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Ann, read the iHannity pages. There is an entry on Sue and Chris this week. I have analyzed Valerie Plame, Robert Novak, Discovery Channel HQ, NBC, and this 911 Terror Plot:
Q: Did I receive an invite from Dartmouth University in 1987-1988? Yes. Was I kicked out of Virginia Tech? Yes, in 1989. Was I propositioned for sex in 1986, 1989, 1990? Yes. Was I invited to Villanova in 1990? Yes. Did I F her rotten? No. Did she adopt my child? You tell me, ask Sue upstairs the child molester and kidnapper! She wants the Hung guy!
Q: Are beheadings a local matter for law enforcement or is this a smear to the Japanese ritual of Hairy Scary? After Jan Brewer made this comment in the dessert; the federal courts delayed the Buffalo beheading for 12 months.
GD'it Ann. Let me recap the Ingraham Diary. After iRush she was the first female to make contact before Sue iLaura made it look as she was very interested and wanted me; which prompted an immediate July 1, 2008 video face-to-face. Within a week she was telling me a story about "lying down in the same bed" and "being in the same hotel" is not infidelity and hinted this at you. Then iLaura was quiet making a few rants and gestures to "look at me" from 2009 to 2010 until I did the Turner Diaries analysis. iLaura had a Watergate mystery in less than a week and responded with her own diary. Now you tell me that she made these comments about you while I was investigating Caldera in Colorado who kept printing how you and him are drinking buddies? I asked you and you said you went on his show once and did the usual routine; cocktails or after show. From 2000-2002 I traveled the entire east coast, midwest, and Canada and ate dinner and were in bars and strip clubs daily. I wanted to ward off or scare off a stalker; how my life was a train wreck and I told you to hurry and meet me or move on; choosing move on because it got so dangerous. So I had told you in 2001 it was too dangerous and to wait 10 or 20 years, maybe 30. Now iLaura tries to have you go on attack over the Discovery HQ bomber and you tell her not to pick on Rick? Tell Rick I need my F'in rent refund will you; I would like to move ASAP and escape a peeping tom camera and the labor unions, not get robbed of everything and my wife. Why didn't you tell me iLaura was a lez and hitting on you? Also, why did not go blank when I asked you about Caldera? You should have said, "I think this is iLaura behind this." Furthermore, she even throws an egg in your face about how you two ski all the time together, share a secret life, and are blackmailing one another; great for your case! Look how much of this iLaura is hiding and how we can solve the case if she just tell the FBI or write it. So who is the hung guy now, Discovery HQ?

Ann, I must ask this question, she said, "Ann I have ski'd with you and for all the times you have beaten me downhill..." It makes you look like a liar and so does these cruise ships and vacations. I recall this strange and suspicious picture someone kept asking me about you and yellow snow; it was a couple at a ski resort. Then it was a story on that Ford guy on MSNBC and a white girl. Why in hell would you go skiing with Laura if she lives in CO and you just said on Tuesday on iHannity, "liberals’ vacation in Aspen?" You and iLaura were fighting and all the sudden you two are double dating? Why is she attacking me about HomoCon, shouldn't Liz or Lisa D? I wonder what all this boys talk chit-chat with Lisa is about also; it feels like you, Lisa, and Laura have a secret life and things all of you are hiding girl-on-girl action. I do not think you and iLaura ski together still but I am just saying how your insane career nearly blew up in CO also. I am sure you ski bunnies got pretty drunk; also you told me that picture of you and some guy was a ski instructor, not another girl. A secret ski life! So it struck me as odd you would hide this and also iLaura since you two were at each others throat. iLaura is your mistress and now we are in a 3 way fight? Let me ask you this Ann, do you have another surprise or something you wish to tell me? Are you saying she is another fan and a carpet kitten or is she saying you are a freak in bed? Do you have any idea how many HomoCon hotties I have ran into, one carpety layer after the other kneepad kittens. As far as Lisa D and boys; you can skip that topic altogether, no thank you. No offense but all of you have a secret life and goofy stuff that looks bad if ever in the public eye. I hard of carpetbaggers but now it is carpet kittens? Also, is iLaura saying you are in LA for the Emmy Awards or in your safe house that you tell me? She went to the Emmy Awards in 2009 with Benny Affleck, so you suck! You went to it with JJ. You told me LA is a safe house, they call it vacation. I was wondering what the buzz about the ski bunny and pissing in snow was about. I had just run across the cartoon of you on books (said your looks had changed and it was smoking hot) and you got the same dress on Oreilly September 3, 2010; that was the skiing scam, a bunny not a male. I will post the picture and dress of you soon okay, I had asked who drew it; someone in Los Angeles?
