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Friday, March 11, 2011


UPDATE: My heart goes out to the Japanese people on the recent tragedy. My goal to stop the Catholics and the labor movement from exploiting Asians or the Japanese is not easier now with the recent events in Japan; however, they need to be thrown out and the warnings issued to get rid of these people. Stop exploiting Asians and using them as a human shield of hate. It does matter what their religion is and whether or not they have personality disorders, low IQ, or emotional problems; that is crime and corruption, nut jobs. Exactly how are they expanding? Why didn't the FBI throw them out and foreclose on them? Why does the military have so many problems and is smeared by maniacs or madmen?

Ann blames Redeye for the earthquake in Japan so I ask the Japanese government to go after Fox News and Redeye for the earthquake and tragedy; I am contacting the office of hurricane and earthquakes for retaliation and to avenge this. Good job Redeye and Fox; will you please pull the plug on these people before we all are doomed? How about that police; police nothing, demand or ask for money, use Asians or people who cannot see them and claim it is hate. Oh and the quote of the week has to come from the low IQ minorities (default and given race) with "he is not one of us." Who said we want to be "one of them" or stupid and damned? This is like asking to be a drug infested dumb-ass or stupid and hated. Who the hell asks or sets a goal to be like this SOB and our stalker? Just look at those white guys on their Harleys and in the labor unions; clean, articulate, and employed; heaven; and now we all live in a box.

Piper Aircraft Company: From Wikipedia -
The Katheryn Aviation Report: Piper Investments -

From: Coulter nude
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Fun searches
I just checked some of my statistics. The search terms showed the usual number of College Republicans coming here looking for nude photos of Ann Coulter. But today I found a new one: "malkin brain-injury." I don't believe I've ever posted on that topic, but I have thought it. Archy was the number three return for that one.
Labels: Ann Coulter nude, blogging

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
No nude photos of Ann Coulter here
Looking at my site statistics a few minutes ago, I noticed an uptick in people coming to this site on some variation of the search terms "nude photos of Ann Coulter." That can only mean one thing, the news directors of America have lost their collective senses and are once again letting that silly, self-promoting performance artist clutter our air waves. And, ckecking Google News, I confirmed my suspicions: Ann is on a book tour. Last night she was on Hannity & Colmes defending the use of ethnic slurs for Arabs ("they started it").

For all of the College Republicans who have come here hoping to view the unadorned body of a woman old enough to be their mother, I'll repeat my policy. I don't have any pictures of Ann Coulter nude and I would not publish nude photos of Ann Coulter even if I did have them. Although I know that even the rumor that I have nude photos of Ann Coulter might be a boon to site traffic, I would never be so crass as to take advantage of that by repeating the phrases "nude photos of Ann Coulter" or "Ann Coulter nude." That would be wrong.
Labels: Ann Coulter nude

So it was Blackwater, Michigan, Private Security Companies, Bush Cronies, US Navy - Catholics, Cold Blood Killers, Jobs, Mercenaries, Police Unions, Wisconsin, Navy Captains, 1960s, and who we busted trying to blockade, surround, beat us up, and who did all of this; the communists. Now we know they are on the police and military units; how do we get rid of them or force them out? Does it require force or just asking them to do the right thing? Someone corrupted by chances in the private security field after I worked for Vance International (Saudi Arabian bodyguards) and APS (dock - longshoreman security formed by former police officers in SF California). It all leads to the same trail and the same path; so who to sue but the suspects we captured and who had the plans; the leaders of all this. Now they got problems; we know they are communists and we know they are labor unions linked to JFK and Bush. Who was stalking them?

ONLINE AFFAIR: Ann I just saw the message you posted 30 seconds ago about the "online affair... baby" and the billions of men you talk to. Listen, I am glad you find it funny I am a slut now and air hump women because of you or being unhappy. I am more than joyed to hear you out all night; have problems when alcohol is involved; and have to plead or resort to insane life chances to fix our relationship. I am not the one who talks to billions of members of the other sex nor am I the one who whines and dines with sex offenders day after day and complains about it. At least I try to finish them off and not turn you into an air hump. Now I am a total slut; I resort to females who are air humps; and I still love you to death. Are you happy at what you have done and what your work standards produce? It is almost similar to creating a child that wreaks havoc in this world or pollutes our society. I am glad you can joke about how I am a slut and must seek comfort from female air humps; I seek the warmth of a female leg and you think this is funny; more of the same Ann? Oh, did I mention the Redeye? All week Fox is hammering Hannity and you go on their like its Christmas. Each time you go on Redeye; every single time, I puke and want a divorce or a pregnant female so she drives your life to hell. At least I have some self control and do not fill your life with this junk. Now I have to listen to another month of insane or slutty tales about who I am stuck with and why I am unhappy Ann; are you happy, glad, or just powerless and smug? If you keep it up; maybe they will kill you when I stop protecting you or disavowing our relation. Who do you think you are and do you expect a man to laugh it off when you talk to billions of perverts and rapists; then dine with them or invite them into my life; and then run to me for comfort? Did I dig that grave and who is in that grave? Do you see them being fired or getting new jobs and promotions Ann? Do you see a class action suit on Fox and all of these suspects? Well, do I have to watch another hour of this and be a slut and air hump? That was not funny and we have been talking about this the past 24 hours Ann; the problem is I love you and there is not enough to leave you or hurt you; so your insanity is for real. I am starting my life over Ann; if you like yours then keep it; you deserve it. I cannot start my life over right now and it is you.

