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Sunday, April 24, 2011


THE WRATH OF GOD: Ann, have you noticed there is something very wrong about you or your life? Even I do not get along well with you; and if things go badly, you run into hiding space or go missing for a while playing possum. Even I think you are ignorant. Even I asked you to get help. You women are full of tricks and lie incessantly. You are up to the same old tricks in my corner; and also their corner. About the only thing that works in your life is dinners and paid events, other than this nothing is normal or works right. Now I have this pain in my head that says you females are total phonies and you screw everything up. Worse than the mafia, you rob men and play possum; and the most annoying part is how incompetent things can get. Things would be fine had you just stopped; but you females in politics are so crazed; you loose focus of your life goals or what is most important to you. It is very annoying and super self destructive. Then I have to listen to your problems; like a therapist when the answer is really easy to figure out. Now I have to cope with one of your crazed fans yelling "leave" at me in your name; just like Hannity did and Limbaugh did to taunt me and the police. With the royal wedding going on; I do not think you are royal material either; but how psychopathic you females are is very unimpressive. Your only defense with me is to go and hide; and this worries me sick sometimes. When the coast is clear; you stick your head out of the sand. Now I think all honkies are pushy, ignorant, cranky, and difficult; it is really hard to work with you all and more boisterous is how you pursue others with this attitude. What you do have is money; and lots of it. Your sex can be out of this world crazy. I do not know whose voice you are; but it is not mine nor am I happy with what I see. I understand you have problems and need my help; for me to work through them with you. However, I asked for change while you asked for a chance. Ann, even I cannot work with you; does reality register in your mind? Is there anything real in your world or is it full of lies? Your tricks keep pulling me in and making me stay; and you do this in their corner and in mine. I asked for change; what change did I get? I asked for justice; what justice did I get? I asked you to stop; what did you stop? So it is true, you screw over your best friend or drive them away; a self destructive personality. Do you want to buy me also? Do you want me to stay in the game while you promise me things that are not real yet? The only real meaning you have is a purse and how you saved it. Did I ask for someone who stuffs their mattresses?

STOP LYING AND TRICKING ME: I did not know all of this was on my wish list Ann. If they were, I am trying to erase it and correct this. Also, stop writing about your mom and dad; you could not even walk in their shoes. Look Ann, I chose a life as an author and political science at age 19; I want to retire and would like to. What is wrong and why in hell have you done this and made me so frustrated and shun you now? I don't even care anymore and do not even get along with you now; is that your fault or someone else? What do you expect or want from me Ann; the usual? I will be frank with you; you suck and if you do not change this, you will suck even more. In three years, what change have you given me? What improvement have you delivered? Do you expect to retire from politics? Is your purse that important and all that; if you are a total mess and so flawed? I never asked for this or such a total disaster; now I have to listen to the phoniest females barking at me and men. You owe me much more than this Ann; much more and so far; you are a penny wiser and stingy. It feels like you honkies need to be deported or institutionalized; how did I get this treatment? For real, this is appalling; how the hell did you nickel and dime your way to the top and my life; I hate it all and despise everything I see. I want it fixed an done right; not excuses about how you have problems and need me to work them out. I did not ask for a total disaster or sign up to be a personal janitor while you pull tricks on me to stay. You F'ers are all full of tricks and like to mess with the minds of people; even you Ann. So it is very hard to work with you and even I do not get along with you or this total disaster. To sum it up, you all suck and badly. Maybe I saw it worse than you did but from this view; you all suck and deserve the wrath of God. Stop lying, I get it from you; and I get it from them still. They keep saying, "They know everything" also or "leave" and it is really annoying and whiny; but the pursuit and chase has been over 20 years (1989-2011). Why don't you ask God to kill them and then come to me and ask for forgiveness; only after they are dead okay. So do not come back until then and stop dragging me in this mess; I am trying to retire from politics; so the sooner the better. Stop bothering me until something changes or the wrath of God is lifted or ceased.

CRAZED FEMALE DIVORCE LAWYER: Ann, each time you go to one of their events; I have a crazed female screaming on the top of her lungs, "leave... when are you going to move... nobody likes you." So do not tell me about how you females are vulnerable or valuable. You all cause so much trouble and are total phonies. Now this stalker and enemy actually thinks a divorce is occuring on this end; and she is the wife. But when you ask her what exactly the problem is; that phony crazed SOB and thief is rather humble. So now instead of being captured or a pending arrest; they want 50% of my assets or feel I owe them some gift of gratitude. You liberal, crazed left wing, stupid independence driven women are totally nuts. Worse, you tell people how you have to work or how you must do this and that; and prevent others from working or hold them down; for nothing but incompetence and a total mess of your life. Somehow, we have a divorce on this end and you are the conduit. This female says they are in need and have the right of way; yet I think I am in need and deserve a payment or two. So I do not want to hear about you females and how independent or wanted you are; total phonies and worse than the mafia in terms of crime. I have to listen to a spy on a sonic sound machine berate me or verbally abuse me, shock treatment, for another year. You all cannot see yourself and cannot even smell yourself; but you live in this fantasy world that is a total mess and total crime. Your politics led this nation to civil war and total loss of jobs.

ANN, FOR THE RECORD AND SO YOU NOW: If I had my own money and you were not so involved; I would be on my own and so would you. I think you would be more scared if I was more independent; yet I do not blame you because I cannot. Right now I am dependent on you and must swallow my pride; for the record. I have heard you 100s of times and even argue about how you are not at fault and not doing anything; but it is still a stalemate no thanks to you. It will be hard to make your case about how you are not at fault or I had a choice. The choice is if all things are equal; but both of us must be afraid or something and your sacrifice is not appreciated. The way you save someone is to be pushy, cranky, honky, mean, selfish, demeaning, unhappy, suicidal or risk taking, and all of you think it is how to do business. It is difficult to love you honkies and worse; speak proudly about you, even you Ann. Thank your white fate and worse your pursuit of money; even you hate yourself and what you did. Why I stay is because I have no choice. I lost my money and somehow it is in your hands; but you are not linked and was targeted; now silenced; just flawed.

Even you follow me and piss me off; all of you must be programmed like robots. I refuse to watch your stuff anymore and be involved in your career. I know you will or someone will use me like a cheap dollar bill; that is how all of you do business and seek love. Like savages, you savage each other and whom you love; then make wild excuses or the most convincing cases. I hate to admit it, but it is impossible to get rid of you whites and there is good reason; even you Ann are not truthworthy. You are not a convincing victim or wife. Ann, you stress me out like crazy, then say it is not your fault, or how we are in this together and you hate your career; is it worth it? Have you fixed anything? I feel like I am stuck with a Jew and no offense, but it sucks. You should be with someone you enjoy spending life with; such as Maher, Redye, Hannity, and even Limbaugh. Now I am upset and have to swallow my pride; I do not have the means to leave you. So yes it was their fault I cannot divorce you or refuse to. It was their fault we are stuck together and their fault we are not married; both ways. Yet they still do it and think they have a higher purpose or doing God's work; a favor to our life.

DEAR PENTAGON AND NATO FORCES: I have a major problem! This enemy and domestic pest thinks I have the luxury to point 150 KV on their position and lured them in for this reason. This is absurd and I do not even have a phone. Why I did this is for them to tell the world; not for me to explain. They still keep this on air political game on suicide mode; did we jump the monkey? How it got so much media coverage and so much attention; was not my doing. I can prove this financially. So nobody lured them or used fly paper to make a snowball avalanche on them. I am the designer and father of satellite warfare and I did set a "unique" and ingenious trap for this lousy spy and enemy. This spy and enemy thinks it is a game and some joke; only because a gigantic tazer or 200,000 watts is not pointed at their home or work, no less their bed. I did write to the office of hurricane and earthquakes and this did mess with my mind also. Now I want an apology and I want restitution for the pain and suffering we had to endure in civilized society and what we call our home. This spy respects nobody and does not even care or rights the ship; they have no respect for anyone or represent anything. They continue to claim the people are in power and it is the boss with the purse strings. For an enemy and spy who does not know what to do or is ready to die; they sure now how to copy and impersonate us.

