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ANN, TRY TO SHAKE THEM OR THROW THEM OFF! I am tired of fighting your fight even if I adore you dearly; you have to do your part and either shake them, pop the blimp, throw em off, or make their heads explode. Also, they are now stalking or following us with this intent; getting the door slammed on them and even retaliation. Now do your part and try to shake the blimp or pop it; meanwhile, I will distract them and put them in a miserable fury. Now stop F'in with me and lets fight them with all we have; stop pussyfooting and show me that killer instinct. This stalker and enemy spy needs to go and be taught a good lesson before they do. Hold us as hostage and try to breed with us so they think; tip toe-ing to get away? If you want to be with me, you have to show me you can handle 1000 of them or even 10,000 of them; killer instinct. I am waiting Ann... patiently but I cannot sit here forever. If they get near me I will level them... again. We have the most notorious serial killers and madmen on the Republican and right side promoting the left wing and foreign enemies from the other side; so we have to utilize every opportunity possible and each misstep. Like the numbers and the truth; advantage evil and the left wing; money is not evil; now it is a serial killer! Now we flushed them in the open, they are still fighting and blasting away.
WINNING MATES? Ann, the iRush Blimp said, "They cannot find winning mates." Is he talking about you or me? I did not see it that way one bit. In any sense, hang in there kid and don't stick any flags in them yet. Sometimes, getting it right every time helps. I like the part where he describes what they did, "human walking debris... who have to be agitator." I call it terrorism and stalking; how about you? Who do we know has been doing this for nearly 100 years? This is how they stay under the radar; one step behind the leaders and the pioneers. One wrong step or mistake and they take over or control; advantage stalker and spy.
PAY THEM WITH OIL? This or that is called extortion using Arab impersonators or spies (During interview with Donald "Birther" Trump). Do the Latino's; such as Hugo pay people with oil? Do they act like such a high class beggar or stalker? Now we have to defend Kuwait and Saudi Arabia from Americans; oh yes and serial rapists. Worse, they all think they are studs or some Romeo with a fortune.
DEAR BIRTHER TRUMP: I would rip you off also; come closer and stop running! Your wife ripped you off for 50% and half the women in America want to rip you off for all you have; stop running. Your mom ripped you off and lied about it; did you know this? It is called respect and people today do not know what respect is. I don't make money on drug wars or the poor; a thief in my book is as damned as my money. I do not appreciate the back slapping serial rapist problem; so Ann told me. Odd how you are your own Las Vegas in Florida; and have never had any mafia problems; not even one mark against the labor unions; not one. They attack us 1000 times a day and 24 hours; every waking minute of their life; did you know that Don? I do not think you are a suspect anymore; do you? It is as if the mafia is stalking you around the US of A and ride your coattails. Who is their financier? Why am I an apprentice? Who is this hot chick, Russian model, who I was supposed to marry? Is she is Florida or New York; maybe Maryland or Virginia? We have the most notorious serial killers and madmen on the Republican and right side promoting the left wing and foreign enemies from the other side; so we have to utilize every opportunity possible and each misstep. Like the numbers and the truth; advantage evil and the left wing; money is not evil; now it is a serial killer! In the open, they blast away and keep fighting; right in the open.
DEAR OFC OF HURRICANE AND EARTHQUAKES: This is a recap and also how things got the way it is today. They are using the damage and slander to worsen the outcome or delay the hold on us; while pitching Ann. This is why Ann is in trouble now and received all of these death threats from 2008-2011. They are counting on Ann and I letting them go or a judgment we both are off our rocker; delusional or emotionally traumatized we are insane. They are counting on and have given up on the idea we cannot care for ourselves or are so injured; we must step down or stop. This is how evil they truly are.
