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Thursday, January 6, 2011


Ann: I have my business plans ready and it revolves around my books for seed money. Also, I am going to file bankruptcy to indicate what the slander did to my record; a total blockade and disaster. Now all we have to do is file the lawsuits on those who are behind this and who left a fingerprint; did they police themselves or did they keep daring us and pushed this to civil war? How long did they drag their feet and try to squeeze the money lemon? To prove slander I must show 1. falsity 2. damages or negative impact to my business enterprise. I also hope the office of hurricane and earthquakes get their act together and kill these communists; quickly if they know what is best for them. This civil war is on their record and civil war is what they need. So it was one refusal after the other... read this >>>

THESE IRISH AND BLACKS ARE OUTRAGEOUS: It is mindless and really a waste of my time and theirs to keep calling me or trying to sit at the highest risk table in the world. All I get is how they do not care; we have to declare bankruptcy; and they have their needs to worry about. So it comes down to whether or not they want to police themselves or not; a simple yes or no. If it is a no; then they will have civil war because they are waging war on the country, the economy; the conservatives; all sense of ethics and morals; and some control measure has to be imposed. At least they have socialized medecine, why worry or complain. Save it for a rainy day; don't waste your time spying and calling us at the highest risk table in the world; that is what they will see and get. Once they have to be policed because they do not want to police themselves; they will loose all strategic benefits America granted them and will borrow their way to hell just to act bold or act more stupid. We get these crank calls all day long and it is always about how they do not care and have to be policed. Then it is about their money, their interest, we are business partners, their children, etc... That was imposed on us so it can be imposed back; live by the sword or die by it? The communist just want to loot America and wage war incessantly by calling and telling us they don't care or go to hell. Now we have to listen to how they made bad decisions and there is will change; just no punishments or accountability from the communists. They will keep expanding government, expanding crime, and borrowing or racking up more debt until they are shut down or war is waged on them; a need to police themselves. Ann is the lawyer and contact; why do they keep calling after over 20 years? I am not the point of contact and I am waging war on them for it. They are the communist, police themselves, not me. Anytime we need a communist or terrorist spy; just click on the friends network; they are there for us, do not care, and are this big brother crazed lunatic. I need to know who is going to police who and whose funeral this is.


“These communist leaders and Catholic-Jews were looking for a formula to make them a bigger and better person; something besides religion. Crime was making white people into a darker person and they wanted us to answer or provide this formula. The first process was to trick, fool, or gain access. To cure their weakness or cheat so they are not left behind; they tried everything and said to us how it was helpless; they tried boot camps, military drill sergeants, etc... Nothing worked. Nothing could make a pussycat into a Tiger; until now. Once we weatherboard them with music; they become super liberals. A super liberal is ultra conservative, ultra tough, a total liar, and hanging in a tree. The hypnosis is so real; it changes them; from this to that. This is now a new human species; change is undergoing below and underneath; cured by reality and the environment. They live under the pressure of "trial by fire" and 50 more years as a miserable SOB; changed by walking on coals. This was what they were looking for and this is a testament it works! They are a changed person and if it makes them a better person; we would never deny it to them or keep them down. Also, if it makes them stronger and is not bad for them; then God delivered it.

That is their secret formula and their new "war on crime" formula they had kidnapped us for; they want the solution for crime in America and said we could not stop them and they were super duper ahead. If it was good for them and makes them a better person; why would we deny it to them or not let them have it? Gosh, you can actually see the difference on their face and how they are now the "super police" and a testament. This is why we work so closely to this ghost police and their delinquency and psychotic existence. Imagine if you had to live 20, 30, or 50 years as a whole new human species we do not even know yet. Now they also tell everybody they can see, they are saved, they have been cured, they can walk again, and how happy life is telling this story. The communist spies had a brainwash, kidnapping, big brother, and formulas to produce terrorists and saboteurs; now they want to know how to advance or fix it and we did not allow them any opportunity; so they destroyed or tried to destroy us. This is why they are stuck and hanging now in a tree with no way down but to fall. They need to shut down this traitor and police their secret life; then we do not have to. This miserable SOB spying on us and you keep claiming it is only an interview or other things; now the civil war is on the record and has to be erased. They need to take their miserable SOB act back to college. A tornado could not change their IQ or degree of scamming others. What they adopted was the military buddy system to cure their stupidity and it resulted in this ID theft and incessant spying. In summary, that is their trap and formula for civil war; how they protest and force people to do as they want.

For this thief and spy; crime is their forte. This is what the communist were working on and why the terror plots were only a diversion; they know the formula but do not want to share it. The communist are toying with this conversion process and kidnapped us to use us as a guinea pig but was caught and destroyed; now they crank call hourly and daily. That is what everybody saw on video from 2008 to 2010; the war on drugs, the war on crime, and the war on the police; they hate the Pentagon and exploit it because of the budgets and also the anti-war propaganda. So they lied and are still freeloaders. They have yet to figure out how to get out of the tree and now are hanging on it and trying to swing with us. They claim a partnership and being terrorized by a buddy system; some violence or threat of a study buddy. They claimed they were terrorized by our biography and our story; what is not true or made up? What room have we left for improvement or is there any error whatsoever? The bottom line is they are a dumb, miserable, psychotic SOB, a freeloader, and now we have exposed their new spying ring. The truth is they refuse to tell the truth and refuse to police this matter because they have to tell this story. If they do, they will receive the death penalty and war will be waged on them by the public, a secret war. When they say they want to share the experience, they lied on a 90% level, pathological. They did not share this experience because it would make us better people and cured; spreading their disease. That is how selfish they are when they said they want to share power and this experience; write it down and let’s share the experience and check our notes to determine what is false and inaccurate. We are dealing with 90% lies; they live on and hang by 10% of truth and life. When they crank calls us or makes death threats daily-hourly; this is what they are talking about 10% alive.

