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Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Ann, I am F'in fed up. I am not going to do all of this work for you free while trying to keep you and communist, terrorists, and total phonies on a tight rope. Let them sink will you and stop trying to Christianize or convert them to conservatism; let them sink Ann, they are rotten to the core. You keep trying to help them and it needs to stop. I am holding you up on that tight rope and they claim to be the future; guess who the safety net is? Go ahead and take a guess who the safety net is. You are also trying to save Palin and keep her on the tight rope; stop! Let her fall off while the liberals shake the rope. Now they keep saying go away and we have money Ann; they do not know. Their legal defense is they cannot pay, we have to. Ann, they will use this against us and blackmail you and me into silence. Is this a murder plot or mob rule, you have to decide.

DVD "Fire From the Heartland": Ann told me about these movies when Darkman came out (Batman movie, 2009). The problem is the cast or the people in the movies. Should be renamed "Fire in Your Hole." Imagine or picture a fixed star, an ever fixed mark, permanent to the sky and being on that same page; yes a dreamer and a fantasy. Yes, it is all a fantasy and you are waking up to a nightmare. Ann, I am getting really fed up with your bitchy friends; let them sink; all of you are rotten to the core now. I had no idea you were so into Klavan and you run to me all the time and I am fed up with your jackass friends; get rid of them before your life goes to hell! All they want are compliments or to buy them; get rid of the losers Ann. Stop unifying me to these communist and labor union spies Ann, for real. I am not into the first strike BS Ann or the play acting; I am into the winner takes all and hit them when they are down and out. So keep digging and make sure it is big enough for all of them! The hole is no big enough for everybody. They need to take a hard look who is marketing prostitution and crime; why hookers are so prevalent today.

1. Analysis of the Police Chief murder case: CLIK HERE to go to the iHannity pages for analysis and the Nigerian Plot or African embassies.
2. The Police Chief plot and the murder of couples in AZ, OR, VA, MD, and what we extracted from it or the daughters: CLIKS HERE to read the iRush pages and who we caught and how. Who is the couple and who is the daughter?

SMASHING WITH OR WITHOUT PANTS: Maureen Dowd writes an article on Danish D'Souza and somehow Klavan replaces Dowd with Coulter. "Oh, and by the way, Ann Coulter looks smashing in pants." This is or was about Georgetwon University and some girl (West Palm Beach) who told me she read the Kama Sutra and wanted to try it by finding a boyfriend; I put her in therapy for sex confusion. It was not a girl obviously. I blame Ann for this... hear me Ann? CLICK HERE for more on the loser iAndrew... how many times did Ann go to LA from 2008 to 2010? How many times did they know or was contacted? Who is stalking or spying on her? Who is reading her mail and doing this myspace and facebook imitation? Who keeps trying to keep it going on and on? Show me when I have ever taken the first strike or stoke this bonfire of insanity? I need to get paid, not take a first strike. They are the ones who dig a hole big enough to be buried in, stop digging jackass.

Ann, you told me to be careful with these old hags and old timers on the conservative side; how all of them are trying to beat a wrap and want to be on the same page. I will not name names at this time but this is the reason why they got caught spying and even using the same material before it hits the publishers or press. This "on the same page" problem has led to stalking, spying, insane mental games, some cupid game, a fantasy about lover's quarrel, lies and deceit, and this sensation of needing more and more compliments because the hole is so big; we are all stuck in one big gigantic hole. It is not the feminists, it is the communists who are witchy in how they push others to the left wing and a hiring process to expand the feminist movement. The word is utter failure and on the same page is a horrible bad dream or a nightmare. We know they are the communist and they know we know. They know we caught them for these terror plots and overthrowing the Constitution because it does not work for them. So they are on the same DVD page with Ann and Alex now; one voice and doing interviews; welcome to the heartland, take us to your leaders. How would you feel if people talked about raping and killing your kids on TV?

I will say this and name names such as Syphillis, Michelle, Laura, Megan, Sarah, and a few other sneaky little buggers. They had been spying on and had Ann's material before it reached the press. I asked her to tell me what the process is and Ann is not sure if it is the email or the transmission period; but they do the same thing to me and iRush reads my material as I write it or tries to rewrite it; co-authors. So that is or what Syphillis was doing around October-November of 2008 before Guilty. Then in 2009 a "RaceBannon" showed up and it might be related to this Syphillis problem with spying on us or stalking; now kidnapping charges and a host of other treason related endeavours. It all traced back to the iRush and Bin iHannity spy ring and the labor unions and this spying church problem and the Africa summit or trip to Niger. So that is how they plotted to take Ann out; on the same page or tic-for-tac; looking for a compliment and seeing no problems. The people behind these documentaries are annoying. It is really annoying how Ann is tangled up with all of these feminists, old hags, and communist losers. No it is super duper annoying while they keep saying "leave." We understand they are in a huge hole and seek a desired outcome; however, the outcome gets worse and more dangerous by the day; tell the truth!