ANN: They are stacking these enemies and misfit psychos on the right wing and Republican side. Do you know or have any idea what would happen if and when the New Yorkers take over the Republican and right wing? Now they come to our work, home, vacation spots, and any moment we go into public to declare some "religious intolerance" or terrorism. Worse, they claim we are doing it, not them. So now we, most especially I, get "leave... go home... nobody likes you..." because this female moron is so inadequate and toy with the psychological health of others and their own demise. They do need to be perfected and infused with morals. However, this is not about terrorism or some religious strife; this is about money. They have their fingerprint all over and now calmly claim they do not care and will keep the pressure on us until we agree their religion is acceptable, wanted, included, or part of our life; they are parents and God. Worse, they claim and still insist you were married to them or engaged; as both iHannity and iRush had try to pull on air. They gave that up and the females on this end have not; still claiming their sex or boobs, not wallet; is irresistable and not "doable." It is ridiculous but shows you why everybody wants to deport them and get rid of this. They know we are more powerful. My problems stem from Tim Russert trumping up charges like the fool of a blue collar loser they are. Now it is on my record and I want an apology and restitution so long as the record is not cleared, slanders my name, and prevents me from acquiring a job and employment. Of course, the labor unions will claim this is being done to them and some right wing conspiracy to target their superior quality or hold down their rights. This is a major league trouble maker and a serious political threat; how they got in New York financial circles and how they spread their disease all over America is something New York has not explained or provided sufficient apologies for. So this immigrant group is waging war and claims it is religious intolerance or terrorism; hence, 911 and all of these total lies and smears; trumping up charges and refusing to clear up the total mess right now is fatal and both political suicide and more. They feel they are going to retire and die soon; so the delay will give them time to give the money away or retire and stash some coffer for their heirs.

All of these problems came from New York natives who were rummaging around DC-VA with big money, kickback, and payoffs. They said they were the police and got me arrested; but still no badge number or ID; and the on air apology will wipe them out or invoke a civil war; but they do not let up and think they can take us down with them or somehow win with their total lies and foul mouth. I think we are much more grounded and a lot more confident then verbal accosting and beratement; that is all they have or showed. So this is how they worry people and trump up charges; even the police struggle in the courts and the justice system when they take it over or refuse to fix anything. This enemy is seeking friends and they will start a civil war or take their life at the very last minute; on a scale of 1 to 10 of stalkers and psychopathic spies; they rank 10 and above. They claim their people sent them to do a job and they are acting on behalf of the people; this is why the people cannot even give us an on air apology; talk directly to the nation and tell them exactly what they did. Instead of throwing this away; they made it part of our life and sent this to America to breed and spread. Now all of them are diseased or have a life ending struggle; but crime fits them better and makes them more powerful so they can prey on the kindness of the good while upholding the goals of the bad. If their voice and mind can achieve this; violence and waging war on us is not habitable. So they are violent, not non-people who are so superior or models of humanity; they cannot achieve their goals by asking; so they scam, lie, and rob us. Worse, they got caught for using espionage equipment and kidnapping and much more. They owe the public an apology and the 1.4 billion dollars in damages; not letting up or letting go is still ongoing. This is one unwelcomed, alienated, and distraught convict; waiting for damnation on earth; their chubby bodies is not strong enough to lure us or wiggle out. These are rogue cops against the mafia in New York and satellite areas; choose a side and bond?

DEAR FBI AND AUTHORITIES: This blockade on my undercover or hostage crisis must be cleared up. This enemy posed as "minority friendly" and tried to scam the heck out of us. I need to prove it was devastating to my life and our life; but that pain and suffering has to end or eventually end; now used as a recurring dream or to break the case on them; a standoff and refusal. Limbaugh even said I have a book now as a present or a payment; Hannity said if I was him; he will do as I did; and if he was I, to get a job. They owe a public apology and nothing less; instead they Trump us again. They are using sonic technology and methods that are undetectable or very difficult to unplug; very high tech equipment to be this rogue cop and tormentor. The secret apology and secret war on us is and was unacceptable. So the cops are Nazis and the criminals are communist, bonding.


WHO IS THIS ENEMY? We are dealing with a crank. We are dealing with a loafer. We are dealing with a bipolar, anti-social, welfare ridden and pain in the ass, cranky lower class loser that nobody wants to hire or deal with. We are dealing with some moronic jackass that cannot even see themselves or smell their own crap. We are dealing with some psychotic whiner showbating about how much trouble they can make or how they can turn our world upside down. We are dealing with drunks, junkies, and idiot intoxicated by their own narcissism; the only reality is to blame others or keep moving from one place to the next. We are dealing with such a nasty and misty eyed SOB; they try to make me or us look like we cannot elbow our way like them or get a job; nobody wants to hire us or we get fired for causing trouble for them. We are dealing with a low IQ miserable low life that in the next 10 years will be graciously replaced by minorities or our neighbors in Mexico; so to combat this they ride Harleys and wage war on those who are far more important than some low class permanent pain in the ass. This stupid and blind SOB actually thinks highly of them; they are teaching us about life and feel we are their child or children; imagine that! Can anybody present real proof and evidence what would happen so we can catch them in the act? They fear being arrest and said they do not want to get hurt; but they are our parents and have something to spread besides their legs and worthless DNA. Can any religion out there beat this clown or match their ignorant stupidity? This idiot psycho thinks they have something to teach us or can improve our life! This blind human disaster has invaded America and penetrated the right wing; the elite and business class.

Why they are in so much trouble or caused so much of a mess? Their lucky break was when they came to America; had this not taken place; our life would be fine and our nation would be respected. They must be deported, interned, or locked up as a spy, pest, and anti-social mess who keep waging war. All they do now is leech off welfare, ruin our life, and avoid jail and the death penalty. Somehow or someway; this communist crack head is spying on us and their wish is to paint others as horrible or bad cops; so they can use their worthless life to take us out. Most of them see value in dying painlessly or dying by getting evil with some cop or police whom kicked their ass or bullied them because they are this annoying or deserve every pain and suffering life has to offer. To think a mass murderer this stupid and this worthless is spying on; shows they do not need alcohol or drugs to define their relationship with the outside world. Who in hell and what madman would hire this incompetent phony? Who would keep them on board and not fire their corny loafer trying to advertise as a "man who takes what he wants." Luckily, the truth and the facts indicate them being replaced and this idea they are really important or really on the priority list; are as ludicrous as the ghetto and the reason why they are doing this. They just sit and wait for us to buy them something; and it never ever arrives; too bad. What a loser we have and have to fight. Worse, in their evil and rotten little mind, they truly think Ann is their daughter; how disgusting and how repulsive can they get? No wonder they are all sex offenders, drunks, and so annoying; they even screw their kids or make them hate their guts also. For a psycho who feels they are real; nothing even makes any sense; not even their useless peanut sized life. The only meaning in life they have is to die taking out a police officer or someone who drives their life into shame. They know who is sleeping with whom; and always did. When they apologize to the public and on air; the FBI will add "impersonating a police officer while a terrorist" to the list of charges; still no name or badge number for all of this authority problems or abuse of power. So far, the FBI does not have a name or badge number for all of these police tactics and duplication. The more they talk; the worse it gets; and they will have to apologize and tell the public how much they helped solve this case. The British sent a secret message via BBC News stating their intent was to commit "on air suicide"; go back and check the records Ann (do bloc search of the iRush pages).


The reason why they need violence is because if they could achieve any of this by asking; they would not be holding us hostage, intimidating us, trying to screw with our minds, constant conspiracy, and a horde of stupidity. If they can walk into a bank and politely ask for 10,000 dollars; none of this complaining would be needed. The reason why we are dealing with a madman, terrorist, and serial killer is because their mouth is quiet. If they ask; they will be rejected, put in their place, ripped apart, and told to go away; so they use silence to promote crime. The reason why they need guns and violence is the backwards nature of their existence; violence or asking politely? They do not even bother to ask because they know what the answer will be. So nobody actually wants violence, wars, or strife; this enemy thrives on it. What they have done in our life clearly proves they are convicts. They tried to trump us charges and put us in prison; then brainwash us using some parent-child relation which was a complete hoax. Imagine if they wrote any of this down? Imagine what will happen when they must be forced to apologize on air and TV or radio? Eventually, they owe a public apology and explanation; the truth. They must tell the public why they hid information and refuse to assist in solving it fully! Quit now or commit suicide on air; as the British already said in 2009.

Imagine what the lawyers will do to them! This is one miserable enemy who felt nobody would or can catch them; how wrong they were. Did we ask them? Was the police needed to intimidate us? Did we need their war or did they? In court the prosecutors must show the need for violence and some proof they made an effort to ask; what drove them to terrorism? If I were them; I would not take out a cop or end their life with one last stupid clown act; even better jump off a bridge. Obviously, their lucky break in America has come to an end but the spread and the expansion; to escape them, got worse. It is too bad it had to end this way and got this way by such a cranky, snide, and so-so buffoon. Now they think they can get away with spying or matching each move we make using remote locations. This is why they are all homeless and are a factory of this kind of type bag human being. They even blame others and made it sound like we are at fault. One of us is driven to this because of a simple reason; they do not ask or write it down; that is communism and now out terrorist. Did I forget the part where they are chronic complainers and control freaks? Look at the nudes they were sending me! They look like you Ann; again trying to break our bond by sneaking one past everybody.