Dear Ann: Ann, before you give me another stupid excuse or response; let me ask you something. What do you care about Andrew Klavan? What do you care about Allen West? What do you care about Irishmen? What do you care about JJ Walker? What do you care about the labor unions or Meg Gutfeld? I am already upset and disappointed about where you have taken our relationship and I am now compelled to seek the comfort of other women or another woman; is this enough already? Is this enough yet Ann? Every single time you open a door; I have to slam it shut. Every time you mention one of these losers; the door slams on their appendage and I have to listen to this critic, stalker, and some crazed voice behind a curtain “ouch” and some crazed fight, “WTF.” Then I have to sit here and listen to all of you deny it and all kinds of trouble. Yes, I understand they are maniacs, stalkers, and off their rocker. Yes, I know they are communists and you are outnumbered or bit off more than you can chew. I just got you out and allowed you to escape it; don’t you think being a hostage is enough? They are communists and crazed accomplices; let the God of hurricane and earthquakes handle it. I am trying to conjure up God himself Ann and it is very distracting to my psychic Quickie board when you do this stuff; God is not going to be summoned if this is not fixed. Ann you look weak and my Quioxie board is toothless. It is very difficult to cast spells when you distract me or cause me to miss. You know your rapist-heroes will use this against you Ann; also crank call me. What motive would a man have for cheating or infidelity with you Ann; any clue soccer mom? For a woman as smart as you; common sense has not hit home nor has reality; and I have tried to prevent this unhappiness before Ann but we are somehow in love and it is awful. You better get even with them and you better make sure they do not get the better of you; I am fed up and sick of this; about to run to the legs of some air hump. So you like the path of huge resistance and the path of hell and pain? When I say I am fed up; I do not mean stay quiet and hidden for a week; then do it again. All of you are like this.

What do you care about Trump, Christie, Romney, Mustafa the Old Spice slut, and where you have taken our life and relationship? I am now pissed off and constantly upset with you; look at where this has led and what is the matter; look closely at the problem Ann. Maybe you should have your head checked? Maybe you are off your rocker also. Maybe you should leave it alone; do you want to loose more or get to the point where you will never recover or can have a normal life? I am tired of this Ann and fed up; I am unhappy where our relationship has led or is now; I have asked you to get rid of all these enemies and I get some Mustafa the slut on Redeye and Fox News; and then I get word of partying and insidious behavior while you bark at me how you only wish to stop them; think very hard Ann and why I am seeking the comfort of another woman. She does not have a Klavan in her life; a West; a Trump; a Christie; Dead Heads; or some big dick constantly crank calling her man. All of you are so flawed, damned, and need to have your head checked; and it is getting on my nerves for real. So I am trying to summon God himself and earthquake or hurricane this total mess to nowhere; nobody wants to clean up anything or tell the truth now; nobody. Your mission was to ensure peace and quiet in our life; to chase them off Ann; not lure black men to my home or gay men to my bed. Do you think peace and quiet is ever going to arrive or only hurricanes and earthquakes; look at my psychic Quagmire board in 2011 Ann. I am unhappy with how or where you have taken our relationship; I am forced to seek the comfort of another woman while they destroy you or make it worse Ann. What do you care about them Ann; dead or alive? Even you huddle with them as if all of you are sniffling; then you tell these frat and sorority tales about how you’re good friends.

