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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Ann, WTF are you talking about vacation? You have voter fraud problems or accusations, a smear. Also your buddy Lisa set you up with a stalker; not did your security for inheritance reasons. Did you also know I got the same meet and greet in FL by the unions; which did not trace to Cali; but to astronauts? You vacation in Montana is far from what I read about what or where you vacation. Do you even care or understand why I am mad and very confused now? I am made to look like the bad guy; the bad guys is made to look like the cops; and the table get reversed because they want money, do not police, or only demand we take care of them and cop an attitude. So do not apologize to me or them; you know what I want and what I keep repeating. Your actions caused this but you keep telling me they started it or your intentions; well, does that keep you warm at night or make you horny? What the hell do I care about where you live or vacation; I am in a foul mood again. Your dad did not have to look for a job and deal with a daughter; I do.
Now be quiet and look at this new web site I have joined:

Here we go with the back and forth, no end, happy one day, arguing or upset the next, and then it is the annoyance of the entire matter and not knowing. I need grief counseling and feel like a parent; and I do not want to get involved with teenage tussles or detail sex smears.

Ann, stop apologizing to them. They get jobs and opportunity based on how stupid, low IQ, and how much trouble they can create. I take you and me very serious and always have. I do everything to be careful and keep up long term goals. Let me ask of all things in this world that brings you joy, happiness, satisfaction, and is safe to your strength; are you telling me CPAC, Fox News, Redeye, and your enemies is this source? Are you telling me you have all these men you can replace at a moment notice and can have your peace of mind? Are you telling me what I cannot explain but am mad about? What brings you joy and what reduces you to tears, pleading on air, and makes you go berserk or hysterical? Why then would you do this and worsen matters? You go tell Fox, CPAC, and your enemies also and see if they understand or give you the chances you ask of me; try it Ann and maybe you will understand the degree or point I am at. Do you also thnk they are important or have some life mission you wish to be part of or want to keep? So do you have to go on Fox or have to; no, you want to and you have to? Have you ever been in a war or a fight? Have you had a foe use their fist to hit you while you do tornado kicks; judo throws; wrist and arm locks; ankle locks; and any sleigh of hand to end the fight rapidly? Well I have and I am very good at it; danger smiles back. This is just who you are dealing with and who this communist enemy is; stopped them yet or ready to cry Ann? So did you have to and can you turn the TV off and leave it alone until your life improves? Right now, I am talking to important people and those people can have a tremendous impact on the life of these people and they still refuse to step down or leave; just make it worse. Call the police and ask a counselor how they handle a psycho; how do you stop this madman; or is death the only solution. That is your source of jobs and joy? Fox says they are wrong. Spies tell me you are bragging and call each time they call me. They are worried and know we have won unaminously. They want inheritance, kids, and this is about spouses. They are playing with races and exploit anything that breathes; steal it or kill it.

Ann, how many years have you wasted away so far? You should have unplugged this a long time ago and not let it reach this point. You should have shut them up and not compel them to keep saying how others are imagining this when only they were. Now they are unplugging you and still trying to do a hit on me; at age 41 still after two decades. You should not have let it reach this level Ann; just walk away and unplug this game with a psychopath and madman. Ann, here is how I see it. You have changed and you do things, intentionally or not, to upset me and get your kicks with your buddies. I hope they end up with your money or whatever they are after. However, this change I have notice brings me no joy anymore and you are as ignorant and as stubborn as a politician can get. Maybe all the battles and the fights you have been in; has impacted your life in a very negative way. So it is about money now and when it comes to money Ann; you never produce and even your enemies sit here or there and chide me about showing them "your money." This is how I see it and they need to unplug Fox News first and then you should consider where your life has led or is headed. Your relationship with wild animals or human predators has clouded your judgments; with me and with them. I hope you have some sense to you. Your failure to unplug this or walk away almost got you killed and now; has impaired your relationship with the only person you call family. I am sure your mom and father would feel the same way because I gave more time and effort than even your own blood relations would. Your emmotional attachment; having a blast and going to all these events in order to live a life or a sorority queen; has now terrified all of us; even the police. The communist call all day Ann; Fox News all day, "we are wrong." Spies or street crews, crime elements, "We want to be taken care of." This is about rich and powerful people; their private lives and inheritances; how to steal it and how to sneak on board. It is about spouses and scams; now even online prostitution rings. This was about a gay union, inheritance, spouses, business partners, money, greed, pure evil, websites that screen valuable targets, and the rich and famous. The players at the center of this were drug gangs; the typical gay union, mafia thugs, sex industry, and communist who want human beings to take care of them.

