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Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Ann, sweetheart: is Uncle Tom Rush Limbaugh and that Cheat Skate B’scab 911 Sean Hannity racist or just a rapist, bigot, stalker, and the most notorious terrorist spy in modern age?
Profile of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity:
Profile of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity:
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ann, sweetheart; you have to stop being the victim and fight; fight for us okay. That is all. I want to see attempted murder charges, blood, guts, brain matter, and the smell of smoke and iron; like a gang fight a melee. At least, if I cannot defend you, at least you can defense yourself!
I want you to read this sweetheart and see if you can make any sense of this total disaster:
"You Have A Problem With Kiddie Porn!" Ann Coulter To Rick Sanchez : Bruce Lee - The Green Hornet - Kato fight scene
I want you to read this sweetheart and see if you can make any sense of this total disaster:
"You Have A Problem With Kiddie Porn!" Ann Coulter To Rick Sanchez : Bruce Lee - The Green Hornet - Kato fight scene
Friday, July 23, 2010

F'in New Yorkers versus military and real men... total fags and lunatics; degenerates.
Ann, you are a pretty smart girl and you know you are or were bad; at least feel badly. Well here is the problem and I know what you are going to say; it is a campaign smear and how others are doing this to you. We have had 30 days of calm and actually pleasant feelings. Now you go on Fox News and all hell breaks loose. The swarm of this sex, rape, singles club all surrounds Fox News, Jewish or Catholics, and black men; do you hear me on this one? Most men will be sick to their stomach; I have been through hell with you and back. You know men are not happy with women who act this way but you tell me one thing and then I see you laughing it up and having a blast with men you have in your life. You have to make up your mind okay; I am beginning to see it and get fed up with you. Worse you want me to fight it; do I look like a slave? 30 days is a record and probably as long as we will ever get; so is this you, me, or someone else? These people are insane and worse you laugh it up with them at your own demise or plot to destroy you. I have figured them out; they stick their head in the sand and show off. They make mistakes and accept it more and more. They like to shake the tree, not climb it; inferior and too stupid. They are now shaking my tree or yours; not climbing theirs. The single girl act is getting annoying, really. Stop saying sorry, sorry is not good enough Ann; either you fight or go home. You all are an out of control coon like colony of fags and rapists. I have a hard time with this crap.
What pissed me off were you telling me a different story while you laughed it up with all of them; who the hell do I believe? Oh, and it goes on and on; like a broken record and a love story. First they beat you up, lick your face, and degrade me because you are the sex kitten on Red Eye and Fox; how much longer? Man you owe me big time Ann and I am a ticking time bomb while you do this. I even tried to break up with you and you made me watch and go insane in anger while you said stop to someone using me! I asked you why you were and are doing this; to show your love? I concluded they brainwashed you; you would say this; and then do that; then cry to me about how I was the only hope or how much you need and love me. So I like to laugh, not be laughed at because of you and your friends; I did not want it and asked you something you refuse to answer; how much longer? How long do you want me to take this or be here? Obviously, it has not stopped and will not stop until someone dies, force is applied, or someone is arrested. This is insane, I need a time line and I need to know how much more. You know I piss on you and you know you will take it; as always. I am a nice guy also and this is just too much Annie. That is what they are mad at. I am tired of the single girl act and how this drags on and on; okay. Also the black fetish and how you have to prove you are not a racist or saying “stop.” Have you heard of mace? Have you heard of punching a guy or racking them in the balls? Do you know how to fight if your life depended on it? F’in ridiculous…
So you post some videos of men on your site; I think no big dea and promotional. Next thing I know, Fox News has them as the new rising stars. Then I have to watch this singles club you tell me about and the process of you all screwing each other or each others head. This Wed. I had to watch as Hannity tramped on your life again; as if I am forced to just watch or sit here. You tell me you are a keeper and I have been so patient and tried to be so kind with you; really, I have done everything I can for you. You took me to the cleaners and said stop! To whom I do not know, but stop; so I offered you 50 per cent to make up your god damn mind; you still claim it is not you. I asked if your single life is something I need to watch or criticize constantly; if so then this is not for me. You explain to me how they are doing this to spite me or ruin your life. Ann, it has been two years; what has changed? You are a smart girl and it is two years; now you tell me you feel bad? You have to explain to me after the fact you feel badly? Why? I ask myself if you are retarded or just clueless sometimes and you come back and say it is only business and I have nothing to be jealous or worry about. Are you happy with me or happy with being single? Someone is causing a lot of problems for you and you need to worry; not me. I am fed up with worry; I have done everything I can and got ran over by your god damn friends and circle of felons. Do they want you this badly or just hate your guts to attack you constantly at Fox News? You cannot erase it either; you have to tell me and I get pissed off.
Now you laugh it up while I have to chase down your murderer or scream like a bitch about your dating life and your ability to laugh along at your own smears, attacks, single's club, and single life. I have a right to be mad; but who I am not sure; they got you laughing at yourself and how stupid you look. It is clearly Fox News and they are not willing to stop; like all of them, their hate is so severe they just want your coconuts, want to shake the tree, and do not want to face their problems or cause more. That is the problem; they want you to be the blame for loving you or saving you. I know you keep telling one thing; but I have to listen to the same lies about Green Room; your fetish with black men to prove you are not racist; and this feeling I am a bench warmer. I am fed up with the idea you leech off me; I feel you are too protected; not with reality or what you should be. This is why I said you had been brainwashed. You actually laugh along while they make me think you are retarded or laughing at your own death; and it does not stop or end. We are not even close to closure or having our life fixed. So I wish you start swinging; break out the mace; and stop being such a F'in wimp. It is disgusting Annie and if you had some pride; you would take some action or put them in their place. Instead you party with them, go to dinners, and share the stage; and it goes on and on; then you tell me about plots to murder you, retaliation, maniacs, psychopaths, etc... Do they want you this much or hate you that badly?
Obviously, Fox is not a very good place to be and not a safe place; but they tricked the world also. Obviously, there is a conspiracy and you are in a hornets nest. Obviously, they are not screening people properly before hiring them; they bring on people who are known spies and terrorists; so the background checks were obviously ignored. It may not be your fault; but you have to stop telling me about your failures or how bad you feel as you laugh it up and have a blast at my expense; all of you do this at my expense. I know they throw themselves at you and see you as a hot single girl; but this problem has not ended and it is 200 per cent insane and psychopathic stalking; just to kill you and knock you out. Look at who is being knocked out, me. Then you come to me and try to explain. So far 30 days is the record; can you break it or not? Can you change your life or fix it so that a month or two; maybe three and four months does not have a single's club or this fetish with black men which is now an inside joke I have to listen to? So what if you are called a racist; this has gone way too far; way too far. All you F’ers stick your head in the sand and it is sick and repulsive. I want to see fist fights and bottles breaking; I want to see Hapkido breaks, Judo throws, and Jujitsu strangles. F this head in sand mentality and lunacy of falling out of a tree shit. You fight like a girl; shoot them; tell them stop! Hell, I got hit by 10,000 dirty tricks and a psycho telling me they are sorry and to leave; a terrorist. Are you all fags?
Ann, tell me how long or much longer I have to watch and take? Give me a number or some answer; how much longer do I have to put up with this insanity and frustration with your life you asked me to help with? I have to watch this and it ruined our 20 year relation; nearly caused me to hate you and shun you. You F'ers have taken this beyond the point of no return; someone is going to get killed or get jailed; arrest or sued and it is pure insanity with you lunatics. Can you choose a better place to work or a better group of friends before asking me into it or to stick my head in a swarming beat up and kill? Now it is all about love, sex, and having a good time; not making your life hell. It is your fault when you laugh along or cannot say no; you have no said no and it goes on and on; one retaliation after the next; now it is hooking you up again. So thanks to you or Fox News; I will send the hooker fees in the mail when this case is over. I was having such a good time and such a peaceful fight with the psycho terrorist and lunatic upstairs they sent. What do you want me to do; they want to die and do not know what to do; just keep doing it? Fox is guilty, it is not as if they can erase it or conspire to kill you. Do you see them helping or trying to rescue you or making me yell at you and live a nightmare love story? Drug them up; have you even tried that (laxatives or Xtasy). Ann, I am sick of you and this; drug the MF up and smack them.