Let me get this story right; Hannity told everybody (just no roses) you were going to get your hair done? Then you sit there and pull that crap while you tell me some whacked out story about how they are stalking or trying to destroy you? Then I had to listen to this junk and how you just play along and now have a total disaster in your social life or circle of friends? Did you even bother to ask me or ask what my reaction would be; what you have been up to the last ten years? Ann, Fox is terrible and scared boner stiff of a class action suit; they have been hammering your be-my-hero rapist all week long to plead no impropriety. Now you go on there and kiss ass and talk about your hair dresser? How does Hannity know your hair dresser and why are his IRA spies still contacting me? Now I got the King of corruption passing me notes and messages via Fox News and Hannity on your behalf. Ann, I do not like communists and I hate the labor unions. Ann, bragging about late night partying or “business” made my life with you miserable. What do you expect from me or is this one of those “tough cookies” situations of yours to end with over reactions? Ann, this is not funny. I am a slut now and I am slowly resorting to air hump girls because I am unhappy with where you are or have taken our relationship. You are the one who talks to anything that walks and billions of men at dinners and online; not me. So if there is any equality here or criticism; then you need to get your act together and shape up quickly.

END RESULT: Ann, what if I turn into or become a serial rapist? What if I turn to several women to self medicate me from your problems, it just gets worse and worse. It is impossible to stay when you obviously have done this; now all I want is an escort, a hooker, or some hot beach bunny. What if I cannot escape and cannot fight it Ann? I might have a baby with a nice girl and I might be forced to get my kicks without you. As I said, it just gets worse and worse; really scary. Also, look at the influence you are having on women. Is this the liberation and the insanity of some political genius? You let me know because this is about winning and I am winning Ann. Winning! We have been here and done this before; we know the end result and what will happen Ann; I will go down a road that does not include you and just get my kicks without you. Is this what you want and the drama you wish to give the liberals and your enemies? Is it Ann? I want you to think hard before you decide to stay out all night or party your dinner hostess life away. I have no power as a man when a gorgeous naked girl is whispering my name and provides the security you do not give. Think hard because it is getting really hard; close those doors and my water flow will not go down those roads. I do not know what your enemies are waiting for; they should use this against you and come forward with the Fox crew. I have no power and cannot control myself when a hot tan girl walks in my life now Ann; thanks. You still do not care and never have; and the reports clearly indicate this traitor status and insanity. Decide if you want to start a new life and have a new start Ann; hurry up and decide before you suck me into this again and again!

MSNBC erupted earlier this week, “We bite back even harder” and were trying to tell me how I was being hammered. Cenk was passing me secret messages about how insane and how they are attacking me. Rachel Maddow said you know they are guilty and how I have blocked all their escape routes; a no win situation. Now I have Hannity and King talking on your behave and Christie saying we are a husband and wife team? This is insane and still getting more whacky by the moment. Now how to I conjure up demons or God on my psychic Quigie board? Who keeps saying they are husband and wife teams? You are sitting across the table with the labor unions and the left wing Ann; what the hell are you agreeing with them? Hannity is a labor union leader concierge; Rush is a Don or General rank; he is using you almost like how they use Vietnam Vets or people in need. They even know they are in a trap and are dead; they have said this over and over again.


Right now the labor unions, Hannity, and Fox are playing a very dangerous game with us. They continue to contact or keep up a degree of unwanted communications and a secret war when we ordered them to cease and surrender. They said we are at war and if we live by the sword; then we die by the sword; that is what they are doing. This is why they are on the right wing and the Republican or conservative side. They still claim to be wrong and do not want to be hurt.

Their King in NY has also made contact. I did not want to keep this dialogue and kept it concise, simple, and to the point. All of them claim to be critics, bosses, business partners, protestors, truth seeking, biased, corrupt, peaceful, or only liars. Yet when asked what motivates them; they claim "we are at war." Here is an example of this critic and this protest. What I said to King was simple, "If we were at war and a formal war was declared; I would go nuclear on them" and he said "I agree." All of them are damned. None of them are Christians. All of them battle the Protestants. All of that damned insanity will spill over into the 50 states and Muslim Jihad will save them. None of them speak the truth or seek it; biased. It would be helpful if they sign an agreement which compels them to end or tell the truth; not wait until they are caught or captured. This is the problem and now it is "oh you got me, please let me go... or else."

Fox News the primary culprit of this and the majority of the suspects; are pests. They pester the situation and do not report the hidden side or what damns them; however, you see it the falsity is not only lies; it is concealing a crime, escape and evasion, and why they are sinking or drowning. If they have any care or like any criminal in a standoff; they will do the right thing and what is expected, not criticize or do as we do instead. The double edge sword is America and Americans; these are not Americans or America. Give me the power to remove them from my mission and life and they will stop saying, "he is one of us" and will keep repeating "they are not one of us."