The people whom you have this emmotional attachment with, know no end; they are a crime gang and are deadly communist spies; who use TV and radio to talk to traitors and enemies around the world; to expand and do business using crime. Now you have to sense to preserve the only person who wants to or is commited to caring for you no matter where your life takes you. You have enough sense to not discuss this or reveal the clouded judgments. You also feel you will live forever and you are 20 years old; still staying out late and having a social life only a college teen could dream about. For that, you act forgiven or amazed anybody would mind; wondering constantly or afraid. Meanwhile, your emmotional attachments or relationship; long overdue and beyond dead; has come to me on very bad terms. Every event from 2006 to 2011 has been directed and intended on escape or some terror plot in each household. So the borders do not even exist in our own homes. If it is not one group; then it is another; all tell me to leave and how they are your crew; I am sure they tell you the same identical scam. They claim how they have their way; how happy you all are; how you are going down with them; and how all of you get along and have your way when and if you want. Here is the other problem; you waited until the last minute and took your damn sweet time. We can sound the alarms and count how many times you had to be forgiven; now it truly sounds as if you bit off too much and are cheered regardless as a pioneer or some prophet. Like all women; you underestimate the dangers and in fights; are not a good choice. In war, it is so difficult Ann; to fight along side and to keep this emmotional bond with a female; I hope you have learned a lesson while you seek my experimental thirst; playing me like your enemies and for whatever you need. You take advantage of my relation with you while starting tremendous trouble and seeking a laugh or two; who is the audience Ann? What exactly am I complaining about and to whom? In the last three years; I have never and have yet to see one warning obeyed or any effort to stop. They know they got caught. They know people got hurt because they tried to escape or kill us off. There is no way to escape this and lie; it is on tape and their lies stack up; almost pathological. This is a psycho and when the evidence emerges; it will show how psycho and how evil these people are; Fox did nothing and tried to act as if no evidence was ever there.

I feel another woman can make me happy. I feel stuck, I feel angry, I blame you; and this is not the first time but a repeat of many past events; still the sore and pain as usual; business as usual Ann. Even if I am the boss and you did this for your boss; your dreams are over. Your efforts did not rectify who you are and why you lived life the way you did. You were asked to stop before you really hurt yourself or something awful happened; still I had to listen to how you were going down with them and how much of a pioneer you felt you were. Right now you may be worse than your enemy and your antics are almost as assinine; it depends. Just like a Matador; the bull is not dead and you are not as respected as you sought to claim. The bull has injured you each and everytime you show off; but you do not wish to marry your audience or all of these emmotional attachments. So you seek forgiveness and have not rectified any of this; still. I hope we have a normal life together or apart now that you had dragged me deeper or carried this on for so long; still seeking fools gold. Things happen and people loose everything Ann; this enemy will make sure of that; trust me. They are pure evil and I had to ask for the death penalty; to alert the authorities who they are dealing with and why force is needed. Nobody understands you anymore and even you claim it is only money and how you want to be taken care of; toally relaxed with everything. Now you act as if this is the worst pain you ever felt. At least you did not lie and tell me you needed a heart implant or had a medical emergency; you did it for us? I have 100-1000 insane events and cannot function sometimes; just trying to explain you and how I can only understand you; we been through so much and are so bonded. I am at the point where I have been push too far and too long Ann; that is what you are up to and doing. This is a psycho and the evidence has not emerged; they got caught, they tried to get away, and a lot of people got hurt or injured. They must now live with this; not blame others. Most people in Fox, CPAC, or these phony human beings position would keep a diary and make sure as many eyes read it as possible; it will be really hard to piece it together or figure out details.