You tell me not to worry. You tell me there is nothing to tell or nothing to be jealous about. Why then… you say it is all lies or a fantasy. How long do I have to listen? I need a number, how much longer? Now I have to worry about you having a blast while I am being attacked furiously all day and night. I even told you to get the F out of my life and you said it was because of Fox and Hannity stalking and making up all kinds of stories. What is it now? I am so used to it now; it is like the sun rising, “Oh shit here we go; another murder plot and licking her face.” You should see it on this end as Hannity’s and Fox’s lawyer explains it to me with upstairs. You will not believe this shit and how crazy or homicidal they are; “we are not playing around” is what they say. Now you are playing around with them; wonderful. Marry them why do you have to marry a nice guy and make him watch this shit? At least fight and stick one of them; punch them or mace them at least. I kicked their ass and he still is not scared of me; claims he is going to take a cheap shot now. I am F’in used to this and yelling at you now for laughing along or acting like you ignore it and go with the flow. The point is to embarrass you; not make your life and mine hell. It feels like HS but the stakes are world war, death, murder, terrorism, rape, stalking, and all kinds of legal cases. See now I am mad. The liberal and girl dead act is old and crusty; time to fight okay or get lost. Someone has to go down and someone has to hit the floor okay; I am tired of this. I would put 20 laxatives in their drink and kick their ass that night. So I do not want to hear how you all went out or go out; fight or shut up.
It feels like all you F’ers are the same; head in sand, fall out of tree, and shake others tree; climb yours and let’s see some real stuff please; all total lies and losers. That is NY not DC or VA; because the military and powerful people are there; this is stupid and you know this Ann. You know I am a real person and I climb that coconut tree unlike any human being; but I am too nice to do anything about it, right? These people are all crazy and lunatics; laugh it up and then come ask me for help. Am I a cop and do I need to know this? You set them up, they set you up, all of you stick your head in the sand and we get this total disaster. Ann, I am fed up at your refusal to fight and the conservative tough girl act; really. I want to see some bodies hit the floor and swings; none of this liberal and cock fisting orgy crap. Are you scared? You only kiss enemies? You go out with all your killers? You invite stalkers to dinner only? Can you tell I am fucking uppity up and jumping up and down; it takes me 12 seconds to air hump that bitch and put them to sleep. It is like lunatic TV and fags on parade. Are you this pathetic and this wimpy and a loser? As military, I want to see smoke, dead bodies, blood, gore, bayonets, and a whole lot more. WTF. Save the apologies, it is your fault because you are a girl.
F'in New Yorkers versus military and real men... total fags and lunatics; degenerates.
What pissed me off were you telling me a different story while you laughed it up with all of them; who the hell do I believe? Oh, and it goes on and on; like a broken record and a love story. First they beat you up, lick your face, and degrade me because you are the sex kitten on Red Eye and Fox; how much longer? Man you owe me big time Ann and I am a ticking time bomb while you do this. I even tried to break up with you and you made me watch and go insane in anger while you said stop to someone using me! I asked you why you were and are doing this; to show your love? I concluded they brainwashed you; you would say this; and then do that; then cry to me about how I was the only hope or how much you need and love me. So I like to laugh, not be laughed at because of you and your friends; I did not want it and asked you something you refuse to answer; how much longer? How long do you want me to take this or be here? Obviously, it has not stopped and will not stop until someone dies, force is applied, or someone is arrested. This is insane, I need a time line and I need to know how much more. You know I piss on you and you know you will take it; as always. I am a nice guy also and this is just too much Annie. That is what they are mad at. I am tired of the single girl act and how this drags on and on; okay. Also the black fetish and how you have to prove you are not a racist or saying “stop.” Have you heard of mace? Have you heard of punching a guy or racking them in the balls? Do you know how to fight if your life depended on it? F’in ridiculous…
So you post some videos of men on your site; I think no big dea and promotional. Next thing I know, Fox News has them as the new rising stars. Then I have to watch this singles club you tell me about and the process of you all screwing each other or each others head. This Wed. I had to watch as Hannity tramped on your life again; as if I am forced to just watch or sit here. You tell me you are a keeper and I have been so patient and tried to be so kind with you; really, I have done everything I can for you. You took me to the cleaners and said stop! To whom I do not know, but stop; so I offered you 50 per cent to make up your god damn mind; you still claim it is not you. I asked if your single life is something I need to watch or criticize constantly; if so then this is not for me. You explain to me how they are doing this to spite me or ruin your life. Ann, it has been two years; what has changed? You are a smart girl and it is two years; now you tell me you feel bad? You have to explain to me after the fact you feel badly? Why? I ask myself if you are retarded or just clueless sometimes and you come back and say it is only business and I have nothing to be jealous or worry about. Are you happy with me or happy with being single? Someone is causing a lot of problems for you and you need to worry; not me. I am fed up with worry; I have done everything I can and got ran over by your god damn friends and circle of felons. Do they want you this badly or just hate your guts to attack you constantly at Fox News? You cannot erase it either; you have to tell me and I get pissed off.
Now you laugh it up while I have to chase down your murderer or scream like a bitch about your dating life and your ability to laugh along at your own smears, attacks, single's club, and single life. I have a right to be mad; but who I am not sure; they got you laughing at yourself and how stupid you look. It is clearly Fox News and they are not willing to stop; like all of them, their hate is so severe they just want your coconuts, want to shake the tree, and do not want to face their problems or cause more. That is the problem; they want you to be the blame for loving you or saving you. I know you keep telling one thing; but I have to listen to the same lies about Green Room; your fetish with black men to prove you are not racist; and this feeling I am a bench warmer. I am fed up with the idea you leech off me; I feel you are too protected; not with reality or what you should be. This is why I said you had been brainwashed. You actually laugh along while they make me think you are retarded or laughing at your own death; and it does not stop or end. We are not even close to closure or having our life fixed. So I wish you start swinging; break out the mace; and stop being such a F'in wimp. It is disgusting Annie and if you had some pride; you would take some action or put them in their place. Instead you party with them, go to dinners, and share the stage; and it goes on and on; then you tell me about plots to murder you, retaliation, maniacs, psychopaths, etc... Do they want you this much or hate you that badly?
Obviously, Fox is not a very good place to be and not a safe place; but they tricked the world also. Obviously, there is a conspiracy and you are in a hornets nest. Obviously, they are not screening people properly before hiring them; they bring on people who are known spies and terrorists; so the background checks were obviously ignored. It may not be your fault; but you have to stop telling me about your failures or how bad you feel as you laugh it up and have a blast at my expense; all of you do this at my expense. I know they throw themselves at you and see you as a hot single girl; but this problem has not ended and it is 200 per cent insane and psychopathic stalking; just to kill you and knock you out. Look at who is being knocked out, me. Then you come to me and try to explain. So far 30 days is the record; can you break it or not? Can you change your life or fix it so that a month or two; maybe three and four months does not have a single's club or this fetish with black men which is now an inside joke I have to listen to? So what if you are called a racist; this has gone way too far; way too far. All you F’ers stick your head in the sand and it is sick and repulsive. I want to see fist fights and bottles breaking; I want to see Hapkido breaks, Judo throws, and Jujitsu strangles. F this head in sand mentality and lunacy of falling out of a tree shit. You fight like a girl; shoot them; tell them stop! Hell, I got hit by 10,000 dirty tricks and a psycho telling me they are sorry and to leave; a terrorist. Are you all fags?
Ann, tell me how long or much longer I have to watch and take? Give me a number or some answer; how much longer do I have to put up with this insanity and frustration with your life you asked me to help with? I have to watch this and it ruined our 20 year relation; nearly caused me to hate you and shun you. You F'ers have taken this beyond the point of no return; someone is going to get killed or get jailed; arrest or sued and it is pure insanity with you lunatics. Can you choose a better place to work or a better group of friends before asking me into it or to stick my head in a swarming beat up and kill? Now it is all about love, sex, and having a good time; not making your life hell. It is your fault when you laugh along or cannot say no; you have no said no and it goes on and on; one retaliation after the next; now it is hooking you up again. So thanks to you or Fox News; I will send the hooker fees in the mail when this case is over. I was having such a good time and such a peaceful fight with the psycho terrorist and lunatic upstairs they sent. What do you want me to do; they want to die and do not know what to do; just keep doing it? Fox is guilty, it is not as if they can erase it or conspire to kill you. Do you see them helping or trying to rescue you or making me yell at you and live a nightmare love story? Drug them up; have you even tried that (laxatives or Xtasy). Ann, I am sick of you and this; drug the MF up and smack them.
You tell me not to worry. You tell me there is nothing to tell or nothing to be jealous about. Why then… you say it is all lies or a fantasy. How long do I have to listen? I need a number, how much longer? Now I have to worry about you having a blast while I am being attacked furiously all day and night. I even told you to get the F out of my life and you said it was because of Fox and Hannity stalking and making up all kinds of stories. What is it now? I am so used to it now; it is like the sun rising, “Oh shit here we go; another murder plot and licking her face.” You should see it on this end as Hannity’s and Fox’s lawyer explains it to me with upstairs. You will not believe this shit and how crazy or homicidal they are; “we are not playing around” is what they say. Now you are playing around with them; wonderful. Marry them why do you have to marry a nice guy and make him watch this shit? At least fight and stick one of them; punch them or mace them at least. I kicked their ass and he still is not scared of me; claims he is going to take a cheap shot now. I am F’in used to this and yelling at you now for laughing along or acting like you ignore it and go with the flow. The point is to embarrass you; not make your life and mine hell. It feels like HS but the stakes are world war, death, murder, terrorism, rape, stalking, and all kinds of legal cases. See now I am mad. The liberal and girl dead act is old and crusty; time to fight okay or get lost. Someone has to go down and someone has to hit the floor okay; I am tired of this. I would put 20 laxatives in their drink and kick their ass that night. So I do not want to hear how you all went out or go out; fight or shut up.