1. Police = die by the words of the law
2. Military = die by the command of the communists
3. Jobs = slander or cause firings, financial disasters, etc.
4. Power = lawsuits and scams
5. Goodness = die by goodness
6. Truth = die by truth
7. Tell them to go away = die by stalking
8. Investigate = get slandered or your biography rewritten
9. Kindness = get exploited or mistreated
10. Mission = dead end or a road to nowhere

Sara Palin is guilty. Rush LImbaugh is ultra guilty and their leader. Sean Hannity is the concierge of Limbaugh, his right hand and the person who falls on the sword or does the dirty work. Bill O'reilly is guilty. Megan Kelly is guilty. Dick Morris is guilty. Greg Gutfeld is beyond guilty. Newt Gingrich is super duper guilty. Mitch McConnell is super duper guilty. The list is endless and we can check off all of the guilty ones; all either linked to communism or terrorism. All of these suspects are "team players" and accomplices; willingly and always thinking of how to outsmart us or beat us. Winning! Even Reagan lived and died by the sword. So there is a sickness and a crazed mentality which they are sucking people in. They claim they have the bigger gun and will win any fight; so they send out street crews to pick this fight and circle the bandwagons. Acting dumb will make us loose and kill our forces.

This idea they are picking a fight, are not violent, own this world, and have the bigger gun is a total lie. They even admit they do not have the bigger gun or the power. Just like the movie Gladiator, they have no chance against a skilled General. Oh, did I mention Karl Rove and the Bush cronies? So explain to me how you fire the entire right wing or Republicans without severe damage or total paralysis? How do you make a pest, communists, and criminal groups go away or leave you alone, how? Do you give them money or compel them to police up their own mess? There are many more who decided to jump out and try to scare the hell out of us or stand in solidarity with their leaders and teammates’. Who are they? They are the communists. What do they want? Tell me because I am not dying by the sword or damned? There is a huge list but it is getting smaller and shorter to hide. There is a sweet spot and at some point; reality is going to set in or hit hard. Their leader, the King of the underworld, the most crazed and deceptive, the master of reality and crime; and the person who knows all of their plans or operations; is iRush Bin Dumbass; he calls the shots and is matching the other commander. He plans these attacks one to two weeks ahead of their schedule arrival and is as deadly as we describe; a madman similar to Hannibal Lector, The Red Dragon himself.

Letter to local law enforcement: Thursday, March 10, 2011

This is a letter of intent and also a contact list in case anything peculiar or suspicious occur. I (Alex) with X driver's license below am involved in a federal case and is the primary consultant or investigator on a very high level and important criminal case involving the labor unions, left wing, mafia, and drug organizations. I am not a law enforcement officer and have a few partners; I am accustomed to dangerous situations and am a professional. I report to the FBI Field Office in NY who is the contact for the FBI-HQ.

This case involves crime groups in NY, drug wars, terror, labor unions, and crazed or corrupted politicians we had caught and questioned because they were under disguise and concealment. They were charged with the murder of several federal agents in addition to being an accomplice to plots intended to disrupt all matters of life; to paralyze the authorities. There are two special contacts that are considered partners:

XX1, XX2

At this time I am trying to establish myself in Florida, a new resident. I am seeking employment and housing while proceeding with the books and the work already completed. An SBA loan is being sought for these books and other business ventures. There is and ongoing attempts to contact, crank call, and harass the matter. There have been severe and determined efforts to stop the investigators, prosecutors, and anybody prosecuting this case as it has required the special attention of the FBI and military. The complexity and the importance of the case has been documented and put into book form in order to clarify and establish a logical ending.

A plan was established while in NY to contact the authorities once problems were fixed or a resettlement was made. There was and has been unwanted contact, unwanted communication, and secret or clandestine messages passed by the left wing and labor unions; the primary culprit in this case. They were ordered to cease and to surrender; this case and the level of national security discovered is already in the court or taken to a judge. Lives have been destroyed and evidence presented so damning the matter is still ongoing or leading to a difficult ending. There is and has been a continuance of this by the labor unions and several other "rogue" groups in the state of Florida. The forte or "Achilles Heel" of these groups is clandestine contact, secretive communications, and severe attacks or mistreatment. They were detected on the police forces and also in military units; an illegal penetration being prosecuted at this time. They are trying to recruit and have failed badly prior to a standoff in NY and a secret meeting the FBI attended also. Those matters were documented and put into book form; along with the full details in a book. Those books are being published in the near future but problems are difficult to overcome.

Also enclosed is a resume to establish some form of credibility or identification; a measure to verify or certify the above. There have been many battles and this matter is being prosecuted by very skilled and capable personnel. If assistance is needed; then formal or verifiable legitimate notice will be made; we are dealing with a very clever and sneaky enemy who has done everything possible to invent a disaster and total paralysis in the legal system and the lives of others. It is futile to describe the degree of lawlessness and where the case has been; however, the books and the legal prosecution is underway. Please do not aggravate the matter and utilize the channels needed to verify and assist when if needed; to exercise caution and good thinking.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.