WED/THURS AM, 7/21/10, 3AM -- RED EYE!
I know the answer already; but does Obama? Does the FBI and DoD? Does the world and the police? Who is the problem and who is the blame? I did have some problems on Ann's site a few days ago, redirected. I did not hear any spy reports on her whereabouts or if she was okay or not; if she was bad again or off causing problems for this legal case and her own kidnapping.
Engagement to Fox News: Rush spends two full hours talking about Fox News and how it is integral and part of his spy ring and plot. Not all of Fox is guilty but with their reputation the way it is; it is fair they got taken over or there is a hostile progress underway. The same with Ann and Alex. Also, iRush engages both Ann and Alex as we describe as we say no and try to escape a deadly stalker. He refuses to acknowledge or admit to a worsening of this or propose an end; in the hold now for 600 million and never will work in the industry again. The fate of Fox is not known but they need to get rid of those whom they know is integral with Limbaugh and Hannity. This is the worst time to gamble with these cards and they have made a fatal mistake they will pay for the remainder of their life.

Leaving: So Ann and I have not left yet; but if we do, then you know it is over and the communist forces have won and taken over; time to go into Predator (movie) mode. Do they really think the CIA is going to let communist run amuck and do this right behind their backs; then to walk away with a "sorry, it’s your problem now." They need to ask if they are safer now then before and what is coming; the perfect storm. After a century of hostility, they all show up and act like they run the world, getting rid of us, and stole our cards and life because theirs are no damn good or usable. He says F you all day. Upstairs says F you all day. All of them say F you all day and expect us to be angry at the world or them. They admit they have our cards and we have their cards; but they do not know how to play them and fail safe security was built into our life. Are they going to finish this with or similar to Ann or Alex or will they try to keep up? He even knows he snuck on AFO and looks ridiculous and stupid making commands or ordering us around like a hijacker while over the ocean and going for a swim. So someone is on the job; but not them. Their dog don’t hunt, it only stalks us and steals our AFO cards. We are trying to land them and they keep saying leave and go away; how did they get so high and in so much trouble; 600 million in the hole.
1. My advice is to make sure my life and Ann's life improves; do not make us more angry or more of a mess. I have insurance and have the element of surprise and much more. I am recruiting those who are willing to fight the communists and make them leave this planet. I am in no way making special exceptions for Americans, liberals, communists, labor unions, or crime organizations.
2. So why in the hell do they think I said to Ann, "Ann, let it go and let’s get out of there, F them and we can see them in hell. Let the shooting begin between the hells on earth? We are out of here and have the element of surprise?"
3. My recommendation is to just clean it up, pray Ann and I make a quick recovery, and do not make it harder to clean up or get to the bottom of this; things can change overnight and so far; they got nothing and the odds get worse and worse while on thin ice. Honestly, I do not give a F about this world and this earth; I said GTFO-AFO over 1000 times already since January of 2010 and nothing has been changed or fixed; nothing. If this keeps up; all hell will break out when Ann and I leave this earth and die old and angry.
4. I would say we are the authors of the future, the masters of world war, and determine who wins or looses; so what, humiliate and make us a ticking bomb; day after day of this in our own residence. I was off to the borders and into hiding anyhow; retiring and looking for predecessors; they would have gotten 100,000s of DVD disks made by me on some island. So hurry up and clean this up; there is a 600 million dollar lawsuit; that is six times worse than where we began in 2008.

I am so glad DUI, hacking, internet and wireless spying, and frivolous matters is still on their minds and how they claim to be the police; take a bow you idiot. You all are an F’in disaster that gets worse and worse; now you know you are dead and will not make it. All I am saying is I was headed to the borders and did not tell Ann anything; just meet me in Canada so we can head for a deserted island. I told Ann to let them say what they want and just act as if we are licking our wounds so they do not chase or pursue us. They have no idea what they have done or what is coming; sneaking up on them to bite their head off. I understand there are a lot of POWs and political turmoil; but this is the last shooting match on planet earth, so I really wish they would hurry the F up and make our life whole again. I am a god damn hostage right now and have to listen to a F’in terrorist and communist spy ring all day and night tell me to leave and die. We went from 30 to 300 felony charges in only two years; imagine that. I have injuries all over my body from bio-terrorism and they say I have to leave and this is their home and nation. I did not know they were in the last shooting match on this earth or won it yet; how can it be theirs or their home? The war has not started yet but it might.
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