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Wednesday, March 9, 2011



First we get the War on Poverty. Then we get the War on Drugs. Now we get the war on the Homeless and Angry Veterans. Now we have to War on Jobs and Government. Still, the government has not answered this question; why did they wait so long to lock up or intern these people who they themselves know are the enemy of the state and totally insane? The Japanese were; why not the communists? Instead, they opt for Jihad? Here is one for the lawyers; why are we made to suffer, bothered, and sacrified for dirt and scum humans; they expect to keep their job? They expect a hunting party to just call off their search? They expect the office of hurricane and earthquakes to just ignore the problem also? Obviously, something has gone very wrong and is still extremely wrong. Now we have to fight some secret war with the communist for police stations, military bases, top appointments, and all of it is for the damned, the poor, the stupid, and the most hated or worst? What would God do? How would God make them suffer? Obviously something very wrong happened and continues to be unfixed. Exacting revenge and seeking comfort for the disaster of the welfare system is not logical or how to win this; obviously. The welfare system is written by the double edge sword; you live by it, then you die by it. Now they are seeking revenge on America and the crime of poverty. So what do you do when and if the beast is out of control?

This pest and enemy continue to insist they are pros, not fake, and are hard hitters; one tough nation; damned and evil, but tough and dirt poor. This War on Poverty has grown to an enormous level and the leverage on the debts are astronomical. This mistreatment, stupid game, stalking, harassment, hatred, making others unpleasant, and constant battle with people who have nothing in life has led somewhere and has garnered the attention of the most powerful and highest leaders; also retaliation and preparation for severe punishment. Everybody is sick of it and this maniacal, egotistical dumbass still has not learned a lesson or knows what it will take to put them in their place. The game is they deserve abuse, they deserve what life dishes out, and they deserve the pain and suffering needed to push them down, make them go away, and shut their mouth. Unfortunately, there is no legal code that says all communists and SOB must adhere to our wishes; but neither is there a law to stop what has to be done after we know what they did and are up to. So yes, the Huns are at the gates and they are making life and liberty very uncomfortable so they can benefit; nothing earthquaking is coming our way.

Who the hell is or keeps playing this game, "we can see you but you cannot see us." We see them clearly and they see us very clearly; there is not mistake or now misactions; we are locked and headed in the same direction; we have had to ask for extreme force to rectify and fix this; even teach them a lesson. Who has the advantage and leverage here? Who begs God when a near miss or the slightest sound? Who runs and hides when lightning strikes? All you have to do is measure the right wing; shut up and know your place. Imagine what the left wing is like if the right wing and the Republicans are this way? Did they have to wait 3 years or even 22 years? Did we have to get sucked in or go through this with everybody? Do I have to write and complain about how unpleasant and how this could have been avoided? I want to know how crazy and how guilty these leaders are; we are spending all of our life and time saving the damned, guilty, and the most insane human beings who like to abuse each other or get violent so they can act tough or less phony? I am really ticked off with this damned war and this sucking in process we are not guilty of; civil war is nearer. Whose idea was it to piss our life away saving the guilty and damned; who? Was this my idea or are they just doing their job?

Look, it is obvious someone does not know their place and is playing games with us and others. Furthermore, this idea we ware taking away everything they have and they do not want to fix anything for fear of losing everything they have; is obnoxious. This is about harmony and someone is out of harmony and always is. This dumbass, this bastard, this maniacal and egotistical jackass leads us down a road where we have to agree or leads nowhere. Now we are constantly called or clandestinely communicating to some unwanted pest about how we are scared of them or how they are not fake. Listen, if there is a God in this world; then the hurricanes and earthquakes needs to kill them; get it done and for good. I will be honest about this dialogue; we do not need to hear it or listen to how stupid a human being can become or gets. Furthermore, someone is causing a lot of trouble, in complete dis-harmony, and needs to be slammed or taught a lesson. This may only be possible by civil war and through force; again, this is the labor movement and the Catholics. Moreover, it is a larger problem with the phony and fakes of this world who seek to mimic or smear anything we do; even pursue love and marriage. So the idiot and the problem maker who does not know their place, has to skirt the God of hurricanes and earthquakes, and has to be taken to the brink of destruction or armagheddon just so they know their place; is getting really old. Knock it off. We do not need to hear it or want to. Act like a regular human being and stop the silly nonsense and games; to abuse us and cause us to agree or bend. I am fed up with bending to the curves in the river and being lead down a road that is a dead end or hell. How about that Jihad and that harmony? How about that insane or wacky freedom? How about that road to nowhere or sucking us in until death is the only way out. Now all the country's resources are for saving the damned. All of our work and life is used as a life raft for maniacs and doomed SOBs. We do not need this and do not want it either. They purposely and intentionally fail to rectify this.

