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Thursday, September 30, 2010


GD Ann, why can't you just be friends with black men? I am sick and tired of this do you hear me, F'in sick of it. I am going to dump a cup of urine or punch clock one of these men one day if you cannot get along with black men or people on Fox News. They are in quicksand, let them figure it out okay, do not tinker in their life or else you will get sued; protect your account with Utah and your career; I am counting on you so stop F'in off. I watched Mar her, Donny, O'srealie, Hannity, Gutfeld, bar buddies, Opie and Anthony, comedians, iRush, Col. Allen, Steele, Dobbs, Ingraham, Silver, Trump, JJ, and now HIll. Why can't you get along with MSNBC, Fox, or your workers and co-mates? Are you some pervert or kinky sex offender in the news? Ann, the heat is on now. The FBI has detected covert and clandestine activity, communications, eavesdropping, a conspiracy, political racketeering, and a love triangle; we are dead and in the wide open blue Ann; you are now an official scrub. No more happy times, NC singles or singers in bars waiting for you, no more dinners, no more DVDs, and no more of the past Ann; the FBI has detected covert activity! You think you are so funny don't you jackass?

Are they Jew baiting you again? What is the problem, tell me and get your ass on the field and run the god damn plays Utah calls. You have always been a difficult receiver and a teamate; a scrub that is now going to second string or special teams if you do not shape up soldier. Do you hear me Gump, Johnny effing Utah is talking to you and you are not hearing him. I want to know why you cannot get along with these people and why you have so many stalkers, asap... pronto... immediately! Do you hear me, I am a very impatient and mean man, I get psycho and can whoop some ass man... don't push me Ann. I am taking this to the FB' effing I so you better tell me and make it as detailed as you can make it, DO YOU HEAR ME SOLDIER? NOW ON YOUR FEET AND DOUBLE TIME, UTAH NEEDS YOU. PICK YOUR BONY ASS UP AND RUN, KEEP UP SCRUB! IF YOU WANT LOVE, YOU EARN IT. THE GOD DAMN FBI HAS DETECTED COVERT OR CLANDESTINE COMMUNICATIONS, ACTIVITY, PLANS, AND A .OVERT LOVER ANN! THE HEAT IS ON, MAMA GRIZZLY IS COMING, WE MUST GO ROGUE, A DEATH PANEL IS COMING, READ MY NEW SUPER TOP SECRET AND COVERT PLANS!

Ann, can we go a day or at least a week without your scandalous, juggernaut, and lurid sex life not paraded before the TV screen? This is an NC-17 rating, not some XXX flick. I am at odds with this wild streak you are on and this thirst quenching jungle fever that is burning brite and out of control. To me it seems like a wild California wildfire or some cabbage (Babushka) being picked out of a field of weeds. I do not know what to do but whatever you are doing that same jungle fever is raging in the pants of the Viet Cong Taco Bell cashier upstairs. So you got to knock it off, she is impersonating you and keeps coming at us impersonating you and speaking on the behave of iHannity. Yes the F'in iRush is upstairs in jungle fever mode. So knock it off and put out that fire down below please! I swear to God, the next time I go undercover or if I ever had some military grade super secret program to wash their mouths out; I am not taking you. What kind of team or club did you just play for, they suck balls. I done more in two years than 1000 of them did in their entire lifetime.

I keep telling you they are on to us, you have to hide now! We are in the jungle and it is very embarassing to watch you being matched up on every single show while they Jew bait your ass. I also feel like a pimp Ann; knock off the jungle fever and do not let this become a problem ever again; do you hear me? Stop it and knock it off now! You honkies are out of control but also out of this world in my heart sweetie. Clean it up and look like a respectable bride will you please, pretty pleased? These boys and girls are pro's Ann and if you want to play ball with Johnny Utah; then he don't hire scrubs or some foreigner. Jungle VC upstairs keeps saying, "how does it feel to be a minority... how does it feel to be inferior." It feels pretty damn good, how do you feel Ann; good? Super twin powers... shotgun mode; on two; do not stop running until you hear me yelling; got it? It will be there between your eyes when you look at me, perfect pass. This is a Utah special play; I am not going to tell you until you get it right. I want to see your face, so paint it black Ann, I want to see the sun now, not the black, got it? They got you on tape now Ann, the heat is on and the FBI knows there is clandestine or covert operations or communications.

Ann, you are such a pussy, go to hell:,CST-NWS-aimeeyuriy28.article

Also, if you read the NY apartment or tenant guidelines and read what I wrote; this is some foreigner. It seems like the idiot is reading it off the book; like our work, they read it and then come charging at us like a load of bull. Now of all the things I have taught you for our entire life; I want you to listen to me and listen closely okay chicky; stop being defensive with me honky or else I am going to call some of your enemies or assasins. You know the people you had told me about who are also inside my apartment; so listen up and read my guidelines below. I need you to be on cat mode, ultra stealth, and do not tell anybody; not a soul until it is finished, got it? If I hear a peep about my name, my top secret plans, my brand new invention, or any of this now quadruple encryption; I am going to crack scum sucky skulls, hear me honky? F'in power to the people honey... Utah in da house bapes! I do not want to see any snitches, witches, bitches, or ditches; it is Utah time. Let me see their QB and how he moves the ball; I bet he is a fat SOB.

New Chapter from Rush Limbaugh called, "Internet Dating or The Code of Hamurabi?" and (The iRush Show for Monday September 27, 2010) New Chapter from Rush Limbaugh called, "There Must be a Logical Ending to This":

Listen to me again sweetie. I am in no mood to play with scrubs running draws, cross patterns, or blinky screens. Either you shape up or Utah will either kick your ass or kick your ass off the team, benched! You scrubs just make me so happy and act so sexy and cute; wait until they get my top secret plan. Now go and read this top secret plan and do not tell anybody, nobody Ann! Don't let me catch you mention my name, tell anybody you know me, or break military grade encryption; got it scrub? Do not mess up again or else Johnny gonna drill you with it. You do not want Johnny to drill it in there do you? Just like a fag, the ball will probably get dropped and Johnny is I’d. I cannot run anything or any kind of top secret plan with you Ann, open your eyes will you! Why don't you email all your friends and let them in on it or make super fun of me while they party it up and invite you to dinner parties or a cruise; back rubs? If I do not like you, can control you, stop you from breeding, or laugh at you; I might as well train you to fight your own wars and teach you some basic self defense (The black men problem fits well with you, get an AIDs test, all of you) honky. I think all of you are buffoons and jackasses but all you convince me every day why I only love you or how worse off they are ass jackasses and buffoons. At least you can hang with Utah and not piss him off that MUH. You chicks are good for two things, drinks and an arm rest. Just not playing balls with Utah.

Monday, September 27, 2010


New Chapter from Rush Limbaugh called, "There Must be a Logical Ending to This":

DEAR IRAN: Iran and Israel are partners. If they loose control of this, they loose the regional and domestic control. We are not insane or radical enough to chase them or care one way or the other. We care for the truth and never get it. So if this crisis fades; they loose control and will loose power. I make this clear to Iran, we had nothing to do with 911 or any bombing plots. We are not involved in any form of terrorism and will impose severe penalty or harsh reprisals for anybody; puppet master or suicide goon looking to bully, terrorize, or beat up people who do their own thing. So we had nothing to do with it but we know those who did or whom did. A good start is to allow freedom of speech and free flow of information in their own nations; then we talk about the truth. The only person who cares about Israel is Iran and the only fuss who bitches about Israel is a bearded goofy Mullah in some stupid Euro rags. Try some jeans, they last longer when a bomb goes off. So my official statement to Iran is we had nothing to do with it or this, got it? Want some jeans or Abercrombie T shirts? How about some hottie or cheerleader garb to soften them all up? We are not going to war again after 9 years of it over a dumb plot.