I asked you to fix this and all hell broke out. I asked you to do several things and you were ditzy about it. I complained and asked you to unplug them; walk away and not in the same direction before something bad happened. I asked you to consider me and stop bragging; I had to listen to this junk. You are like a little girl; you want me to catch me when you fall and I think you are ridiculous; giddy with your earnings and winnings. Like a typical female; you miss the bullseye and only want to celebrate no matter what the reality is; and predators pick up on this Ann, so do I. You have not even been in a real fight in life; ever, don't forget that. Until you and a human exchange blows or are locked into a life and death moment; you will act the way you do. Luckily, my tolerance for pain is unhuman. Luckily, other warriors know and have some measure of my metal. I am thinking and I am fighting for my life; even with you Ann. You are a jerk ass also trying to act as if nobody understands you or have it all. Now you have it all. I have seen your kind in war and I have had to deal with this kind on both sides. I do not like it at all. You are forcing me and others to view you under a microscope; while this enemy hides. What is under the microscope is not as great as the truth. Are all of you idiots looking for fools' gold? If so we are all doomed; now I am. You may be a hero in my book and with your friends; but in my book, there are too many problems and trouble. Who caused it Ann, who? Imagine if I was your boss Ann. Now imagine if I was your dad and on my deathbed; what would you say or do I want to even see you? You are at the point where it is best to leave it alone. If this was you arguing and going against your dad; I would say the same; let it go and let him die in peace. You tried, you failed, and nothing will change the way you feel or what has happened. You could apologize until you retire; you could cut your wrist; we could help or save each other; you are not the pioneer you claim to be. This enemy keeps picking a fight and we know we are dealing with a psycho; all they had to do was tell the truth; that was all, and then do the right thing.

I cannot believe how annoying you all are and how insane this has gotten. Maybe I have lost my mind but you pioneers claim to love or care for someone; then you make them yell at you all day; and then to finish it off expect a romantic evening and to kiss and makeup? Somebody is retarded and needy; but I feel helpless. I bet your mom and dad yell at you and then have to feed you; so you drag me into this and now vow you are going to get me out of it but on your terms. So here we are and here is the truth; what do you expect from your own soul? You are all mean and you try to act helpful or caring; to scam others. The truth is stupidity and desperation for what insanity drives you all to kill each other or compel others to wage war and play your game. I expect this from them; not you Ann; please not you. You attend all their events and stay out late and I have to sweep it all up or under the rug. Now I have to sit here and hear all of you explain yourself or how wrong you have been or how each of you are trying to kill each other? One says it is murder plots the next is ignoring death threats and warnings. No wonder you are so scared or so weird Ann. You were supposed to meet me at the beach in 1998 and then 1999; and now it is 2011 Ann. After 2000 and 2002; I called it quits and said what was on my mind; remember? I ordered you to never call me again or try to even talk to me; and you violated this. All I get is one excuse after the other; from one side and then the next; even from you Ann and it is too much. I told you no more excuses, decide; if you want to be friends and keep our relation; then you better get here and you need to come to me now. You took your damn sweet time and made me wait forever; then wrote how hard or diligent you are at work. Now I have to listen to more excuses and how I do not respect your feelings. The reason why they want to debate you and anybody who accuses them; is because they want to see the evidence and are lying. That act and felony is underway now. The layer of lies cannot remove the truth; they got caught; wanted to know if there was any evidence; and tried to get away and a lot of people got hurt, killed off, or some standoff was underway. They should have checked in or been upfront with the FBI and investigators; now there are major inconsistencies.

Have you complained? Do you have a complaint? Are you even alive? Do you have a care in the world? I expect this from the enemy Ann; not from you. All I get is how you are ready to cry or in pain; then you are off to a party or dinner; don't worry and everything will be fine. I think you women are fighting each other just to get your crotch wet and it takes another woman to challenge your breed into a fight for this to end; that would not even stop you all. Even you have lost your ability to gain respect Ann; a female may give you a real fight one day. All of you act totally insane or reckless; an alligator could not fix you. Do you need to steal a nation to get your way? Who would hire you all and how do you get people to take care of you all or win this way? Do you expect jobs or to trick others into loving you? Does it take world war or more gold digging? Let me guess; you all are here to steal everything and have your way; but not the truth. Just look at all of this fool's gold; from you and then from them. There is absolutely no value to go on Fox, Redeye, dinners, or CPAC and do not tell me otherwise. Even other conservatives boycott this circus and I can name them; how you will ever rectify this is a magic trick. Worse, you keep telling me you are scared and will quit. So far you have not quit and so far you keep moving the goal post and like all parents; I am to blame. So do not ask me for any mercy or understanding anymore. All of you F your own kids and the only way you can win is pure evil. Now I have to listen to one after the other; even you Ann while all of you drag me deeper. Why are you bragging with them; asking for the evidence when all they do is use it against me? Why? You have a psycho on a level 10 or more; only death will stop them Ann; walk away and unplug this.