This is why civil war was invented and if there is a God of hurricanes and earthquakes; then it is to force this dumbass to act normal and know their place. I am not going to bend or break to this pressure; nor be steam-watered into a crooked branch. There is a lot of mismanagement. A lot of dis-harmony. A lot of games and abuse from this insane SOB who needs force to put them in their place. They are damned and communists; end of story. They drag others down and force people into crashing; by pressuring them or stalking them; for friendship, good and bad, or any other reason; it is still stalking and unwanted. I suggest the forces that are in the crossfire throw them out. The Pentagon, the authority, and the victorious side must have a contingency plan to match and break this communist threat and black eye to liberty. I will say this again; this enemy needs a civil war to put them in their place and to teach them a lesson. It is an idiot. It is a dumbass. It is a needy and demanding MF who wants us to smell their body odor, feet, poop, and will always claim some power or superiority over others. They will then claim it is their God given right to be this way or some egotistical, maniacal, self destructive, dumbass loon bandwagon, and those being thrown on the street and being foreclosed on. We will say it again, we are not here to cause trouble and have a lot to worry about; no need to contact or even battle us; there is more important things and a lot of problems. However, this is why civil war was invented and why the God of hurricane and earthquakes needs to finish them off once and for all. Throw them in the street, foreclose on them, and let the water and wind finish them off; we will call it even or retaliation on human manure and a slimy mealworm. They do not know their place and they need mega-joules of hurricanes and earthquakes to put them in their place, agreed? So how about that Jihad and how we are nearly exhausted saving the damned, weak, and the doomed? Who to blame for this now? Who is the real enemy now? Let me take a wild guess; they do not care, are in total control, and we are a threat. Everybody has seen repeated attempts to block or refuse to rectify this; how about that jihad? It is some SOB throwing one rock after the other in the lake.

Nobody said to keep this up or ongoing. Our orders are to get rid of them, seek harmony, and stop this game where some jackass does not know their place and has to be yelled at, "knock it off... go away... stop it... know your place... stop causing trouble... clean up after yourself." Now the SOB is used to this and has acclimated to any retaliation, force to remove them, or effort to fix this world and improve this nation. I do not need to hear their vote, their rights, and their obnoxious freedom; I need to know if they can do the right thing or need to face some devine intervention to fix them once and for good? Why then are we wasting valuable time, why not finish them off before they recover or catch up? I do not need any management advice or any help with the obvious and the reality. The reality is they are scared of getting caught and facing the death penalty; that is the reality. I am not talking about throwing them out, kicking them out, foreclosing on them, or firing them; I am talking about finishing the communist off once and for all; stay out of America and stay out of our reality and harmony. Everybody knows what they are up to and nobody is going to miss them or save them; we have been waiting for the documents. People must do their job and this enemy makes it really difficult and almost impossible to do our job or live our life; always stealing our happiness or robbing our future. I will say this again; there are powerful people watching and taking notes. Get rid of this enemy before the trouble arrives and the real authority is imposed or needed to fix life and liberty. We know why the harmony is not possible and who is doing it and why; now punish them and get rid of them for all of this. I wish this world to know they are in hell and walking on thin ice; we are trying to tell them where the danger is and hope they go there or walk on water. This was why war was invented and it is as beautiful as the truth burning in the morning. The SOB is telling us how to live, what to think, what to do, who to trust, what and who we can love or respect, what opposition and risk is about, and all kinds of insane reality or hell. So they wish to be a stranger in the stange land and the public enemy number 1? We want them to suffer and burn in hell before they leave this world.

DEAR ANN: This SOB stalker or phony friend of yours keeps telling me I must talk to you or you must talk to them before they do anything right. Let me get this straight and correct, we have to take action to get rid of them? We have to put up with stalking and abuse; efforts to terrorize our life until Ann talks to them or I talk to Ann? Whose life is it and why don't they save their own skin? Who is in trouble and who keeps saying they are the police and totally messed up or is innocent? I do not think the office of hurricanes and earthquest is innocent or any mistake; I think it is equal force to equal measures. That is as high as we can get and this is as high as they can go; how innocent and how mistaken can this enemy get or become? We cannot go any higher; it is now impossible; hence, finish them off and do not let them get away, do this again, or grow as strong. They are such a threat we have to write earthquakes and hurricane alerts; pray to God and ask he burn them in hell. So they wish to piss people off, insult them, or annoy them? I am sure what goes around comes around or is leveled. My decision and my mind is made; I do not need to hear it or need this to drag on so I am sucked into it more. I got sucked into this and have been kicking and screaming all the way since my teenage days. There is no lie on earth that can or will change this; none. I do not need a lecture on Jihad and harmony either. Who to blame for this now? Who is the real enemy now? Let me take a wild guess; they do not care, are in total control, and we are a threat. I do not want or wish to hear it; have it repeated; and have to complain or say this again. I have zero tolerance for any of this; zero and I got 1000 times the legal dose? Yes, it is a state of lawlessness and utter chaos; how about that jihad? I do not need to agree or hear people who do not know their place and never will. This is as high and as much authority as we can ever have; teach them a lesson for good. So who cannot see who and who has leverage or advantage on the other? So this war is about the problem of the welfare system and typically America is viewed as a welfare state. Now the immigrants are the ones who maximize the effort and it pushes this enemy down and forces them on the street.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.