Listen to me sweetie. I am in no mood to play with scrubs running draws, cross patterns, or blinky screens. Either you shape up or Utah will either kick your ass or kick your ass off the team, benched! You scrubs just make me so happy and act so sexy and cute; wait until they get my top secret plan. Now go and read this top secret plan and do not tell anybody, nobody Ann! Don't let me catch you mention my name, tell anybody you know me, or break military grade encryption; got it scrub? Do not mess up again or else Johnny gonna drill you with it. You do not want Johnny to drill it in there do you? Just like a fag, the ball will probably get dropped and Johnny is I’d. I cannot run anything or any kind of top secret plan with you Ann, open your eyes will you! Why don't you email all your friends and let them in on it or make super fun of me while they party it up and invite you to dinner parties or a cruise; back rubs? If I do not like you, can control you, stop you from breeding, or laugh at you; I might as well train you to fight your own wars and teach you some basic self defense (The black men problem fits well with you, get an AIDs test, all of you) honky. I think all of you are buffoons and jackasses but all you convince me every day why I only love you or how worse off they are ass jackasses and buffoons. At least you can hang with Utah and not piss him off that MUH. You chicks are good for two things, drinks and an arm rest. Just not playing balls with Utah.

Worse is the chubby 180lbs cutie upstairs who is a 911 terrorist and telling me she wants an uppity super soldier. That Viet Cong chick thinks she is a super soldier; has it, is sneaky, a genius, beat up you or me, and is a warrior. Check this out, she is gross, disgusting, says the dumbest things, cannot shut up or sit quiet, cannot leave others alone, works at a taco joint, is married to a nut ass iRush limp wrist dickless cool ass honky, unable to run, unable to crawl, unable to learn, unable to be liked, unable to climb a tree, unable to do anything but beat people up or terrorize them. So thank iRush and iHannity for the magnificent cupid and last opus with the mating or call of the wild. Their stupid buffoon act probably ruined their wife and kids forever but we will see if Katherine can lead them out of hell. Now we are going to sue the EIB and Katherine for damages. If they are that great of a warrior, super soldiers, or Viet Cong like iRush terrorists, you would like them to lift their weight or shut the hell up right? They do study us closely and stalk us like a hunter or animal; but the sex part or mating call is grotesque and just like a terrorist or ape.


Ann, do this okay. Make a list. Do you offer security, peace of mind, beauty, brains, sex, longevity, worry, danger, etc... what all men want? Now make a list of what Johnny Utah might want and compare. Add JJ and a few other guys. So do you think going to dinners is the smartest thing or social events? On a field, when Utah says to run a screen, run a screen. If he says to do a draw, do not get ambitious; stop the clock. You run in the center, look around, drop the ball, and then say how you want to help or draw their defense, it is the most dangerous plays! Now you got almost all of Fox against you and might loose all of your support if you keep taking so many risks and have so little fight. Ask a coach and listen to Utah please; this keeps repeating. Let's say you do get raped or I have to deal with it; how long or how much do you expect from me? What do you expect me to say?

Every single speaker from September 19 to 24, 2010 was on the attack and was trying to mislead or bury any footprints of this entire problem. Some of this came from the right wing and some came from the left wing. The only person who was a fish out of water was Ann who seems to have a dwindling entourage. The list includes: Clinton, Powell, iRush, iHannity, Israel, Ahmadinejad, O'Donnell, Castle, Obama, Nam, Rove, Morris, Palin, Miller, Angle, etc... The Pledge to America is a scam also. We are talking about total chaos and insanity; all total lies. So they are moving as a unit and teaming up; sticking together, and not making single isolated movements. Look for this wave or this "unit formation" when the next attack or arrival is delivered. So they are moving the ball as a team. All week they are criticizing and then saying "another angry liberal... has to shut up the opposition... etc" it is one scam after the next; total delusional. iRush calls Obama and angry black man and not an angry liberal. So they only want to hear compliments or else they will quiet any opposition. We have a psychopathic mouth upstairs trying this trick also.

Most people would just look at Ann with a blank stare and ask her WTF are you doing; Maher, Hannity, face licking, and this sore loser syndrome. It is so bad we cannot tell the good guys from the bad ones; we cannot tell who is lying and who is not or where is up or down. So it was a bad week for Ann, add this HomoCon Party on Saturday also. Does it suck? Hell yes, it has sucked and will suck more until we get some fight and action from my trustworthy partner. It feels like a roller coaster, up and down, disappoint or not? It is not just Ann, all of them have carried this way too far and on a suicide mission; totally insane. The truth is on Ann's side; nothing works and it is all total lies on the end of this. Soon people will be repeating everything they say and do; everything. Even I have complained about Ann or how ambitious her goals are; if this keeps up, the support will abandon all Republicans and the right wing will fall to the labor unions and left wing. All the sudden they decide to tell the truth or do a little cleaning. The truth is Ann is not the most ideal coach in this particular type of scenario or critical game; but it is not her fault the world is evil. You make the best out of what you have and love. Ann plays her heart out obviously but lacks the skills for extreme danger or Mack truck hitting; her heart is in the game 200%.

So let's wait another 100 years when this gets even worse and more ambitious or insane. It is too much with too little fight and while your star player is hurt; only an insane strategist would engage with those odds or conditions. I have told Ann she has lost her mind but she keeps telling me she has a plan and I try my best; kicking and screaming. You don't win games when your main star is injured or you let them hit him harder and harder; then you do not come back when the entire team is playing injured in the 4th quarter. Obviously, this takes a woman to plan and think out. I have won back 80% of it for Ann but she just does not plan well or make her players happy. So she is correct and honest; after this she is going to retire and this is not going to ever come up again. Yes I do and still love her; as good or skilled as Utah is; a female QB is better than none. The problem is she is too ambitious and her reaction time; she also missed a few critical turns when it was needed. The problem with Ann is she is slow and always been; so she needs a speed demon to make it up. Her strengths are in plain view. In football terms, she is not a very good coach but she takes orders well when she wants or needs it. Is it Ann's fault there is evil or so many scams? No. Is it Ann's fault we are stuck with communists? No. Is it Ann's fault we cannot get out or she decided to take the scenic route? Yes. Why? I just said it. Ann is a player that a coach would consider struggling; Utah is as aggressive as the game gets; he knows how to scramble and move the ball quickly.

(Watch the video of her on iHannity on September 23, 2010: she also touches him on the hand after coming to me with this and says, "you were actually pretty good." The next day I had to deal with the psychopath telling me how he shows up for every fight, he is the King of Pain, Isreal will not stand for this, etc... ) I understand iHannity used to intimidate Ann by doing the same (touching her on the hand to quiet her or scare her) but now she is making up rumors and flirting while they shake her by her feet. Alex to Ann, you might want to consult a football coach or a lawyer about touching a rapist and stalker or making sexual comments. Touching Hannity was the dumbest and lamest trick I have ever seen. He terrorizes her and she wants to press charges or act cute with me also... Ann open your eyes at the entire week. To me it seems as if Ann is not with it or something happened; I had felt she was a liar or hiding something, a secret. We need more Ann Coulters and hire more! Plug the damn hole or stop dumping the crap on others, bottom line. Oh and look at your life and where you have been or cleared up finally. As a coach you must be disappointed also.

