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Wednesday, April 20, 2011



ANN WTF: Ann, do you have a personality disorder or do you have any clue why I might be upset with you; any clue Ann? [“I sent the cover to Matt Drudge and he hysterically said, ‘No, no, no! Just the title, just your name.’” Coulter didn’t think her publisher would be cool with it, but asked anyway. “I tried, and they accepted it, and we all loved it,” she said.] Your choice of people in your life is as annoying as a human being can get; I have no choice but to point the finger at you Ann; and you keep toying around or acting totally phony. If you had a kid or a few; we would need a DNA test; now explain that one Ann. Do you have any clue or are you just pretending you are dirt stupid and demonic in your humor; ridiculous? You shoot yourself in the foot and laugh; then show how it did two things with one stone; not one. What next cyanide? How many times can you shoot yourself in the foot before I notice; just out of control and none of you can even defeat satellite warfare; the last bunch are gone forever. It is one circus after the other; and worse, it is headed right towards this MF like a bulls-eye. They gamble they loose. You gamble and we get this Ann. Let me make this clear to you Ann; if they start any crap; it will be game over; easily. Let that reality sink in before you make another wild or out of control outburst that is some secret message. I am a little pissed off with the pictures. Let them start it so we can finish it.

Ann, listen to me; your gang is inside my home. The FBI is talking to them and the bag lady said, "They know who we are." We know much more then "who we are" and "how to deal with this nasty SOB once and for all." They feel the need to send emissaries and the nasty SOBs are all total losers. The FBI did a profile on them and hit the jackpot; a total loser. They are so incompetent and so selfish; they blame others and balance their incompetency and idiotic with some game to get even. Ann, Mickey Kaus knows I am writing about him! Also, he is in my home or watching me from a remote location. His sorry ass is not alone; make sure he has a picnic will you, and clean up your own mess. In their mind, you are their daughter they messed up and are trying to rekindle a father-daughter relation; total psychopath... "Obama to L.A.: Don’t Move"; this psycho is trying to get even and scare me. It is inside my home and has been watching me; the FBI has their profile completed. For the past three years, they keep saying "move" and "leave" and "go home" all day and night. At least 25,000 times; then when I refuse; they intensify the stalking on you or try to get closer with us. Essentially, they say "leave" or "move" because this nasty SOB won't or is being fired; evicted. They keep doing this and are retaliation. They are listening to the FBI profilers explain who they are and why they are what they have become. They do not even think they are a threat; not even an utter pest. They feel others hate them or are violent towards them. They cannot cope with their failure and incompetence; how others feel about them.

Ann: have you read FReeP and the junk they put up (Syncro and RonDog)? Thanks for responding about FReeP, it is about time! Also, you did not do as I asked or did not achieve the goal I had set; and here we are again. They act like they are your most valuable supporter or some long time friend. Let me make this crystal clear; nobody I know associated with Ann actually likes Ann because she baits them, makes them hang themselves, and then leaves them stranded in their own wake. The only person who actually tolerates or likes Ann is the person she is sleeping with; so that will tell you how many "close" or "long time friends" she really has. They all were insulted because they all tried to exploit her. Even worse than FReeP is Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly, and now Gutfeld. Of course there are more and of course they do not want to loose their job or got the mileage they expected from a muscle car. FReeP is hiding their hidden agenda, their true feelings, and are totally fake. It took a lot to stop them; a lot. Let's just say they are not who the public thinks they are; nowhere near it. These people are amazing to say the least. Listen to this doozy, "ANN has earned a lot of "grace" from me over the years, with her long history of consistently effective attacks on liberalism... I. hope. this. helps. :o)" All is right and normal in hell? Free Republic is the other arm of Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly, and the labor unions. Worse, Synchro has for years hid the fact he is Mickey Kaus and a few other close associates of "their long time friend" defending her from "a good excuse to rag on Coulter. She has done hundreds of times more for Conservatism and support for the Constitution then all of you put together." They sound like bank robbers, child molesters, and even radicals on a mission and sounding gay. Due to the actions of the Free Republic web site; Ann and I argue incessantly now and probably for the rest of our life; and they sound gay trying to hide it. The problem with all of them is a mental block and a total lapse of reality; but their relation with others is unaffected.


Ann, it has been your attitude about all of this. You keep insisting you have told me everything; so it is up to you to tell me what I do not know; not someone else or others. Hence, they tell me the opposite; it is up to you to defend your name. Learning Twitter is not acceptable as an answer; nor why every picture of you has a drink in your hands. Here is the bottom line; you almost got viciously raped and even murdered. To string along or dare your assailant; even threaten to shoot them if they enter your home; is not why you are in trouble with me. Do you know why you are in trouble with me? After 22 years, do you have any clue why I am mad or what could possibly upset me Ann? Do you? Perhaps it is up to you to clear it up with me; still not fully fixed but you keep on telling me there is nothing more to say. I said I was done with it; yet it keeps returning while you tell me it is nothing or all total lies; oh really? Decide if you want to be happy now or for the rest of our life; can you have a normal, functioning life; or just piss off and fight until one of you is dead? I need to see killer instinct and know you can take on 1,000 of them and even 10,000; the rest I will and can take care of. You need to read the stuff below Ann; it is not just my enemies ticking me off or this bonehead who got their entire state ripped apart. The bottom line is how it is still not fixed and a complete disaster; that is reality, so spend your time more valuable and with the people you want to go down with or enjoy life by cherishing it. I did not get this choice, you did. Luckily, they got buried and their state was ripped in shreds; all for nothing. I just downloaded this picture of DC; what are you talking about GW on Twitter? I got it from TMZ today; some bikini advertisement and nudes on eBay.