It feels like all you F’ers are the same; head in sand, fall out of tree, and shake others tree; climb yours and let’s see some real stuff please; all total lies and losers. That is NY not DC or VA; because the military and powerful people are there; this is stupid and you know this Ann. You know I am a real person and I climb that coconut tree unlike any human being; but I am too nice to do anything about it, right? These people are all crazy and lunatics; laugh it up and then come ask me for help. Am I a cop and do I need to know this? You set them up, they set you up, all of you stick your head in the sand and we get this total disaster. Ann, I am fed up at your refusal to fight and the conservative tough girl act; really. I want to see some bodies hit the floor and swings; none of this liberal and cock fisting orgy crap. Are you scared? You only kiss enemies? You go out with all your killers? You invite stalkers to dinner only? Can you tell I am fucking uppity up and jumping up and down; it takes me 12 seconds to air hump that bitch and put them to sleep. It is like lunatic TV and fags on parade. Are you this pathetic and this wimpy and a loser? As military, I want to see smoke, dead bodies, blood, gore, bayonets, and a whole lot more. WTF. Save the apologies, it is your fault because you are a girl.
F'in New Yorkers versus military and real men... total fags and lunatics; degenerates.
Ann, you are a pretty smart girl and you know you are or were bad; at least feel badly. Well here is the problem and I know what you are going to say; it is a campaign smear and how others are doing this to you. We have had 30 days of calm and actually pleasant feelings. Now you go on Fox News and all hell breaks loose. The swarm of this sex, rape, singles club all surrounds Fox News, Jewish or Catholics, and black men; do you hear me on this one? Most men will be sick to their stomach; I have been through hell with you and back. You know men are not happy with women who act this way but you tell me one thing and then I see you laughing it up and having a blast with men you have in your life. You have to make up your mind okay; I am beginning to see it and get fed up with you. Worse you want me to fight it; do I look like a slave? 30 days is a record and probably as long as we will ever get; so is this you, me, or someone else? These people are insane and worse you laugh it up with them at your own demise or plot to destroy you. I have figured them out; they stick their head in the sand and show off. They make mistakes and accept it more and more. They like to shake the tree, not climb it; inferior and too stupid. They are now shaking my tree or yours; not climbing theirs. The single girl act is getting annoying, really. Stop saying sorry, sorry is not good enough Ann; either you fight or go home. You all are an out of control coon like colony of fags and rapists. I have a hard time with this crap.
What pissed me off were you telling me a different story while you laughed it up with all of them; who the hell do I believe? Oh, and it goes on and on; like a broken record and a love story. First they beat you up, lick your face, and degrade me because you are the sex kitten on Red Eye and Fox; how much longer? Man you owe me big time Ann and I am a ticking time bomb while you do this. I even tried to break up with you and you made me watch and go insane in anger while you said stop to someone using me! I asked you why you were and are doing this; to show your love? I concluded they brainwashed you; you would say this; and then do that; then cry to me about how I was the only hope or how much you need and love me. So I like to laugh, not be laughed at because of you and your friends; I did not want it and asked you something you refuse to answer; how much longer? How long do you want me to take this or be here? Obviously, it has not stopped and will not stop until someone dies, force is applied, or someone is arrested. This is insane, I need a time line and I need to know how much more. You know I piss on you and you know you will take it; as always. I am a nice guy also and this is just too much Annie. That is what they are mad at. I am tired of the single girl act and how this drags on and on; okay. Also the black fetish and how you have to prove you are not a racist or saying “stop.” Have you heard of mace? Have you heard of punching a guy or racking them in the balls? Do you know how to fight if your life depended on it? F’in ridiculous…
So you post some videos of men on your site; I think no big dea and promotional. Next thing I know, Fox News has them as the new rising stars. Then I have to watch this singles club you tell me about and the process of you all screwing each other or each others head. This Wed. I had to watch as Hannity tramped on your life again; as if I am forced to just watch or sit here. You tell me you are a keeper and I have been so patient and tried to be so kind with you; really, I have done everything I can for you. You took me to the cleaners and said stop! To whom I do not know, but stop; so I offered you 50 per cent to make up your god damn mind; you still claim it is not you. I asked if your single life is something I need to watch or criticize constantly; if so then this is not for me. You explain to me how they are doing this to spite me or ruin your life. Ann, it has been two years; what has changed? You are a smart girl and it is two years; now you tell me you feel bad? You have to explain to me after the fact you feel badly? Why? I ask myself if you are retarded or just clueless sometimes and you come back and say it is only business and I have nothing to be jealous or worry about. Are you happy with me or happy with being single? Someone is causing a lot of problems for you and you need to worry; not me. I am fed up with worry; I have done everything I can and got ran over by your god damn friends and circle of felons. Do they want you this badly or just hate your guts to attack you constantly at Fox News? You cannot erase it either; you have to tell me and I get pissed off.
Now you laugh it up while I have to chase down your murderer or scream like a bitch about your dating life and your ability to laugh along at your own smears, attacks, single's club, and single life. I have a right to be mad; but who I am not sure; they got you laughing at yourself and how stupid you look. It is clearly Fox News and they are not willing to stop; like all of them, their hate is so severe they just want your coconuts, want to shake the tree, and do not want to face their problems or cause more. That is the problem; they want you to be the blame for loving you or saving you. I know you keep telling one thing; but I have to listen to the same lies about Green Room; your fetish with black men to prove you are not racist; and this feeling I am a bench warmer. I am fed up with the idea you leech off me; I feel you are too protected; not with reality or what you should be. This is why I said you had been brainwashed. You actually laugh along while they make me think you are retarded or laughing at your own death; and it does not stop or end. We are not even close to closure or having our life fixed. So I wish you start swinging; break out the mace; and stop being such a F'in wimp. It is disgusting Annie and if you had some pride; you would take some action or put them in their place. Instead you party with them, go to dinners, and share the stage; and it goes on and on; then you tell me about plots to murder you, retaliation, maniacs, psychopaths, etc... Do they want you this much or hate you that badly?
Obviously, Fox is not a very good place to be and not a safe place; but they tricked the world also. Obviously, there is a conspiracy and you are in a hornets nest. Obviously, they are not screening people properly before hiring them; they bring on people who are known spies and terrorists; so the background checks were obviously ignored. It may not be your fault; but you have to stop telling me about your failures or how bad you feel as you laugh it up and have a blast at my expense; all of you do this at my expense. I know they throw themselves at you and see you as a hot single girl; but this problem has not ended and it is 200 per cent insane and psychopathic stalking; just to kill you and knock you out. Look at who is being knocked out, me. Then you come to me and try to explain. So far 30 days is the record; can you break it or not? Can you change your life or fix it so that a month or two; maybe three and four months does not have a single's club or this fetish with black men which is now an inside joke I have to listen to? So what if you are called a racist; this has gone way too far; way too far. All you F’ers stick your head in the sand and it is sick and repulsive. I want to see fist fights and bottles breaking; I want to see Hapkido breaks, Judo throws, and Jujitsu strangles. F this head in sand mentality and lunacy of falling out of a tree shit. You fight like a girl; shoot them; tell them stop! Hell, I got hit by 10,000 dirty tricks and a psycho telling me they are sorry and to leave; a terrorist. Are you all fags?
Ann, tell me how long or much longer I have to watch and take? Give me a number or some answer; how much longer do I have to put up with this insanity and frustration with your life you asked me to help with? I have to watch this and it ruined our 20 year relation; nearly caused me to hate you and shun you. You F'ers have taken this beyond the point of no return; someone is going to get killed or get jailed; arrest or sued and it is pure insanity with you lunatics. Can you choose a better place to work or a better group of friends before asking me into it or to stick my head in a swarming beat up and kill? Now it is all about love, sex, and having a good time; not making your life hell. It is your fault when you laugh along or cannot say no; you have no said no and it goes on and on; one retaliation after the next; now it is hooking you up again. So thanks to you or Fox News; I will send the hooker fees in the mail when this case is over. I was having such a good time and such a peaceful fight with the psycho terrorist and lunatic upstairs they sent. What do you want me to do; they want to die and do not know what to do; just keep doing it? Fox is guilty, it is not as if they can erase it or conspire to kill you. Do you see them helping or trying to rescue you or making me yell at you and live a nightmare love story? Drug them up; have you even tried that (laxatives or Xtasy). Ann, I am sick of you and this; drug the MF up and smack them.