How did this happen? You are under the microscope Ann and you should give some value of what you love. You are like an alcoholic; until your family is destroyed or gone; you do not learn or know what is wrong. Have you proven you got help for the drinking problems yet? What did I say? I asked you if you know what you are doing and ready; the goal post moved again. I already have feelings for other women and desire a new partner Ann; look at what you put me through and how you keep moving the goal post. If I was sleeping with a new girl; would you really waste my time or beg? In the name of God and America; have you stopped them yet Ann? You appear derranged to me or even off your rocker. The truth is God is mad and you have to beg for this nation and your guilt; you all steal to win. Now you want to be taken care of. I do not need any advice or smart ass comments; I shut them down and know where this is headed; I was prepared to move to a new country. Now when we turn on the TV; we get the mafia or the labor unions; communists. Go and waste another 20 years of your life with your enemies Ann; not aggravate and piss me off. Go to their parties, events, and let them shower you; then write porn or tell me all your stories. You have another 20 years to waste away and make something of yourself; knock yourself out. You cannot even get or prove you are sorry by getting help for your drinking problems. You wait for the charity of people who hate you or want to feed you more toxic poison; and that is a fool. They also say blondes are stupid; but at least you can figure it out now or why I would sleep with another woman and move on. So long as they can keep others under the microscope; they are safe. When they loose the power; they are dead. When they run out of money or the debts called on them; they will be exposed.

I do not like or respect ignorant and these politicians; the games you all play and how you all are so fake and nobody wishes to do business with you. I am already scouting a replacement because if history repeats itself and if the past is a determination of the future; you will piss me off again and try to do anything you can to lessen it or swerve. Thanks for the lesson Ann and for sharing this nightmare with me and the world. Fox is still arguing from a criminal defense lawyer's view; also they feel that because they are "investigating" they are or can be excused of any complicity and guilt. The problem is privacy and they are stalkers and kidnappers. Business wise they are total fakes and misleading the public; each time you go on TV I have to sit there and listen to all of them use you as a shield while you laugh it off and tell me to unplug them; then you are off to a party or something to piss me off. As far as money, it was never about money before; but you live and you learn; don't you? So Fox is still trying to argue with me and fight for their position in your life. They have unplugged you because you don't seem to know when to walk away. They are guilty as sin; now doing a public service and actually a favor for you; but you have been unplugged. They are guilty and they are misleading others; but you expose them to this danger and they have unplugged you. You do these stupid clips and they do not air it. You air it on your video and based on what I have seen; it is intended to upset you and chase you off. It is getting more dangerous for you and them; but both of you claim you are okay. You all claim to be good friends and only "pranking" each other or playing a "hoax" while Fox hires lawyers to defend their case; a 'police' view. They must prove 1) probable cause 2) a crime had been committed 3) some form of invitation into the inner private life and privacy of others 4) some form of consent. None of you unplugged it but acted as if nothing was wrong or how in love with each other you were. You act like a web site selling sex; knock it off and stop being so disruptive.

You are the cause of this but you have a good excuse; me. You put them in danger and the threat they will loose their life, career, never work again, in a conspiracy, waging war to garner their release, etc... That is the problem and what is going on; and you do not want to let go either. They are not going to survive; the question is do you? Also, you still refuse to extinguish this friendship where all of you are at each other's throat or trying to kill each other; in more than one way or secretly. Me, if I put a dog, signs, lock all my gates, put cameras everywhere, etc... and you still try to bypass my security; whose fault is it now? Who drove their car through my barriers? Who stormed my abode? Who refused to leave or made me call the cops? Who refuses to tell the truth or surrender? Who repeats the cycle of violence and needs force to be removed? Who keeps saying, "don't touch me... I don't care what you think." Who is trapped and how or why? All you are doing is whining and dining; showing them the furniture and your comforts; acting like a hostess; and pissing off anybody who either watches or knows what is going on. Worse, you come to me and get me all entangled or deeper in this and my problem is I love you madly but disapprove of your personality, wild character, your constant pleading, excuse your ignorance and Christian ways. It is how all of you avoid truth or reality; silence. The truth is you are a F up and you defeated them with good lies or with a stick and carrot; to lead them down a road they do not belong on or know what is going on. From my view, this is ongoing and there is no end to it. You already pled guilty and chose to remain silent; if they want to get you in trouble or throw you out; the door is open and the challenge is burning bright.

