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Sunday, April 24, 2011


THE WRATH OF GOD: Ann, have you noticed there is something very wrong about you or your life? Even I do not get along well with you; and if things go badly, you run into hiding space or go missing for a while playing possum. Even I think you are ignorant. Even I asked you to get help. You women are full of tricks and lie incessantly. You are up to the same old tricks in my corner; and also their corner. About the only thing that works in your life is dinners and paid events, other than this nothing is normal or works right. Now I have this pain in my head that says you females are total phonies and you screw everything up. Worse than the mafia, you rob men and play possum; and the most annoying part is how incompetent things can get. Things would be fine had you just stopped; but you females in politics are so crazed; you loose focus of your life goals or what is most important to you. It is very annoying and super self destructive. Then I have to listen to your problems; like a therapist when the answer is really easy to figure out. Now I have to cope with one of your crazed fans yelling "leave" at me in your name; just like Hannity did and Limbaugh did to taunt me and the police. With the royal wedding going on; I do not think you are royal material either; but how psychopathic you females are is very unimpressive. Your only defense with me is to go and hide; and this worries me sick sometimes. When the coast is clear; you stick your head out of the sand. Now I think all honkies are pushy, ignorant, cranky, and difficult; it is really hard to work with you all and more boisterous is how you pursue others with this attitude. What you do have is money; and lots of it. Your sex can be out of this world crazy. I do not know whose voice you are; but it is not mine nor am I happy with what I see. I understand you have problems and need my help; for me to work through them with you. However, I asked for change while you asked for a chance. Ann, even I cannot work with you; does reality register in your mind? Is there anything real in your world or is it full of lies? Your tricks keep pulling me in and making me stay; and you do this in their corner and in mine. I asked for change; what change did I get? I asked for justice; what justice did I get? I asked you to stop; what did you stop? So it is true, you screw over your best friend or drive them away; a self destructive personality. Do you want to buy me also? Do you want me to stay in the game while you promise me things that are not real yet? The only real meaning you have is a purse and how you saved it. Did I ask for someone who stuffs their mattresses?

STOP LYING AND TRICKING ME: I did not know all of this was on my wish list Ann. If they were, I am trying to erase it and correct this. Also, stop writing about your mom and dad; you could not even walk in their shoes. Look Ann, I chose a life as an author and political science at age 19; I want to retire and would like to. What is wrong and why in hell have you done this and made me so frustrated and shun you now? I don't even care anymore and do not even get along with you now; is that your fault or someone else? What do you expect or want from me Ann; the usual? I will be frank with you; you suck and if you do not change this, you will suck even more. In three years, what change have you given me? What improvement have you delivered? Do you expect to retire from politics? Is your purse that important and all that; if you are a total mess and so flawed? I never asked for this or such a total disaster; now I have to listen to the phoniest females barking at me and men. You owe me much more than this Ann; much more and so far; you are a penny wiser and stingy. It feels like you honkies need to be deported or institutionalized; how did I get this treatment? For real, this is appalling; how the hell did you nickel and dime your way to the top and my life; I hate it all and despise everything I see. I want it fixed an done right; not excuses about how you have problems and need me to work them out. I did not ask for a total disaster or sign up to be a personal janitor while you pull tricks on me to stay. You F'ers are all full of tricks and like to mess with the minds of people; even you Ann. So it is very hard to work with you and even I do not get along with you or this total disaster. To sum it up, you all suck and badly. Maybe I saw it worse than you did but from this view; you all suck and deserve the wrath of God. Stop lying, I get it from you; and I get it from them still. They keep saying, "They know everything" also or "leave" and it is really annoying and whiny; but the pursuit and chase has been over 20 years (1989-2011). Why don't you ask God to kill them and then come to me and ask for forgiveness; only after they are dead okay. So do not come back until then and stop dragging me in this mess; I am trying to retire from politics; so the sooner the better. Stop bothering me until something changes or the wrath of God is lifted or ceased.

CRAZED FEMALE DIVORCE LAWYER: Ann, each time you go to one of their events; I have a crazed female screaming on the top of her lungs, "leave... when are you going to move... nobody likes you." So do not tell me about how you females are vulnerable or valuable. You all cause so much trouble and are total phonies. Now this stalker and enemy actually thinks a divorce is occuring on this end; and she is the wife. But when you ask her what exactly the problem is; that phony crazed SOB and thief is rather humble. So now instead of being captured or a pending arrest; they want 50% of my assets or feel I owe them some gift of gratitude. You liberal, crazed left wing, stupid independence driven women are totally nuts. Worse, you tell people how you have to work or how you must do this and that; and prevent others from working or hold them down; for nothing but incompetence and a total mess of your life. Somehow, we have a divorce on this end and you are the conduit. This female says they are in need and have the right of way; yet I think I am in need and deserve a payment or two. So I do not want to hear about you females and how independent or wanted you are; total phonies and worse than the mafia in terms of crime. I have to listen to a spy on a sonic sound machine berate me or verbally abuse me, shock treatment, for another year. You all cannot see yourself and cannot even smell yourself; but you live in this fantasy world that is a total mess and total crime. Your politics led this nation to civil war and total loss of jobs.

