Response: They refuse to GTFO-OAFO and refuse to admit they are inferior, inhuman, and some other species we cannot detect but has taken a human form (God said they took a human form and I have not figured out how to detect it). So now B'in Limbaugh upstairs and his campaign of kidnapping, invasion, and barriers-terrorism is saying, "we need help" and refuse to admit they are inferior lunatics and communists. I said they are looking at world class brawlers and warriors; GTF0-AFO before all hell breaks loose at 1325 on July 10, 2010. These are the dumbest and most inferior terrorists the world has laid eyes on or seen; most inferior trying to pretend and use our life as a book for geniuses. That is why they are in it; to get what they should and need to do; not what not to or what is illegal.
GTF off Air Force One: The solution is really simple, GTF off our Presidential ticket and GTF off of Air Force One before all hell breaks out loser. Do you want hell or keep this kidnapping ongoing. Operation God Project:
Update: The police union and upstairs said, "you are our doctor." I then said, go F your girl so she does not talk to me like I am her man or best friend. Also, how many times have I said need not apply or go home because I am fed up with the tricks and brainwashing mind games? They said nothing except, "we just want you to leave." Did I mention how they keep saying they want to die or spend every waking day and night talking to me or sit beside me? They claim I am their hope and doctor; lucky me! For criminals parading their race; something does not fit and make sense.

You got to be F'in with me? So this is about marriage, partners, and kidnappers? Had you and I done as told, this mess and these problems would not be so bad correct? They keep saying how they only did this to debate; it is not about debating or debate; it is about spying, crime, drug wars, and self destruction; the plot to destroy America and create a mess out of the entire world. It is about identity theft and spending other people's money, making them love you, acting like a bwitch prison wife, and intercepting or blockades. Oreilly is guilty, Beck is not; they feel you are guilty, I am not. Recognize their propaganda and how it affects your thinking of them. Jesus, look at all of them mock Ann and I. This is how they mock Ann or I; copy us; identity theft. Remember, it takes violence to control criminals; it takes war and the military to control communist infiltrators. You have rape, violent crimes, greed, guns and gangs, and Democrats spreading like wildfire. Why the heck are they on the Republican side writing checks their life and mouth cannot cash or verify? Ann says they made up a story I was trying to rape her (iRush, Hannity, DePasquale, Fox associates, NY, Buffalo, and the Governor) but refused to listen to any white on black crimes or 300 counts of perjury. So I was their primary suspect in this case? We know who made up that story now and who tried to do a disappearance act. This was the legal briefs and material behind Anne Pres sly case or PR. They are arm candy and welcomed; not a threat because they love us. Nobody is on guard and nobody is on duty; a circus.
"Plenty of seats also remain for the rhetorical Roman circus of conservative pundit Anne Coulter and Democratic operative James Carville show scheduled for Aug. 21. But they're a bargain compared to the Clinton show at $55, $75 and $150. The Hilton's website also says the "Bold and Fresh Tour" featuring Fox News pundits Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck is slated for Aug. 5. No such date appears on the tour's site. A Hilton spokeswoman didn't return a call seeking comment. The duo say they regularly sell out." - Click to Read More: -
Ann Lisa DePasquale is the assassin and the one who is spying on you and trying to get that perfect shot. I already said the use of Floyd the Female Body Inspector (FBI) was to get close, create a dossier, and cultivate you. If it fails; they will take that kill shot; trust me, I have the same F;in lunatic on this end. Lisa is calling the shots for Clinton. This was about the labor unions, iRush, Catholics, poor and sick invited to NY, nice to immigrants or eradicating hate, and the professors at GMU (Propaganda 401 and Russian Foreign Policy 410; both graduate courses). The professor was Professor Katz, take a guess who he was. Lisa is going around acting like Ann; having a blast, bubbly, and in the best hours of her life; she is the primary culprit. Gutfeld and her are stalking Ann and refuse to let go; an unbreakable and deranged state of mind; deadly. They want others to leave or go away because they love immigrants and low balling vultures; extorting some reward or else a deadly fight. Either pay them or knock them out; but they will never tell the truth and face a 300 count perjury indictment. Lisa and Gutfeld claim to be an expert on both of us. Glenn Beck is not guilty, Oreilly is. Each of the suspects have paired off in a PR campaign to smash this case. They claim we are being watched and they know what we are trying or doing; trying to threaten them. This is how they mock Ann or I; copy us; identity theft. It takes violence to control criminals; it takes war and the military to control communist infiltrators. Lisa is pretending to be arm candy and a champagne driven leader.
