them to justice; but evaluate your own sanity and predicament. The speech in CA and NV was not important and had very few audiences; but the damage is immense. Then I am at that break point or already beyond it; I know it is the YAF and CPAC but do you? You are the one who told me and I am asking you now if you know it or care? Why the hell am I asking you if you care when the murder plot is on you? I take responsibility because I was targeted first; but you roused them in the mid 1995 by trying to scare them off or tell them hands off; so they lost it and attacked. Now things are different. It makes no sense, even during an intense battle, to walk deeper into thin ice; they do and now all of you are trapped and do not know what to do or say. All I can do is offer you 25 to 50 per cent; what are you offering me or can you offer anything but anger, hate, and a lot of bad memories? The best part is their memories and where it is leading; so I applaud you for that; can you stop holding hands with Floyd and tell me how they have you captive? I know it is him, do you? I know it is YAF, do you? I know it is CPAC and the Irish/Catholics; but do you? That is who it is on this end and behind all this also; but do you know or care? Remember who does the planning and long term strategy; do you want to be part of it or keep arguing; we need closure also. At least things have finally slowed down or are shutting down; maybe you also.
This is a 500 million dollar case. Take a whiff and a hard look; more trouble, more legal problems, more anger, more discontent, more unhappiness, and you conservatives and Republicans were just punished badly. Do you all deserve it? You tell me. Do you know how long it will take to resolve this case? Work on those who took you captive and why; I like the memories they have and how they will be locked up for the rest of their life; I love that part and want them to burn in hell; so do not come near me if you are nuclear and will do harm to me. Also, do you honestly think I will accept you as is or with all this baggage? If I am rich; I will give you 30 days to fix everything and that will be all the time you will have; you waited until the last minute for over 3 years and are little help to your own attempted murder case or slander case. I do all the worrying and you do all the speeches, dinner, and partying; who does the dirty work again? Who is having all the fun again? Who has to worry about all the legal work again? Who is getting one hell of a bargain and outcome from this? Now ask why you are so unhappy and think deeply. None of this helped your 3, 5, or 10 year gains, none. It is just monotonous aimless and disgusting. You are at their mercy while you wish to be in or part of my plans; what kind of contribution do you think you will be in 5 or 10 years? I worry about you because you are older now and your needs are different; my feelings for you have changed but I worry and care. I do not accept excuses or wish to listen to anybody; thus, forced you to answer yes or no and you kept saying I "misjudged" or crucified you; yet you cannot comprehend the problem and the gigantic mess I have or must deal with; you love it. So do you think I want them to get away after what they did to you? What they did to me? What I love is the searing pain and how trapped they feel; do not let them enjoy one moment of your life; they are advertising this and it will bite you badly. This will change your future with me and heavily against you. I understand you are stuck and trapped; but this is my fault sort of; it is our legal case and our victory; why should that destroy you and me or us? I admit, I am the one who was kidnapped and made your life worse or miserable. Okay, I am guilty but not gutless; I will destroy them and lock them up for life. Trust me. Everybody knows who fault this was and who ruined your life because you waited for me and had to cope with this.
They keep storming into this mission. They keep trying to sit at the most exclusive poker table or attack satellite warfare. Worse, you keep luring them in deeper and over their head and it is the most uncomfortable feeling. The question is how do I get them out of my life in 5 or 10 years with or without you? That is the answer you need to bring me; how do I end or remove your horrendous life from my low key and protected one? You have nothing to lose waiting; I have everything to loose waiting; how do you make me whole or happy again when I demand them off this mess and mission immediately? The longer, the more mad I get and the more I want heads to roll. We have caught and exposed them for who they are; what more can you do? So why are you taking more vacations and doing more photo oops with them? I do not intend on being single in two or five years; do you? You better hurry up; you must have a sure thing plan or some escape I have no idea about which can erase and put your life back together. You don't care and they don't either; that is why it is murder. Who travels around the US and Canada with their enemy or murder plot and has a blast while ignoring the man she claims to love and have sex with for 20 years? Who is taking advantage of the matter or has a lot to offer? In two or three years, I am not going to be single; understand?
On Friday, March 26, 2010; Hannity says he and they mistook a girl named "Linda" for "Ann"; then he had a team wipe out all the photos of "Linda" form my computer, leaving only two which did not have me in them. He then mentioned "almost caught him in Afghanistan... guilty of terrorism" and then said we were lying and they took action so we could not win. So he and they were the ones wiping my drives and erasing pictures. I digitized them all of them and I still have intimate ones of the both of us. When we were young, they would not develop the underwear pictures. However, on his show on the 26th he admits guilt, they did it, and why; says we would have won our case and gotten them. So they wiped my drives and erased it but forget I back up everything and had all pictures on disk; the collage of Ann and I is what they erased. Then the scanner broke the next week. Here is why also.