Whatever these people did or are up to; it led to us fingering them for 911 and the drug wars. They said it was a blockade and we are or were now "damaged goods." It makes a lot of sense the way they explained it. However, as I had reported and complained in 1998; someone had targeted us or were trying to extort money while destroying our life. It led to a bankruptcy already and the severity of the life problems has impacted my future ability to get a job or has discredited my career. In any sense, the slander is directed at my name and the ability to trust me financially. I am trying to swim through all the wreckage and the toxic spill; find a life raft and seek the speed boat I was ejected from; however, it is easier now than before; but the residual and credit problems have also followed me.
As you and the FBI can see clearly; they were reluctant to admit to this or provide sufficient evidence to escape their death lock. What they sought was suicide but hold people down or cause so much trouble; suicide and homeless shelters is the road to some contact or face to face. When this occurred; we caught them. So if you are gathering up evidence; proving they are the 911 terrorist is not possible at this time. Hence they said they were ready to die and put their course on full throttle or full steam. As you can see; the gamble is a no win situation for them, anyhow you see it. If they admit it, they loose; if they do not, they still loose.
So clearly, what I reported to the FBI in 1998 has ended and we got our mafia and communist spies; back then not 911 terrorists or drug leaders. They wanted me to fix their financial mess and give them jobs; in high tech, cellular, and other investments. I refused and paid a heavy price. So a trap was set up and those behind it are still in this trap while we interviewed and confronted them. The problem is my record or credit reports; surely they counted on Ann to escape ofr fix this. They said she was rich and I had no complaint. They said Ann refused to assist and did not care enough to stop them as they tested how much others knew about this. They did everything short of a full admission; but the pain and suffering is this stalemate where employers are reluctant to hire and the same mess they need to escape is now a shared or common ground.
This is who we caught and write about; that is our suspect and whom were behind all of these killings; trying to scare or intimidate us and the authorities. It is unwinding and unfortunately; a civil matter where they will lie, cheat, and steal to conceal because it will implicate them as I keep indicating. So they are stuck and using or coaxing Ann to erase it all and Ann refused; instead tormenting them and garnering more death threats or stalking by Limbaugh and Hannity; also Fox News cast. They still have an advantage over me; but they have to play it "hands off" now. If they put anymore fingerprints on this; it will be more impossible to escape and it will point to the worst outcome; do they want the best or worst outcome? If you want your 911 terrorist and the leaders behind all of these attacks on America; this is the first step and how we caught them. They are terrified of both Ann and I for different and unique reasons; outside of their own imagination.
So who is behind it and why did they stop this war on us? Now trying harder than ever before to be our friends or workmates? I wrote to Ann recently and they are answering or trying to fight out of it. They know I have the master plan and they know I know who has theirs! If they encroach on or change my master plan; I will know it is their spy and mole. Their motive is to create hardship, stunts, financial messes, victims, body counts, violence, crime, etc... in order to manipulate the political system and win elections.
THE PROBLEM WITH OBAMA, DEMOCRATS, AND WHY THIS NATION IS IN DANGEROUS WATERS: Obama and the Democrats do not understand their mental illness. They need to stop pissing people off and running their mouth. They are not in control and people do not want to work with them or wish to have them in our life. We call them psycho, pathological, delusional, and total liars. That is the bottom line and they blame or slander us before their forces get trapped or slammed for the hell they build. Everybody wishes they shut up and just go away; but they are too ignorant for that and too dependent or stupid to tell us the real problem or the truth. Most if not all of them have mental problems, now they paint us as the same or causing it; but their life just breaks down and goes nowhere; a dead end. This is our 1.4 billion lawsuit and how we caught the communists; also 911 spies.