Fact: it should show that DWTS asked Ann on the show in 2007 and she responded in 2010. Also, there is a brother and sister on there who are devout Mormons, what prompted this invite.
So this was CPAC 2008 in Colorado at a secret hiding place with ultra conservatives plotting to destroy the media and take over the media? They felt you hid this man who they mistook as a ski instructor; then knew me from 1988. To this day they do not know who that man is! You are not a great skier anyhow and neither am I. All I do is rollerblade for 4 hours a day; is what this skiing is about? It is getting annoying how you and these suspects have a secret life and then you tell me they are trying to kill you or plotting against you; do you understand? It is exactly like the Ostermann Weekend. Why don't you report it instead of me? Why don't you clear the record with me instead of demand them to; I do not think iLaura is blackmailing you or has anything against you; so throw that theory away okay. iLaura is upset over LA and HomoCon; sneaking around behind her back. Also, she wants you to take a shot at me Ann, you meathead. She is still plugging away and swinging wildly like a madwoman. One of you will eventually get the other, I know this much. You just said the other day about liberals’ vacation in Aspen; why are Laura and you now best friends or lovers? I would call you a faggot but I am envious once again; I will turn down the menage a trio. They do not have anything on you and you told me to report this plot against you; but you vacation or spend the weekends with them, why? iLaura hid this ski trip along with a lot more of this secret life you all have. Do you think iLaura is going to help the police or the FBI crack the Discovery Channel Mafia hold up or toy with you while talking about boys and skiing? So who is the carpet muffin and why would you ski together; did you romp it up like she wanted to with me? This was why you two were fighting in 2008. Ha, at least she got you back meathead. I like the dress, I just saw the legs and the cartoon of you the other day; super hot. It is getting harder to believe any of you but she got you good with the skiing secret and hot weekend; it showed on your face. So this was the Salazar guy who kept saying you were a drinking buddy in Colorado; it was iLaura the bunny. So that was that Hollywood lady who died in Quebec skiing in 2009 of head injuries from a light fall. Also, Mac-attack’s father had something to do with the Japanese and AZ prison camps?

Ann, I do not want to hear anymore sweetheart. I am going to spank your bony bottom and you will probably like it. You are making me not only angry but wet. I knew sooner or later one of your female fags would jump out like a VC sapper. Your bad daughter syndrome is just a fag act and not the Ann I know or love; come back to me Ann and stop the faggot act. I need you to focus on your murder plot and the lawsuits; not go to dinner or party with mafia hit men who have kids that play tennis. These F'ers are crazed lunatics Ann, I do not think the fags will help or get you out of this predicament. I just dumped over 10 cups of urine in their face, almost dropped kicked the iRush goon climbing in my window, and told them never to talk to me again; I have filed charges at the DA’s office. As I said Ann; now I have hot cougars and 30 something ladies who want a ménage a trio or to hook up with you, they are so hawt. iFox will hire an army of hot lesbians and it will be some XXX blockbuster; end this fag act and tell the truth; come home from LA Ann. I need you and want you back meathead! Stop acting like a faggot and this is not good for your credibility or public relations; they will blackmail you or get you with a hot lesbo such as Lizzie. Stop lying to me also, I know you are hot and love me; you goon. These crazed lunatics and hit men are not impressed and they think you have lost your mind or are a train wreck, do you hear me? They are smooth and cool no matter what you do! Ann, go skiing with them and do not worry about dinner, parties, and leisure; you said they had a plot on you and I reported this meathead. You just said you all vacation in Aspirin. Half the world thinks you go to LA for vacation or parties; the other half thinks you go there for business; and you tell me it is a safe house?