I said to get rid of them; and here we are again. Hannity is exactly like Tim Reassert; got me in so much trouble over total lies and phony trumped up charges; both of them are the devil and so evil; it brings out the demon in all of us. That part of the story I adore and cherish you; owe you a debt of gratitude I cannot possibly repay but to love you. Now make me happy will you; and stop making me so depressed and looking awful. Maybe you are exactly like and a cookie cut like all New Yorker's Ann; totally nuts and need to be deported. You all live in the ghetto and with insanity as your friend. I am glad you can prove you are a descent wife; now work on how happy I can be with you Ann. Is it you or is it them? Eventually, it is going to get out and eventually; the truth will spread like wildfire; so choose your poison if any. Let me spell it out again for everybody to read Ann. As close as we are, you have no clue why I could be mad at you? God put you on earth, as smart as you are, and you haven't the foggiest idea why your life partner might be upset with you or how another human being could have an adverse reaction to being in love or sharing life with you? Let's start with the stalker problems and the rumors and innuendos; then let's end it with the murder plots. The facts show I tolerate it and understand because of who did this and what they did to me; the exact same. I tolerate it because it was done to me Ann; case closed? Did I hide something from you or is there anything you protest or scream at me about? Now we need DNA tests to determine who the father is? We need a DNA swap to determine who your rapist and stalker is? Are you kidding me; look at how you act and what you have said to me; how I have been treated by all of you.

Ann: They have gone on attack again, not buried yet. The FBI said to hold your fire; rip up their state, make them suffer, and then bury them. I guess this is how we have to remember them. I hate their guts and the attacks are intensifying so I don't care who buries them or not. As far as their state getting ripped apart; it saves a few bucks for digging and they might actually learn something. By the way, I love it when bugs bite me or I get 100s of bug bites; I grow more docile and I blame anyone. What they are doing and have been doing is making us very uncomfortable and even running us off, arresting us, intimidating us, and using these attacks to build up more ammunition and a record; a pattern of behavior. Expect them to seize control or try to take over the police departments; from local all the way up to the federal levels.

1. Ann expect them to make you feel uncomfortable; most especially, make me feel left out or completely ran over.
2. Expect them to keep the pressure and keep intimidating us; they know they cannot win and are being ripped up and expelled.
3. Expect them to explain or keep saying how we are attacking them, ripping them up, and how we have no respect for their rights; the bottom line is we cannot get the truth from them and they are trying to get away with this or seize control.
4. Their goal is to run us off or split us up; so the more trouble, the more confrontations, the more they can agitate and scratch our wounds; the weaker our bonds. They know they are going to get buried by all of this but this is the only goal they have left to hold on; take us down with them. How? When a person is drowning; they will ask for help or exaggerate it; then pull the rescuer down or grab them until they go down with them; exhaust them. Now I am getting madder at you Ann; swallow your pride and let them take you back to their den.
5. Expect them to throw you curve balls 24 hours, study your life and financial plans, and then try to hit anything you throw at them. This is how they kidnap and abduct people. They are still on attack and not buried yet. The relief pitchers they sent in have not scored and are more cautious (Plain, Trump, and a few others). So they are guilty and were caught for kidnapping, abducting, and terrorism or 911. Their objective is to make us uncomfortable, victims of blame, a pattern of behavior, and scared off or chased away; to be bullied or pushed around and bossy. The degree of abuse and evil got them the death penalty; yet they still insist it is just a game they are winning. This is what they are hiding or refuse to tell the truth.


Ann, knock it off. They are using my biological family as a hostage and corporate accounts. I have UPS raising hell right now; while throwing themselves at a company entangled with my family. They tell my family one thing. They tell me another. They try to cause endless confrontations or raise hell; to start an argument. The suspect is a black company; headquartered in Atlanta. I say we pull back and level them; this is no game Ann and they are still causing problems. They claim you tell them one thing; me another; and the bottom line is your account with them or how the money trail ends without me. So good job; the F'er is now inside my family circle. Worse, they are rogue police officers, now retired or in the corporate world. I recognize one of them as my supervisor at APS security service based out of Oakland, CA. I recall so many problems (parking ticket, guarding a court house in Arlington, Va., etc...) from this company. They were trying to get me fired or a confrontation; to seek extortion; why those officers were killed in Oakland, Ca. in 2009 on Harley's. So that nasty SOB was California based and I recognize who it was; they are in our inner family circle; very close and penetrated. They are recruiting former officers or meeting up with them using a security firm; then assigning contracts to courthouses and other places to plant listen devices or even devastating dirty tricks.