I have eyewitnesses who describe me at parties with the girl in that picture. The photo is not doctored and there is no difference; no similarities. I have high school friends who have seen me at parties with an older woman, kissing her, and even talking to her. If you ask them if that is the girl in the picture they will say yes. That girl knows everything about me; my entire life and biography.
I can and will go into court and under oath, testify to having sex with that girl from 1987 to 1989 unless there is some factual mistaken identity. I lost count of the frequency at 375+ after 8 months. I can describe intimate parts of her body; what she likes or dislikes; what she is willing to do or not do. I can describe in detail any oral, anal, or other type of sex; under oath and on a sworn bible. I can also swear she knows everything about me and she has an FBI family or relationship; like myself. She has friends who have parents that are FBI agents (active) and my father has worked with them on counter-intelligence during the VN War as a military officer.
I can under oath, swear an experimentation period from 1987 to 1989; my friends have seen me with her; she can describe my house; and write my entire biography from start to finish. She can give top secret information on my military career and projects so secret the Pentagon can only verify. She can also do so without any fright, fear, or panic; under a lie detector and under oath. After 1989, I did not have any meetings or contact with her and waited to meet her in 1994 when I returned to DC-VA. If you show that picture; my entire community knows that is her and who she was with.
If you ask me about oral sex; I can describe in detail over 20 years of relationship. If you ask me about anal sex or "peculiar" forms of sex such as foreplay; I can describe in detail and write an entire biography; no questions asked. Am I willing to? No. Will I ever? No. If dragged into court and sworn or under oath; will I go into detail? Yes. In less than 9 months, we had sex more than 375 times and were in an experimental period before marriage. We had sex in public, at parks, in parking lots, on my motorcycle, in my home, in her beach house, at the beach, in hotels, at my college dorm, in the car, at the movie theater, etc. Will Ann deny it; yes.
I have witnesses at college, my high school, and pictures in my personal belongings; even at a park where we also had sex at. I just said; if you want to take this to court and swear on the bible or do a lie detector; I am willing to. If you ask Ann all about me; she will verify it with the Pentagon. I yell at her as if we had sex 10000 times; talk to her as if I am really mad; and she just takes it or submits. Did I have sex with her from 1994 to 2010? Not physically and only in other ways. Do I think or discuss the early years and 1987 to 1989? Yes. Were we into music then? Yes. Did we talk about porn stars and what they do which is strange? Yes. I am only into monogamy and marriage; no mistresses, no cheating, and a pure heart. You love to the death and I am giving a stranger 25 to 50 per cent of 520 million dollars? She would risk her life for me? She knows what I am doing and stuff the Pentagon does not or can even obtain? So who is delusional or telling the truth now?
Check the facts on Lisa, Sean, Rush, the unions, upstairs, our work, my work, etc... You mean to tell me I just acquired this and went to college for 10 years but am copying it now and so is she? We are fighting intensely and both of us are considered "damaged goods" and we cannot fix each other or fix it. All I can offer is 25 to 50 per cent and wish her the best; I state I have dumped her before. I state how I used to chain smoke; I smoke a lot and since age 14. I used to drink a lot also. I will show pictures in my own past with that girl. Sex with Ann is no big deal; you do not dig or do this to a man and wife or if they do not want to tell you their secrets. Ann is a sexually active woman; but only in marriage and I only believe in marriage and family. The reason I did not have kids is financial; I was financially crippled.
I can tell you about her past. Her first BF was at age 14. I began to date her at age 17, she was 15 and we went to a party of a friend. I can name him and verify it. He will tell you that is her and what we did that day. His name is Blake and his father is an Air Force Officer. I can describe her dresses; underwear; and down to what she likes (skirts, jeans, boots, hair, etc). I can tell you her entire likes and dislikes in bed, out of bed, what she drinks and why, when we stopped smoking, when we did this or that. If you ask others, they will tell you we were inseparable and almost man and wife. That is the best explanation I can give; ask her. If you go to her area and look for evidence; you will not find it. If you come to my area and life; you will find all of it.
Have I been to a dead concert? Yes. Have I taken drugs at a dead concert? Yes. What age did I go to my first concert with friends? It was Anthrax, Baltimore MD; near the train tracks at Hammerjacks (Hollabird Business Park or Fort Hollarbird); I have the ticket stub from 1987. I also have the stub from the Rolling Stones in 1989 when I went with two girls. I state we had our own band and they can even identify the girl in the picture. They will not find who they are looking for unless they talk to my friends. Do you know every inch of her body? Yes. Did you like it? Yes. Did you talk about marriage and kids? Yes. Did you plan for your retirement and future? Yes. Can you write a book or testify for hours or days about her sex life? Yes. Even under oath or a lie detector. Half the stuff we do is top secret but someone messed this up badly and shut us down; took me out. I state we are partners; close partners and are intimate; why do they keep questioning it? Then they tell me I am lying and attack me; why? They demand we prove it; okay I will. We are ready for court and this law suit. I am asking for and demanding to be paid 520 million for what they did and I am willing to offer Ann 25 to 50 per cent for being a complete stranger.
