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Thursday, January 20, 2011


On Jan. 18, 2011 The iRush Bin Bumass admitted to attacks on Ann and a lot more. At approximately 1330 a caller asked him about Arizona attacks on females and he said that Ann deserved being attacked. He then said how he was proposing to both of us; was tortured into submission, looks ridiculous, is hated, cries daily and begs, and all we have to do is love him. So he is upset with the treatment we imposed on him but does not want to admit anything about what he did to us or why. So he compared the AZ attack on females to the same situation; but said we deserve it and Ann deserves it. I identify him in 2008 as "negotiating" her death and assination. Then a murder plot on me which Ann bungled. Then the death of Anne Pressley in AR. Then the death of Amy Baker in 1989. Then a series of female "starlets" death in 2009. So the ice is now melting and he claims he is being tortured into a confession or surrender; he cannot take it anymore. He and they claim they cannot sue because we hate them but we are suing because they claim to love us and stalk us; we hate them and they hate us even more because we told the truth and the real story. So the government is liable now for anything that happens (reckless endangerment, wrongful death, derelictions of duty, conspiracy, etc...). The question is why did they try to kill Ann, recruit Alex; then try to kill Alex and recruit Ann? Why did they keep getting the story wrong? Ann sought the revenge or avenged her man's own murder plot and assignations; she was asked to talk to them as a lawyer and it turned out to be a ferocious fight where she got trapped and cornered. Ann is the point of contact for the satellite warfare program; not the inventor of it or the boss of it; the public relation arm only and my life partner. We are confronting our attackers; that is what this story is about. They claim they love us, need us, and only want to help. It ended up as the Battle of Gettysburg, Pickett's Last Charge.

I am the one who has to sit there and listen to an obese, stupid, runt like momma say, "Do you like me... that is so mean... would you like to know how we kill you... do you like torture... how do you feel about me... do you hate... do you want me to kill for you... we can be powerful together... do you know who I am yet... do you like me... this is how we kill them... do you like it... it makes me so horny... I feel powerful... yes we did 911... you know everything... we are dead... we are done... we cannot win... it is impossible to deny it now... I want to love you... I want you to need me also... can you cry, I want you to love me... you must cry, I cannot win... I can only kill you... we are very angry, do not push it... we will kill you, leave... do you want to see me kill again..." etc. After they got caught it was mostly about killing Ann while Ann was trying to make it look like she was with them and against me; being recruited. Then it got to beheadings, a bunch of dead blondes, etc... This is what I reported to the FBI in 1998 and I could not tell them who was doing it or why. Now I can; let's start with the leaders and escalation; Limbaugh and Sanity. Then lets expand to their deputies who hide and follow their battle drums; they march in unison. Their story, not the leaders but the deputies, are mental illness, paranoia, a secret police, a safety net, and whom puts the graphite rods down when the core overheats. They are the ones with the fingerprints on this and they are the ones who do the blockade. Why? They do not want me to succeed and expand this "mutually assured destruction" Limbaugh has snuck in. Now all I get is, "please master... we do not want to get hurt... we are only corrupt... I promise to be yours only... I will be good now... please let me go master" and it sounds like a filthy porn movie with a nappy runt and a fat degenerate who is acting sweet, cornered, secluded, and enjoying someone else's dinner table. What a sicko and what a worthless species we have lured into this trap by letting them attack us. All day and all night it is death threats or how angry they are now and will get even one day.
The answer is on the iRush Bin Creepy Old Man Pages:

2. We are not suing over the events of 1986 to 1989 when all hell broke out and drugs, violence, sex, and the Democrats were trying to do recruitment. Ann has addressed this. It embodies 1. Using females as a stick and carrot 2. Using drugs or drug culture to influence others 3. Pitching the wrong people 4. Trying to impose delinquency on strait A students 5. Using females as a control agent 6. Trying to use sins to create an atmosphere of failure, suicide, breakdown, and total chaos; a reckless life headed for a fall 7. Using friends or "classmates" to create a fall or a total disaster in life using (drugs, sex, money, friendship, love, control, stalking, lies, etc...) We are not suing and Ann has addressed this by explaining how it is very wrong and not appreciated. They do not love us, they love themselves. They were playing matchmaker to set us up and hide the malice; a murder plot and kidnapping. It is difficult to be world class when you are telling runts to leave or fighting off a stalker all day and night; also a spy and some terrorist group. My decline was not slow but a nose dive and the world had to be shut out in order to remove so many distractions and problems. Now the same source of it came back and it is all repeating. Now it is about how they are parents, moms, etc... how about shut up and leave you old creepy stranger.