You tell me not to worry. You tell me there is nothing to tell or nothing to be jealous about. Why then… you say it is all lies or a fantasy. How long do I have to listen? I need a number, how much longer? Now I have to worry about you having a blast while I am being attacked furiously all day and night. I even told you to get the F out of my life and you said it was because of Fox and Hannity stalking and making up all kinds of stories. What is it now? I am so used to it now; it is like the sun rising, “Oh shit here we go; another murder plot and licking her face.” You should see it on this end as Hannity’s and Fox’s lawyer explains it to me with upstairs. You will not believe this shit and how crazy or homicidal they are; “we are not playing around” is what they say. Now you are playing around with them; wonderful. Marry them why do you have to marry a nice guy and make him watch this shit? At least fight and stick one of them; punch them or mace them at least. I kicked their ass and he still is not scared of me; claims he is going to take a cheap shot now. I am F’in used to this and yelling at you now for laughing along or acting like you ignore it and go with the flow. The point is to embarrass you; not make your life and mine hell. It feels like HS but the stakes are world war, death, murder, terrorism, rape, stalking, and all kinds of legal cases. See now I am mad. The liberal and girl dead act is old and crusty; time to fight okay or get lost. Someone has to go down and someone has to hit the floor okay; I am tired of this. I would put 20 laxatives in their drink and kick their ass that night. So I do not want to hear how you all went out or go out; fight or shut up.
It feels like all you F’ers are the same; head in sand, fall out of tree, and shake others tree; climb yours and let’s see some real stuff please; all total lies and losers. That is NY not DC or VA; because the military and powerful people are there; this is stupid and you know this Ann. You know I am a real person and I climb that coconut tree unlike any human being; but I am too nice to do anything about it, right? These people are all crazy and lunatics; laugh it up and then come ask me for help. Am I a cop and do I need to know this? You set them up, they set you up, all of you stick your head in the sand and we get this total disaster. Ann, I am fed up at your refusal to fight and the conservative tough girl act; really. I want to see some bodies hit the floor and swings; none of this liberal and cock fisting orgy crap. Are you scared? You only kiss enemies? You go out with all your killers? You invite stalkers to dinner only? Can you tell I am fucking uppity up and jumping up and down; it takes me 12 seconds to air hump that bitch and put them to sleep. It is like lunatic TV and fags on parade. Are you this pathetic and this wimpy and a loser? As military, I want to see smoke, dead bodies, blood, gore, bayonets, and a whole lot more. WTF. Save the apologies, it is your fault because you are a girl.
F'in New Yorkers versus military and real men... total fags and lunatics; degenerates.
What pissed me off were you telling me a different story while you laughed it up with all of them; who the hell do I believe? Oh, and it goes on and on; like a broken record and a love story. First they beat you up, lick your face, and degrade me because you are the sex kitten on Red Eye and Fox; how much longer? Man you owe me big time Ann and I am a ticking time bomb while you do this. I even tried to break up with you and you made me watch and go insane in anger while you said stop to someone using me! I asked you why you were and are doing this; to show your love? I concluded they brainwashed you; you would say this; and then do that; then cry to me about how I was the only hope or how much you need and love me. So I like to laugh, not be laughed at because of you and your friends; I did not want it and asked you something you refuse to answer; how much longer? How long do you want me to take this or be here? Obviously, it has not stopped and will not stop until someone dies, force is applied, or someone is arrested. This is insane, I need a time line and I need to know how much more. You know I piss on you and you know you will take it; as always. I am a nice guy also and this is just too much Annie. That is what they are mad at. I am tired of the single girl act and how this drags on and on; okay. Also the black fetish and how you have to prove you are not a racist or saying “stop.” Have you heard of mace? Have you heard of punching a guy or racking them in the balls? Do you know how to fight if your life depended on it? F’in ridiculous…
So you post some videos of men on your site; I think no big dea and promotional. Next thing I know, Fox News has them as the new rising stars. Then I have to watch this singles club you tell me about and the process of you all screwing each other or each others head. This Wed. I had to watch as Hannity tramped on your life again; as if I am forced to just watch or sit here. You tell me you are a keeper and I have been so patient and tried to be so kind with you; really, I have done everything I can for you. You took me to the cleaners and said stop! To whom I do not know, but stop; so I offered you 50 per cent to make up your god damn mind; you still claim it is not you. I asked if your single life is something I need to watch or criticize constantly; if so then this is not for me. You explain to me how they are doing this to spite me or ruin your life. Ann, it has been two years; what has changed? You are a smart girl and it is two years; now you tell me you feel bad? You have to explain to me after the fact you feel badly? Why? I ask myself if you are retarded or just clueless sometimes and you come back and say it is only business and I have nothing to be jealous or worry about. Are you happy with me or happy with being single? Someone is causing a lot of problems for you and you need to worry; not me. I am fed up with worry; I have done everything I can and got ran over by your god damn friends and circle of felons. Do they want you this badly or just hate your guts to attack you constantly at Fox News? You cannot erase it either; you have to tell me and I get pissed off.
Now you laugh it up while I have to chase down your murderer or scream like a bitch about your dating life and your ability to laugh along at your own smears, attacks, single's club, and single life. I have a right to be mad; but who I am not sure; they got you laughing at yourself and how stupid you look. It is clearly Fox News and they are not willing to stop; like all of them, their hate is so severe they just want your coconuts, want to shake the tree, and do not want to face their problems or cause more. That is the problem; they want you to be the blame for loving you or saving you. I know you keep telling one thing; but I have to listen to the same lies about Green Room; your fetish with black men to prove you are not racist; and this feeling I am a bench warmer. I am fed up with the idea you leech off me; I feel you are too protected; not with reality or what you should be. This is why I said you had been brainwashed. You actually laugh along while they make me think you are retarded or laughing at your own death; and it does not stop or end. We are not even close to closure or having our life fixed. So I wish you start swinging; break out the mace; and stop being such a F'in wimp. It is disgusting Annie and if you had some pride; you would take some action or put them in their place. Instead you party with them, go to dinners, and share the stage; and it goes on and on; then you tell me about plots to murder you, retaliation, maniacs, psychopaths, etc... Do they want you this much or hate you that badly?
Obviously, Fox is not a very good place to be and not a safe place; but they tricked the world also. Obviously, there is a conspiracy and you are in a hornets nest. Obviously, they are not screening people properly before hiring them; they bring on people who are known spies and terrorists; so the background checks were obviously ignored. It may not be your fault; but you have to stop telling me about your failures or how bad you feel as you laugh it up and have a blast at my expense; all of you do this at my expense. I know they throw themselves at you and see you as a hot single girl; but this problem has not ended and it is 200 per cent insane and psychopathic stalking; just to kill you and knock you out. Look at who is being knocked out, me. Then you come to me and try to explain. So far 30 days is the record; can you break it or not? Can you change your life or fix it so that a month or two; maybe three and four months does not have a single's club or this fetish with black men which is now an inside joke I have to listen to? So what if you are called a racist; this has gone way too far; way too far. All you F’ers stick your head in the sand and it is sick and repulsive. I want to see fist fights and bottles breaking; I want to see Hapkido breaks, Judo throws, and Jujitsu strangles. F this head in sand mentality and lunacy of falling out of a tree shit. You fight like a girl; shoot them; tell them stop! Hell, I got hit by 10,000 dirty tricks and a psycho telling me they are sorry and to leave; a terrorist. Are you all fags?
Ann, tell me how long or much longer I have to watch and take? Give me a number or some answer; how much longer do I have to put up with this insanity and frustration with your life you asked me to help with? I have to watch this and it ruined our 20 year relation; nearly caused me to hate you and shun you. You F'ers have taken this beyond the point of no return; someone is going to get killed or get jailed; arrest or sued and it is pure insanity with you lunatics. Can you choose a better place to work or a better group of friends before asking me into it or to stick my head in a swarming beat up and kill? Now it is all about love, sex, and having a good time; not making your life hell. It is your fault when you laugh along or cannot say no; you have no said no and it goes on and on; one retaliation after the next; now it is hooking you up again. So thanks to you or Fox News; I will send the hooker fees in the mail when this case is over. I was having such a good time and such a peaceful fight with the psycho terrorist and lunatic upstairs they sent. What do you want me to do; they want to die and do not know what to do; just keep doing it? Fox is guilty, it is not as if they can erase it or conspire to kill you. Do you see them helping or trying to rescue you or making me yell at you and live a nightmare love story? Drug them up; have you even tried that (laxatives or Xtasy). Ann, I am sick of you and this; drug the MF up and smack them.