Leftist Hatred Towards Conservatives is Not Limited to Canada; by Patrick Coyle: This is about hatred towards the Catholics, Irish, and communist. It is also about the labor unions, the poor, B'tards, and the most exclusive poker table in the world being hijacked by the most hated and repugnant bottom feeders. I have ordered you to shut down and stop; lay your chase and assault down. I have ordered you to halt and to identify yourself at the most exclusive poker table on this earth. Upstairs and the unions say it is about their kids now; they are guilty and ready to die. Hannity says he is worried about the future of his kids. Everything points to your scum bag, arrogant, union, lying Facebook terrorist (IRA), and your damned children. When the Irish and unions go into court for violence; do you want to know what they say 8 out of 10 times? The same thing you are and CPAC is saying. I want you locked up for life and to throw the key away; you will get conspiracy to murder charges so tell your kids and make your peace. It was you all along and you put a god damn gun on Ann; made me despise and hate her also. You are linked to the mafia in NYC and the corruption there. Now she is damaged goods; but CPAC pushes while your YAF pulls; all to keep a gun on her. Now look up the case of Huey Long "Kingfisher" and how his death occurred; you all are family and familiar with violence in politics and the mafia. I got you and Hannity now you scum bag; also Lisa and this biography and smearing obituary and afterlife party. I cannot fix Ann but I can get even for her; she did it for me. You are the voice of Sean Bin Busted scumbag. Your voice is upstairs seeking and searching for a way out of this. They said you all "had been caught." Both you and Lisa are primary suspects, ring leaders, of the murder plot and how we caught you doing this to me. You got Ann kicked out or off the most exclusive poker table, admit it. Now guess the motive? Ann is damaged and they are not going to fix her or even make an effort; it is obvious, but they will make money off her and exploit her; then do that murder plot she told me about and who was behind it.
Patrick Coyle Remarks at National Conservative Student Conference: Aug 5, 2009 (Young America's Foundation: Patrick Coyle addressed the 31st National Conservative Student Conference. In his remarks he talked about advancing conservative ideas on college campuses and the role of youth organizing in national politics.) This is about the future of their kids (the army of the damned and the communist labor union leaders.)
Do as they say, not as they do. It is a bit difficult to explain when it is weak on crime and one mob against the other. The attacks on them is not valid; it is like one mafia against the other; one felon on another; all of them are weak on crime and you cannot verify if it is a scam or a hoax to seek insurance. They demand an investigation and an end to all attacks; but they are weak on crime; who let them in the US and government; the worst and permanent poor. We are asking for 520 million because it is so reckless, demanding, and so outrageous. They force themselves here and come to America as the worst; then they invade and demand we give them things or be punished; now they refuse to leave even when caught and nearly slaughtered for terror plots and some new battle plan that failed but is still out there. We have not stopped them but we have made things harder, even if they want to walk away and prevent us from apprehending them. Beginning to see them now? They force themselves on America and come here to the reservation; could it be the Midwest, Catholics, Jews and New York, or the Irish?
Let me make this clear, my ex girlfriend looked and acted very similar to Princess Diana, very shy, rich, short hair, from the other side, reluctant to engage in relationship, did not want any financial dependency, and dressed very high class ($300 cocktail, slender dresses). Ann looks almost identical (blond, diva-esc, sophisticated, and light dirty face) to two intersection points of women; my ex, my baby sitter at age 6, and a bartender decoy at the beach.
When you do a search; there is an odd pattern and a very strange occurrence. There is a number of "suggestions" and even incidents (high profile) involving bodyguards, stalkers, deranged fans, attacks, and constant watch; almost like my story about a "protection" or strange security surrounding me in 1998 but I could not trap them or make them take chances. It was the communist doing a recruitment and also "probing" or boxing me in and "asking" or "soliciting"; day after day. They know how to make demands in a car or check if you have temperance for them. They do this probe and then make a demand to see if you accept it; then the attacks come. They will get in a fist fight if you show defiance or pick a fight; they will pull over and ask what your problem is as if you are over reacting or accusing them; it is your fault for not agreeing.
