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Monday, March 28, 2011


LIBYA: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where were the air support and also the Arab Special Forces who are supposed to assist in the planning and communications? Right now, they are a day away from the capital; therefore, the capital does not fall easily and has to have checkpoints. If the rebels surrounds the capital and seize the main highways; a long attrition is going to repeat the Iraqi crisis in the initial invasion. Therefore, you want to get those trainers in there and get that support; dig in and do not rush it. Hold the ground and get more recruits to hold that ground. The worst outcome is a lack of logistics and an attack from the rear. I do not know why the rebel forces did not come on TV and ask for more air support and even planners and communications specialists. The Allied Forces should have taken out those tanks because in the deserts of North Africa, the primary threat are tracks. Why did they let the T-tanks intercept the rebel commandos as they prepared this strategy?

Look, a siege on the capital can last up to a year; depending on how long they hold out. So I would advise nobody links elections to the end and let it wind out meticulously. I do not think they jumped on this quick enough; but they know how to take down a government. Luckily for the rebels; their strategy to hug the coast and stay within range has proven successful. I also suggest their water retreat or backup is also in place in case of a counter; to move more men and material in. They will know soon enough who and what they are facing. I am going to write the office of hurricane and earthquakes because this is not going to go bad on my watch and be another Iraq. Now get those planners in position and do not rush it for electoral points; they will be drawn into the tide of a counter offensive. I am tired of these paramilitaries who have no experience taking down or overthrowing rogue governments. Do they even know the summer season is coming and who is advantage?


Q: Ann, when are you going to tell your "managers", arranged fans, Maher, and Fox News you are with "a minority." I do not even consider you or I a minority but they do. Worse, they use this against you or try to make you feel uncomfortable. So tell them how far and how intimate you are with me please so they stop! They told me if I want this to end or stop; I had to prove to them you and I are sexually intimate or lovers. They kept saying I was a minority in the worst manner and telling me to leave or go away; while they vulture my life and acted like my buddy. Also, read this book, "Palm Beach Babylon" and tell me if you do not sense Deja Vu? The idea you date only black men is the biggest joke I have ever heard but you are with a minority and Asian for over two decades. I am not your typical human being or species. Are they total idiots or only pretending?


We know these people are former communist, rogues, labor union spies, and high risk mafia operatives. They toy with SWAT teams sent into the most difficult predicaments. They try to piss off hostage rescue teams or those who have a mission. They also try to make it appear or sound completely illegal; how we live in an evil and corrupt world and they make the decisions or are the bosses. This is how they abduct and kidnap; on the political level and global levels. This is how they scare people off and force them into retirement or a state of hysteria. This is how they play a very dangerous game that does not get anywhere and has stopped in its track. Now they do not want to leave and they continue to put their life on the line; to scare us off or open the door so they do not have to leave. The pressure on us is still ongoing and still has not stopped; what they call waging war on us and a protest. They also claim they are in a very good position and okay; we need to worry. Therefore, it was just a false alarm, a scare, we imagined it, and everything is alright again. The question is do they know they are doing it and the malice and deliberate effort which will garner a death penalty or mandatory prison? How evil can they get or become and how well can they hide this low existence at the highest positions? We know they look good, the public is catching on; but does it even matter? Right now they are on the path and headed into the worst ending possible. Can they change the story or lie their way out of it? How? I need details and the full plans. The worst part is we know what they are up to and why. The motive of kidnapping or abducting high value targets is the ability to throw out family and friends. When you have a powerful voice on your side; you can make big decisions and live through them. We describe them as stalkers and kidnappers; madmen and psychopaths. Who would know and who would even suspect they were criminal gangs, drug operatives, spies and moles, or traitors?

Ann, I know they are testing our relationship and only wish to wreak havoc. I have noticed, based on previous events and historical record, that your "managers" and YAF had used these speeches to open doors for to probe before all hell breaks out. If and when a speech goes uneventful or goes down easily; a hit or an attack follows. Unfortunately, I have no tolerance and your "managers" use this to check if the cost is clear. So the Wyoming speech will go down smooth; and then the unusual wave after wave will follow. Like usual Ann, you will put the blinders on and claim or vow how it is all business and how it has been for a long time. That is why they are going to be gone; not because you went to a speech or are independent. The moment a green light is there; that jackass thinks it is solid ground or getting better; a business partner and a door of opportunity. So they are reading and they do understand the predicament; how I feel and what my sentiments are. I hope they can recover from it because I can tell them now what my reaction and answer will be for putting me through this. Ann, your vow and continuous view how it is only business, not to worry, and how you are always faithful; is not at hand. They do it to insult and to say "leave" and all I have to say is "really... are you positive?" I hope they are 100 per cent sure and 100 per cent ready to write it down as I have and done. This is why I had to call security over 10,000 times and counting. They will deny it so you have to deal with it Ann. Like before, all of you will pass the buck on to me and I get pissed off and write how much this sucks. You tell me to take it up with them; they tell me to take it up with you; and now it gets worse and worse. How they live their life is how I will write this ending.

