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Friday, July 23, 2010


Ann: you make an excellent warrior and such a god damn great partner! Start 1000 fights and have me go nuts while you cannot fight and are a wimp or victim? One favor and I am stuck saving you every month; every god damn month while you parade this day and night. It is you... you are the problem and God is angry! You are a failure and so is your race; sorry to say this. This problem with your lack of fight has been in our past while I was attacked. You do one favor for me as my partner and I have to do 10,000 while you tell me excuses or sorry. 1 favor for me and I am cursed saving you and watching while men ravish you and lick your face; then you go back to them like a hurt naked and bruised little girl. I am to respect you and accept this? Maybe it is time you go Ann; it was 30 days and here we go again; degenerates, weaklings, wimps, losers, and just a servant mentality. It drives me insane and I hate the guts out of these types; do you have to push it on me also?

Ann, you are a pretty smart girl and you know you are or were bad; at least feel badly. Well here is the problem and I know what you are going to say; it is a campaign smear and how others are doing this to you. We have had 30 days of calm and actually pleasant feelings. Now you go on Fox News and all hell breaks loose. The swarm of this sex, rape, singles club all surrounds Fox News, Jewish or Catholics, and black men; do you hear me on this one? Most men will be sick to their stomach; I have been through hell with you and back. You know men are not happy with women who act this way but you tell me one thing and then I see you laughing it up and having a blast with men you have in your life. You have to make up your mind okay; I am beginning to see it and get fed up with you. Worse you want me to fight it; do I look like a slave? 30 days is a record and probably as long as we will ever get; so is this you, me, or someone else? These people are insane and worse you laugh it up with them at your own demise or plot to destroy you. I have figured them out; they stick their head in the sand and show off. They make mistakes and accept it more and more. They like to shake the tree, not climb it; inferior and too stupid. They are now shaking my tree or yours; not climbing theirs. The single girl act is getting annoying, really. Stop saying sorry, sorry is not good enough Ann; either you fight or go home. You all are an out of control coon like colony of fags and rapists. I have a hard time with this crap.

What pissed me off were you telling me a different story while you laughed it up with all of them; who the hell do I believe? Oh, and it goes on and on; like a broken record and a love story. First they beat you up, lick your face, and degrade me because you are the sex kitten on Red Eye and Fox; how much longer? Man you owe me big time Ann and I am a ticking time bomb while you do this. I even tried to break up with you and you made me watch and go insane in anger while you said stop to someone using me! I asked you why you were and are doing this; to show your love? I concluded they brainwashed you; you would say this; and then do that; then cry to me about how I was the only hope or how much you need and love me. So I like to laugh, not be laughed at because of you and your friends; I did not want it and asked you something you refuse to answer; how much longer? How long do you want me to take this or be here? Obviously, it has not stopped and will not stop until someone dies, force is applied, or someone is arrested. This is insane, I need a time line and I need to know how much more. You know I piss on you and you know you will take it; as always. I am a nice guy also and this is just too much Annie. That is what they are mad at. I am tired of the single girl act and how this drags on and on; okay. Also the black fetish and how you have to prove you are not a racist or saying “stop.” Have you heard of mace? Have you heard of punching a guy or racking them in the balls? Do you know how to fight if your life depended on it? F’in ridiculous…

So you post some videos of men on your site; I think no big dea and promotional. Next thing I know, Fox News has them as the new rising stars. Then I have to watch this singles club you tell me about and the process of you all screwing each other or each others head. This Wed. I had to watch as Hannity tramped on your life again; as if I am forced to just watch or sit here. You tell me you are a keeper and I have been so patient and tried to be so kind with you; really, I have done everything I can for you. You took me to the cleaners and said stop! To whom I do not know, but stop; so I offered you 50 per cent to make up your god damn mind; you still claim it is not you. I asked if your single life is something I need to watch or criticize constantly; if so then this is not for me. You explain to me how they are doing this to spite me or ruin your life. Ann, it has been two years; what has changed? You are a smart girl and it is two years; now you tell me you feel bad? You have to explain to me after the fact you feel badly? Why? I ask myself if you are retarded or just clueless sometimes and you come back and say it is only business and I have nothing to be jealous or worry about. Are you happy with me or happy with being single? Someone is causing a lot of problems for you and you need to worry; not me. I am fed up with worry; I have done everything I can and got ran over by your god damn friends and circle of felons. Do they want you this badly or just hate your guts to attack you constantly at Fox News? You cannot erase it either; you have to tell me and I get pissed off.

Now you laugh it up while I have to chase down your murderer or scream like a bitch about your dating life and your ability to laugh along at your own smears, attacks, shingle's club, and single life. I have a right to be mad; but who I am not sure; they got you laughing at yourself and how stupid you look. It is clearly Fox News and they are not willing to stop; like all of them, their hate is so severe they just want your coconuts, want to shake the tree, and do not want to face their problems or cause more. That is the problem; they want you to be the blame for loving you or saving you. I know you keep telling one thing; but I have to listen to the same lies about Green Room; your fetish with black men to prove you are not racist; and this feeling I am a bench warmer. I am fed up with the idea you leech off me; I feel you are too protected; not with reality or what you should be. This is why I said you had been brainwashed. You actually laugh along while they make me think you are retarded or laughing at your own death; and it does not stop or end. We are not even close to closure or having our life fixed. So I wish you start swinging; break out the mace; and stop being such a F'in wimp. It is disgusting Annie and if you had some pride; you would take some action or put them in their place. Instead you party with them, go to dinners, and share the stage; and it goes on and on; then you tell me about plots to murder you, retaliation, maniacs, psychopaths, etc... Do they want you this much or hate you that badly?