You tell me not to worry. You tell me there is nothing to tell or nothing to be jealous about. Why then… you say it is all lies or a fantasy. How long do I have to listen? I need a number, how much longer? Now I have to worry about you having a blast while I am being attacked furiously all day and night. I even told you to get the F out of my life and you said it was because of Fox and Hannity stalking and making up all kinds of stories. What is it now? I am so used to it now; it is like the sun rising, “Oh shit here we go; another murder plot and licking her face.” You should see it on this end as Hannity’s and Fox’s lawyer explains it to me with upstairs. You will not believe this shit and how crazy or homicidal they are; “we are not playing around” is what they say. Now you are playing around with them; wonderful. Marry them why do you have to marry a nice guy and make him watch this shit? At least fight and stick one of them; punch them or mace them at least. I kicked their ass and he still is not scared of me; claims he is going to take a cheap shot now. I am F’in used to this and yelling at you now for laughing along or acting like you ignore it and go with the flow. The point is to embarrass you; not make your life and mine hell. It feels like HS but the stakes are world war, death, murder, terrorism, rape, stalking, and all kinds of legal cases. See now I am mad. The liberal and girl dead act is old and crusty; time to fight okay or get lost. Someone has to go down and someone has to hit the floor okay; I am tired of this. I would put 20 laxatives in their drink and kick their ass that night. So I do not want to hear how you all went out or go out; fight or shut up.
It feels like all you F’ers are the same; head in sand, fall out of tree, and shake others tree; climb yours and let’s see some real stuff please; all total lies and losers. That is NY not DC or VA; because the military and powerful people are there; this is stupid and you know this Ann. You know I am a real person and I climb that coconut tree unlike any human being; but I am too nice to do anything about it, right? These people are all crazy and lunatics; laugh it up and then come ask me for help. Am I a cop and do I need to know this? You set them up, they set you up, all of you stick your head in the sand and we get this total disaster. Ann, I am fed up at your refusal to fight and the conservative tough girl act; really. I want to see some bodies hit the floor and swings; none of this liberal and cock fisting orgy crap. Are you scared? You only kiss enemies? You go out with all your killers? You invite stalkers to dinner only? Can you tell I am fucking uppity up and jumping up and down; it takes me 12 seconds to air hump that bitch and put them to sleep. It is like lunatic TV and fags on parade. Are you this pathetic and this wimpy and a loser? As military, I want to see smoke, dead bodies, blood, gore, bayonets, and a whole lot more. WTF. Save the apologies, it is your fault because you are a girl.
F'in New Yorkers versus military and real men... total fags and lunatics; degenerates.
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Breitbart on MSNBC: Click here to view video
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
WED/THURS AM, 7/21/10, 3AM -- RED EYE!
I know the answer already; but does Obama? Does the FBI and DoD? Does the world and the police? Who is the problem and who is the blame? I did have some problems on Ann's site a few days ago, redirected. I did not hear any spy reports on her whereabouts or if she was okay or not; if she was bad again or off causing problems for this legal case and her own kidnapping.
Engagement to Fox News: Rush spends two full hours talking about Fox News and how it is integral and part of his spy ring and plot. Not all of Fox is guilty but with their reputation the way it is; it is fair they got taken over or there is a hostile progress underway. The same with Ann and Alex. Also, iRush engages both Ann and Alex as we describe as we say no and try to escape a deadly stalker. He refuses to acknowledge or admit to a worsening of this or propose an end; in the hold now for 600 million and never will work in the industry again. The fate of Fox is not known but they need to get rid of those whom they know is integral with Limbaugh and Hannity. This is the worst time to gamble with these cards and they have made a fatal mistake they will pay for the remainder of their life.
Admission: iRush finally admits he knows exactly what is going on at 1350 to 1400 when he mentions Granniesty and trying to stick his foot into DC politics and getting caught. He says they will never forgive him and will pay dearly for this scam; there is no recovery and he says he is clueless now on how to escape or avoid legal damages; possible arrest on RICO charges. iRush was asked if he was satisfied with 600 million and if he would like to dig a deeper hole; it began at only 100 and is six times worse; revolutionary command upstairs began banging on the floor as if they are not scared and not blinking. Everybody knows I have delivered the gift of the century and like the movie, has revealed who Maximus is and what happened to the capital. They are stealing our cards but do not know how to make it work well; copy cat.
Leaving: So Ann and I have not left yet; but if we do, then you know it is over and the communist forces have won and taken over; time to go into Predator (movie) mode. Do they really think the CIA is going to let communist run amuck and do this right behind their backs; then to walk away with a "sorry, it’s your problem now." They need to ask if they are safer now then before and what is coming; the perfect storm. After a century of hostility, they all show up and act like they run the world, getting rid of us, and stole our cards and life because theirs are no damn good or usable. He says F you all day. Upstairs says F you all day. All of them say F you all day and expect us to be angry at the world or them. They admit they have our cards and we have their cards; but they do not know how to play them and fail safe security was built into our life. Are they going to finish this with or similar to Ann or Alex or will they try to keep up? He even knows he snuck on AFO and looks ridiculous and stupid making commands or ordering us around like a hijacker while over the ocean and going for a swim. So someone is on the job; but not them. Their dog don’t hunt, it only stalks us and steals our AFO cards. We are trying to land them and they keep saying leave and go away; how did they get so high and in so much trouble; 600 million in the hole.
1. My advice is to make sure my life and Ann's life improves; do not make us more angry or more of a mess. I have insurance and have the element of surprise and much more. I am recruiting those who are willing to fight the communists and make them leave this planet. I am in no way making special exceptions for Americans, liberals, communists, labor unions, or crime organizations.
2. So why in the hell do they think I said to Ann, "Ann, let it go and let’s get out of there, F them and we can see them in hell. Let the shooting begin between the hells on earth? We are out of here and have the element of surprise?"
3. My recommendation is to just clean it up, pray Ann and I make a quick recovery, and do not make it harder to clean up or get to the bottom of this; things can change overnight and so far; they got nothing and the odds get worse and worse while on thin ice. Honestly, I do not give a F about this world and this earth; I said GTFO-AFO over 1000 times already since January of 2010 and nothing has been changed or fixed; nothing. If this keeps up; all hell will break out when Ann and I leave this earth and die old and angry.
4. I would say we are the authors of the future, the masters of world war, and determine who wins or looses; so what, humiliate and make us a ticking bomb; day after day of this in our own residence. I was off to the borders and into hiding anyhow; retiring and looking for predecessors; they would have gotten 100,000s of DVD disks made by me on some island. So hurry up and clean this up; there is a 600 million dollar lawsuit; that is six times worse than where we began in 2008.

I am so glad DUI, hacking, internet and wireless spying, and frivolous matters is still on their minds and how they claim to be the police; take a bow you idiot. You all are an F’in disaster that gets worse and worse; now you know you are dead and will not make it. All I am saying is I was headed to the borders and did not tell Ann anything; just meet me in Canada so we can head for a deserted island. I told Ann to let them say what they want and just act as if we are licking our wounds so they do not chase or pursue us. They have no idea what they have done or what is coming; sneaking up on them to bite their head off. I understand there are a lot of POWs and political turmoil; but this is the last shooting match on planet earth, so I really wish they would hurry the F up and make our life whole again. I am a god damn hostage right now and have to listen to a F’in terrorist and communist spy ring all day and night tell me to leave and die. We went from 30 to 300 felony charges in only two years; imagine that. I have injuries all over my body from bio-terrorism and they say I have to leave and this is their home and nation. I did not know they were in the last shooting match on this earth or won it yet; how can it be theirs or their home? The war has not started yet but it might.
WED/THURS AM, 7/21/10, 3AM -- RED EYE!
I know the answer already; but does Obama? Does the FBI and DoD? Does the world and the police? Who is the problem and who is the blame? I did have some problems on Ann's site a few days ago, redirected. I did not hear any spy reports on her whereabouts or if she was okay or not; if she was bad again or off causing problems for this legal case and her own kidnapping.
Engagement to Fox News: Rush spends two full hours talking about Fox News and how it is integral and part of his spy ring and plot. Not all of Fox is guilty but with their reputation the way it is; it is fair they got taken over or there is a hostile progress underway. The same with Ann and Alex. Also, iRush engages both Ann and Alex as we describe as we say no and try to escape a deadly stalker. He refuses to acknowledge or admit to a worsening of this or propose an end; in the hold now for 600 million and never will work in the industry again. The fate of Fox is not known but they need to get rid of those whom they know is integral with Limbaugh and Hannity. This is the worst time to gamble with these cards and they have made a fatal mistake they will pay for the remainder of their life.

Leaving: So Ann and I have not left yet; but if we do, then you know it is over and the communist forces have won and taken over; time to go into Predator (movie) mode. Do they really think the CIA is going to let communist run amuck and do this right behind their backs; then to walk away with a "sorry, it’s your problem now." They need to ask if they are safer now then before and what is coming; the perfect storm. After a century of hostility, they all show up and act like they run the world, getting rid of us, and stole our cards and life because theirs are no damn good or usable. He says F you all day. Upstairs says F you all day. All of them say F you all day and expect us to be angry at the world or them. They admit they have our cards and we have their cards; but they do not know how to play them and fail safe security was built into our life. Are they going to finish this with or similar to Ann or Alex or will they try to keep up? He even knows he snuck on AFO and looks ridiculous and stupid making commands or ordering us around like a hijacker while over the ocean and going for a swim. So someone is on the job; but not them. Their dog don’t hunt, it only stalks us and steals our AFO cards. We are trying to land them and they keep saying leave and go away; how did they get so high and in so much trouble; 600 million in the hole.