Ann, you work out your problems or lack of problems with your managers because each time you go to a college campus or make a speech; it is a primer for the next event and the next. It feels like you are an active participant and cajoling them into pissing me off or ripping our relationship straight down the center. Worse, my opinion of you has altered and I have taken too much. You say it is nothing. I get the short end of the stick. I feel betrayed and you claim you did nothing wrong or only wish to stop them. You are rolling in cash; your love life and nearly destroyed; and you do not even know who you are or where your life is headed. To add insult, I am in a bad period of my life and trying to get back on my feet and you gave me this idea you are a horrible teenage girl who never had a dad who had to look for a job. Now I have not made any disgruntled comments or even thought about jealousy; but while you are having such a wonderful time; I am in the trenches and going psycho on this enemy who I have to fight day and night; just so you can escape and so I can free myself from their traps. In the past, I have made a lot of complaints about this sorority life. You attend the parties while everybody else has to study or work jobs; and you just prance in as if it was no big deal and the door is always open for you Ann. It is not that; it is how you pull me into this culture and fashion show which only brings more and more problems. It has nearly ripped our relationship apart and regardless of the amassing problems; you still attend the events and brag about how late you stayed out or who caused you to stay out all night. The speeches were never a problem; what they were are probes and a wave of attacks always follows. When the smoke clears; your "managers" will send you out to another speech and we are back at each others' throat. So they are checking and testing our relationship before attacking and it is intended to wreak havoc; as Fox News had also done.

Now if I had the truth; which I am still trying to ask myself why I am going through this; things would not be so bad Ann. I know you love me to death and have been in love since the 1980s; almost inseparable or impossible to break us apart. However, I have reached my limit again. So if history repeats itself, I expect a repeat of the same or the past and am not even going to complain or make a comment. I will do what I have to and you will sit there and claim you are making so much effort and working so hard for us. The question is if it was all business and I have or had nothing to worry about; why we are here now and why I feel this way? That is the problem and that is the question; what your lawsuit or legal complaints are about. If you cannot defend yourself and make no effort to fix or help your life; to patch up our mad love for each other; then do not keep placing the weight on me. That is the problem and what has been my transformation. You have taken so much time to fix so little. You have taken for granted those around you and who you hold close to your heart; your own soul Ann. It pains me to say this but even I now do not trust you or expect anything different. Unless I threaten you or just go and do something crazy and destructive; you do not budge. Worse, this is who we are dealing with and who claims to be so close to either you or me. Go back and count how many times it happened and how I report each attack, very subtle. Ann, do they fear you or me? If they cannot keep it in their pants or wish to drag you through the mud; do they fear me or you? I told you who has circled you and who are your business partners, duking and ducking our retaliation. You are swimming with sharks and vultures; and it leads to the labor unions and moles; and they are as insane as insane allows. They think they are better even if they are angry loser who are dependent; how Catholics and Jews are.

Now I will say this for everybody to read and understand; we have been and are in mad love; planning and outmaneuvering our enemies together. It has reached a peak and a peaceful transformation in our life but outside this circle it has or was deadly. I cannot replace you. You cannot and refuse to replace me. I cannot take anymore heartache. You have, always were, and still give me the impression you are terrified of losing our relationship. I am at my wits end with this Ann; I don't even care if you love me to death or not; there has to be more peace from a female in this world and less misery. I have never seen so many problems with stalkers and so many problems in a relationship; but you still are second best and one step behind. I cannot come to any sensible conclusion about how you can be innocent and how this got this way; but I am happy for you if and when you stop dragging me into your hell and insane circle of friends. They belong in jail and they have no place in my world; one day you will have to make the ultimate decision; and I am growing more angry with the situation. When it comes to your biography and the real story; why they just dropped off the planet and why the door was shut on their faces; I am not even sure who to blame or how it got this way. Your commitment to me and our relation is eternal; but your silence and how I have to do insane things to stop you has to end because that is how this entire matter got this way for you and for me. If they are your friends; they will prove it. Do you want to swim with the sharks or seek the comfort of your own marriage planned over two decades ago? You tell them why they need to go and you tell them to stop challenging me or telling me to get out of our own life. You are their sense of pride Ann and I am taking this away or reclaiming their stupidity. They are horrible and lack professionalism; but they like to fight constantly, petty despots and an angry pig.