This was a horrific crime:

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011



ANN WTF: Ann, do you have a personality disorder or do you have any clue why I might be upset with you; any clue Ann? [“I sent the cover to Matt Drudge and he hysterically said, ‘No, no, no! Just the title, just your name.’” Coulter didn’t think her publisher would be cool with it, but asked anyway. “I tried, and they accepted it, and we all loved it,” she said.] Your choice of people in your life is as annoying as a human being can get; I have no choice but to point the finger at you Ann; and you keep toying around or acting totally phony. If you had a kid or a few; we would need a DNA test; now explain that one Ann. Do you have any clue or are you just pretending you are dirt stupid and demonic in your humor; ridiculous? You shoot yourself in the foot and laugh; then show how it did two things with one stone; not one. What next cyanide? How many times can you shoot yourself in the foot before I notice; just out of control and none of you can even defeat satellite warfare; the last bunch are gone forever. It is one circus after the other; and worse, it is headed right towards this MF like a bulls-eye. They gamble they loose. You gamble and we get this Ann. Let me make this clear to you Ann; if they start any crap; it will be game over; easily. Let that reality sink in before you make another wild or out of control outburst that is some secret message. I am a little pissed off with the pictures. Let them start it so we can finish it.

Ann, listen to me; your gang is inside my home. The FBI is talking to them and the bag lady said, "They know who we are." We know much more then "who we are" and "how to deal with this nasty SOB once and for all." They feel the need to send emissaries and the nasty SOBs are all total losers. The FBI did a profile on them and hit the jackpot; a total loser. They are so incompetent and so selfish; they blame others and balance their incompetency and idiotic with some game to get even. Ann, Mickey Kaus knows I am writing about him! Also, he is in my home or watching me from a remote location. His sorry ass is not alone; make sure he has a picnic will you, and clean up your own mess. In their mind, you are their daughter they messed up and are trying to rekindle a father-daughter relation; total psychopath... "Obama to L.A.: Don’t Move"; this psycho is trying to get even and scare me. It is inside my home and has been watching me; the FBI has their profile completed. For the past three years, they keep saying "move" and "leave" and "go home" all day and night. At least 25,000 times; then when I refuse; they intensify the stalking on you or try to get closer with us. Essentially, they say "leave" or "move" because this nasty SOB won't or is being fired; evicted. They keep doing this and are retaliation. They are listening to the FBI profilers explain who they are and why they are what they have become. They do not even think they are a threat; not even an utter pest. They feel others hate them or are violent towards them. They cannot cope with their failure and incompetence; how others feel about them.

Ann: have you read FReeP and the junk they put up (Syncro and RonDog)? Thanks for responding about FReeP, it is about time! Also, you did not do as I asked or did not achieve the goal I had set; and here we are again. They act like they are your most valuable supporter or some long time friend. Let me make this crystal clear; nobody I know associated with Ann actually likes Ann because she baits them, makes them hang themselves, and then leaves them stranded in their own wake. The only person who actually tolerates or likes Ann is the person she is sleeping with; so that will tell you how many "close" or "long time friends" she really has. They all were insulted because they all tried to exploit her. Even worse than FReeP is Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly, and now Gutfeld. Of course there are more and of course they do not want to loose their job or got the mileage they expected from a muscle car. FReeP is hiding their hidden agenda, their true feelings, and are totally fake. It took a lot to stop them; a lot. Let's just say they are not who the public thinks they are; nowhere near it. These people are amazing to say the least. Listen to this doozy, "ANN has earned a lot of "grace" from me over the years, with her long history of consistently effective attacks on liberalism... I. hope. this. helps. :o)" All is right and normal in hell? Free Republic is the other arm of Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly, and the labor unions. Worse, Synchro has for years hid the fact he is Mickey Kaus and a few other close associates of "their long time friend" defending her from "a good excuse to rag on Coulter. She has done hundreds of times more for Conservatism and support for the Constitution then all of you put together." They sound like bank robbers, child molesters, and even radicals on a mission and sounding gay. Due to the actions of the Free Republic web site; Ann and I argue incessantly now and probably for the rest of our life; and they sound gay trying to hide it. The problem with all of them is a mental block and a total lapse of reality; but their relation with others is unaffected.


Ann, it has been your attitude about all of this. You keep insisting you have told me everything; so it is up to you to tell me what I do not know; not someone else or others. Hence, they tell me the opposite; it is up to you to defend your name. Learning Twitter is not acceptable as an answer; nor why every picture of you has a drink in your hands. Here is the bottom line; you almost got viciously raped and even murdered. To string along or dare your assailant; even threaten to shoot them if they enter your home; is not why you are in trouble with me. Do you know why you are in trouble with me? After 22 years, do you have any clue why I am mad or what could possibly upset me Ann? Do you? Perhaps it is up to you to clear it up with me; still not fully fixed but you keep on telling me there is nothing more to say. I said I was done with it; yet it keeps returning while you tell me it is nothing or all total lies; oh really? Decide if you want to be happy now or for the rest of our life; can you have a normal, functioning life; or just piss off and fight until one of you is dead? I need to see killer instinct and know you can take on 1,000 of them and even 10,000; the rest I will and can take care of. You need to read the stuff below Ann; it is not just my enemies ticking me off or this bonehead who got their entire state ripped apart. The bottom line is how it is still not fixed and a complete disaster; that is reality, so spend your time more valuable and with the people you want to go down with or enjoy life by cherishing it. I did not get this choice, you did. Luckily, they got buried and their state was ripped in shreds; all for nothing. I just downloaded this picture of DC; what are you talking about GW on Twitter? I got it from TMZ today; some bikini advertisement and nudes on eBay.

I said to get rid of them; and here we are again. Hannity is exactly like Tim Reassert; got me in so much trouble over total lies and phony trumped up charges; both of them are the devil and so evil; it brings out the demon in all of us. That part of the story I adore and cherish you; owe you a debt of gratitude I cannot possibly repay but to love you. Now make me happy will you; and stop making me so depressed and looking awful. Maybe you are exactly like and a cookie cut like all New Yorker's Ann; totally nuts and need to be deported. You all live in the ghetto and with insanity as your friend. I am glad you can prove you are a descent wife; now work on how happy I can be with you Ann. Is it you or is it them? Eventually, it is going to get out and eventually; the truth will spread like wildfire; so choose your poison if any. Let me spell it out again for everybody to read Ann. As close as we are, you have no clue why I could be mad at you? God put you on earth, as smart as you are, and you haven't the foggiest idea why your life partner might be upset with you or how another human being could have an adverse reaction to being in love or sharing life with you? Let's start with the stalker problems and the rumors and innuendos; then let's end it with the murder plots. The facts show I tolerate it and understand because of who did this and what they did to me; the exact same. I tolerate it because it was done to me Ann; case closed? Did I hide something from you or is there anything you protest or scream at me about? Now we need DNA tests to determine who the father is? We need a DNA swap to determine who your rapist and stalker is? Are you kidding me; look at how you act and what you have said to me; how I have been treated by all of you.

Ann: They have gone on attack again, not buried yet. The FBI said to hold your fire; rip up their state, make them suffer, and then bury them. I guess this is how we have to remember them. I hate their guts and the attacks are intensifying so I don't care who buries them or not. As far as their state getting ripped apart; it saves a few bucks for digging and they might actually learn something. By the way, I love it when bugs bite me or I get 100s of bug bites; I grow more docile and I blame anyone. What they are doing and have been doing is making us very uncomfortable and even running us off, arresting us, intimidating us, and using these attacks to build up more ammunition and a record; a pattern of behavior. Expect them to seize control or try to take over the police departments; from local all the way up to the federal levels.

1. Ann expect them to make you feel uncomfortable; most especially, make me feel left out or completely ran over.
2. Expect them to keep the pressure and keep intimidating us; they know they cannot win and are being ripped up and expelled.
3. Expect them to explain or keep saying how we are attacking them, ripping them up, and how we have no respect for their rights; the bottom line is we cannot get the truth from them and they are trying to get away with this or seize control.
4. Their goal is to run us off or split us up; so the more trouble, the more confrontations, the more they can agitate and scratch our wounds; the weaker our bonds. They know they are going to get buried by all of this but this is the only goal they have left to hold on; take us down with them. How? When a person is drowning; they will ask for help or exaggerate it; then pull the rescuer down or grab them until they go down with them; exhaust them. Now I am getting madder at you Ann; swallow your pride and let them take you back to their den.
5. Expect them to throw you curve balls 24 hours, study your life and financial plans, and then try to hit anything you throw at them. This is how they kidnap and abduct people. They are still on attack and not buried yet. The relief pitchers they sent in have not scored and are more cautious (Plain, Trump, and a few others). So they are guilty and were caught for kidnapping, abducting, and terrorism or 911. Their objective is to make us uncomfortable, victims of blame, a pattern of behavior, and scared off or chased away; to be bullied or pushed around and bossy. The degree of abuse and evil got them the death penalty; yet they still insist it is just a game they are winning. This is what they are hiding or refuse to tell the truth.