ANN, FOR THE RECORD AND SO YOU NOW: If I had my own money and you were not so involved; I would be on my own and so would you. I think you would be more scared if I was more independent; yet I do not blame you because I cannot. Right now I am dependent on you and must swallow my pride; for the record. I have heard you 100s of times and even argue about how you are not at fault and not doing anything; but it is still a stalemate no thanks to you. It will be hard to make your case about how you are not at fault or I had a choice. The choice is if all things are equal; but both of us must be afraid or something and your sacrifice is not appreciated. The way you save someone is to be pushy, cranky, honky, mean, selfish, demeaning, unhappy, suicidal or risk taking, and all of you think it is how to do business. It is difficult to love you honkies and worse; speak proudly about you, even you Ann. Thank your white fate and worse your pursuit of money; even you hate yourself and what you did. Why I stay is because I have no choice. I lost my money and somehow it is in your hands; but you are not linked and was targeted; now silenced; just flawed.

Even you follow me and piss me off; all of you must be programmed like robots. I refuse to watch your stuff anymore and be involved in your career. I know you will or someone will use me like a cheap dollar bill; that is how all of you do business and seek love. Like savages, you savage each other and whom you love; then make wild excuses or the most convincing cases. I hate to admit it, but it is impossible to get rid of you whites and there is good reason; even you Ann are not truthworthy. You are not a convincing victim or wife. Ann, you stress me out like crazy, then say it is not your fault, or how we are in this together and you hate your career; is it worth it? Have you fixed anything? I feel like I am stuck with a Jew and no offense, but it sucks. You should be with someone you enjoy spending life with; such as Maher, Redye, Hannity, and even Limbaugh. Now I am upset and have to swallow my pride; I do not have the means to leave you. So yes it was their fault I cannot divorce you or refuse to. It was their fault we are stuck together and their fault we are not married; both ways. Yet they still do it and think they have a higher purpose or doing God's work; a favor to our life.

DEAR PENTAGON AND NATO FORCES: I have a major problem! This enemy and domestic pest thinks I have the luxury to point 150 KV on their position and lured them in for this reason. This is absurd and I do not even have a phone. Why I did this is for them to tell the world; not for me to explain. They still keep this on air political game on suicide mode; did we jump the monkey? How it got so much media coverage and so much attention; was not my doing. I can prove this financially. So nobody lured them or used fly paper to make a snowball avalanche on them. I am the designer and father of satellite warfare and I did set a "unique" and ingenious trap for this lousy spy and enemy. This spy and enemy thinks it is a game and some joke; only because a gigantic tazer or 200,000 watts is not pointed at their home or work, no less their bed. I did write to the office of hurricane and earthquakes and this did mess with my mind also. Now I want an apology and I want restitution for the pain and suffering we had to endure in civilized society and what we call our home. This spy respects nobody and does not even care or rights the ship; they have no respect for anyone or represent anything. They continue to claim the people are in power and it is the boss with the purse strings. For an enemy and spy who does not know what to do or is ready to die; they sure now how to copy and impersonate us.

ANN: They are stacking these enemies and misfit psychos on the right wing and Republican side. Do you know or have any idea what would happen if and when the New Yorkers take over the Republican and right wing? Now they come to our work, home, vacation spots, and any moment we go into public to declare some "religious intolerance" or terrorism. Worse, they claim we are doing it, not them. So now we, most especially I, get "leave... go home... nobody likes you..." because this female moron is so inadequate and toy with the psychological health of others and their own demise. They do need to be perfected and infused with morals. However, this is not about terrorism or some religious strife; this is about money. They have their fingerprint all over and now calmly claim they do not care and will keep the pressure on us until we agree their religion is acceptable, wanted, included, or part of our life; they are parents and God. Worse, they claim and still insist you were married to them or engaged; as both iHannity and iRush had try to pull on air. They gave that up and the females on this end have not; still claiming their sex or boobs, not wallet; is irresistable and not "doable." It is ridiculous but shows you why everybody wants to deport them and get rid of this. They know we are more powerful. My problems stem from Tim Russert trumping up charges like the fool of a blue collar loser they are. Now it is on my record and I want an apology and restitution so long as the record is not cleared, slanders my name, and prevents me from acquiring a job and employment. Of course, the labor unions will claim this is being done to them and some right wing conspiracy to target their superior quality or hold down their rights. This is a major league trouble maker and a serious political threat; how they got in New York financial circles and how they spread their disease all over America is something New York has not explained or provided sufficient apologies for. So this immigrant group is waging war and claims it is religious intolerance or terrorism; hence, 911 and all of these total lies and smears; trumping up charges and refusing to clear up the total mess right now is fatal and both political suicide and more. They feel they are going to retire and die soon; so the delay will give them time to give the money away or retire and stash some coffer for their heirs.

