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Monday, January 10, 2011


Ann, it is the blacks and Irish. If or had they done this to a Catholic; then it would make more sense. However, they concealed this because of the existing problems with the Pentagon and Vietnam War. When you got involved; as I keep saying, it made them even more radical and more ridiculous. Regardless, they keep saying I am them and how much they love me (pot smoking chippy, Catholic, labor union, Irish, black radical, etc); and they keep involving themselves with your life and mine. It got this way around 1989; after high school and about around my freshman year at Virginia Tech. Then it really got bad as they kept slandering me; needs to be institutionalized; ghost parents; abducted by a molester and gays; radical terrorist and how much they love us or love problem children; now they still keep claiming to be a parent and how we are way in this slander. So we are them and they are us; some sharing process where we become a total nut and loser; treat others the way we expect to be treated. If the Pentagon or FBI asks them how this got this way or what happened; they will lie and slander the both of us now; not just me. Worse is how they keep arresting me or putting me in psycho-wards; as if they are physically removing me and have the final say. Now they mumble and chant all day long about how they are done, how they want to die, and this was logged 10 years ago, 3 years ago, 1 year ago, etc... They keep and continue to use a radio-phone, apartment rental, and various clandestine access to tell both Ann and Alex how they will regret it.

Their fingerprint is all over the place. Now they are still doing it and trying to find out if we notice. The result of the Irish and the blacks, the most disruptive and aggressive; is why the government, military, and our entire existence is now meager. The people to blame is the government and those with their fingerprint on this; it could be avoided and there were millions of chances to avoid this; utter insanity and gross mismanagement to point the finger away from the problem. The problem is they do not want to police themselves or tell the truth; but they want full access and this is what I keep describing and I keep warning about. The truth is they are not our parents and some nut case. If they come over again or crank call us; we will have to flood the property and drown them; have a rattlesnake bite them; have a lion chase them off the property; and then report the same god damn stalker and deranged madman problem about how they want or have to institutionalize us. They are the most disruptive, most utter born in America failure, and when it gets worse they turn into more criminal elements. The most insane part of this is the dumbass who set them loose in America so it could be sold for real estate and now they fight and wage war for their home; a born in America failure who is looting the budget with more debts. The truth is they need to be gone and stop telling others it is dangerous and our IQ is not important. Now that same little runt claims to be our boyfriend or girlfriend and it is the same lousy parent lies about how we need them or want them around. So to cover this up; they dressed up and pretend to be us or our best friend and advisers. They use the Secret Service for their ends and they exploit security by blowing by or blowing it.

Let's deal with reality only and not some crazed lunatic hope or fantasy. I am a security consultant for the Pentagon and FBI. If you invite yourself or come over again; we will drown you. If you have not learned this yet, then you should escalate it. If my security company gets word or is hired in the future and I investigate it or is hired for bodyguard service; my father of satellite warfare stature will teach you another lesson. It is not a warning, it is a lesson. Then I will use the courts to teach you a final lesson; not because I have to or want to; but because we are experts on you. Did we invite you? Are you on the guest list? Did you drown or suffer trying? Did you try to escalate the situation at any moment? Then you eliminated any chance of escape by seizing and holding the escape plans; assets built up over $30,000 so that this did not grow or to increase your failure. This parent, wife, or crazed madman and lunatic story is how you make yourself feel better; the-rapist. You lied all the way to hell and was a total disturbance but danger did not change any of our intelligence. Now you also claim to be with us still or on our wings; protectors holding our assets for safe keeping; until this is over or safe (another Maddoff scam). So this is why it is so difficult and bottle necked; more slander and no policing yet.

Ann, you got to read what I wrote on the Bin Dumbass pages, CLICK HERE to go to the charity pages of iRush Bin Dumbass!