Ann, the FBI said we are dealing with a large number of spies, psychopaths; who use social networking sites and chat programs to visualize or recreate the sensation of being in the home or the bedroom of others. Although it is strictly fantasy; they do not feel they are a threat when entering or watching tenants, prey, friends, enemies, rivals, lovers, those admired, etc... The game is they hide their ID and try to play a deadly game to destroy their victim. It is a form of sexual release where they cannot be caught but dominate and destroy someone who acts against them or angers them. Limbaugh said with little kids, pedophiles, it is the ultimate form of control. However, this spy and this psycho has a scope in Asia, Europe, South America, etc... as if they are God and the king of human kind. So this form of home invasion and this ability to enter into the home of others, while surveillance is looking at them; is because they do not feel they are a threat or need an invitation, they want followers and fans. This is why they use the media and cameras to create that below radar and less than zero demonic evil. The media is how they grow or obtain more fans; followers. Then they use the media for elections; to key them or trigger the sleeper effect. I rated them a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 in violence and just cold blooded killing. Our advantage is they considered us as friends or close; fans and even dependent on them for survival. They treated us almost as if we were their kids; until they got unwanted and phone calls or messages that scared them about what they were doing. They did not feel as if they were and are a threat; now they fight it. They claim we are delusional or mentally ill; never met or know what we are talking about. Meanwhile, they claim we never met and they do not even know what we are talking about. We are caught in the middle of the blacks and the Irish; the communists and the Nazis. Do not get more people caught in the middle of this unless it is their own forces Ann; this is bad enough.

Ann, stop! I am caught in the middle of this. You are caught in the middle of this. It is the blacks at fault; along with the Irish. Stop this triangle and understand who is caught in the middle. I suspect they were watching us talking online or suspected it. So by trying to understand us; they grew a liking to chats and also a fantasy world where others cannot touch them, see them, or know what they are up to. It is a sick and cruel individual; a form of captivity. It is how they wage war and protest. This is how they reduce the pressure or intimidate rivals or political enemies. When it comes to crime and drugs; they run their cartels; abuse of authority; rigged prisons, etc... like a spy network. They make drops, they forward cash, they play this cat and mouse game, etc... The worst and sickest act is how they share the experience. If you notice how many of them know or are in it; it indicates a cult like or ritualized sacrifice; similar to human sacrifice or execution. They said it was a secret public trial; a form of social justice only the people are allowed access to. It is as if we have violated their fundamental tenet; a murder. It is as if we have done everything to insult all of them or the audience. This is their secret trial and also punishment; but they have to now destroy the evidence and any trace of this trial. By using the media and replaying it; they seek gratification and the knowledge nobody knew or has caught them. This is why they repeat stuff; 911, other terrorist plots, etc... without any motive to establish the truth or proclaim it. Then they also see their own ego when they describe themselves; to look victims in their eyes at close range and whisper their soul. They feel they are flexible enough to change for us; now we have to change for them. So this marriage or close ties; was a secret but remote site. It is a relation between one ocean to another. Now they claim they are sorry or made some inadvertent mistake; a toad like lie. They know exactly what was going on each second it was taking place; but both of us threw them off badly. When it comes to negatives, they scored a 10 in every category; even trying to be our best friend or spouse. Sex is paid for and in no way a marriage.

The FBI said you must not insult them. They are highly skilled with computers and networks. They have an association with clones, twins, and look-alikes. Almost self gratification they can copy or reproduce sanity; a form of reality or fantasy of being in their own world and winning. The FBI realizes how sick and how nasty this SOB truly is; we compare them to the devil himself; what we know as pure evil. They are methodical and deliberate; worse than a serial killer. This SOB got this way from watching clips of the Vietnam War. The idea of killing. The dead bodies. Talking about it with others. Knowing they had something to do with it. The degree of violence and the shock factor during the 1960s; carried on into the 1990s. This is where they got it and this is why we are in the middle of it all. They underwent a transformation; similar to the Red Dragon; an awakening. Also, the documentaries of families and the use of cameras to profile the life of others; made this spy and enemy crave their own directorship. So the age of the TV and the violence of drugs, alcohol, and crime; has warped and impacted this psycho and enemy. They know how to trigger sleepers. I do not see them as torch carriers; passing it on to either of us, most especially myself. They see it as parents, coaches, advisers, life teachers, and sharing every moment of life with us. That is exactly how I describe it and what happened. They got castrated and grew extremely angry as a result. Their fascination with the camera and recording their acts; is now a curse and the crux of daily projection; to enter the delusions and rearrange the facts; focus or concentration level in order to be confident and bold. Ann, I have black companies causing problems now and their management is similar to the Nazis. They are involved with my own biological family; not caught or exposed yet.

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.