1. My advice is to make sure my life and Ann's life improves; do not make us more angry or more of a mess. I have insurance and have the element of surprise and much more. I am recruiting those who are willing to fight the communists and make them leave this planet. I am in no way making special exceptions for Americans, liberals, communists, labor unions, or crime organizations.
2. So why in the hell do they think I said to Ann, "Ann, let it go and let’s get out of there, F them and we can see them in hell. Let the shooting begin between the hells on earth? We are out of here and have the element of surprise?"
3. My recommendation is to just clean it up, pray Ann and I make a quick recovery, and do not make it harder to clean up or get to the bottom of this; things can change overnight and so far; they got nothing and the odds get worse and worse while on thin ice. Honestly, I do not give a F about this world and this earth; I said GTFO-AFO over 1000 times already since January of 2010 and nothing has been changed or fixed; nothing. If this keeps up; all hell will break out when Ann and I leave this earth and die old and angry.
4. I would say we are the authors of the future, the masters of world war, and determine who wins or looses; so what, humiliate and make us a ticking bomb; day after day of this in our own residence. I was off to the borders and into hiding anyhow; retiring and looking for predecessors; they would have gotten 100,000s of DVD disks made by me on some island. So hurry up and clean this up; there is a 600 million dollar lawsuit; that is six times worse than where we began in 2008.

I am so glad DUI, hacking, internet and wireless spying, and frivolous matters is still on their minds and how they claim to be the police; take a bow you idiot. You all are an F’in disaster that gets worse and worse; now you know you are dead and will not make it. All I am saying is I was headed to the borders and did not tell Ann anything; just meet me in Canada so we can head for a deserted island. I told Ann to let them say what they want and just act as if we are licking our wounds so they do not chase or pursue us. They have no idea what they have done or what is coming; sneaking up on them to bite their head off. I understand there are a lot of POWs and political turmoil; but this is the last shooting match on planet earth, so I really wish they would hurry the F up and make our life whole again. I am a god damn hostage right now and have to listen to a F’in terrorist and communist spy ring all day and night tell me to leave and die. We went from 30 to 300 felony charges in only two years; imagine that. I have injuries all over my body from bio-terrorism and they say I have to leave and this is their home and nation. I did not know they were in the last shooting match on this earth or won it yet; how can it be theirs or their home? The war has not started yet but it might.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hey Ann, I got knocked off by a hacker all weekend; 3 days. So I did my secret weapon. 3 drives, 10GB each, a standalone, 3 storages for all data, refresh and upgrade "sectors" and "quadrants daily; all windows files "read only" and stagger FAT 32/NTFS on each partition. Also more... but that is to indicate I was number 2 at VA Tech as a computer science major.
Also, I told you they were luring you to Las Vegas and will claim you were dying to go there; see I told you so. Garrison K. said the invention of the camera messed up human civilization and brought out the animal in man; one who is more worried about their image than who they are. Fact: Aristide looks just like Byrong Brownie.
New Masterpiece for you to read:
Also, I told you they were luring you to Las Vegas and will claim you were dying to go there; see I told you so. Garrison K. said the invention of the camera messed up human civilization and brought out the animal in man; one who is more worried about their image than who they are. Fact: Aristide looks just like Byrong Brownie.
New Masterpiece for you to read:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Ann, read the letter I wrote to B'in Limbaugh about stealing your material or spying on us. It is on his web page for July 15, 2010 and contains the Turner Diaries. Check out the new songs by Dido and the tag below!
Diary Entry: It took a long time to get the truth and get to the bottom of this; a long time. There was little cooperating and constant pressure. A lot of insults were thrown and confusion in the room. My theory is you were abducted, surrounded, cornered, and brainwashed. Therefore, I had to deprogram you, help you escape, and did not recognize you. They said you hate blacks and they said I love them. They say you are a traitor to your race and cause; is this true? They want me with a Jew or iRush only for super duper superiority and power. So you proved them wrong and I did the same; as planned. You took it too far because… You were given an ultimatum; fall on the sword or fight for your life; leave. I even said you were a total disaster and were cursed by your looks, fame, and friends:
Rush and AZ, Steele Gaffe
Red Eye Divorce, Red Eye Old Spice Bruce Willis Fragrance
Ann, my research into gangs indicates a strong concentration in Minneapolis, MN and mostly Fresno, CA. Most notably is the amount of drugs in Fresno; the amount of gangs and ethnicities; and how linked they are. My theory comes from Limbaugh, “trainers.” There is an element and an underground mentor for these gangs; to cultivate them; show them how to flourish; how to escape the police; how to move around the US; how to stay below the radar; and how to personify extreme violence. Mostly, there is a Catholic presence and a “discrimination” theme where they are attacked by other rival gangs and races. So there is a thug in their life similar to a thug and bully in our life; a gang presence overlooking it all and a puppet master. We are talking major league Asian gangs in Fresno (ABZ, Triads, Wa Ching, TRG, MOD, EME, Surruenga, MS13, and a bunch of others. Then you have the biker gangs and outlaws). So if crime, communism, and labor unions all are one organization; then you got surrounded and are running with them before in CA. Based on our reports and findings; there is something lurking in the background of these hoods and low income areas; much similar to the refugee camps in Israel. The same lurker is here in upstate NY; read this report about a mad scientist and trying to study other races (Rush Limbaugh Pages, Day 3 Analysis of the Turner Diaries Decoded). The mission is to kill pigs and racists. These areas are terrorist recruitment camps and they are targeting ethnic groups who fight either Israel, Russian Jews, or communism:
Diary Entry: It took a long time to get the truth and get to the bottom of this; a long time. There was little cooperating and constant pressure. A lot of insults were thrown and confusion in the room. My theory is you were abducted, surrounded, cornered, and brainwashed. Therefore, I had to deprogram you, help you escape, and did not recognize you. They said you hate blacks and they said I love them. They say you are a traitor to your race and cause; is this true? They want me with a Jew or iRush only for super duper superiority and power. So you proved them wrong and I did the same; as planned. You took it too far because… You were given an ultimatum; fall on the sword or fight for your life; leave. I even said you were a total disaster and were cursed by your looks, fame, and friends:
Rush and AZ, Steele Gaffe
Red Eye Divorce, Red Eye Old Spice Bruce Willis Fragrance
Ann, my research into gangs indicates a strong concentration in Minneapolis, MN and mostly Fresno, CA. Most notably is the amount of drugs in Fresno; the amount of gangs and ethnicities; and how linked they are. My theory comes from Limbaugh, “trainers.” There is an element and an underground mentor for these gangs; to cultivate them; show them how to flourish; how to escape the police; how to move around the US; how to stay below the radar; and how to personify extreme violence. Mostly, there is a Catholic presence and a “discrimination” theme where they are attacked by other rival gangs and races. So there is a thug in their life similar to a thug and bully in our life; a gang presence overlooking it all and a puppet master. We are talking major league Asian gangs in Fresno (ABZ, Triads, Wa Ching, TRG, MOD, EME, Surruenga, MS13, and a bunch of others. Then you have the biker gangs and outlaws). So if crime, communism, and labor unions all are one organization; then you got surrounded and are running with them before in CA. Based on our reports and findings; there is something lurking in the background of these hoods and low income areas; much similar to the refugee camps in Israel. The same lurker is here in upstate NY; read this report about a mad scientist and trying to study other races (Rush Limbaugh Pages, Day 3 Analysis of the Turner Diaries Decoded). The mission is to kill pigs and racists. These areas are terrorist recruitment camps and they are targeting ethnic groups who fight either Israel, Russian Jews, or communism:
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Dear Communists, Assassins, terrorists, spies, and labor unions in Ann and our life: Dear B'in Limbaugh-Hannity and Cohorts: I have an ingenious and great idea. Why don't you communist SOBs go and die instead of sit there watching us undress while asking why we are so mean to you? Even better, why don't you die quicker before you get nuked or start a thermo nuclear war? You F'in B'tards have not and never learn anything. You will never be the man and will always be shining our boots while it is stepping on your rotten snake like head. Just admit you are a fake, total loser, and a phony little coward who has numb breasts nobody wants to suck on. I know I can live with that but can you? So if you just die and end this game; this world is not going to change a damn bit for you okay; F you and stop watching us undress you pitiful fool. For real, still up to the same crap; just die before you get your lights punched out or nuked; no less start one. If God was on earth, that is what he would tell you; trust me okay. You were right, this is not your home and nobody wants to help or do business with you now.
