Note: Bin Communist Hannity is talking about his Clock .41 (Super 38+) and SW 6 series. He is talking about his conceal license and I have already written up about his pistols in 2008 and 2009. He is mouthing off about guns and the new 2nd Amendment laws I have been writing up and working on.
Ann: I have a new debit card from the Treasury Dept. It is my only lifeline while on the road and until you can get to me or we are on better footing. I really needed this for travel and for emergency purposes; they shut me down and now I am back at it again. I filed a charge with the FBI for using federal funds to facilitate or cover-up a major crime and my demands for a refund were ignored; for official use only. I even forward extra funds from the US military; they refused to give anything back or refund any amount.
1. I am not going to leave or give up on you over aspiring porn stars whom are (or were) junkies. Neither am I amused by the absurdity of chubby red headed freckled massage therapists who are single moms. Ann says they are the labor unions for Asian massage therapists, red heads, and the sex industry; pimps. Now they are all single moms and in politics. This is why the police and bikers are so involved with Upstate or Buffalo politics. Mickey Kraus is their west coast boss; major leagues. The hackers are the computer science labor unions. The labor unions are into global internet, sex web sites, and computer programmers now. It is also how to take over California and Silicon Valley. Rush said they "wanted the internet now" after socialized health.
2. From what you told me, you should just come out and say it, "So Sean, where are you going to shoot me? Did you want to shoot me in the head or the chest before you rape me?" Bin labor union communist Hannity said this to me, "You should meet Ann's favorite bartender! He is really funny... so funny you cannot stop laughing." All of them are awesome and the new Russian spies caught are awesome. Has he or they killed you yet? I am not sure who the psycho here is.

4. I am confused, who needs to meet this favorite bar tender and why is he so funny? Is Bin Hannity keeping secrets or is he making up total lies again? Of 1000s of lies, he now says, "I don't know if I can talk about this but... for your own good." Are you still going out drinking or have this bartender problem again?
5. Don't be hurt sweetheart and I have been forced to listen to 1000s of lies daily. 98% of what they have said, their story and what they are sticking on to, is a lie, propaganda, erroneous, does not make sense, a fantasy, slander, stalking charges, malicious or with intent to injure, etc... So I am not going to believe 1% of the truth all the sudden; is he calling Bill your "favorite drinking buddy?" That is like saying Mickey Klaus is my friend and our friends; are you F'in kidding me?
6. Says how funny and friendly this bartender is and how your relation with them is; are you F'in kidding me? These are lunatic communists. Pat Caddy says we have incompetent leaders and the left has been hijacked; yet they keep voting for and going left. The entire government is full of lies and they are rigging elections; like the futures market and Wall Street; rigged.
So they do have porn stars and ridiculous single moms. My heart is not going out to single moms, bartenders, or girls who wait for someone to give them a free ticket in life. I find them amusing and also ridiculous; but come on; do they really think we are stupid? Also, I know you sounded hurt; it is okay sweetheart. I told them after they are self destruct or ran out of fuel; we will drag them into court for the rest of their life. First, we have to battle their champions and PR; then the snake will be headless and weak. So the state is trying to be the scapegoat for trashing the Constitution. There is a wide cover-up and it is blowing up and reaching critical mass. All of them will be in court trying to clear up their record if they do not stop; for the rest of their life! Once the leaders are gone; they are dead meat and will go bankrupt; that is their union and gang. Read the Rush pages and what is new okay Ann.
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