Now it seems like she has some kind of head trauma or some kind of injury I pick up on; she refuses to tell me and even said she was hiding a secret. Ann knows I am not the type you keep secrets from or play games with; yet it continues. So there is some mental game or intimidation with this touching, bar scene, drinking trips, or fantasy back rubs. To me it is not wise to touch or act cute with someone you accuse of stalking or possibly a sex crime. iHannity is as delusional as they get; so after Ann touches him she says, "if we win big... if we... you and I know." Worse, Fox News does not care about their employees and are smug; ask if they will remove 50% of their staff for Ann Coulter? Even I was reluctant and could not understand why you did not say no or ignore their advances; then you tell me it was how you survived and they were stalking you and had this murder plot. Did it occur to you to report it or tell someone? It sounds like one bad decision after the other. How about dumping a drink on them? How about humiliating them? How about not getting your face licked on national TV? Worse, you expose me to this and bring these people into my life; I cannot stand their guts, so who do you think I am yelling at now? I also did not like the problem with the black guy but Ann always has a good one; now I have JJ and these black men in my life fighting it out for a piece of ass. Hire more Ann, we need and love more!

Friday, September 24, 2010



On Friday, September 24, 2010 the iRush admits nobody has to ask him who is is, what he is up to, and it is no longer a secret. It was no accident and it has been laid out there in plain view. I keep asking him, "Dude, this is not funny... you better stop and leave us alone... we reported you to the FBI man. What do you want from Ann and me, do you want to buy a bag or score some good dope? Are you trying to get some trim and talk to a girl I know? If so you better make it clear and say so because this is not funny and we do not like it. Your life has crashed and burned man, you better stop and tell us what you want." The iRush gets angry and laughs at the same time; he beats around the bush and says, "administer it." So he is administering it. I said once again, "are you trying to get laid or talk to a girl? If so you better tell me and knock this off." He says "there are two of them" in the final 30 minutes of his show. So the iRush now knows there are two of us. He refuses to tell us if he is trying to steal our stash, score a bag, has some good KW, or wants to hang out. Whatever he wants, he thinks it is funny and we have told him to stop and go away over 10,000 times in the past 20 or so years. He just keeps coming at us like a terrorist and a suicide bomber. For the only answer is "administering it" and some "death panel." He has been asked over ten times in two days what he wants and he put on drugs, Chrysler employees, and labor union pitter-pat. We don't think it is cool man and we don't think it is funny the way you are trying to score! Ann don't even like you and you keep telling me you are getting laid or stuff that is not funny dude; she even asked me one time, "What is he up to now... 300 pounds?"


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Ann, I am F'in fed up. I am not going to do all of this work for you free while trying to keep you and communist, terrorists, and total phonies on a tight rope. Let them sink will you and stop trying to Christianize or convert them to conservatism; let them sink Ann, they are rotten to the core. You keep trying to help them and it needs to stop. I am holding you up on that tight rope and they claim to be the future; guess who the safety net is? Go ahead and take a guess who the safety net is. You are also trying to save Palin and keep her on the tight rope; stop! Let her fall off while the liberals shake the rope. Now they keep saying go away and we have money Ann; they do not know. Their legal defense is they cannot pay, we have to. Ann, they will use this against us and blackmail you and me into silence. Is this a murder plot or mob rule, you have to decide.

DVD "Fire From the Heartland": Ann told me about these movies when Darkman came out (Batman movie, 2009). The problem is the cast or the people in the movies. Should be renamed "Fire in Your Hole." Imagine or picture a fixed star, an ever fixed mark, permanent to the sky and being on that same page; yes a dreamer and a fantasy. Yes, it is all a fantasy and you are waking up to a nightmare. Ann, I am getting really fed up with your bitchy friends; let them sink; all of you are rotten to the core now. I had no idea you were so into Klavan and you run to me all the time and I am fed up with your jackass friends; get rid of them before your life goes to hell! All they want are compliments or to buy them; get rid of the losers Ann. Stop unifying me to these communist and labor union spies Ann, for real. I am not into the first strike BS Ann or the play acting; I am into the winner takes all and hit them when they are down and out. So keep digging and make sure it is big enough for all of them! The hole is no big enough for everybody. They need to take a hard look who is marketing prostitution and crime; why hookers are so prevalent today.

1. Analysis of the Police Chief murder case: CLIK HERE to go to the iHannity pages for analysis and the Nigerian Plot or African embassies.
2. The Police Chief plot and the murder of couples in AZ, OR, VA, MD, and what we extracted from it or the daughters: CLIKS HERE to read the iRush pages and who we caught and how. Who is the couple and who is the daughter?

SMASHING WITH OR WITHOUT PANTS: Maureen Dowd writes an article on Danish D'Souza and somehow Klavan replaces Dowd with Coulter. "Oh, and by the way, Ann Coulter looks smashing in pants." This is or was about Georgetwon University and some girl (West Palm Beach) who told me she read the Kama Sutra and wanted to try it by finding a boyfriend; I put her in therapy for sex confusion. It was not a girl obviously. I blame Ann for this... hear me Ann? CLICK HERE for more on the loser iAndrew... how many times did Ann go to LA from 2008 to 2010? How many times did they know or was contacted? Who is stalking or spying on her? Who is reading her mail and doing this myspace and facebook imitation? Who keeps trying to keep it going on and on? Show me when I have ever taken the first strike or stoke this bonfire of insanity? I need to get paid, not take a first strike. They are the ones who dig a hole big enough to be buried in, stop digging jackass.

Ann, you told me to be careful with these old hags and old timers on the conservative side; how all of them are trying to beat a wrap and want to be on the same page. I will not name names at this time but this is the reason why they got caught spying and even using the same material before it hits the publishers or press. This "on the same page" problem has led to stalking, spying, insane mental games, some cupid game, a fantasy about lover's quarrel, lies and deceit, and this sensation of needing more and more compliments because the hole is so big; we are all stuck in one big gigantic hole. It is not the feminists, it is the communists who are witchy in how they push others to the left wing and a hiring process to expand the feminist movement. The word is utter failure and on the same page is a horrible bad dream or a nightmare. We know they are the communist and they know we know. They know we caught them for these terror plots and overthrowing the Constitution because it does not work for them. So they are on the same DVD page with Ann and Alex now; one voice and doing interviews; welcome to the heartland, take us to your leaders. How would you feel if people talked about raping and killing your kids on TV?

I will say this and name names such as Syphillis, Michelle, Laura, Megan, Sarah, and a few other sneaky little buggers. They had been spying on and had Ann's material before it reached the press. I asked her to tell me what the process is and Ann is not sure if it is the email or the transmission period; but they do the same thing to me and iRush reads my material as I write it or tries to rewrite it; co-authors. So that is or what Syphillis was doing around October-November of 2008 before Guilty. Then in 2009 a "RaceBannon" showed up and it might be related to this Syphillis problem with spying on us or stalking; now kidnapping charges and a host of other treason related endeavours. It all traced back to the iRush and Bin iHannity spy ring and the labor unions and this spying church problem and the Africa summit or trip to Niger. So that is how they plotted to take Ann out; on the same page or tic-for-tac; looking for a compliment and seeing no problems. The people behind these documentaries are annoying. It is really annoying how Ann is tangled up with all of these feminists, old hags, and communist losers. No it is super duper annoying while they keep saying "leave." We understand they are in a huge hole and seek a desired outcome; however, the outcome gets worse and more dangerous by the day; tell the truth!