The challenge is there and the events and facts are accurate; if the truth comes out; they will get the death penalty and the level of lawlessness or evil will be revealed. We have a war and we are dealing with spies; it is messy and not for the faint of heart. Now how do you do the right thing when an enemy is unstoppable or not willing to do the right thing? How do you kill the devil or stop it? Sounds like the people who get results are at each other's throat. Sounds as if I am at your throat now and I dislike it or do not want to get deeper in this; enough is enough, you pleaded and then pled guilty to me; but had a good intention (did not plan or intend on this outcome). You just did nothing to prevent or stop it. Even if I yell or threaten to leave you; nothing registers or can dent the ignorance and stubborness. So it must be only about money and money corrupts; thanks. I really needed this and asked for this insanity. All of you stalk people and for decades; then say how it is only about money and not truth, ethics, or any form of ethics. You F'ers do not police anything and now money is only on your mind or desperation. Ann, even you are annoying. How do you expect to sit at the table or power or get a top secret pass with this kind of personality? How does anybody expect anything when we face this sort of threat constantly; even in our bed? It is that mousy stupid appeal of all of you. How do you expect me to get to the bottom of any of this and you keep saying, "it is only business." Look at my god damn Ouija board now; stick your nose up to it and take a whiff; do you like it or enjoy it as much as I do? You are dealing with a spy and major league liars; trained to kill and trained to deceive others; only the FBI and military can match this kind of enemy. Only the truth is effective or will clear any of this up. Does anybody see a diary or any effort to clarify the situation? Does anybody feel an innocent person trapped or sucked deeper into this would just sit there and admire the lights? Who in their right mind would refuse a diary or feel so strongly they did not even bother to write it down or tell someone?

Here is the kicker; I am pleading your case and trying to save your life and mine; our relationship. You must be a complete idiot or have some superb friends and workmates. They want to die and need force to remove them; you must be unplugged or scared into a state of sanity. No wonder it is only money now between you and I; is this what you intended or wanted; are you sure? This is and has been the impact you had on my life and the total insanity; all of you, but you turned them in and I am trying to finish them off anyway I can. You made it more insane. You caused us to seek the comfort of others; then stuck with or bragged about me. How the hell does anybody measure the damage and the toll of this? You have your version. I have mine. They try to take mine or yours and twist it into more insanity. Bottom line, get the hell out of my mission and my life; as far as you; WTF? It is only business... it is not my fault... I did not intentionally try to piss you off... I did it on purpose only so I could stop them... I am in so much pain, please help me... they are trying to kill me and I need you help, I will do anything you ask me to, etc... Now who is lying to me or who does not want to get hurt Ann? Who is the court and who is the source of the insanity? Is it you, them, us, or all of us? The worst part is all of you are hero seekers or worshippers; and ordered to leave or face expulsion. All of you are at each other's neck and now I am somehow... entangled and sucked into this; thanks. Decide what you want me to worry about Ann? You? Me? Us? Them? How about hurricanes and earthquakes? I am watched and have a dialogue 24 hours with the labor unions and the left wing; crapping on my toilet seat, making snide comments, told to clean or mop the floor, etc... I am made to think and feel I am their slave and they are dumber than a dumbass but spy on us like madness; a boring big brother trying to be in total control but stupid and evil. They got the death penalty and cannot figure a way out; suicidal and getting more dangerous. This is not a car or a TV that was stolen; this was our life. This was our heart and soul. This was priceless. Take a look at all the dead bodies; all they can say is "we were wrong... when are you going to leave... go home... he needs money... are you refusing to mop up the floor?"

