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Ann, here I am catching your stalkers and trying to save your life or plug this murder plot on you and all you can say is to delay the sex before marriage study-research for 12 more months? Are you insane? I cannot wait that long and I have a fire down below. Do you hear me? I am going to spank your rotten smelt like a daughter without a daddy; go and try that one with someone else, 12 months? No, try 2 months or 4 months next time okay meathead. Someone told me "he got arrested" and right when I post my new blonde streaks for you to check out; the Va. Tech racial profiling trick is done again by the labor unions and that rotten gambling underworld. I hate them Ann. Do not bring them in my life, they are shameless and have no backbone. All they want to do is play golf and think about leisure; now they want us to focus on them and just make love.

Ann you copy and impersonate these chicks and it is pathetic. I even notice and know it. They know you and I are talking and listen in; specifically the sex part. I told you they were doing it to me also. You make love to these chicks who keep impersonating you like upstairs, Palin, Lohand, and a few others. I never was into mafia chicks or whores who fart on you while giving a masseuse. I want you to go to the iRush pages and read the new material I have posted on the iHannity pages about NY and the mafia wars. Also the gambling fight or the white supremacy plot against the Indians; over booze, land, gambling, and cigarettes. F you rotten Ann; 12 months... right! In 12 months I could knock you up twice, not once, twice and you can't even do anything about it either, not even complain. Ann, this is about dinner with those shameless and rotten homos in LA isn't it? Do not worry about dinner Ann, you are running from stalkers and do not need attention; they will call you a fag. Worry about stalkers and crazed lunatics like Hannity or Rush.
I describe Obama blacker than Christian but he has the charisma of an iRush. Ann, they want to die and that is all they have to look forward to. Dying is how to end this nightmare for these Christians; spare them the humiliation. I also found your comments about the President very hostile, not funny, for instance:
1. Yes, the guy bellowing "God damn America!" is the one vouching for Obama's Christianity. That's like saying you got sober with the help of your A.A. sponsor Lindsay Lohan.
2. Attending Wright's church is the conscious, calculated decision to immerse yourself in hate-filled demagoguery and call it "Christianity."
3. Some conservatives have cited Obama's near complete refusal to go to church to suggest he's not the "devout Christian" who "prays every day" as the White House claims. But that's not your proof, Christians. To the contrary, it's Obama's church attendance -- back in Chicago -- that proves he's an atheist.
4. This was inadvertently admitted by Obama's leading butt-boy, Richard Wolffe, on North Korean TV Monday night. Wolffe acknowledged that Wright's liberation theology was not Christianity, but then forcefully distinguished Obama from the Rev. Wright -- i.e., Obama's sole character witness for his alleged Christianity.
5. So the sole evidence of Obama's supposed Christianity is his longtime pastor, who everyone admits is a racist nut.
6. No sentient human is required to take Obama's profession of Christianity any more seriously than if it were coming from a 1980s blow-dried, money-grubbing televangelist with a mistress on the side. All liberals are atheists. Only the ones who have to stand for election even bother pretending to believe in God.
7. Liberals acting devout always looks like the love scenes between Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis in "Top Gun": awkward and unconvincing. Former divinity student Al Gore famously botched a biblical verse, switching God's instruction that we put heaven before earthly things ("For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," Matthew 6:21) by saying we should make the Earth our treasure. (In the druidical religion of liberalism, not separating your recyclables is a sin, but abortion is just a medical procedure.)

Eff Ann, Eff! I was very offended by these comments and your behavior recently. These people are slaves and outcasts in America; here to beg and ask for our help. Some of them are so stupid and retarded, they cannot even see themselves; so they lie. You called MSNBC "North Korean TV" and then Richard Wolfe a "butt boy." This is mafia mentality. The more church is involved, the more criminal and the more shameless this mafia meanness gets. I have seen these guys go to jail for life, murder for pure greed, and snort cocaine as if the Virgin Mary was bleeding. So don't tell me or give me any lectures on religion or who is not religious; I studied this for over 20 years; also I am an expert on communism. Communism is the closest religion on earth to atheism. So no thank you and please tell your friends to shut the F up, PS God almighty himself who probably will tornado and whip that monkey ass against a tree like some Katrina Hurricane. God made broken and backwards people such as who and what we see so that he can hate them back while they act like they are judging him; deep down they are phony, liars, con men who are no damn good and waiting to die of some insane mafia mission. This is crazed suicide princess or mafia shit Ann; at least show some tits if you are going to be so hostile to us. Ann, why are you in LA, are you dating that iMaher chick again or are you just dancing with your LA crew again? They are going to call you a fag and set you up with wet girls Ann.
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