WHO IS BEHIND THIS SLANDER OF MY LIFE AND YOURS ANN: WHO IS THIS LITTLE RUNT WE KEEP HAVING PROBLEMS WITH? A POWERFUL LEADER OR THE TRAITOR? Since I am a master breeder, you are the tank mate from hell. You swim with the big boys and next to the ones who eat you. When it comes time to netting you; it is impossible and you hide and act scared. You are that runt type of species we have to constantly chase out of the breeding tanks and constantly try to keep out of the champion stock. Removing your runt and constant breeding stupidity is not a one or two time hazard. Have you noticed also? So you are that same runt who always end up flushed down the toilet but who keeps wreaking havoc or just eats up everything and stinks up the tank. Did you know this or have you been paying attention; then you are in the tank where they keep the best stock and you try to screw that up also. Why? It is genetically programmed in you. Most fish breed only when conditions are ideal; then you have the type who breed when it is not and they cannibalize their young. They do not do it because they are hungry; they do it because it is their existence; they are isolated and hide. Now the slander is how we are not a good community fish or a prized and of a superior stock; could it be the result of a runt handler or a runt breeding program? The question is do they give a damn about their loved ones and friends to be doing this? The odds are heavily against them. When it comes down to the wire; I ain't nuts; are they? This F'in runt faces the office of hurricanes and earthquakes; so don't call me or the secret service about how a miserable SOB screwed up everything. Did I mention the slander; even by the military enlisted runts? This is not worth our while; is it for them? . So I quit until they are dead. I will continue to seek legal relief.

WANT US TO ADAPT WHILE THEY EXPLOIT OUR LIFE: There admit it; you are breeding the worst to get the worst results and this is how we describe and what this runt tankmate from hell is all about. Worse is when everybody is looking or when you see people. Now the stinking little F'er thinks they are the police or in total control; flush! So I am sorry also how you are the little runt who keeps swimming in the breeder tanks and who runs and hides when the net comes out. I am sorry you won't leave the breeder tank and go in the feeder fish bin. Hopefully, you will jump out of the tank, land on the floor, and an 18 wheeler will steam by and hit you. Or we could pray for some Katrina ending to blow up your budget and let the laws of physics participate with your fall. So this is the slander of the smart ass runt from hell. The truth is they care about their mother, father, sisters as much as they care about the secret service or the Terminator who has to figure out what to do with a miserable SOB. The truth is they have kids to torment them as they do us; how they do not care and want love by abusing others. The truth is; we do not have 5, 10, or 20 years for them; not even one day. The truth is even if they are arrested; they will not save their family, their friends, and whom they claim to love; that is why they do this; to torment those whom they claim to love. If they are the police; they should be calling Ann; she is the lawyer, not me. The truth is they do not want to police themselves and force has to be utilized. The truth is all the precautions and lies cannot cover up the lemon and the lies; total failure. The truth is they cannot be very smart if they are in this situation and predicament. The truth is they care enough not to jump out the window or stop themselves. This is why we do not care and they need to work this out with the office of hurricanes and earthquakes; I wrote them and really do not care or wish to be in the crossfire. As I said, the only reason why they are born or have kids; is to torment whom they claim to love or need; a prison for a runt existence.



DEAR OFFICE OF HURRICANES AND EARTHQUAKE, ADVICE: If you hear a jet and you know it is getting closer; the dumbest of the dumb would take cover. So that is what I am doing, taking cover. Then I will wage my war on this foe and traitor afterward. I do not stand up and start swinging, touching people in fox holes, or going around pretending to be cautious and super leaders. If and when I hear a jet coming; I run and take cover knowing it is flying Mach 4 sometimes and might miss. Even in war, a commander knows this is better than being wiped out by the enemy and foe. You know your fight is a losing battle or insufficient; so take cover and hope for the best. This runt of an traitor is so arrogant and ignorant; they could not even be our janitor or get a foot in the door; so that is why they rammed it, broke it down and pretended to be the police. We know who they are and what they are up to now. With 40% of their forces gone or now MIA; can they afford 20 or 60 more wiped out? So they are disruptive and much more when a leader, a professor, a spy, a terrorist, a criminal, the police, or some enemy we have to chase off constantly. Their kids are disruptive and trouble makers; with all kinds of incurable mental disorders while their kindness revolves around this inability or refusal to police it. Their determination and courage is a product of how disruptive and hated they are. This runt continues to swim in the breeding tanks and be disruptive while making all sorts of stories so the net does not expel them; they must be destroyed or chased off. You need a Terminator to come to your home and teach you how to swim like a nappy disruptive loser who is not worth a second or a dime; are you pretending or is it your genetics? You keep on trying to breed with us or blow in our ears!

