Let me see if I can clarify your legal complaint on us. We enjoy destroying this enemy and I admit I enjoy humiliating them or smacking them each time they walk over the line. I now seek the death penalty and quit until this is enforced and delivered; my protest and personal war. Now your fat ass is going around pretending as if you are being murdered and you are the rescue and space pioneers. I think you have lost your mind and you left fingerprints all over our life by slandering us and taking insane actions; an apology is not strong enough. . Your bone ass idiot spies want to sue because I feed you false or insult you all hours of the day in my car, home, etc... and you screw up? Good one... now you claim you cannot tell fact from fiction and we are torturing you while you are dying? Another good one... who invited your monkey ass and who made you fall on your head or repeatedly? So you do not know how the spy game is played but come to the US to play it with us; tell me another one? This is why I would pay money to smack the F out of you and your communist spies. Who asked you to spy on us or help? Do we tip them for this help? Who is sending who off and why? So if a dog's ass gets ran over and stepped on; does this mean they also smell? Why would they be so embarrassed and hide the terror plots? You are like a Pythagorean theorem; by flipping the angle and sides backwards; you always know what two sides will be.
The truth is they have extreme levels of repressed emotions. The more we torture them for stalking; the more they claim to love us; they just don't want to say it yet; ask Ann. Ann did the same thing and the more she did it; the more they love her; so we are doomed anyhow you look at this. The last three years and the record clearly shows and indicates that if they fall on their head and bust their ass bone open; they hug anything and begin to love us. We hate their guts and want them dead; what the hell is wrong with this enemy? I would smack the hell out of them and they make up stories about beheading; classic. This communist ape loves me skin deep down only because I am the closest thing they had to a daddy or Jesus; but they hide this because we hate them and cannot stand how stupid they have been in our life. They love my winning streak and exploiting my profit margin; also what I have done but not what I have done to them. Another crash-n-burn story in the almanac of a madman in America starving.
The funny part is how you think you are cut out for SATWAR and slander me. SATWAR deals with satellites and 1000s of miles; so if you are not sane or can tell fact from fiction, know your limits, and perfect your discipline to a 99.9%; you will go insane and we will make you go insane. This idea you are here to help and mess with our career, minds, and slander our name is how insane this truly is. If you ask anybody who knows SATWAR and spying at the highest, most powerful, and riskiest table; they will tell you it is insane to be doing what you are and have. So now all this data goes to the office of hurricane and earthquakes for their analysis and judgment; good luck with your war on us and keeping us a hostage of your madman politics. Your new career and this demented endeavor is a total joke but also deadly when your breed is involved; it was not supposed to be this way and we did not sign up for your insanity to steal our life and world. You are truly a fat thief who has also busted their ass and head open; at some point, you will realize you do not have it and are not up for this mission. It does help to be 100 per cent perfect and sane; but I have seen a few survive and make it, toe-for-toe, upwards of three years with us. The horrific part is the audience; nobody needs to watch this or this enemy get up, again and again; stay down, accept the death penalty, and die quietly. If they keep getting up; one of us is going to be permanently brain damaged and one of us will need a bullet to end this nightmare. They are obviously at peace with any outcome now; and this was no big deal.

I love how you play it off while you pretend not to feel it or how badly you are losing. Then you keep acting as if a minority cannot smack the F out of you or has, repeatedly. Worse is how you use that pussy satellite on me while I keep saying, "is that all you have to keep order, bring more and call more SATWAR forces, I will wait." The truth is we have smack the hell out of your communist forces and the only way to survive is to play it off or pretend as if you are parents and ordering others around; and it is getting more hilarious each time you get smacked; smacked like hell; and marks are permanent. I describe it as Gettysburg on the satellite level with your commie spies who are now pretending to be a fat, ugly, ignorant, and loving Jew. Here is some advice 1) bring more forces next time. 2) if you keep getting the F smacked out of you, it will leave a mark and you will not recover; do you even know why or how you are getting massacred? Why would an idiot repeat their mistakes over and over? Go and try this on Himmler or the Nazis; it will benefit you more. So how do you like stalking us, torturing us, destroying us, ruining our life, and threatening us 24 hours with your crazed maniac love or fantasy now? Invite yourself into my life and come over and I will give you a first class degree on it; but you do it again and again. Have you figured out what you are doing wrong or why? Do you know how you got in this situation and walked away with less than who you think you are? We do not give you the time of day and you torture, destroy, and kill yourself with your stupidity. The Nazis would love you too.