Now their welfare is shut down or at risk; to live by the sword and soon to die by it. They blame it on me or us; now decide what you want me to worry about Ann; you or us. The misery index is beyond the insanity of a human species; decide what creature you all are; this junk and insanity is coming out and going to explode; death greets them and even you; you are beyond miserable and have not even lived life; constantly telling me you are okay and happy with me. That is why I stay and why I keep yelling but do not put a nail in you or taking actions you cannot live with. I get the feeling you are playing this game with me also; so says Fox, labor unions, communists, terrorists, liars, fugitives, spies and your workmates. You say you are not. They say you are a liar. You say they are phony. They say you are fake and a poser. They keep telling me to leave and how I am not one of them. Did we ask for communism and why is it being hidden? Did I ask for terrorism and why is it being hidden? Why is this only about money now? Here I am saying get out of my mission and go away; leave me and us alone. At least I do not hide being a terrorist or communist; I have a mission and it is well known; can anybody beat or outdue me? Well, time is on my side and so is the truth; why keep trying and ramming us while hiding it? Why hide it and claim to be friends or helping? Now we got major problems with the police and the military; taking over everything for this stupid plot and this dumbass enemy. Now they act as if they can get a job, are important, are protesting or criticizing my life, and the slander is immense and so flagarant. Even while they are being expelled or forced out; soon wanderers or a war on poverty; the stupidity and the pest is immense. They blame you for putting me or exposing me to this. They blame me for exposing you or trying to help you. They keep negotiating your death and mine; how I have to train them and give them all secrets so they can find a replacement when I am gone or when you are gone. Look at this shit and the SOB behind it; they have nothing and ask why we would expose ourself to this abuse and constant attack. So why do we Ann? Why are we in this position or this crisis? Why or how did things get this way and now those culpable trying to get away or save their own skin? They have the death penalty obviously and are not talking; not compelled to tell the truth yet; still friends, business partners, and only about money. Who said communism, poverty, and stupidity was legal? Who needs to be fired and force used to remove them? Who only blames? Who does not police anything while demanding or extorting money? Who is killing off spouses for inheritance or setting up web sites and using phony accounts? Who hacks into our computers and spy on us 24-7? Who is this enemy and spy? Who exposes this mission and the office of hurricanes and earthquakes to this? Ann, if you do not win this or win it all; you are going to look stupid. Like them, you will become an extremist and be converted to the dead, zombies, or spread this disease; understand?

Ann, do you wish to win or make me worry? Decide because so far; you cannot eat your cake and sniff it. I like how you put up these videos of West Palm, Delray Beach, etc... and then your insane Fox News clips. I used to cherish them and I used to respect them; whose fault is that Ann? Are you saying it did not happen or is Fox News and your enemies? There is an inconsistency in their story and they will never work again; this is insane and beyond the scope of a human being; pure evil. Does anybody think we are dealing with a human being or a madman? They have the power to unplug you and have; are you stupid like them now or just as mad? They will not survive this; do you wish to or not? What is guilt by association and why did the outcome get so negative or impacting? You deny it and they claim you are a liar; insane. Try to answer those questions logically and rationally; try. All they can say is hope or how they must eat; now they want to die or are ready to die; just not ready to tell the truth or turn themselves in. Did I mess something or have I lost my mind? Maybe I am not the computer science champ or the father of satellite warfare everybody thnks I am? The police and the government will say the same thing, "why don't you leave... why would you expose yourself to this?" Why do you? Why would you expose yourself to danger every single day and rationalize or logically act human about it? Did God ask you or is it written why you must; maybe insanity or madness or just stupidity? Obviously, I am dealing with a psycho and if we ask the police how to deal with a psycho; the punishment is tardy and the force needed is long overdue. They are trying to say I am crazy. Ann you are trying to tell them you drove me crazy or did not want to. I am asking you to stop driving me crazy and to love me back in a pure way. You try to hide this or claim it is your privacy. They want to get a piece of both our life. They claim both you and I need to go away. They claim they are investigating us and there is a conspiracy ongoing. I am a bit confused and we will get lost in all of this; fall through the cracks of this enemy and insignificant human being. They now claim we are not the enemy and they are doing this or made all these mistakes because they are strong, patriotic, angry, and want us to stop. They claim they are us or the same; what bothers them and why we are in this together and united. I hate their guts and want them expelled; trying to finish them off and they claim I bother them? How did compost and a little mouse exist or have such impact on our life? How? Stalking? Attacking? Spying? Lying? Money seeking? Crime? How but taking us hostage and kidnapping us; what the charges are and why it carries a death penalty.