I had linked "RaceBannon" to the strangulation of an Asian girl who on surveillance cameras was at Yale when Ann was in Bridgeport, CT for the Tea Party. I was not amused to find out this was what the Tea Party was about or whom RaceBannon was. This was the same Malkin X and Discovery HQ trick we saw time and again. We saw this with the Concord Police Chief and his daughter. We saw this with OK City and NY City; we saw this with Virginia Tech and these camping murders of couples. So it was all about how they are on the same page or if we would say anything about them spying on us or doing this; whatever the hell it is. It is two worlds in one, collided and the stronger force will win. So Ann waited a long time to tell me this or those behind it did; and now it is too late or very awkward. So it is a female labor union with communist leaders at the top; hence the Democratic Party and radical left wing stupor. Ann did not say anything and did surprise two sides with all these trips to LA. We have concluded the entire plot was about Africa, why is this about an Asian woman at college getting strangled by a white male? If you check the CT Team Ann was with; they made sure to take as many pictures as possible to beat this wrap. I ID RaceBannon as the person behind the killing and propaganda; the FReeP bus to hell. This was no compliment, they are crazed lunatics, we seek legal and criminal charges on them for stalking and this "on the same page" problem. Worse, it is all espionage and the KGB like communists in America; the labor unions and left wing.

Note: Ann has told me she does not like them, does not know them, and has her own life. They work together, share the stage, are hired for the exact same events, and are in a beauty contest for the best outcome or most desired result. Ann has won that one but the communist problem continues on the same page. What they are doing is complimenting and stalk or become this mysterious helper that is a puppet master over life; that is what I tried to describe and who we caught. For instance, if I wait in line and get upset, the next day I go to the same restaurant it has been burned down and I get the bill; and it keeps repeating over 1000 times in the most psychopathic way. Any weakness or limitation is met with brute force and this evil like presence trying to help. Ann and I are too humble for it but we played along to see where it led. This is why it led to the labor unions, Revolutionary Command, Black Panthers, IRA, and communist leaders in the USA. Now we have to escape this murder and kidnapping plot no thanks to their ingenious helping. So welcome to their unity summit and unification process. Again, prove to me when I have ever taken a first strike and how we got here? Is there any written documents or proof or just clean up? Who is stoking it? Is the hole big enough or are they bigger?

Manila Police Hostage Bus: watch the bus siege and how fierce the Manila police proved to be. They violated every single rule of bus siege and I can critique and explain a total lack of initiative, fierceness, and a total disaster. This has to do with a few World War II jackasses and labor unions talking smack about Revolutionary Command. Next was the Virginia Tech and the Discovery HQ plot; again, the police standoff had similar complications. All of this has one focus; the 1960s and the Vietnam War. It is directed at one goal Africa, trip to Niger, foreign aid, and the global mafia or communist soldier party. Even worse is how they are trying to lie about it or just walk away. We are clearly not into the first strike or cheap shot game; I am into the winner takes all and hit them when they are down; so get on the same page Ann and hurry up okay!

Let them Sink Ann, Please: Who do we know takes a first strike, cheap shots, and then backs it up and keeps ramming? Then they will keep ramming until they get what they want; hence, a crime and murder spree; a continuous attack or terror plot. Who is not doing what they are supposed to be and why; money, jobs or skin color is not the measure for the truth. There are two sides and both knows what each can do to the other. Alex and Ann are on one side and books explain each detail; can they stand the test? Now they have to go to court but refuse or cannot deny it. We are not in this to keep them around; prove this or keeping them as prisoners. So if we are steering Hurricanes, then it has not occurred but may.

Ann, God is mad as hell: They can sue God when it snows, rains, or if lightning strikes twice; that is communism. We do not take the first strike and winner takes all on! That is the proof and millions saw it vividly. In war, the winner are the police and the new government; not the loser! A first strike does not mean you won the war; it means you have really ticked off those who hold your future at your own peril. Even Special Forces are very hidden and observe silently; they do not act erractic or keep digging a hole. Where is this problem and who is doing it? Do we observe or lack some 20-20 vision? How did we detect it or expose it? So why are they still there so mean to me? How would you feel if they chit chat about raping your daughter all day long or brag about it?

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Ann, iRush knows I have or use shower gel. I did not tell him and I know you did not; so how does he know about the male or shower gel? He said either you or me were teaching someone how to "wash their genitals." The F'er is sick and a F'in pervert; talking to me while I was in bed and in a stupor; so I said I would eat him and wanted to try some recipes, etc... he actually was terrified when I said this and "he does not care." Talk about scary and then he did not show up the next day on Friday. All because I was drowsy and in a stupor and threatened to eat his ear if he did not GTFO of my room or bed. Do you think he got a boner over you or me? I still have not forgiven you for smearing Obama and the offensive comments you made about him. Worse you called MSNBC North Korean Television. Then it was some party or bonfire and we are not insane, do you hear me, we are not madmen or stalkers. You should hear iMaher on LKL. Now you keep trying to save iHannity and iSarah; LET THEM SINK ANN, PLEASE SWEETHEART, THEY ARE AWFUL, ROTTEN, LABOR UNION SPIES AND DEFRAUDING THE PUBLIC. Did I mention they are stalkers, terrorists, and communists or linked to a spy ring? Did you tell iRush I also use a bath mit and take 1 minute showers? Shower gel is not to wash your genitals, it is for 3 showers a day or 60 second quickies. Explain to him what our 60 second quickies are and why shower gel is important okay... thanks.

Ann, you won't believe this. The FBI asked me if the Nigerians have ever contacted me or tried to demand money? I told them a Prince had emailed me and I wrote him nasty letters such as "F off"... "Stop writing me you F'in 'bleep'"... or "Listen you ape sh-t, why don't you stop before I lynch you." You should have read the stuff I wrote to that guy. He has got to be scarred for life now, poor guy. He never wrote back and it was automated. It was problem Israel or some white guy name Gomer who did it; they radical Muslim email would not come across well or produce so much hate. Read my Nigerian analysis on the iHannity pages. I am glad you got home so early and things went well. The FBI has not seen my African analysis or work; however, it does involve chemical weapons, civil war, African suppliers, and impersonating or dressing up as my dad or a smart Asian. Do not crack on Nigerians Ann or make rude black jokes about this okay, I am not going to cover your ass again. NO BLACK JOKES ANN OR JEW BAITING! Just read this and see what you think okay... CLICK HERE to read the iHannity pages by checking out the iRush pages first!


Ann, read the information I have on Nigeria and Africa (a tip from the FBI). See what you can make of it and if it fits nice and tight with what they are doing globally and this drug war. They are the king of pain and the sponsors of success and achievement. Without their approval, we all die or rot in hell trying to fight and defeat them. Ann, why do you want to share life or have these jackasses in our life? Tell me? I watched a Dr. from MIT and another Dr. Nuclear talk with their head up their ass; why do you want them in our life, tell me please? I want you back in one piece and without these total fakes with motorcycles who are not inferior because they are ready to die and this is their world. They are not smiling and lying; but they are clearly total jackasses who want to be in our life or to remain in it. Now I have to listen to them day and night tell me to leave or how they are in charge and order us to run like hell.