NOT WORTH A PLOT OF DIRT AND SO, SO DISRUPTIVE: The extinction of this creature is not on the same degree or level as the extinction of other mammals; inhuman and not of our genera. Their intelligence incites people and indicates this major gap while their religion, lies, politics, and financial burdens eradicates the world and our reality. When things get bad; this human grows violent and very criminal; almost psychopathic and a madman. If they come over in the future; I will have a K9 bite them, shoot them with a firehose, knock them off their ass, petition for a hurricane or earthquake, or otherwise. That is what security is intended for and what barriers are intended for. If they get really stupid; then maybe other lethal force measures are needed such as sharks, rattlesnakes, or lions. I would pay money to see this miserable SOB get bit by a gigantic rattlesnake or chased by a ferocious lion; forget the hurricanes and earthquakes. I swear to God, you F'ers are not worth a damn dime; why are you so disruptive and always in trouble? Is it your genetics or some form of inbreeding or just a lack of swimming ability? Your political leaders beg all day and night; you breed like some insect we cannot figure out; then you could be so disruptive, but you are not worth a plot of dirt. So I will say it again; with over 100 felonies and 20 years of this; why are you so disruptive or is it nappy genetic stupidity? Is this why you refuse to write anything down? Is this also why you pretend to be the police and super precautions? How about the love stories and the insane runt breeding program? Now you still try to terrorize us or keep this full court pressure 24 hours and you need to be either earth quaked or hurricaned so we can get the answer from you; why are you so disruptive when you are not worth a damn dime? I even hear you praying and somber; in some crazed state of mumbling.

HERE IS YOUR DUTY NAPPY HEADED RUNT: First this total disaster comes around and starts teaching us how it is a conspiracy; like a ghost. Then they loose 40% of their forces and 40% more face extinction; that puts the ball park figure at 20% if I am not a nappy runt. Now they claim they are more of a disturbance, fiercer, and even better now with only 20% because they are richer and sitting by the fireplace; we are not. So this is why this bald nappy headed runt keeps trying to breed with us, not let us escape, holding us as pets, claiming to be big bother, and waging war. When you are at 20% and your budget is about to blow up; reconsider the part about how they will wage war on others politically, psychologically, with total lies, as a criminal, as a total nappy headed runt, and share this pain and suffering with strangers who have to be told who they are. Now they are telling me I have to be told who I am, are fake, and they are some phony police. They are telling me now I am the father or founder of satellite warfare and they are even more amazed than before; on a new intense level of waging war and disturbing other human beings. So let's begin deciding what to do with the remainder of their 20%; or why it is growing to 30%. . So I quit until they are dead. I will continue to seek legal relief. So don't beat it, just eat (cool air kick); no one likes to be mistreated! This god damn miserable hope peddler (who keeps surrounding me and crank calling) threw all their people in the river so I expect the same. Now they keep calling about the office of hurricane and earthquakes; this is terrorizing and dangerous; so I quit until they are dead. I expect them in the river and drowning also instead of peddling it on shore. These miserable damned liberals think they are so cool and good with animals but they aggravate them; constantly being bit. So they keep humans as pets and get the same results; bit and ran over many times over. Doesn't take an animal to figure them out or what they are all about.