You will probably kill yourself after whining and crying all day long about how miserable or how sorry you are; then refuse to clean up any of this while you write down only how terrified and scared you are that people would be so mean to your crazed fat ass madman life. What an idiot to go and hug anything; even a tree or other subhumans; then you call it spirituality. Well, how about judging others by the truth of their character and not the need of their politics? You are so embarrassed; you do not even know how is your friend or enemy; but your level of hostility is now captured and documented; so this the fat mark in the mud where you fell 1000s of times. So the sad stories and how you climbed back in the tree is all we get to hear or know before you figure out if a bullet is going to end this and for who. Who needs it more? Who are the needy about and what happens when they discover who they truly were. There is a trance inside the mind of this nut. The trance repeats this over and over, "We are sorry, no big deal"; and then they do it again, crank call, invite themselves over, and make life the planet of the apes. Worse, they think they showed up for SATWAR duty with a shovel; explain what a shovel is good for? All this ferocious fighting is no big deal! For someone who is never given the light of day or has the door slammed in their face 100s of times daily; you act cool and okay with getting slammed on your head, busting your ass, and getting the hell smacked out of you; is that how to be cool and powerful? Now I have to listen to or get crank calls from coolio the thief who keeps busting it up; coolio got slammed badly. Coolio knows I never miss but this is a game they cannot win or ever.
Read more on the dynamic duo Rush and Sean pages: CLICK HERE FOR BIN NAPPY INSANITY!
So is Ann Coulter guilty? Has she been faithful to a 22 year love relation and engagement? Does she have what it takes to be the lawyer and near the command of the satellite warfare beasts? If so, then she is the beauty and here is the beast. Is Ann Coulter guilty or are rotten nappy runts just trying to bring us down or burn up our life? The U-boat wars with the left wing is in full swing. Who is Ann Coulter and who can tell her story, truthfully? Who are her creepy stalkers? Now I understand why I am so mad. Stop. I heard Ann's story and there is a lot of evidence she took it very unfriendly and tried many times to say stop. There were female friends of hers, also known as deranged fans, who now are in big trouble with her and Alex. So most women will agree the degree of trouble they had tried to get her in and the wave after wave of insults they threw at each other while they acted sweet, cuddly, and helpful. Ann did tell me about CPAC and how "the real partying begins after-hours." Ann said the majority of people now are young college Republicans who are taking that first step, a convention similar to a trade show. Most people would describe the collisions as an effort to destroy her, gone bad or bungled. There was also a backup plan; just in case it blew up in their faces; why they continue to try and take us out.

I describe these turd balls as a demented degenerate who pretends to be sweet, nice, and helpful. Is there any misunderstandings or a mistake? All they do is crank call and hide; almost Klan like. Look at what they did to us and how sadistic and inhuman they have become. SE Cupp describes them as atheist and not even human, a sub human now. From 1989 to 2008, I treated it and engaged in all affairs as if it was World War II and U-boat battles; ultra top secret. Not once did I ever mention it, discuss it, or even write about this; until it was all on the table and I had everything in place, everything. When the investigators go back and review the material; they will see and verify the same thing; he is on a top secret mission. Now all the pieces fit perfect and there is nothing left out. So Ann was telling me the opposite of what the communist used against her. She used chaperoned to smash them up and say stop. STOP! For the last three years, every single day we have said stop and every waking hour of the day it is attack or keep us under siege. I have begun the process of suing but contacted the office of hurricane and earthquakes; to resolve quicker. They continue to use or exploit us; to talk through us and force us to defend the communist and doomed. They keep luring Ann to events and bars; and then she keeps telling him how they are trying to take her out or do some insane sleep walking act. They want her to put out, she does not want to put out, and now I am involved and near homicidal. Their world is now a FEMA disaster area and will before my kingdom.
Ann said she would admit fault if I admit she did this to destroy those who she did not love. This means that I sat there and those behind it did not even bother to indicate they did this and why. In order to save their own skin and like the dirt bags we describe them as; they got what they deserved. Go back and ask who if anybody came to her rescue, why? Instead they attacked me in my own home; each time Ann disobeyed them, they attacked me. Ann kept the pressure up and kept telling them she did not care; and they believed it, for an hour a day only. I was a prisoner of this and I have asked for legal relief and filed criminal charges. They refuse to pay any labor costs. They refuse to come forward. They only stand by the idea they are investigating and stand to loose it all. They claim to be the FBI and the police. They claim they will be vindicated if anything we say is untrue, they do not have to say anything. So they smashed up or tried to destroy us on a higher level; we asked for the death penalty and for this to be expedited. They are crispy doomed.