Had that been me; you would cry like a baby. Good job, I am exhausted from the entire matter; makes really good family film also; I am not half baked but near done. Only at CPAC or YAF events; always. This is really embarrassing and I wish I had a girl who could get me away from this; it is endless attacks, just nonstop; plus I get it every hour from upstairs. Worse, they are nothing and worthless; they have nothing or any real direction. These people have no idea what or how it can get. You spent 3/4 of our life with the enemies and those who vowed to destroy you; now you need a shoulder to lay on so the injuries go away. I believe that deep down; you feel shameful and guilty also; too close to these people. You sit next to someone you will lock up for life? Is that a lot of pretending or are you real partners? It hurts your story and is a major threat; too close and too much unhappiness. Can you feel the degree of unhappiness or threat? I also hope you can hold your ground or back it up. You will never have a normal life again and must hang them. Also, why does it only occur at CPAC; you were so well behaved otherwise and only this is CPAC and your masters trail. ___________________________________________________________________
Someone is admitting guilt. I had told you one incident and it is on you; again. TMZ said you two are very suspicious; you even buy him drinks and coffee. Then they show me how close you two are and it is really uncomfortable. You wrote about how he was a gigolo and then walked away from your Congressional Medal; are you that messed up? All I have to say is it is really uncomfortable and you are either going to nail him or he will nail you. So far the hand holding was only at CPAC which I still am not aware of or understand. All I know is how uncomfortable it is and I blame you for getting me between this. I am siding with TMZ on this Ann; you tell me what percent of the 520 million you deserve. It is so uncomfortable why am I between you and other men? Why does it continue and keep happening in the most embarrassing and uncomfortable level; you are welcomed? Look at where this had led to and what you face now. Look at these videos and you tell me if that was me and another woman; how you would feel or if you would ignore it? I will say this; I hope you nail them and put them behind bars so acting or getting so close. Now you have to tell me what percent if any do you deserve; you can go to hell for that if it is another lie. You have walked away from a medal and got my version of a court marshal; all I have to say is how uncomfortable it is and I can only blame you. Had that been me; you would cry like a baby.
Good job, I am exhausted from the entire matter; makes really good family film also; I am not half baked but near done. Only at CPAC or YAF events; always. This is really embarrassing and I wish I had a girl who could get me away from this; it is endless attacks, just nonstop; plus I get it every hour from upstairs. Worse, they are nothing and worthless; they have nothing or any real direction. These people have no idea what or how it can get. Do you think I can find sweeter spot in my warm compassionate conservative heart? There is a fragile transfer of power and power shift; the appearance is no impropriety and impeccable fairness. There are even decoys to blind; a few to replace and warm; and a team to knock out or smear and keep pressure on; a suffocation and heavy breathing to totally eliminate all evidence. They have run dry and cannot think of what else to do; run out of ideas and conspiracies. Look at Rush and Sean on the front lines; nearly dried up and out of ideas. Look where they get it from also and the constant flow and carpet bombing.
All I have to say is, man you two are really close. Why is not known but all I know is it is very uncomfortable and there is a lot of unhappiness; not you though. You got to be on drugs or being paid to fall on the sword; so drink the kool aid and send me the reward. I am going with TMZ on this and I hope you hang them also; make sure they are behind bars for the rest of their life. I will tell their kids and family how rotten they were. I am really good at damning and berating others for besmirching me. I believe you when you tell me you were well behaved and there was no sex, "it was just dinner... it is total lies", but it is really uncomfortable and upsetting; I now want nothing to do with you until they hang high. I hope it was worth a good scare and lost memories. You spent 3/4 of our life with the enemies and those who vowed to destroy you; now you need a shoulder to lay on so the injuries go away. I believe that deep down; you feel shameful and guilty also; too close to these people. You sit next to someone you will lock up for life? Is that a lot of pretending or are you real partners? It hurts your story and is a major threat; too close and too much unhappiness. Can you feel the degree of unhappiness or threat? I also hope you can hold your ground or back it up. You will never have a normal life again and must hang them. Also, why does it only occur at CPAC; you were so well behaved otherwise and only this is CPAC and your masters trail. You are no fun anymore and I have twice the fun without you and when having good times; when you walk in, you can see what occurs. Odd, that is my case also on this other group of people and you claim to be my lawyer? I do not think you wish to remain in this mission or respect it; if that is wrong then I do not have an accurate version; only your version. Shouldn't you be married and happy; so why aren't you? ___________________________________________________________________
Latest : Moving on : CTV Calgary: Sneha Kulkarni on Coulter's visit:
The Chicago Seven Conspiracy Trial, by Douglas O. Linder : Police cracked more heads and fired more tear-gas grenades again the next night. They attacked about 3,000 demonstrators gathered in the southeastern corner of Lincoln Park shortly after the 11 P. M. curfew. Testifying later about that night, Robert Pierson, an undercover officer working as Hoffman's bodyguard, said that the Yippie leader announced, "We're going to hold the park. We're going to fuck up the pigs and the Convention." Shortly after midnight, Tom Hayden became the first of the alleged conspirators to be arrested. An officer spotted Hayden letting the air out of the tires of a police car. A half hour later, Rennie Davis (according to a prosecution undercover witness) stood at the barricades in Lincoln Park with a megaphone shouting at people to "fight the pigs."
“Mass. Pol Accused of Stuffing Bra With Bribes”: Eugene Volokh • October 29, 2008 8:00 pm; From ABC News: Diane Wilkerson is famous hereabouts for playing the race card whenever she is caught misbehaving. Some years ago, when she was charged with failure to file/pay income taxes, she claimed that she couldn’t pay the taxes because she needed the money to pay for bodyguards because she had been receiving racist death threats. Oddly, she never filed police reports for those threats, and seemed to have misplaced the receipts for the bodyguard services.