Ann, you never said iMaher was linked to Starr. So this is why FReeP and this Micky F'er. It has to do with Hollywood and exploiting stars or the actors Guild. I was scratching my head why a porn star kept showing up that reminded me of you; gorgeous, blonde, and 40 something. I felt they were egging me on or asking if you were fake. They are not fake, ready to die, and have a Harley or motorcycle to prove it; I am the problem and will not sleep with the fat chubby girl upstairs. They want the FBI to know they are only trying to raise a family, do not want to fight, are not inferior, do not hate, this is their world, this is their home, and they are here to save America or die trying. If anybody has a problem, then punch them in the face and F off. They only want to be left alone. So this Starr lady whom is supposed to trigger Ann Coulter feelings is linked to Starr the Clinton prosecutor whom is also supposed to trigger Ann Coulter feelings because it is linked to Stein and the NY liberals who hold dinners and rip off people blind because it is a conspiracy. If you cannot beat them rob and mug them. The entire NY social scene is to lure stars, media moguls, rich families, and place them under one umbrella; take them out and the chips fall or the ship sinks. Well, it sunk!


Ann, tell that Dr. Sowell guy that his nuclear analysis is off key. Nuclear weapons were invented to prevent war, not for war. The term is nuclear deterrence. Also, anybody who says nuclear weapons is for war is a madman. There is no scientific evidence to suggest a nuclear war is winnable or replaceable; post war conditions are uninhabitable. You can also apply this analysis to religion, politics, or even money. Thomas Hobbes most favorable saying was during the civil war and foreign invasion. Observing it he said, "each man is each other man's potential murderer." Thus he invented the Leviathan; a contract and a pact with the government based on a revision of Thomas Moore and property. There are over 100 famous philosophers and to study them is an arduous if not the most challenging task in life. I have studied the entire history and the most powerful thinkers of them all; who built upon whom and who veered off the path. My theoretical thesis is based on three identifiable realities or paradigms in history. Those observations were described and adjusted by the philosophers. If you would like to explain where the term treason came from or why it was included into the Constitution; it came from Thomas Hobbes. English common law did not have the ability to identify the act of treason but they understood human behavior enough to say it was a nonviolent act that leads to dangers or evil words could not describe. Treason is an addendum to common law and during wartime. It is what we call a betrayal of moral principles; but of the highest order or sophistication.

Read Thomas Hobbes and Disarmament:


DVD of Ann in her room - super hot: if this is a stalker and watching the girls next door; then it is easy to read too much into it. Yes, when I grew up I was in Michelle's room in the morning. Yes she sat with her legs around me or like a big sister. She was in HS and did not have to wake up early, but she always said to talk to her or good morning. No she did not breast feed me and I never read too much into it. A stalker might see it as smells, morning closeness, a form of exclusive access that brings out jealousy or rage. A stalker may want to equalize or prevent any more underwear fantasies; all the girls walked around in their underwear; like a big sister. The girls next door needed no help; all drop dead gorgeous and I saw them as older sisters. If Michelle had a stalker then she symbolized a little brother with a lack of interest with anybody whom was stalking her. Also their dad asked me to be part of their family and to date one of the daughters, this is true. This morning charm and smells with the leg wrapped around her little brother; retaliation or fights with older guys who went to her school; and this goofy kid named Collins trying to get close to us or bully us is obscene. We are freaking under the age of 10 and the girls are not even 12 or 14; they read too much into it. Two kids hugging does not mean a golden shower is taking place in their minds; where this verbal abuse and scolding comes from.

They are stalking a General and a former US Ranger; suspect they are the leaders of the cold war and anti-terrorist units at the Pentagon. Now it is a sense of jealousy and sex filled rage? My brother and I did get even with them as the movie, "River Runs Through It" describes; and who this girl is. That movie shows how my brother and I grew up and how we were friends with the American Indians; our first childhood friends. I would even replace the older brother with Ann Coulter. She and I have a brother-sister relationship also that is not sexual or has anything to do with intimacy. The fact we are intimate confirms a marriage or a union; a husband wife type of relation. The only comment Ann has said on TV is, "There is some form of relationship" when asked; but it spans across many types. The DVD sounds like mornings at the Classmates house getting a ride to school. Mrs. Boland used to do this all the time; wake up, make lunch, and then drive us to school. Mr. Boland was an FBI spy catcher and retired. I saw Ann's mom how I saw Mrs. Boland. It goes back to the fantasy driven mind of iRush, iHannity, and upstairs; do they read too much into it when they see a brother or sister in an underwear or kids naked? Thus, why I describe them as child molesters and some form of perversion; the most insane MF I have ever come across. When asked about child rape or molestation, iRush says it is the "ultimate control." I personally do not see any fantasy or kicks out of any control; we do not take prisoners. On Sept. 18, 2010 right after writing this a seagull is really high and decides to turn away; so my intel says they were turned off or veered off.


Sunday, September 19, 2010: Ann, nothing you say or do is going to change their minds. You must let them snk okay, do not try to stop the inevitable. They are born into and will resort to what they know best, the trailer park. They are one step from their destiny, a homeless shelter. Do not aggravate them or insult them, just let them sink and do not provoke them. This is degrading Ann and they will resort to what they know best, Jew baiting or a homeless shelter; just let them do whatever they want and do not try to stop them. Now I have to listen to iRush say kiss me I am iRush all day. iHannity and upstairs keeps saying welcome to America, you are stuck with iRush so F you, the joke is on you now! They do not care and even a Harley will not prevent this process of trailer-radicalizing or prevent the homeless cycle. So this is why they are mad as hell and you have to let them sink or listen to me; do not let them in our life okay; they are not inferior and not fake; they are ready to die and ride a motorcycle. I can vouch for it and confirm they are not fake and ready to die; too cool for the stool and only want to get away or prevent this death sentence. It was all Clinton and I have their military wing; iRush and Bin iHannity, read what Clinton said on the iHannity pages (CLICK HERE).

The VC Gook upstairs was given a 24 hour ultimatum. They kept blaming or saying how we were "steering hurricanes" so I told them I will have to steer another hurricane on Las Vegas somehow and to put their boss on the line in 24 hours so I can grill the SOB with "what in hell do you think you are doing." Bill Clinton comes on NBC and begins to talk about how he lost 24lbs., he kept saying "here is the thing, what are we going to do", and would not answer any questions. So the reason why these red heads are acting stupid is him. The reason why there is bizarre, lurid, and the most perverted sexual allegations; is him and them. All of them got married in the last two years and all of them are back at the sleeping around or adultry problem. Clinton like the moron and idiot iRush and iHannity is; is just dropping his stinky biohazard semen everywhere and we did not know who did it or why; now we do. They have a problem with reality, are oblivious to danger, cannot withstand facts, and are so psychotic they do not want to be insulted. This is why the global communist, North Koreans, terrorism, and police-murder problems. We have a string of murder and cold cases which indicate a police officer or an assasin, a death squad or serial killer. Nobody is happy when an idiot and jackass thinks they are God and is dropping their semen in the life of others mysteriously or annonymously; no less a fighting iRush to subdue superior or normal lives. None of them have a normal life, all of them are adulterers, all of them are skanks and perverted, but they only see victory and destruction. That was twice they were ordered to put their boss on the phone and address these complaints. They keep saying, "what are we going to do?" I want to personally tell the mafia and their rich leaders nobody wanted this; nobody. Nobody wants to make love to them married or not; red head or brunette.