ALBINOS AND DARK SKINNED FARM ANIMALS: I especially enjoyed the part where they cross bred one runt with another defective one to prove how albino-ism is a lesser race in denial. Therefore, brunettes and dark skinned people follow the breeding procedures of tropical fish or farm animals where wild caught or stock replenishes the domesticated creature and revives their race. The insanity and the effort to just win their case or debate it was albino clear; now they attack blonds and make it known how blondes are less superior than dark skinned when danger and war erupts; a female twist of the story from an amazon she-male. That is where is miserable SOB and lazy runt took this and why they keep saying it is so dangerous; so I have to quit now because of another slander effort and wait for their dead body to be delivered so I can give a speech about whom they were when alive. None of their friends network want to tell the truth or the real story. This is what happens when you mix a molester with someone who has no education; only courage. Fearless? Powerful? They jump in the water and do not even know how to swim. That is what is going on now. They are so lazy and so disgusting; and they lie incessantly about courage. I have to sit here and listen how a gang of runts decked out with flotation devices is at my front door and pretending to be courageous and tough; they got that from their obese lazy mom who has knee problems. Who would subject themselves to that type of danger, it is terrorizing. Also, they eat everything! Do I look like a used, cheap, polyester hope salesman to you? Then take your hope and lazy ass and learn to swim before you try to sell how courageous and powerful you are; then all day you tell me to leave and why I am so mean; do I look like some lemon hope or bitter pill? Take your F'in hope and stick it up your drowning ass and next time before you jump in a raging river; do not call it hope or try to sell it. Did hope get you bit by a rattlesnake or a shark? Did hope get you chased by lions? Is hope going to defeat a Terminator?

I QUIT, HAD ENOUGH OF THIS INSANE ORGY: Now the little nappy runt is dancing around about how they enjoy danger and hurricane like earthquake superiors. They claim they are superior waterman and enjoy us releasing rattlesnakes and lions to bite them and chase them off hourly. That is how disruptive, in total control, poor, clandestine hope, Catholic, Irish, and liberal they feel. They enjoy this and think it makes us more powerful and also them; radicalized. Now that same little runt is picking a fight with the Terminator and I am dead in the middle of this; so I quit and am out of here until they are dead and delivered; the office of hurricanes and earthquakes will not be paid a red cent until this is paid on delivery; they cannot eat their cake and beat it. This is how annoying this nappy runt we keep describing is and they claim we are making them more powerful and not scared; their helpers. So that is what the Pentagon and FBI gets for releasing a foul Irishman loose in America, I quit. They claim waging war is their hope also; to breed and get horny. They keep showing up for jobs designed for the Terminator. So continuing this is not worth our while; is it worth theirs to leave it this way? The Terminator will have to decide from here on; we are done with this. Until they are dead, I am going in retirement and will seek legal relief, done with this and very shaken. They enjoy this too much and if they decide to come over again; we will drown them by flooding the property; my home is where only I float. Hope? How about $10 and a good swimming coach? Do I look like a fat, lazy, and miserable SOB lawyer who wants to listen or enjoys danger? I am not going to sit here and be accused of a conspiracy when the river is raging and they cannot swim. I am not going to sit here and peddle some fat, disgusting, and pyrotechnic hope so that the ear of some total mess is tickled pink.

GO DO THIS ON CATHOLICS, LIBERALS, DEMOCRATS, AND OTHER BUKAKEE COMMUNIST DIRT: This miserable SOB keeps saying how they do not know what to do and there is nothing they should or can do. So they act sweet, innocent, and pretend to be in love with us. Then they run their mouth all day with the most insane stuff. Then they stalk us and slander our name by terrorizing us how they are courageous and deserve government jobs because they are stalking terrorists; did I mention we are not Catholics? Is it aggravating? Yes, should they do this to Catholics? It would help if they did and leave others alone; but their reputation says it all. In their mind it is a conspiracy and we need their advice or constant parenting. So that is the miserable SOB and who is Irishman loose in America has done. Their ears are a pyrotechnic device and will blow up soon; inevitable when this stupid and ignorant. Now we have to hear "leave" or "we do not want to fight, you have to go" all hope crazed hours of the day. So hope got millions of them killed and millions more; trust me. They also think we are free and everything in life is free; they help us like a ghost stalker and now everything is broke because they are smarter than we thought. Shoo, you make me limp you nappy serf who belongs on a ceral box.