Ann, I am not going to hook up or talk to any of your lobos unless they pose for Penthouse or Hussy first okay; you tell them this before they call me. You get up there and you tell those HomoCon girls to spread em while I read them their rights, meathead! Knock off the dirty jew or pile of feces Catholic act will you. They are coming around saying how they paid you and I have to F a pile of feces or some fat cow. Furthermore, do you see how I document all these models? Ask why. Is it because nobody wants to talk to them or is it because they are awesome? All these pretty girls is because nobody wants to F them and they need a kid; some well paid hooker. The worst part is you are not that important to a family unit either, you cannot have kids now. All these women, all this money you are taking from them, and still no slime ball or dirt bag for their side. Do you have any answers for me or them? They expect me to F a pile of feces and turned the tables; you are my pimp, before I was your pimp. Worst is how they select the best of the best and it leads to a dirty jew, the mafia, child molesters or kidnappers, and scum bags.
From the new masterpiece called, "The Story of America." by the legendary kidnapped author and amateur spy catcher:
“So these terrorists, Mafioso, labor unions, Catholic-Jew lawyers, illegal immigrants, Democrats, religious misfits, and communist spies all have the same attitudes. They are all the same, infecting or training each other, don’t care about nothing, and are ready to die. If you ask them why they will say it is their home and they do not want to get hurt. So how do you apprehend and how do you fight this idiot like germ infecting or expanding? You meet them once and come into contact and twenty years later, they are ready to die and realize they are no longer in love. So when this communist spy or mafia like enemy is ready to die, they split their life in two like a single cell bacteria and share life with someone or something more superior; a process of sharing and collectivism. It is a form of rape, a way to extort, an identity theft or game of death; eventually they must kill or remove their teacher or placebo.

It is not just gambling anymore. The expansion and welfare system is being used to fuel “cash cows” used by labor groups to prop up Mafioso families and drug cartels. Once they reach the size of a syndicate or the size of the American mafia; the labor unions act as if they are a country and a cartel. They then use the system of communism or the poor to overtake police stations, political office, and place everybody who understands risk and danger on their dole. We saw an example of this use of Wall Street and terrorism in the 2010 case of British Petroleum. It began in January of 2010 as this case swooped into and held those implicated hostage; surrounded by mitigating facts which could not be disproved. Although this terror plot was about gambling and real estate, there was a move and a thrust into the oil industry. They call it a cash cow and the people who operate these monopolies are the underworld, Catholic Church, liberals, and most of all the labor unions. Other industries such as coal, gas, and fishing have been severely decimated and require too much work. So the thrust of this revival is in certain fields and now computers.
The benefits of a cash cow are a double edge sword. While the labor unions and regulators can impose fees, taxes, or shake down any of these ridiculous industries; the environmental terrorists spread their message and target any opposition and resistance. The threat to gambling is so great, it is the last line of defense for the criminal world; if they loose the gambling rights or business; money laundering will now be solely on offshore accounts or BCCI like treasure islands. So legitimizing the bankers and gambling industry was not only a necessity but a way to survive under the radar. It is then distributed by these environ-terrorists who have free money to throw around or give the public; a family of thieves and Robin Hood politics. This new form of terrorism is derived from the industry of fear and crime; thus, it also serves as a clever deception to scare the police and have them run in the wrong directions.”
Titanic or the in crowd? The National Revie list of 911 terrorist and conspirators:(Super prize: one romantic night with the queen on board Phil)

iKarl Rove, Victor Davis iHanson, iBernard Lewis, iPhyllis iSchlafly, iRich Lowry, iAndrew iBreitbart, iJonah iGoldberg, iGreg iGutfeld, iBernie Goldberg, iTony Blankley, iDaniel Hannah, iCal Thomas, iScott Rasmussen, iAndrew McCarthy, iVin Weber, iJim Geraghty, iMichael Novak, iAlan Reynolds, iRoger Kimball, iJay Nordlinger, iRamesh Ponnuru, iKathryn Lopez, iKate O'Berirne, iJohn O'Sullivan, iRob Long, iPeter Schramm, iRoman Genn, iBob Costa, iEd Whelan, iKevin Williamson, iJohn Derbyshire, iKaj Relwof.
Ann I hope you are happy; they are now your sworn enemies and expected to ravash you on board the Titanic; the mafia express. Now I am enemies with all of these old, sick, iLosers, and imbeciles. If you cannot lie your way out of it, why not go on vacation, not worry, and dream leisure. Dump em Ann... smash them into the bricks of cow dong they truly are!
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