All of these problems came from New York natives who were rummaging around DC-VA with big money, kickback, and payoffs. They said they were the police and got me arrested; but still no badge number or ID; and the on air apology will wipe them out or invoke a civil war; but they do not let up and think they can take us down with them or somehow win with their total lies and foul mouth. I think we are much more grounded and a lot more confident then verbal accosting and beratement; that is all they have or showed. So this is how they worry people and trump up charges; even the police struggle in the courts and the justice system when they take it over or refuse to fix anything. This enemy is seeking friends and they will start a civil war or take their life at the very last minute; on a scale of 1 to 10 of stalkers and psychopathic spies; they rank 10 and above. They claim their people sent them to do a job and they are acting on behalf of the people; this is why the people cannot even give us an on air apology; talk directly to the nation and tell them exactly what they did. Instead of throwing this away; they made it part of our life and sent this to America to breed and spread. Now all of them are diseased or have a life ending struggle; but crime fits them better and makes them more powerful so they can prey on the kindness of the good while upholding the goals of the bad. If their voice and mind can achieve this; violence and waging war on us is not habitable. So they are violent, not non-people who are so superior or models of humanity; they cannot achieve their goals by asking; so they scam, lie, and rob us. Worse, they got caught for using espionage equipment and kidnapping and much more. They owe the public an apology and the 1.4 billion dollars in damages; not letting up or letting go is still ongoing. This is one unwelcomed, alienated, and distraught convict; waiting for damnation on earth; their chubby bodies is not strong enough to lure us or wiggle out. These are rogue cops against the mafia in New York and satellite areas; choose a side and bond?

DEAR FBI AND AUTHORITIES: This blockade on my undercover or hostage crisis must be cleared up. This enemy posed as "minority friendly" and tried to scam the heck out of us. I need to prove it was devastating to my life and our life; but that pain and suffering has to end or eventually end; now used as a recurring dream or to break the case on them; a standoff and refusal. Limbaugh even said I have a book now as a present or a payment; Hannity said if I was him; he will do as I did; and if he was I, to get a job. They owe a public apology and nothing less; instead they Trump us again. They are using sonic technology and methods that are undetectable or very difficult to unplug; very high tech equipment to be this rogue cop and tormentor. The secret apology and secret war on us is and was unacceptable. So the cops are Nazis and the criminals are communist, bonding.


WHO IS THIS ENEMY? We are dealing with a crank. We are dealing with a loafer. We are dealing with a bipolar, anti-social, welfare ridden and pain in the ass, cranky lower class loser that nobody wants to hire or deal with. We are dealing with some moronic jackass that cannot even see themselves or smell their own crap. We are dealing with some psychotic whiner showbating about how much trouble they can make or how they can turn our world upside down. We are dealing with drunks, junkies, and idiot intoxicated by their own narcissism; the only reality is to blame others or keep moving from one place to the next. We are dealing with such a nasty and misty eyed SOB; they try to make me or us look like we cannot elbow our way like them or get a job; nobody wants to hire us or we get fired for causing trouble for them. We are dealing with a low IQ miserable low life that in the next 10 years will be graciously replaced by minorities or our neighbors in Mexico; so to combat this they ride Harleys and wage war on those who are far more important than some low class permanent pain in the ass. This stupid and blind SOB actually thinks highly of them; they are teaching us about life and feel we are their child or children; imagine that! Can anybody present real proof and evidence what would happen so we can catch them in the act? They fear being arrest and said they do not want to get hurt; but they are our parents and have something to spread besides their legs and worthless DNA. Can any religion out there beat this clown or match their ignorant stupidity? This idiot psycho thinks they have something to teach us or can improve our life! This blind human disaster has invaded America and penetrated the right wing; the elite and business class.