Ann, I am not going to complain anymore okay. I told you months ago to get rid of your security or explain why I keep yelling about you being a liability, them talking to me, and some videos that made PR grossly difficult. You told me that Lisa used the private dick as a gigolo or some dirt digging spy for her biography of you; however, you denied and put an end to this. So I did not like the past CPAC video where it looks like hand holding or sexual harassment. To me this is very unprofessional and a PR problem. So at the HRC "private dinner party" you show up on video, again against my wishes, and who else struts before the camera but the NYPD private dick. Right before you mention "have to explain why I need a second set of bodyguards..." I had warned you to do as told based on the security assessments I made and the risk analysis I knew. Then you kept wanting to keep this special relationship. I tried to put an end to all of this very bad and completely polluted PR; and said I am terrified you are another loose cannon in my life or whom we need distance from. So you once again went against my wishes and orders and this once again causes you to be in the middle of my bad PR problem. I asked you to give me a percent, you said nothing. I said Ann; are you being quiet so that I give you 100 per cent in my will? You said I misjudged you and was crucifying you; some captive or surrounded by enemy forces. If you have enemy forces this close; why do you hold their hands, go to dinner, appear on video, and create more bad PR? I cannot take any action because I said I was cutting you off when this was over; so until that time; we will discuss why you are bringing all these problems and bad PR to the most exclusive poker table on earth or wish to push the limits; you tell me one thing, you do another. I said to you; name a percent and amount you feel you deserve and find your happiness with any man you want; I will be fine and compiling a list of beautiful women right now.
I do not think you will be able to carry on this mission but I appreciate your sacrifice and mission statement. I will not say anything and have informed you of one more violation; if you are with this YAF and Clare Boot crass; then F you too; accept my ultimatum. I am not one bit happy with these people and they act as if they cannot be fired and just remains silent while others try to get rid of them or kick them out; I need these security problems gone and the delays to end now. If you have any sense to you; then speak now or never. I was apprehensive to turn this over to you at 80 per cent; now I am pondering if 40 or even 30 per cent is what you deserve. Nobody else has the skills or knows the level your 20 years have put into this; I do not even have to talk and you think the same; I start a sentence and you finish it. However, the problem with this element and this PR all over me and you; both of us are captives or are you behind it all? They say you are with them; you tell me you are a prisoner; they warn me to go away and not talk to you; you send messengers and try to talk all night long. It is the PR, it needs to go and I am and have began the replacement process. Your staff problems and your biography problems are stopped and fixed but your disturbing life and involvement is not fixable. There is nothing you can do beyond dumping wine on them, sticking them, punching them, or ripping their hair out; maybe but them in some form of pain or betrayal. I wish not to feel it or be part of your life; but you are the one who pushes on and I had to stop this bad PR like how I had to shut my life down in 1998. If your goal is bad PR, then you are shining bright. If your objective is to be fired or good PR, then you have not won anything. You may win your case and get a prosecution for conspiracy to commit murder. It is not worth to go after them for terrorism; they are small fish; it sounds pointless and not worth the trouble. I won't even involve myself and it is disgusting and will ruin you.
I have two weird years of videos from TMZ about a potential threat to me by your security staff. I need to hear your story and side of this; care to comment and not hand hold or hug? I have a video of you asking why a second security detail is needed and I am asking the same thing; you are a security detail and filled with vulnerabilities and lies. I want to see their security assessment and their list of suspects or enemies. How on earth are you going to explain to me or show your face; as a lawyer you cannot be beat; but this is just shameless. I even offered you 50 per cent of the 500 million if I win; I also asked you be nominated for a Congressional Medal of Honor and you looked at me with that head down like usual. Remember 2002 when I told you it would be only me from here on; well you did not prove anything only how you take me deeper into hell and disaster or how we live among doomed and disgusting losers that find their inspiration from you. Tell me what you want me to say or how you wish me to feel? Tell me what per cent of this you feel you deserve and need to make peace and find happiness. Your PR is so bad; it almost matches theirs but nobody leaves and there is no change. I assume you are behind all of this or powerless because you are some captive; or at least you said that to me and this murder plot. Make sure you charge those behind this with attempted murder if you wish to exonerate your name. You may finish the case but you cannot stop a divorce unless you have strong evidence and can erase all of this bad PR; how will you erase it now? It is all bad memories and pain which you claim as being trapped, under the control of masters, and being a captive. What do you think I just went through and had to escape from? Why don't you explain why I am complaining or do you have a really bad story to tell? I expect their prosecution and forcible removal from my mission and life unless you decide to go with them; name the percentage amount also. Your last mission with me; okay, fix it and hurry up.