It was the same thing they did to me, 1000s of girls; all Catholic and Jews. This singles' club she described; is how they exploited Ann. Like a dog and pony show; this momma would prance her tender-lings from one place to the other; trying to live life or talk through Ann. They did pay her and it was strictly business on Ann's part. If she did not fulfill her duties; then they forgot the sex and the rape parts. They expected her to put out and got destroyed; I assured to this. I was not happy to find this out and Ann was grilled and destroyed by me; pleading for forgiveness. Everything she said was true and the most striking part if the behavior of her peers. It is on video tape also. We confront each of them. They refuse to leave and are in my own home; what I call a spy phone or radio phone; a summit meeting and U-boat captain convention. This is the most dangerous game and the fright in their eyes show it. This is why our security company is world class. They face termination now and with extreme prejudice. Who will ever miss them? Their memory and life is now lost. They are a stain on the carpet and it does not wash off, looking worse.
I expect them to keep forcing Ann into these awkward situations. I expect them to smear and ruin her relationship with me. I will show them the door. I have asked the trouble makers and the source of this to be removed; they do not capitulate or acknowledge any of my or our wishes. Ann was issued warnings and told to let the pieces fall; it is either them or her. I want nothing to do with it. I did not like or enjoy one part of her career; she said she will quit eventually, this might be an empty promise. So far the evidence and the secrets are on the side of Ann. I am extremely reluctant after hearing the smears, reading the insane reports, and express my reluctance candidly in reports to Ann. How about all of these reports I kept reading? All the sudden I read horrible stuff. Now like a demented, sick, and repeat offender in therapy; they look out in the world like a prisoner to their lies and horrible behavior; shameless, unrepentant, smug, ignorant, selfish, and vulgar. They walk around with a ball and chain. They need group therapy and counseling. They crank call all hours of the day; to tell me I was put on earth to insult them.
I was ready to finish this without Ann. She pleaded with me. The level and degree slander and libel is extraordinary; immense. It has to be a class action suit. The record clearly shows this. It is proof of slander, libel, and an extreme case of animosity; efforts to destroy another person for gain or glory. Worse, they hide this harassment. They lie to investigators. They hid the 911 plot and how they gained or scammed everybody. They expect us to fall on the sword for it or them. They still expect Ann to have their kid. They expect me to breed with them. I get one slut after the next; I destroy them and used to (try to take pictures ;-), ask for them, and harass them back with insane stuff). They keep saying how I mistreat them or are a womanizer, really? I was not aware of this; does Ann know? She was put in the same situation and the result is identical; now they "are ready to die... do not want to live... will kill her for this... are at war." Like a school of fish flopping on a dock; they wait for birds or something to clean up the stink. Out of the stinking pack; we know who fell the most and the hardest; yet they are not worn out yet and are "double down" or in "full court press" mode; a "pitifuller with lipstick."
Based on what I know, she goes and does what all vendors do; set up a booth, does autographs, and keeps it strictly business. Now the sleaze and the smears came back by the inventors of it; and it really wrecked or almost ruined her relationship. So this made me feel her business career had reached a tipping point and the burdens of defending her were against her favor. Ann told me she used chaperons to indicate she was not interested and was saving herself or with someone already. Therefore, the level they were ran over or leveled exceeded 10. I concur that when this ended; those who were desperate to separate us; got hit unlike a train or bus could do. The criminal case on them is also unfolding. The question is why? Here is a excerpt from the new smashing masterpiece called, "A New Chapter in Our Life and Beginning, 2011."