Why they are in so much trouble or caused so much of a mess? Their lucky break was when they came to America; had this not taken place; our life would be fine and our nation would be respected. They must be deported, interned, or locked up as a spy, pest, and anti-social mess who keep waging war. All they do now is leech off welfare, ruin our life, and avoid jail and the death penalty. Somehow or someway; this communist crack head is spying on us and their wish is to paint others as horrible or bad cops; so they can use their worthless life to take us out. Most of them see value in dying painlessly or dying by getting evil with some cop or police whom kicked their ass or bullied them because they are this annoying or deserve every pain and suffering life has to offer. To think a mass murderer this stupid and this worthless is spying on; shows they do not need alcohol or drugs to define their relationship with the outside world. Who in hell and what madman would hire this incompetent phony? Who would keep them on board and not fire their corny loafer trying to advertise as a "man who takes what he wants." Luckily, the truth and the facts indicate them being replaced and this idea they are really important or really on the priority list; are as ludicrous as the ghetto and the reason why they are doing this. They just sit and wait for us to buy them something; and it never ever arrives; too bad. What a loser we have and have to fight. Worse, in their evil and rotten little mind, they truly think Ann is their daughter; how disgusting and how repulsive can they get? No wonder they are all sex offenders, drunks, and so annoying; they even screw their kids or make them hate their guts also. For a psycho who feels they are real; nothing even makes any sense; not even their useless peanut sized life. The only meaning in life they have is to die taking out a police officer or someone who drives their life into shame. They know who is sleeping with whom; and always did. When they apologize to the public and on air; the FBI will add "impersonating a police officer while a terrorist" to the list of charges; still no name or badge number for all of this authority problems or abuse of power. So far, the FBI does not have a name or badge number for all of these police tactics and duplication. The more they talk; the worse it gets; and they will have to apologize and tell the public how much they helped solve this case. The British sent a secret message via BBC News stating their intent was to commit "on air suicide"; go back and check the records Ann (do bloc search of the iRush pages).


The reason why they need violence is because if they could achieve any of this by asking; they would not be holding us hostage, intimidating us, trying to screw with our minds, constant conspiracy, and a horde of stupidity. If they can walk into a bank and politely ask for 10,000 dollars; none of this complaining would be needed. The reason why we are dealing with a madman, terrorist, and serial killer is because their mouth is quiet. If they ask; they will be rejected, put in their place, ripped apart, and told to go away; so they use silence to promote crime. The reason why they need guns and violence is the backwards nature of their existence; violence or asking politely? They do not even bother to ask because they know what the answer will be. So nobody actually wants violence, wars, or strife; this enemy thrives on it. What they have done in our life clearly proves they are convicts. They tried to trump us charges and put us in prison; then brainwash us using some parent-child relation which was a complete hoax. Imagine if they wrote any of this down? Imagine what will happen when they must be forced to apologize on air and TV or radio? Eventually, they owe a public apology and explanation; the truth. They must tell the public why they hid information and refuse to assist in solving it fully! Quit now or commit suicide on air; as the British already said in 2009.

Imagine what the lawyers will do to them! This is one miserable enemy who felt nobody would or can catch them; how wrong they were. Did we ask them? Was the police needed to intimidate us? Did we need their war or did they? In court the prosecutors must show the need for violence and some proof they made an effort to ask; what drove them to terrorism? If I were them; I would not take out a cop or end their life with one last stupid clown act; even better jump off a bridge. Obviously, their lucky break in America has come to an end but the spread and the expansion; to escape them, got worse. It is too bad it had to end this way and got this way by such a cranky, snide, and so-so buffoon. Now they think they can get away with spying or matching each move we make using remote locations. This is why they are all homeless and are a factory of this kind of type bag human being. They even blame others and made it sound like we are at fault. One of us is driven to this because of a simple reason; they do not ask or write it down; that is communism and now out terrorist. Did I forget the part where they are chronic complainers and control freaks? Look at the nudes they were sending me! They look like you Ann; again trying to break our bond by sneaking one past everybody.

This was a horrific crime:

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My name is Alex. I am the father of both cyber and satellite warfare. I was retired from the US Army at a very young age. Life has been grand I think. I love a girl named "GOO" who I have not seen in over 7 years, I hope to find her again one day. My book, which may end up several books is called "Cyber and Satellite Warfare, By Way of Insanity" will be out soon. It is the last book anyone will need to read. They began as military manuals and transgressed to just a good read. I am the real and authentic father of both cyber and satellite warfare and this is as real as it will ever get. What you are reading are only several chosen chapters out of hundreds of chapters. Specifically, this book was written between 1989 and 1998 while in college and while in my mid twenties. I am in my mid 30s now. I am not sure if I will write a biography, I want to wait and include someone in it, it is boring now. CLICK ON FULL PROFILE FOR MORE READING. Right now we are trying to lock them up and issue the death penalty on all of them.