No woman is worth 500 million dollars. Also, I am willing to give you 50 per cent but I do not feel you are worth this or deserve it; I am conflicted, so what per cent you indicate to me is fine; I am not going to pester and keep this ongoing like a broken soap opera. Also, thanks for making them repeat to me on the hour "we want to help... living out a dream... opportunity to be a statesman... this is our home..." etc. You made them useful and beg. I do not think you can remain on the mission unless you take them out or get a full prosecution. Good luck. Thanks for coming on the radio to talk to me but no thanks; I am not going to get burned again by you or get involved again. You did really bad and caused bad blood; but you vindicated this by turning them in and returning to your usual snails pace and normal ways. This is not who I know or what I ever wanted; but you have been yelled for this before and you did tell me it was dangerous and tried to warn me or to let you do a security detail. They got to me first and took me out; now you are with them and refuse to go down without a fight. So I did not make an effort to listen on "that radio show." It boosts their PR and makes them think they are helping and useful. In short, I am closing down as I had informed you; I want them out of my life ASAP; you do not have long at all and they will never leave you or get out of the way. You get stuck with them, I will pass up on the offer. All of you are not just being kicked out of Ottawa; it is much worse than this. Even with 500 million dollars on the line; you would think this useless enemy would act more honorable or be on their best of behavior.
Ann, you are not listening to me. I said "no" 10,000 times already. I want them out of my mission now; no questions asked. I am suing them for over 500 million just to get them out of my god damn mission. I do not care if they are your indentured servants, shine your shoes, or walk your dog; I want them out of my god damn mission and for you to stop marketing and trying to peddle their life on this mission. What is the delay and problem? Did you hear me, I want them gone and out of my mission 10,000 no thank you's ago; and now it is way over the top. You claim it is not you and you push and peddle them at the most exclusive poker table on this earth. We did catch them for just about everything in the book and much more. Now they want to help and think they are somehow in charge of this mission and do not even know who the leader is or what it is about; they are just in and helpful. Who the hell brought them here and into this; that SOB has some answers and has vulnerability and security problems everywhere; but you are a great lawyer; now finish up.
Want to hear a joke? My MRI is beyond what doctors call "paranoid" but I am at peace, not self defensive, not hostile, happy, intelligent, and totally paranoid; I hide it well and unless you MRI me; I just giggle. If you look at their MRI, it looks like a trash dump or a garbage pale; but they are happy also.
Okay I cuss and a lot, who the hell did this? From Ann: "That's why the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute (a sponsor of my Canada speeches) and the Young America's Foundation (a sponsor of many of my college speeches) don't send conservatives to college campuses without a bodyguard." Their Human Rights Commission is a hoax? Is that like 911 and these suspects are a security hoax also? We get these little bits and never the full story or the truth ever. The Michael Coren Show was one of her best interviews. Why do I suspects they are taking their damn sweet time on what we already know? Now what we already know needs evidence collection and they are hiding it as the investigating assault? Nice security detail and investigation; too nice. So why not close it down or cancel the event so it can match what we already know? "I was given no specific examples of what words and phrases I couldn't use, but I take it I'm not supposed to say, F--- you, Francois... Both writer Mark Stingy and editor Ezra Levant have been investigated by the Human Rights Commission for promoting hatred toward Muslims... Both of them also flew jet airliners full of passengers into skyscrapers in lower Manhattan, resulting in thousands of deaths. No, wait -- that was somebody else." Fucking eh man... someone invite them over for cocktails and a cock fight; I am game and lame; purely insane and want to reclaim, what I have been trained. Either they are deadly serious and dangerous; or total fags. "long after my speech was scheduled, but immediately after Francois disseminated his letter -- that my sponsors pony up more than $1,200 for extra security." Damn, lolly to my knowledge; I am scratching my head by this college, but the police are fine, and it will be just a matter of time.
I gave Ann a specific order; finish the security detail and do not screw up the law suits ongoing; is she saying Clare Boot Luce or Young America Foundation is behind the bodyguard problem and the security risks assessments? I have never seen such sloppy or unprofessional job and I am just an amateur spy catcher; not a celebrity or a table top name. Getting rid of her security is like getting rid of her stalkers; it is even more difficult. Even when a security breach is detected and a murder plot boarded across the entire globe; they keep the same security detail? Ann said the only person who has a weapon at her speech is her body-bud. Ann told me that some speakers (such as Hannity) carry concealed. So how do you get rid of stalkers and spies when they are hired by the security or protection force? We do not need whiny fags on the security breach. Also, that shirt is a "cheata" print. I have a collection of animal print shirts; a lot of them. My computers are leopard and zebra print; get it? Ann knows I am not the bit happy; yet the suspects pretend and are at peace with being caught and all linked together. Ann is a security detail and I have to pay her to go away; she has so many breachers and vulnerabilities right now. She actually expects the lunatics and deadly terrorists to understand "no thank you, can you restrain yourself?" Ask Ann why she is in trouble if she is a security detail; any guesses? Someone is not telling the full story and there is an obvious conspiracy. Gentlemen, this is not Fort Hood and deployment time okay; it is partay time; and then post pictures month of extremely boring lies; go along it is mirror breathing pretending. Facebook is a GF dating sight; it is not a medium of terrorism nor a social networking site intercontinental or trans Atlantic. These spies and terrorists are more sophisticated than web sites and dating networks.