Last ditch effort to salvage their spying and espionage ring, liberal and communist invasion, and to say they love Ann and America. They know they are already kicked off Air Force One and we know they are terrorists; all you have to do is read the analysis and decoding of the Turner Diaries on the Rush and Sean pages (that is who they are). So Ann, you can read this but I will tell you something; I am really getting pissed off by these thieves and spies; and this spy ring. Also, why are they worried about where I go when they are the ones who caused the accident, refuse to pay any of the claims, and will not GTFO of Air Force One and our Presidential ticket? What happened to the Secret Service or the security built into the system which prevents terrorists and communists from boarding, taking hostages, and invading America? So David H. is on our team and the Ann Coulter express when he knows who she is and who I am? Try to connect the dots between FReeP and Mickey (Syncro) Klaus. Try to connect the dots between Hannity and Oreilly and Presbyterians. Who keeps telling me to go to church, this is about the Reformation and kicking out church links to foreign countries. All of them around Ann or in her life tell me to leave when they had been telling her to leave before? GTFO Air Force 1, they are dealing with the biggest and baddest brawlers on this planet and we are not in a good mood about this matter. GTFO of our life and GTF'in peeping tom cameras off of our life and out of our residences.
Last ditch effort to salvage their spying and espionage ring, liberal and communist invasion, and to say they love Ann and America. They know they are already kicked off Air Force One and we know they are terrorists; all you have to do is read the analysis and decoding of the Turner Diaries on the Rush and Sean pages (that is who they are). So Ann, you can read this but I will tell you something; I am really getting pissed off by these thieves and spies; and this spy ring. Also, why are they worried about where I go when they are the ones who caused the accident, refuse to pay any of the claims, and will not GTFO of Air Force One and our Presidential ticket? What happened to the Secret Service or the security built into the system which prevents terrorists and communists from boarding, taking hostages, and invading America? So David H. is on our team and the Ann Coulter express when he knows who she is and who I am? Try to connect the dots between FReeP and Mickey (Syncro) Klaus. Try to connect the dots between Hannity and Oreilly and Presbyterians. Who keeps telling me to go to church, this is about the Reformation and kicking out church links to foreign countries. All of them around Ann or in her life tell me to leave when they had been telling her to leave before? GTFO Air Force 1, they are dealing with the biggest and baddest brawlers on this planet and we are not in a good mood about this matter. GTFO of our life and GTF'in peeping tom cameras off of our life and out of our residences.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Response: They refuse to GTFO-OAFO and refuse to admit they are inferior, inhuman, and some other species we cannot detect but has taken a human form (God said they took a human form and I have not figured out how to detect it). So now B'in Limbaugh upstairs and his campaign of kidnapping, invasion, and barriers-terrorism is saying, "we need help" and refuse to admit they are inferior lunatics and communists. I said they are looking at world class brawlers and warriors; GTF0-AFO before all hell breaks loose at 1325 on July 10, 2010. These are the dumbest and most inferior terrorists the world has laid eyes on or seen; most inferior trying to pretend and use our life as a book for geniuses. That is why they are in it; to get what they should and need to do; not what not to or what is illegal.
GTF off Air Force One: The solution is really simple, GTF off our Presidential ticket and GTF off of Air Force One before all hell breaks out loser. Do you want hell or keep this kidnapping ongoing. Operation God Project:
Update: The police union and upstairs said, "you are our doctor." I then said, go F your girl so she does not talk to me like I am her man or best friend. Also, how many times have I said need not apply or go home because I am fed up with the tricks and brainwashing mind games? They said nothing except, "we just want you to leave." Did I mention how they keep saying they want to die or spend every waking day and night talking to me or sit beside me? They claim I am their hope and doctor; lucky me! For criminals parading their race; something does not fit and make sense.

You got to be F'in with me? So this is about marriage, partners, and kidnappers? Had you and I done as told, this mess and these problems would not be so bad correct? They keep saying how they only did this to debate; it is not about debating or debate; it is about spying, crime, drug wars, and self destruction; the plot to destroy America and create a mess out of the entire world. It is about identity theft and spending other people's money, making them love you, acting like a bwitch prison wife, and intercepting or blockades. Oreilly is guilty, Beck is not; they feel you are guilty, I am not. Recognize their propaganda and how it affects your thinking of them. Jesus, look at all of them mock Ann and I. This is how they mock Ann or I; copy us; identity theft. Remember, it takes violence to control criminals; it takes war and the military to control communist infiltrators. You have rape, violent crimes, greed, guns and gangs, and Democrats spreading like wildfire. Why the heck are they on the Republican side writing checks their life and mouth cannot cash or verify? Ann says they made up a story I was trying to rape her (iRush, Hannity, DePasquale, Fox associates, NY, Buffalo, and the Governor) but refused to listen to any white on black crimes or 300 counts of perjury. So I was their primary suspect in this case? We know who made up that story now and who tried to do a disappearance act. This was the legal briefs and material behind Anne Pres sly case or PR. They are arm candy and welcomed; not a threat because they love us. Nobody is on guard and nobody is on duty; a circus.
"Plenty of seats also remain for the rhetorical Roman circus of conservative pundit Anne Coulter and Democratic operative James Carville show scheduled for Aug. 21. But they're a bargain compared to the Clinton show at $55, $75 and $150. The Hilton's website also says the "Bold and Fresh Tour" featuring Fox News pundits Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck is slated for Aug. 5. No such date appears on the tour's site. A Hilton spokeswoman didn't return a call seeking comment. The duo say they regularly sell out." - Click to Read More: -
Ann Lisa DePasquale is the assassin and the one who is spying on you and trying to get that perfect shot. I already said the use of Floyd the Female Body Inspector (FBI) was to get close, create a dossier, and cultivate you. If it fails; they will take that kill shot; trust me, I have the same F;in lunatic on this end. Lisa is calling the shots for Clinton. This was about the labor unions, iRush, Catholics, poor and sick invited to NY, nice to immigrants or eradicating hate, and the professors at GMU (Propaganda 401 and Russian Foreign Policy 410; both graduate courses). The professor was Professor Katz, take a guess who he was. Lisa is going around acting like Ann; having a blast, bubbly, and in the best hours of her life; she is the primary culprit. Gutfeld and her are stalking Ann and refuse to let go; an unbreakable and deranged state of mind; deadly. They want others to leave or go away because they love immigrants and low balling vultures; extorting some reward or else a deadly fight. Either pay them or knock them out; but they will never tell the truth and face a 300 count perjury indictment. Lisa and Gutfeld claim to be an expert on both of us. Glenn Beck is not guilty, Oreilly is. Each of the suspects have paired off in a PR campaign to smash this case. They claim we are being watched and they know what we are trying or doing; trying to threaten them. This is how they mock Ann or I; copy us; identity theft. It takes violence to control criminals; it takes war and the military to control communist infiltrators. Lisa is pretending to be arm candy and a champagne driven leader.
Lisa DePasquale is the assassin and black widow, so was Laura Ingraham (Laura backed down twice but is silent and benevolent): (Ann confronts her while I confront Lisa in 2006 next door)
"However, he gave pundit Ann Coulter a 9 for belittling the activism of certain wives of Sept. 11 victims. "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much," Ms. Coulter said." - Click to Read More: -
The use of rape and race has been persistent in US history and the history of the liberal-hate machinery. At times, it is fabricated and intended to nurse them back to power. We are witnessing a replay of World War II and labor camps in ghettos. Humans are being slaughtered by the thousands. More are killed in cars and ghettos than the history of Poland. However, this is also about rape, violent crimes on blacks, and hate groups or gangs. No gang is unique and all fight for survival; kill or be killed. Drugs has ordered them to kill; that is their marching order and death sentence. Can a black kid change this systemic problem; hell no. To do so, they must take out the left wing, the communist movement, the labor unions, and the Democratic Party; have at it! Ann and I are exhausted and disgusted with them also. Insanity and mental illness is spreading like fear and wildfire; that is communism. Those movies with Sidney "Partier" has something to do with our life and case, Alias.
"Ms. Lee is at the head of the Southern class in one big way, however: The numbers are imprecise, but according to a 1988 report by the National Council of Teachers of English, her novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," was required reading in three-quarters of America's high schools. Since its publication 50 years ago this summer, it probably ranks just behind "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," with American high-school students not only required to read the book but to tackle related projects. These range from drawing the courthouse where Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman, was defended by Atticus Finch, to writing articles for the Maycomb Tribune recounting the trial, and recasting the movie with contemporary actors. (In 2006 my daughter, attending a public high school in New Jersey, cast Kevin Kline as Atticus and Abigail Breslin as his young daughter, Scout.)" - Click to Read More: -
What does Ann have to say about this?