Ann, knock it off. They are using my biological family as a hostage and corporate accounts. I have UPS raising hell right now; while throwing themselves at a company entangled with my family. They tell my family one thing. They tell me another. They try to cause endless confrontations or raise hell; to start an argument. The suspect is a black company; headquartered in Atlanta. I say we pull back and level them; this is no game Ann and they are still causing problems. They claim you tell them one thing; me another; and the bottom line is your account with them or how the money trail ends without me. So good job; the F'er is now inside my family circle. Worse, they are rogue police officers, now retired or in the corporate world. I recognize one of them as my supervisor at APS security service based out of Oakland, CA. I recall so many problems (parking ticket, guarding a court house in Arlington, Va., etc...) from this company. They were trying to get me fired or a confrontation; to seek extortion; why those officers were killed in Oakland, Ca. in 2009 on Harley's. So that nasty SOB was California based and I recognize who it was; they are in our inner family circle; very close and penetrated. They are recruiting former officers or meeting up with them using a security firm; then assigning contracts to courthouses and other places to plant listen devices or even devastating dirty tricks.

Ann, the FBI said we are dealing with a large number of spies, psychopaths; who use social networking sites and chat programs to visualize or recreate the sensation of being in the home or the bedroom of others. Although it is strictly fantasy; they do not feel they are a threat when entering or watching tenants, prey, friends, enemies, rivals, lovers, those admired, etc... The game is they hide their ID and try to play a deadly game to destroy their victim. It is a form of sexual release where they cannot be caught but dominate and destroy someone who acts against them or angers them. Limbaugh said with little kids, pedophiles, it is the ultimate form of control. However, this spy and this psycho has a scope in Asia, Europe, South America, etc... as if they are God and the king of human kind. So this form of home invasion and this ability to enter into the home of others, while surveillance is looking at them; is because they do not feel they are a threat or need an invitation, they want followers and fans. This is why they use the media and cameras to create that below radar and less than zero demonic evil. The media is how they grow or obtain more fans; followers. Then they use the media for elections; to key them or trigger the sleeper effect. I rated them a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 in violence and just cold blooded killing. Our advantage is they considered us as friends or close; fans and even dependent on them for survival. They treated us almost as if we were their kids; until they got unwanted and phone calls or messages that scared them about what they were doing. They did not feel as if they were and are a threat; now they fight it. They claim we are delusional or mentally ill; never met or know what we are talking about. Meanwhile, they claim we never met and they do not even know what we are talking about. We are caught in the middle of the blacks and the Irish; the communists and the Nazis. Do not get more people caught in the middle of this unless it is their own forces Ann; this is bad enough.

Ann, stop! I am caught in the middle of this. You are caught in the middle of this. It is the blacks at fault; along with the Irish. Stop this triangle and understand who is caught in the middle. I suspect they were watching us talking online or suspected it. So by trying to understand us; they grew a liking to chats and also a fantasy world where others cannot touch them, see them, or know what they are up to. It is a sick and cruel individual; a form of captivity. It is how they wage war and protest. This is how they reduce the pressure or intimidate rivals or political enemies. When it comes to crime and drugs; they run their cartels; abuse of authority; rigged prisons, etc... like a spy network. They make drops, they forward cash, they play this cat and mouse game, etc... The worst and sickest act is how they share the experience. If you notice how many of them know or are in it; it indicates a cult like or ritualized sacrifice; similar to human sacrifice or execution. They said it was a secret public trial; a form of social justice only the people are allowed access to. It is as if we have violated their fundamental tenet; a murder. It is as if we have done everything to insult all of them or the audience. This is their secret trial and also punishment; but they have to now destroy the evidence and any trace of this trial. By using the media and replaying it; they seek gratification and the knowledge nobody knew or has caught them. This is why they repeat stuff; 911, other terrorist plots, etc... without any motive to establish the truth or proclaim it. Then they also see their own ego when they describe themselves; to look victims in their eyes at close range and whisper their soul. They feel they are flexible enough to change for us; now we have to change for them. So this marriage or close ties; was a secret but remote site. It is a relation between one ocean to another. Now they claim they are sorry or made some inadvertent mistake; a toad like lie. They know exactly what was going on each second it was taking place; but both of us threw them off badly. When it comes to negatives, they scored a 10 in every category; even trying to be our best friend or spouse. Sex is paid for and in no way a marriage.

The FBI said you must not insult them. They are highly skilled with computers and networks. They have an association with clones, twins, and look-alikes. Almost self gratification they can copy or reproduce sanity; a form of reality or fantasy of being in their own world and winning. The FBI realizes how sick and how nasty this SOB truly is; we compare them to the devil himself; what we know as pure evil. They are methodical and deliberate; worse than a serial killer. This SOB got this way from watching clips of the Vietnam War. The idea of killing. The dead bodies. Talking about it with others. Knowing they had something to do with it. The degree of violence and the shock factor during the 1960s; carried on into the 1990s. This is where they got it and this is why we are in the middle of it all. They underwent a transformation; similar to the Red Dragon; an awakening. Also, the documentaries of families and the use of cameras to profile the life of others; made this spy and enemy crave their own directorship. So the age of the TV and the violence of drugs, alcohol, and crime; has warped and impacted this psycho and enemy. They know how to trigger sleepers. I do not see them as torch carriers; passing it on to either of us, most especially myself. They see it as parents, coaches, advisers, life teachers, and sharing every moment of life with us. That is exactly how I describe it and what happened. They got castrated and grew extremely angry as a result. Their fascination with the camera and recording their acts; is now a curse and the crux of daily projection; to enter the delusions and rearrange the facts; focus or concentration level in order to be confident and bold. Ann, I have black companies causing problems now and their management is similar to the Nazis. They are involved with my own biological family; not caught or exposed yet.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Ann, how many times have I told you or said to you, "you need to choose better friends?" How many Ann? So it is not us; it is them. This is the problem and I do not know why you can't change it. I changed it for you. You chased them off for me; but got it worse than I did. Hannity said tonight he has been through so much abuse; he has no care in the world anymore; ready to die. So they keep plugging away and dragging us down with them while they drown. Then why would you complain to me and then tell me they are they ones behind my own kidnapping and 911? They just deny it and they keep saying how they are trying to resolve it or work this out. It is about choosing friends and workers carefully; not going down with them or living in hell because they are needy, desperate, or on skid row. They even try to live our life and it is so awful to watch; especially when they use my work or name in vain.

ROYAL WEDDING: I may not be rich but all the money in the world will never buy the royalty I was born in or the recognition I am known for. Also, my name can never be taken away or sold like a cheap slave or some counterfeit wannabe. So those rats in the sewer do not even know who they are; no less right from wrong. My advice is to stay in the sweat little sewer you were born from or in. At least I do not need money to claim what is mine! I mean what is mine cannot be bought for all the money in the world; or do I own it already? Give me a try, I might change this measly attitude and worse; pull their mask off and make them a credible human being. We expect this from the blacks; but the whites; please! In war, your mouth will drown your dreams. In life, your dreams will drown the truth of our karma. Go away street kid; you are ticking off the royals with your slut parade; have you no shame? Your females are even more pathetic and shameless. Stop knocking on the doors of royals or those who determine fate in this world; ask iRush about the shrine. I know now why you beat each other over the head. I am here or awkward due to the actions of this low life constantly knocking on heaven's doors; or kicking it down. There is something about you people that is very undesirable; and I am not sure what it is yet. Perhaps it is your money, or for that matter, how you languish without it. The way you wage war is also absurd and nearly primitive. You F with your own mind and stand on nothing but confidence.