HUGE MONEY LOSS: Ann, your boys at RedEye said that you have failed to prove your case and we have to release them; or at least I do. Due to your fine actions and founders; you now have to prove a significant loss; I have and already. So how do you explain no significant business loss or the blistering cavalcade of admirers before and then after? Like the liberals, they throw money at anything and anybody; then make all kinds of insane or crazed claims. Now they feel they are leaders and you or I am the problem; yet nobody can get the truth from them; they demand the truth? Any seasoned investigator knows this is the basis of racketeering and anybody who has studied or caught real life dangerous criminals knows this is the mafia or communists. They also claim a huge business loss; almost overnight, so a thief or a crook did it. From this view and all views; their stupidity did it and the stupidity of lying about it made it even worse! Then when their enemies decided to settle the score or confront them; they felt they won and were in the home stretch when they were sinking in quicksand and play acting about it. Only a professional spy can go on TV and lie this well under this degree of pressure; or a complete fool. These lunatics do not give up or quit do they? Now someone (female) said "they are annoying." For a complete utter mess and a madman; they are totally out of control and have been. So report it. Now it is about money and only money. Yes it is; come in our house, make yourself at home, set up a picnic blanket with cheese and win; and then met my pet rattlesnake, doberman, and lionhearted. What they are is a smart-ass junky and a high class Tigerblood Ebonics beggar, my ass.
Update: stop making fun of Michelle Bachmann's looks!
Update: Republican mom-son relationships stretch far beyond the Republican Party. Also, Army mom's and sexy sons do not end on the Party line.
Update: Look up Pete and Russ Bennett in my HS yearbook. The Republican fight over the budget and cuts is pathological if not pathetic. We are completely surrounded by hostiles and enemy forces; outgunned. The stupid and the ignorant have attacked! They are holding this country hostage and posing as real human beings. I am not sure if we have a chance or if freedom will ever be used for good or the right reasons. I say bring it on and arm them; I got my curse of hurricane and earthquakes that never does any good. I can show them war on a level Hollywood cannot even reproduce or try; and then laugh at their face while in combat.
Ann, stop acting honky or the high class begging while I am involved. First it was skiing; now you are in LA, probably back with that Maher guy. Did you also go skiing with your love Christie? Wonderful! First a threesome and now a full ledge orgy of men in your life. How wonderful it is and has been. Ski until your hearts content Ann; and have the blast of your life. You are totally out of control and everybody tells me this. Also, I get my information from the media and even your LA FReeP buddies have confirmed all of this. Obviously, when the pressure is on; you just fold like a cheap accordion in heat. Let me know when you are done because I am not amused or enjoying this as much as you say I am. I hear CA has slopes that takes a really long time to go downhill; you will love it. You are not in LA Ann; you are probably drunk in NY at TV Land again; a secret VIP viewing and party. I suspect you are skiing and playing tennis with that Walker guy; how many times has it been Ann? I see your high class beggar stunt Ann; you have insider information and all your problems have gone away. I am picking up and catching on now. You love hoaxes Fox News and your gang plays on you; well I do not! It is time you all admit the truth and just go away; this is really distracting and annoying. What, do you expect me to fix your life also? Do you expect all your problems to magically go away overnight? Answer me Ann, do you?
Ann, F Armageddon. I don't feel anything. Why is Armageddon on your mind day and night now? I am more interested in what you are hiding from us or me? They said you were a train wreck and would never get a man or get laid. This is why you are being fired and this is why you are in so much trouble; nearly got yourself killed and in total panic mode with me. You are really lucky I caught them and ripped them in pieces, tiny, tinier pieces. You honkies are completely out of control and beyond ignorant; enjoy your new black fans Ann, they love you! It just provides how much you enjoy helping me get a job and rejoin society in my darkest hours. It now proves it Ann; you are heartless. I am trying to get a job and you are out skiing with either Christie or JJ? Those I mention and caught, the 911 terrorists, are trying to save their job and skin; and you are joking and laughing, out skiing? I have never seen a woman run for her life while displaying such an out of control demeanor; also crack the moment I walk out the door. Do you have enough trouble yet Ann? Or are you just too sexy? This is what stupidity feels like and what it looks like Ann. It is annoying and F'in ridiculous. Do you need it spelled out or maybe you have trouble smelling it? The media was right about you Ann, I trust them to tell the truth. Are you hanging out with the gimps and the 501.C homeless in LA Ann; I had to.
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