July 7, 2010, 4:31 PM: Friends Advised Her: Don't Tell or the World Will be Destroyed by Global Warming! - Byron York: Sex Complaint Against Gore is Detailed, Credible
July 7, 2010, 4:26 PM: In Texas, Even the Homeless Are Patrioitic - A Humble Act of Patriotism: Homeless Man Saves Fallen American Flag
July 7, 2010, 4:15 PM: 82-year old shoots at illegals stealing his trailer: He's the criminal - Thieves could go free while victim faces jail time
July 7, 2010, 4:13 PM: Obama Cracks Down On Employers of Illegal Immigrants - Jeffrey: One Business Filed 37,375 Bad W-2 Forms -- and Is Getting Away With It
July 7, 2010, 3:41 PM: Keep the Police, Cut the Social Workers - Rasmussen: Most Americans Not Willing To Pay Higher Taxes For Public Employees, Entitlement Programs
July 7, 2010, 3:39 PM: RECOMMENDED READING -
July 7, 2010, 2:44 PM: Obama's rise has been spectacular, but so too has been his fall. - Zuckerman: Obama Is Barely Treading Water
July 7, 2010, 2:24 PM: RomneyCare Bodes Ill For ObamaCare - The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck' - "... the five major state insurers have so far collectively lost $116 million due to the rate cap. ... Massachusetts now has the highest average premiums in the nation.
July 7, 2010, 2:57 AM: Want to Repeal ObamaCare? Donate Now! -
Ann, there is a major problem here people need to know about. So let's say this is not my fault and this is not your fault; it is someone's fault. The truth is I do not have the money needed to move near you as you and I discussed. Do you see any of them fixing this or making sure we can email or set things up properly so we can work out our problems? I spent two years arguing with you and this spy ring about whether or not you were a loyal or faithful spouse. I feel like I was hit by a bus and I know you feel like you were hit by a train; all of this has led to this same standoff where both sides are saying, "you better make a move and fix it." I also posted my email so you can email me and "here is my email, address, and number; just come by and knock on my door." Also, from 2002 to 2008, we have not been together and were arguing or avoiding all contact; just close friends; we are going to argue and blow up at each other. So I do not know whose fault this is or who is acting suspicious; but I am sure this spy ring and terrorists want to make sure we suffer, are blamed, and flip flop. It looks as if you do not even care and I am lying through my teeth; a stalker. I have to deal with them breathing on my back day and night; both of us have to cope and break this grip of being their captive while they loose their minds and watch every move we make. So now they are lobotomized and have shown themselves; but the damage is immense. I posted my email and you did not email me. You also lost credibility when you lied to me about "being there" when you told me you were not at these dinners, drinking feasts, having such a good time, and the stalker problems with the social events you attend. They yell at me to leave, move, go away, and much more day and night; nonstop. The FBI cannot even get my rent refund and we are not allowed to do as we pleased; a slave or a prisoner.
So their story is why did you attend events if you do not want a stalker and why didn't you send me money or jump in at their command. This is why they are being sued I presume; tinkering and constant problems. I compare them to a rapist who leaves a victim on the side of the road and calls their family to say over and over, "at least I did not kill them, you are the one who refused to come pick them up, get out of your lush house, and left them there for dead." Yeah, I was on my way to her house and she was on her way to meet me; now they blocked both of us and claim we are not trying or broke things; our fault. So that is where this is at. The money is not there to accomplish your plan; they are watching me and have a peeping tom camera; they are doing everything possible to screw this up and block the marriage counseling you asked for. As far as pressure; every single block has been imposed while they claim an unbreakable bond and relation with both of us. They will use what they observe against us or to pit us against each other; to drive us apart. I know the truth, you were on your way to meet me. I was on my way to meet you; I actually mistook you for many of their females; thus, dinners, dates, and really odd events. I tried to make them sorry for trying; nothing worked. The grip they have on your life and mine is intense; but no matter what we do or how hard I or you try; they claim it is not good enough or they must be part of it. I also want the FBI to read this and know what I contacted them in 2006 and 2008 was about; also 1998 when I first reported a massive attack by the same people (Israel, labor unions, Catholic Church: all a communist spy ring). So that is where their power is from and why their story does not match ours or my story looks odd. They told me you were their girl and warned you to move on also; and it goes on and on 24 hours and every single minute of our life.
So they are guilty and totally nuts. What about you and I? I do not spend time with them and try to abuse or make them go away; repel them. You spend time with them and make them exhausted and look horrible. What has changed and who is damaged more or suffering? That is the whole point, to make you and I suffer the most and to make their story come true; an excuse and escape. Meanwhile, they are denying all of this and refuse to pay for any of the damages; this is why the money is not there also. I am and was mad you wasted your life with them. I am mad I had to and was forced to waste my life away while a prisoner to this MF and terrorist spy ring. Now their grip on both of us is tremendous while they deny trying to kill us, kidnap us, or harming us. They claim we were doing this when they were and are still spying on us and trying to hold us down, block us, or make us ours. Now we also know who they are and what they wanted; but the money problem has not been solved; that is the last one. The whole point is why we are trapped, a prisoner, and being spied on by a stalker and assassin. So do you love them or do I? What is the law suit about and who is allowed to speak? This is really embarrassing to be their slave or captive; for real.
300 Count Perjury charges, trouble lying, refuse to pay for any of this, refused to provide all of the pieces, ongoing murder plot:
As far as Gutfeld and some of these people at Fox who keep trying to brainwash you, keep you from me, or causing so many problems; I hope a bus hits them and they end up in hell. They also have no future and I will make their leaders suffer for their bad decisions in life. I think they are trying to grab anything on me to trash your life and mine; anything. This is about respect of the truth, duty, and their superiors. They bark down my back 24 hours to leave and how I am not welcomed; over 300 felonies of power and greatness. They cannot even win at crime; look at them now. If a bus hits them; then maybe I will get the truth and stop fighting with you or try to seek relief. I hope they fire Gutfeld, Hannity, Ailes, O'reilly, Megan, and a few others. There are bullies and there are Catholics who speak without punishment and severe disrespect to their superiors; we got the works; still up to no damn good. I would not loose sleep if Rome disappeared or if the Catholic Church USA sunk like a battle ship. I think America was formed to cut off all European influence and this problem with the Pope whacking anybody who writes a book. So I hope they can take a joke and hit hard also. The problem is they are no damn good and always causing trouble; so if they disappeared; it would be a God send. I did not ask Rachel out; I asked her for help; even from Ann. I concluded that Ann was too brainwashed and this was being hidden or a clever cover up was exposed but more harebrained plots erupted like a volcano. I did not want to leave Ann or leave her hurt and needing help; so I wanted to ask a girl to step in on my side for once. It is like they trained Ann to hate me and her life partner; but she got them back nicely. I was not sure if she recognized me or remembered me; I told her it did not work on me but did it on her? I felt it worked on her and she was under their control; surrendered or with a gun on her head. Also, Ann is planning a move in the near future. They want to make sure distance prevents a law suit in federal court. Fox and these media spies screwing with our heads can go to hell; it is always the same crap from the bullies who turn into idiots; I hope they are eradicated from earth one day. So the founding fathers declared them a traitor for their religion and ties to Europe. I hope those guilty die a miserable death. I have no sympathy or care for the Catholics, labor, liars, iRush, or Jews posing as Catholics.
Red Eye: Stopping the Library Porn Epidemic : Red Eye Body Language: Coulter and Provenza
As far as Gutfeld and some of these people at Fox who keep trying to brainwash you, keep you from me, or causing so many problems; I hope a bus hits them and they end up in hell. They also have no future and I will make their leaders suffer for their bad decisions in life. I think they are trying to grab anything on me to trash your life and mine; anything. This is about respect of the truth, duty, and their superiors. They bark down my back 24 hours to leave and how I am not welcomed; over 300 felonies of power and greatness. They cannot even win at crime; look at them now. If a bus hits them; then maybe I will get the truth and stop fighting with you or try to seek relief. I hope they fire Gutfeld, Hannity, Ailes, O'reilly, Megan, and a few others. There are bullies and there are Catholics who speak without punishment and severe disrespect to their superiors; we got the works; still up to no damn good. I would not loose sleep if Rome disappeared or if the Catholic Church USA sunk like a battle ship. I think America was formed to cut off all European influence and this problem with the Pope whacking anybody who writes a book. So I hope they can take a joke and hit hard also. The problem is they are no damn good and always causing trouble; so if they disappeared; it would be a God send. I did not ask Rachel out; I asked her for help; even from Ann. I concluded that Ann was too brainwashed and this was being hidden or a clever cover up was exposed but more harebrained plots erupted like a volcano. I did not want to leave Ann or leave her hurt and needing help; so I wanted to ask a girl to step in on my side for once. It is like they trained Ann to hate me and her life partner; but she got them back nicely. I was not sure if she recognized me or remembered me; I told her it did not work on me but did it on her? I felt it worked on her and she was under their control; surrendered or with a gun on her head. Also, Ann is planning a move in the near future. They want to make sure distance prevents a law suit in federal court. Fox and these media spies screwing with our heads can go to hell; it is always the same crap from the bullies who turn into idiots; I hope they are eradicated from earth one day. So the founding fathers declared them a traitor for their religion and ties to Europe. I hope those guilty die a miserable death. I have no sympathy or care for the Catholics, labor, liars, iRush, or Jews posing as Catholics.
Red Eye: Stopping the Library Porn Epidemic : Red Eye Body Language: Coulter and Provenza
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- My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.