Also, there is widespread negligence and neglecting efforts to appear trusting, close, special, even in a close circle of allies, senior officials, lacking complete animosity, and restraint or temperance. If someone reports a bomb threat; you close the building down and bring the dogs out to determine if you can let people inside. If her "team" and close employers are behind this; they have to document they neutralized the threat and confronted the identified security breach or why. That is the evidence I need and in written form from each and every one of these culpable radicals and conspirators. If under this climate and breach they are passive or play along; they are guilty and already a suspect. They are very close to a full exoneration; and very close to satellite warfare and our future. This is their dream to be at or near the most exclusive poker table on this earth; I have union HS drop outs who have gained exclusive access for Limbaugh and Hannity; also a slew of others. None of them have an RSVP and can even show any legit ID. " Breach of contract, loss of income, not to mention the organizers' expense $$$ now down the drain... A contingent of police did come, I estimate about 5 of them about 20 min after the fire alarm. No firemen. We were then told after an hour of waiting, the event was canceled. Still no one left for about 15-20 min. I was told by security that Ann Coulter did not set foot in Marion Hall... I hope Ann sues the britches off 'em." Here is another one; Syngro, FReeP, and the Democrats are going to do a rescue? They are her security and coming to her rescue? Sounds to nice doesn't it? Sounds almost like JFK and Vietnam. Who shows up and why? Then what ends up happening and why? WTFC next, a security guard and loser hot like Georgia asphalt paraded on the TV as a hero for taking a knap while being scared and sacked? ___________________________________________________________________
To: Syncro They were just trying to make Ann feel like she was at home. That’s where she usually get this kind of liberal hate.
3 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:33:16 PM by DaveyB (Alcohol ,Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store not a bureaucracy!) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies] ___________________________________________________________________
To: RonDog; jellybean; knews_hound A little late, but here is Coulter's column writen in of all places--CANADA! You'd have to be a real A-Houle not to anticipate that accusing a conservative of "promoting hatred" prior to her arrival on a college campus would in actuality -- not in liberal fantasies of terrified Muslims cowering in terror of Mark Steyn readers -- incite real-world violence toward the conservative.
Love her play on words! 5 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:36:29 PM by Syncro (TPXIII coming soon! March 27th to April 15th 2010) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies] ___________________________________________________________________
To: Mr Ramsbotham From
...The university itself acknowledged that Francois' letter was likely to provoke violence against me by demanding -- long after my speech was scheduled, but immediately after Francois disseminated his letter -- that my sponsors pony up more than $1,200 for extra security.
21 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:53:16 PM by RonDog [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 20 | View Replies] ___________________________________________________________________
To: Syncro I'm at a loss to see where there are many pictures at the site linked in my post above Personally I think this site--Free Republic-- has more pictures and better coverage of events like this Coulter apparantly recommends the one above which is a great site, and I love the name! Lookd closely below, and you can see the name Ann Coulter linked to me this morning, telling one of the tour organizers that, "Everyone keeps asking me about it or to come on radio or tv and I just refer them to the link [to FiveFeetOfFury] on my website. definitely the most complete."
18 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:07:04 PM by Syncro (TPXIII coming soon! March 27th to April 15th 2010) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 17 | View Replies] ___________________________________________________________________
To: Tax-chick LOL! That "short zombie" is one of our VERY GOOD FRiends, Mark Fournier... our Canadian "sister" site, Free Dominion.
20 posted on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 6:22:04 PM by RonDog [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 19 | View Replies]
Other Shows: The Coren Show 1-9; Power Play on CTV interview wit "The Cheata", Megan and Ann, O'reilly berates Canada on going too far, and Canadian officials stunned about boo-ism. What do I have to do around here to get a beer or a strawberry daquiry; gag me with a spoon gentlemen. We are on full alert and under attack and I am having to ask twice for a damn Martini.
Read below... you are a security risk and if I was interested, I would say so. Ann's job is to get rid of you and say no thank you; not you stampeding her or my life. She is fly paper and there to signal or identify potential risks or vulnerabilities; not be stalked by losers or driven insane by some nonchalant rodent loser. Read below please... it is a security detail and you are in the web of deception okay. Please take no or no thank you serious; also, no matter how hard you seek affection; you cannot have others love you and you sure as damn cannot beg or buy your way out. Tell the union upstairs also. By the way Synchronize, you are not our type and also a hardened Democrat, liberal, and left winger. Either you are a spy or a total menace. No thank you, can you figure it out? Ann is my security detail and she went to say no thank you and to leave us alone; but she says she messed up and "thanks a lot Democrats." There has never been a loser for President; so cloning her will not work; stop acting nice and sweet lunatic stalker. Ann said you read her email and mom's email also.