I had linked "RaceBannon" to the strangulation of an Asian girl who on surveillance cameras was at Yale when Ann was in Bridgeport, CT for the Tea Party. I was not amused to find out this was what the Tea Party was about or whom RaceBannon was. This was the same Malkin X and Discovery HQ trick we saw time and again. We saw this with the Concord Police Chief and his daughter. We saw this with OK City and NY City; we saw this with Virginia Tech and these camping murders of couples. So it was all about how they are on the same page or if we would say anything about them spying on us or doing this; whatever the hell it is. It is two worlds in one, collided and the stronger force will win. So Ann waited a long time to tell me this or those behind it did; and now it is too late or very awkward. So it is a female labor union with communist leaders at the top; hence the Democratic Party and radical left wing stupor. Ann did not say anything and did surprise two sides with all these trips to LA. We have concluded the entire plot was about Africa, why is this about an Asian woman at college getting strangled by a white male? If you check the CT Team Ann was with; they made sure to take as many pictures as possible to beat this wrap. I ID RaceBannon as the person behind the killing and propaganda; the FReeP bus to hell. This was no compliment, they are crazed lunatics, we seek legal and criminal charges on them for stalking and this "on the same page" problem. Worse, it is all espionage and the KGB like communists in America; the labor unions and left wing.

Note: Ann has told me she does not like them, does not know them, and has her own life. They work together, share the stage, are hired for the exact same events, and are in a beauty contest for the best outcome or most desired result. Ann has won that one but the communist problem continues on the same page. What they are doing is complimenting and stalk or become this mysterious helper that is a puppet master over life; that is what I tried to describe and who we caught. For instance, if I wait in line and get upset, the next day I go to the same restaurant it has been burned down and I get the bill; and it keeps repeating over 1000 times in the most psychopathic way. Any weakness or limitation is met with brute force and this evil like presence trying to help. Ann and I are too humble for it but we played along to see where it led. This is why it led to the labor unions, Revolutionary Command, Black Panthers, IRA, and communist leaders in the USA. Now we have to escape this murder and kidnapping plot no thanks to their ingenious helping. So welcome to their unity summit and unification process. Again, prove to me when I have ever taken a first strike and how we got here? Is there any written documents or proof or just clean up? Who is stoking it? Is the hole big enough or are they bigger?

Manila Police Hostage Bus: watch the bus siege and how fierce the Manila police proved to be. They violated every single rule of bus siege and I can critique and explain a total lack of initiative, fierceness, and a total disaster. This has to do with a few World War II jackasses and labor unions talking smack about Revolutionary Command. Next was the Virginia Tech and the Discovery HQ plot; again, the police standoff had similar complications. All of this has one focus; the 1960s and the Vietnam War. It is directed at one goal Africa, trip to Niger, foreign aid, and the global mafia or communist soldier party. Even worse is how they are trying to lie about it or just walk away. We are clearly not into the first strike or cheap shot game; I am into the winner takes all and hit them when they are down; so get on the same page Ann and hurry up okay!

Let them Sink Ann, Please: Who do we know takes a first strike, cheap shots, and then backs it up and keeps ramming? Then they will keep ramming until they get what they want; hence, a crime and murder spree; a continuous attack or terror plot. Who is not doing what they are supposed to be and why; money, jobs or skin color is not the measure for the truth. There are two sides and both knows what each can do to the other. Alex and Ann are on one side and books explain each detail; can they stand the test? Now they have to go to court but refuse or cannot deny it. We are not in this to keep them around; prove this or keeping them as prisoners. So if we are steering Hurricanes, then it has not occurred but may.

Ann, God is mad as hell: They can sue God when it snows, rains, or if lightning strikes twice; that is communism. We do not take the first strike and winner takes all on! That is the proof and millions saw it vividly. In war, the winner are the police and the new government; not the loser! A first strike does not mean you won the war; it means you have really ticked off those who hold your future at your own peril. Even Special Forces are very hidden and observe silently; they do not act erractic or keep digging a hole. Where is this problem and who is doing it? Do we observe or lack some 20-20 vision? How did we detect it or expose it? So why are they still there so mean to me? How would you feel if they chit chat about raping your daughter all day long or brag about it?

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.