Friday, September 17, 2010


The case of the missing 727, Angola, Iraq, South Africa, and Chemical-Biological Weapons in 2003: on the iRush and iHannity pages Ann... click HERE to go there.

Ann sent me this article about Ken Starr and Andrew Stein. There are allegations these NYC cougars and country bumpkins are holding expensive dinner parties to lure or attrack high priced investors. Therefore, they hold fund raisers, exclusive access events, and these parties for business purposes and to scam people like Ann Coulter while I am investigating her murder plots. Did Andrew Stein get seen in public with a female named Ann? Yes. Was it Ann Coulter? No. Was he in financial trouble? Yes. Was he trying to hook up or perhaps stalking Ann? Yes. Why? Ann had purchased a home in the exclusive Palm Beach area, where old widows and rich NYawkers go to get perms and their nails done. A singles night would be to match a 90 sexy something with a mustang stud in his 20s. The whole point is money buys you anything; friends, fame, and invites to the lives of people and events. In order to rip people off or steal their life and fortunes; they need Ann and had Alex as the stud they wanted to entertain with. Stewart was known to be the teacher of these well groomed habits. All this led to kidnapping and murder plots. This is how the communist won at capitalism or destroy achievement; the plot to destroy America. Who did we run into but the center core of it all. Ann, no more dinners okay; they are ripping people off blind. We are talking about cleaning bank accounts out dry.

Bill is going to get his ass kicked or really hurt if his scrawny ass is not careful. This jackass is relentless and will not give up or end his wild fantasy. We know it is a plot against Ann. "Was Bill expecting a thank you from Christine O’Donnell during her victory speech last night? Maher also shared with us that he “created” Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham; “people may not remember we created Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham…oh I could go on, but the number of female --” Then Larry breaks in with another mindless question. Ann Coulter has been asked to confirm or deny that she was a Bill Maher creation, as of this moment, no response has been received, but we can confirm that MSNBC was the first national media outlet to bring Ms. Coulter to the big leagues, hiring her back in 1996, two years ahead of her appearance on P.I." CLICK HERE FOR MORE...


Fact: During the era of 1700-1800, the state of CT said you could only beat your wife if the stick was under 3cm in circumference. I believe today they have outlawed the 3cm and made it 6cm for the ones drugged out drunk. Look it up... you all are crazed, lunatics, inadequate, not cool, not funny, total losers who try so hard not to get fired, and a dictator bunch that look good when the lights and cameras are on. But when it comes to the truth and being honest; you trip, fall, get up, and are full of it or fear. It is like getting rear ended everyday and finding out the road is not backwards. What is even more crazed psycho babble is it works and it sells; people love it and you bring them blood and guts; just no glory. Welcome to the human race; see if you can make some sense and get some worth out of them also! See if you can stand them and find some value so you can save the world or restrain yourself from shooting them with a death ray for the remainder of their life. I am convinced you all are intoxicated in one way or the other for the majority of your life, career, and day; thus males have a 24cm restriction and big females have a 6cm limit. Have you tried deep thought or maybe a college degree? I even know where to hit someone to get the stick to break in two! Would you like to see it or would an audience pay money to watch?

Annie, I have said this once, twice, and will say this the third time. I am the only person on this earth who has defended you; the only one. Regardless, you have managed to go against me, sneak around behind my back, and utilize your rotten friends to spite my life for god knows what reason. Now they stick an eye in your face and right in front of your face about how you are getting fired; would you like them to buy you a drink, get your wasted, and take you home. So I will say this to you once and for all; what do you want me to say or do with you? They even give you the noose and now you are all hush-hush; before you were playing us all and I was up to my eyeballs putting out your rotten forest fires. Now look at how I feel about you; open your own eyes. They betray you and you turn around and betray me, how? You go drinking with them, go on their radio show, and then brag about it. Now I am fed up and tired of putting out fires while you start them and they even say how they hate people like them; you all are the same, some douche bag trap and guess who is in it with you? Now you keep saying to take a look who is in the douche bag trap or still is? Well, I don't know but I am the first one to say I am fed up with it and how words are cheap. Did it make you feel better? Did it make me feel better about you? Did it do anything for our life or yours? Exactly. So do not come to me anymore about how you hurt, are trapped, need my help and then drag me into situations and traps I do not want to be in or like; that is sneaky and just your style. It is not just you Ann; all of you are either communists or total criminals. You create the demand and ask for work or help; what about me? Open your 50 year old eyes for once will you; why do all of you keep bucking the system and acting like you are winning; let it go... strategically move the pieces and stop getting me into pussy slap fights with your drinking buddies and so called BFFs.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Here is what I told Ann in 2008 and what she did in 2009 when Guilty was released. As the man who has tried to protect and keep Ann out of trouble for the past twenty years; it has been a hard fight. I was trained for SATWAR and am a real commando; trained to go into foreign soil and evade capture or seek out SATWAR super forces. We have proved that on US soil; things get hairy but we dare and always win. I do not fault Ann. I do not flaunt my life or anything. Ann was given 12 months to get rid of the basic stupid loser stalker kind. The crazed lunatic or assasins take longer and maybe someone who is not scared of a good fight. It got bad and dragged out too long. I was putting out fires, new ones, and Ann's method of fighting them caused problems for her own life. Some women disfigure or dress down when unwanted attention or things get out of hand. This was total insanity. So that is how things got this way and I even told Ann if I have to fight her fights or can she? I did try to ask them nicely; then humiliate them. I said do not show up at our home or else I will kill you and they did; upstairs. They said Ann was chicken and scared to show up or fight them. The point is they are too inferior, trash, and we are not stalking them or need them.

Ann was elated and so happy in 2009. I got a stampede and attacked. She was in a dangerous position. I said to eliminate the weak and crazed lush types; let me flush out and ID the dangerous knife wielding ones. If they want to start a fight that is one thing. If they want to get knifed or play by the way of the evil streets; then I am a street fighter and brawler type; the silent but deadly kind. So Ann is ordered to get rid of these stalkers and let me figure out who is standing after 12 months. I said you have 12 months okay. Then all hell broke out and I got mad at Ann. She did all of the 2009 to 2010 (24 months) twice the time allotted because I said if I have to use violence or stop a derranged stalker, then maximum is two years in prison, nothing more okay. I will duke it out to the end if it comes down to it but Ann was very lax with this support; more of a put herself in danger due to the insanity and how I was totally disgusted with her lack of action. So she did the TV Land thing due to Maher and his refusal to lay off or knock off the stalking; picking a fight. iRush and iHannity must be dealth with the FBI and SWAT; they are in a whole other class. So there is so much a bodyguard or even a family member can do; it comes down to the extent they will go through to hurt or start a fight. Then what they fight will entail.