Lisa DePasquale is the assassin and black widow, so was Laura Ingraham (Laura backed down twice but is silent and benevolent): (Ann confronts her while I confront Lisa in 2006 next door)
"However, he gave pundit Ann Coulter a 9 for belittling the activism of certain wives of Sept. 11 victims. "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much," Ms. Coulter said." - Click to Read More: -
The use of rape and race has been persistent in US history and the history of the liberal-hate machinery. At times, it is fabricated and intended to nurse them back to power. We are witnessing a replay of World War II and labor camps in ghettos. Humans are being slaughtered by the thousands. More are killed in cars and ghettos than the history of Poland. However, this is also about rape, violent crimes on blacks, and hate groups or gangs. No gang is unique and all fight for survival; kill or be killed. Drugs has ordered them to kill; that is their marching order and death sentence. Can a black kid change this systemic problem; hell no. To do so, they must take out the left wing, the communist movement, the labor unions, and the Democratic Party; have at it! Ann and I are exhausted and disgusted with them also. Insanity and mental illness is spreading like fear and wildfire; that is communism. Those movies with Sidney "Partier" has something to do with our life and case, Alias.
"Ms. Lee is at the head of the Southern class in one big way, however: The numbers are imprecise, but according to a 1988 report by the National Council of Teachers of English, her novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," was required reading in three-quarters of America's high schools. Since its publication 50 years ago this summer, it probably ranks just behind "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," with American high-school students not only required to read the book but to tackle related projects. These range from drawing the courthouse where Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman, was defended by Atticus Finch, to writing articles for the Maycomb Tribune recounting the trial, and recasting the movie with contemporary actors. (In 2006 my daughter, attending a public high school in New Jersey, cast Kevin Kline as Atticus and Abigail Breslin as his young daughter, Scout.)" - Click to Read More: -
What does Ann have to say about this?
July 7, 2010, 4:31 PM: Friends Advised Her: Don't Tell or the World Will be Destroyed by Global Warming! - Byron York: Sex Complaint Against Gore is Detailed, Credible
July 7, 2010, 4:26 PM: In Texas, Even the Homeless Are Patrioitic - A Humble Act of Patriotism: Homeless Man Saves Fallen American Flag
July 7, 2010, 4:15 PM: 82-year old shoots at illegals stealing his trailer: He's the criminal - Thieves could go free while victim faces jail time
July 7, 2010, 4:13 PM: Obama Cracks Down On Employers of Illegal Immigrants - Jeffrey: One Business Filed 37,375 Bad W-2 Forms -- and Is Getting Away With It
July 7, 2010, 3:41 PM: Keep the Police, Cut the Social Workers - Rasmussen: Most Americans Not Willing To Pay Higher Taxes For Public Employees, Entitlement Programs
July 7, 2010, 3:39 PM: RECOMMENDED READING -
July 7, 2010, 2:44 PM: Obama's rise has been spectacular, but so too has been his fall. - Zuckerman: Obama Is Barely Treading Water
July 7, 2010, 2:24 PM: RomneyCare Bodes Ill For ObamaCare - The Massachusetts Health-Care 'Train Wreck' - "... the five major state insurers have so far collectively lost $116 million due to the rate cap. ... Massachusetts now has the highest average premiums in the nation.
July 7, 2010, 2:57 AM: Want to Repeal ObamaCare? Donate Now! -
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