Obviously, Fox is not a very good place to be and not a safe place; but they tricked the world also. Obviously, there is a conspiracy and you are in a hornets nest. Obviously, they are not screening people properly before hiring them; they bring on people who are known spies and terrorists; so the background checks were obviously ignored. It may not be your fault; but you have to stop telling me about your failures or how bad you feel as you laugh it up and have a blast at my expense; all of you do this at my expense. I know they throw themselves at you and see you as a hot single girl; but this problem has not ended and it is 200 per cent insane and psychopathic stalking; just to kill you and knock you out. Look at who is being knocked out, me. Then you come to me and try to explain. So far 30 days is the record; can you break it or not? Can you change your life or fix it so that a month or two; maybe three and four months does not have a single's club or this fetish with black men which is now an inside joke I have to listen to? So what if you are called a racist; this has gone way too far; way too far. All you F’ers stick your head in the sand and it is sick and repulsive. I want to see fist fights and bottles breaking; I want to see Hapkido breaks, Judo throws, and Jujitsu strangles. F this head in sand mentality and lunacy of falling out of a tree shit. You fight like a girl; shoot them; tell them stop! Hell, I got hit by 10,000 dirty tricks and a psycho telling me they are sorry and to leave; a terrorist. Are you all fags?

Ann, tell me how long or much longer I have to watch and take? Give me a number or some answer; how much longer do I have to put up with this insanity and frustration with your life you asked me to help with? I have to watch this and it ruined our 20 year relation; nearly caused me to hate you and shun you. You F'ers have taken this beyond the point of no return; someone is going to get killed or get jailed; arrest or sued and it is pure insanity with you lunatics. Can you choose a better place to work or a better group of friends before asking me into it or to stick my head in a swarming beat up and kill? Now it is all about love, sex, and having a good time; not making your life hell. It is your fault when you laugh along or cannot say no; you have no said no and it goes on and on; one retaliation after the next; now it is hooking you up again. So thanks to you or Fox News; I will send the hooker fees in the mail when this case is over. I was having such a good time and such a peaceful fight with the psycho terrorist and lunatic upstairs they sent. What do you want me to do; they want to die and do not know what to do; just keep doing it? Fox is guilty, it is not as if they can erase it or conspire to kill you. Do you see them helping or trying to rescue you or making me yell at you and live a nightmare love story? Drug them up; have you even tried that (laxatives or Xtasy). Ann, I am sick of you and this; drug the MF up and smack them.

You tell me not to worry. You tell me there is nothing to tell or nothing to be jealous about. Why then… you say it is all lies or a fantasy. How long do I have to listen? I need a number, how much longer? Now I have to worry about you having a blast while I am being attacked furiously all day and night. I even told you to get the F out of my life and you said it was because of Fox and Hannity stalking and making up all kinds of stories. What is it now? I am so used to it now; it is like the sun rising, “Oh shit here we go; another murder plot and licking her face.” You should see it on this end as Hannity’s and Fox’s lawyer explains it to me with upstairs. You will not believe this shit and how crazy or homicidal they are; “we are not playing around” is what they say. Now you are playing around with them; wonderful. Marry them why do you have to marry a nice guy and make him watch this shit? At least fight and stick one of them; punch them or mace them at least. I kicked their ass and he still is not scared of me; claims he is going to take a cheap shot now. I am F’in used to this and yelling at you now for laughing along or acting like you ignore it and go with the flow. The point is to embarrass you; not make your life and mine hell. It feels like HS but the stakes are world war, death, murder, terrorism, rape, stalking, and all kinds of legal cases. See now I am mad. The liberal and girl dead act is old and crusty; time to fight okay or get lost. Someone has to go down and someone has to hit the floor okay; I am tired of this. I would put 20 laxatives in their drink and kick their ass that night. So I do not want to hear how you all went out or go out; fight or shut up.

It feels like all you F’ers are the same; head in sand, fall out of tree, and shake others tree; climb yours and let’s see some real stuff please; all total lies and losers. That is NY not DC or VA; because the military and powerful people are there; this is stupid and you know this Ann. You know I am a real person and I climb that coconut tree unlike any human being; but I am too nice to do anything about it, right? These people are all crazy and lunatics; laugh it up and then come ask me for help. Am I a cop and do I need to know this? You set them up, they set you up, all of you stick your head in the sand and we get this total disaster. Ann, I am fed up at your refusal to fight and the conservative tough girl act; really. I want to see some bodies hit the floor and swings; none of this liberal and cock fisting orgy crap. Are you scared? You only kiss enemies? You go out with all your killers? You invite stalkers to dinner only? Can you tell I am fucking uppity up and jumping up and down; it takes me 12 seconds to air hump that bitch and put them to sleep. It is like lunatic TV and fags on parade. Are you this pathetic and this wimpy and a loser? As military, I want to see smoke, dead bodies, blood, gore, bayonets, and a whole lot more. WTF. Save the apologies, it is your fault because you are a girl.

F'in New Yorkers versus military and real men... total fags and lunatics; degenerates.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.