Ann got yelled at a lot. It was a bad problem and she said "Alex I am trying, stop blaming me." So even if I disliked her way of handling it; to use proxies or symbolic gestures; the stalking problem lasted until Summer (June of 2010). This was 12 months behind schedule due to the resistance and effort to get away. They claimed they were not scared and ready to die. My whole point is I do not mind a good knuckle brawl and if it came down to blades; I am an expert with two and can match the best; who will tell you they are insane. This stalker problem is insane. Life with Alex is insane and they now infected or made Ann's life insane. So I just said, do what you can; but remember, two years is the most I am willing to go to jail for. If this stalker picks a fight and excessive force or brute force is needed; then I am willing to say knock it off bozo or clock the bitch. We are talking about them getting fired, publicly humiliated, and this idea they won or are ready to die. But the truth was they did not want to leave, get arrested, and felt there were easier ways out if they directed anger and some revenge to the rock bottom loss.

Ann, I need you to read the iRush pages and what you remember about the Valerie Plame Affair: click here to read iRush.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Ann, read the letter I wrote to both iRush and iHannity on their white trash, full of hate, ready to die, labor union and communism, pathological lying, and how horny they were able to get themselves in this situation: Click here to read iRush and iHannity do the Charles Manson killer on the loose imbecile act...

From the new masterpiece briefing, "The Rise of Alex and Ann in 2008: How Did it Get the Way it Did": Click here to read the new masterpiece...

Ann said they spy on her so much they have been locked out. So she has had to go to a safe house to escape some of this spying and insider post we locked them out of. Meanwhile, they did the same to Alex and would steal everything or act as if they drove the bus and were our employers and personal acquaintences. Everytime when elections or important events come around; they try to get this insider post and Ann has to run to a safe house to lock them out. Nobody would subject themselves to this even if they are married; these are strangers we hate and do not even know. You meet them once or work with them; you rent a room from their hotel or rental property; and next thing you know you are a prisoner or a hostage. Even married people are against this spying and peeping tom crap they keep claiming is "private property"; but they refuse to write it down or mention any of it. It is just a fantasy in their groin and their oral copulation. When you are hated, despised and so evil; what else can you do but suicide? They are communist spies and crazed rapists; yet they keep saying they are insiders, friends, or mean no harm.

This is not a bonfire and we are not insane Ann! Ann, listen to me you fancy guppy. Do you think it is fun skirting around acting like a Don Juan or Michael; trying to scare the hell out of dirt balls? I want you back and you have been programmed to be a sleazy whore or some dirty Jew. Look at how they have us arguing, grunting at each other, and do not care about the truth. Look at all of these lies Ann. I am worried sick and they are making us worse or sicker. Do you think a gay bash or HomoCon is going to fix or ward off crazed lunatic stalkers? iHannity will probably bring his kid and dress him up like little Jon Beet. That is the insane things that iRush goon does to put the bet face on this. He is high on Viagra. A dinner with gays in LA or NY will not stop a crazed, insane, and homicidal stalker Ann; I want you back and back in my bed. What do you expect a cat fight or maybe a slap by the construction worker on Men at Work? Ann, I want you back meathead and I know you only want a happy marriage, a good life, my love, to be sexy, competitive, and to beat this bag lady problem I have with some imbecile cupid. Did you see how pubic iLaura was all over you, trying to hook up? I lost to a lesbian and lost you to a female cougar, thanks a lot. This has broken my heart Ann… why? So I feel as if I am losing you and these assassins and crazed stalkers continue to lure you and pretend they are mafia friends protecting you from danger. They are the danger and total strangers.

Bonfire of Jailbait Bin Hannity: on Sept. 9, 2010 iHannity magically has Reverend Jones of Gainesville on his show for a full hour. The next day the FBI sends two car loads of agents to Gainesville for the weekend bad taste Gen. Patreus asked not to do. I just see Jones as iHannity's GD preacher or your average Christian leader. His kind would do something like this because he is the worst scum I have ever encountered in life, the worst. The next day Jailbait Bin Hannity tries to roll out of it and says General Patreus said, "if you do not build the GZ mosque, your men will be murdered." Who and where he got that nobody knows but the entire point I have been telling Ann about the mosque or the bible burning is it is in bad taste. People are making up insane stuff such as Bloomie, iHannity, iRush, etc... bottom line is they are all shameless and keep saying how freedom of speech leads to being attacked; are they true? So the Weasel tries once again to weasel out of this while everybody is telling to step off the ledge. It was in bad taste when the Jews did it, bad taste when the Muslims did it, and now bad taste when the Christians want to. Nobody had made any threat or demand; it was an open dialogue and on TV until iHannity. We have been at war for over 9 years. Combined, Ann and Alex have over 20 lawsuits. These radicals are using these events to conjure up attacks or overload us. The military is overloaded. iHannity is trying to cover up his F up. His Klan has kicked in and the FBI are picking up on how they use this to attack or corner allies. Gen. Patreaus has picked up on this overload and oblivious to bad taste or shameless behavior and lying; they are hiding it all and the ones who take the brunt of it is Alex and Ann; also the Moslems. That is the truth and what all these lies and deception is about; Ann and Alex are Presbyterian not Jews; got it? So we all are stuck.

Ann you must listen to me! Stop this bonfire of insanity! I do not think you and Laura make a good couple no less good parents to adopted children, you meathead. Ann, sister you need to pray with me and we are going to recite bible verses together. I read your article debating Obama’s Muslim roots and dignifying it with calling him an atheist. It is time you pray with me and feel the spirit of Christ in your life so that he can penetrate you deeper and affect your harshness towards others. Feel the spirit Ann, I want you to join me in prayer and you are supposed to be in a safe house and a trap is underway; not hitting on news reporters or talking over the heads of the FBI about your lesbian fans; at least tell them to show some T and A will you; HomoCon my ass, try HomoSpawn. How many times do I have to tell you Ann, they don't allow or issue dildos in Auschwitz (federal prison). I am not going back, you can; don't take me with you. They are going to get you with something and blackmail you or squash you... come back to me Ann broken or hurt okay. You are toying with GD psychopathic madmen and stalkers; they are not cartoon dogs or some imbecile anybody can throw urine in the face of! You must listen to me and stop going to dinner or egging them on; they are not scared and want to die! They are white trash, Charlie Manson, communists, labor union imbeciles, and they are full of hate and only want to die or piss blood. Do not egg the idiot on or make them feel good about what they did! Stop it Ann.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Ann sweetieWTF, you are supposed to be in a safe house and logging in this stalker problem. Instead you are out on the town, on vacations, taking cruises, dining with stalkers, going to Freedom Concerts, dating aimlessly, and nothing has changed. Don't you think you need to stop dating lesbians or gays you guppy? Your dirty Jew act taunting or whipping stupid rapist Catholics is just no funny Ann, not cool, hip, or funny at all. It is also not hot or sexy. All of you are no damn good and shameless; but you dress neat, look nice, talk polite, and you put on a good act while playing a hard game. Read below...

All mafia strongholds and Catholic Mass: Ft. Worth Sept 18, 2010; Raleigh Sept 19, 2010; Portland Oct 1, 2010; Chicago Oct 7, 2010; Baltimore Oct 14, 2010. I admit you are madly in love and very happy with your marriage or love life, more than 100% happy or satisfied. I got your article on what you are doing in LA but this does not mean that daddy don't got a new suede shoe because he is going to spank your bony ass rotten and reddin the fallen slacks. Talk is cheap Ann... it is time to "face the choir baby..." Do you really think I am going to let you off this easily or just walk away? Note: after reading this Ann said they are so mad she mad such a recovery; they are so mad watching her shine and live her life. Ann, all I want is you back okay; angry, hurt, or cornered. How do you expect us to be happy with them in our life?