"The people behind this continue to point the finger at Bush and his cronies. It is much more and much bigger of a problem than one family. The mafia, the labor unions, and mainly the Jews and Catholics; have literally taken over America and wrecking it. This is how they terrorize the right wing and put the favor into the court of the left wing and communist. Yes they tag along and follow the Protestants; but it is far beyond a church conflict or old rivalry; this arch nemesis has grown at least four times what the CIA and FBI knew about. The explosion of crime in the 1980s was just an indicator of how severe the problem was and we show how insane and crazed these madmen truly are. It is true the Bush family allowed them the access needed to seize the military and gains a footing into very dark territory and they used terrorism to accomplish this. Oddly, the US Army contacted us and tried to medicate or slander our life again while the Major Hassan and beheading trial were underway. Therefore, the penetration and the freedom of employment have crippled the US military. The principle behind this are those who have always had the most problems fitting in, falling behind, always linked to labor, and always engaged in military affairs; the Jews. The housing crisis and the looting of the government for over 5 trillion is only a barometer of how critical the matter has gotten. We were forced to capitulate and seek different citizenship in 2006; then a backup plan was implemented in 2008. Imagine the highest order and the most powerful people in the world having to flee America for safety, lawlessness, and the mafia control of the labor unions and communist. This is the aftermath and we all are trying to survive the invasion; to survive and get by even if we have revealed all the cards and told the story. Pointing the finger at one family or terrorizing the right wing did not gain anything or accomplish what it was intended for. Targeting our life and trying to steal, by seizing and terrorizing the satellite warfare program; is why the death penalty is being sought currently. The advent of Arab or communist shooters has been around since the 1960s; it is not going to work this time. The military establishment can be a very useful tool for the recruitment of young and violent youths; also leaders who are soldiers of fortune.
For one or another bucket of trash reasons; a lot of radical and violent groups associate the Vietnam War with their own plight. This includes the Black Panthers, the Mafia, Drug Cartels, and much more. Due to the violence and internal struggle; the process of choosing sides does occur but the purpose of war is nothing near what the mission of the military is. Therefore, these weekend warriors erupted in violence during the 1960s and they turn out to be the communist forces. The propaganda is difficult to remove because of this romantic interlude that borders on insanity. After the Vietnam War, this war and plight disconnected reality; erupted in violence on the streets of America; civil war or internecine warfare became a process of royalty to the underworld. The 1970s and 1980s was the most violent period of American history. This is why there are so many suspects that originate from military indoctrination. The control mechanism used is money; however, the attendance at trade shows-military enlistment, government jobs or public service, etc... becomes an avenue of recruitment. It is a form of propaganda that is very powerful and it led to the same people getting caught. This capture process began after college in 1998 and led up to 911. Then it spilled over into a second period where we had to go to their headquarters and wait for this psychopathic level spying described. This is how it ended up as a living arrangement, a big brother home, and surveillance or peeping tom cameras every single second of the day. The leaders feel a romance or friendship has been established; thus, a deranged fan trying to contact or associate themselves with complete strangers. It led to a death defying and harrowing experience and the bodies of the dead indicate a ferocious fight. We captured and identified their attorneys; who also were their leaders. At least they have abandoned the ardent debates about Democracy, Democratic rule, and the office of hurricane and earthquakes. This was the people's war and the revolution to restore democracy, communism, and use or exploit authority to expanded the damned and doomed. Debt is an excellent way to make it expand or entangle others with toxic and paralyzing debts.
Trying to survive the aftermath of 1998 to 2002; we were forced to capitulate and seek different citizenship in 2006; then a backup plan was implemented in 2008. Now the atmosphere is total lies, deceit, endless searches for vulnerabilities, gutter politics, and one betrayal after the other; total hell on earth. It has been three awful years but the thrust of the attacks have been defeated; this clean up process has not begun and we cannot spend twenty or thirty more years on this enemy and traitor. In those three years, we saw more crime and terror plots than ever before in the twenty years. There was one massacre after the next; one psycho alert posted after the next to smear and paint a different picture or tell some phony lie again. We have literally become the canary in the coal mine; a barometer against the damned and the doomed seeking respect and freedom in America. This is what America has been turned into by the mafia, labor unions, left wing, Democrats, Catholics, Jews, and the sweet little 1960s bunch who were only trying to help and make the world a better place. They need to figure out how to hold these people down or get rid of them before all hell breaks out on earth or our life. The government is recklessly endangering the lives of a lot of people by letting madmen, psychopaths, communists, criminal gangs, and the army of the damned run loose in America; only the death penalty or this Gettysburg turning point will be able to tell the real story. The right people needs to be held down, fired, interned or imprisoned, chased off or made to suffer, forced to document and plead for their life, and explain why they should live and have to fight for their life; now it is us. Those who invented this insanity die off and have all the children public assistance can possibly produce before they kick over or die off. What do they expect us to do with their kids and the rotten effort we have to put forth to get rid of their insane dreams and lies? They live on earth for a measly and meager moment; refuse any birth control; exploit power and authority; invade the decent world; have as many kids as their laziness will provide; and then expect government to come to the rescue or provide for them. Does that deserve our sympathy or our judgment for the death penalty?"
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