NO RESPECT FOR AUTHORITY: Ann, these spies and enemies are so demonic and evil; they do not even have the courtesy to unplug the propaganda channel. Limbaugh spews out lies and fraud daily; worse, Hannity is still pulling a fast one while still trying to hit on Ann or claims she really wants him. The two are beyond insane and beyond delusional; after all they have been through; they feel safe and comfortable? After being caught for what they did and tried; they still insist on being insiders? Worse, their bosses are demonic and won't even unplug them or offer a public apology. It is their politics; do not and screw everything up; stay and fight to the death. Hannity even said to Ann, "you really want him don't you." This shows the public the state of disrepair the police is in and how crime is rampant or unstoppable in America; it is the demand not the supply stupid. If you throw coal in a fire; what do you expect? Even we are fighting the police and under constant attack by rogue ones. It is almost like hiring people who do not have a college degree to do things only a college graduate can do. Then trashing those who actually have a college degree; take a close look at both Ann and my record; now explain it. Some nasty SOB and demonic human figure did it; either that or Casper the ghost who is reading our material. The odd part is how you have to beat them over the head just to get them to leave or stop hitting on us; F'in retard. Remember Ann, the only person you are hurting now is yourself; and this has been ongoing for a few years. They are the devil and have reach a human form as I was afraid of. They are now one of us; "orgasmic rage", WTF? It is time they stop firing me for no reason and get fired for the right and worst behavior known to mankind.

THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT: If this was 1775, none of the founding fathers or members of Congress could pass the Trump test, the Arizona test, or the Birther Movement Test. However, this is not the American Revolution or the 18th Century; nor is it Colonial America. However, it is an interesting subject when we examine both slavery and citizenry in the 1800s. If this was, than George Washington would not be our 1st President and neither would our 3rd President. Thomas Jefferson was a young man and was born in Virginia; so the facts are flawed. Regardless, the importance of George Washington supersedes his citizenry. They are aiming this at me; but Ann has caught them red handed and confronted them already.


MEDICAID AND SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM: The Democrats are lying and in an evil way. When your car breaks down; you get 3 estimates. When something in your life is broken; you operate within a budget. If someone restricts your ability to seek a low cost or a needed service that is better, more competitive, or more convenient; then you loose. The only reason why insurance companies deny service is because of price; there are no price incentives. Ryan's plan shifts the money from the federal treasury to the state; which boxes in the spending on state laws. So he and the entire Republican Party is lying. They want state rights and power but do not seek the root cause. The root cause is another state who may have a much lower cost and worse; a need for business. So they are eager to sign up new patients. Ryan has disregarded the states that make a few bucks on Medicaid fraud and he is in bed with both Humanity and Limbaugh; how we know pure evil and pure terrorism. So Ryan has a lot of explaining to do; begin with the beer capital of the world, the Great Lakes labor union problems, and this other problem with bikers and insurance. My master plan is incompatible with his master plan; it is not a start; it is merely shifting the spending from a federal to a local level and makes accounting or crackdowns impossible. It will fail and worse; the Republicans will be blamed. Like a mechanic, the government now will tow your vehicle to an approved shop or a certified one. The high flying above ground rail system will simplify travel and security problems.

MASTER PLAN: The Democrats will say how service and benefits are taken away and each day is a struggle because everybody is after them; so they are after us, waging war. The bottom line is to get rid of them and quickly; before they shut all the doors and lock them as they are and have been doing. They know what we did to them and we know what we did to ourselves; but will they ever tell the truth or do we beat it out of them? They want a civil war and they want more confrontations and conflict; it is in their genetics. The speed train cuts down on cost and opens up a new frontier of low cost travel. The window Medicaid recipients have to seek a good provider compels them to be more careful and wiser how they seek service. Also, their state does not box them in and pretends to be acting in our best interest; what this 1.4 billion lawsuits and retaliation have led to. Let them fight it out with the office of hurricane and earthquakes; God is angry with them and he will deal with them how he wishes. We can only advise them to step down and go away; before there is more trouble and even worse outcomes. People are catching on and they are in the wide open; we have their master plan and they do not have ours or know any of it yet. Let them wage war with the highest office in the world or with God and aliens; hand to hand and we will wait for a judgment or victory.

FATHER AND DESIGNER OF SATWAR AND SUSTAINABILITY: They can do dirty tricks and lie to humans who have to struggle daily against this enemy; now they can struggle with supernatural forces. We have proven our case; now it is time to trace it so we can file the lawsuit. To win, we have to prove 1) not true 2) business loss 3) a deliberate attempt to lie, cheat, and steal. The question now and as time elapses; who is guilty as sin and trying to escape? Already they have tried to take us on the SATWAR level and failed miserably; what next, retaliation? How about trying to break or destroy us by playing the waiting game? I have a surprise and a contingency plan; many of them. Unless they can win; end it and fix it immediately. I am the person who coined the phrase "sustainability" and my second book is on this. I got it from the office of International Development, Agency for International Development and altered or perfected it; it is a entirely different meaning now; I teach it along with Satellite Warfare 101 to 801; doctorate levels. I have all the documents in the world and the most incredible story to prove this when someone challenges or slanders my name and I can trace it or catch them. So far we caught a few of them; and are closing in; expect to be shut down.


Ann, these people live in their own little work and have their own circle of friends to hide or conceal the personality problems or their rampage. The problem is they are always struggling and contribute to their own demise. When others pick up on this and do not want to buy it; they loose it and are out of control. When you struggle daily and have to lie, cheat, and steal; a little world outside of reality is where they call home. So that is who they are and where they are now. Instead of living on the truth or reality; they make up lies and call everybody annoying; constantly trying to hold them down or make them go away. There is some truth to this; but there is a good reason as well. People who are this desperate and struggle daily to get their political message across have no business in America or in politics. It is time they are shut down and made to suffer for the pain and suffering they have caused; the list is long and the constant annoyances are permanent. This enemy seek to blame anybody while claiming it is their home or how they are leaders; that is not the story or the truth; nor is it reality. So you are right, they are a 501.C scam and we are surrounded by drug dealers, junkies, and this daily struggle of theirs. So what do they want and why are they so dangerous or aggressive? They struggle everyday and are liars and thieves; what do they want? The level of welfare, the level of debt, and the level of spending puts this labor movement and radicalism in the top consumer class. Those factors make it impossible to win elections unless steep cuts are made and restrictions imposed.

We are surrounded by these enemies and they seek control or to be leaders; the drug wars made their struggle even worse and daily. Because they are the labor unions or the labor movement; they also think they are professors and teachers; an apprentice relationship. This is how this mess got the way it did; a fool and then an apprentice of that fool. The world hates you, you hate the world, they are a ticking time bomb, and everyday is a struggle they fear. Then they have the advantage so long as they are on attack or stalking; to piss anybody off and claim they are victims or doing an eviction. They see life similar to a prison or concentration camp; so animalistic or even serial rapist is the boner book they follow; savages. What they do best is overwhelming others, overloading them, reproducing, and being really annoying. In their eyes, all of these killings and serial rapist problems are how the jungle operates and how their world is kept in line. What is their winning formula? Evil. The more the better. Why? When life is a daily struggle; when you have to lie, cheat, and steal because you have a lower existence and cannot live accordingly; when people hate your guts and you have to hide or conceal who you are; how can you win or have your way? How can you be a leader or drag others into hell? Also, the markets operates on the rapidity of them gone; the sooner the better. The only future they have is the future they are in now; hell and it is constantly fighting in hell. Who and what they sound like is a hardened criminal running for their life. What the problem is or has been is a roadblock and an ID check; so now they are ramming it or taking hostages.

Now we have problems with banks. We have some police impersonator pretending to garnish or shut down bank accounts. We have illegal or requests for fees that total $250 some months. We know they are corrupt and mafia related; but how come they make it a drug war instead of a war on terrorism? Everything is done to create the perfect storm; so a person can enter or succeed in the drug business; and they sit and wait patiently, still. They also claim to be the police and they want a payment or to do business; and this is how it ended in 2008. So far, we do not have a name, department, or badge number to report to anybody; only 911 terrorists. So the question is why there are so many problems and a history of problems with these banks? Are they laundering money or asking if their clients need their services; to launder money? The mess is profound and the slander is tremendously blatant; now in the wide open. None of it stuck to Alex or Ann; and all the doors got shut simultaneously, so they are trapped.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


ANN, TRY TO SHAKE THEM OR THROW THEM OFF! I am tired of fighting your fight even if I adore you dearly; you have to do your part and either shake them, pop the blimp, throw em off, or make their heads explode. Also, they are now stalking or following us with this intent; getting the door slammed on them and even retaliation. Now do your part and try to shake the blimp or pop it; meanwhile, I will distract them and put them in a miserable fury. Now stop F'in with me and lets fight them with all we have; stop pussyfooting and show me that killer instinct. This stalker and enemy spy needs to go and be taught a good lesson before they do. Hold us as hostage and try to breed with us so they think; tip toe-ing to get away? If you want to be with me, you have to show me you can handle 1000 of them or even 10,000 of them; killer instinct. I am waiting Ann... patiently but I cannot sit here forever. If they get near me I will level them... again. We have the most notorious serial killers and madmen on the Republican and right side promoting the left wing and foreign enemies from the other side; so we have to utilize every opportunity possible and each misstep. Like the numbers and the truth; advantage evil and the left wing; money is not evil; now it is a serial killer! Now we flushed them in the open, they are still fighting and blasting away.