Do not get the Democrats in this; the disaster will get bigger and worse. The problem is the right wing and the moles and traitors; not the damned and doomed. Read more below:

Here is an analysis of what Ann wrote on Jan. 12, 2011. This is not about her but it is about her man. She is fighting with a female while I am fighting with males. The males claim to love the male enemies and female enemies. The females claim to be sisters or lovers; a me too and slut mentality of wandering aimlessly into the bed and life of other males and females. The analysis is about a "psycho-alert" posted by the same terrorist group and the authors of 911. It is the same psycho-alert posted by McVeigh, DC Sniper, and the Virginia Tech Shooting. Click here to read more on AZ, VA, NY, CA, BP, and more:

IS THIS HOW THE STORY IS TOLD: When they got caught, they tried to get it their way; take out Ann or Alex. They asked each of us to determine their option. When their new scam failed again; they decided to turn on both of us. They changed the story to a romance and live in romance story; from stalking and murder more of a total lie. To clean all this up, they issued one psycho-terror-shooter alert after the other from 2001 to 2011. All those who died as a result of this violence falls on the cover-up process. But wait, this was not all of it. They were now counter-suing and claimed we betrayed them, turned them in, were not as strong, could not take as much pain, had to be shut up, and nowhere near the anger level or psychopathic level they are at. We heard on the radio escalation phone every single day from 2008 to 2011; daily lies about how they were tortured, bounded, severely or cruelly destroyed, will do "pay back", we got a book out of this, we got free training and education, and they are parents or love us. The degree of insanity and the total lack of security to allow this enemy do this falls on the political motives and those who gained from it. The only people who took action and did anything about this; are those who are also the victims now and seeking damages. They claimed we filmed them and they were not peeping, spying, or a sadistic molester in addition to a communist enemy and a mole. The degree of criminal motive and acting on it is out of the scope of laws or the Constitution. The only legal defense they had was they were poor and they were hungry; thus, hunger caused them do this extreme level and it should be avoided at all cost. Does this sound like they were bound, tortured, and murdered; or does it sound like we almost did? Why would they refuse any detail about how they got in this predicament and lost?

Everything we wrote or were ours; somehow ended up on their shows, as a new company, or were written about before it was even released or published. The spying got so disgusting; we called it a sex pervert and peeping tom. Even if they had no education; they were now in the highest table and most powerful risk missions in the world and talking to the well educated authors of it. That is the problem; we are not their slaves and are now serving as their teachers while spied on in our own homes. They stole most of it from Ann; then were copying all the satellite warfare material from Alex; even the most crucial parts called mutually assured destruction. This was their mutually assured method to stay toe-to-toe, tic-for-tac, and keep the in-your-face full court and double teaming pressure relentless. The bottom line is how hard it has become to lie now than before. They are dumb and steal everything; we mean everything. There is no way they can be Republican, American, or conservatives; just a total madman and insane spy. This nappy communist also claims this is their world and home; we are stealing from the people each time we open a company or make a business transaction; taking from mother earth. That is and was so crazy it needs no comment; but why colonialism and imperialism is all entangled. They debase and discredit everything and now even claim we are bounding, torturing, and murdering them. We seek the death penalty for a very good reason and a very well intentioned purpose. This is how they terrorize the Republicans, conservatives, and right wing. Not only do they rape and antagonize it; they terrorize it. What would the logical mind do or say; what is this brainwashing seeking as a goal? This was their first strike in war and we tripped over their trip wires and booby traps; we admit this if they admit we trapped them. We are not stupid and we are not their lamb to the slaughter. We would not give them the light of day, no less shut them up or let them do this. They also claim to love us, a lamb to the slaughter. There is no myth here and if there is, the gap between the sides is we are preparing for their next wave of attacks; they are now forced to fight their way out of this. They will not stop and will have to fight even harder now; if they will be victorious in world war. We have witnessed their deception for the past three years; it is all total lies when they win or when they loose.

Now they crank call and get in our faces still. The idea is nobody can stop them, they are the power. We can still be their hero and they are no longer taking violence or malice on us; they are willing to stop saying leave or stalking us. Imagine that, we are the heroes of the communists and they still need or love us. The record shows their life miserable, real hell, pain, crying, begging, and not even leaving my home. The record shows the sky fell on their mushy head and how much harder it got to stop them. The really annoying crank callers were Bohannon, Bauerly, Buchannon, Palin, Michelle, a few police officers, wave after wave of creepy strangers, and a few other media communist spies. They act sweet, nice, and conceal everything we describe as total insanity and a psychopathic core. Now it is harder to conceal because they are now fighting for their life and existence. They are testing, studying, and probing and we are feeding them as much disinformation as possible. This should teach them a lesson about spying and stealing our life. This is how we ended up with the mafia, labor unions, Democrats, drug cartels, terrorists, and communist moles terrorizing the right wing. They invented total chaos and fueled it with space age insanity. Worse, the real estate involved exceeded their labor payments and assets; those assets were a puzzle of crime that cause their politics to grow heavy, lazy, and in utter debt. The ability to steal was and always there; so was the power of the people. We ended up with this understanding and catching all their leaders, identifying al their deputies, and they just kept stealing our life and claiming it was love or romance. For the right price; these criminals can torture, torment, and hold any political foe as a hostage and terrorize them. For no price and our own self preservation; we destroyed them as a favor and a career objective. So the communist leadership, the moles and traitors, the mafia and drug cartels, the labor unions and left wing, and every form of terrorism on earth are all on the same page; telling the same story; and still going toe-to-toe.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.