I have eyewitnesses who describe me at parties with the girl in that picture. The photo is not doctored and there is no difference; no similarities. I have high school friends who have seen me at parties with an older woman, kissing her, and even talking to her. If you ask them if that is the girl in the picture they will say yes. That girl knows everything about me; my entire life and biography.
I can and will go into court and under oath, testify to having sex with that girl from 1987 to 1989 unless there is some factual mistaken identity. I lost count of the frequency at 375+ after 8 months. I can describe intimate parts of her body; what she likes or dislikes; what she is willing to do or not do. I can describe in detail any oral, anal, or other type of sex; under oath and on a sworn bible. I can also swear she knows everything about me and she has an FBI family or relationship; like myself. She has friends who have parents that are FBI agents (active) and my father has worked with them on counter-intelligence during the VN War as a military officer.
I can under oath, swear an experimentation period from 1987 to 1989; my friends have seen me with her; she can describe my house; and write my entire biography from start to finish. She can give top secret information on my military career and projects so secret the Pentagon can only verify. She can also do so without any fright, fear, or panic; under a lie detector and under oath. After 1989, I did not have any meetings or contact with her and waited to meet her in 1994 when I returned to DC-VA. If you show that picture; my entire community knows that is her and who she was with.
If you ask me about oral sex; I can describe in detail over 20 years of relationship. If you ask me about anal sex or "peculiar" forms of sex such as foreplay; I can describe in detail and write an entire biography; no questions asked. Am I willing to? No. Will I ever? No. If dragged into court and sworn or under oath; will I go into detail? Yes. In less than 9 months, we had sex more than 375 times and were in an experimental period before marriage. We had sex in public, at parks, in parking lots, on my motorcycle, in my home, in her beach house, at the beach, in hotels, at my college dorm, in the car, at the movie theater, etc. Will Ann deny it; yes.
I have witnesses at college, my high school, and pictures in my personal belongings; even at a park where we also had sex at. I just said; if you want to take this to court and swear on the bible or do a lie detector; I am willing to. If you ask Ann all about me; she will verify it with the Pentagon. I yell at her as if we had sex 10000 times; talk to her as if I am really mad; and she just takes it or submits. Did I have sex with her from 1994 to 2010? Not physically and only in other ways. Do I think or discuss the early years and 1987 to 1989? Yes. Were we into music then? Yes. Did we talk about porn stars and what they do which is strange? Yes. I am only into monogamy and marriage; no mistresses, no cheating, and a pure heart. You love to the death and I am giving a stranger 25 to 50 per cent of 520 million dollars? She would risk her life for me? She knows what I am doing and stuff the Pentagon does not or can even obtain? So who is delusional or telling the truth now?
Check the facts on Lisa, Sean, Rush, the unions, upstairs, our work, my work, etc... You mean to tell me I just acquired this and went to college for 10 years but am copying it now and so is she? We are fighting intensely and both of us are considered "damaged goods" and we cannot fix each other or fix it. All I can offer is 25 to 50 per cent and wish her the best; I state I have dumped her before. I state how I used to chain smoke; I smoke a lot and since age 14. I used to drink a lot also. I will show pictures in my own past with that girl. Sex with Ann is no big deal; you do not dig or do this to a man and wife or if they do not want to tell you their secrets. Ann is a sexually active woman; but only in marriage and I only believe in marriage and family. The reason I did not have kids is financial; I was financially crippled.
I can tell you about her past. Her first BF was at age 14. I began to date her at age 17, she was 15 and we went to a party of a friend. I can name him and verify it. He will tell you that is her and what we did that day. His name is Blake and his father is an Air Force Officer. I can describe her dresses; underwear; and down to what she likes (skirts, jeans, boots, hair, etc). I can tell you her entire likes and dislikes in bed, out of bed, what she drinks and why, when we stopped smoking, when we did this or that. If you ask others, they will tell you we were inseparable and almost man and wife. That is the best explanation I can give; ask her. If you go to her area and look for evidence; you will not find it. If you come to my area and life; you will find all of it.
Have I been to a dead concert? Yes.
Have I taken drugs at a dead concert? Yes.
What age did I go to my first concert with friends? It was Anthrax, Baltimore MD; near the train tracks at Hammerjacks (Hollabird Business Park or Fort Hollarbird); I have the ticket stub from 1987. I also have the stub from the Rolling Stones in 1989 when I went with two girls. I state we had our own band and they can even identify the girl in the picture. They will not find who they are looking for unless they talk to my friends.
Do you know every inch of her body? Yes. Did you like it? Yes. Did you talk about marriage and kids? Yes. Did you plan for your retirement and future? Yes.
Can you write a book or testify for hours or days about her sex life? Yes. Even under oath or a lie detector. Half the stuff we do is top secret but someone messed this up badly and shut us down; took me out. I state we are partners; close partners and are intimate; why do they keep questioning it? Then they tell me I am lying and attack me; why? They demand we prove it; okay I will. We are ready for court and this law suit. I am asking for and demanding to be paid 520 million for what they did and I am willing to offer Ann 25 to 50 per cent for being a complete stranger.
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