Why can't we deport them and anybody who does this; abuse power and go so beyond the scope of a human being? Patriotism? Nobility? Fame and Fortune? Winning? Power? Survival and thriving? How about asking the father of the satellite warfare program and his wisdom? How about asking the last survivors of and the champions of world war what their opinion and command is? What do you think they will say? How do you think they will say it or express it? What do you think they will do to this enemy or destroy them; as punishement and victory? Now look at my flaky Ouija board; how did it get this way again? Who did this again or do we know already? What are they trying to accomplish and what is their goal now but to get away or survive? Real or an insane goal? Prove it. They are breathing. They are not hungry. They live well and are rich still. They still have shows, media channels, and jobs. Now prove it. Then stand back as I prove it or get to the bottom of all this; care to help or just make it worse? So who will kill this enemy and the communists; them, us, or will we die trying? The insanity and the charges are there; the question is how it will end? The only one who knows is my Ouija board and look at how confused and how messed up it is now. My Ouija board is the only crystal ball and future so far on this earth; only explanable or verified one; ask all the witnesses. If they were hungry before, then the road to recovery makes them even worse and more hungry. They claim they are not violent and victims; abused and seeking self medication. They claim the road to recovery is being blocked and we are trying to rid them or have this hate in us for no reason. They claim to be the police and we are violent or hate them to the point of even murder; only a thief and a liar. They need to be rounded up and interned; just like an enemy during a war because this is so beyond the scope of insanity and the degree of it is being hidden or unpunished. They want us to tell them why we expose ourself to danger or misery; why tell the truth and what benefit it serves; ethics? In order to hide this "interview" they will invent 911, terrorism, war, and so much more; that pill did not fix them but damned them even worse. So that is what all this "security" and "secrecy" is all about; they get a crack and a chance to talk to us; we get a chance to scream, complain, and go nuts on them.

So far, they do not have the winning formula and claim ours is also theirs; the public domain. What can happen if they get the winning formula comes down to World War and the last fight on earth; Armagheddon. It is too bad we expected this, planned for this, and knew they were coming and ready for it; too bad for them but superb for us, cannot ask for a better scenario. So it is only business now and only about money; thanks Ann. Am I some spy or being made to look like the bad guy by the real bad guys? How do we kill the devil and this enemy? I am disabled and need the VA because I have to witness this, study it, explain it, and watch these F'ers die while what I love is sacrificed. If there is a good and office of hurricane and earthquakes; then they can read my report in a raw form. The public can read my assessment and anybody can ready my analysis and commands. I am being asked to trade my life in for this? So at age 41 years old and two decades of this; I am being denied 1.5 billion in damages because I won and have a life? I have the winning formula and I did what is expected or work hard; and should just let it go or let them go? If murder was legal and violence not illegal; I would not know what I would do after solving this case; maybe summon God and the Gods of hurricanes and earthquakes. Now think about this, you do this and put a 41 year old kid at the battle station and expect something else? Who is crazy and who is stupid now? Who is driving this and who is the boss? Who has the crystal ball and the Ouija board; are they totally insane or just a psycho? All day and all night of this; trying their best to take that extra shot or that cheap punch 24-7? Do on to others as they do onto you; then double it for good health because in the end; we all die by our words and live by the sword. Now who can beat that and who can prove it or reach this level; who has the other crystal ball and can we trace it, find it, and destroy it? Let's ask if that crystal ball is working still or has any life in it left? Got a second crystal ball or another one; or just steal ours? I see how the game is played and how reality is now. The police should have unplugged this enemy and this miserable SOB a long time ago; not let both sides speak or for this to reach such an awful ending. You all are so confident until I start yelling at you Ann; then you turn to mush and go hide for weeks. The moment I cut you loose; you are screaming like Mt. Olympus and on every news channel; I am sick and tired of getting sucked into this and dragged behind this mess. I am clearly doing everything I can to avoid this.

Right now, O'reilly is trying to talk to me and say we imagined this or are crazy. Meanwhile, he and Fox said you have a "crew" and are not looking for a "concierge" because they mistook me as a mafia "made" man. So playing by the rules; they are allowed to whack me; now they claim the hot females on channel 4 and 7 in Buffalo; and the Fox crew were willing to do anything; even be sex offenders. This is just how the mafia and crime gangs work; it is never intentional and always bad blood between families. I do not know why you did not unplug this and all of these women were sending me naked pictures or talking insane sex talk with me online for years. All I did was jack them and get them more horny; married or not, TV host or not; gorgeous and slutty or not. Everybody asked why the girls in Buffalo were so hot and why they kept on trying to contact me or have insane sex while using TV to set up a meet and greet event. I did meet one and she did have a dirty look while pampering her makeup; so they were not fake or joking and wanted to be my crew and concierge. That is who we have and they look normal but the psychopath levels is far beyond a human being or the scope of sanity. This is the peak of the mafia and the peak of insanity; the entire pack and their leaders. Their PR says we are imagining this and Fox is only wrong. They should not be playing this game with others or people; no less murdering decent human beings. We will know soon how sorry they are. If they kill themselves in a mass suicide before dragging this to another level of insanity; then it will save a lot of people a lot of time; also write down the details and pay the damages by securing their estate to the victims. Instead they want to burn it or pass it on to the next psycho warrior or leader we must face again. This is who we are dealing with and how they plan on ending this; more nightmares and utter insanity; that is a true traitor. Most people save lives or know when to stop; they will take out as many as they can or see what they can get away with while fooling the world and seeking to expand.