WINNING MATES? Ann, the iRush Blimp said, "They cannot find winning mates." Is he talking about you or me? I did not see it that way one bit. In any sense, hang in there kid and don't stick any flags in them yet. Sometimes, getting it right every time helps. I like the part where he describes what they did, "human walking debris... who have to be agitator." I call it terrorism and stalking; how about you? Who do we know has been doing this for nearly 100 years? This is how they stay under the radar; one step behind the leaders and the pioneers. One wrong step or mistake and they take over or control; advantage stalker and spy.

PAY THEM WITH OIL? This or that is called extortion using Arab impersonators or spies (During interview with Donald "Birther" Trump). Do the Latino's; such as Hugo pay people with oil? Do they act like such a high class beggar or stalker? Now we have to defend Kuwait and Saudi Arabia from Americans; oh yes and serial rapists. Worse, they all think they are studs or some Romeo with a fortune.

DEAR BIRTHER TRUMP: I would rip you off also; come closer and stop running! Your wife ripped you off for 50% and half the women in America want to rip you off for all you have; stop running. Your mom ripped you off and lied about it; did you know this? It is called respect and people today do not know what respect is. I don't make money on drug wars or the poor; a thief in my book is as damned as my money. I do not appreciate the back slapping serial rapist problem; so Ann told me. Odd how you are your own Las Vegas in Florida; and have never had any mafia problems; not even one mark against the labor unions; not one. They attack us 1000 times a day and 24 hours; every waking minute of their life; did you know that Don? I do not think you are a suspect anymore; do you? It is as if the mafia is stalking you around the US of A and ride your coattails. Who is their financier? Why am I an apprentice? Who is this hot chick, Russian model, who I was supposed to marry? Is she is Florida or New York; maybe Maryland or Virginia? We have the most notorious serial killers and madmen on the Republican and right side promoting the left wing and foreign enemies from the other side; so we have to utilize every opportunity possible and each misstep. Like the numbers and the truth; advantage evil and the left wing; money is not evil; now it is a serial killer! In the open, they blast away and keep fighting; right in the open.

DEAR OFC OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES: This is a recap and also how things got the way it is today. They are using the damage and slander to worsen the outcome or delay the hold on us; while pitching Ann. This is why Ann is in trouble now and received all of these death threats from 2008-2011. They are counting on Ann and I letting them go or a judgment we both are off our rocker; delusional or emotionally traumatized we are insane. They are counting on and have given up on the idea we cannot care for ourselves or are so injured; we must step down or stop. This is how evil they truly are.

Whatever these people did or are up to; it led to us fingering them for 911 and the drug wars. They said it was a blockade and we are or were now "damaged goods." It makes a lot of sense the way they explained it. However, as I had reported and complained in 1998; someone had targeted us or were trying to extort money while destroying our life. It led to a bankruptcy already and the severity of the life problems has impacted my future ability to get a job or has discredited my career. In any sense, the slander is directed at my name and the ability to trust me financially. I am trying to swim through all the wreckage and the toxic spill; find a life raft and seek the speed boat I was ejected from; however, it is easier now than before; but the residual and credit problems have also followed me.

As you and the FBI can see clearly; they were reluctant to admit to this or provide sufficient evidence to escape their death lock. What they sought was suicide but hold people down or cause so much trouble; suicide and homeless shelters is the road to some contact or face to face. When this occurred; we caught them. So if you are gathering up evidence; proving they are the 911 terrorist is not possible at this time. Hence they said they were ready to die and put their course on full throttle or full steam. As you can see; the gamble is a no win situation for them, anyhow you see it. If they admit it, they loose; if they do not, they still loose.

So clearly, what I reported to the FBI in 1998 has ended and we got our mafia and communist spies; back then not 911 terrorists or drug leaders. They wanted me to fix their financial mess and give them jobs; in high tech, cellular, and other investments. I refused and paid a heavy price. So a trap was set up and those behind it are still in this trap while we interviewed and confronted them. The problem is my record or credit reports; surely they counted on Ann to escape ofr fix this. They said she was rich and I had no complaint. They said Ann refused to assist and did not care enough to stop them as they tested how much others knew about this. They did everything short of a full admission; but the pain and suffering is this stalemate where employers are reluctant to hire and the same mess they need to escape is now a shared or common ground.

This is who we caught and write about; that is our suspect and whom were behind all of these killings; trying to scare or intimidate us and the authorities. It is unwinding and unfortunately; a civil matter where they will lie, cheat, and steal to conceal because it will implicate them as I keep indicating. So they are stuck and using or coaxing Ann to erase it all and Ann refused; instead tormenting them and garnering more death threats or stalking by Limbaugh and Hannity; also Fox News cast. They still have an advantage over me; but they have to play it "hands off" now. If they put anymore fingerprints on this; it will be more impossible to escape and it will point to the worst outcome; do they want the best or worst outcome? If you want your 911 terrorist and the leaders behind all of these attacks on America; this is the first step and how we caught them. They are terrified of both Ann and I for different and unique reasons; outside of their own imagination.

So who is behind it and why did they stop this war on us? Now trying harder than ever before to be our friends or workmates? I wrote to Ann recently and they are answering or trying to fight out of it. They know I have the master plan and they know I know who has theirs! If they encroach on or change my master plan; I will know it is their spy and mole. Their motive is to create hardship, stunts, financial messes, victims, body counts, violence, crime, etc... in order to manipulate the political system and win elections.

THE PROBLEM WITH OBAMA, DEMOCRATS, AND WHY THIS NATION IS IN DANGEROUS WATERS: Obama and the Democrats do not understand their mental illness. They need to stop pissing people off and running their mouth. They are not in control and people do not want to work with them or wish to have them in our life. We call them psycho, pathological, delusional, and total liars. That is the bottom line and they blame or slander us before their forces get trapped or slammed for the hell they build. Everybody wishes they shut up and just go away; but they are too ignorant for that and too dependent or stupid to tell us the real problem or the truth. Most if not all of them have mental problems, now they paint us as the same or causing it; but their life just breaks down and goes nowhere; a dead end. This is our 1.4 billion lawsuit and how we caught the communists; also 911 spies.

HUGE MONEY LOSS: Ann, your boys at RedEye said that you have failed to prove your case and we have to release them; or at least I do. Due to your fine actions and founders; you now have to prove a significant loss; I have and already. So how do you explain no significant business loss or the blistering cavalcade of admirers before and then after? Like the liberals, they throw money at anything and anybody; then make all kinds of insane or crazed claims. Now they feel they are leaders and you or I am the problem; yet nobody can get the truth from them; they demand the truth? Any seasoned investigator knows this is the basis of racketeering and anybody who has studied or caught real life dangerous criminals knows this is the mafia or communists. They also claim a huge business loss; almost overnight, so a thief or a crook did it. From this view and all views; their stupidity did it and the stupidity of lying about it made it even worse! Then when their enemies decided to settle the score or confront them; they felt they won and were in the home stretch when they were sinking in quicksand and play acting about it. Only a professional spy can go on TV and lie this well under this degree of pressure; or a complete fool. These lunatics do not give up or quit do they? Now someone (female) said "they are annoying." For a complete utter mess and a madman; they are totally out of control and have been. So report it. Now it is about money and only money. Yes it is; come in our house, make yourself at home, set up a picnic blanket with cheese and win; and then met my pet rattlesnake, doberman, and lionhearted. What they are is a smart-ass junky and a high class Tigerblood Ebonics beggar, my ass.

Update: stop making fun of Michelle Bachmann's looks!
Update: Republican mom-son relationships stretch far beyond the Republican Party. Also, Army mom's and sexy sons do not end on the Party line.
Update: Look up Pete and Russ Bennett in my HS yearbook. The Republican fight over the budget and cuts is pathological if not pathetic. We are completely surrounded by hostiles and enemy forces; outgunned. The stupid and the ignorant have attacked! They are holding this country hostage and posing as real human beings. I am not sure if we have a chance or if freedom will ever be used for good or the right reasons. I say bring it on and arm them; I got my curse of hurricane and earthquakes that never does any good. I can show them war on a level Hollywood cannot even reproduce or try; and then laugh at their face while in combat.