The terror plots, shootings, bombings, and all of these attacks were about the police; how they refuse to police themselves. The trap we set is simple; slander. Just say and do what you want until Judgment Day and doom; now the truth will set you free; why is the truth so difficult? Someone in this story is hiding how stupid they are and have gotten; but this will be better, go away, and end when they are dead; that is the truth. Also, there is no doubt the presence of homosexual and suicidal tendencies is encased; which comes out with a gush as emotion and sensation take over. Sometimes that emotion is anger or violence towards others. The truth is this was civil war and they do not like the way it turned out; still in one piece. This is one stupid study buddy and enemy spy who needs to go back to college and get a life. Their stupidity is what keeps getting them in this predicament and they only want to kick others around, protest or ruin this, and make life hell. Now they have changed into another new form and species; undergoing more tests. For the dumbest creature alive; they always insist on being study buddies or advisors; then it is arguing from sun up to sun down daily. This is why they call them a beast of burden and with a learning or personality disorder; when you are this stupid, there we are doomed. It is a rough world and we are sorry also; but the longer they live, the more they will do this to their own kids. So their kids and their people will understand how much they hate their parents as we did when we caught them for all these terror plots, felony violations, and utter insanity. We are sorry it had to end this way and how close our life ended, was ruined, and the horrific ordeal which is blessed and protected by God and supernatural forces.

The fantasy peeking over our shoulder is highly contagious of the idea these she-males are still a nothing and a nobody; is something that refuses to go away and who owes a lot of penalties and damages. These 911 wives cannot even get a job with us and still wish to scrutinize our business and career pursuits? They have no idea why others reject them and scream out homosexual snipes to hide the truth. They cannot get a job, need one, and cannot even get a foot in the door? Who the hell is insane enough to trust these house janitors, mothers, and spy leaders; or yell at them daily? Us? They keep crank calling and could not and never could deliver; still cannot. So their secret story is hidden as a game of sex, lies, and deceit; and the 911 widows still have not told it; we did. So that is why they are scraping by or must beg to feel powerful; one step from the grave and skid row. Spying and terrorism is the only insanity that would hire you and gave you meaning. We destroyed that also and it is all you have left, advisor and personal friend.

The reports describe the same events and the same enemy. They felt they would make an excellent wife or partner; use us in some cupid scam is totally nuts. This miserable SOB cannot even get or hold a job; so they have to do this momma or mother act. It was a very sadistic plan with male puppet masters behind it and religious power brokers who are skirting the law and in hiding; all keep acting as if the people's army has a fighting ability of 40% if civil war on us. So that is their doom and this is their plot. Danger could not change who they are or their IQ. They kill and steal everything; but put your name on it; now they still peek and act like they are mothers and we are their children; are no longer the bad guys. Regardless of the truth, they could not even wash our car or do menial work; why would they now peek over our shoulder and act as if they were important or included every step of our life or a new course? Were they included, important, have some say, or can get a job anytime? A complete and total bitch did this and has done this for the past 20 years; it is so stupid and annoying, but it got them where they are now and destroyed. They stink up everything and it is real. This idea they are our personal or business advisors; trading places or partners; is how insane this momma has gotten with her little misfit kids. We are talking medication and institutionalized degree of stupidity or selfishness; that is why they are also a 911 terrorist, was identified by us, and how we trapped them. We are now writing to the office of hurricane and earthquakes regarding our security and how awful this was; they are responsible for keeping this disaster alive and kicking.

Furthermore, this idiot made up stories about how they beat up, was better, and how they kicked out real spouses and life partners; but they were just a stinking obese psycho bitch who could not stop or stop themselves. Then they claimed their IQ needed help or relief from others; a total and complete mess. They claimed they would beat up or kill any female who got in their way or messed with their man; now the truth is out. The fantasy and this made up story about how we stalked them, desired them, admire them, needed them, sought advice or solace, are friends, or are in love and need their affection; is as pure fantasy as our best or close friends. This is how insane this spy and terrorist is; and they cannot even wash cars or be our janitor if their life depended on it. We all have good educations and exceed expectations; this is who the traitor and enemy is? Sorry to rain on their civil war and miserable SOB existence; but do they think it is going to have any impact or good on our life, really? Is it still going anywhere after they read the records from the office of satellite warfare? How do they erase it before civil war arrives on their doorsteps? Even their follies and foreign allies risk a spy sent into the manure pile before giving them anything, so stop kidding themselves, ourselves, this world and making this harder than it should be. To think they know war and will wage it on us is how stupid they were and how it ended. This is why this fight is now between satellite warfare and the office of hurricanes and earthquakes; we look really bad and are really negatively impacted. So do we declare bankruptcy or not, fix it? What if civil war breaks out? What if they are taken out; do we still have to suffer? They have not learned anything and need to be prepped and softened up for court. The question is why it is repeating now and if it will ever now that the office of hurricane and earthquakes is the problem. Their behavior says it all and their kids can read all about why they are miserable SOB crazed lunatics.”

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.