CALLING MASTER. RANDY BUKAKEE: There is no evidence we are trying to keep their mom as a mistress or be their daddy; so their son can just go and do their own mom; that was a nightmare ordeal. Now the son keeps calling and the mom keeps calling about how much they love us. All day and all night long and we are not even Catholic, liberals, needing a slut, or trying to keep a mistress-single mom around. Go and try this on a Catholic, a liberal, and not Asians. So we run their mom over and the son could help her out by rubbing her from time to time; that dangerous. Why don't you go and Bukakee on your mom's face before asking us to; psycho labor union iRush Bin Dumbass. That is exactly how she got in this situation and how you got in this situation also; but neither of you are as hot as you keep claiming is your hope. Now your Bukakee addicted mom is in pain and does not know what to do or how to get out of this nasty miserable runt breeding program they stuck us in or keep stalking us for. Just admit it is addictive and in your face; so much you will murder your own 911 hubby for. You need Randy. You beg Randy. You pray to Randy. You die for Randy. Everything you do and say is about Randy hope. You need it in your face and you die for it! To quote master Austin, "Do I make you homey baby?" Nobody can resist master Austin as he has passed his talents to me. You think I am Mr. Randy Bukakee and this is who and why; it will haunt you in court; you tried to call and continue to call me Randy Bukakee! So busted, no Randy Bukakee at home or living at this address; but now your husband, son, and friends all know who you are!


GET USED TO THIS COVER UP AND FAILURE TO POLICE ACCEPTABLY: This miserable SOB keeps getting in our face, keep making up stories about taking precautions, keep telling us they are security or personnel, and a host of ridiculous crap to keep them retarded. I cannot even get decent medical care at Walter Reed and get institutionalized in a mental ward; part of the slander program and brainwashing, each and every time I seek medical care. Now does anybody think this lemon is policing themselves or deserves to be killed? So they can fight this out without us and they can call and do this to the office of hurricanes and earthquakes; I am holding over twenty trump cards and I do not do security or babysit miserable SOB whom I refuse to work with or have gain access to my life. Start with blowing up their budgets and kicking them out; then start with social security and medicaid. If they do not learn a lesson by then; then it is time for world war and much worse; do not call me then either unless they are dead and suffering. Oh and stop touching me or trying to work with me; some trade off or buddy system. Ann and I have a love nest to build and I have to make sure it can handle the sparks which are known to fly inside. Do not come over or invite this enemy to my love nest either; she is trying to get me to hurry so her life is cleaned up or rescued. They F with my finances. They F with my mail and orders. They wreck, destroy, or put insane spying equipment on my motherboards and computers. They break in my home and steal my property deeds. We are not trying to hire them for hurricane and earthquake duty; do they understand this? They keep showing up for jobs designed for the Terminator. So continuing this is not worth our while; is it worth theirs to leave it this way?

ONGOING AND CONTINUOUS INSANITY AND BEHAVIOR: They keep doing one after the other and claim to be terror experts when it was them behind all of it and their job searching secret war. Now they are acting as if they are extra precautions and careful to get it right when they are nowhere near getting it right; a complete lemon and a traitor mole we caught or whom is facing total destruction. Their budget needs to be wiped out or blown away; then they can screw with the office of hurricanes and earthquakes themselves if they want it back. So let them have it, I am sick and tired of complaining and will return if and when this is delivered acceptable. Maybe they should have thought it out or sought legal advice before they did this or tried it? Maybe they should have fired them and not ballooned the budget or face the firing squad. Maybe they should have policed themselves instead of trying to educate others on precautions or warning signs. Ask what will happen if the Terminator gets injured or hurt because of this miserable SOB? Exactly, they have to come work for Ann and Alex; or have us supplement their retirement. So do not show up and do not keep messing with the people who are quitting and taking steps to make sure they are okay when the same crap arrives on their door and this constant war on satellite warfare leaders. I have all of this to do and 5 law suit; so all you can go to hell; it is your budget and you better have a trump card before getting smoked. I am holding over twenty of them and did not appreciate this one bit; want that too? We instructed them to move another piece if you do not deliver the goods; social security and medicaid. I am sure they will steal or take their job also; The Terminator will have to decide from here on; we are done with this.