I let you in and then reversed it to catch the communist and terrorists. Now Ann will drive into your heart and then reverse it; straight from my play books. From her iPhone actually means "email." She had hit the panic button on you and you are a major security risk; same with FReeP. She got me out of your trap and now I have to get her out and did; why the total lies about being so close and friends? Ann is always surrounded and Kause pretends like it is the first time or she is in danger! Smooth and even sexy picturing it...
Trailer Single White Female 1992: This one is about Floyd!
By Mark Steyn: Ah, that famous Canadian hospitality. One François Houle, Provost of the University of Ottawa, writes to warn a forthcoming visitor to the campus, Miss Ann Coulter, that Canadians enjoy only the right to government-regulated "free speech" and that therefore she may be liable to criminal prosecution:
Dear Ms. Coulter,
I understand that you have been invited by University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives to speak at the University of Ottawa this coming Tuesday. We are, of course, always delighted to welcome speakers on our campus and hope that they will contribute positively to the meaningful exchange of ideas that is the hallmark of a great university campus. We have a great respect for freedom of expression in Canada, as well as on our campus, and view it as a fundamental freedom, as recognized by our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
I would, however, like to inform you, or perhaps remind you, that our domestic laws, both provincial and federal, delineate freedom of expression (or “free speech”) in a manner that is somewhat different than the approach taken in the United States. I therefore encourage you to educate yourself, if need be, as to what is acceptable in Canada and to do so before your planned visit here. You will realize that Canadian law puts reasonable limits on the freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges. Outside of the criminal realm, Canadian defamation laws also limit freedom of expression and may differ somewhat from those to which you are accustomed. I therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in mind. There is a strong tradition in Canada, including at this University, of restraint, respect and consideration in expressing even provocative and controversial opinions and urge you to respect that Canadian tradition while on our campus. Hopefully, you will understand and agree that what may, at first glance, seem like unnecessary restrictions to freedom of expression do, in fact, lead not only to a more civilized discussion, but to a more meaningful, reasoned and intelligent one as well.
I hope you will enjoy your stay in our beautiful country, city and campus.
What a sad and embarrassing letter, even by the standards of the Canadian academy. Does M Houle write to all University of Ottawa speakers like this? Or does he reserve his telekinetic powers to detect "pre-crime" only for the ideologically suspect? I've no idea what Ann Coulter's reaction to this letter is...
A: it takes one to know one; you cannot commit murder and call it "an act of God." You cannot commit slander or defamation and call it "making an error." You cannot conspire or attack your opponent with ad hominem bombs strapped to your speech and call it "a liberal perspective." Bias is when you say, "you did this... " and leave out "but only because I did this to you and you found out." To prove libel, slander, or defamation; you must prove that it was untrue or biased. Then you must prove how a detrimental or horrific event preceded the speech. Here is an example: "I picked up my phone and called her..." which then got "she called me a effing dirty Jew from the ghettoes of New York and hung up the phone." Here is another example: "I was interested in unifying the country because I am a liberal communist who is useless and unwanted..." which then got "a typical dirty Palestinian Jew brainwashed by an even worse master who is now his loving idiot." You see, the insult is in holding someone captive or denying their rights, even placing them in prison.
In the case of terrorists who are brainwashed by blackened Jewish masters a simple, "will you please go away and leave me alone you dirty effing Democrat and white negro hungry bastard" is not strong enough to prevent the terrorist event. You see, unity and dependency brings out the worst in others; especially when it is not reciprocated or wanted. The difference between defamation and hate speech is cause-effect or precursor events that instigate a fight. Calling a black man "a stiff moronic fool who cannot dance" is a generalization; it cannot be proven true or false as a general rule. Calling a white man "the scum of the urban city and a welfare eating wife beater and a child molesting Catholic priest" cannot be proven true in all cases. Thus, defamation and hate speech must be directly linked to the events and series of events to prove it was true or false.
Canadians are above all of that and all of these mind games meant to bring out bias and the worst in human beings. In my case, I did not enjoy being pitched, peddled, and solicited day after day for over ten years by lunatics to be an Israeli spy or a terrorist who boosts their confidence. I was unwilling to express my hatred of communism or what a foreign enemy and foe was asking from me or demanding me to do. I just tell them to fuck off before I get really mad and kill them in some military manner and start a revolution while sitting them down at the most posh and luxurious poker table this world has ever seen on this side of the earth. Now I am at luxury to tell that B'tard to get the fuck out of my life and to risk a full world war against them if they do not shut up about their history and enemies. Quite demanding and powerful if you ask me.
My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING.
Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.