Ann, stop acting honky or the high class begging while I am involved. First it was skiing; now you are in LA, probably back with that Maher guy. Did you also go skiing with your love Christie? Wonderful! First a threesome and now a full ledge orgy of men in your life. How wonderful it is and has been. Ski until your hearts content Ann; and have the blast of your life. You are totally out of control and everybody tells me this. Also, I get my information from the media and even your LA FReeP buddies have confirmed all of this. Obviously, when the pressure is on; you just fold like a cheap accordion in heat. Let me know when you are done because I am not amused or enjoying this as much as you say I am. I hear CA has slopes that takes a really long time to go downhill; you will love it. You are not in LA Ann; you are probably drunk in NY at TV Land again; a secret VIP viewing and party. I suspect you are skiing and playing tennis with that Walker guy; how many times has it been Ann? I see your high class beggar stunt Ann; you have insider information and all your problems have gone away. I am picking up and catching on now. You love hoaxes Fox News and your gang plays on you; well I do not! It is time you all admit the truth and just go away; this is really distracting and annoying. What, do you expect me to fix your life also? Do you expect all your problems to magically go away overnight? Answer me Ann, do you?

Ann, F Armageddon. I don't feel anything. Why is Armageddon on your mind day and night now? I am more interested in what you are hiding from us or me? They said you were a train wreck and would never get a man or get laid. This is why you are being fired and this is why you are in so much trouble; nearly got yourself killed and in total panic mode with me. You are really lucky I caught them and ripped them in pieces, tiny, tinier pieces. You honkies are completely out of control and beyond ignorant; enjoy your new black fans Ann, they love you! It just provides how much you enjoy helping me get a job and rejoin society in my darkest hours. It now proves it Ann; you are heartless. I am trying to get a job and you are out skiing with either Christie or JJ? Those I mention and caught, the 911 terrorists, are trying to save their job and skin; and you are joking and laughing, out skiing? I have never seen a woman run for her life while displaying such an out of control demeanor; also crack the moment I walk out the door. Do you have enough trouble yet Ann? Or are you just too sexy? This is what stupidity feels like and what it looks like Ann. It is annoying and F'in ridiculous. Do you need it spelled out or maybe you have trouble smelling it? The media was right about you Ann, I trust them to tell the truth. Are you hanging out with the gimps and the 501.C homeless in LA Ann; I had to.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


"And Most of the Welfare Spending Went to Immigrants! - Debt Jumped $54.1 Billion in 8 Days Preceding Boehner-Obama Deal to Cut $38.5 Billion for Rest of Year; More Terrific News about our Immigration Policies - 57 % of Immigrant-headed Households on Welfare (39 % of Native-born Households Are);Feds still hiring: Student internship at Federal Housing Finance Agency $48,304/yr & EEOC compliance officer at Peace Corps- $155,000/yr; The Asst Secretary for Indian Affairs needs someone to run the Facebook page and they’ll pay up to $115,000 a year -; I'm on Hannity radio and TV tonight -- back from skiing!;" Ann, what the hell does all of this have to do with skiing? I am trying to have a serious conversation with you and you are totally out of control and I do not know what to do but yell at you or ask you to stop. Are you another honky scum bag who won't leave or just toying with others with that high class honky beggar problem? Stop impersonating the Irish and blacks Ann; it is not conservative or family values. Now they are calling me and acting as if you are one of them, a Catholic, a labor union idiot, or one your side. They do the reverse when you are mad at me and I have asked you politely to get rid of them; what is your problem? We do not need more of the honky act or the high class beggar problem in 2012. They are here to either mug us, rob us, or kill us; do you understand? There is not 1 reason to keep them alive, none. Are you just retarded or stupid now; another jackass in politics?


FOX iHANNITY 4.11.2011 - I did not hear anything about skiing yet. So Ann, I am sure you can ski until you are happy. I am sure you will do more and more as we get older. I no longer have my condo at a ski resort because someone stole my deed and it also was foreclosed on for $700. First of all the honky or high class beggar act is really intolerable and pathetic. Now the communist think it worked well for us and must be the winning formula. It got us in the door and caused us to win the hearts and mind of the world. Secondly, the high class or white trash female looking for a meal or a free drink act is why I am upset and angry with you. I get this 100s a time a day and recently; an inordinate amount I cannot even shut off. Now I have 60 something sexiest with a meal on their minds or a crack hoe to give me; along with her 6 kids. What got you in trouble was impersonating the Irish while you tried to act as if you were down with the struggle and so rad or ghetto; the blacks would love you. Now you cannot fix any of this and they think you are their leader and Prime Mistress. Ann, I am bombarded with mistresses; knock it off and understand you failed and refused to fire them; now you are in hell for it. Their story is completely false, inaccurate, and total lies. Worse, they think you are teaching me now how to beg for them; before the communist and labor unions were my teachers. So impersonating them has led to higher levels of problems and double or quadrupled how angry and hostile the Irish and blacks are. I have never seen so much and such high class begging or constant pressure from homeless people.

Ann, skiing? I have heard enough! You are like that hooker in Long Island. You knock on someone's door, claim you are being chased, run off in the night, and commit suicide. Now everybody thinks you are them; nobody can catch this organized communist group; and we look stupid or are hurt by it all. Thanx a lot. Worse, everybody thinks Joel Rifkin did it. Just like the DC Madame, who hangs herself because she is a female who just screwed up everything. Stop acting honky or being such a honky Ann, really! I did not even read your twitter and I am fed up with it all and how much dog turd you left behind; I even stepped in it.

Ann: the bottom line is you did not fire them; so you are being fired. Now you claim they are stalking you or trying to murder or exploit your death. This has been proven. The bottom line is you dragged this on for over three years and you were ordered to fire them and clean up the insatiable mess you made; instead you expected me to live with it and accept it and the dog turd is everywhere. You like to live with trash and expect me; now my life is a revolving door of people complaining who you hired. They claim to be investigating and suing. You keep quiet. I ordered you to fire them; and this toxic spill is going nowhere and dragging me in deeper waters. Now nobody believes me or your complaints; your problem did magically go away but my problems did not. It got bigger and had a higher price tag.


"Personal life: Coulter has been engaged several times, but never married.[15] She has dated Spin founder and publisher Bob Guccione, Jr.,[26] and conservative writer Dinesh D'Souza.[44] In October 2007, she began dating Andrew Stein, the former president of the New York City Council, a liberal Democrat. When asked about the relationship, Stein told the paper, "She's attacked a lot of my friends, but what can I say, opposites attract!"[45] On January 7, 2008, however, Stein told the New York Post that the relationship was over, citing irreconcilable differences.[46] Coulter owns a condominium in Manhattan and a house, bought in 2005, in Palm Beach, Florida. Although she says that usually she lives in New York, she votes in Palm Beach and is not registered to do so in New York.[47] She is a fan of several jam bands, such as the Grateful Dead, the Dave Matthews Band, and Phish.[48][49] Some of her favorite books include The Bible, Wuthering Heights, Anna Karenina, true crime stories about serial killers and anything by Dave Barry.[50]"

Obviously, someone knows you much more than I do and much more intimately. Do you know what I have been through or do you just not care? Do you have any idea how out of control you are and how it has impacted my life, or do you care? Why am I defending you? Why are you still here? I had to worry about aids, alcohol problems, staying out late, luring you to some vacation or cruise, valentine roses, Fox News singles club, etc... I can make a list of 100 things on the top of my mind Ann; and you think hell is not waiting for you? Now you are competing with some idiot females and all of you F up everything or make life hell?

This is not about saving our country or spending; this is about winning elections and so far; the odds are totally against us and so are the numbers! In desperate times, you must demand a leader; not a beggar or pick pocketer! If you blink, they will steal the election each and every time; this is about trillions of dollars and the future of this world.

Ann: the bottom line is you did not fire them; so you are being fired. Now you claim they are stalking you or trying to murder or exploit your death. This has been proven. The bottom line is you dragged this on for over three years and you were ordered to fire them and clean up the insatiable mess you made; instead you expected me to live with it and accept it and the dog turd is everywhere. You like to live with trash and expect me; now my life is a revolving door of people complaining who you hired. They claim to be investigating and suing. You keep quiet. I ordered you to fire them; and this toxic spill is going nowhere and dragging me in deeper waters. Now nobody believes me or your complaints; your problem did magically go away but my problems did not. It got bigger and had a higher price tag. This proves you women F up everything and expect to be forgiven; good job. Is there anything else you can screw up?