You are running with the devil and psychos; killing them is difficult. Stopping them has been a very arduous and difficult task. At some point the ice has to melt and this has to end. Maher just dropped off the planet. Hannity is hanging on for dear life. Limbaugh is hanging on and so is Oreilly. Gutfeld has topped them all and is plugging away now. FReeP is still plugging away and does not want it to end. I will be frank and give them some advice; when the smoke clears and when we reload; it comes down to my decision. Like all bad friends; they will tell you lies and try to manipulate it; to pit you against me again and again. You freak me out too much and I do not like it Ann; lies or not. Your lack of commitment in public and your total and 200% commitment in private floors me. These are private matters and our private life; nobody has any jurisdiction or sovereignty over our kingdom. Your body is mine and my body is our possession; one in the same and how it has been for more than 20 years. People do not understand this and they lack the knowledge or education to make any sense of it. They know you hate them and I know they hate you to death; so this game keeps playing out. The problem is you love me to death and I love you beyond what a human can give another; you are my baby and soul. What swirls and lurks around us is dangerous, deadly, and has led to horrible stories and crimes. I do not want to be a victim again or another hostage of the circumstances. We will win but the question is; how we decide to stay together or not. I am at the point where I can be set off so easily and one comment can get me over the top Ann; all of these stalkers and their insane psychoactive drug induce stalker impact on my life.

Everybody knows you have a man who has everything you want and need. There is a lot they do not know. At least I am there for you and you can brag about it; I cannot and I need your help now. So far you have failed and I am at my wits end; two circles drifting and being blown away by no fault of our own or is it? We are dealing with a Neanderthal Ann; so love and happiness is far from the caveman understanding. If you are the manager of your love life and private life; then you have nobody to blame but yourself; unless they crossed that line and a felony is obviously clear. Yes they did this to drive us mad and crazy; but failed. They did this so we would be shaken and our nerves failed. They did this to eliminate one of us at a time and destroy us for choosing to be together. They did this to win and rob us; hence the language and how they talk. At some point, you must stop giving a beggar and a robber what they want and take it to the police or help me destroy them or it. Telling me you love me day and night or acting on your best behavior is not good enough; I used to be proud and happy for you and of you; now you must live up to your words and show our friendship means everything to you. If you loose this; you will never be able to repair it, me, or us. Like your own child, hold it, cherish it, and make sure nobody has a valid reason to disrupt it Ann. If they mess with you and try to ruin it; I will promise you I will put them in their place, eventually and even years from now. I am one of those people who has a strong memory and zero tolerance. Go back and count how many times this has happened; so do not even think about being in a good mood until this is clear Ann. They had been exploiting your grief and then they were exploiting and stealing your elation; as done on this end also. They wanted both of us to think and feel we were lost and it was a losing affair; now or never. This is also why I am conducting a search for a new girl; I expect more of the same and did not appreciate it. You are the one swimming with sharks and vultures; and I tried to help you while they played this samurai game with you and now me also. I ended up with the short end of the stick while you ended up with the same problems I did not want. Welcome to the world of really screwed up and messed up people Ann. You tell me why we are ripping each other apart; and then tell them.

I know you love me to death and cry sometimes when I just say this to you; now prove it and live up to what is expected. These up and down moods make it more and more difficult. This responsible but ditzy act has ripped us apart. I heard your side and why; who did it or forced you to retaliate on their stupid ape like existence. I will never interfere with your personal development or career; but you have no sense to recognize when enough is enough; the threshold of pain. You say how you will be fine and not to worry; then end up getting knocked around by me and hurt; those ghost like mood swings. It is hard to run a marathon when being chased by a stalker and a psycho; know your limit and know mine also. We been doing this and been this way for 22 years Ann; why so many problems now? I also do not suggest you mention me and whether or not you are a Virgin in public; that is going to be a difficult sell. I am upset when I read this but am reassured; so thanks. I do not know how to make of it or react; do they? One day all of this has to come out and it has to be reported; just remember that and tell your enemies also. When it does the office of hurricane and earthquakes will have the first copies and asked to check for accuracy; to defend our mission and life with theirs. So if you want to scare them; you are. If you want them to bury themselves before they grow old; they have and will. You cannot ask for a worse nightmare and how it is unraveling. They have died and are dead in more than one way; it is up to them to decide how this ends. We called security on them over 10,000 times; they need to remember this before placing any blame and fault on the legends of human kind. The police know their downfall was their own doing and their fate. They were checking you to see if they were staying and it did not look good. Remember, you asked for my help fighting these vultures and sharks off; then you had as much fun as possible while I complained about you. Now they are probing you again and sending you a teaser; and I am more than fed up with these vultures. They are not sure of the future and are more careful now; but I will save them some time and give them some peace of mind. This is why they cannot give me or anyone a clear, vivid, and decisive answer.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.