They had been hounding me in my home, the moment I stepped foot outside, on their shows, etc... about how you were going down with them, go to all their events, come on their shows, the pictures you took with them, how much money they paid to hire you, and all kinds of crazy insanity; now they refuse to let up or leave us alone. They still claim to be our crew; mostly your crew. It would help if a simple no works and they keep playing this game. Ann, look at what they are saying and what our story is. They even claim I am the problem or stalking you and them. Did you see the charges in NY and filed with the FBI? They were trying to film you having sex or blackmail you; a threesome was what they were aiming for and the best shot was to come in my home. Their security is so that this perpetuates and we cannot crack down; that is what the security is. They claim to have a record and years of outstanding behavior or work. They claim to be rebels and we are either ordered or forced to take care of them; they have nothing and want us to take care of them or face punishment and violence. They claim you do not want to take care of me or help; also how angry I am about you and how we are incompatible. You do attend their events and you do appear to be going down with them and even have a secret life or flirt constantly with each and everyone of them; now you have problems with me. I am already searching for a new life and new partner. They still claim we can have our way with them and they only want some respect back; still our best friends and we can have anything we want. When you look at the case of OJ, Tiger, Pang, Jordan, Jackson, Pressley, Baker, death of relatives, the DC Madame, Duke, San Diego, military wives, and now online inheritance and scams to steal every dime a human being owns. It is like swimming with sharks; there is a relationship but it builds on more and more risks; keeping dangerous animals and being taken to a breaking point. There is a deadline and when that deadline arrives; the true nature of their being will be exposed and before the entire public, police, FBI, and military world.

All they have is the rope they are hanging on. To get anywhere you have to scold them, beat them, or impose some insane or whacked out method to stop them or quell their madness wounds. They then say how we are sour or sore losers. Then you have to beat them to a pulp just to fix life or have one; now they are a victim and need disability or some public assistance? They need jobs and money after waging war on the normal people or high IQ species? Who are the winners and losers again? What did we stop and how did it get this way? Who is the victim and who is the liar and thief? Now, if you are hanging on a noose; why would you do this and what is your goal? Let's ask the police; how do you deal with and handle a psychopathic enemy who is intent on this? Let's ask the public and scream it across the globe if we can; who has this voice and who can stop this madness? Is it just about money now or pure evil? Who is evil and what is it again? I am 41 years old and something has gone very wrong. Ann is 50 years old and her life clearly shows something has gone really wrong but is being hidden or well concealed. Yes she is misleading people or not telling the truth; so is this enemy and these suspects; to show courage, strength, honor, and not stuck or always thinking. So are they. It is embarassing; so is hanging on a noose. They claim we need money and should leave; but not them. Would you visit aides victims daily? Would you go to dinner with syphillis patients? Would you hang out or have a blast with dying cancer patients who have an excuse for abusing you? Me neither. So ask an FBI or police officer; would they keep a diary or tell someone? They got caught, they tried to escape, they got taped and filmed, a lot of people got hurt, it is as high as you can get now, and nothing has changed but a huge gap and inconsistencies in the events.

Ann, think about this okay; if they are hanging on a noose and did all this; why are they not deported, fired, banned, destroyed, and why is the death penalty not being imposed; who can answer this and bring them forward to tell the truth. Our civilization depends on this and our existence is now at stake; do they wish to play more games or just die trying? People saw much more than, "we were wrong" and the complaints are far worse than "they are wrong." The problem is the inconsistency, the gigantic gap, and the truth of what actually happened and who did what. Now who has to leave and who refuses to? Who is hanging on a noose because that is all they have; and debts? Is it us or is it them? Who is angry because the rivals took everything we have and the only thing we have in life? Who is innocent or just pretending to be with a 41 year older; a 41 year old human being. Explain that one and try not to lie as much as we have seen or had to endure. They will forever indulge on our kindness; seek to be killed; and wait until something burns them or kills them. So you tell me if and when they have told the truth or only smeared you or blamed me. Do you see a diary or what a guard or investigator would do, keep notes? How do they expect anybody, even themselves to investigate how fond and confident their expectation is? The bottom line is they want us to take care of them and we caught them as communist first and then they hid as mafia leaders or criminal crews.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.