SUMMARY OF SLANDER CASE ON US GOVERNMENT TRAITORS: So the slander and gross violations are there already. Now the effort was to make us get used to it; pretend they were helpful and still have skin in the game; and an ongoing or continuous behavior that is totally insane. With the prospect of loosing tremendous legal battles and possible arrest; they now switch from a terrorist, bad employee, stalker, tormentor, kidnapper, criminal gang, traitor, enemy, communist spy ring and mole; to a new species. First they want us to be quiet and drop the charges. Second, they attacked and keep ramming us until we are softened up for court or go away. Third, the total facade is now to be on good behavior, to make others appear crazy or imagining this stalking and continuous slander, to keep terrorizing or harassing by crank calling or making illegal contact; and to provide no written or historical record except for the work and labor performed which they also refuse to pay. The adjustment was from an enemy to some negotiated peace or settlement. There is and was nothing voluntary, nothing pleasant, nothing anybody could coherently explain without creating total lies or some game plan that was a complete scam. To remedy this, we asked the office of hurricane and earthquakes to remove them and blow up their budget anyway, anyhow, and for good reason. Now they were in our face and still trying to go toe-to-toe; still a runt in the wrong place, wrong people, wrong time, and with this complete disaster on their mind. Look, your nappy head does not need to be part of my life. So I have never met and do not appreciate you studying or celebrating your baldness by imposing it on me and telling me how much you love balding nappy heads; another in-your-face Randy Bukakee attack. I am not Master Randy Bukakee and I do not appreciate this at all.

REVISION OF THE CONTINUOUS SLANDER AND CHARGES: Now the story is we are loved and so were they; they were innocent and still care for us. There was a total disconnect with reality at each step of the way and what changed the game was they were caught, destroyed, and face the force of mother nature and God like fury. They expect us to keep appealing and spend millions of dollars or the next 20 years tying our hands and tangling us in a total mess. They refused to address the ongoing and continuous slander and refusal to fix the records; all mental illness and imagination. So this political enemy and traitor was not helpful, was out of place, and had no business or reason to be in our life; but they were and still are. We have written to this office and asked them to amend their practices so that we do not have to deal with some traitor whom was and is being expelled, banished, or locked out for a very good reason. These people mess with private body guards, they attack Secret Service agencies, they kidnap and spy on the highest protective orders; now they are trying to pull off the ultimate scam on the Terminators. If the office of hurricane and earthquakes has reduced this enemy and foe down by 40%, then that same traitor and runt risks another reduction of 40% as more information and evidence is built against them. So getting expelled is one thing; getting expelled again and repeatedly is another. So revisions must be made by this office and the mistakes and utter disaster addressed on an acceptable level. Doing this is one thing; lying about it is abhorrent and oppressive.

The arrogance and the behavior of this miserable runt cannot be put into words, however, the prospect of losing 40% and even 60% now is even more real than ever before. The way they endanger their loved ones and the treatment we describe simplifies the process they are going through to remove them and restore the lives of others affected by their total lack of human quality. This miserable SOB and enemy is still playing a dangerous game and dressing up as God, some powerful leader, and some evil foe we must defeat or share life with. Can they afford to loose anymore; apparently so based on the records and their behavior. The only thing that makes sense or is coherent is their plead to die, they claim they are ready to die and want to die. Their police have their fingerprints all over this because it got this far and this dangerous. The brunt of this is on the usual suspects. Although the plight is for the Catholic-Jews; the brunt of this pressure focuses on the Irish and the blacks who make up the majority of the prison population; the radical world, the terrorist work, the communist world, the labor movement, inclusion and hate, legal adventurism, academic failure, increasing burdens, and daily toe-to-toe fighting with security forces. Their leadership is not what they claim and is now beyond miserable and fading.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.