So is there a scientific cure for stupidity? If this is mental health court and we are going to be released immediately; why was stalking and rape-murder so embedded into our life and how we described it? Ann says she was ordered to mate or be raped by a black man. Alex says a water buffalo wanted him to rub it and a few had husbands whom were stupid and infertile. So this is the mafia doc and they are trying to reverse or cure the fat, stupid, pudgy, phony soldier, and this problem we have with them; communism. We know iRush is the leader and a vocabular genius; just the same. We know they like golf and gold; reading our books. We know they are tigers in the grass and mafia leaders; labor leaders; and super elite stupid. We know their kids have an earpiece implant at birth and are coached through life by a trainer and teacher; for what, a T4 or satellite warfare? The problem is putting the best face on it; how much they are hiding and what they did. When I moved to NY in 2006, Sue and Chris Place acted as if they were friendly and the All American family; but you could tell something was wrong. How do you burn bibles or attack Christians? Read below...

So why has Ann Coulter flown to LA almost ten times from 2009 to 2010? Is it a secret life, business, pleasure, or a secret rendevous? Why Maher? Remember when iRush said he was eating dinner in NY one night and in comes Billy with his wife? iRush says Billy then begins to hit on his date Katherine. So Ann has a stalker problem and she decides to toy with this mysterious person or persons. This same person has been stalking Alex and has him under surveillance, a peeping tom camera, or survival mode. Ann takes the show to LA where it is known for restaurants and nightlife. There are private parties every night and most of the people there drink and go into rehab; a party fueled town. Ann goes there for two weeks usually and disappears. She told Alex she is at or in a safe house because of a stalker problem; the FBI knew about this already. This LA diversion or insanity began only in 2005 when she moved out of NY to FL and a stalker was there in FL; wrote a letter and came to her home. I got mad in 2009 and 2010 when they came to Ann and began snapping photo ops; I told Ann not to do it and they could use it against her. These people are shameless, criminally insane, and use anything against you, anything. So why did Edwards, the Gov, and a host of others contact Alex in 2006, 2007, and 2008?

So iRush and Hannity devise a clever scheme; it is called the roving boyfriend. They would create these fantasy lovers or admirers to watch over Ann as she traveled around the US. In 2006 Ann said she traveled with an entourage, a new group to replace the old on Leno. Someone also wrote a story about Ann being sighted at the Farmers Market in LA and other places. So this was a lookout and a jealousy in LA but the center of it was iRush, Hannity, Clinton and the labor unions. When Ann got to LA she would toy with them. Whether or not she partied or went to dinners is uncertain; but Maher had created some story how he and Ann go out when he is in town, NY. Laura Ingraham said Ann and she ski together and Ann beats her downhill. Also, Ann has drinking buddies in LA and CO. So iRush said out of all the politicians, Ann is the most well behaved of them all and the one who is most happily married. They have to get a grip of this and figure out what the real story is; disprove it. None of them had an alibi, at least if they did they retracted it once Ann was on the show. They all said to shut up and go away. So when the FBI concludes their investigation; all they have to do is say why didn't you ask Ann to speak for you or represent you? Instead you made up a story or some cover story and had no idea what was going on.

When this blew up and when all of this came out as a murder plot and revenge on Ann; they made it as if she had the worst life a man could be stuck with. They had at least 10 or 20 stalkers call you, hackers on you 24 hours, labor unions in the same building, and mafia like goons vandalizing and doing home invasions. That is just half of it. The City of Angels is known for nightlife and either you go there to cruise or explore; or you go to Las Vegas with someone. So paranoid and lunatic Hannity always cruises out there when Ann does so that he can get a jump on this. If he can lure Ann or control her private life; he can also shut it down. That is how this became a train wreck and how tension got to the point where they are at each others throat. Hannity even uses his kids to lure sexual partners, a common tactic of hustlers, con men, gigolos, and sexual predators. Hannity is a predator, the most violent type; he puts the best face on the most crazed and homicidal situation. His idea and how iRush explained it is they are doctors who put others out of their misery; they rather enjoy it. So they kiss and love their victims by studying them and admiring them before they finish them off. So they speak for the victim and then live to tell the fake story or alibi.

In this case, they used iMaher to track or stalk Ann; hence it lasted from 1998 all the way up to 2009; Maher and Ann are total strangers, so are Laura Ingraham and the rest. Ann will only take the bait if it is their leader or they reveal their mask. So iRush was invited to a dinner party and Ann's mom was there; this while I ate dinner upstairs 3 times a week in 2006. I was able to study them well and find out how dangerous these spies and terrorist are; total crazed lunatics. Maher skirts out on the town with black girls and they catch him. Ann is never caught in LA doing anything but FReeP plasters the same event (paid for and paid to say nice things about them) and these photo ops. They pay Ann to be their friends and she ends up filing charges and exposing them; tricked and hoodwinked into lying for them. So that is how this ended up the way it did; with us catching iRush and Hannity as Ann's stalker and iMaher as a pain is the ass who just buzzes and is incoherent. He is trying to force and make Ann talk; iRush says there is no impediments. They hate Ann and snap any damaging picture or event; anything. Also, Ann only had so called "conservatives" in her midst. Nobody told the story or stuck up for her, nobody. This tells me she was targeted or was under a captivity.

People fly into LA for two reasons; business or leisure. Since 2009, Ann has traveled to LA almost ten times. Each time Ann went to LA she avoided FReeP and stayed there for two weeks. There were no reports at all. She then ended up at the TV Land twice; no reports at all. This interest in her private life and out to get her was now not very interested; but it did not end. The way out of this was to see if they could finish it; a fit of jealousy and say "we are ready to die... we want to die." Ann only went to LA for business 2 or 3 times; the rest was for unspecified reasons. If they are documenting her biography, then they gave up and they have no idea where she is or why she is there. This was very different than before when they had an arrival party and a crazed stalker or toy boyfriend to show her around or plug her up. The idea is they want her business and now do not; the heat is on; not sure fully. So the question is LA; can they get the story right or blackmail her; get her on something before she gets them? The reason why the papparazzi is not reporting it or snapping pictures is because they cannot find her or the FBI sting. Based on what I can see or determine, Ann is setting them up again. Who is her man and why is she going to LA? Where is the lookout people or the stalkers she told Alex about? When did they know or why did they just lose interest all the sudden? Worse, their employers tried to cover it or prevent anybody from even embarking on this.

So why would Ann report to Alex and then go on vacation or date? Alex has a peeping tom camera on him; but he kept this hush hush for 24 months. Ann said she does not vacation there but has a safe house; a trap for a stalker or alien. This probably began in 2005 when they came to her home and what she reported to Alex when she asked for his help. Alex is a security and military expert; also certified by a company that deals with bodyguards or access problems. When Ann moved to a secluded community in FL, something very powerful moved with her. If her stalker was a serial killer then we know who it is now and why they are behind 911 and all of these terror plots; busted again. So if Ann is going to a safe house; then the log or the flights will indicate who boards and leaves; 10 times from 2009 to 2010 and her logging into the guest list or hotel for two weeks. This is way beyond a peeping tom, we are talking terror plots, drug wars, and total insanity or chaos. Have they stopped or is it all a bluff? Are they ready to surrender or die as they have told us? The same applies to Alex but a very different form of captivity. When you live under the radar, the scandal ridden life is obvious.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.