Based on the questioning of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity; magically of course, they do not know why people are conservative. They attack and feel superior; trying and working hard to win. They do not understand themselves or the impact on others. Thus, do not know why people are conservative, mean to them, or dislike them. What they kept and were possessed by is freedom and this notion they are the same; not inferior. They admitted they were communists or moles; the people behind all of this. This is how the master plan was coughed up reluctantly. So they were cloning and studying us; trying to seek answers and create a potion more powerful or a winning formula. Now we know why they are stupid, act tough, are violent, piss everybody off, and nobody likes them. With these tools, what do they expect to get? The problem is they keep pitching us as if they will get something; and when they do not or act in frustration; they tell us to leave, evict us, or run us off in the most abusive way possible. Oddly, the people on attack now are bikers, a 501.C claiming to be World War II and Vietnam Veterans, and now their master plan shows up in the Republican ranks again.

Ann: I rely on the media for information; so stop crying to me or pleading with me. I suggest you take this to the FBI or a civil lawyer; that is what they will tell you also. Also, stop going around and acting as if your case is clear cut and everybody has the truth; what is it and who is hiding what? I depend on the media and so far; I have not gotten the truth. Due to Fox News and these stalkers pretending to be the police, I recommended you 1. get help with the drinking or alcohol problems. 2. pay your own dinner or meal tab. 3. choose better friends or colleagues. 4. do not text serial rapist or talk to them daily; even monthly. 5. Piss off who you really love and anger them intentionally; if so fix it or clear it up immediately. 6. Shut that pest up, "if you care for him so much, why don't you help him?" Here I am in the middle of a civil war and some war on the police; and on both sides is the devil in disguise. Behind that camera is always a rogue prosecutor or judge. I get my information from the media; end of story. Someone better clean all of this up and get rid of all of these spies and traitors. It sounds like a drug cartel, a communist, a rogue prosecutor, a traitor, a liar, a thief, a terrorist, and worse a fugitive in hiding now. The communist and terrorists have unleashed a Trojan Horse and you all are having a blast and trying to rape each other or lie about how you love each other to death? Has anybody noticed how difficult it has gotten to obtain the truth or arrest these terrorists and mafia politicians?

Liars and moles: All the sudden, I do not even exist or know who you are; cannot even identify you. You even come across as arrogant and ignorant; choosing sides already and spending a lot of happy time with them for a few bucks. Now it all stinks and is ready to blow up in all of your faces. What does not make any sense is how many times I have been accused and arrested; not once, twice, but three times. Then the financial blockade that has led to a complete slander of my name, career, biography, and future aspirations as the designer and father of the satellite warfare program; ask the leader of the free world who did all of this. Someone is a liar and also a mole; a traitor in the ranks. They got their fingerprint all over this and I have called the office of hurricane and earthquakes. It seems like the only one who is blamed or exists; is me; very strange. The number of times I have been evicted or attacked at home is; 8 evictions and over 1000 attacks in less than 3 years. Now they tell me I am paranoid and have to be forced medicated or need my medication; really? Nobody saw anything or knows anything; but they are in total control and have us under 24 hour watch. Did they notice a drug war or looting of the US government; perhaps a robbery in progress? They only want to help and have our best interst in mind; that is why the chains and the medication? How about the amount of times we got clobbered or clubbed? Has anybody noticed how difficult it is to stop this conspiracy or get the truth? The problem is going to get so bad; only a war can fix it or someone will discover the elections are rigged.

LIB-YA: I am waiting for the President to tell me what his plans are so we know how we can assist. The CIA does not have the experience or knowledge to cope with sleepy Laffy. I am not going to talk for them or tell them how to fight. He and a few other people may finish out their life in a limited or incapacitated manner; it is written. I need something real and written why they want to live or be kept alive.

DoD REFORM: I have their master plan and I know they use benefits and jobs as a political chip and to wage war. I would rather have an Army Strong officer corp than a sea of chaos and turmoil. 1. 30% reduction and savings used to allocate benefits and special needs; insufficient care of wounded. 2. Reorganize standing army to a reserve army with an officer corp. The strain of technology and high tech requires us to take the thug out of the military and recruit more math majors or specialists; get rid of the bikers, misfits, and dropouts. 3. Privatize all service or logistics to the private sector and unify the Reserve or weekend warrior commitment to a 10 year employment of 80% civilian and 20% active duty in the Reserves. 4. Slow down the rate of conflicts we had in the past decade; Iraq specifically. There is a huge vulnerability now and a huge gigantic problem; a Trojan horse unleashed. 5. Stricter restrictions on all military applicants and federal employment; we have their master plan. We have enough to begin the ban, internment, and exodus.

This problem with beggars and a total lapse of leadership is unbearable. I am glad their God or their politics led them down that road; but it is a dead end; good-bye and good riddance. As I have stated and restated; there is not 1 reason to keep these people alive so they are at our throats 24 hours a day with stupid and insane comments or engine reving. The verbal abuse, stalking, and total loss of privacy; along with the psychiatry and trumped up charges; is why they are pushing the drug wars. If these reforms are not taken; I am going to escalate it to the office of hurricane and earthquakes; and I have already written them about this problem many times in the past. I am done with it and this; die or go away, there is not 1 reason, not 1. If they say we are at war; then it is logical we are at war with them also. I suggest they begin to help themselves to this. DoD must go into a period where we lick out wounds; all of this war and extended surprises has crippled the most powerful military on earth. I cite traitors and corrupt politicians for tricking us into a no-win situation while exploiting our kindness and media. I cite the problem as drug and criminal elements; a homeless problem in America for over 200 years and expanding.

STATE SHUTDOWN: I expect a rumble and the State economies to be the next battlefront; so the troops sent in must be clear thinking and trusted. I expect more defections from the rebels and have alerted the CIA and Pentagon.

HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT: Two pipes transcontinental; big tube to low tube or fresh water; high ground to lowest ground. 1. east to west northern region 2. west to east southern region. Now anybody can tap into it for hydro-electric sea water and a turbine. I need a gigantic siphon in two directions.




Ann: I see you all in the same light now. All of you F up everything. You and them need to stay down and you need to stop talking to serial rapists on AOL or Twitter. Now you have lost a lot of allies and possibly much more. You women are horrible and your men are even worse! Look at this mess and look at what you are doing and them. Are they trying to sign me on board or keep you on board? Are you the prize or am I? Then why are these people all over you while I am locked out complaining about how you all F up everything? You are like Congress, all the sudden you want to be a good Republican and cut spending or costs. You need everything spelled out for you and you fail to stay down or get out of the complex problems you do not belong in. Worse, all of you are suicidal and you pull that Karl Rove rap. I want a real human being and to deal with real human beings Ann; not penny stocks that are funded by penny failures. Now all of these bag ladies are on your side and making you even worse; sending text messages is just plain stupid. Do you think your enemies should go or all of you; you included? I will say it again, you all F up everything and when it is time for you to go; you do not want to pay damages, blame others, or trump up false charges and the truth is lost and so are we. I expect you and all of them to F up again and repeat it again! There is not one reason why they should be in your life or mine; not one reason. There is not one reason why anybody should be keeping them alive; homeless for 200 years now and counting. If you keep this ongoing Ann, there will be no more rich and no more of us; we all start over. So you are trapped and so are they; I have been trapped.

Ann, because of you and these women; they are coming to me and acting as if there is 10 or even 1 reason to keep them alive. There is no reason to keep them alive; that is why they call it useless or worthless. Even better than you now, they seek to beat both of us; and they keep saying "we are at war" as a way to justify their insanity and beggar lies. The truth is they need to get down, stay down, and hope and pray nobody shuts them down because their children will suffer for 20 to 50 years when and if they throw that term "war" around. So keep toying with them and poking them with this Wonderbra sensation they tell me 24 hours about. Now I am caught right in the middle of two extremes and both of you F up my world by taking trips together, staying out all night, going to dinners, and a host of other ludicrous photo album neither of you knows how to cope with. Welcome to the world of an enemy and a total loser; there is no reason and not one to keep them alive; do you have 1 or 10 reasons to offer? So the communists and the homeless labor movement is at our throat with this total lack of ethics and morals; a secret war and God has keyed in. The question is when are you going to get rid of them and clean up your own life; before they eradicate or F up mine also? This homeless and useless problem in America is the fault of the Democrats, the Jews, the Catholics, and the liberals. They keep kids for entitlements or prostitution; then abuse power in order to destroy or eradicate rivals for no reason. They are damned and doomed and deserve to die a miserable death. If they are at war with the US; then we are at war with this loser also. Let me guess, all of you want me to rescue you or tell you what to do? Okay, go to hell and tell me when you are well done. Even better and a funnier joke; stop having babies and annoying me.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.